#saving the worlf
the-unseen1 · 9 months
7. Fulfilling an old promise
The Seeker and the mysterious Stranger (Part 7of 7)
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7. Fulfilling an old promise
“What are you talking about,” the Seeker asks confusedly. “What promise? I didn't promise anything to you.”
A flock of Thirty birds is flying through the sky, chirping a song of foreboding calmness. Their harmonious tune, like the prelude of a powerful symphony.
The mysterious stranger grins.
“Long, long time ago, there was a promise made. That after roaming around for centuries, being lost in the darkness, we will find a path. That we'll pave a way of love and light*.* That the old flame that has been burning in our eyes will be rekindled again. That the broken shall be pieced together, that the hidden shall be revealed, that the lost shall be found again.
A forgotten memory, hidden deep inside of you. Like a beautiful dream, which you can't remember. Like an itch in an unreachable area. Like the melody of a song you are trying to remember. You can't grasp it. You can't express it with words... But there's this knowing... Isn't there? Since your childhood you have been searching for it, haven't you?”
The orchestra of birds is singing their rising hymn in unison. Their song echoes through the forest, getting louder and louder, increasing in strength by each passing minute.
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“You are talking nonsense,” the Seeker shouts nervously. “You don't know me. You don't know anything about me... So stop trying to get me confused!”
“Oh man,” the mysterious stranger sighs. “Did you really forget everything? Come on, remember what I told you, when we met in your dreams.”
The symphony of the birds is nearing its crescendo. The flock of birds spreads out, as each bird lands on a tree. Their rhythm, coming ever closer to its climax.
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“Wha- In- In my Dreams?” the Seeker asks confused, shaking their head. “No... no this can't be. You are messing with me.”
The mysterious stranger breathes in deeply. Suddenly all birds fall silent, observing the two on the bench, as the mysterious stranger begins humming a tune. The chorus of the symphony of birds. A melody that sounds familiar to the seeker.
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“We will meet again,” the mysterious stranger sings in the most beautiful melody.
As the stranger sings the promised words, all the birds join in the chorus. The song reaches its peak. The birds fly from their trees, forming another flock, dancing through the sky in joy, as their powerful hymn reaches the furthest corners of the forest.
Suddenly the Seeker feels this strange wave of energy moving in their spine.
“Stop it,” demands the Seeker, engulfed by fear. “Shut up!”
The stranger stops. Sudden silence. The quiet birds hide again within the trees.
After the Seeker calms down, the Stranger opens his mouth again:
“I fully respect, if you don't want to go any further. I understand, if this frightens you. I mean it is weird after all, isn't it? As if I were speaking to you directly... It's up to you. If you are not interested, then ignore this and just continue as usual.
However, there is a reason that we are holding this conversation. There is a reason that we are here right now... You, hearing my words spoken to you... Is there really nothing more to this? If you are not ready to embark on this journey, it would be better if you go now.”
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The Seeker remains silent. They are thinking about, how they were occupying the bench first.
“Ah, so you are still here,” the mysterious stranger speaks joyfully after some time.
“I'm glad you have decided to stay. Someday you will understand the significance of this decision.”
“Well...,” the Seeker comments with a confused face. “This is my bench.”
Some of the birds start chirping again, as they remain hidden in the trees. Slowly, one bird, after another joins the song again.
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“Anyway,” the stranger continues.
“You have heard it, haven't you? The great call. It might have reached you in your dreams, in your thoughts or in your feelings. I tell you this: You are not alone. Many have heard it... It resounded in our hearts, like a great wave of relief, of joy, of hope. Throughout the globe, many joined the orchestra of life. Adding their own unique voice to this amazing symphony.
I know that you have heard it. I know that you have felt it deep within. The dawn of something great. A new path has unfolded in front of us. Now we can walk together. We have made our choice. We have chosen love before selfishness, we have chosen light before darkness. Now it's up to each and everyone to do their part.
I know, the task seems impossible. I know that you are scared to stand up. You want to keep things as they are. You want to continue waiting here on this bench, all by yourself. You tell yourself, that this is normal, you tell yourself, that this is where you should be. This is what's expected of you. This is safe.
Stop telling yourself that you are content, if you aren't. Is this really what fulfills you? Ask yourself, if this is truly were you are supposed to be. Don't you know deep down, that there is more to life? Can't you hear this quiet voice, deep within your heart, calling for your name?”
The symphony of birds is rising again. Some leave their tree, flying freely through the open sky. Other birds are joining them, as the song of hope is rising once again.
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The Seeker bursts into tears. “I can't... No, no, no... I am not ready to make this step... What will people think of me? What if it leads to pain? What if I fail? I am too afraid to do this all alone...”
The stranger suddenly stands up.
“There is no need to be afraid,” he speaks in a reassuring voice. “You don't need to walk this path alone. Because I will be with you. Let us walk together, side by side and find our way. Not as teacher and student, not as leader and follower, but as two old friends. As equals, with the common goal of reaching the top of the tallest mountain.”
The stranger points with his index finger at a mountain in the far distance, so high, that it melts with the blue sky.
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“There, dear Seeker, at Axis Mundi, the two of us will find together what we have been searching for. We will end the everlasting seeking once and for all.”
The stranger stretches his hand towards the Seeker. The Seeker remains hesitant:
“I can't... no really, you expect too much from me. I mean... I don't even know you... Why should I trust you... How can I know for certain that you won't abuse my trust... my goodwill...”
“We are all in this together, my old friend,” the stranger says with a big grin on his face. “If you may allow me... I would like to share something with you.”
“Go ahead,” says the Seeker, pointing their head downwards.
As the birds in the sky are increasing in numbers, their song reaching once again the chorus, the flock is forming beautiful patterns. From the depths of the forest, all animals appear, quietly listening to the wonderful melody. Squirrels, rabbits, foxes, deers, wolves and bears. All observing in silent expectation.
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The mysterious stranger whispers secret words into the ear of the Seeker. Words that only the reader knows.
Deep within their minds, forgotten words rise again to the surface.
Yes, it is that, what you are thinking.
Again the orchestra reaches it's climax. All birds in unison sing the chorus of the sacred song. “WE WILL MEET AGAIN.”
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Even the mammals join the chorus. From behind the bushes, in the shadows of the trees and from within the long grass, they join the great symphony, adding with their unique voice and sound. Even the bear growls and the wolf howls the song of hope and liberation... All together, humming a melody, once forgotten, but deep within the heart always remembered.
As the Seeker listens, they again feel a wave of heat and energy moving through their body. Even more powerful than before. The Seeker raises their head upwards and for the first time, since the stranger sat himself beside them, they gaze directly into his eyes. Only now did they realize that the eyes of the stranger were burning, as if they were made of flames.
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“Ok,” the Seeker says, grasping the hand of the Stranger and letting themself be lifted from the bench.
“For now... I'll let you walk by my side... But let this be clear: This does not mean I trust you... I am just curious, what will happen next.”
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The Stranger chuckles.
“Frankly, I don't give a damn, whether you trust me or not. All that matters is that you are trusting yourself... I mean seriously, why are you so insecure? There is no need to be afraid. You are so much stronger than you think you are. You don't even see your own greatness. Why can't you see how wonderful you are?
I can see it so clearly... I don't even need to know you personally... Because no matter who you are, no matter where you are, no matter when you are, the fire of humanity is burning deep within you. So don't be afraid. There's no need for fear. If you could see yourself, as I see you, you would understand.”
The Seeker silently nods their head and takes a deep breath. They take their first step forward on a journey that would change their life forever. Side by Side, the Seeker and the Stranger are walking through the forest, leaving the bench behind.
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“So,” the Seeker asks. “What's the matter with these eyes of yours?”
“Let me put it this way,” the mysterious Stranger laughs.
“One day, your eyes will burn as well.”
Even though they couldn't imagine in a million years, where the path would lead them, the Seeker felt an emergence of new excitement and joy, deep inside their heart. As they traversed into the Unknown land ahead, the Seeker realized that this was the beginning of a great adventure.
Now, we have met again. The time has come. The long awaited signal was given. The promised words were spoken. The code is now remembered. The wait is over, the call for action is sent. It's time to step up and walk the path. As the Seeker made their choice, so did the Reader.
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v-anrouge · 1 year
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wavehq · 1 year
enjoy limitless possibilities here in celestire islands, jason todd ( dc - comics ) and wednesday addams ( the addams family / wednesday ), where you can start the new life you've always longed for. make sure you read the checklist, as we'll be sending the discord link through ims! enjoy your new dream, dee!
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( dc ( comics ), dupes not allowed.  felix mallard, he/him, cismale. )  ——-  hey, is that ( jason todd ) hanging around ( rose library )? i wonder what life is like for them, balancing working as a ( twenty-four ) year old ( firefighter ) and ( reading literary classics )? they’re notorious for being ( self-sufficient ) yet ( unpredictable ), and i always seem to hear ( the good, the bad and the dirty ) by ( panic! at the disco ) playing whenever they walk past. they’re known around the islands for ( trying to save all the cats stuck in trees around the islands ), and they’re associated with ( roaring of a motorbike, bruised knuckles, hiding real feeling behind dry humor ). last we spoke, they were telling me about a vision they had… something about their biggest regret being ( chosing to handle things alone rather than asking for help which ended in fatal consequences ), but it must have just been a bad dream. //  —  [ dee, 29 / gmt+1, she/her. ]
( the addams family/wednesday, dupes not allowed.  jenna ortega, she/her, cisfemale. )  ——-  hey, is that ( wednesday addams ) hanging around ( celestire museum )? i wonder what life is like for them, balancing working as a ( twenty ) year old ( librarian ) and ( playing dark themed tunes on the cello )? they’re notorious for being ( rational ) yet ( arrogant ), and i always seem to hear ( darkside ) by ( neoni ) playing whenever they walk past. they’re known around the islands for ( hanging around the woods after dark ), and they’re associated with ( an all-black attire, low rumble of something lurking in the dark, a lone worlf attitude ). last we spoke, they were telling me about a vision they had… something about their biggest regret being ( allowing feelings take over rather than trusting the own gut ), but it must have just been a bad dream. //  —  [ dee, 29 / gmt+1, she/her. ]
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pionia-milly · 2 years
Watch "[자막뉴스] 日, 오염수 다음 달 방류 예정... 제주해역 '비상' / YTN" on YouTube
Japan gonna threw nuclear poison water in Pacific ocean next month for their nation & their country first so kill other countries and fishes so I won't eat sushi haha. I emagin all the people this world men won't have sperm anymore women's babies have multiple cancers and suffering life and countries health insurance will high so academy will close world people will cry and die by nuclear bad poison water. Nazi will happy Japan's action and they will support japan by their voice of activist some social groups. All years they made citizens action group and lulu lala wasting time and show us this ridiculous thing haha Go ahead japan island and Nazi haha I think doomsday is near so I'm not suprise anymore. This nuclear water will come to Korea 5 years later but befor that I think God will come for save his peoples so now we know who is who haha. Our God is very smart he creat universe and sun for every nation and weather but don't worry Korea because God will come befor Korean ocean poison because I had dream this pacific ocean become rain go to west plant food and fish grain everthing poison also cow all kind animal and God will return befor Korea's ocean poison result is Psalm 98 maybe new world will come for us so old pirates groy time wii end and bad people go to Hades and next week great earthake will hit in that island they'll can't ask to koreans help bottle of waters. They don't know you and God too haha. This world Satan are nazi-piggy -monkey we all know and they try to make one stupid world my dream said now they destroy whole word with economy but whole world know and natural environment is more value than money and this group can't take over the world with stupid world organization. That Pacific nuclear rain go to Europe too and world is so quite except Korea about thid. Why nazi and monkey and piggy are so hate zkorea? Korea attacked them? No zkorra never attacked any countries because they not happy attack other country and this worlf history are these nazi & their animal farm fake opinion and they teaches world kids? Even free Koteans are not envy them look at their look and attitude, haha so low class. No thank ugly trio. Every world hate these trio and keep on doing with fake money and ruin this world peoples sre no more trio's bank anymore and pay for their game money. Go away Satan and his soul mates and you guys are nothing haha. That organization are this gang's slave I think haha. 10 years ago central America's canal that gang ate to gave their partner's name so title holder is Peggy's name and what is their next plane? haha. One thing nszi, Korea is not you sweet wives like piggy and monkey so with this nazi brain can't win even control stupid organizations haha. Go ahead 100% send to Hades so ugly half human lol. They think 21st century is Winston- Stalin's time lol
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geenadiben4 · 2 years
blog post #3
Little Red Riding Hood:
The story of little red riding starts with a young girl who was gifted a red hood by her mother, hence the name. They lived near the woods and the mother sent little red riding hood to bring wine and cakes to her grandmother. Her grandmother was very sick, and she only lived an hour away by foot through the forest. Her mother emphasizes that little red riding hood needs to stay on the path because the woods can be a very dangerous place. On her walk there she ran into a wolf. The wolf was very friendly, and the girl told him where she was going. The wolf tricked her into going off the path and he went to the grandmother's cabin before her. He went inside and ate the grandma whole. He then continued to get dressed in her clothes and waited for little red to come and see him. By the time little red riding hood was there she could feel something was wrong. Once she saw the grandma and how different her features are she was scared. The wolf attacked her and ate her whole. Ways away a lumberjack heard the screams and went to see what happened. He found the wolf asleep and cut him open to see if they were still alive. Little ride riding hood and the grandma were still alive and managed to escape and get back at the wolf. Little red riding hood met another wolf a few days later and learned her lesson. Her grandmother and her were able to protect themselves and kill the wolf. This story started off by being told orally and passed down through generations. This was how most tales originated. This version of the story was a part of the grimm’s fairy tales. These brothers took stories and tales directly from common villagers and created a piece of literary artwork. The story has changed over time and there are many different versions. The story I summarized was one of the first versions, but it can be hard to know for sure which one was the most accurate. There are versions where little red riding escapes the worlf on her own without being saved by a lumberjack, and there are also versions where she doesn’t survive.
The story of Rapunzel starts with a husband and wife who wanted to have a child. They lived in a house and right behind it was a garden owned by a sorceress. The family finally got pregnant, and everything seemed to be working out. One day the mother saw the greens, Rapunzel, in the garden behind them. She could not stop craving the greens and felt like she was going to die without it. she begged her husband to steal some from the sorceress or else she would die. The first time the plan was successful, and the husband gave it to her wife so she felt better for awhile. The second time he went back he was caught. The sorceress was enraged and made him a deal. She said she would allow him to take the rapunzel forever if they gave up their child the wife was going to have. He agreed. She named her new daughter Rapunzel and locked in her in a tower in the woods. Rapunzel had very long hair and the only way anyone could get into the tower was by climbing her hair like a ladder. The sorceress would do this often and would always check up on her. One day the king’s son overheard Rapunzel singing, and he called out for her to let her hair down. He went up there and fell in love with her. He asked her to be his wife and every day he would come and visit her with silk for her to make a ladder so she could come down. The sorceress found out and was infuriated. She cut off Rapunzel’s hair and took her to the woods to suffer. Then she waited for the prince’s arrival. She used Rapunzel’s cut off hair to trick him into climbing into the tower. Once he saw the evil sorceress he felt at a loss and threw himself out of the tower. He survived the fall but landed on thorns that poked his eyes out. He spent the rest of time being depressed until he heard a sweet voice in the woods one day. He was reunited with Rapunzel and the twins that she gave birth to while he was gone. He cried of happiness and his eyesight returned. The story of Rapunzel was also one of the original stories from the Grimms fairy tales. These were oral stories that were passed down from generations that were turned into a piece of literature. This story went from being told orally, to literature, to a movie. The story has changed through each different convention. In the movie the story is not scary and is for children to watch. The movie changed the characters compared to the original version. The husband and wife were the king and queen of a kingdom. The man that found Rapunzel was not a prince but a thief. He did not go blind, and he in the end cut off Rapunzel’s hair. The movie also incorporated more magic than the original and made Rapunzel’s hair have a power. This is a prime example of how stories can be taken and changed to create something else.
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toku-explained · 3 years
The JustiΦ'd Pterodactyl Pair
Trigger: Darrgon has become fixated on Yuna ever since she slapped him, and is now stalking her, as Ignis notes. GUTS-SELECT are monitoring Kuwahara City, where a Kaiju heartbeat has been detected for a few weeks, but no activity. Akito shows Kengo the new writing on the tablet. Ignis approaches Darrgon, and tells him he's experiencing love, through which all who live grow stronger. Akito determines the sun like image represents the Eternity Core, when Kengo touches it he briefly sees a flashback of it, it indeed looks like a Sun, and records indicate the appearance of Kaiju so frequently is down to stimulation from the Eternity Core becoming active again. Yuna calls asking about the analysis, Akito, Kengo and Msrluru witnessing Darrgon grab her. Darrgon tries to woo Yuba on advice from Ignis, but is too physically forceful, leading her to take him, and try to leave. Kengo and Akito arrive, Akito attempting to use Gomora, then Kengo punches him, experiencing a flashback of Trigger fist fighting Darrgon. When Yuna shoots at him he gets mad, sto ping his feet and shaking the ground enough to awaken Zaragas. GUTS Falcon fights Zaragas until Trigger arrives, the battle fairly even until Zaragas sheds it's Armour, moving much quicker to throw Trigger around. Akito and Yuba encourage Trigger while attacking,, as Darrgom questions s why they, being weak, don't just run. Zaragas produces electric spikes which Akito instinctively protects Yuna from, showing Darrgon first hand strength from love. Realising Zaragas adapts to attacks, Akito tells Nanase to use Liquid Nitrogen to freeze it when Trigger attacks. Trigger switches to Power Type. When Zaragas gets knocked back towards Akito and Yuna, Darrgon catches it and throws it back so Trigger can destroy it. Darrgon then identifies that Akito is also in love with Yuna, though he denies it, Darrgon declares them rivals for Yuna's affection and leaves, having learnt a lesson about human strength. Kengo and Akito find more of the mural revealed, revealing a 4th Giant of Darkness who fought Yuzare, Trigger, the flashback to Darrgon fighting him revealing the battle to be more friendly. Kengo is of course shocked.
Galaxy Rescue Force: Sora has done maintenance on the Ribut Blocker, which allows Ribut to use Galaxium Energy efficiently. Ribut discusses receiving it and tge Spreader Rod from his training with Great and Powered, Sora acknowledges they were only able to create the Gudis antibodies thanks to Great defeating Gudis in the past, and Powered's battles against many strong Kaiju like Psycho Baltan. Ribut explains the intense training he received from them but acknowledges he has a long way to go to be on the level of them and many other Ultra Warriors, and he wants to pass that knowledge down to those who come after.
Revice: Daiji gets fed up with Ikki refusing to sign the Fenix Contract and leaves the belt with him, telling him he'll have to find out about Deadmans attacks on his own, he needs to focus on finding the Kong ViStamp. Sakura stops by Ayaka's House, only to find her family thought Ayaka has stayed at hers. Aguilera wants more sacrifices ready to revive Giff, humans able to merge with their Akuma like Julio and Olteca, and wonders if the current candidate can handle that. Ayaka speaks to Sakura, saying she'll attend her sister Miharu's concert, before being confirmed as the candidate. Daiji visits George, who tells him he'll have to change to be able to use the belt. At the concert Ikki is there with Sakura. Ayaka approaches her mother, asking her mother why she never answered the phone, and then when thecsobg is finishes and her mother praises Miharu, she yells at her mother to look at her as well, using the ViStamp to summon Kong, only for her mother to yell out about the monster. Revice Mammoth Genomes fights the Giff Junior's, and Aguilera convinces Ayaka to advance the contract and become a child of Giff instead. Ayaka stamps the contract and merges with Kong, becoming a 3rd Ginext. Ayaka defeats Revi and Vice and takes Miharu with her, saying not all families are loving. Daiji gets real mad at Ikki for treating being Revice as a side gig, while Ikki counters that Daiji can't do anything. Daiji later overhears Ikki getting advice from Mama about Daiji, and finds Daiji has left the Pterodactyl ViStamp for him. Next day, Daiji and other Fenix members are in a standoff with Ayaka, who demands her mother. Daiji thinks Ayaka is already lost, but Ikki disagrees as he arrives with her mother. Revi struggles with Ayaka as her mother apologises for focusing so much on Miharu, and says she doesn't care if she's a monster now asking her to come home. Ayaka seems to overflow with energy from rejecting the contract, causing Miharu to fall, Revice Pterosaur Genomes saves her, Vice becoming a hoverbike while Revi is Daiz based. When Ikki promises to be a Kamen Rider, Daiji explains Georfe told him a phase 2 Deadman can be extracted by Rider Kick. Revi & Vice chase Ayaka down, defeat her, Revi extracting her and Vice finishing the Akuma. Ikki stamps the contract, and Vice sees Ikki vanish from a photo with Daiji.
Zenkaiger: Yatchan hastaken Magine out for a limited offer dessert. Kaito is making deliveries when Stacey ambushes him for another attempt at settling things. The others rush to help him, but the now alone Yatchan is witness to the arrival of Tennis World. Magine overhears and rushes back, but Yatsude has already been made into a Tennis Ball. Twokaiser appears to fight Tennis World, and Magibe rushes to the others with Yatsude, Stacey also overhearing about her plight. Zox realises that Tennis World isn't taking damage, it can only be damaged via Tennis, which is the crux of Barashitara's scheme in using him. Zox has learnt Tennis from a certain manga, and trains the team in Tennis combat. Stacey is spying on them and wonders, remembering his mother taught him Tennis as a boy, he doesn't want Barashitara to make him lose someone else. The team challenges Tennis World but thanks to a biased umpire and explosive techniques he defeats Zyuran, Gaon, Magine and Vroon. Tennis World suggests a handicap, taking on Zox and Kaito at the same time, but doubles themself to do so. Zox uses Super Twokaiser counter his skill, but Tennis World still overpowers them. Satoshi suddenly appears for a substitution. He wins the match, taking away Tennis World's protection, allowing the Zenkaigers to destroy him, saving Yatchan. Kaito thznks him even if it was for Yatchan. Dai Tennis Worlf appears, Zenkaijuoh opposing, but can't hold a racquet. ZenkaiOh VrooMagine opposes instead, managing to win. They let Yatsude know they've seen Satoshi, and he might pop in again some day. At the lab, Ijirude introduces Stacey to his new experimental soldier.
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an-ambivalent · 6 years
Into The World Of Sins [Yandere! BTS] Prologue
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Synopsis:  “ Seven deadly sins,” You were going to be reborn seven times -- once in the world of each sin. “seven ways to win,” Your mission is to help them better themselves and reach the good ending. “seven holy paths to hell,” However, with the potential of their dangerous sins corrupting you lingering, will you be able to help them and save yourself in the end? Or would the wrong choices lead to your demise? “and your trip begins," -Iron Maiden, Moonchild.
There was warmth, and there was an occasional breeze which swept them slightly once in a while. While usually the touch of a breeze was welcome and felt refreshing, this breeze gave the sensation of iron rods covered in lava, which was cold as icicles, digging into one’s skin. It burned and felt deadly cold at the same time.
In this universal realm where the virtuous aura of heaven mingled with the dark energy from the underground, everything was in a state of almost perfect equilibrium. As a result of this equilibrium, those who could not be judged to have a concrete ending after life, and committed sins on the same ratio as their good deeds, ended up here. This was almost perfect equilibrium they referred to as the limbo.
The universe preferred to believe the best in everyone. So initially, when the non-judged entered, their souls were a floating white circle with specks of gold. They radiated pureness which was almost to the level of pureness emitted by heavenly creatures. In juxtaposition, souls belonging to the underground, were black floating circles with specks of crimson, and constantly screeched. Depending on how the non-judged handled the tasks they were given as a last chance to redeem themselves with, they would hopefully either end up with specks of gold, or unfortunately, with specks of crimson.
It was time to evaluate another soul which was lost in the limbo.
The soul’s retained their consciousness and memories of their life. However, they had no physical existence which could be similar to a living being. Hence, their mobility was limited. They were only able to float around, and respond to the questions they were asked.
The soul of the protagonist to be, moved to the marked circle, where an otherworldly spoke.
“[Name] [Surname],”  It said, and these words were uttered by a neutral voice that was void of any emotions or strains. The words boomed across the premises. Trapped in the limitations of her soul, [Name] tried to form an answer. However, that was proving to be an almost impossible task since a response was not asked for.  As she tried to speak, she only managed to light up brightly.
“It is now time for your judgement. Throughout your life, you have helped many, and in wanting to help many, you have committed many sins. While your intentions may have been true, your actions cannot be excused. It is decided that you will set out on a long journey. Since you were so willing to risk your own fate for others’ sake, it is a journey that is suited to you. You will be granted entrance into the world of sins, and must travel through each world. As you continue your journey across the worlds, you will be reborn, and have no memories of this, or your previous lives. Hence, your actions will be the most genuine.
Your mission is to help the one who will love you and prevent them from indulging in their sin any further. In each world, you will only get one chance so think very careful about the choices you make. The overall results of your actions will decide how you will end,” The voice stated emotionlessly, and left no room for queries or answers.  
As [Name] tried to respond once more, she lit up like a light bulb. Then, right after, something else happened; a zipping sound was heard, and her consciousness shut down. Her soul glowed a few times, before it started to lose its shine and everything around her darkened.
Her memories and life was sucked out of her like drosophiles by a vacuum, and before she completely faded, she heard the last few words the voice spoke to her.
“It’s time for you to be reborn.”
Okay so the purpose of this story is to allow the readers to narrate the plot and make it interactive. Before the publication of each chapter, you will be required to take a very short quiz and the answers decide what ending that chapter will have. The point is to get mostly good endings so that the story can end with good ending overall. It's a bit like an otome game :D 
-> you will get 3-5 days to get your votes in each chapter. After 3-5 days, the link and the quiz will be deleted.
-> if there are not enough participants then the chapter will automatically end with bad ending. That's about it so far that I can think of. Anything else, it will be updated along the way.
-> There will be announcements and etc made for this story so I suggest following the ‘into the world of sins’ if you’d like to keep up to date.  
next: Worlf Of Gluttony [Yandere! Vampire! Jin] | Masterpost
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csowmya · 3 years
What is HTML Injection
HTML is considered as the skeleton for each web application, as it characterizes the design and the total stance of the facilitated content. Today, in this article we will figure out how such misconfigured HTML codes clear a path for the aggressors to control the planned site pages and takes touchy information from clients.
What is HTML?
HTML is a condensing to "Hyper Text Markup Language", which is the essential structure square of a website.It,determines the arrangement of pages over a web-application. HTML is utilized to plan sites that comprise of the "Hyper Text" to incorporate "text inside a text" as a hyperlink and a mix of components that wrap up the information things to show in the program.
What these components are?
A component is everything to a HTML page for example it contains the opening and shutting tag with the text content in the middle.
<h1> HTML Injection</h1>
HTML label mark is a piece of content that incorporates 'heading', 'passage', and 'structure' to give some examples. These are the names of the components encompassed by point sections and are of two sorts the "start tag" otherwise called an initial tag and the "end tag" which is alluded to as the end one. Programs don't show these HTML labels yet use them to get up the substance of the site pages.
HTML Attributes:
To give some additional data to the components, we utilize the characteristic, they dwell inside the beginning tag and comes in "name/esteem" sets, to such an extent that the property name circles back to an "equivalent to sign" and the trait esteem is encased with the "quotes".
<a href = "http://hacker.in">Hack Here the "href" is the "property name" and http://hacker.in is the "trait esteem". As we are presently mindful of the fundamental HTML terminologies,let us look at the "HTML component flowchart" and take a stab at executing them all into making a straightforward website page.
  Essential HTML Page:
Each page over the web is some place or the other a HTML File. These records are only a straightforward plain-text document with".html" expansion, that is saved and invigorated over an internet browser.
Along these lines, let us attempt to make a straightforward site page in our scratch pad and save it as hacker.html:
<title> World of Hacker</title>
<Body bgcolor="green">
<center><h2>WELCOME TO <a href="http://hacker.in">WORLF OF HACKER </a></h2>
<p> Auther "Test Admin"</p>
Allow us to execute this "hacker.html" document in our program and see what we have created.
We have effectively planned our first page. In any case, presently let us figure out how these labels work.
The <html> component is the root component of each HTML Page.
The <Head> decides the meta-data about the record.
The <title> component determines a title for the page.
The <body> component contains the apparent page content that has the "bgcolor" as a characteristic as "green".
The <br> component characterizes the split line or it characterizes up the following line.
The <h1> component characterizes an enormous heading.
The <p> component characterizes a passage.
The <a> characterizes up the anchor label which assists us with setting up the "hyperlink".
I suppose you are presently clear with "what HTML is and its significant use" and "how might we execute all of this."
Presently let us attempt to discover the significant escape clauses and figure out how the assailants infuse self-assertive HTML codes into weak website pages to adjust the facilitated content.
Prologue to HTML Injection:
HTML Injection which is additionally named as "virtual mutilations" is one of the least complex and the most widely recognized weaknesses that emerge when the site page neglects to disinfect the client provided input or approves the result. This permits the malevolent HTML codes into the application through the weak field, with the end goal that he can alter the substance of the page and even take some delicate information.
Allow us to investigate this situation and figure out how such HTML Injection assaults are executed:
Consider a web application that is experiencing HTML infusion weakness and it doesn't approve a particular information. In such a situation, in the event that the aggressor discovers the shortcoming, he might infuse a noxious "HTML login structure" with a draw of "Free film tickets" to fool the casualty into presenting his delicate certifications.
Presently as the casualty rides the page, he gets attracted into profiting the "Free film tickets". As he taps the connection, he gets diverted to an application's login screen, which is only the assailant's created "HTML structure". From that point, when the casualty enters his qualifications, the aggressor catches them all through his audience machine, which prompts an information break or information compromise.
Effect of HTML Injection:
It can permit an assailant to alter the page.
To take someone else's character.
The assailant finds infusion weakness and chooses to utilize a HTML infusion assault.
Assailant creates vindictive connections, including his infused HTML content, and emails it to a client.
The client visits the page because of the page being situated inside a confided in space.
The aggressor's infused HTML is delivered and introduced to the client requesting a username and secret phrase.
The client enters a username and secret word, which are both shipped off the assailant's server.
Alleviation of HTML infusion:
There is no question that the assault which happened was essentially because of the designer's carelessness and absence of information. This kind of infusion assault happened because of the non-approval of the information and result. It is subsequently fundamental to have fitting information approval set up to forestall such assaults.
Each information ought to be checked assuming that it contains any content code or any HTML code. One should check, assuming that the code contains any exceptional content or HTML sections – <script></script>, <html></html>.
There are many capacities for checking assuming the code contains any unique sections. The choice of the checking capacity relies upon the programming language, information security consultants, cyber security services, cybersecurity solutions that you are utilizing.
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smolcatte · 7 years
Entry #1: Specter
FFXIV 30 Day Writing Challenge Prompt #1: Specter Character: Pheli Nosuk Content: blood, gore, implied sexual activity
Each day since the Oronir found her barely alive at the edge of the lake beneath the Dawn Throne seemed empty. Pheli’s mind couldn’t even draw a thought without missing bigger pieces, like an incomplete puzzle. So far, only a few people had come forward, helping her to the best of their ability, but large gaps in her memory remained. She knew her name, the name of her two children and their sire, and a handful of memories but what else was there? Masao had given her some insight as well, before they parted ways, and she inwardly felt resentment for the Doman-raised Xaela. She doubted she would ever see him again.
She knew Costa del Sol held meaning to her, Masao had said so. She asked a few locals, and they pointed her to a cliff known as the Rise. She made her way there, swatting off the insects and the swooping colibri to come to a large, flowering bush. Something glinted at its base, and the tiny seeker knelt down, brushing away the dried grass and petals to find a pair of brass placards. Her heart sank, recognizing the name of her son immediately. The one on the left, however, had a slightly unfamiliar name. She spoke it aloud, quietly.
“Dazi... Nosuk..?” she furrowed her brow, her slender fingers brushing the placard. As she did, she felt a presence behind her, ears snapping back first before she whirled, regarding an ebon-skinned keeper clad in scholasticate robes. His raven hair highlighted with red, he regarded her over his pince-nez.
“I knew it would be a matter of time before you went looking for trouble again, Nala.” he folded his arms over his chest, his Ishgardian-accented voice seeming to reprimand her.
“How am I supposed to live with fragmented memories?” she responded, standing to face him, tunic rustling in the wind that began to pick up. “I told you I would take care of it.” he replied, the scarlet gaze never leaving her face. “There are some things.. I don’t think you want to remember.” his eyes seemed to glow, Pheli’s mind getting a sharp, almost electric jolt that brought her to her knees.
“Get this little fleabag out of here!” the Sea Worlf snarled, half of his face smeared with bright blue facepaint. The midlander to her left raised an axe, bringing it down hard on the straw-headed seeker’s shoulder. Blood spurted from the wound, the young Miqo’te letting out a shriek as the axe slid through flesh, only stopping when it hit the crook of her elbow. The young Pheli staggered back, her breath rasping against her ribs while she bled out, her right eye closed from a slash over it as well. She had no choice but to flee. “I-I swear, ye gutless shites..!” she snarled, swaying dangerously on her feet, “If I find my mother dead, I won’t stop till I’ve killed.. every last one o’ ye!”
The memory faded, the now current Pheli bracing herself on her hands and knees, shaking with sobs.
“Now you see, Nala? I am doing this to save you.” the Keeper’s steady, eerily calm voice brought her back to reality.
“W-why would you show me.. such visions..?” she spluttered over her words, that single gold eye looking up at him. The keeper said nothing for a while, after a few moments he moved to her, kneeling to crook a finger under her chin. His crimson gaze once again locked on her. “They are the visions of your past, Nala. I would not show you these were they not true.” he smirked, letting another vision wash over her; of tangled legs and gasps of pleasure, soft, creamy hands clawing against a charcoal-coloured back. Pheli jumped to her feet, staggering back till she nearly fell against the two placards, her gold eye dialated in rage. “Leave me alone, you godsdamned shadow! How do you know these things! How do I know they aren’t lies?!”
The keeper stood slowly, a wicked grin on his dark lips. “Because.. I know you... Nala..” his voice seemed to disappear on the wind, leaving Pheli alone on the cliff. An icy chill went up her spine, eye darting around warily. Had she imagined the whole thing? What did this Keeper have to do with her memories?
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ask-a-luu · 6 years
❅ Name ➔ "Skray.  Just Skray.” ❅ Are you single ➔ “Unfortunately, yes...” ❅ Are you happy ➔ “I don’t know what happiness feels like...” ❅ Are you angry? ➔ “No...just disappointed in my life.” ❅ Are your parents still married ➔ “I hope not.  They make a terribly abusive pair.”
❅ Birth Place ➔ "Coumarine City outskirts.” ❅ Hair Color ➔ “same as my fur color.” ❅ Eye Color ➔ “rose pink, i think.” ❅ Birthday ➔ “October 1st” ❅ Mood ➔ “Lonely.  All i want is for someone to love me...” ❅ Gender ➔ “Male” ❅ Summer or winter ➔ “Winter for sure.  I sweat too easily.” ❅ Morning or afternoon ➔ “Afternoon by FAR.  Mornings are...no.”
❅ Are you in love ➔ “In love with someone who doesn’t love me...” ❅ Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “I’m the only one who does.  That or i’m just that hideous, being albino and all...” ❅ Who ended your last relationship ➔ “I never even HAD one!” ❅ Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ “No, but mine gets broken constantly...” ❅ Are you afraid of commitments ➔ “No!  I want someone i can cherish forever!” ❅ Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ “ARE YOU MOCKING ME??”  ❅ Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ “Oh, FUCK YOU!” ❅ Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “I don’’t have to.  Everyone else breaks it for me.”
❅ Love or lust ➔ “I like the character Lust from that one anime, but Love.” ❅ Lemonade or iced tea ➔ “Bubble Tea counts, right?” ❅ Cats or Dogs ➔ “Doggos.” ❅ A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “I just want a girlfriend...” ❅ Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “A romantic night out.  Dress up nice, go for dinner, maybe even kiss...” ❅ Day or night ➔ “Night.  So peaceful, and nobody is waiting to hurt me.”
❅ Been caught sneaking out ➔ “You want to know why i wear this armband?” ❅ Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “I’m so clumsy and stupid, i fall UP the stairs.”” ❅ Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “hurt?  Please, i want to KILL someone so badly it hurts so that Scrafty knows what loss is like...”” ❅ Wanted to disappear ➔ “ALL.  THE.  TIME.”
❅ Smile or eyes ➔ “Smile, without a doubt.  You can’t kiss an eye.” ❅ Shorter or Taller ➔ “Taller, because i’m a riolu.” ❅ Intelligence or Attraction ➔ “Attraction.  I’ve seen some pretty slowpoke around the harbor.” ❅ Hook-up or Relationship ➔ “Relationship PAWS DOWN.”
❅ Do you and your family get along ➔ “Never gotten along with my family...” ❅ Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ “I don’t even have a life to mess up.” ❅ Have you ever ran away from home ➔ “It’s how i got where i live now...” ❅ Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “Threatened with it.”
❅ Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “Yes, because they keep stealing my crushes and making them hate me.” ❅ Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “The few friends i have are dirty backstabbers so of course not who would want a backstabbing friend who’d rather let you suffer a crippling injury just so they can save a pretty girl who happens to be my crush resulting in her laughing at me making it impossible to find a girlfriend because she’s a worlf famous contest star??”” ❅ Who is your best friend➔ “my bed...” ❅ Who knows everything about you ➔ “Nobody.  If they did, nobody would ever want to be near me...”
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kaaras-adaar-a · 7 years
Bad Moon || closed
@vintixmage || as discussed || Werewolf AU 
The first thing the Inquisitor felt was intense pain as bones and limbs cracked back into place and resized and shaped themselves. His muscles burned and ached, and the insides of his stomach felt like it was on fire. The pain from the transformation from worlf back to qunari was always painful, and always knocked Kaaras out. It was better that way. If he didn’t pass out then and there, he’d be in agonising pain to a point where death would be better. 
The stone of the cell floor was cold beneath his naked flesh, and he puffed air from his nostrils, hearing the dirt scatter. He could taste something on his lips... the taste of blood. Solas usually handed him a meal before his change, to keep him somewhat sated, but nothing would quite rid him of his bloodlust from whence he changed. 
A seething grunt left the Inquisitor when his eyes opened to the light of day. There wasn’t a lot tell it was day time within the dungeon cell where he secretly transformed, but there was a small window. Enough to make the sunlight burn his overly sensitive eyes. Everything was so sensitive.
Leaning up onto his forearms, he ran his hands over his eyes, clenching them before he looked before him. What was that? Fabric of... Clothes? Not his? No, there was a smell that lingered in his nostrils that was definitely not his own scent, and he looked up further, seeing someone. A leg. Who...
“Maker, no...” he whispered, pushing himself up. Fuck, he was completely naked (he always was after a change), but that was somehow the least of his worries. He was out of his cage! And someone was there! He pulled the blanket from his cage over his nudity and crouched to see it was Dorian. There was blood on his usually pristine clothes.
“Fuck! Fuck, fuck! Dorian? Dorian, can you hear me?” He took blood-stained hand and put it to the man’s face. Was that his blood? Maker save him... Please don’t tell him he’d killed Dorian! 
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