jakexneytiri · 2 years
I want to know more about Neteyam x readers kids !
you do??! 😭😭 this just made my day omg 🥹 welllllll let’s see here. there’s:
tsantu. (his name in na’vi means: good person, good guy) which is v fitting for him. the oldest of the bunch, a literal mini neteyam. both neteyam and reader adore him. like adore. he was the first to make them parents, bringing an indescribable joy to their family. he cherishes every second spent with his parents. he loves when neteyam takes him for rides on his ikran, and he can’t wait until he can choose his very own. he also loves helping reader prepare meals, and listening to her sing. he asks reader to sing to him every night before bed. (ninat what’s good?) he’s very brave, and only fears one thing: losing his family to the “sky people” that grandpa always talks about.
se’ayl. (her name in na’vi means: a tall, thin waterfall) the second oldest, neteyam & reader’s first daughter. ever since she was little, she’s loved the water. (maybe due to the fact that reader would often visit the creek & go for a dip when pregnant?) any chance she can get, she’s swimming in the small creek near neteyam & reader’s marui. every day she asks them if they can go swimming as a family, and most days they do. she is extremely creative, you’ll often find her crafting a new armband or bracelet, she’s made multiple for reader, neteyam, and her siblings. she has a soft spot for neteyam, and hates when he has to go train for the day. but he typically makes it up to her with some pillow kisses, which are her favorite.
txonuk. (his name in na’vi means: night shadow) third oldest, second son. kept reader and neteyam up at night many times when he was younger. (neteyam swears he has some grey hairs in his one braid now.) a very hands on child, touching anything and everything he could reach, often getting himself into trouble. not on purpose of course, just a curious kid! always testing the waters and pushing the limit when it comes to reader and neteyam. tsantu always looks out for him, as his protective older brother. always the last to fall asleep, and even when reader & neteyam think all the kids are asleep, chances are txonuk’s still awake. he throughly enjoys any time after eclipse, loving the night time & bioluminescence just like his mama. (even surprised reader with some bioluminescent leaves for her top) sneaking out to go for a night swim with se’ayl, he gets a harsh scolding from neteyam and from then on has put up a wall between him and his father for a bit, but gets over it eventually, as neteyam later explains he was worried for their safety. (boys are so dramatic sometimes😭)
nima. (her name in na’vi means: shy) the youngest daughter of reader & neteyam. fairly new to the world, but loves every bit of it. shy. so very shy, except around her family. she loves exploring, always picking something up on the ground to tuck away in the pouch around her hip. like se’ayl, nima also enjoys swimming (a little too much, she never wants to get out when it’s time to go.) very clumsy, always tripping and falling over things. LOVES her grandfather, says he gives the best hugs. (grandpa hugs are the best<3) always asking if they can visit/stay with jake & neytiri. has neteyam wrapped around her little finger. already convinced him to craft her a bow (has no idea how to use it, and no real intent to learn just yet. she just wants to be more like her daddy.)
i hope that answers your question, anon!<3
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oh-three · 2 years
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Just made a Na’vi OC on picrew. His name is Se’ayl, which means “waterfall” in the language of the People. Those closest to him call him Ayl for short.
He’d probably be about fourteen in the images above. While he is gentle and kind to others, he distresses easily- a result of his injuries and what he had seen when the Sky People tried to wipe them out. For this reason, even as he grows older, he is one of the most protected youth within the clan, beloved by the adults and elders. His family died when he was very young, and even he doesn’t know what happened to them.
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tereshkovacostuming · 7 years
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2017 Costumes in review: old favorites. These are old costumes that I brought back out for particularly special occasions. We have: Agent Peggy Carter, in full uniform at the DragonCon parade. Every single thing I am wearing is either from 1943 or is a modern replica. Thanks to Cap and the Jeep driver for this one. Photo by Atlanta Loop blog. Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo, out on a Skywalker family field trip to the Museum of Flight. Special thanks to my Alpha Base family here; it’s been an honor and pleasure to get to know you. Captain Marvel, teaming up with the Seattle Avengers to visit the children’s hospital and meet some delightful kids. Photo by @paul.dudley. Captain America in the 4th of July parade, telling these kids of color that they’re awesome. And lastly, Jane MacMillan, AVTR driver, with shoulder banshee Se’ayl. Photo by @tripleclickphoto. Everything was designed, built, and applied by me, including the makeup. But not the ikran. #avatar #navi #captainamerica #captainmarvel #peggycarter #agentcarter #starwars #padmeamidala #padméamidala #skywalkerfamily #avengers #caroldanvers #costume
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jakexneytiri · 8 months
Same anon asking for more dad!neteyam x reader + babies - can we have them learning about their mom being pregnant again and learning about having a new sibling. Or maybe hunting lessons with grandma and grandpa. Whichever one inspires you!
how about both! well, sorta. i’m gonna post what i have written for this so far, and if you are all interested in the fishing scene, i’ll post that too :) thank you for all of your support!! 🥰
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morning sickness wasn’t something you were fond of. it had you up in the early hours of the morning, doubled over with a carved wooden bowl in your hands. the remnants of some bladder polyps you had neteyam fetch in the middle of the night had made their way up your throat and into the bowl. “i’m never eating another one of those again.” you thought to yourself, trying to focus on anything besides the slimy, green goop in the bowl in front of you.
neteyam was sound asleep for a couple hours, but the sound of your heaving woke him up instantly.
“my love?” he questions, sitting up beside you as his large hand runs down the length of your spine. “why did you not wake me sooner?” as he rises to his feet, he grabs the bowl from you, heading outside your marui to discard its current contents.
“oh, i’m sorry, i was a little busy ridding my body of my late night snack. i don’t think our little one likes bladder polyps very much.” you reply in a snarky tone, laying back down to curl up on your sleeping mat in a fetal position.
neteyam sighs, as he grabs a bowl of fresh water for you to sip on. he carefully hands it to you, settling next to you.
“no more bladder polyps, then.” he nods, gently rubbing your back again. a few moments of silence pass, before his ears perk up at the sounds of your sniffling. he sits up immediately, tugging at your shoulder to examine your face.
“why are you crying?” confusion is plastered all over neteyam’s face, searching for the reason you’re so upset.
“i don’t want the children to see me like this. i have no appetite, and they wanted me to take them hunting today, and i-” you cry out, throwing your arms around your mate as you sob into his bare chest.
“shhh, shhhhh. it is all right, my love. do not worry. i will page for my mother and father to take them hunting. they’ll love to spend time with them today. do you want me to call for them now?” neteyam glances outside through the open flap of your marui, knowing it’s a bit early, even for village life to start.
you nod into his chest, sniffling hard as you cling to him. “yes….please. before the children wake.”
“shhh.” his large hand brushes over your hair, smoothing it gently. “i’ll send for them now.”
neteyam raises his other hand to his throat comm, and with a click of a button, you can hear your father in law’s voice through your mate’s earpiece.
“son, clearly someone must be sick, injured, or dying for you to be paging me this early in the goddamn morning. which is it?” jake snaps, though his voice has a tinge of grogginess to it. he was never a morning person as a human, and it certainly didn’t change when he became na’vi.
you hated to interrupt your in laws, especially when he was your olo’eyktan, with his own duties to tend to. your ears pin back against your skull as you bow your head, ashamed.
“dad, it’s y/n. she’s not feeling well. this….pregnancy is taking a toll on her.”
“ah, shit.” jake grumbles on the other line, and you can envision him rubbing his hand over his face, as he does when he’s stressed. “she okay now? want me to send your mother over to help?” jake’s voice has a tinge of worry to it as you hear your mother in law’s voice speaking to jake, mumbling something you can’t make out.
“actually, i was hoping you and mom would be able to watch the children for a bit. they wanted y/n to take them hunting today, but i think that’s out of the question for her. at least until she’s better.” neteyam continues to run his hand along your hair, trying his best to calm you as he speaks with his father.
“give us fifteen and we’ll be over soon.” the line clicks, and you’re left with the guilty conscience of your in-laws covering for you. again.
“they will be here soon. do you want to try drinking more water?” neteyam asks gently, still cradling you in his arms.
you sigh, sitting up to shake your head. “it’s not right, nete. i cannot ask this of them. they have their own duties to tend to, it’s wrong of me to-”
neteyam cuts you off right then and there. “-yawne, you do know they are their own person, capable of making their own decisions. my mother and father adore you, and they are more than happy to help. our family is more important to them than their daily village tasks. you know they’ll take any excuse to see the children. they love them. now please, don’t fret. they’ll be over soo-”
neteyam’s voice is drowned out by a shriek from your youngest daughter.
“GWANDPA!!!” nima squeals, running over to the front of your marui where jake and neytiri now stand.
“shhhh, shhhh babygirl! you’re gonna wake the whole village.” jake chuckles lightly, taking a knee to open his arms wide for her.
nima runs straight into them, wrapping her tiny arms around his neck and kissing the tip of his nose. “why hewe, gwandpa?” she asks, confused as to why her grandparents were here so early in the morning.
“no way! grandpa and gramma are here!!” txonuk says happily, nudging se’ayl and tsantu awake.
“we’re takin’ you guys on a little huntin’ trip today.” jake explains, as neytiri kneels down to hug se’ayl, txonuk, and tsantu.
“but, i thought momma was taking us?” txonuk says, confused as he glances over to the drape that closes off the space where you and neteyam sleep during the night.
“your sa’nu [mommy] needs to rest. she is not feeling well.” neytiri gently explains to them, as neteyam slips through the drape.
“thank you for coming.” he says quietly, walking over to give his mother a hug, and his father a handshake.
“dad? is momma okay?” txonuk asks, tugging on neteyam’s loincloth.
“mama will be fine, don’t you worry about her, okay? come, let’s get your bows.” neteyam suggests, as jake and neytiri walk with him to where the bows are stored.
“which one’s yours, nima baby? is it……this one?” jake asks, holding up your bow.
nima bursts in a fit of giggles, thinking grandpa’s the funniest na’vi she’s ever met. “noooooooooo, gwandpa! that’s mama’s! you siwwy.”
jake chuckles and sets your bow back in its place. “is ittt…..this one?” jake holds up txonuk’s bow now.
“nooooooo! that ‘nuk’s bow!” nima giggles a bit more, shaking her head no multiple times.
“hey! that’s my bow, grandpa!” txonuk says, pointing to nima’s mini bow hanging up toward the end of the wall. “this one’s nimas!”
jake chuckles again as he hands txonuk his bow, rustling his curls before grabbing nima’s bow. “this one’s yours?”
“yea, yea!” nima says happily, taking the bow and holding it to her chest tightly, hugging the object.
“come, children. we must head out now, this is when payoang [fish] are most active.” neytiri urges, gently guiding them to the front of the marui.
“here nima, go to daddy for a sec. i’m gonna check on your mama, okay?” jake says, handing her off to neteyam.
“daddyyy!” nima says happily, playing with the beads on his necklace.
neteyam chuckles at this, kissing the top of her forehead gently. “good morning, nima baby.”
inside, jake makes his way over to your closed off bedroom sheet, stopping just outside of it. “babygirl? you decent in there?”
your eyes flutter open, glancing at the shadow cast on your bedroom sheet. “dad?….come in.” you croak softly, clearing your throat.
jake pulls the sheet back, slipping inside as he kneels beside you. he takes your hand in his, rubbing his thumb gently over the top of your hand. his eyebrows push together in concern as he sees the current state you’re in. “jesus, kid. you look terrible.”
you let out a soft laugh, looking down at his hands as you shake your head. “gee, thanks, dad.”
“i’m not sayin’ it to be funny, sweetheart. we need to get you some help. d’you want me to call for mo’at?” he asks, concern laced in his voice as his thumb still strokes the top of your hand gently.
your eyes water at this, unable to control your hormones. tears stream down your cheeks as you look up at your father in law, defeated. “it’s been so hard. i don’t know why this pregnancy has been so difficult, but it is. i don’t want to worry neteyam, but….i’m worried.”
“shhh, shhhh. there’s no need for that. worryin’ doesn’t do anyone any good.” jake starts to say, as neytiri pulls back the sheet now.
“oh, my sweet child…” she says gently, kneeling on the other side of your sleeping mat. “how are you feeling?”
you can only answer with a sob, turning into your pillow as you cry. “it hasn’t been easy.” you cry out, as neytiri holds your other hand.
jake and neytiri both exchange a worried glance, before looking back down at you.
“i will call for mother. she will bring the right ‘umtsa [medicine] for you.” neytiri reassures you, wiping your tears away with her other hand.
“thank you…both of you, truly…..i feel terrible for waking you up so early-” jake shakes his head and cuts your sentence short.
“don’t you dare apologize, babygirl. you’re sick. we need you to get better, and that’s our top priority, okay? nothing else is more important.”
neytiri nods in agreement, squeezing your hand gently. “ma ‘ite [my daughter], please, rest. we will take care of the children, do not worry.”
jake leans in to place a gentle kiss to your forehead, as neytiri follows suit. neytiri even fluffs your pillow for you, squeezing your hand one last time before they both rise to their feet, giving you one last look.
“promise me you’ll rest up, kid? you need it.” jake asks, squeezing neytiri’s hand gently as they look over your sleeping mat.
your lower lip trembles as you nod. “i promise, dad.”
jake and neytiri head out of your marui, as jake scoops nima up in his arms. “ready to go hunt, babygirl?”
“wes, wes!!” nima says excitedly, plucking the string of her bow.
neytiri squeezes neteyam’s arm gently, halting him from heading back inside. “neteyam. i called for my mother, she will bring ‘umtsa. make sure y/n takes it. it will help.”
“thank you, mother.” neteyam nods, before giving his children one last look. “have fun with grandma and grandpa, my little ones.”
all four of his children wave back to him, as neteyam slips through the marui opening, lacing it shut before making his way back to you. his strong arms wrap around you, gently rubbing your arm as he holds you.
sleep comes to you eventually, after what seems like hours of dozing off. you’re grateful that jake and neytiri are able to take your children hunting, plus it gives them a chance to spend time with their grandchildren. you can only hope that they’re behaving for them.
⋆。 ゚ ☁︎。⋆。 ゚ ☾ ゚ 。⋆⋆。 ゚ ☁︎。⋆。 ゚ ☾ ゚ 。⋆⋆。 ゚ ☁︎。⋆。 ゚ ☾ ゚ 。⋆
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jakexneytiri · 1 year
I need more reader and txonuk bonding 😭
you got it 🫡
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“mama?” se’ayl yells from across your marui. “will you braid my hair again before bedtime?”
“of course, little love. i just have to get nima tucked in first, and help tsantu finish weaving his armband. then, i will have some time to braid your hair before bed, okay?” you say gently, placing a kiss to your eldest daughters’ head.
“mama! mama, look!” txonuk exclaims, waving his toruk toy around in the air. when he sees you’re occupied with se’ayl, he decides to make his way over to nima. “he’s gonna get you, nima!”
nima squeals, running straight to neteyam. “daddy! daddyyy! ‘nuk teasin’ me!”
neteyam scoops nima up in one swift movement, glancing down at txonuk unamused.
“txonuk. what have i told you? no riling your sister up before bed.”
txonuk gives a small pout, sighing before running over to tsantu, in hopes that he’ll play along.
“tsantu, toruk is coming for you!” he begins to fly the toy over tsantu’s head, who’s too busy learning how to finish the weave of his armband.
“txonuk, no he’s not. toruk is gone, grandpa said so himself. don’t be silly.” tsantu sighs, continuing to work on his weaving.
txonuk’s lower lip trembles, as he runs the few feet to his sleeping mat, curling up on it. he raises the toruk toy above his head, sniffling as he attempts to entertain himself.
after tucking nima in with your mate, you glance over at txonuk’s sleeping mat. noticing the shift in your son’s behavior, you standing up, making your way over. slowly and gently, you approach him, kneeling beside his mat.
“txonuk? what is it?” you say quietly, very gently as you reach a hand out to rest it on his small shoulder.
txonuk turns to face you, his eyes wet and his lower lip quivering.
“no one will play with me, mama.” he sniffles, rubbing his tiny fists over his eyes.
your lips turn to a slight frown, as you rest a hand over your son’s curls.
“well, it is bedtime, little love. your siblings are very tired, that’s why we go to sleep now, so we can wake up in a better mood tomorrow!” you glance over at neteyam, who’s helping tsantu finish his armband. sighing, you smile at the sight, as you scoop your youngest son up in your arms.
“i know what will cheer you up. how about we take a little walk to the pond? it looks very beautiful this time of night, i think you’ll love it.” you smile down at your son, tucking a curl behind his ear.
txonuk raises a fist to his eye, rubbing it gently as he rests his cheek against your shoulder. “okay, momma.”
you carry your youngest son over to your mate, leaning in to whisper “i’m just taking him to the pond. i won’t be too long.” you place a quick kiss to neteyam’s cheek, tousling your eldest son’s hair. “that looks wonderful, tsantu.”
“mmm..have fun.” neteyam whispers back, gently placing a kiss to your forehead. “maybe you and i can go back after they’re all asleep?”
“we’ll see.” you give neteyam a wink before carrying txonuk out of your marui.
“momma, wanna get down, please.” txonuk says, squirming out of your arms. as you gently place him on the forest floor, the bioluminescence begins to glow around his feet. each step illuminates your path to the small pond your family goes to swim in.
“momma! momma!” txonuk begins to tug on your loincloth as you approach the now colorfully lit up pond.
“it’s beautiful, isn’t it?” you smile at your son, taking his hand in yours as you walk closer to the edge of the pond. txonuk holds onto your leg as you wade in the water.
“momma, look! fishies! they’re glowing, too!” txonuk exclaims, clinging tightly to your leg. he glances over, noticing something shift out of the corner of his eye. “kenten!” txonuk whispers loudly, his face lighting up as he walks the few feet to get closer to the creature. as he reaches a finger out to touch it, the lizard’s wings fan open, beginning to spin and glow. txonuk sighs, watching the lizard fly off. “awww, he went away.”
“it’s all right, there has to be a few more around here, txonuk. oh, look! there’s another one!” you point out. a few feet away, another lizard is crawling on the branch it’s perched on. txonuk hurriedly walks the few feet to meet it, fascinated with the creature.
“can i touch him?” txonuk asks, already lifting his finger towards the creature.
“well, you can try, little love, but he might just-” you begin to say, as the lizard spreads its wings and flies off just as txonuk is about to touch it. “-fly away. i don’t think they like being touched. it’s best we just leave them be, okay?” you brush one of the curls from your sons face, smiling at him.
txonuk nods in agreement, as he yawns, stretching his arms up. “momma, i’m getting sleepy.”
“do you want to head back home? do you want me to carry you, or would you like to walk?” you ask gently.
txonuk silently answers by stretching his arms up towards you. in one quick movement, you scoop him up, cradling him close as you begin to walk home.
“can we come back tomorrow at night too, momma?” txonuk asks, his eyelids growing heavy as they struggle to stay open.
“of course we can. but we have to get a good nights sleep first.” you say, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of his head.
as you approach your home, you carefully brush past the opening flap of your marui. slipping inside, you walk txonuk over to his mat, laying him down carefully.
“how was it? how is he feeling now?” neteyam whispers, approaching you from the other side of your marui, where he was working on stringing se’ayl’s bow while waiting for you to return home.
you tuck one of txonuk’s curls behind his ear, leaning in to kiss his forehead gently before standing. “it was nice. he wanted to touch all of the kenten.” you say, a small giggle escaping your lips at the memory from only moments ago.
neteyam chuckles at this, wrapping his arms around you from behind as he rests his chin on your shoulder. “mmm. i’m glad you were able to spend some time with him alone.”
“me too. he loves it, he wants to go back tomorrow, as a family.” you turn around to face your mate, who swiftly picks you up, carrying you to your shared sleeping mat.
“we can arrange that.” he grins, setting you down gently before settling in beside you. “you’re sure you don’t want to head back now?”
“hmm…i don’t know if i’d make it there awake. i’m exhausted. but we always can tomorrow..” you whisper, nuzzling into your mate’s chest.
“tomorrow it is.” neteyam places a kiss to your forehead, wrapping his arms around you as you drift off to sleep.
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jakexneytiri · 1 year
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this is literally THEM
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jakexneytiri · 9 months
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it’s my snippet and i’ll make it as cute as i wanna 😾
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jakexneytiri · 1 year
Idk if anyone has asked this but how old are neteyam and readers kids? are they like the sully kids (who are literally a few months apart 💀), unless I missed it while reading
this is a great q! i’m just shit at math so i like to avoid it when i can <3 let’s see here tho:
tsantu is 9
se’ayl is 7
txonuk is 6
nima is 2
hopefully those ages make sense for what i’ve written for them so far 😀
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jakexneytiri · 1 year
Hi!!! I’m a silent follower. I love reading your fanfics about daddy neteyam x reader and the four (incoming five) 2nd generation baby sullys 😭💙. Do you have any fan art or pics of the sully girls? I only saw Tsantu and Txonuk’s. I wish I could also see all of them in one frame. I hope you won’t stop making these pleaseeee 🥺.
hii lovely! thank you so, so much for all your love and support :’) it means the world to me! 💞💘💕
AGH i need to get all of them commissioned in one frame :’) yes yes!! no plans on stopping anytime soon :D
i created a post a while back explaining what i imagine se’ayl and nima to look like!
@zestys-stuff created the lovely art of tsantu & txonuk. be sure to check her page out!! <3
@sullyfortress created two lovely commissions of nima and grandpa jake :’) be sure to check out her page as well!! <3
@rodeosayu created an adorable se’ayl portrait :’)
@marushhhhh created another portrait of se’ayl as well!
i should work on getting a commission of them all together :D
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jakexneytiri · 1 year
hi love, may i ask how you visualize se'ayl and nima? we've seen how tsantu and txonuk look like n im curious how the daughters look like according to your imagination 👀
- 🦊
hii love!
so @rodeosayu actually created art of se’ayl, which is super cute!! se’ayl is fascinated with aunt kiri, so i imagine she begged txonuk to help give herself bangs to be more like her. of course they came out jagged and uneven, bc that’s what happens when kids get another kid to assist them with a haircut!
eventually, they grow out and i picture her hair worn mainly braided over her queue, and just the little bits of bangs still out, like this!
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nima, being the youngest, doesn’t really have much hair right now lol but she very much looks up to her parents! so i imagine further down the line, her hair will be just like readers. she would have something from both of them, perhaps similar beads to neteyams, and a tiny feather like her mama. but when she’s younger, i picture her hair like this! two tiny braids framing her face and the rest pulled back braided into her queue.
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I hope this somewhat helped w their visualization 😭 if i could draw, you bet your bottom dollar this is the first thing i would attempt!
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jakexneytiri · 2 years
Hi, I can request a family life with husband! neteyam x reader, after 2 movies, please long if you agree
you sure can! this was so cute to write and i’m in love with dad!neteyam. i hope this is what you had in mind, anon!<3
forever & always
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it’s been ten years since you and your husband first mated. neteyam was madly in love with you, that love only growing stronger over the years. he could never get enough of you, never keep his hands off of you. you have four children to prove it, and you’re pregnant with your fifth.
neteyam arranged an entire ceremony to be held tonight for your anniversary. the clan spent the entire day preparing, harvesting fruits, hanging bioluminescent plants for light, and gathering old twigs and dead plants to be used for the main fire.
in your hut, things were absolute chaos. you were waiting for neteyam to return home, he had “a few more things to set up” for the party. your children couldn’t contain themselves, excitedly running around your shared hut readying themselves for the evening.
your oldest, tsantu, you hardly ever had to worry about. he was very independent, and rarely asked for your assistance. he was all ready for the ceremony, wearing his special arm cuff he crafted, with neteyam’s help.
“mom, do you need help?”
“would you please help your brother with his necklace? that would be a big help.” you place a kiss on the top of his head, as he nods and goes to help his brother.
your second born, se’ayl, was calm and reserved like her older brother. however, she was sassy from time to time, with both you and neteyam. she definitely picked up the habit from aunt kiri, who she adored.
“se’ayl? do you have your feathers on yet?” you ask, glancing over at her.
“ugh, do i have to wear those?” she groans, taking a deep breath in just to sigh it out.
“yes, flower. your father wants everyone to wear them tonight. aunty kiri will be wearing hers, too.” you say in an excited tone, hoping it will cheer her up.
“really? she is??” excitement lights up on her face, as she quickly goes to change into them.
your third, txonuk, was your occasionally rebellious child, sometimes outspoken, making neteyam be the bad guy when he needed to be punished, but you loved him nonetheless.
“let’s see your necklace, txonuk!” you say excited, kneeling down to take a look.
he lifts his chin upwards, so you can get a good look at the newly placed necklace.
“what a very handsome young man you are.” you say, as he giggles.
“mama, i’m not a man, i’m just a boy!” he yells, waving his arms around dramatically.
“oh, forgive me! what a very handsome young boy you are.” he wraps his arms around your leg, giggling into it.
“mama! mama!” nima interrupts, holding her new feathers up to your face. “these pwease!”
nima, your youngest, was one of the main reasons you lost sleep at night. she’s very shy around people she doesn’t know, but very comfortable with her siblings. she finds comfort in you and neteyam, to her, you both are her sun and moon. you often find her in the middle of the night curled up in between you and neteyam, from the “bad dreams” she has. (she has bad dreams almost every night. it’s just an excuse to be closer to you both).
“these ones?” you question, holding them up. “they’re very pretty, little love. do you need help putting them on?”
“noooo! i do it!” she giggles as she runs off to the other side of the hut.
just then, the flap to your hut opened, revealing your beloved husband.
“iiiiiiiit’s dad!” neteyam says, causing all four children to burst into a fit of giggles.
“where are my five wonderful children?” he asks, looking around the hut even though they’ve all ran right to his feet, apart from nima.
txonuk gives a confused look to both se’ayl and tsantu. whispering, he asks “five? but, there’s only…” and he begins counting on his fingers. “there’s only 4 of us!”
tsantu shakes his head, whispering back “he’s talking about the baby in momma’s belly, skxawng.”
“hmmmm, one!” neteyam says, placing a kiss to tsantu’s head.
“and there’s two!” kissing the top of se’ayl’s head.
“dad! dad i’m right here!” txonuk says, pointing to himself.
“oh, there’s three!” neteyam chuckles as he places a kiss to txonuk’s head.
“now, where’s my number four?”
nima runs over, her arm stuck in the air from her necklace being on wrong.
“daddy, i’m stuck!” she pouts, her little eyes filling with tears.
neteyam kneels, fixing her necklace and freeing her arm, kissing the top of her head.
“there’s my #4. no need for tears, babygirl. are those new feathers?”
she giggles, and squeals “yes!” before running away.
glancing over to you now, neteyam stands, arms open wide.
“looking for #5?” you question, moving your swollen belly closer to his grasp.
“ah, my #5.” he kisses your belly gently, before snaking his arms around your waist, lips to your ear as he says
“hi, mama. looking beautiful, as always.”
“hi.” you smile, kissing your mate, which earns a collective “ewwwww!” from your children.
you both laugh, as neteyam covers your face in kisses. forehead, cheeks, chin, neck, ears, anywhere he could reach, he’d kiss.
“daddy, that’s GWOSS!” nima shouts, covering her eyes.
“well, good thing aunty kiri, *kiss* uncle lo’ak, *kiss* and aunty tuk tuk *kiss* are waiting outside for you four, *kiss* because i have a loooot more *kiss* kisses for *kiss* mama!” he says, kissing you again, chuckling against your skin.
they squeal and run out of the hut, to be met with their favorite aunts and uncle. you stand in the doorway of your hut, neteyam’ standing behind you as one arm is wrapped around your waist, the other holding the flap to your hut open.
“sooo, are you guys coming with us now or-“ lo’ak asks, just to be cut off by neteyam.
“no. you go ahead, we’ll be there soon.”
kiri takes se’ayl’s hand, while tuk takes nima’s, as they start to head to the celebration. lo’ak takes tsantu’s in one, and txonuk’s in the other.
lo’ak rolls his eyes, muttering “keep it in your loincloth, would ya.”
although he mumbled, neteyam still heard him.
“have you SEEN my mate? how on pandora would i do that?”
lo’ak groans, walking away, yelling “get a room, you two!”
“we’re trying!!” neteyam yells back before closing the flap to your hut.
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jakexneytiri · 1 year
Neteyam and reader go on date night and mistakenly leave uncle Lo’ak in charge? Imagine
i love thisssss yes. i’m not feeling the best so i hope this is okay :’)
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“do you have to leave? can’t you just stay here?” se’ayl asks, hugging her father’s leg.
neteyam kneels, taking her hands in his. “we’ll be back before you know it. promise you’ll be good for uncle lo’ak?”
“i promise.” se’ayl mumbles, as neteyam kisses her forehead.
“why do you have to go out to kiss? you kiss in front of us all the time!” txonuk says, flying his ikran toy around your marui.
neteyam shoots him a look before speaking aloud.
“my love, are you read-” the last word dies in the back of his throat, tail swishing eagerly as he takes your appearance in.
“yes! sorry, i’m ready. nima wanted to help take my braids out, so it took a little longer than i’d anticipated.” you smile, holding nima on your hip. “isn’t that right, nima?”
“mama pweeeettyy.” she giggles, resting a tiny hand on your cheek.
“thank you, little love.” you smile as you kiss the top of her head, setting her down gently.
neteyam holds his arms out for you, wrapping you in a warm embrace before taking a step back. “wow. spin for me, mama.”
you give your mate a small twirl before his arms are around you again, unable to keep them off of you. “you’re so beautiful. how did i get so lucky?” he whispers against your neck as lo’ak rolls his eyes.
“you two should go, cause i guarantee no one in this marui wants to see that.”
you and neteyam both laugh, going to hug and kiss your children goodbye for the evening.
“behave for uncle lo’ak!” you say as neteyam holds the flap of your marui open for you.
“and uncle lo’ak should also behave.” neteyam states sternly.
“yea yea yea we’ll be fine. see ya!” he says, closing the marui flap in your faces. you hear the giggles coming from your children inside.
neteyam suddenly sweeps you off your feet, as he begins carrying you through the forest.
“teyam, what are you doing? i can walk!” you say, squirming out of his arms, only for his grip to tighten.
“i want to carry you.” he simply states, continuing to walk.
you lean in closer, whispering in his ear as you say “i can walk perfectly fine now. i’m not so sure i will be able to later tonight.”
he hums just below your ear, smirking against your skin “i will carry you then, too.”
your heartbeat picks up after that, giggling as you reach the designated spot for your date night.
a small spring, shoulder deep, that has a tiny, peaceful waterfall flowing on the other side. it radiates with bioluminescence this time of night.
neteyam sets you down gently, quickly fiddling with the strings of his loincloth. tossing it aside, he slowly wades into the water, until he’s submerged up to his shoulders.
you take in the glorious view of your naked mate, not moving to remove your own garments just yet.
“aren’t you joining me?” he questions, a smirk forming on his lips.
“maybe in a bit. i’m enjoying the view.” you bite your lip as your eyes never leave your mates broad shoulders, the only part of him you could see at the moment.
“don’t make me come and get you.” he playfully growls, the noise sending heat straight to your core.
“maybe i want you to come and get me.” you say simply, your arousal already soaking through your loincloth.
he smirks, wasting no time getting out of the water. in a few steps, he’s reached you. your arms stretch above your head as he removes your feathers in one swift movement. he’s quick in working the strings of your loincloth, tossing it next to his on the soft moss.
“you’re so beautiful. and you even took your braids out for our date?” he asks, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “my pretty flower, i love you so-”
you crush your lips to his, unable to resist him any longer. he deepens the kiss, bending down slightly to grab the backs of your thighs. you wrap your legs around his waist, as he carefully brings you into the water with him.
“uhh, uncle lo’ak? dad doesn’t let us eat fruits after dinner.” tsantu motions to txonuk and nima, who are happily eating yovo fruits.
“that’s because your dad doesn’t let you have fun. he’s boring! and that’s why i’m here.” lo’ak confidently states.
“aren’t we going to get in trouble?” tsantu asks, glancing over at txonuk and nima.
“all right, listen. it’s better to ask forgiveness than permission, okay? your dad will understand.” lo’ak gives tsantu a pat on the head.
“oooh i like that saying!” txonuk shouts with his mouth full of fruit.
“now, who wants to use war paint like real warriors?” lo’ak asks, holding up a pod of orange paint.
“do you think they’re asleep?” you mumble against your mate’s chest, as he carries you back to your marui.
“they better be. or i will never let lo’ak watch them again.”
you laugh, patting neteyam’s chest softly. “let’s just see what we’re walking into here.”
heading inside, you immediately spot discarded yovo fruit peels scattered throughout your marui. the boys’ bows are strewn across the floor, along with their toys. tsantu and nima are laying beside each other, holding hands. se’ayl is laying next to nima, curled up on her own. there are little orange handprints plastered all over their tiny bodies.
txonuk is laying down a few feet away, right next to lo’ak, who’s also out cold. lo’ak is laying on his stomach, drool running down his chin, cheek pressed against the woven floor. they both have matching orange war paint that covers their bodies as well.
you’re the first to speak. “okay yes, the marui is a disaster right now. but at least the kids are asleep!”
“he’s never watching them again.” neteyam pinches the bridge of his nose, letting out a loud sigh.
“let’s get some rest, and we can discuss what happened with him in the morning, okay?” you ask, resting both hands on your mate’s cheeks.
neteyam sighs, pulling your hands away to kiss each of them gently. “all right, my love.”
you settle in beside your children, laying on top of your mates chest. “you know,” you begin to whisper. “i enjoyed myself tonight, and it looks like the kids did too.”
“as did i. but i’m asking my parents to watch the children next time.” he says, wrapping his arms around you.
“mmmmm.” you snuggle into his chest. “we’ll figure it out tomorrow. goodnight, i love you.”
“goodnight beautiful. i love you more.” he places a gentle kiss to your forehead, before resting his cheek against the top of your head for the night.
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jakexneytiri · 1 year
Hi bbgurl, I had a request:
How bout like a situation where dad Teyam and Y/n take their children swimming but Nima has some problems cause she’s the smallest and y/n comforts her
and you can end one of ur iconic spicy endings to it 😏
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you and neteyam are cleaning up from dinner, as your children are playing with their toys around you.
“daddy?” se’ayl asks, approaching neteyam with a puppy dog look on her face.
“yes, hì’i syulang (little flower)?” neteyam questions, smiling at his oldest daughter.
“can you and mama take us swimming? pleaseeee! pretty please!” she begs, jutting her lower lip out in a pout.
her brothers’ ears perk up in excitement, running over to where she’s standing in front of you and neteyam.
“i wanna swim too!” txonuk yells, tugging at neteyam’s loincloth.
“me too.” tsantu says, standing beside you as he rests a hand on your leg.
nima follows suit eventually, distracted by one of txonuk’s toys. she runs over when she hears the word “swimming.”
“wanna swim! wanna swim!!” she runs over, wrapping her arms around neteyam’s leg.
“hmmm….i suppose we can. but! you all must pick up your toys before we go, understood?”
“yes dad!” the boys immediately go to pick up their toys, followed by se’ayl.
nima keeps one arm wrapped around neteyam’s leg, the other playing with his tail as she erupts in a fit of giggles.
neteyam chuckles, reaching down to pick nima up, throwing her in the air before holding her close to his chest.
“nima, baby. will you go help your brothers and sister clean so we can go swim?”
“swim!! yes, daddy!” she begins to clap her tiny hands together.
neteyam plants a soft kiss to the top of her head before setting her down gently, allowing her to run and help her siblings.
“swimming, hm?” you ask your mate, as you finish putting away the bowls from dinner.
he moves to wrap his arms around your waist from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder. “is that all right with you? i will take them myself, if you’re tired.” he places gentle kisses along your neck, rocking you back and forth in a soothing motion.
“mmm. no it’s okay, i’ll come. i’m not tired yet.” you smirk as you speak the last word, turning to face him.
“hmmm. is that so? i’ll have to check back in later.” he’s smirking now, leaning in as he feels txonuk tug on his loincloth again.
“WE’RE READY! let’s go!!” he impatiently starts jumping up and down, getting se’ayl to follow along.
“all right, all right, come along.” neteyam opens the flap to your marui, as your children leave one by one. he seals it shut before taking your hand in his, swinging it gently.
the walk to the creek is incredibly short, only a few minutes. when you arrive, tsantu and txonuk race to the large rock they love to jump off of. they immediately jump at the same time, falling the short distance to the water below.
se’ayl jumps in after them, splashing them as she resurfaces.
neteyam jumps next, his braids swinging wildly as he scans the water for his three children.
you approach the edge of the rock, watching as nima hesitates to jump.
“come on, nima! just jump!” se’ayl says, trying to encourage her younger sister.
neteyam holds his arms out, looking up at you and nima. “nima baby, daddy’s right here, i’ll catch you!” he moves his hands, motioning for her to jump.
nima, on the other hand, is terrified. she runs back to you, hugging your leg as she starts to cry.
“oh, nima.” you pick her up instantly, cradling her to your chest. “what is it, baby? what’s wrong?”
“mama, i scared.” she sniffles, wiping tiny tears from her eyes with the back of her hand.
meanwhile, neteyam gets out of the water, approaching you and nima. “little love! what’s wrong? why are you sad, hm?”
“can’t jump! too scawee!” nima simply answers, her lower lip quivering as silent tears fall down her chubby cheeks.
“you can do it! come on, give it a go, baby. i’ll catch you! how does that sound, hm? watch daddy jump, look!” neteyam jumps back in, resurfacing quickly. “just like that, nima!”
nima clings to your leg, not making any movements to try and jump.
“nima.” you say gently. “i’ll stand with you, and daddy will catch you! do you want to try it?”
nima hesitates at first, but eventually nods. you kneel on the rock, holding one of nima’s hands. the other is gently caressing her back, holding her in place.
“daddy’s right there, okay? he’s gonna catch you when you jump! i’ll count to three, and then you jump, okay baby?”
nima nods, squeezing your hand as she looks at neteyam in the water below. “daddy! catch me!!” she yells down to him.
neteyam chuckles, holding his arms out for her. “i will, nima. i promise!”
“all right, nima. ready? one…..two!…….three!” you count down, watching as she hesitantly jumps to neteyam below. he easily catches her, holding her gently in the water.
“you did it, nima! i knew you could. you’re tough, just like your mama.” neteyam kisses the top of her head, before flashing a smile up to you. “will you be joining us today, my love?”
you roll your eyes, smiling as you jump in. when you resurface, txonuk decides a splashing war is the best game to play. it leaves all of you soaked, from head to toe. as eclipse quickly approaches, you and neteyam decide it’s time to head home for the night.
when you arrive back to your marui, you help your children change out of their wet loincloths to dry ones, and your daughters into new tops. you head outside to hang them to try, while neteyam starts tucking them in for the evening.
neteyam is finishing up his pillow kisses, as you start yours. once you finish, you both collectively say “goodnight, little loves. sweet dreams, we love you.”
as you go to hang the last damp loincloth out, you notice neteyam follows, securing the flap behind him. he snakes his arms around your waist from behind, while you melt into his touch.
his lips gently brush against your ear as he speaks. “i can’t help but notice, you haven’t changed yet. is there a reason for that, mama?”
you giggle slightly, turning to face him. “nothing gets past you, hm? i figured….if the kids are all asleep, maybe we could head back? together?” you flash him a wide smile, reaching out to hold both of his hands.
“mmmm. i would love to. but aren’t you tired?” he simply asks, kissing your hands as he waits for your response.
“no, i’m wide awake, actually.” you smirk, moving in closer to wrap your arms around his neck.
“i can fix that.” he’s quick to pick you up, slinging you over his shoulder as he begins the walk back to the creek.
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jakexneytiri · 1 year
Hey bbgurl 💕 could I request a dad Teyam fic where reader walks in on him playing dress up with the kids, just a fluffy situation 🤭💗
btw I will not mind if u give it a spicy ending 😏 if u want to ❤️
✨😘LOVE YOU!!✨😘
this is such a cute idea. YES. love you too hehe 💓
(i know it’s very unlikely for an olo’eyktan or tsahìk to not be wearing their garments, but jake and mo’at seem pretty understanding. and the kids are only borrowing it for a few hours!)
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“me next, me next!” txonuk yells, tugging at the feather ensemble tsantu is sporting.
“careful, careful now.” neteyam gently says. “we have to take good care of these, grandpa was nice enough to let you borrow them for a bit.”
“but dad, i wanna have a turn at olo’eyktan!” txonuk crosses his arms, jutting his lower lip out.
“you will, txonuk. you just have to be patient and wait your turn, yes?” neteyam questions, ruffling the braids on top of his son’s head.
txonuk sits, still pouting. se’ayl approaches him with the tsahìk headpiece. “here, ‘nuk. you can be tsahìk!”
nima giggles beside her sister. “‘nuk is sa-heek!” she erupts in a fit of laughter, running to her fathers side.
txonuk scowls, holding an arm out to se’ayl. “no! i don’t wanna be tsahìk. i wanna be olo’eyktan!”
“okay, txonuk. it’s your turn now.” tsantu says, lifting the feathery ensemble off himself.
nima’s tiny fists ball up as she rubs her eyes, simultaneously yawning. “daddy? i sweepy.”
“you’re sleepy, hm? all right nima, come on.” neteyam scoops his youngest up, her head immediately resting on his shoulder as she yawns again.
you pull back the flap to your marui, slipping inside with the basket of fruits you’ve been harvesting all day.
“mama!” tsantu runs over to you, grabbing the basket so you don’t have to carry it over to where you eat.
you smile at your oldest, kissing his forehead before he walks off with the basket. “thank you, tsantu.” you glance around at your other children, and your mate. “whoa, what’s going on here?? you didn’t tell me the olo’eyktan and tsahìk were here!” you kneel before txonuk and se’ayl, signing an “i see you” to both of them.
they both erupt in a fit of giggles, making sure to sign back to you.
“we’re playing dress up, mama! grandpa said it was okay.” se’ayl explains, carefully removing the headpiece from her hair. “you try, mama! play dress up with us!” stretching on her tiptoes, se’ayl carefully places the headpiece on top of your head. she gasps, clapping excitedly. “mama, you look so pretty! daddy, look!”
neteyam is just tucking nima in, who’s out like a light. walking back over, he sees that you’re now wearing his grandmother’s headpiece.
and you look beautiful in it.
“oh, wow…” neteyam exclaims, unable to keep his eyes off you.
your mate’s gaze never failed to give you butterflies, even after twelve years of being mated with four children.
“well?” you question, smiling. “what do you think?”
before neteyam can answer, txonuk is handing him the feather ensemble. “dad, your turn! play dress up with mama!”
your mate chuckles, carefully taking the accessory from your son and sliding it over his own head.
you stand, and take a step back, admiring how good your mate looks in the garments. stepping closer, you circle around him, fingertips tracing along his skin, earning a shiver from him.
“this is a good look for you.” you whisper, fingers intertwining with his as you smile up at him.
neteyam chuckles, kneeling on one knee as he kisses both of your hands. “my beautiful tsahìk.” he glances over at tsantu and se’ayl, who are taking turns yawning now. “all right, come on. let us settle in for the night.”
the rest of your children settle beside nima for the night, yawning as they close their eyes. you and neteyam kiss each of their foreheads goodnight, before tying the flap to your marui closed.
smirking, you pull your mate close, trailing your fingers down his chest.
“do you think we could make a small stop before returning this?” you purr, tail swishing eagerly behind you.
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jakexneytiri · 2 years
Hi, I can request dad! neteyam x reader, where we kiss children very much and for a long time (as we do our pets, cats are cool) hehe
hii!! yes you cannn 🥰
i want to preface this by explaining what pillow kisses are:
pillow kisses are when the parent sits beside their child, grabs both sides of the pillow that their head is resting on, and lifts it up enough so they can kiss the child’s forehead, then gently places them back down. it is a repeated motion, for as many letters as there are in the child’s name, or how many years old they are, the parent can choose.
pillow kisses
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“txonuk! nima! come. time to get out of the water.” neteyam states, standing at the edge of the water with you, se’ayl, and tsantu.
neither of them move, still treading in the shoulder-deep water, giggling to themselves.
“we’re going make a quick stop to visit grandma and grandpa!” you say, trying to convince them to get out of the creek. jake and neytiri’s marui was on the way for you, and the children never missed an opportunity to see their grandparents.
nima gasps, but remains in the water, smiling to herself.
txonuk remains unphased, apart from treading in place.
“don’t make me come get you two.” neteyam says, in a slightly threatening tone.
keeping her lips just below the water, nima giggles, her laughter bubbling to the surface.
txonuk dares to even tread backwards, floating along the surface.
“very well.” neteyam wades into the water, disappearing below the surface.
nima squeals, frantically splashing now, looking around for her father in the water.
suddenly, txonuk screams, as neteyam resurfaces, grabbing and throwing him over his shoulder.
nima screams too, trying to swim away to the edge of the water, but neteyam scoops her up in his arms, walking both of them out of the water on his shoulders.
“daddy, downnn!” nima giggles, her laughter infectious.
“you had your chance, my mischievous children.” neteyam uses the hand supporting each child to begin tickling them, causing them both to erupt in a fit of laughter, squirming in your mates’ arms.
you take se’ayl and tsantu’s hands, as you walk the short distance to jake and neytiri’s marui.
swinging your childrens’ hands in yours, you approach the outside of your in-laws' humble abode.
“grandma!!” se’ayl shouts, letting go of your hand, running to her grandmother’s side.
neytiri turns, smiling as she crouches down to hold her arms out. “my sweet grandchildren, what a nice surprise.” she says warmly, kissing the top of se’ayl and tsantu’s heads, wrapping her arms around them.
“we went swimming at the creek!” tsantu says, happily.
neteyam sets both nima and txonuk down, who run to hug jake’s legs.
“the creek, huh?” jake asks, tousling txonuk’s hair and picking up nima.
“gwampa!!” nima squeals, wrapping her tiny arms around jake’s neck.
he chuckles, running his palm up and down her small back. “hi babygirl. look atcha, you’re gettin so big! ” he lightly tosses her in the air, which she loves.
“again, again!!” nima squeals, clapping her hands together.
“dad? momma?” txonuk questions, grabbing each of your hands, swinging them back and forth.
“yes, my son?” you both answer in sync.
“can we spend tomorrow with grandma and grandpa?” he asks, before yawning, rubbing a small fist against his eye.
you and your mate exchange a glance, before neteyam answers.
“i’m not sure, txonuk. grandma and grandpa are very busy, i-”
“of course they can.” neytiri cuts her son off, smiling at her grandchildren.
tsantu yawns, leaning his forehead against your leg. “mama, i’m sleepy.”
“this one’s gonna be out like a light any second.” jake chuckles, gently rubbing nima’s back, who’s eyes are struggling to stay open.
“we’d better get them home for a good nights sleep, then.” you smile and pick up tsantu gently, caressing the back of his head. you didn’t care that he was fully capable of walking himself, he was still your first born, and your baby.
neteyam takes nima from jake, gently removing her arms from around his neck.
kissing your in laws goodbye, you and neteyam lead your children home for the night.
entering your own marui, your children pile in, plopping on the mat where you all sleep, exhausted.
“mamaaa?” se’ayl yawns, grabbing her pillow.
“yes, my little love?” you say, kneeling to lay tsantu down.
“can you do pillow kisses tonight, please?”
you smile down at your daughter, tucking baby hairs behind her ear. “of course i can.”
“me tooo! i want kisses too!!” txonuk says, grabbing his own pillow.
neteyam settles beside you, his tail tickling your lower back. grabbing both sides of txonuk’s pillow, he raises his son’s forehead to his lips.
“t *kiss* x *kiss* o *kiss* n *kiss* u *kiss* k.” *kiss*
txonuk giggles the entire time, and neteyam joins, finding his son’s laughter contagious.
“goodnight, my little warrior. i love you.”
“night, dad. love you” txonuk yawns, closing his eyes.
you raise se’ayl’s pillow up, gently pressing your lips to her forehead.
“s *kiss* e *kiss* a *kiss* y *kiss* l.” *kiss*
se’ayl smiles, resting her hand on your cheek as she yawns, saying
“goodnight, mama. thank you for the pillow kisses.”
“goodnight, my little flower. i love you”
“love you.” she mumbles, half asleep.
moving to sit beside tsantu, you repeat the process.
“t *kiss* s *kiss* a *kiss* n *kiss* t *kiss* u.” *kiss*
tsantu raises his hands to your face then, pressing his lips to your forehead.
“goodnight, mama. i love you.”
“goodnight, my little warrior. i love you more.”
neteyam gently raises nima’s pillow up, as she’s already asleep, quietly whispering
“n *kiss* i *kiss* m *kiss* a.” *kiss*
and gently sets her back down, rubbing his thumb against her cheek.
“goodnight my little flower, i love you. sweet dreams.”
finally, settling in for the night, you lay down next to your mate, trailing your fingers down his chest to his hip bone, and back up.
you lean over then, placing a plump kiss to his lips. he reaches up, cupping your cheek as he quickly deepens the kiss. before it grows to anything too intense, he pulls away, smirking before whispering “i can’t wait to have you all to myself tomorrow.”
“mmmmm. g’night. i love you.” you mumble against his chest, as the sound of his heartbeat slowly lulls you to sleep.
“goodnight, my love. i love you more.” he wraps his arms around you, before drifting off to sleep himself.
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jakexneytiri · 2 years
i saw your dad!neteyam post, and i loved your other dad!neteyam fics!
i was wondering if you could do something like this, maybe the reader got hurt protecting their kids when she was teaching them how to hunt (maybe an animal attacks them?) and then when neteyam hears, he rushes home and tends to her wounds
sorry, im really bad at requests 😭
love you <3
hi hi!<3
thank you so much lovie 🥹💓
i absolutely can work with this! i hope it’s what you were hoping for🥰 love you<33
promise to protect
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“mama! daddy! up!” nima, your youngest, shouts at you, jumping up and down with excitement.
“shh, don’t wake them! they’ll be up soon, be patient.” tsantu says, holding his arm out, signaling his siblings to back up.
she shakes the collective lump in front of her that is you curled up to your mate, his arms wrapped around you in a comfortable embrace.
“nima…” neteyam says groggily. “let mama sleep, please.” he pats her arm gently.
“for whyyy!” she juts her tiny lip out in protest.
txonuk is playing with the hand me down toy that aunt kiri and uncle lo’ak gifted your children, flying it around your mates head.
“the sun is up, so we must be up!” he yells, running in small circles as he swings the toy around.
“we want to play ikrans with you and mama!” se’ayl says, flapping her own arms up and down.
you hide your face in the crook of your mates neck, placing a gentle kiss to his skin.
“goodmorning” you mumble against his skin, eyes still closed.
he chuckles as he lowers his lips to yours, kissing them softly. “good morning, mama.”
“ewwwwwww! they’re SMOOCHING!” your children collectively squeal, running away from you two as they giggle.
you sit up then, stretching your arms. “we can play ikrans, little lovies. but we must eat first, okay?”
nima starts jumping up and down with excitement, while se’ayl claps, and tsantu and txonuk yell “HOORAY!”
each of them walk the small distance to grab a fruit from the basket in the corner of your marui. sitting in a circle, you help your youngest peel the flesh back on her yovo fruit. neteyam hands you a banana fruit, as he sits with his own. your children eat quickly, finishing their fruits before you.
“and what do we do with our peels?” you ask, as they each stand to bring their peels outside.
tsantu digs a small hole for him and his siblings to place their peels in, returning them back to the soil they grew from.
you look down at your youngest, who’s struggling to finish her fruit.
“nima, are you all finished? can you take one more big bite for me?”
she shakes her tiny head no, holding the fruit out to you. “all done!”
you split the remaining fruit left, handing the other piece to your mate, as you get up to bring the peel outside. your three other children come running back in, arms spread wide as they mimic that of an ikran.
“can we play now, mama?” se’ayl asks.
“pleaseeeee?” txonuk begs, as they run around you in a circle.
you smile, spreading your own arms out now, slowly flapping them as you run to the other side of your marui.
se’ayl follows you, mimicking your every move, giggling every step.
neteyam scoops tsantu up in his arms, carefully guiding him around the hut as tsantu’s arms are spread wide, laughing as he holds them up.
nima follows you and se’ayl, frantically flapping her arms whilst jumping up and down, unable to contain her excitement.
txonuk follows neteyam, holding onto his toruk toy, “flying” it around, patiently waiting his turn to go next.
neteyam raises tsantu to your face, just enough where you could place a soft kiss to your son’s head.
he sets tsantu down then, picking up txonuk, repeating the process.
the sound of lo’ak’s voice rings through your ear piece, breaking you away from the precious moment with your children.
“bro, come on, dad and i are waiting for you. we have to train the new warriors today, remember?”
neteyam sighs, setting txonuk on his feet.
he pages lo’ak back, saying “i’ll be there in a few minutes.”
“dad?” se’ayl questions, hands behind her back.
“yes, my little flower?” neteyam answers, grabbing his bow and slinging it around his shoulder.
“…can you stay home with us today?” she asks, rubbing her arm and staring at her feet. it was only when she looked up that you both realized she was crying, shattering both of your hearts in two.
“oh, se’ayl…” you frown, kneeling down to tuck her hair behind her ear. neteyam also kneels, gently wiping away her small tears.
“i cannot today, my little love. i have to train the new warriors of our clan with grandpa and uncle lo’ak. but, if you behave for your mother today, i promise we can go swimming at the creek when i return. okay?”
she sniffles, nodding as she wipes her own eyes with the back of her hand. he kisses her forehead, wiping away the last of her tears.
“the day will go by fast! i promise you. i’ll be home before you know it.” he kisses the other childrens foreheads, before planting a passionate kiss to your lips.
“i love you.” he says against your lips, before planting another quick kiss to them.
“i love you more.” you state, smiling against his lips.
“impossible.” he shakes his head before saying “i’ll see you all tonight! behave for your mother!” he yells as he disappears into the brush of the forest.
“mama?” txonuk questions, looking at his own bow in the corner.
“yes, my son?” you say, brushing the baby hairs out of his face.
“can we go hunting? like dad does?” he pleads, looking up at you with his big, innocent eyes.
“hmmm…..i suppose we can. you have to promise to stay close to me, though. understood?”
“yes mama!” both boys grab their bows, followed by se’ayl. nima is just excited to come along for the fun of it, not that she was old enough to participate, anyway.
securing the flap closed to your marui, you lead your children into the thick forest. you all hold hands as you arrive at the spot you had in mind. about twenty five feet away, there was a moss-coated tree that you’ve come across before, making a perfect practice target.
you reach in the bag you packed, for three small arrows that your kids could use. handing them each one, you stand to the side, holding nima on your hip.
“all right, my little loves. see the tree over there, with the moss covering it? that’s going to be your practice target for today.”
each of them raise the arrow to their bow, drawing the elastic back, waiting for your “okay”.
“now one at a time, please.” you say, swaying nima back and forth on your hip, who’s playing with the feathers around your neck.
being the good older brother he is, tsantu says
“se’ayl, you can go first.”
you smile as you kneel next to se’ayl, setting nima down gently.
“all right, se’ayl. lift your elbow slightly, that’s it! just like that. go ahead.”
se’ayl takes her shot, her arrow landing just below the soft moss on the tree.
“good job, se’ayl! that was a great shot!” you say, clapping for your oldest daughter.
she smiles as she steps aside, letting txonuk go next.
“i don’t need help, mama.” he says, confidently pulling his bow back.
“all right, my ‘itan. go ahead.”
his arrow lands to the left of se’ayls, making his shoulders slouch. “aww, man.”
“it’s okay, that was great! just remember to keep your elbow a bit higher next time, okay?” you say as you brush one of his curls behind his ear.
“okay, mama.” txonuk sighs, taking a seat, with his hands on either side of his face, pouting.
he glances over at nima, who’s playing with a plant.
“tickles!” nima squeals, yanking her hand away from the plant, just to stick it back in.
“nima, touch this one, like this!” txonuk says, lifting himself up before poking at a helicoradian, causing it to coil up.
nima giggles, going to touch the one next to it. “again!”
“nima, stay close to mama.” you warn her, as your focus goes back to tsantu.
“go on, tsantu. your turn now.” you say gently.
your oldest son’s arrow flies exactly where you had intended, right in the center of the soft moss.
“good job, tsantu!! a perfect shot, just like your father.”
tsantu smiles proudly before going to retrieve his arrow. se’ayl follows him, grabbing hers as well.
“txonuk, don’t you want to retrieve your arrow and try again?” you glance around, spotting him poking all of the helicoradians with nima. you give a half smile, watching the two of them giggle.
as the last helicoradian coils up, you see an angry viperwolf hiding behind it. baring its teeth, it snarls at txonuk and nima, slowly inching closer.
you immediately launch yourself in front of your children, crouching on all fours. you hiss back at it, reaching for your knife, your tail upright. without taking your eyes off the animal, you speak to your oldest.
“tsantu. keep your siblings back, please. do not move a muscle.”
“mama!” nima cries out, her arms stretched towards you.
“shh! mawey, nima!” se’ayl speaks, in a hushed tone.
you inch closer to the viperwolf, hissing, in an attempt to make it back off. it wasn’t letting up, though, and continued to move closer to you.
it launches itself towards you then, sending you both tumbling through the forest.
“call dad!” tsantu hits txonuk’s chest, grabbing his bow and arrow, running after you.
txonuk stands with se’ayl and nima, speaking quickly as he presses a finger to his throat comm.
“dad?? dad it’s txonuk, w-we need help! it’s mom.”
“txonuk, slow down! what is happening?” neteyam immediately answers.
“mom took us hunting, and…and there’s a viperwolf! tsantu and mom went after it.”
neteyam’s heart drops as he hears the growl of the viperwolf in the distance.
“i must go, it’s y/n and my children!” he yells to lo’ak and jake, before taking off in the woods.
meanwhile, whilst you were pinned underneath the viperwolf’s paws, you notice something sticking out of its side.
a banshee of paradise spine, lodged about four inches in the wolf’s glistening skin.
that explains everything, you thought to yourself.
the foaming at the mouth, the dilated pupils, why it was attacking you and your children in broad daylight.
while attempting to reach for your knife, you grab it, only to drop it in the dirt beneath you, needing both hands to keep its snapping jaw away from you.
shifting your legs, you kick its face away, frantically feeling around for your knife.
you cry out as its teeth sink into your leg, panicking as you fight to get it off of you.
“mama!” tsantu calls out, as he raises his arrow to the viperwolf.
just then, another arrow hits the creature, causing it to collapse on top of you.
“daddy!” nima points, to the arrow now lodged in the viperwolf’s side.
se’ayl and txonuk look to where nima is pointing, seeing that it is indeed neteyam’s arrow.
“dad!” they both cry out, watching as neteyam sprints through the forest, hopping over a moss covered log to get to you.
“y/n?!” he pushes the viperwolf off of you, carefully pulling you out from underneath it.
“ma’teyam?…” you ask, before a sharp pain shoots through you, causing you to cry out.
“yes, my love. i’m here, i’m here.” he assures you, gently picking you up, wiping dirt from your face.
“tsantu? se’ayl? txonuk! nima!’” you cry as you whip your head around, frantically searching for your children.
“shhh, shh. they’re all here.” neteyam calmly says, walking you over to them.
“are you hurt? are you okay??” he asks each and every one of them, all their answers the same.
“…is mama okay?” txonuk asks, glancing up at you in your mates arms.
“she’s bleeding!” se’ayl states, pointing to your leg, which was indeed dripping with blood.
“come. we must go see grandmother at once.”
neteyam walks behind your children, who are walking in pairs of twos, holding each other’s hands. tsantu is holding se’ayl’s hand, while txonuk is holding nima’s.
“‘m so sorry” you mumble against your mates chest, as you begin shivering, yet sweating at the same time.
“shh, we’re almost there, y/n. we’re okay, you’re okay.” he reassures you, placing a kiss to your forehead.
tsantu and txonuk hold the flaps to mo’at’s marui, as neteyam carries you inside, setting you down on a cot used for injured warriors.
your shivers get worse by the second, and sweat begins to drip down your neck.
mo’at looks you over, concerned. rushing to your side, she asks “what happened here!” demanding an answer from her grandson.
“tsantu.” neteyam says, looking over at his son. “what happened??”
“the viperwolf was hiding, it jumped out and attacked mama. it had a red spike stuck to its side…and it bit mama.”
“oh no…a red spike? a red spike, is that-”
neteyam is cut off by his grandmother, as she answers
“a banshee of paradise spine. they are filled with poison. it must have caused the viperwolf to go mad.” she states, reaching for her bowl of syekalin flowers.
grabbing a wet cloth and bowl of water, mo’at works to clean your infected wound.
“ow! it burns, ‘teyam it burns!” you cry out, tears streaming down your cheeks as you shake uncontrollably from your chills.
he holds your hand in his, pressing a damp cloth to your forehead. “i know, i know. mawey(calm), little one. it will be over soon.”
mo’at presses a flower to each puncture wound you have, holding them in place.
“the flower absorbs the toxin. she will find relief soon.”
after a few moments, mo’at removes the flowers. grabbing four new ones, she places them over your wounds again, but wraps a cloth around your leg so they don’t shift around.
“keep an eye on her wound.” mo’at states, before going to see her great-grandchildren in the other room.
through your puffy eyes, you glance up at your mate, squeezing his hand.
“i’m so sorry.” you choke out, more tears flowing now.
“sorry? my mate, you didn’t do anything wrong.” he reassures you, rubbing his thumb along your cheek.
“i took them h-hunting, they w-wanted to practice.” you say through sobs, still delirious from the bite.
“my love, how were you to know you would be approached by a rabid viperwolf? it is all right, the children are safe.” he kisses your hand before speaking again. “you are safe.”
“i w-want to go h-home.” you cry out, squeezing his hand again.
“okay, okay. let’s go.” he picks you up gently, cradling you in his arms as he walks the few feet to where your children were.
you close your eyes, exhausted from today’s events.
“come, my little warriors. it is time to go home.” neteyam instructs, holding the flap of the marui open.
“wah-we-a?” nima questions, the word foreign to her.
“come on, nima.” tsantu takes his younger sisters hand in his, leading her out of mo’ats marui. se’ayl and txonuk follow, also holding each other’s hands.
neteyam thanks his grandmother before beginning the short walk back to your own marui.
“so.” neteyam starts “how was your hunting trip, little ones?”
“we took turns shooting our arrows, mama helped us!” se’ayl says, swinging her arm with txonuk’s.
“mama didn’t help me!” txonuk exclaims.
“me and ‘nuk poke pwants!” nima says, giggling.
“nima and txonuk were touching all of the helicoradians.” tsantu says, opening the flap to your marui.
neteyam chuckles as all the kids file in, using one arm to hold you and the other to tie up your marui flap for the night.
bringing you over to where you all sleep, he sets you down gently, as your children lay next to you.
you open your eyes, to all your children peacefully lying beside you and your mate.
you bend down to kiss each of their foreheads, before saying “goodnight, my little loves.”
“goodnight, mom. i love you.” [tsantu]
“goodnight, momma. sleep tight. love you.” [se’ayl]
“night, mama. love you.” [txonuk]
“night night! wove wou!” nima says as she brings her hand to her lips, blowing you a kiss, saying “muah!”
neteyam kisses you gently, wrapping his arms around you securely.
“goodnight, oeyä muntxatan.” (my mate) you whisper.
“goodnight, oeyä tstew syulang.” (my brave flower) he whispers back, intertwining his fingers with yours as you both drift off to sleep.
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