lxlipetals · 7 years
Interview event questions Cole to Lili
1. One place you would like to visit with me that we haven’t yet discussed. 
That’s hard..because we’ve basically promised each other that we’d visit every continent together. I think that covers all surfaces of the world. But if you’re looking for a specific location, I’ve been looking at pictures of Plitvice Lakes National Park in Croatia and it’s beautiful there. Let’s go.
2. Other than me describe your first impression of someone in the cast without stating who it is. 
I originally couldn’t look him in the eyes, too intimidated by him and a little nervous about his hard appearance before realizing what a marshmallow he was on the inside. He was like my father figure on set, always looking out for me..and pulling you away from me in the beginning when you would get too hyper and couldn’t control your flirtatious self. Also, he gave really nice, genuine compliments that still make me blush thinking of them.
3. Name a kooky pet you would like to look into one day? 
A pet lion. Or a sloth. They’re so cute!
4. What is a thrill seeking experience you would like to look into but haven’t been able to find the courage to? 
I know sky-diving is a cliche answer, but yeah, I’d like to try that one day. Or dog sled racing, just to be surrounded by beautiful Huskies.
5. Describe your dream place to live.
Bora Bora. I’m going to own a villa there one day and maybe my own private island. I can make it happen.
6. If you had to pick between Taco Bell, Chipotle or Domino’s cheese pizza as your only food for the week which would it be? 
Well, Chipotle makes me nervous now since my mom keeps texting me links about how food poisoning is related to it..and God, I love my cheese pizza but..
I’m gonna go with Taco Bell. These hoes ain’t loyal but I am.
7. If you were being forced to eat one of the following which would you try? Thai green curry, an avocado with salad dressing, a pepper with risotto? 
Fuck. Thai green curry. It sounds the least healthy. I’m mad at you.
8. You’ve been coming into the public eye a lot now, if you could be on the cover of any magazine which one and who would you want to shoot you?
Maxim. No, I’m kidding.
I’d rather be on a box of Fruity Pebbles. Or Teen Vogue. I read that a lot as a teenager, and they have really smart articles in there. It’d be a honor.
9. What was your childhood nickname? you know mine was moley coley as do most my hard-core fans of mine make me feel less self conscious please. 
Sorry, nothing’s gonna beat Moley Coley. I didn’t have any embarrassing nicknames - though, my mom liked to call me ‘tater-tot’ and that could be red cheek inducing when she yelled it across the courtyard at school.
10. Finally describe your ideal day off.
Spending the entire day in bed with you and not leaving except to answer the food delivery guy.
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fckhyland · 7 years
1. If you could have dinner with one of your rolemodels (dead or alive) who would it be and why? My dad. Does that count? I’m having dinner with him tonight so that’s pretty lucky for me.
2. If you were stranded on an island; what five essentials would you want with you and what five people would you want with you? E S S E N T I A L S: 1. is there wifi on this island? bc if so, my phone 2. sunscreen 3. a firestarter 4. a book or 10 5. a pack of playing cards P E O P L E: 1. My dogs Boo and Barkley (THEY COUNT.)  2. Karlie (& Tyler & Theo cus they’re a package deal) @angelkarliekloss @tylrsgn 3. Saoirse (sorry booboo, you’re comin’ with me) @so-saoirse 4.  Wells from the Bachelor because he’s fucking funny 5. You, Joe, because then it’d be a party
3. Netflix or Hulu? This one’s an easy one. Netflix. Because that’s where Stranger Things is, duh.
4. What’s your favorite part of the holidays? What isn’t my favorite part of the holidays? I love everything about it. To me, the phrase “holiday season” means everything from October 31st til January 1st. So I love everything from mustard colored sweaters to candy canes, from mistletoes kisses to midnight on New Years kisses, from witches to sparklers. And to top it all off, my birthday is thrown in there! So I really do live for the last few months of the year.
5. Are you a dog or cat person? DOGS. Always dogs.
6. What are your thoughts on cheating? Have you ever cheated? I think cheating is a despicable, immoral action that shows you have no regard for the person you’re with, someone you supposedly care about enough to be in a relationship with in the first place, and zero respect for the bond and the life you’ve built with your partner. That being said, I have cheated on a past boyfriend. It was one time but that one time was enough to teach me a lesson. That’s why I can say all those things with such absolute certainty. I’m still disgusted with myself that I ever let that happen and it happened years ago. But I have to own up to it and carry the  consequence of it with me forever. So I’ll be damned if I ever let it happen again.
7. Vodka or tequila? Depends. Are we drinking to have fun or drinking to forget? Tequila to have fun, vodka to forget.
8. What’s your ideal date night? I hate the whole dinner and a movie cliché. It’s so formal and you can’t get to know the person for the whole second half of the date. So my favorite date is anything that allows me to get to know the person I’m there with. If it gives me an adrenaline rush, even better.
9. Have you ever had a FWB occur in your life thus far? I have. It was good fun. I’d do it again, if the right person came along.
10. Do you believe in ghosts? Not really. If I did, I would probably never be able to sleep again so I can’t really afford to believe in ghosts and demons and stuff.
11. What’s the craziest thing that’s happened to you in 2017? We hit 200 episode of Modern Family and we got to celebrate that just last week. That was really exciting. Either that or when Theo Seguin was born. That was one of my favorite days ever.
12. What are your goals in 2018? I’d like to book a few more roles that I’m really passionate about. On top of that, I’d like to release an album. I’ve been writing music like crazy and getting back into my singing so hopefully that can happen.
13. What’s the one thing you hope you have accomplished 5 years from now? An Oscar would be nice. I’d like to think in 5 years I’ll have found someone to settle down with, maybe starting a family. So many of my friends have start families of their own and it looks really nice to have that little unit. I’m not in any rush right now but in 5 years I’ll be almost 32 so hopefully by then, things will have happened on that front.
14. Ice cream or candy? Ice cream with candy on top. That counts, right?
15. If you could spend a week in either Disneyland or Universal Studios, which would you chose and why? Another easy one. Disneyland all the way. I’m pretty sure, in my next life, I’m going to come back as Mickey Mouse. I live and breathe all things Disney. It’s just the definitely of magical. Going into the park means leaving all your worries at the gate.
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glcnpcwcll · 7 years
Scandalous interviews; Sarah Hyland asks Joe Keery various questions.
[ for roleplay purposes ONLY ]
1.Which is better? Ed Sheeran or Sam Smith
Damn, what the fuck. They’re both incredibly talented and have some meaningful lyrics to their songs. So, both?
2. Hugs or kisses?
Depends on who I’m dealing with.
3. Tattoos or piercing or none on your s.o.
Currently, that answer is a big fat zero.

4. Date night: Romantic and thought out or wild and spontaneous?
To be honest, I can do both. I can be that romantic dude everyone dreams of or spontaneous as well. It just really depends on the occasion, I guess.
5. Hook-up, friends with benefits or relationship? Have you ever?
I’m a relationship type of guy. I’m not afraid of commitment but I have had my fair share of hook-ups and yanno, a FWB thing go on.
6. Had sex on the first date?
Oh yikes, we’re getting hella personal here, but yeah. If you consider a hook-up as sex on the first date then yeah.
7. Fallen for a friend?
Well fuck, I have and I don’t know why or how it happened but it happened.
8. Had more than one girlfriend/boyfriend at a time?
No, I can’t even imagine cheating on my significant other.
9. Have you ever used someone else's toothbrush?  
That’s a boundary I will never cross, man. Germs from another going instantly into yours? Yeah, no thanks.
10. Have you ever kissed someone and regretted it?
Honestly, I can’t think of a kiss I’ve regretted. Why regret something like that though? Kisses tend to be generally thought out before happening, right? I don’t know.
11. Would you take any of your exes back?
If we ended on good terms and no cheating occurred then possibly yes. Sometimes relationships end because of distance being a bitch or you’re both just not in the right mindset to be in one and you have to let one another go before you can fully committee.
12. What was the worst gift you've ever received and who was it from?
I once got boots for Christmas that gave you a massage from an aunt...I never understood why they were even a thing. They didn’t even work either? Okay, so maybe it wasn’t the worst but it was fucking strange as hell.
13. If you were to kill a man, horror movie style, which kitchen utensil would you use?
Why do we have to get so morbid here, Sarah? I’d probably use the classic utensil that Michael Myers used and use a knife.
14. Do you believe in karma?
For sure, man. What goes around comes around.
15. What do you hope to have accomplished by the end of this year?
Probably get my feelings out in the open with that one person I have feelings for. There’s nothing worse than having feelings bottled up and trying to cover them up; it can cause a person to go mad.
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thebetterarod · 7 years
An Interview with Aaron Rodgers and Emmy Rossum.
When two best friends, an NFL quarterback and a double threat singer/actress, sit down to interview one another.. Social security numbers, net worth, motherhood, godfatherhood, divorce, dating in Hollywood, Impractical Jokers.. nothing is off limits.
Aaron: Welcome to your interview, girl from Shameless. Please state your full legal name, date of birth, hometown, mother's maiden name, and social security number.
Emmy: Emmanuelle Grey Rossum, born September 12, 1986 in Manhattan, New York to Cheryl Rossum. My Social Security number is 5. Is this what being in the military feels like? Anyways, thanks guy from the insurance commercials for that rousing set of intro questions. I hope you're ready, because I'm going to dig deep and get to the nitty gritty, here. To start, can you now state YOUR legal name, date of birth, home town and what your yearly wages are, please?
Aaron: 5, wow. You must be old. I'm Aaron Charles Rodgers, born on December 2nd, 1983 in Chico, California. My yearly wages? Does this include endorsements where I take selfies with dogs? I'm not Floyd Mayweather, but I'm in the top 100 World's Highest Paid Athletes, not to brag. I'm more towards the hundred side of the spectrum, but I'm still there. What's the one question you're sick of answering when promoting Shameless? Instead of answering said question, give me the question you wished they'd ask about you about the show and then pretend that's my next question and answer it.
Emmy: I am, you don't even know. December 2nd, huh? What's it like sharing a birthday with Britney Spears? Do you ever see her out on her birthday and call her a birthday buddy or something? Have you ever had a group party? You should. Yeah, I can tell you're not much of a bragger. Oh that one's easy! It's "So, what's it like having your top off every scene?" or "Is it weird to go on a first date knowing the other person has most likely already seen you mostly naked?" It's so fucking stupid. I see zero problems with nudity on TV or movies, I think there's much worse things out there portrayed--or for kids to see--rather then a naked body. I realize you said not to answer it--but I did anyways. I wish they'd ask me...hm. I dunno, really anything other then something pertaining to my boobs or naked ass, would be a treat. Speaking of boobs and naked asses--that feels like a great segway--empty your pockets. Right now. What's in there? They say you can learn a lot about a person just by what they carry around with them, so let's see...
Aaron: I do call her my birthday twin. It's great. I invite her out every year and she never shows. I even get Happy Birthday Aaron and Britney written on all my birthday cakes. I figured you'd say those questions were the ones that were repetitive and most annoying. What would they expect you to say? It's part of the script, you're an actress, and you're doing your job. My pockets.. let's see. I have my keys, my iPhone, my wallet.. That's it. It's boring, which pretty much sums up my life. I'd say empty your purse and let's see what's in it, but a gentleman never snoops around on a lady's purse. Instead, I'll piggyback on my boring life comment. Your life has recently changed when you welcomed your first child into the world. What's changed since you become a mother and what're some things people told you would change or happen, but didn't?
Emmy: I had a feeling you did--I mean--you're you. So that makes sense you'd do that. Awe, really? That's kinda sad, now. What's up, Brit? Why you giving Aaron the cold shoulder? I have no fucking clue--it's like they just constantly wanna talk about my tits rather then some of the actual issues we tackle on the show. Sure, we do it mostly with humor, but there are some real moments in there. Damn, that's it? I'm kinda disappointed, I was kind of hoping you'd have something juicy in your pockets or something--but clearly--that was a bust. Eh, the juiciest thing I have in there would be the old stick of gum or the birth control pills--you're not missing out on much, guys, by him not asking--don't worry! This is true! Well, I mean--pretty much everything changed, really. I was really comfortable living my life a certain way them BAM! It all changed--I had more then just myself to think about and take care of for once--and I think that's been the biggest thing of them all. I can't just be spontaneous in my decision making anymore--cuz it doesn't just effect me. It's gotten me to grow up a bit more, not that I was really a child before, but still. I mean, everyone told me to brace for the no sleep, but I've been in the industry for a while now. I was used to living off a few hours of sleep, anyways. So yeah, it's still kind of a blow at first, but I can't complain. What about you? You've recently taken on a new role--not as a father--but even better, as a god father. How's that life treating you?
Aaron: Hopefully now with things changing in Hollywood, these questions will come up less and less and people will be more inclined to focus on an actress's talent, rather than simply her body. Nothing juicy, just boring. Looks like you share that boring quality with me. I bet, and being a single parent probably made it change even more drastically since you're doing it on your own. This is actually the second time I've been named Godfather, not to brag or anything. My first godchild is Hadlee, Christina's daughter, and then Conor and Margot named me Godfather to Conor Junior. I knew I'd be named Godfather from the moment Conor told me Margot was pregnant, even if they kept denying it. Here's an important question. Ready for it?Okay, here's the shot out of the cannon: Oprah, Barbara Walters, your wife. You gotta fuck one, marry one, kill one, go! Just kidding. You once told me you used to sing Opera for hot dogs when you were younger, which means you started in this industry, in some way, at a young age. When did you first realize you wanted to be an entertainer and what was your first passion - singing or acting?
Emmy: That's what I'm hoping, too. And honestly, I can say, since it was made public that I was asking for equal pay--and since I was granted equal pay as my co star William H. Macy--it's come up a bit less. So hopefully it'll die out, soon. I do, just add it to the list of things we have in common, next to our love of Joe Gatto screaming "LARRY!" It does, but I was also raised by a single parent. My dad was never in the picture, I've only ever met him twice--I never even had his last name--so I had a good blueprint on what to do and how to handle everything from being raised by my mom. I like to think I'm doing a decent job, so far. You do know that by saying "not to brag" that doesn't make it okay, right? It's like when someone says no offense--then says something super offensive, I'm just saying! But that's cute--you're a good Godfather, I'll vouch for you. I'm Jewish, so we don't really do the whole godfather thing--but if we did--you'd be my choice of Linc. I'm not sure I'm ready--but go ahead, anyways. You're such an ass, I'm dying! I was like 'Do I have a wife I forgot about?' I did, it's all true and totally not weird! Well, now I don't wanna brag, but I was actually the youngest singer to be a in the metropolitan opera children's chorus. I got in when I was seven by singing Happy Birthday in all twelve keys. I'm just saying. But I think--at first--it was singing. My mom used to listen to a ton of classical music when she was pregnant with me--I'm convinced I came out singing. But after a while, I kind of just naturally gravitated more to acting. I love both, but I'm all about the challenge of getting into character, and portraying people with flaws. Now, I know I mentioned Joe before--so here's the ultimate Impractical Jokers question--are you ready? Who's the best joker?
Aaron: Let's hope, especially when equal pay is really being brought to light lately. It always had a driving force behind it, but now people are finally starting to pay attention. LARRY! Most readers don't know this, but Emmy's son is actually named Larry. Your mother is a role model in more ways than one, and you are doing a great job. Larry's a lucky kid. Yes it does. That's just like saying "With all due respect.." before saying something rude. Ricky Bobby 101. I'll pretend I'm Larry's Godfather as well. All twelve keys? That's impressive. I'd ask you to sing something, but the readers won't be able to hear it and this isn't some magazine where you get a feature on Youtube along with the interview. You're really making me pick a favorite? Is that fair? It's not. I can never choose because it changes from episode to episode, challenge to challenge. There's not one I dislike. Can you choose a favorite Joker? I bet you can't.
Emmy: Honestly, I really hope so. Okay, can you please not use this publication to lie about my son? His name is Lincoln--for anyone who didn't know. Lincoln Asher Rossum. His initials are LAR, and so Aaron has taken it upon HIMSELF to nickname him Larry. He's the worst. Not that there's anything wrong with the name Larry--that's just not MY son's name! She really is, I'm glad I'm not the only one who see's that. Awe, thanks! Is this the part where we tell the world he's actually your child? Too much? I'm kidding, guys. It's like the colonel Sanders said: "I'm too drunk to eat this chicken." I'm not surprised. Thanks, they were pretty impressed too I guess since I got the job. Too bad, I do a mean version of Good Vibrations--but opera-ed up. I am, I told you, this interview is going to get to the important things people want to know about! Hey! You can't turn this back on me! Fuck...no. I can't--I really can't! I love them all for different reasons! Fine...moving on--but I warn you--I'm just going to have to dig deeper now. Aaron Rodgers...if you could take anyone on the best date ever--who would you take, and where would you go?
Aaron: Emmy Rossum is the liar. Her son is actually named Larry. Oh, we're using this publication to tell the world I'm actually Larry's father? I thought we were going to get to take the highest bid between People Magazine and Us Weekly. Secret's out now and no one will give us the money. I feel more free now, though. I knew you couldn't decide on a favorite, either. No one can. The best date ever? There's not really a special anyone, except my baby mama, in my life. There's the 'go all out' date and then there's the low-key date. It also depends on the girl. I've always liked the idea of a day of a drink on the beach, followed by sailing at sunset (drink responsibly), and wrapping it up with a bonfire. I prefer dates outdoors rather than going to a movie or a crowded restaurant. Staying on the dating topic, do you find it difficult to date in Hollywood or would you say you're more of an open book and you don't care what the public or gossip sites know/find out?
Emmy: Bull shit! The next time some pap snaps a pic of my and Linc, they're gonna say 'Emmy Rossum, out for the day with her son Larry' and I'm gonna be so pissed--cuz it's all your fault. We just did! No going back now. After telling the world where you are on the spectrum when it comes to annual income, I doubt anyone's going to feel bad for us not holding out for the bidding war. Oh well. It's true, it's the impossible question! That makes sense, though. It depending on the person. I'm kind of the same way, I love to hike and just be outside in general, really. I mean, don't get me wrong--I think the world knows I love to eat--but BESIDES eating, I also love being outdoors. So that's an A+ from me, I'll be on the look out and see if I can find anyone willing to go on that date with you, I got your back, buddy. Fuck yeah it's difficult. I mean--here's the thing: I don't really care all that much about the gossip and all that--I think it's obvious after falsely and sarcastically calling you out as the father of my child many times--but that being said--yeah it's hard. You date someone in the industry, and sure they understand, and sure I don't mind THAT much what the public knows, but it doesn't make dating easy. Everything you do is constantly under a microscope. It messes with you. I'm seen talking to literally any guy, someone takes a pic and the other person is wondering "Well who's that? or vice versa. It's hard to push it all away for some people--at least people I've dated it seems, so. Constantly being on the spot does not make dating in Hollywood easy. Since we're actually being kind of serious for once--I'm not sure if you've talked about it publicly too much. And if you don't want to, you can just say "Emmy, shut the fuck up" but-- what actually happened with the divorce? What was the final straw for you? You may have beat the hollywood record for shortest marriage, I'm just saying.
Aaron: I hope they do because that would be fucking hilarious. They'd side with you and make me pay child support. They always side with the mother. I'm going to win the Super Bowl and drive off in a Hyundai. Of course there would be food involved in there somewhere. In your case, it'd be roasting hotdogs over the bonfire. That's your dream, isn't it? Having your every move watched and scrutinized is probably a pain. Sure, I'm in the public eye, but athletes don't have to deal with it nearly as much as you guys in the entertainment business do. It's a little odd people think your business is their business. I give you all props for dealing with it on a regular business and going off like Britney did with that umbrella. We can talk about my divorce, I don't mind. Liv and I rushed into marriage, but not the way one would think. We dated for years before, broke up because she wanted marriage and I didn't at that point. When we reconnected, she didn't trust me and we were not exclusively dating. Finally, we got back together and I proposed right away, rather than taking our time and seeing how things worked out this time around. I didn't want to lose her, so I figured that was the best bet. I didn't do it for pity or to tie her down, though. I really did want to marry her at the time. It wasn't a last straw thing that lead me to realizing a divorce was needed. It was rushing into things, the lack of trust, the lack of communication. She also wanted her career and didn't want to be slowed down. I think she realized playing wife in Wisconsin would lead to that. Sometimes things don't work out and it sucks, but that's life. Do you want to set the record straight on the topic of Lincoln's father and why you've decided to do everything at your own speed? If not, you can answer a question like, say... who's your favorite quarterback?
Emmy: Of course you'd think it's hilarious--such a dick! Oh, wait, hey, ya think? Maybe I should try and get that, then. Couple more bucks in my pocket--not bad. Ha! That is my dream, you know me well! It really is. A lot of people think just because I'm on a show or a movie or whatever--that my personal life should be open to the world, and it's just so crazy to me. I mean, I go to the same Whole Foods at least once a week and there's always this one cashier I see. Because I see them on a weekly basis, does this mean I should have access to all of his personal business--like what the fuck? That makes sense. I mean, it was what felt right at the time--but when it stops feeling right well--there's usually a reason for it. You guys were smart in not letting it go on for a long time like some people do. Set the record straight? Hm...I dunno? I feel like I've been as open about the whole situation as I could. Am I proud of the way things turned out--am I happy Linc might not know who his dad is? No. But...I lived my life a certain way--there's not much more I could do. I've reached out, others have reached out, DNA tests have been taken...here's the thing. My father wanted nothing to do with me or my mom when he found out she was pregnant. I don't want to force someone to be in Linc's life if they don't want to be. When I had him, and for the end of my pregnancy--it was public. The ones out there now know who they are--and if they wanna step up and take a DNA test, they can...I'm not going to force them, though. It's not like I'm lacking for anything--I can provide. So. Yeah. PS my favorite QB is Brett Favre. What's your most embarrassing guilty pleasure? Could be music, tv--whatever!
Aaron: Are you dating this cashier? You're starting rumors about yourself now. Exclusive: Emmy Rossum is dating Whole Food cashier! Exactly, I thought marriage was what she wanted and I didn't really give it any time before popping the question. You live and learn. I'm not sure if my marriage lasted longer than Kim K's. That's understandable - you also know what's best for Linc. You wouldn't force him to have a father in his life and deal with the disappointment if the man didn't want to be involved. He obviously has a good support system with you and you're more than financially stable to provide. Not many would look at the whole thing your way, but it's a good way of approaching it. My embarrassing guilty pleasure? Chick flicks and reality shows, but I'm not embarrassed by it. I don't try to hide it or anything. The Kardashians are annoying as hell, but their show is hilarious sometimes. Team Taylor, by the way. Speaking of Taylor and her feuds, do you have any feuds with a fellow celebrity? Or is there someone you just cannot stand?
Emmy: Yes. His name is Norm, we're very much in love. Can't ever say Emmy Rossum discriminates when it comes to dating. That's all just part of life though, isn't it? You have to go through the shit to learn from your mistakes. We'll have to google it. I'm pretty sure you at least beat your birthday rival, so there's that. Exactly. I didn't have a father and quite frankly, I think I ended up fine. Would I ever try and ban his father from his life, if they came forward and wanted to be an active part? No. But I also think I've made all of this fairly clear--so if they want to go through it all--they can. I didn't really know how else to do it, ya know? Thanks, I appreciate that a lot, actually. Oh yeah? Well what's your favorite chick flick then? Be more specific, come on! Ha, no, no. I've never had a celebrity beef. I like to think I get along with pretty much everyone--I think I'm pretty easy going. At least I try to be. I'm kind of over the whole Kardashian thing if we're being honest. Sorry, I know you just said they're your fave--but it's the truth! I just don't really get the whole craze, I dunno--maybe I'm just getting old.
Aaron: Norm. He sounds like an older man or a scientist. Is he working at Whole Foods while paying his way through school? Britney only lasted a few hours, right? I can relate in a way to the no father thing. He was around growing up but in the past few years, my family and I lost touch. People who watched the Bachelorette know all about that. I never really commented on it because I wasn't about to air my family's dirty laundry like my brother did on national television. Shit happens. My favorite chick flick is Pretty Woman, because it's a classic, and How To Lose A Guy in Ten Days. Great movies. Oh, I don't understand the Kardashian thing either. They're definitely not my favorite, it's just fun to watch a trainwreck. Plus, Scott Disick is one funny guy, especially when he's calling them all out. We should probably wrap this up, yeah? What do you want your legacy to be? What do you want to be remembered for?
Emmy: He's in school to be a scientist, how did you know?!? I think so, yeah. I didn't know that about you--I knew about your brother, not about the rest though. There's a difference between being open and honest with the public and media, and still maintaining some private life, I think. Its a balance, and sometimes outsiders don't get that. Those are good ones, you chose wisely, I approve. It really baffles me but I guess people just like watching a train wreck sometimes to feel better about themselves? I know I've had people come up to me and thank me for the Gallaghers for being such fuck ups. Makes them feel better about their families I guess. That's a good question! I want to be remembered for this interview, of course! It will be my legacy. I'm going to be unoriginal and ask you the same for the last question. Back to you, Aaron!
Aaron: I think we go to the same Whole Foods. Balance, for sure, but also, I'm a football player. As long as I'm not getting arrested or dating someone famous, people don't tend to care about me further than the football field. Dating Candice and Olivia definitely made my personal life a little less private. To feel better about themselves, to watch a mindless show where you can just switch your brain off after a long day. Those reality shows are not like Homeland where you have to pay attention and keep up, that's for sure. Can I be unoriginal and say same? #Same. Maybe be remembered for my wit or sense of humor. Or my Hail Mary's. Everyone loves a good Hail Mary, especially Packers fans. Anyway, this was fun. We either gave people some good, nonwholesome entertainment, or annoyed the hell out of them. Either way, I feel good about it.
Emmy: Ya think? Don't tell Norm I told you about us, we're trying to keep it on the downlow, I don't want to scare him off. Yeah, that makes sense. So basically as long as you date a nobody next, you'll be fine! We're going to go down for this interview, and you know what Aaron Rogers? I'm okay with that! Plus, maybe your Hail Mary's. Could be worse. Could be remembered for dick pics or something. This was super enlightening. We should make this a yearly thing or something--maybe a web series--who knows? The possibilities are endless at this point! But thanks for sitting down and talking to me, it was enlightening, to say the very least.
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so-delrio-blog · 7 years
Alex's Questions → For Bianca Del Rio
What’s your full name?: Day to day life, I’m Roy. Roy Haylock. Not as glam.
How did you come up with the idea of Bianca?: It’s a combination of things. Friends of mine needed someone in drag for a play they did at the local theatre, I volunteered, and it became a thing. The name came out of drunkenness, to no one’s surprise, a friend told me I looked like an aunt or a neighbor of his called Bianca… and I genuinely don’t remember where we got Del Rio, but it stuck.
Do you ever “dress down”? Not only yourself, but also Bianca?: Me, yeah, for sure. Most my days are spent in jeans and a hoodie or something. Bianca’s a character, I don’t really go out like that, unless it’s work related, you know? But, yeah, I do “dress down” as Bianca if I have to do, like, day drag, interviews in the morning or filming a video or something. Listen, drag isn’t comfortable for long periods or time so sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
In your opinion, what is your best feature?: I’ll have to say… my dimples, cause they do set me apart and I look angelic as fuck even if I’m a straight up bitch so I get away with shit.
What is your fondest childhood memory?: I’m not usually, like, reminiscing about stuff, honestly that’s not who I am. So I haven’t thought about it before, really, but... I’d say just, doing my mom and my sister’s makeup. I started when I was, like, 10-12, I was very fucking gay. But it was a fun time I guess, we’d talk shit together and just have a jolly good time.
Who was your idol when you were growing up?:  Again, asking me to remember shit, I’m an ancient mummy. It was probably someone, like, Broadway related? Or Joan Rivers. Joan Rivers has always been an inspiration, cause she’s just so fucking funny. I was very lucky to spend some time in her bed too, literally like a day or two before she died. I will always love her.
What is something you had to learn that you hated?: That people are asshole. It’s the sad truth of life, yes.
What tape or CD hasn’t left your player since you purchased it? Why?: “Tape”, that’s shady! I also don’t know... maybe the Rent soundtrack? It’s a classic, it’s fucking great, an full of good memories. You will be mildly surprised to learn I’ve played Angel in an off broadway production.
What habit that others have annoyed you most?: Being dumbass bitches? I’m also a very organized so I guess messy people get on my nerve, or when people mess with my shit. Courtney once spread rose petals all over my area backstage during a show and she barely lived to tell the tale.
How old were you when you first got drunk? What was the experience like? Did anything good come out of it? Did anything bad come out of it?: You’re killing my brain with this. I don’t fucking remember, I’ve been drinking for 20 years at least. It was probably my sisters stealing my parents’ alcohol and making me drink with them. I probably
What trait do you find most admirable, and how often do you find it?: I like people who are genuine, they know what they’re about and they own up to it. I don’t like bullshit, I will call your ass out on it so quick. And I think a lot of people do that, they give you what they think you want to hear and it’s so fucking annoying. Just be you.
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tylrsgn · 7 years
Interview: Darren Criss’s Questions → Tyler Seguin Answers.
Where are you from? And what is your favorite memory about being from there?
Brampton, Ontario. Favorite memory, would being right outside of Toronto and visiting the Hockey Hall of Fame every so often. Getting to see the Stanley cup when I was young and now, my name is on the Stanley Cup, and hopefully more to follow
If you could choose a different team to play for, what would it be and why?
I don’t think I’d really want tp play for another team. After being traded, to move again would be something I wouldn’t want to do. I’ve also made such a home here in Dallas, and to leave it? I’d hate it.
What’s something from your childhood that you still enjoy today?
Hockey. I mean it’s something we all grew up with in my house. From my parents to my sisters, we all play, and we enjoy it.
Do you have any regrets or are you the type of person who sees everything as a chance to learn?
I used to have regrets, and would wallow in those regrets, but now I’ve learnt that those moments did help me grow, and now I just enjoy those moments.
What’s your go-to karaoke song?
“I Want It That Way” - Backstreet Boys
Are you usually late or early?
Late, or never shows up. I’m the worst.
What would be your first question after being cryogenically frozen for 100 years?
“Would you consider a hot dog a sandwich?”
What shows do you watch?
I’ve been hooked on One Tree Hill as of late, and Brooklyn Nine Nine.
Is there a place you’ve never been that you’d really like to visit?
I would love to go to Japan. I think it’s because I went to China this summer, I feel like seeing other Asian countries would be great to do.
What’s something that easily gets you embarrassed?
Complements. I blush like a mad man when someone compliments me.
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ashleybenzoxoxo · 7 years
「 ♚ ——┇❛ Two blondes. One mic.
                  ❛ Lindsay Arnold and Ashley Benson ❜
Lindsay to Ashley
Would you rather play a villain or a hero in a movie?
Hero, I’ve kind of done it before when they let me play a hero on Pixels even though it was just a video games character. But yeah, I would die to play Ms. Marvel or some other character from that world.
What time of the day do you feel the most energetic and what do you usually do in those moments?
The mornings and I usually go to the gym. I have my personal traner who likes to kill me there but makes it fun.
If you had a clone, what would you have the clone do?
Take care of my kid… or not, I would do that and let my clone go out and socialize while Noah and I Netflix and chill.
What’s the moment you left childhood behind?
After I got my first role on TV. Probablyon The Days, and as a exact moment it could be after working on Spring Breakers like the no returning point although I wasn’t a child anymore anyways.
If you could get rid of one of your responsibilities today, what would it be?
Changing Noah’s diapers. Those things stink.
If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why?
Scarlett Johansson or Kate Moss. Or maybe a VS model.
What would you like to invent?
Something to change diapers, and something to make teething less painful cause watching Noah cry breaks my heart.
Which of your five senses would you keep if you could only keep one?
Vision… I could live in a world where i can’t taste, smell, listen or touch but not one in which I couldn’t see my son or everything around me.
If you won 100 million dollars, what would you buy first?
A private airplane or my own perfume company, or shoes company, I’m not sure.
Who makes you laugh more than anyone?
Noah. His little baby laugh never fails me.
Ashley to Lindsay
How ticklish are you? Where are you ticklish?
I’m not really sure since I’m a dancer and if I was ticklish it doesn’t really bother me much. I know I was ticklish when I was younger on the bottom of my feet.
How private of a person are you? Why?
Well since not many people like or watch Dancing with the Stars I don’t have to really worry about my private life. I still keep my private life private for reasons most people should keep private.
What do you do when you are bored?
I haven’t been bored since I don’t even know when, but I’m going to say I dance when I’m bored.
What kind of alcohol do you prefer?
I don’t really drink that much, because I’m doing the show and fixing to go out on tour so I don’t want to mess any of that up.
Describe the perfect romantic partner for you
He has to be sweet and caring. He has to like kids and my dog Moose. He has to be liked by my parents and three younger sisters. I always say if he treats his mom right then he’ll treat you the way you should be treated as well.
What’s your favorte animal? Why?
My favorite animal is a dog. I mean they’re everyone’s best friend.
What kind of weather is your favorite?
Well I’m from Utah which gets cold, but I’ve lived in LA for a while so I’m going to say the warmer weather is my favorite. I can take the colder weather, but every once in a while.
Read any good books? What were they?
I have not had the time to read lately so I’m going to say nope.
What hobbies do you have?
My hobbies are dancing, hanging out with friends, spending time with my family, going out to have fun, traveling, and playing with my dog Moose.
What is your worst childhood memory?
I honestly don’t even know if I’ve got one of those, but I kind of tend to forget about those kind of memories though.
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Interview by Domhnall Gleeson
Which character(s) of yours has been the most interesting/fun to play? I like the darker stuff that I did. I think my most interesting role was definitely Apple in Gimme Shelter. I had to change my physical appearance for it, and I lived in the homeless shelter with the girls for a while, so that was such an intense and life changing experience for me
What are your hobbies or interests? I think I like everything and anything artistic. Music, photography, drawing. The wanderlust is also strong in me so I also love traveling and discovering new places.
Who was your best friend when you were growing up? Are they still your friend? If not, why aren’t they now? Who’s your best friend now? I have several childhood friends I’m definitely still close with. Like Kayslee Collins. I’ve known her since I was 10 and we used to do theater together. And of course Ashley Tisdale. I’ve known her way before HSM and we clicked right away. I mean she’s definitely my sister. We’ve been through so much together.
How would you convince people to follow their dreams ? I don’t know if it’s convincing, but never stop believing. Work hard and don’t give up and you will be rewarded. Learn as much as you can and constantly try to improve yourself and your craft and eventually it will pay off. I auditioned about 10 times for Disney before I got the part that changed my life, so be persistent. 
What was your favorite thing about working with Zac Efron? Agh. Absolutely nothing at all. No just kidding. I mean it’s great when you work with someone you have great chemistry with. And we were paired together from the first audition and obviously we got the parts. He’s a very talented and hard working person and it’s easy to work with him.
What goal do you most want to accomplish in the next six months? I want to keep busy and do as many different things as I can
Any exciting projects coming up soon ? Well, I’m currently filming two movies. The one is called Dog Days, we’re filming in LA and it has to do with dogs which is AMAZING. The second one is called The Second Act, we’re filming in NYC and I get to work with one of my idols and fashion inspirations, aka JLO, which is honestly a dream come true for me. And I also have another movie set to film at some point in the new year called the Pre-Nup, we’re going to film in England, which  I cannot wait for!  All three movies are romantic comedies which is a genre I’ve never done before, and I definitely love rom-coms
If you could say one thing to your younger self what would it be ? Don’t let other people define you. Don’t let other people get you down. Don’t allow people to walk all over you. Every new day is a new beginning and everything happens for a reason.
What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done for your job ? I’ve done some pretty crazy stuff for my job over the last couple of years to be honest. From filming a threesome scene to going to strip clubs for research.
Who is your role model, and why? When it comes to my personal life, my mother. No matter what happens she remains positive. When it comes to my job I have several. Meryl Streep, Natalie Wood and many more.
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shut-up-mila-blog · 7 years
Mila. Billie. Questions.
You know her from That 70s Show and movies like Black Swan, Friends with Benefits, and Bad Moms. His band is one of the biggest in the world - not to mention that it’s even God’s favorite band. Now here’s Mila Kunis and Billie Joe Armstrong... asking each other things. @ebpmpunk
Mila: What do you hope to be your lasting legacy?
Billie: To be the greatest band in the world. God’s favorite band, actually.
Mila: What is your go-to comfort food?
Billie: Fried chicken. Hands down.
Mila: Do you consider yourself more of an optimist or pessimist? Or a realist?
Billie: Realist. I think I have a good handle on never being too optimistic or pessimistic on things. Mainly because I know that it’s just not practical.
Mila: What Green Day song are you most proud of and why?
Billie: I’d have to say “Wake Me Up When September Ends”. It was the first time I ever wrote about how my father’s death affected me. I never truly realized how much it affected me until I wrote it. It was a groundbreaking moment for me.
Mila: If you had to pursue another profession, what would you do?
Billie: I’d be a brain surgeon. 
Mila: What is the most important lesson you want to pass on to your kids?
Billie: The ability to listen. I want my kids to hear people’s stories and understand that everyone is going through something - big or small. And they can only understand that if they’re able to listen.
Mila: What was the last movie you saw in a movie theatre? What did you think about it?
Billie: The new Thor movie! It was fucking great - but then again, anything Marvel does is amazing.
Mila: Did you ever think Green Day would be as huge and iconic as it is?
Billie: Hell no. I still don’t even know how we got so lucky that a bunch of snobby kids from the East Bay got a chance. But damn I am grateful for everything that has been in our lives.
Mila: Assuming a heaven or paradise exists, what do you hope it is like?
Billie: I... have no idea? I just hope that there’s no negativity there. We have enough of it in the world we live in right now.
Mila: What do you do to feel better when it feels like the world is falling apart?
Billie: Talk to my girlfriend. Hands down.
Mila: [proceeds to melt from cheesy happiness for the next half hour.]
Billie: What is your favorite childhood memory?
Mila: Okay, it is kind of a weird one, but when I was little, I remember playing in our neighborhood with my brother. I totally idolized him. Anything he said, I believed. Well he wanted to climb trees, so I went along with it despite never having climbed a tree before then. I climbed up a little ways and then couldn’t get down. I was like six at the time! So I just jumped, and on the way down, I got a branch stuck in my calf. I ended up walking home with the branch just... hanging out of my life. My dad nearly passed out. It is such a weird memory, but it still makes me laugh.
Billie: What is one piece of work that you are most proud of?
Mila: I mean... Wyatt. She is my everything. The greatest thing I have ever done. But job-wise... I am really proud of Bad Moms, honestly because of the team we assembled and how we were able to put together this beautiful and hilarious story about real, flawed, amazing women. It really means a lot to me.
Billie: What’s one thing you hope to teach your kids?
Mila: To not be assholes. That is like... my number one goal in life. Work hard, don’t be a dick. They are being raised in a privileged life, but I don’t want them to ever think they are owed any of it, you know? Work hard and be a decent person. Life motto for anyone, really.
Billie: Your most embarrassing moment?
Mila: Ahhh... you know... it SHOULD have been when the UPS guy saw me topless a little while after Wyatt was born, but I just did not fucking care. Probably like the whole first season of That 70s Show. Going through puberty in front of all my costars. First kiss being in front of cameras. Just so much awkwardness.
Billie: What’s your favorite Green Day song?
Mila: Kind of impossible for me to not love “Ordinary World”, come on. Ha. That song is so special to me that it will never not be my favorite. But other than that... shit... As a piece of art, I truly think “Jesus of Suburbia” is a work of genius. Like brilliant. Truly. I also have a special love for “Hitchin’ a Ride”, but that is... for very different reasons.
Billie: If you could get a chance to work with someone in an upcoming movie, who would it be and why?
Mila: Hmmm... shit. I would love to work with... fuck, there are so many. Okay... I’ve got it. I want to work on a film directed by David Fincher with a script by Aaron Sorkin and I want to costar with Jessica Chastain. I have loved so so many of Fincher’s movies that I can’t actually think of any that I think like. I mean... come on. Seven? Gone Girl? The Social Network? The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo? Zodiac? He is amazing. And Sorkin can write a smart and funny script better than anyone out there. And Jessica is just a goddess. So strong and kind and talented.
Billie: Who is your role model?
Mila: My parents. Anyone who can leave a comfortable life behind to move across the world to a new country so that their kids can have a better life... anyone who goes from being engineers and teachers to driving taxis and working a small job at a pharmacy just for their kids... those are amazing people, and I will spend my whole life trying to thank them.
Billie: Would you ever want to raise your children in your home country?
Mila: Not a chance. I think of the US as my home now anyway. I would love for them to learn about the culture, of course, but I would never ever move back there.
Billie: What are seven things you’d put into a time capsule to open up 30 years from now?
Mila: A bottle of Jim Beam. A picture of me and Wyatt from Halloween when she made me be Elsa - blonde wig and all. A recording of you singing “Ordinary World” just for me. A picture of you and me. Our boy’s picture. And... fuck, I don’t know. It would probably just be a bunch of pictures and mementos from the year. Like my plane ticket from when I went to see you in London. Or the hoodie I stole from you and never told you about - except I would never give that up. Yeah. Pictures. Bourbon. A newspaper so hopefully in 30 years I can laugh about all this shit going on right now.
Billie: Is there anything in life you want to do but haven’t done yet? If so, what is it and why?
Mila: I haven’t spent the night in one of those igloo ice hotels with the northern lights above. It is just super high on my bucket list. I have done so many amazing and wonderful things that I don’t feel like I am missing out. I just want to make that trip happen. And maybe have a baby with you one day. Not necessarily at the same time. Just saying... hahaha
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so-taylorswift · 7 years
Taylor interviews Chris Pine.
With: @sosochrisp
Taylor: So hey, Chris. This is so cool. Can you believe we get to do this? Wait.. that's not the first question. That doesn't count. But I get to ask you ten questions, and I'm ridiculously excited about this. You ready? That's.. also not one of the questions. I'm just checking.
Chris: Hey there Taylor. I'm excited about this too since I'm usually the one being interviewed which I don't mind but this is more fun. I'm ready.
Taylor: This is way more fun, it's always cooler when you get to do stuff like this with friends. Okay. So, first question.. I'll start off easy for ya.. what's your most favorite role you've ever played?
Chris: My favorite? Oh man. This isn't easy. I'll go with James Kirk because I love Star Trek and I have a lot of fun filming.
Taylor: I'm not going to lie, I'm like.. beyond offended that you didn't say Nicholas Devereaux. But it's fine, I won't hold grudges, Star Trek is ridiculously cool. Do you find it easy to get into character?
Chris: Oh of course! How could I forget him? That was a great experience. It depends I think who the character is. Kirk is pretty easy and so is Steve Trevor. The Prince from Into the Woods was a bit hard since I don't really sing.
Taylor: I feel like I bring him up to you all of the time, but I will always be a fangirl for that movie. You don't really sing? Chris, I saw your SNL monologue earlier this year - don't lie to me, your voice is so good! Okay so you brought up singing - what's your favorite song to sing in the shower? The people need to know this.. for science.
Chris: I don't mind you bringing it up at all. I love that you love the movie. Ah well not professionally like you. You're the one with the amazing voice. For science? Bohemian Rhapsody. Shh.
Taylor: Oh look at you being all nice, thank you for saying that! We need to get together and karaoke Bohemian Rhapsody together. Like, this is a thing that needs to happen, it's such a classic. Okay so, if you could invite five people to dinner with you - dead or alive, and none of them family - who would you invite?
Chris: This definitely needs to happen. I may need a few drinks. Leonard Nimoy, Robin Williams, Abraham Lincoln, Tom Petty and Meryl Streep.
Taylor: Okay that's a solid group of people - Robin Williams and Meryl Streep? Amazing. You have great taste in human beings. Do you have any TV shows that you've binge watched in just a few days?
Chris: I binge watched Stranger Things. And Riverdale I caught up with before the new season.
Taylor: Riverdale is so good! Those are good choices. If you could be written into any TV show ever, what would you pick? I think you'd of been cool in Friends if it were being shot today. That'd be so cool.
Chris: Friends would be a great choice if it was filming today. I'd love to guest star in Law and Order: SVU if that counts?
Taylor: That totally counts.. and it's my favorite TV show, so I appreciate that answer. My cat is actually named after Olivia Benson, so you really do have impeccable taste! Do you believe in creepy stuff? Like, ghosts and spirits and stuff like that? Aliens? Have you ever experienced anything like that?
Chris: I believe in ghosts. I haven't experienced anything to do with them but I believe there's spirits around. It's fascinating and creepy at the same time.
Taylor: I get you - it's so fascinating. I got lost watching documentaries last night and it made me think of that question. Do you believe in soulmates?
Chris: I do. My parents have been together for so long and they told me they were meant for each other. I think there's that one person out there for everyone.
Taylor: Aw, I love that. The idea that there's someone out there made for you.. it's so romantic. Do you get creeped out when fans have huge crushes on you? Do you have any weird fan stories or anything like that?
Chris: I don't really get creeped out since I know it's mostly innocent stuff and it comes with the territory. No real creepy stories either but I am familiar with fanfiction if that counts?
Taylor: Fanfiction totally counts, sometimes it can be super creepy but usually it's cool. Being aware of it is something that comes with the territory, I think. Okay so, you might be pleased to hear that I think this is my last question and a cool thing to end on. What projects do you have coming up?
Chris: Right now I'm filming Outlaw Kings for Netflix. I have to go all the way to Scotland for it and it's been fun so far.
Taylor: Scotland? Oh wow that's far but so cool. The UK is the best, aaaand.. I think that's my ten questions up? Which means it's time for you to do the asking and me to do the answering which is.. kind of scary, but I think I'm ready.
Chris: Okay first question. I am curious about this. Why did you change from being in country music? I loved your curly hair by the way.
Taylor: Thank you! It seems like forever ago. It was mainly when I moved to New York that I just felt like making an entirely pop record with '1989' was what felt right. I find inspiration all around me and when I'm surrounded by the city, it feels so different to Nashville that it felt like it needed a different sound. Pop had been creeping into my music for a while, and so I just felt like I needed to take the plunge. And thankfully, it's going good!
Chris: That makes sense. I love New York City myself. Next one, were you nervous making the change from country to pop music?
Taylor: New York is literally the most magical place, it's amazing. Yeah, I was so scared. With my last two country albums 'Speak Now' and 'Red', they both broke records. They sold over a million copies in their first week. There was a lot of pressure to get those results in a different genre, and I didn't want to alienate any of my fans. It was so scary.
Chris: Well you're incredible in both genres. I love your voice. Who is your hero in life or role model?
Taylor: That's so nice of you to say, I'm proud of the work that I've done in both genres. Oh for sure my mom. We're so close and she's the most wonderful woman in the whole world. I aspire to be like her more than anyone else.
Chris: What was the worst breakup you went through that inspired one of your songs?
Taylor: There was one break up that was like, my first love which inspired 'Forever and Always' on my second album, Fearless. It was a tough one because we kept coming back together over time so there are quite a few songs out there inspired by that situation. Which.. sucked to experience, but it was good muse!
Chris: That guy sounds like an idiot and you deserve way better. Have any weird/scary fan encounters?
Taylor: Luckily all of that stuff is in the past now, I don't think I'll have to feel like that again. I thought it was super weird when fans started tracking my jet. I would show up in different states and try to travel lowkey and they'd tweet out my locations, landing times and stuff. That was really weird and super intrusive.
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so-sowill-blog · 7 years
Interview by Maisie
Maisieduh: 1). When traveling, what do you look forward to most? 
so-sowillI: It deepens on where I am traveling too. If it is somewhere I can surf I like to hit the waves 
Maiseduh: 2).Is there anything you don't like about being famous? If so, what would that be?
so-sowill: I am famous, but I never get bothered and mostly everyone knows me for one role. I get to live a pretty normal life. In fact no one has seen or heard form me in two months in the public eye. You can say I am a really normal person
Maisieduh: 3). What type of project would you never do?
so-sowill: I don't believe in limiting myself as an actor. It has been a rough ride. There was six years after Narnia were I would be typed cast as a prince. Most of the roles I have play have been prince's. I do say wait till your of age to get naked for any role.
Maisieduh: 4). When you're old, what will you tell stories about?
so-sowill:Most of my stories come form my work and I have been lucky to work on wonderful movies with wonderful people. Some really inpowering woman.
Maisieduh: 5). Do you have any quotes that you use on a daily basis that inspire you?
so-sowill:No. I have people that inspire me on a daily basis though.
maisieduh:6). When growing up, did you ever have a spot where you went to hide away from things?
so-sowill: Not really. We lived in the country so every place was special.
7). Is there someone you can tell every single thing to and you will never be afraid of them getting upset or angry?
so-so will: I have a few people. Most of them have dealt with the same issues and they know who they are.
8). Have you ever thought about your future beyond a certain point? What would you like to have going forward?
so-so will: I like to think in the moment most of the time. I do see my self having kids at some point though. When it happens it happens.
maisiedu 9). Everybody has their favorite shows, favorite music, etc. What would you say is your favorite show or your favorite music?
so-sowil: I am not that in to music or tv, but I love sports. I will tell you that I a, one of the only English surfers you will ever meet. I also love to mountain bike. I know that was not the question, but I don’t have an answer to the one at hand.
10). Out of all of your favorite films, was there ever a time when you imagined how you'd play that role? What movie was it?
so-so will: Yes, but then I realize that I am not as good as the actor already in the movie and then my dreams are crushed. Dream crushing is not really fun, so,I keep thinking like that in my dreams.
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angelkarliekloss · 7 years
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Karlie Kloss-Seguin by Alex Park @aussie-park
I’ve had a lot of questions this weekend about how I pushed a baby out just a couple months ago and now look like this, so I’m gonna go with that! Nobody would guess I just gave birth! 
I believe in whatever you do, and I’ll do anything to see it through, because these things WILL CHANGE! Thanks, Taylz <3 
I’d be walking that VS Runway again, because damn, that was incredible! I’d also re-live the moment where I found out I was pregnant. 
I love my life just the way it is, but maybe I wish I would’ve waited to be a bit more developed in all aspects of my career before bringing Teddy around. I don’t regret it, not one bit, but if you ask honestly, it’d be that. 
I try to spend as much time with my family, especially my daughter, to make myself a better mum. She makes me a better woman every single day.
My family. My parents, my grandparents, sisters, my husband, my dogs and most importantly, my daughter.
That I need to let go and not take myself too seriously in order to be truly happy. 
If I’m home, I’m instantly cuddled up to either my daughter, my husband, my dogs or all of the above. If I’m away, I’ll call Ty if he’s not busy, he always lifts up my day. 
How am I doing? I wish I could verbalize everything I’m feeling. 
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sonataliadyer · 7 years
Qs from Charlie, As from Nat
1. Butt or Arms? Miss new bootyyyy 😈
2. Beach Day or Forest Walk? Beach day, hands down. This skin needs all the sun rays it can get.
3. Coffee or Tea? Both. Depends on my mood.
4. Hot weather or Cold Weather? Hmmm...usually whichever one I don’t currently have. In the summer, I’m all about winter months and sweaters and boots. In the winter, I’m dying for bikini days.
5. Night out on the town, or curled up with a book? Book. Always book. I’m such an introvert it’s insane.
1. How do you feel you are handling fame? I like to think it hasn’t affected me very much. I’ve found that life has carried on as usual despite the show and as long as I remain true to myself, people I love won’t treat me any different.
 2. Do you see yourself leaving acting in favour of your educational career path? I’m not sure. I love what I’m studying at NYU but I also love acting. It’s been my longest passion and I’ve felt very lucky to have been given the chance to pursue it. I don’t want to throw it away but I’m also glad to be pursuing a degree because education is important to me as well and should anything ever happen where I can’t act anymore, I’ll be very thankful to have my degree. I can’t wait to graduate.
3. If you could have one person star on the show seeing as we got the wonderful Sean (Astin) this year who would it be? I think Sarah Paulson would make for an incredible character walking around Hawkins. Bring those incredible American Horror Story vibes to the show? Fuck yes.
 4. What would be your perfect trip abroad right now, completely free of work or responsibility. Paris was a dream, even with the press junkets. But a work free trip? Somewhere on a beach. Bora Bora? Tahiti? Maldives? Again, anywhere I can dig out the string bikini.
 5. If you were stuck on a desert island which 3 people would you want with you trying to find a way off? David Harbour channeling Hopper, for sure. P!nk because she’s a badass motherfucker and would totally get us to civilization. And Usher to sing to me and pass the hours.
 6. What would be the perfect meal out for you? I love seafood so sushi or seared scallops or steamed Chinese ginger seabass? Give me all the fish.
 7. If you could spend a year away from everything traveling the world, would you? And who would be your travel companion? Oh abso-fucking-lutely. Maybe not this next year because I’m really excited to film season 3 but yes. I think you and I would have a lovely time traveling together. Or Joe and I. Both of you make every second a joy to be living.
 8. If you could get an animal right now what type and what breed? ANOTHER PUPPY. So Ozzy can have a brother or sister.
 9. Where is one place in the world on you are dying to see? Machu Picchu 
10. What are the top three things on your bucket list? These are really superficial but here goes... 1. Skydive 2. Eat every one of Gordon Ramsay's signature dishes 3. See Ed Sheeran live in concert
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whiteboyharding · 7 years
1. What three words do you think others would use to best describe your personality?
Geeky, Endearing, and Goofy.
2. What is your greatest strength? How about weakness?
I think my greatest strength is my patience and willingness to listen and understand others. My greatest weakness is probably my inability to open myself up until I’m ready, and to pretend like I’m okay when I’m really not.
3. What annoys you more than anything else?
When people don’t understand how cool birds are. Also traffic in LA.
4. What is more important - sex or intimacy?
Intimacy. I mean, you can have sex with anyone and it’ll feel great but if it doesn’t mean anything, what’s the point? I’d rather never have sex with someone again and yet still feel like they’re the only one who knows me inside and out.
5. Are you superstitious? If yes, explain further.
Not really. But I’m still not going to go around breaking mirrors and letting black cats cross my path.
6. What were you like in high school and college? What “cliques” did you best fit in with?
I was a complete geek in high school and it just got worse in college. But college was a good fit for me, I found my crowd and that was the theater group. We were loud, obnoxious, and completely dramatic about everything but we were also a close-knit family. We had fun just living our lives.
7. What’s the worst thing your sister ever did to you growing up? What’s the worst thing you ever did to your sister?
My sister and I always got along pretty well - I think the worst things we ever did to each other was probably break expensive heirlooms and then try to blame it on the other person.
8. How do you deal with stress?
I let it all store inside and then I just kinda explode. Not the healthiest or best way, but I don’t really feel comfortable venting or complaining to others.
9. If you could have lived in any other time period, which would you have chose and why?
Probably the 70′s. I could’ve rocked the porn stache really well. Or maybe the 20′s, the 40′s - any time when jazz music was hot and the speakeasys were thriving.
10. What do you feel most strongly about and why?
Birds. The protection and care of birds. Always.
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