archduchessofnowhere · 2 months
Hello! <3 When did Franz Joseph cheat on Sisi? I know he had a mistress, but did she know about her? Or am I mistaken? Sorry if you have already talked about this somewhere in the past. Thank you.
Hi! I already touched upon the subject on this ask, but I'll go a bit more on detail on how Sisi may have felt.
In general, women of Elisabeth's status were expected to simply accept their husband's infidelities. Her own mother Ludovika had resignated to be a betrayed wife, and had even been told by her sister Sophie "that she knew many women who had had happy marriages with their unfaithful husbands" (Winkelhofer, 2022). However, it seems Sisi wasn't as forgiving as her mother.
Now, we don't actually know what exactly went down, but in 1860 Elisabeth suddenly left Vienna for Madeira because of a mysterious coughing that wouldn't go away. Today most biographer agree that this illness was actually psychosomatic, a product of the high levels of stress the young empress had go through during the last years. Also, most biographers at least suspect that the final crisis that made Elisabeth want to leave court at once was discovering that her husband was cheating on her. Just to quote one exemple, take her first serious biographer Egon Corti (emphasis by me):
Elizabeth reproached her husband bitterly for not taking her part in everything; but at times she seemed to him too nervous and erratic, and he felt that such an important matter as the education of the Crown Prince was better left in the hands of his mother, who had trained him himself for the throne so carefully. Thus Francis Joseph was torn between his mother, to whom he owed everything, and his wife, whom he loved beyond words; and, moreover, as was only natural, he was also exposed to innumerable temptations from attractive women. The fact that he was not always insensible to these was felt as a slight by his young wife, conscious of her own dazzling beauty. (Corti, 1936)
Martina Winkelhofer also notes that, in the manuscript of his biography, Corti wrote that "Everything around her [Elisabeth] is unbearable; moreover, news has reached her that Franz Joseph has looked too deeply into another woman's eyes" (2022). He deleted this sentences from the published version.
Yet, it is really hard to link Franz Josef to any particular woman, because he was very discreet in his affairs. If he really cheated on her during 1860, we don't know with whom. The only woman we know for sure he had an affair with was Anna Nahowski, an affair that lasted from the end of the 1870s until 1888, but as far as I know she and Elisabeth never met. Impossible to know if the empress was aware of her existence, but I believe she must have at least suspected that her husband wasn't being faithful.
And then there's Katharina Schratt, which I also talked about in the ask I linked. Katharina was an actress in the Burgtheater and Franz Josef's celebrity crush. He watched every play she was in and soon it was known that he had a liking for the actress, but beyond a dinner in which Alexander III of Russia invited actresses of the Burgtheter to accompany them, they never met each other. It was Elisabeth, who aware of the situation, formally introduced her husband to Katharina. Soon they begun to write each other and FJ went from being a fan to a friend, which made Elisabeth happy, since she felt guilty about not being able to give her husband company.
But we don't know if Elisabeth wanted for Katharina to be a mistress, perhaps she expected it and by that point (late 1880s-1890s) she had come to terms with that, or perhaps she encouraged the relationship because she expected that FJ wouldn't cheat on her with Katharina. To quote once again Franz Josef's Valentine's day rejection letter (emphasis by me):
You say that you will control your feelings, I too shall do it, even though it will not always be easy for me, for I will do nothing wrong, I love my wife and do not intend to misuse her confidence and her friendship for you.
I said in my previous ask that this ties with my idea that FJ was only ok with his affairs if they were only physical, but this line also hints at Elisabeth supporting an emotional relationship, perhaps a romantic friendship of sorts, but not a sexual affair. But again: it's hard to know for sure, perhaps FJ was only using her as an excuse to turn down Katharina.
That's all I can say about this, but if I find more information I'll share it. Thank you for your question.
Bourgoing, Jean [ed.] (1966). The Incredible Friendship: The Letters of Emperor Franz Joseph to Frau Katharina Schratt (translation by Evabeth Miller Kienast and Robert Rie)
Corti, Egon Caesar Conte (1936). Elizabeth, empress of Austria (translation by Catherine Alison Phillips)
Winkelhofer, Martina (2022). Sissi. La vera storia. Il cammino della giovane imperatrice (translation by Federica Saccucci)
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fenixburnedmoved · 2 years
so guess it's time to dig myself into another research hole: the theatre scene of late 19th century vienna fhdjdndmxnzn
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cosmic-neighbors · 2 years
Tonight at 7pm ET - LIVE - Space Talk EP-7 with James Goodall & Michael Schratt
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detournementsmineurs · 9 months
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"L'Empereur et sa Maîtresse Katharina Schratt" (circa 1910) dans "François-Joseph, l'Eternel Mari de Sissi" documentaire de Martin Koddenberg, décembre 2023.
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eksopolitiikka · 1 year
Kevin Randle haastattelee Michael Schrattia
kirjoittanut Kevin Randle Juttelin Michael Schrattin kanssa, joka on kirjoittanut kiinnostavan kirjan, ei ainoastaan sen sisältämän informaation takia, vaan myös sen sisältämien UFOista tehtyjen kauniiden värikuvien takia. Schrattilla on pitkä historia UFO-tutkimuksessa ja hänen tietonsa aiheesta ovat laajat. Voit kuunnella shown täällä: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/50224682 Voit katsoa sen tästä linkistä: https://rumble.com/v18nyur-a-different-perspective-with-kevin-randle-interviews-michael-schratt.html Aluksi puhuimme vuoden 1941 Cape Girardeaun […] https://eksopolitiikka.fi/ufot/kevin-randle-haastattelee-michael-schrattia/
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best-habsburg-monarch · 9 months
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Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria, reign: 1848-1916
- Now greyer than the previous polls
Rudolph II, Holy Roman Emperor, reign: 1576-1612
He wanted to be an alchemist not an emperor
Propaganda Under the cut for both:
For Franz Joseph:
By: @minetteskvareninova
- as much of a poor little meow meow as Joseph II
- also known as Starej Procházka (ask @archduchessofnowhere I promise it's hillarious)
- was there not for a good time, but a long time certainly, and unlike queen Victoria doesn't even get the dignity of an era named after him!!!
- wholesome friendship with Katharina Schratt
- girldad (better not ask about his son)
- loved the great god Mars, even though Mars did not love him back, wore uniform all the fucking time, but his actually military record was. well. gotta love a boyfailure.
- conservative in principle, but smart enough to know when to fold 'dem (which is why the former monarchy didn't end up like Russia)
By: anonymous
- Dual Monarchy. HELLO.
- Constitution! (Italy immediately declared war after but ya know)
- Survived assassination attempts
- Doesn't lose territory to Prussian unification which is something I guess
- Shares 2 names with Hayden
For Rudolph II:
- Contributions to art and science!!! Alchemy, astronomy, painting etc flourished in his court we literally have some of the most beautiful baroque artefacts because of him
- Where do you think that pretty little crown in the polls icon came from
- Would rather do that than politics so real king
- Accused of doing occult? He's THAT astrology witchblr bitch
- Mental illness girlies rep!!!
- Possibly neurodivergent girlies rep also!!
- VERY misunderstood and poor little meow meow uwu everyone thought he was incompetent and horny and cray cray like it was a bad thing
- We've voted on twinks? BEARS need love too!!! 💅
- Would've LOVED tumblr tbh he walked so all of us today could run 🩷🩷🩷
Fun fruit portrait:
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Franz Matsch - Katharina Schratt als Frau Wahrheit (1895)
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zungumi · 1 year
Utakata no Koi (Soragumi 2013) subtitles
my very first subtitles! this show ate my brain. i cry every time i hear the blue danube waltz now. rudolf and marie's hamlet-meets-juliet love story absolutely swept me off my feet and i had to share it with everyone i know.
thus: these subtitles (...and i guess all of my subs) are pretty thoroughly localized, and aimed at people who have zero knowledge of japanese. ...i also made a localization choice to just axe franz's mistress's name and call her by her actual historical name, katharina - she's in the cast list as mrs. schratt, but he calls her ミレーネ? make it make sense. if this bugs you please feel free to change it back to your preferred romanization, haha.
also, i did jessica's song by ear so if i've totally botched it, please let me know!
this is the last of the subs i already had done, but keep an eye out, i'm working on a few others - and you can definitely expect hoshigumi's 2018 utakata no koi from me. (and hey, if you have a revue you'd like subbed, i'm pretty much down to do most of them as long as i've got lyrics/CC! hit me up.)
timed to: the dvd, recorded 8/11/13
check my shows page (zungumi dot tumblr dot com slash shows) for the DL!
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10, 13 and 22 from the historical ask game? :)
Thank you for the asks! :)
10. Pieces of art (paintings, sculpures, lithographies, ect.) related to history you like most ( post an image of them)
Oh, I could not choose! A lot of things count as art coming to think of it, among them, the mentioned 'classic' artistic disciplines aside, film making, photography, decoration on or the design of everyday objects, textile or jewellery-making and -design, architecture, etc., etc.
Of course, any concept of what is (a work of) art should include pieces produced by people who were not professionals making a living from creating something we might classify as 'art'.
One piece I particularly enjoy I am afraid I cannot show, as it is property of an archive and I only have a representation of it printed at a comparatively small scale in a book. It is a sketch, or rather, caricature, of Margaret Graves (1728-1808), and to date the only visual portrayal of her I could find. The drawing was made by her niece Elizabeth Simcoe's best friend, Mary Anne Burgess, and depicts an elderly lady with a narrow face and pointy chin almost drowning in a tall and preposterously poofy parody of the curled hairstyle fashionable in the later 1780s and 90s that is crowned with an ornamental plumed cap. Margaret was quite a character, and though little of her face is visible among her big hair (that is definitively full of secrets!), it shows in Mary Anne Burgess's artistic impression of her.
Because I want to show something regardless, have these 18th century children's drawings exhibited at Wesenstein Castle, Saxony:
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13. Something random about some random historical person in a random era.
Austrian emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria was pinching pennies so effectively that he rarely bought or wore new clothes. Sometimes, his confidante Katharina Schratt and his valet would secretly remove items on which too much wear was visible, and replace them with a newly commissioned one of the same cut, colour and fabric, so the emperor wouldn't notice.
22. Random historical fact about the place you are at the moment.
There are two legends about two distinctly different hedless horses. They're not related to each other.
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heirofnepeta · 10 months
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jhris schratt
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ambrosethepoet · 4 months
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« Der Tagesablauf · Teil 3 »
Kaiser Franz Joseph von Österreich
Der Nachmittag gehörte wieder den Akten – links die unerledigten, rechts die erledigten. Das einzige „Laster“, das sich Franz Joseph nicht nehmen ließ, war das Rauchen. Er liebte seine Virginier, eigentlich eine billige Zigarre, die auch von den Wiener Fiakern geraucht wurde. Erst in späteren Jahren musste er auf Anraten der Ärzte auf leichtere Sorten, wie die Regalia Media, umsteigen. Um sechs Uhr fand dann das Allerhöchste Familiendiner statt, zu dem alle in der Burg beziehungsweise in Schönbrunn weilenden Familienmitglieder geladen waren. Selbst Diners im Kreis der engsten Verwandten folgten einem strengen Zeremoniell, das dem der Hoftafeln sehr ähnlich war. Ab der Zeit, als Gisela und Marie Valerie verheiratet und außer Haus waren, vor allem aber nach Elisabeths Tod empfand selbst der Kaiser die Familiendiners als eine unangenehme, steife Angelegenheit, bei der meist eine gespannte Stimmung herrschte. Franz Joseph mochte die wenigsten seiner in Wien lebenden Verwandten und da er das Verhalten vieler Erzherzöge als unkorrekt empfand, wollte er die meisten gar nicht, viele nur selten sehen, und mit der Zeit blieben die Familiendiners schließlich ganz aus. In späteren Jahren aß der Kaiser am liebsten in Gesellschaft Katharina Schratts in seinem Arbeitszimmer. Franz Joseph liebte vor allem einfache Gerichte wie Tafelspitz und Kaiserschmarrn und legte keinen Wert auf exquisite kulinarische Genüsse. Im Sommer, vor allem in Ischl, aß er abends sogar am liebsten nur einen Teller Saure Milch mit Schwarzbrot. Um neun Uhr abends ging der Kaiser gewöhnlich schlafen, nur im Fall offizieller Anlässe wie Hofbällen und Galadiners blieb er länger auf. Das Schlafzimmer des Kaisers in der Hofburg. Franz Joseph legte keinen Wert auf prunkvolle Ausstattung – im Gegenteil. Sein bescheidener Lebensstil zeigte sich auch in der Gestaltung seines Wohnbereiches in der Hofburg, der einheitlich im Stil des Zweiten Rokoko gestaltet war. Die Wände waren mit rotem Seidendamast, dem so genannten „Hofdamast“, bespannt und das Mobiliar in Anlehnung an die Epoche Maria Theresias weißgold sowie in Palisander und Nussholz ausgeführt und ebenfalls mit rotem Seidendamast bezogen. Die Luster aus böhmischem Bleikristall stammten aus der Manufaktur Lobmeyr und waren bis zum Ende des 19. Jh. mit Kerzen bestückt, ab 1891 wurden die kaiserlichen Appartements schließlich elektrifiziert. Die Zimmer waren zweckmäßig eingerichtet, unter anderem schlief der Kaiser in einem einfachen Eisenbett, das nussholzartig lackiert war.
Franz Joseph verstand sich als „Oberster Beamter“ des Staates. Trotz Erfindung der Schreibmaschine gestattete er nur handschriftlich gefertigte Akten und Eingaben. Sein Schreibtisch in der Hofburg: Lebensmittelpunkt und Verwaltungszentrum der Monarchie. Hier saß er ab spätestens sechs Uhr früh, um Akten zu bearbeiten. Sie waren sein bevorzugter Kontakt zur Außenwelt. In Verwaltungsfragen besaß Franz Josef hohe Kompetenz und detaillierte Sachkenntnis. Hier unterschrieb er wichtige Reformen zu Schule, Verwaltung, Militär und Justiz. Erste Entwürfe für Unfall- und Krankenversicherung. Von hier blickte er auf seine Lebensliebe*, die längst manisch um die Welt reiste. Die geringe Bereitschaft, sich mit der Welt des anderen zu beschäftigen, machte die Ehe zur „verordneten Anleitung zum Unglücklichsein“. In den Briefen an Elisabeth beklagt er seine Einsamkeit: „Jetzt bin ich wieder mit meinem vielen Kummer allein und sehne mich nach dir.“
Das Lieblingsbild des Kaisers, Winterhalters Gemälde der Kaiserin mit vor der Brust verschlungenem Haar, stand hinter dem Schreibtisch auf einer Staffelei und somit dem arbeitenden Kaiser gegenüber.
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shyearthquakedaze · 1 year
Michael Schratt - Human or ET? A Review of UFO / UAP Encounters
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cosmic-neighbors · 2 years
Wednesday 9/28 We'll be giving away TWO of Michael Schratt's new book: DARK FILES: A Pictorial History of Lost, Forgotten and Obscure UFO Encounters absolutely FREE! Be There! #jimgoodall #michaelschrattSpace Talk EP-2 with James Goodall & Michael Schratt https://youtu.be/Mv5pUB0XMMc
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UAP CRASH RETRIEVALS, BODIES, & SECRECY | Richard Dolan Show w/Michael Schratt
Richard Dolan interviews UAP/UFO historian Michael Schratt, who discusses several intriguing cases of UFO encounters and crash retrievals. Michael begins with a detailed account of Danny Sheehan's experience at the Library of Congress in 1977, where Sheehan saw classified photos of a UFO crash retrieval. Michael presents meticulously rendered illustrations of this incident as well as other cases, including a massive USO sighting off the coast of Corpus Christi in 1997, a 1991 USS Nimitz encounter with a giant black triangle, and a 1973 sighting at Great Lakes Naval Training Center. Schratt also discusses the potential involvement of the Glomar Explorer in UFO retrievals and shares insights from aerospace illustrator Mark McCandlish about secret technologies at Air Force Plant 42. The episode concludes with mentions of cases from Ryan Wood's book "Magic Eyes Only," highlighting the extent of UFO crash retrievals.
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gazetteoesterreich · 20 days
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best-habsburg-monarch · 10 months
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Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary, etc. Reigned 1848-1916
Challenge: Talk about his reign without talking about wife a lot (impossible)
from anon:
Dual Monarchy. HELLO.
Constitution! (Italy immediately declared war after but ya know)
Survived assassination attempts
Doesn't lose territory to Prussian unification which is something I guess
Shares 2 names with Hayden
from @minetteskvareninova:
Franz Joseph propaganda (proper):
as much of a poor little meow meow as Joseph II.
also known as Starej Procházka (ask @archduchessofnowhere I promise it's hillarious)
wholesome friendship with Katharina Schratt
was there not for a good time, but a long time certainly, and unlike queen Victoria doesn't even get the dignity of an era named after him!!!
girldad (better not ask about his son)
loved the great god Mars, even though Mars did not love him back, wore uniform all the fucking time, but his actually military record was. well. gotta love a boyfailure.
conservative in principle, but smart enough to know when to fold 'dem (which is why the former monarchy didn't end up like Russia)
from anon:
Anti-Franz Joseph Propaganda: Yes, the sideburns are iconic, but when you are a reigning emperor for 68 years and your signature facial hair is colloquially named after a minor U.S. Civil War general instead, you fumbled the bag.
anti Franz Joseph propaganda: he was an older sibling (derogatory)
from @master-of-the-opera-house:
Sissi was a babe tho i get him BUT THEN
Didn't drink his respect cousin-wife juice apparently
CLASSIST PIECE OF SHIT didn't allow franz ferdinand to marry sophie chotek
And then literally said "thank God" when he died
Somehow still had the people's support as a poor old man who lost everyone close to him when he either indirectly caused that or just didn't give a shit
a Leo ♌🤢
They wasted such a pretty face and such a snatched waist on such a cunt
Had he stayed alive any longer and he would've been at the negotiating table at the hall of mirrors in 1918 *shivers*
THOROUGHLY UNFUNNY """""desk bound monarch"""""" stringent for protocol """last of the old school monarchs"""" and didn't even cause any nonsense catastrophes that usually accompanies this stick up the arse
68 long monotonous years on the throne then couldn't even make 69 for the joke
Fredrick III, Holy Roman Emperor, reigned 1452-1493
Kicked off the whole tradition of being Holy Roman Emperors
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