#saykh ask
sajwho · 4 years
Oof. I know how awful it can feel when others plagiarise your work without even asking you for permission or giving credit. I'm sorry. :^/
Gchjk yeah it was a bit unpleasant but im mostly ok bc it was an old art so that's good
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 2 years
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Heartbreaking tears of prophet Adam (a) and the angel Gabriel for the sufferings of Imam Hussain (a)
It is narrated that prophet Adam (a) was very upset and sad after being expelled from Paradise. Out of remorse, he turned to God(Allah) and prayed until after a while God showed his mercy to him and through the angel Gabriel (a) taught him some words that by reciting them, Adam (a) had recourse to God and so his repentance was accepted.
“Adam was inspired by some words (of prayer) through which he received forgiveness from his Lord, for He is All-forgiving and All-merciful.” (1)
The Holy Prophet (s) was asked about the words, which Adam (a) was inspired by and made his repentance to be accepted. The Prophet (s) answered:
“Adam (a) prayed God by the right of those pure beings, so God accepted his repentance and forgave the sin he had committed.” (2) (3) (4) (5)
Also, in another narration in the book of Al-Durr al-Thamin, in the interpretation of the above verse, it is said that at that time, Adam (a) looked at the Foot of the Throne, in which the names of the Prophet (s) and the Imams (a) were written. Then the angel Gabriel was sent to him and dictated these words to him:
“O the Praised God, by the right of Muhammad (s), O Exalted, by the right of Ali (s), O Originator, by the right of Fatima (sa), O Beneficent, by the right of Hasan (s) and Hussain (s), from You is beneficence.”
So that through these words, prophet Adam (a) could be forgiven and his repentance be accepted.
When uttering these words, as soon as Adam (a) mentioned the name of Hussain (a), his heart broke and his eyes filled with tears and he said: “O my brother Gabriel! Why my heart breaks and my tears flow down when I mention the name of Hussain (a)?
The angel Gabriel said, Hussain (a) will be killed with thirsty lips while being leaved alone and helpless; if you see him that day, you will hear his call: “Alas for thirst! Alas for lack of helpers!”
Then, the angel Gabriel continued, “intensity of thirst makes the sky appear to him like smoke; no one answers him except by swords to kill him by cutting off his head like a sheep but from back of his neck, and they plunder everything he has from carpet and furniture and turn his head and his companions’ around the cities while the women of his house are passed by the heads…”
At this time, Gabriel (a) and Adam (a) cried like a woman whose son died for the sufferings of Hussain (a). (6)
(1) The Qur’an, Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 37.
(2) Al-Saykh al-Saduq, Al-Amāli, p. 135.
(3) Al-Daylami, Hasan b. Abi al-Hasan, Irshad al-Qulub, vol. 2, p. 11, Qum: Sharif Razi Pub. 1412 AH.
(4) Al-Fattāl al-Nayshāburi, Muhammad b. Hasan, Rawdat al-Wa’idin, vol. 1, p. 157, Qum: Razi Pub. (Bita).
(5) Ibn Bitriq, Yahya b. Hasan al-Hilli, Al-‘Umda, p. 379, Qum: Jami’a al-Mudarrisin Pub. 1407 AH.
(6) Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 44, p. 245; al-Bahrani, Abdullah, Al-‘Awalim al-Imam al-Husayn (a), p. 104, Qum: Madrasa al-Imam al-Mahdi (ajl) Pub. 1st ed. 1407; Qummi, Shaykh Abbas, Nafas al-Mahmum, p. 70, translated by Muhammad Baqir Kamara’i (titled Dar Karbala Che Gozasht), Qum: Jamkaran Pub. 3rd ed. 1372 SH.
(*) Gham-nameh-ye Karbala, p. 14, Translated from: Al-Luhuf alā qatlā al-tufuf, Author: Sayyid b. Tawus, Translator: Muhammad Muhammadi Ishtihardi.
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bobkirat · 6 years
Q) What does your Mann desire?
Bob: What is my Mann? Not my heart? Both sides of duality?
Turtle: Your Mann is thoughts that are driven by Maya. Whether the outcome of the thought is good or bad is still bought to the Mann by Maya. Manmat-mat driven by the Mann. Gurmat-mat blessed by the Guru (I.e; gurbani, simran etc.)
Bob: If I could pull you out of me like a parasite cleanse, I would. Like reversing the process of dripping morphine, trickling into my veins. If I could place you in the oven to burn the germs away, or spill bleach on you to drain you from your source, I would. If I could be a government on your body, invade every state of hair and rob you of your touch, I would. If I could, I would. I lie. Because I can. Why else would Guru Ji tell me "aaj milaavaa saykh fareed taakim koonjarhee-aa manhu machind-rhee-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o."
You can meet the Lord today, O Shaykh Fareed, if you restrain your bird-like desires which keep your mind in turmoil. ||1||Pause|| (ANG 488). You're wrong Bob, you're full of the desire of resistance. Resisting yourself; your being, your essence, your light. In resistance, there is only 'I'. Where there is 'I' there is no You. So no, you can't destroy your organs, your language, your senses. No. This is not what being asked of you. Let the parasites move in the motion of your energy whilst you live in acceptance. Allow morphine to drug you and aim to mould you but fail as you take support in Naam. Let the fire close enough to burn you, just don't do anything to draw it to yourself. You already have missing pigmentation on your skin, what more bleach could you beg for and why? The senses are guarding your body from reign, but connect to the power in your heart, in case the senses fail you with their naivety. So what will remain without resistance?
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sajwho · 4 years
hello! are you by any chance selling prints of your art? i absolutely adore your gertrude/agnes piece (and everything else but that one really Hits Different for me)
hello! I do sell some (tho old by now) prints on redbubble under the same nickname, but unfortunately none of the TMA ones because RQ doesn’t allow making money off of their products. 
However! I can send you the PDF file of that art for free and you can make stickers at your local print agency! I’m more than fine with that as long as you don’t sell those later or use the for profit in any way. You can email me at saj/who@gm/ail./com for the pdf! 
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sajwho · 6 years
this is weird but ive just decided to start listening to eos 10 and it seems that season 1 does not exists anymore do you have any idea why that is by chance?
Season 4, i.e. the new season, is airing right now on Stitcher Premium, and with that the creator of the podcast announced that s1 also moves to Stitcher Premium for the same time period. Later this year, around summer, both of these seasons will be publicly available once again.
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However! I decided to check my podcast app, and surprisingly s1 is still there and playable, it seems. It might be because I've been subscribed to the show before the update but I don't know. So try downloading CastBox app, see if you can find it and listen this way. I actually recommend this app just in general. Or subscribe to Stitcher Premium and get all seasons at once, if that works for you!
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sajwho · 6 years
7, 18 and 23 for the podcast questions thing-y, oh and also, if I can free style it a bit, what are the podcasts that you love that don't get enough recognition?
7. what podcast(s) are you currently listening to?
Right now I’m in the process of listening to Hello From The Magic Tavern (love it, honestly), and just started King Falls AM, not sure about this one yet. Also following the ongoing new eps of WTNV, Tides, Conversations With People Who Hate Me, Station Blue, Startripper, Good Morning Night Vale, Sayer and Dreamboy.
18. which podcast do you listen to de-stress?
Right now Magic Tavern works pretty nicely, but also Wooden Overcoats (honestly, the best comedy ever) and, weirdly, Sayer (it’s super dark and technically anxiety enducing but I enjoy it and the voice is just super nice to listen to). Plus, WTNV when I’m in the mood and the four episodes of Getting Curious With Jonathan Van Ness where he talks with the other Fab Five guys fgdhsj.
what are the podcasts that you love that don’t get enough recognition 
Oh man. The ones I listen to are generally relatively known. Fiction podcasting medium should get more recognition as a whole tho, y’know. I can say Tides but it’s relatively new so we’ll see later, but it’s definitely great.
That’s probably a strange choice but I kinda want to say WTNV. Obviously it has enough spotlight in general so there’s no need to advertize it but man, I’m so sad there’s a downfall in it’s popularity now, in it’s 5-6th years because those are close to being my favorites. There’s more complexity in everything, there’re some great arcs and reveals (the s5 finale twist still KILLS me and the context it gave to everything honest to god made the whole show two times better for me). The novels have given even more new stuff to discuss and I can’t find enough people to do it with. If WTNV was as popular now as it was during it’s first three years there would be SO much amazing material but sadly the tag is relatively quiet now.
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sajwho · 6 years
5, 7, 9, 23, 27, & 44 for the podcast ask game!
(sorry for the late response!)
5. what are some podcasts your mutuals love?
To be perfectly honest, I don’t really get the whole mutuals thing on tumblr and what exactly it means, I usually just follow creators I like and a couple of my friends. As for the friends, I know some like Alice Isn’t Dead, The Bright Sessions, Wolf 359 and obviously some others.
7. what podcast(s) are you currently listening to? 
answered here!
9. who is your favorite podcast character?
Damn man, that’s a hard question. I know my faves in each podcast I like but it’s really really hard to chose and overall favorite. It kinda shifts depending on what podcast I’m currently the most interested in, and for right now I don’t have one. My top choices are probably Kepler (Wolf 359), Cecil (WTNV), Sayer (Sayer) (Vriska (Vriska)) and Rudyard (Wooden Overcoats). If I had to choose a specific one I’d probaby say Cecil but not even because I find him more interesting than others but just because wtnv is kind of my long lasting interest that’s always there no matter which new podcast I favor in the moment. So I guess I kinda have to chose him.
23. what was your “gateway drug” podcast? 
Zero originality, it’s WTNV. I first listened to it in maybe 2013 or so and loved it ever since, and I actually only started listening to other podcasts about two or so years ago. In a way tho, I can say the gateway drug podcast for me was TBS, bc I sticked to WTNV and Night Vale Presents for a long long time, and TBS was my first ‘other’ podcast that gave me the push to losten to more stuff which was the best decision.
27. who is your favorite voice actor?
I probably have to say Zach Libresco lmao. I really enjoy listening to him and I kinda follow the podcasts he’s in, starting many of them just because I hear that he’s in the cast.
44. what nonfiction podcasts do you listen to?
Very few actually. Coversations With People Who Hate Me, Good Morning Night Vale and occasionally some episodes of Getting Curious With Jonathan Van Ness
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sajwho · 6 years
Thank you for the Kepler headcanons I'm no longer that invested in wolf BUT I'm still 100% invested in Warren James Kepler blease talk to me about Eric, his husband (also - did Jacobi ever find out about Eric? In your opinion, what would his reaction have been?)
FHGHJJ THANK YOU I desperately needed an exuse to talk about Eric hereOkay, so, this is basically a headcanon/an au (depending on your tastes) that popped into my head bc of a little joke, and that we with @myhsterie and @danielkjacobi developed later
Basically, Kepler was once married to a fella named Eric Euler 
It started as a marriage of convenience but the longer they were together the more actual affection and love was there
And then Goddard offers him a job and Kepler wants it bc he wants to work for progress but he knows it could make his personal life harder to maintain, and Eric is against it and they get into various arguments but Kepler takes the offer anyway
and it does make the relationship harder and he gets some second thoughts… 
And then GF decides to kill Eric.Because, like Kepler said himself, this work requires giving up your life. Kepler was a promising investment, so they ‘helped (:‘ a bit
Goddard kills him in a staged accident/actual torture with Kepler witnessing his death (we came up with different versions, depending on what kind of tragic and traumatic you want it to be). Kepler never finds out that Goddard was responsible.
The assasination took place during a trip Kepler and Eric had together. Their relationship was getting worse bc of Kepler’s work at Goddard and they wanted to save it, which is why they decided to have this vacation
There’s also optional cupler with Cutter kinda seducing emotionally unstable and grieving Kepler bc why not, we love cupler
Kepler still wears his ring, to this day, but on his right hand
(and since this is all my actual hc now (at least the basic idea of it) I’m gonna draw all my Keplers with this ring from now on because no one can stop me)
He also still keeps Eric’s ring.The Survivor Team comes back to Earth and they need to do something with Kepler and Maxwell’s housesso they go through Kepler’s….and find marriage certificate,,,happy photos….Eric’s ring……………..
They did notice Kepler’s ring before but didn’t really question itand after they find all this and the second ring it’s just…..‘Oh’They also find the info about what Cutter did in Kepler’s personnel files after they take over Goddardand there’s a second 'Oh’
There’s an additional part with a clone!Kepler au
Basically, an alien clone! Kepler au where he (and Maxwell, bc I can) come back to Earth, and he also finds out about what Goddard did
 It’s the most sincere shock and rage they’ve ever seen him in
Honestly, I just like imagining him… just getting really messed up emotionally after he finds out. He barely leaves his room for the next three days.Not that he cries himself to sleep, just… he doesn’t want to interact with anyone for a while, or let others see him like this
(I Just Want Kepler To Really Love His Husband OkayEric is Kepler’s one (1) feeling)
Also some more facts about Eric and their marriage:
They got married for health insurance benefits from Kepler’s job (I think we decided that Eric is diabetic?)
Kepler was a lawyer, Eric is either in HR or accounting; he was also in an art school and painting is still still his hobby
Kepler was practicing nude modeling  (don’t. .. ask) so he did a modeling thing for an art school. That’s where they first met rfhvj
There’re at least three (3) paintings of Kepler’s bare back in the world. Eric’s sold them. There’s also at least one in Kepler’s home 
They had a dog, a belgian malinois
Kepler loves hunting  (canon) and once took Eric with him. He turned out to be surprisingly great at it, and also he looks hot in clothes for hunting ggjbjThis was before the Realization and it was one of the moments what pushed Kep a bit closer to falling in love
Another such occasion was when Eric had a really bad day at work and just curled into Kepler’s arms
The moment they realized that it was no longer just a marriage of convenience is when Kepler won a high profile case and ran to Eric first in celebration, and they shared an Emotional Kiss
These two are one of those obnoxiously good-looking couples. Like, the kind you see in ads
As for Jacobi’s reaction...We’ve had a discussion and, well.
There’s an initial general shock of course, because it is surprising. I feel like he'd have a micro existential crisis from looking at a younger and weirdly soft and happy-looking Kepler. Plus, the Kepler he knows doesn’t really seem like a type of guy to get married. But he also understands how different that younger Kepler probably was from the one he knew, so it’s not really unbelievable.
If we’re talking kepcobi being a thing, mutual or not, I’d say that Jacobi is enough of an adult and he knows Kepler is an adult, he’s mature enough to not be jealous or anything of that sort. He might have a bit of a painful thought about the fact that he didn’t get to see such a domestic part of Kepler but oh well.
My main hc is basically just the fact that Kepler once had a husband who tragically died, which is what I actually apply to canon as a regular hc, but I love this whole idea, even if just as a verse or an AU.Tbh all of this is just us loving Kepler and enjoying imagining him having a Happy Domestic Relationship because why notOkay, this came out,,,,,, long, I’m so sorry. I just really like this whole idea. Thank you again for giving me an opportunuty to gush about it! I’d love to discuss it even further, honestly.
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sajwho · 6 years
8 and 10 for the baby gay ask? :O
8. when did you find out your sexuality?
To be honest, fairly recently. I came to terms with being bi maybe a couple months ago or something, maybe a bit earlier. I was sure I was straight for practically all of my life. But as everything around me started turning gayer, including my friend circle, I realized I want to not be straight. Then I started analyzing how I look at people and figured out that I actually might have a crush on a girl for, like, 3 years now, without me realizing that this is a crush. I was still really hesitant to call myself anything but straight bc I was feeling like it would just be me ‘invading‘ the space I don’t belong in bc I’m probably just a straight person who doesn’t want to be left out or something. I had many conversations about this with my friends (all of them not straight) who have all been extremely supportive. I was thinking about my sexuality and my crushes and the way I see people and all that practically every day. Then, at some point, I decided that yea, I guess I’m not straight. Let it be it. And I found that ‘bisexual’ feels the best for me. I still worry about what if i’m not tho a lot, but it’s less noticeable now. I figured that an actually straight person probably wouln’t think about all this so much. And the more I accept this the easier it is for me to fully see my possible crushes on anyone other than a guy as actual crushes. 
10. do you have any gay friends?
gfdhs as you can guess from the previous answer, yeah. I actually wonder if I have any straight friends tbh. I do, but there’re maybe two-three of them. Everyone else are on the lgbt+ spectrum, and, weirdly, this happened on it’s own. I met them all in different circumstances and yet, it just so happened. And they’ve been the ones that helped me to figure out myself.EDIT: SH-T I JUST REALIZED I ANSWERED A WRONG POST. I’m a dumbass fdhskI won’t delete all this, but I will answer the right questions gfcdhjs. [insert the i’m gay i can’t read meme]
8. What’s your favorite color?
Hm! I think it’s blue. Both sea-themed dark blue and a simple light blue
10. Have you ever been to a pride event?
Sadly, no, but I dream about going to one. Idk if it would be possible to do in my country but I hope that maybe one day...
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sajwho · 6 years
K e p l e r for the headcanons thingy bc he's awful and I love him
Anon: *Sighs* ugh Warren Keplep perhaps?
holy shit, thank you, I can talk about Kepler all day
Headcanon A:  realistic 
He knew he’s going to die in the end and was (mostly) okay with it, he just did not expect to die the way he did. He thought that maybe Cutter will just shoot him dead the moment he realizes what he did (if he’s lucky) or do something way more slow and painful (which was more likely but also it’s not like C&P had that spare time at the moment).
I’ll die for this hc but: he once had a husband. There’s a whole verse there and I can’t tell everything here, but can tell you that his name is Eric Euler and it was originally meant to be a marriage of convenience but they Caught Feelings
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious 
All of his long stories short are true. He exaggerates the details for hilarity purposesand so he can talk for a longer period of time but the main events in the stories are always true.
Also, he can do practically anything, to a degree. He’s not a professional at most of these fields but he can do a pretty good job if he tries to. Like, you can give him a violin or a freaking bagpipe, and he’ll play you a decent melody. Also, he’s an amazing cook.
Partially A, partially B: he can pole dance on an almost professional level.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
A part of the ex husband hc: Eric was killed by Goddard, on a vacation he and Kepler had together. Kepler doesn’t know Goddard was involved.
Also he still wears his ring, but on his right hand, to this day. Or, rather, he had been wearing it all this time, until he got burned in the star.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own. 
I missed the fact that the canon says he’s lost his hand and instead thought, for a pretty long time, that he’s lost his arm. So, in my head, he misses everything up to the ¾ of his left upper arm and I can’t force myself to change this image so screw canon.
Also, Jacobi, Minkowski & Co totally found out that Kepler helped them. I won’t accept anything else. They didn’t magically forgive him for everything, esp not Jacobi, but they still know
Send a character’s name to receive four different headcanons!
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sajwho · 6 years
9, 27, and 28!
9. how was your day?
Ugh, not that good. I’d been walking aroun the town all day long, it was (and is) hot af and my legs hurt. Plus, spent too much money I regret spending.
27. tell me a random fact about yourself?
I used podcasts I love as a material for a school project and now I’m using them as a project I need to get into a uni, because I’m a nerd
28. do you own any pride flags/merch?
Not really, but I have and absolutely amazing ‘Could Be Gayer‘ friendship bracelet @periodictoblerone made for me and I love it. I would love to get a bi t-shirt and a bi pin one day. Also maybe a classic prite shirt and some nb merch. One day
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sajwho · 6 years
for the fandom as meme - undertale?
Favourite Female: Undyne
Favourite Male: Mettaton
3 Other Favourite Characters: Frisk, Papyrus, Blooky
3 OTPs: don’t really ship anything
Notp: same
Funniest character: Sans
Prettiest character: Mettaton
Most Annoying Character: The Annoying Dog, duh
Most badass character: pffft Undyne
Character I’d like as my BFF: Sans
Female Character I’d Marry: Undyne
Male Character I’d Marry: Mettaton
Character I hate/dislike/least like: Probably Asriel. I don’t dislike him, he just doesn’t give me any special feelings
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sajwho · 7 years
Alana Maxwell for the character thing? :)
Sexuality Headcanon: Asexual Lesbian/ Biromantic with very little interest in anyone who isn’t a womanGender Headcanon: Doesn’t really think about gender so doesn’t exactly idetifies that way but technically lowkey agender A ship I have with said character: I wouldn’t say I have any. But Maxwell/Hera is pretty cuteA BROTP I have with said character: I mean. Is this even a quiestion. But yeah, Maxwell and Jacobi. I would die for themA NOTP I have with said character: I guess romantic Jacobi/Maxwell. Pretty much anything that isn’t herawell doesn’t really sit right with meA random headcanon: Maxwell is really conventionally attractive practically in every aspect but she’s not interested in that. Mostly wears sweaters and buggy pants. Also, Maxwell and Jacobi share clothes so she has even more clothes bigger than her actual size.General Opinion: I love the SI-5 more than any other characters, and, well, Maxwell is a part of it. Extremely interesting character that wasn’t given nearly enough time she deserves. Again, I would die for Jacobi and Maxwell being very very close bffs.
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sajwho · 7 years
Kepler for the character ask
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual with a preference for menGender Headcanon: cis maleA ship I have with said character: kepcobi would be an obvious answer so I’ll name something a little less popular. Hmm lowkey Kepler/Rachel. They still genuinely annoy each other and there’s practically nothing romantic about it butA BROTP I have with said character: The whole SI-5 gang I guess? Also Kepler and Jamie from the Nameless AUA NOTP I have with said character: Practically everything I don’t ship that includes him isn’t popuar anyway so I’ll just name a random thing…hhhh… let’s say Kepler/LovelaceA random headcanon: While he’s not unattractive, he’s also not the person whose beauty would be the first thing you notice in him. With that said, Kepler would be able to charm and/or seduce 70% of adult human population if he wanted to.General Opinion: listen. I’d die for him. I can confidently say that Kepler is my favorite character among all the podcast characters. He’s still and a-hole but I love him dearly (and it’s all Zach’s fault)
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sajwho · 7 years
How do you think Jacobi would have reacted if it had been Kepler killed during the mutiny instead of Maxwell?
Ohhh that’s interesting.
Not a 100% answer ofc but I think that Jacobi would actually proceed with trying to kill the Hephaestus crew. Not because Kepler was more important to him but because when Maxwell died, Kepler was there to order him to stand down, even though he was furious. I think Kepler is important enough for Jacobi so his death would make him almost, if not just, as mad but Maxwell wouldn’t be enough to stop his anger and impulsiveness. The rest of what could happen depends on what would the Hephaestus crewdo, but in any way, I feel like he would be even more antagonistic to them since in the original he kinda ‘bonded‘ with them after turning on Kepler but here he wouldn’t have any reason for that; and Cutter&Co’s arrival would probably be the only reason why they started working together in the end.
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sajwho · 7 years
for the character ask meme, aranea serket?
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexal/PansexualGender Headcanon: Cis female but what does it even mean for trolls. Feminine but doesn’t really care much about gender just like trolls in generalA ship I have with said character: hhhhh nothing, really. lowkey Aranea/Meenah maybe, really lowkey Aranea/JakeA BROTP I have with said character: also Meenah I guessA NOTP I have with said character: nothing, reallyA random headcanon: has really soft hairGeneral Opinion over said character: not someone I really care about so there’s not much to say. Interesting, I don’t really agree with her moral choices but overall neutral
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