#school thoughts
snowyhyena · 4 months
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Haha two life updates:
The first being my heart palpitations have not stopped.
The second being I actually had a productive conversation with the girl I have a crush on.
I was on my way to work (university library), and I stopped by the campus cafe because hey. Why not. I can spare a few bucks on a treat, and I need something to lift my spirits.
So, I walked in and she is standing behind the counter. I didn't know she worked on Tuesday mornings. But she saw me, and I waved, and she waved. I fumbled with my bag right in the front door. I dropped my wallet and my keys.
By the time I got to the counter, she already had an Americano over ice for me. I told her that I really appreciate it, but I've decided to stop drinking so much caffeine.
I was nervous she was going to get upset. She had just made me a drink--wasted the ingredients. But she laughed it off.
"That's healthy of you," she said.
I ordered hot tea and a muffin, and she got it ready for me. But then as she was ringing me up, she gave me a funny look.
"Is everything alright?" she asked.
And I said yes. I briefly mentioned heart palpitations and stress.
She asked if I had been to a doctor.
I said yes, when I was a teenager. But no, not frequently.
And she said that if it's stress, she knew something that might help. The apothecary right off campus has some anxiety treatment. It's some sort of tea. It helped her get through last semester. You don't need a prescription.
So I'm off tonight after I leave work to get some tea. Very good life updates.
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thiccbuckybarnesfic · 2 years
took me until my first year of my PhD to discover that Plato invented RPF
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theinsanelycool · 1 year
i think it should be a thing in highschools where we all just judge each other off of our backpacks, like i saw this guy with a sick ass monkey bag this morning and i havent stopped thinking about it since
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for real fox needs to hire my brain
So what if when Buck has enough of his parents redecorating his appartment he calls Eddie if he could stay there cause his parents suddenly caring for him is to much for him "Need to get out of there. Can i come over?" Eddie of course says yes
With Buck arriving Chris (who listened in to Eddie talking with Buck) is waiting for him at the door. When Buck gets out of the car and walks towards him, Chris starts calling for him. But not by his name. "Dad. Look daddy is here." Eddie and Buck both freeze and look at each other and then
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kiraleestudios · 2 years
The No. 1 lesson we can learn from both Beauty and the Beast and Tumblr Sexymen: Is to never judge someone based on their looks.
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moonprincess101 · 2 years
Random flashbacks to the time for a history assignment about interviewing figures from the Cold War led to me writing a whole ass plot about me doing a blood ritual to summon the ghost of Joseph Stalin to ask him questions.
I got a 7 (the grading system is 2-10 with 1 being equal to 0) and to this day I wonder if the fact I didn't get more points is because of the whack ass plot or the fact my dutch is lowkey kinda shit
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hannah-has-thoughts · 2 years
7:54 pm-
Really wish the act of having to plan out my future didnt cause me to feel like I am physically dying.
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eosofspades · 1 year
i didn't have "i'm broken" teenage asexual angst i had "i'm literally being the only reasonable one about this concept and the rest of you are behaving like fucking freaks" perception issues
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katrinorseno · 3 months
hhaha auq sabihin pero grabe ang katamaran ko pagkatapos na dalawang breaks na magkasunod (Holy Week at Reading Break) hahaha sumobra ako sa katamaran na wala akong pake kung nakalipas na ang deadline pero hindi ko ginagawa at wala akong pake kung hindi pa ako nakapag-aral na umabot sa point na nag-aral lang ako sa mismong day ng quiz hahahaha dahil diyan hindi ko tuloy naagapan ang dapat kong agapan. Isa na diyan ay nagka-inc ako sa research subject na dapat singko ako
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 5 months
Honestly, sometimes I consider double majoring in both Applied Linguistics and Marine Sciences/Biology. The urge is particularly strong rn. It really was a coin toss on whether or not I'd go into language-based education or being an aquarist with a focus on communication in whales/dolphins
Maybe I should, even if it's like an AA in Marine Sciences on the side. I think I could handle the workload. I took an oceanography class a couple semesters back too...
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snowyhyena · 4 months
I wanna go feral
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So I live in a pretty sad basement apartment. It doesn't smell great most days despite my oil diffuser. I can hear neighbors above me at all hours because there's only thin floorboards that separate the apartments.
It's a really lame set-up, but I'm hoping to make the best of it. I've been trying to make the best of it for about a year. But I feel like my English degree and Masters-in-progress has prepared me. I can at least turn to Gothic lit to sort of romanticize my situation.
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Had a thought the minute I tried closing my eyes:
You know what I think a lot of teachers don't understand? Respect is earned, not given. This is something that especially the teachers who desperately try to look dignified, ignore and it makes it so difficult to listen to.
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indigo6f00ff · 1 year
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need to share an experience i had 30 minutes ago
(edit: thanks to @walks-the-ages for providing and reminding me to put alt text, sorry it slips my mind alot lol)
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batneko · 5 months
okay okay okay one more dungeon meshi thought
I keep seeing people saying Falin is "better at social cues" than Laios. Y'all she's just quiet. 😭 She just keeps her mouth shut. 😭😭 Girl was proposed to, said "let me think about it," and then did not even tell her own brother. She doesn't know what's going on either she's just quieter about it!!! 😭😭😭
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