#scheduled jooheon: 3/4
blizzardfluffykpop · 8 months
Lover Boy
Summary: The two times you kissed Hui before you knew who he was, and the few that followed.
Word Count: 4,782
Fluff, Non-idol au, College au, Strangers to Lovers, & Older Brother’s Best Friend au
TW: Drinking, Food Mentions
Hoetaek (Hui) X Reader 
[Features! “Hui’s Younger Brother! Joo” Otherwise known as: (Y/n)’s best friend and roommate]
[A/n: In reality, Hui is the younger brother, and I don’t actually know Hui’s brother’s name. And yes, his name is Joo because the first Lee I thought of was Jooheon. Not based on Jooheon at all though. Inspired by: ‘Whui Is Me’ Concept #3 & #4 was originally inspired by Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy by Queen, but nothing came about from it.]
The first time you laid eyes on him, you were at a disco-themed club. He had a silver suit on and a large collared shirt. His strawberry-cream hair stood out to you in the midst of the crowd. You couldn’t see anyone else as he glided around the LED squares. He caught you staring and winked. And for the first time in a long time, you were flabbergasted.
Maybe it was the amount of liquid confidence you drank. But you danced up to him and asked if he'd like to dance with you. He smiled, and soon you were in each other’s arms and spinning around to the songs together. It took another song before you asked if you could kiss him, and he nodded. When you pulled away, you both were blushing red, but he initiated the second kiss as you two slowly rocked back and forth. 
When the night ended, and you parted ways, you realized you never caught his name, too caught up in the feeling of having his lips on yours. You sighed as you got into bed, and your roommate, who was still up, asked, “So, how was the disco?” You shook your head, “It was magical. Yet, I never learned his name.” He laughs, “Damn, you should have.” He looks at the time, “Shit, how long did you make out with him?” You look at the time and see it’s three in the morning, “I thought you were going to be home at one!” You laugh, “Did you base your sleep schedule on when I returned?” He huffs, “Yes, usually you have two drinks and come home.” You shake your head, “Yeah, but that was before I saw him.” He sighs, “Did you at least get his number?” You pout, “No.” He shakes his head at you, “And you say I’m hopeless.” You sigh, “You have me there.” 
You throw yourself onto your bed, and he follows suit, throwing himself on his own,  “Did you end up going on a date today?” He nods, “Yeah, it was successful.” You pout, “Fucker.” He laughs, “But I didn’t make any bases.” You do a little fist bump in the air, “I win!” He rolls his eyes, “At least I know her name.” You shrug, get under the covers, and go, “Whatever, good night, Joo.” “Good night, (Y/n).” 
The second time you met him, you still didn’t know he was your best friend’s older brother. You watch as his band performs at your college’s packed bar. His strawberry-cream hair still drawing you to him. But hearing his singing voice and watching as his fingers glide across the fretboard of his guitar had you enraptured. You just had to know more.
When his band leaves the stage, you return to drinking and conversing with the people around you. You're asking for a second drink. When someone asks sweetly, “Is this seat taken?” You turn your head to see him again and shake your head no, and he sits beside you. You still can't believe he came up to you, but come up with, “I didn’t know you could sing?” He grins, “It’s my major!” You laugh, and he finally tells you his name, “I forgot to introduce myself the last time we were with each other, but I’m Hoetaek, but almost everyone calls me Hui.” You grin and introduce yourself, and he says, “That’s a beautiful name.” You blush and thank him. 
You talked more than you had kissed, but you still couldn’t get enough of him. He left you starstruck. You wanted to know everything and more about him, like what his favorite songs were and his favorite kind of weather. You went back home, and your best friend was already fast asleep, having learned his lesson from last time. His name should have rang a bell, but you still couldn’t place where you’d heard his name before as you fell asleep.
You didn’t register it until you were brushing your teeth in the morning. You gasped as you brushed your teeth, “Hoetaek?” You rushed to your roommate’s photo frames, toothbrush still in your mouth. And there they stood at the beach together. Your best friend was disgruntled in the photo while Hui was smiling wildly. You clutch your shirt, not believing the coincidence. You drag your feet back and finish brushing your teeth. “No fucking way.” You had always heard about his older brother, the absolute dork, and here you were, making out with the said dork. For a dork, he certainly knew how to kiss. You went to class and shook off the thought. He probably didn’t even know you were best friends with his little brother. Just like how you didn’t realize he was your best friend's older brother. 
The next time you saw him, you were sitting with Joo on a blanket, studying on the campus grounds, when he came up. “Hey, did you get mom’s text?” Joo blinked at him before quickly grabbing his phone and looking, “Oh, she wants us this home this weekend?” He nods, “Yeah.” Joo asks, “Are you going to go?” Hui shrugs, “I have band practice.” You tune them out, fantasizing about what it would be like to kiss him again. You shook your head at those thoughts because he's supposed to be Joo's dorky older brother. But you couldn't help it. 
Joo interrupts your thoughts, “Oh, (Y/n).” You look at him, and he says, “I never introduced you to Hoetaek. Hui this (Y/n), and (Y/n), this is Hui.” His cheeks were red as he smiled at you and shook your hand, “It’s nice to meet you again.” You blushed as you shook his, “Yeah. I didn’t realize you were Joo’s older brother.” He laughs, “I didn’t realize you were his best friend.” Joo goes, “Ahem,” and you both immediately detach. Joo crosses his arms, “How do you two know each other?” You scramble to find an answer, and Hui says, “We met at the disco club two weeks ago.” Joo nods, “You could have told me you two knew each other.” You shake your head, “We didn’t realize who the other was.” He nods, and Hui gets up from the blanket, “I have to walk to class now, but I’ll pick you up on Friday night.” Joo nods, and when he is far enough away. Joo goes, “Tell me everything.” 
You blushed, “I um, I didn’t realize he was your dorky older brother. Firstly, he was an amazing dancer. And I… may have ended up exchanging a few kisses with him.” He groans, “Ew… He was the whole reason your night was magical?” You nod, and he squints, “Nothing further?” You shake your head, “Unless you consider that we met at his gig a week ago, too…” His jaw drops, “Holy fuck. You two left out a major detail…” You blush and hide your head in your hands, “I know.” He shakes his head, “I’ve always thought of you as my sibling, but you didn’t have to make it official.” You whine, “I know.” And he goes, “Again, you know he’s not cool unless he's in his element.” You pull your hands away, “You’ve said that, but I’ve met him in his element, and god he’s…” He deadpans, “I do not need to know.” You smirk and tease, “Are you sure? I thought you loved hearing the details?” He rolls his eyes, “Yes, I’m sure. I do not need to know whether or not he’s a good kisser.” You smirk, “He is.” He sighs, shaking his head, “Anyways… Do you like him?” You look down at your hands, “I think so.” He smiles, “Well, when are you gonna make a move?” You blush, “Joo...” And he goes, “Well, now that I have the opportunity for you to become my sibling officially. I want this process to speed up a little faster.” You roll your eyes and go back to studying. 
As you’re finishing your homework, you hear Joo say, “Hey, Mom!” You hear her sweet voice over the phone, “Oh, honey, I was wondering when you would get my text!” You look at him to see the smirk gracing his lips, “I was wondering, (Y/n) has nowhere to go this weekend… Can they come too?” You glare at him. And you hear her go, “Oh, of course, we love having (Y/n) over!” He tells her sweetly, “Thanks, mom!” And she asks, “Anything else, honey?” “No, we'll see you this weekend. Love you.” “Love you more!” When he hangs up, “You little-!” You tackle him immediately, and he cackles as you tickle him, “You brat!” He laughs even harder, “You’ll thank me later.” You roll off of him and finish your homework, refusing to talk to him. “I thought you loved my parents?” He asks with a pout, “I love them. You, however? Not so much.” He shakes his head, “If you say so.” You sigh, and you both walk back to your dorm room together. 
You don’t see him again until Joo opens the door and lets you in behind him. You kick off your shoes and turn to look towards the living room to see him sitting there playing guitar. If you didn't have no way back to the college, you would have taken your belongings and ran for the hills. Why is he already here? You thought you'd at least have an hour before you had to face the music. Your brain is unraveling fast, and you do everything to lie low. 
But with Joo talking to you in the hall, it was enough to be spotted by him. You gulp as he stops strumming and waves to you, and you wave back. Joo turns at that, and he smiles, “Hui! You’re home!” He grins at his brother as he gets up and hugs him. Joo whines about his hug but accepts it anyway, “I thought you were going to be late because of your band practice?” Hui shakes his head, “No, I told them I was heading home for the weekend.” Joo hums and tries to wiggle out of the hug, and Hui whines, “I thought you were happy to see me!” And Joo goes, “I was!” And he mutters, “Until you kept hugging me.” Hui laughs before he lets him go, and you both awkwardly smile at each other before he goes back to his guitar. 
You both give a quick hello to his parents before dragging your bags up the stairs to Joo’s room. As you walk to his door, you can’t get the sight of Hui out of your head. The memories of kissing him play in the back of your mind, ruining your resolve of a peaceful weekend. Joo and you take time to set up your air mattress, and he giggles, “You sure you want to sleep in my room?” You gasp, “It is my best friend privilege!” He smirks, “Yeah, but don’t you wish to sleep next to your crush?” You squint, “Oh, so that's how it is.” He smirks, “I’m teasing you forever for falling for my brother.” You groan, “I should have never told you!” He smirks, “But you couldn’t keep a secret like that from your best friend and roommate, could you?” You groan again, “I’d try.” He continues smirking, “I’d find out anyway.” You sigh, “I’m starting to see how you’re the little brother.” He pouts, “Hey, that was mean.” You roll your eyes, and with the mattress finally filled, you cap it as he unplugs the blower, and you both head downstairs. 
When you reach the kitchen, their dad looks away from the pot he's stirring, “Oh, (Y/n)! Have you ever met our eldest, Hui?” Hui, who is currently wearing an apron and cracking eggs, causing your heart to burst into a million pieces. You smile, scrubbing the heart-melting moment from your mind, “Yeah, we’ve met.” Hui turns around and smiles at you. His dad grins, “How did you two meet? I know how you met Joo. You both are roommates.” You turn red as his dad flips the vegetables in the pan, and Joo nudges you to say something. And you go, “We met at a disco night.” His dad gasps, “You know disco?” You laugh as you nod, “Yeah, I love it.” He sighs in relief, “Ahh good, you can move in forever if you’d like.” You cackle, and Joo goes, “Where’s Ma?” And Hui says, “Back in the garden.” Joo grins, “Okay, later!” 
He exits the kitchen, and you’re still standing in front of the island. Hui asks, “You’re not joining him?” You shake your head, “I know better than to leave when food is about to be served.�� Hui laughs, and his dad asks, “Can you get the plates out?” You nod, walk around the island, open the first cabinet, and pull out five plates. You set them out, head to the silverware drawer, and grab utensils for everyone. They finish what they’re making as you get a seat for yourself as you do. Their dad comes over, “I’m sorry I would have gotten that out sooner! I forgot you were coming.” You shrug, “It’s okay, Mr. Lee. It’s just a chair.” He pouts, “But you’re our guest.” You shake your head, “It’s okay.” And he sighs, “Okay.” 
Hui comes over, and you ask, “When did you get here?” He looks at the clock, “About an hour and a half before you two.” You nod, and he places his dish in the middle while his dad calls for the other two to come in for dinner. Your heart is hammering out of your chest, but you try to be cool about it. He opens his mouth to say something. And before he can get a syllable out, the rest of his family returns. Joo sits beside you, and Hui sits across from both of you. You speak minimally throughout the dinner, just focused on eating and trying not to think about the man across from you. 
While Joo snores peacefully on his bed, all cuddled up, you can’t help but roll to your side again. Even after begging to whatever’s up there, you’ll fall asleep. You can’t. You sigh as you get up, deciding to get a glass of water. You fill up your glass, drink a few sips, and head back towards Joo’s room. You hear music coming from the basement with nothing better to do. You decide to investigate. You shut the door behind you and start walking down the steps. 
And that’s where you see him again. He’s playing guitar along to the radio and humming the tune. He hears your footsteps as you come down the creaky old wood and looks back at you, and you ask, “Do you mind if I join you?” He shakes his head no, and you come in further, and he goes, “I come down here when everyone’s sleeping, so I don’t wake them up.” You nod, and he gestures for you to sit beside him, “Can’t sleep?” You softly tell him no as you sit down next to him. It felt awkward to be alone with him again. Because the last time you were perfect strangers making out in a bar. And now you were in an odd dynamic of him being the older brother to your best friend. Not knowing what to say, you sit there and listen to him play along to the radio.
As the next song starts, he grins, “I haven’t heard this since I was in high school.” He starts playing along effortlessly, and you smile, “It’s Led Zeppelin.” He smiles, “Dazed and Confused.” As the song nears its end, he asks, “Did Joo invite you?” You scrunch your nose, “No, rather, he asked his mom to let me come over in front of me.” He hums, “He’s always been an odd one.” You laugh, “What about you? You never skip band practice.” He smiles, “I finally had a reason too.” You blink at him, and he says, “I heard you were staying here.” You blush, and he asks, “Do you always stay here on breaks?” You nod, “Yeah, ever since I’ve become best friends with Joo.” He nods, “Interesting.” After a moment, you ask, “Do you remember the first time we met?” He smiles, “I couldn’t forget it.” You blush, “Me neither.” He asks softly, “Is that why you can’t sleep?” You hum, “Something along those lines.” 
He stops playing and puts his guitar on its stand. He turns towards you, “Is it because my brother is your best friend?” You tilt your head, “Well, no.” He waits for you to continue, “It’s more so the fact that we’re under the same roof.” He holds his hand out to you, and you carefully take it in yours, and you ask, “Is it weird because I’m your little brother’s best friend?” He shakes his head, “No. But maybe it's a little awkward that we’re in my parent's house, though.” You laugh, “Yeah.” He smiles and squeezes your hand, “It kinda reminds me of being a teenager again.” And the two of you laugh. 
The radio starts playing a slow song by Smokey Robison, “Would you like to dance with me?” You smile, “I’d love to.” He pulls you up, and you both sway to the music, but instead of kissing, you talk. You ask, “Is it true that you’re out of your element outside of music?” He blushes, “Yeah. If you met me in the florist shop I work at, I would have shriveled up and asked Hyunggu to run the cash register.” You laugh as you softly tell him, “I would have still found you dreamy.” His cheeks are red as he asks, “Really?” You smile, “Yeah.” 
He twists you under the recessed lightning, and you two giggle as you spin around. You can’t help but get lost in his eyes and wonder what it would be like to kiss him again. You ask softly, “Would it be bad to say I really want to kiss you right now?” He giggles as he says, “No, I want to kiss you too.” You tangle your fingers in his hair as you place your lips on his, and he reciprocates. You both slowly sway to the song as you kiss. When you both pull away, he leans his forehead on yours, and you play with his pink locks. He looks into your eyes and asks, “Would you want to get breakfast with me tomorrow? Like as a date?” You can’t help but grin as you tell him, “Yes.” He kisses you again, and you both giggle into it. 
When the song ends, you sit back on the couch closer than before. You both stay up the whole night talking. As the clock reaches five in the morning, you yawn. And he smiles, “You should probably head upstairs to bed.” You yawn again and agree, “Yeah.” You get up off the couch before looking at him again, “I can’t wait for our date.” He smiles, “I can’t wait either.” You hear him yawn as you round the couch to the stairs, “Good night, Hui.” He smiles, “Good night, (Y/n).” You head upstairs, open the door, walk to the kitchen, clean your empty glass, and head to bed. When you finally rest your head on your pillow, you fall asleep. 
You wake up to Joo loudly stretching, “Dude. You’re so loud.” He rolls his eyes before he stares at you, “You weren’t here when I rolled over at one in the morning.” You look at everything but him, “I got a glass of water.” He hums, “Is that why you weren’t back until 5 am?” You sigh, “Nothing can get past you, can it?” He laughs before he asks, “So?” You sigh, “I just wanted to investigate where the music was coming from.” He leans his chin on his hand, “Yeah?” You blush, “And then we danced and talked until then.” He tilts his head, “Did you not confess?” You smile as you move the blanket away, “Something better.” 
He gasps in horror, “Not underneath my roof!!” You shake your head, “No! That’s not what I meant! And this is your parent’s roof!” He cackles, “So, what is it?” You smile, “We kissed a few times throughout the night, and he asked me to go to breakfast with him.” He gasps, “Omg?! We have to get you dressed nicely!” He pulls you up fast, and you both dig through your travel bag and find something nice to wear. “Okay, go to the bathroom! If he comes up before you’re ready. I’ll distract him.” You laugh and high-five him, “Thanks, Joo!” You rush into the bathroom and freshen up, and you hear outside Hui coming up the stairs. 
Joo asks, “So, was it you or (Y/n) that asked first?” Hui blushes as he rubs the back of his neck, “Well, we were dancing in my room, and they asked if it was bad if they wanted to kiss me. And I told them ‘No,’ that I wanted to kiss them too.” And Joo goes, “And?” Hui turns bright red as he says, “They kissed me first.” Joo smirks, “That’s my best friend!” Hui laughs, “Then I asked them to go to breakfast with me.” Joo claps his hand on his shoulder, “You know, for being a musical nerd, I didn’t know you had it in you. But man, I can’t be prouder.” Hui wrinkles his nose, “Ouch. But thanks. So, how did your date last week go?” Joo nods before telling him. 
The two talk for a few more minutes before you return from the bathroom. Joo leaves you two to head downstairs to the kitchen and sits at the table as his parents make coffee. His mom asks, “Are (Y/n) and Hui joining us?” He shakes his head no, “You’ll see.” They both draw their attention to the stairs, waiting for the two of you to appear. 
In the quiet hallway, you tell him softly, “I like your black and white striped sweater.” He grins as he tells you that he likes your outfit. After another beat of silence, Hui asks if you’d like to hold hands on the way cause the diner is just a block away, and you smile as you agree. You walk down the stairs hand in hand, and his parents gasp as Joo grins. They whisper and ask him, “Oh, they’re going on a date?” He nods, “Yeah!” You walk over, and both bid them goodbye, and Hui tells them where you’re going before leaving. 
His dad smiles, “So, do you have all the details?” And Joo grins as if shining an apple on his shirt. He blows his hand and wipes it on his shirt, “Of course I do. They’re my brother and best friend couple.” He tells them how you two met at his gig, and his dad says, “We knew that, though.” He smirks, “Did you know the two kissed?” His parents gasped, “No, did they know each other then?” He shakes his head, “They didn’t know until after they met at his gig.” He shares a few more details before his mom asks, “How did they end up going on a date then if neither of them confessed to their feelings?” He smirks as he gets to rat them out, “They were in his room last night, and they danced to classic rock songs. And Hui finally confessed.” His mom grins, “Oh, that’s so sweet.” 
You walk hand in hand down the block, swinging your arms, talking about various things. You open the door for you two, and you both walk in and sit down across from each other at a table for two behind the interior wall. You look at Hui, admiring him as you wait for your waiter, his black beret making him look even cuter than before. You smirk, “Loverboy? Is that true?” He blushes as he remembers the branding on his hat, “For you, yeah.” You blush and look down, “Hui…” He grins, his cheeks red as he lifts your chin and winks, “You’re cute when you’re blushing.” You shake your head, “You’re cuter.” He pulls his finger away as the waiter comes over, hands you each a menu, and asks what you'd like to drink. You tell him, and he comes back shortly with the drinks and gives you time to figure out what you want for breakfast. 
He returns and gets your orders before putting them in the kitchen. Hui puts his left hand up on the table, and you smile as you catch onto what he means and place your left hand against his before interlocking your fingers. He grins and moves your hands back and forth happily, and you can’t help but grin and squeeze his hand in yours. He asks you questions about yourself, and you ask them back after answering. You smile as you realize you’re learning more about Hoetaek, the kind and silly, than Hui, the older musical nerd in the family. And you can’t help but feel endeared. 
The waiter brings your food, and your hands part to eat. He makes you laugh as whipped cream coats his lips, and he laughs as you get some on your nose. He licks his lips, and before you wipe the whipped cream from your nose, he grabs his napkin and swipes his napkin over your nose. “All better.” You shake your head and smile, and he’s grinning right back. 
You finish up your breakfast, and before he has a chance to pay, you do. And he pouts, “But I asked you out on this date. I should have paid.” You wink, “There’s always next time.” He gasps before he grins, “You’re right.” He wraps his arm around your waist, and you smile as you do the same, wrapping your arm around his. You grin, and as you walk through town, he softly hums along to the songs playing, and you can’t help but smile and do the same. You both walk-in time at each other’s pace, strolling around before heading back to his house.
When you reach the front door, he asks, “So, when we head back tomorrow. Will you attend my gig as my special guest?” You grin, “I’d love to.” He smiles and kisses your cheek before unlocking the door and letting you in first. Joo sits on the couch, watching TV. He looks at you two, “So how was it?” You blush, “It was nice.” And Hui goes, “I’m glad I got the courage to ask.” Hui asks, “You don’t mind if we’re together for the rest of the day?” Joo shakes his head, “Nah, I hang out with you two too much. I need some alone time, too.” You cackle, “As if you aren't texting people twenty-four-seven in there.” He rolls his eyes, “Yeah, but it’s hard to text people when someone is talking about how handsome my brother is.” You gasp, “Mean!” 
He cackles, “Yeah.” Before he shoos you two away, “Go have fun. You can tell me all about your date later!” You both smile, and he leads you to the basement door, “What do you say to me, you, and my favorite records?” You grin, “Well, considering your taste in music… Hell yeah.” He smiles, and you both walk down the stairs. And you dance and talk until its dinner time. 
“We organized it so it’s more comfortable for us to eat!” His dad says all cheerily, and he has you sit at the end of the table while Hui is on one side and Joo is on the other, and he happily sits across from his wife. You immediately say, “You didn’t have to.” And he shakes his head, “I was going to do this the other day, but I didn’t get time to.” The five of you laugh, and underneath the table, Hui holds your hand, rubbing his thumb against the back of your hand, and you can’t help but smile as you eat. 
Joo talks about all the shenanigans he was getting up to in sports and English studies. And the dates he's recently been on, while Hui talks about his music and band. And you tell them about your field of study. Their parents talk about their jobs and their neighbors. You can’t help but feel at home in the Lee’s house with your boyfriend, your best friend, and their parents. And yeah, you did end up thanking Joo for inviting you to his parent's house after finding out you liked Hui.
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wonhotan-wonyeondan · 7 years
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♡ Jooheon lockscreens every Tuesday [here]
♡ More Monsta X lockscreens [here]
♡ BTS and more [here]
♡ We’re on [hiatus] - this is a scheduled post [Jooheon 3 of 4]
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kihyuns · 5 years
mx finally coming to canada after all these years but with everything going on.... i didn’t want it to happen like this my head hurts ._.
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capricornwriter5 · 3 years
New chapters weekly 💜
Part 1
» I.M. ✨ Is this healthy or toxic?
Status: Finished Genre:  smut, fluff, angst, OC x I.M. Summary: What began as a casual relationship ended up becoming the most important thing for Changkyun. While fighting for his relationship, the rapper faces his greatest insecurities with the help of the love of his life and other members of Monsta X.
Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7;  Chapter 8; Chapter 9; Chapter 10; Chapter 11; Chapter 12; Chapter 13; Chapter 14; Chapter 15; Chapter 16
✨ Is this healthy or toxic? - Epilogue
Status: Ongoing Genre:  smut, fluff, angst, OC x I.M.
Summary: Already engaged and planning to get married soon, I.M and Liv will enter to another stage of their lives, one in which they must decide how to handle their relationship in such a public and controversial industry. Will all the warnings Kihyun gave them turn out to be true? How will the companies, managers, and fans receive the news about the relationship between the rapper and the dancer? Liv and Kyun undoubtedly learned how to deal with the problems between the two of them, but are they ready to cope with what comes after their engagement.
Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3
Part 2
» Jooheon
Always on time
Status: Ongoing
Genre: childhood friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, female OC x Jooheon
Warnings: mentions of mental health disorders
Summary: Lee Jooheon, main rapper of Monsta X, has had a hectic schedule for almost six years. Little by little, and unintentionally, he forgot about a very special person who was beside him before his dreams came true. That's until one night at a concert where a slideshow with pictures of him as a kid made all his memories with Seo Julianne come back at once. Where was she? What was she doing? Has she been okay all these years? Jooheon had the opportunity to find the answer to these questions at an upcoming school reunion where he thought he could reconnect with Jules, but the night didn't go as planned. What happens when two people who are not on the same page end up working together? Is it a coincidence or a second chance for something more?
Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7; Chapter 8; Chapter 9; Chapter 10; Chapter 11; Chapter 12; Chapter 13; Chapter 14: Chapter 15; Chapter 16a; Chapter 16b; Chapter 16c; Chapter 17; Chapter 18; Chapter 19: Chapter 20; Chapter 21; Chapter 22
Other members’ stories TBA SOON!
COLLEGE SERIES (High school/College AU!, OT8)
Part 1
» Bang Chan You are the one
Status: Ongoing
Genre: fluff, angst, love triangle, college romance, childhood friends to lovers, OC x Bang Chan Summary: Bang Chan and Jasmin have been best friends for as long as they can remember. With little time to finish high school, they both begin to develop romantic feelings. However, family situations and communication issues force them to move away. Once in college, they decide to try to regain the friendship they had. As Bang Chan sees the opportunity to finally be with the girl he has always loved, his friend Lee Know, who had been studying in England, returns home and the connection he develops with Jasmine is undeniable. Can the chemistry and attraction with Lee Know outweigh a tender first love and memories of years of friendship between Bang Chan and Jasmine?
Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7; Chapter 8 ; Chapter 9; Chapter 10; Chapter 11; Chapter 12; Chapter 13; Chapter 14; Chapter 15; Chapter 16; Chapter 17; Chapter 18; Chapter 19; Chapter 20; Chapter 21; Chapter 22; Chapter 23; Chapter 24; Chapter 25; Chapter 26
Part 2
» Changbin
Coming soon...
Other members’ stories TBA SOON!
IDOL SERIES (College/Idol AU!, OT7)
Part 1
» Min Yoongi
Our Seesaw
Status: Ongoing
Genre:  OC x Suga, smut, fluff, angst, college romance, friends to lovers, exes to lovers, happy ending
Warnings: mentions of mental health affections, soft drugs
Summary: Music was in charge of introducing them, in front of a piano they fell in love, and in front of it was their farewell. Min Yoongi, a low-income but talented pianist, and Emm, a wealthy and outgoing law student, did not hesitate to risk everything to pursue their dreams together. For years they grew up together and unconditionally loved each other until life's adversities forced them to break up. Ten years later, and in the most unexpected way, they meet again.
Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7; Chapter 8 (part 1); Chapter 8 (part 2); Chapter 8 (part 3); Chapter 9; Chapter 10; Chapter 11; Chapter 12; Chapter 13; Chapter 14; Chapter 15; Chapter 16; Chapter 17
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tay-kpop · 4 years
Monsta x reaction to you being autistic!
(Sense I am autistic I figured I needed to do this also please show support for us neruodivergent people please? We need love to!)
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Shownu would be a little confused when he saw you flapping your hands while having your earbuds in playing music at loud volume.
As he looked at you with a slight confused look he tapped your shoulder softly and asked "what are you doing baby?" And when you explained that you are autistic and that this helps with the sensory environment everything made sense to him.
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When he saw all the non verbal ways to communicate (like boards, picture binders and more) he was kind of confused so he asked about it.
When he asked you about the ways to communicate non verbally you just giggled and said "oh, I'm autistic, even though I can talk , sometimes I go non verbal and this is how I can tell the people talking to me how I am feeling and more!" He just smiled at you and just hugged you tightly.
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When he saw you eating one of your safe foods is when he would ask cause you have been eating this food for 4 days in a row.
He looked at you with confusion and said "didn't you have that for last 3 days baby?" When you giggled and explained that your autistic and that food is one of your safe foods he smiled and would try to give you more food to try.
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Hyungwon honestly might have had feelings about you being different from the start, in a good way of course, and would randomly ask if you were different from others.
When he asked the question you were honestly shocked and said "yeah, I'm autistic.. why do you ask?" And he smiled softly at you and simply a lot of things made more sense.
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Jooheon would notice that you haven't be taking proper care of yourself (not because of you hating yourself, because you genuinely forgot to) and he would ask about it.
He looked at you with a pout and said "baby~ why haven't you been taking proper care of yourself you haven't showered in 3 days! I'm really worried about you.." and saw your genuinely shocked face he was also surprised, when you explained that you need a proper schedule he smiled at you and immediately started making one for you to follow properly.
I.M changkyun
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I.m. would immediately start doing research on how your mind would work and how to help you, he would ask after you calmed down from a meltdown.
He would be kind of scared to ask what was going on with you and so he said "you ok baby? Is there any way I can help?" You nodded with your weighed blanket on you and explained that you are autistic and that the environment that you were in was to much to handle he would immediately start researching on autism.
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Wonho would be extra soft with you! He would do anything to make sure you are comfortable, even If that means eating the same thing 5 times a week.
He looked at you in shock and said "that food again? We had that 4 times already.." with a slight pout on his face, you explained that you are autistic and that you needed to eat this food a lot, he smiled and simply ate it again with you cause he loves you.
That's the end of this reaction! I hope you like it, once again, please support neruodivergent people to! We need it just as much as other minorities!
I love you so much and hope you have a great day!
-Taylor! ❤
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mynameisminhooooo · 4 years
They get to spend all of quarantine with their s/o (Monsta X)
Request : Hi!! Could you do an exo and/or Monsta x reaction to getting to spend all of quarantine with you?
Sorry I put in bullet points bc it's felt like it made more sense? Sorry if you didn't like that. I also included what y'all would do. Bc why not¿
Shownu :
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Omg this precious little bear was beyond excited to spend quarantine
Like as soon as his manager said plans were cancelled until further notice he ran out of the practice room
"Y/n I'm staying with you during quarantine..."
"Oh. Aight"
Your guy's quarantine consisted of laying in bed from the moment you woke up till 4 pm
As well as making a lot of food
And taking baths bc social distancing who?
Leads to other things 34% if the time, bc why not??
And of course singing together and him teaching you how to dance to all the songs
Cooking with this dude, where do I start
100% chance of making a mess
Would knock over bowls of side dishes while trying to grab a towel to wipe his hands
Just smiled at you when the food is all over the ground
Talking to the other members over the phone during dinner so it was like you guys were all eating together
Taking food to the other members and leaving it on the doorstep
One time they came outside before he was able to run back to the car and he was convinced he was contaminated
You had to spray him with Lysol to make him feel better
Him just being a whole lil bear the whole time
You guys would go on walks when you'd feel couped up too much
Y'all would be that extremely cute ass couple during quarantine
"I'm so glad I got to spend my quarantine with you" he'd say while kissing your forehead
"I love you y/n"
"I love me too, but your cool too"
"That's not funny" cue pout
Wonho :
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Would literally be so happy to spend time with you
Hasn't seen you in like 2 weeks because of his rigorous schedule
When he finally gets to you're guy's apartment he'd just drop all his stuff and run to you, wrapping you in the biggest hug
You guys would eat until you couldn't breath
Ordering take out everyday sometimes for all 3 meals
You guys would take an online art class because why not
Video chatting his family and ofc the members to make sure everyone was well and healthy
Calling his mom 3 times a day
Would be the person who stocks up on toilet paper
Disinfecting everything every morning
Singing karaoke every day after dinner
Doing workouts in the living room because you guys gained weight and he wanted to watch his gorgeous figure
You'd help him write lyrics
You guys would try to be productive and do fun things like read at least once every other day
He'd be so happy to spend time with you like omg
Would literally cry when he looked at you sometimes bc he just loves you that much
Your guy's favorite things to do was lay in bed in each other's arms
"I wish we could stay like this forever, I love you so much y/n"
"I love you too, but can you let me go I have to pee really bad"
Your guy's quarantine would honestly be so fun
Minhyuk :
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Would honestly act like he didn't want to spend time with you
"I guess I'm stuck with you"
"Your so lucky to have me, huh because I bought food"
Supports every small business and buys from all of them so they'd keep going
"I'll have 3 jars of kimchi, 2 bowls of kimchi jjigae, just give me half of everything"
"Minhyuk where are we gonna put all this the fridge is full"
Gives almost all the food to his family and the members
Buys like 2,264 board games
"Hey, you wanna play Monopoly I'll let you win"
Once again \(-_-)/
Fights about the dumbest thing
"I wanted to buy boardwalk!"
Throws your character off the board
Another person who stocks up, but he bought all the ramen
Your guy's quarantine would be so unproductive honestly
Like you guys just sit around playing board games
Listening to music all day everyday
Going for walks when the sun went down
If he sees an animal on the street he is bringing it home for "safety reasons"
"Look y/n this poor pigeon was left on the street"
Did I mention \(-_-)/
"Minhyuk... It's a pigeon"
Dancing throughout the house
He broke the TV while doing a twirl
Blames it on the pigeon, who you guys have name Piggy
Trying on each others clothes
But at the end of the day he'd be so happy he could spend his quarantine with you and Piggy
"I guess your ok to spend time with..."
Kihyun :
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He would be so happy to spend time with you
Would be the most precatious person
"Put on gloves y/n"
"I'm changing the channel..."
Would 10/10 spray down everything before you guys touch it
You guys baked a lot during quarantine
Burning almost everything
Would try to make jokes the whole time
They were not good...
He would try to teach you how to hit the highest notes
Him almost breaking the window
Singing together while reading
Would call every member every day to see how they were doing
You guys would try gardening together because you guys got bored
10/10 the type of dude to telling everyone to buy from small business
If he saw anyone in the street outside the window, he'd yell at them
"Get inside!"
"Do you want to die?!"
You guys would people watch
You guys tried everything possible to pass boredom
Yoga, Singing, Staring Contests
If you got sick would literally call an ambulance
"They want to know if you have a fever, are experiencing lethargy, or have a cough?"
"Kihyun I just have a stomach ache"
Would be so relieved when he just found out it was just gas
He would not let you leave the house
"I really care about you, I cant risk you getting sick"
"You do knows there is a 3% chance of death right"
"But I wouldn't be able to see you"
Wow, whatta man
Hyungwon :
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He honestly would be one of those ppl who didn't take it very very serious
"You wanna go to the park?"
"We can barely leave our house to get food?!"
"Ok, loser"
Was happy to spend time with you, but he wanted to actually do things with you like go to dinner
He just wanted to spend quality time with you
You guys would just lay in each other's arms everyday watching TV
Blinds closed letting no light in
The members would call you guys because after 3 days of nothing they were worried
"Oh we're fine, we've just been eating, sleeping and watching TV"
You guys would watch watch every variety show they have been on
You guys would try dying your hair by yourselves
"Wow y/n this blue is really nice"
"Blue it was supposed to be lilac"
Shopping online for everything, food, clothes, furniture
"Y/n we need a new couch I just bought one"
You guys got erasable markers and literally drew on the wall
But they did not come off...
He would be kind of sad that he couldn't take you anywhere
But being the cutie he is he'd find ways to do cute date ideas at home
Jooheon :
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"Guess what I'm coming home for quarantine!!!!"
Literally couldn't wait to hold you in his arms
Would cry when he came home, because he gets to spend time with you for who knows how long
You guys just hold each other and cry
Would follow you everywhere
If you went to get the mail he'd go with, if you needed to run to the store to get food, he's right by you
"Why is the door locked??? Y/n, you alive? Did corona get you???"
"Don't break the door down! I'm taking a bath"
"Ohhh, let me in!"
This little jerk picked the lock
You guys just sat in the tub for like 3 hours talking about what you should do during quarantine
Things you would do together during quarantine include sitting in the tub for 3 hours everyday
Calling his sister every day so he could talk to his cute niece
He would teach you all his rap parts from every song he could
You guys would send the members a goodie package every week with food and toiletries
Because he worried about them
You guys would take online dance class
Because why not???
Tango, Rumba, Foxtrot, Meringue
He would enjoy every minute with you
You're guys little vacation came to a halt when he fractured his fibula after falling down the stairs
He felt bad that you had to take care of him
But he was so grateful to have you by his side to help him
"Y/n you don't have to get up I can go to the kitchen to get a fork"
Could barely get off the couch
"Just please sit hear"
"So like you wanna bang?"
"No, I want you to get better"
After he got injured he just got so sad that he couldn't do anything with you really anymore
"I love you y/n"
"I love you too"
I.M :
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He already was used to seeing you basically everyday
The only difference was you guys got to stay home
You guys didn't even have to change your schedule
He was grateful that he was able to wake up to you every morning tho
"Good morning, cutie"
"Why are you so close??"
Would be so nice the entire quarantine
Need him to wash your hair, just yell for him
Need something off the top shelf
He got it covered
There would be days where you guys just laid in bed the whole day though
You had online school throughout this time
"Y/n hang out with me!¡!¡"
"I'm doing homework for my English class"
"But I'm cuter than English class"
*insert pouty face*
Would try to get in your pants every other hour
You'd let him because ofc
"No, not now Changkyunnie..."
"Yes, now... Pleaseeeeee"
All the members would worry about you because you guys were the youngest and they thought you wouldn't take this seriously
Y'all did though, you only left the house for food
"Y/n am I cute?"
"No, now go to sleep"
"But I love you and I miss you"
"I'm right next to you and it's 3 am"
Bro. Idk why but this drained me I'm gonna write the exo one different bc I literally ran out of ideas of what to do doing quarantine.
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waejinyoung · 4 years
Can’t Swim - EP . 4
word count: 9.7k+
a/n: i’m late. I’m well aware. i don’t really know what to say to be honest. i hope the episode being close to 10k words makes up for the long wait. there’s alot that goes on this episode. enjoy! we get a peak of jinyung’s pov at one point too! so exciting! no swimming lesson for today though :)
warnings: fluff shit near the end, swearing, dirtyminded stuffs, change in langugage at one point (ive placed translations too so no worries) 
EP . 1 , EP . 2 , EP . 3 , EP . 4 , EP . 5 , EP . 6 , EP .7 , EP . 8, , EP . 9
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Thursday had arrived and you spontaneously called a friend who had come down to Jinhae to see if she was available midday. She happened to have some time to spare between her schedule so you two met up for brunch and a simple walk around a local park.
Thursday midday
“It’s been so long since we got to hangout Tan.”
Tan, short for Tanya, was your close friend from university. She now works in a global firm which meant she travelled quite often. You knew she was in Seoul and was going to travel to Busan for a bit. You asked if she could squeeze a bit of her day to travel to Jinhae to hangout and she was happy you offered.
“Tell me about it Y/N. You always claim that nothing had changed but I’m still going to ask. Anything new in your life? Anyone new in your life?” Tan had a smirk on her face knowing she was hitting spots that were non-existent, she thought.
“I usually answer no.” Tan’s face lit up due to the unexpected change.
“Go on…” She was getting extremely excited.
“I’ve met this guy- “
“You… MET A GUY??” Tan had absolutely lost it at this point, and she didn’t even know his name.
“Tan calm down. We’ve only known each other for a week and a half. He joined my beginners class last week.” She bursted into a loud laugh.
“You are telling me the guy you met can’t swim.”
“YA! Don’t be mean. He’s at least mustered up the courage at this age to come and learn. Some people can’t even manage to do that these days. They care too much about image.”
“I’m sorry. I just didn’t expect you to meet your soulmate in a swimming lesson. I thought maybe at the office- “
“You know how I’ve said I would prefer to spend the rest of my life with someone in a different sector of work. I won’t be able to stand someone from the same field of work bringing nothing new to the relationship.”
“I know, I know Y/N. You want to learn from each other rather than talk about the same topics. I understand where you are coming from.”
“But yeah. I don’t actually know what he works as. I’m meeting him tomorrow afternoon for ‘thing’ as he described it. He said I’ll be able to know then what he does then.”
“He seems really mysterious. I hope you’re not getting into something dodgy.” Tan was always protective when it came to you and guys. She knew you had a gullible and fragile personality when it came to men.
“I don’t think so. I don’t even know how to explain it. Every time I’ve been with him I’ve felt giddy and bothered. He does the bare minimum and my whole world flips- “
You stop in your tracks realising that you had gotten way too ahead of yourself.
“Y/N, you sound like you’re in love. Or close in the least.”
“Tan I’ve known the guy coming up to 2 weeks.”
“Yes Y/N. I understand but you sound like you’ve known him for years and you’ve only just realised your feelings towards him. I haven’t even gotten to ask, what’s his name?”
“His name is Jinyoung. I don’t want to jump in too deep. These feelings need to be reciprocated in order for there to be progression. To him I’m probably just his swimming teacher.”
“Right, and since when did students meet their teachers outside of lesson hours and not only that basically go on dates.”
“YA don’t call them dates. We are just hanging out.”
“Hanging out my ass. He’s bringing you into his life and introducing you to his world. Enjoy the ride Y/N. He sounds like a keeper.”
“You think?” Tan nods and helps you come clear with your feelings.
You two continued with your walk in the park with Tan and settled on a bench after a while.
You checked your phone having received a notification. It was Jinyoung.
“Hey Y/N. I hope you’re doing well. If you are still able to come for tomorrow we can meet at 7:00 pm. I’ll be waiting for you at the parking lot again.”
You hadn’t realised but you were smiling like a fool beside Tan.
“Yep, confirmed. It’s him isn’t it?”
You look up at Tan as she took you away from your little bubble. You gave her a nod.
“Y/N this is thee guy for you.”
You didn’t understand how Tan could be so sure. Yes, you have feelings for him but to claim Jinyoung as the guy for me was a little too much, right?
“How can you tell?” You were interested on what she had to say.
“You’re smiling like a 5 year old on Christmas Day. I haven’t seen you like this since you got a first in our last year of uni. This guy’s effect on you is so obvious. He can’t be empty back; I can bet on it. With me just talking about him you’re smiling like an otter.”
You hit Tan on the shoulder lightly for teasing you. You were going to be open-minded about the situation and know that anything can be possible.
“Anyways, why did he text?”
“He just let me know what time to meet up. He hadn’t mentioned it at first.”
“Good luck Y/N.”
Your day with Tan continued. You appreciated being able to catch up with an old friend. You started to feel thankful for Jooheon’s call off. You were able to do things you may have had to wait months for. Although you still wished the call off was given for a better reason.
Your day with Tan sadly ended earlier than you wanted, and she was off back to Busan for work.
You prepped breakfast for yourself this blissful Friday morning. You laid out a traditional Mediterranean breakfast since you now had the time. You missed it back home. To have this breakfast alone did drain it’s vibe, you were used to having these large breakfasts with your family. You took advantage of the weather and had breakfast on your balcony. The bay had to keep your company for now until you went back home.
You were caught off guard by a call from your company. You picked up.
“Yes, Beck”
“We’ve got a dilemma.” You weren’t surprised.
“Go on.” You’d be shocked if something hadn’t gone wrong while you were out of office.
“The eco-hotel that was going to be built on two pieces of land- “
“What about it Beck?” Oh boy. What now?
“Another firm somehow bought one piece of land which we were going to use for the greenery requirements to pass the eco test.”
“Which firm? Beck I’m gone for a couple days and shit has hit the fan this badly?” This was the biggest project in your hands, and it was slipping right through.
“The next door firm- “
You hung up immediately. You were using all your might to not dash your phone into the sea ahead of you. Your rivalry between the next door firm had been going on for years but this time round it was going to be rougher than usual.
You rushed over to your closet and took out a navy suit alongside a simple white shirt + a pair of clear heals. With that you took your car keys and some documents to head to the company.
The speeding cameras could probably understand from the speed you were going at that something important was going on. You arrived at the entrance of your architecture office.
Yes, your full time job was as an architect.
You chucked your keys at the door keeper to park your car and dashed up to the 4th floor of the office. The whole company had turned into chaos in a matter of 2 days. All your employees were rushing around and there was around 6 people all surrounding Beck.
Beck was the second shareholder alongside you of the company. You both graduated as architects and decided to start your own firm as junior architects. Whenever one was out of office, the other covered for the both but this time round Beck was not able to handle all of this by himself.
You called out to Beck and his face changed from stressed to relieved. You and Beck moved to your office and discussed the situation working towards a solution.
A couple hours later
“Wait, Beck”
“Why can’t we just implement all the eco-factors into the hotel on one piece of land?”
Beck’s face was blanked 90% of the time until he heard your suggestion. He sighed a breath of relief.
“We can just add terraces and add green to the lobbies, outdoors and any other dead space we have.”
“You’ve done it again!” Beck rushed to hug the shit out of you. He raised you off your feet and swung you around.
“Beck, calm down!” He put you back on your feet with a large smile on his face.
“Y/N this is exactly why this company needs you?” You high five each other. A weight had lifted off both of your shoulders.
You hit Beck’s shoulder realising the rush you had been to get here.
“We could have solved this with a Facetime call. Did I really have to rush over here?”
Beck just gave a childish smile. We all knew he just wanted you to be there physically. He couldn’t be the only one suffering in the company. Even if it was for a couple of hours.
“That’s all?”
“Yep, can we not have a tea? You haven’t been at the company for days.”
You checked the time and saw it was 4:00 pm. You could spare some time for a quick tea.
“You did absolutely ruin a lovely breakfast that I had prepared at home. Tea’s on you.”
You guys walked down to ground floor to grab a tea from the company café. There was a duo table free near the entrance windows, so you guys sat there.
“Y/N. How do you manage to keep up with the projects and the swimming classes? Isn’t it too much?”
You’ve heard these questions from Beck on countless occasions. He knows the answer but just can’t process how it’s possible.
“Beck you know that the swimming classes don’t feel like a job to me. It’s so nice to share a skill with those who are unaware of it. I love seeing all the kids smile every lesson. It’s so refreshing and fun it makes me forget about the projects. When it comes to the company, I have a really reliable shareholder who fills my absence when needed.” You smiled at Beck knowing he would get an ego raise at the compliment.
“You bet. The other shareholder is extremely reliable.”
“You can always tell me if I start to drift a little too much from the company. I sometimes lose track on how much time I’ve spent on both jobs.”
“Y/N are you kidding me? You somehow do the same amount of work as me whilst having another time consuming job. You finish project drawings in less time than the workers that have nothing better to do. You’re doing more than enough, trust me.”
You smiled. It felt good that you were able to balance both jobs well with any concern.
“That’s good to hear. I have plans for the afternoon so I’m going to have to dip early. Thanks for the tea. Next time, consider a Facetime call when it comes to a similar dilemma.”
Beck waved you off as your car was brought back from the parking lot to you. You waved Beck goodbye as you drifted from the company back home to get ready for this “thing” tonight.
You arrived home to see the time was now 5:00 pm. You need to leave at 6:40 pm. That gives you an hour and forty minutes to get ready. You didn’t even know if there was a dress code. Was this a meal or an activity that you were going to? You circled in your walk-in wardrobe trying to figure out an outfit that would suit most occasions. You looked at casual floral dress. It would work only if it were daytime, it’ll be close to the evening so that won’t work. Jeans and a top? Too boring? Ugh.
You spent 30 minutes trying out outfits and hadn’t settled down on even one. You figured to solve the dress code problem by giving Jinyoung a ring. As much as it may be an embarrassing question you didn’t care. You weren’t going to take the risk and make a terrible impression of yourself to his circle.
He picked up.
“Hey Y/N. Are you well?”
“Hi Jinyoung. I’m well. I hope you’re too. I was getting ready for this ‘thing’ of yours, but I have no clue if this ‘thing’ will be taking place in a casual or formal setting. Basically, I don’t know what to wear.” You chuckled as you gave up trying not to be direct about why you called.
“Hahaha,” Great made a fool of yourself again, “I understand. I wouldn’t call it a formal setting. That’s for sure. A simple casual outfit would do. Just don’t come looking like a hobo.” He chuckled again.
“Great you just saved me from my worries of making a laughingstock of myself.”
“Don’t worry you won’t. See you at 7.”
“See you!”
Now that, that was out of the way you went back into your closet to pick out an outfit. You chose a pair of denim mom jeans and a black sleeveless bodysuit. You glammed up your outfit with silver jewellery pieces and your black Chanel bag. You wore a pair of white air forces to make sure your feet were comfy and headed over to your makeup stand.
You weren’t exactly a big makeup girl. You tended not to use a skin makeup like foundation or concealer. You basically used mascara and that was about it. You weren’t going to fake it; you were happy the way you were. Your lashes were curled, and you glided some mascara onto them. You weren’t going to bother with contacts this afternoon, so you put back on your turtle shell brown glasses. It was now 6:00 pm.
You had 40 minutes to spare so you went on your laptop to reply to some emails and work on some renders for the eco-hotel you worked on with Beck today.
40 minutes flew by and you shut your laptop and took a deep breath. Don’t fuck this up Y/N, you thought to yourself.
You hopped in your g-wagon and drove a new route to the entertainment company parking lot. Jinyoung was there like he had promised and waved you hello. You flashed your headlights as a way of reciprocating to Jinyoung’s wave. The gates slid open and parked your car in a free slot. There were more cars this time round. You guessed that there was something going on at the company.
“How have you been Jinyoung?” You greeted him as you locked your car.
“I’m a little nervous,” He saw your puzzled face, “You’ll understand why soon don’t worry.”
“Can’t wait.” You both strolled towards the entrance of the company. The same flashes started again. Like last time.
Jinyoung wrapped his arm around your shoulder and guided you quickly into the building. He whispered in your ear to keep your head low until he said so. You did as he said. Around 10 steps after walking into the building Jinyoung let you know that you could look up now. You were puzzled as ever. What is going on? Jinyoung realised the both puzzled but also annoyed/stern expression.
“Just a little longer. I promise.”
You guys took the escalator to the 2nd floor this time alongside several other people. It was busier than the last time you were here. A lot of cameras and staff. You could hear them whispering among themselves in the lift. You were sure you heard the words ‘actor’ and ‘script reading’. You had no clue what they were referring to. Probably some entertainment company things.
The lift arrived at the corresponding floor and you guys all stepped out. You were registering the things around you. There were banners hung up near the glass room ahead. They read ‘drama script reading’ and we were walking straight towards it.
You tugged on Jinyoung’s sleeve. You kind of felt uncomfortable feeling so alien-like in an extremely new environment. He took you to aside to avoid being in people’s way.
“Y/N I wouldn’t do anything to harm you. Trust me. This is all new to me as much as it’s all new to you. I wish I could be by your side, but we’ll be separated. Remember Bambam for last time?,” You nodded, “I’m going to sit you next to him and my other friends he’ll introduce you to them. Don’t worry they wont bite.” He lightly chuckled.
You guys slowly headed to the glass room. It was packed with tons of staff and people like you. A long banner was pinned up to the wall. When My Love Blooms was what it read. Underneath it in smaller font read four names. One of which was… Park Jinyoung.
He’s an… actor?
You saw Bambam like Jinyoung had said and was seated next to him. You took this chance to ask Bambam what in the world was going on.
“Hey Y/N.” Bambam seemed really excited too.
“Hey Bambam. Can I ask what’s going on?” He realised your puzzled expression. He could tell Jinyoung hadn’t told you anything about tonight.
“Jinyoung hyung hasn’t told you?” You shook your head no.
“Today is the first script reading of a drama Jinyoung hyung will be acting in. He’s the second male lead actor. He plays the younger version of the main character.” So, he was an actor.
“He didn’t even tell me that he was an actor. He hasn’t told me anything about his work.”
“That’s typical Jinyoung hyung. He’s usually secretive when it comes to work and this industry. It’s kind of complicated to explain but he treats all the new people in his life the same way don’t worry.”
“Right…” This whole industry thing was new to you too. You were going to go with the flow and see what happens.
“He also mentioned meeting his ‘circle’ as he described it. Who exactly is he referring to?” Bambam’s eyes lit up as he looked to his other side which consisted of 5 other guys. Very handsome you must say.
“Guys!” Bambam got the attention of all 5 of them.
“Bam what do you want now?” The guy with 2 moles on his eye lids looked up from his phone.
“Jinyoung hyung wants us to meet a friend of his.” You were kind of nervous. The one who had replied to Bambam had a bit of a cold aura.
“Really?” His expression kinda lightened.
“Yes hyung. Guys this is Y/N.” You gave a smile to all of them not knowing who should speak next.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you all.” That should do it.
“Hello Y/N. I’m Jackson.” He had a bright puppy smile on his face. He seemed like a social butterfly very eager to meet new people.
“I’m Mark.” Mark raised his hand to show who was talking. The staff were making a bit of noise, so his voice sounded a little muffled, but you were able to hear him. He seemed cool though.
“I’m Jaebeom.” The 2 mole guy spoke. He gave a sweet smile. You take back your thought of him having a cold aura. He seemed nice.
“I’m Yugyeom.” He started throwing gang signs trying to act cool. The guy beside him bursted out laughing and hit his shoulder trying to get him to stop. You joined in with him due to his contagious laugh.
“Hi Y/N. Last but not least I’m Youngjae.” He gave you wide and welcoming smile.
“So that’s everyone Jinyoung hyung wanted me to introduce you to. You’ll most likely see us often. We stick together most of the time.” Jaebeom rolled his eyes at the clingy child.
“How did you meet Jinyoung?” Jaebeom asked after putting his phone away.
“Actually, Jinyoung is my student. I’m his swimming teacher.” The guys looked at each other and started laughing.
“Waaa, that punk actually signed up to take lessons. Good on him, I thought he wouldn’t be able to.” You were kind of confused
“How come?”
“Jinyoung doesn’t like it when he’s not good at something. He’s an absolute perfectionist so to see him show a side of himself to people in a skill where he’s not thriving in… I didn’t expect him to actually sign up for classes.”
Ahh, so he’s a perfectionist.
“I didn’t know but he has been attending and cooperating well. He’s also a quick learner so he’ll be advancing quickly from my inspection.”
“Typical Jinyoung hyung,” Bambam commented, “He’s always good at everything.”
An old man stood up from the table Jinyoung was on and silenced the whole room for the beginning of the script reading. You looked over at Jinyoung to see that he was already focussed on you. He looked a little nervous so you sent over a small smile and nod to let him know that you’re fine and that he can do this.
“Thank you all for joining us today for the first script reading of When My Love Blooms. We will now be starting with the first episode reading. Let’s see how the actors have worked on their characters.”
You were excited to see what this was going to be like.
The script writing commenced, and everyone was concentrating on all the characters and the scene. The story line sounded really interesting and the chemistry between the actors and their characters seemed like a match made in heaven. You internally giggled when you found out that the main characters name was Jaehyun, remembering that this Jaehyun wasn’t the lifeguard Jaehyun back at the centre.
This side of Jinyoung looked so classy and sophisticated. He had a similar pair of glasses on like you and a simple black shirt on. He would move his glasses up whenever they would slip a bit whilst looking at his script. You could see how much he was in character and the passion in his voice trying to voice his inner Jaehyun.
“From today onwards, we’re dating.” The dialogue between Jinyoung and the younger role female lead continued until the director interrupted.
“I wish…” Everyone started laughing at the director’s sudden comment. I don’t blame him. The story line is to die for. If only life was the same.
Every now and again the boys beside you were trying to contain their laughs. They were like a bunch of brothers trying to find dirt on Jinyoung to tease him about later. They reminded you of your friends when you all hangout together specifically for someone’s occasion.
The script reading ended soon after the funny moment. The staff started packing up all the refreshments and the paperwork everywhere. The actors were taken to a little set up area to take teaser photos ready to be posted before the launch of the drama.
“So, Y/N…” Jackson caught your attention and you drew your eyes from Jinyoung and the other actors to Jackson.
“You teach swimming lessons. Is that your full time job or is it a hobby sort of thing?”
“It’s a part time job I do on the side. I pursue a more serious career as an architect.” Jackson’s expression turned surprised.
“You’re an architect?” The rest of the guys circled around you with interested looks.
“Guys calm down. I just design buildings for a living. Me and a friend own a company- “
“You’re CEO?” Jaebeom launched himself forward towards you since he was out of it at first. Was it this big of a deal?
“More or less.” The boys all started clapping. The staff joined in thinking they were clapping for the actors and the end of the first script reading. You joined in to cover up for their initial intention.
Jinyoung joined you guys as the claps continued. He was baffed at what was going on, but you just shook it off. He whispered a simple ‘you good?’ in your ear. You nodded in response to his question. The group + you faced Jinyoung and continued clapping in his face like a bunch of seals. Jinyoung wrapped his hands around yours to stop you from clapping. The contact between you and him caught you off guard but his hands were warm and protective. Your small hands fit perfectly in his much larger hands. It felt like the contact you wished for years to happen between you and your dad but that never happened. Your eyes were close to tearing, but you knew showing any sign of sensitivity will trigger another load of questions not only from Jinyoung but the rest too. He removed his hands realising the awkward closeness he showed among all the guys.
The clapping ended.
“How was I?” Jinyoung diverted his attention from you to the rest of the guys.
“Jinyoung hyung as always performed well. I’m starting to get used to the fact that you’re good at everything hyung.” Yugyeom tried to act unphased but we all knew the experienced actor could see right through his lie.
“You outdid yourself again Jinyoung.” Jaebeom patted his shoulder like a granddad (lol).
“I’m jealous of the female character.” Everyone looked at Bambam waiting to continue why he said what he said.
“I’d wanna be dating Jinyoung hyung too, it’s not fair.” Jinyoung put an arm around Bambam’s shoulder and you all started laughing at the absurd comment.
“Jinyoung hyung already has someone in mind Bambam. You have to go search for someone else.” Jinyoung had someone else in mind? He likes someone? You just kept smiling trying to show you weren’t hurt from the sudden confession. Damn… looks like you were a little late Y/N. Of course, a fine man like Jinyoung wouldn’t go for you, you thought.
Jinyoung gave Youngjae a death stare. You guessed that wasn’t information he was willing to just share casually.
“I’m sure she’ll fall for you with those acting skills.” You tried to lift up the mood that had turned awkward. The guys gave you a look and then looked at Jinyoung. They knew who Youngjae was referring to. You were the only one that was oblivious to the situation.
“I hope so too Y/N. I hope so too.” Jinyoung gave you a warm smile. His eyes crinkled and his teeth gleamed white. Whoever she is, she’s lucky you thought.
“I’m starving, can we go for a meal?” Mark suggested as he changed the topic.
“Yh, Y/N you can also join us unless you’re busy.” Yugyeom kindly offered.
“No there’s no need. I don’t want to be interrupting your guys’ meal.”
“That’s ridiculous. I’m sure Jinyoung will be happy with you joining us anyways.”
You looked over at Jinyoung and he just smiled. You guessed Bambam was right. You had nothing planned for the rest of the evening, so you joined them.
“Did anyone come by car? All the staff vehicles are being used for the director’s team.” Mark raised his hand although there was still a problem.
“Yh but there’s 8 of us Mark. Your car can hold 5 of us, what about the other 3?”
“Looks like it’s good that I’m coming then. I came by car too. The other 3 can come with me. I’ll follow Mark.”
“Are you windows tinted?” What a weird question to ask.
“Erm.. yes.”
“Great, that works.” Jaebeom clapped after the situation was solved.
“Let’s go half and half. I’m going with Y/N.” Bambam came by your side ready to follow you to your car. Jinyoung joined him and shrugged a helpless shrug towards Mark.
“You fuckers are leaving me, wow.” Mark put a hand on his heart acting like he was heartbroken.
“Don’t worry Mark. I’ll join you.” Jackson and Yugyeom joined Mark.
“Rock, paper, scissors?” Youngjae offered to Jaebeom.
“Guys it’s just a car rid- “ They were actually doing this weren’t they.
“Rock, paper, scissors!” Youngjae threw rock and Jaebeom threw paper.
“Good luck putting up with Jackson and Yugyeom.” Jaebeom waved Youngjae a farewell. Now that this was decided, you guys headed out of the company building.
“I’ll tail you until our destination. Just in case we lose your car, does anyone riding with me know where we are going?” You walked along Mark settling on an agreement.
“Yh, Jinyoung knows where we are going. He can guide you just in case you lose the car.”
“By the way Y/N…”
“Actually, don’t worry. It’s nothing important.”
“Sure…” You couldn’t lie. You kind of wanted to know what it was that he was going to say.
“WAAAAA… Y/N you’re full of surprises. First it turns out that you’re actually an architect now we find out you rock a classy car too. Keep it coming.” You guess Bambam is the type to hype his friends. Like you mentioned before, praise is something that motivates you. It’s rewarding.
“WAAAAA… Bambam it’s just a car.” You mimicked him.
“Yh… but a really nice car.” He eyed your possession and circled round it.
“Look at this big boy… what did you name it?” This kid honestly.
“I shall not be disclosing that piece of information.” Bambam gave you puppy eyes in hopes for it to work.
“Fine. He’s called Prince.” You shut your eyes with your hands to avoid the embarrassment.
“Ahhhh and because you own him… does that make you a Queen?” You laughed at Bambam’s analogy.
“No specific reason for the name Bambam. Come on, Mark and the others are waiting for us.”
Jinyoung took the passenger seat beside you whilst Jaebeom and Bambam sat behind. Bambam specifically behind you.
“Everyone seat belts on please. I trust my driving, but I don’t trust the driving of others.” You smiled at your comment. So vain.
“I’m going to tell Mark hyung you don’t trust his driving.” Bambam is an actual kid, you concluded in your mind.
“That’s not what I meant Bambam.”
“I know, I know.” You started the car as all of the guys, and you had put on your seatbelts.
You signalled to Mark for him to go ahead since your car was now ready. You followed his white Jeep out of the parking lot and started your journey.
“So where exactly are we going to?” You still didn’t know what you was going to be eating for dinner.
“We often go to this seafood place near the bay. The fish comes fresh every day and they also have non-fish options too. Jackson doesn’t like seafood much, so it works well for him too. You’ll definitely like it.”
Hmm, there was a restaurant at bay that you also went to often similar to what Jinyoung was describing. Maybe it’s the same place.
“What’s the place called? I live near the bay so I may know of it.”
“It’s called Ali’s Clam.” Bambam responded from the back.
“Ali with the lisp?” If he replies yes now, you knew exactly where you were going.
“You know of him?” Of course.
“We come from the same country. I’ve known him since I moved to Jinhae. He was one of the first people I met.”
“Small world. Weird how we didn’t recognise each other. We must have been present at the same time at some point.” Jaebeom figured.
“I would agree but I always order into the company or home. I don’t usually have the time to eat in. It’ll be a great surprise for him too since it’s been a while I’ve been at the restaurant.”
A couple minutes of silence went by. You had some music from back home playing quietly as you drove to Ali’s. You do love jamming loudly to music but only when alone. You weren’t going to embarrass yourself in front of people you’ve only met a couple hours ago.
“So where exactly are you from Y/N?” You appreciated how the guys actually wanted to get to know you.
“My parents are both Turkish. Although… I was born and raised mostly in London. I did go back often to see family, but I lived and grew up in London. Studied there and then work led me to Jinhae.”
You stopped at a red light.
“I was going to ask what coloured contacts you used. I guess they are real.” Bambam and his ridiculous questions.
“Yes, they are real Bambam. Sorry to disappoint.”
“It’s okay. I’ll just stare at them instead.” This kid. Jaebeom and Jinyoung laughed at the sadness in Bambam’s voice.
“I’ll let you borrow them if you want.” Bambam triggered your sarcasm to come out. What a fool.
“I’d be honoured.” You liked how he continued.
“So, Y/N…” Jinyoung spoke up.
“You’re an architect?” You just nodded and you kept your eyes on the road.
“Why teach swimming then?” This question again.
“Here’s how I’ll answer that question,“ He was listening, “Isn’t it so refreshing and fun being with the kids in our group? To see their faces light up every Monday morning because of me and my lessons. It’s an amazing feeling knowing I’m touching their lives by giving them a life skill that they’ll be grateful for. It never feels like work.”
As you explained your reasons, Jinyoung had been staring at you in deep thought. The way you were concentrating on the road as you spoke about pure innocent things. The way you were so passionate about helping the kids learn a vital skill. He couldn’t register everything at once and felt so overwhelmed. Your eyes glistened as you continued talking about your love for the kids and how much you loved swimming. He watched your every move and could feel his heart thumping stronger than usual. He knew what was happening and was willing to comply to his heart.
You realised you had been rambling off for a while and hadn’t heard a single thing from Jinyoung. You glanced to your side to see a loving stare coming your way. You wished you could reciprocate but eyes on the road was something you were going to stick to. He realised his own stare and directed his look to Bambam. You just smiled. Luckily it was dark, so your flamed up cheeks weren’t visible to anyone.
Your phone rang… it was Max. You guys still hadn’t sorted out whatever it is that’s between you two now. You didn’t know if you should pick up. Due to the lovely thing called technology, your car picked up on the fact that you were getting a call so everyone could see who was calling. Jinyoung aware of who Max was.
“Feel free to pick up.” Jinyoung prompts you to pick up.
“You guys okay if I pick up?”
“Go ahead.” The other two responded.
You picked up the call.
“Hey Max, how are you?”
“Doing better Y/N. You free to talk?”
“Yh sure, go ahead.”
“I wanted to talk about Monday.”
You looked over at Jinyoung. He didn’t seem phased, but you felt uncomfortable.
“I’m listening.”
“Stay away from him.” Not this again.
“Elaborate ‘him’.”
“You know who I’m on about Y/N. Don’t make me say his name.”
“Elaborate or I’m hanging up.”
“Fine. I’m on about Jinyoung.” Oh boy the air in this car just got even more awkward.
“Fuck my life Max. You’re still dragging this out? Can you speak up like a man with a pair of balls?”
Jaebeom and Bambam looked at each other. They sensed the change in atmosphere as expected.
“Alright Y/N. What I’m saying is you have to stay away from Jinyoung from now on! I see the way he looks at you Y/N. His ass is so whipped for you and it has only been 2 lessons- “
“And?” The awkwardness had hit cloud nine. You wanted to hide in a box and stay away from humans for weeks at this point, but you had to stay strong. You weren’t going to give in like a weakling.
“What do you mean ‘and?’? Aren’t you bothered? Are you ready for someone else to crush your heart again just like Chas- “
“Don’t you dare say his name.” Max was crossing over the line. This call being on speaker didn’t help either.
“You get the point. Your ass is going to fall deep into his trap too only to be left like a shattered mirror again. Continue being like this and I won’t be there to fix you either.”
With that Max hung up. You didn’t speak. You were trying to contain the anger you were feeling rise up. You were carrying lives in the car. You weren’t going to express the anger now.
“You good?” Bambam couldn’t stand the silence and asked the comforting question. You had to be honest. You weren’t exactly feeling like answering although you thanked him internally for caring.
You mustered up the energy to talk after burying the anger inside.
“I deeply apologise for what just happened. I didn’t exactly want you guys to witness this not-so-nice side of me let alone on our first meeting,” You faced Jinyoung for a split second, “I owe you another apology. I don’t know what’s gotten into him but- “
“You truly are unaware aren’t you.” Jaebeom interrupted you. Kind of rude.
“I don’t know who that guy was, but he sounds extremely jealous.” This again. Jinyoung opted to stay silent.
“You think?”
“I think? It’s almost fact. He sounds so riled up. As a guy the only reason I’d ever be so ‘like him’ would be because I’m jealous.” For everyone to say this keeps solidifying the assumption. You guess everyone was right.
“Jaebeom hyung is usually right when it comes to knowing things. What he says usually turns out correct. I also agree. He sounds pissed and jealous.”
You chose to stay silent until you arrived at the restaurant. Everyone went back to what they were doing before the rude call. A couple minutes later you all arrived at Ali’s Clam.
You and Mark parked near the venue and walked it to the table Ali had given the rest.
“No way!” Ali ran up to you and gave you a warm hug. It had been around 1 month since the last time you saw him. Although you could feel the life being squeezed out of you too.
“Ali let me breath,” you laughed as you hugged him back, “It’s good to see you too.”
“Y/N seni bir aydır görmüyorum. Nerelerdesin?”
[“Y/N I haven’t seen you for a month. Where have you been?”]
“Bizim büro büyük bir proje kaptı. Beck’le onun üstünde çalışıyoruz. Biliyorsun ki yüzme derslerim de var buraya gelmeye zaman bulmak zor oluyor.”
[“Our firm received a big project. I’ve been working on it with Beck. You know about the swimming lessons too, it’s hard to find time to come.”]
The guys all picked up the change in language. This is what it must feel like for our fans, they thought to themselves.
“So how come you know of these lot?” He was referring to Jinyoung and the rest, “And how do you guys know of Y/N?”
Yugyeom stepped up to explain.
“Long story short, Y/N is Jinyoung’s swimming teacher. The rest of us met Y/N today at Jinyoung’s script reading.”
“Riiiight… So, what can I get you guys today? Everything’s on me!” Ali clapped in excitement for reuniting with his friend alongside his favourite customers.
“Can we get our usual lobster in the middle plus the baby crabs plus Jackson’s order?” These guys don’t order the stuffed oysters. What in the world?!?
“You know what else to add Ali. I can’t believe you guys don’t order the stuffed oysters. It’s Ali’s signature dish.”
“I got you Y/N! I’ll make it a bigger portion so the rest of you guys can try it too.” Ali jotted down the order on his little notepad.
The small chit chat continued. You were sat between Jaebeom and Jinyoung. Your table looked out to the bay and was decorated with shells and blue and white ribbons. You always loved the ambience of this restaurant. It reminded you of the fish restaurants back in Turkey that you and your mum would go to when you were younger. Whenever you felt homesick you knew you could come here to sink the feeling away.
“So, Miss is an architect.” Jinyoung turned to you as the rest spoke among themselves.
“I guess I am, and Mr is an actor” You chuckled. You both found out each other’s careers in very different ways.
“I guess I am.” He mimicked you. You eyed him having picked up on what he was doing.
“So, what’s the story behind you and everyone? How did everyone meet each other?”
“Get ready for another surprise. I’m not exactly just an actor… All 7 of us make up a k-pop group called GOT7.”
“Yh, right.” You laughed at him assuming he was joking around.
“Wow don’t believe me. Guys!” Jinyoung got the attention of the rest of the guys.
“Jaebeom hyung when did we debut?”
“16th Jan 2014.”
“Seun-ah what was our debut song?”
“Girls, girls, girls they love me” Jackson sang and displayed some hand movements along with it. Were they being serious?
Ali came over with the baby crabs and the stuffed oysters. He was just about to go back for the lobsters but Jinyoung asked Ali the same questions he had asked Jaebeom and Jackson.
“You guys debuted under JYP Entertainment as GOT7 on 16th Jan 2014 with the song,” he changed his stance like he was ready to dance, “Girls, girls, girls they love me.”
“Jackson also had a plant sticking out from the top of his head then.” The boys started laughing but Jackson gave Ali a deaf stare. Ali gave him an apology hug and insisted that he couldn’t let the opportunity slide.
“Is that why you kept your job a secret at first?” Jinyoung nodded.
“People tend to act different towards us as if we are not ordinary people. There seems to be this analogy of a pedestal where we are placed higher and we don’t really like that since it makes it hard for us to get to know genuine new people. Me keeping that a secret meant you looked at me for who I was not for someone who was a singer.”
“That makes sense. People forget behind the stage and platform there’s someone just like all of us with feelings and hobbies. We all like to chill, lounge around, go for a walk. It makes up only a part of us not all of us, but many people don’t see it that way. So, I understand why you chose to hide it although I can let you know that I’m not one of those people. It’s the inside that counts.” You pointed to your heart. Jinyoung just kept falling for all the mutual comments you were making. He agreed with everything that was escaping from your mouth.
“I’m happy we are on the same page.” He ruffled your hair like you were a 10 year old kid. His eyes gleamed with playful energy. You wish you could have stared longer but you were among his friends. You didn’t want them to get the wrong idea. With that you sorted your hair along with Ali placing the lobster and Jackson’s dish on the table.
“Ellerine sağlık Ali. Her zaman ki gibi çok güzel kokuyor her şey.”
[“Thank you for the meal Ali. Like always the food smells really good.”]
“This isn’t fair we don’t understand.” Bambam started sulking like a kid.
“I’ll try and contain myself. Since I usually come here alone I’m used to speaking in Turkish with Ali. Sorry.” You showed your innocent eyes (not an aegyo way, not a fan) to Bambam.
“If you look at me like that, how can I even get annoyed? Talk all you want I trust you wouldn’t speak ill of us to Ali.” You smiled at the kind words from Bambam.
“Let’s tuck in!” Youngjae suggested. You all started tucking into the food laid out. You had convinced Jaebeom to try the stuffed oysters since no one would say yes. You showed him how to open the oyster and scrape the filing with one shell from the other. Then eat from it like it was a spoon.
“How is it?” You tried to read his expression. He continued chewing and his eyes started to widen.
“We’ve been missing out.” Mark passed his plate over to you for you to put some oysters on his plate after seeing Jaebeom’s reaction.
“How do you did it again Y/N?” Mark asked.
“Let’s do this. Anyone who wants to try it put your hand up?”
Everyone but Jinyoung and Jackson put their hand up.
“I’ll let Jackson slide since you don’t like seafood,” You turned to Jinyoung, “This is bad sportsmanship come on everyone’s willing to try.”
She’s hitting you with those colourful starry eyes again. How could you say no?
“Fine Y/N. For your sake.” A wide smile spread across her face. She passed you an oyster too.
“If everyone’s ready, watch me then copy. We good with that?”
“This sounds like another swimming lesson.” You couldn’t help but remind her how similar her instructions sound like her lessons.
“Wooow. Are you criticising my teaching?” You could now pick up on her sarcasm. She wasn’t being serious. You just shrugged playing secretive like always.
“You should appreciate you haven’t drowned with your skills.” Oh no she didn’t.
“WAAAAAAA… I like it. Finally, someone else as savage as me.” Bambam high fived you across the table. Jaebeom had his mouth agape and Youngjae looked at you.
If the guys had made that sort of comment, it would have been game on. But when it came to Y/N, you couldn’t even find a way of retaliatin. Not only did you not know much about her, you got caught looking at her in disbelief. Your brain couldn’t register a comeback.
“Waaa… she actually got him silent. You achieved something I haven’t for the past 6 years Y/N.” Yugyeom started clapping. You looked at him and your eyes did the job. He stopped clapping as soon as he realised he weren’t going to take shit right now.
“Like I was saying. We ready?” Everyone raised their oysters. You watched her eagerly demonstrate how to eat her cuisine. Her passion for her homeland was present and you liked how she was patiently teaching you all how to eat the delicacy.
“Then you scrape it like it’s a spoon using the empty shell, like this.”
Surprising you all were pretty good. None of you dropped the filling on your plate.
“Then…,” Y/N got up from her seat and grabbed a lemon slice, “You squeeze some lemon on it. Keep your oysters up a little I’ll come around and squeeze some.”
She went around the table and dispersed some lemon.
“Now voila, eat.” You were a little hesitant. You weren’t a big fan of oyster, but you were willing to try it based on Y/N’s recommendation.
And you weren’t disappointed. The combination of the crustacean, rice and the herbs worked so well together. You could see why Y/N was surprised when this wasn’t a part of the group’s order. It tasted delicious.
“I can read all your faces now and no one seems disgusted besides Jackson.” She laughed at Jackson’s reaction to all of you tasting the new dish.
“Bro, how do yall do it?” Jackson questioned.
“Do what Jack?” Mark didn’t understand.
“Eat seafood. Madness.” Jackson resumed to eating his burger.
Ali dropped by having seen you guys taste the oyster.
“What do you guys think?” Ali asked.
“Y/N is right. Ali where have we been?” Youngjae was experiencing his version of food enlightenment.
“I don’t know Youngjae. Where have you guys been?” Ali laughed at Youngjae’s absurd question.
You guys dug into your food whilst conversing and getting to know each other. It turned out that Jackson and Y/N were close to meeting each other earlier on in life. If they had both pursued in their sports and competed in the Olympics there was a chance they would have met. Small world. Jackson explained to Y/N how he switched his career path and Y/N spoke about the lack of opportunity and motivation in that field left her to divert her attention to architecture. Both succeeding exceptionally well in their fields.
“So, what’s been like your biggest project so far?” Mark asked since you both stopped eating having felt close to full.
“We have an active project going on right now for an eco-hotel set to be built near the end of the bay. The client is a really well-known person although I can’t disclose who he is due to privacy regulations. I can say you are all well aware of who he is that’s for sure. I never imagined someone with such high status would want us to design something for him but yh… we are working on it.” Y/N explained.
“That’s really cool. It’s nice to hear what people are doing in different industries. We are always surrounded by the entertainment industry so it’s nice to see a different expression of creativity going on around us.” You appreciated Mark’s kind words and appreciation for the architecture field. The field didn’t receive much cover and is overlooked so it was nice to hear those words.
“I agree. The same thing goes for you guys. I have one friend who does work got to do with music production although I didn’t really get much insight into what he did. It must be really warming having an audience who support you and your work constantly.” You liked having logical conversations. It seems like Mark’s somebody you would get along with well. He seems very knowledgeable.
“Ali! Can you bring over a couple bottles of soju?”
“Coming right up Jaebeom!”
Ali came pacing to our table and placed 7 glasses and 5 bottles of soju. He knew you didn’t drink.
“You forgot another glass.”
“Ah, I don’t drink.” You waved off Jaebeom.
“Waaa… does that mean we all get to drink? We have a driver to get us home guys!” Jaebeom joked around since you would be sober.
Ali came back since he heard what Jaebeom had said, “7 drunk guys and Y/N that sounds like chaos.”
“Come on Ali! We aren’t that bad drunk, are we?”
“Definitely not Jaebeom.” You picked up on Ali’s sarcasm.
“I’ll join Y/N for today. We won’t drink you guys go ahead.” Jinyoung joined the sober team for today.
“Jinyoung hyung~ you’re like the most entertaining person when drunk. Are you just too scared you’ll end up confessing to Y-“ Yugyeom smacked his hand across Bambam’s mouth and kept it shut. Was he about to say your name? Nah… surely not.
“You guys know I’ve been cutting down on drinking. There’s no other reason besides how wild we are when we are drunk. Can’t let Y/N handle all of 7 of us alone.” You appreciated his concern.
It took about 20 minutes for all 7 of the guys to be out of it. You and Jinyoung took the opportunity to part from the group and walk along the beach.
You could hear the waves crashing gently in the summer breeze. You took a second to take deep breaths of fresh air.
“Ah…” You sighed as you let out the fresh air, “Don’t you just love the sea?”
“I think I would like it more if I could swim in it.” You giggled at his confession.
“I’ll make that happen one day. I promise.” You smiled up at Jinyoung as you watched your feet sink into the sand as you guys walked. You both stayed silent until something came up to mind.
“I mean you can still have fun in the sea without having to swim in it.”
“Wow, I thought Jaehyun was the dirty minded one. I can see who he learnt it from.” He eyed you knowing that what he was hinting at was most likely something that wasn’t on your mind.
You were gobsmacked. Him too? Were all guys like this?
You slapped his shoulder, “You guys are atrocious. I meant splashing each other.” As you said the word ‘splashing’ you knelt down and splashed water at Jinyoung.
He was ready to win you over at this fight. He retaliated with even more water and caught you off guard. You guys ran up and down the beach trying to splash one another as well as not get caught by the flying water droplets. The cool breeze made the water on your body colder than usual. You guys were practically drenched when you dropped on your ass because your foot got caught sunk in the sand.
“You okay?” Jinyoung crouched down to your level and smiled at you like a child.
“I would be if my ass wasn’t soaked.” He lent you a hand. Was he this naïve? You took the opportunity to give Jinyoung a taste of what it felt like. You grabbed his hand and dragged him done to your level.
“I should have seen that coming.” Damn right he should have. You both chuckled as you watched the moon and the rippling reflection on the sea’s surface.
You started to tear up at the familiar scene although the person beside you wasn’t the person in the flashback. It was Chase. Chase was your ex-boyfriend. He was probably the best shot you had with a guy and things were going well until you found out that he was cheating on you for 2 months with a waitress at Ali’s restaurant. You had shared your ups and downs with him meaning him cheating on you left you extremely hopeless for other guys. Max’s extra possessive and protective reached its peak during that time hence the phone call today. When Ali found out, he fired the waitress immediately knowing how hurt you would feel every time you came across her at the restaurant. Even worse when she was with Chase. You guys would hang out at the beach after meals similar to how you and Jinyoung had today. Although today felt different, Jinyoung meant more to you than Chase in a shorter period of time. You still lacked on so much about Jinyoung, but he never gave off a single bad impression on any occasion. You trusted him.
He realised your mood change.
“Did you come here often with him?” How did he…
“I can tell you haven’t been here alone before. Did you guys come here together before? With the guy Max was about to mention on the phone call.” Smartass.
“Wow, I didn’t even need to explain. You’re spot on.” You let out a chuckle. It must have been really obvious.
“It must suck. We can go back-“
“No, no… I’m not going to let past memories be the reason for me to run away from a beautiful landscape. You being here helps too.”
“I’m glad to hear that. Although my backside is about to drop off.” You had completely forgotten that your bottom halves were being repeatedly soaked by the crashing waves.
“Not having much fat in that area is a struggle isn’t it. I can’t relate.”
“I have you know I have an ass.” You were dying at the confidence. You make sure to check him out secretly when the peach is in view.
“Clearly not big enough for the cold.” He pushed you over and your back got soaked from the damp sand.
“Ahhhh! Jinyoung I’m gonna catch a cold. It’s freezing!”
You were going to get your pay back. You launched your hands onto his shoulder in the hopes that he would also fall back but you underestimated his strength. You guys squabbled trying to put the other down. As expected he had you done in no time grasped onto your wrists. Some water droplets from his shirts fell down onto your warm skin. The position you guys were in raised the heat of your body at an unhealthy rate. Your faces were inches away just like how they were at during the water dodgeball game. Your chests heaved trying to get back your breaths, but he looked too good to be true. How could you go back to breathing normally when he looked gorgeous?
“Still cold?” He swept you away from your thoughts.
“Y-Yh…” You were boiling to be exact.
“This should help.” He dropped lower towards your face. Your noses brushed each other’s, and you could now feel his warm breath across your face. He looked deeply into your eyes as if there was a transcript written in them. He took his time analysing your features until he got to your lips. He couldn’t help staring at your lips for a little longer than your other features until he couldn’t take it anymore. He was going to make the first move he wanted to make since the beginning.
He teased your lips slowly making contact with them not knowing this was going to be the beginning of something life changing. You moulded into his lips and you could understand that he wanted this as much as you did. The passion as he moved trying to taste every inch of you made you blame yourself for not noticing his interest sooner. You were most definitely not cold anymore.
You were happy that your interests were not one sided and couldn’t wait for what else this new possible love had in store.
Thank fudge cakes this episode is over. I apologise for how late this episode has been. I think the word count being close to 10k explains why it took so long. I struggled to find a place to stop for this episode, so I just continued writing until I was happy with it. A lot goes down in this episode so grab a snack and enjoy. It was also really nice bringing in some native tongue into the series. I’d like to get your opinions on whether I should continue with the native tongue conversations between Y/N and Ali. I also introduced Y/N’s full time job. I hope it was a nice surprise for you guys. Until next episode 👋 
writer-nim x
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nthngbxtfanfics · 5 years
Not her - Jooheon scenario
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | FINAL
As you may noticed. Part 6 got deleted, just because Tumblr did such an amazing job in synchronizing the App version with the Web version. YEY.
So now I had to rewrite it. It makes me so sad cuz the previous version was so damn awesome!
But that doesn’t mean that I’ll be taking mercy on you.
Welcome to my rollercoaster of emotions.
@lidda​ @meiiyue​  @pleasantpeachstudent  @im-what-iam  @elenaramos1 @1crazyteenage-dirtbag @ghostofyoujungkook
I hope I didn’t forget anyone...
“What?” You thought your ears would play a sick prank on you. But that wasn’t the case. His words repeated in your mind, trying to figure out if these words had any truth in them.
“Stop! Don’t repeat yourself. I don’t wanna hear that!” you interrupted him as the weight of his question pulled onto your heart-strings. A new kind of pain evolved within your chest, making it hard to breathe.
“But Y/N-” he took a step forward, opening his arms, trying to reach out to you.
“Stop! Jooheon I told you to stop. I don’t wanna hear more from you, don’t you understand?” your body reacted automatically with your words and took a step back, further away from him. You felt uneasy, you couldn’t understand your own actions, emotions or thoughts. Everything was so confusing.
“But Y/N I do wanna be with you! I’m not lying to you! I’m fucking serious” his words got heavier in your chest. You couldn’t face him anymore, you closed your eyes avoiding the man in front of you. Your sobs made your body tremble, your limbs became cold. The whole warmth in your body was gone.
“Please don’t do that to me Y/N.” Jooheons heart was in extreme pain. Your fragile figure, your tears. The pain in your body was visible and he hated that sight. His vision was blurry, tears stained his cheeks. He never wished to bring you to this state, he wanted you to be happy but not in pain. He knew he was selfish the whole time, neglecting his feelings and you. He wanted to erase those emotions and failed and this was his punishement.
Once again, Jooheon tried to come closer to you, to embrace you in his arms and yet again, your body reacted on it’s own. Your arms wrapped around your waist, hugging your trembling body, trying to give yourself some warmth. Your feet took you another step back, away from Jooheon, searching for a safe spot in the room.
“I’m pleading you Y/N. Please let me explain everything.” Jooheon couldn’t hold back his emotions, he needed to release them or else he would go insane. He wanted you to know everything, hoping it would ease the pain in you.
Your legs became weak, you searched for a place to rest your feet. Your body sat down onto the soft matress of Hoseoks bed, your upper body leaned forward, your elbows rested on your knees and your hands supported your head. You kept your eyes away from Jooheon, too scared to see his broken state. His voice was enough for you, it broke your heart to hear the sadness in it. Your mind was empty and dark, tears kept flowing down your now red cheeks.
Jooheon took your silence as a sign for him to continue. His gaze wouldn’t leave you for a second, he wanted to catch every reaction of your body, for him to move on. He hesitated, finding the right words to start. He saw how vulnerable you were and he wanted to be more cautious and careful with them. Too scared to hurt you even more. He took a deep breath, finishing it with a shaken sigh.
“I’m so sorry Y/N.” His lower lip started to tremble more, trying to hold back a sob and tears started to reapear, taking over his vision. His head turned away from you for a short time to return with shut closed eyes, trying to stop the drops from falling. As he opened them, they catched your small figure and let the tears free. Jooheon took another much smaller bit of air, his teeth hold onto his trembling lip, trying to stop it. He himself was drained, all energy left his limbs. Anger was no where to be found, all he wanted was to lock you in his arms and never let go. His desire to keep you safe and warm became stronger, his first priority became you. His own heart gave him a hard time through this situation. He wanted you back, but he needed to earn that reward. “I never meant to hurt you. I was just too stupid and selfish to notice how much I actually hurt you with my actions. All I wanted was to get rid of these emotions for you. I wanted to get rid of this everlasting pain, I have when I don’t have you beside me. When you smile and I’m not the main reason for it.” His own sobs interrupted him, he took this opportunity to calm down a little and to wait for some reaction coming from you. Your body was still, listening to all his words. Words full of pain, sadness and love. Honesty weighted those words, you couldn’t argue with that.
“Y/N I love you since the day we first met. It felt like love at first sight, your smile brought warmth to my heart. Your hugs brought me strength through my busy schedule days. Your voice brought me the sweetest dreams at night, even if they were short, I knew I could lean on you. I wanted to ask you out back then, but I don’t wanted to pressure you on being my girlfriend, especially since I’m a member of Monsta X. But I don’t wanted to loose you, I wanted you beside me. That’s why I kept you as my best friend.” The words became heavier and the knot in Jooheons throat tighter. His mouth became dry, swallowing his own saliva became a struggle. “The more time I spent with you the more I fell for you and became more scared to confess my feelings. I was too afraid to scare you away. I don’t wanted to ruin our friendship and throw our memories to waste. You mean so much to me I can’t loose you.” He took another breath to put more words together.
“When I introduced you to the other members, I was so happy that you got along so well. That the members love you almost as much as I do. But as you started to get closer to Kihyun, that even rumors started to circulate, that you two were dating. My mind went crazy, I was so jealous, I couldn’t think straight. I was so close to punch my brother and loose my chance to you. I couldn’t let this happen. That’s why I acted like I was fine with this whole situation. I came to the conclusion to get rid of my feelings for you.” As memories started to flood his mind, tears of pain and betrail started to fall free from his glassy eyes.
“I went to my studio to get drunk or wasted and ended up in clubs, hooking up with some random chicks. Only to erase you from my mind. I searched you in every woman I was with, but no one was as perfect as you, only worse.” Jooheon stopped himself, to wait for a response from you. But your body stayed still this whole time. Jooheon grew confident and walked towards your figure. He kneeled down in front of you, reaching your eye-level. He lifted his hands to reach for yours. He took them away from your tears-stained face and held them tight in your lap. Squezzing them a little, to comfort you. His thumb circled your palm, warming up the little spot. His hands radiated warmth and your shoulders began to relax. Jooheons eyes laid on your hands, they fitted perfectly in his palms.
“I thought, my only option was to get a girlfriend. I hoped it would actually help and I was wrong. It only got worse. Especially after Kihyun cleared up the situation, that you two aren’t dating and that you both were not really interested in doing so. That’s also when Hyejins real face was revealed to me. I know, you tried to convince me first and I didn’t believed you. Only when Changkyun told me about everything that happened. The things she did to Hoseok-hyung, to Hyunwoo-hyung and to you. But If I’d knew about the coffee incident earlier, I would have done something about it.” Jooheon lifted his eyes, searching for yours. They hid behind your messy bangs, Jooheons hand automatically took action and lifted itself, to brush some strands behind your ear. Revealing your now puffy eyes. His hand rested on your cheek, cupping it. Tears welled up in your eyes, waiting for release. You couldn’t hold them back and let them free, yet again. Jooheon catched those tears with his thumb, before they could reach the soft cushion of your swollen lips. His thumb rubbed lightly on your cheek, another comforting gesture. You leaned into the warmth of his palm, your eyes shutting close. Enjoying that small moment.
“Y/N. I don’t know why I was so careless and so stubborn. As I saw you and Kihyun today, so close. I couldn't hold it anymore, it made me so mad. I never meant to scare you like that. I don’t know myself anymore. Please forgive me for being me, for being too stupid to not see what’s best for me and for letting go of you.” Jooheons hands started to tremble, as new words flooded his mind. Words he wanted to let free.
“Please look at me Y/N” You raised your head, meeting Jooheons glassy eyes, tears asking for release. You could see all kinds of emotions in those lost, dark orbs. Pain, sadness, anger and love. Your reflection, visible in them like a mirror. His gaze was strong, but didn’t afraid you. The opposite, you wanted to fall in them deep as deep as you could. Like falling into the galaxy, you desired the feeling of no gravity and the stars becoming your home.
“I love you.”
Your eyes widened at his confession, the three words repeated themselves in your head. A force within him took over his body as Jooheon reached forward, the desire to feel your lips on his became so strong. There was no stopping in his movement until he met the softness of your plump lips. You were taken a back at the sudden contact but gave in. Your lips worked in sync, your brain felt dizzy, your surroundings became blurry. More tears left your closed eyes, Jooheons tears got mixed with yours. The kiss was soft, passionate and full of pain.
A sudden strange feeling of pain, different and stronger than before, filled your body. You pulled back from the kiss. Your sobs became stronger, your body started to tremple again and more thicker tears started to fall. Your head fell onto Jooheons chest, hiding in his presence. Jooheon immediately sat beside you and wrapped his arms around you nd pulled your legs over his lap. One hand caressing your back, the other holding your head in place. His arms were strong around you, not letting you go. His own emotions started a battle with him, but he needed to be strong for you. He never saw you in this kind of state. Sudden guilt builded up within himself.
An internal battle started within you, a battle between your heart and your mind. Your heart wanted to let go, to feel the love he was giving you. The long deserved warmth from the man you love so dearly. Your mind was screaming to let go, it was too soon to give in. It warned you from further harm, you weren’t ready to receive and live with that love. You had to leave now or it’ll be too late, but your heart wanted you to stay a little longer. You needed to heal and it knew you could do it with him.
Jooheon waited for you to calm down, but wouldn’t let go of you. He would never forgive himself if he’d let you slip away from his fingertips. He needed you and you needed him, he wanted to be there for you. His grip got stronger as his thoughts went further. He felt in peace as your cry decreased and you stopped fully.
His warm chest, transfered warmth to your cold body. But the battle within you increased, making it uneasy to stay in his arms. But your body lost almost all energy that was left. The weaker you got, the stronger the force to leave became stronger. You couldn’t handle it anymore, you used your last bit of strengh and escaped out of Jooheons grip.
“I’m sorry but I can’t” You rushed out of the bedroom, leaving a shocked Jooheon behind. As he lost sight of you, his body reacted immediately and run after you as fast as he could. Begging you not to leave him.
“Y/N! You can’t leave like that. Y/N wait!” you slammed the front door, right infront of Jooheons face. His hand reached the doorhandle, trying to open it. But another hand stopped his motion and shutted the door, when Jooheon managed to open it a little.
“Jooheon!” Jooheons head snapped towards the calling voice. “Leave her alone.” Hoseok was concerned about you and Jooheons well being. But he couldn’t let Jooheon leave in the state he currently was.
“But Hyung...” Jooheon collapsed into his members firm chest, letting his emotions take over. His sobs were strong, his tears thick. Hoseok wrapped his arms around the younger one. His cries were loud enough so the others could hear the pain, their rapper was suffering.
They listened to the whole situation that happened behind those thin walls. They felt sorry for both of you. But no one blamed you for running away, you had a really hard time and Jooheon just came over and put more confusion into your emotional hurricane.
“Why did she left? All I wanted was to give her my love” Hoseok tried his best calming down the broken-hearted man. Jooheons sobs became louder as he continued. “Why do I deserve all that? She took my heart, left and threw it away.”
“Y/N needs time, you overwhelmed her with your confession. She needs time, let her breath a little. She loves you. She’ll come back. I know that and you know that too, you know her better than we do.” Hoseok held him tight, picking the right words to comfort him more.
“But why does it hurt so much?“
“Don’t worry, everything will be fine. I promise.”
Your feet took you as fast as you could, the pain coming from your soles got ignored. Your breathing was heavy and painful, your throat was dry, unbearable. Your speed slowed down as exhaustion made itself present and your familiar bus-station became visible. You made sure, that Jooheon nor a member was following you, before you halted completely. You searched for your purse, to take the next bus back to your place. Your search was unsuccessful, you forgot your purse at the dorm and running back was definitely no option for you.
You decided to walk on your own. Your pace was slow, exhaustion took over your body, just like the wish for your place called home. Your arms hugged your own body, giving yourself the much desired warmth, you needed. Your mind was lost, the unfamiliar pain now gone, your heart crying. You couldn’t understand why, no happiness fueled your body. The man that you love so dearly confessed his feelings to you and repeatedly stated to be with you. But why couldn’t you find the hapiness in that moment. Why did that voice warn you? Was it really too soon to give in and fall? Was there more to come?
The apartment complex became visible as you slowly reached your destination. You made your way towards the elevator, picking the right floor. As the doors opened, the sight of the heavy door became visible. You expected a warm feeling building up in your chest, whenever you saw this door. But now it seemed so foreign. Your fingers moved and punched the code to your place into the touchpad. The doors automatically opened, giving you space to enter. The apartement was dark and cold. A feeling you’ve never been greeted by. As the doors closed, your body slammed against the wood and slid down onto the floor.
No tears left your eyes, no pain left in your chest, your mind dark. But a small sad smile decorated your lips. Your teeth finding the soft pad of your lips, holding back the new tears as realization hit you.
Please, Find me
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kihyunswrath · 5 years
I have a question for MBBs
To those of you who still think there’s a plan behind all this, that Starship has somehow made a meticulous plot that will bring Wonho back:
Do you honestly fucking think it justifies everything? 
Do you honestly believe bringing him back was worth torturing the other members with extensive schedules, censorship, grief and injuries? 
Do you genuinely trust that Starship had good intentions for the group when all of this conveniently took place at the same time as people started noticing the actual, real crimes of the VP and the CEO of the company, yet nothing bad seemed to happen to them but Wonho was kicked out within two three days after a RUMOR about him and Shownu was spread? A rumor that in the end had maybe 0,5% of truth in it and that truthful part of it was probably the least significant part?
Do you honestly think things will return back to normal after the remaining members realized they were not allowed to have EVEN ONE day of recovery time, not even one?
Within one day, they had to recover from the blow of losing one of their closest friends, practice six member versions of all their songs, wipe away ALL mentions of Wonho whatsoever, from their vocabulary, from their memories, from their content, and be prepared for 1) continuing their comeback, 2) preparing their season’s greetings, 3) preparing their English album and the following comeback concert string related to it, 4) filming and publishing a music video to their latest English single, 5) continuing Twotuckgom promotions, 6) promoting their future world tour, 7) preparing their Jingle Ball concert and those Chanel whatever shows, 8) participate in various music award shows, and multiple other shows I can’t even count now because I don’t fucking remember them all anymore. 
In one day they had to pretend Wonho never existed. He was kicked out of his dormitory within a week, his face was blurred or edited out from shows and they punished members who even hinted that they still did acknowledge his existence.
Let that sink in for a second.
All that happened because of literally no reason whatsoever.
And don’t you fucking forget that five of the seven members were already having physical injuries earlier that same year. That it wasn’t Jooheon who first showed signs of exhaustion, but before him Kihyun had had his ribs fractured, Minhyuk’s knee was hurting, Hyungwon was limping, Wonho had collapsed at the stage because of his dislocated shoulder and then countless of other smaller injuries they were never allowed to properly heal from, not even AFTER they were bombarded with ugly rumors and got members fired for fucking entertainment’s sake. And then after Wonho left we saw Changkyun actually ASKING Starship to let them rest, and DID THAT HAPPEN?
It did not. 
We fans showed them immense amount of support and love, we put together events, fundraisings, we gave them letters, we waved Wonho signs, we shouted his name, we covered their company building with notes and loving letters, and what did Starship do in response? 
Banned people from writing Wonho fanletters, punished Hyungwon for responding to one that had his name in it, told us we couldn’t mention his name in fanmeetings or we would get our Monbebe cards revoked forever. Pushed the members to continue like nothing ever happened and then joyfully told us, right around the same time when Jooheon started falling sick, that they were going to have a world tour, seventeen concerts in the US/Canada alone, how about paying 300 dollars for a good ticket and paying it in three four days after getting to know when and where it’s going to happen and how expensive the tickets will be?
How about some more concerts in a couple of days to celebrate their newest English album, the one that Wonho’s voice is in, but you know, we will absolutely never mention him again, but yeah concerts anyone? 
I know you would want to quickly forget and forgive everything, I know you would all love to breathe in relief after Wonho comes back and continue that same shit that was taken away from you a couple of months before. 
But I don’t know WHAT to tell y’all to make you understand that it was all a fucking illusion. That this group’s dreams were fucking shattered with overworking, stress, lack of sleep, lack of nutrition, lack of free time, lack of recovery time, and that it happened years ago already. That Starship started torturing them WAY BEFORE Wonho was kicked out, but that instead of them getting the rest and reflection time they deserved afterwards, STARSHIP DECIDED TO MAKE IT TEN TIMES WORSE FOR THEM, JUST SO THAT THE COMPANY WOULD HAVE A NICE AMOUNT OF MONEY STOLEN FROM THEM AFTER THEY MOVE ON TO THEIR NEXT NEW BOY GROUP AND THEIR PROMOTIONS.
I know you have been saying to not abandon six members and their dreams because of one.
I hear you and I ask you:
What makes you think this is their dream?
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
Weekly Schedule 31/8 - 6/9
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Scheduled content:
Key: [O] - Original fiction/scenario [R] - Requested fiction/scenario [DG] Drabble Game Request [S] - Original Series [M] - Mature content [C] - Collaborations
Monday: Forbidden Apple [O] - Yoongi (BTS) -- challenging words prompt
Tuesday: Bloodstone: Part 6 [S] - Namjoon (BTS)
Wednesday: MonX Hospital: Jooheon [S] - (MONSTA X)
Thursday: Forsaken: Part 11 [S] Jinyoung (GOT7)
Friday: Forsaken: Part 12 [S] Jinyoung (GOT7)
Saturday: Chelle Chats
Sunday: recap of the week
New posts are made at 10am NZST daily where applicable.
Last Week’s Digest:
Love In Four Ways collab with @jackiejacks923�� : Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Fiction Info:
Normally I don’t like to put the same idol group in the same week where I can afford to do so, but there really was no one else who stood out after my friends suggested Yoongi for my drabble so here we are. 
Thank you to everyone who patiently waited for my multiple series to continue after my week hiatus <3 
Other information:
My Upcoming Projects can be found HERE
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yoobangdaengi · 5 years
[ENG TRANS] Monsta X @Star1 Magazine November 2019 Issue Interview - FOLLOW, MONSTA X!
Monsta X met their overseas fans in 20 cities all over the world and wrapped up their third world tour successfully. The group finished the tour after five months and start to do their Korean promotion in full-scale. Monsta X is settling down as global idol through their big international fandom and their collaboration with famous international artists, such as wi..i.am, French Montana, and Steve Aoki. The expectation towards their constant growth and leap is increasing, as a group who broaden their stage to worldwide from Korea. Monsta X, who will start Korean promotion this winter after eight months, will show their improvement through their new mini album “FOLLOW : FIND YOU”.
How does it feel doing a photoshoot together with all members?
Minhyuk: We think it’s more fun and joyful because it’s been a long time since we shot a beauty pictorial together like this, beside jacket album photoshoot.
As beauty models, it looks like you prepared a lot so that the picture for the beauty pictorial comes out well.
Minhyuk: Because we are beauty models, we did many experiments so that our beauty pictorial will come out well. Basically, we pay attention to our skincare routine and looking at the other pictorials as reference for the sake of looking good visually. If we go to the studio for the photoshoot after learning for a bit, we’re able to show the pose more naturally in the studio.
You guys are active as beauty models, is there any Monsta X’s only secret method to take care of your skin at the change of season?
Minhyuk: The very first thing that happens in change of seasons is everyone’s skins become rough and dry. So we pay attention to the basics a lot. Especially, we apply moisturizer cream very carefully. Sometimes before sleep or when we wake up in the morning, we put on peel-off mask while moisturizing our skin. We spray mist occasionally while working to keep our skin moisturized. 
I.M: I’m the type of person who drinks a lot of water. It’s a fact that if you drink enough water, your skin would feel less dry. Also, even on days when we don’t have any schedule and our face is free from makeup, I always apply sunscreen. Even though the recent weather is cool, the sunlight is still hot so we need sunscreen. 
You’re going to have a comeback soon. You might feel nervous since it’s your Korean comeback after a long time, are you fully prepared for it?
Hyungwon: We anticipate it a lot since we will release a new album after 8 months. So we prepared a lot to show people our good side. It’d be nice if you are looking forward to our comeback. Wonho, Jooheon, and I.M’s self-composed songs are included in this album. Wonho’s self-composed song, “MIRROR”, is the song that he and Shownu performed on the recent world tour stage as a unit. I think fans would anticipate this song so much since this time we prepare it as the song that’s being sung by seven people. Shownu participated in writing the lyrics so it adds more meaning to the song.  Also, people will be able to enjoy the album more if they focus to learn the genre of “SEE YOU AGAIN”, Jooheon’s self-composed song, who previously showed various genre of music, and the charms from I.M’s self-composed song, “U R”, after the release of “MOHAE” that he composed in last year album. 
Shownu: Especially the title song “FOLLOW”, you can feel other different charms from Monsta X’s music up until now. The existing powerful vibe of Monsta X meets with a special sound and becomes a song with such a unique color. Besides, it’s certain that if you watch the stage together, you might enjoy Monsta X-like-style with your heart content. We finished our world tour and prepared the album so I felt the development of all the members.
You guys just wrapped up your world tour and prepared the album and it seems like we can feel the members’ development.
I.M: I think it’s true that various experiences allow for broad growth. While doing multiple overseas activities including world tour, I get to feel and learn many things. As we meet Monbebes from many countries, I get the feeling that there are so many people who love us. As much as my gratefulness for them, they make me determined to work hard to show them the good side of me in the future. Of course there are many people whom we haven’t met yet, we have to work hard so we can visit more countries, that goal becomes the stepping stone for our growth. Those reasons helped me a lot to think positively when we make a new album. Working together with international artists for our album influenced me a lot as well. The artists who receive so much love from all over the world like Steve Aoki, French Montana, and will.i.am, pouring great amounts of efforts and passions towards their own music. While watching them closely beside them, I think I know the direction Monsta X will take to move forward in the future. Even though I gained the lesson of musical skills, it went beyond that and made my thoughts about music get stronger. 
You’re receiving so much love from overseas. What is the secret of your global popularity? 
Jooheon: Actually since there are so many seniors who receive so much love from all over the world, it’s a big exaggeration to talk about the secret of our global popularity. But I think the reason why global audiences show their  interest in us is maybe because Monsta X’s music concept or visual. Monsta X is the group with the explosive energy on stage, that’s our attractive point. Our music colour is strong and the performance is powerful so when the fans see us, they’d think, ‘it’s so cool, the stage is full of fun’. Also in visual aspect, because we have solid and sexy vibe, that might be the reason why people love Monsta X.
What is Monsta X’s only method to overcome fatigue, since you guys frequently do world tours?
Wonho: When we are overseas, if the condition is okay, we go to good local restaurants and eat delicious food. It is one of our methods to relieve fatigue. Even though we can’t visit multiple places due to limited time, at least we go to one famous local restaurant and eat popular food. When we do that, it feels like we came for a trip and we feel happy. Also for me and Shownu’s case, we overcome our fatigue by going to the gym and working out.  But the most joyful method to heal the fatigue for us is communicating with Monbebe through live broadcast. Even when we’re overseas, we meet our fans by turning on the live broadcast at least 3-4 times a week. When talking with fans, even though I felt a bit tired or exhausted, those feelings disappeared, it’s so fun.
Are there any charms from each member that you want to take away from?
Kihyun→Wonho: When people think about Wonho hyung, mostly start to think about his muscular and sturdy body and also his work out hobby. But I hope people know that there are so many talents in him. You might already know if you listen to b-side tracks in Monsta X’s albums, there are many easy listening self-composed songs that Wonho hyung produced. The charm I want to take away from him is his skill of producing songs that are full of emotions. 
Wonho→ Kihyun: Kihyun has outstanding vocal and musical skill, but even without those skills, there are so many things that he is good at. For example, since his body balance is so great, when he does sport, he always wins. So even if he doesn’t sing and does things toward sports or physical education, he’ll be great.
Minhyuk→I.M: In front of the hyungs, I.M has energetic and cute appeals, yet on normal days, like when he works on his music or in daily life, he shows sensitive and genuine charms. I think I.M makes people feel at ease since he shows a calm and honest vibe. So I really like his naively honest side that everyone wants to be with.
I.M→Minhyuk: I like Minhyuk hyung’s ability to judge and understand something in a flash. When some problems occur, he grasps the situation quickly and he makes good decisions since he understands the situation.  We trust and follow those decisions as well. Also, he makes people around him feel delighted because of his cheerful and very bright personality.   
Shownu→Hyungwon: Hyungwon is very honest and has deep thoughts. So when we tell him about our worries, he listens well since he focuses on our story, and he gives suitable and wise answers for our worries. We lean on him a lot whenever we worry about something. He’s a friend who has unexpected charms since he is very bold and generous.  
Hyungwon→Jooheon: Jooheon has a personality that makes people around him happy. Because he is always smiling brightly and full of explosive great energy, he draws in a lively atmosphere whenever he goes. Also since he has good social skills, he approaches everyone in a friendly way and embraces those people well.
Jooheon→Shownu: Usually Shownu hyung is a trustworthy and honest person, but he’s also a witty and fun hyung. He has various charms, of course. Because he has warm nature, I think he makes people feel comfortable around him. That’s why it’s so nice being next to him. 
As a group of seven people with various personalities and charms, is there any hidden hobby you want to recommend to one another?
Kihyun→ Wonho: Hobby I want to recommend to Wonho hyung is rock climbing! His physical strength is already good by nature and since he likes physical strength, I think it'll be good for him. Also I want to go to a ski resort together with all members. It’ll be so fun if all of us gather together and ski.
Wonho→ Kihyun: I want to recommend surfing to Kihyun. Because both of us like active sports, I think it will be so great to go to the beach together, surf and eat delicious food.
Minhyuk→ I.M: I.M is good at speaking by nature and his English is great, too, so he has many cases of becoming our representative when we do overseas activity. Based on that, I think speech academy would be fun for him and it matches him well.
I.M→ Minhyuk: I want to recommend swimming to Minhyuk hyung. First, it’s counted as sport, and it’s a hobby that you can do constantly without minding the weather so even when we do our overseas schedule, he can keep doing it, that’s why I recommend swimming.
Shownu→ Hyungwon: I want to recommend jazz dance to Hyungwon. It might look awkward at first, but since he’s tall and has a good proportion, I think he’d look cool if he did jazz dance.
Hyungwon→ Jooheon: Because in daily life I like playing games and enjoying it so much, I think about how I do it together with Jooheon. It will be a nice hobby if we play it while relieving our stress and eating good food.
Jooheon→ Shownu: I want to go to an exhibition with Shownu hyung. Recently there are so many exhibitions, I think it’ll be fun if I silently go there with Shownu hyung, view various artworks and share related stories about them together!
The hardest point in a busy schedule like yours is to synchronize different opinions from the members. How do you guys solve the disagreement or to reach an agreement over a conflict?
Kihyun: At first, of course there are many conflicting opinions since we’re close in age and we always together in most of the schedules. At that time, we told and held conversation with each other openly, we shared about our struggles. I think because the members are not the type of person who scare of telling their honest feeling, it was easy to chat with them. Actually, from my opinion, in reality the only way to solve it is to meet and have conversations with the related person face-to-face. Come to think of it, now we harmonize our opinions naturally even when our opinions clash, based on the times we spent together. We knew about each other very well, so when one member has an opinion, we can sense roughly what the other members think of it. Now we’re very comfortable with each other.
One of Monsta X’s distinct charms is ‘masculine beauty’. You guys have sturdy body from working out so we can’t take out the masculine charm out of Monsta X, but what makes Monsta X more masculine?
Jooheon: Actually, Monsta X is closer to ‘intense wild beauty’ than masculine beauty’. I think the sexy and charismatic side of Monsta X stands out in our  music and visual, also highlighting that appeal. On the stage of our recent songs like ‘Shoot Out’ and ‘Alligator’, the members perform while paying attention to everything such as the gaze or choreography details. Those parts create an intense and wild vibe.
Shownu: We have many charms aside those mentioned. People might know by watching our special stage or concert that we can perform a groovy and dreamy vibe or sweet and soft image. So I hope people will remember Monsta X as the group who can absorb various concepts. 
We want to hear your plan for future activity or for the rest of the year
Wonho: I hope we can promote the soon-to-be-released “FOLLOW : FIND YOU” album successfully. Also after this, we will cooperate for the “Jingle Ball Tour” in the US in December for two consecutive years. So I wish we work hard together with the fans with great stage and nobody gets hurt in “Jingle Ball” concert until year-end stages.
What is your goal for  future activity?
All: We hope we can wrapped up this year well and pay back our fans who wait long with great promotion because it’s been a long time since we comeback with new album in Korea. In 2020, we want to show our cool, more various, and unexpected side of us, including overseas activity. Last year, when we talked about our goals for 2019, none of the members were able to imagine all the great things we achieved this year. We only talked about doing our best and working hard. But since many things came true, we’re praying those aspirations that are beyond our expectation and mind will come true in 2020 as well.
What is the thing you want to say to local and international Monbebes who always support you?
All: We think all of Monsta X’s happiness is made by Monbebe. We hope we can be together with Monbebe for a long time while leaning on Monbebe, sometimes as friends, family, or  loved one like now, no matter where you are and what kind of person you are. We always feel thankful and love you always.
Korean to English translated by: Tim (@yookiihyun)
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maorane · 5 years
Encounter - I.M ( Changkyun)
Chapter 7 : Trapped
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Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - > Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8
That game i decided to play was a dangerous one, sneaking in each other room, letting our bodies come in contact with each others became a habit. A dangerous habit but also so sweet. The fear to get caught made our meetings even more thrilling. Each intercourse were more intense than the previous one, like Changkyun knew my body for so long and knew exactly which buttons to press to send me to heaven or to hell,because everytime i felt like dying from pleasure. My body, my mind, my soul were at his mercy.
But this had to come to an end. LA stop was really amazing, that time i wasn’t on backstage but in the audience, looking at the man i grew feelings for yet I couldn’t really enjoy the show because I knew that after this, I would have to say goodbye to him. It’s not like I didn’t know it but after all of this it became harder for me to talk to him about it,not wanting to ruin our moment. I know it was wrong of me to not let him know sooner but I was too afraid to cry and say things that I would regret later.
After the show, all the staff went to eat. The mood was really good, everyone was happy, drank, laugh and I couldn’t help but smile seeing Changkyun a little bit tipsy, all happy with Jooheon. I tried to enjoy the night by drinking too but instead of keeping company to joy, alcohol went to comfort my sadness. And once again i couldn’t bring myself to talk to him since there was still one schedule left.
The next day it was Teen Choice awards and it was a big event for them. I waited until everything was done before texting him,asking if we could meet at night.I tried to sound as normal as usual but seems like he knew me too well because as soon as he entered my room he tried to scan me. I laughed at his cute attitude and sat next to him and turned on the TV and played that netflix show that he started to watch. He didn’t say or asked for anything even thought I knew he sensed that something was wrong. We stayed like that for a long moment, me in his arms, him playing with my curls. I finally decided to break the awkward tension and looked at him, caressing his cheek softly. We never really put a label on our relationship and I guess I was the fool one who broke the rules by growing up feelings even thought I knew it would end. I knew it but I couldn’t stop my heart to beat for him.
“ I have to go back home” I said with a tiny smile. He didn’t say anything but instead locked his lips with mine. That kiss was far from all those we had before. It was slow, full of sadness. My back gently met the mattress ,his lips never left mine during the process and I felt my heart breaking into thousand of pieces. After removing my clothes, his fingers and lips went to explore my body and I couldn’t help but let a tear roll on my cheek…gosh I like this man. That silence I usually enjoy became so painful and I had to fight against myself to not break down in tears in front of him.
For the last time, our bodies met in the most miserable way. I will miss you, please don’t forget me or maybe do it because I won’t bear to know that you are sad because of me. So many words that couldn’t leave my mouth but that i managed to express with my body. More than having sex, this moment turned into a deep conversation, expressing our feelings for each other. I liked him, he liked me, we never put actual words on it but our bodies spoke for ourselves.
The next day was one the worst one i ever had. After packing my stuffs we all handed to the airport. I wanted to run in his arms and kiss him one last time but I just smiled and nodded at him before taking the opposite side of him. Once in the plane, i finally break down and cried.
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bebestay · 5 years
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No matter what, this group is a family and it’s the smallest actions that show how much they care for each other.
1. At the dorm
Wonho knocked on Haewon’s door, slightly worried since she hadn’t left it the whole day.
“WonWon, you okay? None of the guys have seen you today,” he said.
He heard the door unlock and saw it open. He was taken aback when he saw her wearing a green mud mask and her hair up in a messy bun.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to worry you guys,” she said. “It’s just been a rough week.”
“Do you want company?” She tilted her head. “The others went out to dinner, but I’m a little under the weather. Movie night?”
She thought about it for a minute, leaning against the doorframe.
“Can I paint your nails?” She asked.
“If I get to use your face mask and pick the movie.”
The others returned an hour later, finding Haewon and Wonho in the dimly lit living room with pizza boxes and soda cans covering the coffee table. Wonho was eating another slice on the couch as she painted his toes from the floor.
“And why weren’t we invited?” Minhyuk joked, turning on the main lights.
“You guys weren’t here,” the girl replied as she capped the polish. “Okay, don’t move for like thirty minutes.”
“No problem,” Wonho mumbled through a mouthful of food.
“If you really wanna join us, go get changed and pick out a face mask. We haven’t been paying attention to the movie, so we have to start over.” She held up the nail polish. “I got more colors if you guys want.”
“Me next!” Changkyun chuckled as he threw his jacket on the other couch. “How many shades of black do you have?”
“Matte or glossy?”
“There’s a difference?”
2. At a fansign
Haewon sat at the end of the table, going through a goodie bag a fan gave her. She found some hair clips and hair ties, greatly contrasting their current concept. Looking to her right, her eyes fell to Hyungwon before falling to the hair ties. Opening the packet, she placed a few on her wrist and got out of her seat.
Making her way behind Hyungwon, she waved to the fan in front of him and motion for her to say nothing. The fan chuckled and complied as Haewon started to mess with his hair.
“What are you doing, Wonnie?” He asked, not even turning around to see her.
“Don’t worry about it,” she laughed.
For the next few minutes, Haewon tugged at Hyungwon’s hair until it turned into two small pigtails. She reached in front of him and took a sticker sheet filled with hearts, and placed two on his cheeks. Satisfied, she walked away and back to her seat. Making it back just in time for a fan to sit in front of her.
“Eh?!” Hyungwon exclaimed after Kihyun handed him a mirror. “Haewon!”
She leaned back to meet his eyes and gave him a smug smile, Monbebe laughing along with them.
As the fansign came to a close, Haewon was surprised to see that Hyungwon didn’t removed the pigtails or the stickers. However, she did attempt to avoid him and whatever wrath he has. Her tiny legs were no match for his long strides as he quickly pulled her into a hug as revenge. 
3. On a VLive
Jooheon was live from his studio, sulking over the low amount of viewers. A knock sounded on the door.
“Come in,” he called out. Haewon peeked her head in before showing off a bag of take-out. “What are you doing here?”
“Kihyun said you’d be home late, and I was upset the movie Monday was forgotten.”
“I’m sorry. I lost track of time.” Jooheon leaned back in his chair, running his hands down his face. “Come here, say hi to Monbebe.”
“Hello!” She chimed as she came into frame. A black face mask covered the lower half of her face. “Sorry to intrude, I didn’t know you were doing a broadcast.”
“You’re not intruding. Now come on, sit.”
Haewon pulled up the extra chair and started to unpack the bag as Jooheon continued to read the comments.
“Haewon, what’s it like rooming with the group?” He read out loud.
“Eh? Oh...um, it’s fun really. We just moved to a new dorm and I room with Kihyun now. He’s usually never in the room,” she said, pulling down her face mask.
“I still think you should’ve gotten your own room. Wonho and Kihyun could’ve shared.”
“While, yes, it was nice to have my own room. I like having a room buddy. I need someone to annoy with my 3 a.m. existential crisis.”
“Then why didn’t you room with Changkyun?”
“We all know that boy doesn’t wear pants. I don’t need that to be the first thing I see every morning.”
--- 4. Abroad
Kihyun sat in his hotel room, looking out the window. He was told to stay in the hotel as the rest of the group went about their set schedule. The rest of the group should be at rehearsals for the award show, and he felt a little upset that he wasn’t there.
His thoughts were interrupted by the opening of his room door. Turning his head, he was surprised to see Haewon there with two drinks and her backpack.
"Shouldn’t you be at rehearsal?” He asked.
“Our call time isn’t for another hour, I got time.” She walked over and handed him one of the drinks. “They went to lunch just up the road, and I wanted to spend it with you.”
“Are you sure?” She asked, placing down her sandwich.
“I’m 100% sure, Queenie. You’ve been working on your vocals for so long, and you haven’t had the chance to shine. Take my part and show them what you’re made of.”
“It’s not that I don’t doubt myself, it’s just...I’m scared of all the comparison. You’re THE voice of the group, and I sing just as much as Hyungwon or Minhyuk, but I don’t see as much demand for more lines as they do.”
“Is that what this is about? You not getting more chances to sing?” Kihyun reached over and placed a hand on her knee. “I thought we’ve settled this before. It doesn’t matter how many lines you have. What matters is that you’re on that stage and giving it your all. So, take my part and prove it.”
5. Award Shows
Arriving at the venue, the group started to exit the van and Haewon stayed for last. Shownu removed his jacket and held it open for her, blocking the view from the cameras as she exited. Smoothing her skirt down, she smiled up at the leader as he put it back on. He held out his hand to her and took it to lead her down the path.
They stopped for pictures and press before heading inside to take their seats. Greeting the other artists as they passed, Wonho felt Haewon grab his arm as she tripped on her heels.
“I knew it was gonna happen at least once,” she mumbled as they sat down.
“You were the one who wanted to dress more like a girl again,” he chuckled, removing his jacket and giving it to her to drape across her lap.
“Remind me again why I did that.”
As they went up to the stage to receive their reward, Haewon stood at the back while Shownu said his speech. The other members of the maknae line pulled her forward so that she could be seen. They kept their hands on her shoulder as Kihyun passed her the award for her to hold.
She never knew what to say if ever she found her way to the mic. Thankfully, the boys knew that as well.
Jooheon helped lead her off stage as soon as Shownu finished the speech. She stopped to hand the award to a stage hand for it to be placed in a box to be sent to the company before running to catch up with the boys.
Catching up to Minhyuk just as her heel twisted, he caught her and hooked their arms together. He pulled her closer as they passed Stray Kids, jokingly sending a glare to Junghwa and made him laugh.
“You know that fans are going to take that way differently,” she laughed.
“Whatever,” he responded, motioning her to sit in the middle of the group.
With Hyungwon to her left and Minhyuk to her right, she was completely covered by their coats on her lap and heard hilarious side commentary for the rest of the night.
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taetaesbaebaepsae · 5 years
Commissions List (Ko-fi)
You asked, and I will comply because I love you all sm. Thank you to everyone who has donated so far, and if you’d like something based on your donation, dm me and let me know what! I will be upgrading to gold tomorrow so that I can do actual commissions on Ko-Fi so it’ll be easier, but for now, just send in a message via Kofi what you want. Be sure to specify member (s)
Obviously, any requests already given will be done for free, and in general I’ll always do requests for free, but commissions bring them to the top of the list, if that makes sense? I talked to my mom and my sister and we’re kind of all teaming up. I will do all the writing though, although I’ll help with the astrology and edits. I hope this is ok! Let me know if there’s any questions or anything, my inbox and my dms are always open. More under the tag in case you don’t wanna read this bc it’s LOOOONG
 500 to 1500 words - 1 Kofi ($3)
Send me a member and either a couple of lines of dialogue, a vibe, or a scenario, be as specific or nonspecific as you want! If you are nonspecific, trust me, I’ll still write something cute (or angsty, or smutty)
Jimin with “I want you”
Seokjin - you’re eating dinner and you have something in your teeth
Yoongi - something cute
1500 to 4500 words - 2 Kofis ($6)
Send me a member or a group (reactions are longer and will be over 1500k), and offer me a scenario, request for reaction, or a trope
Monsta X reaction to dating a single mom
Chanyeol enemies to lovers, angst with a fluffy ending
Namjoon first date fluff
4500 plus words - 3 Kofis ($9)
This would be for a very specific request or a series, kind of like my BTS breakup imagine or Hickey Request - please be specific! 
Reader is engaged to Taehyung but Jackson Wang is your ex boyfriend who you reconnect with and you’re conflicted
BTS smut series inspired by the seven deadly sins
Monsta X as Greek Gods
Fake Texts - 1 Kofi ($3)
Send me a member or a group and a scenario or a specific text for inspiration
Boyfriend texts from Hobi
Texts from EXO “I miss you”
Texts from Monsta X when you aren’t answering your phone at your scheduled talk time
SMAU 10 Parts 2 Kofis ($6)
Send me member(s) and a scenario or general vibe
Reader is an instagram model and Jongin gets tipsy and sends her a dm telling her how beautiful she is, fluff and smut
Tinder fuckboy Kihyun AU
As a fledgling astrology hoe, I will do a little myself if you want an imagine based on astrology - be sure to specify your request is astrological by “based on his chart” and I’ll write a drabble based on it and my analysis
Astrology Imagine or Reaction - (under 1000 words) 1 Kofi ($3)
Send me a member and a reaction 
What Taehyung is like when he’s jealous based on his chart
How Chanyeol would ask you out based on his chart
How Wonho would handle a breakup based on his chart
ASTROLOGY  (BTS, Monsta X, EXO, NCT, really anyone)*
**My mom isn’t even a kpop stan so you can really send me any member or any chart - she wants to do these blind if that makes sense
Brief Chart Analysis - 1 Kofi ($3)
A brief summary style analysis for one member (or yourself) **If it’s for you, please send your date of birth, exact time of birth (more accurate with exact time, but if you don’t know it that’s fine), and place of birth (city and state, province and country, etc) please specify if there’s something you’d like to focus on (see example)
Namjoon - what he’d be like in a relationship
My own chart - summary of my personality (send either your chart itself or your info)
Sehun- general analysis
Full Chart Analysis  - 2 Kofis ($6)
A full analysis for one member (or yourself), will include physical characteristics, personality, quirks, how they are in love, lust, and relationships, how they are at work, with friends, etc, like Yoongi’s chart
Jooheon’s full chart analysis
My full chart analysis (send your chart or your info), with signs I’m most compatible with
Compatibility Chart Analysis - 3 Kofis ($9)
Send a member and your own chart and we will tell you what your relationship would be like with them this is PER member because it takes hours and hours to do these, again, if you want a focus, please specify
My compatibility with Jimin (send your info or chart)
My compatibility with Hyungwon, focus on sexual relationship 
Based on interest and such, my mom will do tarot readings, short videos based on a question or focus you might have, but not yet. We need a week or two to feel things out! Length of the video and in depth focus of the question will depend, but it will be 1 to 2 Kofis max unless you want something really big
 “If I met Jimin, how would it go” and a 1-3 minute video of your tarot reading
Gifsets - 1 Kofi ($3)
Send a member or OT7 (or OT9 for EXO), and a color, a mood, a scenario, be as specific or nonspecific as you like!
The color purple and Taehyung
BTS OT7 in glasses
Kai body rolls
Moodboard - 1 Kofi ($3)
Send a member and a vibe or au, color, etc OR personal aesthetic plus your bias or member of your choice
Moodboard for tattoo artist Yoongi
Moodboard for flowers and Xiumin
Moodboard - I like reading, butterflies, and the color green my bias is Jin
Fanvids - under 1 minute - 1 Kofi ($3)
Send a member or OT7 or a couple of members and a vibe or theme, specify song or genre of song if possible
Jimin being soft I LIke Me Better by Lauv
Hard edit of JHope and Sehun - Taste by Tyga
Leaders edit Suho, Namjoon, Shownu any song
Fanvids - 1 to 2:30 minutes - 2 Kofis ($6)
Send members, groups, etc, and a scenario, vibe, theme, or AU
CEO Jimin AU - Earned It The Weeknd
Fuckboy Kihyun AU
A 2:00 video of Kai’s love shot performances
***DONTS ***
1. I won’t do daddy kink or mommy kink
2. I won’t do scat or blood play
2. I won’t do abuse (no “when BTS hits you” or anything like that)
3. I won’t do anything nonconsensual
1. Noona and oppa kink are fine
2. I will do BDSM so as long as everything is consensual I will do slapping, hair pulling, rough sex, etc
3. Be as NSFW and as specific as you like! You’re paying for this! I just have some things I’m not comfortable with, and that’s why there’s a dont list
Use these to specify if you want writing, astrology, or edits
MT - Writing
KD - Edits
1. Send a request through my ask box and dm me a screenshot of your donation (or submit it, either way)
2. Write it in a message on Kofi when you make the donation (there’s a checkbox for a private message and this will make you totally anon, but please be specific because I can’t ask followup questions this way)
4. Dm me on Tumblr with the screenshot, I will never tell anyone about anything you request unless you want me to***
***if you don’t want your commission posted on Tumblr, please let me know that and I will just send it to you personally
Same as above INCLUDING
1. Your chart info or date, time, and place of birth if you’re requesting your own chart or compatibility
You request: Jimin being cute - MT
You get: A drabble of Jimin being cute with reader
You request: Jimin being cute - KD
You get: Jimin being cute in a gifset
Guys, this took me like 3 hours to make what is my life I hope it makes sense. I will start commissions tomorrow, btw and I’m still working on everything in my inbox, dw! I love you all so much and appreciate you being interested in my page and my writing.
My Ko-Fi Page for Commissions
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mynameisminhooooo · 4 years
Baby Fever (Monsta X)
Request : Baby fever with Monsta X?
Shownu :
Y'all had been babysitting you friends baby while she was out of town for a couple days. He was the cutest little guy ever, his small yawns and his gummy smile. After you finished rocking the little human in your arms and put him down, you went to your room and told Hyunwoo that you had baby fever. It took him a minute to process what you said. Then he just took of his shirt and smiled at you.
"Ok, let's have a baby then..."
"Right now?"
"Yeah, he's asleep so we might not get another chance, let's go hurry up. Take off your pants"
(Ok but Dad Hyunwoo... Is the best Hyunwoo)
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(Peep the dad bod, aka my favorite version of Hyunwoo)
Wonho :
He would be the one with baby fever. Your mom had just had a baby and he melted when he saw you holding your baby brother.
"You look so cute holding Y/B/N"
He would wait until you guys got home to tell you that he had baby fever.
"Awww, your a softy" you said pinching his cheeks.
"I'm serious Y/N"
"Let's take this slow, we aren't even married"
"Well do you want to get married... Because I want to marry you and have lots of cute chubby baby's with you"
"Omg, you're baby fever is through the roof..."
"I'm serious... We can get married"
Somehow bby fever turned into marriage fever... 👉🏽👈🏽
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Minhyuk :
You guys were watching the return of superman when you looked at him and said you had baby fever. He looked back at you and smiled. He would be so happy to learn you would want baby's at some point, especially because y'all's parents have been nagging you guys.
"Awwww. Don't worry one day we'll have like 4 kids running around"
(10/10 would want an army, but of girls)
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Kihyun :
Would just look at you weird when he realized you had baby fever. It's not that he didn't want to have a baby with you. But he wanted it to be you and him for a while. Your guy's schedule made it hard to see each other, he wanted to wait until you guys could settle down. He did want to have 2-3 kids with you in the future though.
"Y/N I know what your thinking and I'm sorry but right now I just don't think it's a good idea. We should just take everything slow"
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Hyungwon :
You guys both had baby fever but you wouldn't act on it. You guys would just ask your friends who had kids if you guys could babysit.
"Y/N we're taking this kid home"
"So we stealing baby's now? I'm in."
"Aww look at his little yawn. Ohhh. Stretch those tiny arms"
You just looked at him and smiled. One day he might be saying that to y'all's future baby's.
"Y/N we should have a baby"
Would suggest but later on when you talk about it he'd be like 'I never said that'.
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Jooheon :
Omg. Istg this dude would 10/10 have baby fever all the time. After talking on the phone with his niece he would just tell you how he was feeling.
"Y/N let's get married soon so we can have a baby"
But if you told him YOU had baby fever he'd be like,
"No, but maybe in 2-3 years"
"Ok, I'll wait"
But on the inside he'd definitely want a baby with you but he wanted everything to be perfect before y'all brought a human into the world. He'd definitely be happy to know that y'all would have little baby's in the future.
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I.M :
You guys were that couple who would have a pregnancy scare at least 3 times a year. But after so many times you thought you got pregnant you actually liked the idea oh having a baby with Changkyun. He definitely didn't want a baby in that moment he enjoyed having you to himself.
"I don't want a baby right now, I just want to enjoy you without having to worry about anything affecting our relationship. I'm definitely open to have a baby later on though"
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This reaction is all over the place.
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goodnightkisseu · 5 years
Schedule for 9/29 - 10/05
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This last week was filled with a lot of new content, so let’s start off by recapping! Here is a list of the fics that were posted! ^^ I also added the link to the Puppy Week Masterlist as that collab was also posted this week ^^
Monsta X Puppy Week Masterlist
Son Hyunwoo - A New Hurdle (Puppy Week Collab)
Lee Hoseok -  An Unexpected Invitation (Puppy Week Collab)
Ha Sungwoon - Only In Our Dreams {M}
Byun Baekhyun - Replay That Moment
Do Kyungsoo - When The Sea Calls {M}
Time To Heal - Chapter 4
This coming week I’ll be going back to my usual posting schedule of three pieces a week.There may be some weeks in the future where there is a little more or a little less, but it ultimately just depends on my free time ;;  Here’s what you can look forward to this week!
Ha Sungwoon - Memories, Old and New (9/30)
Do Kyungsoo - Tender Care (10/02)
Lee Jooheon - TBD Title (10/05)
Posts will be up at 2PM PDT.
As September is wrapping up, I’ll be posting a monthly roundup post in a couple of days :3 
In the month of October, my hope is to start and complete some of my fic requests! I have ideas for most of them, so it’ll be about putting my mind to writing it out! I’m really excited to share them with you all!
I think that’s all the news I have for this week ^^
As always, I’m trying to figure what I can do better, so do feel free to let me know! I can’t wait share these fics with you!
- ash <3
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