spinelkinnie · 2 years
Aughnnhgg I've been thinking of Silver for fucking DAYS now, he's always going to be hard to get out of my head, ain't he ?
I just SEE shit of him and I feel like a piece of him is there with me and it just makes me miss him MORE. :[
I've been listening to this one song when I'm feeling particularly Fruity because it just. Feels like him too. And it feels like something I'd give to him on a shitty recorded mixtape too,
And im thinking about all those times where we would just stare at eachother. Before we got together. It felt like some of the most intense moments of my life and Im feeling it all over again,
And after, those passionate moments we'd have together other than sleeping, holding eachother, kissing, it
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peridot-the-kitten · 1 month
Trying weed for the first time 👍
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salternateunreality2 · 5 months
Kunsel says:
We should maybe have a stricter definition of what counts as "hacking", okay?
It was a slow day at work, and he decided to guess people's email passwords in 10 attempts.
How does it go?
Pro tips: make your password long, that is the most important factor. Use a password manager, most of them have a free option. Adding complexity does help, but focus on length first. Size does matter here. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) also helps a lot.
Kunsel: Zack, gimme your password!
Zack: ...
Kunsel: Come on man, I need it for something!
Zack: 😭😭😭 buddy I would, but I forgot it again 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Kunsel: Ok man, it's ok, let's look around your desk...here, under this pile of chip bags, I think i saw...yeah, here's the penguin toy...and yep, Password Penguin has "Zack'ss00p3rp4ssw0rd!" written on the bottom. Let's try it!
(it works)
Kunsel: *wheeze* Zack let go, I need to breathe *wheeze*
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Kunsel tries to guess Roche's by typing it in.
He's in.
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Kunsel tries to guess Sephiroth's. On the 9th try, he gets it: Seph+Jenova4ever
Horrible things are uncovered along the way and now he needs to send Sephiroth some information very discreetly.
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Lazard. Kunsel knows better. He gives a few guesses, but decides to actually hack this.
He sets up a hash capturing tool over the internal network and waits for Lazard to log on. He does. Kunsel captures the hash and starts cracking it.
Three days later, the hash cracker has not worked and he has to give up on that.
Kunsel: Sir, I need to get into your email, will you please send me your password?
Lazard: Of course not, that is unsafe and against company policy. However, you're welcome to come to my office to perform any actions we both deem necessary.
Kunsel goes over and Lazard is using multifactor authentication, so just having the hash cracked wouldn't have worked anyway. He sets up a keylogger surreptitiously on Lazard's workstation while "performing updates" and showing Lazard new features in his email.
The things he captures with that keylogger:
* Numerous emails covering for boneheaded shit the SOLDIERs did.
* The letter "A" typed about a thousand times into a text file labeled "definitely not screams.txt".
* Moogle searches for "how to convince your employees to get therapy", "pasta recipes", "therapists near me", "child psychology for adults", "play therapy for adults", "cat psychology", and "shrimp pasta recipes".
* The password: &oh'ihiy_-8_gi"it"gi_ipkb0(-ur#3-@--LXS4ever--9(9;0(!08(098+pihjboigig(@ukopih
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Then it is a simple matter of finding a zero-day race condition hack in the MFA software, timing things just right, and entering the password and hacked MFA key at the perfect moment.
Kunsel of course has pity on the man after seeing even more emails such as...
* Explaining to Roche that doing squats over his motorcycle makes it look like he's humping it, and it is making people uncomfortable.
* Asking Genesis to please not actually firaga the recruits this week, they don't need a lawsuit. No, it's not character building. No, even though it was part of his home training and Shinra sanctioned training a few years ago.
* Inviting Sephiroth over for shrimp pasta to discuss strategy.
* Asking Angeal to seek therapy so the others will follow his lead.
* Telling Zack that he could not have a therapy flamingo in the office. Even if it was a lawn ornament.
* Warning Hojo not to take Sephiroth this week.
* Warning Hollander not to take Genesis and Angeal this week.
* Reaming Heidegger out very politely for all his BS.
Kunsel logs out without doing anything. Lazard needs a break.
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Kunsel calls Angeal pretending to be the help desk. Angeal, a bit embarrassed over his upbringing and unsure because he feels unused to technology, eventually gives Kunsel the password: BanoraBoys123!
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Genesis' is guessed on the 7th try because Kunsel didn't want to bother typing in an entire stanza of Loveless with numbers instead of vowels.
He sends an email from Genesis inviting everyone to a Loveless recital on Tuesday. It backfires because several people, including Genesis, show up and have a great time.
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Kunsel tries Zack's little trooper friend next. He's a tough nut to crack. He won't pick up his PHS to get vished, won't click on Kunsel's phishing emails, and won't tell Zack or Kunsel his password.
Kunsel captures his hash and cracks it. It takes a full 24 hours, but he gets it in the end:
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driftrats · 3 years
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glitterbl00ded-blog · 8 years
I can personally identify with the pastel edits that are like ~Cute Psycho~ or ~Antisocial Teen~
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klancekid · 8 years
aight but fire/ice i can only think of that blades of glory scene. where is that figure skating au
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bpdjae · 8 years
Don't. Touch. My. Things. Without. Asking. And then don't fucking argue with me about how it "shouldn't make me uncomfortable" GO fuck yourself
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narusasuamvs · 9 years
Im so srry I haven't been posting much lately it was my midterm exams and yeah but im back nd ilu guys
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spinelkinnie · 2 years
My feelings on Mari are. Complicated.
From my source, she was sweet and kind to everyone around her, and I had known her since I was incredibly young up to The Thing.
But one of my current exes was a Mari. Went by her name, was her in general. And that one fucked me up big time because of how abhorrent of a person she is.
And now I can't look at Mari the same. This is terrible lmao
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peridot-the-kitten · 6 months
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driftrats · 3 years
i’m watching the first episode of g1 and i’m literally gonna throw up from laughing
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glitterbl00ded-blog · 8 years
I can't stop thinking about how aggressive I get sometimes. Like today I almost flipped my shit because somebody took a picture of me.
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spinelkinnie · 2 years
Oh BOY we're BACK WITH LIKE 48 NEW SHIFTS !!!!! /hyp
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peridot-the-kitten · 22 days
What if I go on testosterone but also do the voice training that transfem people do. My range could be incredible
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peridot-the-kitten · 10 months
I found a diary entry from when I was 10 talking about how I wished I had a wheelchair sometimes because of how tired my legs would get walking around when everyone else I knew seemed fine. I didn't start complaining to the doctors about my joints hurting and my legs getting tired until highschool.
I genuinely don't remember writing this diary entry. It's not the only one complaining about things like that but it's the only one that gets specific. How long was I going like this and getting worse and just assuming it was normal?
Would I have even known it wasn't if I didn't start joking around about it assuming it was?
Shit dude.
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peridot-the-kitten · 1 year
Okay I mentioned this in a discord server and was told it wasn't normal I can't stop thinking about it now SO
By physically painful I mean like. The tears themselves make your eyes and skin feel a stinging/burning almost type feeling
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