#scheduling this for monday because I want people to read the fic first before spoiling it with my fanart
drkineildwicks · 24 days
Okay before we go any further I really need you to read through sharpened teeth by @ghostpebble it took me all day to read and involved several turns about the parlor house and had me gnawing on my coffee cup it's good but it's intense
Tumblr media
Saying that, you should never give me even a hint of Villain Dad Obake, I will grab that and never let go and I love love LOVE how that recontextualizes the whole of Season One and what it means for Season Two (although it does make me question what happens in "Fan Friction"--Obake, my dude, how much trust did you have that Hiro would save the day you're not getting dad of the year by leaving your adoptive daughter on an island slated to explode)
Anywho, big drawing is stuff that actually happened in the fic, although Obake's described as having a tie there and I put him in his usual outfit--since Baymax sits between them on the couch I couldn't help but picture Hiro giving Obake the stink-eye like this around Baymax X'D
As for the rest...I told you don't give me this kind of AU I will tackle it like Hobbes tackles Calvin I've been having a lot of fun picturing what the implications of Obake adopting Karmi means XD
Some transcripts because I know my writing can be hard to read:
Directly beneath big art piece in the bottom left-hand corner:
Karmi: Dad stop scaring my guy friends. Obake: Who, me? Hiro: YES YOU.
Upper right-hand corner:
Karmi: Isn't it great that my dad and your aunt get along?
Below that:
Obake: No honey I'm going to be home late. Yes it's Krei Tech. Yes Krei is an idiot.
Below that:
Professor Granville: Mr. Kane this is Professor Granville, I'm leaving a message to arrange a PTA meeting-- Obake: Time to be unavailable again.
And in the bottom right-hand corner:
Karmi: Bye Dad! Off to my internship! Obake: My little baby off to destroy people.
Yes that's a Mulan reference, only really intended to do that and the big drawing but I kept thinking on this AU and I want.
In other news Obake I really need to know how you're handling the logistics of having a minor attending college because from experience the college needs to keep in touch with the parents how are you doing this when Granville would recognize you.
Also yes those are corded phones--yes they come from a tech-savvy world where everyone would be using smart phones but I come from a generation that translates corded phone as quickly reads as phone and after drawing generic-phone in the sketches I went no wait that's funny and left it.
Anywho go read this fic already why did you click on the keep reading before reading the fic seriously.
Big Hero 6 © 2014 Disney
Done in Adobe Photoshop.
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gogglor · 3 years
Cap-Ironman RecWeek: Tropey Tuesday
Over the past year my pandemic brain decided it would produce happy chemicals exclusively by reading and writing Stony fanfiction. On the advice of counsel, I decided to take my happy chemicals where I could get’em. And the result is that I’ve had the tremendous pleasure of reading some absolutely incredible works of art by some immensely talented people. And since it’s @cap-ironman RecWeek, I figured this is as good of an excuse as any to make some posts recommending my favs (and try to keep self-recs to a minimum, but I’m only human).
I skipped Multiverse Monday since I’m still not well-versed enough in the multiverse to talk about it with any kind of recommendational authority, but today is Tropey Tuesday, and so I would like to share some fics from my all-time-favorite, major-reason-I-bother-with-the-MCU, gets-me-every-time trope:
Found Family
And so, without further ado, here are some Found Family Stony fics that I simply adore.
Avengers Family Ficlets
Author: elwenyere
Word Count: 8,548
Summary: “You built a neural network that analyzes squash,” Bruce said flatly, “and you attached it to a laser.” A collection of short stories set in the extended Domestic Avengers Universe.
Why You Should Read It:
Thing number one that you should understand about me is that I would be perfectly happy with a story about body-less entities making funny quips at each other in  a featureless void, and anything else is just a bonus. Elwenyere’s stories consistently get the banter down so unbelievably, ridiculously well that when you find out they also have heart, creativity, well-developed characters, and so much damn feeling in them, it feels like an embarrassment of riches.
Go read all of their stuff, please, but this one’s a great place to start. It’s got everything you could possibly want in a fic: over-competitive pumpkin carving, emotional hospital confessions, Christmas decorations that come to life and attack people, crab dip, Steve Rogers accidentally ruining Thanksgiving through the sheer power of his own snark, and most importantly, a bunch of human disasters that somehow make a beautiful family together.
Executive Party
Author: copperbadge
Word Count: 3,228
Summary: Tony's terrible December is suddenly looking up.
Why You Should Read It:
Copperbadge is another author where you should read everything they’ve put out there. They’ve got this phenomenally creative mind that manages to consistently draw out deeply human stories that can kinda catch you off-guard in the places they find touching moments. You might’ve heard of their very popular Foodieverse, which is an incredibly creative AU with the Avengers in the food service industry, but this is the one I come to whenever I’m looking to indulge in my favorite trope.
Tony’s looking forward to spending the night before SI breaks for Christmas doing paperwork. Steve gets the Avengers to have an impromptu video game Christmas Party in his office instead. Cb’s also got a gift for banter (I have a type when it comes to writers, ok?), and the little details like Steve’s carnage record on GTA, Natasha’s Russian appreciation for country music, and Steve’s SHIELD break-up mixtape make it just a goddamn delight to read.
patchwork people
Author: itsAllAvengers
Word Count: 28,247
Summary: It was a pretty well-known fact that Tony Stark had control issues.It was far less well-known why, though.
CW: Past abuse and non-con (not by main pairing)
Why You Should Read It:
If you’re the kind of person who regularly thinks to themself “You know what Tony Stark needs? More trauma,” then this is the fic  for you.
Tony’s got some serious trust issues and PTSD thanks to some shitty, shitty exes. This is the story about how Tony learns to trust again, Avenger by Avenger, in his new Found Family. Come for the Whump, stay for the found family insomnia infomercial parties and Steve Rogers getting arrested for enacting some sweet, sweet karmic justice.
And now we get into a sub-genre of Found Family that is also a huge weakness of mine: Tony thinks he’s only tolerated instead of wanted, and his found family convinces him otherwise.
Some Things Shouldn’t Be a Chore
Author: scifigrl47
Word Count: 22,187
Summary: Steve takes things like personal responsibility and respect seriously. Tony's got people he pays to take care of that kind of thing, and anyway, he's pretty sure that he's going to die of some exotic disease in his workshop, because Dummy's still a little spotty about what is 'clean' enough to put on an open wound.  The rest of the Avengers are in this for personal gain, except for Clint, he just enjoys being a dick. And some things shouldn't be a chore.
Why You Should Read It:
Honestly it feels a bit like cheating to recommend the first work in scifigrl47′s tremendously popular Toasterverse, since I’m pretty sure a lot of people who don’t even like or regularly read fanfiction have liked this one, even indirectly. Sci is so ludicrously good at building an engaging, creative, character-driven universe that this series is responsible for most of the fanon you know and love about MCU fanfics. Tony’s bot Butterfingers? Sci made him up for this story. Thor’s love of Pop Tarts? Clint the vent goblin? All sci. They’re just that damn good at world-building.
In this fic, the Avengers try out a chore chart. Hilarity and feels ensue. I don’t want to say anymore and risk spoiling it because if you’ve managed to get far enough in Stony fanfiction to read this post and haven’t yet read the Toasterverse, I want to keep the experience pristine for you to enjoy. Please read this. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll reserve a hypothetical genie wish to make this series the actually canon MCU (God knows I have).
Hold the Things You Wanna Say
Author: SailorChibi
Word Count: 6,316
Summary: Tony is still a consultant, and between SI, the team and SHIELD he's overworked and exhausted. That's okay. He and Steve have been having sex for weeks but that's all it is, just sex, and Tony wants more but he'll never get it and that's okay. Really. What's not okay is the fact that Howard Stark has somehow appeared in the future and is the same as always. This is definitely going to fuck up his schedule.
CW: Abuse, Howard Stark’s A+ Parenting
Why You Should Read It:
SailorChibi’s one of those authors I’ve been meaning to get around to reading all their stuff for, but it’s tricky when you have a short attention span and an author that is just so damn prolific. They’re a multi-fandom maven consistently putting out some really great stuff, and they’re absolutely worth checking out.
This story’s a real yank on the heartstrings, and as someone who can really identify with Tony’s fear of failing the people he cares about, the point in the story where he reaches his low is just unbelievably poignant. But the warmth and the wholesomeness of the end made my heart grow three sizes the day I read it. And the love that all these idiots have for each other is just so damn palpable in this story, it damn near made me cry.
Author: Orphan Account :(
Word Count: 4,952
Summary: There are obvious downsides to being the only member of the Avengers who is not a super soldier, a god, or a super assassin, and does not Hulk out when aggravated. The most obvious one is that when villains want bait, they've got a go-to guy. Tony already knew Mondays sucked. He did not need his opinion reinforced this way.
Why You Should Read It:
It’s such a bummer I can’t plunder this author’s other works because I love this one so much!
Tony gets kidnapped and says a lot of self-deprecating things that, unbeknownst to him, are projected on a live feed to the Avengers. They rescue him and have some opinions about how easily he could be replaced. This story’s got Tony hiding from feelings like an idiot, Steve manually carrying Tony somewhere the Avengers can say nice things about him, and a lot of feels.
That’s it for today! Tune in tomorrow for some AU recs!
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ssaori · 7 years
Hi, Saori! I see you blog a lot about Sterek and I was wondering if you read fanfiction too? If yes, can you rec me some fics to read? If not, can you recommend a blog that you think recs good fics? I find your taste in Larry fics similar to mine and I was hoping you can do the same with Sterek as well. Thank you!
Oh boy, honestly I have no idea what to say, I’m just glad that not everybody’s fed up with my Sterek spams (probably a lot of people are but oh well) :D
First things first, you should check out @theofficialstereklibrary @wheredidhiseyebrowsgo @underappreciatedsterek @acountrygirlsfun @christinesficrecs @eternalsterekrecs and if you like Larry too then @nottooldforthisship recces  awesome stuff all the time, (her sterek fic rec tag is a blessing) (my fic rec page is kind of a mess, but you can find some there too)
As of my recs, I usually don’t do it cuz I’m always anxious I’ll rec something the other doesn’t like, but since you asked so nicely here are some of my faves:
The Undisclosed(109k) - For once the pack doesn’t panic when a new hunter arrives. The gleefully sadistic man has labelled himself a collector of all things rare in the supernatural world and wants one of the rarest creatures; a werefox. Content that the pack is safe, the wolves focus on why their human member is acting so strange, ignoring the fact that Stiles only started once learning who the man wanted…
I’ve read this like, how many times? Way too many to be healthy? Seems accurate. And I’m totally not re-reading it again, nope.
Baking My Way Into Your Heart(179k) - Derek is an uptight college student, all work and no play. His carefully scheduled life is thrown kilter when his regular barista is replaced with someone new.
This fic changed my life tbh.
As Luck WouldHave It (I’m already smitten)(188k, WIP) - When Stiles meets his Dom for the first time, it’s nothing like the cutesy, lovey-dovey Subflicks he used to drag Scott to when they were thirteen. There’s no burst of sunshine when they collide, no sudden swell of violins when their eyes meet; only a really big dent in the front of his Jeep and a seriously pissed off Alpha glaring at him from the sidewalk.
When I see the e-mail I shut down and don’t even look up until I finished reading the update. It’s by far the most exciting fic I’ve read, and I read A LOT.
Do Not Go Gentle(108k, WIP) - Derek Hale, Beacon Hills Alpha, is thrown into a dark cell which already contains another captive.   Someone quite young.  Someone who’s clearly been badly treated.  Someone who cannot speak and who has a cruel collar around his neck.Derek is both a Dom and an Alpha.  What do you think he’ll do?
Same with this. Mondays can’t come fast enough. Dark, but worth it for me.
Home(160k, WIP) - January seventh. Seven days since the start of 2015, and seven days since his father’s death.The bastard, he thinks bitterly. The past year Derek Hale had made it blatantly obvious that he hated his scrawny guts, taking every given opportunity to shove him up against a wall, growl threats in his ears and roll his eyes whenever he stepped into the room, muttering some snide comment about how spastic or idiotic he was.So why did he fucking volunteer to take him in?
You can’t even imagine what this fic does to me. It’s everything.
Once Bitten(183k) - Stiles gets bitten by a werefox that’s running loose on Hale lands.The pack helps him deal with his new were status while searching for the fox who bit him in hopes of reversing the bite. But is the werefox really their biggest problem?
My favorite trope in this fandom is fox!Stiles and we need more of it.
Werewolf-Friendly(27k) - Derek is a junior in college, never could get the hang of social interaction, and is, you know, a werewolf.  A werewolf and a virgin.  And it isn’t like anyone is banging down his door to hop on his werewolf dick, save for the few pervs who acted like he was some kind of exotic toy to be played with and experienced.  So, when he sees Stiles’ ad on Hot Men 4 Rent, Derek is… interested.  And who is he kidding, he’s read that bio every day since that sad evening with the chocolate chip cookies, and has every facet of it memorized.  Stiles, no last name.  Eighteen.  Student.  Good conversationalist.  Likes to crack jokes.  Fan of junk food but enjoys running.  Werewolf-friendly.  Werewolf-friendly.  And there is his phone number and an email address.  Plus all the moles.
This was actually the reason I didn’t give up on Sterek after some stuff in the fandom. And it’s awesome and hot, so. :D
Run Little Red Fox (18k) - Fox!Stiles. Living on the run might not have been the best way to survive, but when you’re a Werefox with no family and no friends, what other choice do you have? Narrowly escaping hunters, getting mixed up in a war with alphas, Stiles is positive that life is out to get him. The weird vet is convinced that Stiles will be able to help defeat the alphas and protect the pack, but what can one injured Werefox do against a pack of murdering alphas?
Yeah, so I love this fic a lot and I need to re-read it, excuse me!
Not French but probably a mistake(8k) (you need to have an acc for this) - A witch’s curse sends Derek into a parallel universe where his life is a TV show. At first, Derek thinks he’s lucky Stiles got sent into this universe with him. He’s a little confused when Stiles starts kissing him furiously.Dylan isn’t sure why his boyfriend is acting so shy all of a sudden. It’s kinda cute. And he’s totally down to roleplay Sterek again, that’s always hot.
I’m a sucker for everything bleep0bleep does, plus French Mistake is my everything, so bear with me when I say READ THIS!!
Can’trely on me(116k) - Set at the end of season 2, Gerard beats Stiles up, but it’s a lot worse than anyone knows. The pack let him down, that’s not really a surprise lately.When Danny finds Stiles nearly bleeding to death the next day it’s the start of a beautiful friendship.Can the pack make amends before it’s too late? Will Stiles ever forgive them for not being there for him when he needed them the most?
This fic is so good. So good! I only didn’t like the ending but otherwise ohmygod.
Kiss Of Life (ThisSweet Pool is Everblue)(7k) - (Canon-AU for 2x04) “Yeah, kiss of life, d'you want me to say it in another language, Derek? Latin would be cool but I’m still not fluent yet so how about Spanish? Spanish worked on Jackson before. Beso de vida.“In which: Scott isn’t even lethally late—he simply doesn’t show up at all. Stiles does the saving and things railroad from there.
If you’ve seen the show you know this should have happened. YOU KNOW IT.
Anteocularis(19k) - Allison meets a strange deer in the forest. Derek may have found someone who can match his level of bullshit. Stiles is running from a murderer. Pack-feels and cross-species bonding.
I know, I know, but give it a try I promise it’s worth it :D Sassy deer!Stiles, who needs more?
Strike Softly (Awayfrom the Body)(35k) - Derek is a bodyguard and Stiles his spoiled, resistant client.
A bit fun, a bit dark but sooooo good!!
Youwon’t have to reach out for me (6k) - Stiles is having trouble holding himself together and he’d do anything to have Derek’s hand on him again–needs the relief like he needs oxygen, maybe more–which is exactly why he can’t let Derek touch him. Because Stiles knows Derek, knows exactly where he ranks his own pain in terms of importance, and he knows that Derek would ignore the pain completely if it meant giving Stiles something he needed. Stiles refuses be a source of pain for Derek–there are too many other people lining up to do the job–so he makes sure to hold himself at a safe distance.            
It’s painful and beautiful!!
In Case TheDaylight Never Comes(82k) - There’s a relentless dark shape tearing through the pack and that’s only the half of it. Stiles just wants to sleep and stop being haunted by the faces of his night-time tormentors. His dad thinks he’s suffering from post-traumatic stress, Scott thinks he’s suffering the after-effects of the ritual; Stiles thinks they’re both reasonable theories, except for the part where Derek Hale is the only thing that can take his nightmares away and it seems that fact is no coincidence. 
It’s very dark, so if you’re not into that kind of stuff… but otherwise excellent piece of work!
(I’m sorry I didn’t include the authors but that would have been taken even longer, but I send my love to all of them a lot, there are so many fics I love, but let’s not do this again, please. :D Have fun reading!
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kamuwrites · 7 years
In the Bag - Ch 4/10 - a One Piece gen cat fic
Fic Summary: 
All pirates have hordes of treasure. It just so happens in this life, cats are the treasure in Luffy’s.
Chapter Title: Premium Food Things
No pairings/General
Word count: 2138
read on ao3
He stretched out on the sole couch of the Kamabakka Kingdom staff break room after a long night of front door guard duty.
Ten minutes into his break, a weight settled on his chest.
He lifted the magazine from his face and smiled. “You tired of the girls already, Sanji?” Gin asked after the longhaired blonde cat.
Sanji continued to purr, ignoring Gin in favor of keeping his engine going.
Gin chuckled and let the magazine shade his face again. They both had a long night.
Luffy found them like that later, napping at the peak of dawn.
“Sanji!” Luffy was considerate enough to make it sound like he was whispering, when his whispering voice was more like a less loud yell. “Time to go home! Say bye to Bandana Guy!”
Sanji yowled grumpily in protest, hating to be handled by men even half-asleep.
Luffy somehow managed to settle Sanji into the cat-safe bag he kept with him at all times. Gin blinked up blearily to witness Sanji curled up like a cranky, growling croissant, curly whiskers and all.
“Alright, alright. Yes, I know, you don’t want to see Zoro or leave Bandana Guy, but your grooming appointment is coming up. Yeah, you can hang out with Nami for a bit.” Sanji meowed and Luffy laughed. “Oi, oi, that’s not nice to say.”
Gin followed them out and dazedly watched Luffy saunter out the club and into the dimly lit streets. Day had yet to break over the rise of the surrounding buildings.
“Watch out for dark alleys,” Gin warned.
“Sure!” Luffy practically shouted and waved over his shoulder.
Gin waved back, yawning from the doorway of the club.
Seriously. He wasn’t certain if he was expectant or dreading the days Luffy and Sanji came over for their twice weekly visits.
Gin stepped aside as a few club members scrambled to bid farewell to Sanji and Luffy with airborne kisses while the two departed for the station. The place was certainly more lively when they were there.
Their story was odd, even by his standards. What they did at a transgender-friendly club was beyond his comprehension until he got the answer from the owner in person.
“He’s our delivery boy,” Ivankov said. “Luffy-chan is also our benefactor’s son. The two facts are completely unrelated, though! The real reason lies with Sanji.”
“The cat?”
“Yes! The dear was a part of the local feral cat colony until Bon-chan found him caught in a raccoon trap near the Baratie. Turns out he had a chip and was part of that busted drug trafficking business under the guise of a kitten mill from a few years ago. I take care of human beings, but I have no expertise in animals! So we almost turned him into the shelter, but I heard about the dreadful things they do to unwanted cats. And there comes Luffy-chan, sweeping us off our feet with his generous offer of a foster home.”
He had stiffened at the news. It turned out he and Sanji were more connected than he had realized.
Gin confronted Luffy later that week. Luffy had to know his involvement in pushing Sanji to the streets.
It was his fault the drug cartel got busted in the first place. It was in his power to stop what Don Krieg was doing to those poor kittens who were only bred for their pedigree and looks. All those cats, rescued or released to streets ravaging garbage because Gin had decided to follow the direction his moral compass pointed. Betraying Don Krieg was worth the relief his conscience felt at seeing those cats up and about outside the confines of their cages.
Even if that nearly came at the cost of his life.
“I believe Sanji was one of those cats. I couldn’t save him or the rest of his siblings. I’m glad someone did,” Gin finished, head hung in guilt.
Luffy was silent for a moment, the only noise in the room being the brush against Sanji’s thick coat.
“That was almost three years ago,” Luffy said. It was worded like a question.
“Yes. Don Krieg decided to...punish me in the following months after my screw up.” Gin hated to talk about the specifics. Only Ivankov and her right hand Inazuma knew. They were the ones to save his life and provide a safe place to recover.
Luffy nodded thoughtfully. “So you released all the cats? Even though they could have died on their own in the streets without their mothers?” he asked.
“...I didn’t think about that at the time. I only had time to release the dozen cages near me before the police arrived.” He remembered he was too busy wrapping his mind around freedom and I need to get (them) out of there.
“That was reckless!”
“Hi pot, I’m kettle,” Gin muttered.
Luffy snickered. Sanji protested his person’s inattention by batting at his hand. Human continued to brush cat.
“Your heart was in the right place,” Luffy said, scritching Sanji under the chin fondly. Due to the distraction of brush on fur, Sanji allowed it. “You’re kind of like Sabo. Selfish and selfless for other people.”
“Maybe not selfless,” Gin said.
“Hmm, sure.” Luffy didn’t sound like he agreed with that, but let it go.
Gin bit his lip. “Fuck,” he said. To be comforted by a near kid was a near low for him.
His mind flashed to Don Krieg and the dark room which he-would-not-speak-or-think-of.
No. Receiving verbal comfort by Monkey D. Luffy was leagues better than that.
“Yup,” Luffy agreed. “By the way, I help because I want to, not because I have to. I’m not sure if that makes it better or worse, but it’s still better than doing nothing, you know?”
“Yeah...You’re right.”
“Don’t worry too hard over stuff that happened back then. We’re all here now,” Luffy said.
He was eternally grateful to so many people; Gin couldn’t possibly pay them all back for what they had done for him. Couldn’t any one of these kind people realize that?
“What can I?” Gin gestured to the space between them, words failing him.
“Good timing! Can you take in Sanji on Thursday? I’m introducing a new cat to the house,” Luffy requested immediately, shaking Sanji off.
Sanji landed on his feet and skulked out of sight.
“Sanji gets territorial?” Gin had read up on cat behavior once he learned he was the most tolerated person in the building on nights Sanji stayed at Kamabakka Kingdom.
“Nah. It’s weird, right? He used to be part of a feral colony but he’s not like that. He’s only aggressive to guy cats.” Luffy snorted and brushed the cat hair on his jeans off onto the floor.
“So why?” Before Luffy opened his mouth, Gin knew the reason would be simple yet ultimately ridiculous. Maybe it was a sixth sense he had developed due to knowing the likes of Luffy, Ivankov, and even briefly motherfucking Dragon himself.
“Weeeell,” Luffy grinned, extending the word out. “The new cat? She’s a girl.”
When Luffy said no more, Gin blinked. “And?” he prompted.
“That’s it.” Luffy popped his lips. End of that trail of conversation.
Gin pinched the skin between his eyebrows. Ivankov warned him Ds had a tendency to explain without explaining anything at all. This had all the signs of such a thing.
“Luffy. Why can’t Sanji be in a house with a female cat?” Gin asked carefully.
“Oh. Sanji goes WILD over females. You have no idea, man.”
“But he’s…” Gin gestured vaguely down to his family jewels.
Luffy’s grin widened. “Yup. Doesn’t matter! The heart wants what it wants! Cat or human, LOVE stops for no one!” Luffy declared, making an unusual stance Gin knew he definitely learned from Bentham.
So. Knowing Sanji went into immediate heat when getting a whiff of a female was definitely feral cat behavior, according to PAWLEASEHELP DOT ORG. Good for future reference.
He was also 99 percent sure Luffy got that last phrase wrong.
“It’s not just cats, though. Sanji LOVES girls.” Luffy tilted his head. “I don’t get why he doesn’t like some of the girls here? Is it because their leg and facial hair itch? I’m kinda envious though…”
Gin strongly suspected the reason was that some of the members were simply crossdressing.
“Yes, I can take Sanji,” he said quickly.
Key to stopping a D tangent: answering to the whim that seemed like the top priority. If the top priority seemed like a near impossibility, he was instructed to make it happen, at all costs. Ivankov stressed this very seriously.
“Great!” Luffy nodded and patted Sanji’s head. “Sanji, we’re late for that grooming appointment. Hopefully Doctor Hip Lady lets us in for a quick snip.”
The following weekend, Luffy had dumped Sanji on him and promised he would be back for him on Monday. That Monday Luffy asked (ordered) Gin to babysit Sanji again on Thursday, when Luffy had his job at the Red Hair in the evening.
The visits rinsed and repeated until Gin felt they had established a schedule. Sanji would hang out at either Gin’s apartment or the club on Mondays and Thursdays.
Gin felt comfortable and brave enough to ask Luffy where he could find discounted cat beds and food.
“I was thinking, if Sanji needed space to cool off from Zoro or the girls, he could crash at my place,” Gin offered, a tad nervous Luffy would say no.
“I don’t like isolating any of the cats, even if they do get feisty,” Luffy said, frowning. He whipped out a sticky pad and the tiniest pencil from one of his many vest pockets and shoved them into Gin’s face. “Sanji likes you, so I think this is perfect! Do you have a cell?”
The catification was cool. The apartment was meant as a housing complex for the nearby chefs of the professional Baratie. It was through Sanji’s charm that Gin managed to get one. The cat was a favorite of the restaurant, having been deemed the unofficial mascot, so he was cleared for entry on the apartment grounds. Catifying his apartment was given grudging approval by the owner and head chef, Red Leg Zeff.
“That cat and I have deep set history,” the man with an impressively large hat and braided mustache (?) relayed after Gin gaped a bit too long at his quick agreement. “The spoiled yam gave me a reason to keep living. Almost died a homeless nobody in the rain when this mangy puke colored thing hops on my chest and starts rumbling louder than a Lamborghini racing down the freeway.”
“That’s—” Gin was shocked.
“Fucking stupid. I knew that lemon was waiting for my corpse to rot before digging in. But the thing was, I had already broken my leg beyond repair.” Red Leg Zeff chuckled and patted the metal limb. “I said, ‘Here, take this useless limb of mine, brat’ and you know what the drenched rug did? He dug his claws in and purred louder. After taking a piss in a puddle a few feet away, of course. Little did I know that he just about near saved my life.”
“No way.” Gin looked to the cat in question. Sanji was currently cuddled up in the lap of a female customer. Her date sneezed away on the other side of the table. Sanji ate up the attention while looking simultaneously smug about it.
“Yes. I never did manage to get a collar on that one. He kept to himself and the ferals that live around these parts. It didn’t feel right, leashing him and tying him down.” Zeff sighed and got up, striding toward Sanji’s table. “I thought, ‘the least I can do is provide him a safe place to come back to’. Should’ve acted faster, frankly.”
Gin grinned. Luffy was certainly someone known for direct and immediate action.
“Ah.” Zeff addressed Gin, Sanji meowing crankily in his arms. “Boy, don’t bring him into the restaurant when you come. The yam is unpredictable for business, as you can see.”
The male customer was yelling about hazardous restaurant etiquette and the woman was flushed happily, obviously enjoying her brief experience with a loving cat. The Baratie chefs were curiously slipping out of the kitchen. A few noticed Sanji in the head chef’s arms. The rest headed over to take care of the dissatisfied customer.
Gin watched their expressions brighten as they hesitantly approached the cat. They reached out and patted Sanji on the head. A few even blushed as they proceeded to enthusiastically kick and beat the crap out of the man.
“You,” Gin said later, “are a very spoiled cat.”
Sanji yawned and continued his 18 hour nap, presumably dreaming up a paradise of beautiful girls and female cats.
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