wolfjessedragon · 4 years
MTF Unit Zeta-1 “After-School Club” Official Symbol
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Special thanks to the-masked-artist05 for creating this amazing symbol
Link to her page below
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[ Two weeks later ]
"You are aware of the fact that if any of these kids die, it'll be on your hands. " O5-1 stated
"Yes, ma'am I understand. "
"Okay, lets begin. "
"MTF unit members: scp 029, scp 040, scp 053, scp 085, scp 134, scp 191, scp 239, scp 321,scp 387,scp 590, scp 999, scp 1192, scp 2192, scp 2241, scp 2599, and scp 2662, correct? " O5-1
"Correct, ma'am. "
"Due to 590s use, he will not be able to go out in the field, at least for now, but he will be able to join the education project." O5-1 gave little time for a response before continuing
"Mentors, and chaperones:
Agent Embro Ravencroft
Doctor Jordan Wolfshire
Doctor Anne Evans
Scp 035,
Scp 049,
Scp 073,
Scp 076,
Scp 079,
Scp 082,
Scp 990,
Scp 963,
Scp 1360, Correct? "
"Correct, ma'am."
"MTF unit Zeta-1, code name, 'After school club' has been accepted with nine out of thirteen votes, The education program has been accepted, with eleven out of thirteen votes, majority wins. "
O5-1 stated
"Make sure the site director gets a field report once they start going on field missions. "
"Yes, ma'am. "
"Good luck, Three. "         
                [ O5-1 has logged off ]
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littledemo0n · 5 years
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spooky-scary-virgil · 5 years
Okay... ask my friend, scpkiddos. - Ɛ>
what letter does your url start with?
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wolfjessedragon · 4 years
MTF Unit Zeta-1 “After-school Club” The Student’s Letter of Enrollment Template
Dear SCP (Insert Number),
The foundation has taken note of your exceptional abilities, a collective of personnel believe that there's potential and under proper guidance, you can be part of earth’s future. Therefore you have been selected to take part in Zeta-1’s Educational MTF Unit training program. You will have the opportunity to learn in multiple fields, forge friendships with other anomalous children, and hopefully find a way to use your powers to help others.
Along with this letter should be a package, its contents are your school supplies:
A complete set of SCP 5000-B1 to 4, your school uniform
Five graphite pencils
Three notebooks
An iPad Mini (that is to be used for APPROPRIATE use only)
A wearable tracking device (sorry)
A leatherman multitool
First class will begin at Site 22 in room 1307 on **/**/** at 8:30 am, schedules will be adjusted on an individual basis after the first week of classes. Students are advised to prepare a speech introducing themselves to the class, and to not stress when taking the PVQ, KIW, and PMI assessments. These exams are meant to figure out what learning style fits you best, what areas you excel in and what areas need improvement.
We look forward to seeing you!
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wolfjessedragon · 4 years
MTF Unit Zeta-1 “After-school Club” Trailer
From writers and artists within the SCP Foundation fanbase Comes a series of stories about reformation, learning, overcoming obstacles and above all hope.  
Join several amazing anomalous children, there adoptive parents, and several foundation personnel on this journey of survival in an unjust society and the one’s who when the time comes will save and repair a broken world.
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wolfjessedragon · 4 years
MTF Unit Mentor File 001786 O5-3 “Anne Evans”
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Dr. Anne Louis Evans (by crazedhopelessromantic)
Title: O5-3 “The Sympathizer”
Has worked with the foundation since the 1800’s and is even one of the Founding Council Members of the SCP foundation.
Although Dr. Evans is well over two hundred years old, her anomalous properties of immortality have prevented her from aging beyond twenty five maintaining the appearance of a normal tanned Caucasian female with a statue of 5.5 feet weighing at 120 pounds. In an assassination attempt carried out by a former O5-7 council member, O5-7 had tricked Dr. Evans into drinking a concoction of anomalous liquids disguised as red wine. The concoction consisted of 30% cyanide, 50% of SCP’s 682’s blood, 19% of red wine, and unknown to O5-7 an accidental 1% contaminant of SCP 006. That small dosage had transformed the deadly cocktail into an elixir for immortality, an elixir that Dr. Evans drank.
Immune to the effects of memetic SCPs and several anomalous diseases. Will enter a comatose state to recover after taking massive amounts of lethal damage. Regeneration has limits as after losing her left hand to the jaws of 682 the limb has yet to grow back, hence the use of a titanium prosthetic.
Acts as a therapist/psychologist to the sapient and/or more humanoid SCPs, list of clientele consists of but not limited to: SCP 011, 053, 054, 069, 070, 073, 076-2, 105, 166, 134, 191, 237-2, 326, 327, 507, 953, 1033, and 1504.
She's always been extremely empathetic towards all anomalies, even before she was with the foundation, she has always been empathetic towards cryptic and the supernatural, even if they're dangerous to humanity, or just dangerous is general. That being said her compassion has put a target on her back, this new movement if she is not careful may make that target even bigger…….
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wolfjessedragon · 4 years
MTF Unit Zeta-1 “After-school Club” Preparation Files Part 1
Three weeks before First Class…..
Dr. Evans walks down the corridor just finishing the response meeting from the other council members eager to tell her colleagues the news. She walks into the office of Senior Researcher Wolfshire where the beastie researcher and armored Agent Ravencroft had been waiting. “Well how’d it go?” “C'mon don’t keep us in suspense” the agent and researcher said looking at the O5. “I’m sorry Jordan and Embo” Dr. Evans said in a deceitfully somber tone, the beastie researcher sighed then started saying “Its okay Anne, I fig-” before getting cut off “That we're gonna have to go on overtime cause the proposal got approved!” Dr. Evans exclaimed. The room's atmosphere quickly shifted from suspense to disappointment to jovial as Jordan pulled Anne and Embo in for a bear hug. “Jordan I understand you're excited but could-” Dr. Evans said before being cut off by a tighter squeeze, this went on for ten more seconds before Embo said “Girl you're crushing us we can’t breathe!” Researcher Wolfshire released them from her clutches before putting her head down in embarrassment. “Sorry guys, let my strength get the better of me, I’m just so happy right now” “I am to Jordan” “Me too beast woman” Wolfshire half jokingly growled at Ravencroft’s response, she hated but liked the nickname he gave her.
“Okay so what now O5-3?” Embo said to refocus the trio, “Well now comes the prepping, I had already put in the transfer orders for some of the students and will put in the rest two weeks after the letters are sent. In the meantime Embo what's the progress of the students equipment?” Dr. Evans said switching her demeanor from casual to professional. “The prototypes are ready ma’am Wolfshire and I just need access to certain SCPs to test them” Agent Ravencroft stated before Wolfshire continued “We would like to use SCPs 096 and 173 to test 5000-B1, 513 to test 5000-B2, 163 to test 5000-B3, and lastly 1504 to test 5000-B4.” “Good I’ll get you the greenlight for use of SCPs 096, 173, and 513 for the experiments after which Embo” Dr. Evans said “Yes ma’am?” Agent Ravencroft responded “You’ll head to Site 62 in Newfoundland to visit SCP 163, in the meantime Jordan?” “Yeah Anne?” “I got you approved to use one of your D-Class on SCP 738” “Thank you Anne” Researcher Wolfshire said with gratitude.
“Alright you have your orders, I’ll head back to my office to fill out the paperwork while you two get busy, let's go team.” Dr. Evans said before departing as Senior Researcher Wolfshire and Agent Ravencroft got busy on their parts. Upon reaching her office Anne started to type, going through the necessary bureaucracy of the foundation’s process.
Use of SCP 096 and SCP 173 for testing 5000-B1? APPROVED
Use of SCP 513 for testing 5000-B2? APPROVED
Agent Ravencroft proceeding contact with SCP 163 for test 5000-B3? APPROVED
Dr. Evans and Senior Researcher Wolfshire using 5000-B4 on SCP 1504? APPROVED
Anne went on like this for a while until a certain experimentation file appeared once again on her desktop, it was a file she was hesitant to accept or decline so once again she chose the third option.
Use of SCP 040, SCP 2295, a full grown swine, and an Asian elephant for experimentation on SCP 321? Still Pending
To be continued...
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wolfjessedragon · 4 years
MTF Unit Zeta-1 Mentor File 0469 “Jordan Wolfshire”
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Senior Researcher Jordan Draka Wolfshire
Title: Level 4 Senior Researcher with special access to multiple Level 5 files granted by O5 council members O5-3, O5-4 and O5-10.
O.B.F: Historian, specializing in Zoological, Crime/Civil Trial, Tribal Culture, and Religious Culture History. Was recruited by the foundation after surviving an encounter with SCP 1836 despite being a Cajun and having no trace of Aleut, Yupik, or Inupiat DNA, with instances of SCP 1836-1 even bringing her to up to the surface to breath, reasons for this are still unknown/debatable. 
Gained some anomalous attributes while working for the foundation due to results from encounters and cross testings with SCPs. Her encounter with SCP 1836 resulted in her brown hair prematurely graying at the age of twenty three, as well as an increase to cold resistance up to -10 Fahrenheit, and seems to gained prolonged longevity as despite being in the foundation’s employment since 1995 Senior Researcher Jordan has barely aged beyond twenty four. The rest of her anomalous attributes were from the effects of an experiment involving SCP 040, SCP 801-3, SCP 3660, an adult male gray wolf, and an adult lioness. Originally two D-Class Personnel were supposed to be used in the experiment, but D-1010 was suffering severe abdominal pains attributed to appendicitis and could not proceed with the experiment. Rather than reschedule the experiment then Researcher Jordan volunteered herself as a test subject, and while met with initial resistance, then Site Director ***** authorized the proposal. The purpose of this experiment was to see if SCP 040 could alter/mimic/reverse the effects of SCP 801 and SCP 3660 with the use of animal and human subjects. The following were the results of the experiment: The adult male gray wolf and adult lioness received a boost in emotional intelligence along with the mental capacity of a teenager, both are now deemed SCP-040-1 instances and are not to be disposed of to not upset SCP 040. D-1999 was initially transformed into a gray wolf by SCP 801-3 through with assistance from SCP 040 has been able to keep his intellect partially intact with memory loss and enhanced complex problem solving skills being greatly hindered, he is currently under the care of Senior Researcher Jordan. As for Researcher Jordan upon first glance her changes seem to be the most minimal with appearance changes including a tuft tail, slightly pointed ears, increased size of canines, some bodily hair growth, a thick almost bulletproof hide, and the addition of retractable claws on her appendages. However further examination and experimentation revealed an increase in jaw strength (650-1000 PSI), leg muscle strength, stamina, pain tolerance, and sensitivity to smell, sound, and nocturnal vision. Along with a partial understanding of several mammalian dialects with canines and felines being her most prominent.
It’s actually the little things Jordan struggles with the most, as she was diagnosed with high functioning autism when she was ten and ADD when she was nineteen. She’s got to get her clothes custom made because besides her beastie features she’s 6 1/2ft tall weighing at 280lbs. Got to wear ear protection and sunglasses in urbanized places otherwise her super heightened senses turn against her. Also has a roll coaster metabolism with the appetite of a full grown lioness. Diet consists of 25% Carbs, 10% Produce, 5% Fat, and 60% Protein from large game. There's scars on her arms and back from encounters with particularly hostile SCP’s, most of which were from saving her subordinates, whether foundation personnel to even D-Class. Has also gotten tribal based tattoos prior to her foundation employment as a sign of acceptance and respect from several Native American tribal communities including Iroquois, Navajo, Chitimacha, and Yupik.
An eccentric yet wise compassionate woman Jordan has treated the both the SCP’s under her care and D-Class she owns extremely well and has proposed many experiments that could hypothetically help SCPs. It would start off as little things at first like teaching illiterate but sapient entities like SCP 811 how to read and write, or referring to sapient SCPs by their preferred name when interacting with them. As time went on these proposals got more ambitious with one being the transfer of SCP 250 to Site 1265 to “release the dinosaur in a habitat to be alongside those of his kind.” The majority of which have been denied by the Site Directors due to fear of losing control of the anomalies. However in recent years some of these denials have been overridden with approvals from O5 command with the Senior Researcher’s most ambitious proposal being considered…...
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wolfjessedragon · 4 years
MTF Unit Zeta-1 “After-school Club” Preparation Files Part 2A
Twenty days until First Class… Part 1
Senior Researcher Wolfshire accompanied by her newest guard Opal traverse through the D-Class cell block, in too much of a good mood to acknowledge the cat calling from the regular inmates, ignoring their taunts she makes haste to a particular row of cells. “Hey fellas” Jordan said to the inmates within whose expressions went from harden to glad upon laying there eyes on the beastie researcher. “Hey! If it isn’t our favorite researcher, how have you been?” one of the inmates, D-945 real name Hue, asked as the others greeted Jordan. “I’m doing wonderful guys, remember that project I told y’all about, well it just got approved.” Wolfshire said with the biggest smile on her face, “That’s amazing! Oh Timmy is gonna be happy, making friends will do good for the little guy” D-882 real name Joan spoke referring to SCP 1192. “Alright alright settle down everyone so our boss can speak” said D-1492 real name Beth to which the other inmates on the row settled down “Now that’s settled what can we do for you today Boss?” “Well Beth I’m gonna need a couple of you guys to help me out with some stuff, one for an errand today and six more for an experiment tomorrow.” “Alright folks in particular or are we drawing straws?” D-1492 asked the researcher “Is Mark still kicking?” “Yep that bastard is too stubborn to die” “Great he’ll be coming with me today and I’ll leave you guys to decide for tomorrow” Jordan said with a sort of somber tone to which Beth picked up but decided to not call her out on as Mark exited the cell door and Opal started cuffed him. “Oh Opal you don’t have to do that Mark isn’t gonna hurt ya” Jordan said to the guard “Uh are you sure ma’am? I mean he is a D-Class, no offense D-911” said Opal in an hesitant tone “None taken Opal right? I understand let's just get going and please call me Mark if ya what” D-911 said with understanding “Very well then if you two would follow me we can head to the lab, see ya later guys” said Jordan as she and her two subordinates walked away.
As they walked towards the containment cell D-911 started yawning to which Senior Researcher Wolfshire took notice. “Woah Mark you okay? You seem a little tired” asked Jordan “I’m fine Boss, just didn’t get a whole lot of sleep, lost a bet and had to bunk with Louis” replied D-911 “Yikes I guess he was having a bad one last night?”  “Yep kept punching and kicking the wall, was up half the night to stop him from breaking something, but don’t worry I’ll be okay for today” D-911 reassured the beastie researcher. “Thanks Mark and hey how about after this I take you to my office for a nap?” Jordan asked the D-Class “Oh you don’t have to do that” “No its fine, I gotta do whole lotta paperwork to do after and Opal here could use the overtime, right?” Wolfshire asked the young guard “Uh yes ma’am but I don’t know if that's allowed I’d hate for you to get in trouble” Opal said nervously “(Pfft) It's fine besides what’s Director Stone gonna do? I ain't scared of him. Ah here we are!” Senior Researcher Wolfshire said nonchalantly as they arrived at the entrance of SCP 738’s containment cell. 
A couple of minutes went by as Senior Researcher Wolfshire collected the necessary materials and prepared D-911 for SCP 738. “Alright Mark, are you ready to go in or would you like to run by the plan again?” Wolfshire asked D-911 “Uh maybe one more time I don’t wanna mess up, I mean this is a Keter we’re dealing with” “Okay Mark, as stated before SCP 738 is a Keter class object consisting of a mahogany desk and two chairs, one ordinary and one ornate. Past testing revealed that when a subject sits in the ordinary chair they see a well dressed man who proceeds offers and promises in exchange for something of “equal value”. Normally D-Class that are used for testing SCP 738 must be mildly intellectually disabled or of comparably impaired cognitive function. However for today's transaction I got special permission to use you, Mark considering your circumstances.” Jordan said in a sort of uneasy tone “It’s alright Boss, please continue” D-911 said reassuring the researcher “Right in your possession is a wooden box whose contents consist of sixty fountain pens and 2 liters of sheep’s blood, please don't ask. I need you to trade it for ten blood binding pens with just enough “ink” for a couple of signatures, think you can do that for me Mark?” Wolfshire asked the D-Class “Yeah no problem, just one question” “Yes?” “What if the entity tries something?” “In case that happens give us the signal and depending on the situation, I will either guide you or shut it down, you ready?” D-911 takes a deep inhale before responding “Okay let's do this thing.”
To be continued...
Previously: https://wolfjessedragon.tumblr.com/post/639854179953868800/mtf-unit-zeta-1-after-school-club-preparation
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wolfjessedragon · 4 years
MTF Unit Zeta-1 “After-school Club” The Faculty’s Letter of Employment Template
Dear SCP (Insert Number),
You have been selected to be a mentor for Zeta-1’s Educational MTF Unit training program, and while normally subjects aren’t given the choice in this case you do have a choice. However before declining this offer we ask that you read this letter in its entirety and take time to weigh your options. 
As a mentor in the program you will be eligible to receive some form compensation for your work, this includes:
Restricted to Free range movement around the facility 
Requesting access to certain SCP’s
Requesting to visits other Sites and foundation accessed/occupied locations
Requests for non anomalous objects within reason
Requesting visitation from certain personnel 
Access to copies of your own SCP file 
Access to copies of fellow faculty member’s files
Access to copies of student’s files 
Of course these rewards will only be given based on job performance and can be revoked should regulation violations take place. That being said as a mentor you will be expected to obey the following regulations:
You will not enact any unnecessary harm towards foundation personnel or D-Class.
Don’t even think about causing a containment breach!
You will be required to wear a tracking device (sorry)
You will be expected to meet a certain quota when teaching the students
All lesson plans should be peer reviewed by at least two more faculty members 
All “field trips” must be approved by three faculty members and the site director
All “experiments” have to be approved by two faculty members, the site director, and an ethics committee personnel
You will be searched before and after clocking out of work
With all that in mind now comes your choice, if you wish to decline simply return the letter to the sender unsigned, however if you wish to accept, use the provided pen to sign below.
(WARNING: Once you sign this contract there's no going back and don’t try anything like giving a false signature, this is a blood oath)
A mentor’s conference will be held on **/**/** at 3:00pm, in Site 22 on the 13th floor, two days before the first class. 
We look forward to seeing you!
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wolfjessedragon · 4 years
MTF Unit Zeta-1 “After-school Club” Preparation Files Part 2B
Twenty days until First Class… Part 2
It had been an hour since D-911 had been sent into the cell of SCP 738 and from the view of the observation crew the negotiations are still going strong. Senior Researcher Wolfshire once again steps into the port just coming back from her lunch break when she notices the sight within the observation window. “Man the two of them are still going at it?” Jordan asked out loud to which Assistant Researcher Forester replied “Yes ma’am just as before the entity is still trying to undersell but luckily D-911 has yet to give in.” “That's good I figured Mark would be the right guy for the job considering that he used to work at a pawn shop before his first arrest, the guy could’ve a lawyer had he had the resources. Thanks Kenny, by the way I brought you and Opal some lunch.” Said Wolfshire as she held up two paper bags before saying “I didn’t know what to get you Opal so I got you the same thing as Kenny here, hope you like elk burgers and if not you’re free to go get yourself something.” To which the young guard Opal opened the paper bag, unwrapped the foiled covered burger and took a bite before saying “Wow ma’am this is really good!” “As always Doctor Wolfshire” Forester added “Thanks, meat came from a bull elk the pack and I took down Sunday, you guys enjoy while I take over, okay?” Jordan said as the assistant researcher and young guard dug in.
While enjoying the lunch her supervisor provided Opal couldn’t help but stare curiously at the beastie researcher to which her coworker took notice. “It’s the tail isn’t it?” Assistant Researcher Forester said blatantly “I’m sorry what?” Opal ask with confusion “You had the “what is up with this” look on your face while looking at Doctor Wolfshire and I guessed it was cause of her tail Private Kekoa” said Forester to which Opal responded nervously  “Oh no well maybe part of it but that's not what's causing me to give that look you described Mr. Forester, sir.” “Then what does? And you don’t have to call me sir I’m like only two years older than you, heck you can call me Kenneth or even Kenny if you want Private Kekoa.” Forester said to ease the young guard “Sorry sir, I mean Kenny, a bit of a force of habitat, and you can me Opal if you want, it's just my last supervisor wasn’t as… ” “Friendly? I’d imagine, I mean it was Doctor Nomita after all, the guy can be a bit of a jerk.” Forester said, finishing Opal’s sentence “You’ve read my file?” Opal asked “Yep, Private Opal Kekoa, age nineteen, younger cousin of Doctor Sapphire Kekoa, graduated from military school with top marks, was hired by the foundation soon after, and had worked under Doctor Nomita for the first six months of employment.” “Wow you did, so I’m guessing you’ve also had contact with Doctor Nomita too huh? Considering our mutual disliking of the guy” said Opal to which Kenneth replied “Uh-huh Doctor Wolfshire especially, lets just say your predecessor Sergeant Nick Hawkins, has had to use a dog whistle serval times to stop Jordan from and I quote “tearing Nomita’s arm off and sticking it where the sun don’t shine”, those were his words not mine.” 
A comment that made Private Opal Kekoa do a double take glancing at Senior Researcher Wolfshire who was still observing the action in SCP 738 before resuming conversation with Assistant Researcher Forester. “We are talking about the same Doctor Wolfshire right?” Opal asked Forester to which he responded “Yeah, I know what you may be thinking, based on what you saw today Jordan must not have a violent bone in her body, and for the majority of the time that’s correct. Despite her intimidating appearance Doctor Wolfshire is a compassionate woman who does her best to treat others with respect, it doesn't matter if there are her superiors or subordinates even D-Class, hell she’s even like this a number of SCPs.” Forester paused before continuing “However even the sweetest of dogs and cats can easily become violent under the right circumstances, and Doctor Wolfshire is no exception.” Just as he finished the cell’s alarm started going off causing both Forester and Opal to advert their gazes at the sight before them. 
In the cell housing SCP 738 D-911’s right hand was trapped in a handshake position as it was being sawed off by an invisible force, Senior Researcher Wolfshire had entered the cell trying to pull a screaming D-911 away but whatever had him wasn’t letting go. “Guys get in here and help me!” Wolfshire exclaimed to her subordinates. Try as they might the three foundation personnel weren't able to pull the D-Class out until the hand was completely sawed off causing the four of them to crash into the opposite wall. There was little time to recover as blood started pouring out of D-911’s wrist. Jordan says as she takes off her sash “We have to stop the bleeding or he’s gonna die from blood loss, Kenny call the infirmary and tell them we need a medic!” “Yes ma’am!” Kenny responded as his superior was using her sash and Opal’s nightstick to make a makeshift tourniquet. Once they got the flow of blood to slow down Jordan spoke again “Hang in their Mark, Opal see if you can find the hand they may be able to reattach it” to which Opal cautiously approached the desk only to be shocked at what was there in place of the missing hand. 
On the desk were ten blood red ball point pens along with a parchment note that said “It's been a pleasure doing business with you Mark, I hope your boss likes the pens. Sincerely, -B”
To be continued...
Previously... https://wolfjessedragon.tumblr.com/post/640043317870149632/mtf-unit-zeta-1-after-school-club-preparation
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wolfjessedragon · 4 years
Some Cliff Notes for Zeta 1 “After School Club”
Hey y’all for those interested in the story of MTF Unit Zeta 1 understand that similar to the SCP Foundation site some of the story tellings can be a little confusing sometimes. Therefore to prevent readers from getting lost here are some cliff notes to help.
The story is set in a timeline in which Dr. Evans managed to calm Able down before the destruction of site 25 and Omega 7. Able didn’t go off out of sheer boredom (which I think is bull crap BTW) he was having a PTSD episode and Dr. Evans managed to snap him out of it before things got to bad. Hence why the Zeta 1 proposal got approved in the first place. With that said Able and Iris are both still members of Omega 7.
Similar to scpkiddos and crarzedhoplessromantic I follow the cannon in which O5-1 is Eve so while not now expect her to make a cameo
Also for a good amount of the time SCPs will be referred to by there choosen/given names because numbers are just dehumanizing
There will be shipping, sorry not sorry. With that in mind fans may ship so long as it kinda makes sense and it’s not incest because that’s just nasty.
Just like in scpkiddos some of the adult SCPs will act as parent/guardian figures to the children though who is adopted by who may differ
There will be breaks in the fourth wall so the students, faculty, parents, and other characters can answer submitted questions or pause the story to give an explanation about the current situation. So whenever that happens the phrases TIME OUT and TIME IN will show up.
That being said thank you for your time and see y’all.
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wolfjessedragon · 4 years
MTF Unit Mentor File 5000-B “Embo Ravencroft”
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Agent Embo Ravencroft (by scpkiddos) 
Title: Level 4 MTF Agent with special access to multiple Level 5 files granted by O5 council members O5-1, O5-3, a former O5-12, and O5-13.
O.B.F: Military Biological Technician, technology was effective for amputation victims, originally from a different reality, was transported into ours via SCP 5000-B.
Due to SCP 5000-B’s anomalous properties Agent Embo hasn’t aged beyond nineteen despite being over six hundred years old, maintaining the appearance of a Hispanic male with a statue of 6.5 feet weighing at 200 pounds. When asked how this is possible Agent Embo said that he had dimension hopped with the help of reality bending SCPs for centuries before finally landing into ours. It's worth noting that he made the comment of how many of those are probably dead now. 
The amour of SCP 5000-B makes Agent Embo capable of ripping through steel like paper, running at 70 miles per hour, seeing in the dark, and catching bullets out of the air. The amour also has a shielding ability that prevents any SCP from using an anomalous property against it, and it can also use this shield to physically shield itself, cast illusions over itself, shield itself from perception, and use the shield to kill everything within a ten-foot radius, thought this causes a lethally painful stroke and Embo does not do it unless absolutely necessary. The shield makes it invisible in film, mirrors, and photographs and makes it undetectable through a microphone. Agent Embo also has the ability to heal extraordinarily. While non-lethal or non-impairing wounds take an average amount of time to heal, a wound that would kill or significantly impair (such as the removal of a limb) Agent Embo will render him comatose for three to five days regenerating limbs, other appendages, and even his head.
Despite being nearly indestructible Agent Embo can be weakened and harmed when in the presence of or attacked with direct UV light, silver, gold, iron, or ruby.
Agent Embo can take off SCP 5000-B with no initial side effects though should put the suit back on before the twelve hour mark otherwise things get weird.
Has reversed engineered parts of the suit into essential gear for Project “After School Club” including but not limited to:
SCP 5000-B1s “To see beyond…” High tech glasses/contact lenses that make wearers immune to visually induced memetics and cognitohazards.
SCP 5000-B2s “To listen beyond..” High tech ear pieces that make wearers immune to auditory induced memetics and cognitohazards.
SCP 5000-B3s “To speak beyond..” High tech microphone that allows vocal communication with anomalies. (Still in Beta)
SCP 5000-B4s “To feel beyond....” A suit and headpiece that prevents wearer and bystanders from falling under touch based and passive memetics and cognitohazards. Also prevents spread of diseases and dehydration.
Although starting out as having the same cold mentality as other foundation personnel, that all changed after the SK 5000 in his reality. Nearly six hundred years of being on the run as an anomalous individual forced Embo to walk in their shoes and survive in worlds alone. When Embo’s multiverse odyssey was finally over and found sanctuary in ours, he was no longer the guard he once was all those years ago. His journey had opened his mind’s eye, replacing resentment towards SCP’s with empathy. 
Embo continued to work for the foundation knowing that he can make more of a difference staying with them than leaving. Which he may get his chance, with talk of a new project spreading around…….
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wolfjessedragon · 4 years
Zeta 1’s New Channel
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wolfjessedragon · 3 years
Ask blog for my OC Dr. Jordan Wolfshire
*Been forgetting to post
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