astrogone · 4 years
❝ @ mutuals, send me a 🍓 and I’ll compliment you! ❞     /     pt. 2
🍓 @sinisteraugurey: Maya, you are?!?! Brilliant!?!?!? Beyond than that!?!? You are truly one of the most kindest and funniest people I’ve EVER met. You are always shining on my dash and I always take the light from you as a gift sent from the Heaven! Every time I see you on my dash, I just go “!!! It Maya !!!” and get so giddy... It’s very chaotic but very soft of me because! Honestly!? You’re an extremely easy person to interact with, and really, with my anxiety, it says a lot and I do want you to know that your kindness will always cherished and taken with full gratitude and appreciation. It still warms my heart deeply remembering you welcoming me with open arms and I could imagine you would have a big smile on your face typing these texts while I was reading them. You are definitely one of the reasons why I decided to stick around the rpc for the long term and I can never thank you enough for that. With Delphi, my goodness, I already said this to you, but truly, you are the best roleplayer of her. Even though I don’t know the play she’s from, you have so so soo much passion for her, so I just know from the bottom of your heart, this Delphi of yours would be beyond than what the play had written of her. I highly adore learning and reading everything about her. You and your Delphi are the blessings to my heart and soul. <3
🍓 @theseancekid: Ash, oh my goodness, I am in absolute love with you and your blog!? We haven’t even interacted oocly just yet, but the moment we do, you fucking BET that we will instantly rule the world together ( this is a way to tell you to come to my IMs because I did say I would come to you but!? I have so much in my pan af hands bUTT DON’T LET THAT STOP YOU!!! )!!!... You have such a lovely and chill personality from how I see your OOC posts and how you interact with others, and like, every time I see you on my dash, I get so happy and hope you’re doing okay. You are such a delight to be in my dash and I am beyond grateful to have stumbled across your blog. Everything about the blog is so SO good and I always look forward to seeing more from you from aesthetics to writings to graphics and so forth. With Klaus though, dude, I honestly don’t know how isn’t the team of U.mbrella A.cademy not hiring you, like, that’s illegal. The way you write Klaus in IC posts and metas and such?! Holy fuck!!! Always, do I see life in him, and that is a big talent to have. To look into a character and create so much more in them? It’s amazing. No matter what, from your deepest passion of him ( which is too relatable lmfao ), you will always make Klaus mean so much more than what the show / comics ( I had only seen the show, but ) would give. <3
🍓 @sinnedfirst: Moth, aaaa, what a beauty you and all of your muses are. Every single one of your muse is so full of your passion, as everyone holds the right equal amount of love from you and I find that so so amazing. I always adore the ideas that you would come up with and how you would transfer your emotions and thoughts into your writings. I will always find the joy in reading everything you share to us. Seeing you when you are at your most comfortable and happiest state makes me beyond joyful because you deserve all of the good things in the world. You are so sweet and fun to be with, and I always get so excited every time I get your message / reply. You have such a chaotic and wonderful soul that I adore dearly much and I can never get enough of you and your Aries energy. Despite my anxiety, I do hope to interact with you more in the future when you are such a delight to be around with. I may look like a softie at times, but please keep this in mind that I will literally fight someone with my 5′0″ dumbass for you. We are the iconic duo like Eve and Atlas are together and anyone who would think otherwise can come to me and my fists alone, <3
🍓 @ebonhalo: Oceana, we haven’t interacted much just yet, but!? Hi!?!? You and Drakoris!?!? The instant winners of my heart and soul!?!? There’s not much content of Drakoris, but literally just by what you wrote about him in your blog and his document, truly, I find him so fascinating and I want to learn so much more about him and the universe he came from. I absolutely love that you had Drakoris as someone who was once an “ordinary” being before a huge consequence occurred and made him become so much more as than the universe itself. I just find that kind of character so interesting to see how would the drastic change affect the individual themself and those who would be associated with them. How it would shape them and what would they do with all of this new and different powers and influences. Please, PLEASE, you are always more than welcome to scream to me about Drakoris and the universe you have beautifully crafted so far anytime anywhere! Everything about your blog is magnificent and I can not fucking wait to see more from you. Plus, you have a pretty chill vibe that I can go down with easily, so! Know that I am so so SO looking forward to interact with you and Drakoris more! <3
🍓 @saveveryone: Besa, if you think I wouldn’t have much more to say after what I said in the tags of your promo, uh, you are! So! Wrong! Honestly, you deserve all of the love and appreciation and care, even when you feel that you do not. Believe it or not though, I will believe that you do deserve every good things in the whole wide universe for you. The way you wish to spread nothing but kindness and love and softness on everyone’s dash. The way you take no bullshit from any assholes and stay resilient, no matter what. The way you pour so much light into your beautiful May. You are incredible, friend. In every little ways you give, you give me the softest reminder that despite how terrible this world can be, how much so with Tumblr, you never stop shining. I want to take this chance to say thank you so much for giving the time and effort and energy to bless our dashes because, yes, indeed you are magnificent to have around and I truly can not imagine having you on my dash, or, really, anyone’s dash. To lose you would be like looting the brightest star in the universe. Just as anyone should be, I am beyond grateful to have find your blog in a community so massive. I adore the way you spill so much of yourself in your creations with your May. This love, this care, they make May so real and so beautiful. I always get excited seeing content about her on my dash. I want to learn about and and see more of her because my gosh, how you hold her with so much passion is amazing. Never ever stop shining, friend, no mater what. Despite anything, this light that you are willing to give to this dark world will always be taken with nothing but appreciation and gratitude. <3
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unnwin-a · 4 years
Banana.... #modelstatus... I'm here to tell you that there is no Tumblr without you ? You make this site so much more bearable and welcoming and truly... please never lose the light and humor that you carry within you. I'm so so happy that there are so many people that love you and you have friends who keep you close in their hearts because it is truly something you deserve and i mean it with my whole being. You're an amazing writer and such an extraordinary person to talk to and know. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
BESSSAAAA this is legit so sweet I could cry what the HECk 
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motleyscrew · 4 years
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“may, for the thirtieth time, i’m fine,” memphis sighs heavily. there’s a large lump on his forehead from where the muffler off of a client’s car had fallen and hit him directly in the face. he’s lucky his nose isn’t broken. “i’ve survived worse, at the absolute worst i’d say this is a mild concussion. i don’t need you to watch my kids.” he appreciates her concern, though. memphis sits heavily on an overturned milk crate, an ice pack wrapped in a grease-stained rag pressed to his forehead. “i’ve gotta get home and make them dinner. i don’t trust myself to drive,” he admits that, at least, “can you give me a lift?”
@saveveryone for memphis!
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azarchive · 4 years
@saveveryone​ asked for 👫 GIVE THE PUBLIC ( me ) what they want
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i. at first lillian feels completely out of place in may’s world. may is so warm and kind, so full of love, giving so freely with a smile that makes her heart melt. in comparison, she feels cold and dull, like she fades into the background, like she doesn’t belong in the light may seems to radiate. its a feeling that only increases when she sees may’s home, full of the life she built with ben and her kids, a place of such warmth and love. and yet, may makes her feel welcome. with each smile, with each gentle touch to her arm, she feels herself being pulled into that world. she doesn’t understand it at all at first, why may would want to spend time with someone who barely remembers how to smile, but gradually that out of place feeling fades away.
ii. in the early days of their friendship, lillian spends almost all her free time helping out at all the places may is involved in. she loves volunteering her time and helping at the community garden, happy to reach those high places for may. she goes at first because she’s really interested in the things may does, and keeps going because of how much she enjoys helping. she’s always asking how she can help more, if there’s anything she can do. seeing may’s enthusiasm for what she does is what originally prompts lillian to open up about what she’s doing with her prosthetics. 
iii. lillian falls in love with may’s laugh. the sound of it, the way she looks when she’s overjoyed, the way she laughs with her whole body. she loves how her house always seems to ring with it, whether it’s echoed by peter and stella, or simply a memory that lingers for her. the first time may makes her laugh, and their laughs echo together throughout the house, lillian thinks that maybe she’s found a place where she belongs. 
iv. lillian’s always spent too long at work. she’s always pushed herself too much, kept terrible hours, preferring to remain in her office working on her designs than returning home to her cold, empty apartment. it always reminds her of how lonely she is. but after may asks her to move in with her, things change. even if may’s at work and the kids are at school, even if the house is empty of people, it’s never empty. it’s full of may and peter and stella, of the people she loves. she finds herself leaving work on time, or early. she can keep her own hours, and so she does. she goes home when she wants to. stella greets her at the door with a hug and two massive dogs, and it’s usually peter who has to pull her up from the floor. she kisses may and joins her in the kitchen, and lets herself be happy she’s home.
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aluraze · 4 years
starter for @saveveryone​
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You feel strangely nervous about this, but you’ve been practising for a while now, and it’s reached a point where if you don’t act, you feel like you might explode. So you sit beside her, lips curving in a warm smile as you gaze at her, and reach carefully for her hand. You take it between your own, and gently intertwine your fingers with hers, your heart fluttering against your ribs at the sensation of her warm, soft palm against your own. ‘I’ve been researching Earth’s courting customs’, you say softly, stroking your thumb hesitantly over the back of her hand, ‘and I discovered that hand holding is considered quite essential’. You glance up at her, searching her face, your lower lip caught between your teeth. ‘Is this right? I’ve been practising with Stella’. 
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spymade-a · 4 years
lyrical  based  starter  //  @saveveryone​
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“  i  can  go  anywhere  i  want.  anywhere  i  want.  just  --  ”  a  pause,  gaze  slipping  away  from  the  others  towards  the  window  he  was  sat  in  front  of.  “  --  just  not  home.  ”
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catchromia · 4 years
@saveveryone​ asked : “I might not be able to understand what you’re going through, but I understand you need someone here for you.”
     hands      curl      into      fists,                     and    catra    lets    out    a      strangled      chuckle.           ❛           i      need      someone    ?    news    flash,      lady,      i’ve    never    needed      anyone.      i    didn’t    need    my      parents,      i    didn’t    need      adora,      and    i    don’t    need      you      or    your      pity.      i’m    doing    just    fine    on    my      own,      thank    you.           ❜ 
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harvestbled · 4 years
 @saveveryone​ / starter call
❛i'm too old to start again.❜
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strongenough-a · 4 years
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i adore all the love and appreciation that you have for miles and his family. to you, he is whole, valuable and you've allowed him to create a world and life for himself where he can shine and grow as an individual. i love miles but you really make me want to fight for this kid, to hope and cheer for him to thrive and to continue to be the kindhearted, courageous and supportive person that he's been. his courage, his determination and his will to thrive is written so clearly by you.
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BESA!!!! i love you so much. literally i had to stop and screenshot this bc it just.. made me feel some kinda way. i’m so so so glad that you like him, and i just... honestly that’s all i want for him. i’m really emotional right now but just know that i adore you and i’m so so so glad that i started following you back when i did. <33333
@saveveryone​ // beep beep, how’s my portrayal? ( accepting! )
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webslings · 4 years
@saveveryone​​​ said ⇢ ❝ Sorry to break it to you, but you have so NOT got this, buddy. ❞
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THIS IS WHAT HE GOT FOR TRYING TO IMPRESS HIS AUNT, complete and total embarrassment. IN HIS DEFENCE, he still thought his interior decorating skills were up to scratch. Celebrating birthdays at FEAST were always an event — yet Peter was never one to help DECORATE. Mainly because he never had the time. FORTUNATELY, he was able to spend time with his Aunt and LEAD the decorating — though he was realising that wasn’t his smartest idea, given her reaction to it. LAUGHTER filled the kitchen as Peter stepped back to admire his failed attempt to hang a BANNER. ❛ What? Come on! It looks...  ❜ His excuse fell apart as laughter replaced it.  ❛ Okay. It looks bad. But I tried, right? ❜  
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battleincarnate · 4 years
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@saveveryone​ : i feel like i’ve followed you for 1000 years and we’ve never really spoken ( a tragedy truly ) aside from when we were in that charmed group chat and like briefly early on when you had piper on her own blog but i honestly love following you and seeing you on my dash. i love all your positive posts and honestly its been exactly what i needed at exactly the right time more than once and i’ll always appreciate you for that but i honestly just really love seeing all your hcs about may and would love to plot with you at some point bc i love everything about your blog down to your fc ( beauty incarnate ) and i love how much you emphasis plus size beauty on a personal level bc more people should lbr 
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azarchive · 4 years
@saveveryone​ | sexual tension / attraction prompts – [Laughing kiss] ❤❤❤❤❤❤
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It’d started when your feet became tangled in your skirt after it fell down around your ankles, a hazard that had you tipping backwards onto the bed with a shriek, arms wound around May's waist to pull her with you. You'd landed on the bed with May on top of you, her laughter buried against your shoulder as a flush of embarrassment rose in your cheeks. But her eyes were full of warmth when she looked at you, and you'd giggled, a sound so forigen to you that you can't remember when you last made it. She'd kissed you, and you'd felt lighter than you had in years, her laughter vibrating deep in your chest as love swelled inside you.
And now you're laughing. You kiss her with your hands in her hair, bumping your nose against her cheek as the sound spills out of you, full and rich and so new to you. You can't remember the last time you laughed so freely. You can't remember the last time you felt so free. You kiss her again, noses bumping as you cradle her cheek in your hand, the corners of your eyes crinkling as you smile up at her. 'I love you'.
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bgdnw-a · 4 years
               ❝   i can help with that ,       if   you’re   needing   help  .      it’s   easy   enough   to   do    .   ❞
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                                    @saveveryone​​​ , starter
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motleyscrew · 4 years
tag drop for @saveveryone !
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mindbleedarchive · 4 years
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we all need someone sometimes, and you often don't feel like you are worth someone remaining. you are, though. i know that you crave for someone to be there and rest their hand against your back during the bad times. for a loving voice to lull you to sleep with a cadence of compassion and a desire to remain. you just want someone to remain. through and past the bad parts when you know it is difficult. you want to fall asleep to their voice and wake up to them still there in the morning. you want them to know the way that you take your tea and keep a box of your favorite flavor in their pantry in case you have a bad night and need to come over. you want to trust someone enough to give them a key to your house. and you deserve it, love. you deserve for someone to linger. you deserve to place your trust in another and know that they'll help you brush your hair if you're just too tired. you deserve for someone to remain.
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tagged  by   :   the  awesome  @mieczlw​  !
tagging  :  @hellfought ,  @witcherinq ,  @battlewoven ,  @anomclous ,  @shotgunscn , @mssameriica , @postguilt ,  @saveveryone​ and  anyone  else  who  hasn’t been tagged yet   !
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godblooded · 4 years
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@saveveryone where were you when I was in high school and I desperately needed a teacher who would say this to me besa I’m literally crying
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