#season 3 episode 18
high-ct5555 · 2 years
"This isn't a mission for learning, you either do or die."
was such a hardcore Anakin line and there was no warning
s3: e18 The Citadel
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confusedbookworm · 2 years
Elena: They have Damon, our next move should be to find him.
Stefan: We should stay on point, see an original , kill an original.
Me: if you kill one you kill all so that means Damon will be fine and you can go find him afterwards. Elena how can you be so dumb.
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cybersexuality · 3 years
I knew she fucked Giles!!!
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greysfanpage388 · 4 years
The Resident season 3 episode 18
Another amazing episode 👍
*spoiler alert
We’re being introduced this episode to Kit’s daughter, Molly and Molly’s husband Derek, as well as their daughter. It’s so unfortunate regarding Derek’s diagnosis- and it was understandable for Kit to be overprotective and for Molly to breakdown at first. But I’m glad that after mother and daughter had a heart to heart talk, Molly managed to be strong and raise to the occasion for Derek and their daughter. I also really liked how Conrad was being really supportive of Kit and her family.
Bell- poor Bell getting teased by everyone in the hospital and getting pushed aside from the surgical roster just because he’s starting to experience success in his TV show. Actually he can succeed both on TV and in the OR if he has the determination. I’m glad that at the end of the episode he managed to successfully operate on a high profile coach and use this success to boost his TV show ratings.
It was so sad that Dawn the loving foster mother passed away after 6 months. I was rooting for her to survive. :( Her poor foster children! And now, oops she had a super bug which would now spread throughout the entire hospital. This is setting the stage for a storyline which could be eerily similar to the Covid-19 pandemic. We’ll see the next episode.
Do let me know what you guys thought of the episode :)
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Season 3 Episode 18
“Well, we’ve got 4 failed marriages between us. We’re experts at something.” (22:27)
Things about episode
Rossi and Hotch work a different case than the rest of the team.
Hotch talks about his failed marriage with Rossi.
JJ is pregnant
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mysterylover123 · 5 years
BNHA Rewatch: Episode 56 “RUSH”
aka The one where Aoyama does something.
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Shindo is trying to remind us that he’s still in this arc. Well, you still look like the fusion of my two best boys so I forgive you for splitting up Class 1-A. Conditionally.
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BTW I think Nakagame has a thing for him and I’m here for it.
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Oh great more of this guy.
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Seiji actually did have a plan. Ugh I hate watching this again.
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Kaccan can lay traps too you guys!
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Kaminari standing up for Kacchan and owning the crap out of Seiji with a good plan? I swear my fealty to you for here and all time, you spiky haired Pikachu.
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“This is why everyone thinks you’re an asshole, dude!” What Bakugou hears: “This is why villains kidnapped you and you ended the symbol of peace, you useless weak loser.”
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Oof. That lip lick. I don’t often hit on Bakugou because he’s usually in too much pain to be attractive, but day-um.
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The episode then gifts us with a Todomomo. Yay!
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Deku of course comes up with an amazing plan for him, Uraraka and Sero to all pass.
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Deku shows his character development here by refusing to listen to this guy’s pleas to just let him win. My boy has grown ya’ll. He’s no longer willing to let himself hurt just so someone else can benefit (at least until the end of the Internship arc when he’s totally willing to do that again.)
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Aww Aoyama and Iida bonding! The moment is coming.
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Iida has grown so much from the guy who left Uraraka to get crushed by the villain in  the Entrance Exam.
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We’re then gifted with the Wonder Duo’s teams meeting up to celebrate and a blessed BKDK moment I’ll comment on later.
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Now we’re blessed with a Kamijirou teasing scene too. Though I do wanna give Jiro a little smack for this. I mean, Kaminari was awesome here! He saved Kacchan’s ass and Kiris’ too! Respect him girl!
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Todoroki’s love interests are both looking at him very softly.
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Aoyama and Iida are such a strange team-up, but honestly the episode just sells it.
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Baby Aoyama! So precious! Getting Culture Fest Arc feels…Chapter 169 feels. Damn Season 4’s gonna wreck me.
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I’m tearing’ up man! (And to think this is a very great deal due to Deku’s influence on the class, and how he’s inspired the “save others” side of the coin. I love best boy so much.)
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Class 1-A! Never underestimate them. They’ve got Deku and Kacchan, and everyone they’ve inspired. They win right there.
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Shocking that Tokoyami was one of the stragglers, honestly.
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Warp refraction OMG. Tooru is now officially one of the most OP Class 1-A members. She and Ojiro were chilling together again too. Another ship! 
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BTW why did Toga decide to pass the first round at all when she’d already gotten Deku’s blood?
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“There were that many left?” IKR Aizawa?
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Iida and Aoyama pass last in the very last seconds of the test. That makes me smile. Go Iida!
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Oh and now rescue exercises too.
Episode 56 is a nice, finally, end to the first phase of the PLE. I honestly feel like the anime drags this part of the arc out a lot more than the manga, and finally wrapping it up in one fell swoop was a long time coming. It marks an uptick in the momentum of the arc, and a welcome one. Part 2 is much shorter (random filler episode aside) and I’m looking forward to getting through it. The PLE arc is not a favorite of mine, but what comes before and after is worth it.
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“You made that borrowed power your own, I see.” “Did Kacchan just….compliment me?!?!” OMG this scene is freaking adorable. Our lovely duo has grown so much. Deku is so cool. Kacchan knows. Holy Shit. How Many episodes to go? Holy Crap, only 3 to go. It’s almost here.
BEST GIRL OF THE EP: I’m gonna give the MVP award for the ep to Mina.
RANKER: Most Horrifying Quirks in BNHA (in terms of what they can do to you).
5 Outburst (Ms Joke)
4 Mushroom (Kinoko Komori)
3 Overhaul (Kai Chisaki)
2 Decay (Tomura Shigaraki)
1 Meatball (Seiji Shishikura)
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Can I take it back?
The writing this episode surprised me. They did a complete 180 on the elements of this episode compared to the last episode. It had nothing to do with love, other than Chat falling for the sent monster Ladybug. Marinette is confronted with a situation that she has never been in before. Any other person her age would have probably cried at getting expelled from school. Yes, she got akumatized but she took everything in a healthy way. 
I feel like for once Lila is actually contributing to the plot in a way that benefits the growth of the characters. Marinette took the situation like a champ. Adrien was angry but he used his anger to help defend Marinette. He saw right through Lila’s bullshit and I love everything about it. Honestly, Adrien sitting down next to Lila and being so assertive is one of the most badass things I have ever seen. I want more of this from him. 
Adrien showing compassion towards the people he loves, but having a clear understanding of who is going to hurt him or others is amazing. It is such an important characteristic for a hero to have. I am so proud of him. My heart was racing at that moment and this is what the show could do if it focused on the interpersonal conflicts. 
Not going to lie this episode was dark. It proved to be especially dark when the sent monster was killed by Mayura. Ladybug and Chat Noir believed that the Ladybug “monster” deserved to live, and the fact that Natalie killed her was extremely unsettling. Chat’s rage over  “monster” Ladybug dying makes complete sense. 
This episode makes me happy! Adrien might have just completed one of the key elements of his character arc. He is not done yet but this episode helps him get to where he needs to be. Marinette will get there too if the creators write more episodes like this! :)))) <33
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airspeedprime · 5 years
Attack On Titan Anime Review - Season 3 Episode 18 Midnight Sun
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enixamyram · 7 years
Belle telling off Regina is the new highlight of my day!
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ifoundaflamingsword · 8 years
Hotch is mom and Rossi is dad
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Is it weird that I find Mark yelling extremely attractive?
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smol-tiny-bee · 9 years
i love John Diggle so much, man. Like here’s The Arrow, Arsenal, and The Black Canary all decked out in superhero gear and then there’s joHN FUCKING DIGGLE WITH NOTHING BUT A GUN AND HE’S STILL GONNA KICK YOUR ASS
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guavum · 10 years
whoah, didnt know ian bohen had a spot on boy meets world
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When Channel Seven is finally airing episodes of Castle again but didn't even air ads about it, like wtf??? Excuse me! A bit of warning please. 
My sister came in screaming that is was back on, I get excited thinking it was season six (even though I have already seen it) but it was season three. I guess it is better than nothing. 
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