#How about...
tales-of-snaktooth · 6 months
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Welcome, Captain Seaside | Year 287 | Part 2
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Some more old ladies bickering about succession n stuff
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the twins won the ponify poll so here they are! elezens are unicorns cus it makes the most sense, graceful and usually magically inclined species. the only differences they have is that their coat lining slightly differs to a shade of blue for alphy and pink for ali. other than that its hard to distinguish the 2 other than the obvious clues. as for cutiemarks i was going for the pen and the sword thing for a good parallel for eachother.
i'm thinking sharlayan would be the canterlot of this AU,only the most sophisticated and smartest of ponies(mostly unicorns) would reside there.
this is all i have for now
i will do the other scions via their ranking on the poll until i reach the ones that are tied and then i will make another poll
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quipxotic · 1 year
Spoilers for Chapter 2, Episode 2 of Candela Obscura below. You know the drill.
One of the things I really liked about this episode is how Spenser played with the structure of a typical CO episode. Maybe that's a weird thing to talk about, it's not like we've had this series for that long and we've had the Circle of Needle and Thread for even less time. But there is an expected rhythm in games and media like this: an inciting incident happens, the team is called together to get the details of their mission, and they begin an investigation. This time we got the first step (the horrible thing happening to innocent people), followed by a long RP session where we caught up with where everyone is and the players got to flesh out their characters' lives and world. And while that was all really interesting, it also established the feeling of things not being quite right, of being unsettled and not knowing where the story was going because it wasn't following the pattern. And just when we seemed to get back on track with step 2 (receiving their mission), Nathaniel was attack by something pretending to be their Lightkeeper in their chapter house where they're supposed to be safe.
It's a clever, subtle structural choice on Spenser's part to generate a feeling of unease among the players and the audience. I suppose it shouldn't have been so surprising since he played with the structure in a different way in Chapter 2, Episode 1, where we got the inciting incident only to immediately be thrown into meeting the circle while they're in the middle of a completely separate mission.
It's just a fun choice that adds to the atmosphere generated by the setting, the costumes, the set, and Spenser's style of narration/GMing to make something I absolutely love.
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
Got Calvinball'd by @kanerallels and @singswan-springswan, so here's a bit of the TLC/Rebels AU I started writing this morning instead of just rambling about the plot idea like I was supposed to *side eyes my bad impulse control*
Sabine yelped in surprise as a blur of orange vaulted over her table, and a voice hissed “Please don’t tell them I’m here!” It didn’t take long to figure out who the “them” was, because a second later, three angry boys shoved through the marketplace, looking around. One of them approached her stall, and the kid who’d thrown himself over the countertop crouched as low as he could, so the guy couldn’t see him over the table. Sabine didn’t like bullies. And those boys looked like bullies to her. “Can I help you?” Sabine asked. The guy glared at her. “I said,” Sabine repeated, standing, meaningfully resting her hand on a wrench. “Can I help you?” He scowled and stormed off without a word, and Sabine sat back down and then swiveled in her chair to look at the kid and demand answers. And Sabine froze. He was dressed in casual clothes, but they couldn’t disguise him from her. The net connection in her mind whirled, flashing up lines of information in her bionic eyes as her brain put the pieces together. Ezra Bridger. Age—15. Royalty. Orphan. Under the guardianship of the Prince Regent up until his 18th birthday— She realized with a jolt that he was staring right back at her, and she gulped down her disappointment as she wondered what she’d done to give herself away. Maybe one of her sleeves had ridden up when she stood, revealing a glint of metal wrists. Or maybe he’d somehow already heard about the cyborg mechanic in the marketplace. Or maybe— Still staring goggle-eyed at her, he grinned and whispered a breathless, “Hey.” Or maybe, Sabine realized, a little bit relieved and a little bit amused, he just thought she was cute.
No-pressure tagging @seleneisrising @jedi-nurse @better-call-mau1 and anyone else who wants to join!
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fagtendo64 · 6 months
rather notoriously, i never actually owned a nintendo64.
"fagtendo gamecube" didn't focus test as well
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banana-boots · 1 year
hi! i saw this very cool idea and i decided to draw it! i wanted to ask if it was ok for me to reblog this post and put up my drawing on my own tumblr :) no worries if not!
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oh you may absolutely post a drawing of it! please tag me when you do, id love to see it!
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secondsonaym · 2 years
May I indulge your fluff-drawing brain in requesting Star and Narinder doing the most scandalous, perverted thing known to man...HUGGING?
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ouch oof ow his bones
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lucinata · 1 year
Your bio says that you sew! What is your niche for sewing?
Do you make costumes, or quilt, or embroider, or cross-stitch... Or maybe you're like me, and hand-sew with all the finesse of a horror movie monster?
What are you most proud of making?
Oh boy, questions!
I don't sew very frequently, but when I do it's usually clothes! And very often it's for a Halloween costume, lol. I'm alright at hand sewing (put generously,) but I very much prefer machine sewing.
I have a huge pile of unfinished projects (because of course lol), but I was very pleased with myself when I finished a mock-up of the Tactician's coat from the game Fire Emblem Awakening! I took a bunch of pictures, took it apart to use the pieces as a pattern for the actual coat, and then never finished the coat itself, lol. I also made a coat for an Edward Elric cosplay in high school, the one time I went to a convention, but I used a bathrobe pattern (very different shape at the shoulder-arm join) and accidentally stitched everything with half the seam allowance it should have had because I was rushing it the day before and was also tired, LMAO. It's super comfy tho, and I still wear it sometimes just for fun!
I did make a quilt once, when I was young, as part of a 4H sewing thing, and it turned out alright aside from the fact that I had forgotten to buy fabric to back it with and had to use whatever the teacher had on hand because it was, once again, being finished the day before the deadline, lmao.
I'm not really sure how to describe it, but I feel like I tend to gravitate more towards crafting things with a specific purpose behind it (coat for costume, pointy hat to wear in winter, dress for a friend), so I tend toward wearables more than things that are meant to just be displayed or left laying around on things. (Yes I know quilts can be very nice when used on beds but I already have perfectly good bed things and wouldn't trust a quilt I made not to fall apart when I kick it to a billion pieces in my sleep, lol).
I've dabbled in cross-stitching before (it's like pixel art!) but I don't think I have the patience for embroidery 😅
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fluffypichu876 · 9 months
continuation to this post
alternatively, i could slow it down to time drive with the first row of swords (and a possible second row)
however, that would leave me vulnerable to urizen's spells, unless I sdt trick out of it or manage to exploit drive's i-frames with the time slowdown more consistently. it's also very slow. (yup, drive seems to have i-frames. it doesn't seem very consistent though?)
which one do you guys think is better?
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tvckerwash · 1 year
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Volume 2 of Toaru Anbu no Item/A Certain Darkside Item will be released in August!
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mrshamada-dorian · 2 years
so i got inspired by @iamalittlebb who is doing a "saving for malleus" journey and decided i wanted to record my journey (even though i already started and im saving for idia).
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i've been saving up since the last part of chapter five was released. i have about 120 (5 ten-fold keys, 20 singles, and about 50 from gems) draws for idia, which is enough to full the ssr gauge. i would've had more ten-fold keys but, i missed a birthday and leona was too tempting to pass up. luckily he loves me enough to come home in one ten draw so i didn't have to worrying too much about that.
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aris-ink · 2 years
I know! But then again, when isn’t Tumblr tripping on all of us?! 😩 I knew if I said something yesterday night it literally wouldn’t have been coherent, so I figured now would be a safer bet in an ask because my brain was short circuiting last night 🏃🏻‍♀️ and that’s good, because I stand by it! (A dream for you as a writer). And I’ll try to tonight 😭💚 and you’re absolutely welcome, I’m glad it’s motivating because as I said I really do stand by it!! And I’m also glad that it made you happy, because that’s exactly how I felt last night discovering your blog and your fics! 💚 Really?! That’s fantastic you do!! And omg?!?!? I’m looking forward to it, I know it’ll be absolutely delightful and I’m super excited for this surprise 🥰 you’re welcome my lovely!! I’ll make sure I get some sleep later kfdskkdkf but ily too💝
gosh you're so cute!!!!!! 🥺❤️ I love you sm, thank you, I am sending you the biggest hug ever 💖 thank you sm honey and I REALLY hope you got some sleep 😭💕
now I have to come up with a tag for you? hmmm. hope you can handle me being sappy bc all of my tags are sgdhdhsh 💕
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cattyanon · 2 years
The dream based bois! Note: They are actually black and not gray, I just didn’t feel like going through all the effort.
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They might look pretty weak but I highly recommend NOT pissing them off...
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Cause they WILL fuck you up.
Now onto the story stuff!
So using some aspects of the dream to make an actual plot, Sonic and Tails are investigating some castle ruins that Amy went to explore but then never came back.
They begin to look around while staying within close range of each other when strange things start to happen. As of writing this I’m not sure what, but I do know that Sonic and Tails get separated.
Upon getting separated, Tails actually manages to find Amy! But something is off about her. She’s acting strange. Giggling can be heard from her direction and upon getting close enough she attacks Tails.
Tails manages to escape but he doesn’t get away unscathed. He’s really beat up, exhausted, and scared. He tries his best not to pass out but eventually he passes out from exhaustion and an unknown corruption that lays within the ruins begin to engulf him.
Meanwhile, Sonic has been frantically looking for Tails. The place is obviously dangerous and his brotherly instincts are kicking in hardcore.
But no matter how hard he looks he just can’t find Tails and it’s slowly driving him crazy! And then despite the fact he hasn’t been backtracking, Sonic begins to swear that he’s been looking into the same rooms over and over. What is happening...?
Eventually he slows down a bit to make sure he’s not imagining it and yup, he’s been going in some weird infinite loop. 
He tries everything he can think of to get it to stop, including spin dashing into the wall, but no luck. It seems likes he really is trapped. This obviously frustrates him immensely. How’s he supposed to find Tails if he can’t get out of this dumb infinitely looping hallway?!
Eventually he gives up and begrudgingly lays in a random bed in one of the rooms. He lays there for a while, frustration evident. He keeps rolling back and forth on the bed trying to think of something, ANYTHING, to get him out.
What even is this place? Why is this happening? Are Tails and Amy trapped like he is?
Anger begins to boil within Sonic as the corruption starts to infect and influence him. He doesn’t even realize his quills darkening, too distracted by lashing out.
Eventually something causes him to hurt his eye and eventually he passes out from the exhaustion, the corruption finally overtaking him. And it morphs him.
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Now that Remembrance day is over I am slowly dreading the Christmas music to come back on...
I'm calling for it to come on in a week's time
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visenyaism · 2 months
i don’t know about you guys but the main reason i am still on tumblr in 2024 is BECAUSE it is the most cloutless least influential social media app out there and that is the experience i am after. absolutely none of this will ever translate into significant attention or real success in my life and that is so beautiful.
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bugsinthebayou · 6 months
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cunty sukuna
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