#scout a cowboy???
jrjeremy · 2 years
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alasoi · 8 months
Listened to Dixon Dallas while painting this sketch (6 songs in total at the moment - All of em have suggestive lyrics except for these two: "Better Without You" & "Sleeping All Alone") I suggest ya'll try out listening to em if ye haven't already
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The Thriftstore Cowboy scout cosmetic made me do this
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feyroon · 4 months
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hunting gal
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chaos-theoryyy · 4 months
Save me cowboy Scout.. cowboy Scout... Cowboy Scout save me..
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"Yo it's high noon dumbass!"
I saw that cosmetic and blacked out I HAD to draw it. Close ups and an extra doodle + original tweet under the cut!
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gingerale13 · 6 months
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Cowboy sniper for the soul.. scout.. and the creature
I'll work on U&U soon promise!!
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pansylair · 2 years
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pov last thing you see before you perish via homosexual cowboy posse (ocs)
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pwlanier · 2 years
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Sioux Quilled Jacket
A very seldom seen example of an early Scout jacket. With finely executed quilled designs in bright colorful designs and symbols including birds, flowers, crosses and crossed American flags on the sleeves. Trimmed in fringe, with remnants of blue silk trim at the edges. Cotton lining. Wonderful fringe along the arms, shoulders and down the center of the back. Circa late 19th century, 30" tall, 15" wide, 22" sleeves. Front shows fading to quillwork, but the back is bright and beautiful.
Old West Events
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emilythedog661-tf2 · 5 months
My 'Western Fortress' AU
So, this is a connection to this picture that i made about a TF2 CowBoy AU and here is some info about the AU
I'll Start with the Backstory
In the time of cowboys ruled america, there were a group of 9 cowboys that were mercenaries, they were hired by a old lady nicknamed 'The Administrator' with her right hand woman 'Miss.Pauline' to stop a evil group of men called 'The Gray Group', The Group includes the Leader 'Gray Mann' with his 9 mercenaries and his right hand man 'Mr.Civilian', The Adminatrator has told her 9 Mercenaries to stop Gray and his men as they are planning to take over america with Gray's cult with their terrible crimes being attacks to towns, kidnapping people for fun, Animal Crulty, hurting people and other bad stuff.
Now to the Chatacters and their Horses
Scout - Scout is the youngest cowboy only being 25, he joined to get revenge on Gray's Cult after they came into his hometown and attacked his mom and brother when he was 5 years old, his mom was left severely injured and all his 8 brothers sadly died from the attack leaving only him and his mother, Scout hopes to get revenge on the person who killed his brothers and severely injured his mother, scout has undiagnosed ADHD and Dyslexia so he can be a bit annoyed sometimes to the others with his hyperactivity and his struggles to read or write but he also has a caring heart towards his friends and his horse, the others care about him too in their own way even if he can be annoying sometimes but they will push him around when they've had enough of him.
Scout's Horse which is a male is named Speedy and he is a Dun colour which is cream with a black mussel, mane, tail and legs, Speedy is a fast horse who loves to run and he is also the youngest horse being around 5 year old, Speedy is a horse version of Scout where he's annoying to the other horses but he cares about the other horses too as he loves to play with the other horses and even with scout.
Soldier - Soldier has been a cowboy since he was a teenager and he loves a good gun fight, he was hired by the adminatrator after seeing him go crazy after killing everyone in a bar after he was picked on by some drunk dudes, he loves guns and he even has made himself some guns before, he most favorite weapon are shotguns and rocket launchers, he gets on well in his own way with his teammates but he gets on the most with Engineer even having a crush on him, Soldier then asked Engineer if they wanted to date one clear starry night and since then, the pair have been dating and it's very cute even if scout thinks it's gross.
Soldier's Horse which is a male is named Missle and he is a black and white horse with the white on the face from the top of the head to the mussel, the mussel, half the mane and tail and his legs, Missle is Soldier's second horse after his first horse as well as childhood horse, Crocker, sadly passed at 32 after a long life, Missle is Crocket's son and Soldier loves Missle as much as he did with Crocket, Missle is 16 years old and he mostly a calm horse but he gets crazy when he hears gun fire with neighing and bucking, the only ones that can calm Missle down is Soldier, Engineer and Engineer's horse.
Pyro - Pyro is a weird person as nobody knows what he is, he always has his face and body covered so you don't even know if he's a man or woman but everyone does know that he loves fire, he even designed his own flamethrower and he loves watching fire like it's a movie, in pyro's mind, everything is colourful, magical and even amazing sometimes, pyro loves his teammates but the ones he looks up to the most is scout as he sees him as his best friend, engineer and soldier as he sees the pair as his parents as they are very nice and understanding towards him.
Pyro horse which is a female is named Unicorn, Unicorn is a blue roan colour which is gray with a black head, mane, tail and legs, unicorn is a happy horse who loves to play and her favorite horse to play with is speedy as he's a young horse, unicorn is also young being 6 years old and like most mares, she can have her moody days, she loves pyro like a foal even if she hasn't had any babies yet and she will protect pyro with her life.
Demo - Demo is one of 5 of the Mercenaries where he's not from america, instead he's from scotland and he with his mum moved to america when he was 18 and since then, he was a cowboy, he's loves alcohol and he sadly lost his left eye to a magical yet egotistical wizard when he was 8, when demo isn't drunk, he gets on with the other teammates really well with his best mate being soldier, he even was the one who helped soldier get a relationship with engineer, demo is a chill guy but his love for alcohol does get in the way with most thing but at the same time, it's doesn't as he can aim better when he's drunk and even use a sword better when he's drunk.
Demo horse which is a male is named scrumpy, scrumpy is a chubari spot colour which is black with white spots like freckles all over the top area of his body, scrumpy helps demo get home when he's drunk and even when demo is a drunk zombie, he loves demo a lot as demo gives him affection and treats when he's not drunk, scrumpy is 19 years old and he has been with demo since demo was 21,and he was 2 years old, scrumpy is a laid back horse and he likes to chill out with the other horses when they have free roam of their pen.
Heavy - Heavy is the second one not from america as he with his mother and 3 young sisters are from the mountains of russia, heavy came to america with his family to protect them from the evil that was happening over there with a war, heavy was only 13 when he moved out with his sisters and now, he's a very smart guy and decided to be a mercenary to get more money for him and his family, he gets along with the other even if they are all very strange in their own way but he has a good friendship with medic seeing him as a brother and he even gets on well with both scout and pyro seeing them as little brothers, his favorite food is sandwiches and he the only guy of the group that isn't effected by alcohol as it will take about 55 bottles of beer to get him drunk.
Heavy horse which is a female is named sasha, she is a standerd chestnut colour and she's is very bulky being strong enough to take heavy's size, like pyro's horse, she can be moody some day but she is also the fight breaker of the horse breaking up any fight from other horses to even people as she hates fights, heavy adores her and he does spoil her a little bit she loves it.
Engineer - Engie joined the mercenaries as he heard this was the same lady that hired both his dad and grandfather, his grandfather was a blacksmith untill the adminatrator hired him to make her a life support machine for her which he did but he was threatened by gray to make another one for him which he did, both the adminatrator and gray now have life support machine with a substance called 'diamondium' which is a similar yet different mineral to diamond which has life extending abilities, it what gray is after and is why he's attacking all the towns to get to the mines and find more diamondium to extend his life before the adminatrator can find it, engie not only is he helping his teammates to stop gray but he's secretly trying to find more diamondium with miss.pauline to give to the adminatrator, another goal engie has os to find out where his dad has gone as his dad suddenly disappeared one day after he moved out to get a degree in smithing like what his dad and grandfather have, since then, engineer has been looking for his father but what he doesn't know is that his dad is part of gray's mercenaries but he isn't bad like what some of the others are, engie gets on well with his teammates seeing them as buddies, he sees pyro like his son and soldier is his lover who he loves to bits.
Engineer's horse which is a male is named Rodeo, Rodeo is a brown and white colour with the white on the mussel and legs, Rodeo is the foal of engie's dad's horse, Pistol that engie had since he was 16 years old, Rodeo is now 15 years old and he is a very calm horse, he follows engie around like a sheep when he's not locked up in his pen but when he not with engie, he's with soldier's horse Missle cuddling together, like with the others, engie spoils Rodeo but he doesn't mind as long as he gets to be with his rider, he also likes soldier too as he is Missle's rider and soldier is really a softy toward both Rodeo and Missle.
Medic - Medic is the team's doctor who is from germany, he was hired by the adminatrator after hearing the story of him stealing a skeleton from someone's body as they were dying, medic is a psycho but he also cares for the others in his team as he got to know them better, he gets on well with heavy with them being partners in crime but he has a lover in sniper, sniper asked medic out after they went for a walk with their horses and the pair have been dating since, medic also had invented a potion which heal all wounds, broken bones and damaged organs in a instant and it's been very helpful to the team, medic also does monthly check up on the team and both scout and pyro tease him playfully that he's the teams mom.
Medic's horse which is a male is called Archimedes, Archmedes is a pure white horse and he is very mischievous, he likes to test medic's patients by stealing his hat, his coat and even his bag of food all because he wants to play which medic ends up doing, Archimedes is around 8 years old being the 3rd youngest horse and he can be a handful for medic but he loves him all the same, Archimedes also goes on really well with sniper's horse and when Archimedes isn't teasing medic, he having a nap and cuddle with sniper's horse.
Sniper - Sniper is from australia and he was hired by the Adminatrator after seeing how good he was with a sniper rifle, sniper is a laid back introvert but likes to be with his teammates, especially medic as they spend a lot of time together being lovers, he's the second youngest to scout being 30 and he favorite hobbies other then killing is napping, practising his aim and watching the sky.
Sniper horse which is a male is called Midnight due to him being a all black horse, Midnight is a lazy horse but doesn't mind a good run with his rider, he also loves to play games with sniper which archimedes taught him to do and sniper thinks it's hilarious when Midnight does it, Midnight is 9 years old but he acts like a foal when he's playing, sniper spoils Midnight like the others do and Midnight loves it when he gets attention.
Spy - Lastly, there is Spy and he is mysterious but not as mysterious as pyro, spy like to smoke all the time and he is from france but he can talk many languages, spy wears a mask to cover half his face only showing his eyes and mouth and he the other leader of the group with soldier also being a somewhat leader of the group, spy is also scout's dad but he doesn't want to tell him yet as scout is still full of emotion getting revenge for his brother's death and his mom being injured, spy also wants to get revenge for scout's mom being injured as after all this time, he still loves her even if they haven't seen each other in 20 years, spy also has the ability to turn invisible with a special stopwatch and he can disguise as other by just wearing a outfit.
Spy horse which is a female is called Lune, she's a black horse with white speckles all over her and she's is always moody except towards spy, she's the diva princess of all the horses and she doesn't like any other horse only spy, she is 15 years old and like both pyro and heavy's horse, she hasn't had any babies yet as she's being picky on who she wants to mate with, that's how diva she is and spy loves her for it, she tends to hang out on her own when spy isn't around but when he is around, she tends to stick to him like glue to paper.
Other Things to Mention - Miss pauline also visits the mercenaries from time to time to tell them the next plan and stuff from the adminatrator, scout has a huge crush on her but sadly for him, miss.pauline is already married to her work as well as has a huge crush on the adminatrator, she's basically the message girl to the mercenaries and she is a very busy woman only having one day off a year which is on june 20th as it's the middle of the year
miss.pauline's horse which is a female is called Rosie, Rosie is a Strawberry roan colour which is a light brown body with a dark brown head, mane, tail and legs, Rosie like her rider is always busy and she doesn't want to be messed around with, she kinda likes scout's horse speedy but she surprisingly gets on well with Spy's horse Lune who is the only horse Lune gets on with, Rosie is 8 years old being older then Scout and Pyro's horses but like all the females horses of the teams, she hasn't had a foal yet as miss.pauline has been so busy to think about breeding her.
That's all for now and i will add more if i think of any, i might make this into a Fanfic but if anyone wants to turn this into a fanfic series, i'm happy for anyone to do so as long they tell me and credit me 😋 i also don't mind fan art too 🙂
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3mutantsinatrenchcoat · 11 months
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What? Two scout and Leo drawings in two days? Yeh-
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cage-cat-yt · 5 months
Art dump (undercut has zoom in on Dr. Sung doodle cause it's my favorite lol)
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Man I was supposed to post this all like a week ago or something 😭😭 I'm gonna post more drawing soooo prepare yourself lol
Also I don't have enough tags to have all the characters soooo yeah lol. Also Tumblr is being so mean so the undercut is gonna take a sec
Anyway, thanks for reading! Remember to self care and hydrate and I hope you have a good day :)
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rawrlands · 3 months
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Swamp water
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chernobog13 · 5 months
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Jay Silverheels as Tonto and Clayton Moore as The Lone Ranger, along with their horses Scout and Silver, from The Lone Ranger television series (1949-1957).
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day fucking ruined nvm
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feyroon · 1 year
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heyyyyyyy what’s up new scout ref
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lost-in-sokovia · 2 years
bathtub baby
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this idea came to me on a whim oh my god
warnings: cursing, fluff with no plot
“she keeps splashin’ me— dammnit, scout, stop fidgetin’!” your husband half-laughed half-scolded. your ten month old daughter moved her chubby little arms up and down in the small metal tub she sat in, giggling as she continued to splash warm water all over her father as you and him sat in front of her.
“it ain’t gonna be warm much longer if you keep it up, scout-a-roo,” percy warned lightly. of course, your baby daughter didn’t understand what she was being told, and instead kept happily splashing and making you laugh as percy closed his eyes and scrunched his nose with every contact of water. you sat with the small tub in front of the fireplace so scout’s bath water could stay as warm as possible for as long as possible, more water being heated above the fire for whenever it became too cold for her.
your daughters little cheeks were pink and plump beneath her green eyes, her reddish hair matted to her soft baby head as she joyously laughed and squirmed.
“splash your momma, daddy’s had enough,” percy groaned jokingly. your daughter looked to you, recognizing your name, and scrunched her nose as she giggled again. you laughed as she bounced, causing the metal tub to scrape a bit against the floor.
“god, perc, she’s so funny!” you observed and booped her little nose. you dipped your hands into the water and gently poured more water over scouts head, your daughter instinctively closing her eyes and percy helping to wipe the water away as she blinked. he grabbed the small bar of soap beside the metal tub and dipped it beneath the warm water before beginning to gently scrub his daughter’s soft baby skin. scout’s eyes widened as the bubbles formed and looked from her daddy then back to the soap suds.
“she’s goin’ to grow up and be smarter than me, i’ll tell ya that,” percy remarked as he gently rubbed scout’s chubby tummy. scout giggled and percy mimicked it, causing her to laugh louder. “she’s the most curious baby i ever seen.”
“how many babies have you seen, though, percy?” you asked. he chuckled and shrugged.
“you’re right, but she’s got her momma’s brains already, i know it,” your husband persisted. you hummed and kissed his cheek, leaning your head against his shoulder. it was lovely watching your husband and daughter bond as she got older, but you longed for the days when scout was small enough to fit perfectly in the crook of percy’s arm. you frowned.
“i miss when she was little,” you mumbled. percy didn’t reply, simply rinsing off the remaining soap on scout’s tiny body before wiping his hands on his pants. he wrapped his arms around you as scout cooed and wiggled her little legs beneath the water, splashing some onto the wooden floor beneath her.
“darlin’, she is little,” percy responded gently. he kissed your head and smiled at the wiggly baby. “she’s only ten months, not even a whole year yet. she’s still got tons to learn and tons to grow, just enjoy where we’re at,” he told you. you knew he was right; scout wasn’t even walking yet and she could only say mama, dada, and moo. you sat in silence with your husband until scout started to frown.
“getting cold?” you cooed, sticking your fingers in the water. percy rubbed his hand over her thin, wet hair and sniffed.
“think she’s done, anyway,” he said. you grabbed the fuzzy towel beside you and percy lifted your daughter out of the tub and into your arms, scout cooing as you held her close to you and the fire warmed the other side of her. you closed your eyes and placed your head atop hers, snuggling her and letting out a deep breath.
percy carefully moved the tub aside before wrapping his arms around both you and scout. the crackling fire and the sound of your daughter’s soft breathing filled your ears as your husband held you in a comforting grip.
this was the life you had longed for.
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ka-19 · 2 years
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art jumpscare, sorry folks.
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