#sdoam his queen
SDOAM EXO Masterlist
 Below you will find everything I have written for EXO.
Reaction to You Being a Foreigner Who Knows Their Native Language
Reaction to You Saying What You Like About Them
Reaction to You Being Busier Than Them
Reaction to Meeting Your Ex at Some Sort of Function
Reaction to You Buying Couple’s Stuff
Reaction to Thinking You are Out of Their League
Reaction to You Fainting Into Their Arms
Reaction to Their GF Being a Foreigner Who’s English is More Fluent Than Theirs
CBX - Reaction to You Playing With Their Hair
Rest (Minus CBX) - Reaction to You Playing With Their Hair
Reaction to Their S/O Having to Film a Kiss/Steamy Scene With Another Member
(OT9) Reaction to You Becoming Pale/Sick, Breathing Heavily, and/or Almost Passing Out During an Argument
(OT9) Reaction to Wanting Another Member’s Comeback Outfit Which Their S/O Designed
Reaction to You Trying to Cheer Them Up
Reaction to Their Pregnant Wife Being Horny
Reaction to Their Crush Wearing a Teasing Outfit While At a Club Together
Reaction to You Crying Out In Pain
Reaction to You Asking Them To Watch Your Baby Alone For The First Time
(OT9) Reaction to You Being A New Trainee Who They Feel Protective Of
Reaction to You Being More Than 5 Years Younger Than Them
Reaction to Their Hispanic Partner Teaching them Latin Dance
Reaction to Discovering Your Nipple Piercings While Things Get Heated in the Bedroom
Reaction to You Having a Hard Time Giving Birth
Reaction to Things Getting Heated During an Argument ;)
Reaction to You Being Bisexual
Reaction to You Having an Eating Disorder
Reaction to Their Crush Humming “Careless Whisper” (Saxophone) to Diffuse an Awkward Elevator Ride
Reaction to You Having a Better Alcohol Tolerance Than Them
(OT9) Reaction to You Thinking You Are Too Chubby
(Rap Line) Reaction to Their S/O Showing Off Her New Lingerie
Reaction to You Breaking Down While Singing/Dancing Passionately
Reaction to Their S/O Being Self Conscious About Her Small Boobs
(OT9) Reaction to EXO-Ls Supporting their Relationship
(OT9) Mafia!AU Reaction to Their Wife Finding Out That They Are Part of the Mafia
Reaction to You Complaining About Your Larger Breasts
(OT9) Mafia!AU Reaction to You Growing Closer to Them in Your Arranged Marriage
Reaction to Their S/O Feeling Insecure About Their “Fist Time” Cause They Are Chubby
(OT9) Mafia!AU Reaction to You Saving Them But Not Being Able to Let You Go Freely
Reaction to You Asking If They Could Pick You Up From Work
(OT9) Reaction to You Crying After Arguing with Your Best Friend
Reaction to Their S/O Being Scared During a Horror Movie
(OT9) Mafia!AU Reaction to Confessing Their Feelings While They Thought You Were Asleep
(OT9) Reaction to You Asking For A Bedtime Story
(OT9) Reaction to Their Child/Children Acting Up in the Store
Reaction to Their Child Asking Where Babies Come From
Jongin at ISAC
Beach Date With Chanyeol
Grounded - Yixing (Fluff)
Surprise Party - Minseok (Fluff)
What You Wanted - Kyungsoo (Angst)
Don’t Look - Sehun (Angst)
Take My Hand - Jongdae (Fluff, Suspense)
The Choice - Sehun and Kyungsoo (Angst, Fluff)
What Best Friends Are For - Jongdae (Fluff, Non-romance)
An Unexpected Meeting - Minseok (Fluff)
Just Acting - Kyungsoo (Mostly Fluff)
Down for The Count - Jongdae (Fluff)
Dance Lesson - Jongin (Fluff)
Doppelganger - Chanyeol (Fluff)
Close Encounter - Chanyeol (Smut, Fluff, Suspense)
Big Day - Yixing (Fluff)
A Royal Holiday - Jongdae (Royalty AU, Fluff, Christmas)
Three Little Words - Sehun (Fluff, Short)
Dangerous Games - Sehun (Mafia AU, Suspense, Angst, Some Fluff)
His Queen (Yixing/Lay Mafia AU):
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Epilogue
With Love (Kyungsoo):
Part 1
Bound By Blood (Yixing/Lay Vampire Arranged Marriage AU):
Part 1
Mood Boards/Photo Sets:
Chanyeol Crushing On You
Sehun Mafia! AU
Jongin Regretting Relationship (P!ATD Inspired)
Couple Tattoos You Would Get
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His Queen (Epilogue)
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Word Count: 940
Genre: Action, Romance, Mafia AU
Ship: Reader x Yixing/Lay
Summary: Revelations come when danger has passed.
He was still asleep, his chest rising and falling with every breath. Your hand traced his bare chest, going over his scar that just barely poked out of the sheets. The scar that almost took him from you. It had been some time since then. You had both healed from the injuries you sustained, his taking much longer. But eventually, things went back to normal. Or whatever you could call normal in a life like this. Then you looked up, you took in the sight of his face. The way his eyelashes seemed to glimmer in the light from the window. His face was serene, the childlike innocence that sleep brings to everyone washing over it. His lips slightly parted. You could look at him like this forever. Looking at him like this could make you forget the path he chose in life, the path that you now follow as well. Suddenly his hand grazed yours as his eyes fluttered open. He turned his head to smile at you. You were lying on your chest, the sheet covering most of your naked body, only leaving your back exposed. He turned on his side to face you, the movement causing him no pain now. “You have no idea how beautiful you look my love.” You rolled your eyes causing him to giggle. He pulled you on top of him, a gleam in his eyes. But you knew all too well that even if he may like to look like a tough guy, he enjoyed lying with you in the mornings just to enjoy your company. You nuzzled into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you.
A half an hour passed as you both conversed quietly. Suddenly he became very silent. The mood had changed. “Y/N?” His voice had a slight hint of nerves in it. You looked up and met his eyes, “Yixing?” “I have a bit of a proclamation for you, and you have every right to say no.” You scrunched your nose confused at the state he was in, but you didn’t say anything, just nodded. “I told you how hard this life of mine was, yet you decided to stay. You saw the darkest things that it involves, still you decided to stay. You left the life that you used to know, to be with me. You lie to your family on the rare times that you do see them. After everything that you have been through, that we have been through, I thought that you should be with me completely. I don’t need an answer until you are positive. Y/N, you have proven that someone like me can in fact find a love worth dying and living for.” He took your hands into his own, looking down at you with complete sincerity. “I love you, and I was wondering if you would give me the chance to not just be your boyfriend, but your protector and companion for life.” He reached for the drawer on his side table. Within it was a small red box. You knew exactly what was happening. He opened it and set it on the table before taking your hand in his again. “Would you do me the honor of being your husband?” You knew that Yixing loved you, and that you loved him. But he never spoke of marriage. You thought that he had an underlying hope that you would leave him for a better, safer life. And now that you knew that he wanted you, always and forever, you couldn’t be happier to respond. “Yixing, I would love nothing more than to marry you.” He smiled and brought his hand up to your cheek before kissing you. This event that you never thought you would be able to celebrate. 
When you both pulled away, he gently slid the ring onto your finger. Atop the silver band sat a medium sized diamond with two small blue gems on either side. You recognized them, they were the same gems on the ring that Yixing always wore himself. He knew that you weren’t into materialistic things, so this ring could have been anything and you would have loved it. You loved staring at your ring, not only did it represent that you were his, but it also had a small piece of him with it. “What do you think?” He was staring at you adoringly. “It is perfect, just like you.” You leaned in and pressed your lips against his again. After laying in bed a little longer he looked at the clock and sighed, “I suppose we should tell the boys.” You laughed at his ‘enthusiasm.’ “It is only right.” You both laughed again before another thought crossed your mind. “Yixing, there is something we have to do. If I am to marry you, I have one condition.” His eyes widened, not knowing what you could possibly be speaking of. “We have to tell my family. Not just that we are getting married, but that you aren’t exactly an office worker.” He nodded and took your hands in his again. “If that is what you wish, then we will. But you know the danger that entails.” You knew. But you also knew that you couldn’t lie to them for the rest of your life. “I know. And they will be okay. We will be okay.” He smiled as the sound of some brotherly quarreling made its way into the room. “I guess that is our que.” You both sat up to get ready for the day. 
After all, you had the rest of your lives to be with each other now.  
Thank you all for reading this story. It really means a lot to me. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I loved writing it. <3
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His Queen (VIII)
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Word Count: 2,908
Genre:  Action, Romance, Mafia AU
Ship:  Reader x Yixing/Lay
Summary: It is finally time to end the feud. The enemy is on their way, and you are ready to do what must be done.
*Warning: Violent Conflict*
You did not rest easy that night. Yixing’s presence making you more aware of how important your role is. It was the only way to make sure that he and the boys would be safe. You didn’t care about yourself, just their safety. You wondered how he was sleeping so peacefully, his face softened, revealing the soft-hearted boy that you knew he could be even if he was a mafia leader. Then he stirred a bit, his arm tightening around you. Maybe he was having a nightmare, god knows you were living one. He couldn’t do anything to protect you or his family. You brought your hand up to his cheek, softly caressing it. “Everything will be okay.”
The sun rose, and the clock was ticking down. Yixing woke to find you looking at him. “Are you worried?” His tone seemed to let you know he already knew the answer. You nodded. Kissing your forehead, he tried to reassure you. He felt just as worried as you were, so there is nothing he could say, nothing he could do. You forced a smile and let him hold you, just a little longer, before you needed to get up and face the problems that were coming your way.
Everyone was readying themselves. You didn’t want to bother anyone who didn’t directly need to help you with anything specific regarding your safety. Yixing said he would help you learn a few tricks with the switchblade but you pointed out how he could hardly bend over, let alone practice fighting with you. So, Baekhyun and Chanyeol volunteered in his position. A few minutes later and you were going over specific maneuvers that he believed you could use if necessary. Baekhyun decided he should spar with you since it would be better to learn with someone your height first. Chanyeol stood back and observed, giving feedback or instructions whenever necessary. Yixing also watched, making sure that you were not harmed.  
Baekhyun was increasing his defense gradually the longer you two ‘fought.’ Giggling, Chanyeol leaned over and said something to Yixing in the corner of your eye. “Damn, your girl sure has some fire in her.” Yixing smiled as he watched you, proud but worried at the same time, “Yes she does.”
You had already been taught basic fighting skills by Yixing, so learning to fight with a weapon wasn’t much harder, you just had to aim for more specific places. At what you guessed was Baekhyun not holding back on you anymore, you got the blade to his throat in no time. Of course, pulling the blade on someone who isn’t expecting it most likely won’t lead to a struggle since you will have the upper hand. But your logic could be flawed. Anyways, Baekhyun gave a satisfied smile as you pulled the knife away. “That was excellent Y/N!!!!” You grinned in return, “I learned from some of the best.” Chanyeol gave you some encouraging words as you made your way over to them with Baekhyun close behind. Yixing lifted his hand to your cheek, “Do you feel like you can do this?” You nodded, placing your hand over his own, “There is no turning back now, besides, you taught me how to be prepared.” He sighed but smiled at you, “We will be right there, maybe not next to you, but we will be there.”
After regrouping with all of the boys, the plan was reviewed one last time. Yixing is not going to be visible to them, since he is supposed to be indisposed of at the moment. The rest of the boys will be outside while he is placed near a window, with a weapon and a mic in his ear so he knows exactly what is going on. Junmyeon will be wearing the main line, and Minseok will be quietly keeping Yixing updated on the details that Junmyeon cannot say directly. Since it is cold outside, you will be wearing a coat with the blade hidden on your forearm. They wouldn’t expect anything from you, the damsel who is being tossed aside. “That is all you will have Y/N, we can’t risk them finding anything else.” You understood, they might see the bulge of a pistol if you were given one. Everyone else could be armed, since that would be expected when strangers came to their place of living. As the conversation closed, no one had anymore questions or concerns. The waiting game is all that was left other than getting you dressed more appropriately.
“I cannot wear this.” You were holding one of the skimpiest things that you had ever seen. A little velvet dress that left very little to the imagination. “Sorry, we just thought it would sell the part better.” Jongin and Jongdae were looking down at the ground as Sehun was the only one who could meet your eyes. “Would Yixing really be in love with a prostitute?” At least that is the only word you could think of when you saw the dress and the matching thigh highs they brought you with it. Just then, Yixing walked in on the mysterious scene. “That is definitely not from your closet,” He let out a small giggle as he looked at your facial expression and the embarrassment of everyone in the room. “Will this help sell it, the part I am supposed to play?” He took the material in his hands and tossed it aside. “Just wear something you will feel comfortable fighting in, something you have mobility in.” You nodded and he gave a small disappointed glance to the younger boys. As you left to go raid your closet for the perfect outfit, you felt Yixing slide his hand into your own.
“Can you move in that?” You had put on some loser and less revealing clothing. As you put a jacket that you thought would be appropriate on Yixing wanted to make sure you would be able to defend yourself as planned. You started making different motions with your arms and believed that the movement was good enough. When you need to wear a jacket that won’t reveal the blade, this is the best you would get. “Yes. This will be fine. We will be fine.” You walked over to him and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in tightly. His waist was still very fragile so you tried not to push against it too hard. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer to him, apparently not caring if it hurt him or not. “I just want to hold you, that is all. To hold you and tell you how much I love you. I am sorry that you have to do this.” You looked up at him, his eyes filled with both affection and regret. “I love you too. And I knew what loving you meant. You told me to run away, to leave. None of this is your fault. I am a grown woman, and I want to be with you. Even if it means walking through hell.” There was silence for a moment, until his lips met yours. The desperation to make the moment last was evident. You felt tears well up in your eyes, but you held them back. If he saw you cry, he would never let you walk out that door. His grip on you became tighter as you continued to kiss. His scent filling your senses as you tried to remember every bit of him and he did the same. You didn’t want to think of this as your last moments together, but they very well could be. A knock is what finally pulled you both back into reality.
Jongin was standing at the door when you opened it, an apologetic look on his face. He probably assumed that he interrupted something since you knew that your cheeks were flushed. “I am sorry, but Junmyeon thought that we should all reconvene in the living room. One of our sources spotted mysterious vehicles heading our direction.”
Everyone was gathered in the living room, looking outside the house, prepared for the inevitable. Yixing checked over some things with you one last time. “You have the blade?” You nodded and patted your arm to show him its location. “That’s my girl.” You put on somewhat of a fake smile and snuggled into his chest. Feeling him breath is all you needed right now.
As two unidentified vehicles pulled up to the front of the mansion the boys and you, minus Yixing, flooded the front porch. The tension could be seen on everyone’s faces. But there was no one to comfort you, since they were supposed to be giving you away with no hard feelings. You swallowed as you clenched your fists trying to stay level headed and went through all of the techniques you were taught quietly in your head.
When the SUVs finally came to a stop, ten men got out. They were all dressed semi casual but you could tell the clothing was expensive. They did not appear holding weapons at the ready which seemed like a good sign to you. A sly smile crossed one of the men’s faces as he looked you up and down. “Is this the pretty lady we have been looking for? He got himself a beauty huh?” The men all gave their own small sounds and looks of agreement and amusement. He likes what he sees, good. Take it in, cause you will never get it. Junmyeon came to stand next to you, he placed his hands on your shoulders and walked forward ‘forcing’ you to come with him. You put on an act as planned, pleading that he change his mind. Forcing sobs as you kneeled on the ground in front of him. “Please! You can’t do this! Yixing will be furious!!” Junmyeon gave a small snicker, “We can deal with him later, right now you are nothing but a nuisance. All this trouble for some tramp he found at a club.” You knew he was feeling horrible inside, after all, you had become a sister to him. Last night you had told him to sell it anyway he could, you would not take anything personally. You crawled forward tugging on his jacket, he swiped your hands away and backed up with a look of annoyance on his face. “She is all yours.” The other man made his way to you, separating himself from the others whom he came with. He bent down and lifted your chin. “My men died because you were so important. Now, you seem to be nothing but a speck of dust to these people. Something to clean up. Tell me darling, how does it feel?” More fake tears made their way down your face. “It feels horrible. Momma always told me to be careful of men and their wicked ways.” He smiled, a smile that made you want to throw up, you could tell what he thought of you, of your body. “Well, it would be a shame to kill such a pretty thing. Maybe I could provide you some comfort and you could do the same for me.” It was revolting really, the fact that he assumed you would sleep with him just because he ‘saved you.’ But alas, you ignored the bitter taste in your mouth and carried on. You stood up, with his help, trying to look as frail and naive as possible. You practically stumbled into his arms, placing your hands on his chest. “That…. That sounds reasonable. I could be dead, but instead you give me mercy.” You slid your hands to his neck, taking a seductive tone in your voice. “You seem like you would be very caring.” You force your eyes to linger on his face then on his lips. If you could assume anything from this man, it was that he thought with his other head. Sliding an arm back down his chest, you discreetly slid the blade out of the strap on your forearm and under your palm. He was too distracted to notice. The boys sensed that you would be making your move and tried to place a hand on their weapons without anyone noticing. In fact, all of the other men seemed entranced by the scene you were causing as well. You lifted your hand up a bit and pressed the button, then you drove the blade into the man’s neck.
As you pulled the blade out, the blood sprayed out. You researched how to hit the corroded artery, so you made no mistake. This man would bleed out in moments. But you did not care. The boys started shooting making sure to not aim anywhere near you. You looked back and saw that Yixing was looking through the window. Almost no expression on his face other than determination to keep you safe. As your victim fell in front of you, another man ran up to you, taking a bullet in the shoulder. You ducked out of the way of his grasp and turned to see Minseok shoot right through his chest. After that, you decided it was just best to stay low and try to make your way back to the boys. Most of the men were down, a couple who were closest to a vehicle ran for cover and pulled their own weapons. The boys started moving forward in order to get to you and finish off the other two. Sehun being the most agile sprinted over to you, trying to cover you with his own body as you both ran back to the others.
Suddenly you felt a pain in your leg. Looking down, you saw the crimson soaking through your pants. Sehun looked over and you noticed the angered expression he wore. You tried to ignore the pain as you waddled back behind the others. When you had gotten back to ‘safety’ you saw that Sehun’s arm had been grazed, his jacket ripped open showing the red gash along his skin. His main concern was you. “They might have hit a main artery, we need to get you inside.” You nodded but began to feel very light headed. Jongin noticing the situation helped the youngest carry you in. The shooting stopped which made you assume that the men had been taken care of without looking back to see. As your eyes started rolling in the back of your head as they placed you on the couch, you saw Yixing over you, fear filling his eyes.
Soft humming resonated through your ears as you started waking up. Your eyes fluttered open slowly. Yixing was laying next to you in your bed, clasping your hand in his. “Hey.” That is all he wanted to say, not knowing if you will remember what happened or not. When you sat up and brought your hand to the bandage on your leg, he assumed you had. “You are okay, they missed the main artery. You’ll have a scar though.” You smiled as you turned to face him, trying not to move your leg in any way. “We did it though? They are all gone?” He sat up, holding his own injured side, and rested his forehead against yours. “Yes baby. You are safe.” You closed your eyes and wrapped your arms around him, “We are safe.”
After sitting in silence like that for some time, just enjoying the feeling of being with each other, you felt a little nervous. “The boys, they are okay too right? Sehun, I saw his arm-“ He cut you off before you freaked yourself out. “They are perfectly fine. Sehun has had worse than that, just a flesh wound. They are all worried about you anyways. Your leg, and well, the other thing..” He didn’t want to say it, but you knew. They were worried that you couldn’t handle taking a human life. But you were much stronger than they knew, even stronger than you knew yourself. Yes, you had killed a man, but he would have killed you. Hell, he would have done more to you if he could have. Not only would he have killed you, but he probably would have had all the boys slaughtered. You knew too well from being with Yixing that deals hardly ended in peace. “Don’t worry. I will be okay. It was me or him. Besides, he was a revolting human being.” You knew you shouldn’t speak ill of the dead, but your words were justified. With that, the topic was dropped.
You casually glanced over at the clock and realized that it was the middle of the next day. “I slept that long!” He gave a small laugh and a nod. “Well, considering what you had been through. Your body needed to recover from the mental and physical trauma.” You were going to say something but a loud noise in the hallway interrupted you. An excited voice was followed by Baekhyun barging in to the room with Chanyeol close behind. “Y/N!!!” Suddenly you were in Baekhyun’s arms with Chanyeol awkwardly trying to hug you both. “Hello. Boy am I glad to see you two smiling again.” The room exploded with chatter as everyone else eventually joined. The mood in the house was drastically different from before. No one’s eyes were filled with silent worrying. Only, the joy of being safe with the people that they cared for.
Final Part
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His Queen (VII)
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Word Count: 1,830
Genre:  Action, Romance, Mafia AU
Ship:  Reader x Yixing/Lay
Summary:  After Yixing overhears of your involvement, the exact plan against the enemy needs to be arranged. With the danger returning soon, there aren’t many options left.
“What are you doing up?!” You sprinted over to him, taking hold of his waist, trying to stabilize him and take all of his weight onto yourself. He turned his head to look at you, a somewhat annoyed expression on his face. “I woke up and no one was there, all I heard was voices, so I thought I would come see what was going on.” You didn’t say anything, just fussed about with his waist, making sure he didn’t open the stitches keeping his wound closed. “I am fine Y/N, I just want to know what it is that you are up to, especially with all of the guys?” He gave you a leveled stare.
You looked up and gave him a loving expression, his face softened as it always did with you. “Nothing you need to concern yourself with, you just need to get better, let’s get you back to bed.” You started leading him back up the stairs but he wouldn’t budge. “I am not going back to bed. I have been laying down long enough.” You rolled your eyes and tried again, pulling softly on his arm. “Y/N, can you please stop treating me like a child! If anything, I should be the one taking care of you, taking care of everyone. Every second that I spend in that bed, the more likely it is for something else to happen.”
You looked around the room, seeing the looks of astonishment. He has never gotten angry like that at you. Of course, it was only because he felt like he wasn’t doing what he was supposed to. It wasn’t in resentment. You loosened your grip on him and backed away, lowering your head. “I am sorry. I only want to make you better.” He grimaced at the way you reacted. Moving forward to wrap you in his arms. “I shouldn’t have raised my voice.” You let him hold you, knowing that is the only thing that would make him believe you weren’t upset with him.
Then he looked up at the boys. “Will someone please tell me what is going on?” You raised your head, still in Yixing’s hold, and nodded. Junmyeon’s eyes looked for your approval. He knew that you would be the one getting the most grievances from their leader. “We may have devised a plan.” You looked back up at your boyfriend. He didn’t seem too alarmed yet. “And what exactly is this plan?” The maknae line seemed to be upset, the younger boys’ nervous glances in your direction were not helping with the angry boyfriend you would soon need to deal with. “Now, keep in mind that Y/N has just as much say in this house as all of us.” Yixing looked down at you and back at Junmyeon. “Continue.” Jun’s demeanor unfazed, “We need to either go to their base, or bring them to ours. They already know where we are, and we would need to find their exact location. Since we know this area the best, bringing them here makes the most sense. And what they want the most, as you know, is revenge. Their best shot at revenge is hurting Y/N. Well, she suggested we make an offer to them. Tell them that she is theirs, that you are still out of commission and we do not want any more trouble. That they can have their revenge, if they come here and get her themselves.”
The sudden tension in Yixing’s body was very evident. When your name was mentioned, he tightened his hold on you, protectively. Even the thought of you being a pawn left a sour taste in his mouth. “Absolutely not! That is completely out of the question. We are not offering her up on a silver platter for them to enjoy.” He brought your head to his chest and made sure there was absolutely no space between you. As if his body would keep you away from harm. You pushed away though, trying to make it easier for him to hear your defense. “Why not?! They are going to come for me anyways. And who says going to them won’t lead to a trap. This is our best shot. You are hardly in a position to go against them on unknown territory. Please Xing, just think about it.”
He opened his mouth to respond but stopped himself. He looked at all of the men he called brothers. They believed that this was the best option as well. Their faces all showed it. He trusted their opinions. Letting his emotions get in the way, that is something that a leader shouldn’t do. He knew you could handle them going away to danger. But you putting yourself in danger, voluntarily, he had no idea what your limits were. He taught you how to defend yourself from attackers, not how to put yourself in front of a bullet. His hands came up to cup your face, “Are you absolutely sure that this is what you want to do? You don’t have to be involved at all.” You put on a face which you believed showed your strength and determination, “I am positive.”
After fighting with Yixing for a good twenty minutes about getting him to lay down and him adamantly denying your pleas, you gave up. He was now sitting on the couch with you at his side, fingers intertwined as you listened to the ideas that everyone wanted to pitch about how things should go. Jongin suggested just having you stand outside of the house when they come, which was turned down as soon as it was said. “You just want her served to them on a platter?” Baekhyun couldn’t help but say what was on his mind at the moment. They broke into an argument as you looked over are your boyfriend who just looked tired and worried. Laying your head on his shoulder, you gave his hand a squeeze.
Junmyeon looked as if he was completely over the situation. “It is times like this where we need to be together, we need to be one. If we are going to get anywhere at all with this plan, and keeping everyone safe, we need to come together.” He made sure that he looked everyone in the eye when he spoke. He knew that the boys were just stressed, and that is where the aggression was coming from. You wondered if leaving the room would make things better. But as you moved to get up Yixing gave you a questioning look. “I might be making this worse,” you said the first part to him. The others immediately gave their responses to reassure you that they wanted you there to make the decisions with them.
“Would they be able to tell if I had a weapon on me?” After contemplating a few ideas, you wanted to see if the boys would like them. “Most likely,” Minseok stated with a concentrated look. “Do we happen to have any switch blades on hand, something she could hide up her sleeve?” Chanyeol and Baekhyun looked at each other, being the most familiar with the knives and other blades they had in their possession. Suddenly Baekhyun’s face lit up, “I told you it would come in handy!” Chanyeol looked entertained as Baekhyun got up to retrieve the allusive item. “We found one on someone, he decided that we should keep it. I am honestly surprised that a situation arose where it could be used.” Yixing let out a small laugh beside you, “Of course you two would stumble upon a switch blade.” Chanyeol grinned just as Baekhyun made his way back to the group. “That was fast!” You knew that the weapons room was located in the west wing, there is no way he went there. “I may have kept this with my personal possessions. I like to mess around with it from time to time, practice certain maneuvers.” He opened it to show you, the silver gleamed like he recently cleaned it. It was smaller than you thought it would be. In fact, it was about the size of a pen, even looked like one. You assumed it was custom made, for whoever the boys dealt with to retrieve it. But even a small blade could be lethal, if it is used correctly. “We could strap it to your arm, just above the wrist. You would need to be close, but not suspicious.” You nodded, affirming all of the information he was relaying to you. He showed you how to eject the blade, all you had to do was push down the button like on a pen. “I could get close, maybe flirt a little. Pretend that I was just his booty call, that the feelings weren’t reciprocated. I am sure they would take the bait of a beautiful woman.” Yixing seemed a bit bothered by your words, even though you were obviously more than a toy to each other. “All they know is that Yixing is infatuated with me, no offense babe. I could be a seductress.”
Sehun and Jongin burst out laughing. A little offended you shot them a glare. “If I didn’t know you, I would buy it.” Kyungsoo sat up. “An important man who fell for a beautiful woman, that happens all the time. Not to be cliché. Y/N’s plan could work.” You looked around to see if anyone else agreed. No one seemed to be outright upset by it, well other than Yixing you didn’t want you involved in the first place. “What if they don’t believe it?” Jongdae thought out loud. “Well that is all we have to rely on. They don’t know me, they have only heard about me. I can be anyone I want to them. I just need a chance. I know I can do it.”
“Anyone have issues with this? Of course we will need to prepare, give Y/N some blade combat training. When the time comes, we need to follow her lead. We know what is coming this time. This is our home, we know the landscape and the building, we have the weapons. Are we in agreement?” Junmyeon looked to Yixing for approval first, and then called for those in agreement to say ‘aye.’ Ten voices rang out in unison, including your own.
“I will send word to them somehow. Tell them about our arrangement, that Yixing is out of commission and that we do not want any more trouble. They are coming with the intent of taking Y/N from him, and we are not sure exactly in what way. I suggest we get some rest, preparations will begin shortly.”
This was happening. They were coming, and you were the main piece of the plan. They may not have been notified yet, but that didn’t make a difference. You are the prey. But instead of running away you are going to face it head on.
It is time to turn into the predator.
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His Queen (VI)
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Word Count: 1,186
Genre:  Action, Romance, Mafia AU
Ship:  Reader x Yixing/Lay
Summary: Yixing has woken up after the trauma he had suffered. Now it is time to move on to the impending danger that awaits you.
You were sitting on the bed, laying by Yixing’s side. Fingers intertwined, he tried to turn on his side but was met with a sharp pain in his gut. You reflexively moved to help him while nagging him at the same time. “You can’t do that!” He let out a labored sigh but you got up and his eyes followed you. You began walking away and made your way to the door. “Where do you think you are going?” Your hand felt for the doorknob as you faced him. His expression quizzical. “You need to get some sleep,” he was about to interject but you put a hand up to stop him, “and no, just because you were out for a bit doesn’t mean that you don’t need to get some shut eye. Rest heals you. And you definitely need to let your body do its thing to recover. Besides, I need to check on some things.” He pouted but nodded in agreement as he shooed you away with the wave of his hand.
After quietly slipping out and closing the door behind you, a pair of eyes leveled with your own. Minseok was standing there. “Hey Min,” you said softly with a smile. He returned one of his own and tilted his head in the direction of the door, “How is he?” You looked back and then moved away from the room, “He is doing really great actually. Still not used to the idea of having a hole in his side.” Minseok let out a small laugh. “Of course, as stubborn as always.” The small conversation continued as you both made your way downstairs.
The lightness in the air was refreshing. No one was worried about Yixing not waking up anymore. Everyone was gathered in the living room, the more lively boys goofing around, while the others supervised and enjoyed from the sidelines. Chanyeol and Baekhyun were in a debate over who had the better fighting skills all around. “It really doesn’t matter since you would both lose to me.” Minseok interrupted as you sat in between Jongin and Jongdae on the couch. You giggled as they both teamed up to argue with the elder. Jongdae threw an arm around your shoulder, “How is our prince charming?” “Good, just a bit of a grump. I think he needs more pain meds when he wakes up.” You both smirked in agreement, the boys all knew how cranky Yixing could get when he was in pain. The room was full of positive energy, sometimes you could get lost in the idea that they were just a normal group of friends; that your boyfriend didn’t lead one of the most influential mafia organizations in the country. That was until you heard a phrase or two which brought you back to reality. “Fine then, but I have better aim with a rifle. Head shots are my specialty.” Baekhyun’s pride was evident in his tone. Even if they only killed people with bad intentions, the thought still left a sour taste in your mouth.
“Okay boys, time to get down to business.” Everyone got rid of their nonchalant postures and became attentive. Junmyeon looked over to you, waiting for your approval. He thought that you might not want to be a part of this discussion, but he wasn’t going to try to keep you from it like Yixing would. You nodded and he continued. “The time to strike back is now. They won’t let the death of their leader go unpunished. Not to mention the misfortune that family had already gone through which they believed was our fault as well. Y/N is not safe either. We need to make sure that there are no more threats, which means every last one of them needs to be eliminated.” It was apparent that the situation was dire. No one was safe, of course they were never safe living the life they led, but now more than ever. And their leader was laying down with a bullet wound in his abdomen. You were proud of Junmyeon, becoming the person that the boys could rely on while Yixing was down for the count. It was obvious why Yixing chose him as his second.
The discussion seemed never ending. One idea after another. The boys trying to figure out if it was best to go there or to lead them back here. You felt the need to chime in. “May I say something?” All eyes turned towards you, and since no one disagreed, you spoke up. “I think it would be best to bring them here, this is the turf you all know best. They are planning on coming back for me anyways right?” Some of them verbally expressed their similar opinion. “That is a very good point. I think we should let Y/N in on these things more often,” Kyungsoo said with an adoring smile. “Yes it is, but I am sure boss wouldn’t like that second part very much.” Jun gave a look of disdain. “Maybe we could even use me as the bait.” That part set all of them off. “What the hell!?” “No way!” “Why would you even say that!?!” Protective brother mode turned on in every one of them. You looked around not understanding why they were so upset. That plan made the most sense. “It is me that they want, they want to hurt me, kill me even. Just so Yixing can feel the same pain they did. This is the perfect plan!”
An hour was spent with them trying to convince you why your plan was “dangerous” and “not going to happen.” You had no desire to back down though. All you needed to do was convince most of them. Even one could start a chain reaction. “There cannot be that many of them left. I did my research when I was sitting in Yixing’s room earlier when he was asleep. They are the last standing branch of their family line. Take them out, and they are gone. This is our best bet. Bring them all here. Tell them that they can have me. Maybe they buy it, maybe not. It is worth a try.” The room was silent for a few moments. Eyes wandering from face to face. Then Sehun spoke up. “Listen, I like sending Y/N into danger just as much as you all do, but this could be the perfect set up. They want revenge, and only she can give it to them.” You gave the youngest a grateful glance. “He would risk his life for me, let me do this for him.” One by one they nodded, coming to the same conclusion that you did.
“Alright, we will run with your idea. But we are not letting Yixing know. He doesn’t need this stress on top of his injury.” Junmyeon sent an authoritative glare to everyone in the room. Then you heard a door closing from afar. “Don’t let me know what?” You turned to find your boyfriend leaning on the railing of the stairs holding his side. “Something you boys want to tell me?”
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His Queen (V)
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Word Count: 1,557
Genre:  Action, Romance, Mafia AU
Ship:  Reader x Yixing/Lay
Summary: After finding out about the incident, you make your way back to Yixing’s side.
You were too anxious waiting for the jet that Junmyeon sent to retrieve you to arrive. He had also sent a driver to pick you up and take you to a secluded location where the pilot had been ordered to land. Your luggage was being packed up by the driver while you said your goodbyes to your family. Your father was still bitter about you having to leave, but put on a softened expression when he was talking to you. You climbed in to the vehicle, a luxury SUV with tinted windows, and you were on your way.
The jet ride was the most unnerving trip you had ever had. You demanded that the boys keep you updated on Yixing’s condition, even if the news would upset you. So far, there had been no change. You didn’t expect one, but no news is better than bad news. The more you stared at the phone screen, the more you felt like your world was falling apart around you. Trying to calm down, you asked the singular hostess to bring you the best wine they had on board. Of course, it was the most expensive wine Yixing could find, it hadn’t been opened for a very, very long time. You weren’t one for dry wine, but at this point you didn’t care how bitter it was on your tongue.  
At some point, you had drifted off, waking up to the soft sound and gentle shake of the hostess. “Miss Y/L/N, we have arrived.” She hurriedly backed away when you opened your eyes to look at her, you could imagine how angry the boys would get with her for disturbing them. You smiled politely, “Thank you.” The relief to seeing kindness was visible in her new expression. Just then, a familiar face stepped into the door. “Hey princess.” Minseok smiled as you moved to pull him into an embrace, trying to keep the tears from falling down your cheeks. He kissed the top of your head and let you hug him for as long as you needed. Then you looked up and met his eyes, “How is he?” He tried to muster up a strong expression, but his eyes couldn’t hide the worry he truly felt. “He is doing really well. But when you see him, do not be alarmed. There are a lot of IVs and monitors.” You nodded as he led you down the steps of the exit and into one of their many cars. As he drove he gave you a sideways glance. “Junmyeon didn’t want too many people there to greet you, we weren’t sure what kind of state you would be in.” You understood. The boys were like your brothers, they hurt just as much as you, and seeing you hurt made it even worse for them.
The rest of the drive was mostly silent. Minseok didn’t want to say anything that would make you feel worse about the situation. He did however ask about your short vacation. “How is your family?” You gave him a smile, “Same as usual, suspicious as ever when it comes to Yixing’s business. My dad still doesn’t like him. But oh well. I can deal with it, I know he just wants the best for me.” Minseok made a small noise of agreement as he pulled up to the mansion. Your heart beating out of your chest, not ready to see the love of your life in this condition. Min helped you out of the car and walked you up the steps to where most of the others were waiting. They all gave you small hugs and caring glances. There was nothing to be said. Junmyeon pulled you into his arm last. When you pulled away he wanted to warn you about the state Yixing was in. “It does look like a hospital room, and he still isn’t conscious.” You gave his arm, which was still gently supporting you, a small squeeze. “Minseok told me, I can handle it. I just need to see him.” He gave a small nod and led you into the house and to Yixing’s room. You already knew the way there, but he didn’t want you to be alone, and for that you were grateful.
He was lying in his bed. Machines beeping and IVs leading to and from his arms. His eyes were closed and there were oxygen tubes in his nose. He looked peaceful, dressed in his fancier button up pajamas that he never wore. This boy would sleep naked if he wasn’t under the care of everyone else right now. He wasn’t alone. Baekhyun and Chanyeol were sitting in chairs next to the bed. Of course, they would want someone to be there if- when he wakes up. The boys would have hugged you, but they knew that you just wanted to be with Yixing. So they gave a soft glance and smile in your direction before they, and Junmyeon left you alone with your boyfriend.
You walked over and took his hand in yours. It was warm, just like it always was. But it was limp, there was not reaction, no intertwining of fingers, or a loving squeeze. His face stayed the same. His body was under blankets, but you were sure that underneath the layers of fabric there were layers of bandaging covering his wound. “Hey Xing, it’s me.” You felt stupid, talking as if he could hear you. “You never called, but that is okay. You were hurt, are hurt. But I am here now. So you don’t have to do it alone.” Your voice began quivering as you felt the tears fall. The comforter covering him now splattered with tear drops. “You should have just told me. I don’t blame you, I could never blame you. Not because I think you can do no wrong, but because I know your intentions are always true. You wanted to protect me, but now you are here, lying in your bed with a bullet hole in your gut.” You gave a small laugh, and you know he would have smirked at you for that. “You are such an idiot sometimes, but you are my idiot. And I love you and all your idiot thoughts. I am so relieved you are okay. But you need to wake up. The boys need you to wake up. I need you to wake up.” You were sobbing at this point. Clenching his hand to your chest in your own, and softly caressing his cheek. “Please, please, please.”
The desperateness in your voice was all you could hear. You stood there, crying, hunched over into his chest. Still holding his limp hand in your own.
Sometime later, the boys knocked on the door and tried to get you to come down for dinner, saying that Jongin would watch over him, but you refused to leave. Kyungsoo brought a plate up for you, leaving it on Yixing’s dresser and kissing the top of your head before leaving, “You need to eat something; you starving won’t help anything.” You smiled and agreed, telling him you would. You scarfed down the food and then returned back to Yixing’s side. The boys came in to check on you before bed, each of them offering to let you get some sleep. You shook your head, sending them off. Once you were alone you pulled the chair close enough so you could lean forward and sleep with your arms crossed on the bed. “Goodnight baby,” you kissed him on the cheek before turning off the light and returning to the chair to get some rest.
You don’t know what time it was, but suddenly you were woken up by a faint pressure on your hand. You opened your eyes to see Yixing’s own looking back at you. A weak smile formed on his face, “My angel, you came back.” Immediately you moved to hug him, gently of course. His arm without the IV wrapped around you, a feeling that you longed. “You are awake! You had everyone worried.” You pulled away a bit to look at him, take in the color of his eyes, the curve of his lips when he smiled at you, the liveliness in his cheeks, his skin no longer pale. He tried to move forward to kiss you but cried out in pain, and fell back. “Do not exert yourself!!! You just got shot for Christ’s sake!!” But when you saw his grimace turn into amusement at your frustration you couldn’t help but bring your lips to his. The moment was pure bliss. You both smiled against each other’s lips. Even though it had been less than a week, it felt like it had been forever. I guess that is what a near death experience will do to a romance. It didn’t last long before people were bursting through the door.
“Hyung!!!!” Baekhyun began embracing you both, ignoring that he had just interrupted a private moment. Chanyeol wasn’t far behind, crying tears of joy, wrapping his giant arms around all three of you. The happiness and excitement was overflowing. More and more of the boys filled the room until everyone was there. No one could deny the love that they felt for one another. Yixing was smiling wider than ever, something you hadn’t seen in a while. 
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His Queen (IV)
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Word Count: 1,515
Genre:  Action, Romance, Mafia AU
Ship:  Reader x Yixing/Lay
Summary: You find out about the events that occurred while you were away, as well as the secret that led to them.
“Honey, why do you look so blue, I’m sure he is just busy.” Your mother sat next to you at the table of your vacation home while you meticulously fiddled with your phone. It had been two days since you left. Since Yixing sent you away to safety and promised that he would call you that night. “But he always keeps his promises to me.” Her face made a small frown as she placed a hand on your arm.
“A business trip huh? I could call on a business trip, it only takes a few minutes.” Your father joined you in the dining room, a bottle of soju in hand. He had always been curious when it came to Yixing. Never believing anything that he heard about him. You were his little girl after all, it was only right that he want the best for you. Yixing had told your family that the reason this vacation arose was due to his business trip in Japan which could last for some time and he didn’t want you to mope at home. Of course it was a lie, but you couldn’t tell that to your family. “If that son of a bitch is off doing something he shouldn’t be I swear to God I’ll-“ Your mother sent him a glare from across the table, cutting off whatever he was going to say. Probably that he would kill him if he hurt you. But you knew he wouldn’t. The only reason why he wouldn’t be able to contact you is that something went wrong.
You had called him multiple times, always getting his soft voice on the end saying the same message, telling you to leave your business inquiry and that he will respond as soon as possible. You had also left several voicemails on each of the boys’ phones. Not one person picked up to tell you what was going on. What could possibly have happened? Your head ran through all of the possible scenarios, the worst being that there were casualties. “Please excuse me.” You got up leaving your parents at the table, passing by your siblings who were in the living room paying no attention to you. You hoped that they would grow to at least accept your relationship, not necessarily support it. It seemed that your father may never find it in his heart, always saying the worst things about the man you loved.
You made your way to the patio, making sure to close the door behind you. No one cared enough to follow you anyways. Expecting the same type of message for the hundredth time, you were shocked when Chanyeol’s sweet voice filled the speaker. “Y/N.” It was more of a statement than a greeting. His voice seemed to have an underlying message in it. He sounded very off, this was the voice he used when it came to business meetings, never with you. “Yeol? Thank god! What the hell is going on? Why hasn’t he called? Why is everyone letting me go to voicemail?” There was a long pause before his intake of breath. Your breathing had become shaky, horrified of the possibilities that may have happened. “Can you sit down?” Your stomach dropped and your throat began to close up on itself. This was what people said to prepare you for the worst news imaginable. You moved to the lounger that was to the left of you. “Okay. Yeol?” Your heart was racing in anticipation, his answer seeming to take forever. “Things seemed like they were going to be fine. Nothing out of the ordinary set off anyone’s alarms. But then the gun went off. Out of nowhere.” Tears were welling up in your eyes, “What do you mean the gun went off?!? Chanyeol please tell me!” His muffled sobs were all you heard before shuffling and a new voice met your ears. “Y/N?” Junmyeon’s concern was clear. “Jun! What happened?! Why is Yeol crying?” Baekhyun’s comforting words could be heard in the background, trying to calm the younger boy down. “It is Yixing. There was an incident, no one saw the gun. The wound was life threatening but the doctor was on standby, he was treated as soon as possible. You know his blood condition, which obviously led to more blood loss than it would have for a normal person. He is stable for now, but he hasn’t woken up.” It took you a moment to process his words. Yixing, your Yixing, was laying in a bed unconscious. And you weren’t even there. You were miles away while he was probably so scared. You needed to get to him, to be there with him, even if he didn’t actually know. “Was anyone else hurt?” You needed to know. You could hardly handle the news of him being in this situation, if someone else was too… you couldn’t handle it. “No. We are all fine, it wasn’t us they wanted. They had it all planned. Your kidnapping and sending you back with him. To make him think it was alright. We got some of them, the others who drove away, there is no telling what they will do. The man responsible is dead.” The words were reassuring yet unsettling at the same time. “Send the pilot back. I am leaving. Have him here as soon as possible.” “What?! No, you aren’t safe. They still want you.” Why would they want you? You had nothing to do with it. “What do you mean? What the hell would I be good for?” He sighed before speaking again. “There was something that he didn’t want us to tell you. Made us swear. But now seems as good a time as any….” There was a pause as he gathered his thoughts, “That group doesn’t just dislike us. They want revenge, revenge for things that were out of our control. Yixing had some relations with one of their sisters, he made it clear that it was purely for fun, no feelings involved. Well she didn’t feel the same, and when he denied her, she ended up killing herself. It wasn’t his fault, she agreed to the guidelines he set out before anything happened. In return, they believe the only fair thing would be for Yixing’s life to end as well. According to what I heard, they are going to come back for you too.” You didn’t know how to respond. You knew there were things that Yixing didn’t tell you. Secrets he spared from your ears so they wouldn’t haunt your thoughts at night. But this, a girl who fell hopelessly in love and offed herself because it wasn’t returned, this was something you couldn’t blame him for. If he had just told you, perhaps you could have helped resolve the situation. You never met this woman, but the fact that her rash decision let to him on death’s door made you dislike her even more. You have fallen for people before, people who turned you down harsher than your own imagination could come up with. But to kill yourself because of that, you would never do that. All of those heartbreaks led you to meeting the love of your life. The man who killed people because they threatened to touch you. The man who was paying the price for something he had no control over. And you were willing to risk your life to be by his side again.
“If you won’t call the pilot then I will just arrange my own way to get back. Would you rather I make all of my flights public and my information available for those men to see whenever they please?” You knew he couldn’t refuse. They couldn’t risk your location being traced, or your family’s. “Alright. He can be there within the hour, just tell your family that there was something he needed you to take care of at the home office, information he couldn’t let an underling see.” You agreed and rushed back inside. Your family acting as if you hadn’t disappeared at all. “So it looks like I need to run into the office for Yixing. Important business stuff.” Your father scoffed while your mother looked exasperated. “Now? What about vacation?” You smiled and went over to hug her. “He wants you all to enjoy it, his treat. A way to thank you for letting him have the pleasure of my company.” Your father wasn’t going to let it slide though. “As I recall we didn’t know about him until five months into the relationship. I still don’t know if I like you being with him.” Your mother rolled her eyes, “For God’s sake (Y/Father’s/N)! If he makes our baby happy who cares? He has been kind enough to give us a luxury vacation with her, just back off of him.” With their minds occupied you made your way to your room and started packing up your things. Eager to get to Yixing’s side.
If he couldn’t face the demons that came after him, then you would do it for the both of you.
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I know ya'll want the next part to His Queen. Well your girl is perfecting it and finishing it up. I don't want to post something half assed after work and other obligations. My schedule has been busy but I promise it will be up soon. It is hard to get creative juices flowing after dealing with customers for the day.
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