bentectravels · 5 months
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greypetrel · 2 months
for the ask game! ☕ - tell me about something tasty you ate or drank recently
Hello! Thanks for asking! :D
Tis the prompt list
☕ - tell me about something tasty you ate or drank recently
Ok, today I had the most amazing and fluffy donut. But I'll talk to you all about something less known I ate recently:
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This is a seada (plural: seadas), the most typical dessert from Sardinia. It's a fried pastry filled with cheese, and since it wouldn't be sweet otherwise, it's served with a generous help of honey, or in my case sugar (I like honey as an aromatic in cakes/biscuits, but not on its own).
I'm a foodie, but not that much of a sweet tooth, and Sardinian sweets tend to be less sugary and less sweet, and they're my favourite.
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fire-emblem-birthdays · 3 months
April 2024
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lunarpleasure · 1 year
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Seadall is performing a very special dance that he only shows to a very special person: you. He hopes that you'll enjoy watching him, and that it will leave you both energized for what he has planned for the rest of the night.
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mysticdragon3md3 · 9 months
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Translated from Japanese by Google: I was in charge of the illustration for ``Mischievous Fortune Teller Seadas'' in Fire Emblem Heroes. It's under the name kiyu. thank you! 🎃👻💫 💜🧡 #FEヒーローズ
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shinybea · 10 months
Whoever has not eaten Seadas is missing on one of the best desserts of
I can't stress enough how good they are: deep-fried dumplings filled with pecorino cheese (there's a bit of lemon peel too, to get that zesty taste) and served hot drowned in a pool of honey.
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pastasaikou1984 · 1 year
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Seadas: Ricetta Originale Nuorese, 美味しい羊のミルクが手に入ったらレンネットを入れて羊のフレッシュチーズを作りましょう できたチーズは余分な水がはけるくらいのかるーく数日間置いたら厚切りにして生地に包みます ラードでサクッとあげたらアツアツのうちにハチミツをたっぷりかけて召し上がれ ラードとハチミツの相性ってかなりやばい これはもうたまらんくサルデーニャやね #Seadas #Ricetta #セアダス #本気出す (ペペロッソ 池ノ上 イタリアン cucina italiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqd9JjlyNW5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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retiredyoutubestan · 1 year
So Gen Loss soundtrack is on youtube and has some kind of code in it.
Thanks to the person that put this in the comments.
Glitch 1: 9:58 - 'wvby-ylqs' '1g525-gla5d' 'g4hdk-gjwer' 'fqmak-nlwhp' - Track 4: The Hero
Glitch 2: 19:58 - 'ggvaw-rbpzh' 'bv3g-6rhv' 'hmhjs-wgujw' 'kbibk-yjyhf' - Track 8: Creature Clash
Glitch 3: 29:58 - 'hixce-hnyyw' 'mtpfy-grorg' 'fmtu-xvd2' 'oqtbc-xvzke' - Track 11: In The Basement
Glitch 4: 39:58 - 'xruxl-bkgtu' 'saana-klgcw' 'iynbn-fpjsu' 'mu9k-bhwp' - Track 14: Vicious Snag
Glitch 5: 49:58 - 'yjvsd-pdgov' 'sdiqx-onnpv' 'llygh-xrbro' '7ya9-ycsu' - Track 17: The Puzzler
Glitch 6: 59:58 - 'vznq-jdbe' 'hwow-jjuhmf' 'ekkagw-mzyc' 'seada-vuivc' - Track 20: You Are Here
Glitch 7: 1:09:58 - 'dlyhm-uphge' 'mrka-jywc' 'jfibq-udwdo' 'dyehc-lawmd' - Track 23: The Button
Glitch 8: 1:19:58 - 'tzuge-omicq' 'yfscy-omheh' 'rctft-nnnmv' 'cabz-7mgd' - Track 25: The Holding Portal
Glitch 9: 1:24:58 - 'sfvn-v6rh' 'dlyhm-uphge' 'hwow-jjuhmf' 'yjvsd-pdgov' - Track 26: The Hero (8-Bit)
I've been looking at but I don't even know where to start with this. So spreed the word so it can be solved
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girlactionfigure · 6 months
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Baruch Dayan HaEmet
This was 23 year old Sgt. First Class (res.) Liav Seada of the Combat Engineering Corps' 7107th Battalion from Tiberias. who was killed in action in Gaza
May his memory be for a blessing
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raviation · 1 year
So i just watched the new genloss ost on youtube and noticed some glitches that reoccurred every 10 minutes, now i dont know how to decode these but ive noted them down for anyone who knows what to do with them.
(note: i mightve missed some or made a mistake somewhere, just let me know and ill fix it)
10:00- 1st Glitch
1g525-gla5d g4hdk-gjwer fqmak-nlwhp
20:00-2nd Glitch
ggvaw-rbpzh hmhjs-wgujw kbibk-yjyhf
30:00-3rd Glitch
hixce-hnyyw mtpfy-grorg eqtbc-xvzke
40:00- 4th Glitch
saana-kigcw iynbn-fpjsu mu9k-bhwp (text apears in red
50:00-5th Glitch
yjvsd-pdgov sdiqx-onnpv llygh-xrbro
1:00:00- 6th Glitch
vznq-jdbe (appears in red) seada-vuivc hwow-jjuhmf
1:10:00-7th Glitch
dlyhm-uphge jfibg-udwdo dyehc-lawmd
1:20:00-8th Glitch
tzuge-omicq yfscy-omheh rctft-nnnmv
1:25:00-9th Glitch
sfvn-v6rh (appears in red) dlyhm-uphge hwow-jjumf yjvsd-pdgov iynbn-fpjsu jfibg-udwdo 1g525-gla5d
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greypetrel · 3 months
Day 4 of being sent by the seaside for my health (not truly but):
I stayed in the sun for maybe one hour, my nose is cherry red. I could have imagined this would have happened and bring sunscreen with me but I'm a clown and I HAD to forget at least one thing.
I didn't remember mirto was so alcoholic. 🥴
One of the books I bought was written by a pair of people who collaborated with the renown Italian broadcast of conspiracies. I found one nice thing which I HOPE can be double checked because it just screams Aisling with storm/weather powers.
Seagulls are very very pretty.
I may be able to finish one artwork and post it today 👀
Also I rewrote and made a better plan for the DadWolf AU fic and I'm tempted to post the first chapter anyway even if I have none other ready and I haven't finished the other long fic I wanted to finish first. Suggestions are welcome, have a seada.
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fire-emblem-birthdays · 2 months
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emblematicemblazer · 3 months
World building and theories of Engage
Seadall's name in Japanese is Seadas which is an Italian dessert with a sweet topping. It is essentially a large semolina which can be topped with cheese, lemon peel, honey, sugar or salt. The dessert keeps the Italian tradition of simplicity by using only a few basic ingredients and making them delicious. The sweet treat has pastoral origins in the centre of Sardinia where milk and honey were abundant. The English translation of his name could be a pub toying with his occupation as a fortune teller ��See it all'.
Seadall's outfit is based upon the Camminanti Sicila who are a nomadic ethnic group that live almost entirely in Sicily. Caminanti derives from the Sicilian term camminatori, which means walkers and they have a tradition of selling balloons. 
His head scarf is worn as a bandana and hair tie. It serves the purpose of keeping the hair out of his face. It could easily double as head protection. As a member of a travelling caravan a cape would be an essential garment. It would serve as protection from wind, rain and sunlight as well as doubling as a blanket, a bandage, a rope and a cushion. Harem pants are associated with dancers because they allow for freedom of movement and they provide ventilation. He wears very fine sandals as a nod to the Camminanti tradition of going barefoot so that they are connected to the earth. His colorway is a nod to traditional traveller colours. The red represents the earth, the purple the night's sky and orange the sun. 
The golden disc belt could resemble the coins adorned by fortune tellers and dancers. The circular shape could be a reference to the Roma chakra, which is wheel shaped, representing the origin of Romani people and their life. 
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dearneptunus · 11 months
Tentang Bisa Makan Enak
Tadi pagi aku ngga sarapan, ngga ngebekel juga, padahal udah ada niatan mengolah kangkung yang dikasih sama tetangga dan ternyata di kulkas ada ikan bakar pemberian orang. Biasanya aku mengurungkan membawa bekal kalau tahu ngga ada nasi baru termasak. Yep, bukannya masak nasi tapi ya berharap ada aja gitu. Kalau ada, lauk seada-adanya aku bekel ((jika sedang ingin)). Diluar bekel-bekel yang di plan.
Menjagakan Kak Lel untuk cari sarapan ternyata setelah ditunggu agak siangan, kakak bawa bekel. Begitu juga Mbak Anik. Jadi karena aku ngga laper-laper amat dan ngga tahu juga sih kayaknya jarang berasa laper. Hehe. Aku tahan aja sampai agak siang baru cari makan.
Aku ke warung nasi rames. Aku bisa memilih 3-4 lauk, bahkan masih bisa nomboki Mas Yudha ataupun minum dingin titipan Kak Lel. Aku ngga tahu kenapa aku menengok isi piring pak gojek sekilas banget, selintas aja, kayaknya cuman ada sayur dan lauk atau 2 jenis. Setelah itu aku melewati mbah-mbah yang makannya sama sayur aja nasinya dibanyakin. Aku sedih aja. Gatahu muasalnya apa.
Mungkin, aku keinget pernah beli nasi sayur minum 7000 setelah bayar sendiri uang kuliah karena tambah semester dan pernah ngepress banget punya uang sampai ngga beli lauk waktu di kantin YIA sampai beli es teh aja cemas walaupun akhirnya di bayarin. Atau dalam gerakan penghematan aku milih menu hemat 20 ribu di Warung Steak saat sama Nabila dan Mas Nabhan.
Mungkin gajiku sekarang dan segenap tambahannya belum yang banyak banget, tapi aku bener-bener bisa memilih makan. Kondisi-kondisi ngga bisa milih makan apa dan harga berapapun itu bisa di hitung jari dewasa ini. Mungkin dulu ya, beli nasi olive aja mewah banget waktu siaran radio anak Jogja. Dan aku bayarin anak yang uang sakunya udah 50 ribu lebih, sedangkan aku punya pecahan 20 sama 10 kayaknya.
Kayak soal beli makan ini, aku jarang sih beli yang mahal banget sekali makan, tapi sebenernya kalau dijumlah dalam sehari ya jumlah uang buat makan lumayan besar, dan masih cukup. Walaupun kadang jajan zonk. Kadang bayarin dulu. Dan lain-lain uangku masih cukup. Nulisnya mau nangis tapi yaudah karena udah mau bimbingan jurnal jadi cukup dulu ya. Hehehe
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semprelibera · 7 months
the idiot on that post who doesn't know about cacio e pepe, white pizza, and countless other dishes...
but you know what's funny. they just sound mad europeans managed to also make iconic use of 'their' ingredients. well do better yourself then !
I KNOW like, my point was that what the world considers iconic “Italian” dishes are actually Italian-American or Italian-inspired American (heavy in tomato sauce), while to us Italians, as well as people who are familiar with real Italian cuisine, the dishes which we’d consider iconic are actually older than the Columbian exchange or only use “Old World” ingredients...
I mean, if I had to say what the most iconic (as in the ones that everyone knows and can find outside of their region) dishes which do not contain American ingredients are, I’d say:
Ferratelle, castagnole, focaccia, piadina, arancini/e, Sicilian cassata, Sicilian cannoli, crostoli/frappe/chiacchere/cenci/galani/lattughe*, Neapolitan pastiera, carbonara, gricia, cacio e e pepe, fegato alla veneziana, castagnaccio, panforte, seadas, cornetto, basil pesto, maritozzo, torrone, zeppole, Maraschino cherries, bruschetta, struffoli, granita, gelato, erbazzone, porchetta, cotognata, frutta di Martorana, nacatole, torta della nonna, taralli/tarallini/tarallucci, grissini, savoiardi/pistokkeddos, ciambelline al vino, farinata, fregula, risotto alla milanese, pizza bianca, tortellini in brodo, crostata, babà, baicoli, budino di riso, ciambellone, biscotti del Lagaccio, cantucci, cotoletta alla milanese, biancomangiare, panettone, gubana, canestrelli, brasato al Barolo, brigidini, pasta con le sarde, canederli, ravioli ricotta e spinaci, pere al vino, cannoncino, pane carasau and guttiau, casatiello, gnocchi alla bava, chnéffléné, coda d’aragosta, bomba/bombolone, crema fritta, tigella/crescentina, delizia al limone, frìtołe, gelo di melone, krumiri, mandorlato, malfatti, meringa, necci, saltimbocca alla romana, mostaccioli, pasta di mandorle, ribollita, panelle, pasta e ceci/fagioli/lenticchie/fave, pasticciotto, polenta, risotto alla marinara, torta pasqualina, frisella, focaccia di Recco, agnolotti, gnocco fritto, sbrisolona, zabajone, vitello tonnato, passatelli in brodo, mozzarella in carrozza, amaretti, plenty of pizze including the original Marinara which is way better than the one people call Marinara today...
*No campanilismi here 🇮🇹
While I’d say that the most iconic Italian dishes which do contain American ingredients are:
Gnocchi di patate, graffa, crocchè (potato); pizza Margherita, pizza alla marinara, pappa al pomodoro, lasagne alla bolognese, lasagne alla napoletana, parmigiana di melanzane, insalata caprese, sfincione, timballo, sun-dried tomatoes, caponata (tomato); tortelli di zucca, gnocchi di zucca (pumpkin); ‘nduja, pasta all’arrabbiata (hot chilies); tiramisù, gianduja, baci di dama, salame di cioccolato, cuneesi al rhum, zuppa inglese, setteveli, zuccotto, Modica chocolate (cocoa); corn polenta (maize); pandoro, panna cotta (vanilla); peperonata (bell peppers); zucchine alla scapece, pasta alla nerano (courgettes).
So yes, while the Columbian exchange did influence Italian cuisine, either by leading to the evolution of pre-existing dishes (EG.: pangiallo was invented over 2000 years ago and nowadays it’s not uncommon to see people add dark chocolate to the recipe; the original pizza alla marinara did not contain tomato sauce and was made with anchovies, capers, garlic, black Gaeta olives, oregano and olive oil - all of which are very Mediterranean ingredients) or to the creation of new ones, but claiming that New World ingredients-based dishes are all there is to Italian cuisine, or that its most iconic dishes are made with them is factually wrong and the reason why this stereotype exists in the first place is due to Italian-American culture/US stereotypes of Italy and Italians being passed off as authentic Italian and its spread outside of the US is a direct result of US cultural imperialism.
I also find it ironic how they all conveniently ignore that Asian, African and other European cuisines outside of Italy’s also use American ingredients... I have yet to see someone claim that shahi paneer is not Indian or that paprikás csirke is not Hungarian while I have seen plenty of Americans claim that pizza Margherita (which they believe is the only kind of pizza there is) is actually American just because tomatoes are not native to Italy.
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yanderefairyangel · 8 months
Ok so no offense to the people who hc Veyle has having DID and/or interprete her as such but
Veyle is just the Eremiya : a young pious and virtous maiden that gets brainwashed in doing awful things and develop an evul personality because of this. You know ? Damsel in distress with brainwash.
Veyle can't count as having DID because normally someone that has a split personality due to the following : alchool, drugs, brainwash and/or pretending or playing imaginary friends doesn't not count as having DID. All of those are created by things that alterate the mind. Same can be said about hypnothesis etc. They don't count because those things in itself creates a split personality as opposed to DID which is a cognitive response to an emotional shock or trauma. Besides, it's very much signified by her red eyes.
So I am warning you all. The same thing I said about Seadall. If the writers never intended to give those two any disorders, this is going to be felt within the writing, meaning they will never try to act as if Veyle or Seadall had to those disorders; they will always acts as they intended them to be written and thus the canon will always act as such, which is why in Seadas case, his Halloween alt desc simply state he will refrain from overeat. To the writers, they simply wanted to give him a diet, therefore they'll act like this. In Veyle's case, they wanted to writer off as an Eremiya, they will keep on like this.
And I am saying that so that we can avoid THAT kind of reaction
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I am also warning you because whoever is having this take is the one that clearly didn't understand what they were doing with Veyle which is showing the psychological damage that Sombron inflicts upon her by forcing her to be what she doesn't want to be and how she overcomes it
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