#sbi college au
kailjoi · 2 years
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king shit, college au style— im kind of in love with his design
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raindrops-on-concrete · 5 months
the sbi fandom has truly spoilt me; do other real people fandoms not have a range of platonic fanfiction where they all find each other and become a family in all kinds of different AUs? are you telling me you've never felt the joy of a superhero AU? of a platonic coffee shop AU? a foster AU?
I get it when fandoms of pieces of literature aren't as rich in AUs bc the worldbuilding is part of the appeal, but isn't the whole appeal of RPF the people and their relationships that you can put in different situations?
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stressed-out-sloth · 1 year
SBI Spiderverse AU
This Au has been bouncing in my head for a while and its unlikely I’ll ever write it so I thought I might as well share it with the world. I came up with this fic after reading the fantastic fic Feelings Out on Paper (for those who haven’t read it, I would recommend it, it’s got an Ours Poetica kind of vibe to it) and thought “Yeah but what if this was a vigilante fic?” and then I saw the commercials for the new Spiderverse movie and thus this AU was born. I hope you guys like it.
 Without further ado, here’s the AU:
Tommy is the adopted son of Phil Watson alongside twins Technoblade and Wilbur
Unfortunately, Tommy’s relationship with his family is very strained
They used to be really close when they were younger, but when Wilbur grew older, he thought it was embarrassing to hang out with his baby brother so he pushed him away and called him annoying so he’d leave him alone
Techno was kind of the same way, becoming more introverted as he grew older, he just kept his distance from everyone and preferred being alone. But Tommy being young didn’t understand this and thought that when Techno avoided him, it was because he was annoying like Wilbur said and not because Techno was like that with almost everyone
When Tommy was 10, the twins left for university and decided to go out on their own after graduating. In the 6 years they’ve been gone, they haven’t contacted Tommy once despite making time to call Phil once a week.
Shortly after the twins left for college, Phil got a promotion at his job that required him to be in the office more often, which meant Tommy was alone most of the time
The thing is, Tommy’s neglect is kind of unintentional. Phil is really busy but he makes sure to check in on Tommy every once in a while, and every time he asks how he’s doing, Tommy always says he’s fine. And why would Tommy lie about that? Phil also doesn’t know about the twins not talking to Tommy. If he knew, he’d be pissed. 
The twins also have their reasons, but they’re not good reasons and they definitely don’t justify the 6 years of silence
So Tommy’s neglect isn’t out of malice. Even though it’s unintentional, it’s still neglect and it’s no excuse for their actions. Still, they all care about Tommy even if they don’t show it. Tommy understandably doesn’t see it this way
Tommy thinks he’s ignored because he’s too annoying and loud and he’s not as smart/talented as the others, which is why Phil makes time to call the twins but doesn’t spend time with Tommy
Over the years, Tommy grows bitter towards his family, thinking that he’ll never be worthy of Phil’s love/attention like the twins are. It also doesn’t help how he constantly hears about how successful his brothers are, leaving Tommy to believe he will always live in his brothers’ shadows and that they’re happier now that Tommy isn’t in their lives
Yay miscommunication!
Anyways, one day during a high school field trip, Tommy is separated from his group, stumbles into a room he’s not supposed to be in, and gets bit by a spider. You know how the rest goes
So Tommy develops powers and being the reckless teenager he is decides to test them out. During the test run he stumbles upon a mugging and using his newfound powers decides to step in. A week later, the vigilante Spiderman was born.
At first, Tommy did it for the thrill of using his new powers, but now he genuinely wants to protect the city and enjoys the feeling of helping people (it’s also definitely not an excuse to get out of the empty and quiet house that reminds Tommy of just how alone he is)
It’s been 6 months since Tommy became Spiderman and he’s become a prominent figure in the city. Not everybody appreciates his efforts (especially the cops), but for the most part Spiderman is respected and liked by the people
One day, Tommy comes home to see Phil looking excited. When Tommy asks what’s going on, Phil explains that the twins are coming back to visit during Spring Break
Needless to say, Tommy is not pleased. They ignored him, called him annoying, and then went off to college and cut off all contact with Tommy for years, and NOW they’re coming back just like that? He’s having none of it.
Tommy decides to go on patrol after dinner to blow off some steam. During his patrol, he sees a villain (haven’t decided who yet) messing around with some dangerous and illegal looking technology. Tommy breaks the technology so it doesn’t work anymore, but that causes the device to explode, zapping Tommy with some weird energy, causing him to pass out and for the building to collapse
He wakes up to find that the villain and the remains of the technology are gone. Whatever the machine zapped him with didn’t really hurt/affect him in any obvious way so Tommy heads home
A few days later, the twins come home and things are a bit tense. 
Wilbur is acting as though nothing changed in their years apart, expecting Tommy to be the same kid who adored Wilbur and followed him everywhere when they were younger. He wants to spend time with him “like the good old days”, forgetting how cruel he was to Tommy before leaving and cutting contact for 6 years. He’s genuinely surprised and hurt when Tommy acts cold and indifferent towards him. 
Unlike Wilbur, Techno figures out why Tommy is being distant but doesn’t realize just how badly his actions damaged their relationship so he gives Tommy space expecting him to come around eventually
Meanwhile, Phil knows things are awkward between his sons but he’s under the delusion that the twins kept in contact with Tommy so he thinks his family is still close and that the awkwardness will soon go away. He’s also around the house more and actually being a somewhat-attentive parent despite his busy schedule now that the twins are back (this doesn’t make Tommy bitter at all)
Tommy wants nothing to do with any of them and decides he needs to get out of the house, so Tommy goes patrolling like he always does when he needs to ignore his personal life
So Tommy is patrolling like normal when all of a sudden, not one but three people show up with similar spider-themed suits and using the same abilities Tommy has
Before Tommy can fully process this, one of them ask if Tommy’s the Spiderman of this reality
The strangers tell Tommy that each of them are a Spiderman from a different reality and were suddenly sucked through a portal and brought here. They were hoping to talk to the Spiderman of this reality to figure out what’s going on
The four of them decide to go somewhere private to talk to figure out what happened and how to get each of them back to their own reality
As they’re discussing theories, Tommy remembers about being blasted by the weird energy from the villain’s device and how it seemingly unaffected him. 
The four of them theorize that the device was built to bring people from alternate realities into this one, and upon hitting Tommy, the technology decided to bring in people with similar DNA, AKA, other Spider-people
The four of them decide it would be best to reveal their identities for convenience and since they’re from different realities secret identities don’t matter so much
So they all unmask and Tommy finds out that the other Spidermen are Phil, Wilbur, and Techno
Tommy kind of freaks out for a bit, and so do the rest of the Spider SBI (they are especially concerned and surprised about Tommy being Spiderman)
They all share their backstories and find out that the four of them are a family in every universe, the main thing that’s different is which member of their family got bit. Another thing that’s different is the timeline with Tommy getting his powers only half a year ago while the rest of the Spider SBI has had their powers for a few years. (The Spider SBI are concerned about how young Tommy is but are glad he didn’t become a vigilante at 13-14)
Fun Fact: All members of the Spider SBI were bit by different spiders. All of them have the standard powers (which includes biological webbing because let’s face it, none of the SBI are smart enough to make web-shooters) but each of them also has one unique ability. Tommy can create bio-electricity like Miles Morales, but he can’t turn invisible, that power is belongs to Wilbur. Techno has stingers coming out of his wrists that can paralyze people and Phil’s healing factor is so advanced he can regenerate and is practically immortal (think Deadpool or Wolverine)
After doing more planning/investigation on how to get them back to their realities, Tommy says he has to go home but will meet back with them in a while
The next day, this reality’s Wilbur wants to hang out with Tommy, being very pushy about it. Tommy rejects him and lies, saying how he already had plans with friends and leaves to reunite with Spider SBI to help them out.
At first Wilbur was ok with it, thinking that there would always be another chance, but then Tommy rejects Wilbur’s advances the next day and then the next day. Every time Wilbur feels more and more hurt and confused, not knowing why Tommy is treating him so coldly. He also thinks Tommy’s hiding something and desperately wants to know what it is but is told by Techno not be nosey and go snooping through Tommy’s things.
Meanwhile, Tommy is spending time with Spider SBI trying to get them back home. 
While they’re investigating, the Spider SBI want to get to know Tommy and ask him things like what his hobbies are, if he has friends, if he’s happy. In that time Tommy also gets to know his fellow spiders, about the ways that they’re similar and different from his own family
The Spider SBI are kind to him, they laugh at his jokes and tell him they don’t think he’s annoying. They are supportive, bandaging him up when he gets hurt, understanding his needs as a meta human, and helping him with some tricks they learned from their experiences as Spiderman
Tommy feels more love and care in a few days from the Spider SBI than he has felt from his actual family in 6+ years
One day, Spider Techno asks if his family is ok with him spending so much time away from the house, surely they must be worried about him, right? And all of a sudden it’s like a damn burst. Tommy tells them everything, about the twins being cruel and ignoring him before leaving for college and cutting contact for 6 years, about Phil barely being around during that time, about how the twins show up out of nowhere and how everyone expects things to back to the way things were.
To say the Spider SBI are pissed is putting it mildly, they are furious about how poorly their counterparts have treated Tommy over the years. They reassure Tommy that he did nothing wrong, that its his family’s fault and they don’t deserve him.
Tommy leaves the Spider SBI feeling lighter, reassured, and feeling a lot better about himself. But all of that comes crashing down when Tommy sneaks into his room only to find Wilbur standing there, holding one of Tommy’s spare spider suits
Being impatient and nosey, Wilbur had ignored Techno’s advice of not invading Tommy’s privacy and decided he needed to know what Tommy was hiding and he needed to know now, convinced that whatever he was hiding was the reason Tommy was being so distant. 
Wilbur hadn’t expected finding out that his younger brother was a freaking vigilante with superpowers
Wilbur then waits in Tommy’s room for his brother to return, and when he does, Wilbur confronts him about being Spiderman. He starts scolding Tommy about being reckless and stupid and about how dangerous his little hobby is.
He then asks Tommy if he even cares about how worried they all were, about how being Spiderman was clearly driving a wedge between their family and making him distant with everyone (because surely that was the only explanation for why Tommy didn’t want to be with his family)
Tommy. Fucking. Snaps.
Tommy screams at Wilbur that he has no right to say he’s been worried about him after being a shitty brother and never bothering to call once in the years he’s been gone. He keeps going and says how even before he left he wanted nothing to do with Tommy because he was “too annoying”
The commotion causes Phil and Techno to see what’s going on and they see Wilbur holding Tommy’s spider suit. Wilbur helpfully fills them in on his recent discovery that Tommy was Spiderman
Phil feels hurt, asking why Tommy never told to him, to which Tommy replies “Why would I? You’re never here.”
Tommy then goes on a well-deserved rant about how alone and abandoned he’s felt and how it is unfair for Phil, Wilbur and Techno to shut Tommy out of their lives for years only to now all of a sudden want to be a part of his own life. They didn’t care about him before, so why should they start caring about him now
Techno tells Tommy he’s being unfair, that they’ve always cared about him and have a right to worry about him because they’re family. Tommy just says he hasn’t felt like a part of the family in years before jumping out the window and running away
The next morning, Spider SBI find Tommy and ask him what’s wrong, to which Tommy tells them about what happened the night before and that his family found out his identity
Spider SBI are FURIOUS. Spider Wilbur is especially angry about how his counterpart acted
The Spider SBI tell Tommy he should go on patrol and beat up some bad guys to make himself feel better while they hold down the fort and make progress on how to get back to their dimensions
Tommy agrees and goes out, and as soon as he’s gone the Spider SBI start to plan
 So the Spider SBI go hunting and find their counterparts (who are all kicking themselves and wallowing in self-pity over what they’d done to Tommy, feeling horribly guilty and ashamed) and then proceed to kidnap them and bring them back to their base
Once there, the Spider SBI reveal their identities and then start tearing into this dimension’s versions of Phil, Wilbur and Techno, going on and on about just how shitty they were and that they don’t deserve Tommy
This is when Tommy walks in, back from patrol a little earlier than expected. He sees his family all tied up and being yelled out by the Spider versions of themselves and naturally is confused and concerned
When Tommy says that this treatment is a little much, the Spider SBI disagree, especially Spider Wilbur. 
He goes on about they need to hear this, that they need to realize just how badly they messed up and how much they’ve taken Tommy for granted and just how lucky they are to have him
Spider Wilbur then says he would do anything to have Tommy back in his life again
And of course, Tommy asks Spider Wilbur what exactly he means by then
As it turns out, Spider SBI all have something in common: shortly after gaining their powers, their version of Tommy died to a criminal, and his death inspired them to help others
In other words, Tommy is their Uncle Ben’
This is why Spider SBI reacted so strangely when they found out Tommy was this universe’s Spiderman and why they were so angry about their counterparts’ treatment of Tommy. Because in their universe, Tommy’s been dead for years and this universe’s SBI don’t realize just how lucky they are to have him in their lives
I haven’t figured out the exact details of the rest of the plot but I do know the ending
Spider SBI with the help of Tommy (and possibly regular SBI) manage to go back home to their own dimensions after defeating the villain. They all have an emotional and tearful goodbye, with Spider SBI telling Tommy that they’ll miss him and Tommy telling them that he’s sure their Tommy’s would be so proud of them
After that the Phil, Wilbur, and Techno of this dimension all apologize to Tommy for how they treated him and resolve to be better after finding out how much Tommy suffered and getting a wake up call from their Spider selves
Slowly, they become more involved in Tommy’s life, supporting and helping him out with being Spiderman when they can while also being there for him in his normal life
It takes a very long time with probably a lot of therapy, but very slowly the four of them heal and become a real family again
Wow that was a lot of writing. If you’re reading this it means you’ve made it this far and I’m really thankful you took the time to read my ramblings. I really hope you enjoyed this silly little AU, until next time!
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zorishy · 6 months
Symphony of Gods and Dreamers (DSMP AU)
🟢 DSMP (sorry for bad grammar, this was mostly just me vomiting my ideas onto the post)
My DSMP au makes the world so much bigger and full of life than canon.
The arctic empire from SMP earth exists, hypixel is a whole kingdom, the bear SMP exists and that’s where Niki is from, the wreckage of tales from the SMP locations can be found in the woods, places from fanfics such as the blue valley are very important to the story. The story takes place over a much longer period of time, the L’Manberg revolution alone lasts several years! Dream is like 50! He was an adult before Wilbur was even born. Tommy and Tubbo had families before being adopted by Philza, but they were killed by Dream’s armies in their quest to conquer the world. Dream stole the revival book from Kristin decades ago.
Dream is a tyrant and a cult leader with armies and followers dedicated to his mission to control as much of the world as possible. The DreamSMP is a continent that Dream has discovered and, at the beginning of the events of the server, it has small townships spread around the woods that are full of people gathering resources for colonies. The original L’Manberg members were followers of Dream who had begun to question his power.
Las Nevadas is not just one street with some restaurants and a casino! It’s a massive fucking city with hundreds of thousands of citizens, they have communities and schools and farmer’s markets, It’s the first city in the SMP with paved roads! Snowchester is a cosy little college town up north surrounded by mountains. Students from schools in Snowchester and Las Nevadas go on field trips to L’Manberg and Eret’s castle. The center of the SMP is this huge historic town kept in top condition by volunteers dedicated to preserving the history of the land.
Kinoko Kingdom was built by natives of the SMP and can be found deep within the forest. The people of the kingdom have myths and legends of a time when dragons and demons and gods roamed the earth. When Sapnap showed up, being half demon, they worshipped him and made him their ruler.
There is an entire cult that worships DreamXD! every few hundred years XD selects a member of his cult to give godhood to (Techno, Foolish, and Callahan are amongst those selected). DreamXD is older than the universe itself and has witnessed the rise and fall of countless worlds. Several SMP members were gods in their past lives and knew XD personally (some relationships were more positive than others). That’s why XD is so infatuated with George and so hateful of Bbh.
Characters like Puffy, Antfrost, and Sam are just single individuals who are members of entire original species. Ranboo was born a prince in the end but his people were driven out. The nether was accidentally discovered by cultists and legend says that’s where the demons came from.
My vision of the SMP has grown far beyond a Minecraft roleplay. I wish I could tell you everything but that would take way too long to write. For now I’m just focusing on Wilbur and the other bursonas. I can’t possibly talk about every single character and that makes me mad. Maybe in the future I will go into more detail on sbi and DreamXD.
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Dark SBI Mafia AU because I reread yours, and I watch too much General Hospital.
Techno is a struggling college student. Not struggling with grades, oh no. He has perfect grades. All of the assigned work? Too easy. What he actually struggling with? Money.
His asshole parents wanted him to stay local for college, but he wasn't going to do that. He was destined for greatness. He was a shoe-in for an ivy league school. He did fencing as an extra curricular, he had perfect grades, he had written KILLER entrance essays. It was a done deal. He was leaving his podunk small town and going off to become the next great american author.
But all of his applications were rejected.
Techno was incredibly upset with himself, thinking he had somehow messed up. But, after doing a little "legal adjacent" searching, he finds out his parents used shady connections to get his college apps rejected.
Instead of getting mad and calling them on it, he quietly (and quickly) applies to a different school. Not ivy league, but still having a FANTASTIC writing program.
He gets in and he tells his parents he is going to a different college than the community college and they flip their lid. It's a huge argument and Techno stomps out of the house and goes to stay with his friend Skeppy.
He stays with Skeppy until he graduates, completely ignoring everytime his parents try to contact him. He's 18, they can't do shit to make him go home. Skeppy is a good friend, and applies to the same school that Techno did (and gets in). Techno never told his parents WHICH school he was accepted to, because he didn't want them to sabotage him. So, he and Skeppy get an apartment together the Fall that school starts.
Hence why Techno needs money. He didn’t get as much scholarship money as he needed because he applied late. He's a shoe in to get more grants next year, but this year is pretty slim.
So, he starts a little business of writing people's essays for them.
Doesn't matter the subject, level, or length, Techno will write your essay for you. He charges by the grade. Oh, you only have $70? I can't get you more than a C on that one, bud. Like, Techno is really only in college for the diploma. He already knows all this crap. It's honestly a little boring to him. But if he wants to get a doctorate, he has to play the game. And, if anything, all the writing is just more practice for Techno.
His teachers are none the wiser. It's not like it pings a plagerism scan. Techno is writing each one individually. How would they know?
Well, one teacher knows. Or, at least suspects. But he can't prove it.
Anyways, Techno is all about that money grind, which gets a little hard when Skeppy starts throwing parties in their apartment.
Skeppy is polite about it. He always tells Techno ahead of time that parties are happening. He makes sure everyone knows that Techno's room is a No-Go. And honestly, Techno ABSOLUTELY advertises his essay sells at these parties. At least, he does so before people get too drunk and loud, and then he quickly retreats to his room. He had splurged on soundproofing. It's much more quiet.
However, one night he stays out at the library late and when he fights his way through Skeppy's party to get to his room he sees someone sleeping in his bed.
Wait, not sleeping, passed out absolutely WASTED.
And the guy...looks almost exactly like Techno.
That's weird. Seems like the start to a bad horror film. But Techno is too tired to deal with this and tries to shake awake the jerk that's snoozing in his bed.
He doesn't get anywhere with that. The lanky bastard doesn't wake at all but GOSH does be sleep slap! Bruh. Techno doesn't have time for this. Techno finds the guys wallet and phone and pulls up the emergency contacts.
He calls the option labeled Dad. Screw this guy, hopefully he gets chewed out by his dad for underage drinking or something.
A person answers, sounding annoyed that Wilbur ditched family night.
"Uh, I have your son."
Silence, and then the guy on the other end starts the threats, asking for demands and Techno backpedals hard, telling him that Wilbur is just drunk passed out in his bed and someone needs to come grab him.
The voice on the other end is just like "Oh, oops. Okay, I'll come grab him."
Techno has to drag mostly unconscious drunk Wilbur through the party. The dude is fighting him with every step. Techno is getting a WORK OUT.
Techno finally makes it out of his apartment and sees a very shiny black car. A driver steps out and opens a back door. Techno was assuming that he was just going to drop Wilbur in there before a blonde man steps out.
The guy is kind of staring until Techno breaks the silence. The guy hurries forward to help. Wilbur mutters nonsense as Phil sets him in the back of the car.
Phil thanks Techno and Techno brushes it off as no big. Until Phil offers money and hey, Techno isn't going to say no to money. And the guy gives him, like, $2000 cash. Is that sketchy? Yes. Does Techno care? Nope.
They say their goodbyes and Techno walks back into the apartment, a little exhausted.
He doesn't notice Phil staring after him like a hawk, before climbing into the car.
Phil maneuvers Wilbur's head into his lap. He looks down at his son, his oldest son who was born a twin. Who's twin was stolen when they were only DAYS old, Phil preoccupied with helping his wife who had had a really traumatic birth.
A twin he had thought dead, the person who had stolen his son having spit that in his face when he had slit their throat.
Phil pulled out his phone and started making calls.
When Wilbur starts hanging around Techno, he assumes that the guy wants a discount on essays. Fat chance. He charges Skeppy double, he's not giving this guy any leeway.
Yet Wilbur hangs around, constantly asking prying questions. Wanting to know more about Techno. Pestering Techno in the library. Following Techno to the dang bathroom.
The guy is relentless, but Techno isn't...bothered, per se. The attention is nice. Skeppy had made a new friend named Bad and spent a ton of time with him. He kept encouraging Techno to make more friends, too.
Well, what could another friend hurt?
It's surely fiiiineee.
Have a good day.
I kept this ask hostage for so long, it's been collecting dust in my ask box for over a MONTH. But only because I wanted to come back and keep rereading it. This is SO GOOD, and my brain has brrr thoughts in many different dimensions. Especially about how Techno's 'adoptive' parents could factor into this...
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k1ngm1d45 · 9 months
SBI AU where Phil has two small boys, Wilbur [8] and Tommy [5], and they all live in a nice house in a small town.
Phil has been acting rather suspicious lately and the boys take notice.
While trying to find out what their dad is hiding, they notice him talking to a tall man in the driveway.
The man looks scary in the dark and they think hes threatening Phil, so when Phil announced that a guest would be staying the night, they pull a Home Alone and booby-trap the entire house.
They think they’re protecting their dad, but it turns out that the guy is actually just a college english professor named Technoblade, Phil’s platonic lover. Now the boys are panicking because they booby-trapped everything and now are at risk of hurting their dad’s boyfriend.
Only thing is- they forgot where they put most of the traps-
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loversj0y · 1 year
thinmking abt next door neighbor au
excpet moving in next door to the whole ass sbi
bc philza “wanted to be close to his sons techno and wilbur for college” and tommy is still in high school but he does it online bc its less distracting for him
and then theres reader. transfer uni student. has no ckue who anyone is. literally just renting a room out of the place next door
and philza sees u and goes. “oh wilburs gonna like them”
and hes right and yeah :3
im hungover so tbats all i got
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royallygray · 7 months
fic recs pls (part 1)
I am in need of long (don’t actually know what qualifies as long, 10k+ words?), complete (or not) dsmp (mainly sbi) or Life Series fanfic recommendations. I have read so many and I am trying to find more to soothe the brain itch.
Here are several that I have read, if you’re looking for fic recs yourself :)
Dream SMP (SBI)
tommyinnit’s clinic for supervillains by bonesandthebees (bonesandcacti) — [26/26 chapters, 189k words] aka “clinic”. A superhero au from Tommy’s pov where he’s just chillin with his healing powers and then he heals a villain and then gets sucked into it. He also gets attached to this Wilbur guy that visits the coffee shop he works at.
the world forgetting by the world forgot by bonesandthebees (bonesandcacti) — [21/21, 165k words] A superhero au from Tommy’s pov where he is the hero Dream’s sidekick and has terrible amnesia, forgetting the entirety of what happened the year before. The Syndicate, a band of villains, is looking for something that was stolen from them.
Hush Now (You Were Lost But Now You’re Found) by CorpseArt — [Incomplete, 56/?, 301k] A superhero AU where Tommy was Dream's sidekick and made it his entire person, and then Dream kicks him out of the Hero Corp. Tommy needs to figure out what the fuck is going on, bc there's no way Dream would just do that, even if he did protect the villain Siren. Their one rule is to not kill. Also he meets this funky man named Wilbur at a coffee shop and they become besties. (Pogtopia my absolute beloved.)
say you’re open by remrose — [9/9, 43k] A magic AU from Wilbur’s pov where he finds this kid unconscious on the floor if his shop after attending his mother’s funeral, obviously bearing the marks of intense chaos magic. He takes care of the kid. He also gets sold a mysterious object. The twinsduo here makes my heart sing. Also Phil is kind of like “you are mildly breaking the law” and Neapolitan trio just shrug.
Technoblade’s Entirely Average Babysitting Gig by opheliabloo — [3/3, 34k] A Techno pov fic where he is in college and needs money. A really shady family is offering like 20k for babysitting for 3 hours or something absurd like that, and him being a money-hungry college student, he ventures to this house in the middle of nowhere to take care of gremlin children that try to kill him.
His Curse of Binding by bari_astralis (orphan_account) — [30/30, 144k words] A foster au from Tommy’s pov where he is reincarnated into different Greek hero stories and he needs to figure out who this time’s story is before his sixteenth birthday. Featuring: Complicated SBI bonding, (minor) Clementine being a girlboss, bench trio being absolutely precious, allium duo making fun of each other but alsok being so damn precious, Linda Smith and Miss Allingham bashing (you’ll understand when you read it, I hate their guts), and generally trying to find your peace in life.
Breathing’s Just a Rhythm by MollyPollyKinz — [53/53, 186k] A time travel canon-divergent fic where Tommy, Schlatt, Dream, Tubbo, and The Voices travel from Exile era back to Pogtopia-Manburg era, and they've gotta fix the shitty world and avoid Dream at all fucking costs. Relationship building happens, and the Voices are the best character to ever exist in all literature.
the from ice to water series by Drhair76, plantform — [12 works, 157k words] The main fic is icing those hurts, but my personal favorite is hailing on you. An ice skating au fic centered around found family and belonging in a place without harm. In the main fic, Tommy gets healed, but in hailing on you, Wilbur gets healed and it's so sweet <3
holding onto nothing by remrose -- [20/20, 71k] A mainly Techno pov fic, twinsduo centric. adhd and autistic techno, and his mom is a bitch. He goes to the Crafts for help and it's terribly sweet but also pretty angsty. At times this fic has literally been my lifeblood, like my support system in keeping me alive. I love it so much.
My Faithless Hoax by phantom_star739 -- [24/24, 105k] A supernatural? (fae, vampire, siren) crimeboys centric fic with mild political aspects. I don't really know how to describe it, but it's amazing.
Fic recs part 2!
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slimeyliveshere · 2 years
Status: DONE ✨ Words: 908 Pronouns: She/her A/N: Football AU ==============================================================
The bright field lights shone on the field as I walked into the stadium. Fashionly is late as always. The score currently showed that SBI was ahead by 7 points. I quickly made my way over to the side bleachers where fewer people sat. Correction there where only one college-aged guy and a high schooler. they were sitting on the first row of bleachers painting each other's nails. One of the boys waved to me. I recognized him from one of my classes, Karl maybe. I started to walk up the bleachers my sketchbook still in my arms after giving him a small smile. 'I am only here for the assignment' I reminded myself. As soon as I sat down the bell went off starting halftime. I opened my sketchbook to get started on the drawing. "Uhm... (Y/N) right?" The same boy who sat at the end of the bleachers now stood right in front of me. "Yeah? Your Karl right?" I asked the guy. His face lit up with a smile. "Yeah! And that's Ranboo he guessed behind his back to the freakishly tall high schooler. "Would you mind if we sat next to you?" Karl asked. "Sure you can..." I told the boys. Karl ran down the bleachers and grabbed his backpack and nail polish. He walked back up Ranboo following him. I went back to sketching the people onto the field. A good hour later I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Karl. "Could I... I... Uhm... CouldIpaintyournails?" his words came out in a blur. I set my half-done sketchbook to the side and turned to Karl. I put my hands out a lopsided smile on my face. He took the queue, grabbed one of my hands, and grabbed a bright shade of purple and black nail polish. The colors were the color of the SMP college football jersey. While sitting there I noticed Karl was wearing the jerseys the people on the field were wearing. "You didn't tell me you played," I questioned Karl who sat in front of me focusing on my nails. "Yeah, I guess I do. I am out for a sprained ankle for the next two weeks" he said sticking out his bad ankle," he said laughing a little. Ranboo sat next to me jumping up when his team- the SBI School district got a little closer to a touchdown. "THE GAME'S ALMOST OVER TOMMY! RUN AS YOU'VE NEVER RUN BEFORE TOMMY!" Ranboo yelled over the crowd quite a few people staring at him. SMP was ahead by 7 points. Just then Callahan broke out of the group of boys jumping on Tommy. Ranboo's mouth fell agape as he watched his friend get pulled to the ground as the buzzer went off. The black-clad side of the bleachers jumped screaming out and hugging their neighbors. Karl jumped up shouting and started to run down the bleachers the best he could and toward the field to celebrate with his team. Ranboo just started screaming profanity into the thin night air. Soon, the bleachers cleared out to go celebrate the win against SBI. Expect the football team. "HEY, (Y/N)! YEAH, YOU ART NERD!" my head jerked up from my sketchbook and found the source of the all too familiar voice. My ex-the-football-captain-grade-cheater-jerk, Dream. The group of overly arrogant football players now stood at the foot of the bleachers. "How's a single life going?" Dream asked a smirk on his face. Karl stood behind him looking quite guilty. He glimpsed up and mouthed a silent sorry to you. Before Dream could throw any more insults at you a tall male walked up behind Dream and grabbed the back of his jersey. "What is happening here, Dream?" the male asked in a monotone voice. All the football players took a step back except for Dream who stood ridged in his place.       "No-nothing Techno," Dream stammered tripping over his words. Karl turned and broke away from his team and ran up the bleachers and clasping onto my waist. Ranboo now stood behind you glaring daggers at Dream.       "Good, now scram," growled at the captain of the football team allowing him to run toward a group of girls at the entrance his group of goons followed him beside Karl.       "Ranboo? She good?" Techno shouted up from the bottom of the bleachers.       Ranboo looked down at me. "You good?" he asked unrest in the back of his eyes. I looked back up at them and smiled up at Ranboo.       "All good," I piped. Ranboo turned to Techno and gave him a thumbs up. Karl who was still holding on to my waist finally let go.       "Ranboo! The team wants to get Freddy's come on!" Techno shouted from where he still stood after he threatened Dream away. Ranboo's face broke into a smile. He scribbled something onto a lilac sticky note before sticking it to my face and taking the steps two at a time to get to the walkway and outside the stadium with Techno on his tail. I reached up to my face and pulled off the sticky note. On it was two phone numbers. One had 'Ranbo' above it.  The other had a note         ' Techno talks about you all the time I am doing him a favor ' above the second set of numbers. Karl stood next to you reading over your shoulder.       "(y/n)'s got a date!" Karl declared in a sing-song voice.
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bugflies00 · 8 months
do phil & techno exist in your au?
yes they do!! i keep forgetting to talk about them and i think it's because i haven't explored their characters enough in my head so im not as attached to them in this au, but i really want to develop them more. originally this was an sbi au but then my crimeboys solo brain (and my tntduo brain) took over. but sbi is very much a found family in this au too!!!
i think i mentioned that wilbur met techno first, probably through their job? originally i wanted phil to be a college prof who meets wilbur when hes a student, but then i scrapped wilbur going to college after school because he doesnt have the money or time (he does eventually go in his late twenties!! because he really wants to like he loves learning and it was always a dream of his), so phil is still a college prof in my heart but yeah.
he's techno's dad, and techno's mum isn't even in the picture, i guess she's dead lmao. yeah im making that canon she's dead because then wilbur and techno can make dead mum jokes. <- you just saw the live process of a fact being canonised.
anyway twinsduo bond at their retail job over talking about history and ancient greece and literature. techno is a classics major at his dad's college, and he took a job to get some money on the side. sometimes he sneaks wilbur his textbooks just because he's really passionate about the topic and he's really jealous of techno who gets to learn about it and have the college experience and live at home with his dad.
phil and wilbur have a Somewhat? fatherly? relationship? over time as crimeboys & emeraldduo grow closer phil definitely starts acting as a father/mentor figure for wilbur, but it's never like. official. wilbur doesn't call him Dad or anything. but they still love each other a lot it's very much found family but i suppose not in the traditional sense.
it takes a LONG time for wilbur to warm up to phil though, he has a tendency to distrust adults given. well. His Whole Life Experience i guess. but the second tommy meets techno he makes it his life's mission to annoy him as much as possible. This is a mark of love. it takes a long time for techno to realise that . tommy and phil also get along pretty quickly, phil's chill, easy-going vibe matches well with tommy's . General Presence.
they live a couple streets away from wilbur & tommy's flat (and later in the story when wilbur buys a house with q they buy the house right beside phil and techno's. they make a hole in the fence separating the houses so they can hang out in the other house more easily!). phil gets really worried about wilbur when he learns that he has a teen and a baby in his care alone, so he tries his best to help out where he can, but obviously wilbur's a stubborn asshole who refuses help, so phil has to be subtle about it. one day when he's visiting he finds the fridge is empty except for baby formula and a single sandwich for tommy's lunch, he doesn't leave wilbur a choice he makes him come over and feeds all of them. and wilbur keeps protesting but phil's like "it hurts them too if you refuse help" and so he shuts up.
phil teaches english, and he's kinda the cool old teacher who always swears and talks shit but who cares a lot about his students, and it's a similar relationship he has with crimeboys. he and techno also have a very funny (to me) relationship because often when they talk it doesn't feel like a father and son, more like two weird old friends who constantly jab at each other. it's very confusing if you don't know them.
techno also doesn't have a lot of friends (mostly by choice) and phil is like. The One Person he trusts the most. he begrudgingly starts allowing wilbur in that circle. eventually also tommy although that takes work (thats a lie techno loves tommy but he has to act like he hates him because yknow. The Principle).
to a lot of people's surprise, fundy and techno latch on to each other very quickly. it's surprising because fundy was a very very shy and anxious kid, and as a baby, he would cry if he was held by anyone who wasn't wilbur. and techno is this big burly socially awkward guy who doesn't know how to give hugs. but for some reason fundy immediately trusts him and lets him carry him and techno is very gentle with him. he doesn't talk to him like a baby, he has conversations with 6 month old fundy about ancient greece and politics and linguistics. he's the only person besides wilbur who fundy will fall asleep in the arms of. even when fundy's an older kid they still have that bond, at any social events they'll be in the corner so they don't have to talk to people.
techno also plays the violin, and when he learns this tommy begs him for months to play him something and he refuses. one day tommy comes home crying because he had an awful day and skimmed his knee and got a bad grade and his lunch got soaked in the rain, and techno leads him up to his room and silently begins to play a piece. tommy never shut up so quickly in his life LMAO
i think that's all i have for now but if you prompt me i can talk about anything in this au for days
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nomsfaultau · 2 years
Premise of SBI SCP AU
This is an au that has consumed me. This blog will just be a terrible mess of whatever I’m stuck on for the week, likely with little explanation and heavy spoilers. Anyway, the general vibe + anomalous properties are below cut:
Philza: The Zilant. Is the immortal concept of fire and fury, which pretends to be a dragon, which pretends to be a human. Maintains his personhood by attaching himself to mortals he calls his ‘Collected’. Currently: Tommy, Wilbur, The Blade, and Tubbo. Additionally, Philza is very intent on keeping any promise he makes and was kept in the Foundation exclusively because they’d captured his Collected and made a deal. Gives great dad advice, except when the advice is ‘let me murder them for you <3’
Tommy: The Instigator. Has a blood red liquid on his hands that grows when he’s scared. When people touch it, they become aggressive to anyone but Tommy. At low TI-Red levels this leads to things like bickering, but it escalates to physical violence and brutality. When TI-Red levels consume him and he thinks he’s going to die, he summons The Blade. Lived as a normal human and met Wil, Phil, and The Blade after a summoning at 15; visited the homeless guys occasionally till the Foundation captured at 16. Abandonment issues, highly touch starved, used as a Thaumiel. Collected Tubbo.
The Blade: The Blood God. Is a massive boar behemoth with voices in his head. When attacked (or if there’s an orphan), becomes The Blood God, who will bend the universe to ensure he wins. The Blade only comes back when the challenge has been completed. Grew up as a monster in the woods, but pulled himself up out of the voices, figured out what was him and what was The Blood God, and established his own personhood. Somehow has a college degree, met Phil and Wil during a gap year. Loves gardening and murdering people for Tommy. Also managed to come out of the Foundation the least traumatized, iconic. 
Wilbur: Soot. [tags are noms Wilbur or scp Wilbur if you want to block] His legs magically rearrange so he is the tallest humanoid in the room. Oh also the void in the side of his face that eldritch abominations claw their way out of. Was basically a feral starving child till ~14 when Philza forcefully adopted him. A chronic insomniac with a heart of gold and a tongue of silver, held together despite the inherent contradictions between being a supreme survivalist and a drama hoe. Memory issues because he represses basically everything. 
Tubbo: The Pollinator. Is a honeycomb skin suit for approximately 400,000 bees. Uses they/them we/us pronouns, because they are a Hive mind/system containing at least three humans: a Little, a Foundation employee, and a lawyer/farmer. Tubbo grew up mostly normal, albeit in secret. The most recently captured by the Foundation, and a staunch pacifist. This causes them to be at odds with Philza, who did a few murderous rampages too many, and The Blade, for the reason above and also because he destroyed their legs. But they stick around because they’re attached to Tommy. 
Basic vibes are found family, hurt/comfort, questions of morality, and trauma at the hands of the Foundation and each other. Things get messy, but it’s all bound together with love at the end of the day.
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lennjamin-o7 · 1 year
do you think you could describe specifically what phil & techno look like in your unnamed god au? I kinda wanna draw smth for sbi whumptober w your au 👉👈
Hmmm it's kind of hard, considering they are going to have different appearance depending on when in the fic.
Techno in college had long hair, clean shaven, and tended to wear college hoodies and t-shirts because they were free. Not much style there. Woodsman Techno is wearing all black like a creep. Black zip-up jacket, black shirt, black pants. But he does have a beard during this. Not much opportunity to shave in the woods. He still has long hair. Its just easier to manage in the woods, though he doesn't have shampoo so its frizzy. He keeps it braided most of the time.
Phil's first appearance has him very scruffy. Long unbrushed hair because he has been bound in a way that doesn't exactly allow for brushing his hair all that often. His clothes are somewhere between ancient Babylonian and Egyptian. But they are older fabric. Ancient Babylon favored bright colors and layers. He has been bound long enough that the colors are faded and the fabric is on its very last legs. Phil in the modern day is STILL gonna favor Babylonianesque/Egyptianesque/Mesopotamianesque robes, but he is gonna get a haircut. Chin length. He isn't going to have a big beard, even though that WAS what historical Babylonians had. This is fantasy, he can have his chin beard.
As for when Phil finds Techno? I feel likes in not a spoiler to say he will spoil him. He's gonna get some nice clothes as well. Definitely going to be in the reds and golds.
I hope that helps!
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yurigalactica · 1 year
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✩ you can call me max!
✩ i'm fine with any pronouns!
✩ i run a multifandom blog (primarily ninjago, gravity falls, the owl house, danny phantom, horizon zero dawn, and mcyt)
✩ i'm a huge music fan (my favorite artists are los campesinos, the arctic monkeys, car seat headrest, the oh hellos, chappell roan, and phoebe bridgers)
✩ my ao3 is spaceninjas, more about my fics below
✩ local mad scientist (suffering microbio major)
✩ mutuals can ask for my discord anytime :D
more info below the cut! enjoy your stay <3
here's a list of my frequently used tags! (i'm currently in the process of revamping my tags, so older posts might not be tagged properly!)
#max originals (my original posts) #max writes (my fanfic stuff) #max liveblogs (liveblogging watching streams/shows) #the homies (talking to my mutuals) #gold star (my favorite posts) #irl stories (irl stories that i deem funny enough to post about) #college shenanigans (irl stories, but uni flavored) #adventures in capitalism (irl stories, but work flavored)
i write fics for several fandoms, and while i'm very slow at updating, i have no intentions of discontinuing any of my fics! that being said, several of my fics have been placed on temporary hiatus for the time being, and all of them can be found below! more to be added once all of my aus escape my google docs drafts ehehehe
beyond the nebulae — aka my long mcyt space fic! it’s sbi-centric with copious amounts of bedrock bros and worldbuilding. as of writing this it has 5 chapters posted with ~30 more to come.
boreas — aka my mcyt urban fantasy/gods and goddesses au! it’s part one of a four-part series that’s tommyinnit centric! as of writing this it has 1 chapter posted with ~9 more to come.
no dni, just be chill and we're chill. i'll block if the vibes are off but that's pretty much it. anywayyyyyy look at my blinkies boy
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apollo-spen · 2 years
Sbi Fanfic Recommendations
Here are some SBI fics i’ve read on AO3 I thought I would share :). Some are one-shots, series, longer fics a mix of the sort. As well as a mix of different tropes. SOME ARE DARK SBI FICS SO PLEASE READ THE TAGS AND TW’s. As well as some might be crime boys, bedrock duo, etc. This is just all the fics i’ve read throughout 2022 so I’d thought i’d give recs for anyone who needs them! Anyways enjoy :). I will add more as the days go on but here are some from my list! :)
You Can’t Spell Student Government Without Three Letters From Stupid by leafcabbage: This is a Ranboo-Centric fic that features bench trio. I believe there are different POV’s and I know it isn’t just an SBI fic but I thought I would list it. This is the first fic apart of the series it’s in. This was honestly one of the best fics i’ve ever read. It talks a lot about struggling with mental illnesses and the stressors of being an overworked college student and it immediately draws you in. It is a long fic but i highly recommend. (Completed)
Might As Well Be Dead by Timeskip_God: This one is Tommy-Centric and features a lot of dark themes so pay attention to the warnings. Features Eburnean Tommy AU as well as SBI. I believe it takes place in the DSMP universe but i could be wrong. This one might be a tear jerker so watch out. Overall I love this fic and it was definitely a good one. 10/10 (Completed)
A Very Odd Family Indeed by Opheliabloo: This one I believe is multiple perspectives or it may just be Philza-Centric. It talks about how Philza finds children and says you’re mine now :). Has angst with happy ending so very good. (completed)
Little Flower by Peb_ble_sto_ne: Okay you better strap in because this one hurt. This is a one shot but it includes HEAVY angst. Switches from multiple POV’s. Tommy battles with depression while his brothers try to fix their broken relationship. This one is so sad but is so good. (completed)
That’s My Kid, My Sunrise by Spooky_mateo: Apocalypse AU with kid Shroud the Spider. Tommy-Centric. Tommy tried to keep his kid safe and finds something that was missing found along the way. Very Very good! (completed).
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anarchy-and-piglins · 2 years
I got stuck in 2 hours of traffic and got an AU Idea.
Dark SBI because I'm nothing if not consistent.
TW: character death (he gets better, though. Or, well, he reincarnates. Techno is just temporarily dead.)
Anyways, the whole world knows one truth.
God is Dead.
Or, at least, the being people remember as god is dead.
They all argue on the how and the why and the when and the who. But every culture agrees that the only god that walked the earth is dead.
And he took magic with him.
Modern time, archeologists discover an ancient underwater temple, absolutely gorgeous and in its original state. Sending robots down, they discover this one room that MUST be important. It's locked up. And it has these strange markings on it that remind them of texts on magic. But magic is gone, so they aren't worried.
Turns out, they should've been worried.
Because god was not dead.
He was imprisoned.
Philza, the one revered as a god, had once ruled the world. Completely. Wholely. His magic and might prevented anyone from standing against him.
Of course, he didn't do it alone.
His best friend was human. A master swordsman who literally did not CARE about knowing magic. That could be Philza's thing. He was a strategist, a scholar, a warrior, and a god's best friend.
He was Technoblade.
Technoblade would refuse his friend's insistence that Technoblade become immortal, uninterested in playing life on easy mode. Besides, he already couldn't be beat. Technoblade never dies, he didn’t need magic.
A coup happens, unthinkable. But Techno is getting older. Slower. So he gets caught. And the conspirators use that against Philza. Technoblade will die or Philza will consent to being bound.
It's not a hard choice for Philza.
But, as they are shutting the doors on his tomb, one conspirator grins and slits Techno's throat, leaving Phil's final view of his friend being Techno dying.
When Philza is released, he is FURIOUS. Thousands of years have only made his wrath grow.
The death toll approaches millions, before someone who knows even a fraction of the ancient language is able to convince Philza to talk to them. But, the language is OLD. It is HARD to communicate in a LONG DEAD language.
Philza doesn't calm down, but he ceases his rampage. And then he notices the faint trace of his friend's soul, somewhere in the world. He can't tell where, but it's THERE. Techno has been reincarnated. He tells the interpreter that his revenge will only end when they bring him the person he needs.
The remains of the human government agree because what else can they do?
But, ancient language, you know. Unfortunately, somethings get lost in translation.
Translator thinks that Philza is mad at Technoblade and wants to murder him.
So all the governments think the same.
When Philza gives them a description of the person, the governments start a MANHUNT. When everyone promises Phil that they will find Techno, Philza is pleased and actually retreats to create a palace worthy of his friend. Somewhere he can keep him safe.
Technoblade is not feeling very safe when he sees his face on the TV, claiming that he is now WANTED. He literally has 1 semester left. Just One. And then he would graduate college. He already spent money on the GRE, applied to graduate programs.
What was he supposed to do with this?!?!?!?
It's a good thing he always liked camping.
Techno FLEES. Gets off the grid as soon as possible. He can't trust ANYONE. Finds an old abandoned cabin in the middle of nowhere and settles in. He is NOT going to get murked by an ancient god that's not going to happen.
Years pass, Techno is not found. Philza is getting antsy. The governments are getting nervous. Especially when cults start popping up, fanatics on every corner crying wolf about ever person VAGUELY looking like Techno.
It's some teenage campers that get him caught.
They had lost their way in the woods and stumbled across Techno and his cabin. Techno tries to hide his face, his hair, any identifying features. He thinks he's managed it.
He didn't. They turn him in the moment they get back.
Techno tries to fight back, but what exactly is he supposed to do when he's surrounded by swat teams?
They drag him back in chains to a government facility. Somehow the news gets informed of him being found. It's a media circus as Techno is dragged to the deific palace that Philza has crafted. He is yelled at, things thrown at him, disgruntled cops leaving bruises and scrapes all over him. He's exhausted, starving, dehydrated. He is in awful shape, everyone in the world blaming him for their suffering.
He can barely struggle when he is dragged in front of Philza, forced onto his knees before a throne with his hands cuffed behind his back.
The throne room is quiet.
Philza slowly gets up. Approaches near silently as Techno's heartbeat is loud in his ears.
Philza kneels before him, gently tips his chin up to meet his eye.
And Philza grins, his smile brighter than the sun, and presses his forehead to Techno's. Techno flinches because Philza brushes against a sore spot, only then does Philza seem to realize what kind of state Techno is in.
Philza demands answers. The translator and Techno's captors struggle to give him a good answer. An argument starts, the tension thick and Technoblade has been through a lot.
He collapses, Philza catching him.
The steps of Philza's palace are covered in oceans of blood, it dripping down the sides and into the road. The bodies are left for hours, no one brave enough to collect them.
Philza stores Techno deep within his palace, somewhere no one can find him or hurt him. And starts the process of making Technoblade immortal.
Whether he likes it or not.
Anyways, hope you enjoy <3
Curses on you Lenn, you dropped this in my inbox several days ago and it's still all I can think about. The brainrot is real and the urge to write this is big. Vengeful God Philza who is horrific to anybody except his favorite mortal is so good, and combine it with 'has no clue what's going on' just a guy Techno... perfection.
So many fun questions left unanswered:
How does Phil feel about Techno not having his memories? Does it sadden him? Does he try his best to educate Techno about their shared history? Or does he not really care as long as Techno is safe, is his, and can never be taken from him again?
Can Techno even get his memories back? If yes, what happens when he does? How does he feel about them?
How does making somebody immortal work (and can I make Techno whump out of it?)
Once Techno does realize that Philza isn't meaning to kill him, how receptive is he to this new life of his? Is he still going to try and get away (maybe even after becoming immortal) or is he open to trying to befriend Phil? How does Phil react if Techno doesn't want to stay?
Does Phil chill the fuck out once he has Techno back or does the trauma of seeing his bestie die + many years of isolation mean he's kinda permanently in 'if you look at him I'll kill you' mode. Kinda hope it's the latter because then we can go so hard on the dark fluff and possessiveness/protectiveness.
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zannolin · 2 years
or start at the beginning.
Fic Summary:
When Wilbur disappears from the darkened streets of their sleepy seaside college town, Tommy makes it his mission to find his best friend. There’s just one problem—it looks like Wilbur’s been Taken by the fey, and neither the town nor the Fair Folk take kindly to any kind of searching. Things start to go wrong very quickly, starting, among other things, with a body beneath the belltower.
or, faeries have rules, but Tommy’s never been one to follow them, is the thing. (a c!crimeboys/sbi fey au.)
Chapter 13/13 (Complete!): closer to fine
Wilbur keeps eating, and the days keep passing, and he does not die. Not even close.
(in which we reach an ending, of sorts.)
and that's a wrap :)
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