#schuyler brothers
justsayinghiiexistlol · 3 months
I’m sorry but tell me why tf when I listen to "Satisfied" from Hamilton, I imagine Grayson Hawthorne singing it….
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I think the Curtis brothers would like Hamilton
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hermitlifemuicals · 4 months
so if the bad boys are the Schuyler sisters I'm thinking scar is Hamilton with Angelica longing for Hamilton being jole and scar with magic mountain and then grian being with scar cause Eliza and Hamilton
and for burr I'm thinking possibly skizzlman, they scar and skizz kinda have that dynamic, plus it could make for an S.times S.man obedient servant type thing
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s-rosie · 3 months
ok so me and @justsayinghiiexistlol were talking about the fact that tig characters were literally Hamilton characters and here’s my list and explanation-
Angelica- Grayson
Eliza- Jameson
Peggy- Xander
Hamilton- Avery
Burr- Thea
Theodosia- Rebecca
(those are all the characters that remind me of each other, sorry)
(also forget say no to this ever happened and pretend they were the perfect couple, because ave would never do that to jamie)
but Grayson as Angelica because Angelica let go the love of her life for her sibling, just as Grayson did. Jameson as Eliza because he was so “helpless” for Avery, and Grayson (Angelica) gave up Avery (Hamilton) for his sibling. Peggy as Xander because Hamilton (Avery) sees Peggy as a confidant and close friend, much as Avery sees Xander. Thea as Burr because Thea was Avery’s first school friend, but ultimately betrays her for her love, much as Burr did to Hamilton. Rebecca as Theodosia because she was Burr’s forbidden love, much how Rebecca was Thea’s forbidden love. I also see the fact that the Schuyler sisters were very rich and came from a prominent family and Hamilton had no money but worked really hard fit the Hawthorne brothers/Avery.
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therealadothamilton · 5 months
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Why is it people writing historical fiction keep erasing the existence of The Schuyler Brothers? John Bradstreet, Philip Jeremiah and Rensselaer are rolling over in their graves...
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deadfor7yrs · 1 year
me going about my day:
my brain: hey imagine if the lynch brothers dressed up as the schuyler sisters
me, giggling: wait-
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girlboss2k1 · 1 year
obsessed w/ the tv sibling dynamic of brother and sister who are stupid and scheme and are both cunty. and are the same person. the shiv-roman lindsay-gob if you may.
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transbookoftheday · 1 year
Leave Trans Kids Alone
Inspired by David Tennant's "Leave Trans Kids Alone You Absolute Freaks" shirt, here are some amazing trans middle grade and picture books you should read:
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Book titles:
99% Chance of Magic by Amy Eleanor Heart, Abbey Darling and Luna Merbruja
Sir Callie and the Champions of Helston by Esme Symes-Smith
Jamie by L.D. Lapinski
Camp QUILTBAG by Nicole Melleby and A. J. Sass
Dear Mothman by Robin Gow
Moonflower by Kacen Callender
Joy, to the World by Kai Shappley and Lisa Bunker
Ana on the Edge by A.J. Sass
Girl Haven by Lilah Sturges, Meaghan Carter and Joamette Gil
Obie Is Man Enough by Schuyler Bailar
Alice Austen Lived Here by Alex Gino
The House That Whispers by Lin Thompson
Both Can Be True by Jules Machias
The Tea Dragon Festival by K. O'Neill
Different Kinds of Fruit by Kyle Lukoff
Jude Saves the World by Ronnie Riley
Tiger Honor by Yoon Ha Lee
The Ship We Built by Lexie Bean
Rabbit Chase by Elizabeth Lapensee, KC Oster and Aarin Dokum
Skating on Mars by Caroline Huntoon
Tally the Witch by Molly Landgraff
The Beautiful Something Else by Ash Van Otterloo
The Deep & Dark Blue by Niki Smith
The Fabulous Zed Watson! by Basil Sylvester and Kevin Sylvester
The Ojja-Wojja by Magdalene Visaggio and Jenn St-Onge
Too Bright to See by Kyle Lukoff
The One Who Loves You the Most by medina
Me and My Dysphoria Monster by Laura Kate Dale and Hui Qing Ang
When Aidan Became A Brother by Kyle Lukoff and Kaylani Juanita
Calvin by J.R. Ford, Vanessa Ford and Kayla Harren
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astralaffairs · 1 year
hi!! before i go i jus wanna say, I love your work 🙏🏽 and I finally watch hamilton last night so I might write for it as well 😋😋 but i have a drabble idea.
anyways— thomas having a dance/ball for a campaign during the election and he meets aaron’s little sister, mc, who snuck in. and he can’t help but take interests in her.
“Now, what’s a lady like you doin’ getting a drink just for yourself? Nobody’s offered to do that for you yet?”
Y/N froze as her fingers met the stem of the champagne flute. She had promised herself she would stay to the outskirts of the ball, and her only goal for the night had been to avoid courting attention. However, the packed room was warm, and it was only more so at its perimeter under the lights, and the crisp bubbly had looked oh-so-inviting.
She turned with a polite smile as she picked up the glass, but her eyes widened when she saw the man behind her with his gleaming smile and his velvet suit. She recognized him instantly; after all, she’d seen him before, and he’d even been in her home, but they’d never formally met. He raised an eyebrow when her smile faltered. “I’ve only just arrived. I haven’t had a chance to speak to much of anyone just yet.”
“Then I’m gonna have to count myself lucky to have found you when I did. Thomas Jefferson.” He offered her a hand as he introduced himself, and when she took it, he dipped down to press a soft kiss to her knuckles. Her eyes went even wider.
She cleared her throat as he drew himself back up to his full height, still holding her by the fingertips, and it took a moment for it to occur to her to withdraw her hand. “You’re the host of this ball, then, if I’m not mistaken. Thank you for opening your home to us like this.”
“Believe me, sugar, the pleasure’s all mine,” he said. “Who’re you here with? Feel like I’ve seen you around, but I can’t put my finger on it.”
“Oh, um, my family’s here somewhere. I came on my own, though, and I was planning to meet them here.”
“Your family?” He pursed his lips. “You’re not a Schuyler, are you?”
“No, no, certainly not,” she replied before hastily adding, “although the Schuylers are lovely people, of course. To be a part of their family would make one lucky.”
“So you know the Schuylers, then?” he mused, and she nodded. His growing smile was making her mouth go dry. “I know where I recognize you from; you’re a Burr, aren’t you? Aaron’s sister?”
“I am, yes.” Her smile was tense, laced with unease. His grin was bright as he plucked a drink for himself off of the table behind them.
“So why haven’t I seen you at one of these before? Your family trying to keep you locked away from all the politics?” he asked, and as her eyebrows fell, he could see the look in her eyes sour.
“They’ve decided I can’t be trusted at this kind of event,” she said bitterly, and he quirked a brow. “Aaron claims he’s afraid I’ll say the wrong thing and jeopardize his career, but really, I think he just can’t deal with the idea of splitting people’s attention between us.”
“But you finally proved yourself trustworthy?” he asked mildly, taking a sip of his drink, and she shrugged uncomfortably.
“I suppose so.”
“Then where’s your dear brother now, hm? Why aren’t you here with the rest of your family?” He watched her expectantly, and when she didn’t answer right away, his grin broadened. “They don’t even know you’re here, do they?”
“No, and you’re not going to be the one to tell them,” she said sharply, pointing her champagne flute at him. He raised his eyebrows, amused by the fervor in her tone. “I had to walk miles alone in the dark to get here; I am not being thrown out as soon as I arrive.”
“Well, sweetheart, if you’re not with them, then really, I should be sendin’ you on your way.” Despite the threat, his voice was breezy, and she frowned.
“And what do you have to gain from kicking me out?”
“The respect and appreciation of your family,” he suggested blithely. “The knowledge that I’m not leavin’ a young lady to walk home alone ‘n vulnerable at the end of the night. ‘S just the right thing to do, really.”
She eyed his small smile for a moment before slowly asking, “But despite that, you’d rather I stay, wouldn’t you?” He shrugged unabashedly. “You’re quite shameless, aren’t you, Mr. Jefferson?”
“Only on a good day.” He winked as he took a sip of his drink. “After all, you went through all that effort to get here. There’s gotta be a good reason for it, huh?”
“Of course. I’m here to expand my mind just like everyone else," she said, and he raised an eyebrow.
“And not for the charming future president we’ve got roaming the ball?”
“Oh, I wasn’t aware there was one. Let me know if you see him?”
His full laugh proved him undeterred, and Y/N’s self-satisfied smile was reluctant. "'M glad to see you inherited more of the family wit than your brother seemed to."
"Please, don't tell him that. A lady needs to keep some things a secret."
"It'll stay between us, then," Thomas said, "but I don't think I ever got your name."
"Why, so you know whose presence to report to my brother?"
"So I know who to ask after the next time I see him." His response was quick, and it had Y/N on her heels. Her eyes were wide, eyebrows raised, but when she opened her mouth to answer—
"Y/N." Both she and Thomas turned on their heels at the loud voice to find her brother striding across the room toward them, and her groan was unchecked. The fury in Aaron's voice was barely contained. "What in the world do you think you're possibly doing here, sneaking out after dark? How did you even get here?"
"I brought myself, since nobody else was willing to take me," she bit back, and Thomas raised his eyebrows as he took a sip of his drink.
"That wasn't your decision to make," Aaron snapped. "We are a family, and you have to respect that—"
"Respect what? That you have total control over my life in the name of family values? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?" she asked. "I respect that you have a career and a reputation to maintain, but I am a person, and—"
"And nothing, Y/N. Put the drink down, and leave Mr. Jefferson at peace," he demanded, and Y/N narrowed her eyes, her jaw set. Aaron turned to Thomas, and much of the fire in his voice had subsided when he said, "I'm sorry for her intrusion, Thomas. We didn't know she had followed us here, and we'll send her home at once."
"Now, Aaron, what makes you think she's uninvited company?" Thomas asked, and both Y/N's and Aaron's brows were raised. "Y/N's my guest here this evening; 's the opposite of an intrusion."
He frowned, glancing between Thomas and Y/N. "You mean you're responsible for her presence here tonight?"
"Well, I invited her, so I suppose you could say that," he said casually, and if he winked when he caught Y/N's eye, Aaron didn't think anything of it. Aaron's lips were pursed and his shoulders tense as he glanced between them.
"Why didn't you tell me Thomas had invited you?" he asked Y/N, and she shrugged.
"I didn't think you'd want to hear it, and I didn't want you trying to prevent me from coming."
"If I'd known he asked you to come—"
"So, what, my personhood is dependent on his permission now?"
"Your presence here is, at least."
"As a Burr, I would've been welcome either way."
"Not unattended, however."
"I can attend to myself just fine."
"You know that isn't what I mean when—"
"Aaron, was there somethin' else you needed?" Thomas cut him off, and Aaron's gaze was affronted when it snapped to him. However, he held his tongue. "I was just about to ask Y/N to dance, assuming that's her decision to make 'n all."
Y/N had to bite back her smile at his words, and although Aaron seemed to recognize the challenge in them as his jaw ticked, he said, "Of course. I'm sorry to have interrupted."
"Don't sweat it. Your concern for your sister is awful sweet, even if it isn't needed here," Thomas responded, his smile warm.
"'Concern' isn't how I'd describe it," Y/N muttered bitterly, and Thomas nudged her with his elbow. She frowned.
"Carry on 'n enjoy the rest of the ball, though, and please send my best to your wife," he said. Aaron could only offer a tense smile in response.
“You as well. I suppose I should go find Theodosia.” He looked down skeptically at Y/N. “How are you planning to get home?”
Y/N’s eyebrows shot up. “Oh, I…” She hadn’t thought that far, so her gaze was hopeful when it snapped to Thomas, who held her with a hand at the small of her back.
“I’ll arrange for a carriage to take her home,” he promised. “Don’t you worry, Burr. She’s in safe hands.”
“Right,” he said hesitantly, looking Thomas over. “I’ll leave you to it. Don’t do anything stupid, Jefferson.”
“‘S like you don’t even know who you’re talkin’ to,” Thomas said incredulously, and Aaron scoffed.
“I’m sure.” He barely spared them both another glance before departing unceremoniously, shaking his head all the while, and Thomas chuckled. Y/N turned back toward him.
“You’re a regular local hero,” she said sardonically, but the smile in her eyes betrayed her bored tone. Thomas grinned.
“I do try, sweetheart,” he said lightly, “maybe even in a way that deserves a ‘thank you’?”
“Thank you.” Her voice was sincere. “Really. I owe you.”
“Well, if you mean that,” he said, and his eyes were shining as he looked down at her, “I wouldn’t mind making good on that dance I mentioned. Unless you’re in a real rush to get back to your dear old brother.”
He offered her his arm with an eyebrow raised, and she left her empty glass on the table behind them when she took it, drawing a wide grin from him. “How could I say no to our charming host?"
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acuar-io · 14 days
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Dropping a little lore on these three, I may have made it messy on purpose bc I refuse to make izara and Sephtis have drama within their relationship 💀💀💀
So Fatima & Cypress are siblings! Fatima is a year older than her brother.
Fatima is dating Pierce (guy in the middle) their relationship is a bit dramatic, they have petty arguments and they’re on and off. She met him when she tagged along with Cypress to a band practice, just for fun! First glance at Pierce and she was head over heels. She told this to Cypress and he was shocked. Not because his sister had fallen for his friend, but because he’s been in love with Pierce since he’s met him. *AH YES, ONE SIDED LOVE!* The thing is, Pierce is a straight man (so he claims). Cypress being a good brother, set his sister and Pierce up.
It’s giving Angelica and Eliza Schuyler in love with Alexander Hamilton *cue satisfied*
Anyways, these two’s relationship is a rollercoaster they love the thrill of fighting over stupid shit ig 😭 at some point, Pierce and Fatima take a “break” and there was a time where Pierce called Cypress to talk (vent abt his relationship problems). They cracked a cold one together and Pierce vented away abt Fatima. Cypress was tired of their stupid fights and he was tired of their relationship period point blank, he wanted it to end FOR GOOD. He was fed up to the point where he right then and there confessed his feelings to his best friend and band mate of x amount of years.
So at this point, cypress realizes what he said and is like “fuck WTF did I just say” instant regret from the liquid courage. BUT ☝🏼 Pierce was like fr??? U like me??? 😳🧍mind u both of them had a couple of beers ok…so if it wasn’t obvious already, Pierce is gay and he’s been questioning his sexuality. The reason why he’s weary to just accept he likes men is because he’s so used to heteronormativity. ANYWAYSSSSS The alcohol is alcoholing in this moment, cypress embarrassed, red in the face, Pierce cups cypress’ face with his hands and kisses him 😳 there kiss deepened and it could of gone further until Pierce realizes he’s kissing his friend, band mate and gfs brother…Pierce wanting to pull away, cypress clings onto his jacket.
This obvs sent cypress over the moon, but the moment is stopped because PIERCE GETS A CALL, FROM HIS GF….AKA CYPRESS’ SISTER….asking if they could meet up to talk.
Their convo leads to them….dating again…..🧍but Pierce ends up cheating on her constantly because he & cypress and secretly hooking up behind her back!! 😁 I’m still trying to flesh out why and what caused Pierce and Fatima to continue to date so sorry if some stuff doesn’t make sense!!!
Thats all I have for them rn!!! I plan on doing edits with my OCs so stay tuned and tysm for whoever read this lore lol
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schnitzelsemmerl · 5 months
(this post is best viewed in light mode!!)
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My intro post!! 🌈🌈
hallihallo! :3 my name's Cher (Cherilyn if you feel silly) 🍒 or Andrey and you can call me whatever (nicknames, etc. I LOVE NICKNAMES 💗). im 🇦🇹🇧🇦 btw. and can you tell i like schnitzelsemmerl (ohne salat 🥬 ist ein schnitzelsemmerl kein gutes schnitzelsemmerl btw ‼️😒😒 /lh)
fun 🎊 fact: Cherilyn is hella 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 </3
"say "hiya", ezra lamb!" "hiya, ezra lamb"
I'M ✨️⚠️A MINOR⚠️✨️ and i use any pronouns but if you call me a boy i will kiss you on the fucking mouth :3 my gender is weird but so am i
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this pretty much is a blog about musicals and my interests, but i'm mostly being 🎊silly🎊 and a sigma 🤩😼 with the mutuals™️ on here for now (this post may appear organized (why am i lying it doesnt), but in reality i am a trainwreck :3 ) i'm very online, so yea. talk to me please :33
fandom list: musicals (hamilton, rtc, SIX THE MUSICAL MY BELOVED <33 , etc.); hetalia <3; history, especially tudor dynasty and amrev/french revolution (idk if that counts as fandom); лолофд (this is a russian minecraft my friend and online father figure @frownce showed me don't go there it's deadly); the hellaverse/HH/HB, titanic (1997)
list of silly characters i like (idea totally not stolen): peggy schuyler, misha bachinskyi, france/francis bonnefoy, hera (i know she only appears for 20 seconds in one song AJFJFJFJGJF), niffty, moxxie and millie, jane grey, boleyn, towelie (bro he's funny 😭😭), heather mcnamara, karen smith, buffy gilmore and cindy campbell, etc etc
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the online family <3
my ao3!!
trust me on this and click :3 (it's ✨️fanart✨️)
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Under the cut are just random things :3 🍭🍭
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apparently, i am:
THE mother <3™️
George Washington Insanity™️
Peggy Schuyler's husband :3
alpha & sigma male
an honorary 'murican 🇺🇲
president (2024 - forever and ever and ever)
local schnitzelsemmerl but i am not local
Bernd das Brot (real)
Akkordeonspieler /j i don't actually play the squeeze keys 🤭‼️
mentally unstable bbg
emmy's annoying younger gen alpha brother
taken anons that are taken: 👻🏳️‍⚧️ !!
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previous usernames: @iiamly0
so if you know any of those users but cant find the blog anymore, hihihi ! hello !!!! that's me!! hiiiii :3
a carrd i spent wayyyyy too much time making
have a nice day!! :D (this is a threat)
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dragoninahumancostume · 7 months
I'm bored so
All years referenced in Hamilton:
(directly from the songs)
1776, Aaron Burr, Sir
1780, Winter's Ball
1781, Yorktown (The World Turned Upside-Down)
1785, I Know Him
1789, What'd I Miss
1791, We Know
1800, The Election of 1800
(by event/lyric, assuming Alexander was born in 1757, in order of events. This might be a bit confusing so feel free to ask clarification)
1754, I was given my first command I led my men straight into a massacre
1766, when he was ten his father split
1768, his mother went quick
1768-1835, Philip Jeremiah Schuyler (Angelica's brother, son of Philip Schuyler. Philip had like 15 children apparently, including the sisters and Philip)
1769, the cousin committed suicide
1769, as a kid in the Caribbean I wished for a war ("I wish there was a war", letter to Edward Stevens)
1771, they placed him in charge of a trading charter
1772, a hurricane destroyed Hamilton's town
1772, ship is in the harbor now see if you can spot him
1773, I am Hercules Mulligan
1773, your tea which you hurl in the sea (Boston Tea Party)
1775, Farmer Refuted
1775, yo let's steal their cannons
1775, I was a captain under general Montgomery until he caught a bullet in the neck in Quebec
1776, British Admiral Howe's got 32000 troops in New York harbor
1776, he promotes Charles Lee makes him second-in-command
1777, I need someone like you to lighten the load (Alex becomes Washington's right hand man)
1777, I'm John Laurens in the place to be
1777, je m'apelle Lafayette
1778, Theodosia meets Burr
1778, Battle of Monmouth
1778, duel between Laurens and Lee
1779, Laurens i like you a lot (letter from Alex to John, "I wish, my dear Laurens, it might be in my power, by actions rather than words, to convince you that I love you")
1780, give it up for the maid of honor (Alexander and Eliza's wedding)
1781, Hamilton leaves Washington (due to his lack of command)
1781, we fought with him
1782, Philip's birth
1782, me I died for him
1783, Theodosia's birth
1785, I am sailing off to London
1787, at the constitutional convention, goes and proposes his own form of government
(October-August) 1787-1788, write a series of essays titled The Federalist Papers
1789, Hamilton runs the state department
1789-1792, life without the monarchy
1790, Cabinet Battle #1
1791, Burr becomes senator
1791, Hamilton meets Ms. Reynolds
1793, Cabinet Battle #2
1793, Thomas Jefferson resings
1797, Washington's presidency ends
1797-1801, Adams' administration
1797, The Reynolds Pamphlets
1799, George Washington's death
1800, the first murder trial of our brand new nation (Levi Weeks' trial)
(March) 1801, death of Peggy Schuyler
(July) 1801, George Eacker's 4th of July speech
(23th November) 1801, George and Philip's duel
(24th November) 1801, Philip's death
1804, Alexander Hamilton's death
1810, You're making me mad (King George III actually goes mad)
1820, I'll love you til my dying days (King George dies)
I tried my best to get most of the dates, but tell me if I missed any! :)
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Hamilton songs as the Silmarillion prt 1
Who lives, Who dies, Who tells your story: Elrond Peredhel. Thinking mainly about all the kids he fosters in Elros’ line. But also the idea of him preserving the histories and memory of the Feanorians alongside the rest of his family.
Quiet Uptown: Either kidnap fam, with everyone’s assorted trauma (I think maybe Mae and Mags thinking about their brothers) or Feanor and Nerdanel reuniting after everything
Say no to this: Silvergifting. Celebrimbor and Annatar. Need I say more?
Burn: Nerdanel obviously. I’ve heard that take before and honestly it seems written for her. But I’m also going to add the possibility of Curufinrod. Some parts more than others I feel would also fit either point of view for that one. I lean a little more towards Curvo though. Maybe some kind of jealousy towards Beor and Barahir?
Non stop: Maedhros after Angband. All the diplomacy over letters, probably from his sick bed. The song just describes him so well. Also Elros.
Helpless: Luthien and Beren fits very well. But also Halenthir if we’re getting creative. Especially the bits about meddling siblings.
Satisfied: Russingon. If we’re going with Fingon having a wife. Forbidden love. It just makes me emotional. From Maedhros point of view.
Room where it happens: Nargothrond. Mainly Curufin and Celegorm and Orodreth. Feat Finrod and Beren.
Alexander Hamilton: Feanor. Just Feanor.
Schuyler Sisters: The three Cs. Just imagine it. Also Idril, Aredhel and Galadriel works. But seriously Celegorm, Caranthir - and Curufin. It would be incredible.
Farmer Refuted: Feanor harassing Eonwe while being backed up by Celegorm and Curufin. So funny.
You’ll be back: Thingol talking to literally anyone. He just has that entitled vibe. Also maybe Sauron to Maedhros.
Right Hand Man: Elrond and Gil Galad when they meet during the War of Wrath.
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icarusbetide · 6 months
implausible historical scenario: southern alexander hamilton (pt 2: washington's version)
Part 1: Grows up with Lavien, tragic lams version
here's the second scenario that would make southern A. Ham a possibility:
The rumors are true and he actually is Washington's son - I know, I know, I can hear Hamilton rolling in his grave already. But there's a reason the rumors circulated, it's really fucking interesting!
We know for a fact that the real Washington was minding his business 1754-1757, far away from Nevis - but he did go to Barbados with his brother in 1751. Let's pretend that he went back in an impromptu trip or that Lawrence managed to eek out a few more years, so they actually went later than 1751 (Unrelated, but him catching smallpox there + being exposed to Lawrence's tuberculosis might be the reason he was potentially infertile. If so, then the timing works out and doesn't conflict with his inability to have kids with Martha.) Maybe their ship was blown off course or needed some supplies, and stopped at Nevis. For whatever reason (my entertainment), he makes a series of questionable choices. Some people speculate that Alexander might have been the son of Stevens. I personally don't find this likely, but I can switch Stevens with Washington. I can and I did.
There are two main pathways I can see.
The first one most closely matches historical rumors and reality: no southern Hamilton. Washington leaves the West Indies oblivious, Ham comes to NYC, everything plays out the same - but at some point they figure out that he's his dad. People have already written a lot about this, but musical based, and for good reason. There's a lot of angst you can get out of it. Does Washington watch silently as Hamilton courts Elizabeth and is welcomed into the Schuyler family? Does Washington know that his son only had one friend at his own wedding? Worse, does Alexander still view James Hamilton as his dad, and beg him to come while ignoring the general? Do they work together better or worse than they do in reality? The possibilities! Imagine a world where there isn't a Reynolds Pamphlet but there is a Washington Pamphlet where Alexander confesses that he is the illegitimate son of the president after the Democratic Republicans got hold of some information. All of this is extremely soap opera, and almost embarassing in its drama but idc, it's fun.
Second, more divergent one: Yes, Alexander is illegitimate, but they find each other way earlier. It certainly wasn't uncommon for men of Washington's status to have bastards, and some did acknowledge their illegitimate children. Here, he'd be acknowledged, and raised in Virginia with the Custis kids (assuming Martha still marries George in 1759). I find this scenario intriguing for both the personal and political repercussions.
Personal repurcussions: would Hamilton have less issues if he was Washington's kid? Certainly his environment would be more stable, and Washington (given his frustration with a lazy Jacky Custis) would've been proud of such an intelligent, promising boy. People would be less eager to criticize/demean Hamilton (at least to his face), and he wouldn't be insecure in his class or geographical origin. I can also see him learning more political finesse and control if he grew up in Virginian society and with a steady, dedicated father. Would he have worked better with Washington if they were actually an acknowledged father-son relationship? Would Washington have planned to give Mount Vernon to him, since the Custis children already have their inheritance?
Now, if we assume that Hamilton’s policies remain constant, then his opponents lose even more major weapons than the Lavien world: perceived preference for the north and background. But then it also complicates Washington's legacy as general and president. Some historians argue that Washington having no perceived biological heir had some role in the trust people placed in him. If people know that Hamilton is his son, illegitimate or not, who has followed him through the war and into government, that's going to cause uneasiness. Maybe even do more damage to Washington's reputation than any real-life accusations of monarchy ever did, because this one actually has some weight. Ironically, it could be that this forces Alexander to be out of the running for the Secretary of Treasury position - having to work in the shadows, because the country is suspicious of anything and everything that looks like a king. More resentment!
But what if his beliefs do change? We get to see a Hamilton with connections to the south, just like the Lavien universe, but on crack. Because now his guardian isn’t just any southerner, he’s George Washington. It’s likely that just like Washington, going through the war would end up with him being a nationalist. But economically? If he didn't get that experience as a clerk in the West Indies (the period he said was the most educational of his life), or as an assistant to his merchant half-brother, then would he have the knowledge/insight to create his financial plan? Washington was on the same page as Hamilton, but Hamilton was doing the actual system-building. Going further, maybe growing up at Mt. Vernon happily and having only faint, distasteful memories of his tragic childhood in the West Indies actually makes him rear away from reminders of that life - maybe he has a fondness for agrarian lifestyle and lounging by trees reading philosophy, and an inherent dislike of merchants, business opportunists like james hamilton, trading, commerce. Maybe, god forbid, he ends up thinking a lot like Jefferson.
Who knows? A young Virginian Hamilton who has very close ties and pride connected to his country, meets an idealistic Thomas Jefferson and goes: "You are my role model and now I will emulate everything about you." People forget that Jefferson was 12 - 14 years older than Hamilton, it’s possible! The two didn’t hate each other right away! I can see them in this world bonding over Virginia and their intellect - perhaps, even if Hamilton veers towards being a nationalist, the lack of dispute on financial matters is enough for them to maintain a good relationship. There's even a possibility that Hamilton, like Madison, is a nationalist and writes the Federalist Papers but switches to the Jeffersonian side once Jefferson comes back. Certainly Madison and Jefferson would spend a lot of time trying to convince their wayward, fellow Virginian friend. Imagine a world where Washington is the biggest federalist and opposing his own son, who is in cahoots with a different Virginian in undermining his own presidency.
*Pats improbable scenario: this baby pumps out so much melodrama.
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someforeignband · 22 days
WIP Wednesday 🪽
why do one when we can have both,,,, :) !! tw: im soft launching some destiel under the cut lmaooo this work is meant to be a sort of dean winchester character study. (non-magic/non-supernatural AU, canon divergence, human Castiel, rural midwest setting)
this is from my small wip I Can’t Let Go (When Something’s Broken) — you can listen to the song it’s based on here.
“He can’t help it— that he lost his mind,” she’d said, like it was all supposed to make sense, like it was supposed to just explain everything. 
It didn’t feel like it explained anything. 
Everything had been a lie. The last eighteen years had been some big, huge, fucking lie.
And, Dean supposes that’s just how it is. The gag is that there isn’t some kind of man behind the curtain. There’s no invisible man. There’s no thing that goes bump in the night. It was all a lie. A delusion. 
It’s all that sad sort of twisted thing that makes the heap of dirty clothes piled up on your desk chair in the corner of your bedroom look like a burglar. 
But, the sun rose.
And now, Dean had to deal with the reality that it was just a pile of laundry on a desk chair. 
The burglar doesn’t exist. 
It’s just a fucking pile of clothes on a chair. 
Dean couldn’t stop thinking about the look on his Nonna’s face when she’d told him, told him about Dad and how he and Sam would have to pack up their clothes and move in. 
And yeah, now he’s laying in a bed with a real mattress and it’s so comfortable, but he still has his fucking shoes on. It’s three meals a day, and it’s starting Senior year in Schuyler, Nebraska with a roof over his head. It’s not having to load a gun and shove it deep in the bottom of your backpack. It’s not turning over your shoulder every three seconds. It’s getting to worry about making friends for the first time, knowing you’re staying put. It’s a hand-knitted blanket, and getting to wear sneakers, not worrying about wearing the tread off of the bottom. 
It was all a pile of laundry. 
Eighteen years for a pile of dirty laundry on a desk chair. 
The box spring in the attic squeaks a lot. It’s weird sleeping without Sam in the room. Most nights thus far, he’s sort of just lied awake and stared at the ceiling. Sometimes, he still forgets to take his shoes off when he gets into bed. 
Force of habit. 
Quietly, even though he doesn’t have to be anymore, Dean toes off his shoes. They’re new and they sort of hurt his ankles, they’re not quite broken in yet. 
“We couldn’t wait to get you both back,” Pap had said when he smoothed Sam’s hair back, kissing his forehead like he was 4 and not 14. He’d kissed Dean’s forehead, too. But, it was forced, Dean knew it. 
His head is so shiny and bald, Dean chuckles quietly to himself, trying to shake off the memory. He doesn’t have to be quiet. Doesn’t have to be careful, or vigilant, or alert. 
The shoes he kicked off hit the floor with a loud thud. Dean can’t help but cringe, the ghost of his breath crawling up and dying in his throat. Quickly, he sucks in air again. He had to break that. 
His socked feet wiggle around under the flannel sheets. It got cold at night here, even in September. Turning on his side, he reluctantly closes his eyes, trying to will sleep to come. 
Sam seemed to be adjusting fine, which Dean was grateful for. He wanted his little brother to be happy. 
“You look so much like your mother, Dean,” Nonna had made a passing comment that night at dinner. It knocked around in Dean’s mind as he lay there, trying to sleep. 
And it was funny, the scariest part of everything wasn’t that it was all a lie. Well—that was a little frightening. But, it was more than that. 
If there wasn’t some boogeyman waiting to jump out after the pair of them, then Dean supposed there wasn’t somebody out there just waiting to save them, either. 
In the corner of his room, his duffel was open, clothes strewn about, piled tall and disorganized on a folding chair which probably once belonged to a desk.
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46ten · 3 months
James Hamilton, Sr (speculation)
I'm going to beat this dead horse some more.
In checking to see whether any new records have been discovered about James Hamilton, Jr (if that was his name - Peter Lavien thought it might be 'Robert,' haha), born 1751 or 1753 or some point in the 1750s, who may have been apprenticed as a carpenter (Ramsing) and who engaged in some occupation where AH thought he could be set up on a farm (AH's letter to his brother), I didn't find anything!
But I did find one fairly recent article stating James Hamilton Sr. abandoned his family shortly after AH was born, and I just wonder where folks get this stuff? It's one thing to state "unknown," and another to totally make something up. And there's reasoning, beyond just lack of evidence, that this bothers me so much.
I'd like to reflect on why it's popular for some historians to state that James Hamilton abandoned his family:
It allows them to create a narrative where AH was desperate for a father figure and this psychological motivation plays out in his relationship with GWashington. Spoiler: there's really nothing to point to in order to assert that AH was looking for a father figure/sought out approval from an older, paternal figure. From his correspondence, he was happy with the father he did have, and the person he played a son to was Philip Schuyler.
It says something about their own attitude towards financial misfortune. AH states in at least four different letters to different people (based on my recall) that his father fell into great misfortune and his affairs were wrecked, or that he tried but could not achieve great success, or something along those lines. He was "too generous, too easy of temper, too much pride, too large a portion of indolence." But it's never that his father just up and abandoned him.
(Let's limit this to just middle-class Americans) It takes very little - the loss of a job while living in a location not conducive to finding another job, a physical accident, a medical illness, a natural disaster - for someone to end up in crippling debt that they never recover from financially. According to Newton's research, James Hamilton may have spent part of his time running from debt collectors, and then may have taken any odd job he could. But being in a bad financial situation is not a moral failing, no matter how much the editor of National Review (Brookhiser) and a former WSJ writer and biographer of JP Morgan and Rockefeller (Chernow) may believe it.
Two things that can stall a financial slide and prevent destitution are 1) family wealth; 2) ability to draw on equity/credit. Rachel Faucette had both: her relatives were wealthy, and she was a slave owner who could use those enslaved persons as collateral and rent out their labor. James Hamilton apparently had neither. But that doesn't make him a horrible father who abandoned his kids.
This leads to some interesting speculation I came across - one researcher casually mentioning that given the circumstances of Rachel's divorce, James Hamilton Sr. would have had to adopt his sons to legitimize them. (This type of event - having to petition to adopt an illegitimate child that was the product of a long-term but illicit relationship, actually happened in my own family about 175 years ago - there's an official act of the state legislature of this adoption). And this made me think:
There's decent speculation that James Hamilton ran out of money/opportunities in Statia in 1765, which is what led him to St. Croix in 1765 to act as a debt collector for his employer.
Rachel and their two sons move there either that year, or certainly by 1766 (we can locate AH in St. Croix in 1766) but he cannot be counted in a census with the family, or perhaps even live with the family, because of the restrictions on Rachel (not clear that this was the case under Danish colonial law).
When Rachel dies intestate, custody of his sons likely would have gone to her nearest relatives - her son Peter Lavien, and then her Faucette relatives like the Lyttons (her sister's family).
And that James Hamilton Sr likely didn't have legal rights to his sons, but nevertheless does try to settle on another Caribbean island and have property, possibly thinking that they could join him at some point (if their affairs went to wreck, too) makes me feel a certain way. This narrative by conservative historians to paint James, living in the even harsher 18th century, as a neglectful father because he couldn't get on a solid footing financially and was in a decade plus relationship with a woman with whom - after they'd already had two kids - it was determined by a St. Croix court that they could not legitimize the union or children in anyway - is really f'ed up, and tells one a lot more about the worldview of those historians than it tells us about the relationship between James and his son(s).
Anyway, the only thing new here is the question of James Hamilton Sr's legal rights to his son, as I've written of most of the rest of this before. Posting about it in case I take up research of Danish colonial law in the future!
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