#eating a hamburger right now (mom made it!) which is great.
five-rivers · 1 year
Need More Than Sorrow
For @datawyrms
Everyone had things they were ashamed of.  Or, at least, they had things they should have been ashamed of, which wasn’t quite the same thing, but Danny liked to think he wasn’t quite that oblivious.  Most of the time.  
Except he’d realized that he maybe had been for a little while there.  Just a little.  
Or a lot.  
A lot, actually.  
He ran his fingers over the hem of his sweater (NASA themed, of course), and watched his friends bicker over food.  Again.  
Thing was, he could let it lie.  It had been lying for weeks, now.  Tucker hadn’t brought it up, anyway, and neither had Sam.  And… Yeah.  They didn’t seem to be mad at him for anything.
But that didn’t mean they didn’t care about it, or that it didn’t matter.  
So he should probably say something, right?  That was what you were supposed to do.  Kind of… take responsibility.  
“Danny?  Hey, Earth to Danny.”
“Huh?  What?”
“You okay, man?” asked Tucker.  
“Um,” said Danny.  “Yeah.  I’m just…  I’m sorry.”
“For what?” asked Sam, with a little scoff.  Danny wouldn’t ever tell her, but she sounded a lot like her mom when she did that.  “Getting mind controlled by an evil clown?  You deserve to zone out a bit after all that.”
Danny glanced at Tucker.  “Yeah, I guess.”
“Hey, you’re not responsible for anything you did when you were under his control.”
“Mhm, yeah.  Just, um.  Thanks for coming after me.”
“Anytime,” said Sam.  
“Yeah, we’ve got your back.”
"Now eat up." She pointed imperiously at his hamburger. "I know that weirdo didn't feed you."
Well.  She wasn't wrong.
"Hey, how come his burger gets a pass while you're slandering my Nasty Meatacular."
"Three different animals died for that crime against nature."
"Four!  It has mutton now!"
“That’s disgusting.  You’re disgusting.”
Danny took a bite of his burger.  It didn’t taste like anything.  
It would be so easy to just let them keep going.  To just… keep going.  No more.  Don’t rock things.  Don’t test things.  Don’t change things.  
He could do that quite easily.  It would be easy.  The easier path.  What did they say about easier paths again?  What did they say about good intentions?  
Oh, God.  
“Huh?  Yeah?”
“I’m sorry.”
“Hey, we told you, you don’t need to apologize for anything Freakshow made you do.  And if you did, you should apologize to Sam first.  She’s the one you pushed off a tightrope.”
“He pushed me onto the tightrope,” corrected Sam.  “I fell off all by myself.”
“It’s not about that,” said Danny.  
“Then what?” asked Sam, reaching for her soda.  “Are you going to confess to throwing up in my lunchbox in gradeschool this time?”
“No,” said Danny.  “It’s…  I shouldn’t have overshadowed you that time.  Made you… do things you didn’t want to.  I’m sorry.  I didn’t… I’m sorry.”
“Okay,” said Tucker, not looking at Danny.
“Just ‘okay?’”  Danny ducked his head, trying to get into Tucker’s line of sight.  
“What do you want me to say, Danny?  That it wasn’t that bad?  Well, it was.  It sucked.”
Danny hung his head.  “I’m sorry.”
“I know you are, man.”  Tucker laughed, humorlessly.  “Heck, you said you were sorry about me losing my date when it happened.  I just…  Priorities, Danny.  It would’ve been great if you were sorry before it happened to you.  Or, heck, after Poindexter walked off with your body that one time.  So.  Yeah.  It sucks.  It really sucks.”
“I shouldn’t have done it.  I never should have done it.  It was stupid and cruel and…  Selfish.”
“Yep.  Sure was.”
“If Danny is apologizing, I probably should, too,” said Sam.  Why went unsaid, but it wasn’t as if they hadn’t all been there.
“Is there anything I can do to- to make up for things?”
“Not really.  I mean.  I overshadowed people, too, don’t forget.  The whole Desiree thing.”
“You were kind of being mind controlled during that, too.”
“Yeah.”  Tucker picked at his fries.  “I’m getting real sick of all this mind control.  I mean, you’ve got all this stuff.  All this… People controlling where you go, what you do.  You should at least be able to think what you want.  And what you do.  What you actually do, even if you’re being forced.  It’s not right.  You get me?”
“I guess I just didn’t think about it.”
“Of course you didn’t.  I love you, man, but you’re so white.”
“Don’t be sorry about that.  Jeez.  Just chill, okay?  It’s not like I’ve never been stupid about your powers.  Let’s just… drop it.  And not do it again.”
“That sounds like a deal,” said Sam.  “Do we want dessert?  I want dessert.  I’m going to get some dessert.”  She stood up.  “God, this is awkward.”
Tucker sipped loudly at his drink.  “It is pretty awkward.”
“I thought we were dropping it.” 
Tucker threw a french fry at Danny.  
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chibiwritesstuff · 4 years
Could you do a headcanon for how the dorm leaders and their S/O would react if their kid(s) from the future magically appeared on campus?
I might have gone overboard with this... but at the same time, I feel like I rushed this. I’m so occupied by work that I have to slowly work on this from midnight to six am before heading to bed then go to work around 10 am for two weeks now... I hope it turned out the way you like it. Yes, the ones with unique magic is inspired with FGO’s Noble Phantasms... I’m still stuck in that hellhole of a gacha game. I think you can tell who my faves are by the length I’ve written for them XD
Now, let’s enter this twisted wonderland~
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“Queen’s Rose Maze!” All five of the Heartslabyul main guys heard. “Traverse in the twisting maze of the Queen of Roses!”
All of them rushed towards the location of the voice only to see a tiny Riddle with (h/c) hair instead.
“What did I do?!” Heartslabyul A-kun whimpered as he seemed to be stuck in a rose maze.
“As stated by the Queen of Hearts’ Rule #186: Never eat hamburg steak on Tuesdays. You just broke a rule and you must be punished.” The kid scolded. “To think this is what my esteemed father deals with everyday…”
“By father, I assume that would be me?”
Surprisingly, Riddle seems to take this information in stride. The kid will turn around and his suspicions were confirmed.
The kid will run and hug him asking if he’s doing a good job. He introduces himself and everything Riddle asked, (s/n) answered perfectly.
Well, until you showed up that is.
“Mother!” He’ll call out in joy as he bounced towards you.
And there goes Riddle’s composure.
Oh great seven, you two have children?! Is his first thought followed by, We will get married, have children, and be together forever!
While initial surprise caught you off guard, you slowly accepted the fact that you and Riddle are now interacting with your future child.
When he can finally go back to his time his final words made both of you blush.
“Farewell, mother and father!” He’ll wave happily as he disappears. “I have to watch over the twins you two just have after all!”
Wanna try betting who’s redder? (It’s Riddle)
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Someone – more like two – that is not him or you is on his bed.
Who dares occupy my bed?!
The little girl stirred from her sleep and upon making eye contact with you two she’ll screech in joy.
“(s/n)! Wake up! Mom and Dad are here!”
Both of you flinched both from the high pitch voice and the statement she just made.
The young boy will wake up as well and greets you two in a much calmer way.
They’ll tell you that someone’s unique magic transported a bunch of kids to the past and now they’re here.
Slowly but surely, you both can tell that (d/n) is a daddy’s girl and (s/n) is a mommy’s boy.
You all decided to take a siesta together, with the children in between.
When you both stirred in your sleep, the kids are gone. There’s a note stuck on Leona’s chest saying that they have to return to their time and they enjoy the siesta as always.
“Can’t wait to have you two soon.” Leona will mutter as he pulled you to him before going back to sleep.
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A girl is crying in the lounge and it's disturbing the customers causing a bunch of complaints, forcing the twins to abandon current tasks to find the girl.
As soon as the girl spotted the twins, she grabs on them. “Uncle Jade, where’s daddy?”
Oh, Jade and Floyd are gonna have a field day with this. They kept questioning the poor girl about everything about her time to the point of scaring her.
“Aw, what a cute girl.” You’ll end up cooing.
“Mommy!” Tears are forming in her eyes as she hugs your legs tightly. “Mommy, I’m scared.”
“(y/n), I wasn’t aware you have a child…” You hear Azul trail off at the news.
He’s crestfallen on the fact that you have a child already. He will start doubting himself, thinking, of course, your relationship wouldn’t last, he’s not good enough, that he didn’t realize the kid is running towards him.
“Daddy! Uncle Jade and Uncle Floyd are scaring me again!”
“D-Daddy?!” He’s so taken aback he fell on his bum.
Jade and Floyd are laughing at his reaction while you just stared back and forth towards the child and Azul.
Ironically this is the time one of Azul’s customers decided to eat and run. Just as he asked the twins to deal with it the kid waved her magical pen.
“Everlasting Summer Spree!” And the guy is now over buying almost everything in the lounge. “Splurge in the joys of summer and shop to the fullest!”
Azul is so proud and started babying her with the very money she earned from one customer alone.
When it's time for her to leave he’s crying… which made her cry as well.
Looks like I’m going to be stuck with crybabies… is the only thing you thought of as you smile.
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“Papa!” Echoed in the middle of the party that Kalim assembled.
When a young boy tackled him, Jamil was ready to grab the said kid until he noticed their features, and boy did he paled up upon the sudden realization.
“Oya, do I remind you of your papa?” Kalim smiled and hugged the kid. “That’s flattering, kiddo!”
“Uh, Kalim you might want to take a real good look on that kid,” Jamil said as he readied to call you on his phone.
When you arrived at the Scarabia dorm, you see Kalim pampering a young boy that has your eyes and complexion. A table full of food, toys, and jewelry scattered around to make the kid happy.
“Mama!” The boy called out to you while your brain is trying to process everything.
“Isn't (s/n) so cute! He’s really smart too!” Your lover kept on praising the kid as he played with Jamil, who looks like he wants to disappear.
Your mom mode instincts kicked in and scolded the two for overdoing things.
They kept saying sorry as Jamil finally got out of the predicament.
When the kid can finally return to their original timeline, he’ll give one last hug to the entire Scarabia dorm’s students before leaving.
“I’m so excited!” Kalim will tell you with a blinding smile. “Arent you excited as well?”
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Vil was looking for Rook when he saw the said man playing with a little blonde girl. The archer noticed his presence so he beckoned the girl to come with him.
“Roi de Poison looks like your beauty runs in the family.”
The little girl did a curtsy as she greeted him. “Greetings, father. I’m (d/n), your daughter from the future.”
He’s amused, seeing as the girl acts gracefully by greeting alone. After doing his usual 5-second head to toe judgment, he nods and beckons her to follow to Pomefiore for a spa day.
No surprise but as they walk the premises of the campus, lots of stares and gossip started spreading.
Before either Vil or Rook can do anything, she once again spoke. “Father, may I ask for permission to use my unique magic?”
This piqued his interest, “Very well, show me what you got.”
“Smile of the Princess~” With an elegant smile flashed to everyone, “Hark, for the fairest’s daughter has graced you her smile~”
You just happened to walk by when you saw the commotion. Color yourself surprised when you saw a girl with Vil’s beauty and grace but with your eyes and preference of hairstyle cast her magic.
You might not have magic but you are quite good at noticing the quirks of everyone’s unique magic. A smile crept on your lips as you realized what her magic really does and who she might be.
They all got enamored with her and waited for her command. “Do get lost and focus on your duties, you pitiful potatoes.”
“As you wish, princess.” Everybody affected by her magic responded and went on their merry way.
“Oh my, so your magic is similar to Monsieur Multi.” Rook happily commented after the display.
“That’s incorrect.” (y/n) responded, already figuring out the true nature of her magic. “Smile of the Princess merely makes her target pay their fullest attention to her. It's her charisma that made them follow her orders.”
“So you noticed as well,” Vil confirmed which you happily nodded.
“Greetings, mother.” She curtsied and introduced herself once more. “We’re currently heading to father’s dormitory to treat our skin. Would you like to join us?”
Ah, so your hunch was right…
“She is going whether she likes it or not,” Vil answered for you as he smirked at your flushed face. “We do need a family bonding after all, don’t we, my dear sweet potato?”
“Yeah… what he said.” You sweatdropped as you unwillingly got dragged to their spa day. “Are we seriously ignoring the fact that she just said we’re her parents?”
“Are you opposed to having children with me?” He raised an eyebrow before facing your kid. “How many siblings do you have?”
“My older brother remains in my timeline with his acting job, father.”
You all end up doing the said spa day and enjoyed getting to know your daughter. You can't help but sigh in relief when she told you that she choose following Vil’s lifestyle of her own will rather than being forced to.
When she has to leave, rather than curtsying, she went and hug both of you instead.
“I know father’s at work and barely spend time with you but please don’t leave him…” She looks away with a sad smile. “He doesn’t mean to make you lonely.”
Against Vil’s protests, you grabbed his hand and raised it with a huge smile. “I promise I won’t let him go until he tells me to.”
Cue to Vil blushing, Rook laughing, and (d/n) smiling as she waves goodbye.
“You better keep that promise, you stupid sweet potato…” Vil mutters under his breath with a small smile.
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The one rare time he leaves his room is when he visits you or he’s out to get his pre-orders. Today’s reason is visiting you.
He hears giggling from his brother and what sounds to be another child. He’s so curious if Ortho made a new friend that he didn’t even process the fact that there’s another person in your dorm.
“Big brother! Your son is here!” Ortho happily announced as he pointed at the giggling boy on your lap.
“AAAHHHH!!!!” Idia.exe has crashed. Please restart your system to continue.
“Ahaha, dad is still so jumpy as always.” (s/n) stood up and walked towards him. “Hi, dad! I’m (s/n), your son from the future.”
He’s the main suspect from all these time-traveling shenanigans. Creating a time machine wanting to meet you two which led to all the children wanting to go as well.
He explains the mechanics of the time machine along with its timer-based setting to return them to their timeline with no fail.
Idia is now just so invested in how this creation works that he sat down on the couch with his holographic computer typing notes and giving his ideas to the kid.
You’re just happy that Idia is finally interacting with someone else even if it's his son.
Truth be told when he randomly showed up in your dorm, (s/n) geeked out so much on how he unlocked the secret episode on his life story. He immediately bombarding you with questions about your current relationship with Idia.
It was overwhelming… thank god for Ortho’s random visits that you managed to calm the kid down.
In the end you four played video games – constantly yelling hacks when someone else wins – and had a great time.
When the timer started beeping, he gave you three a hug. “I love you guys! Please don’t forget the parent-teacher meeting tomorrow, Dad.”
“I believe that something you should say to future us…” You sweatdropped as Idia held back a nervous laugh.
“I-I’ll try.”
Le gasp from all three of you.
When (s/n) disappeared, Ortho starts chattering on how he can’t wait to be an uncle. Leaving so he can make lots of detailed plans for the future hangouts he’ll have with your son.
“(y/n),” He caught your attention as his face and hair slowly turns to fiery red. “I may be the biggest introvert in the world but I promise I’ll do anything that I can to make you happy.”
“Huh, I guess this is how Hades wooed Persephone to marry him…” You smirked as he covered his face to muffle his screaming. “Should we start planning for our wedding now?”
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You two were having a peaceful picnic by the school grounds when a young boy appeared on top of the tree. He lost his balance though and leave it to Malleus’ fast reflexes to catch the boy with no sweat.
“Thank you, father.” The boy with a striking resemblance of your lover spoke as he regained his footing. “This isn’t how I planned to meet you two…”
“Father?” You two both asked.
“Okay, I’m aware that you are god knows how old but I wasn’t aware you have a child?” You can't help but look back and forth between the two boys.
“Neither do I.” He calmly answers, confusion evident on his face. “I haven’t bed anyone in my whole life.”
“My apologies! I’m (s/n) Draconia, your fifth son from the future.”
Cue to you doing a spit-take. “Fifth?!”
Malleus is just beaming in joy from this news, he does love a big family. Oh, he can't wait for the future to come, get married to you and have children… five children!
“There’s eight of us, actually…” He whispered but you both heard it anyways.
Spit-take part two with a bonus of your face being redder than any tomato in existence and Malleus just vibrating in happiness. “EIGHT?!”
He goes on and telling their names and current accomplishments, all to how the youngest sister is about to be born in a few months.
“So, I guess that actually makes it nine.” (s/n) corrects himself one last time.
You passed out while mumbling “Nine… nine kids…”
As much as Malleus wants to keep talking, he chose to care for you first, chuckling at how you passed out from said information.
He brings you and his kid to his room to make sure you have a better mattress to lay on. The two Draconia’s will keep talking about how the future of the family works.
Oh, imagine the horror on his face when tend to always be at doors death every delivery time. Now he knows that it's quite common for humans to die when giving birth.  He second-guesses the idea of having so many children if your life is at stake.
(s/n) have to remind him that they all live, so everything's fine.
After that reassurance, you stirred awake and saw the kid once more. He now wants to snuggle with you on the bed, which Malleus followed suit.
“Mother, please sing me that lullaby again.” He yawns as the older fae encases you two in a hug. “We all love your song…”
You can’t help but smile seeing how adorable your son is being that you hummed the first lullaby your mother has sung to you in your younger days.
You two noticed he’s fading, assuming that he is going back to his timeline once again.
You both placed a kiss on his forehead, saying “We love you, (s/n).”
Malleus chuckles and pulls you close as he peppers your head with kisses. He’s so excited for the future that he’ll share with you and you can't help but feel the same way.
“So… who’s going back to clean up the mess we left at the school grounds?”
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Nowhere to Run by  GleefullyCaptainSwan
Read on AO3: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10
Or on FF
Stacy's Tortured Crew: @teamhook @kmomof4 @stahlop @lfh1226-linda @ilovemesomekillianjones @itsfabianadocarmo @mariakov81 @qualitycoffeethings @zaharadessert @jonesfandomfanatic @jrob64 @natascha-ronin @tiganasummertree @xarandomdreamx @therooksshiningknight @batana54 @superchocovian @onceratheart18 @ultraluckycatnd @snowbellewells @karlyfr13s
The song referenced in this chapter is “We are Glass” by Thompson Square. You can hear the song here:
It’s a beautiful song and I felt it really summed up the characters in this story.
Chapter 10: We are Glass
Killian spent the next couple of weeks recovering in the hospital. He asked Robin to stay at his place to keep an eye on Emma and Henry, yet Emma spent most of her time next to his bed side when she wasn’t sitting in the corner of the room with Henry on her lap, teaching him his school lessons.
She told him how she had been teaching Henry everything she could while they were on the run. He could read and write, knew his arithmetic, and was an excellent artist. He found that even when he was tired, he would spend his time watching the two with reverence. Emma was a patient mother, but Henry was also an exceptional child.
“Did it hurt when you got shot?” The boy mused as he sat on the end of his bed, peeking up from between the cards in his hands.
“Aye. I would say it was pretty painful. Go fish, by the way.” He paused. “But the pain was replaced quickly by a sense of numbness, I guess, so I didn’t feel it long.” He stretched restlessly, looking down at his cards. “Have any 3’s?”
The boy narrowed his eyes, looking through his cards. “Go fish.” He smirked. “Do you think my dad is going to get out of prison and come after us again?”
Killian placed his cards against his chest. “I don’t think so lad. He’s going to have a trial. He has that right. The state will present its evidence, and he’ll face any consequences that he’s found guilty of. But you don’t have to worry, Henry. Even if he does get out, he’ll never get near you or your mom again.”
“But what about you? Who’s going to protect you?”
“Well, I’ve got Captain Nolan, and my partner Robin. Will and Belle…”
“And mom and me.” He said proudly.
Killian’s heart swelled. “You’d protect me? I’m honored.”
“Is Rogers ok?” His nose scrunched in worry.
“He’s staying with Will. He’s not a young pup anymore, so the old boy needed a lot of help getting better. But when they finally let me out of here, he’s gonna come back and live with me.”
“Will me and mom live with you?”
Killian swallowed nervously. He and Emma hadn’t talked about the future yet. There was still so much for them to resolve. Ten years was a long time to be apart, especially when the last time they had seen each other they were not in a good place.
“Your mom and I have a lot to talk about still.”
“Are you really married to my mom?” Continuing his barrage of questions.
He sighed. “Aye.”
“That must have been weird having her gone for ten years then. I bet you missed her.”
“More than all the stars in the world.”
“She used to tell me stories about you.” The boy said, his eyes wide as saucers.
“Did she now?” He mused.
“Sometimes you were a cop fighting bad guys, other times you were a swashbuckling pirate searching for treasure, and sometimes you were a Lieutenant in the Royal Navy sailing off on a ship to save the princess. Mom tells the best stories, but they were always about you.”
Killian’s eyes glassed over, bending his head to reach up and swipe at his face. “Your mother has quite the imagination, but I’m happy to be able to oblige for your entertainment.”
“Who’s hungry?” Emma’s voice filled the room as she came carrying a tray of food and drinks. “The doc says you are off your diet.”
Killian groaned happily as she sat the hamburger down on the tray in front of him. The first real food he would get to eat in weeks. He bit into the burger immediately, moaning loudly as soon as he tasted the meat on his tongue. Emma was staring at him, her mouth slightly agape. “Wut?” He said between chews.
“Nothing.” She said with an embarrassing glance away from him, her cheeks turning a bright shade of red. At least he still had some sort of effect on her, he thought.
“How did the call with Liam go?” She sat down in the chair next to him, pulling a grilled cheese sandwich into her hands.
“He was happy to hear that Neal is behind bars. He’s going to come visit soon when the girls are on holiday. He wanted me to tell you how gutted he was knowing everything you’ve been through.”
She shrugged, something she did often when he mentioned her past with Neal. “It will be nice to see him again. The girls must be so big now.”
“Aye. Twelve and sixteen now. He has his hands full for sure.”
She took a bite of her sandwich, watching Henry coloring at the end of Killian’s bed. “He’s not bothering you is he?”
“We were just playing a game of Go Fish. I think he cheats.” He whispered loudly, earning a complaint from Henry. Emma let out a pleasant laugh, something he was happy to earn from her.
“Doctor says you might get out of here tomorrow.”
“That’s my hope as well. I can’t wait to see Rogers.”
“I’m glad he’s alright. The old boy’s a survivor.” Emma mused.
“Aye, that he is.”
“I made an appointment for Henry and I to go see Dr. Hopper next week.” She said with a sad smile. “Figured I might need to talk through some things before we have to face Neal again at trial.”
“Hop’s a good man.”
“You know him?”
“Aye.” He nodded, not wanting to get into the fact that he knew him because he had been his patient, after Emma had left, when the world crumbled at his feet.
“I’ve been looking for a place to stay once you get released from the hospital. I know you’re going to need your bed to recover.”
Killian bit his lip. He knew they needed to discuss this. He didn’t want her to leave, but he also knew that they had a lot to work through if they were going to ever find their way back to each other. If she still wanted that.
“I can talk to Will. He had a vacancy across the hall from him a couple of weeks ago.”
“That would be nice, thank you.”
“Hey there.” Killian stared at Emma’s face as David entered the room. “How ya feeling?” He turned, facing his boss.
“Doing great, going home tomorrow, I’ll be back on the streets before you know it.” He grinned cheekily.
“Yeah you’re taking some time off, buddy.”
“What?” He complained.
“Take a vacation, Killian. You’ve earned some time off. Robins got your cases locked down right now.”
“Cap, I’m fine.”
“It’s an order, Detective.” He walked over to Emma and smiled, she suddenly reached up and wrapped him into a hug.
“You look better.” He said softly.
“I feel better, I feel like I’ve gained ten pounds just eating three meals a day.” She chuckled, but both David and Killian glanced uncomfortably at each other.
“Hey, don’t do that. I’m fine.” She glared. “I don’t want you treating me any differently than you did when we were at the academy.” She winked up at David, “Still top of my class, sir.”
“It’s good to have you back Emma.” David smiled with a genuine air of happiness.
Three months later
Emma picked the shirt off the floor in Henry’s room, tossing it into the hamper. “Did you remember to pack a toothbrush?” The boy appeared from behind the doorway, poking his head into the room.
“Yup. It’s in the front pocket of my duffle.” He disappeared again and then reappeared. “Are you gonna be ok with this?”
Emma smiled at him. “Of course, I am, why would you ask that?”
“Cuz this is my first sleepover away from you that isn’t over at Killian’s.”
“I’ll be fine, Henry. I actually have plans tonight.”
He moved quickly into the room. “What kind of plans?”
She sat down on the bed. “I kinda have a date tonight.”
“Does Killian know?” He asked with a shocked look of disgust on his face.
“Actually, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about before you left.” He sat down next to her. “My date is with Killian.”
He jumped up from the bed and pumped his arms in the air. “Yes.”
Emma laughed. “Does that mean you’re ok with this?”
“Of course, I am. Killian’s the best. He even lets me stay up until 11pm when I stay over at his place.”
“Well, I’ll have to talk to him about that, but I’m glad you like him.” She wrapped her arms around Henry’s waist and hugged him tightly. “I love you, buddy. I hope you have fun tonight. And if you need me at all, you know you can call me.” She tousled his hair and kissed his cheek.
There was a knock on the door and Henry pushed away from her. “Gotta go, love you mom.”
Emma looked around Henry’s room, pictures he had drawn hanging on the wall. Her favorite one was hanging above the bed. It was of her, Henry, Killian, and Rogers playing at the park.
As difficult as returning home had been, they had settled into a pretty simple life. Emma and Henry had moved into their own apartment in Will’s complex. It was nice to have a friendly face around now and then when she found herself getting anxious on nights when Henry was sleeping over at Killian’s or when she would wake from a terrifying dream.
Will was always gracious no matter the time she found herself standing in front of his door with a bottle of rum in her hands. He would always sit up with her and listen to her talk about the first thing that came to her mind, something Dr. Hopper had suggested she try to take her mind off her nightmares. She didn’t know when it happened but before she knew it, he had become one of her closest friends.
And then there was Killian.
She wasn’t surprised that Henry had latched onto him so quickly. Killian was great with him, always patient, always offering to assist him with whatever the boy required. Which was often a lot as he was a growing boy who was adjusting to the freedom of being able to go outside and roam. Killian made sure he found new foods for him to try, adventures to experience, even new clothes to wear on his first day at a real school. Watching him with her son, the joy on his face, had her falling in love with him all over again. Of course, she hadn’t told him that. She was nervous about moving too quickly with him. Dr. Hopper told her that was normal. She had experienced a trauma and loss that not many people would cope with.
In her last session, she told her therapist that she wanted to try again with Killian. She had spent the last three months trying to figure out what her life would become now that she was home. She needed to learn who Emma was before she could deal with being Mrs. Jones again.
Killian had presented her with their divorce papers, gave her the choice to sign them and start her life fresh. She put it off, telling him that she needed some time to think before she made any big decisions in her life. He was patient and told her he understood but Emma knew that if he had his way, he would rip them to shreds.
Emma was volunteering at a small clinic that Mary Margaret worked at on the weekends, talking to victims of domestic abuse and rape. Currently she was taking it slow, still not understanding her own trauma that she had endured enough to feel like she had all the answers, but just being there with them to let them know they weren’t alone, and that someone understood what they had gone through. It was freeing to Emma to be able to own her story, to not feel ashamed anymore.
Dr. Hopper told her that was a form of acceptance. Owning what happened to you, claiming it as your story. She would never be over what Neal had done to her, stealing her dignity, laying waste to her self-esteem. But she refused to be defined by it. She didn’t want to be Emma Swan, rape victim. She was Emma Jones, survivor.
Today was going to be another step in her journey. Killian was taking her on a date. She remembered his face as they were eating lunch, a short break during his shift.
“We should go out.” She said nonchalantly between bites.
“Are you asking me on a date?”
“Maybe, but I have to ask you a few questions first.” He raised his eyebrow, leaning forward for her to continue.
“Ask away.”
“I need to know if you ok going on a date with someone who is probably always going to be a little bit damaged.”
He shrugged, “Aren’t we all? I like to think I can absorb a little damage.”
“Ok then, last thing…” She grinned. “You gotta like kids or it’s a deal breaker.”
He laughed loudly, “Aye, I adore Henry.” He shrugged, “So, do I win a date with the beautiful woman who currently has a mayonnaise mustache?” He reached out, wiping the offending condiment from her lip, eliciting shockwaves through her body.
That was the moment she knew she was ready. She had felt excitement from his touch instead of withdrawing the moment he made contact.
He had insisted on being the one to plan the date, as much as she was sure she could still plan a night out, she had to admit that it took some of the pressure off. He wouldn’t tell her where they were going, only that it was somewhere she had been asking to go for a while and he felt she had earned it. Whatever that meant.
She slipped into the pink dress, pulling the straps over her shoulders. Looking in the mirror, she barely recognized herself. She looked feminine, happy, with a glint of hope in her eyes. The tears slipped onto her cheek; Neal had not stolen everything from her.
There was a knock on her door, a smile crept on her face. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes and centering her mind. She was taking control of her life tonight.
Opening the door, she couldn’t control the shiver she felt when she saw him come into view. The man she fell in love with so many years ago was standing in front of her. Sure, he was older, the hint of grey kissing his hair, fine lines around his eyes, but he was even more gorgeous today than she remembered him all those years ago. This was the man who was willing to give up his life for her, loved her enough to save her, even if it meant he couldn’t have her.
“You look…”
“I know.” She giggled, accepting the rose he passed toward her. Her nose inhaled the fragrance of the flower, eyes glancing down his frame, the anticipation of the rest of their evening taking her to new heights.
“Shall we?”
“Are you going to tell me where we’re going?”
“Patience is a virtue, love.” He winked.
She rolled her eyes but followed him out to his car. They drove in silence, her hands folded in her lap. The soft sounds of the radio playing through the car.
Trying to live and love,
With a heart that can't be broken,
Is like trying to see the light with eyes that can't be opened.
Yeah, we both carry baggage,
We picked up on our way, so if you love me do it gently,
And I will do the same.
Emma felt the tears sting her eyes. The lyrics breaking into her heart as she chanced a glance at the man sitting beside her, his eyes focused on the road, his jaw tensed, that familiar vein popping from the side of his neck. He never forgot her in all the time she had been gone. She knew how he felt about her. The way he loved her. He’d been so patient with her these last few months. Not pushing her either out the door or into his heart.
We may shine, we may shatter,
We may be picking up the pieces here on after,
We are fragile, we are human,
We are shaped by the light we let through us,
We break fast, cause we are glass.
'Cause we are glass.
He turned toward her, a smile ghosting on his lips that held onto hope. When she walked out the door ten years ago, she knew she still loved him, that she would always love the man who had risked everything for her. Now she knew that back then, before everything went to hell, she was being stubborn walking away, letting her fear of the unknown hold her captive.
I'll let you look inside me, through the stains and through the cracks,
And in the darkness of this moment,
You see the good and bad.
But try not to judge me, 'cause we've walked down different paths,
But it brought us here together, so I won't take that back.
She exhaled, a stray tear slipping against her cheek. She let it fall, not afraid of her emotions anymore. She had been stubborn; she should have known that they would have made anything work. Instead, she walked away and ended up in a hell she couldn’t control.
We might be oil and water, this could be a big mistake,
We might burn like gasoline and fire,
It's a chance we'll have to take.
Emma was ready to let go of all of that. To let go of the ten years she had been robbed of, to forget all the stubborn and foolish decisions that had gotten them to this moment. She wanted to reclaim her life. She wanted to take back what was owed to her.
We are glass.
The song referenced in this chapter is “We are Glass” by Thompson Square. You can hear the song here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPd1GIwjRFMIt’s a beautiful song and I felt it really summed up the characters in this story.
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kookie-doughs · 4 years
Percy Jackson X Reader
-Y/N L/N met Percy Jackson and everything was now ruined.
CHAPTER 16: Mini Elvis
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The war god was waiting for us in the diner parking lot. "Well, well," he said. "You didn't get yourself killed." "You knew it was a trap," Percy hissed. Ares gave me a wicked grin. "Bet that crippled blacksmith was surprised when he netted a couple of stupid kids. You looked good on TV." Taking the shield from Percy I shoved it at him. "You're a jerk." Annabeth and Grover caught their breath. Ares grabbed the shield and spun it in the air like pizza dough. It changed form, melting into a bulletproof vest. He slung it across his back. "See that truck over there?" He pointed to an eighteen-wheeler parked across the street from the diner. "That's your ride. Take you straight to L.A., with one stop in Vegas." The eighteen-wheeler had a sign on the back, which I could read only because it was reverse-printed white on black, a good combination for dyslexia: KINDNESS INTERNATIONAL: HUMANE ZOO TRANSPORT. WARNING: LIVE WILD ANIMALS. Percy said, "You're kidding." Ares snapped his fingers. The back door of the truck unlatched. "Free ride west, punk. Stop complaining. And here's a little something for doing the job." He slung a blue nylon backpack off his handlebars and tossed it to Percy. Inside were fresh clothes for all of us, twenty bucks in cash, a pouch full of golden drachmas, and a bag of Double Stuff Oreos. Percy said, "I don't want your lousy—" "Thank you, Lord Ares," Grover interrupted, giving him his best red-alert warning look. "Thanks a lot." I could see Percy gritting his teeth. It was probably a deadly insult to refuse something from a god, but I also didn't want anything that Ares had touched. Reluctantly, he swung the bag over his shoulder. I looked back at the diner, which had only a couple of customers now. The waitress who'd served us dinner was watching nervously out the window, like she was afraid Ares might hurt us. She dragged the fry cook out from the kitchen to see. She said something to him. He nodded, held up a little disposable camera and snapped a picture of us. Great, I thought. We'll make the papers again tomorrow.
I imagined the headline: TWELVE-YEAR-OLD OUTLAWS BEATS UP DEFENSELESS BIKER. "You owe us one more thing," Percy told Ares, trying to keep my voice level. "You promised me information about our parents." "You sure you can handle the news?" He kick-started his motorcycle. "They're not dead." The ground seemed to spin beneath me. "What do you mean?" "I mean Percy's mom was taken away from the Minotaur before she could die. She was turned into a shower of gold, right? That's metamorphosis. Not death. She's being kept. As for yours, I saw them myself. Upstairs with the big guys. Why do you think you're causing one of the biggest uproar up there? They're refusing to tell who your parent is. No matter how much cut." He smirked. "What...?" Percy and the others must've seen something as they all held me back. "What are they doing to them?" I could feel the ground shake as Percy's grip on me tighten. We'll save them... calm down. Not the hero. Us. So calm down. "Calm down Y/N." Percy whispered. The ground stopped shaking and took a deep breath. "I will make you all kneel." I said. He looked at me confusedly. Then he shrug it off then laughed, "Oh yeah? can't wait, kid." Percy gripped my shoulder. "You're pretty smug, Lord Ares, for a guy who runs from Cupid statues." Behind his sunglasses, fire glowed. I felt a hot wind in my hair. "We'll meet again, Percy Jackson. Next time you're in a fight, watch your back." He revved his Harley, then roared off down Delancy Street. Annabeth said, "That was not smart, Percy." "I don't care." "You don't want a god as your enemy. Especially not that god." "Hey, guys," Grover said. "I hate to interrupt, but ..." He pointed toward the diner. At the register, the last two customers were paying their check, two men in identical black coveralls, with a white logo on their backs that matched the one on the KINDNESS INTERNATIONAL truck. "If we're taking the zoo express," Grover said, "we need to hurry." I didn't like it, but we had no better option. Besides, I'd seen enough of Denver. We ran across the street and climbed in the back of the big rig, closing the doors behind us. The first thing that hit me was the smell. It was like the world's biggest pan of kitty litter. The trailer was dark inside until Percy uncapped Riptide. The blade cast a faint bronze light over a very sad scene. Sitting in a row of filthy metal cages were three of the most pathetic zoo animals I'd ever beheld: a zebra, a male albino lion, and some weird antelope thing I didn't know the name for. Someone had thrown the lion a sack of turnips, which he obviously didn't want to eat. The zebra and the antelope had each gotten a Styrofoam tray of hamburger meat. The zebra's mane was matted with chewing gum, like somebody had been spitting on it in their spare time. The antelope had a stupid silver birthday balloon tied to one of his horns that read OVER THE HILL! Apparently, nobody had wanted to get close enough to the lion to mess with him, but the poor thing was pacing around on soiled blankets, in a space way too small for him, panting from the stuffy heat of the trailer. He had flies buzzing around his pink eyes and his ribs showed through his white fur. "This is kindness?" Grover yelled. "Humane zoo transport?" He probably would've gone right back outside to beat up the truckers with his reed pipes, and we would've helped him, but just then the trucks engine roared to life, the trailer started shaking, and we were forced to sit down or fall down. We huddled in the corner on some mildewed feed sacks, trying to ignore the smell and the heat and the flies. Grover talked to the animals in a series of goat bleats, but they just stared at him sadly. Annabeth was in favor of breaking the cages and freeing them on the spot, but I pointed out it wouldn't do much good until the truck stopped moving. Besides, I had a feeling we might look a lot better to the lion than those turnips. I found a water jug and refilled their bowls, then Percy used Riptide to drag the mismatched food out of their cages. He gave the meat to the lion and the turnips to the zebra and the antelope. Grover calmed the antelope down, while I used my knife to cut the balloon off his horn. Annabeth wanted to cut the gum out of the zebra's mane, too, but we decided that would be too risky with the truck bumping around. We told Grover to promise the animals we'd help them more in the morning, then we settled in for night. Grover curled up on a turnip sack; Annabeth opened our bag of Double Stuff Oreos and nibbled on one halfheartedly; I tried to cheer myself up by concentrating on the fact that we were halfway to Los Angeles. Halfway to our destination. It was only June fourteenth. The solstice wasn't until the twenty-first. We could make it in plenty of time. On the other hand, I had no idea what to expect next. The gods kept toying with me. At least Hephaestus had the decency to be honest about it—he'd put up cameras and advertised me as entertainment. But even when the cameras weren't rolling, I had a feeling my quest was being watched. I was a source of amusement for the gods. And it wasn't helping knowing they're hurting my parents. Here I was risking my life for them and what are they doing? "Hey," Percy cooed, "We'll save them. No matter what. I promised you that." "Okay." Percy pulled me closer until I was resting on him. Annabeth cleared her throat. "Hey, sorry I wasn't much help back at the park... I could've helped getting you guys out... It's just..." She shuddered. "Spiders." "Because of the Arachne story," I guessed. "She got turned into a spider for challenging your mom to a weaving contest, right?" She nodded. "Arachne's children have been taking revenge on the children of Athena ever since. If there's a spider within a mile of me, it'll find me. I hate the creepy little things." "We're a team, remember?" Percy said. "Besides, Grover did the fancy flying. All we did was grab the shield." I thought he was asleep, but he mumbled from the corner, "I was pretty amazing, wasn't I?" Annabeth, Percy and I laughed. She pulled apart an Oreo, handed me and Percy a half each. "In the Iris message... did Luke really say nothing?" I munched my cookie and thought about how to answer. The conversation via rainbow had bothered me all evening. "Luke said you and he go way back. He also said Grover wouldn't fail this time. Nobody would turn into a pine tree." Percy answered. In the dim bronze light of the sword blade, it was hard to read their expressions. Grover let out a mournful bray. "I should've told you the truth from the beginning." His voice trembled. "I thought if you knew what a failure I was, you wouldn't want me along." "You were the satyr who tried to rescue Thalia, the daughter of Zeus." He nodded glumly. "And the other two half-bloods Thalia befriended, the ones who got safely to camp..." Percy looked at Annabeth. "That was you and Luke, wasn't it?" She put down her Oreo, uneaten. "Like you said, Percy, a seven-year-old half-blood wouldn't have made it very far alone. Athena guided me toward help. Thalia was twelve. Luke was fourteen. They'd both run away from home, like me. They were happy to take me with them. They were... amazing monster-fighters, even without training. We traveled north from Virginia without any real plans, fending off monsters for about two weeks before Grover found us." "I was supposed to escort Thalia to camp," he said, sniffling. "Only Thalia. I had strict orders from Chiron: don't do anything that would slow down the rescue. We knew Hades was after her, see, but I couldn't just leave Luke and Annabeth by themselves. I thought... I thought I could lead all three of them to safety. It was my fault the Kindly Ones caught up with us. I froze. I got scared on the way back to camp and took some wrong turns. If I'd just been a little quicker..." "Stop it," Annabeth said. "No one blames you. Thalia didn't blame you either." "She sacrificed herself to save us," he said miserably, "Her death was my fault. The Council of Cloven Elders said so." "Because you wouldn't leave two other half-bloods behind?" Percy said. "That's not fair." "Percy's right," Annabeth said. "I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for you, Grover. Neither would Luke. We don't care what the council says." Grover kept sniffling in the dark. "It's just my luck. I'm the lamest satyr ever, and I find the two most powerful half-bloods of the century, Thalia and Percy." "You're not lame," Annabeth insisted. "You've got more courage than any satyr I've ever met. Name one other who would dare go to the Underworld. I bet Percy is really glad you're here right now." She kicked me in the shin. "Yeah," I said, which I would've done even without the kick. "It's not luck that you found Thalia and Percy, Grover. You've got the biggest heart of any satyr ever. You're a natural searcher. That's why you'll be the one who finds Pan. I mean, you found me despite my scentlessness... is that a word?" Percy muffled a laugh. I heard a deep, satisfied sigh. I waited for Grover to say something, but his breathing only got heavier. When the sound turned to snoring, I realized he'd fallen sleep. "How does he do that?" I marveled. "I don't know," Annabeth said. "But that was really a nice thing you told him." "I meant it." We rode in silence for a few miles, bumping around on the feed sacks. The zebra munched a turnip. The lion licked the last of the hamburger meat off his lips and looked at me hopefully. Percy didn't take long to fall asleep. Annabeth rubbed her necklace like she was thinking deep, strategic thoughts. "That pine-tree bead," I said. "Is that from your first year?" She looked. She hadn't realized what she was doing. "Yeah," she said. "Every August, the counselors pick the most important event of the summer, and they paint it on that year's beads. I've got Thalia's pine tree, a Greek trireme on fire, a centaur in a prom dress—now that was a weird summer...." "And the college ring is your father's?" "That's none of your—" She stopped herself. "Yeah. Yeah, it is." "You don't have to tell me." "No... it's okay." She took a shaky breath. "My dad sent it to me folded up in a letter, two summers ago. The ring was, like, his main keepsake from Athena. He wouldn't have gotten through his doctoral program at Harvard without her.... That's a long story. Anyway, he said he wanted me to have it. He apologized for being a jerk, said he loved me and missed me. He wanted me to come home and live with him." "That doesn't sound so bad." "Yeah, well... the problem was, I believed him. I tried to go home for that school year, but my stepmom was the same as ever. She didn't want her kids put in danger by living with a freak. Monsters attacked. We argued. Monsters attacked. We argued. I didn't even make it through winter break. I called Chiron and came right back to Camp Half-Blood." She wouldn't meet my eyes. "Please. I'm not into self-inflicted pain." "You shouldn't give up," I told her. "You should write him a letter or something." "Thanks for the advice," she said coldly, "but my father's made his choice about who he wants to live with." We passed another few miles of silence. "Luke actually told me about you two coming to camp already." "Really?" She looked at me amazed. "You two must've gotten close fast." "Well, I don't know. I feel like I had to talk to Luke. Like I had to be there for him. The same with Percy." We have to be there for both "You're not wrong. I'm not sure how I'd be without your help." Percy yawned. "Yeah, I wouldn't have been able to handle him." Annabeth glared at him. I laughed, "I think you two are cute." Both of them blushed and said some excuse to disprove me. Which then turned into them showing off who's better than who. "If I'm dating anyone it'll be Y/N!" Both of them huffed and glared at each other. I shook my head and smiled. At least I've gotten new friends out of this. "So," Percy trailed off. "If the gods fight," he said, "will things line up the way they did with the Trojan War? Will it be Athena versus Poseidon?" Annabeth put her head against the backpack Ares had given us, and closed her eyes. "I don't know what my mom will do. I just know I'll fight next to you." "Why?" "Because Y/N will and whether I like it or not you're my friend, Seaweed Brain. Any more stupid questions?" "That's all Mr. Peabody." "Shut up, Droopy." I felt her rest on my shoulder and she fell asleep. "Am I that comfortable?" "Yeah," Percy laughed as he rested on my lap. I had trouble following their example, with Grover snoring and an albino lion staring hungrily at me, but eventually I closed my eyes. ~~~ I woke with a start. I was second one awake. Grover was talking to the antelope. "Morning?" "Everyone had the Y/N privilege except me?" "You fell asleep first." I stroked both Annabeth and Percy's hair, which unfortunately woke up Annabeth. "Sorry about that." "It's fine." She yawned. She brought out some Oreo and handed me one. Until the truck stopped. "They're checking the animals aren't they?" Annabeth froze. I shook Percy's shoulder. "The truck's stopped," I said. "We think they're coming to check on the animals." "Hide!" Annabeth hissed. She had it easy. She just put on her magic cap and disappeared. Grover, Percy and I had to dive behind feed sacks and hope we looked like turnips. The trailer doors creaked open. Sunlight and heat poured in. "Man!" one of the truckers said, waving his hand in front of his ugly nose. "I wish I hauled appliances." He climbed inside and poured some water from a jug into the animals' dishes. "You hot, big boy?" he asked the lion, then splashed the rest of the bucket right in the lion's face. The lion roared in indignation. "Yeah, yeah, yeah," the man said. Next to me, under the turnip sacks, Grover tensed. For a peace-loving herbivore, he looked downright murderous. The trucker threw the antelope a squashed-looking Happy Meal bag. He smirked at the zebra. "How ya doin', Stripes? Least we'll be getting rid of you this stop. You like magic shows? You're gonna love this one. They're gonna saw you in half!" The zebra, wild-eyed with fear, looked straight at us. There was a loud knock, knock, knock on the side of the trailer. The trucker inside with us yelled, "What do you want, Eddie?" A voice outside—it must've been Eddie's—shouted back, "Maurice? What'd ya say?" "What are you banging for?" Knock, knock, knock. Outside, Eddie yelled, "What banging?" Our guy Maurice rolled his eyes and went back outside, cursing at Eddie for being an idiot. A second later, Annabeth appeared next to me. She must've done the banging to get Maurice out of the trailer. She said, "This transport business can't be legal." "No kidding," Grover said. He paused, as if listening. "The lion says these guys are animal smugglers!" "We've got to free them!" Grover said. He and Annabeth both looked at Percy, waiting for his say. "Percy, open the lock." I snapped at his face. Outside, Eddie and Maurice were still yelling at each other, but I knew they'd be coming inside to torment the animals again any minute. He grabbed Riptide and slashed the lock off the zebra's cage. The zebra burst out. It turned to Percy and bowed. Grover held up his hands and said something to the zebra in goat talk, like a blessing. Just as Maurice was poking his head back inside to check out the noise, the zebra leaped over him and into the street. There was yelling and screaming and cars honking. We rushed to the doors of the trailer in time to see the zebra galloping down a wide boulevard lined with hotels and casinos and neon signs. We'd just released a zebra in Las Vegas. Maurice and Eddie ran after it, with a few policemen running after them, shouting, "Hey! You need a permit for that!" "Now would be a good time to leave," Annabeth said. "The other animals first," Grover said. I cut the locks with my knife which wasn't as easy as what Percy had done. Grover raised his hands and spoke the same goat-blessing he'd used for the zebra. "Good luck," I told the animals. The antelope and the lion burst out of their cages and went off together into the streets. Some tourists screamed. Most just backed off and took pictures, probably thinking it was some kind of stunt by one of the casinos. "Will the animals be okay?" I asked Grover. "I mean, the desert and all—" "Don't worry," he said. "I placed a satyr's sanctuary on them." "Meaning?" "Meaning they'll reach the wild safely," he said. "They'll find water, food, shade, whatever they need until they find a safe place to live." "Why can't you place a blessing like that on us?" I asked. "It only works on wild animals." "So it would only affect Percy," Annabeth reasoned. "Hey!" He protested. "Kidding," she said. "Come on. Let's get out of this filthy truck." We stumbled out into the desert afternoon. It was a hundred and ten degrees, easy, and we must've looked like deep-fried vagrants, but everybody was too interested in the wild animals to pay us much attention. We passed the Monte Carlo and the MGM. We passed pyramids, a pirate ship, and the Statue of Liberty, which was a pretty small replica, but still made me homesick. I wasn't sure what we were looking for. Maybe just a place to get out of the heat for a few minutes, find a sandwich and a glass of lemonade, make a new plan for getting west. We must have taken a wrong turn, because we found ourselves at a dead end, standing in front of the Lotus Hotel and Casino. The entrance was a huge neon flower, the petals lighting up and blinking. No one was going in or out, but the glittering chrome doors were open, spilling out air-conditioning that smelled like flowers—lotus blossom, maybe. I'd never smelled one, so I wasn't sure. The doorman smiled at us. "Hey, kids. You look tired. You want to come in and sit down?" I'd learned to be suspicious, the last week or so. I figured anybody might be a monster or a god. But my knife wasn't glowing so... I figured. Besides, I was so relieved to hear somebody who sounded sympathetic that I nodded and said we'd love to come in. Inside, we took one look around, and Grover said, "Whoa." The whole lobby was a giant game room. And I'm not talking about cheesy old Pac-Man games or slot machines. There was an indoor waterslide snaking around the glass elevator, which went straight up at least forty floors. There was a climbing wall on the side of one building, and an indoor bungee-jumping bridge. There were virtual-reality suits with working laser guns. And hundreds of video games, each one the size of a widescreen TV. Basically, you name it, this place had it. There were a few other kids playing, but not that many. No waiting for any of the games. There were waitresses and snack bars all around, serving every kind of food you can imagine. "Hey!" a bellhop said. At least I guessed he was a bellhop. He wore a white-and-yellow Hawaiian shirt with lotus designs, shorts, and flip-flops. "Welcome to the Lotus Casino. Here's your room key." I stammered, "Um, but..." "No, no," he said, laughing. "The bill's taken care of. No extra charges, no tips. Just go on up to the top floor, loom 4001. If you need anything, like extra bubbles for the hot tub, or skeet targets for the shooting range, or whatever, just call the front desk. Here are your Lotus Cash cards. They work in the restaurants and on all the games and rides." He handed us each a green plastic credit card. I knew there must be some mistake. Obviously he thought we were some millionaire's kids. But I took the card and said, "How much is on here?" His eyebrows knit together. "What do you mean?" "I mean, when does it run out of cash?" He laughed. "Oh, you're making a joke. Hey, that's cool. Enjoy your stay." We took the elevator upstairs and checked out our room. It was a suite with three separate bedrooms and a bar stocked with candy, sodas, and chips. A hotline to room service. Fluffy towels and water beds with feather pillows. A big-screen television with satellite and high-speed Internet. The balcony had its own hot tub, and sure enough, there was a skeet-shooting machine and a shotgun, so you could launch clay pigeons right out over the Las Vegas skyline and plug them with your gun. I didn't see how that could be legal, but I thought it was pretty cool. The view over the Strip and the desert was amazing, though I doubted we'd ever find time to look at the view with a room like this. "Oh, goodness," Annabeth said. "This place is ..." "Sweet," Grover said. "Absolutely sweet." There were clothes in the closet, and they fit me. I frowned, thinking that this was a little strange. I took a shower, which felt awesome after a week of grimy travel. I changed clothes, ate a bag of chips, drank three Cokes, and came out feeling better than I had in a long time. Search and find them Huh? Look for them and warn them I came out of the bedroom and found that Annabeth, Percy and Grover had also showered and changed clothes. Grover was eating potato chips to his heart's content, Percy looked like he was having a headache, while Annabeth cranked up the National Geographic Channel. "Percy you okay?" "Yeah it's just.... All those stations," he told Annabeth, "and she turn on National Geographic." "It's interesting." "I feel good," Grover said. "I love this place." Without his even realizing it, the wings sprouted out of his shoes and lifted him a foot off the ground, then back down again. "So what now?" Annabeth asked. "Sleep?" Percy and I looked at each other and grinned. We both held up our green plastic Lotus Cash cards. "Play time," I said. I couldn't remember the last time I had so much fun. I came from a relatively poor family. Our idea of a splurge was eating out at Burger King and renting a video. A five-star Vegas hotel? Forget it. I spent most of my time playing and... looking for someone I think. I bungee-jumped the lobby five or six times, snowboarded the artificial ski slope, and played virtual-reality laser tag and FBI sharpshooter. I saw Grover a few times, going from game to game. He really liked the reverse hunter thing—where the deer go out and shoot the rednecks. I saw Annabeth playing trivia games and other brainiac stuff. They had this huge 3-D sim game where you build your own city, and you could actually see the holographic buildings rise on the display board. I didn't think much of it, but Annabeth loved it. Percy was playing with Grover. I'm not sure when I first realized something was wrong. Probably, it was when I noticed the guy standing next to me at VR sharpshooters. He was about thirteen, I guess, but his clothes were weird. I thought he was some Elvis impersonator's son. He wore bell-bottom jeans and a red T-shirt with black piping, and his hair was permed and gelled like a New Jersey girl's on homecoming night. When he saw me he gave a smirk and invited me to play a game of sharpshooters together and he said, "Groovy, man. Been here two weeks, and the games keep getting better and better." Groovy? Later, while we were talking, I said something was "sick," and he looked at me kind of startled, as if he'd never heard the word used that way before. He said his name was Darrin, but as soon as I started asking him questions he got bored with me and started to go back to the computer screen. I said, "Hey, Darrin?" "What?" "What year is it?" He frowned at me. "In the game?" "No. In real life." He had to think about it. "1977." "No," I said, getting a little scared. "Really." "Hey, man. Bad vibes. I got a game happening." After that he totally ignored me. I started talking to people, and I found it wasn't easy. They were glued to the TV screen, or the video game, or their food, or whatever. I found a guy who told me it was 1985. Another guy told me it was 1993. They all claimed they hadn't been in here very long, a few days, a few weeks at most. They didn't really know and they didn't care. Then it occurred to me: how long had I been here? It seemed like only a couple of hours, but was it? I then tried to move, but I bumped into a girl. "I'm sorry!" She said. "Hey, no prob." "Oh... uhm... No prob?" "I--- No problem. Say Uh... I kinda lost track of date. What's the year again?" "Huh? It's 1930. Okay, I'm sorry I have to go. I'm looking for someone." Everyone is important in our story "Did you say something?" I go by Y/N L/N, you'll find the one you're looking for at the zombie shooting game. I left her alone and confused. I didn't know why. But I knew now this place is wrong. I tried to remember why we were here. We were going to Los Angeles. We were supposed to find the entrance to the Underworld. My parents... for a scary second, I had trouble remembering their names. I had to save them. I found Percy first. "There's something wrong." We said at the same time. "Years?" He asked. I nodded. We then looked for the others. We found Annabeth still building her city. "Come on," Percy told her. "We've got to get out of here." No response. I shook her. "Annabeth?" She looked up, annoyed. "What? "We need to leave." "Leave? What are you talking about? I've just got the towers—" "This place is a trap." She didn't respond until I shook her again. "What?" "Listen. The Underworld. Our quest!" "Oh, come on, Percy. Just a few more minutes." "Annabeth, there are people here from 1977. Kids who have never aged. You check in, and you stay forever." "So?" she asked. "Can you imagine a better place?" I grabbed her wrist and yanked her away from the game. "Hey!" She screamed and hit me, but nobody else even bothered looking at us. They were too busy. I made her look directly in my eyes. I said, "Spiders. Large, hairy spiders." That jarred her. Her vision cleared. "Oh my gods," she said. "How long have we—" "I don't know, but we've got to find Grover." We went searching, and found him still playing Virtual Deer Hunter. "Grover!" we both shouted. He said, "Die, human! Die, silly polluting nasty person!" "Grover!" He turned the plastic gun on me and started clicking, as if I were just another image from the screen. I looked at Percy, and together we took Grover by the arms and dragged him away. His flying shoes sprang to life and started tugging his legs in the other direction as he shouted, "No! I just got to a new level! No!" The Lotus bellhop hurried up to us. "Well, now, are you ready for your platinum cards?" "We're leaving," I told him. "Such a shame," he said, and I got the feeling that he really meant it, that we'd be breaking his heart if we went. "We just added an entire new floor full of games for platinum-card members." He held out the cards, and I wanted one. I knew that if I took one, I'd never leave. I'd stay here, happy forever, playing games forever, and soon I'd forget my parents, and our quest, and maybe even my own name. I'd be playing virtual rifleman with groovy Disco Darrin forever. Grover reached for the card, but Annabeth yanked back his arm and said, "No, thanks." We walked toward the door, and as we did, the smell of the food and the sounds of the games seemed to get more and more inviting. I thought about our room upstairs. We could just stay the night, sleep in a real bed for once.... Then we burst through the doors of the Lotus Casino and ran down the sidewalk. It felt like afternoon, about the same time of day we'd gone into the casino, but something was wrong. The weather had completely changed. It was stormy, with heat lightning flashing out in the desert. I ran to the nearest newspaper stand and read the year first. Thank the gods, it was the same year it had been when we went in. Then I noticed the date: June twentieth. We had been in the Lotus Casino for five days. We had only one day left until the summer solstice. One day to complete our quest.
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@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @the-natureofme @booknerd-3000 @katara720 @ynfics
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Iron 3 (Peter Parker x F!Oc)
Words: 1,756
Chapter 2  / Chapter 4
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Tony Stark's trip to showcase the new Jericho missile is a success with the military, but when soldiers take him back, they’re intercepted and the billionaire is kidnapped.
Both Lily and Pepper find out by watching television. The call from Colonel James Rhodes confirms their fears. Although the information isn’t much, the important thing is that they’re doing everything to find him.
Pepper Potts concentrates on everything she has to do for the company without her boss. Working for Tony for so many years has formed a special connection, even if it is not the conventional one. Sometimes thoughts of possible horrible scenarios come to her mind, but she pushes them away.
Something she can be thankful for is the company of little Lily, who also can't help but worry about the man. He may not have been kind, but no one deserves to be tortured.
The tension remains for three long months, the wait for news from Tony along with the paternity results in the envelope which has not been opened. Nobody knows what to do in a situation like this.
Rhodes keeps searching for his best friend with the help of the army. Pepper and Happy take care of the little girl. The relationship between Tony and Lily's small circle has been strengthened in all this time, even Rhodey receives some calls from her asking if he’s okay and if he has found Tony. Regardless of the test results, they would protect Lily.
At the end of the three months, the new news give everyone a great respite. Tony Stark is alive and returns home.
Although Lily wants to meet Tony along with Pepper and Happy, they won't let her. Surely there would be a lot of reporters and they’d ask a lot of questions if they see the girl.
For those cases, Pepper had already arranged a babysitter. A difficult task, but she managed to find a twenty year old girl, she has no idea who the girl is, nor who hired her. The contact was a Stark Industries worker. With that problem solved, they both wait in Pepper's apartment.
Jessica the babysitter isn't so bad, Lily thinks. The only bad thing is that she spends a lot of time on her phone.
Lily searches all the channels for any news about Tony and finds one where they’re broadcasting a press conference with him eating a hamburger.
"That man must be crazy," Jessica says from the couch.
“He just said that he will no longer make weapons. His company produces the most. He’ll run out of money,” She explains.
Lily frowns.
Why would Tony stop producing what makes so much money?
"Did you think I wasn't going to find out about the girl, Tony?"
Obadiah Stane raises his hand to interrupt him.
"It hurts me that you don't trust me.”
Tony sighs.
"I didn't have much time to explain everything to you and after my obligatory vacation, I couldn't do it.”
"Is she yours or not?"
“I don't know, I haven't seen the results. But, I don't think you called me for this,” Tony tries to deflect that topic as soon as possible. He can't handle this now.
They walk through Stark Industries until they reach the room where the Arc Reactor is. They argue about the actions of the company and how it affects Tony's decision. He tries to show Stane another form of energy, but in the end he fails to do much.
Happy waits for him in the limousine to take him back to the house. Tony gets in the car.
"Sir, Lily asked me to give you this," says Happy, handing him a folded paper. "She's already at your house," He informs and starts the car.
Tony unfolds the paper, finding a drawing made with colored crayons. A big house, the sea behind and three people standing in front. The names Happy, Rhodey, and Pepper are written under each person in crooked letters. The man can't help but smile, but what he’s really surprised about is seeing the fourth person in the air with outstretched arms. It's him with a big smile and the words 'I'm alive' next to him. He doesn’t know whether to feel fear at those words or simply laugh at the idea.
The truth is that during his experience in Afghanistan, he did think about her. How his life would be if the test was positive. If he’d manage to get out of that situation and return to have a family. Images from his childhood, everything he lived with his parents came to his mind.
Howard Stark was not the best father in the world. Tony doesn't remember loving or encouraging words from him, no matter how hard he tries. He discussed this with his assistant and his friend Yinsen, who was very helpful in giving real advice, but even so, he still doesn't believe that he’s capable of raising a girl. He doesn't have a clue how to do it.
“Sir," Happy interrupts his thoughts. “We’re home.”
"You're good?”
"You don't look good.”
"Well, I am," Tony answers, arranging some things in his workshop.
"Did you like my drawing?"
"It could be better.”
Lily frowns. It’s not the answer she expected. Maybe that means he wants more drawings, to see how much I can improve, she thinks.
Tony takes off his shirt and leans back on a table. He connects several cables to his body. Lily looks at him curiously and notices the circle in the center of his chest.
"What is that?”
"You wouldn’t understand.”
"Doesn't it hurt?"
"How does it work?"
“You wouldn’t understand-"
“Try me,” She cuts him off. She’s sick of that answer. Tony sighs.
"This little wheel of light,” He touches it. “It's what keeps me alive, it works so that the shrapnel doesn’t reach my heart.”
"What is shrapnel?"
"Fragments of a missile that tried to kill me.”
She nods.
"And what are you going to do now?"
“Update it. Jarvis, call Miss Potts.”
"Can I ask another question?"
"You already did.”
"I'll ask another question," She informs. Tony brings his lips together to avoid a smile.
“Your dad was also an inventor. Did he answer all your questions?"
Tony frowns. He could never ask so many questions to his father. Howard kept him as far away as possible, but he had other teachers or he did research himself.
Pepper's arrival interrupts them. Her steps are nervous, she thought that finally her boss would want to know the result of the paternity test, but seeing that he needs her for something else, she leaves the envelope on a table.
The man explains what she has to do to replace the reactor in his heart with a better one. Lily looks amused as Pepper panics and Tony tries to relax her, but it only upsets her further.
"It's like the game ‘operating'."
"What is that?" asks Pepper scared.
"I know what it is, can I try it?"
"No!" The two adults answer. She makes a face.
When the machines sound faster on alert, Lily freaks out and looks around for something she can help out with, but she doesn't know what all of Tony's toys work for. But Pepper manages to solve it in time and everything ends.
“You're better?" She asks approaching again.
“Yes, Kid. Back off,” He answers, pulling her away a bit.
Pepper wipes her hands. Tony explains what she has to do with the old reactor, she nods, but after she clears her throat.
"We have a pending issue,” Tony turns to see them. Pepper points to the girl.
“Right," He sighs. "Just tell me if she's mine or not.”
"Don't you want to see the papers?"
Tony sits on a bench and looks at Lily.
Pepper opens the envelope carefully. Reads every detail and sighs in relief. She smiles and looks up at her boss.
“Lily's your daughter, sir.”
Tony doesn't take his eyes off the girl.
Pepper notices the tension between them.
"Just fine?"
"Yes, that's it,” Now he stares at the redhead. "Thank you, Miss Potts.”
The redhead nods unsure and leaves the workshop.
Tony makes a face and returns to the girl.
"You got scared?" He raises an eyebrow.
“What did you think?"
"I don't want to lose my dad so soon,” She cocks her head. "I just found him.”
"I should take you to an orphanage.”
“You'll do it?"
“You’d be better with someone else.”
"But I don't want to be an orphan.”
“Nobody wants to be. I am.”
"Is that why you're always sad?"
He opens his mouth thinking of an attack, but he decides to avoid it.
“This is a bad idea. Being my daughter, I don't recommend it.”
“Well, not that I have a choice. My mom is no longer at home and…” She sighs. "I don't think she wants me back.”
Tony puts his hands to his face and groans.
“Fine," He gets up and looks around. "I have other things to do. Pepper will handle the paperwork."
“Can I help?"
Tony walks to a desk and touches the surface. Holograms of plans and folders are projected in front of him. Lily approaches the desk, Tony looks at her from the corner of his eye, maybe he can admit that it is nice to have someone who’s easily impressed.
He and Jarvis talk about a secret project, outside of any Stark Industries business.
"I don't want this to fall into the wrong hands.”
"What about mine?" Lily asks. She raises both hands showing him her palms.
He sighs.
“They're still wrong, but,” He cocks his head. “I guess you're a Stark now. That's enough,” He crouches down to her level. "You can’t tell anyone about this.”
"Not even Happy?"
“I'll take care of Pepper, Happy and Rhodes. This shouldn't get out of here unless I say so. Okay?" He offers his hand.
“Deal," They shake hands. “Can I help?"
"Only if you follow my rules.”
"Which are?"
“Don't get in the way. Do exactly what I tell you and don't ask so many questions.”
She frowns at the last rule.
"I can't help it, how can I help you if I don't know what to do?"
He rolls his eyes.
"Fine, we’ll have a limit of questions.”
“Fine," She answers in a deep voice, imitating his. She smiles looking at him, but she stops when he doesn't.
"This will be more complicated than I thought.”
If your username is crossed out it’s because Tumblr didn’t let me tag you, sorry. If you want to be removed from the taglist, you can tell us, we also make mistakes, lol
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pilyarquitect · 4 years
21. Della and Huey
21. “What did you just say to me?” Della and Huey
Huey had just arrived from his last Woodchuck Junior meeting. He was exhausted but also excited! Soon – next Saturday actually – would be the day of campers and Parents’ Day! And as every year, he would expend this day… with… uncle… Donald…
For the first time since he arrived home, Huey didn’t know what to do… this day was a tradition. Every year since he joined the Woodchuck Junior, he expends this day with his Uncle, it was their day! Something they both shared… something not Dewey nor Louie weren’t part of since they didn’t like to be Woodchuck Junior. it was… something of his and uncle Donald… something they did every year.
But this year was different… he had uncle Donald, as always, but there was also… his mom! Yes, for the first time in forever, Huey had his mom with him! And he had the chance to go to his Woodchuck annual meeting with her! But… going with his mom wouldn’t be a betray for his uncle? He had always gone with him… would it be this the first year he wouldn’t?
Huey felt torn, he knew the rules, and rules said only one adult could accompany every child, so… it was impossible that both of them could go with him… what should he has to do?
“Oh, hi Huey!” a voice said suddenly.
“Ahh!” screamed Huey turning around. In front of him there was Webby, looking at him with a huge smile on her beak. “Webby! You’ve scared me!”
The girl’s smile flattered and she rubbed the back of her neck. She seemed ashamed of what she had just done.
“Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to.”
“Yeah, I know…” Huey couldn’t be angry with the other duckling. He knew perfectly well Webby was very well skilled, but her skills used to scare him and his brothers when she showed up in a so unexpected way like she recently did with him. Shocking his head, Huey decided to change the subject to not make Webby feel bad for having scared him “Webby… do you know where are Uncle Donald or my mom?”
Webby opened her eyes a little. She maybe didn’t expect that question at all. Huey could see her friend acquiring a thoughtful posture.
“Oh, I think Donald is on his bote, and Della… if I’m not wrong, she went with Penumbra, Launchpad and other Moonlanders to eat a hamburger all together.” She looked at him with a huge smile again “Penny loves hamburgers, and I don’t want to seem pretentious, but she found out hamburgers thanks to me.”
Huey smiled upon hearing this. She and Dewey had told him all their adventure with Penumbra and how they almost die on one of those Glomgold’s traps for uncle Scrooge. Obviously, Dewey was much more dramatic about this since he wasn’t the one who the media interviewed. Honestly, Huey didn’t understand how could his brother love so much to be the center of attention and how disappointed could he be when he wasn’t.
“Okay, thanks Webby,” answered Huey saying goodbye to his friend. The oldest triplet headed to the floating house.
“I’ll talk with uncle Donald first.” He said to himself.
The duckling entered the boat and walked down the stairs, but before he could arrive at the end of the stairs, he heard his uncle. He was talking through the phone with someone.
“Yes Daisy, I also want to see you again… when are you free?... This Saturday? Perfect, I’m free too!”
Uh oh… so uncle Donald was making plans? Huey couldn’t ask him now… he didn’t want to frustrate his plans, especially having found someone that seemed to be very especial for him… it wouldn’t be fair…
“We can go… to the cinema? Oh, perfect! I haven’t gone there in ages... yeah right… thanks Daisy, I’ll pick you up at six o’clock, is it okay with you?... Perfect then, see you on Saturday, I love you Daisy… Bye.”
Donald hung up the phone and after do that, he noticed Huey standing there.
“Oh Huey, you’re back. Do you want something?”
“What? Oh no, no, Uncle Donald, I… I just wanted to see how were you, and… I’ve heard you’re having a date this Saturday, don’t you?” Huey offered to his uncle the best smile he could do.
“Oh! Okay, I’m fine… and yes, I’ve just talk with Daisy to go with her to the cinema.”
Donald couldn’t help but blush. Huey could see very clear his Uncle was truly in love with Daisy, and he honestly thought his Uncle deserved to have found someone to love and that this person would love him too.
“I… I’m very happy for you Uncle Donald, I’m sure Daisy and you’ll expend a great time together,”
Uncle Donald smiled. Huey liked to see his Uncle happy.
“Thanks Huey. Do you want something else?”
“No, nothing Uncle Donald, I’ll go to the mansion now, see you later,” said the older duckling leaving the boat house.
Okay so… Uncle Donald had already made plans… okay, no problem, he could talk with his mom then. Huey just hoped his mom hadn’t done plans either. Entering to the mansion, the triplet dressed in red waited patiently for his mom to return.
And he waited and waited and waited…
It seemed an eternity passed before his mom finally got home. She seemed happy, plenty of joy when she entered to the mansion. Huey soon approached her and she received him with a huge smile.
“Hey mom, I’m glad to see you, I want-”
“Oh, I’m glad to see you too sweetie, I’ve been with Penny and other Moonlanders. I’ve to say I’m impressed how well they adapted to live here in the Earth!”
Della seemed to be full of joy, something that didn’t surprised Huey, his mom apparently always had a lot of energy. Huey smiled softly, in her mood, it wouldn’t be difficult to convince her to go with him!
“Yeah, that’s great. So… mom-”
“Oh, and next Saturday, they’ll going to have a party, and I’m thinking on go there too!”
Huey’s joy flattered. His mom was going to go on a party… this Saturday? So, she had plans too… he was late and now nobody could accompany him.
“R-really?” his voice showed deep sadness, but his mom apparently didn’t notice it.
Huey looked away, unable to continue looking how happy his mom seemed to be while he was so sad. But his attitude apparently called Della’s attention.
“Sweetie… is something wrong?”
“I’d like to ask you to come with me in the Campers and Parents day…” Huey said in a whisper. Della’s eyes opened wide as she knelt to be at her son eyes level.
“What did you just say to me?” she asked with curious voice.
Huey sighed. What was the point to explain it to his mom? She had her own plans… well, he didn’t seem to have other choice anyway, his mom wouldn’t let him go until he explained everything. Huey just hoped he would cry in front of her.
“This Saturday…” he begun “this Saturday, Woodchuck Junior celebrate the annual day with Campers and Parents.” He closed his eyes “Until now, I’ve always gone there with Uncle Donald, but being you here, I… I… I wanted to talk with both of you and see which one of you would like to come with me…” Huey sniffed “but when I’ve gone to talk with Uncle Donald… he was talking with Daisy… they’re going to meet on Saturday to go to the cinema, so… I thought on talk with you… but… if you’re going to go to this party-”
“Woah, woah, woah, hang on sweetie,” Della cut him off “I’ve just said I was thinking on go there, I’ve never said I was going to go for sure, if you or your brothers have another activity to do, I’ll chose always and without any doubt to go with you.”
Huey looked at his mom with wide eyes. Was… was she serious?
“Are you kidding?!” the excitement in his voice was perfectly audible, and was just him or was his body shaking because of the emotion?
“Of course not! You’ll always come first! This obviously means this Saturday you and me are going to this Campers and Parents day!” Della explained.
Oh! Huey couldn’t believe that! His mom was going to go with him! He’ll be able to show her all what he had learned with the Woodchuck Junior!
“Get. Out! You’re the best mom ever! Thanks mom!”
Huey hurried to hug his mom, and Della also hugged her son.
“I’ve waited ten years to do this kind of thing with the three of you Huey,” Della’s eyes shined with joy “I wouldn’t let this chance pass, I’m here and I’m not losing this plane again.”
Huey laughed upon hearing his mom’s last words.
“I thought you always say that referring to trains.”
Della also laughed picking an eye to her son.
“Not when you’re a pilot.”
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What We Did, pt. 24
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Summary:  After finding out you were pregnant, Bucky agrees to help you leave the hero life. The two of you go to Seattle, and hamper down for six months until you start dreaming of a certain someone. Convinced the dreams are a sign, you and Bucky go back to New York. Will everyone be happy to see the pair of you? What questions will they have? And will the lie Bucky and you made up finally resurface?  
A/N: This chapter is dedicated to my main bitch @childishhoebinoo again. THIS IS A BIT SHORT, SORRY!
Warnings: //cheating//pregnancy//ADULT STUFF//
Chapter Twenty-Four: Rose-colored
“Well, baby is looking great – you have only a few weeks left,” the doctor looked away from the ultrasound monitor and smiled at you before turning attention to Bucky. “Now, Dad, make sure to keep mom and baby happy.”
He laughed and nodded. “Will do.”
“That’s what I like to hear,” she smiled and handed over the ultrasound photos over to you. “I’ll let the girls in the front know you’re coming in next week. I’ll see you two then.”
Bucky and you thanked her and when she leaves, he helps you up. You get dressed while Bucky admires the ultrasound and the two of you feel it in the air – impending parenthood. It’s not like you are afraid, but you were afraid.
“I can’t believe I’m going to be someone’s fucking mom,” you cried out dramatically. Bucky laughed and told you it will be fine. “Sure, you’re going to be great – but I’m a fucking train wreck.”
“Sweetheart, you are not a fucking train wreck; sailor mouthed? Yes, but you’re going to be a great mom,” Bucky insisted as he grabbed a hold of your wrist; he gently tugged you to him and kissed you on the mouth. The kiss was soft and warm, and you wondered briefly, if having sex on an examination table would be completely uncomfortable. The thought passes when your stomach growled and Bucky grinned.
“Come on, I’ll buy us lunch.”
The restaurant is quiet as the two of you eat a late lunch; Bucky ordered a hamburger while you went for a chicken sandwich. It’s delicious and the baby is happy, which makes you happy. Your stomach almost touches the edge of the table and Bucky lovingly teases when you can’t reach over for a napkin.
“Yes, let’s make fun of the pregnant lady – I’ll remember that when it comes time to change a shitty diaper.”
“You act like I’m not excited to change diapers,” Bucky argued back playfully. You rolled your eyes and sighed at the sound of your cell going off. You don’t want to pick it up, but it’s Tony. Bucky tells you to answer it and when you do, the man is talking a mile a minute.
“Hold on, Tony, what’s going on?”
“Barton, he got the papers.”
“We just finalized them the other day,” you pointed out.
Tony laughed. “What can I say, my lawyers work fast.”
Your heart dropped as you looked over to Bucky. “So, the lawyers sent Clint the custody agreement? He hasn’t called me.”
The expression on Bucky’s face was evident – displeased and a little worried as you listened to Tony explain the situation. You knew Bucky hadn’t been completely on board with the custody agreement Tony and you came up with, but he wanted to support you. He sat in on the phone conferences with the lawyers Pepper had hired and stayed quiet. You knew he thought Clint was a good man, because he was but you wanted to protect the baby, Bucky and admittedly, yourself.
Tony sighed. “No, he’s far too busy blowing up my cell. He’s become very colorful with his words, the messages are, honestly, performance art.”
“Fuck, I have to call him – he needs to know it’s not your fault. I came to you – you were just being a good friend. Thank you, Tony. I’ll take care of it.”
“No worries, kid. You know Pep and I are in your corner.”
The two of you hang up and suddenly the chicken sandwich didn’t look so good; you placed the phone down on the table and looked to Bucky – he was quietly contemplating something because you had to say his name twice before he looked to you.
You smiled at him and asked if he was okay. “I knew the lawyers sending the papers would get Clint going and I know you never were really onboard with all this…”
“No,” Bucky shook his head and reached down for your hand. He squeezed it tight and brought it up to his lips, giving your knuckles a light kiss. “I’m always going to be at your side, everything I really care about, everything that matters to me – it’s right here at this table. I don’t care what anyone thinks, it doesn’t matter how we ended up here, I’m just glad it happened.”
“Me too.”
Bucky grinned, letting your hand go to dig something out of his jacket pocket. You watched as he brought out a small velvet box, your heart raced as he smiled sheepishly. “I got this the day after you talked about getting married, I guess, I was afraid. I wasn’t sure if us getting married would be just for the kid…”
“God, no, Bucky….”
He nodded. “I know that now, but honestly, even if it was, I would have still married you. I’ve always loved you, doll. From the moment we met, I just loved you and when you told me you were pregnant – I just didn’t want you to do it alone. I didn’t want to see you doing this by yourself, not that you couldn’t.”
The two of you laughed and you leaned in to kiss him again, touching the side of his face. “I don’t want this with anyone else, I don’t,”
“Me neither, so let’s do this, yeah?”
Bucky took out the ring, it was a rose-colored gold braided with small diamonds all around it; it was lovely, and it was more than what you could ever imagine. He took your left hand, his mouth curved into a small, hopeful smile.
“What do you say? Marry this old Brooklyn boy, please.”
“Of course,” you cried out, holding back tears as he slipped on the ring. It was a perfect it and, in that moment, everything else didn’t matter. Throwing both arms around his neck, you kissed Bucky hard and long, forgetting all together how-to breath.
What We Did tags: @the-yellow-girl96 @marvelouspottering @ravenclawrious @izzy10718 @castiels-sunflowers @joannie95 @crystlblu @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme @canadianjelly @clockscountingbackwards @smollyssa @multifandomgirlrandomstuff @hazydespair @affabletimelady @daughterofthenight117 @star-incandescent @lost-in-the-stories@buckysboobear  @bbkay7297-blog @theblueinyour-eyes
@butifulsoul125 @joebob24 @wowkenobi @vogueworthy-barnes @projectxhappiness @sarahp879 @mrshiddlesbatchstan @racheltheclumsy @insanitypledge @ayatimascd @mizzzpink @stangirl4eva @my-meant-to-find-blog @a–1–1–3 @coltcas @anon122010ns @loverontheweekend
@quietgeekygirl @asgardianmetalarmedtimelord @elevenismysweetie @the-lachrymose-one  @queeeenofscots @huburtle @caseoffics @fucknpurplegrape @socialheartbreak @pebblesz892 @hiddeninthenightsky @ashkuuuu @justreadingfics @k-n-e @black-hats-cats-bats@midnightdream83 @shirukitsune  @kcd15 @thenightshadequeen @bloodyproudpotterhead @chuuulip @dontneedbiologytoadopt @denise1605 @colie87 @marydragneell​
@awkwardnesshabitat​ @grizabellasolo​ @
Forever tags:
@theweirdlunatic @supernaturallymarvellous @dancewaterdance02@yeahbutmarvel @infinity1321  
@my-amazing-nerdyness @naih-reedus @maciiiofficial @casownsmyass @jade-taillia @fangirlextraordinaire @indominusregina @feelmyroarrrr @my-rainbow-wonderland @myhopeisinfinite @girl-next-door-writes @melonberri @superisatomboyuniverse@dracsgirl @moonlight53 @makemyownwonderland @dreamwhisper87 @trekken81  @barely-emily@milkywaybarnes @goodnightwife @mishaissocoollike @foreverybodythatunderstands23 @gallifreyansass @flirtswithdanger
@myplaceofthingsilove @jchona  @alyssaj23 @blackhoneybucky@urbanspacedecay @castieltrash1 @hannahsakorax3 @imagine-all-the-imagines @motleymoose @distinguishedqueenofbooks @kitkatgaming @fizzylollipop12 @iamwarrenspeace @darkmystress00 @lunarwolfrose  @takemetoneverland91@sisinia13 @swiggityswagness @lianasparklezstuff
@takemetoneverland91 @to-pick-ourselves-up-7 @sarah-mos @rubynationwins @padfootorionblack @kaywolves @wonderlace19   @courtneychicken@rayleyanns @whatmakesmebeme-tblr @thewinterwitch @avengersgirllorianna@tatortot2701@brewsthespirit-blog @seabasschino   @ex-bookjunky @travelwithwords@supernaturaldean67@thehuntchback @shoytai @besamiculo-puto @ign-is @zuni21798 @multipleuniversesinwriting @lauxeyson
@pleasantdreamqueen  @damalseer @10kindsofderp @hennessy0274-blog @jodoethr @s-t-r-i-k-e-us @seeing-but-not-observing @happyskywhale @peekingsunshine@sebstanchrisevanchickforever19 @cinema212 @geeksareunique @hercrazyfandomobsession @wildefire @sashavis @nosleeptillbucky @grace-for-sale @someonekindalikeyou @space-helen@sorenmarie87 @wickedsingularity @steve-rogers-personal-hell @wintersire @whatshernamemaria @theheadcanonsawakens
@iminlovewithasuperboy @loverbug1123 @sugerquill @starmission @pineapplebooboo @justanotherfangirl272 @battlebunnyteardropsinthesun @liamssmiler @ludwigs-a-monster @mad-girl-without-a-box @k8tie-a-934 @dr-pepper-only @allltheships   @showtimeaholess @thxsoldixrrolxplay @esoltis280 @bass-clarinette @sebastianstanslefteyebrow @dsakita @cwar1864 @theonlyparadox @faithtrustandpixiedust95 @theweirdlunatic
@marvhellove @kjs-s @aredlily @sami-raye @lucifersnipnips @feelmyroarrrr @darkshadow3492 @lianasparklezstuff @ajduurikscjsja @morgan-atr @theflowerswillbloom @coffee-stained-tongue @lowkeyxloki @cannonindeez  @astro-sim-dog  @fireboltrose7559 @iridescent-gxmora
@slither-in-a-half @fangirlftshipper @lost-in-the-stories @maheelumos123 @nurnwasburned-nowimhomeless @shamelessbookaddict  @stevieboyharrington @princess76179 @the-criminal-soldier @tylerrose931617 @danicalifonia25 @an-enchantingmuse @sheridans-dynamos @problematic-artist @fatefellshortthistime @ilovetvshowsblog  @piensa-bonito @sourwolf-sterek32 @crazyinspiration @malfoysqueen14 @drakelover78 @lucifersnipnips​
@theflowerswillbloom​ @geeksareunique​
204 notes · View notes
patriciasage · 3 years
the tune of coffee
Author: Patricia_Sage
Fandom: Stranger Things
Pairings: Joyce Byers / Jim “Chief” Hopper / Bob Newby
Bob hands Joyce her coffee and kisses her gently on the lips. She smiles.
Then Bob walks around the bed and hands Hopper the other mug. Before the police chief can figure out what to say, Bob leans down to kiss him as well.
[posted in full under the break, or you could read on AO3]
Hopper fights through quicksand into consciousness. His thoughts are sluggish, and his mouth is dry. Slowly, he becomes aware of his body. There’s sun warming the back of his head and the sheets are soft. Not his place. He hears soft snoring behind him. Not alone.
The first sight that greets his eyes is Darth Vader. A Star Wars poster hangs above the dresser. There’s a ‘fun fact’ daily calendar on the bedside table. There’s faint clattering in the kitchen and a low voice humming. He knows where he is.
Hopper is grateful for his police training when he does not immediately leap out of the bed and wake the person sleeping behind him. Instead, he lays still and tries to think of an escape route.
His bleary headache flares as he slowly rolls over to face the ceiling. His arm touches the other person’s back. Joyce doesn’t stir. Hopper can’t help but smile a little as she continues to snore quietly. Her dark hair rests on the white pillowcase like ink.
Moving under the sheets makes Hopper acutely aware of his nakedness. Joyce seems to have put on pajamas before sleeping, but he had not. He rubs his free hand over his eyes as hazy memories of last night arrive. He chuckles quietly and then looks for his pants.
He expects them to be crumpled on the floor but instead he sees his clothes folded on a stool across the room, his hat perched on top. He carefully sits up.
Joyce wakes at the movement with a little snort. She mumbles a question and turns to face him at the same time that the bedroom door opens.
“Oh, wonderful, you’re awake,” Bob says. He enters the room with a radiant smile, holding a steaming cup of coffee in each hand.
Joyce pushes herself up to rest against the headboard while Hopper remains frozen. She reaches out for the coffee with an insistent groan. “How are you so –” She gestures to Bob’s general state. Bob chuckles.
“I didn’t have nearly as much as you two wild things. I get dizzy after a few drinks.”
Bob hands Joyce her coffee and kisses her gently on the lips. She smiles.
Then Bob walks around the bed and hands Hopper the other mug. Before the police chief can figure out what to say, Bob leans down to kiss him as well. The press of his lips sends flashes of memories behind his eyes of Bob’s soft body beneath him and Joyce’s breath in his ear. His skin feels cold when Bob removes his hand from Hopper’s bare chest.
“I made pancakes, come and get ‘em!” he says jovially and leaves the door open when he exits the room.
Joyce offers her coffee mug and Hopper automatically touches them together in a toast. She follows her boyfriend out into the kitchen. Music from the radio travels down the hallway and Hopper assumes they’re dancing from the way they laugh.  
Breakfast isn’t awkward, to Hopper’s surprise. He leaves the Byers-Newby house with his stomach full of food and his head full of thoughts.
The next time they hook up, they’re much more sober.
The kids are out, sleeping over in a tent in the Wheeler’s backyard. Hopper is flipping through channels trying to find a movie to watch. He considers some of El’s favourite programs, but it wouldn’t feel right to watch without her.  Hopper is no longer used to being alone. He tries not to consider how it will feel when she grows up and moves out.
His phone rings.
“Can we come over?” Joyce asks.
He doesn’t think before answering. “Sure.”
Hopper doesn’t have wine at his place, so he offers Joyce and Bob a beer. They get through about half of their drinks, chatting about the kids and town gossip. Then Joyce climbs into his lap and Bob walks around the couch to rub his shoulders.
This time is infinitely better without whisky coursing through his system. They’re more precise, better at communicating, more responsive. Hopper has slept with women and men in the past, but never both at once. And never with people who somehow manage to make him laugh during sex without ruining the mood. It’s exhilarating and satiating in a way he’s never experienced. It feels right.
They begin to go on dates, but it takes Hopper a while to realize this.
The three of them would often spend time together as friends and as parents of kids who are pretty much inseparable. But since they’ve started sleeping together it’s been different. Joyce sneaks fries from his plate and Bob puts his hand on Hopper’s thigh when he tells him stories.
Often, Joyce and Bob invite him back to their house afterward. Sometimes they mess around. Other times, Joyce and Hopper agree to let Bob kick their asses at his brain teaser games and Hopper leaves with a kiss for each of them.
Any time he thinks to define it, he pushes the thought away. It doesn’t matter. They’re adults. They’re having fun.
Everything falls apart when Mike Wheeler sees something he shouldn’t have seen.
“Cheating!” El says forcefully, slamming the front door. Hopper looks up from the stove.
“What now?”
She stomps up to him, brow furrowed. “You are cheating.”
The hamburgers are done frying. He takes them off the burner. “It’s kind of hard to cheat at scrabble, kid, and you kicked my ass, anyway –”
“No, not games cheating. Relationship cheating. Mike told me.”
Hopper sighs and rubs the back of his neck. He had not expected to have this conversation with his daughter today. “You can’t cheat if you’re not in a relationship. And why does Mike have somethin’ to say about me, anyway?”
“He saw you kissing Mrs. Byers!”
Hopper’s hands still in the middle of putting hamburger patties into buns. He takes a breath. “I don’t know what Mike thought he saw – hey!” El pokes his arm forcefully. He doesn’t need her to speak to know what she’s going to say. He sees it in her eyes. Friends don’t lie.
“Look, kid. It’s complicated. Adult stuff.” Her mouth tightens and he puts up a hand. “Which I will explain to you in the amount of detail you need to know. Just not now, alright? Can we eat first?”
She looks over at the hamburgers, then nods. They have their meal in silence.
El finishes eating before him. She pushes her plate away and stares expectantly. Hopper rolls his eyes and wipes his mouth, chewing. “Okay. So what, exactly, did Mike tell you about…cheating?”
“When a person is in a romantic relationship with someone and then kisses someone else.”
“I mean, sure, that’s usually the gist of it. But he’s missing a key detail. Cheating is a secret that those people keep from the other person.”
She shrugs. “Okay. It’s secret. And it’s bad.”
“You’re right. But.” He sighs. “Listen, me kissing Joyce is not cheating because it’s not a secret to Bob. He is okay with it. So, it’s not bad.”
El looks confused. Hopper wishes this conversation wasn’t happening. “Adult relationships are complicated –” He’s saved by the telephone ringing. He gets up from the table gratefully.
“Hey, Hop. It’s Joyce.”
“So…Will told me that Mike saw us kiss.”
Hopper rolls his eyes. Great, all of the kids know.
“Yeah, I’ve got a similar situation happenin’ over here.”
“I- Look, can we meet up tonight and talk? The three of us?”
Hopper glances over at El, who looks like she’s trying to solve a very difficult math problem. “Yeah. Let’s clear things up before I confuse my daughter any more than I already have.”
Hopper is talking before he sits down on the porch steps. “Alright, so, we tell them that it was a mistake. Maybe that you just wanted to see what it was like to kiss me and Bob gave you permission. One kiss. That’s it. A mistake. I know it’s still a little unconventional, but –”
Bob interrupts him. “But it’s not a mistake.”
“What?” Hopper looks over at the two of them. Their expressions are illuminated by the porch light, Joyce nervous and Bob resolute. “I mean, of course it wasn’t a mistake. It was fun. But that’s probably our best explanation.”
Joyce takes Bob’s hand and offers, “What if we tell them the truth?”
“The truth?”
“That we’re dating.”
“We are?”
There’s nothing but hope emanating from Joyce and Bob. Hopper feels something warm in his chest at the thought. His brain tries to push it down. It fails.
“Fuck,” Hopper says, “This is going to be front page news.”
Hawkins already thought that they were a little strange. You can’t go through multiple alien attacks without appearing a little suspicious. Seeing the three of them publicly dating is prime gossip for a few months, but eventually it gets boring to most people. It’s just Joyce Byers, Bob Newby, and Jim Hopper spending a lot of time together. It takes Hopper’s coworkers much longer to stop teasing him.
The kids eventually get used to it, too. El and Will begin to act like siblings. Jonathan overcomes his embarrassment when he realizes how happy his mom is.
They’ve always been a bit of an unconventional family.
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Cora’s Brother Part 2
Okay since my last one got some likes I’ll go ahead and do another part!!! Fair warning it will be a little bit of a slow burn.
In this part Derek is seeking help from Riley about him learning to shift into a full wolf without difficulty. In my little world here him and Braeden weren’t a thing, it would just complicate things. 
Words: 2862
Thank you for reading!!!!!
Part One
“All you have to do is breath Mitch” I told one of the beta’s who was getting ready to go through their first full moon. When a werewolf hits puberty the full moon after is when they go through their first full shift.
“Obviously I’m breathing” He said angrily
“Okay why don’t you calm down then? Think of something that makes you happy like your family or friends. Focus on that thought and only that and while doing so slow your breathing” I told him. He nodded his head and did as I told soon I saw his claws turn back to his human ones. 
“Thank you” He told me relieved 
“It’s all about finding an anchor Mitch, now go back to class remember I’m here if you need me. Don’t try to kill anymore teachers” I joked.  
The full moon was tonight and the compound is as it always is on a full moon. Slightly panicked. We had multiple wolves coming of age and some omegas who still need to learn control.
“Is everything handled for tonight?” My grandma asked me.  
“Should be” I stated. “Mom is getting everyone chained up now who absolutely needs in and I”ll be with the ones who think they can control it and if they can I’ll talk them through it” 
“Good” She stated walking away.
“What are you going to do?” I asked her. 
“I’m going to take a nap, you guys got it handled” She said.  
She was right we got it handled. Everyone I was with was in control and my mother even got a couple of the out of control ones to gain it back. Overall it was a pretty good full moon. Right now it was the morning after and I could already feel my bones aching for not fully shifting last night.
“You okay?” Cora asked me from the doorway.
“I’m fine, I’ll just need to shift tonight since I couldn’t last night” I told her. 
“Derek is coming back” Cora told me I looked up at her and smiled. It’s been a couple months since we both last seen Derek. Of course Cora had been keeping in touch with him. “He’s gonna need your help”
I furrowed my eyebrows at her in confusion “With what?” 
“He evolved” She said proudly. When a wolf evolves it means they can now change into a full wolf, which is rare. Talia Hale could do it so it runs in the family. I remember when I evolved, it’s a scary thing thinking you’re loosing your power only to gain it pack more powerful than ever. I remember Cora asked us about the lose of power Derek was experiencing, we all thought it was a by product of what Kate Argent did to him, we were wrong. 
“Cora that’s great! Yeah I’ll help him.”
I looked down from the balcony and watched as Derek entered and gave his sister a hug. I made my way downstairs and greeted him with a smile. “Congratulations” I told him. 
He nodded at me. “I was hoping I could get your help”
“Of course, we’ll start tomorrow, tonight we eat” I stated with a smile. 
“Here?” Cora asked. 
“Nah we’re going out” I said. 
All three of us walked into the restaurant on the other side of town otherwise known as the ‘human’ side of town. The humans aren’t aware of our existence but people have their superstitions. We all got our table and ordered our food. 
“How’s Scott?” Cora asked her brother. 
“He’s good, he’s got Beacon Hills covered” He answered. 
“So you’re staying?” Cora asked hopeful. 
“Yeah I’m staying” He said his eyes shifting to me. “And I kinda need a pack” 
“Well then tonight isn’t just dinner; it’s a celebration. Welcome to the pack Derek.” I told him. 
“Here you go” The familiar waiter said as he gave Cora and Derek their food “And for you” He said once he got to me and set my plate down in front of me. 
“That’s real funny Connor, why don’t you go back and actually cook my hamburger” I told him noticing my completely raw food. 
“Why don’t you go back to your side of town” He told me matching my tone. 
“It was once your side of town too” I informed him.
“Not anymore it isn’t” He said before another female waitress intervened with a nasty look at Connor and taking my plate apologizing to me.
“I hate him” I said. 
“Who was that?” Derek asked. 
“Connor Sparks, my brother. He’s like us, he just doesn’t want to be so once he learned control he bailed. I didn’t think he was working today” I said. 
“What he just doesn’t have nothing to do with you guys?” He asked. The surge of anger I got basically sent my body into over drive. I needed to shift.
“Yep, and on that note, you two enjoy dinner, there’s something I need to do” I told them putting enough money on the table that would pay for their dinner plus a tip.
“Riley wha-” Cora started. 
“I’m good I just need to run” I said and left before anything else could be said. Truth is I didn’t want to be in the same place as Connor especially after the way he had just treated me. How could someone be born into one of the most powerful werewolf families and not want to be a part of any of it, instead chooses to start his own family. He has a wife and three kids that have no idea about me and he won’t let any of us around them. Even goes as far as to not take them to the school I work at. Going out into the woods I took my clothes off and shifted into a wolf. Then I just ran.
“Okay so this whole process is going to hurt like hell” I warned Derek. I was getting ready to teach him how to fully shift. “You aren’t going to be able to fully shift until the next full moon but you can get there part of the way so that it won’t hurt so bad” 
“The first one wasn’t too bad” He stated. 
“It’s always the easiest. It’s the ones after that hurt like hell. Your body and your mind now knows whats going to happen. You feel it don’t you?” I asked him. 
“Yeah, like my whole body is sore” He said rubbing his shoulder. 
“All 206 of our bones break and morph into completely different shapes and sizes to form our wolf. Most of the time your sore like that after a shift but it goes away. It becomes painful before a full moon, that’s why I usually like to shift during the full moon when I can” I told him. 
“Because of the pain?” He asked me. 
“Because the more you hold back a full shift the more pain your in until eventually your body decides to do it for you” I told him. “It would be like your out of control basically the smallest amount of anger is enough to get you to shift, but once you are shifted all you feel is relief.”
“Like last night?” He asked me referring to my sudden exit last night. 
“Like last night” I confirmed. “The woods are ours so we can run in them anytime without worrying about humans seeing us or hunters” 
“Sounds nice” He stated. 
“It is” I smiled. 
“So how do I start the shift?” He asked. 
“You concentrate. Imagine yourself becoming the wolf focus on your body. I usually start with my neck but it can be something else.” I said watching as Derek concentrated as hard as he could until a crack was heard in the room and Derek grunted in pain.
“You’re right” He said breathing deeply “It hurts”
“The first couple times yeah, but you get used to it” I told him. “What broke?”
“My shoulder” He said rubbing it. 
“Next time it happens don’t let the pain take you out, let it guide you. What ever hurts focus on it more what ever you do just don’t fight it” I told him as his grunts of pain filled the air as more and more of his bones broke. 
“I think that’s enough for today” I told him “You did good”
“It didn’t feel good” He told me. 
“Ice baths help” I told him
It’s been a couple months since Derek’s been a part of the pack. He’s been a good help tagging along when he could when we had to meet with some of the surrounding packs. He’s been doing well on his shifting although he hasn’t fully shifted he’s gotten close, this next moon coming up I’m sure he will fully shift. We’ve become good friends. He’s learned how we work and he’s gotten to know a lot of the other pack members. Even though he has a room here if he wanted him and Cora decided to move into a loft close to here. It’s kinda like if they aren’t here they are there and vice versa. 
Right now my mother and grandmother are discussing about what to do about one of the surrounding packs beta. Their alpha is a hot head named Marcus. One of his betas hunted down a young hunter and killed him. When it comes to this sort of thing we let the hunters decide what to do. Marcus’s beta who I learned was named Karl was in his right mind and knew what he was doing. He chose to take an innocent life and there was nothing we could do about that. The good thing with our hunters here is that they make death a very last option. 
“I wanna speak with your alpha!” A large man said storming into the compound. Marcus. 
“You can speak to me” I told him.
“Last time I checked you weren’t the alpha little wolf” He said a little too close to my face for comfort. 
“You can speak to the alpha through me” My mother said coming up next to me. 
“They aren’t taking my beta” He said to her. My eyes shifted to Derek and Cora entering the compound their attention focused on Marcus. Everyone’s attention was focused on him.
“Your beta killed one of them, he was a child and he was innocent Marcus. Our deal with the hunters is that they take over when an innocent life is lost, especially when in control.” My mother said. 
“No hunter is innocent Mary” He stated. 
“The color of his eyes speak a different story” She said. “The decision has been made Marcus” 
All my senses kicked in when he stepped closer to my mother. I stepped forward and let a low growl be heard. “Maybe it’s time for another alpha to take over” He said.
“You better think carefully about what you’re getting ready to do Marcus” Mom told him. 
“My pack against yours and if I win I’m the next alpha. Not your whole pack either my pack will fight just the Sparks.” He stated. 
“And if we win your stripped of your alpha title and your betas belong to us are we clear?” Mom told him.
“Crystal” He said turning around to leave “Saturday night in the clearing of the woods” 
Once he left I looked at my mother in shock “Mom what the hell. Just the sparks means you, me, and grandma and she can’t fight so it will just be you and I against an alpha and his pack” 
“Marcus only has three betas” She stated as if that made any difference.
“It will still be you and I against three betas and an alpha, we’re going to loose” I told her. 
“We might have a chance if we get your brother” She said. 
“Mom he wants nothing to do with us” 
“I’m hoping he will if he knows what it means if we loose. Marcus won’t fight until we give up he will fight until we are dead. So either he helps or he’s fine with his family being dead. Find him and talk to him while I talk to your grandmother” She said turning around to leave. 
I rolled my eyes and started to walk away until I felt Derek’s hand wrap around my upper arm to stop me. “What happened?” He asked concerned. I gestured for him to follow me as I explained everything. 
“He can’t do that though can he? Just limit it to the family” Derek asked. 
“He shouldn’t be able too, it should be pack against pack but my mother agreed to it so there’s no changing it now” I said walking up to my room so I can get my jacket. 
“Why would she do that?” Cora asked. 
“I guess because she thinks we can win if we somehow convince Connor to join in, which I highly doubt he will” I said putting my jacket on. 
“This whole situation is a complete shit show” I stated more to myself then to either Derek or Cora. Walking out the door I noticed Derek kept following me and not Cora as she started talking with other pack members. “I don’t need your help Derek”
“I think you do” He stated. “Maybe I can try to talk to your brother if he won’t listen to you” 
“You can try. Connor hates everything werewolf, I’m sure if he had the chance he would cure himself of it” I stated as he followed me out to my car, even getting in the passenger seat. 
“There has to be a reason why though, he can’t just hate what he is out of no where” He said. I let out a breath. 
“When he was first learning control he lashed out on his girlfriend. Left three scars along her face. She’s fine, in fact she’s still with him, but he never forgave himself.” I said. 
“Yeah but to cut himself off from you, his mother and grandma?” Derek said. 
“I think some of it is her too. I’ve never actually spoken to her but there is one emotion I smell every single time any of us are in her line of sight.” I said .
“What is that?” He asked. 
“Disgust” I said. 
Trying to talk to Connor was the single and worst thing I have ever tried to do in my life. Like what I expected he didn’t care. “Connor mom and I don’t stand a chance against a whole pack” I told him. 
“Then maybe you should surrender” He said nonchalantly.
“Connor if we do that the town will go to crap, and it won’t be safe for your wife and your kids” I told him hoping that would change his mind. 
“That won’t be a problem much longer because we are moving far far away from here, all you’re telling me is that I should do it before Saturday” He stated and walked away from me. 
I shook my head and walked over to Derek who’s been listening in sitting at a table. “I’m gonna kidnap him” I told him. 
“That’s not going to work” Derek told me. “He has to want to help” 
“You got any better ideas?” I asked him. 
“I’m gonna talk to him” He said getting up before I could even respond. I watched as Connor reluctantly agreed to speak. I focused my hearing to listen in. 
“I’m not helping them” Connor told Derek. “I’m done with that part of my life” 
“Are you really?” Derek asked “Because your heart beat is stating otherwise, and I can smell the worry” 
“Listen dude, if I do this I loose everything” He said. 
“Why because your wife doesn’t accept who you really are?” Derek asked him. “Listen I don’t know you but I know your family and coming from someone who doesn’t have that much family left, you should do everything you can to protect them. I’m not going to give you relationship advice, but somethings can be kept from her” 
“When’s the match?” Connor asked. 
“Saturday” Derek replied. 
“I might be there, and I might not. Better tell my sister to train hard, mom’s never been much of a fighter” Connor said. I watched as Derek walked back up to me and I didn’t really know what I was doing until I did it. I got up and wrapped my arms around his neck. 
“I don’t know how you did it but you did. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you” I told him as he hugged me back. 
“All I got was a maybe” He stated. 
“That’s a lot more than what I got” I said letting him go. “Can I ask you one more favor?” 
“What is it?” He asked. 
“I’ve trained with my pack mates but you’ve actually done real fighting with the alpha pack and other things-”
“I didn’t exactly win those fights” He stated. 
“You still have experience though. Think you could help me train?” I asked him. 
“Of course” He said softly. Throughout our conversation I didn’t even realize how close we still were from the hug I had given him, and the fact that his hand was still placed on my waist. “We start tonight” 
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the19thduckpotato · 4 years
In the Shadow of a Smile (Pt 5)
Part 4
He said it he said it he really said it does he know that's everything I've wanted to hear can I say I love you?? I want to say I love you-- but will he feel pressured to say it back? I hope not I know it's so hard to when you're All Might he must know it's okay if he can't but what if he doesn't?? Maybe I should just tell him-- "--I love you," Izuku said, muffled against the thick coat. "I love you lots-- you don't have to say it back if you don't want to, it's okay"
Toshi squeezed his eyes shut as his heart thudded painfully.  I love you, too!! Then say it. Eyes still shut, he opened his mouth. just a few simple words "I..." don’t you dare hold back "...I..." wow, are you seriously about to chicken out right now? He closed his mouth, resting one hand on Izuku's back. ....I love you, too...
Whispered softly, "...I know."
Toshi made a frustrated noise. the great All Might is a coward.  Can't even compare to a child.  That's where your regret lies--not because you didn’t tell them.  Because you didn't have the guts to. "Izuku," he murmured hoarsely.  "I just..."  His voice caught and he sighed miserably.  "Thank you."
Izuku squeezed his hug a little tighter, hoping it would make Toshi feel a bit better, somehow. "Thank you," he murmured back. For loving me, even if you can't say it. N maybe someday you can... but I wouldn't blame you if you didn't. I know it's... when you finally think you're close to someone and say it and then something... happens... maybe I shouldn't have said anything, but-- I just can't seem to stay quiet....
Toshi suddenly reached for his phone, tapped the screen, then gave a tiny grimace of surprise.  "I need to duck out for a moment.  Just a minute, no more, I promise.  Will you be ok in here?"
"Ehh?" Izuku looked up in surprise, not able to see the phone screen but getting the idea. "Uh, okay." He nodded, pretty sure he sounded confident enough. Oh crap. Crapcrapcrap.
Toshi tried to not rush out, striding as calmly as he could.  He was soon across the street, watching the river glimmer in lazy rolling waves nearby. He slipped his phone (no message visible for there never was one) back in his pocket then took a deep breath of fresh air. Then hung his head. "Why?" he muttered.  "Why is it so difficult?" The river rolled on. "What am I scared of?"
Izuku stood in the store by himself, starting to shrink into a stiff board. crapcrapcrap I'm alone, what if someone steals me like Mom warned me about?? ...you're a bit big to just be picked up and carried off, you know that, right? Well, yes, but what if-- Images of Shigaraki's hand creeping around his neck came into his mind. Izuku made a worried noise, hand sneaking up to the jacket collar. Oh right. The jacket. I can't pay for it... I don't even wanna know how much it costs, it's gotta be way too much. He shuffled it off, putting it back on the hanger and holding onto it. Don't want them to think I'd try to walk out wearing it or anything.... He busied himself with looking for items for his classmates while he waited for Toshi to be done with... whatever it was he was doing. Probably making a phone call or somethin'.
"Hey," Toshi called out as he returned.  "I think I found a few ideas online we could search for here and--"  He noticed Izuku had the jacket back on its hanger.  "--not your size?"
“Oh!” Izuku turned back to Toshi. “No, it is! Just ready to buy it now!” He smiled up at Toshi, his eyes crinkling happily.
"Did you see anything else we should get?" He plucked a small Mic doll from a pile in a barrel then was delighted to find it squeaked when he squeezed it.  "Ok yes," he smirked.
“Eehee!” Izuku grinned at the doll. “Whatcha gonna do with it?”
Toshi winked.  "Now  pass me your jacket."  He squeezed the Mic toy again, his mouth twitched in a mild grin as it squeaked once more.
Izuku passed over the jacket, tilting his head and wrinkling his eyebrows in a question.
"Let's get these paid for and then get ya fed."  Toshi tucked the Mic into the jacket pocket.  "What's your favorite?"
Izuku blinked up at him. "Uuuhhh"
"Soba?  Udon?  Takoyaki?"  Toshi tilted his head.  "...hamburgers?"
Izuku's face lit up. "Katsudon!!"
"Excellent choice!"  Toshi tapped his card against the kiosk device, nodded his thanks to the cashier, then handed the bag holding the Silver Age jacket and one (1) Squeaky Mic over to Izuku.  "I might know a good spot."
"Great!" Izuku bounced happily. "N we can come back for the other kids' stuff later?"
"Absolutely!" A few moments later found them in a small but bustling shop.  A man dressed in smart chef's whites looked up from the table he was speaking to, his face lighting up.  "Ah, honorable All Mighf!"  he called out, indicated a nearby table.  "And friend?  Student?"  There was a slight squint of intrigue.  "Or maybe--?" Oh Lord, not again. "One of my best students," Toshi quickly but proudly replied.  "Say hi, Izuku."
He smiled happily and waved. "Hi Izuku!" The words left his mouth before he could think about them. He promptly perished on the spot. "Wait noooooooo...." Those words were muffled by the hands hiding his red face.
Toshi couldn't help it, he snorted into his hand.  "That's my kid!" "Ah???" the chef said, eyebrows rising. "Figure of speech, Ryori." If the chef seemed disappointed, he didn't show it.  Instead, he happily handed Izuku a menu.  "You know I have your teacher here to thank for saving my shop." "Ryori." A silver bell chimed and the chef pointed toward the kitchen.  "Go on, ask him.  I'll be right back with some miso."
Izuku turned to Toshi with a curious grin, hoping for a story.
Toshi looked back to Izuku then jumped a little.  "K-kid!"  He coughed then cleared his throat.  "It's not that big a deal.  Really."  His ears were flushing red again.
Izuku rubbed at his own ear and cheek, chasing away the last of the blush. "Aw c'monnn, if I can be good-naturedly embarrassed so can you!"
Toshi rested his chin on one hand, ears still red.  "Ok, but I just want you to know, I didn't do it just to get free food for life.  I did it because it was the right thing to do." the free food WAS a lovely bonus "When I was younger--a lot younger--i happened to be in the area when a Quirk went haywire.  Some poor kid's Quirk had advanced in its abilities and he didn't quite have a handle on it just yet.  Something to do with vibrations parsing molecules, collapsing structures.  He didn't mean to cause damage, just-- oh thank you, Ryori." The chef grinned as he set the bowls down then waited to hear the rest of the story. "--so there I was, trying to figure out how to get close to the scared kid without being parsed myself, when--" Ryori made a frustrated noise.  "Not that story!  Tell it right!  Tell the story about how you saved my store!"  He gestured for Izuku to try the miso.
“I thought that was the story?” Izuku cast a skeptical glance up at Ryori, then quickly ducked his head apologetically when he realized how rude he sounded. “Sorry.”
Toshinori pinched the bridge of his nose but grinned.  "All right.  All right." "Good man!" "So Izuku, one day I saved this building from collapsing--" "My dear sweet store, when it was still young, ah!" "--and the owner was so grateful--" Ryori proudly rose to his full four and a half foot height.  "--that he did what, All Might?" Toshi smirked.  "That he served a starving hero some katsudon." Ryori shook a finger in mock anger.  "Ungrateful man, tell it right!" "That he served a starving hero the most amazing katsudon he had ever had the pleasure of tasting." Both Ryori and Toshi did the same hand flourish in unison and the blond laughed nervously at Izuku.  "It's, uh, our thing." "Have you tried the miso yet?"
Izuku practically had sparkles floating around his head. They’re so cuuuuuute!! The fanboy side of him was in heaven. “—Oh! Ah, not yet,” he smiled sheepishly, taking a spoonful. “—!!” He nodded excitedly, eyes wide.
"So then??"  Ryori's eyes bore into Toshi. "So then the starving hero decided he liked it so much, he'd come back again when the store wasn't in danger of burning down or crumbling to bits." "You wound me, old friend." Toshi grinned and spooned some of his miso which seemed to soothe Ryori's ruffled feathers. "The hero returned, again and again.  Word soon got around that the great hero All Might had a favorite place to eat." Ryori looked fit to burst from pride.  "Guess what happened, student Izuku?  Go on!"
Izuku’s eyes crinkled with happiness. “Ah, business boomed?”
Ryori clapped his hands with joy.  "Smart boy, clever boy!  And that is how All Might saved my store!" "Because goodness knows your cooking--" Ryori held up a wooden spoon threateningly. "--wasn’t getting enough attention and Ryori, please, put that away, I'm only teasing." Mollified once more, Ryori huffed something about making All Might's usual--the scarecrow's delight--then turned to Izuku, pen poised to take his order.
“Oh, uhh—“ Izuku’s mind went blank for a second, but he quickly remembered what he wanted “—katsudon, please?”
The chef grinned huge, then turned and strode back to his kitchen, a man on a mission.  Toshi shook his head with a fond grin, sipping at his water. "He really is a miracle worker when it comes to culinary concoctions.  People try to say it's because of a Quirk that he must have but no.  That's pure talent, plain and simple."
Izuku took another spoonful of miso with much enjoyment. “I believe it!’
Toshi's eyes sparkled with pleasure.  "I'm very glad you like it!" The next few moments were spent scrolling through online sites and discussing possible gift options for the rest of Class 1A. This is nice.  It's not saving someone from a burning building or punching an evil villain in the face... but it's still going to bring a smile to people's faces and that's what I've missed. Soon, Ryori returned with two covered dishes.  He placed both on the table and lift the lid on Izuku's with a grand flourish.  "Tada!"
Ryori moved to do the same with Toshi's plate and the blond gently but firmly pushed the chef's hand away. "It's not that big a deal," he murmured very softly.  "Please don't." Ryori's eyes radiated hurt and Toshi immediately regretted his words.  But the chef, ever a professional, bowed his gratitude. "Enjoy, as I no doubt know you will!" And with that, he was gone.
Izuku waited to see if Toshi was going to uncover his own dish or not. Surely he will, he ordered it... right?
Toshi rested a large hand on the lid, lost in his own thoughts.  Then he looked up.  "Oh my word, yours looks positively...wow.  Go on!  Eat up!" He was quick to look away, mouth watering. Not a good idea.  Not as bad as the popcorn but still not a good idea. After a moment, Toshi pulled the lid from his own dish and smiled softly.  Even with as little as what Ryori could work with, he still managed to make it all look fantastic.
Izuku didn't want to start eating until Toshi did, despite the urging. That would be so rude... what if he's saying that because he doesn't intend to eat, though... hhhhrhmmm....
"Don't let it get cold," his teacher murmured.
"W...e..e.ll-- ...yessir," Izuku nodded, beginning to eat after all. I guess if he really wants me to but-- "Mmh," he made a soft noise of approval as he started to nibble the hot meat.
Toshi smiled in a confused sort of way.  Wait, is he really enjoying himself genuinely....or because I told him to? He poked at his rice, pushing the grains around in their bowl.
"Not hungry?" Izuku asked, then mentally slapped his forehead. "Well. You know what I mean." He set his chin on his hand, looking curiously at Toshi.
Tiny Mental Alarm Alert Toshi took a great mouthful and gave a thumbs up. ....good heavens, Ryori really is a culinary genius.  This is delicious. He swallowed too soon, coughed, and pounded his chest, thumb still valiantly sticking up.
"Oh goodness," Izuku laughed softly, "are you okay?"
Toshi wiggled his thumbs up and took another bite with a wink.
Izuku continued eating, his legs swinging happily under the table. It really was amazing, Toshi wasn't exaggerating at all. He avoided making too much of a fuss over something Toshi couldn't eat, though, that seemed unkind.
The blond smiled, quietly pleased.  He noted that Izuku was barely talking now.  A sign that the food truly was good. The kid's happy.  Lookit that grin....albeit with stray rice sticking to his puffed cheeks. Laugh lines crinkled about his eyes.  All Might is still making him smile but not with a giant fist in a villain's face.  Interesting. Toshi mentally turned this thought over, poking at it.  The rice in his bowl slowly disappeared.
((Part 6))
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dangerghost20 · 4 years
Long Post #1 (other will be another date)
I have struggled to write this out multiple times. Some people know the basics of what I am about to reveal. I think what I am about to reveal has been the reason for some of the problems in my life. I have been to a therapist about it and dismissed after one session saying it was just stress (I don’t trust them now. Just the attitude about it.). I was urged by a great friend to go after having a meltdown during freshman year of college trying to write a paper (having the professor called my first paper the worst thing he had ever read). To sum up, I am a survival of mental and physical child abuse. 
I think some details should be involved here because it was both by my mother and father (they divorced right after I was born). Let's start with my father, because he did so much with little time. I have a problem with food, and I know it. It really comes down to what my father would do. I would have my breakfast, lunch or dinner sat in front of me and be told, and I quote, “You have five minutes to finish the meal before I take it away and throw it in the trash.” One distinct plate had a whole hamburger, fries and some type of vegetable (I was like 6 here). I learned to eat a whole plate of food in under five minutes. This is not healthy and to this day I can still do. I have to think about eating slowly. When I eat fast I get hungry more often and will snack. I also got starved for a whole day because I was a kid taking a bath, farted and poop came out (I tried to get it in the toilet before he saw, but no luck. I also got my ass whipped for it too). It has been known in my family that I am extremely scared of snakes, even by him. As a kid, he had my bedroom as the same room as his snakes, meaning I would not sleep. He would even force me to have it on my lap for hours, where I would sit as still as possible. As I got older, I was told “If you want to have a relationship with your father, you should be the one calling me.” I am sorry, but that is not how a parent should act. I have not heard from him since my high school graduation, which I was forced to invite him to and interact with afterwards, at the family get together.
If I wrote about everything my mother did to me, you would be reading for days so these are some highlights. I should mention that all this happened by the time I was in fifth grade (11 years old) and due to some family members stepping in, help was given. My mother did get help and after a couple years of not having custody, it was granted back when she remarried to my step-dad. It is related to my mother’s drinking and one reason I have to watch how much I drink (afraid I will be just like her). 
Some of the events that stand out are the following. Multiple times I would be whipped with a leather belt (sounds normal but the amount of times and degree it was done is not) but so bad that my ass would be bleeding. One time she made me sit in front of a fan on my ass because of the whipping while she had friends over and they laughed at the site while drinking. I was always told I was fat (as a kid) and because she thought this, one of my punishments was I was not allowed to eat anything but jello for a whole week and drink only water. Thanks to my sister sneaking me food, I was able to have something more. I was dragged across payment for 50 to 100 feet, causing a road rash on my legs that took two weeks to heal. I have been hit, kicked and punched as I slept on a futon. I was told that I was stupid and would never become anything and no one will ever love me (Still struggle with that last statement and so when some of you give me compliments, it is hard for me to take them serious). I was told by my mom she wished I was never born. 
It took years for me to forgive my mother, but I do not forget. Imagine hearing an 8 year kid crying in a closet because his mother was coming to get him from his grandparents house saying “I wish I was dead.” I did that and my grandmother had to hear it after I would spend the weekend at their house. My mother has never apologized for what happened but only has mentioned what has happened once in a sleeping pill induced talk. I am great with reflection in my life. I know that some of my issues (body, self, confidence, delay understanding who I am) all relate to my past. I know some of my past has allowed me to become as successful in my career as I am today, but I think it has always delayed a lot of things for me. 
One thing I should mention, about people who have been abused as a kid, we hide it all. No one knew this was going on, outside of my family and even they did not know all of it (just what they witnessed). I learned to have a fake smile to not show the pain inside. In a class in high school we read a book called “I Child Called It.” It was about a kid being abused and it meanted the fake smile. The other people in class disagree that a kid would do that. It got to me so much that I actually verbally told them they were wrong. When pressed why I believed it by the teacher, I said, and I quote because I remember, “Because I was abused and none of you knew because I always had a smile on my face.” The room went silent and we went to quiet reading time (but I was never called to the guidance office about it which is so strange). I learned to hide the injuries on my body and not let it show when I could not sit down (choose to stand) or walk well (saying I did not want to play). I learned to fend for myself. I could not have friends over so I lost friends from not being open (why I try to be open now but also why making friends is hard for me). I learned to lie to hide everything which lost me friends (that is why I am honest now but that always loses friends too). 
I am not posting this for sympathy. I think it is time to stop hiding my past and letting it run my life. I still have trouble loving anyone fully. I have issues that I need to work through. I can’t let this define me anymore. (Note: I am crying about this right now because it is painful to talk about). I don’t talk about my religion much but it has helped me through much of it. It is why I struggled coming terms with who I am, sexuality wise, because I could not lose that part of my life. 
Please do not act differently to me. When I have revealed this before to a friend, they acted like they had to walk on eggshells with me. It happened and I do deal with it daily in some way or shape. I still have mastered the fake smile and still hide my pain. But don’t let it change what you reblog, like, ask or message. I am still the person you already know, just know a little better. 
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jawusa · 4 years
Goldie’s Adventures on the Moon - Day 3
Chapter 3: Is it love, when so easily said goodbye? 
Ever since Mom's passed away, I always woke up with tears. She used to wake me up for school in the mornings - something that not everyone would do. My mom was by far the best mom out there! But something was strange on that day, I wasn't thinking about Mom when I woke up. I wasn't thinking about how she used to cook pancakes with me in the mornings. I wasn't thinking about how we'd sometimes go hiking around town. I wasn't even thinking about how she'd read me to sleep when I was a little kid. On that day, I was actually thinking about... uhmm about that cute boy whom I met just two days ago? And I didn't wake up with tears, but with a stange feeling of joy! I actually woke up with a smile after such a long time of grieving! 
Dad, Rhett and I decided to go to the Lunar Zen Garden on that day! Actually, we went there... because my Dad's seen this place with Rhett yesterday while I was spending some time in Hua's clothier and they really wanted me to check that place out. They'd say it's the best place for me to find happiness! They'd tell me to toss a coin in that shrine thingy and wish something! At first, I didn't really approve of what I was supposed to do - but I guess, it really did some magic on me? Because of the things... which came about later on that day... that day was kinda strange, though!
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But I really loved the garden, though! It was so beautifully decorated with those tiny bridges and canals... and those cherry trees! Oh my! I really had a great time raking the zen garden! It felt so relaxing - but forreal! 
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Rhett came to check on me every now and then, but I kept on shooing him away... he just... couldn't see that I was trying to concentrate and find my inner peace? Sheesh! He was playing some mahjong - or what was that game called again? - with Dad and those natives. Sometimes they ask me whether I'd like to join them, but there was this guy I kinda thought looked weird with such a top hat and Asian looking clothing... some people know him as the Unsavory Charlatan - that name already scared me off! But Dad and Rhett were still going for the game... (btw, I couldn't take a picture of him, he'd avoid being on camera for some reason... but he was playing with those other natives on the other table!) 
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Anyway, I was soo into medidating, that I completely forgot what was all around me. For one second, I even forgot where I was... I couldn't hear anything... I couldn't see anything... I couldn't even feel anything, not even the ground! It felt like I was levitating forreal! But... hold on, I felt something observing me from the other side... I felt something smiling at me... I felt... I felt something approaching me... I felt... I felt... I... "Hey, OMG you're Goldie! What a surprise to see you around here! How are things with you?" 
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I... could literally just... GOSHH! Ground, pleasee, PLEASEE swallow me?! That was soo embarrassing... and when I looked around, I saw his friend (with whom he had played chess before... all the time?)! He was smiling at me... mischievously? "Hehe, I've seen you raking, then medidating..." "Ooh, so.. you've literally seen everything?" "Hey... you didn't do that bad... let's just... have this moment together!" *grabs hand OMG and then, YOU GUYS, he GRABBED my hand... OMG, I... I didn't even know what to say at that moment! At first I was afraid... I was petrified! 
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"Goldie, I've been trying to say this to you ever since I've first met you... ever since I've first seen you, ... ever since Day 1, but uhmm..." 
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"I think I have a crush on you, Goldie! Your eyes are so beautiful! I... I'm so into you, I can barely breathe! "Uhmm... Qiu, I..." "I've been waiting and waiting for you to make a move... before I make a move!"
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And then, he really kissed my lips! OMG, that was my first kiss... and I'd never imagine it to be in a romantic zen garden... in outer space! They say you never forget your very first kiss, and now I can see why! Either way, it was lovely! "So, uhmm... now you know, how I feel towards you, Goldie!" "Awww, you're soo romantic! I think I have a crush on you, too! I was shy to tell you this as well... and actually, I didn't even know myself what was going on... because I've never been this shy before, I'm actually an outgoing girl, I never had to struggle to find the words and it's so strange... I couldn't even... " "Lemme hug you one last time, babe!" *Goldie blushes 
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Dad and Rhett must have probably seen me when I had my first kiss... they smiled at me... my Dad even winked at me, but we didn't say any words. It was just this... awkward moment where nobody would talk... and all! I was getting hungry... and just asked my Dad whether we'd go for a dinner soon? Since it was already getting too late... he just nodded and kept on smiling... which was even WEIRDER than it was before!
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Anyway, later on that day, we went to dine in a traditional tea house/restaurant! They didn't have my favorite hamburgers on their menu, but they had other fancy-looking meals... which I haven't heard of before! I couldn't really choose, because literally EVERYTHING seemed foreign to me! But I could remember ordering something... which looked like a salmon on the menu! Not that I tried it before, but it looked somewhat familiar to what I'm used to, so I went for it! The salmon was... good! Though, I wasn't sure, why Rhett decided to eat on a different table! Maybe he did that on purpose, so I could have some "daddy & daughter" time? I don't know... but Dad told me something... out of blue. All of sudden, he was like: "Girl, I'm so glad to see you happy again! I told you, you'd be happy after tossing a coin or two into that shrine..." At that moment, I understood why he kept insisting me on tossing that coin into that shrine thingy when we first arrived at the Lunar Zen Garden... 
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By the time we finished our dinner, the sun still hadn't set yet, and Rhett insisted on visiting the spa & gym... he's heard that they have these hot springs, which he REALLY wanted to try out... I mean, I couldn't blame him! After all, I was curious to see what these moon geysirs were all about! Thankfully, we had a great time spending time together as a family! I just noticed how I missed that in the past, but for the first time after all of these years, I wish that Candy were here as well! Things were about to improve between I and Rhett, too! I was getting along with all of them! Back in my miserable days, I'd always reject Rhett - remember the "silly" attempts of him trying to talk to me through my childhood teddy bear... GOSH, he was trying to cheer me up and I acted like an idiot! "Uhmm, Rhett? I'd like to tell you something..." "What?" "Well, now that I think, I really appreciate all the effort you've done for me! Like... you know, to cheer me up with the teddy bear and all..." "Yeah, I remember... it was probably a bad idea. I thought it'd work since as a kid, it did..." "Well, I'm a teenager now..." "True." "But hey, at least you tried to cheer me up... and to tell the truth, it does cheer me up, now that I think you tried to do something for me! Thanks for that!" "You're welcome, but look behind you! Isn't that your new boyfriend?" 
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I turned my head... and OMG, it was him indeed! It was Q! And when I looked upon him... he winked at me! "So, I bet you guys want some privacy, right?" "Daaad... I'm..." "I know what you mean, Goldie! I've felt this way many times when I had my first fling in the hot tub!" *winks at Qiu and Goldie 
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It kinda felt bizarre when my Dad had to give away way too much info... and it made me feel very AWKWARD at that moment! Like FORREAL! They all were into something... all of these boys! I just couldn't... understand them! Q didn't even seem to be irritated or something... I just hope he does forget about what my Dad just decided to reveal? It was a steamy atmosphere, though... with him! But not just with him, I mean... it was literally steamy, what else would you expect at the hot springs? So... that "steamy" term applies well here! Either way... I really enjoyed this steamy moment with... uhm, him? As always, kinda... Dad and Rhett would tell me that they'd be "out for fun" again... like on the other days. They never really told me where they'd go, but it had always to do with nightlife venues... kinda? Anyway, I couldn't blame them anymore... I mean, I'm a grown-up girl now and I don't need their company all the time! As much as I wanted to be left "alone" with Q, I guess... they wanted to have some time off on their own, too! 
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But... my, oh, my! Those dance moves! LOL! Even I could dance better... I mean, Rhett's got something still, but Dad, he really sucks at dancing! But he thinks he can dance, he can jive! But at least, he's having the time of his life! And I'm happy for him... and Rhett, too! In the past, I'd be mad at him for moving on too fast, but he's right! We can't be stuck in sorrow FOREVER! One day, we just... have to break free and be happy again!
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If I were to choose which day my favourite day was on the moon... I guess, it'd be this one here? I just had my first kiss? OMG, how cool's that?! And did you hear what he said? He just confessed his feelings to me... and I could finally do as well! I WASN'T expecting ANY of this! This is soooo GREAT! OMG! I'm literally melting! Alright, enough is enough... lol! But I could literally be raving about him all day long! I felt SO flattered when he confessed his feelings... Oh, wait, I have to tell this Hua! And Virginia, my best friend back in Widespot, too! Maybe this would even encourage her to confess her feelings to Woddy, too! I mean, she's told me once that she's a crush on that Woody boy? Why did I forget that? HOW could I forget that?! They don't even know what just happened today! Hold on, dear diary, let me text to them real quick...
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Survey #337
“if i showed you my soul, would you cover your eyes?”
What's your favorite brand of chips? I like Lays best. Are you a good painter? My Painting teacher when I was in college last said I did wonderfully, but I definitely beg to differ. Before buying a car, do you usually test drive it? N/A Have you ever written a poem and then read it aloud? No, but a teacher has. It was so fucking awkward; it was very pacifist, the topic being about war, and it had some depressing tones of death; there was just silence at the end of it, and I still don't know if it was shock or "what the fuck, she's messed up." There was this one guy that went, "Nobody is going to clap at that?", though, which I thought was pretty nice and reassuring. Do you like pineapple? Yeah, I do. Have you ever met your favorite author? I don't have a favorite author. Have you and your best friend ever liked the same person? No. Do you have any freckles? Not on my face (though oddly enough, I did as a kid?), but on random parts of my body. How many different languages can you say goodbye in? English, German, and then Spanish. Do you like or hate the smell of fish? I hate it. Have you ever been to Sea World? As a child, yes. I'd never go as an adult. Do you know someone who suffers from short-term memory loss? I don't know how this is actually diagnosed, but my memory is absolutely fucking nightmarish, almost exclusively in short-term situations. I can remember the most obscure events from my childhood, but not what I said to you five seconds prior. I'm rather sure my medications have made it worse over time. Have you ever read any of John Green's books? I got like, one chapter or less into The Fault in Our Stars before the book got replaced with the Wings of Fire series, so I never finished it. Are you a protective person? I'm an immensely protective person over those that matter to me. Have you ever experienced an earthquake? No, thankfully. I'm terrified of earthquakes. What's one thing that makes everything in life worthwhile? The fact that to our proven knowledge, this is the only one we'll ever experience. What type of waffles do you like? (Plain, blueberry etc..) I prefer plain, but I can eat chocolate chip ones as well as blueberry and strawberry. Have you ever seen the show Wife Swap? Yeah, I actually quite like it. Do you like chicken or beef better? Or do you not eat meat? Chicken, I think. I eat meat, but wish I didn't. What brand of dish soap do you use? Dawn, usually. Do any of your neighbors have dogs? Yes, and they never shut up. Do you believe in fortune tellers? They're money-driver bullshitters. Have you ever been to one? No, and judging by the fervor in the above question, I hope you can tell I never would do so and thus monetarily support them. Do you like regular or chocolate milk better? Chocolate, of course. But I love normal milk, too. Once again, wish I didn't, though. Forcing a cow to constantly reproduce to lactate is pretty fucking cruel. Growing up, did you listen to country music? I actually did. Do you normally wash your hands in warm or cold water? If it's just a quick wash, it's usually cold because our water takes quite a few moments to warm up. However, if I'm looking to thoroughly wash my hands, it's gotta be relatively hot. Do you believe in mediums? I see them in a worse light than I do fortune tellers, so... Like sure, manipulate grieving people for profit, sounds great. Have you ever been to one? Obviously not. Have you ever dated someone on the football team? No. Do you have a gazebo at your house? No. Do you like tomatoes? Solely when straight from a garden and on a bacon and mayonnaise sandwich. Otherwise I am noooot a fan. Are you a competitive person? Not very, but there's a tiny spark in me, really when it just comes to photography. I hate it. Google or Bing? Does literally anyone use Bing? What's your favorite brand of bottled water? Essentia. Do you have any ceramic animals in your house or outside? Ummm I don't think so. Have you ever given someone flowers? Yes. What is something you might eat with a hamburger? Fries or mac and cheese. What is a sport that you’ve always wanted to play, but never got a chance to. None. What is a fruit that you might eat in the morning? A banana. Who might you send a selfie to? I don't send selfies to anyone. About how many pages is the longest book you’ve ever read? I THINK it surpassed 1,000? At least in the high hundreds. Who would you call first after getting engaged to tell them the news? Probably Mom. Around what time do you start feeling tired enough to go to sleep? Truth be told, it's usually arouund 7-8. I rarely make it to 9:00 nowadays. What trends do you refuse to give in to? I don't even know what's trendy right now. What subjects in history interest you most? As dark as it is, I find the Holocaust interesting to learn about. Are you superstitious in any way? No. How do you get rid of anxiety? What a relevant question, being in a partial hospitalization program right now. Coping skills that help me are doing deep breathing, mindfulness exercises, and a little jerk back to reality is splashing freezing cold water on my face. It also helps to talk it out with somebody, just get my feelings into words. Then if it's a true anxiety or panic attack, I have my "emergency" anxiety prescription. Are there any items of jewelry you never/rarely take off? My lip and tragus piercings never do, and I always wear two rings. Do you find yourself correcting people’s grammar often? Not really, no. It just seems rude and snobby to me, honestly, if it's not in an educational setting, like helping someone with an essay. Correcting someone in your average conversation is just... unnecessary, imo. Now if you're talking like in surveys and stuff, I definitely do in questions and such, but I don't point it out. Gummi worms: Yay or nay? Yay, love 'em. What do you do when you have ‘me time’? I only ever have "me" time, so what I always do... Do you lack common sense sometimes? I have a horrible lack of common sense, shit's embarrassing. Have you ever poured glue on your hand just to peel it off for fun? No. How do babies make you feel? "Nervous. They’re so damn breakable." <<<< Mood. Would you/Have you milked a cow? No, and I'm not interested. What really gives you the creeps? #!: seeing a baby move inside its mother's stomach. It will actually make me scream and/or cry because it just grosses me the fuck out. Whale sharks' mouths also creep me out big time. Do you ever eat leftover pizza cold? Yeah, I love cold pizza. When you're wanting a midnight snack, what do you normally get? We normally have cashew bars that I like if I'm really hungry. Which cartoon character would you want to keep as a pet? Obviously Pikachu. My niece loves Pikachu anyway, so she'd be ecstatic to see a real one. Or well, maybe I'd go for an Eevee. Not as dangerous with electricity and all but just as cute and small. Do you like marshmallows? Yeah. If you had the opportunity to live forever, would you take it? No. It would ruin so many factors of the temporary nature of life. Things would lose meaning, get old and boring, it'd be much easier to take advantage of things... There are many reasons why I have no desire to live forever. Hell, I even wonder if I want an afterlife for those same reasons. Did you ever really believe in Santa Claus? As a little kid, yeah. Do you like quesadillas? I like cheese, chicken, and shrimp ones. What's the greatest/most influential song you've ever heard? Ozzy's "Life Won't Wait." Do you prefer to pull off band-aids slowly or quickly? I tend to do it slowly. What was the last thing someone told you that had you at a loss for words? Uhhh I feel like Sara said something, but I don't remember what. What was the last health scare you had? Ugh... I'm kind of living in one now. As my legs have been worsening, I'm becoming increasingly concerned I'm eventually going to need a wheelchair for "walking" longer distances. And mind you, "long" for me is probably short for the average person. My knees do nothing but crack incessantly and burn when I use them, and they frequently feel like they're going to give way, and in a few rare instances, have. It's my own fucking fault for not sucking it up and exercising with my mom in the room, so I'd like to move on. What is your favorite filling for a piece of chocolate? Caramel. Do you enjoy the sound of birds chirping? I do. If applicable, what’s your favorite drug, and why? I don't do drugs, so. What was the last TV show you binge-watched? Avatar: The Last Airbender with Sara. Would you rather eat burgers or tacos? Definitely burgers. I don't like tacos. Did your mother change her maiden name when/if she got marred? Yes. What was the last job you applied for? Did you get the job? Deli worker, and yes. Do you use TikTok? No. What decorations do you have in your bathroom? None. Our bathroom is pretty small. Well, the one we use, anyway. The one attached to the master's bedroom isn't cleaned up yet, but we'll use it in case of emergency. What year was your favourite band formed? (Before people think I'm smart, no, I looked the dates up, haha.) Well Ozzy was Black Sabbath's vocalist, and the band formed in 1968, but Ozzy became a solo artist in 1979. What's your favourite fruit? Strawberries. Have you ever had an out-of-body experience? No. Do you prefer gory horror films or the psychological ones? I prefer psychological. Are you easily paranoid? Yeah. Do you have a favorite obsession? Meerkats and Mark are kinda tied, haha. Are you a workaholic? No. Have you ever given a tattoo before and would you like to? No and no; that would be an awful idea, given I have bad tremors in my hands. Have you ever seen the movie Labyrinth? I actually have not. Would you rather be called pretty or hot? Pretty. Have you ever gotten a serious injury at school? What happened? No. Have you ever performed in front of my large group of people? Yes; I was a dancer for many years. Have you ever fundraised? If so, what for? You know how Facebook recommends making fundraisers for a charity of your choice for your birthday? I've done that for the Trevor Project and two charities for ovarian and pancreatic cancers. Are you wearing earrings right now? Ugh, no, even though I want to be. The first holes in my ears are just too stretched for normal earrings because I wore heavy ones too often, and I just don't have nice earrings. I still want to get very small gauges to put in the stretched holes. Name a singer whose voice makes you swoon? Fall Out Boy's Patrick Stump can do that, holy shit. "America's Suitehearts" does it for me, man. Y'know, when his voice goes all deep. Do your pets follow you when you walk around the house? My cat Roman is quite literally my shadow. Where I go, he goes. What do you do online? I seem to only exist online, really, so I've got a lot on my plate to choose from, yet I'm still bored half the time, haha. I'm essentially always watching or listening to YouTube, I play World of Warcraft for varying amounts of time depending on the day, I scroll through deviantART, check KM periodically, do surveys obviously, "work" at the wikis I contribute to, wander around on Facebook... idk, that's all I really do at least semi-regularly online. Haha oh, wait, I also check Craigslist like... every day for tarantula and hognoses even though I can't currently get either. Let me dream. Do you have any scars on your face? I have a couple on my chin from when I fainted and busted it open. What countries were your grandparents born in? In the US. What was the most damaging relationship (romantic or not) that you’ve ever been a part of? Ultimately, with Jason, because of how it ended. The relationship itself wasn't at all damaging to me, but the breakup shook my entire fucking world. When in your life was your self-esteem at its lowest point? Self-esteem? Now. I'm very unhappy with my weight going back up, my body is just in poor health in general, I'm not employed, not in school... I just feel like a lowlife. Who was the last person you cut out of your life? Do you regret it? I want to say my sister's mother-in-law. Sure don't, considering she revealed her disgusting support for conversion therapy. I'm civil around her in person, but I kicked that woman off my Facebook so fucking quick when I saw that shit. Who is the most attractive person you know personally? That I know personally... I would say Alon, but I haven't seen even a picture of her in forever. Summer, though, shares selfies frequently, and by god is she gorgeous. I know a lot a lot of beautiful women, asldkjf;awe. It's funny that I'm blanking on men, at least involving people I still "know"/are somehow present in my life. Would you rather look older or younger than you are? I'm fine looking my age. Have you ever dated someone who was very vastly different from your “type”? No. What is the biggest project you’re currently working on? I suppose you can count an RP plot as a "project." I'm procrastinating so bad on it because it is going to be A LOT of writing. Is there a person from your past that you wonder about frequently? Who? Take a shot in the dark for me. Who knows you best, excluding romantic partners? My mother. What are your thoughts on human creation? I believe we evolved. How many people have you had sex with? One. Have you ever had a yard sale? Yeah. Have you ever been surfing? No.
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let-it-raines · 5 years
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@dorisquinn​ I accidentally posted your ask before it was ready, so I had to delete that. Haha. But I will answer it now!
This is decidedly not exactly what you asked for. That maaaaay be coming a little later on since I got another prompt with some more specifics on that. This does, however, involve Killian, Jace, and some baseball introductions. 
found on ao3 | here | if that’s more your cup of tea!
October 2023
“Killian, where are we going?”
“I can’t tell you that, love.”
“Because you’re being obnoxious.”
“No, because I’m surprising you.”
He hears Emma scoff, and he reaches his hand over to place it on her knee, squeezing before leaning his palm against the rough denim.
“Swan, I packed everything we need. I even made some brownies for you. Plus, you and Jace are both wearing appropriate clothing, and we don’t have to stay for the entire time.”
“The entire time?” Emma hisses before looking up into the review mirror to see Jace in the backseat. He’s been sleeping since they put him in the car seat, and since he always sleeps when they drive him, Emma really shouldn’t expect him to wake up anytime soon. “Where are we going?”
Killian sighs and looks over to Emma, flashing her a smile, before threading their hands together and bringing her hand to his lips. “There’s a fall Little League I heard about last week. They’ve got games today.”
“I thought Little League happened in the spring.”
“Aye, it does, but this is a league specifically for fall. It’s for the kids who pretty much eat and breathe baseball.”
“Oh, so you.”
His nose scrunches up. “Yes, you could say that.”
Emma shifts in her seat and runs her thumb over his knuckles. It’s always so soothing when she does that. They could have stayed home today. It would be so simple and wouldn’t have required them to change out of their pajamas, but he wanted to do this. He wanted to take Jace to this game and to have him see kids playing instead of professionals, even if there’s not a chance in hell that he’ll understand what’s going on.
“I like that about you, you know?”
“You like that I’m obsessed with baseball?”
“I like that you have something you love so much.”
He squeezes her hand and turns on the blinker before switching lanes. “I love you far more than I love baseball.”
“That’s rom com level cheesy.”
“You know I have a track record for that.”
“It’s honestly a miracle we’re together because I am not a fan of cheesy.”
Killian scoffs and shakes his head. “You say that you’re not, love. You do this thing where you scrunch up your nose and scowl, but afterward, your lips tug up and compliment the pretty blush on your cheeks. You like it.”
He hits the breaks as the light in front of them turns red. Emma leans over and kisses him, lingering a few seconds more than a quick kiss would require. “I will never admit that.”
Eventually the light turns green, and he keeps driving them toward the fields. It’s a little further away than he was expecting, but then again, traffic was absolutely horrible getting out of Manhattan. He’s not supposed to be doing this. Technically, he’s supposed to be reviewing tape for the ALCS next week, but he knows the techniques of the Astros well enough to know what he’s got to do. Really, he should have an ice pack around his shoulder and should be in bed, but he wanted to do this.
He needed to do this.
The parking lot is full of cars, all of the fields already have games going on, and Killian quickly pulls in a spot near the back of the lot before he and Emma get out of the car.
“Would you rather get the kid or the bags, sweetheart?”
“Bags. He’s going to be mad if you wake him up.”
“Should I just undo the car seat then? Let him sleep?”
Emma hits the button for the trunk to open. “I would.”
Killian nods and quietly opens the door to get to Jace only to find him awake, his eyes sleepily opening until Killian is looking into a pair of blue eyes that look far too much like his own.
“Well, hello,” Killian sighs, reaching forward to undo Jace’s straps. “You woke up just in time, lad.”
“Dada,” he sleepily says. The kid’s got three words down, which Killian is pretty sure means he’s going to be a genius, but that particular word will never get old. “Dada, Dada, Dada.”
“Hi, Jace. Mom and I are going to have you watch some baseball with us. I know you can’t be tired of that, right? It’s not like you watch games all the time, is it? You’ve probably been inside Yankee Stadium more than a lot of the rookies.”
“So articulate.” Killian keeps undoing Jace’s straps until he’s free of them and can stretch his arms out, releasing a small yawn, and then curling himself into Killian when Killian picks him up.
“Did you wake him up?” Emma asks.
“He was awake. Do you want to trade since we don’t have the car seat?”
“Nah, this is fine. Lead the way, Captain. I assume you have some kind of game plan.”
“I kind of figured we’d wander around, check out a few different games.”
“We can’t just aimlessly wander at a park with a bunch of kids. That’s what creeps do. We’ll look like creeps.”
“We will not.”
She motions toward him. “You have on a baseball cap and sunglasses and dark clothing. You are going to look suspicious.”
Killian pushes Jace up on his hip. “The baby makes me look significantly less creepy. Plus, you. You help.”
Emma shakes her head and rolls her eyes before grabbing a small knit hat out of the bag and tugging it down over Jace’s head. “We can wander if you get me a hamburger and a hot chocolate from the concession stand.” “Deal.”
After he gets Emma her food, even if he does remind her they have brownies, they begin wandering around the fields. It’s colder than he thought it would be, the wind picking up and blowing around the bleachers, and Killian makes sure that Jace is covered at all times. He keeps squirming, wanting to get down and move, but considering he’s not walking yet, Killian isn’t going to put him down on the concrete. Later, they’ll put a blanket down and let him crawl there, but the kid has got to chill.
An eleven-month-old obviously listens when someone tells him that.
“My mom used to do that.”
“The woman sitting in the top corner of the bleachers.” Killian points toward a woman sitting down with a sign at her feet next to a cooler he’s sure is full of snacks. She’s wrapped up in a blanket, and she’s sitting away from all of the other parents. “My mom would always sit away from the other parents because they were always losing their shit over a bunch of seven-year-olds playing a game. She said between them and my dad, she just needed a place to breathe.”
Emma exhales next to him, a small white puff of air appearing, and if the sun doesn’t come out soon, they’re going to have to go home sooner than he anticipated. But then she’s leaning her head onto his shoulder and resting her hand on his knee, and everything in the world feels right for a moment.
“Did your mom practice with you? Or was she just your biggest fan from the bleachers?”
“If I asked, she would.” Killian grabs Emma’s and traces his finger over her rings. “She preferred to read with me or to play soccer or something. The only time we really talked about baseball was when I brought it up or when she and Brennan were arguing over how hard he was working me. Of course, that didn’t truly start until after she’s passed, so she missed the worst of it.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Tis okay, my love. It was a long time ago.”
“I know, but that doesn’t mean it sucks any less. One day Jace will be telling someone all the ways we screwed up, too.”
Killian scoffs and shakes his head before turning to kiss Emma’s temple, breathing her in. she smells of a warm vanilla, and he’ll never tire of it. “We’re definitely going to screw up, but we’re nothing like our parents, Swan. It’s not going to be the same.”
“No, no I guess not.”
“I know not.”
Emma laughs and presses their hands forward, releasing his to clap for Jace so he’ll start crawling back toward them. “I’m pretty sure Jace is about to eat grass, so we’re obviously doing a great job.”
“Darling, I think every kid eats grass at some point. Kids come from two people having sex, so it’s not like there’s really a test to see if you’re qualified.”
“Oh my God.” Emma shoves his shoulder and lets go of his hand until she’s leaning forward and grabbing onto Jace. “Your dad is ridiculous, kid. Do you know that? He’s absolutely ridiculous.”
“For saying how the reproduction system works because I – ”
“Excuse me.”
Killian quickly turns from Emma to look up at a young boy standing above him. He’s in a dirtied-up uniform, dirt marks on his knees and scuffing up his cleats, and his jersey is far too big for him. The timid smile on his face, however, seems far too small for him.
“Can I help you?” Killian asks as he tugs down his hat.
“Are you – are you Killian Jones?”
Killian smiles and moves his hat up. “Aye, I am. And may I ask, who are you?”
“It’s nice to meet you, Henry. Do you want me to sign your ball?”
The kid nods, basically thrusting the ball and the marker into Killian’s hand until Killian is signing the ball while asking Henry about his team and what position he plays. The boy gets a little more talkative, the nerves waning off, and Killian gets it. He does. He never likes to think too highly of himself or think that he’s some big deal, but he’s living the dream. He’s living the dream that ninety percent of the kids here are going to dream of for at least one moment in their lives, and it’s fucking awesome.
“Can I tell all of my friends that you’re here?” Henry blurts out.
“Oh, I, uh – ”
“I’m going to take Jace to go watch that game over there,” Emma tells him, nodding and smiling. “You go ahead.”
“Swan – ”
“They’re kids,” Emma whispers. “It’s your favorite. I don’t mind. Go make their day. Henry, you can tell your friends.”
His smile finally matches the size of his face. “Awesome. I’ll be right back.”
Henry sprints away to a group of kids in the same uniform as him, and Killian quickly turns to Emma as she stands and picks Jace up. “Swan, we can leave right now. We don’t have to stick around.”
“Twenty-nine, you came to a ballpark in New York full of kids who are obsessed with baseball. You were obviously going to get recognized despite you’re not so sly disguise. The only people you don’t mind signing autographs for and taking pictures with are kids. Jace and I will go hide out somewhere else, and it’ll be like we’re not here so there aren’t a million and two pictures of him online.”
Killian nods and rises to his feet as well, leaning forward to glide his lips over his. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
Jace takes the opportunity to make some kind of unnatural noise then, dimples popping up in his cheeks, and Killian’s heart decides to do some kind of unnatural beat to match his son’s noise.
God, he might be the luckiest man on the planet.
“And Jace either loves your or hates you. I can’t tell.”
“It’s love,” Killian assures her while tugging down Jace’s beanie. “It’s definitely love.”
“Whatever you say, Jones. I think your fan club is on its way over.”
“Wish me luck.”
Emma salutes him and then walks away as Killian hears Jace start screaming out the word “ball.”
He wouldn’t be the son of a baseball player if one of the three words he knows wasn’t ball.
“Yep, ‘ball,’” Emma tells him. “Your daddy plays baseball, and he does it really, really well.”
Killian signs autographs and takes pictures for thirty minutes. It could be longer than that, but he starts losing track of time as more games end and kids keep coming over. Some of them have absolutely no interest in him, actually probably despise him and everyone on the Yankees, but that’s fine. He gets it. Sports are intense, and as long as no one is making any actual threats toward him or his loved ones, Killian is here for a little antagonistic taunting.
(Actual threats happen more often than he’s comfortable with, and while he and Emma have always been private, they are much more so with Jace and the information they share about him. People are bloody insane, and Killian isn’t going to ignore the possibility of harm.)
Eventually, though, once his hand starts to cramp and his cheeks hurt, Killian finishes signing balls and jerseys and taking pictures and politely excuses himself, telling everyone that he’s got a game to prepare for. It’s true, but not entirely. Mostly he wants to get back to his family, get in the car, and go home.
He wanted to be here today, wanted to watch all of these kids have such joy for the game that has defined his life, and he wanted to feel it somewhere outside of the mound.
His shoulder has started hurting again, is an absolute pain in the ass, and Killian has done everything to make it better. It’s not every day and not every game, but it is happening far more often than he’d like it to. It’s happening when he wants to pick up his son after a game and when he’s got his shoulder wrapped around his wife.
It’s happening.
He doesn’t want it to.
And somewhere in the back of his mind, Killian knows that this season won’t be the end. Next season, however, if he can’t pick Jace up without much pain, he might have to hand in his glove. He’s got All-Star games and three fucking World Series Championships, which is more than he could have ever dreamed about. He’s got friends and family and…Emma.
He’s got the love of his life who he shouldn’t even be with.
He’s got the love of his life who he can’t tell these thoughts to, not yet. They’re not supposed to keep secrets from each other, but he’s going to for now, until he knows for sure.
Asking her out all that time ago was complicated, but it worked out for them.
She should have slapped him, refused to talk to him again, and then filed some kind of order against him when he asked her out on television. That was still an asshole, misogynistic move, and every time Killian sees something similar happen, he hates himself for doing that and for possibly encouraging other men to do it. He didn’t…well, he didn’t mean to cause any harm, but he still did, didn’t he?
Emma’s forgiven him, though, and at the end of the day, even with all of the awareness he tries to bring to the problem that keeps persisting with men not taking female reporters seriously, Emma forgiving him is what matters for his personal life.
Emma forgiving him and sticking by his side while he does obnoxious things like drag her out in the cold to go to the little league fields.
“Hey,” Killian whispers when he walks up to the two of them, “you guys ready to go?”
“I think my fingers are icicles.”
“So that’s a yes?”
“That’s definitely a yes.”
They’re able to get out of the park fairly easily, moving away from the crowds and getting into their car, and before Killian knows it, Jace is asleep in his car seat while Emma has her hand in his once more.
Like clockwork.
“Are we going to be those parents who drag their kids out to little league games when it’s not even little league season?”
“Technically we already are.”
Emma laughs and taps her thumb against his hand. “You know what I mean.”
“Aye, I do. And I imagine that if Jace or any other kids want to play baseball during the fall, we’ll be out there, coolers full of snacks and signs tucked under our arms.”
“You’d definitely have to be the coach.”
“Would I?”
“Twenty-nine. C’mon. You would be the first one signing up for it.”
He would. He knows it. If Jace wants to play, Killian would be beyond thrilled to be the coach.
“Sweetheart, if Jace plays baseball, I’ll be the coach. If Jace plays tennis, I’ll be the coach. If Jace is on the debate team, I’ll quiz him. If he is into art, I’ll be at every art show and every class. If he’s into something else entirely different, I’ll be there. I’m always going to be there.”
Emma’s hand squeezes his before he brings her knuckles to his lips once more.
“Killian, are you okay?”
“I’m perfect.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” he says. It’s a lie and the truth all at once, but for right now, just like this, he’s going to lean more toward the truth of things. Today’s not the day to be figuring everything else out. “I am.”
@bluewildcatfanatic @killianswannn @dorisquinn​ @onepunintendid​ @authorarsinoe​ @stunningswan​ @eala-captian @galaxyzxstark @xellewoods @mariakov81 @ultraluckycatnd @royalswan @shey-starsfury​ @superchocovian​ @sals86 @iam2307 @ashley-knightingale @karenfrommisthaven @scientificapricot @captswanis4vr @ultimiflos @jamif @idristardis @nikkiemms @resident-of-storybrooke @tiganasummertree @bmbbcs4evr @onceuponaprincessworld @jennjenn615 @mayquita @captainsjedi @teamhook @notoriouscs @kmomof4 @ekr032-blog-blog​ @cs-forlife @andiirivera @jonirobinson64 @qualitycoffeethings​ @carpedzem​ @tornadoamy​ ​
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ohemgeeitscoley · 4 years
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The one I have been waiting for (Part Two of Two)
Ben Solo is the recently assigned editor for Rey Johnson’s book about star-crossed lovers in space when the world is turned upside down and stay home orders are issued. Ben and Rey begin working together over Zoom and their relationship grows.
Or, an and they were zoomates fic.
Based on this Tumblr post.
Fandom: Star Wars
Pairing: Rey/Ben Solo (Reylo)
Chapter One
Note: And here’s the rest! I hope you guys enjoy this. I had a ton of fun writing it and playing with these characters and this situation.
@andyouweremine​ is 100% to blame for the last Zoom scene, which was not a part of the plan and she talked me into it after I told her the story was done. You know. Like the best kind of friend.
Read below or on AO3.
Rey Johnson: Hi Ben, I was wondering if you are busy?
Rey Johnson: This has nothing to do with the book or my writing. I've actually written a ton. Talking to you really helped yesterday.
Rey Johnson: I was going to try to come up with some excuse to start talking to you. But honestly I'm just lonely. All of my friends have someone else that they are quarantined with so I feel like I might be bothering them at this point. And I really hate to be that person, but I just was hoping we could talk about something?
Rey Johnson: oh god okay you haven't said anything and I'm really sorry if this was inappropriate please let's pretend this conversation never happened.
Ben: I'd love to just talk.
Ben: You waited less than a minute before trying to revoke that offer, by the way.
Ben: I think it takes my brain longer than that to even think of a response let alone type one.
Rey Johnson: You seem to be doing just fine now 😜
Rey Johnson: And thank you. I didn't realize how much I needed human contact before all of this.
Ben: I understand. 
Rey Johnson: So, I'm ordering groceries to be delivered and they have a limit on cup of noodles now? And does it make me a bad person if I order the maximum quantity at different stores?
Rey Johnson: That sounds bad. I'm not a bad person I swear. I just, I really never learned to cook growing up and it hasn't been a priority in my adult life.
Rey Johnson: Don't hate me. I swear I'm not the kind of person who would buy more than I need in a pandemic.
Ben: I don't think that makes you a bad person. I am, however, very concerned that ramen is the primary component to your daily nutrition. 
Rey Johnson: I'm not a total animal. I mix in veggies and occasionally I'll even add in real meat. 
Ben: I could send you recipes? Easy ones. My mom is demanding my family attend these weekly virtual dinner parties. 
Ben: And one of her requirements is that we all make the same meal. So, she's been bombarding my uncles and me with easy recipes. 
Ben: Plus this way if you need help, I can help you. 
Rey Johnson: I would love that. Send them over. 
Rey Johnson: Thanks Ben. 
Ben hadn’t expected Rey’s accent. If he was being entirely honest with himself, Ben hadn’t expected Rey to be anything like she was.
Her laugh was light and had to be earned, which he appreciated. Her hazel eyes seemed to brighten when she was arguing with him about Kira and Kylo’s connection and, especially, when she bit down on her lip to stop herself from interrupting him. He wondered how much of her personality was lost to a screen and what it would be like to see her in person.
She was beautiful.
Not that he should necessarily be having these kinds of thoughts about her.  He had read through the entire HR policy handbook the night after their first video call and it wasn’t explicitly forbidden for writers and editors to see each other. The policy just required full disclosure at the start of a relationship.
He also recognized that two video calls and a few messages was hardly enough to warrant such research. There was a more than very real chance that Rey would want absolutely nothing to do with him socially. She wouldn’t be the first.
He glanced down at his phone, and the messages from Rey, and smiled. 
But he hoped that maybe she would.
Ben went to his computer, pulling up his work email and searching for the messages between Leia, Luke and Chewie. He was only able to find the first thread, which only had one recipe that was decidedly not an easy one to follow. What had followed Leia’s first message was around thirty replies between the three of them about how Leia couldn’t expect either Luke or Chewie to know how to cook beef wellington on a few days’ notice.
To be fair, Ben was a fairly decent cook, and he wasn’t entirely sure he could pull off beef wellington.
He had been so sure though that his mom had said she was going to send other recipes for them to choose from. He can almost clearly see something about how she’d send over a recipe for mac and cheese if they’d just calm down about it.
But looking through his email now, he can’t actually find any of those recipes.
Ben: Hey mom. I was planning on making my grocery delivery order soon and I can’t find any of the recipes you sent over? 
Mom: Your uncles haven’t picked a final recipe yet. I believe they are currently still lobbying that we all just buy the same Hamburger Helper meal kit and call it a day. I have sent dozens of recipes to choose from and this is what they are stuck on.
Mom: I think even Luke can manage to make tacos.
Ben: What recipes? I can only find the beef wellington recipe.
Ben: Which, really?
Mom: What else are they doing while staying at home? They both have plenty of time to learn to cook one recipe.
Ben: Luke works from home outside of the stay home order. So, I would imagine he has just as much time as before.
Mom: Are you really defending your uncle to me right now Benjamin?
Ben: So, where are those other recipes? I can’t find them.
Mom: I removed you from the email chain. I know you get sick of hearing us all bicker. I figured I’d just send you the final recipe once we get a consensus. 
Ben: Oh. Could you send them to me anyways?
Mom: They are basic recipes Ben. For things like tacos and spaghetti. You could write better recipes than what I am sending out.
Ben: Still. I should have them.
Mom: Why?
Ben: Why can’t you just send them to me?
Mom: If you are looking for easy recipes Ben, you know how to perform an internet search. I’ve seen you do it.
Ben: You are being impossible.
Mom: I’ll send them. 
Ben: Thank you.
Mom: If you tell me why you want them.
Ben: This is ridiculous. I’ll just “perform an internet search.” Thanks Mom.
Mom: Oh come on Ben. Something is up. You wouldn’t be acting so weird if there wasn’t a reason you want these recipes.
Ben: Fine.
Ben: I’ve been talking to Rey Johnson.
Mom: Oh really? How is her book coming along?
Ben: Great. Really great actually.
Mom: Does she need recipe ideas for her book?
Ben: What? No. 
Ben: We’ve been talking about non work related things and she mentioned not knowing how to cook.
Ben: So, I figured I’d send over some of the easier recipes I assumed you’d been sending Luke and Chewie.
Mom: You’ve been talking about non work related things?
Ben: Yes. Is that okay?
Mom: That’s more than okay.
Mom:  I could just send the recipes directly to her if you’d like.
Ben: I can send them to her.
Mom: It’s just as easy for me to do it Ben.
Ben: Mom.
Mom: Should I reach out to Amilyn for HR purposes?
Ben: You are impossible.
Ben: Dad. Can you please have mom forward me the recipes she’s been sending to Luke and Chewie. 
Ben: Without asking any questions.
Ben: I really would appreciate it.
Dad: Sure thing, kid.
“Hey, what’s up?” Ben asked as he answered the incoming video call on his cell phone from Rey.
He took in his messy hair, and the plain black t-shirt he was wearing, and realized that maybe he shouldn’t have been so quick to answer. 
She looked amazing.
Her hair was up in three separate buns. The tank top that she was wearing was thin and he could see the outline of her black bra underneath the thin fabric. 
The image on his phone quickly shifted as she changed the camera view so that he was staring at a box of groceries on her doorstep.
“Ben. What is all of this?” Rey asked and he isn’t sure if she is amused or annoyed and he really wished that he could see her. 
“The ingredients to the recipes I’m about to send you.” Ben responded with a small shrug. “I wasn’t able to get them to you before you placed your grocery order. And I really couldn’t stomach you only eating ramen for the next week.”
“Ben,” Rey sighed, and suddenly she was back on his screen shaking her head. “You could have just sent the recipes and I could have made another order.”
“Sure,” Ben grinned. “Or I could have done just what I did.”
“At least let me pay you back.”
“No need,” Ben waved his hand in front of the screen. “Honestly, Rey.”
“I don’t even know what to do with half of these,” Rey admitted, holding up a bell pepper. “Am I going to blind myself if I accidently rub my eyes while cutting one of these?”
Ben laughed, running his hand through his hair while he shook his head. “Maybe let’s just start by putting everything away and deciding what we are making tonight.”
“We?” Rey asked, a small smile spreading on her face.
“If you want?” Ben offered, tapping a finger against his counter. “I figured we could make dinner together. I’m pretty sure I can walk you through all of these recipes.”
“Yeah. That sounds nice.”
Ben: Is it okay if I text you about book things? Or would you prefer an email or a scheduled video call?
Rey Johnson: A scheduled video call? Ben. We literally stopped talking an hour ago.
Ben: I just want to make sure you are okay with it.
Rey Johnson: It’s fine. 
Rey Johnson: What’s up?
Ben: I read through what you sent this morning. And I wanted to point out that I noticed.
Rey Johnson: Noticed what?
Ben: That you haven’t finished the scene about whether or not Kira takes Kylo’s hand and are writing ambiguous future scenes that could work either way.
Rey Johnson: No idea what you are talking about. 😇
Ben: Sure you don’t.
Rey Johnson: New number. Who is this?
Rey stretched her legs down toward the end of her bed, switching the arm that is holding her phone up so she can stretch her arm out as well. She rolled to her side, setting her phone down on her nightstand, leaned up against the lamp.
“We already watched three episodes of Witcher today Ben,” Rey pointed out, stifling a yawn. “It’s my turn for show choices.”
“You don’t look like you’re going to be up much longer,” Ben pointed out.
“I’m fine,” Rey mumbled, fighting against the heaviness of her eyes. “You’re just saying that so you can get out of watching the next episode of Legacies.”
It had been the same conversation between the two of them, more or less, for the last few weeks. Rey mostly wrote in the mornings and she and Ben had a few early afternoon meetings a week on what she was working on and the progress she had made.
They argue about whether or not Kira is going to take Kylo's hand.
Outside of those meetings though, most of their conversations never returned to work. Which was something since they spent most of their days talking to one another.
In the evenings they made dinner together and talked about what they were going to do once the world finally opened back up. Ben was keeping a list of their ideas. Rey liked imagining that they would go through the list together. 
Neither of them ever brought it up, but Rey hoped that Ben imagined it too.
Ben caved on the binge watching two weeks after the stay home order was in place. Initially Rey had joked that he should try Tiger King or Too Hot to Handle. They downloaded the programs to sync their computers and watched the first episode of Too Hot to Handle together. Watching Ben’s face through the first ten minutes was worth all of her own feelings of embarrassment.
Ben’s ears did turn pink when he blushed. Something that Rey really wanted to see in person.
She was thankful for Ben. Without him she knew that her quarantine quality of life would have been severely diminished, but she wanted to actually see him.
“Hey Ben,” Rey started, squirming around in her bed until she was under her blanket. “When the stay home order finally gets lifted, I would… I really want to see you.”
“Of course,” Ben answered, and Rey grinned at how quickly he responded. “We have a list of things we are going to do.”
“Together.” Rey confirmed, closing her eyes. “A list of things to go do together.”
Ben telling her good night is the last thing Rey hears before falling asleep.
Dad: Your mom wants you to invite Rey to virtual dinner on Saturday.
Dad: I get the idea that she isn’t going to take no as an answer. 
Ben: Can you distract her long enough for me to change my phone number?
Dad: Just invite her, Ben. 
Ben: Okay. Fine.
Mom: I’d love for you to invite Rey to dinner on Saturday. Your uncles would like to meet her. 
Ben: Why would they want to meet her Mom? I haven’t talked about her with them.
Mom: I’ve talked to them.
Ben: Mom.
Mom: Your uncles decided on lasagna. I’ll send you the recipe.
Ben: I’ll ask her, but I’m not sure that she’ll want to attend.
Mom: I’m sure you can convince her. 😉
Ben: I’m never talking to you again.
"You got big plans this weekend?" Rey asked, teasing him. "Should I be jealous you have other people to hang out with. I thought you loved watching Legacies with me."
"I love spending time with you," Ben corrected, a slight blush coating his cheeks. "I could give or take Legacies." 
Rey laughed, her face wrinkling and her mouth open wide.
Ben smiled in return without thought. It was strange to him, how easy it was to smile when he talked with her.
"Actually," Ben started, reaching a hand up to scratch at his neck. "My mom invited you to Saturday dinner."
"Oh," Rey said, looking away from the screen. "Really?"
"Yes," Ben confirmed. "I would say no pressure, but my mom doesn't really take no for an answer."
Rey gave him a small, tight smile. "I would be honored to attend."
Ben sighed in relief. "We are making lasagna. I'll send you the recipe."
"I can't wait," Rey said. "Hopefully I won't do anything to embarrass you."
"Nothing," Ben promised, "Nothing you could do would be embarrassing."
"My family," he continued, shaking his head. "I apologize now. I would understand if you never talked to me again."
"Never," Rey responded immediately. "You're the only thing keeping me sane."
“I feel the same way.”
“You do?" Rey asked, her eyes slightly widening. “Here I was thinking you are just being nice.”
“I’m not nice,” Ben offered, shrugging his shoulders. “You can ask just about anyone that knows me. It’s not what I am known for.”
“I find that hard to believe. You’ve been nothing but nice to me.”
Ben doesn’t know what to say in response, glancing away from his phone. “So I’ll call you at two on Saturday? The dinner starts at six.”
“It’s a date,” Rey blushed, but smiled at him. “I can’t wait.”
New Group Chat Created
Ben: I talked with Rey and she will be there this Saturday.
Ben: Please, please, please, do not do or say anything that would embarrass me.
Ben: This means no baby pictures, mom.
Chewie: I’m hurt that you would think so little of me.
Uncle Luke: Honestly Ben. How little do you think of us?
Ben: Do you really want me to answer that?
Dad: No. 
Mom: But Benjamin, you were such a cute baby with those ears and your hair. 
Ben: Mom.
Dad: Leia.
Dad: Let the kid be.
Uncle Luke: There is that cute picture of him naked and playing in the sprinkler that I always thought was going to be a future hit.
Ben: I’m univitating her.
Rey threw another shirt onto the growing pile on her bed. She huffed, closing her eyes as she tried to imagine the perfect outfit to wear when attending a video dinner with her crushes entire family.
Her crush.
God, she felt like she was fifteen. 
Crush wasn’t even the right word to describe what she felt toward Ben. She wasn’t sure what the right word would be. 
She wished she knew where they stood. Logically, she knew that it was a conversation that they should have, one that was needed at this point. But she didn’t want to ruin whatever they had by trying to figure out what was going on with them.
He was there for her. Every day. Without fail. He called her. He texted her. He sent her stupid quarantine memes and videos to make her laugh.
He kept a list of post quarantine activities for them.
She was almost positive that he was on the same page as her. That they were heading toward… something.
She hoped there were at least.
She pulled up Poe’s contact information, hitting the video call button.
“Hey Rey,” Poe responded, a bright grin on his face. “Also, wow, you are naked.”
“I’m not naked,” Rey rolled her eyes. “I’m in my bra.”
“Practically naked,” Poe amended. “What’s going on?”
“Don’t laugh,” Rey began, “But Ben? My editor? I’m going to be attending a… virtual dinner with his parents and uncles.”
“Ben, your editor?” Poe mocked, laughing. “Rey, you can just say your boyfriend.”
“He’s not my boyfriend.”
“You guys make dinner and are binge watching two different shows,” Poe pointed out. “You are in a relationship.”
“We aren’t… we haven’t, we haven’t talked about anything like that.”
“Okay,” Poe conceded, holding his hands up in mock defeat. “I’ll leave it for now. What’s the problem?”
“I have no idea what to wear,” Rey admitted, switching the camera mode to show him the pile of clothes tossed on her bed. 
“Oh, wow.” Poe shook his head. “Babe. You just need to stop overthinking this.”
“I just want to make a good impression.” Rey bit down on her bottom lip. “I want to look nice, but not too nice for a virtual dinner.”
“I truly think sweatpants and a t-shirt would be appropriate for a virtual dinner.”
“You once told me that sweatpants were the first sign of a girl giving in to being alone forever.”
“Yeah, well, that was before quarantine.”
“Poe,” Rey exaggerated his name, holding onto the vowels for seconds. “Please just help me.”
“Jeans. And what about that yellow top you wore last time you went out with me and Finn?”
Rey nodded, walking over to her closet to pull out the yellow, flowy tank top she wore that night. “This one?”
“That one,” Poe confirmed. “It’s perfect. I think it captures your personality.”
“That’s ridiculous, but okay. Thank you.”
“I expect to be your maid of honor in your future wedding for this.”
“Poe!” Rey shook her head in amusement. 
“Love you! Bye!”
“Hi,” Ben said. “You changed.”
“So did you,” Rey noted, nodding at the screen.
Ben looked down at the button down shirt he had changed into. “You look nice.”
Rey smiled shyly. “Thank you.”
“My family can be,” Ben paused, trying to think of the right words. “A bit much.”
“Ben,” Rey shook her head. “It’s going to be fine.”
“Just promise me if my mom actually starts trying to show you baby pictures of me that you’ll look away.”
“I can make no such promise,” Rey laughed. “I’m sure you were a cute baby though.”
“I really wasn’t,” Ben sighed. “I am still waiting to grow into my ears.”
“I like your ears.”
Ben glanced down, happy that his hair was currently covering his ears. “I was just thinking that if you wanted a code word, you know, to end the call, now is the time to come up with one.”
“Ben,” Rey laughed his name. “It’s going to be fine. I’m going to love everyone. I’m more worried that they are going to hate me.”
“That’s just… that’s not possible.”
Rey rolled her eyes. “I think you might be a little biased at this point.”
“Maybe,” Ben admitted. “But I also know my family. Trust me. It isn’t possible.”
Ben watched as Rey started laughing again, her smile wide and open as she tilted her head back. He could hear Luke and Han chuckling in the background, but he had pinned Rey’s frame as soon as they had merged into the dinner video call.
He had been right, of course, his family loved Rey. It probably should scare Ben at how easily Rey fit in with them. Easily picking up on their different personalities and slightly shifting and overplaying aspects of her personality to win them over.
He wished that she believed that she didn't need to change anything for them to love her. But it made him happy watching her try so hard to impress them. A part of him was still in denial and was convinced that Rey was putting in that kind of effort for reasons that didn't involve him at all.
But a bigger part of him knew that Rey wanted to fit in with them because she wanted to be with him. They hadn't talked about it, but Ben hoped that she knew that he wanted to be with her. 
He needed the stay home order lifted so that he could take her to one of the many locations on their post-quarantine adventure list. Once he was allowed to leave his apartment for non-emergent reasons nothing was going to keep him away from her.
He had already found himself halfway out the door ready to go over to her apartment numerous times over the last few weeks. If the order wasn't lifted soon, he wasn't sure how much longer he could wait.
He wanted to actually hold her while they watched Legacies. He wanted to be able to reach out and take her hand and show her the correct way to cut bell peppers. 
He wanted to discover and know all of the little things that she did that were lost over a computer screen.
"Ben?" Leia asked, snapping her fingers in front of the screen. "Maybe you can stop thinking about Rey long enough to join the conversation again?"
"What?" Ben sputtered, hoping that his face wasn't as red as it felt. But judging from the way his mom was laughing and Chewie was grinning at him, he was positive that it was. "Did you say something? I had a… work email that distracted me."
“A work email?” Leia asked, fake innocence dripping from her voice, “Is it important? Should I hop on and read it as well?”
“I was just saying,” Han started, placing his hand on Leia’s shoulder. “That this has been nice and that we hope Rey can make it to one of our weekly dinners once we are allowed to meet in person again.”
“Maybe even two,” Chewie added.
“Or three,” Luke finished.
“The lasagna was great, Leia,” Rey said, pulling Ben’s attention back to the screen. “And honestly so easy to make. I think I could have pulled this one off without Ben’s help.”
“Oh really?” Ben asked, raising his eyebrows. “Those are brave words coming from the girl who once asked if she was going to go blind while cutting bell peppers.”
Rey stuck her tongue out at him. “That was weeks ago. How many meals have we made since then? I’m practically a chef at this point. Maybe I’ll quit writing and open up a restaurant once quarantine ends.”
Ben snorted. “Literally anything to avoid writing a certain scene.”
“That’s not--”
“How is the book coming?” Leia interrupted, an amused grin on her face.
Actually, Ben noted, every single one of his family members had an amused smile on their face.
“Really well,’ Rey responded. “Ben has been a great editor. Even if we disagree on a pivotal scene.”
“She just doesn’t like to admit that I am right.”
“I have no problem admitting that you are right, when you are actually right,” Rey teased, taking a sip from her wine glass. “You still haven’t convinced me.”
"Maybe we should go over the list of reasons that I've given you already again tonight," Ben suggested. "I know you had your heart set on finishing up Legacies tonight, but this might be more important."
"Nothing is more important than finishing Legacies," Rey argued. "Besides you promised we would finish Legacies since we finished Witcher first. You going back on your promises now Ben?"
"Oh, Ben never breaks his promises," Leia said, and Ben glanced down at the bottom of his screen. He had forgotten for a minute that he was blatantly flirting with Rey in front of his parents and uncles. The knowing look on Leia and Han's face was insufferable, and somehow worse than the amused expressions on Luke and Chewie's face.
Ben really wasn't looking forward to reading whatever messages were waiting for him in the group chat he created between all of them. He had pushed his phone as far away from him as possible when Luke and Chewie wouldn't stop going on about how nice it was to finally meet Ben's girlfriend and how pretty she really was. 
At this point, Ben might only ever willingly talk to his dad ever again. He at least tried to get everyone to leave him alone.
He had never regretted creating a group more. 
"Where are you at in Legacies?" Luke asked. "I haven't started it yet, but if I have to stay home much longer, I might start. A lot of my students have been talking about it."
Ben smiled as he watched the animated way Rey responded to his uncle while they discussed the show. 
He wanted to see her. Stay home order be damned, he was going to see her.
Chewie: Rey is absolutely wonderful Ben. 
Uncle Luke: You should ask her out soon, a girl like that won't be single for long.
Dad: Luke.
Uncle Luke: What? 🤷🏼‍♂️ Someone needs to be honest with him. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Ben look that awestruck at a person before.
Dad: Did Leia ask you to take over harping at him so Ben would stop ignoring her calls?
Uncle Luke: I’m certain I have no idea what you are talking about.
Mom: I would never do anything like that. 
Dad: Leia.
Mom: But I would appreciate it if my son would pick up the phone every now and then. 
Ben: I’m blocking everyone but Dad.
Ben: I have a crazy idea. And you can absolutely, definitely say no if it makes you uncomfortable in any way.
Ben: Also, I am now realizing how sexual that sounded and I am regretting this already.
Ben: I should have thought my words through more there.
Ben: We can just ignore this entirely.
Rey Johnson: Ben. Stop.
Rey Johnson: Maybe I wouldn’t turn down a crazy sexual idea.
Rey Johnson: You’ll have no idea if you keep shooting yourself down before I can even respond.
Ben: Okay.
Rey Johnson: So, what’s this crazy idea? And just how sexual is it?
Ben: It’s not.
Ben: Sexual.
Ben: It might be crazy.
Ben: I really wish I could take back this conversation.
Rey Johnson: I really wish we could be having this conversation face to face.
Ben: … that’s my idea.
Ben: I haven’t left my house in well over fourteen days. I don’t think you have either? 
Ben: And I have a car. So if I wear a mask, and go straight to my car, and straight to your apartment. I mean. The risk is low, right?
Ben: I could also bring clothes, and I could just take a shower when I get there, to lower the risk even more?
Rey Johnson: I thought you said this wasn’t sexual?
Ben: I didn’t mean it like that. 
Ben: I meant a very perfunctory decontamination shower.
Rey Johnson: I’m teasing you Ben. 
Rey Johnson: Come over. 
Rey Johnson: We’ll talk about the perfunctoriness of your future shower in person.
Rey Johnson: [address sent]
Kneeling down on the floor, Rey placed another book on her bookshelf, adjusting the snow globe on the edge of the shelf again. She had been keeping herself busy with cleaning since she had sent Ben her address, just waiting for him to arrive. The fact that Ben had proposed it as an idea made her heart swell. She had almost asked him a dozen times over the last few weeks, but each time she managed to talk herself out of it at the last minute.
She was nervous. Rey blamed the wine for how bold she had been in the messages she had sent to him. Now that she was waiting though, with nothing but her own thoughts, Rey was worried that it was too much, too soon. While Rey was fairly confident that Ben asking to come over was a good sign, a sign that she wasn't alone in her attraction, it was hard for her to focus on that and not on the constant intruding thoughts that she was going to be left alone again. 
Ben had been the best part of her days and nights for weeks, and she was scared that he might be disappointed when he saw her. Or that he might decide that her appeal wasn't the same in person. Rey didn't want to lose him.
Not for the first time since the stay home order had been in place, Rey wished she could schedule a therapy appointment with her counselor. A childhood of being left behind and unwanted had left many scars and shadows in her brain. 
Ben had been nothing but kind to her. He flirted with her, he laughed with her, he spent hours on video calls with her walking her through how to make meals that Rey was pretty convinced idiots could handle making without any help. He was patient and good. 
A part of her knew that meeting him in person wasn't going to change anything for the worse, she just needed to remind herself that she deserved good things and good people.
And Ben Solo was a good person. Even if he argued with her over that fact with stories and worries about who he was at his last job, some awful publishing company that took advantage of writers with shady contracts.  
Mistakes didn't define a person's entire character though. And Rey knew all the work he had done to try to make the situation right. He was the reason for the multimillion dollar lawsuit against the company and he was still meeting with lawyers remotely to help bolster the plaintiffs' cases.
A knock on the door pulled her attention from her thoughts. Standing up, Rey brushed her hands down the colorful leggings and pulled down on the large, baggy black tank top she had changed into after dinner. Briefly, Rey considered running back into her bedroom and finding something more appealing to throw on, but then Ben knocked on the door again and Rey remembered that this is the same guy who told her she looked beautiful after she fell asleep during a call and woke up with drool dried to the side of her mouth.
"Hi," Rey greeted him, as she pulled open her front door. 
He was tall and broad, which Rey already knew, but seeing him in person put it in a different perspective. Rey fought against her first instinct to step into the hallway to hug him, her fingers tightening on the door knob still in her hand. 
"Hi," Ben responded and his voice was so much deeper in person. Rey couldn't see his smile because of the black mask that covered half of his face, but she knew that he was smiling with the way his eyes crinkled in the corners. "Can I come in?"
Without a word Rey stepped back to let him in. "You're really here," she said after Ben shut the door. She couldn't stop smiling at him. He held up the duffel bag in his hand as a question.  
Rey laughed, taking the bag from him and setting it down behind the couch. "I thought you were kidding about the decontamination shower."
"The perfunctory decontamination shower," Ben corrected, reaching up to take off his mask. He was smiling as he sat the mask down on the table.  
And oh, Rey had thought he was gorgeous on her computer screen, but seeing him smile in person, nothing was going to beat that. Her computer screen would never be enough again.
"I figured I'd bring clothes just in case," Ben continued, removing his leather gloves. "Whatever it takes for you to be comfortable with me being here. If you want to me to shower, I can do that. Change my clothes? I can definitely do that. If you've got a bottle of Lysol and you'd like to spray me--"
"Ben," Rey interrupted, taking a step closer to him.  "I think I'd really like it if you'd just kiss me already."
Ben stopped talking and looked at her. Rey shifted her weight under his stare, waiting for him to say or do anything. The longer he was silent the more embarrassed she grew. 
She was about to apologize when Ben finally moved toward her and kissed her. The kiss was chaste and slow at first, Ben still closing the distance between their bodies. He placed his hands on her waist, which were warm and large as they slid down her sides.
Rey opened her mouth, deepening the kiss as she pressed herself up to wrap her arms around his neck. She ran her hands through his dark, wavy hair, enjoying the softness of the strands as they fell through her fingers. Ben hummed his appreciation against her lips.
Ben pulled away first, breathing heavily as he rested his forehead against hers. "Hi," he breathed, a wide smile on his face.
"Hi," Rey grinned back at him. "I'm really glad you came."
"Me too," Ben agreed, placing a kiss on her nose and then her forehead before he stood up straight and pulled her into his chest. "I can't believe you're really here."
"Me either," Rey said, taking a deep breath in an attempt to commit the smell of Ben to her memory. Placing a kiss against his chest, Rey lowered her arms from Ben's neck and wrapped them around his waist. "You smell nice. No shower needed."
"I'm glad," Ben laughed, his chest rumbling under her ear. Rey loved the way it sounded. "I guess I didn't need the extra set of clothes."
Ben moved his hands off of Rey to pull off his glove. He tossed it on to the table, before running his hands down her back.
"I suppose that depends on what the plan is." Rey said, her voice light and airy. "I could think of a few options where having extra clothes might be beneficial."
"Oh?" Ben questioned. "Want to share these plans?"
"Well, obviously we have some episodes of Legacies to watch."
"Obviously," Ben snorted, shaking his head. "I do have this theory that I'll enjoy the show much more when I'm holding you and can pay more attention to you than the show."
Rey blushed. "Maybe if you paid more attention to the show instead of thinking up these theories you'd be enjoying it more."
"I don't know. I quite enjoy thinking up those theories," Ben pressed a kiss into her hair. "And after Legacies?"
"Dessert. Maybe a game."
"And then?"
"And then in the morning," Rey said, pulling back from Ben slightly until she could glance up at him, tapping her fingers against his spine to try to dispel some of the nerves building up in her stomach. "In the morning, I was thinking maybe you could teach me how to make waffles."
"Waffles? What about pancakes?" Ben teased, brushing a piece of hair behind Rey's ear.
"Sure," Rey shrugged. "Or pancakes. If you stay, I won't be picky. I just, I want you to stay."
"I'll stay."
“Ben,” Rey giggled as Ben moved his lips down her neck. “Ben. It’s 6:00.”
“I know.”
“It’s time for dinner with your family.”
“I know,” Ben repeated, placing a kiss on her shoulder. 
“You are distracting me,” Rey complained. “Nothing is ready.”
“The food is ready,” Ben mummered, pointing at the enchiladas that were cooling on her counter. “I’m dressed. You’re dressed. What more needs to be done?”
Rey spun around, pressing her back against the counter. “Ben. It’s 6:00. And you’re still here.”
Ben’s eyes widened slightly as he realized the problem. “I have my laptop. We can just set me up in a different room.”
“You don’t think they are going to notice that the apartment you are in isn’t your apartment?”
Ben was silent, thinking through their problem. “I’ll use one of those zoom backgrounds.”
“You hate them.”
“Yes.” Ben nodded. “Yes, I do.”
“We can just tell them.”
“We could,” Ben conceded. “But then the entire dinner is going to be us listening to my family ask extremely embarrassing and personal questions and I just… I don’t--”
 Rey interrupted him with a kiss, smiling against his lips when she pulled away. 
“Go get set up in my room. I’ll bring the food in,” Rey walked over to the deep fryer, blowing on a still-too-hot tortilla chip before popping it in her mouth. 
Ben had insisted on making homemade tortilla chips. Which really didn’t surprise her.
“We could also skip dinner,” Ben offered, following behind her. He lowered his head down to place a kiss just below her ear, before whispering, “We could have sex instead.”
“Ben,” Rey whined, setting her hands on top of his. 
“Really, really good sex.”
“Go pick a background babe,” Rey said, shaking her head in amusement. She opened the cabinet above her, pulling down two plates. “We’re all ready.”
“Fine,” Ben grumbled. Rey turned her head to give him one last kiss before he walked away to her room.
Dinner was going fine. Better than fine really. Luke and Chewie had spent the first half an hour making fun of Ben’s background, an image of the city at night. Ben had taken the teasing with a smile, saying that he had wanted to try something new. 
The enchiladas were great and the tortilla chips Ben had made were amazing. The wine Ben had picked out for the dinner went well. Han and Rey were talking about cars and Rey was enjoying watching Ben pretend to be annoyed at the focus of the conversation being on Han’s other child. 
No one seemed to be aware that Rey and Ben were in the same apartment, and Rey felt a rush of satisfaction come over her for getting away with it.
Then Rey dropped her wine glass, spilling the liquid down the front of her shirt. The glass broke on the edge of the table and when Rey went to pick it up, she felt the burn of the cut along her thumb.
“Fuck,” Rey shouted, sticking her thumb in her mouth without thought. 
“Are you okay?” Leia asked, a look of concern on her face.
“I’m fine,” Rey responded, blushing. “I’m just a bit of a klutz.”
Rey didn’t even notice that Ben was no longer on her screen until he was in front of her, setting down the first aid kid from her bathroom on the table next to her computer.
“Are you okay?” He asked, pulling at her hand to look at the cut. He inspected the cut with precision that the small cut didn’t warrant. 
“Ben, I’m fine,” Rey lifted her non-injured hand up to cup his chin and force him to look at her. “It’s no worse than a papercut. It’s not even really bleeding.”
“Still,” Ben glanced over at the first aid kit, opening it up and pulling out the small bottle of hydrogen peroxide. “You’ll let me clean it. And put a band-aid on it.”
“Sure babe,” Rey laughed. “As long as you admit that you’re doing this for you, and not for me.”
Ben didn’t say anything, he poured a small amount of the hydrogen peroxide on her finger, blowing on it as the chemical bubbled slightly along the cut. 
“Um,” Luke’s voice pulled Rey’s attention back to her computer. Han, Leia, Luke and Chewie were all staring at her and Ben. Rey had never seen such a big smile as the one on Leia’s face. Han smirked, as if he had known the entire time. 
“Anything you two want to share with the class?” Luke asked. 
Ben didn’t look away from Rey’s finger as he carefully wrapped the band-aid around the cut. “I’m at Rey’s apartment. Obviously.”
“And that’s why you had that ridiculous background?” Leia asked. “You didn’t want to just tell us that you were at Rey’s?”
“I was hoping to avoid this entire conversation,” Ben admitted, lifting Rey’s finger up to inspect the bandage. He placed a gentle kiss over the band-aid before gently placing her hand back in her lap. 
“I didn’t think you were supposed to be going around to be other people’s houses during stay home orders,” Chewie teased. 
“Violating the Governor’s directives to get a girlfriend? I guess he is your son after all, Han,” Luke said with a laugh. 
Ben blushed and Rey leaned forward to kiss his cheek. “I need to go change my shirt,” Rey said, smiling at the camera. “I think I’ll need Ben’s help. You know, since I’m injured. So we’ll see you guys next week!”
“The ‘barely a papercut’ injury?” Leia teased.
"Better safe than sorry!” Rey exclaimed. She gave them all a tiny wave goodbye before exiting the meeting. 
The screen had barely closed out before Ben’s phone started lighting up with text messages.
“Maybe you should mute the group chat,” Rey said, laughing at some of the messages as the preview popped up on his screen.
“Probably a good idea.”
“Thanks for coming to my rescue,” Rey said, sliding her hands around his neck to pull him in for a kiss.
“Always,” he whispered against her lips.
“Now, you were saying something earlier about really, really good sex?” 
Rey grinned as Ben squeezed her hand, pulling her into the ice cream shop with them. The stay home order was finally lifted and restaurants were opening, and even if new, additional social distancing requirements came along, the ability to be standing in an actual ice cream shop with Ben was worth all of it.
Even if they had to make reservations to go get ice cream. It was a new normal, and one she was more than willing to make adjustments for. 
Ben’s smile was infectious as he looked down at the ice cream flavors in the bins at the back of the room.
“I think,” Ben said, glancing up to the man behind the counter, “I would love a waffle cone with strawberry ice cream.”
“How many scoops?”
Rey snorted, shaking her head. “Three? Ben, that’s more sugar than I’ve ever seen you eat combined. You’re going to go into a sugar coma.”
“I imagine you’re eating at least half of it.”
Rey bit down on her bottom lip, leaning up to kiss Ben’s cheek. “You think you know me?”
“I know that I know you.”
“Oh yeah?” Rey raised an eyebrow. “Order for me then. Since you know me so well.”
“She’ll take a waffle cone with three scoops of…” Ben paused, taking one more look at all of the flavors. “Candy lovers delight.”
Rey pouted. He would pick the one she had been ready to order. 
“That’s not fair,” Rey argued as Ben paid for the ice cream. “You weren’t supposed to guess right.”
“I didn’t guess,” Ben told her, pulling out a chair at one of the small circle tables for Rey. “I just know you.”
Rey sat down, reaching into her bag, while Ben sat down across from her. She ran a finger across the journal that she had shoved in just before leaving her apartment. She had been debating when would be the best time to give it to him. 
She pulled the journal out, sliding it across the table.
"What's that?" Ben asked, picking the journal up with his free hand.
Rey squeezed his other hand. "You'll see."
Ben opened the journal, quickly reading through the pages. He smiled at Rey when he sat the journal back down, his mouth open wide as he chuckled. 
She had finished the scene weeks ago, but had been keeping it to herself. Arguing with Ben over the scene had been the highlight of many of her days stuck in her apartment. She didn't want to admit to him that he had convinced her relatively early into their talks.
The scene where Kira finally took Kylo’s hand. 
"It's perfect," Ben said, leaning forward to kiss her. "Absolutely perfect." 
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hockeyisreligion · 5 years
The One That Got Away - Part 4
been awhile, I hope you all are well!
the link to part 3 is here: part 3
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Talia was super nervous for the Lowry family barbecue she was attending. She hadn’t been to one since the summer before Adam left for Newfoundland, and they broke up. A lot had changed in the 6 years that have passed since Talia was a regular attendee. 
“Why are you nervous?” Adam comments as Talia gets into his truck to head to the Lowry household. He could tell just by how she scurries to the car. Talia had insisted on bringing something, and Adam finally cracked and told her she could bring a salad.Talia was wearing the cutest floral sundress and she was continuously pulling on it, Adam could’t believe how nervous she looked.
“Nice to see you too,” Talia murmurs. “You aren’t nervous?”
“Why would I be, Tal? I’ve been attending Lowry family barbecues my entire life.” Adam smiles over at Talia, pulling away from her apartment building.
“Ha ha,” Talia mocks. “Does your mom know I’m coming? I seriously don’t want to overstep.”
“Talia,” Adam pauses, talking a look at her to make sure she was being serious. “My mom has considered you to be her daughter since they day she met you. Just because we broke up, that doesn’t change a thing, I swear.”
“So she does know I’m coming?” Talia asks to confirm as they pull up to the famous Lowry house- or mansion as Talia refers to it as.
“You know,” Adam pauses putting the car in park. “I didn’t get a chance to tell her, so let’s go surprise everyone.”
“Adam Steven—”
Adam has gotten out of the car and is walking around the truck to try and get Talia out of the truck as well. He opens the door to see Talia biting her lip, she looks to be shaking a little. “Hey, c’mere” He begins to wrap his arms around Talia’s small figure. “You seriously have nothing to worry about Tal. My family loves you more than they love me.” Adam reassures, rubbing his hand up and down on her back.
This makes Talia chuckle, Adam takes this as a good sign and begins to pull back and get Talia out of the car. Adam grabs the salad she had made and took her hand gently tugging her along with him. They stopped outside of the front door, where Talia took a large deep breath. “There’s nothing for you to be nervous about, okay?” Adam smiles and gives Talia’s hand a squeeze before dropping it and opening the door to the Lowry house.
“We’re here!” Adam calls throughout the house.
“We?” Someone replies back, Talia thinks its Adam’s dad, Dave.
Adam and Talia round the corner to the kitchen and see the absolute surprise on everyone’s face (except Joel’s) when they notice Talia is with Adam.
“WHAT” Tessa, Adam’s younger sister, screeches, practically sprinting towards Talia bounding her up in the biggest hug. “Oh my god, what are you doing here?” Tessa questions, pulling back and looking at Talia from an arm’s length.
“We saw her yesterday grocery shopping and we invited her,” Joel comments, smiling at Talia.
“I’m mad that you two didn’t tell anyone I was coming,” Talia mutters, finally Tessa has let her go and Talia is being wrapped up by Elaine now.
“And ruin this surprise? I mean all of your faces were priceless,” Joel booms with laughter.
“I’m shocked you actually kept it a surprise, Joel” Adam nudges him.
“I told Sven,” Joel mutters, referring to the Lowry family dog.
“Let me at her,” Dave jokes, playfully pushing Elaine out of the way to give Talia a big hug, lifting her off her feet. Talia hadn’t seen Dave in a number of years, she couldn’t remember the last time.
“Easy big guy,” Joel jokes.
“It is so good to see you kid,” Dave whispers in Talia’s ear, putting her down with a swift kiss to her head.  
“Where’s Sarah?” Adam asks.
“She will be here soon, they just went to their hotel to get settled in.”
“Sarah’s in town?” Talia questions.
“Yeah, have you ever met the rug rats?” Dave asks referring to his grandsons and Sarah’s two boys, Lawson and Linden.
“I’ve met Lawson and I’ve seen Linden over facetime. But its been awhile, that was when Linden was a baby.”
“Sarah will be so excited to see you.” Tessa smiles, hugging Talia again. “We need to catch up, help me and mom in the kitchen?” Tessa questions which Talia nods with a smile.
“Okay boys, get grilling, so we can eat soon.”
It wasn’t long until Sarah was walking through the door. “We’re back,” she sing songs, followed by little fast steps running into the kitchen.
Sarah rounds the corner to see Talia cutting up some tomatoes for the hamburgers they were having, she immediately screams as she runs over towards her. Tessa and Sarah basically having the same reaction.
The two boys, Lawson and Linden look at this interaction with wide eyes and Lawson looks to their dad, Kyle to explain. “Daddy, who’s that?”
“Do you remember uncle Adam’s friend, Talia?”
“That’s her?” Lawson whispers now to his dad.
Sarah has finally let Talia go and now Kyle is giving her a friendly hug, Kyle and Sarah were only dating when Talia and Adam were still together. “How are ya, Tal?” Kyle asks.
“I’m good, what about you, dad?” Talia jokes, giving Kyle a nudge.
“Good, have you met the boys before?” Kyle runs his hand through Lawson’s hair.
Talia bends down to be eye level with Lawson, Linden hiding behind his dad’s leg. “You must be Lawson, my name is Talia.”
“You uncle Addy’s girlfriend.” Lawson smiles wrapping his little arms around Talia’s head. This gets the group to laugh. Talia doesn’t bother correcting him, just returns the squeeze. “Meet Lindy,” Lawson says trying to get his young brother to come out from hiding.  Linden looks out from behind his father’s leg and gives Talia the smallest of waves.
“He’ll come around,” Sarah comments. Talia stands up to see Adam, Joel, and Dave walking in with a plate of burgers from the barbecue. “Is the table set?” Sarah asks.
“We need another spot made up for Talia, and then we can eat.” Elaine comments, whisking everyone to the kitchen table.
Dinner was great, Talia forgot how much she missed Elaine and Dave’s cooking. After they ate, they enjoyed sitting on the patio, enjoying some drinks and the nice, mild night they were having in Calgary. Dave and the boys were talking all things hockey, even though it was the offseason for every Lowry, the NHL playoffs were still going on, with the Stanley Cup finals about to begin. The girls were catching up, asking a lot about Talia’s job. Talia felt like nothing had changed since the last time she was at the Lowry household for a barbecue. It was as if Adam and her were still together.
Adam really enjoyed having Talia over for dinner. He didn’t realize how much he missed having her fit in with her family so well. Talia and her family were so close even after all these years and their breakup, it still felt like nothing had changed. Talia was so close to his two sisters, fitting right in with them. It made Adam’s heart hurt a little seeing Talia interact with his family, especially his two nephews. It reminded him of what could have been, and that thought hurt Adam a lot. However, Adam was just happy having Talia back in his life, even if it is just as friends.
Talia, cleared her throat, getting everyone’s attention. “I just wanted to say a little thank you to you guys.” Talia pauses, taking a deep breathe before continuing. “When Adam invited me, I was quite nervous because it had been so long since I’ve been around you all. Which sounds stupid now because you have been nothing but welcoming to me and have always treated me like family. So I just wanted to thank you guys for that.” Talia blushes.
“Oh honey,” Elaine murmurs, moving her hand to rest on Talia’s thigh. “I have considered you to be one of my own since you were 7 years old. You will always be welcome here.”
“You and Adam not being together anymore, doesn’t change anything.” Joel comments, “You are still my sister.”
Talia had tears brimming her eyes and she took a big breathe collecting herself. “I wish I hadn’t stayed away from you guys all these years.”
Adam felt sick to his stomach, sitting there with his first love, best friend, and love of his life all wrapped into one, he felt helpless. He hated seeing her cry and knowing that he had a part in making her this emotional.
“Well you are here now, aren't ya?” Sarah comments, wrapping an arm around Talia. “Its been long overdue but I’m so glad you are here.”
“Me too.”
Talia and the Lowry family stayed talking until after midnight. She enjoyed catching up with the whole family and had even agreed to go to brunch in a couple of days with all the Lowry girls, before Sarah flew back home.
Adam dropped Talia back off at her apartment, they were both exhausted from the events of the day.
“I’m so glad you came,” Adam murmurs when they pull up to Talia’s building.
“Thanks for inviting me,” Talia replies.
“It was my pleasure, my family loved seeing you.”
“I loved seeing them.”
“I told you it was going to be just like old times,” Adam jokes, getting out of the car and walking around towards Talia in the passenger seat.
“I know,” Talia smiles. “You didn’t have to get out of the car,” she comments.
“I know, I just wanted to give you a hug.” Adam blushes, wrapping his arms around her in a tight embrace. They stand like this for awhile, Adam nuzzling his head in Talia’s neck.
“Can we hang out again soon?” Talia murmurs quietly.
“I’ll hang out with you any day.”
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