#school went surprisingly well for the agonies (joints burn if moved)!
crescentmp3 · 2 years
hiii im home! ^-^
#school went surprisingly well for the agonies (joints burn if moved)!#i got to rest my eyes enough to get rested (in a way) and got to talk with my friends!#also some fun lessons today if we dont count arabic (<-he understands but does not enjoy)#i do love my arabic teacher! she is very sweet. i would love the lesson too if she gave more praise but she does not so i do not#that sounds selfish typing it out. im sorry i run on praise from authoritive figures. or others in general but less so#we had math after that! we're doing roots again. this time its funkier#i quite surprisingly understood VERY well and made no mistakes in the example questions the teacher gave! which im proud of#i used to hate roots actually. i guess my teacher then didnt explain it well enough for me to understand#now that i understand them theyre really fun!#and astonishingly simple for what i thought of it beforehand. actually#oh then we had english! english my love#im sorry i love the teacher so much. one of my favorites i cannot lie#shes so sweet and gives great advice and GOD she dresses so pleasantly (usually closer to gothic blacks but sometimes more colorful)#hehe while we were writing vocabulary and i was already done writing them down and everyone else was writing she/#/sat down next to me and did a fun little quiz on me asking me to translate them all! and i did for most ^-^#some were harder to translate for their vague or multiple meanings‚ or just not crossing over well‚ but i did it!#it wasnt as much a quiz as it was a way for us both to not get bored! she is very much friendly for a teacher which i really appreciate#oh then we had health education. with can (pronounced jan btw) hoca ^-^ love him#he was very VERY rude to me yesterday and broke my poor little heart (made the entire class do as many push-ups and sits ups/#/as they can and i failed miserably (zero on both) and my muscles hurt so bad now (god help me))#but! he is very funny#most of the lesson was moreso the class having conversations with him than actually learning anything but thats for the best.#makes it more fun and easy to consume‚ really! for some reason the actual lesson stays in mind better. dont know why?#anyway! then we had geography#HATE the lesson even though i understand it cause the teacher is TERRIBLE at explaining anything. but im her favorite/#/so i cannot complain whatsoever. i know i know i shouldnt enjoy her having a bias for me. but i quite am to be straightforward#but anyway thats how it went today!#eating a hamburger right now (mom made it!) which is great.#my aches have gotten better so thats nice! my back is still on fire and i still cant flex any muscles near my stomach without pain though#♚ — rambling !
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Twinpathy (Pain)
Based on the lovely work of Artsymeeshee and RenConnor; little snippets of life indicating that even when they were apart (physically or emotionally), the boys were still connected without realizing.
The night he was banished from his home and told not to come back without a fortune, Stanley Pines went down to the beach with a can of gasoline that he “liberated” from a nearby station and his trusty lighter, and he set the almost-completed Stan O’War on fire.
There was no way he could take it with him, and he sure as h_ll wasn’t leaving it for that traitor to use.
Besides, it wasn’t like there was anyone who would care.
It took hours for the flames to finish consuming it; he stood there the whole time, hands clenched in trembling fists at his sides, and forced himself to watch no matter how much it hurt.  He barely even flinched when he got hit by stray sparks that burned his skin and made his damp eyes sting, as he watched all his dreams literally go up in smoke.
By the time it was reduced to dying embers it was almost dawn; Stan walked away to his car and curled up in the back seat, feeling more alone than he had in his entire life.
Ford barely slept.
For some reason he was just too hot; even if he kicked off all the blankets and sheets, he felt like he was burning up.
Even if he hadn’t been experiencing an odd temperature problem, there was no way he could sleep with the cocktail of rage, betrayal, uncertainty and not-very-well-suppressed guilt brewing in his skull.
His room had never felt so empty before, or been so quiet during the night.
Parts of his skin were actually stinging a little; if he was having a fever, it was like nothing he’d ever had before.  Not even cold water seemed to help much, but somehow he couldn’t work up the will to wake up his parents.  Not after they’d-
He shoved the thought away.
It wasn’t until dawn that the heat rushing through his system finally died down a little, but even then Ford couldn’t relax enough to sleep.  He went to school looking and feeling like hell, and passed it in a dull haze.
A week later, when he went to the beach (he hadn’t meant to go near the boat, he’d told himself that he wouldn’t, that there was no reason to go near it, but somehow his footsteps took him there anyways), all he found was an enormous chunk of ash.
And his gut churned with that cocktail again, as he realized his brother really wasn’t coming back anytime soon.
Stan was beginning to realize that making that deal with Archer had been a mistake.
Namely because he was chained up and dangling by his ankles in a slaughterhouse, and one of Archer’s goons was approaching him with a cleaver in one hand and a meat hook in the other, and it wasn’t because he was planning on giving him a fancy haircut.
“It’s nothing personal, Pinowski,” Archer said solemnly, staring down at him.  “I like your moxie; really I do. But it’s bad business if I don’t make an example of you to anyone else with dumb ideas.”
“Yikes,” Stan grunted, face red from all the blood rushing to it, “you always talk like you’re Edward G. Robinson or something?”
Archer smiled thinly, and nodded to the guy who looked a little too enthusiastic about his grisly task.
By now, though, Stan had managed to put the paperclip he’d been using as a substitute cufflink to good use, and when the thug got close he swung his fist, with the chain wrapped around it.  It hurt, but it was worth it to knock him into Archer, sending them both to the floor like ninepins. Frantically Stanley began wriggling like a worm on a hook, trying to reach his ankles before they could get up.  Instead he found himself sliding backwards, his body thudding into one of the dead cattle dangling behind him like one of those stupid balls on strings that you can smack two together and the ones at the other end will move-Newton’s cradle, that’s what Ford had said it was called.  Ugh, of all the times for him to be remembering his brother-
He barely managed to dodge the cleaver, which was swung with a vengeance at his neck, and almost on reflex his arms flew up, catching the thug’s other wrist.  Despite his efforts, the hook pressed stubbornly forward, catching into the flesh of his stomach and digging in. On the bright side, it brought the thug close enough for Stan to pound an unexpected fist into his gut.
Eventually, of course, Stan managed to get away.  But not without a somewhat-gaping hole in his stomach, and a need to run quickly before the police and the fire department showed up at the slaughterhouse to find out what the heck was going on.  Together, these were not the most pleasant combination in the world.
Far away at a second-rate college, Ford nearly fell out of his desk with a gasp of agony, clutching at his stomach.
At once Fiddleford was at his side, asking frantically what was the matter.
“I-I dunno-something hurts-”
“Have y’got yer appendix removed?”
“No-never had to.”
“C’mon, let’s get ya to the doctor.  Maybe it became inflamed or somethin’.”  Fiddleford pulled his friend to his feet and slung his free arm over his shoulder, shepherding him out the door.
Surprisingly, the doctor found nothing wrong with his appendix.  Nothing seemed to be wrong period, except for the unexplained throbbing sensation.  Eventually he just gave Ford some painkillers and sent him back to the dorm to get some rest.  Ford speculated on the possibility of it being pain for an injury that he hadn’t received yet or something else supernatural like that, and gulped down some of the medicine with water so he could get back to work.
(Far away, in a remote field where he’d managed to hide his car until the heat died down, Stan felt the burning ache in his clumsily-stitched gut miraculously recede a little, even though he hadn’t managed to steal painkillers yet.  Maybe life was giving him a break from being its chew toy for a while.)
It had been a long week, and the coming one wasn’t looking any better due to impending finals.
Ford couldn’t remember the last time he’d slept instead of either studying or drinking copious amounts of coffee.  Of course, sleep was a terrible waste of time that he avoided whenever possible anyway, but he had to admit that sometimes it was a necessary evil.  If nothing else, because it helped get rid of throbbing headaches like the one filling his skull right now. But dang it, this was important! The sooner he graduated, the sooner he could get into the important research he wanted to study.  And he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he got anything but the best possible grades.
Rubbing his gritty eyes under his glasses, Ford made some fresh coffee and forced himself to focus on his notes.
It was the worst hangover Stan could remember having in years.  He slumped back against the brick wall behind him, eyes closed, wishing he was dead.
...Which happened more often than he wanted to admit, even without hangovers.  But at least this time he had a semi-decent excuse.
He didn’t even think he’d drunk that much; certainly not enough to make his skull feel like rocks were rolling around inside it and banging together.  Geez, it felt like he hadn’t slept in a week.
With a groan, he finally got up, grabbing the hat containing the few coins a few people had dropped in it (he was sure close to making those millions now, ha ha ha), and staggered to his car, collapsing in the back seat.  To his relief, he managed to fall into a dreamless sleep fairly quickly.
(Ford began, after a few hours, to feel strangely refreshed; he chalked it up to his body adjusting to an alternative sleep schedule and double-checked his term paper.)
As Stan got older, he noticed that his body would develop odd aches and pains, especially in his joints, and sometimes he would wake up feeling utterly exhausted, like he’d been boxing in his sleep.  It wasn’t too surprising, since he hadn’t exactly had a peaceful lifestyle in his youth and he was probably paying for it now. He just learned to deal with it all when he got up in the morning, and focused on the important things: fleecing the hides off customers, and trying to figure out that stupid portal.
Nothing else mattered.
Ford didn’t have many opportunities to wash properly while traveling through the multiverse, what with constantly hopping dimensions and fighting for his life here and there, but if he’d had a chance to look at his right shoulder, he would have seen that for weeks after he first arrived the skin was bright red, like he’d gotten a bad sunburn.  Of course, this being Ford he might have just dismissed it as an allergic reaction to something in his clothes or whatever.
The Stan O’War II needed fresh supplies.  Again.
The Pineses went their separate ways in the busy port marketplace-Ford to pick up scientific gear, and Stan to get food and fishing tackle.
Ford was just fishing his wallet out of his pocket (and really missing the dimensions where currency had been rendered unnecessary), when he gasped and doubled over against the counter, clutching a hand to his cheek.
“Sir?” the shopkeeper asked, looking at him with concern, “Are you alright?”
He managed to nod and straighten up, handing him the cash.  “Yes, I’m fine, sorry. Just...a muscle spasm or something.”
That...was odd, even by my standards, he thought as he gathered up his things and headed for the boat.  It was almost like someone had up and punched him (and believe me, by now he knew what that felt like).
Stanley was not back yet, so Ford was about to make himself busy putting things away, when the sensation came again, except it was in his ribs.
And this time, he had an odd feeling that it had something to do with his twin.
It defied all the logic his mind prided so highly, but then again, things like the M Dimension and leprecorns defied logic and they still existed, so he just tucked his gun into its holster and hurried back onto shore.
The throbbing in his side became almost a pulse; like a dark version of “Hot and Cold,” it grew stronger as he turned certain directions, leading him to a remote corner of town with a big white van parked nearby-never a good sign.
An even worse sign was the group of men trying to force Stanley into the truck.
To be fair, Stanley appeared to be handling it reasonably well-several of them were lying on the ground, clutching themselves in various areas and groaning, while the ones still standing were sporting a lovely assortment of black eyes and bloody lips, among other injuries.  And while he was suffering some wear and tear himself, Stan was still weaving back and forth, using his feet and hands and fingers in ways that were not strictly fighting fair, but were doing the more important job of defending himself and not allowing them to move him any closer to the van.
And then one of them pulled a knife out of his belt.
Ford didn’t think twice.
There was a loud fizzing sound, a brief agonized squeal, and then the smell of charred flesh filled the air.
The group of thugs froze, and turned to see Ford marching towards them, outstretched gun still with a puff of smoke at the end just like in the movies.
“What the bleep-” one of them began to ask.
“Leave.  Now.”
None of the six men left standing needed to be told again.
To Ford’s slight relief, Stan looked surprised at his vicious conduct, but not appalled by it.  He just shook himself, adjusted his glasses and made his way over to his twin, “accidentally” stepping on a few of the people he’d brought down.
“Good timing,” he said.  “Sorry, I kind of lost the stuff.”
“That doesn’t matter; we’ll get it in another port.  Come on.”
“Just a sec.”  Stan turned back to the thugs lying on the ground, and began rifling through their pockets.
Ford rolled his eyes, but trained his gun on any of them who looked like they might be thinking about moving.
Once they were back on the boat, Stan happily counted their newly-acquired wealth, and began calculating how much they would need to use to restock their lost supplies.  Ford put away his gun and then busied himself with setting up what he’d managed to acquire.
“Who were those men?” he finally asked.
Stan shrugged.  “They said their boss wanted to see me, but I can’t remember who he is.  Probably just another in a long list of people I p_ssed off once upon a time.”  Then he added, “Thanks, by the way.” He still didn’t seem bothered by what his brother had done.
Ford gave him a small nod.  Then he said, “You’d better let me take a look at your ribs.”
Stan blinked.  “How did you know they’re hurt?”
It was Ford’s turn to blink.  “I-it’s how I found you. I...it sounds crazy, but I felt it.”
“...You felt my pain.”
“Yes, I suppose I did.”  Ford gestured for him to take his coat off; Stan sighed, but complied and perched on the edge of the table, hiking up his shirt.  His entire left side was almost a completely solid bruise, with a few scratches where one of the thugs must have been wearing a ring or something.
“Pretty sure nothing’s broken,” he said.  “It’s just gonna hurt like h_ll for a while.”
Ford tested the sore places anyway to verify this for himself, as gently as he could get away with, before getting some disinfectant and bandages for the scratches.
He was almost done, when Stanley suddenly reached his hand over and flicked him hard on the ear.
“Ouch!” Ford squawked, ducking his head away.  “What was that for?!”
“I wanted to see if it worked both ways,” Stan said in a ‘duh’ tone.  He tilted his head, probably waiting for his ear to start hurting too.
“I don’t think it works like that,” the older twin scolded, rubbing his head.
“How d’you know?”
“I’m just guessing, okay?  Now hold still.”
“Bossy, bossy.”
Just then Ford’s eyes fell on a long, pale scar going down the right side of Stan’s stomach.
“What’s that?”
Stanley glanced at it, and after a long moment he managed to pull some of the memory together, prompted by the sight of the injury.  “I...I think I got that a long time ago when...when some guy tried to kill me with a meat hook.”
Ford was nursing a memory of his own, of having sudden unexpected pain but the doctor not seeing anything wrong.
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