#scene redraw with some additions
dr-lemurr · 6 months
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The Mourning Band
Alec and Jace from @lawsofchaos1 devastating new prequel/coda for her poignant story.
Art on ao3 here
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phantomarine · 2 months
Hey what were you trying to say in your “it gets good at page 1001” post
Was it more of a comment directed at yourself ( self degradation), is it satire about perfectionism,
Is it supposed to be inspirational for Beginners webcomic creators, or we’re you just in a bad mood?
More of a warning against self-sabotage, because I see it so much. Sometimes it's tied to perfectionism, sometimes it's the opposite - people surrendering to imperfection when they don't really have to.
Creator chat incoming. I'll put it under the deelybob for anyone who wants to read it 👇
I've been in the webcomic sphere for several years now and I've seen so many people introduce their comic with 'I know it's very long and not easy to read, and I won't be going back and changing anything about what I've already made - but please critique it so I can make the rest of the pages better and attract a bigger audience from now on.'
And that's a hard thing to respond to. If a reader can't get through all those existing pages without being confused or bored, then how can they get to the good stuff that lies past them?
So much of gaining an audience is about actively making it easy to 'fall into' a work. Without that easy entry point, it's always going to be an uphill battle to build an audience, no matter how good the later chapters get. There are outliers, but most webcomics won't be those outliers, especially with thousands of them available nowadays. Some people love the grind, but most people will jump to a new tab and try to find something less frustrating.
And webcomic creation is particularly cursed by its very nature. Creators are hesitant to go back and edit pages, even once they've figured out more details about their craft or story structure. It's mostly because of the seeming permanence of it all - the art takes ages and the words feel unchangeable if even one other person has read them. To go back and edit is to publicly admit your failings, right? That's how it feels. What do you MEAN you didn't get it right the first time? You were supposed to do it live, and do it PERFECTLY!
But ideally it shouldn't be any different than prose writing, which is ALL ABOUT finding the story in those edits. And because your story is digital, you can go back and change things whenever you feel like it. A webcomic is fluid.
And if you're thinking 'I should just redraw my whole first chapter' - NO! Hell no, old art can be a part of the appeal! It's far more about finding little tricks to convey your story/characters more clearly. I have read some first chapters with janky art that made me fall completely in love with the story and cast. It's not about the art - as with all things comic-related, it's about conveyance.
Examples I've seen and some I've used myself: A single extra page with a meaningful interaction can solidify the theme of a character's arc. One additional 5-to-10-page scene can help add visual context for an offscreen event where there was none before. Adding a map can tell people where the characters currently are. Changing a character design can help if they get often confused with another character. Redoing your lettering to make it more legible is a huge one too.
In the end, I just don't want people to be afraid of small edits. When I got feedback about the bad clarity of my own work, I knew it would take some time to fix those problems. It wasn't fun to think about or to do, but I'm glad I did it in the end - because it would have limited my audience tremendously. With just a bit of extra effort, I opened a door that wasn't there before, and it now leads more people even more easily to 'the good stuff.'
tl;dr You started your webcomic for a reason, and you're learning more things about its characters, story, and craft every day. Don't be afraid to go back to old pages and inject some of that wisdom through editing. Even a little can go a long way.
***Caveat: If your goal is to just create chaotically, with no goal of gaining an audience, you are a wild and free little thing, and I am in awe of you. This whole rant doesn't apply to you, and you are stronger than me.
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bluessom1 · 8 months
Good Omens - The Naked Man !
Redraw of one of the most funny scene of the season 2 😏
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Bonus :
One of my friends asked for an additional page as they wanted a naked Crowley. But as I didn’t had an idea for a plot, I doodle this stupid sketch. xD
Edit : The bonus is done !
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emry-stars-art · 5 months
EDIT: PENCIL HAS BEEN REPLACED AND IT SEEMS TO BE WORKING AGAIN!! Thank you to those who donated, you have my ENTIRE heart for now and always
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Hiii I’m back to bother you all again with technical difficulties. Long story short, if I have diagnosed the problem properly, I need a new Apple Pencil! And if I’m wrong I’ll need to replace both my pencil and the iPad itself!! But (and I am sure this will surprise no one that’s read this far) - I have no money 🥲
This isn’t quite a 100% necessary expense. I still have a handful of job applications sent out that are still waiting on replies, and hopefully I’ll have some more income sooner rather than later - but since comms and art have been one of my main sources of income this year, this is gonna be a decent problem for a little bit 😅 in the meantime I’m going to reach into the void and boost some stuff and offer additional ways that maybe I can earn some money for the month!
So if you do happen to have extra cash, some ways that would help a ton: my patreon (this month’s star tier sticker is going to be an aftg mermay design of some sort or another), my etsy, my kofi shop, or plain old kofi donations. But I also wanna be able to sweeten the pot a little, so there’s more!
I’m selling a couple original pieces over on kofi as well, including Raven Kevin, the Jean & Jeremy piece, and the og mermay comic from last year 👀
I’m taking low-stakes sketch commissions, also on kofi! For 15usd you can drop an aftg/tsc sketch request, and if you want to be tagged when I post it, leave your url as well! Additional characters for a little extra, and you can drop specific reqs - give me thoughts, ideas, meme redraws, outfits, or ask for a specific scene or specific au of mine (sure is a good month for mermaids 👀). I’d also take requests of my own ocs, but unfortunately for these kinds of sketch requests I won’t be taking others ocs.
All that being said, of course I understand if donating isn’t possible for you rn, so I’m not trying to make you feel guilty about scrolling past lol. If you’d like something free to do you can also just leave a nice comment or tag on something I’ve drawn to get my mind off the issues 😅 thank you so much to all you lovely people who support me in every way, it’s literally my livelihood and makes me so happy every day to make you happy, so! I hope you all have a wonderful time zone, and I hope you’re as excited for more merms as I am 😌💕
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steamberrystudio · 1 month
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26/08/2024 Devlog
Hallo everyone!  Tumblr devlog time. Sorry I missed the last one. Sometimes I just miss the notification when it pops up. Sometimes I remember on the off week but don't want to throw off the schedule and end up just waiting for the next one to roll around.
Finished Yren's Play test
Finished Raif's Play test
Finished Noel's Play test
Started Kav's Play test
Finally got the colour slider in the game with help from Windchimes
New music room (slightly redesigned)
New gallery screen
Bonus scene page
Wrote the rest of the ch1 bonus scenes
Got the affinity indicators coded
Multiple new BGs
Finished Yren's Ch 2 CG
Started Noel's Ch 2 CG
Worked on coding sprite expressions
Set affinity scoring up through Ch 5
Worked on the premium and public game guides
I have been working on my own play test of the game which is essentially another round of reading and editing. Last time I said the script was 616,000 words. Well it's now 621,000 words. 
I'm not just cramming in filler. A lot of that is additional choice options. Sometimes I would find places where you went a really long time without choices. Others I would encounter a choice menu that had 3 options when it needed 5 or 6 options (one for each LI).
Adding menus and choice options can increase your word count pretty rapidly so that is where most of the increase has happened.
I'm also fixing a lot of small continuity issues. This usually results in a small variation or callback being added into the script for clarity or to correct a seeming contradiction. For instance, at one point I realised that I  needed an additional variation in Ch 5 to account for a game state that wasn't accounted for in the existing options. And I had to do it for all 6 LIs. Which meant that a 200 word variation became a 1200 word addition to the word count.
So yeah, those things add up fast when you have 6 LIs.
I am continuing to work on this. And I will do one full play test of everyone's "best" ending before beta testers touch it.
I also have decided to add in "bonus scenes" these will basically unlock at the end of some chapters. Some of these will be POV scenes and some will be other scenes and content told from the MC's point of view. These are just extra scenes that I think help flesh out the characters and relationships but really didn't fit into the main story because you just...can't fit everything in the main story. I will be writing any bonus content as I work on the episodes and as I get ideas for them.
I don't have any specific rules I'm going to hold myself to for bonus content. They're just fun extras. They may be quite short in some cases. The ones for Chapter 1 are 1400 or so words.
Art wise, I've received new BGs - they're about 90% done at this point.
I also completed Yren's CG and started on Noel's. Raif's is already done, Kav doesn't get one for Ch 2.
So yeah. Getting those completed bit by bit.
Other Stuff:
Lots of other stuff. 
We managed to get the colour slider set up for Wil's sprite (we being me and my friend from Windchimes games). This required re-colouring the original sprite and original CG for Wil in greyscale and then coding in everything necessary to have Wil colourised by Ren'py rather than by  me.
As you can see from this Wil's hair and eyes are not colourised. Wil's eyes being silver/grey are just kind of a plot element and is related to their species. And while I contemplated having Wil's hair be on a slider too the reality is that the hair styles were not designed to be colourised in this way and some of them don't look as good. Particularly the curly hair which doesn't have strong outlines or, really the same type of shading to give it depth. Some colours looked quite good on it and others looked quite bad.
I tried redrawing that hair half a dozen times to see if I could make it look better while retaining the same overall look and feel and it just was not possible. I could have redone the hair but frankly. I didn't want to. And some of the other styles didn't look *amazing* recoloured. They were just okay.
I think if I want to revisit the slider in the future then I just need to approach the art with that in mind versus trying to add it to art not designed for it.
But in any case, Wil having only black/silver options was also originally with intent so I don't mind keeping with that set up.
In terms of other features that are finally in game we have affinity indicators, a newly designed music room, the bonus scene page, the gallery screen and things like that.
I did the affinity scoring up through Chapter 5 which is when the route gets locked in. That was primarily so I could test that section properly. But yeah. That's done.
And I've been working on coding sprite expressions. If you have been following me for a while you know that sprite expressions are an *ordeal* for me.
I have a lot of expressions coded in which means I tend to change the expression every 1-4 lines - especially for the main character. Gilded Shadows had about 6500 expression changes per route. Including the common route, that's about 60,000 expression changes coded manually. Which is a lot.
About half of those probably...were Morgan. She is on screen more than anyone else, of course. All the narration is her internal dialogue. She is on screen for it and her expressions are changing based on what she's thinking.
WSC is very much the same.
So the expressions are a lot.
I got Wil's expressions completed through Chapter 2. This chapter is about 50,000 words and of course I've been working on a ton of other things so I've only dedicated an hour or two a day to work on expressions. It's very tedious. It's also impossible to not edit as you go because you have to read the script line by line to decide what expressions people are using. Inevitably you see typos and stuff that you fix as you do expressions.
So it's just kind of a time sink that isn't *difficult* but does tend to take some time.
Upcoming Weeks:
My huge checklist has become smaller and smaller over the last few weeks.
The main things now are...CG creation, flowchart set up, coding expressions and getting my play test done. 
Those are kind of the things that have to get done before Episode 1 can go to beta testers on Patreon.
There are always features and elements I consider big milestones when they get ticked off the main list. The colourised sprite was one of the remaining "big ones" - the flowcharts are another.
Anyway, that is all for this update. I will hopefully see you all again in *two weeks* this time.
(I swear I need a less easy-to-miss reminder). LoL
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perfectlovevn · 2 months
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Perfect Love Devlog #38
This gif has a horrible particle effect, but in the game it looks completely fine, just trust me here. Anyways, I was able to finish up the last sprite for Alpha including some nice blinking effects (which I will use for Gamma's route later on) as well as finish coding that entire route, so that's the four extra scene done. I'll be doing Ryan's scene next which I've decided will completely consist of miniCGs because I love making every single extra scene slightly different and causing problems for myself.
In addition, I went back to the extra scenes that I've done and did a quick check, realized I didn't code in the two monsters for Seph's route, went on an entire binge for that and then realized on Iya and Desmond's route that I didn't end up coding in the nametag for Iya and did that. Emil's route I also need to redraw one of the miniCgs, so there's also that. Also went to a museum and Oberon festival with my parents and had a little pool party on Friday. Fun times.
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runabout-river · 4 months
Thoughts on JJK chapter 261 (Spoilers)
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The Fuck
We start with Yuji's last attack and a redraw of last chapter's last scene. Yuji didn't manage to injure Sukuna's heart further and gets thrown to the side being forgotten immediately together with Todo because Sukuna has a new/old opponent now: fucking Yuta.
We do get one more panel of Yuji thinking of Choso which fits my recent post about Yuji's accumulated trauma. Other than that Yuji/Todo get sidelined for the rest of the chapter but that was needed to explain what the fuck Yuta had done
Also, Okkotsu Yuta is now on name-basis with Sukuna, a place only very few people have reached at this point like Fushiguro Megumi and Gojo Satoru.
When I first saw the stitches on Gojo's head, I thought of Kenjaku and Kenjaku only. Even after Sukuna called him Yuta I needed a moment to understand what had happened here. Do you all understand how awesome that is 👀 JJK has an active theory based fanbase and I at least have never heard or thought of this possibility 😣
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We get a flashback to explain how we got to this point: the idea of taking over Gojo's body came from Yuta and most people were initially against it. Of note: Yuji was not part of this discussion probably for the same reason why no one told him about Todo.
We get a reminder why it has to be done this way but Maki throws in that Yuta's copy only lasts 5 minutes. So the question is, what happens when those 5 minutes are up?
Yuta dies because Kenjaku's possession ability needs to be active constantly
Yuta dies at some point because Kenjaku's possession ability needs to be activated again and again
Yuta's new body permanently becomes Gojo's body
Honestly, I don't think 3) will be endgame for Yuta. It might happen that he will become Gojo in body permanently but story-wise his death signs are through the roof. I don't believe that Yuta will survive inside Gojo 😢
1) is has to be false otherwise Kenjaku wouldn't be able to use other CTs like CM and AGS. 2) is a probable option as in Kenjaku had to intermittently re-activate his original CT but he still had the option of using other CTs as well.
Also, secret 4th option: Yuta dies but his body hopping shenanigans bring Gojo back to life.
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It's good to see how Yuta is concerned about Gojo. Yuji would've been right there with him. He told Gojo about his plan but the guy was absolutely sure that he wouldn't lose anyway, haha...
Gojo speculates that Yuta might also be the descendent of the Fujiwara in addition to being one of the Sugawara and I'm not a genetics experts but I'm pretty sure that after 1000 years without migration happening in your family tree that you're descendent of everyone who lived that long ago. Except for Sukuna because he never had children.
Also, the original gang from JJK 0 came together to be part of some murder. The deaths of the higher-ups we saw at the very beginning of the Sukuna fight is now explained: Gojo killed them for a better future of the JJ Society but he was a little hesitant about it.
The flashback jumps first to Yuji's old friend who's name I forgot. We learn that his CT is sugar (??) based which leads to him becoming part of the medical team. Then the FB jumps to the aftermath of Yuta's fight against Sukuna: he was cut in half and is about to die
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In a funny call back to when Yuji died at the Detention Center, Gojo is both dead and completely naked on a table. Just like Yuji, he also rises again albeit not completely alive when it comes to himself.
(Why did Yuta waste crucial seconds to put a shirt on?)
Shoko says that she fully sutured Gojo's bisected body and because Kenjaku's CT (as far as we know) only works on dead bodies, we have the confirmation that Gojo has indeed died against Sukuna. Except of course that he's about to be revived again.
Let's not forget that as far as Kenjaku's CT is involved, body and mind are treated the same. Something that will involve Gojo and his consciousness is going to happen at some point because of Yuta's decision to do this body hopping.
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A new Domain Battle between Sukuna and GojoYuta is about to start. Yuta not only watched the previous battles, he also acquired Gojo's memories so it's exciting to see how that will play out.
It's also interesting how the visuals of the domain clashes changed so much. GojoYuta's is still the same (the first confirmation that a possessor can use the possessed's DE) while Sukuna's deteriorated somewhat, represented with the beastly construct in the background. He also has to use Gojo's handsign.
Break next week but now we can speculate to hell and back about what will happen now.
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shark-train · 4 months
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Adult John redesign because he deserves it
Also a follow-up on my threat of airbender John aka John is basically an airbender if you think hard enough about it.
See below if you want to hear my yap session on elements of this design vvv
Okay so, why have I done this?
I wanted to make my own take on his design because I hate seeing my boy get roasted so hard by his friends for his outfit. I tried to keep some elements akin to his child-self’s design for sake of identification. I specifically kept the appearance of a crop-top (as seen in hs2 when he wears his younger self’s outfit) but with the addition of a skin-suit underneath for some actual practical protection (as I assume he will be doing some fighting at some point in the comic). I also kept his hood (it would be a crime not too) but with the addition of a collar to make it more similar to Commander Karkat’s outfit.
I also had an idea to make his outfit inspired by a Blue Tang, as his original colors are blue and yellow. I liked the addition of darker, more muted colors to keep up with the idea that they’re adults and this world they ended up in did not end up to be all sunshine and rainbows. BUT I kept his brighter colors as accents to call back to his fact. But yeah, idk why but I really liked the idea of theming aspects of his design on this little fishy vvv.
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As far as the airbending aspect, outfits from ATLA for airbender are dynamic and move with the wind, which I felt suited John’s original outfit well. I’d imagine his hood will blow with the direction of wind which he is bending. Additionally, the reason he has a thigh back (other than its a little bit slutty) is that by having it attached directly to his thigh, he’s less likely to have it get in his way while fighting/wind/airbending.
Finally, the locket. I’m just a sap but I have a headcanon where he insists on fighting alongside his friends, BUT, that means he has to go off on his own a lot of the time, and isn’t able to see them or his son because of safety reasons. Thus, I think it is just a nice symbolic thing (especially because he is depressed) to have a reminder of people he cares about with him constantly.
I might in the future do a LOK screencap redraw from that scene where Zaheer uses airbending to take the air out of a person’s lungs, but I genuinely don’t know who John might do this to, other than random grunts.
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spacey-xannabelle · 5 months
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Fateful Encounter...
Last month, at around April 10th, I decided to revisit an old project I started months prior which was to polish up a test sketch of a comic page about Lucy encountering Lumi in the dreamspace. And after slowly making progress on this, I'm finally finished with this!
I'm gonna leave some artist notes under the read more, but overall I'm super proud of how this turned out!! This is pretty much my first serious attempt at making comics in general so this has been a very interesting learning experience!
Artist notes: So this is what the original sketch for this whole thing was. It was just me scribbling out a scene I had in my head for Startrails that I wanted to put on paper:
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This I'd say was made around 2020-2021 ish. At the time, I didn't really do much with it. Until several months ago, I thought of trying to redraw this page and expand upon it.
But my first attempt at doing this didn't quite lead anywhere. I barely got through the thumbnailing process and just gave up bc I lost motivation (and life/work stuff was Happening so yea I had to put this aside as I figured stuff out). Here's the first draft of the thumbnails:
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It was just two pages at the time and was pretty simple. I left this project sitting in my files for a while until I one day just, started binging videos from Thestarfishface on YouTube, primarily her webcomic guide videos. And I decided I'd give this project another go.
It was here where I began making a second draft of the thumbnails and this was what I had to work with:
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I wanted to experiment with the panels and get funky with the compositions this time around. The 2 page draft expanded to a 3 page thing. But I thought it would've been better if I added one more page at the end with Lucy waking up as a conclusion to wrap this whole thing together.
And in the middle of working on page 3, my friend had suggested to do a an impact frame page, which I hadn't considered during the thumbnailing, so 4 pages became 5. And this was the result!
I posted the pages as I finished them onto my deviantart so that's where a lot of my thoughts were journaled as I went along dfjsdh. To summarize my ramblings there, this project was a very fun (and a bit frustrating) learning experience! I'm hoping to keep practicing and improving my workflow, and hopefully one day make Startrails a full fledged webcomic :')
Additional ramblings:
The structure that Lucy finds Lumi in is inspired by an orrery.
For page 5, I initially didn't plan for much dialogue but as I drew it, it felt just a liiiitle bit empty, so I kinda just threw in some dialogue for Mira. But bc I was already in the inking process (and I just wanted to have this project completed), I didn't redo the page to even include Mira in it. So Mira's just out of frame sdfjskdh. If I had more time and energy to keep this up, I'd have made a revision of the page so I could include her.
This experience has taught me that I could seriously work on my rendering process a bit more, and that my layer management is just atrocious sdkfjksdfh
This has also taught me that while Medibang has the tools needed for me to draw these pages just fine, it also lacks some stuff that I personally need if I were to do a longer project like this. So I'll be experimenting with CSP next!
The dialogue throughout this whole thing wasn't all that planned out- I really just stuck close to what the initial doodle had which probably wasn't the best idea bc I just have like, 2 pages of Lucy's awkward sounding dialogue aaaa. I might do something a bit more dialogue heavy to help improve this skill next time.
Anyway, thank you for reading through my 1 am ramblings on this little project of mine shdkjhks
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ducktoonsfanart · 8 months
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Scrooge McDuck, Huey, Dewey and Louie, Webby and Launchpad in Australia with animals - Australia Day - Ducktales 1987 and Duckverse
Yes, I am late, because Australia Day is celebrated on the 26th of January, but for some reason I didn't get to finish it until now. However, since I'm currently in the spirit of Australia, I'm going to publish some drawings of our heroes related to that country.
By the way, Australia Day is celebrated because on that day, in 1788, the first fleet made landfall and raised the British flag under the command of Arthur Phillip and founded Sydney there. Admittedly, the first settlers were prisoners.
Another drawing I'm dedicating to Australia Day is a drawing in which Scrooge McDuck, Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck, Webby Vanderquack and Launchpad McQuack go to Australia to investigate why Scrooge's sheep farm is disappearing. Of course, this is from the episode "Back Out in the Outback", I think it's a very good episode from Ducktales 1987 and I wish there was more dedication to certain episodes. Yes, in addition to our heroes, there is Sundowner, the farm caretaker and Scrooge's friend, as well as the Ratbags and Duke Duggan, villains who want to destroy Scrooge's business, but there's Launchpad who got them. Yes, Sundowner, although he appeared once, for me was a great character who was very Australian, and he too was played by the legendary Rob Paulsen. Yes, there are Australian animals, which little Webby Vanderquack is especially fond of and she is in the mother kangaroo bag, along with a koala who eats a lot of eucalyptus, and there is a baby kangaroo who is with Louie, as well as a dingo dog (Sundowner's guard dog) who is with Dewey. Yes, dedicated to that episode, I combined various redraw scenes and put it on my own drawing, which I drew in my own style.
I hope you like this drawing and love these animals as well as Australia itself and please feel free to like and reblog this, especially if you are a fan of Ducktales 1987. Although belated, I wish everyone a happy Australia Day!
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primatechnosynthpop · 8 months
Was seized by the supernatural urge to redraw some of my old nkotr art (mostly based on my own fics/aus because that's uhh pretty much the only time I drew them in an interesting way heheh)
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[ID: two versions of an alternate cover image for Your Computer has a Virus, and it's Killing Your Online Friends. The new kids are in their jumpsuits from Computer Fighters. Neil is holding a floppy disk labeled "virus" and looking over his shoulder with a scared expression as multicoloured glitch effects surround and overtake him. Below this, Kevin grits his teeth and makes a fist while Ryan sadly puts a hand on his shoulder.
The colours in the new piece are more saturated and the glitch effects are done differently, and there's shading. Neil has his helmet, which was missing from the original, Kevin is visibly sweating and his fist is on the other side, and Ryan looks more resigned whereas in the original he has his mouth open. End ID]
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[ID: two versions of a piece featuring fantasy versions of the new kids standing in front of a colourful roulette wheel marked with ominous symbols. Kevin is a human fighter, Neil is an elf bard, and Ryan is a tiefling warlock. The dark purple background is lit up with hot pink at the top and bright orange, purple, and green behind each of the guys to contrast their respective colour coding.
The old piece was done in an attempt at a realistic style, while the new version is in the artist's usual more cartoony style. The new kids' poses, expressions, and outfits are all changed to varying degrees; most notably, Neil's elf ears are bigger and Ryan's skin is red rather than a human skin tone. Ryan also has a cape instead of a jacket this time. In the original, they all look rather apprehensive, while in the new version they look more excited. Text has been added above them reading "The Only Lich Lair... With A Wheel!!" End ID]
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[ID: two versions of a piece where Neil and Ryan are catboys and Kevin is a dogboy. Neil is in a cutesy pose with his hands raised like paws, Ryan is sitting or crouching with a dead mouse in his mouth, and Kevin is holding a football with scuff marks on it. In addition to the regular clothes they're wearing, Neil and Kevin have collars; Neil's has a bell in the shape of the lemon demon logo.
The colours in the original are washed out and there's a little dog logo on Kevin's football which is missing in the newer version. The colours of Neil's outfit are different and his leg is bent more, Ryan now has a box to sit on and has cat pupils while the others still have human eyes, and Kevin is now wearing a baseball cap. A gradiented blue background has been added along with yellow text at the top reading "Guar-NYAN-teed Video", with a paw print in place of the G*V logo's asterisk. End ID]
+ a couple bonuses:
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[ID: a follow-up to the "Only Lich Lair" piece. The new kids are now injured and look miserable. Kevin has grown a beard and lost his hair, and is wearing a blindfold over where his eyes would be. He's also lost his armour. Neil's hair is frazzled and he's covered in singe marks, and he's lost a hand and got a chunk taken out of one ear. His instrument is also missing. Ryan has an eyepatch, has the tip of one horn taken off, and is frozen. He's also lost his wizard hat and the clasp for his cape. The bright lights in the background are gone save for the pink at the top, which drips down like blood; the text is also removed. End ID]
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[ID: a sketch of Kevin wearing a sweater and scarf, holding half a broken sword shouting angrily, based on a scene from I'm Gonna be the Anti-Hero. An old version of this doodle is shrunken down in the upper left corner. Colour has been added to the new version, as well as blood spatter on Kevin and tears in his eyes. End ID]
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seirclys · 1 year
SUOL-nim Season 4 Livestream recap!
Note: This will only be the English portions since I don't speak Korean or Japanese (ノAヽ)
Season 3's recap
Thank you to @eloise-writes-things, @leila-lirui, @bluebutterflyrose, and @karmablacks for helping supplement some of this information when I was outside or when I was sick ^^
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This time she's streaming on Youtube instead of Twitch! However, the VOD will still not be saved afterward.
As speculated, the cover is Winter and Siyeon(our transmigrator FL), with the necklace Winter gave her in the caves :)
volume 6 will be out this summer(approximately)
Unfortunately, she doesn't know when the English translation will be licensed since it's between Gyeoeul-nim and the publisher,,
Her voice is so nice... she speaks Korean, English, and Japanese too!
Return of the pink underlayer for the magenta hair!
She talked a little about the Alice in Wonderland dress! The color was specified in the novel as "sky-blue", and SUOL-nim thought it would be fitting for Siyeon to wear such a dress while adventuring with our White Rabbit, Winter
Ahh I had to leave the house for a few hours so the stuff below are all my panicked notes. Some of these are out of order, sorryyy
SUOL-nim showed us the concept arts of the characters individually.
Fun fact, Siyeon and OG!Penelope's concept art has them wearing the same colored shoes, but Siyeon's shoes have low heels, almost like flats.
She says that out of all the characters, Callisto is the hardest to draw. This is especially since his golden hair has narrative importance and the aesthetic is hard to nail down.
The webtoon is mostly SUOL-nim's own work! She doesn't really speak to Gyeoeul-nim about work matters or help in adapting some scenes.
It takes her a week to finish a chapter, so she doesn't really have a "backlog" of progress. This is also why there's an extra week of break after four weeks.
One of the most memorable changes she made in the adaptation was changing the Empire's name from "Inca" to "Eorka". She reasoned that because "Inca" is the name of a real Empire, it would be confusing. Thus, she changed it.
The anagram of "Eorka" to "Korea" was completely accidental.
She has an Instagram for her SUOL account(like how she has a personal and a work Twitter) but has no plans on using it since her Twitter is overwhelming.
She doesn't have a favorite dress, but one of the ones she's especially attached to is the white Goddess dress since most of Penelope's wardrobe is dark.
She shows her folders occasionally, and we get little peeks of concept art for characters like Ivonne, the assassins, Penelope's male disguise, Cedrick, Emily's Hunting Competition dress, Winter's layered clothing, and minor characters, as well as the tiny bird monsters.
She also showed the dress concepts for Season 3!
In addition, we got to see a rendered concept of Penelope(think the promotional portrait) as well as a version of that style for Reynold and Penelope's faces in her folders.
There was also a WIP with Eckles and Penelope, perhaps a small illustration she scrapped, hasn't released yet, or just a concept.
We also got to see a silly doodle of Penelope, a redraw of a Crayon Shin-Chan frame(it's a popular kids manga/anime in East Asia).
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The original was Shin-Chan trying to decide between a few identical outfits; the VADD version is the one where Penelope is surrounded by objects representing each ML.
The ointment from Reynold, the scroll from Callisto, Winter's mask, Eckles' collar, and Derrick's bird cage.
Her rendering is immaculate; Siyeon glows off the page.
The info after this is second-handed since I'm still sick and I fell asleep an hour before it ended ;-; but my throat is killing me and my ears were ringing
The Eckles Penelope art is the preliminary sketch for the physical Vol. 6(from my calculations!)
She moved to sketches around this time ^^
For the top row, SUOL-nim drew a Penelope, an Eckles getting dressed, and a sulky baby Reynold in a onesie. To the right of him is a doodle of him and Derrick in high chairs, with the Duke and a heavily pregnant Duchess watching over them.
On the bottom row, we have Emily in a noblewoman's dress and a fan with her hair pinned up(with feathers!), the head butler Pennel, and an overworked salaryman Cedrick on his phone.
Edit: He's chatting about Callisto with his feet on the table while thinking about strangling Callisto loll.
The stream was approximately 6 hours long!
Also, something she reiterated for a bit: Season 4 is planned to come out in August/September. The dates are tentative but she wants to get it out to us by that period.
It was nice seeing a lot of the discord and tumblr crew!!
Also, the stream tea: SUOL-nim requested that we translate our comments that weren't in Korean, English, or Japanese since she has to moderate the chat still and she doesn't want to feel left out of her own stream. Even if it's conversing amongst themselves, they should still translate.
A group of Arabic-speaking viewers actively ignored her and there were small fights in chat, and she even addressed this issue TWICE.
And in the end they still didn't do it, so... PLEASE RESPECT SUOL-nim's stream rules! At the end of the day, it's still HER stream! She has to moderate it! Don't make it unnecessarily difficult for streamers to stream!
This is basic chat etiquette.
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bathroomtrapped · 11 months
ur art is so, so amazing, is there anyway u could do a tutorial bc I wanna draw like u so badly
i can try but idrk how to explain myself or make tutorials lol
i think my style is just a product of my brush and what im trying to get out of my art, which is trying to portray the characters as accurately as possible. i rly just want it to look like it could be a stylized redraw of a deleted scene or something
my process is kinda everywhere bc i just move on to whatever step will probably make me hate the piece less when im done with it. i draw with a more square brush (blurring marker 1 on ibis) which i def recommend. its great for focusing on shapes in ur art and it helps me not overblend/forces me to think of more interesting lines/shapes. my sketch is a thicker size of the same pen, focusing on the major shapes and proportions and i just make as many additional layers overtop of it, lowering the size of the pen and adding details as i go
once im at the lineart i usually use a site that creates color palettes based off images (usually just steal some from old catholic art) and i steal my base colors from that. it doesnt matter how terrible ur base colors look as long as they make sense and r what ur generally going for.
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these were my original base, i use colored line art and shade the basic shadows using the line art mixed with the base color, highlights r whatever is the lightest color in the palette. after that i duplicate and throw it through this filter
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i play w the colors and use it as a color/hue/luminosity layer on top of the original version, lower opacity and render now that theres more colors on the canvas (the filter creates more contrast between the lame base colors i mix, then i can add bounce shadows and shit).
i use a shit ton of digital cheats. single color overlay layers at the end of a piece, pizza face overlay glow, using vignettes around the border to draw the eye towards the subjects at the center, filters, color palette generators, etc. they make things sm easier so u can worry abt experimenting with other things.
i dont rly know how to explain how i do clothes or hair other than focusing on the shadows and worrying abt lights later. this is honestly the best tutorial i can think of bc in my head im just drawing what i see as best as i can with the pen i use. use a fuck ton of reference, do actor face studies, and try to experiment with ur style everytime u draw. ur never gonna learn how to use ur programs or expand if ur bogged down by trying to achieve a specific look. sometimes that thing u were nervous abt bc thats not how ur style usually works is the best thing on the piece at the end.
actually draw only what u want to draw in that very moment and use that as an opportunity to experiment however u can. i just draw chainshipping and find ways to trick myself into learning 👍🏻 sorry this is so bad if u have any specific questions i can try to answer those better
edit: this is what i mean when i say just draw with whatever base colors and use the lineart to add value. i thoroughly hated this piece at this stage but once i adjusted the pallet it felt much more cohesive and i could continue on with the drawing. the best thing i can say is to have absolutely no process past the same few first steps and resign urself to a cycle of self hatred and throwing random bs at the wall to see what sticks
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bluessom1 · 8 months
Good Omens : The naked man - Bonus
Well, I was looking at the previous sketch and I laughed to much, I couldn’t resist to finish it. XD
(And sorry, but I’m proud of some useless details T.T)
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First part :
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non-plutonian-druid · 9 months
✨ Fic Writing Review 2023 ✨
thanks for the tag @littlerit!!!
Words and fics
I posted a tua oneshot Grace Through The Doorway In Time
and thats it!
ok rit i know you did say i should adjust it for art, i just thought it would be funny to do that first.
✨ Art Making Review 2023 ✨
Posted Art oh god
I kicked off the year by drawing Five and Lila in silly outfit submissions [1] [2] [3]
Delores as a mermaid in a crumbling ruin
Lemony Snicket au - Ben tied up in a closet
Redraw of a S3 promo poster
Five and Lila in that bathtub phone call x files scene
Tarot series - Death
Paranatural au - [1] [2] [3] [4]
Celebratory aroace Barbie
Comic fanart for alephnaught's fic Theory of Quantum Superposition
Five definitely just murdered someone with a chainsaw
Tarot Series bonus - Ten of Swords
Tarot Series - Judgement
Five and Lila run into each other for 0.2 seconds at the Commission water cooler
Baby Azula Mai and Ty Lee as centaurs
TUA centaur au - [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
Girl being abducted by a kelpie WIP
The Ben dying drawing that tumblr ate for some reason
Lemony Snicket au - the comic
OTGW au - Fei and Sloane
trick or treat WIPS: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12] [13]
Voltron Gravity Falls au comic
OTGW au - Diego and Ben hide from Five
Paranatural au round 2 - [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Top Art By Notes
(probably the closest parallel to kudos is likes, but trying to figure that out feels hard)
s3 promo poster redraw - 840 notes
Death tarot card - 319 notes
bathtub x files scene - 273 notes
the first paranatural au post - 242 notes
Theory of Quantum Superposition fanart comic - 239 notes
Fandom Events 2023
@tua-masked-author !!!
Upcoming 2024
i joined the murderbot diaries new years gift exchange! so ill be making a gift for that!
i have an installment of the lemony snicket au that i think i finished like two years ago and never posted. i should proooobably post it
also, i did just finish a different installment of the lemony snicket au that yall can look forward to!
im either done or almost done with another short paranatural au comic
i will try to finish the tarot series. or failing that. ill try to at least make additions to it
im working on a post with regular canon five (doing this made me realize its been a MINUTE since i posted art of regular canon five. ive abandoned my boy) playing with mr pennycrumb
i have Another finished thing but im waiting for something else to be posted first. i dont actually have to, i just want to outsource having to write context
Rules and tags below the cut!
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass, just keep on scrolling.
i dont know how many people I'm supposed to tag but! @destinyandcoins @darbydoo22 @ford-ye-fiji @grammarpedant @blessphemy trying to mind palace all the people i know on discord, who write fic, what their ao3 username is to triple check they posted this year, and what their tumblr url is... (and also if any of you dont like these kinds of games, sorry, thats my bad!!)
lmao also i fucked up all the formatting for you guys, this is what these are supposed to look like
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mac-n-cheese-art · 10 months
Comms status : open! 2 slots
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Hiya guys! Here's my price sheet! It's got my wills and won'ts, maybes, and some other details so click for better quality! (keep in mind this same information is under the cut in writing.) Of course I draw for the fandoms I'm in, but I'm open to other ones too! (just make sure to give more info, I might have some question, no extra charge though.) Current fandoms (this'll change): Star Trek (TNG, DS9, TOS, ENT), Lord of the Rings + The Hobbit, Batman Media, House MD, Hellblazer, X-men, Avenue 5, and others but these are the main ones.
If you want to commission me, send an ask and we'll go over details in DMs.
Anyways, any support is appreciated, reblogs especially! Thank you!!
Will Do :
NSFW/Smut (ask about specific kinks if you’re not sure, no wrong questions)
Short Comics
Portraits (friends, family, partners etc.)
Real People (celebrities, bands etc.)
Fantasy/Sci-fi concepts
Fic fanart (send me the part you want drawn and the writer’s blog)
Scene redraws (send me a screencap)
etc. you get the idea
Hard Nos :
Soft Nos (AKA I’ll charge extra)
*I charge 15% extra because either I’m not as experienced or they’re soft squicks
Ships of real people
Complicated backgrounds
(Per character, every additional character is another 20%)
Full Body : 60.00$ CAD (43.47$ USD)
Half-body : 45.00$ CAD (32.61$ USD)
Bust : 30.00$ CAD (21.74$ USD)
Icon : 15.00$ CAD (10.87$ USD)
Sketch : 20.00$ CAD (14.49$ USD)
Lil’ Doodles (has to come with another order) : 2.00$ CAD (1.45$ USD)
Pets : 25.00$ CAD (18.11$ USD)
Give me a Fun Challenge (ex. draw X in the style of Y) : +5.00$ (3.62$ USD)
Extra information:
Please let me know if this is a gift!
Please let me know specific details about OCs!
Please tell me anything about your pets (nothing to do with the art I just love ‘em)!
Please let me know additional information about the ship/character if I’m not familiar with the media!
Please feel free to message me/send asks with other info if you think of any even after I’ve started the drawing!
I’m allowed to say no to a comm.
Ask questions if you have any!
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