#saying all this moments before he steals his pencil box to sharpen all his pencils for him
srnileforme · 5 months
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Winny Thanawin as Q.
WE ARE (2024) | EPISODE 5
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manananggal · 3 years
Written for the 13_Cases Prompt on the Trese Discord server by seductivevenus. Theme: Déjà vu + College. It's written in taglish and i’m too lazy to tanslate rn so... hehe. kinda follows the headcanon (?) from the fic Mumoo, Mumoo, Paano Ka Ginawa? that Alex went back to college to finish her degree. (naol! char graduating na din naman aqu)
Back when Lily was in second grade, she was seated to a girl named Alex.
Which, in her seven-year-old mind, sounded pretty cool. In a classroom full of Maries, and Annas, and Jennys, a girl having a boy’s name is unheard of. Her own name is pretty common too. She didn’t dislike it per se, but Alex (especially for a girl!) sounds waay cooler than Lily, so…
Alex was new to their school. She is fair-skinned, with shoulder-length hair with the darkest shade Lily has ever seen. She finds herself stealing glances at her new seatmate, her hair being a source of wonder for Lily.
The girl with a boy’s name is quiet. She doesn’t speak unless she’s called for recitation – she never raises her hand, but she knows the answer each time Teacher Evelyn calls her. Alex doesn’t speak until she’s spoken to and sometimes, she wouldn’t even answer then. Her being quiet is okay with Lily, though. Their house in Damka is noisy enough for her. Even their classroom is noisy enough for her.
The other kids, however, didn’t like Alex’s silence very much.
“Yabang naman neto,” Jen-Jen says, arms crossed as she walks back to her seat in the first row. Alex declined Jen-Jen Cruz’s invitation to play in their house afterschool . “Kala mo naman maganda,” She added, her upper lip curling in distaste.
Alex's demeanor didn’t change at all as she continued to eat her corned beef pandesal in silence.
Lily was confused, and maybe even slightly jealous. Jen-Jen was nice enough to her, but she was never invited to join them – not even for recess. Or even when they’re let out in the playground for PE. When she’d approach their group, Nicole, one of Jen-Jen’s friends, would say, “Puno na kami eh,”
“Alex, ‘bat ayaw mo sumama?” Lily asked, turning slightly to face her seatmate.
“Para saan? Marami naman sila dun,” It was the most Alex had said to her.
“Diba mas masaya kung madami? Classmate kami nung grade one. Mabait yun si Jen-Jen. Saka… maganda yung mga Barbie niya,”
“Kung mabait siya, bakit hindi ka nila sinasali pag nag-lalaro kayo?”
Others might assume Alex’s question as some sort of comeback, but even Lily’s young mind could understand the logic...? Sincerity...? of her words. Lily fell quiet as she chewed on her Square Lemon cheesecake.
Whispers started to spread that Alex is mean, and that she’s maarte for someone studying in a public school. After all, there must be something wrong with the quiet girl who turned down the chance to be friends with Jenny Cruz.
But when Lily’s too frustrated from having to squint at their teacher’s too-small handwriting on the black board (Kung sino man ang naka-isip ng alphabetical arrangement sa upuan, ang panget niya!), Alex would slide her own notebook closer to Lily, letting the other girl look from her notes. Alex’s writing is nice, especially for a second grader. A lot nicer than Lily’s Ate Camille, who’s already in grade six. The letters stay between the lines, and the pages of Alex’s notebook are clear of smudged eraser marks.
That day when Lily lost her Hi Catty pencil case, Alex lent her a spare pencil (newly sharpened, eraser on the other end intact, and without chew marks!). Lily looks up and gives her seatmate a grateful, teary smile. Alex gives her a smaller smile in return before resuming writing in her notebook. (Lily hoped that using the same pencil will make her own handwriting neater. It didn’t, but that doesn’t matter.)
When she opens her lunch box and sees that she’s having hotdog for recess for the third time that week, Alex offers to give her some of her baon. Lily took a single pandesal, and she swears she could hear the angels in heaven sing after she took a bite.
They’d sit together under the huge mango tree in the middle of the playground. Alex taught her to say “Tabi-tabi po,” before sitting. When it’s time to go back inside the classrooms, Alex would place a single, unopened chocnut in the base of the tree. Lily looked back once, and she could swear she saw a tiny person with skin as brown as tree-bark waving at them. She blinked, and the person was gone. She asked Alex if she saw it too, but all Lily got was a small smile.
Lily liked to think they were friends. Maybe even best friends. Which is why it hurt when one day, Teacher Vivian announced that Alex won’t be attending school anymore. She wondered if it’s anything she did. Maybe she annoyed Alex by being too chatty, or by eating her favorite corned beef pandesal one time too many. She didn’t think to ask for Alex’s telephone number – they didn’t even have a telephone at home. Besides, Aling Remy who owns the store in front of their house charges five pesos for five minutes. Her mom prepares her meals, and her dad picks her up from school, so there’s no need to ask for money.
Their class seating arrangement was changed, students were moved around, and Lily finds herself sitting next to a boy named Patrick who watches the same anime she’s seen and tells the same jokes she heard from yesterday’s Ang TV episode. As weeks turn into months, and months turn into years, Lily moved from using pencils to ballpens and intermediate papers and formal theme books, the girl with a boy’s name slowly faded from her memory.
Years later, when she enrolled back in college after taking LOA for a few years, Lily finds herself sitting in the back. It was the first day of classes, and she’s starting to regret taking the 9:00 am – 10:30 slot for Managerial Accounting, but the professor is highly sought after, and students are said to be lucky to be in his class. A girl wearing a long, black coat takes the seat next to hers.
Lily steals a glance at the person sitting next to her. The girl is staring straight ahead, her mouth set straight as she focused on what their Prof is saying. Her bangs (or is it a bang - singular?) looks cool, and while the long trench coat is way too hot for the Manila weather, the girl seems to rock it. She seems to disappear after class, and so Lily spent the next few weeks sitting next to someone who’s name she doesn’t know.
But that’s just college.
There’s something familiar about the girl, however, but Lily can’t place where she saw this girl before. Surely, someone with that distinct style would stand out. That’s the least of her worries, however, since Sir Lara had announced that there’s a quiz and she seemed to lose her only working pen.
“Shuta naman ‘bat ngayon pa…” Lily groans, as quiet as she can as she rummages through her bag for anything. She doesn’t really know anyone in this class. Within her circle of friends, she’s the only one who took this early slot to accommodate her work schedule. Being an irregular student, and an older student at that, she’s hesitant to approach these younger kids. 
She'll take this quiz with a crayon if she has to.
A flash of movement caught her eye, and she looked up to see her seatmate handing her a pen. “You can use this,” The girl offers. 
Her voice is a little deeper, but it suited her perfectly, completing the Queen of the Underworld vibe she has going on for her.
There’s something very familiar with the moment Lily finds herself in. It made her feel as if she’s forgetting a piece of a puzzle. But she could solve that for another day. Right now, the quiz is her priority.
“Mars, thank you!” She says, taking a relieved sigh.
Sir Lara started going around the room, reminding them to take one seat apart from their classmates before he hands down the answer sheets one by one. Lily was just thankful that she was able to study for this quiz last night.
When the bell rang signaling the end of that day’s class, she all but shoved her things inside her bag to be able to catch up with the other girl.
“Ate girl, yung ball pen mo!” Lily calls out.
The girl was already out in the hallway. Lily wondered just how many pockets her coat has, since she didn’t think she ever saw this girl carry a bag. “Uy, thank you ha.” She says, fishing the pen from her pocket.
“Wala ‘yon.” She regards Lily with a small smile. There is something that’s really, really familiar with the way her mouth quirks upwards.
“Teh, kung ‘di mo ‘ko pinahiram ligwak si watsung sa quiz. Ano palang name mo ulit? Ako si Lily,” She smiles, holding her hand out.
“My name is Trese,”
Wait… Lily heard that name before…
“Alexandra Trese.” The girl who introduced herself as Alexandra took Lily’s  hand and shook it.
“Wait, teh, parang kilala kita…”
“It’s been years, hasn’t it, Lily?”
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sugarwritesfanfics · 6 years
Growing Up (SpideyPool)Chp.4
fiWade and  Peter had been having play dates back and forth for the past year or so. Peter was now in the 3rd grade. Seeing as he skipped the 2nd grade because he was so smart, no surprise to anyone when his father is Tony Stark and one of his uncles is Bruce Banner. Peter had been going strong in learning about his superpowers and training to become a superhero. Tony and Steve along with the rest of the Avengers. Peter didn’t mind he didn’t want to be a superhero just yet he still wanted to be a child and play around.
Wade was in the 3rd grade as well, 3rd year at Xavier’s school, Wade was doing relatively okay in his studies but still acted out. He was getting restless and more dangerous in terms of how he acted. He played rough with the other kids, even if they were supers they were still kids. He listened to Logan most of the time but still acted out. He was still friends with Weasel and Vanessa and they played together all the time. Vanessa is the only kid Wade won’t push around. Weasel lets it happen but will speak up if he gets fed up with it. At the end of the day, Wade just wanted to be a wild kid and run around.
It was summer time and schools were all getting out, even if it was summer yet Tony and Steve were thinking about Peters next year in School. Charles already told them when they told the superhero communities about that if they wanted too Peter could come to the school, be around other super children just like him. So Steve and Tony thought they’d let Peter at least look around the school before he wanted to change schools.
They arrived at the school, Erik was there to greet the family for his husband, Charles was in the midst of dealing with an issue between the kids. “It’s good to see you two again,” he said smiling. It was about the time the kids would come out and play, the school never really closes for summer, most kids live there so Tony and Steve weren’t surprised to see some kids still at the school. Peter was holding Steve’s hand and standing a little behind him.
Two children from the many kids running around run up to Erik, one is a little boy who rand faster than everyone else and a little girl who was surrounded by pink mist as she tries to keep up with him as they run to Erik. Both kids yell out “Daddy” and seem to be a year or two older than Peter.  Erik looks at the two kids and kneeled down giving small hugs and smiling “Pietro, Wanda what is it that you need?”
“He sharpened all my pencils down to the nub while I went looking!!” Wanda wailed as she tried to hit her brother who was standing behind Erik snickering.
“Pietro is this true ?” Erik said looking at his son with an upset face.
“Yes..” Pietro said not looking at his father.
“You two are 9 years old you need to stop messing around. I will think of you're punishment later I have to talk to Mr. Stark and Mr. Rogers.” He said looking at the pair.
“Now go run off and play with your friends.”He said patting their heads and slightly pushing them off.
“Sorry about that, it’s hard to deal with twins who don’t know how to leave each other alone.” He said shaking his head.
Both Steve and Tony chuckled as they looked at Peter. “Petey, why don’t you go out and play with the other kids?” Steve said nudging him forward. Peter was a little shy looking at all the kids playing around with their powers and running around.
Peter walked over to the playground looking back at his fathers as they watched him for a moment then walked off to talk to Erik about the school. When Peter looked back in front of him he was greeted with Vanessa, dressed in some shorts and a white black widow t-shirt.
“Peter what are you doing here ?” She said excitedly but still calm. Peter was glad to see someone he knew and where Vanessa was he knew he could possibly see Wade. Wade was one of the only reasons he agreed to see the school.
“Oh my dads came to see if this school could be better for me, you know with my powers.” He said smiling lightly.
“Oh my gosh! You should totally come to our school! Wade, would love it, so would I, Weasel too.” She chuckled as Pietro passed her by quickly making her fall over, not far after him was and girl with brown hair and a white streak in her hair after him. “Get back here !” She yelled.
Vanessa got up with help from Peter. “He must have stolen Rouge’s juice box again.” She chuckled. Peter looked at her shirt as it was now covered in dirt. “Awe you're nice shirt.” He said pointing to it.
Vanessa looked down and looked at Peter with an upset face. “Peter, I’ll be right back.” and with that, she sped off in a similar fashion as Pietro yelling for him to come back following after who Peter assumed to be Rouge.
Peter laughed for a second and then continued on his way around to the playground. He spotted swings, and that excited him and he ran for them only to be beaten by a kid who had dark blueish purple skin color, fur, and a tail. Peter frowned lightly but was slightly excited to meet a possible new friend as the boy looked at him.
“Are you a new student? I’ve never seen you before.” He said swinging lightly on the swings.
Peter shook his head no, “No I'm just here to meet, and see the school.” He explained eyeing the swing.
“Well nice to meet you-“
“PETER!!!!” A familiar voiced called out.
Wade’s voice.
“Oh no.” The boy said as Peter was tackled with a hug from the side.
Peter fell with Wade and chuckled. “Wade I'm so glad to see you!” He said hugging Wade.
Wade smiled and then turned to the boy on the swing. “Kurt where you trying to steal my best friend?”
“No, I was just introducing myself.” He said rolling his eyes. Kurt, looked to be about 10 so a bit older then the twins he met earlier. “and I assume your name must be Peter then.” He turned back to Peter and smiled.
“It’s nice to meet you as well Kurt.” Peter smiled back.
Another boy with red hair, red glasses, and braces called for Kurt, he looked to be about 12 or 13, to join him at the top of the play tower. Kurt waved to Peter and stuck his tongue out at Wade playful and ran up the tower.
Wade finished sticking his tongue back out at him and turned to Peter. “Peter, why didn’t you tell me you were going to visit?! I would have gotten you something!!” Wade said as he invited Peter onto the swing set. “Well the trip wasn’t planned by me, my dads asked if I wanted to go to the school here and I agreed to see it,” Peter said getting on the sing.
Wade sat on latter near to the side of the swing set and gasped loudly. “You’re coming to the school?!”
“Maybe, my dads think maybe I’d fit in with kids that have superpowers better than kids who don’t,” he explained swinging back and forth.
“Well, you guys came a good time school has just been let out so I can show you around the school.” Wade smiled as he looked over at all the super kids, Weasel came out of the crowd and waved as he munched on a granola bar.
“Hey, Peter! Vanessa said you where here, I assumed Wade already wished you away.” He said chuckling.
Peter giggled and Wade blushed while laughing. “Well, we are best friends!” Wade replied as Weasel sat at the end of the slide no one of using that was close to the other two.
“Peter here came for a visit to meet the rest of us super kids and see the school.”Weasel smiled and finished off his snack. “Oh cool, Vanessa didn’t tell me that,” Weasel added.
“Where is Vanessa?” Wade asked looking at Weasel curious.
“She and Rouge are chasing after Pietro, again,” Weasel said as both boys laughed.
“Again?” Peter asked looking between the two others.
“Pietro is the second biggest troublemaker here,” Weasel stated
“Wade being the first.” He said pointing at a giggling Wade “ I can’t help it! It’s in my human nature!” He replied.
Both Peter and Weasel laughed as Wade rolled his eyes. “Anyways it’s good to see you again Peter me and Vanessa have missed you.”
Peter smiled “I’ll be sure to invite you guys to my next play date. Maybe I’ll even invite some of the other kids, I meet.”
The boys talked for a while until Vanessa and A girl in a pink dress that Peter saw earlier with Erik walked up to them. “Hey guys, good to see you, Peter, again this time with her brother no bothering me.” Vanessa and Wanda giggled together.
Peter chuckled and the other two boys laughed together. “Hey Peter its nice to meet you, my name is Wanda I'm the better twin.” She said smiling at Peter as he waved to her. “It’s nice to meet you too Wanda.” He smiled as she and Vanessa sat on another ladder.
“So Peter what do you think about the people you’ve met so far?” Wanda asked full of interest.
“Well I love that some of my best friends are here, and I’ve made some new ones as well, but I think I’d also meet some of my other best friends at my school,” Peter said shyly.
“OTHER BEST FRIEND?!” Wade yelled almost falling from his spot a latter. “Yea, Harry, MJ, and Gwen. They are all very nice, Harry and I met a little before I got my powers.” Peter said smiling.
“But I’m you're best friend Peter!” Wade whined “Wade don’t be so upset, Weasel and Vanessa are you’re best friends.” he chuckled.
“I’m hurt!” Vanessa and Weasel said sarcastically in unison and Wade, Peter and Wanda laughed.
“Well, I think Peter could have two sets of best friends, superhero best friends, and non-superhero best friends,” Wanda suggested in between her laughter.
“I will allow this, only if I am Peters top number 1 best friend.” Wade looked at Peter with play puppy eyes. “I can live with that,” Peter says smiling.
While the little group was laughing a girl “Hey guys you guys wanna play hide and seek with the rest of us?” The girl Peter saw earlier chasing Wanda’s brother, Rouge.
“Yea totally Rouge girls vs boys as usual ?” Weasel asked standing up.
“As usual, Weasel.” She nodded as some other boys and girls gathered random kids to play.
“Peter you should join us,” Wanda said as Peter got off his swing.
“Peter, you super-powered?” Rogue asked as she looked Peter up and down, Rouge looked to be about 11 almost 12.
“Yea he totally is! He can do things spiders can!” Wade said patting Peters back.
Peter shyly nodded and shot some spice webbing in the air.
Rouge smiled and nodded “You’ll survive then!” She led the group to the rest of the players.
“Boys vs Girls, as usual, a clean game! Call out who you find the first searcher will be Jubilee as she lost last game!” a girl with short black hair, and a pink sweater and pink glasses walked up and stood by Rouge, she looked to be 9. “Call out the person name when you find them. The last person on either team is the winner!” Rouge announced the rules as everyone got excited.
“We have a new player today! His name is Peter!” Peter waved shyly as everyone said their welcomes and they split into their teams of boys and girls.
“Don’t worry Petey I’ll keep you safe,” Wade said smiling as Jubilee started her count down from 30, and everyone ran to find a hiding spot.
Peter found one upside down under the jungle gym not too far from wade who was hiding at the bottom of the slide.
For the rest of the day, Peter played hide and seek with the rest of the kids, never losing or winning right off the bat. He enjoyed his time there but soon he and the rest grew sleepy and they all went inside where they went to their rooms and Peter was picked up by Erik before the rest of the group went inside and brought him back to Steve and Tony who went back to the Avengers tower.
As promised Peter had more playdates requested with Vanessa and Weasel coming along, even Wanda came along for a few. Peter made a few more visits to the school here and there but eventually decided to stay at his school, even so, Charles school wasn't too far from Peters school so after school he would visit sometimes.
So this chapter is longer, 2 times my normal chapter size to be exact because it took me a bit longer and I wanted to explore some of the younger kids we might see later and explore Wade’s side of the story I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :)
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themadlostgirl · 7 years
Not Dead Yet (Part 33)
*Hee hee hee*
Pairing: Reader x Peter Pan
Warnings: language
Before Peter and I left to grab more supplies I handed Candace off to Devin. She didn’t like that I was leaving her with some stranger but it was riskier taking her with me to another realm. We grabbed a handful of coins from the treasure chest before leaving.
I had to force Peter to go shopping before we went and started having fun. He complied but was groaning behind me the entire time as I picked out new blankets, tarps, cots, clothes, and canteens to replace all the ones we lost. In the end we had to steal a cart just to lug everything.
“I only came because you said we’d have some fun. It’s been three hours now and I’m still bored to death.” Peter grumbled as he pulled the cart alongside me.
“We’re almost done.” I assured him, “We just need candlesticks and matches. Where do you think those are?”
“How should I know?”
“I thought you said you’ve been to this market before.”
“I’ve been to the inn.”
“I’m not gonna say anything.” I rolled my eyes as we walked past a string of vendors. “I take that back, was the whore you shacked up with the last time you were here happen to be the candlemaker’s daughter because I cannot find the shop anywhere.”
I turned around but Peter was gone. “Peter? Peter?”
I spotted our cart near the corner and saw Peter browsing in a shop. There was a woman that looked to be in her late thirties showing him an array of pencil and charcoal sets. “Ahem,” I stepped up behind him, “I thought you were tired of shopping.”
“For dreadfully boring stuff.” He picked up a wooden case filled with pencils, quills, and an ink pot.
“You gonna get it?” I asked, “If you want it then get it. We have enough money.”
“No, just thought I’d look at it. We need more important things.” he set the case back down. “Do you know where the candle shop is?” He asked the lady.
“Down this lane, take a right, it’s next to the flower shop.” the woman explained.
“Thanks.” Peter walked out of the shop and headed in the direction of the candlemaker.
After Y/N was done buying the supplies Peter and her settled down at the local tavern for her promised drinks. Currently he was trying to show her how to down a shot to hilarious results.
“You are hopeless. You have to shoot it back not nurse it.”
“I tried the first time, it burned my throat.”
“Come on pet, stop being such a princess.” he poured her another shot. “Go.”
“You’re just trying to get me drunk and you should know that no amount of alcohol is going to get what you want from me.” she took the shot a bit easier this time but still coughed. “Can we stop with the shots? I’m just not getting it.”
“You are no fun.”
“I am tons of fun.”
“Prove it. You said we’d celebrate however I wanted and this is how I want to celebrate.”
“Not my words but I did say we celebrate.” she reached into her pocket and pulled out a little wooden box. It was the same one from the parchment shop Peter had looked at earlier. “Consider this a celebratory gift.”
“I told you I didn’t want it.”
“When do I ever listen to you? You treat yourself all the time, this time it’s my turn.” she pushed the case closer, “Take it. You’re gonna need it.”
“Why would I need it? I already copied down the Believer’s face.”
“Not for that. I know you like to draw. No one gets as good as you without practicing a lot. You just don’t because it’s not the kind of activity the others expect you to enjoy. Stop being the fearless Peter Pan and just be you once in awhile.” she handed him a ream of fresh parchment tied neatly together with string.
“I will take this if you chug a mug of mead right now.”
“How about this. You take it, I’ll chug the mead, but you also have to draw me a new picture since Candace burned my last one.”
“Deal. Two meads.” the bartender set two steins in front of them, “You go ahead and start and I’ll get started on this.”
“I am going to hate myself in the morning.”
“Should we get a room?” Peter asked as she started taking gulps of the frothing drink.
“You had better. I’m not going back to Neverland like this.” she grimaced in dismay at the half drunken glass, “Two rooms. I am not sharing a bed with you again.”
“One of these days you will.” Peter took a sip from his own drink.
“Yeah but we won’t be sleeping.” Y/N muttered and Peter choked. He caught the devious smirk on her face as she downed the rest of her mug. “There, now get drawing.”
“As the lady wishes,” He picked up one of the freshly sharpened pencils and set a piece of paper on the bar. What to draw? Last time he had just given her a portrait of herself but seeing as how she was leaning tipsy on the bar that didn’t seem the best muse.
Y/N is a strange one. Without any effort she can worm her way into his mind and make him do whatever she wants. Keep the phoenix that burnt down the camp? Of course you can. Come shopping for supplies for hours when he had more important matters to attend to? Sure. Get some drinks and stay the night but with little to no chance of finally having sex?  Why not!
He knew he had to respect her. Not doing so came with consequences. What he couldn’t stand was how she knew that she had a certain level of control over him. She knew and she stretched it. She crawled and fought her way into not only being his best friend but also his most trusted confidant and second in command finally knocking Felix from his long running position. She had her own little posse that were more her followers than Peter’s anymore. She was dangerous, strong, clever, sly, and confidant. He didn’t want to think what she could do if she knew magic. If he didn’t know any better he’d be scared she might try to overthrow him on the island. His vicious little Lost Girl.
There she sat giggling to herself and stealing sips from his drink. She had brought him out to celebrate and she was getting drunker than him very fast. “Slow down, pet.” he pulled the mead away from her, “You’re gonna make yourself sick.”
“I’m fine,” her words slurred slightly, “You really think I don’t know my limits?”
“The last time you drank this heavily was years ago. You don’t know the meaning of pacing yourself.” he took a long pull from the mug.
“Who’s the fuddy duddy now?” she leaned heavily on him, “I thought you was drawing me something. There’s nothing there.”
Peter stared back at the blank paper. “Just not inspired enough I suppose. Come on Y/N, I think you’ve had enough.”
“No.” she pushed off him and almost fell off the barstool, “I think I want to try another shot. Get me another shot.”
The bartender gave her an amused smile before setting a shot of whiskey in front of her. She picked it up and shot it back as if she was doing it for years. “See? I got this.”
“If you say so.” Peter packed the pencil set and parchment away, “You stay here, I’m gonna go get us a room. Okay?”
“Yes sir.” she gave a salute that threw herself into another round of drunken giggles. He was going to love lording this over her when she was sober again.
“Good girl. No more shots.”
“Fuddy duddy.” she stuck her tongue out at him before stealing his mug again.
Peter left to get the room. He knew better than to leave her alone and got a room with two beds for the night. He also paid off the tab for all the booze Y/N drank. The whole exchange plus a quick check to make sure their cart was still outside in the stables couldn’t have taken more than ten minutes. He grabbed the key to the room and went to collect Y/N.
When he got back to the bar though his Lost Girl wasn’t where he had left her but instead was hanging off some redheaded clotpole in a corner like some common floozy. Without a moment’s warning he tore the guy off her and pushed him away. “Whoa, what’s your problem?” the guy snarked.
“Back off before you do something you’ll regret.” Peter threatened through clenched teeth.
“Petey, what’s the big idea?” Y/N glared at him, “Why you gotta ruin my fun?”
“I am never taking you drinking again.” Peter muttered to himself and pulled her towards the stairs. “Let’s go.”
“No!” she ripped his arm from him and stumbled back into the redhead. “I was having fun with...this guy.”
“Sorry, looks like the lass has made up her mind, Petey.” the idiot mocked.
“Big mistake.” Peter used his magic and the guy’s neck snapped with a sharp crack. The inn fell into silence as they took a moment to process the dead body on the ground. “Upstairs, now!” he growled as he pulled a stunned Y/N up the steps and shoved her into the room. He doubted anyone would come to throw them out unless they wanted to run the risk of getting killed too.
“Way to go. I finally get some attention and you break his neck.” Y/N pouted as she collapsed back on the one bed. “You’re such a prat.”
“I’m the prat?” he snarled, “What the hell were you doing acting like a tramp for? I thought you were too good to let alcohol affect your judgement.”
She rolled her eyes and started to tug off her boots. “So what? You can go off slipping it to other girls but the second I lay eyes on some other boy and you get all jealous? Hypocrite.”
“I ain’t slipping it to other girls and you know that. There’s no reason for you to be looking at any other guys because if you want that kind of attention you just come to me. Got it?”
“Blah, blah, blah,” she chucked a boot at him, “You’re not so special y’know? Really looking what’s the difference between what he was doing and what you do?”
“Well how’s this for comparison?” he crossed the room and pushed her back on the bed. He pinned her arms up by her head before pressing a hungry angry kiss against her mouth. He was half expecting her to throw him off but given her drunken state she instead kissed him back.
Y/N broke her arms free and wrapped them around his neck to pull him closer. She was certainly stronger when she was drunk and a lot more clingy. All of which was fine with him.
She reached to tug off his shirt. “Not yet,” he pulled back away from her, “No need to rush things we have all night, pet.”
“I thought you liked me.” she mumbled.
“I do.” he pulled her up into his lap, “But you have to let me lead this time.”
“Okey dokey,” she ran her hands through his hair.
The heavy stench of alcohol on her breath hit him like a runaway carriage. She is really drunk isn’t she? Like, probably won’t remember most of what’s going on tomorrow level drunk. A part of him, a very loud part, told him to take advantage of this like he had been hoping to. Another very annoying voice told him that if he went through with this she would never forgive him.
“Son of a bitch…” he pushed her back. She gave him a confused look. “Sorry my dear, not tonight.”
“Huh?” she nestled closer into him batting her eyelashes, “Don’t you want me? Cause I want you. I really really want you.” she leaned in to kiss him again.
“I know you do.” he grabbed her wandering hands, “But you are very drunk and in the morning you won’t remember any of this. When we do get to it I want you to be able to remember every second of you giving into me and wanting me. Okay?”
“Boo!” she pushed off his lap and fell on the floor.
“Come here,” he helped her back up and set her on the bed, “Get some sleep.”
She rested back against the bed before the sound of her soft snores assured Peter she was fast asleep. He fell back against the other bed with a sigh. One day he’ll mute that stupid conscience of his for good. That didn’t mean that he couldn’t have a little fun. He looked back at Y/N as a devious thought drifted into his mind.
Oh sweet lord above. My head is killing me. I sat up slowly feeling like I was gonna be sick. I am never drinking ever again. This has to be a hundred times worse than the last time Peter and I went drinking. At least this time I didn’t do anything embarrassing. Or did I? I can’t remember much of anything.
I squinted against the harsh light streaming in through the window. Where was Peter? I could use a magical hangover cure. “Look who finally woke up.” Peter was sitting at the small desk near the door. “And it certainly is a good morning.” he eyed me hungrily.
“What are you--” I looked to where he was staring and yelped. I pulled the blanket up to cover my bare chest. Why the hell am I naked? “Peter? What happened last night?”
“You don’t know? I would have thought it was a night well worth remembering.” he smirked at me.
“Oh god,” I buried my aching head in my hands, “Did we…?”
“I’ll let you come to your own conclusions.” he reclined back in the chair. “After all last night you wanted me. Really, really, wanted me. Who am I to deny my Lost Girl what she wants?”
“I think I’m gonna be sick.” I rolled off the bed.
“Now that’s just harsh.”
“No, I mean I’m actually--” I clasped my hands over my mouth as a wave of nausea swept over me. I threw the window open and heaved over the side. Once the contents of my stomach were gone I sunk down to my knees and pressed my burning face against the cool wooden sill. “Kill me…”
“How about this instead?” he pressed his hands to either side of my head as my hangover started to abate.  “If this was gonna be your reaction I’m glad I didn’t actually go through with it.” Peter tsked.
“Y/N, do you actually believe that you and I had sex last night? I know you were pretty far gone but seriously, does anything feel different?”
Now that he mentioned it I didn’t feel any different. At least not in the way losing my virginity should feel I suppose. “But if we didn’t have sex, then why am I naked?”
“Just a bit of fun. I wanted to see how you’d react if you thought we really did the deed.” he dangled my knickers off his finger, “I guess you’ll be wanting these back.”
“You ass!” I snatched them from him as I rushed to put my clothes back on, “You inconceivably obnoxious asshole! Don’t do that!” I proceeded to smack him over the head with my boot.
“Hey! Ouch! Hey--Ow--Quit it!” he grabbed the boot out of my hands. “It was just a joke.”
“Not to me! You don’t joke about that kind of stuff with me!” I shouted at him. “You are so lucky that you didn’t actually go through with it because if you did--”
“You’d chop me into tiny bits and feed me to the wolves?” he sat down on the edge of the bed. “Hate me forever? Never forgive me?”
“Well...yes,” I shrugged, “But most of all I would just be disappointed that you wouldn’t have respected me enough to wait for my sober consent for something like that. I know it’s just sex but I have some self respect. I don’t need your opinion of me lowered any more by giving you an excuse to think of me as nothing more than some drunk common tramp.”
“Y/N,” he sighed with a smile, “If I thought you were just some common tramp last night would have ended much differently. But you are not. You’re my Lost Girl and all that implies. Also I just got you to start talking to me again, why would I risk your wrath by doing something so dimwitted as belittling your value to me?”
“I guess I have trouble remembering that you don’t hate me.” I sat down on the other bed and drew my knees to my chest.
“You aggravate me for sure.” Peter laughed, “You’re annoying and stubborn and nosey and incredibly disrespectful--”
“Does this have an ending anytime soon?” I snapped.
“Almost. You’re also very hot-tempered, reckless, condescending, cocky, but also very kind, thoughtful, protective of your friends, loyal, and intelligent. Also if it wasn’t obvious you are an attractive minx.” I hid my pleased smile behind my knees. He noticed and reached to pull my face from its hiding place. “What I’m trying to say is that all those tiresome and endearing traits of yours are what make you my Lost Girl. You’re my friend, I can detest you but I could never hate you. Not anymore at least.”
I cast my gaze around the room so he couldn’t see how happy his words made me. “I don’t hate you either.” I mumbled under my breath, “I know I say I do but I really don’t. Not even close.”
“I know.” he held my face in his hands pressing my forehead to his, “If there is anything I can do to ease your worrisome little heart that you are not in fact just some floozy to me, name it and it will be done.”
“Anything?” I quirked an eyebrow up at the generous offer.
“Within reason.” he was quick to add.
I let out a small chuckle as I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Ironically, I can think of one thing.”
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