doyelikehaggis · 2 years
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Rowing the Rarepair Rowboat: Scirisaac | Isaac Lahey x Scott McCall x Kira Yukimura (Teen Wolf)
Requested by @a-lil-bi-furious
Someone's walking towards them. Kira's aware that she shouldn't be staring because they might think it's rude, and that's not really the best first impression. But she also can't stop staring.
For a heart-skipping moment, she considers the possibility that they're not actually friendly and are, in fact, about to attack. Then she reminds herself that they're right in the open surrounded by at least twenty other students who all chose to eat lunch/study outside just like them.
"Uh, do you know them?" she quietly asks, leaning into Scott on her right. After all, he seems to be the centre of the stranger's attention, his eyes focused intently on him with a growing anxiety.
Scott lifts his head from the paper he was intensely scrutinizing for errors before their next class; he's desperate to pull his grades back up for Senior Year, it's all he's talked about all summer. She's been doing her best to help out with weekend study sessions at their houses, but they usually turn into impromptu movie/cuddle nights, which is a little bit unhelpful, they've both realized.
To her surprise, Scott instantly disregards the paper, his full attention on the stranger. Or, not stranger, she guesses. Not according to the look on Scott's face as the two of them look at each other.
"Yeah," Scott breathes softly, like he can't believe this isn't something pulled from the depths of his deepest dreams. "Isaac. Remember, I told you about him? He's part of the pack."
"That's good to hear," Isaac says, finally reaching them. There's the slightest twitch at the corner of his mouth, hands burrowing deeper into his pockets.
While clearly tall, the insecure hunch in his shoulders provides the image of a much smaller, perhaps lost child. Not quite the picture Kira built up of him in her mind from all of Scott's recounting. But little things jump out at her right away; the way his eyes reflect the rays of the sun with their golden flecks.
She had secretly felt envious when Scott said something along those lines, but she can't find it anywhere inside of her now, looking at him. Only understanding for why Scott's voice always held a sort of soft fondness to it whenever his name was mentioned in conversation.
Isaac shrugs, saying, "I had thought maybe moving halfway across the world sorta meant I wasn't part of it anymore."
Scott shakes his head. "It doesn't matter where you are, you will always be part of the pack. You should know that."
Then he's up off the bench and hugging him fiercely. Kira can't see Scott's face, pressed into Isaac's shoulder (nearly his chest), but she can imagine it's similar to the one of deep relief that is on Isaac's as he hugs him back.
While her stomach gives the tiniest of flip-flops at the sight of them embracing like long-ago parted lovers, she isn't jealous. More curious.
When Scott pulls back, he immediately turns to her and introduces them happily. "Isaac, this is Kira. My girlfriend."
She smiles up at him and sticks out her hand, then instantly regrets it, internally cringing at herself. To her further surprise, Isaac takes the offer and shakes her hand. His lips twitch up into a cute, lopsided little smile of amusement.
"Scott's told me so much about you!" Kira gushes. "I was hoping I would get to meet you at some point, but I'm not too keen on travelling -- I've done it a lot in my life already, and it would be nice to stay in one place for a few years, at least, so going to France was out of the question. And no one was really sure if you were actually still in France or not."
For a second, she worries she's scaring him off of her already, realizing they're still shaking hands. Well, they're not really shaking anymore, more just... holding hands. Which is worse.
Flushing furiously, she quickly retracts her own, glancing helplessly at Scott only to find him grinning down at her with that same soft fondness.
"Sit with us," Scott invites him, motioning across the table as he reclaims his spot on the bench beside Kira. "I'd love to catch up. Are you back for good?"
There's a hopefulness to the question and it doesn't seem to be lost on anyone. Isaac takes a deep breath, checks with Kira that she's okay with him joining them, to which she nods maybe a little too much, and slides onto the bench across from them.
"That's the plan," he confirms, fingers clasping on the table. He looks so poised, so put-together; Kira watches his eyes dart down to the table. "I can't believe I'm saying it, but I actually kind of want to graduate. I have a lot of catching up to do, obviously."
"We can help!" Kira jumps in, not even taking a single second to consult with even one of her better instincts. Impulse wins out every time.
Still, she may as well double down on it now. Looking to Scott, she says, "We're pretty much always studying these days anyways, right? We'd be more than happy to do it with you. Study. Study with you."
The heat of embarrassment under her skin is not getting better. It's a miracle that Scott and Isaac don't draw attention to it, not beyond another twitching smile from Isaac.
His eyes dart to Scott as he says, "That would be great. I would really appreciate that, if you really don't mind me, like, being a third wheel."
"I promise, you are not a third wheel," Scott says, then with a chuckle, adds, "You'll probably be helping us, to be honest."
"Yeah, you know what they say," Isaac says. "Three's better than one."
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bericas · 2 years
hiiiii besties!! if anyone has any Fun gifset requests re:stalia or scott/kira/isaac or another ot3, i would Love to see them! click anywhere in this sentence for a link to my request form (if you want)
(other requests are also welcome obviously) (but all of my own notes + most current requests are angsty (and i love and appreciate them! and it's very on brand for this blog!) and i'm in a Fun Mood) (and also a stalia + scirisaac/ot3 in general mood) (thank you for your time)
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