#saxe coburg and gotha kohary
dreamconsumer · 7 days
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Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha-Koháry (1824-1884). Unknown artist.
He was considered as the English government's candidate to be the husband of Queen Isabella II of Spain. This candidacy was due to the UK's strong ties with the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. The candidate was a first cousin of Queen Victoria's husband Albert, a nephew of King Leopold of Belgium, and a first cousin of King Ferdinand II of Portugal married to Queen Maria II.
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pokadandelion · 2 years
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Crown Princess Marie Louise of Bulgaria
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roehenstart · 2 years
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Clotilde, Countess Palatine of Hungary. By György Vastagh.
Clotilde was the eldest daughter of Prince Augustus of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and his wife, Princess Clementine of Orleans. Her younger brother was the future Tsar Ferdinand I of Bulgaria.
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drosera-nepenthes · 2 years
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The Prince and Princess Philip of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, whose quarrels have for many years furnished material for gossip at the Courts of Vienna, have at length come to the decision that life together is an impossibility; and therefore the Reigning Duke of Coburg has given his consent that the question of a divorce shall come before the courts of justice at Gotha very shortly, and be tried in due course.
The Princess Philip, who is still a beautiful woman, was only sixteen when she married Prince Philip on February 4th, 1875, who is fourteen years her senior, and who was even at that time, a man quite incapable of making his wife happy.
The Princess, who is the eldest daughter of the King and Queen of the Belgians, was a high-spirited handsome girl, full of life and very pleasure-loving, but with many amiable qualities and pleasant characteristics.
Her eldest son, Prince Leopold, was born on July 19th, 1878, while her daughter, the Princess Dorothea, was born three years later, on April 30th 1881. Her Royal Highness was devoted to her children, and while they were little she spent a great part of her time with them, and in this way was saved from looking for amusement away from home.
Prince Philip, who from the earliest years of his married life tried to train his wife to understand that marriage meant utter liberty for him, has naturally only himself to thank that his wife has taken as much liberty for herself, and that in consequence he has been put to the unpleasant necessity of fighting more than one duel on her account.
The Princess was neglected by her husband from the earliest years of their married life, and his open infidelities were the scandal in Austrian and Hungarian Society – the fact that he has on more than one occasion struck her being known by all. That the life of the Princess has not been what it should be is true; but Her Royal Highness suffered for many years before she gave way to her present extravagant manner of living, and had her husband been different, she would have been an excellent wife and mother, and have found a vent for her exuberant spirits in her favourite pursuits of riding and driving.
It was through the influence of Prince Philip of Coburg that the late Crown Prince Rudolph of Austria was led into the courses which ended with his tragic death at Meyerling. Prince Philip, who is the head of the Coburg-Kohary branch of the family, is enormously rich, and stated that he will not hold himself responsible for any debts contracted by his wife.
Lady's Realm, 1898
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historywithlaura · 3 years
Prince of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
(born 1818 - died 1881)
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pictured above is a portrait of the Prince of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, by Franz Xaver Winterhalter from c. 1845
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SERIES - On this day July Edition: August died on 26 July 1881.
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AUGUST VIKTOR LUDWIG was born in 1818, in Vienna. His parents were Prince Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld and Princess Mária Antónia Koháry of Csábrág and Szitnya, of Hungarian nobility.
He was born into the Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld line of the Ernestine branch of the HOUSE OF WETTIN, a dynasty that ruled Saxon territories in the Holy Roman Empire since the 11th century. And thus was from birth a PRINCE OF SAXE-COBURG-SAALFELD.
In 1826 his maternal grandfather Ferenc József, Prince Koháry of Csábrág and Szitnya died and his mother inherited the rich Koháry estate in Hungary.
That same year his uncle Ernst III, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld concluded an agreement with other members of the Ernestine branch of the House of Wettin over the Duchy of Gotha, whose ruler had died the year before. By this agreement Saalfeld was exchanged for Gotha and thus his uncle became Ernst I, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.
This event created a new cadet branch of the House of Wettin, the HOUSE OF SAXE-COBURG AND GOTHA, of which he was technically a member. However as his immediate family was in control of the Koháry estate in Hungary they became known as the HOUSE OF SAXE-COBURG AND GOTHA-KOHÁRY, although he was officially a PRINCE OF SAXE-COBURG AND GOTHA.
In 1843 he married MARIE CLÉMENTINE LÉOPOLDINE CAROLINE CLOTILDE, a Princess of Orléans, the youngster daughter of Louis-Philippe I, King of the French and Princess Maria Amalia of Naples and Sicily. With her he had five children (check the list below).
Although he was not the eldest son he inherited the Koháry estate when his mother died in 1862, because his brother Ferdinand II, King Father of Portugal had renounced his rights to marry Maria II, Queen of Portugal in 1836. And through this inheritance he became a wealthy man, owning properties in Austria and Hungary.
Aged 63, the Prince of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha died on 26 July 1881, at one of his Austrian residences Schloss Ebenthal in Carinthia. He was buried at St. Agustin, a Roman Catholic Church in Coburg, that he had built to serve as his family's mausoleum.
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AUGUST and his wife CLÉMENTINE had five children...
Prince Philipp of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha - husband of Princess Louise of Belgium;
Prince Ludwig August of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha - husband of Princess Leopoldina of Brazil;
Princess Clotilde of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha - wife of József Károly, (titular) Palatine of Hungary;
Princess Amalie of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha - wife of Duke Maximilian Emanuel in Bavaria; and
Ferdinand I, Tsar of Bulgaria - husband first of Princess Maria Luisa of Bourbon-Parma, second of Princess Eleonore Reuss of Köstritz and third of Alžbeta Brezáková.
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In History, specially Royal History, everything is somehow connected!
And through his relatives the Prince was well connected to many Royal Families around the world, such as:
Belgium, as a nephew of King Leopold I;
Portugal, as a younger brother of King Fernando II;
United Kingdom, as a first cousin of Queen Victoria;
France, as a son-in-law of King Louis-Philippe I;
Bulgaria, as the father of Tsar Ferdinand I; and
Brazil, as the father-in-law of Princess Leopoldina.
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europesroyalsjewels · 3 years
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Bulgarian Ruby & Emerald Fleur de Lis Tiara ♕ Tsar Simeon II
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wgabry · 3 years
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Prince August Leopold of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (1867 – 1922), was a prince of the Empire of Brazil and of the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha-Koháry. He was the second of four sons born to German Prince Ludwig August of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha and Princess Leopoldina of Brazil.
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Princess Philipp of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha née Princess Louise of Belgium holding her pet dog in 1898.
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✵ January 21, 1962 ✵
Margarita Gómez-Acebo y Cejuela & Simeon von Saxe-Coburg & Gotha
Courtesy titles: Tsaritsa Margarita and Tsar Simeon II of Bulgaria
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royalbloopers · 5 years
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The whole look is a blooper
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ambition-of-a-vixen · 5 years
Happy Holidays Part 1:| Self Para
Kalina found it hard to get back to work after not being able to spend the entire day with her baby on Christmas. She allowed herself to do one task then would run home to be with Ganya, her baby was doing more and she didn’t want to miss any moment of it. She began babbling and started crawling more. Kalina pleaded for Miguel to take very few appointments this week so he could allow the nannies to be able to go see their families for the holidays and because she knew it was any day that she was going to say her first word. Violeta and Carina thought it would be pa-pa while Lucena and Alma thought it would be ma-ma. The day before Christmas Kalina had Alma, Lucena and her daughter sit with her while they were with a group of citizens, wrapping presents for orphan children with gifts purchased with some of the money from what was allotted to her. These citizen had to go through a check before being allowed in the palace into the women’s quarters where some where allowed to even hold her daughter. She took that time to listen to their issues and how could the monarchy help them and the country. Kalina wanted to be available to help her new nation, not merely doing administrative work but getting on the ground. She insisted on having duchesses there, implying this is something they needed to bring to their duchy to help make the country better.
Kalina watched every woman like a hawk that held her daughter, she was trying to be more comfortable with the people and have them see that their queen-to-be was available to them and actually cared about them. It was how she was building love and favor with the women. It started with over seeing renovations to the orphanage and budget changes to make sure things were more efficient for the children, then she sought out university graduates to work their, giving them experience and a way to give back to the community. She brought in a therapist to help the children who needed that extra care and insisted that more of the aristocratic women began visiting the orphans every two weeks in there area to help the children. She forbade they went and make a huge spectacle and preferred if they didn’t go all at once either, she wanted the children to know even if they didn’t have parents, they would have people who loved them. Gift wrapping with the women, she made it be known that they would receive compensation for the day of work they missed and were preforming a civil duty, taking up two hours out of their work day. That allowed others to get over time. She needed to hear from working class women. Hearing from them about what they needed as well as tales about their own children, it allowed her to feel more comfortable with the citizens as well as see even if she was privileged, there were just somethings that were universal. She allowed the paparazzi in during their last 15 minutes to snap a few pictures, taking a group shot thought Lucena and Gabriela were up and away, putting the infant to sleep. These few women were the first to see the child since the photo shoot Kalina did in July where they still didn’t get a good look at her. It was then that the media received her name, Her Royal Highness Gabriela Micaela Yuliana Demetria Katerina Kohary-Orléans-Braganza of House Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Most Serene House of Braganza, Princess of Brazil. Since then the only cameras taking pictures of Gabriela truly were those of Kalina and Miguel’s service. Kalina wanted photo books commissioned every month of their daughter and special pictures of her and Miguel saved. It wasnt going to be the Royal Family’s holiday picture that year either. It wasn’t the year that the media would be able to see Gabriela again, grazing upon her beauty.
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theimperialcourt · 6 years
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Queen Victoria and family at Coburg on 21 April 1894, assembled for the wedding of Princess Victoria Melita of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (1876-1936) and Ernest Louis, Grand Duke of Hesse (1868-1937), both grandchildren of Queen Victoria. The wedding took place on 19 April 1894.
Two standing rows at back: Prince Louis of Battenberg; Grand Duke Paul of Russia; Prince Henry of Battenberg; Prince Philip of Saxe-Coburg Kohary; Count Mensdorff; Grand Duke Serge of Russia; Crown Princess Marie of Romania (Queen Marie); Crown Prince Ferdinand of Romania (King Ferdinand I); Grand Duchess Serge of Russia (Elizabeth Feodorovna); Grand Duke Vladimir of Russia; Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught; Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh
Second standing row: The Prince of Wales (King Edward VII); Princess Beatrice of the United Kingdom; Princess Philip of Saxe-Coburg Kohary; Charlotte, Hereditary Princess of Saxe-Meiningen; Princess Marie Louise of Schleswig-Holstein; Princess Louise, Duchess of Connaught.
First standing row L-R: Prince Alfred of Edinburgh; Tsarevitch Nicholas of Russia (Tsar Nicholas II); Princess Alix of Hesse (Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna); Princess Louis of Battenberg; Princess Henry of Prussia; Grand Duchess Vladimir of Russia (Maria Pavlovna); Grand Duchess Marie, Duchess of Edinburgh.
Seated L-R: Kaiser Wilhelm II; Queen Victoria; Empress Frederick of Germany; with Princess Beatrice of Edinburgh and Princess Feodora of Saxe-Meiningen in front.
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pokadandelion · 3 years
Princess Eudoxia of Bulgaria
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roehenstart · 2 years
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Tsar Simeon II when Prince of Turnovo.
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annalaurendet70 · 3 years
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Queen Victoria and her extended family at Coburg, German Empire for the wedding of her grandchildren Ernst-Ludwig, Grand Duke of Hesse and Princess Victoria Melita of Saxe-Coburg Gotha in April 1894.
Seated, left to right: Emperor William II of Prussia; Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Empress Frederick (Victoria,Princess Royal), with Princess Beatrice of Saxe-Coburg Gotha and Princess Feodora of Saxe-Meiningen in front.
First standing row, left to right: Prince Alfred of Saxe-Coburg Gotha; Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrivich Romanov of Russia; Princess Alix of Hesse and By Rhine; Princess Louis of Battenberg (Princess Victoria of Hesse and By Rhine); Princess Henry of Prussia (Princess Irene of Hesse and By Rhine); Grand Duchess Vladimir of Russia (Marie Pavlovna Romanova of Russia, the Elder); Grand Duchess Marie Alexandrovna Romanova of Russia / Duchess of Saxe-Coburg Gotha.
Second standing row, left to right: Edward, the Prince of Wales; Princess Henry of Battenberg (Princess Beatrice of the United Kingdom); Princess Philip of Saxe-Coburg Kohary (facing to her left); Charlotte, Duchess of Saxe-Meiningen (Princess Charlotte of Prussia); Princess Aribert of Anhalt (Princess Marie Louise of Schleswig-Holstein); Princess Louise Margaret of Prussia / Duchess of Connaught. Two standing rows at back, left to right: Prince Louis of Battenberg; Grand Duke Pavel Alexandrovich Romanov of Russia; Prince Heinrich of Battenberg; Prince Philip of Saxe-Coburg Kohary; Count Mensdorff; Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich Romanov of Russia; Crown Princess Ferdinand of Romania (Princess Marie of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Crown Prince Ferdinand of Romania; Grand Duchess Sergei of Russia (Princess Elisabeth of Hesse and By Rhine); Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich Romanov of Russia; Prince Alfred, Duke of Saxe -Coburg Gotha.
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fandom-oracle · 4 years
Okay Prince Boris of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha-Kohary of Hungary is cute af
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