#searching for this on on fb is a chore
downfallofi · 14 days
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in-pleasant-company · 8 months
Hello new friend,
I'm a 41-year-old white queer femme who has just recently retrieved my three AG dolls from the attic where I put them away before I went to college. I have Kirsten, and the original release Felicity and Addy. I brought them out to clean up and give to my daughter, but have found they have released a great deal of stored up energy, and I have been deep diving into the world of AG since I put it down in 2001. I have been working my way backwards in your Tumblr, and am in 2020 now. I want to thank you for your clear love of and dedication to American Girl, and I really appreciate your various thoughtful perspectives, especially as it relates to the historical PC and current Mattel relationship with race and ethnicity. As an Elder Millennial, I don't really know how to Tumblr, but you can find me on IG as quiltereina (my public account), so you can see that I'm not a total weirdo-in-a-bad-way - just a domesticated rebel with grandma hobbies living in a hippie suburb of my hometown of Washington, D.C.
I found my dolls, but not their clothes or accessories yet, which is a devastating. I received the dolls as gifts, but I earned all of their clothes through chores. I have already sewed more clothes for my girls (plus the three new ones I have purchased since Jan 1) than I had the entirety of my childhood, having leaned to sew in the intervening years. I am balancing the desire to recreate all of the clothes I had, using time-period appropriate prints and patterns, but in my own preferred color schemes (mostly pinks and purples), a sort of alternative history recreation for my own inner child, plus the desire to make fun and frilly costumes for my five-year-old's enjoyment. In these pursuits, I have not only saved the Pretty Dresses PDF from AGPlaythings, but have been searching for patterns that will as closely as possible replicate the Meet outfits for my girls; I have found Addy's from doll-princesse, and think I can wing Kirsten's from her school dress, but Felicity? Still searching.
So I have one very specific question - a woman in a 18" doll facebook sewing group claims that there was 1992 Pleasant Company book of patterns released, which included Felicity's Meet Dress. I have searched the ends of the internet; she is not referring to the PC Pretty Dresses Patterns; there is no record in the AG Wiki or in the Library of Congress for this book. She said someone on Etsy was selling copies of the book and the FB poster got blocked for harassing the Etsy seller for selling a book still under copyright, but I cannot find the like on Etsy or Ebay. Have you ever heard of such a book? Or is _someone_ -lying- on the internet? And if you have any other deep-dive pattern suggestions (I've seen everything on Etsy, PixieFaire, Pemberly, etc), I'd be grateful, and also happy to compensate pattern makers/recreators.
If you've made it this far, thanks for your time reading this, and again for your insightful and informative Tumblr-blog.
Hi, welcome! It's wonderful that you're giving some love to these old dolls once again!
As for the book with Felicity's pattern, it sounds fascinating. I will keep a lookout for it. It's possible the book was an internal, company only creation that was meant for creating the mockups before the doll clothes went into production in West Germany (and later in China). I will say that there was a set of doll patterns (or possibly multiple sets?) that were briefly available from Colonial Williamsburg that the person may have been remembering as Felicity patterns. It could also have been a pattern that was made available for special events at places like the Madison Children's Museum. I know of a pattern for Felicity's Bedding that is associated with the Madison Children's Museum.
The patterns available from Colonial Williamsburg were from Past Crafts patterns (labelled Evoking Period Style for Dolls), and I'm almost positive that there was a set of doll clothes patterns designed by someone who worked in the textiles department of Colonial Williamsburg, but I haven't been successful in tracking them down.
Edit: Could it be they were talking about the GIRL sized pattern for Felicity's Meet Outfit? It wasn't in a book but a paper envelope like commercial patterns.
Edit 2: I reached out on the AG Playthings message board and got some answers. Yes, the pattern does exist but it was never available for sale from Pleasant Company. I imagine it was an internal document that was somehow leaked/stolen. Mystery solved!
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murdurinthealps · 3 years
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“Otto is the first character you will meet in the game as he is the owner of the hotel in which you will start your adventure. He is naive and kind though it seems even Otto has his own secrets...”
“January 25 This evening over a cup of tea, Otto told me the story of his family. He was married and had a son. During the Great War, his son heroically died in the Battle of Verdun. Leon was fighting on the Germans’ side...”
“𝘖𝘵𝘵𝘰 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴. 𝘏𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘵 𝘎𝘦𝘳𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘵𝘦𝘯 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘢𝘨𝘰 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘱𝘦𝘥 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘊𝘪𝘮𝘢 𝘥𝘪 𝘝𝘳𝘦𝘯. 𝘎𝘦𝘳𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘴𝘰𝘰𝘯 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘰𝘧 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘯, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘖𝘵𝘵𝘰 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘥𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘭𝘺, 𝘰𝘧 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦...”
Here is all of the information on Otto that has been posted on the Facebook page so far. If anyone’s interested, I could do this for other characters, too. Luigi will probably be next since he’s a fan favorite.
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lockdownuk · 4 years
Lockdown Diary Part 1
A personal account during the lockdown in the UK due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
23/03/2020 8:30pm Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister, gives a live address to the nation to, effectively, put the country on lockdown to stem the spread of the deadly coronavirus strain, Covid-19.
Many of us have been self-isolating for days but this latest development within the UK in reaction to the pandemic feels very serious and very scary. I decided to keep a simple diary and where better but online.
Day 1: Last night Boris called it, today we’re doing it. I had started working from home (wfh) yesterday as had most people at my work (RCI)..last week I had been preparing laptops as fast as poss for everyone. Even just today, the idea of going into work seems alien and dangerous. Now lockdown (ld) means that it would soon be illegal to do so unless utterly necessary.
Online, FaceBook (fb) especially, is awash with reaction…a lot of calling out people who are out and about in greater numbers than 2, which is against ld rules.
Day 2: Just trying to let work occupy my thoughts and time which is easy enough ‘cos everyone I support (IT engineer) is new to wfh and is having teething problems with all the new laptops. Meanwhile, I keep abreast of comings and goings online…actually socially interacting more than I might otherwise, weirdly
Day 3: Highlight of the day is an online quiz organised by a chap called Jay Flynn on fb…a bunch of us took it as individuals while chatting on Messenger while Jay streamed quiz over fb live and YouTube. It was a good crack and I had two cans of Coors Light which got me pissed!
Day 4: Work is still mad - so many people with IT issues wfh…it’s challenging trying resolve all these probelms remotely but I am rising to it. I actually enjoy it. It satisfies my want for problem-solving.
The ld is in full swing but it’s very early days. The news is dominated, obviously, by Covid-19 and the ever changing stats of infections and deaths. Today, for example, the USA took over, from China, as the country with the most infections. I know there will be an end to all this and I am determined to be there, going out, getting pissed down the pub, gigging, shaking hands with my mates, hugging anyone and everyone who’ll let me - it’ll be a proper party. But I am filled with a dread that it’s going to be a fucking long time coming.
This evening was spent virtually with Foggy, Ham and Andy P…doing a quiz - a rehearsal for Foggy in the hope of doing one to a wider audience next week. It was good fun and great to have a few beers chatting with everyone, Later I video called Fog and we drank ‘til gone midnight, putting the world to rights. I was well pissed.
Day 5: First non-work day of the ld. Housework, daily walk, out for supplies (drop a script order off…queuing outside boots for 15 minues!, bread, baccy and booze). This evening, I’m listening to the next album in NME list of 1985 albums I’m working through - Grace Jones Slave to the Rhythm…fucking pain in the arse ‘cos it’s not on Spotify so I am searching for each song, in order, on YouTube. Plus eating and drinking, of course. Quick video chat with karen and Grace, Dan in the background. I wanted a tin of kidney beans for chilli but Karen hasn’t got one ffs. Burger it is. They are all playing scrabble - I’d love to join in…
Day 6: A quiet day…housework, cooking, daily walk. Highlight was a half hour chinwag with dad who, as I would expect, despite his 84 years, is coping and doing just fine. Most other people with a dad that age would have, on top of their own concerns, something more to worry about during this crisis….for me, it feels like I’ve got someone to turn to, should I need to.
Day 7: Work is starting to feel more routine but it’s a long way off being in the office, which is never routine anyway. That may seem surprising since I do IT support but it’s a varied role, especially at the modern dinosaur of an organisation that is RCI. I try to be as disciplined as possible but I miss not dressing for work, not driving to work, not needing to actually prepare lunch (until lunchtime). I don’t actually need to shower every morning. I don’t think I have to ordinarily but do because I’m mixing with others in the office. I certainly don;t need to now. I only mix with me, so showering becomes a chore but I’m doing it every other morning in the name of the aforementioned discipline. I am worried how long RCI can keep going before laying staff off. I dread being out of work full stop, let alone during this ld, or even thereafter. I think the economies of the world will need time to recover so finding work will be tough à la 2008. I think, if lay-offs were to occur, I’d be in real danger. Last in first out and all that. But, I’ll cross that bridge if and when I come to it.
Day 8: At work there was a large online meeting whereby the MD told us that RCI are going to furlough some staff. The UK, and Ireland staff will be consulted this coming Thursday and Friday (it’s Tuesday today). I shall be reading up on what the furlough arrangements are in the UK due to Covid-19. I know the government have set aside some money, I need to know what I might get paid and how to claim it. In the past, when I’ve been out of work, I’ve been entitled to jack shit other than JSA, This time around, should I be laid off as I expect, I might not have to eat into my savings, fingers crossed. Meanwhile, I have decided to knock up another blog with a photo of myself each day of the ld (from now on) - it’s a sister to this diary.
Day 9: Actually typing this on day 10. Yesterday was a strange day as I contemplate being furloughed (hope for the best, expect the worst)…I’d be paid 80% of my wage according to what the government have said to assist in the Covid-19 crisis…so, were that to be true, I’d be OK money-wise, although still earning way less than I want to prepared for retirement (I am currently still waiting for feedback on a pay increase request I put in at work last year!) I’m more worried about how I would fill my day if I wasn’t working. So, that being said, I flopped and moped about all yesterday evening after my daily walk and, without achieving much at all, didn’t find time to write this entry on the right day…so maybe I can fill my days without much effort!
Day 10: I was furloughed today, starting 5pm tomorrow (Friday 3rd April) and it’s fucked me off. I know it’s not personal but, actually, do I? They’re cutting back the Kettering Desktop team by one, redacted It seems obvious to do this by the ‘last in, first out’ maxim but what about money? others are on more than me (redacted). What about offering it voluntarily - others might go for 80% pay for fuck all - others have family at home to occupy the day  (redacted) . A little bit of me thinks it might be preferable furlough me  (redacted) …others seems to be a favourite and that annoys me. It annoys me because I think I shoot myself in the foot too often. I’m too vocal about some of the (redacted) decisions and practices at work, plus other reasons that I know but can’t be bothered to type. But, my point, is I don’t play the politically correct, corporate game and therefore forget to look out for my own best interests. FUCK.
So, as of tomorrrow evening, I’ve no work to do. The challenge will be to find a way to occupy my day. I’ve already registered to volunteer for the NHS during the ld…let’s see what becomes of that. And I’ve signed up for web development course. I’m going to get fucking pissed this w/e, starting early tomorrow evening.
Day 11: It’s day 12 as I am writing this entry…that might tell any reader, and remind me, that I did as I promised and got pretty drunk. I spent the day geting my work affairs in order i.e. clearing down support tickets assigned to me. I did a good job, nothing left to handover to the remaining team (Jim, Cristina and Mark) and onky one ticket put into the assigned pool. Some nice converstaions were had with associates, many of whom are, too, being furloughed. Nice words were said and Jim and Mark both were supportive in conversations and messages - they both know I don’t wnat this and, I think, they are both relieved it’s not happening to them. 5 pm arrives and I shutdown my work laptop for the last time for at least 12 weeks. After my daily walk, I video chat with Karen, crack open a beer, make Chinese chicken curry (fucking loads, fucking tasty), finish watching The National Theatre stream of One Man, Two Guvnors (really good, see twoinchreview) and the caught up with, and talked bollocks with Andy, Marc and Ham - we tried getting Rog in on it, no dice. I then watched The Heat (I fucking love that film), ate some more, smoked several single-skinners, drank, in total, three cans, seven bottles. I went to bed shortly after 4am. I felt resigned to my furlough and pleasantly wasted.
Day 12: A subdued day…didn’t wake until gone 1:30pm. Jaded but not really suffering. Mooched about, social media, listening to music, watching telly, farting about on the iPad. My daily walk, over the last fews days, has taken a twist…I am trying to run parts of it. Mainly short distances, 80-100m (I estimate) three, maybe four times. It’s fucking knackering me out. I used to run everywhere when I was a teen. Attempting to run now just makes me feel fucking old. Well, I am, so that’s about right.
Day 13: Another day like yesterday except I got up at 10:30 and didn’t feel jaded. The subdued feeling comes from the realsiation that the ld isn’t being treated as seriously as it should be across the board. The news and even posts by locals on FB (Oundle chatter group) suggest groups still meeting up. The weather this w/e has been a factor - 17°c today. I think a total ld will be enforced soon and that would fuck me off. My daily walk is pretty essential for me nowadays not least for the ‘good for your soul’ benefits that dad has always mentioned. Even today’s walk saw a car parked at the gates to the field on the way to Ashton and people on a blanket soaking up the sun, dogs off their leads and people (looked like a family) playing footy on South Road field. Individually they are not presenting any danger, what with the fact they are either living together or far away from others. But they are flaunting the rules and the more that happens the less likely they’ll carry on getting away with it, which will mean total ld for all! I finished the 50 1985 albums today. It mostly confirms to me that I only listened to two albums released that year (Kate Bush, The Waterboys) any other vinyl I spun would have already been in my collection pre-85.
The sausage casserole I made for tea was fucking lush - 4 birdeye chillies. I saw and spoke with Dan and Grace this morning, they were just coming back from a walk. I am pleased to fuck they are together and sorted out the issues they had earlier this year.
Day 14: My first day proper of furlough. Finished my two inch review of the NME 50 albums. Long chat with Rita, quick one with dad. Messaged Sam about Romiley’s present - she’s 10 on the 9th April (Thursday) - ordered some Lego thing from Amazon. Turned the car engine over (reminded myself the driver-side wing mirror is fucked) and moved it to another spot in the Co-op car park - bumped into Matt T. He’s struggling - no work coming in and he can’t claim any of the money on offer ‘cos he’s not being totally honest about his circumstances - made me realise I’m not that bad off…..but I feel depressed about it all, especially with the news that Boris has gone into intensive care.
Day 15: I began a diploma (?) course on web design with Shaw Academy (it was free). They have actual classes (which are recorded) which you schedule yourself. The first one was, I have to say, really interesting - I look forward to continuing. On my walk today, I saw a car parked at the gate to the field at the bottom of Riverside Close; it was branded with Cunninghams Estate Agent with a 01536 number. I am pretty sure I saw the driver walking her dog (unleashed) on the field. I took a photo and rang the number. Yes, I ratted the culprit out…fucking annoys me that I had to. Better than reporting to the police, all round. Hopefully her work will put a stop to her doing it and, the more people that adhere to the rules without the police getting wind of infractions, the more likely we’ll be able to continue to exercise away from home.
Day16: More online learning including checking out other sites (pluralsight) for more learning opportunities. Coded my first web page, basic but mine, in HTML and CSS. A few beers & smokes and watching White Boy Rick in the evening, interspersed with the usual social media / messaging shit, incuding this entry, of course!
Day 17: Typing this on Day 18. After a few beers last night while chatting with Fog (twice - the first chat ended with him ‘having’ to go to bed. Later, I noticed he was commenting on FB, so I video called him…round two of chatting!). I got quite fucking pissed. Bed around 4am.
Day18: Up at 1pm. Long walk today, 7 km. Anything over 40 minutes, I’ve realised, results in a hypo.
Day19: Well, having gone to bed at gone 5am I got up at nearly 1pm feeling far better than I should have. Breakfast followed by a walk, spoke with Karen (mowing her front lawn) and Dan. He and Grace have split up which is sad news but he seems OK. Went shopping (milk and sweets) and ended up with a shit load of booze, the post of which on FB was quite amusing. Homemade burgers for tea (they’re in the fridge as I type) - gonna try and make Five Guys…
Day20: The Five Guys burger attempt didn’t go as well as I wanted. I think less than 5% fat mince just doesn’t bind that well. However, I managed to get something resembling a burger into the bun and, with cheese, hot sauce and jalapeños, it was tasty enough. More of the same when I finish typing this entry. Strange Easter Day today, as I knew it would be. The best thing I saw today was a video Tom posted on FB of him and Molly doing a mashup of Starsailor and George Michael - Tom on guitar singing the former, Molly singing the latter. It was fucking fantatstic.
Day 21: Easter Monday. Surreal…it’s feeling very surreal now, this lockdown.
Two things that bother me right now:
i) The political point scoring on FB. I get it, I really do…people like to bring up ‘obvious’ failings in the party’s mistakes. For example, Marc posting comparisons between UK and Germany’s figures of cases and deaths due to Covid-19. I doesn’t make impressive reading for the government and it should be held accountable. But not fucking now!
ii) Will they introduce rotational furloughing at RCI? It’s only been a week, 11 to go. And, it bothers me that I was furloughed rather than Mark. Pathetic of me, I know! But, should it last the 12 week stretch, I want to go back to work and let someone else have the chance to have fuck all to do all day! That being said, I’m still learning web design through Shaw Academy. Even today, bank holiday, I revised Lesson 2.
Day22: Nice catchup with Dad today - he and Rita seem to be more than OK with lockdown. I actually cannot wait until we can meet up at The Farmers again!
Day 23: While I had a Corvee engineer come to the house today to do a gas safety check (I waited upstairs while he was here, self-isolation and all that), and had the fourth online web design lesson, had a trip to Boots to pick up insulin, got milk from Tesco’s, saw American Rachel and had a chat (while we both queued to get into Tesco’s) and had a very nice walk along a different route from the norm, in the pleasant sunshine and watched Contagion on Netflix - all today - I AM STILL BORED AS FUCK!
Day 24: I had plans for today - revise the last two lessons of Shaw Academy’s web design course, investigate a ethical hacking course, do some washing, clean upstairs (or at least the bathroom) plus all the usual stuff. Then, as a reward, have some beers. Well, guess what. I am not having beers this evening. I managed the laundry. Plus I manged to subtitle my YouTube perfect snabby video (something I have been meaning to do for a while, but, come on!) It took me fucking ages. But it is funny! So, a fucking far from fruitful day. Plus the government announced at least 3 more weeks of lockdown. There’ll be loads more, I reckon. Tomorrow…I promise I’ll be better tomorrow…
Day 25: I did do better! Firstly the Corveee man fucked the boiler which I only noticed late yesterday but still managed to get sorted today. I did some excellent revision and learning of HTML (tags) and CSS. I cleaned the bathroom and hall. And I discovered TikTok (fucking excellent dancing and funny vids) plus discovered a new FaceBook word game (Sam sent me an invite) called WordBlitz and I am pretty good. Having beers now (nearly 11pm).
Day 26: Today I found myself calling 111. I had a pain in my side last night, I thought it might be constipation! That not being the case (!), today I went to 111.nhs.uk and, following their questions, it recommended I seek out a GP straightaway. Once I let the website know that is not possible, it directed me to visit walk in centres. I spoke with Karen thereafter - for advice about whether it’s a good idea to enter such an establishment - I really don’t want to increase me chances of catching the Covid-19 virus. Karen recommended ringing 111 since the website does not take into account my diabetes (so bloody sensible a suggestion!)
After ringing and answering many questions, the lady said she’d get an OOHS GP to call. The doctor called soon after and it seems most likely I have a grumbling appendix (chronic appendicitis) and to ring again (well, 999) if the pain becomes unbearable.
I now have a bag at the ready for hospital which I really hope I don’t have to use. Today, I  have, therefore, done fuck all - not even a walk - but I am having a beer now (midnight) and shall attempt to sleep as well as possible and hope this pain subsides naturally…
It occurs to me that I turn to Karen when things become flumoxing - my excuse, this time, is she works at the surgery but that was mere convenience.
Day 27: My ‘appendicitis pain was the same when I woke up (10:20) but no worse. I managed to change bed clothes and clean my bedroom but didn’t risk a walk (in case something drastic happens when I’m in a fucking field).
People’s responses and questions online have been heartening (Rachel Harris, Susie Grange, Bethan, Jo, Tracey Weber, Debbie De Prisco and, not least Dan). As the day progresses, I feel better but not right. I spoke with Dad about it and, as I told him, I shall ring Oundle GP tomorrow. Meanwhile, I did Sam Clew’s FB Live quiz, which was good, and am now having a beer or two.
Day 28: The pain in my side has definitley diminished. I called the Oundle surgery today to talk about what treatment I should have for ‘grumbling appendicitis’. The reseptionist organised a call back from a GP - Dr. Cash. Basically, he said he didn’t believe the condition existed, that acute appendicitis doesn’t happen after the age of 35, and ‘his gut felling’ is it will all just clear up.
I shall seek a more sensible diagnosis after lockdown and hope it doesn’t flare up again before then.
Day 29: I sent an email to the team at work today (Jim, Mark, Cristina and Sueanne). I hadn’t heard from them and I wanted to check in and, also, make a point that I will be posing the ‘rotational furlough’ question to HR at some point. It was as I wrote the email that I realised it’s only been two weeks and two days of furlough, and that includes Easter! Seems so much fucking longer. Anyway, everyone replied and it was good to hear from them….Mark came off his bike and broke ribs and collarbone! Lesson 5 of the Web Design course with Shaw Academy. It’s becoming apparent that, if you don’t pay for the course ‘toolkit’ it’s all rather patchy! The instructor dives into lines of code (HTML, CSS and Java) with no explanation….I feel like I did on the ifrst lesson of further maths ate Stamford School! I shall soldier on and beef up the missing parts with W3Schools (a great website and learning aid for coding). Two quick points. I am no longer running any part of my daily walk; hurts too much. I am addicted to Wordblitz and TikTok. Day30: I am writing this on day 31, I just forgot yesterday! It was a non eventful day. I did watch Midnight Run (again!) and had a couple of midweek beers though.
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Does Little Red Riding Hood Have A Name?
Among the general dread and anxiety that generally keeps me from sleeping, last night I was spiraling down a path of ‘children’s’ nursery rhymes and stories.
I kept wondering what their actual NAMES are. 
For instance, it was only as an adult, after reading a Gregory Maguire novel did I realize that Cinderella’s name is ELLA. The cinder was a descriptor of a chore she had to perform regularly. 
Sleeping Beauty’s name is Aurora or Briar Rose. 
I couldn’t figure out if Riding Hood similarly had a name. 
I didn’t want to google it because I assumed I would get caught up on reading and having more questions in a never ending cycle. 
In an effort to get it put of my head, in lieu of turning on the light and searching for a pencil and paper, I decided to pose the question to my FB friends. 
Sadly, it did not work. So, now 13 hours later, I still wonder.... UPDATE: BLANCHETTE. Little Red (or golden) hood’s name is Blanchette. Charles Marelle begins his story by saying that many lies have been written about the girl known as Little Red Riding Hood in the past. According to Marelle, the girl's real name is Blanchette. She becomes known as Little Golden Hood because of the hooded cloak the color of gold and fire that her grandmother gave her.
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junker-town · 6 years
Miami is having CFB’s best 2019 for a non-Clemson team
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No non-national champ is having a better few weeks to start the year than Miami.
Relative to expectations, the Miami Hurricanes had one of the worst 2018s of any program in college football. Having the most talented roster in the damp ACC Coastal did not prevent the Canes from going 7-6, capped by an ugly Pinstripe Bowl loss to Wisconsin’s backup quarterback.
Following the regular season, these bad things happened to Miami:
Defensive coordinator Manny Diaz, the guy in charge of Miami’s only good phase of the game, left for the head coaching job at Temple. The offensive staff was in shambles, with Mark Richt underperforming as play-caller and his son, Jon, doing nothing to prevent Miami’s quarterback play from being among the worst in the Power 5.
The Early Signing Period ended with Miami having more decommitments than actual commitments, and also missing out on a few top targets who were known to be considering them late in the game. Since then, four-star corner Tyrique Stevenson picked Georgia over the Canes, and five-star receiver Jadon Haselwood picked Oklahoma over them. Miami still hasn’t fixed that commitment count, but give it time, for reasons coming below.
Star receiver Jeff Thomas announced he was transferring to Illinois.
Since December 30, all of these good things have happened to Miami.
Mark Richt suddenly retired, apparently not wanting to fire his own son and make wholesale offensive staff changes. This turned out to be great, because ...
... the same day, and just 18 days after he’d gone to Temple, Miami rehired Diaz, this time making him head coach. Miami avoided a drawn-out, messy coaching search late in the hiring cycle and cleanly landed a guy known for great scheming and great recruiting, whose career was clearly trending upward while Richt’s was not. These things are technically pre-New Year’s events, but I’m counting them toward 2019.
On January 11, Diaz hired away Miami quarterbacks coach Dan Enos, who’d just coached Tua Tagovailoa during the best QB rating season in FBS history. Nick Saban had said publicly a month earlier that he planned to make Enos Bama’s OC in 2019. Now he’s Miami’s instead.
On Tuesday, Thomas announced he was actually staying at Miami, potentially giving the Canes back the fastest player in college football.
Like an hour after that, former Ohio State QB Tate Martell announced he was transferring from the Buckeyes to the Canes. Martell sat the last two years behind J.T. Barrett and Dwayne Haskins, but he’s still not far removed from being one of the top dual-threat QB prospects in the country. He could have up to three years of eligibility at Miami, depending on whether the NCAA lets him play immediately or not.
Let me know if I’m missing something in there. It’s a lot to keep up with.
To recap: Miami went from having a head coach going in the wrong direction, who’d just lost his top assistant, to having a head coach who’s firmly on the rise, and also went from having a bad QB situation to potentially having a really good QB situation, with other offensive help abounding and recruiting likely invigorated by adding a popular coach like Diaz.
This happened over the course of two and a half weeks. And these are supposed to be some of the quieter weeks of the year!
Are you a college football team? Are you Clemson?
If the answers to those questions are yes and no, in that order, then you are not having a better start to 2019 than Miami, in my opinion.
(I will also hear arguments for North Dakota State having a better 2019 so far than Miami, but for the Bison, winning the FCS title is like going to the grocery store. It’s basically a chore at this point.)
My one reservation is that The Rock is still not on Diaz’s staff.
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robbyshang32-blog · 7 years
29 LinkedIn Tips For Skilled Networking, Enterprise & Advertising and marketing
Take your time and examine how to use hashtags, keywords and every part else concerned with Twitter. Attempt to acquire a Twitter handle that could be very near your business identify or brand name. In return, I had developed relationships with 20 individuals who despatched me enterprise referrals frequently. Whether or not or not that's true, isn't as important as if individuals imagine it to be so. Folks will get an electronic mail saying that your organization is now following them. You will not consider issues like the placement of the doc (native, email attachment, network drive, SharePoint) or multiple versions in information at all. Nevertheless, it’s the identical search network that everyone else has. However when you’re marketing your product or service, it’s the number of "touches" that count before someone decides to do business with you. For that cause, it’s a core part of each social media strategy. Any business utilizing social media for branding achieves success when it has real followers. When including knowledge in every of those areas, use achievements and metrics that display success in past jobs (simply as you'd in your management resume).
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Be good and selective with the key phrases you utilize in your profile. Unlike fb and Twitter, LinkedIn is especially for enterprise use. Do you love running a blog or is it extra of a chore for your corporation? This options assist you to achieve extra connections as individuals come throughout your published articles and so they join with you in an effort to receive some more related information. When Gendusa receives connection requests, Stith opinions the person’s information and often accepts the invite. Step 5. Spend time each few days updating the Group's sections with articles, news, job postings and different data. After getting these fundamentals beneath your belt, you're prepared to maneuver forward to more superior LinkedIn job search strategies listed under. In case you are unsure of what keywords in your discipline are search terms, visit Google Keywords and follow the prompts to obtain a list of the mostly searched terms in your career.
Listed here are the four steps to our LinkedIn Firm Page viewers building system. Individuals may also "like" your organization web page for updates. Right after variety of weeks of carrying out consequently, she was faced with circumstances together with staying directed in direction of an odd website web page thoroughly not comparable within the path of monetary laundering each and every year she kinds the same phrases. It also boasts an in-app internet browser, so customers can try hyperlinks and different social media accounts all without leaving the app, making it especially appealing for users in addition to the companies making an attempt to achieve them. On this results web page, you can tease out job alternatives based mostly on key phrases, company, and site. Teams and discussions: Groups and discussions lead you to individuals that have information within their field, you could find these folks by finding related discussions where you understand these candidates can be speaking and interesting.
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Consider diversifying your teams --by abilities units, faculty alumni, geography, interests, or even previous employers. Getting a premium account would make sure that your profile reveals up brandbuilders amongst the top leads to related searches (you'd also have a LinkedIn badge exhibiting against your name). Creating an account is a very simple course of (unless you need to enter larger element). Should I point out That I need to develop into a author within the letter? Using key phrases strategically positioned in your article and title will draw in additional readers. It is a superb observe to try to write one per week and in doing so you will begin to see folks recommending you and your corporation. You may then be in a position to satisfy great folks and communicate with prospective enterprise companions and purchasers. When you purchase Connections, you are driving more folks to your profile and too your webpage. LinkedIn is a pleasant platform for those who're concentrating on different businesses. The service is a one-of-a-type platform centered around businesses. The higher possibilities you offer men and women to attach with you, the more likely they will likely.
The second tip that any Search engine marketing skilled would offer is to harness the potential of guest posts. Uninterested in spending countless hours on social networks, online marketing, and Seo? And what I’d end up listening to was, the CEO’s office seen me because I was there to do my job and solely do my job. There have been plenty! I've been asked this question countless instances. Bitdefender critiques 2015 permits you conserve a considerable quantity of dollars on Bitdefender. So, what do you understand about your LinkedIn profile? InMails are solely available on paid accounts. You'll additionally have the ability to approve the recommendations until they go live so you would ensure that you're proud of it beforehand. By bragging about the consumer's progress You aren't bragging about you, however you might be just SHARING what that shopper completed (together with your help after all). This is why it's vital to include a quick be aware that both refreshes that particular person's memory of you, mentions a standard curiosity or connection you may share, or simply introduces your self and your cause for connecting. I might not learn about a chance at this time, however who is aware of what subsequent week or next month will deliver.
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phorusrhacidae · 8 years
internet is bad for me hargl blargl!! 
for real though, I need to remember this. have spent some time surfing these past few  days. nothing makes time disappear faster with nothing to show for it except for a vague sense of unease and tiredness....I'm not even having fun!! ffs STOP doing things that are not fun OR productive!! scrolling tumblr takes like 20 min max since I unfollowed a bunch, youtube is only for music/ talking while I do chores, and fb is only for messages and event notifications. aside from reading news/articles, doing admin stuff and finding lesson materials, and job searching  (all of which I put in a separate stay-focused-on-the-task category) what else is there? I enjoy watching TV shows together with others as a social activity, or while I'm eating, but I've found that binge watching often isn't something I actually really like to do so just stop. I have already done a LOT this year but I want to cut down even more. less apps, less Internet, less screen time in general. less stuff, less spending (already doing pretty well here as the only thing I spend money on these days is food....), more eating good food, more reading, more thinking instead of distracting, more doing!!! 
I am on the right track. I am far behind where I wanted to be but by some miracle have not given up. I have a whole week off next week, and I intend to use it. here is what I am going to do: 
spend one full day without going on the Internet, and another full day with no screens at all
study Russian and try to come up with a better routine
get more organized with the job search and submit at least one official application
start some craft projects. even though I have very little time, I think I would do more art if there were already projects started- that is the most time consuming and stressful part. 
read, and go to more libraries! 
get some clear planters and soil for my little garden which is doing so much better than I thought it would ☺️
a lot of this is about setting things up so I can keep doing more even after break is over, but I am going to try to get a lot done as well (which is not so hard when I am not glued to the screen all the time) 
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woodworkinghere1 · 4 years
Life with the Women: Love, Deferred | Naked Requirements
Breaking News Today -
Emily Andrews discovered the love of her life greater than twenty years in the past; she simply didn’t understand it on the time. One ex-husband and two youngsters later, marriage ceremony bells are ringing for her once more on this month’s “Life with the Women.”
Emily and her new outdated flame.
“I’ll all the time deliver espresso,” he stated, after I thanked him for startling me with Starbucks. My coronary heart jumped; it was precisely what I wanted to listen to at that second in my life.
I used to be going via a divorce, I had two younger youngsters, and he was primarily saying, “I’ll all the time be right here that will help you.”
My espresso fairy was truly my greatest pal from highschool. Nearly 20 years after commencement, right here he was sitting subsequent to me at my eldest daughter’s gymnastics class. We had just lately reconnected, and he had stopped by throughout a break from work to maintain me firm.
He and I first met at a highschool soccer sport after I was 14 and he was 15. The subsequent 12 months, we had been class officers and on yearbook collectively. We spent weekend nights hanging out with our buddies; we may discuss and giggle for hours. Spring break of our senior 12 months, we spent a whole day collectively—I’m undecided the way it ended up being simply the 2 of us that day, however we had the most effective time swimming, consuming and hanging out.
I used to be all the time drawn to his outgoing, caring persona, however we stayed “simply buddies.” He had a girlfriend, and I had a boyfriend. Our mutual buddies all the time informed me he was in love with me, but it surely was by no means the precise time for us.
After school, I moved from our house state of Indiana to New York Metropolis to work at {a magazine}. He moved to Indianapolis, with a short stint in D.C. Our highschool group remained shut, and he and I noticed one another at weddings and get-togethers from time to time. After six years in New York, I moved again house, married and with a child on the best way.
Quick-forward to gymnastics class. I used to be single once more, and this time round, it lastly felt like every little thing was falling into place. He was unattached, too, and shortly changing into an enormous emotional help for me. We traded texts and humorous memes on Fb. I may vent my emotions to him: He was there after I wanted him however gave me house after I wished it. He did his greatest to attempt to make me smile. For the primary time, I began to consider him as greater than a pal.
However now I used to be fearful about absolutely bringing him into my life. The logistics and legalities of my divorce had been nonetheless being labored out. I used to be anxious about funds and life as a single mother. I informed him I couldn’t consider that he would need to get entangled in my mess of a life. He quoted me the lyrics of that Vance Pleasure track: “Your mess is mine.” I used to be the one one with hesitations. He was all in.
One other fear of mine: Bodily, issues had modified over time. I’ve stretch marks and a mother pooch that doesn’t seem like going wherever. After I look again at footage from highschool, it’s exhausting to consider my chest was ever so perky. However in the long run, none of it mattered—he nonetheless admired me for who I used to be at my core and, as adults with busy jobs, youngsters, chores and exercise routines, who has time to fret about stretch marks and sagging pores and skin?
Talking of youngsters, mine took to him fairly shortly. He colours with them, performs princesses and reads to them. He’s playful and foolish, loving and caring, accountable and type. So form that he sends me a “good morning” textual content detailing totally different causes he loves me each day when he will get to work. He brings me flowers after I’m having a tough day. He tells me that he goals about me, despite the fact that I’m sleeping proper subsequent to him. (It’s fairly superior to be somebody’s literal dream woman.) At 38, he makes me really feel like I’m 18 once more.
After all, we’ve had bumps within the street. We now have a co-parenting schedule to juggle, and there have been instances I’ve pushed him away as a result of I’ve been upset about considered one of my youngsters being unhappy, or I’m overloaded with duties and chores, or I’m exhausted and feeling overwhelmed.
“Some issues in life really feel inevitable, if solely in hindsight”
He requested me to marry him. Subsequent 12 months, we’ll lastly say “I do” surrounded by our household and buddies. My daughter and niece can be bridesmaids, and my youngest daughter, a flower woman.
After I texted considered one of our highschool buddies final 12 months and informed her we had been courting, it took her, I child you not, lower than a second to reply, “It’s about rattling time.” For sure, our buddies are as over the moon as we’re. Some issues in life really feel inevitable, if solely in hindsight.
I can’t wait to have a good time the truth that, in the end, I discovered love proper the place I left it. It was there all alongside. We simply needed to stay 23 years aside—23 years of experiences, relationships, loneliness and heartache—to search out it.
The submit Love, Deferred appeared first on Naked it All.
The post Life with the Women: Love, Deferred | Naked Requirements appeared first on Breaking News Today.
source https://daily247.net/life-with-the-girls-love-deferred-bare-necessities/
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My Horse Stories Hack Cheat - My Horse Stories Mod Gems and Coins
My Horse Stories Hack Cheat - My Horse Stories Mod Gems and Coins
My Horse Stories Hack Mod – Cheat My Horse Stories Gems and Coins
You can try this new My Horse Stories Hack Cheat right away and see how it will add all of the desired features to your game. We encourage you to use this new tMy Horse Stories Cheat in order to become a great player and you will see that this will be possible thanks to our tool. First of all, I am going to offer you a few info about the game and after that I am going to jump into how this My Horse Stories mod apk works and how can it improve your game experience. If you know everything about the game, you can jump directly to how this tool works. About My Horse Stories
In this game you will need to come from the city and become a wealthy horse trainer. You need to get ready for a summer of drama while doing so and you will have to compete against rivals. You better make the best out of this experience such as dressing up in cowgirl dress. You should start racing as a champion in this game and make this one a horse story to remember. Becoming a horse racing champs is going to be a thing that you need to do in this game. You can train every day in order to achieve this goal. Your pet horse will become your best friend and thanks to it, you will be able to compete in different international horse races. Another thing to do in this game is that you will have to dress up like a champion in the coolest cowgirl boots. It will also be possible do dress up your pet horse, the way you like. Another thing that you have to do in this game will be farm chores. You need to upgrade your horse farm and also build new facilities. You will also need to get help on perfecting your horse racing skills from the sultry stable boy. You need to show Kaitlyn who is the new champion in town. You should also compete in some exciting horse races which you will like a lot. The crowd will be amazed when you will make some amazing jumps. At times you may need a tool that is going to improve your overall game experience. This is when we jump in to help you with that and we offer you this new tool. Using My Horse Stories Hack</strong Thanks to this new My Horse Stories Hack Cheat, all of the Gems and Coins you want are going to be added fast to your game. You will manage to have a great game time with this one and as you play the game you will see that you will improve a lot thanks to this tool. First of all, you should know that this My Horse Stories Hack android is going to be available for free. This means that as you play the game, you won`t be required to give us any of your money to do so. We know that game developers can be greedy and this is why we offer our tool for free. Simply have a great game experience with this one and use it out right away. You will see that this new My Horse Stories Hack Gems is going to have a great Anti-Ban Feature added to it. This means that you will be protected by using it out and you will manage to become better with it. No one will ever spot that you cheat and you can simply focus on the game. We know that this Hack My Horse Stories will be helping you a lot and we are confident to tell you that you will manage to have a great game experience with it. Another thing that you should take into consideration when it comes to this tool is the fact that it will be having a great Anti-Ban Feature added to it. This means that you will be able to achieve all of your game goals without any fear. We also have to tell you that this new My Horse Stories Hack is going to work well on any of your desired iOS and also Android that you have. This means that you can use it on any of your devices and you won`t have any problem. Have you been wondering if you could find a working My Horse Stories cheats online? Over time we have noticed a lot of searches coming through, people looking for My Horse Stories hack for android or iOS, My Horse Stories cheats on windows mobile. It will provide you with unlimited Gems and Coins in the game with little to no efforts.I know you are in the right place because you are searching for some working My Horse Stories hack and I can tell you that you just found one and yes – it is working like a charm. Spend less than 5 minutes of your time and get unlimited Gems and Coins now! The My Horse Stories generator has been designed by a group of developers who have a very true flair for the game and they understand the struggle for the Gems and Coins in order to enjoy the game at the fullest. Hence, they have created this, and they have made it available online for all devices varying from android to iOS devices such as iphone and ipad, windows phone and pc inclusive. How to Hack My Horse Stories? If you just started to play My Horse Stories you won’t really feel the need of having lots of Gems and Coins, but it changes when you reach a higher level. From there on the in-game currencies are extremely important. Without them you won’t have much success. You will be confronted with a lot waiting time. For many gamer this is very annoying and unnecessary. Therefore some of us came together and started to develop a My Horse Stories hack apk, which can generate free Gems and Coins on every Android and iOS smartphone and tablet. Right now it works perfectly well on every platform. Only a working internet connection is required to run the hack. The whole process only takes around a minute, but the effect is tremendous. It saves you so much money and time. While everyone else is taking a huge effort in order to get Gems and Coins, you will get them all for free. We strongly advise against spending your hard-earned money on Gems and Coins. Why pay more when there are hacks and cheats to get you all the Gems and Coins you want (for free)! Want more Gems and Coins on My Horse Stories? But you don’t want to spend your real money on the game all the time? We’ll show you how to get all the in-game currencies for free with our mod.
Who We Are? Our team of software developers has finally reverse engineered the most sought-after My Horse Stories cheats. They have decided to give them out to the public. Many months have been spent trying to debug a way to get free Gems and Coins, and it is now complete. Here is basically a glitch that works on current devices running iOS and Android operating systems. As of today, there has been 0 known bans, due to our extraordinary anti-ban technology. You do not need a rooted device or APK to run this, as everything is running through our servers.
Why are the Gems and Coins so important in My Horse Stories?
With them you will simply have much more fun in the game. You can get unlock all game items. Unfortunately, this games are like “Pay To Win”. This means your chances of winning are much higher if you are willing to spend money. That’s why we developed a My Horse Stories Hack that you can use anytime, anywhere. The hack gives you the unique opportunity to get all the items and expensive in-game Gems and Coins in the game for free. All you have to do is click on the button below and you’re ready to go. Choose for yourself how many free Gems and Coins you would like to get. Within a few minutes you will get them. In our tutorial we explained how easy it works.
Features of the My Horse Stories Hack Online Tool:
– Get free unlimited Gems and Coins – Works on Android and iOS,Windows Devices. – No Download or Jailbreak necessary – No risk of being banned in the game – Use it anytime and anywhere – We update the hack almost daily
A few words about My Horse Stories Hack and what are the steps you have to make: 1. Click On “Access Hack Here” button below! 2. Write your username or gamestore email and choose platform you are using at the moment iOS or Android,Windows. In some cases you can use even fb if you are connected that way. Also, if you have username (player918310) you can type that username if you didn’t change it before. 3. When you put your game information click Continue and wait a second, you will be connected to My Horse Stories server. It will connect you to the apache server instantly because it works with algorithm of the last generation. 4. After you are connected to My Horse Stories Hack port, you have to choose amount of Gems and Coins you want to generate and wait to be generated! 5. Now, you have to confirm that you are human and you are not here to abuse this My Horse Stories Trick, that means you have to complete an offer from the list.That is all, run your game and have fun! The tutorial above however shows you how to get Unlimited Gems and Coins by using My Horse Stories Cheat. This My Horse Stories hack is brand new and works extremely well — no crashes and errors. It has never been so easy before, simply follow the instructions and step by step you will finish the generation process. You would be getting your free Resources. Approximately it takes a few minutes, so I can bet that it’s at least 100 times easier than playing this game for a really long time and collecting Gems and Coins. Should I use this My Horse Stories Mod? Well, if you want to become the best player in your favorite game and get unlimited Gems and Coins? I think your answer will be YES! It would be nice not to spam We recommend to all players to use this cheat My Horse Stories cleverly, that means, two or three times a day maximum. Thank you for understanding! On Cheatsonlinegames.com we also have other Cheats for you where you can also find premium cheats. If you’re looking for normal tips and tricks for the games, you can check out our website. Even more useful tips and tricks!
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jobsearchtips02 · 5 years
Millennial Cash Blogs Will Make You Financially Accountable
Millennial is the time period usually loosely used to indicate the era of individuals born between the ’80s and late 90s.
So, a millennial is one who most likely remembers the early ages of Household Man and tuned into Nickelodeon on weeknights for a every day dose of Hey Arnold! She or he was already round when the Spice Women dominated billboards and earlier than the Kardashians acquired well-known. In case you are a millennial, meaning you grew up with some type of media all through your life. 
Publicity to media probably resulted in a childhood that hardly acquired boring. Nevertheless, it additionally means that you’ve got consumed extra ads than your dad and mom. More than likely, these adverts weren’t essentially good for you nor your pockets. The extra you noticed merchandise promoted by celebrities, the extra simply enticed you turned.
In consequence, you ended up with too many pointless purchases. 
Check out your funds at this time. Do you will have a financial savings account with a good stability and a superb credit score rating? Are you able to afford to dwell self-sufficiently? If the reply is not any, then maybe it’s a good suggestion for you to take a look at a Millennial Cash Weblog. Listed here are some causes why. 
Monetary Literacy Marks the Period of Maturity 
As a millennial, you must a minimum of be in your early 20’s by now. Meaning you’re a full-fledged grownup in each sense of the phrase. You can legally drive, drink alcohol, and gamble at casinos. You’ve gotten crossed the nice divide between your teenage years and early maturity, which now comes with a brand new set of tasks. 
When you have by no means realized easy methods to handle cash early on in life, then the sudden fiscal freedom of maturity could throw you off. With a job, you have the monetary capability to buy higher-end issues, journey, and afford upscale enjoyments.
Nevertheless, if you’re not cautious about the way you spend cash, then you’ll find your self simply as broke as you had been in faculty. Besides your dad and mom are much less prone to enable you to this time. 
That’s the reason being financially-literate is helpful at this stage of your life. Your early maturity marks a time the place you will have the least fiscal obligations regardless of incomes cash, so it’s sensible to save lots of as a lot as doable. 
That doesn’t imply to say that you must utterly minimize your self off of the thrill of younger maturity. It solely implies that a way of accountability in the direction of cash will can help you get pleasure from luxuries with out overindulging, and save for the longer term on the identical time. 
Millennial Blogs Perceive You the Most 
Studying monetary literacy blogs generally is a chore as a result of they do not cater to you and your demographic cohort. Every era comes with preferences, conveniences, life, and traits that may solely be understood by contributors born in the identical period.
So, if you’re searching for participating and relatable content material that will instantly critique your spending habits, learn a Millennial Cash Weblog. 
For example, articles about saving cash on meals could embody fast recipes, that are good for fast-paced and at all times on-the-go millennials. Self-employment and freelancing are additionally well-known job descriptions of your era.
Monetary Duty is a Behavior 
Lastly, know that regardless of how a lot you learn, your funds will stay a black gap till you will have established the desire to be accountable. You may be financially-literate however broke on the identical time, so perceive that making sensible cash decisions is finished by behavior. Take what you will have learn from millennial cash blogs and apply them to your scenario. 
You can begin by doing little issues, like considering twice earlier than making a purchase order or chopping down on meals spending. Finally, you’ll spend cash meaningfully and learn to make investments and develop your wealth.
About The Creator
Vipul is an expert blogger and on-line advertiser primarily based out of Bengaluru, India. At all times in a quest for brand spanking new methods to earn cash, Vipul element out all doable alternatives that may assist anybody to earn passive earnings on-line. You’ll be able to join on Twitter, Linkedin & Fb
from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/millennial-cash-blogs-will-make-you-financially-accountable/
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johnattaway · 5 years
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quickclickhosting · 5 years
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The post Who Linux Server Version appeared first on Quick Click Hosting.
from Quick Click Hosting https://ift.tt/32CKI9p via IFTTT
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robertbryantblog · 5 years
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The post Who Linux Server Version appeared first on Quick Click Hosting.
from Quick Click Hosting https://quickclickhosting.com/who-linux-server-version/
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Potty Teaching A Puppy:  How Crucial Is It?
Originally formulated for hunting, Weimaraners are fantastic and functional dogs, best for display, industry, obedience, monitoring and agility. It was in the nineteenth century when this breed was produced and were utilised by royalty for searching large match such as boar, bears, deer and foxes. Weimaraners ended up later employed for looking scaled-down animals these as fowl, rabbits and foxes when reputation of massive recreation hunting declined.
The American Kennel Club has occur out with their 10 most well-known breeds for very last 12 months. This may aid you in your selection to choose a dog breed finest suited to your demands. The remarks immediately after the breed named are entirely my own, and I hope no just one will get offense. I have also offered the intelligence number presented to the breeds in Stanley Coren's "The Intelligence of puppy training". Once again, this is his assessment of the breed and can differ with each and every unique canine. In pet dog deciding upon, you should pick out a pet breed, and then select a pet that is suitable for you and your possess supplied life predicament.
Again, clicking a Wandering Stallion in your Fb feed will routinely spot it inside of your secure, so be sure you have home for it. You can have a highest of 20 Animals in there, so go away area for just one!
Have a excellent free of charge giveaway. This free of charge present ought to be something that contains true value to your new subscriber. A solid and good giveaway would not only motivate people to be part of your listing, but also it would enable you in building that rely on and romance. Also make absolutely sure that your giveaway is incredibly focused to your market. For example if you are in the pet dog instruction area of interest, then just one sub-niche could be how to educate a Labrador.
Southern Comfort and ease, like each and every other rescue, is up to their ears in adoptable animals and can use even the smallest monetary donations to support care for the animals. They are a 501(c)three accredited rescue. If you can't manage to send out funds, you should contemplate donating blankets, bedding, foodstuff, leashes, collars, bowls, laundry provides, fencing, toys and other things animal caretakers often require. And if you can't donate any of people points, how about providing absent some of your time or talent? If you have a talent, odds are your skills are essential. If you have area, perhaps you can foster a pet, or volunteer to aid with different chores like playing with the animals, walking canines, helping with paperwork, transporting, etc.
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easilymakermoney · 5 years
High Profession Choices in Digital Advertising
Each morning, earlier than you get down out of your mattress and begin your every day chores, you’re awake, studying information, laughing on the social media memes or sway away from the irritating advertisements that interrupt your studying. Ever thought what would a profession in these specific fields could be like? Attention-grabbing, proper? Nicely, in case you have made your selection, the reply is Digital Advertising.   A profession in Digital Advertising encompasses all of the advertising efforts through digital media.  Working as a digital advertising skilled would require you to connect with your target market by leveraging digital advertising channels comparable to serps, social media, e mail and so forth. Digital Advertising doesn’t finish there. Every of the phase below digital advertising requires assorted expertise and quite a few job roles. 
Questioning concerning the hell lot of profession choices in Digital Advertising? You might have all of your queries answered proper under. Listed here are the highest profession choices in Digital Advertising. 
  Content material Advertising 
Progressive copywriters are employed by businesses each for full time and freelancing to create advertising concepts. They convey the phrases and verbal content material that goes properly with the visible elements. Copywriters often work in shut affiliation with artwork administrators and have heaps of contribution to the visible viewpoints. Many publicizing organizations designate them within the inventive group. 
The job position of a copywriter can embrace: 
speaking concerning the consumer’s objective and goal gathering of viewers  conceptualizing visible ideas with totally different people from the inventive division  composing and exhibiting a few alternate options to purchasers Creating and altering the taglines and slogans till the consumer is fulfilled 
Pay Scale  The common pay for a Copywriter in India is Rs 2,98,315 every year. Copywriter job roles associated to excessive wage are often in Social Media Advertising and Promoting. Many copywriters skip to totally different job roles within the content material advertising subject if they’ve over 10 years of expertise.
Content material Strategist
To place it plainly, Content material strategists make content material for manufacturers. Their job is to create content material for a selected model that reverberates with [an] present fan base, but is participating sufficient to garner views of neglected goal audiences. Content material technique is the science behind the emotional and personalised product advertisements you see on display. 
The job position of a Content material Strategist contains: 
develop a content material technique based mostly on the consumer’s objective and goals ship participating content material all through the venture lifecycle conducting a top quality evaluation of content material current on-line creating editorial calendars handle different freelancers and workers below the content material division
Pay Scale  The common pay for a Content material Strategist in India is Rs 469,035 per 12 months.  
Content material Author 
Aside from writing content material, Content material writers are liable for ensuring a  web site’s pages and content material are excellent and Search engine optimisation-friendly. Setting the general tone of the location, and deciding what to incorporate and exclude from an internet site based mostly on particular key phrase analysis and incorporating participating content material are different duties of a Content material Author. 
The job position of a Content material Author contains:
Inspecting industry-related subjects (becoming a member of on the internet sources, conferences, and research)  Composing a write-out to advertise the services and products of the group Proofread and Edit Blogs previous to publishing Conducting Key phrase analysis and imbibe them within the weblog posts and web site content material Planning drafts using Content material Administration Methods
Pay Scale  The common pay for a Content material Author in India is Rs 247,710 per 12 months.
  Content material Advertising Supervisor
Content material Advertising Supervisor has the troublesome job of selling a enterprise by participating content material and tales. Becoming right into a Content material Advertising Supervisor’s position requires large exertion. Aside from being excellent content material writers, they need to nearly definitely take care of all of the inventive belongings in a corporation and determine the perfect approaches to make use of phrases as a way of selling a enterprise.
The job position of a Content material Advertising Supervisor 
Breaking down the content material evaluation of opponents Framing content material as per the target market  Making a content material advertising plan  Making publication timelines Actualizing and planning content material advertising instruments 
Pay Scale  A Content material Advertising Supervisor in India earns a mean wage of Rs 675,634 per 12 months.
In case you’re properly versed within the work you do, a profession in freelance content material writing can work wonders. You are able to do all types of content material writing at house and earn a good earnings. 
The job position of a contract content material author would come with: 
Create participating content material to market an organization’s services and products Write and edit weblog posts and proofread earlier than publishing them.
Pay Scale  A Freelance Content material Author in India earns a mean wage of Rs 228,000 per 12 months.
If you realize quite a bit a few particular area of interest, you’ll be able to publish your passions, pursuits and concepts in your individual means, by running a blog. There are a number of running a blog functions by which you’ll be able to create your weblog and share your information, experiences or the newest information, all totally free. 
The position of a blogger would come with: 
Creating content material for the weblog and usually updating it Ensuring that the content material is Search engine optimisation-friendly 
Pay Scale  Relying on the site visitors your web site or weblog attracts, your earnings can differ from a couple of thousand to some lakhs. 
  Social Media Advertising 
Social Media Advertising Supervisor
A Social Media Advertising Supervisor administers the corporate’s on-line presence by manipulating social media handles. As corporations are spending tons of cash on on-line advertising, a Social Media Advertising Supervisor might help the corporate join with the target market, and switch them into common clients. 
The job position of a Social Media Advertising Supervisor would come with: 
Handle day-to-day social media actions on totally different handles.  Have interaction in social media conversations wherever there’s a related subject. Map out a complete advertising plan proved by testing and metrics. Monitor new traits in social media instruments and apply them. Establish threats and alternatives in audience-generated content material mentioning the corporate.  Monitor the most effective practices for measuring the affect of social media campaigns.  Maximize the outcomes of effectiveness by analyzing, reviewing, and reporting campaigns. 
Pay Scale  The place expertise strongly influences this job, a Social Media Advertising Supervisor in India earns a mean wage of Rs 449,976 per 12 months.
  Market Analysis Analyst 
Market Analysis Analysts consider buyer inclinations and pursuits to allow corporations to decide on find out how to form, publicize, and promote their services and products. Market Analysis Analysts translate the data they’ve gathered from surveys, boards and interviews, and ​arrange the info into factual tables and stories. Their investigations and analysis make a visible of patterns and opponents with the objective that corporations can anticipate how services and products will toll within the industrial world.
The job position of a Market Analysis Analyst would come with: 
Analyze purchaser persona and construct analytical fashions Design analysis methodology and develop plans Devise strategies for accumulating information, thereby forecasting future shopping for traits. Assist decide potential markets, product demand, and market services or products on that foundation. 
Pay Scale  The common wage for a Market Analysis Analyst in India is Rs 351,516 per 12 months. 
  Promotions Supervisor 
Promotional Managers are accountable for arranging and overseeing alternatives to advertise their organizations’ companies and merchandise. Promotions might help increment momentary offers and enhance the aftereffects of different promoting applications. Promotional Managers work carefully with totally different people from the promoting group to conceptualize and create the proper of promotions.
The job position of a Promotions Supervisor would come with: 
Work with gross sales and product growth crew to create promotions. Develop and launch contests that will enhance the corporate’s presence. Use social media websites comparable to LinkedIn, Twitter, and Fb to market promotions to varied companies. Plan promoting campaigns and oversee media shopping for. Oversee the entire promoting and promotion processes whereas figuring out the potential markets. 
Pay Scale  The wage of a Promotions Supervisor in India begins from Rs 2,005,959 per 12 months. 
  Google Adverts 
PPC Government
A PPC Government helps with the creation, streamlining and selling PPC campaigns as coordinated by the Advertising Crew. Reporting to the PPC Crew Chief, they are going to be accountable for conveying consumer engaged PPC campaigns to realize the eye of target market. 
The job position of a PPC Government would come with:
Plan, streamline, actualize and oversee paid campaigns to interact clients.  Assure PPC campaigns upgraded by transient and the most effective practices.  Create shut and long-lasting PPC campaigns which can be extremely related to the potential clients/target market. Oversee medium to huge measured PPC finances plans 
Pay Scale The common pay for a PPC govt in India would vary from 2.5 – four LPA
  PPC Account Supervisor
A PPC account supervisor shall be accountable for quite a few excessive quantity accounts, together with marketing campaign technique, key phrase analysis, and bid administration. He executes methodologies that increase effectivity and streamline campaigns to realize ROI targets. 
The job position of a PPC account supervisor would come with: 
Creating and actualizing profitable PPC campaigns to hit goals and ROI, each within the current and lengthy haul  Overseeing PPC finances plans, whereas constructing and reinforcing platform accounts and key connections  Monitoring every day, weekly and month-to-month KPI’s for enchancment in efficiency
Pay Scale  The common pay of a PPC account supervisor would vary from ₹1,676,628/yr. 
  PPC Supervisor
A PPC (Pay Per Click on) Supervisor runs PPC campaigns and screens paid search budgets to make sure the corporate’s on-line advertising efforts have the best potential return on funding (ROI).
The job position of a PPC Supervisor would come with: 
Launching and upgrading PPC campaigns Observing finances plans and administering search platform accounts  Following KPIs and creating useful stories for the board 
Pay Scale  A PPC Supervisor in India would earn about ₹778,784/yr based mostly on expertise. 
PPC Analyst
The PPC/Paid Search Analyst is accountable for regulating and overseeing Pay Per Click on campaigns for purchasers. The PPC Analyst can quickly comprehend and bolster actions that can add to the achievement of consumer’s enterprise goals.
The job position of a PPC Analyst would come with: 
Carry out everyday account administration of the profiles on Google Adwords. Help in monitoring key phrase bids and preserve a document of finances spending.  Oversee and preserve updates for intensive key phrase data.
Pay Scale  The common pay of a PPC analyst in India is 233,306 per 12 months
  E-mail Advertising
E-mail Advertising Supervisor
 An E-mail Advertising Supervisor makes use of e mail specialised instruments to showcase an model’s worth, improve model consciousness and promote its merchandise/companies. They’re specialists in the usage of e mail communications and create promoting strategies and promotion methods to execute campaigns that successfully draw within the viewers and ultimately drive profit.
The job position of an E-mail Advertising Supervisor would come with: 
Coping with the overall campaigns managed by the group.  Offering mailers with the e-mail content material Arranging and creating the construction of the Emails to be despatched.  Utilizing the break up take a look at and A/B technique for testing the elements of the marketing campaign just like the content material and the images.  Categorize the supposed target market that shall be included into the marketing campaign.  Display the execution of different workers. 
Pay Scale  The common wage of an E-mail Advertising supervisor in India is INR four,62,762. 
  E-mail Advertising Specialist
The E-mail Advertising Specialist is accountable for the on a regular basis, hands-on execution of e mail advertising and selling applications within the group. This incorporates duty for setup, assist, and quarterly audit of recurring and activated e mail correspondences. Moreover, an e mail advertising specialist retains up a gift comprehension of the most effective e mail advertising practices and applies them to the execution of e mail campaigns in a joint effort with the Direct Advertising Supervisor. 
The job duties of an E-mail Advertising Specialist would come with:
Constructing e mail campaigns, database selection, HTML introduction and high quality affirmation of each single outbound e mail marketing campaign.  Performs on a regular basis e mail advertising practices together with, nevertheless not restricted to, e mail marketing campaign set-up, planning, testing, labeling and offering dynamic content material pushed campaigns.  Troubleshoots specialised points recognized with HTML codecs, record division and totally different elements of e mail execution, as required.  Stays facet by facet of and prescribes e mail advertising greatest practices with coding, construction, and testing of e mail campaigns.
Pay Scale  The common wage of an E-mail Advertising specialist in India ranges between 2.5 LPA to four.5 LPA. 
  E-mail Advertising Marketing campaign Analyst
An E-mail Marketing campaign Analyst estimates the execution of the variety of e mail campaigns and plan stories recommending the measures that have to be taken to enhance the efficiency of the e-mail marketing campaign. 
The job position of an E-mail Advertising Marketing campaign Analyst would come with:
Recommending and pondering of recent concepts for the E-mail Advertising campaigns.  Bettering the databases.  Take accountable for the content material group and work with the supervisor to  Kind out and retailer the data with the objective that it tends to be moreover used within the campaigns. 
Pay Scale  The common wage of an E-mail Advertising Marketing campaign Analyst in India is four,20,061 LPA.
  E-mail Advertising Guide
An E-mail Advertising Guide is an individual who has picked up expertise within the subject with time and expertise and is presently match for informing corporations on the problems concerning E-mail Advertising campaigns. Alongside these traces, the important occupation of an E-mail Advertising Guide would require him to offer with probably the most proficient strategies to successfully run a marketing campaign. 
The job position of an E-mail Advertising Guide would come with:
Assist with the varied points of e mail advertising like on-location focusing on, consumer re-targeting, enhance e mail marketing campaign efficiency, and so forth.. Use information and data for conducting the goals set by the group. Assist the group in buying high quality leads by utilizing viable E-mail Advertising ideas.
Pay Scale  The common wage of an E-mail advertising Guide in India ranges between 3LPA – 5LPA.
  E-mail Advertising Government
The position of an E-mail Advertising Government contains creating newsletters, managing e mail databases, and working e mail campaigns end-to-end. An E-mail Advertising Government often stories to the E-mail Advertising Supervisor, who offers with the rules and offers his remaining consent on the marketing campaign. 
The job position of an E-mail Advertising Government would come with: 
Planning out the day-to-day e mail advertising marketing campaign stipulations. Enhancing and scheduling Emails. Reporting the advertising supervisor on the leads created by E-mail Advertising campaigns. Updating the advertising supervisor with weekly and month-to-month stories.
Pay Scale  An E-mail Advertising Government in India earns round 1.eight LPA- 2.5 LPA 
  E-mail Advertising lead Generator
An E-mail Advertising Lead Generator generates high quality leads for the mailers. He develops a advertising course of for exciting and capturing a possible buyer’s curiosity in a services or products to develop a gross sales pipeline.
The job position of an E-mail Advertising Lead Generator would come with: 
Make e mail workflow campaigns to advertise companies Make, take a look at and schedule e mail and SMS campaigns  Assure that emails are delivered and conveyed appropriately to the target market.  Report on major e mail and SMS marketing campaign measures for acceptable construction and format.
Pay Scale  An E-mail Advertising Lead Generator in India earns about 1.eight LPA-2.zero LPA.
  Search engine optimisation
Search engine optimisation Specialist
A Search Engine Optimization (Search engine optimisation) Specialist analyzes, opinions and improves web sites and web site content material to make them search engine pleasant, which implies imbibing key phrases on the web site to extend site visitors. 
The job position of an Search engine optimisation specialist would come with: 
Conduct on-site and off-site evaluation of the Search engine optimisation opponents of purchasers. Use Google Analytics, and Webmaster instruments like Search Console to research efficiency of the web sites and make actionable stories. Help the content material crew in imbibing majorly searched key phrases into the web site.  Create on-site and off-site Search engine optimisation methods for the net presence of purchasers’ enterprise. 
Pay Scale  An Search engine optimisation specialist in India would earn about 1.eight – four LPA
  Search engine optimisation Government
The Search engine optimisation Government implements Search engine optimisation and social media methods for the companies of purchasers. An Search engine optimisation Analyst wants to know and assist initiatives that can improve the net presence of the consumer’s model.  
The job position of an Search engine optimisation Government would come with: 
Hold up to date on the brand new Search engine optimisation and Social Media Tendencies. Finishing up detailed key phrase analysis on consumer’s specs. Help the content material division in offering Search engine optimisation-friendly content material.
Pay Scale  The common pay of an Search engine optimisation Government would vary from 1.eight – four LPA
  Search engine optimisation Analyst
The Search engine optimisation Analyst implements Search engine optimisation and social media methods for the companies of purchasers. An Search engine optimisation Analyst wants to know and assist initiatives that can improve the net presence of the consumer’s model.  
The job position of an Search engine optimisation Analyst would come with:
Carry out key phrase analysis with respect to necessities and optimize present content material. Present Search engine optimisation evaluation concerning the construction of internet sites and webpages. Present and execute methods for content material growth with respect to Search engine optimisation targets. Administer search engine applications (XML sitemaps, buying feeds, webmaster instruments).
Pay Scale An Search engine optimisation Analyst in India would earn about 1.eight – 2.5 LPA 
  Hyperlink Constructing Professional
Search engine optimisation hyperlink constructing specialists assist enhance their firm’s web profile by securing hyperlinks to their web site or getting exterior hyperlinks from different web sites that relate to specified firm’s companies.
The job position of a Hyperlink Constructing Professional would come with:
Writing emails to web site house owners to offer hyperlinks to the corporate web site Develop methods to extend the corporate’s on-line profile by advertising and promotion.  Work with internet builders and internet designers to make sure that on-line content material will get a excessive rating from serps. 
Pay Scale  An Search engine optimisation Hyperlink Constructing Professional in India would earn about 1.eight – 2.5 LPA 
  Search engine optimisation Guide
An Search engine optimisation Guide examines and audits web sites and their hyperlinks to offer route and solutions to purchasers to boost their model presence on-line.
The job position of an Search engine optimisation Guide would come with: 
Hold up to date on the brand new Search engine optimisation and Social Media Tendencies. Finishing up detailed key phrase analysis on consumer’s specs. Present detailed Search engine optimisation evaluation on the consumer’s specs.
Pay Scale Primarily based on expertise, an Search engine optimisation Guide wage would go upto 30 LPA
  Search engine optimisation Venture Supervisor
An Search engine optimisation venture supervisor is accountable for all of the Search engine optimisation associated actions and stories on the finish of the day to his superiors concerning the work progress. 
The job position of an Search engine optimisation venture supervisor would come with:
Perceive traits and plan Key phrase Analysis & Technique Put together venture plans whereas coordinating with the employees Observe marketing campaign progress and ship stories on-time to the superiors
Pay Scale  The common pay for a Search Engine Optimization (Search engine optimisation) Supervisor in India is Rs 414,859 per 12 months.
  SEM Specialist
SEM Specialists use methods comparable to web site and touchdown web page optimization and work with numerous strategies of Search Engine Promoting to make sure that when audiences seek for particular and related content material utilizing web Search Engines, the web sites for the organizations they work for seem inside the high sponsored outcomes.
The job position of an SEM specialist would come with:
Perceive traits and plan search engine advertising strategies. Put together content material in line with Search engine optimisation key phrase analysis
Pay Scale  The pay scale of an SEM specialist in India would vary from 2.5 – 4LPA
from Easily Maker Money https://easilymakermoney.com/2019/04/15/high-profession-choices-in-digital-advertising/
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