natsubane · 9 months
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poor sora doesn't know what's going on... but also....... he also got to see namine again.......... not that he remembers it at all...
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i'll have to read those ansem reports again to fully get it but... wah.........
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random-tail · 3 months
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I Joined the fight (but I'm struggling with my profile)
This is my first time & I most likely b slow .
Also any help with putting together my profile will b greatly appreciated bc I have no idea how to do it.
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cyberdragoninfinity · 4 months
I'm loving your Arc V swap AU so far! I am curious though: how do the dimensional dragons swap? Do they just change aesthetics, or something more?
anyway, aw man buddy you got no IDEA how swapped up these dimension dragons are, eheheheh. Right out the gate we ended up fuckign around and changing each summoning method's associated color(s) (so fusion is whites and vibrant greens, xyz is red/blue gradient/i guess also that seafoam/orange gradient of pend cards, pendulum is all blacks and greys, and synchro is purples,) so each yuboy does keep their dragon from canon, and it gets to roughly keep its color palette, but the summoning method associated with each is also swapped around, as are its deeper motifs/aesthetics. Here's a lil rough overview of the four of 'em.
Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon SWAPS TO -->
Eclipse-Eyes Xyz Dragon
@zxal named this one and it kicks so much ass. Playing around with sun and moon light and dark type motifs; it has a hyper aggressive evolved version called Eclipse-Eyes Totality Dragon that Yuya first summons in absolute earth shattering fury. It bites Sora's arm off at the Arc League Championship. Don't worry about it <3
Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon SWAPS TO -->
Dark Janus Pendulum Dragon
Big beastie with two-faces...y'ever see Janus cats before?? It's like that but a dragon. Fucking around with the vibes of duality, beginnings and endings, creation and destruction, etc etc etc. It upgrades into Dark Entropy Pendulum Dragon<-- (ZXAL'S NAMES DONT MISS!!!) and has an Odd-Eyes Rebellion-type combined form with Eclipse-Eyes that gets busted out called Eclipse-Eyes Penumbra Dragon :^) yaaay The Big Bang and heat death of the universe YAAAY
Starving Venom Fusion Dragon SWAPS TO -->
Ravenous Venom Synchro Dragon
I think this one's name and Shattered Wing below both came to me while I was falling asleep one night and kickstarted this whole mess. ANYWAY we're still cooking on the visual direction going on with this gnarly guy but it has big oily black feathery wings!! It upgrades into Furious Venom Synchro Dragon and hey buddy. hey synchro yuri. is that supposed to be 'furious' as in angry or 'furious' as in desperate. or is it maybe both <3 ah
and finally Clear Wing Synchro Dragon SWAPS TO -->
Shattered Wing Fusion Dragon
SHATTERED WING IS MY BABYYYYY fusion yugo is really in my brain Especially Bad. imagine Clear Wing but its wings are completely smashed and broken, leaving it grounded. It has no back legs so it drags itself across the ground sooo slowly. but never giving up. Endurance predator 💚 It also upgrades into the absolutely horrifying Perfect-Wing Fusion Dragon that I took a lot of inspo from uranium glass, nuclear fusion, and glassblowing for--it glows with sickly green light and has yucky melted glass wings amalgamated from God Knows Where. we're still sussing out the abilities of all the swapped dragons but i think Perfect-Wing absorbs monsters to add to its 'perfect' state <-- (BIASED FONDNESS FOR YGO MONSTERS THAT STEAL YOUR MONSTER)
BUT YEAH THERE THEY ARE!! here's a nice neat little list zxal organized of all the dragon variants and evolution we've concocted so far, too!! :D
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cerinelle-stellarium · 4 months
My Favorite Ships By Franchise
Ichisaya (Ichigo Momomiy/Masaya Aoyama; Tokyo Mew Mew)
Rayllum (Rayla/Callum; The Dragon Prince)
Mario/Peach (Super Mario Bros franchise)
KiyoMiyo (Miyo Saimori/Kiyoka Kudou; My Happy Marriage)
Freela (Philip Fry and Tauranga Leela; Futurama)
Rigleen (Rigby Racoon/Eileen Roberts; Regular Show)
TakeRin (Takeo Gouda/Rinko Yamato;My Love Story!!)
Howl/Sophie (Howl's Moving Castle)
WLW (All from magical girl shows; well, almost)
Zakumint (Zakuro Fujiwara/Minto Aizawa; TMM New version)
SoraMashi (Sora Harewataru/Mashiro Nijigaoka; Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure)
Janaya (Janai/Amaya; The Dragon Prince)
Likorai (Liko Izayoi/Mirai Asahina; Mahoutsukai Pretty Cure!)
Papicona (Papika/Cocona Kokomine; Flip Flappers)
RouKori (Rouge/Kori's; Strawberry Seafoam)
Elsriane (Elster/Ariane Young; Signalis)
AmViv (Vivian Singh/Amy Tanaka; Fear The Spotlight
SeriRei (Arataka Reigen/Katsuya Serizawa; Mob Psycho 100)
Yashita (Kazuo Yashiki/Satoru Mashita; Spirit Hunter: Death Mark)
Elijah/Oliver (Midnight Scenes: From The Woods)
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herocarved · 4 months
"I'll always tell you this, as many times as you need to hear it; you are the most important person to me. I love you more than anything, and I will always do anything for you. You never have to feel bad for telling me something, asking me something, or wanting me to do something. I will love you no matter what happens, no matter what anyone else says. I know things have been hard, and being here has been scary, but I hope our time here has shown you that you are always my most precious person."
for @dawnled !
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He finds Riku leaning against the rail of the balcony. The rain from earlier stopped, but there's still the occasional drip from above that helps to create a symphony of plink - plops . Below, the city continues as a constant, nagging buzz ; once upon a time, the noise bothered him. It grated on his ears, his nerves, his everything as he so desperately ached for the silence of the islands. Now, it's unnoticeable. He isn't sure if he should be glad for that or not.
Sora finds himself hesitating, just a little, by the sliding glass door that leads between the balcony &. the apartment as he watches Riku's back. He sees the steady breaths in the subtle rise &. fall of his shoulders &. the easy way in which the young man leans against the railing. There's something welcoming in the quiet strength he carries with him - but he also can't help but not want to disturb that serenity.
Sora's messy. He's chaotic, loud, restless, emotional, reckless - he's everything Riku isn't. But isn't that what makes them so strong together ? Their differences are their strengths - but still, Sora stands at the threshold of their apartment, lips pursed, eyes distant, heart thrumming with a quiet anxiety.
&. maybe it's his heart that Riku notices or maybe he knew from the beginning that Sora stood behind him. He straightens from his slouch against railing &. turns to look at Sora. Their eyes meet. He's drawn out of his thoughts, just as he's drawn to Riku's side by the hand that beckons him. He takes the offered hand &. although Riku's fingers are cool against his own, there's something profoundly comforting in the way their fingers twine together so easily.
He's leaning into Riku's warmth when his attention is drawn up, up, up ; he looks at those seafoam eyes, those serious set of his lips, the furrow of his brows &. he knows he needs to listen.
But it's hard to hear those words, even though they're so full of devotion that he can practically feel the ache resonating in Riku's heart. The promises spoken remind him of those moments when Donald and Goofy made him feel small &. weak &. a burden to Riku. Don't bother him. Figure it out for yourself. The melancholy that settled so deeply into his heart after the harsh reprimands threaten to return. His eyes dip away, only to be drawn back by fingers against his jaw with Riku's resolution to be heard.
&. even if Sora could ever not believe Riku's words, it's impossible to ignore those eyes that are somehow both soft with his desire to love &. hard with that rigid determination to be heard.
The relief comes first. His chest feels lighter. Each breath comes a little easier. He smiles - not the forced smile that hurts his jaw, the smile that he shares when he's reminded heroes aren't allowed to be sad - but a real, genuine smile. My most precious person. Not a burden, not a distraction - but the most precious. He knows Riku isn't one for words. He speaks with his actions - with quiet hugs that envelope Sora in warmth &. keep the shadows at bay ; with forehead kisses or real kisses, full of that determined adoration that Riku's always so eager to share with him. To speak with words signifies a special kind of importance.
&. Sora wants to reciprocate that love with his own ; he needs to show Riku that nothing, not even his own crumbling self-worth, could possibly get between them.
His fingers tug free of Riku's - but they don't stay absent, as they instead settle on the man's hoodie. There they curl into the soft fabric and tug his dearly beloved down, down, down. Their lips meet. There's a moment where he thinks Riku might pull away in his surprise. That moment passes as their lips slot together, like two halves of a whole. He feels steadying hands on his hips, a stray thumb pressing against the brown skin beneath his shirt, &. for the first time in a long while, there's only love left to devour him.
As his arms stretch to curl around Riku's neck &. a hand buries itself into the thick nest of silver, he breaks away from the kiss almost regretfully. His lungs ache with the need to breathe, though, and his heart demands that he reciprocates more, more, more. Their foreheads touch &. all that's left are those sea saturated eyes.
"You're mine, too. There's nobody I trust or care more for than you. I don't want to be stuck here with anyone else. I love you, Riku."
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landprince · 1 year
this is a modern au vampire!riku/sora fic honestly when I get better at art I'll probably make a small comic about this instead of trying to write it
Fear held him tightly in its icy grasp. It was a chain that wrapped around his torso and kept him tethered to the kitchen floor, it kept him from running even if he currently had the ability to realize that he should really be running. 
His heart, such a frantic thing now, fluttered about inside his chest worse than a bird with a broken wing. It battered itself against his ribcage, bruising and wounding with each pump of blood that coursed through him. 
Is this what it feels like before people die? He thought as the looming figure in front of him dipped its head closer. 
A sharp inhale. The scent of sweat and copper.
Sora shut his eyes as cool lips pressed against the tight column of his bowed neck. A shudder wracking down his spine at how careful and genuine the kiss was. It was almost as if he wasn’t about to be devoured by a monster and instead was receiving a lover’s kiss.
His fingers dug into the fabric of a shirt, tugging closer the cold body that was hard and unyielding against him. His head lolled even more to the side, abundantly baring pliant flesh to the creature that pinned him against the rickety fridge in his apartment. He could feel the heat of the blush blazing across his skin, and when the blood bloomed underneath the tissue he could feel how Riku became more excited and pressed him harder against the front of the fridge.
If he wasn’t seeing stars before he surely was now.
Magnetic letters clattered to the floor as the appliance creaked in protest the weight of two men against it. He wondered if it might be best to move somewhere else, but before he could continue that train of thought something cold and wet dragged along the juncture where the neck meets the shoulder. 
“I promise to be as gentle as I can…” Cool breath blew over saliva slicked skin and this time his knees nearly gave out. The gentle graze of teeth followed Sora whimpered out a pathetic noise caught between a whine and a moan. “But I can’t promise no pain.”
His eyes squeezed tight as he gave a sharp bob of his head once in acknowledgement, desperately trying to will his heart to pause it’s marathon long enough that he could suck in some air without his chest aching. He looked up into pupils blown wide while surrounded in a sea of blue-green. 
“I know. I trust you, Riku.” 
Hands were on his face, tilting it upwards enough that he could connect with the lips that were on his skin mere seconds ago. His racing pulse finally settled and for a moment he thought it stopped altogether as two mouths melded perfectly together.
It was heaven. 
It was torture.
Distantly he was aware of the affectionate gesture of his hip being stroked by Riku’s free hand, but he didn’t have long to ponder on the notion before the tang of copper filled his mouth.
He was bleeding and a sudden panic flared to life inside his chest. The broken bird of his heart once more clashing against the bars that were his ribs as the vampire pulled back, eyes no longer holding any trace of that lovely shade of seafoam he adored and now a deep inky black. 
“Sora--” Riku’s voice was strained, the blood on his lips honestly probably too much for him at the moment. His gaze was darting back and forth between Sora’s eyes and mouth. “Are you really sure? If you tell me to stop, I’ll do so.”
Warmth now spilled down his chin while the vampire stared at him with a starved expression.
A low rumble sounded from deep within Riku’s chest and seemed to reverberate into his own. The scrape of metal made him wince momentarily as Riku dug his nails into the seemingly fragile door of his fridge as he no doubt fought to control the bestial urge to tear into his throat.
The vampire had his teeth bared somewhat, fangs poking out past curled lips. He was hungry, and Sora knew that if he said no Riku would be okay with his answer and stop immediately. He truly did care for him and didn’t want to hurt the fragile human.
He’d never really seen Riku’s fangs before now. Sure, he caught a glimpse a few rare times, but up close they looked so much bigger. Sharper. And, oh gods, they were going to sink into his neck and the thought excited him if anything. 
What could be more intimate than sharing your life with someone you deeply cared for? 
“I told you: I trust you,” he mumbled, sounding even to himself just a tad unsure. His tongue darted out to lick up some of the blood on his mouth, suddenly self conscious of the potential rudeness of bleeding openly like that. 
The rest was wiped away, leaving a crimson stain across the back of his hand.
He knew it was unfair to Riku to just bleed like that in front of him. But Riku had him pinned so tightly against the fridge all he had to work with was his own tongue and the back of his wrist to wipe away the last sluggish flow of crimson.
Digging up some more resolve he let it saturate his next few words. He wanted this, he really did, and he wanted Riku to know he wanted to be bitten. “What kind of a boyfriend would I be if I didn’t help you get food? And I know you would stop before I-- well, before I could die.” 
His body once sang with tension, but now every muscle felt leaden as the adrenaline crashed and he slumped against Riku’s chest, knowing his weight meant nothing to the vampire, and allowed Riku to just hold him upright for a while. Talking about death, about dying, was terrifying, but he truly did trust Riku with his life. 
But the admittance sucked everything out of him momentarily and he needed the sturdy support that was always offered in order to continue on with this weird dinner date. Sora was to be feasted upon first, then Riku planned on making him dinner in order to help replenish the blood loss. 
“I promise to always treasure this, Sora. This gift, this moment, all if it will become a very dear memory for me,” Riku vowed as he resumed his gentle stroking of the sensitive skin right above his hip.
The urgency of the need to feed seemed to have settled down into a stable simmer once more. The rumbling in Riku’s chest no longer something loud (and scary!) but a soft rumbling that resembled a content cat’s purr. If they were on his bed Sora could fall asleep to the soothing sound.
“That’s so sappy.” Sora scoffed out a little snort as he shoved his face into Riku’s shoulder. As embarrassed as he was, he couldn’t let Riku see the silly grin that was now plastered onto his face. “You’ve been reading terrible poetry again.” 
Cool breath washed over his ear when Riku laughed, causing Sora to let out a soft hiss as gooseflesh broke out across his skin. “Wrong. Those penny dreadfuls you hate so much.”
“Ugh, those are awful. You would think after living so long you would have taste.” The words dripped sarcasm, but both men knew there was an inkling of truth within it all as well. 
“I chose you,” Riku drawled out as he nudged Sora’s face out of the crook of his neck. “Surely that makes up for my terrible choice in literature?”
“You made one good choice and that’s it.” Sora looked up at Riku with a half lidded expression. 
Sucking in another breath to steady his nerves he pushed the jelly from his legs and managed to hold himself upright once more. His arms laced around broad shoulders and his fingers gently tugged at long strands of silver hair in an urging manner. “Please, eat. Before my heart tries to fall out of my chest again.”
Another laugh spilled from Riku. Their noses brushed together in an affectionate way.
Riku kissed him again, tongue pressing into one of the no-longer-bleeding divots in his lip and coaxing back some semblance of blood flow. The twang of metal once more splashed against his own tongue as the kiss turned into something macabre, but Sora couldn’t care as the vampire pressed hard kisses against him that ran down his jaw, his neck and a few stray ones peppered across the top of his chest.
The scrape of something solid against his jugular made him jolt momentarily before he felt fingers gently scratching his scalp in an attempt at alleviating the sudden nervousness that flooded his system. Riku could no doubt hear the sudden upkick in his heart rate and was trying to keep Sora calm in order to keep himself in check.
His own teeth dug deep into his lower lip, the blood now staining his teeth and lazily dripping down his chin. He breathed in through his nose, fingers digging into the strong muscles of the vampire’s back as he steadied himself.
A barely audible moan had him arching eagerly towards the cold body.
Sora barely managed to muffle the cry that escaped him when Riku bit into him. 
One Year Earlier
He wasn’t a regular, not really, but Sora had seen his face enough to be able to pick it out in the small crowd that always seemed to appear inside the bookstore he worked at. 
They shared one, maybe two, conversations in the few months since he started seeing the man around the place. Simple little sentences that tapered off after only a handful of followup comments. 
Did you find everything okay? 
That’s a good book. I’ve been meaning to reread it actually.
Let me know if this is any good next time you come in?
In truth he knew the bare minimum about this customer.
He knew he had silver hair. He was ridiculously tall. He had very pretty eyes and a voice that would be perfect to be serenaded by. 
Or maybe the last bit of information was just wishful thinking and he had a voice just like any other person that visited the bookstore. Sora didn’t think too much about it, the thoughts about this handsome customer only available when he was actually in the place. As soon as he left, the man was almost instantly forgotten, lost in the sea of nameless faces that passed by on the daily. 
Sora was content to never knowing more than the bare minimum of what he knew. 
But it would be a lie to say he wasn’t curious at times. Sometimes he wanted to know more than just the surface of this man, he was intrigued by him, maybe even captivated if he had to choose a word. 
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phoenix-downer · 1 year
Souvenir Sweets
~850 words. As Roxas and Naminé look for clues about how to bring Sora home, they buy some sweet souvenirs for everyone. Naminé POV. Romance, Fluff, Sweets, Souvenirs. Happy RokuNami Day!
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Quadratum Station had to be the most crowded place Naminé had ever seen. There were people everywhere, and if you stopped walking for a moment you became a human obstacle, a pebble in the endless stream of humans diverting the flow of people moving around you. Brightly color-coded signs for each train line were on the floor, on the walls, on the pillars, and yet she still felt so lost. Everyone else seemed to know where they were going but her. 
“Naminé,” Roxas called, his familiar voice cutting through the din surrounding them like a life preserver in the ocean of people. She relaxed and turned around. He had his bag slung over his shoulder, and his hood was over his blond spikes in a pointless attempt to hide them. The fashion here was very different from Twilight Town or Destiny Islands—very loose and baggy, but of course Roxas could make anything look good. 
“Did you get the tickets?” she asked, and he nodded and handed her hers. It was printed on seafoam green paper, the markings indicating their destination was a different city. They were going on a short, weekend-long intel-gathering mission about this reality to figure out how to get Sora home. The rest of them could go home anytime…but getting Sora back, given the whole “he broke a nature taboo” thing in order to save their lives, was proving to be tricky. 
“We’ll have to go through a special set of gates over there,” Roxas said, nodding towards them.
“I’ve heard the…what were they called, bullet trains? Run really smoothly,” Naminé said as they wove their way towards the gates, holding hands because otherwise the crowds would easily separate them. The technology here was miles above just about every world she’d ever been to except for San Fransokyo.
“Same, yeah. Guess we’ll see if the rumors are true.”
As they got closer to the special gates, Naminé’s eyes landed on a stand nearby with lots and lots of yellow in its advertising. QUADRATUM BANANA was written at the top of the stand in big, bold, letters next to images of little cakes in the shape of bananas. On display were boxes after boxes of the little banana cakes in a variety of flavors, and there were even a few boxes of something called THE STRAWBERRY CAKE from GINZA. They were cream-colored cakes in the shape of strawberries with little pink polka dots, and the packaging was so cute.
Her stomach rumbled a little, and she blushed. They needed to eat something proper for dinner, but the little cakes looked so nice. Surely it wouldn’t hurt to get a couple of boxes of them. They could even share any leftovers with their friends when they got back. Souvenir treats like this were always individually wrapped so you could easily share them with others. 
“Roxas? Can we get some?” she asked. 
“Of course. Let’s get the strawberry ones and then a couple boxes of the banana ones.” He gave her one of those Roxas half-smiles she adored. “My treat.” 
Together they selected two of the most delicious-looking boxes of the bananas and then one box of the strawberries, and Roxas paid by putting several crisp en bills onto the little blue tray next to the cash register. The shopkeeper dutifully took the munny and counted it, then placed Roxas’s change on the blue tray. They both thanked her for their goodies and continued on through the bullet train gates. 
“Thank you, Roxas,” Naminé said, clutching their prizes to her chest. “They just looked so cute. I can’t wait to try them.” 
“And then draw them too, right?” he teased as they located signs for their platform and stepped onto the escalator leading up to it. 
“You know me too well. I have to document everything about this reality.” 
“Does drawing me eating them count?” he joked.
She giggled and flipped through her sketchbook. “I think most of my drawings are of you as it is…”
“Well,” he said, very seriously, “you need to document me eating every train station bento box we can get our hands on. Speaking of which, what would be your pleasure?” he asked as they stepped off the escalator. On the platform was a little shop with bento boxes, snacks, drinks, and other treats.
“Let’s take a look.” 
When Sora had disappeared, they’d never imagined their journey to find him would lead to this place. A completely different reality, and yet the people really weren’t so different. They were living their lives, commuting back and forth to work and school, buying bento boxes for train rides, picking up QUADRATUM BANANA and THE GINZA STRAWBERRY souvenirs for friends and family and coworkers back home. It was comforting in a way that despite being so far from home and thrown into a completely different culture, people were still just…people.
As they boarded the bullet train and found their seats, bento boxes and souvenir sweets in tow, Naminé smiled at Roxas and he returned the smile. They were on another adventure together, and despite the circumstances, she knew they’d make the most of it.
A/N: For anyone curious about what Tokyo Banana sweets look like, and ditto for The Strawberry Cake from Ginza. 
Happy RokuNami Day everyone, and thank you for reading ❤️ 
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mythicalartistx · 11 months
Why I think Master of Masters isn't Sora
The theory that alternate Universe/time traveled Sora is Master of Masters is just I don't like it.
I feel like it might ruin Sora's character if he develop into that or we're revealed to one from somewhere thst timetraveled
MOM seems to lack care and compassion. He seems to believe sacrifices are necessary, but I don't see Sora thinking like that at all. He's just chaotic and a bit silly, that has his own plans.
MOM also seems to dislike Darkness but Sora doesn't initially hate darkness. It's how they use it. The first example being Riku. Riku uses Darkness and Sora is aware of that. In KH2 he seems to not care if he uses it or is with Organization XIII as long as he's alright and okay.
In KH3 when those of darkness (organization members) die, he feels compassion and sorrow during their last moments.
He is not initially against darkness but it's how it is used he believes if it's right or wrong.
It was said that those who use darkness destroy the world of light and that's why they fear it.
Also MoM's eye has a color that is closer to Riku being more of a turquoise cyan type color than Sora's. Also certain eyes in KH seem to mean something Yellow/orange seem to mean darkness. Blue is light. Turquoise is in between while Brown means both light and darkness and not really used one more than the other.
Riku's eyes changes from how much he uses the darkness. As a 5 year old his eyes were blue, in KH1 they are more greener because of the darkness. Then his eyes became more blue but still is slightly green. Then in DDD his eyes are more of an pale aqua seafoam color. And then his eyes look really green in KH3 to show he has accepted his darkness and uses both.
Another thing is a theory that MoM is light
And if Riku is also the light he wouldn't hate darkness. Sure he was in decline for a bit but he actually felt bad and showed more sympathy for Organization XIII members as show through 358/2 days and KH2
The mangas especially highlight on this when Riku questions if destroying them is the right thing and wonders if there could have been another way to save Sora but he didn't question it because DiZ said it was the only way. Riku feels remorse for his actions on what he did to Roxas and Xion.
But I seriously doubt they would manifest into MoM
Sora isn't MoM and neither is Riku.
Eyes do change but the personality is different. The only similarities is just the mannerism in terms for Sora.
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herocarved-a · 1 year
@dawnled --- a kiss meme [ link ] ; "a kiss, followed by more that trail down the jaw and neck."
There's the telltale laughter that gives away all of the lost boy's excitement as he's swept from his feet, and settled atop one of the kitchen's counters. He only has eyes for his fae king, his knight in shining armor, and oh, how ethereal do they shine in the marigold light of the setting sun.
The dinner plates are left forgotten in the lukewarm suds of the sink. His hands still drip with the glittering soap, but the distant thought that he should dry them is forgotten as he's ensnared by the eyes of seafoam stare back at him. There's a question behind the eerie glow of magic that always dominates everything about Riku. He recognizes the hesitation, the silent plea for permission, and he responds with more confidence that he has in many things.
He hooks a foot around one of the king's legs to draw him closer, closer, closer --- and their lips meet with a welcoming smile; if there's a little bit of that wickedness, of ferocity known to the fae in the smile, it's lost in the breathlessness of the kiss. He's lost in the kiss, lost in how it seems to devour all of his insecurities with their deepening relationship, his fear of being abandoned, his anger at the injustice of the life he lived until that night he met Riku (again). In the wake of that emptiness comes all of his king's love, his devotion, his silent promise to protect.
Sora's hands curl unconsciously into the thick strands of silver as he feels the steadying grip of fingertips at his waist. He can no longer remember how they went from cleaning to kissing to whatever this is now, but he also doesn't care to dwell on the how's as the kiss is broken. He whines his disagreement with the action, even as he draws in a breath.
Outside, magicked lights flicker to life as the sun comes to rest beneath the horizon, and the little community Riku protects all for Sora's sake awakens. There's still so much to learn about the community they dwell in --- but, as always, he finds himself most curious with the fae king that's currently pressing delicate kisses along his jaw, that nuzzles into the soft underside encouragingly until Sora relents and tilts his head away with another twinkling laugh.
"I love you, Riku."
Finally, the not-quite-human murmurs with so much honesty. They're words hardly ever spoken between them; how are they necessary when their actions speak just as loudly... but maybe that's why it seems to take the faerie by surprise when he speaks with such certainty. His fingers brush through the starlight of Riku's hair, almost as if to comfort the one that became king just to rescue him.
"I really love you. Really, really. So, no more reckless stunts when you go out to hunt, okay?"
He takes the next kiss to mean, 'Okay.'
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pred1059 · 2 years
Just A Chance Chapter Six
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Secret Report: Zexion I
Roxas’ capabilities in the field are mixed. He has no mind for subtlety. Maintaining a masquerade with him and avoiding alerting the populace shall be a challenge. Fortunately, his prowess with combat as well as rapid adaptation to circumstances are exceptional. 
As such, my request to monitor him is proving most prudent. As a senior member of the Organization, my interest has gone unchallenged. With my guidance, I can ensure he develops into a suitable member of the organization.
At the very least, he should have better instruction than I once did.
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Pigments on a page formed the gentle dunes of the beach. Blending with white seafoam into the blue ocean. A shining sun set on the horizon. But even so, the girl in the picture didn’t cast a shadow. Not yet at least. 
Naminé looked over the picture once again, the train of thought having returned again to her original self. To Kairi, watching the horizon, searching her heart for a path.
And how Marluxia was enraged at how likely it was for that path to lead here.
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“This impediment is far too substantial for us to ignore. Her presence will jeopardize everything we have worked for.” Leaning closer in her face, Marluxia’s gaze narrowed, and she could hear his leather glove tighten, as he asked “Why did you not think to warn us?”
Naminé failed to meet his glare, but managed to get out, “You...didn’t ask...and you didn’t want me to be distracted.”
“Your dedication is commendable.” At his answer, she began to relax.
Then Marluxia pulled out his scythe, “Your lack of foresight is a liability.”
She froze, simply looking ahead to the crystal ball, “I...I thought the plan wouldn’t be changed so much!”
The times she tried to dissuade Marluxia and Larxene from it to no avail drilled it into her mind. Nevertheless, his cold glare drilled into her. “This is still salvageable. But there is one possibility I would like for you to be ready for.”
As always, she listened like her life depended on it, “Whatever you say Marluxia…”
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“Oh, Roxas.” She looked up and saw him. Again, with a meal in hand and eyes on her. But this time, he seemed a little shaky. As he walked over to him, she shook her head, “It’s probably not a good idea for me to give you all your food. You need to keep up your strength.”
He stopped and began to look down at the plate, thinking aloud, “W-Well, maybe I could give you one or two things?”
Naminé smiled at the offer, “If that’s the case, I’ll just have the bread with my porridge.” At the very least, she’d be better fed than usual. As Roxas handed over her chosen meal, she asked, “How did today go? You seem...off.”
He sighed as he sat down with the rest of the food, “Just...getting used to things being back to normal. Wonderland was pretty crazy.”
She winced, “Right, that was one of Sora’s first worlds.” A world where logic and reason were a suggestion. No wonder Roxas was a little rattled.
He shook his head as he began cutting into his food, “I don’t know what was worse, the place, or the people.”
Swallowing a bite of her porridge, Naminé began to think, “From what I can remember from seeing it, despite the world’s architecture being strange, it was rather beautiful.”
As he took a bite of the meat, Roxas nodded, “Mmm. The castle garden was kind of nice.” He then grimaced as he continued, “It’s too bad the queen was just absolutely nuts.”
She winced, “I guess she decided to cut off your head?”
Swallowing the last bit of meat, Roxas shrugged, “Well, she probably would have if I stuck around. She was threatening to do that to a princess, Alice.”
That’s right. It was where Sora first met one of the other princesses. Though at the time he had no idea of who they truly were. Or how close one had gotten to him in so many ways. It was that bond between them that not only saved him from being trapped as a heartless, but...also...
Naminé realized that Roxas was staring at her, mouth slightly agape. She asked, “Yes?”
The word shook him from his reverie. “Oh, it’s just...you look...pretty enough to be a princess, that’s all.”
Naminé froze reaching for her bread as her mind spun into overdrive. That’s all?! Well, a compliment was nice and all, and she was really glad it was from Roxas! B-but actually hear someone say something like that about her was—
“What’re you drawing?”
“Ah! Yes! One of Sora’s dearest friends, her name is Kairi!” She was all too glad to show him the notebook. Anything to get her mind off that compliment.
As nice as it was.
“It’s beautiful.” Roxas tilted his head as he inspected the picture, “But she looks familiar.”
Familiar? That definitely got her attention, “Where did you see her?”
He pursed his mouth as he contemplated it, “A scattered dream...like a far off memory. She was there with Sora and another boy.” Then he looked up at her, “I saw you there too.”
Of course. “You must have been able to tap into the memories he had while you were asleep.” Echoes of those shared memories had begun to leak into the people close to Sora. Like Roxas, Riku,
...and perhaps her other half as well.
Naminé looked away, “And you’ve probably seen what I was doing to them.”
Roxas set the notepad down, “Right. You wanted to change them.”
Naiminé folded her hands and shook her head, “It’s not perfect. If I worked too fast, he would spot the lie and it’d all come apart. But given time, I could make him forget certain things, or believe other things are real.“
He grimaced as his part in that plan was recalled, “But I messed that up.”
She shook her head, “It’s not your fault. And besides, even if I can’t make him forget, I can give him new memories.”
“New memories,” Roxas’ eyes widened as he put the pieces together, “Memories of you!”
Naminé nodded and continued, “Originally I was supposed to make Sora forget Kairi and have him believe that I was the one he cares the most about.”
“So...he’d listen to you?” Roxas’ lips tightened for a moment before he asked, “Do you feel the same way?”
“It doesn’t matter how I feel about it.” She looked over to the picture of Sora in the corner, “But...I hear he’s nice. So maybe it won’t be so bad. I wouldn’t be alone anymore.” Turning back to her bread, she finished off the last few bites. Despite the fact that it wouldn’t last, she still yearned for a chance to mean something to someone. Even if that bond was fake. 
Roxas however seemed to look down at the floor, arms starting to wrap around himself, “If you do end up meeting him…”
“That would mean I wasn’t strong enough.”
Naminé’s stomach dropped at the realization of the two futures she had. That meeting Sora meant losing the one person who seemed to care at all about her. On the other hand, “If you win, I’ll just be here as I always have been.”
Roxas’ eyes widened at that, and he began pacing. But after a moment, he snapped his fingers as he hit upon an answer, “Well, what if when I win, I help you find a friend? Someone nice who can be here with you!”
That he was willing to offer something like that lightened her worries. But on the other hand, “Is there any reason you couldn’t stay as my friend?”
Roxas stammered, putting a hand to his chest with a nervous smile, “O-Of course not! There’s no reason I wouldn’t want to be with my friend!” His smile wavered however, as he asked, “We...are friends, right?”
In a way, Naminé knew it was already true. Roxas tried to visit her, and seemed to enjoy her company. Just as much as she enjoyed talking with him about what they could. 
Still, it was nice to say it for real. So she answered with a smile, “Yes, we are.”
After he left that night. Naminé went back to the notebook she had hidden. The one with Roxas’ picture. Picking up her crayons, she began to sketch out the forest of Wonderland. And eventually, her friend was drawn on the paper, wandering about the new world. It wasn’t a huge sketch. She still had to maintain her focus for the drawings she used to focus on Sora’s memories.
But it was a nice distraction while she waited.
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“You know, you can’t just spend your entire summer waiting for Sora and Riku to get home?” Selphie, spoke up from beside her on the pier’s edge.
“Well…” As much as it pained Kairi to admit it, her friend had a point. Sitting around, pining for the two to return was hardly the way she wanted to spend what little time off she still had.
Though now that she thought about it.
Was she forgetting someone?
“Do you think there might have been someone else who left the island?” Kairi stared out into the ocean waves, “If they’re still out there, we ought to go find them.”
Selphie raised her hands in apprehension, “Wait, what’s with the we? I mean, I miss Sora and Riku too. But this mystery person you’re talking about out of nowhere seems weird.” Selphie crossed her arms and walked away, “Don’t you think Sora and Riku would have mentioned them by now? What do they even look like?”
In the darkness in memories she saw her...
“They’re a girl, in white with blond hair?”
“Another girl?” Selphie looked back at her in surprise at the answer, “Well besides that, don’t you need one of those Gum Ships?
Oh right, there was that problem. She had no way to get there, “Gummi ship, but yeah. I mean I had to go find Cid to get a ride to…”
Or did she?
“But I didn’t….I used…” A door. A doorway to the light. That was the only way she could describe what led her from Cid’s workshop to The End of The World.
“Wait, what did you use?”
“It was…” She just had to remember. Remember what was going on when it appeared. What was happening. What she was thinking of.
Who she was thinking of.
Sora. He was probably still searching, even now. For all she teased him about being a lazy bum, when he stopped napping and actually worked, he gave it his all. Nothing stopped him, no matter how hard it was to do.
And Riku, even though he had fallen to darkness, he still believed he was doing what’s best. Despite how aloof he could be, he always cared about the two of them. Even when he was in Ansem’s grip, he fought back, gave them a chance to escape.
There was no way she could forget either of them.
But the girl. Who was she? What was her name?
Selphie tilted her head, “Huh?”
“Her name is Naminé.”
“Whoa, what the heck!?” Selphie’s exclamation roused her from her thoughts. And then she noticed it again. A shining portal.
And she knew her friends were on the other side.
She ran over to the nearby docks and began searching the boats.
“What are you doing?”
“Looking to see if they kept them...Aha!” and Kairi held up the weapon she had found.
“Kairi, that’s a toy.” 
“Well, if it worked for Sora, it can work for me.” And with that she began charging toward the portal.
Selphie shouted after her, “Kairi, do you even know where you’re going?!”
“Wherever they are. And I’d know they’d do the same for me!” And in a flash, she vanished along with the portal she had run into. She didn’t hear Selfie call out to her.
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“Kairi, there was never anyone called Naminé! Agh! Her dad’s gonna be so mad!”
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“A door of light you say?” Vexen raised an eyebrow at Marluxia’s explanation. 
He nodded as the rest of the group looked at him, “The princess of heart bound to Sora will be looking for him using that. According to Naminé, she managed to pursue him to The End Of The World before. Simply through concentration on the keyblade wielder.”
Axel nodded, “So basically, she’s on her way here because she can still remember Sora.”
Larxene grumbled as she crossed her arms, “And without Naminé taking the time to put herself in Kairi’s place, trying to make her forget would just be giving our little witch a lobotomy. And if she manages to find Sora, that’s going to make Naminé’s work that much harder.”
Lexeaus looked directly at Marluxia as he spoke, “This turn of events on top of Roxas’ ordeal is most irregular. We should report to Xemnas.” 
Marluxia closed his eyes calmly, “Not necessarily. While the task Roxas is assigned is critical to our organization, it is not too far from our original plan to strengthen him via management of the heartless. As for the princess, we may be able to mitigate her interference if we act swiftly on her arrival.”
At the question, there was the sound of a sniff. Everyone turned to Zexion as he continued to smell the air in his own way.
Vexen tapped his cheek, “Are you smelling pure light, perchance?”
Zexion nodded firmly, “I believe so.”
Marluxia nodded before commanding, “Use the scrying orbs. Find her.” And with that the group vanished into their dark portals.
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He watched the castle from darkness, in the place he could only call zero. In the beginning there was the boy, Sora. Wielder of the keyblade, naive as he was. So then he brought another, Riku. An opposite of the hero, but still strong.
But then, in a flash, he saw another intruder arrive.
A girl.
And memories stirred. They clamored in the front of his mind. And he immediately asked.”
“How...how can she be here?!?”
His mind turned toward the object he held. Often he had wondered why he still kept the blade.
Perhaps her arrival here was not a coincidence.
He would see for himself.
“At the very least, I must look after her.” And so he wove what darkness he could to hide her from their magic for a moment.
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natsubane · 9 months
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lightsdestiny · 4 years
character tag dump
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lightsdestiny-moved · 5 years
character tag dump
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valorxdrive · 2 years
“ we’ve had a pretty good life. but maybe normalcy is a thing we’re meant to protect, rather than enjoy. ” [ this one too >:|c ]
♕ -  Such a pearl of wisdom, mainly due to the way it was presented, causes him to snort as they remain at one of the high rise buildings of Destiny Islands. Outside of a canopy forged by palm trees, what’s presented at large is a spectacular view anyone would find themselves romanticizing. Their beloved home always had the energy of a tropical paradise, and if one were more attuned to its heart, the shameless pride carried in such a sentiment commanded the sun to shine that much brighter upon these isles.
An amused look would shoot its way towards Riku. For someone who was in the primed part of their youth, even as a toddler he always had a way of thinking like some sagely old man sometimes. Truthfully? He wouldn’t have it any other way. “You’re saying that like nothing but a bag of bones right now. I dunno about you, but I make a ton of ritzy meals for me n’ the gang so that doesn’t happen anytime soon.” He punctuates with an amused point towards the Guardian. With a gentler ebb into the actual moment at hand, Sora soon finds himself content in stepping forward, supporting his hands upon the wooden railing in order to just get a good look at it all.
Of people enjoying their day by day, workers creating, children playing, and even old friends and newly made ones working contently in forging their own little treasure trove of memories. When the silver haired master made a mention of protecting, the golden value of it all, what more could be a better example than the very sight before his eyes. It brings gentle pains, the sort that holds acceptance of just how truth that sentiment rings.
“Riku? If you were to ask me, I think our normal just had it’s way of changing.. And in some ways I think that happens in different stirs for everyone.”
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“Just like how we’re our own people! We just fix up new ways to make the mold match to us. Cause I’ll let you know now, being able to lift up a fridge like it’s a feather when something rolls under it is nice.” Sora cheekily admits, a joyful bout of laughter following suite of such an image.
“While I always agree on what we fight for, how we’re gonna keep them and many worlds as we can safe. Don’t think you can wimp out on trying to mingle in now.” He boldly insists while pivoting upon his heat, ensuring to peer firm into those seafoam eyes.
“You’re telling me since it’s too ‘normal’..~” An impish look blooms while he leans in, squinting towards him with a silly brand of malice. “You’re just gonna skip all the yearly festivals from here on? When you were the one that dragged me there!?”
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untaintedgold · 2 years
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𝐢.    𝐒𝐔𝐍 .        egotistical .        melted  wax  wings  and  fingers .        stretching   sunburnt  skin .       the  most  generous  soul .        blood  in  the  fruit .        halos .       anger  on  fire .   high  vitality.     thunderous  laughter .        is  pride  really   a  sin ?        halogenic  aura .
𝐢𝐢.    𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐘 .      expansion  of  the  mind .     silver - tongued .    an   everlasting  wanderer .    polyglot .        high  dexterity .        handwritten  letters .           innately  critical .     en  vogue .   eyes  in  the  trees .     hidden  libraries .           there's  always  room  for  improvement .
𝐢𝐢𝐢.    𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐔𝐒 .      in  love  with  strangers .     iridescent  waters .     love  potions   for  your  mirror .     selfless  devotion.     shattering  crystal .     seafoam  upon  sand .     the  golden  ratio .     drowning  in  your  own  passion .     material  value  and  high  principles .    luring .  plush  lips .
𝐢𝐯.    𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐇 .         fresh  springs .        tree  hugger .     we  can  start  again  tomorrow .     a  blazing  rainforest .     respects  survival  of  the  fittest .     nature’s  adversity .     lazy  bones .        constantly  evolving .        flowers  sprouting  from  wounds .        a  granite  altar .        fossilized  remains .
𝐯.    𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 .      illusory .   silver  shimmer  off  the  ocean .     secrets  and  gossip . cycles  of  reincarnation.        a  crybaby .   physically  ethereal .     shared  glances  with  a  stranger .     cat  eyes .     mistrusting  their  intuition .     fear  is  a  prison .     ornate  magic  wands .
𝐯𝐢.    𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐒 .         healthy  competition .        attraction  and  repulsion .     magma  and  rubies .        a  blade  being  forged .       wrath ,  wrath ,  wrath .     malefic .     intense  eye  contact .     cannon  fodder  and  fireworks .        blood  floods .    copper  taste  on  your  tongue .
𝐯𝐢𝐢.    𝐉𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐑 .         red  robes  and  a  suit  of  armor .        beacon  of  stability .       leader  by  birth .        thunderbolts  and  lightning .     guilty  but  can’t  stop .     secret  rich  kid .     golden  touch ,  golden  tears .    innate  optimist .        failure  isn’t  an  option .     constantly  reaching  for  more .       unfinished  symphonies .
𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢.    𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍 .         traditional .        overbearing  energy .     a  sculptor  of  reality .     this  existence  is  a  karmic  one .     has  a  heart ;  it’s  just  way  down  deep .     law ,  order  and  justice .     avoid  all  necessary  risk .     the  sound  of  shackles  clanging .    sisyphus’  struggle .     grappling  with  the  reality  of  time .     self - governing .
𝐢𝐱.    𝐔𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐔𝐒 .      psychedelic  funk  music .        overflowing  cups .       a  rebellion  with  skin .    looking  good  in  photo  id .        oblivious  but  caring .        middle  fingers  in  the  air .     double  rainbows .     icy  diamond  exterior .     holographic .     afraid  of  their  own  mediocrity .      pearlescent  smoke .
𝐱.    𝐍𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐔𝐍𝐄 .      an  elegy  for  the  lost .      dissolving  boundaries .     white  horses .        the  burden  of  mystical  conditions .     deceptive .     escapism  is  their  reality .     a  polarizing  entity .     artist’s  soul .     paranoia .     searching  for  the  unseen .     a  siren’s  swan  song .
𝐱𝐢.    𝐏𝐋𝐔𝐓𝐎 .         angel  statues  over  graves .    power .        the  cycle  of  necrosis .     transformative .     unfathomable  depths .        an  ivory  tower  toppling  over .     screaming  at  the  sky .        violets  and  irises .     eclipsed  darkness .     speaks  with  their  shadow .   sex ,  death ,  rebirth .
Tagged by: @bishonenprince​ {thank you, Sora ❤️}
Tagging: @sapphiresands​ {haha triple tagged}, @fxtelism​ {Leon}, @friendlyusagi​, @xanican-exile​, @wxrk-is-never-dxne​, @deathmcth​, @starlightofdream​ {Regulus}, @siamxshade {let's go with Childe and/or Eren}
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[ FOREHEAD ]:     before parting ways, sender rests their forehead against the receiver’s, a possible final touch as they go their separate ways. | asdfghjk for a sweeter goodbye ;^;
To be missed ;
Stay here and train.
That's what she has to do.
She's BEEN training, damnit—
Kairi feels a wave of frustration surge through her, but she holds her tongue and stays quiet on that for now. The more important matter, really, is that Riku is about to set out to bring Sora home. Frustrated as she may be that she's not allowed to go with him, she'll wait until she's alone to dwell any further on said frustration—
Riku is stepping into her space for a moment and dipping his head to press his forehead to hers, those seafoam colored eyes of his closing, and Kairi feels that very frustration mute itself even temporarily.
She says his name in a whisper, holding herself perfectly still as he stays there with his forehead still resting against hers, and said whisper comes out softly, like his name is made only of glass rather than simple syllables and if she says it any louder then that it will shatter.
Kairi notices out of the corner of her eye that the Fairy Godmother, bless her, has averted her gaze to give the two of them this moment of their own privacy before Riku's to step through the portal...
And that's all it takes for Kairi to rest her forehead against his in return, closing her eyes as well. She doesn't immediately pull away to separate from the forehead touch after doing so, though. She doesn't want to let him go, not right away; she won't pull away from this forehead touch until she feels him start to do so, himself.
The words, whatever it is she wants to say to him, catch in her throat.
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