#scara speaking straight facts
angelbvnny · 1 year
Nap Time
Gn!Reader, sfw
This was originally gonna be head cannons but it turned into little drabbles?
Tartaglia, Wanderer, Kaveh
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Naps are quite an often occurrence with you and Ajax. Being a harbinger is very demanding. He's always pushing his body past it's limits. So by the time he arrives home, he's ready to pass out. You know when the day's been a particularly hard one when your normally lively over the top boyfriend enters without a word.
He will head straight for you, sneaking up from behind, wrapping his arms around your waist, letting out a sigh of relief. This has happened enough for you to know what he needs. You turn around giving him a light kiss on the lips. "Wanna take a nap?" His tired dark eyes stare at you for a moment before nodding.
As the two of you lie down he instantly clings onto you, tightly holding you in his arms. His hands are grabbing onto the fabric of your shirt. You can see as he slowly relaxes and his shoulders loosen. A smile appears on his face before light snoring can be heard. He's out within minutes.
I hope that you got everything done before this because you'll be stuck here until he wakes up. But you can't be upset when you see the peaceful look on your boyfriends face as he cuddles you <3
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Scara doesn't get tired easily, so naps aren't too often with him. It's usually you that wants to take one. And he always agrees to it because while he will never admit it, he will do anything you tell him to, not without complaining about it of course. But in the times he does initiate it, it's more for intimacy purposes rather than actually resting. Because it's hard to say what he wants! In fact he would consider it to be humiliating to ask you to hold him.
Speaking of being humiliated, even asking to take a nap is difficult for him. So instead he opts to follow you around the house until you get the hint. Any time you turn to him asking if he needs anything, he simply shrugs and stays silent. He does get frustrated when you don't figure it out though (even though it's basically impossible to know what he wants) so he starts to sigh. But you still don't get the hint. So then the sighs get louder, and grow longer.
So you ask him for the nth time what's wrong, and by this point he can't take it anymore and tells you "Take a nap with me." Oh. Was that all? You're relieved he's not actually upset over something. It's actually pretty cute that he went so far just to ask you to take a nap with him. So you wrap up whatever you're doing and lay down with him.
He insists on being big spoon, holding you against himself. But somehow as you are sleeping he always manages to end up being cradled in your arms by the time you wake up. Whether it's intentional or not you aren't sure, but you choose not to mention it to spare him the embarrassment, and if it is intentional, you wouldn't want him to stop. You're glad Kuni feels safe enough to be that vulnerable with you <3
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Kaveh has absolutely no respect for his sleep schedule. More often than not he will be up the entire night working on his latest project. So by the time evening comes in the following day, he's in dire need of a nap. And you're always ready to take one with him :)
He will come home from the Akademiya, immediately searching for you. When he finds you, he will moan and groan, talking about how exhausted he is and how he simply can't do anything until he recharges with his darling! He'll put his hand on the small of your back, urging you to the bedroom. He's already quite a needy boyfriend, but when he's tired, he NEEDS you. Needs to see you, touch you, hold you. Just to be with you.
Absolutely loves being little spoon. Don't get him wrong, he loves cuddling no matter how you're doing it, but something about being held by you makes his whole body relax and mind go empty. He specifically loves laying his head against your chest. Between the warmth from your body heat and the blanket he's snuggled under, he is OUT.
If he wasn't already, he instinctively grabs onto you when he's sleeping. Holding your hand or gripping your shirt. Kaveh has a surprisingly strong grip when he's unconscious. He just wants to get closer to you. Closer and closer and closer.
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yureismellslikefanfic · 7 months
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Glad I screenshot that request ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
A/N: Pardon my absence, I've been kind of busy :/
A/N 2: Probably 3 or 4 parts
Scaramouche x Reader / Kazuha x Reader
You heard the front door open, Scaramouche walking into the dorm, going straight to his room, not giving a single glance in your direction.
You'd guess that he must've had a bad day if this same thing hadn't happened for weeks on end.
He didn't speak to you unless he had to, he wouldn't be in the same room as you for any longer than he needed to, it was things like this that made you question your relationship with him.
You decided to do something about the matter, walking up to his bedroom door and knocking.
"Scara..? Is something wrong...?" You had asked, worry and concern etched into your voice.
"You're such a bitch, wanting attention all the damn time, it's a wonder how you even managed to get a boyfriend considering the fact with how ugly and fat you are."
The tone of his voice was sharp and cold, and you stood there in shock of what he said, still processing it.
"E-.. Excuse me?" You ask, unsure if you heard him wrong, hoping you heard him wrong.
"You heard me, fucking bitch" He stood up, slamming the door right in front of your face.
You walked into the lounge room, deciding to give him some space, as you process what happened, not understanding Scara's behaviour towards you.
Part 1: done
Taglist: @marvelly13
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merakiui · 3 years
Not a request but I just read that Scaramouche Idol concept and imagine if you were cast into a movie with Childe as a leading man. It would be so damn funny for Scara to get jealous hes gonna hate that movie so bad
Anon... You are after my heart!!! THIS CONCEPT = PERFECTION!!!! I just had to write a scenario for it. The power of idol!Scaramouche is too strong...;;;
For once in his life, Scaramouche wakes up in a wonderful mood. He’s well-rested, rejuvenated from last night’s fulfilling work, and he’s ready to start the day with a delicious breakfast and what he would like to think is his best smile. All of that is cut short when he’s sitting at the table, a healthy meal spread out before him, while he sips at his fragrant chamomile tea. He nearly chokes on the liquid when a notification pops up on his screen, notifying him that his favorite most annoying rival has posted another boring post. He tells himself he’s just going to check it out because it’s his duty as your hater. He’s not genuinely interested in you or your life or what sort of things you post or—yeah, he’s definitely interested.
But he keeps fooling himself into thinking the opposite, as it keeps his pride intact.
When he sees your post, which is a video interview of some upcoming movie, he almost feels like congratulating you. You were cast as one of the main leads and that’s a big achievement for someone who’s been working hard in that industry. You deserve the recognition. But then, upon viewing the video in its entirety, he spots a familiar figure that instantly sours his mood and has him glowering daggers at his phone.
What is Tartaglia doing in that video? More importantly, why is he sat in the chair beside you, a stupid grin on his face as the two of you talk about your roles and how eager you are to be working together?
“Actually, it was sort of funny when we were called to set for the first day of filming,” you’re saying, changing the course of the discussion for a brief moment. “Just weeks prior, we met up with Signora for coffee. It was funny to view him as my coworker, but I still couldn’t have asked for a better partner.”
“Speaking of ‘partner,’ this movie has a lot of...special scenes.”
When that’s brought up, your face erupts in a smile that’s both cheery and flustered. “Ah, we had to redo those scenes over and over again because we couldn’t keep a straight face. It was so tough, but we pulled through in the end.”
Tartaglia smirks as he glances from you to the camera, as if staring straight into Scaramouche’s soul with the intention of displaying an easy checkmate. “It’s nothing I couldn’t handle, of course.”
“Oh, hush.” You slap his shoulder lightly, shaking your head in mild amusement. “Anyways, to get back on topic...”
His mind is reeling as he analyzes every bit of that video. From the way you and Tartaglia banter to the suggestiveness of his actions... It’s so annoying. He doesn’t like it. Then again, what part of ‘special scenes’ is he supposed to like? That just sounds like a nightmare wrapped within a tragedy. But he can’t deny the fact that you seem very happy in the interview, as does Tartaglia but he could care less about him. Scaramouche wonders if some higher being is trying to pester him. If there exists a god or goddess of love, then he wishes they’d stop meddling in his nonexistent love life.
Where should he even begin? You’ve hung out with Tartaglia before, the two of you are so comfortable with one another, and it appears as though there’s a hint of friendship between you. He’d love to diss Tartaglia, but that would just give him all sorts of twisted satisfaction and that’s the last thing he wants to do. He wonders if Signora will give him the gossip if he were to ask. Probably, if he manages to get over his massive ego and the embarrassment that comes with asking such a question.
What a terrible way to start my morning, he thinks, fingers tapping away at his phone. He’s already typing out all sorts of nasty comments. Having such an endless arsenal of abhorrence comes in handy.
I hate you. Gross. Eat dirt and choke. They really couldn’t find anyone better for these roles.
No, that’s not what he wants to say. That’s too harsh, right? Although he is known to be ruthless, especially when Tartaglia is involved. Shaking his head, he deletes the text and opts for something a little friendlier. Something backhanded and sharp.
Without even reading the premise of the movie, he writes: Sounds great, but if I watched this I’d just be on the verge of dying from cringe because two of the WORST actors are in it. 🤢🙄 So it’s a no from me. Good job to everyone in the studio, except (Name) and Tartaglia. ☺️
As if you’re policing your comments section, he receives a reply within minutes. At first he doesn’t want to read it because it makes him feel clingy and weird. But then he pushes those strange emotions to the side and seizes every pixel that makes up your words, hungry for the interaction.
Who asked??? Literally no one but I appreciate the not-so-constructive criticism, Scarymouche. 😚✌️ Hopefully you aren’t already one foot in the grave because you’re talking to me, but I’ll be more than happy to pay for your funeral. It’s the least I can do as the cause of your death. Cringe is a disease, sweetheart, and I’m more than happy to pass it on to you. 💖
Well, someone’s been hanging out with Signora. But aside from that there’s a lot to unpack in your reply and most of it has his cheeks burning with color. You...really just did all of that. Emojis and nicknames and everything. He should call you out for using ‘Scarymouche’ and ‘sweetheart,’ but he just can’t find the courage to do so. He hopes you’ll continue to call him that. Maybe in private...
Absolutely not. Why is he thinking this way? Perhaps it’s simply due to the fact that you’re working with Tartaglia. He pictures the intimacy between the two of you and nearly loses his appetite altogether. Of course they had to cast the both of you for such a stupid, romantic, friends-to-lovers movie. Now that he’s finally bothered to look up the plot, it just annoys him even more. You’re already acquainted with each other and you’ve hung out more than once. Filming this movie as two best friends in love (it’s so cliché; he hates it) shouldn’t be that difficult.
But as an outsider it’s hard to stomach. He wants to be the one in Tartaglia’s place, but of course he’ll never say that publicly. It’s way too embarrassing. Scaramouche can only sit there and stare into his cup, a frown etched onto his features as he ponders the border between friends, coworkers, and lovers. Once again, he’s on the verge of over-analyzing something that shouldn’t be bothering him so much.
But, Scaramouche thinks to himself while tapping out a subtle rhythm against the table, they called me sweetheart. No one’s ever called me that before...
Before he can dissolve into such sentimental thoughts, he snatches his phone and types out another biting reply. He’s comes to realize that it’s better if your relationship stays distantly playful. It’s better if you regard him as the petty idol who gets into pointless feuds on social media.
And yet even as he engraves these cruel realities into his mind, his brain is still whirring with ideas.
‘Sweetheart’ sounds like a good name for a song... Or maybe I could—ugh. Never mind. Stupid (Name) and stupid Tartaglia. I hate you and your moronic chemistry.
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2-dsimp · 2 years
Hello! 🐐 anon reporting to duty! I just saw Salt and 🎃 ideas, and both are quite interesting.
I first want to address 🎃's one! Yeah, I noticed too, and I might be a little too bold at this but our lovely host also writes for "Obey me!" A game where you try to date the seven lords of the underworld + other worldly beings and a sussy human (looking at you Solomon!).
The reason as to why I mention this, is because the main datable are the avatars of the seven deadly sins, which each one happens to be coded with a specific type of color that usually represents him. I'll take Leviathan for example; his hair is purple, but his trademark color is orange and his sin is Envy. If I recall correctly (because my memory is shit and I'm on my phone while writing this) that happens to be the color for the dependant type, which strikes my curiosity as Leviathan usually appears as someone very dependant of the MC, always counting on them to vouch for him and spend time with him, craving their attention. A lot of his decision depend on what the MC do or says, only when overtaken by his sin is when he will make his desires true. Another example is Satan, the sin of Wrath. At first sight, you will think that he is Pride, as he doesn't give the vibe of someone who is the living representation of anger and hostility, well presented and versed... very intelligent too, as he is really good with magic and curses. Using the example you gave about Venti, Xiao and Bennett, all of them are the type of person that at first won't strike you as your initial thoughts of them, luring you in then snatching you the moment you lower your guard around them. You are the only one who truly comprehends him and accept him.
In short, I might be terribly wrong, but maybe the colors might be tied to the seven sins and their derivations.
And for Salt's take, I agree with you. Lying to Scaramouche doesn't seem correct to me, but neither I worry that much about other characters present; is Scara who we are talking about! Either people walk out of his way, or he makes sure there is no one who might trample with his alone time with senpai. There is also the fact that he is quite level headed at the time (At least in yandere standards) and I don't think we can get away with lying to him when his sole focus is on us, even more when all of his meters are low and his cognitive process isn't compromised.
If we speak the truth (which please, bring me into what we are doing lmao. I only know that we drank Diluc's sussy cocktail (hehe) and we lost our phone... somehow) the characters involved so far aren't ones that Scaramouche has serious beef with, and even if he is the Monopoly/Possessive type, he isn't delusional.
I mean, look at the scenario: He just won against one of the person that truly acts as a thorn to his side, is alone with senpai too... He is everything but a noble man. He will take advantage of this situation and try to instigate something from us, which leads me to the next point: he almost doesn't care about out answer. He truly wants to know our reason, but we currently are in a position that usually isn't really comfortable (alone with someone with quite the unique reputation), anyone with common sense will be intimidated and prone to commit a mistake, especially after the comment that Childe made? I'd be on my nerves for sure, doubting myself and saying something that might be more harmful than the truth.
Another idea, is that maybe he is scouting us about the Club thing. If we don't belong to any group but are in the lookout of one, that simply won't do in his book. He will lose control over us like that, even the position of a student council can take him so far before he is pushing it too much without pulling some string. So, the most obvious reason, is roping us into the student council. He will put in a good word for us or just straight up accept us. That way, he has the perfect excuse to control us and take us whenever he feels like it; talking with someone? Oh, so sorry but we have some serious business going on and we have to go. Now. That literally applies for every situation, even with professors.
Well, that's my take for now. Even if I spoke positively about being honest with Scaramouche, I want to wait for the other anon and players to voice their ideas!
(I feel like that meme of the guy with a delirious look on his eyes and a hand on a board, trying to connect the dots)
Also! I would like to ask if us as players have our own bar too, it's just that we haven't sustained any blow yet and thus haven't show up until it is too late. Do we also have a sanity bar alongside a health one? Is to have it into account for future decisions, as it might play a role in our rolls (Ex.: having to out run someone but the check is 20 points of health and he have 15, thus we won't make it that far). Oh! And does the trait of the characters influence in their abilities? Like Childe, being in the karate club, has a bigger stamina so his check In trying to out run him will be higher!
(Stupid recommendation, but Dottore as the sussy nurse lmao)
Oooh 🐐 back at it again with G.O.A.T theories (my best attempt at a pun…imma just go now—)
But as for your questions
1. Yes , you do have a health-bar that is currently at 100% if it gets below 75% then your ability to execute certain decisions will be partially limited. Anything below 50% and you’ll become dependent on whoever finds your weakened form first.
2. You do have a Sanity meter however due to Senpai’s specialty trait you are resistant to most trauma inducing events that may happen at any given time frame
Also that’s not a bad suggestion in fact you may see Dottore lurking around somewhere down the line…
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dourpeep · 3 years
on god we have the same biases ur taste is immaculate and ur brain is so wrinkled. short king fans unite ♡
now im imagining adenturing w all four and it rapidly devolves in2 them fighting 4 ur attention smh cant take these hos anywhere 😤🤌🤌
fisehfoisaoiseh this blog is built upon simping for the short king squad OTL
Rn it's Albedo, Kazuha, Scaramouche, and Xiao, but I hope to add in Gorou when he's released nodnodnod
but omg yes please--I want a team w/ Gorou, Albedo, Kazuha, and Xiao. I feel like they'd get along well! But also because I love Anemo + Geo ehehe Scaramouche...we'll see. It depends on what slot he fills though I still think that he'd be electro catalyst + selfish dps
I got off track
if you just have Bedo, Kazu, Scara, and Xiao??? Man. I still stand by my thing that Kazuha and Xiao will get along well, same with Albedo. They're all pretty well behaved and speak what's on their mind. Scaramouche is also pretty straight forward...but then there's the fact that he's, well, him.
So ehe.
On the bright side! The boys definitely will get along in the case that you're ever in danger! It's an unspoken agreement to ensure your safety. What sort of protection would they be serving as--how could they claim to be as dependable or brilliant or loyal or strong as they say they are if they cannot protect you?
That's not to say you can't protect yourself though, but it's certain that you won't need to worry.
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sanne-star · 4 years
Don’t Challenge A Promise Between Friends
Kinda sad that this is my first fic here. Well, better write now than never, am I right?
TW: spoilers for Demise, backstabbing, blood, and death/death mention.
An unpleasant aura filled the air as the greyskin entered the Deadquarters as he came back from setting his own trap. He may not have made as many explosive traps as Cub had for the alive hermits, or made any misleading deals as some other greyskins did. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t doing anything useful in regards to Demise.
In fact, he was doing his part of a deal- one he’d made when there weren’t as many greyskins walking the earth as there were now. Disabling traps and what not to get right where he wanted. For when he makes a deal, he does all things necessary to stand by that deal.
So when he entered the meeting room and read that yet another rather cruel trap was set up in the book of secrets, he wasn’t too pleased. The greyskin wasn’t too keen on getting out to disable it, since he had just come back from doing a few errands in his base. But he couldn’t just sleep on it, especially when there wasn’t as many live hermits left in demise as there were greyskins, and a promise on the line of breaking because of this very same trap.
So emptying his inventory of any important valuables, but keeping his trusty sword in its place. In case he ran into a mob trap on the way there of course. He flew out of the Deadquarters and into the portal, heading straight to New Hermitville.
The only thing he could think about was how it all went down, and when it started getting so serious. Ever since Cub demised, almost all the traps afterwards were somehow related to TNT and Cub. And while it was funny at first, seeing the remains of the blown up builds wasn’t that great.
That’s why he went into hiding. To disable traps quietly and stay out of the Vex’s sight while doing so, only going to the Deadquarters to catch up with the others, and see if there were any traps that got in his way plan-wise. He really wasn’t expecting the game to get this dangerous, and the letter warning he got after making that deal wasn’t making things easier either.
And before he knew it, he was in New Hermitville. And the builds around him still roared with life and energy just as they were first created in that build-battle. The dragon on top of Grian’s stacked houses looking over the horizon ready to strike, the dabbing penguins taking a sweet nap to ignore the happenings around the village, and the Scara plant eyeing him with a look of hunger, ready to take another taste of the player in front of it. But he was too occupied with the mission at hand to take a look around the place.
Flying over the Area 77 gates he saw two things that definitely weren’t supposed to be there. A small half-dirt covered obsidian box, with the top open, and his fellow greyskined friend holding a minecart TNT.
He slammed into the ground behind the greyskin with an audible thud in anger, causing the builder to jump a little back in surprise. Looking back at whoever interrupted their moment of peace. “Who’s there? This isn- oh, it’s just you. How’s it going? You gave me quite the scare there!” The perpetrator- revealed to be Grian- gave a warm smile to a very contrasting cold scowl.
The greyskin glared at the TNT minecart in Grian’s hand before clearing his throat to speak. “You do know that log in traps aren’t allowed, right?”
The builder looked quite confused, noticing the tension change he glanced around for a way out. “Um, since when was that a thing? Was that discussed in a meeting? Because I can assure you, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Trying to get out of a possible bad situation through a scared-lie turned out to be successful, in some sense. Because the greyskin before him was taken aback by the response, walking up to the prankster in question with careful steps, with a look of both sympathy and guilt.
Grian could feel himself shrink back in fear as the person in front of him set a gentle hand on his shoulder. Which further deepened the guilt in the other’s eyes as they spoke softly. “Are you scared? It’s alright, I won’t judge you for not knowing.”
Grian felt tears welling up in his eyes, latching into the man’s robe unexpectedly, words flowing out of his month like a waterfall. “I don’t like this game anymore, I’ve been trying to end it ever since Cub died, I’ve been putting traps all over the server but someone keeps breaking them. I’m just- really scared, I keep starting all of these problems all throughout the season and leaving others to fix them. There’s only two people left, please let me fix it this time, let me be a good guy for once, please.” By the end of his rambling he realized he wasn’t looking up anymore, but more so being held in a comforting way as he cried, clutching the robed person tightly as if they were his lifeline.
Grian almost didn’t notice they were walking away from the trap. He almost wanted the man holding him to take him away from this mess, he couldn’t deal with it anymore. All the stress, all the blame, all these fun ideas turned upside down because of him and him only. There’s only so long til you realize you’re just a walking curse to your friends. But he couldn’t, he had to fix this mess, he pushed out of the greyskin’s grip so that Grian could see the trap straight on while the other could just see the builder’s growing curiosity in his eyes.
The dragon bro had so many questions, but only one screamed louder than the rest. “Wait a second, are you helping Doc? But why? It’s not like he helped you-“ A sword swinging at him had almost caught him off guard before blocking it with his own.
“You really think I’d forget everything I’ve been through with him? Of course I’d help him! And if you don’t approve then why not fight it out? Fair and square.” The greyskin’s eyes held a slight glint of light as he swung again, while the other’s still had some tears in it as parried the hit with haste.
Weaving and dodging, the swords kept clashing together.
Grian tried to reason his way out of this situation as adrenaline filled his system. “Why are we fighting?! I know you want this to be over as much as I do! So why can’t you let me be good and end it for once?” He was about to throw an ender pearl far away to recharge, when he noticed that he didn’t have anything on him, he wasn’t even wearing any armor.
Looking at the hooded man he could see a grin starting to spread wider across the man’s face as he ran toward him with a dangerous aura, realizing in horror right as he accidentally blocks the hit with his arm. That the greyskin had taken it all for himself.
All he could do in this shocked state was jump a couple feet back, and clutch his bleeding left arm. There was no backing out of this situation now.
With an unknown anger entering his system. He charged toward the greyskin, slightly grazing their cheek as they just barely dodged the attack.
Slash. Dodge. Block. Repeat.
It went like that for a couple more minutes, it was like a dance sequence at this point. Only really changing after every few swings that hit.
It came to a point where both greyskins were bloodied and at their last three hearts just staring at each other, waiting in anticipation for the other to make their move.
Grian had an abundance of scenarios running in his mind of how this fight would end, many ending in his demise. But he didn’t know what to think when the man in front of him dropped his sword and raised his arms as a sign of surrender. “Alright, alright. I give up, can we talk it out? You wanted to know why I’m protecting Doc, right?”
Completely caught off guard from the sudden change of tension. Grian almost slipped on nothing, accidentally dropping his sword to gain balance. “Uhh.. I guess so, uh sure..?” He wasn’t too sure about this whole thing, but if it meant ending the game quicker, then he’d have to bite the bullet on this one.
The hooded person chuckled with a bittersweet smile. “It’s simple, really.” He looked over his shoulder, Grian following his gaze to the trap he’s yet to finish.
He suddenly feels a burning sensation in his body, looking down to see the blade had been lodged in his stomach. The greyskin’s eyes going cold as he continued, slightly twisting the weapon with every passing second. “One of the players of Demise will suffer a very painful and permanent death.”
The builder’s eyes widened in fear. Permanent death? One of his friends never coming back? Because of this game? This news has ironically brought some devastating memories of his own friends back. “Wait- does that mean-“ His question was cut short as he coughed out blood.
But the hooded person seemed to have already known what he was about to ask, because he chuckled sadly at the failed attempt of a question. “That’s right, it means we might lose either iskall or Doc in this game of ‘trick or treat’.” He frowned, glancing back at Grian’s trap. “It was very difficult to choose who to save, because they’re my friends too. But I’m sure iskall can handle it just fine, he’s been through worse.”
Nothing could describe the amount of emotions Grian was feeling. But the look on his face summed it up quite nicely. He was absolutely terrified.
Especially after hearing the last thing they said. “So, no hard feelings my dude, ‘kay?” Twisting the sword before he even had a chance to respond, Grian was no more.
Grian was slain by Renthedog
The reaper looked at the bloodshed left by his former friend with little to no emotion in his eyes. Maybe this will teach him not to mess with me again.
DocM77 joined the game
Falling to the cold obsidian floor, Doc let out a yelp. Confused and dozed from the sudden change in surroundings. He was sure there was a lava trap waiting for him here, so where did it go?
He didn’t bother with the question as he noticed light was coming in from above him. As though there was some kind of greater being above him, the top half of the obsidian box wasn’t there to begin with. But that raises the question of why, Grian wouldn’t just, remove his own trap, would he? “I guess there’s no other way to find out other than getting out of here..” Doc muttered to himself before climbing out of his prison. Only to see a hooded grey figure standing silently over the grass at the top.
And although they weren’t facing him. The air around them felt familiar in a way, more familiar than Area 77. Somehow drawing him in closer to the hermit. But they didn’t seem to notice his presence, not even giving a reaction to him dropping down from the prison. They were more focused on a spot of darkened grass to pay attention to their surroundings.
Something in Doc suddenly clicked when he heard them let out a low chuckle. “Ren, is that you? Wh.. what happened? Wait, what are you doing here?” A storm of questions danced in his head, confusion and suspicion rising with each new question.
Ren wasn’t startled by the sudden second presence accompanying his own, rather he just turned to look at Doc from the side, revealing the blood that coated his robe. In a very protective but mencing manner to anyone that wasn’t Doc, he answered with an actual smile. “Don’t you remember? I promised I’d protect you.”
Doc was about to ask what he meant when a beep on both their communicators grabbed both of their attention. And while Ren was grinning ever so greatly, Doc couldn’t help but feel his blood go cold at the sight of the message. Something big had gone down between the time he was out and now. Doc couldn’t take his eyes off the message, re-reading it to make sure what he’s seeing is actually there. But that didn’t reassure him in the slightest.
iskall85 was slain by his worst nightmare
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If you were isekai'd to Genshin and the world was about to end...(All of Teyat was about to getting f***ed)
However, After speaking to one of the Gods, they tell you that they will allow you and one other guy to survive while all the others are going to die by your hands whether you try to or not (the seven and adepti included)..
Who you gonna bring to the new world with you?
Who will be the easiest to kill? (as in you will have fun eliminating them)
Who will be the hardest to kill? (You might cry and not have the heart to do it)
Who do you think will retaliate against you?
Who do you think will allow you to do it if it makes you happy?
This is my question for the evening🍪
what an interesting prompt, thank you for taking the time to write this ♡
1. hmm, if i could only choose one… i’ve said it before, my three favs are xiao, childe and scara but for this scenario, let’s focus on xiao and childe
2. baizhu, good bye, no immortality for you; dottore, you can join him (ง'̀-'́)ง
also, to every boss that has ever given me trouble: see you never, good riddance
3. any of the child characters, i could never hurt klee or sayu; also qiqi bc of her backstory, the poor girl already died once and it would break my heart to put her through this again
honestly though, every character would have me reconsider if i could actually do this; just thinking about ayaka, beidou, kazuha, thoma and everyone else would certainly make me want to cry; maybe the fact that they’d have died in the end/apocalypse anyway could console me a little but i’d go into the new world with a heavy heart and a bit of trauma
4. who would fight back… i think the harbingers certainly would; childe is 1) always up for a fight and 2) this man wants to conquer the world, so moving on into the new world would be a step into the right direction for him (might try and talk me into choosing him over xiao)
scara is not one to give up control over a situation and if scheming his way out won’t work, i don’t think he’d shy away from a confrontation
5. in contrast, xiao would not fight me; he saw his fellow adepti perish, committed atrocities before meeting morax and suffered greatly under his karmic debt, he might have made peace with no longer being around; if i’m someone he cares about (which i hope i am), he’d want me to live and move on without being burdened by a similar weight
i think the archons and adepti would be the ones who’d understand the situation best, they are used to dealing with matters of this scale, so i think they might be the ones who wouldn’t try to change their fate; i’m on the fence for the tsaritsa and raiden shogun though bc for the former we still don’t know her motive for the whole gnoses stealing thing, maybe a new world would be right up her alley? and well for raiden, this isn’t exactly “eternity” but in her story quest and teapot interactions, we see that she is working on her definition of eternity and cherishes the traveller, so maybe she would willingly stay behind in teyvat
xiao would feel extremely guilty if he would be the only one besides me who would get to move on, he’d ask himself if he truly deserves this after everything he’s done; however, with teyvat’s demise, the malice and hatred of the gods he’s slain should also perish, so maybe xiao can finally experience a life without his karmic debt, a life without the contract binding him to liyue; a fresh start in a world where he can be more than a tool or a weapon
childe would be absolutely thrilled to explore a new world and search for strong opponents to fight, he’d be eager to establish his place at the top soon after his arrival; here he can do things his way, the straight forward way, without being a pawn in someone else’s plan; although, all of this would have to wait until he properly mourned the loss of his family…
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