#season 4 rewatch drabbles
Season 4 Rewatch Drabbles: 4x2 White Out
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(Gif not mine. I couldn't find who to attribute it to. If you're the creator, let me know, and I'll credit you.)
Summary:  A series of 100-1000 word drabbles to accompany my    rewatch of season 4 of Once Upon a Time.  There will be a drabble–either a deleted scene, a “fix it” fic or a character musing for each episode of the season.  Focus will be on Emma, Henry, the Charmings and Killian–with an emphasis on Captain Swan’s epic love story.
Word Count: 662
Other Chapters: (1) (3)
Emma had stopped shivering.  Surely that was a bad sign.  People who were dying of hypothermia stopped shivering, didn’t they? That, combined with the fact that the desire to go to sleep was overwhelming should have sent alarm bells going off in her head.
But she just didn’t even have the energy to care.  She watched dispassionately as Elsa found her magic and began to slowly open a hole in the wall.  
And then there they were, her father and her…well, whatever Killian was to her.  Her father looked concerned, of course, but Killian, Killian looked frantic, devastated, like his whole world was about to crumble.  He all but climbed into the ice wall himself to get to her.
A sudden warmth kindled inside her at the sight of him.  When had anyone, anyone ever looked at her like that?  Like she was their whole world?  Like losing her was the most terrifying thing he could even imagine?
And so, as soon as she was out, as soon as she was free, as soon as she was in his arms, she hugged him back, as fiercely as her depleted, frozen strength would allow.  
“You okay?” he murmured into her hair.
She nodded, too weak to voice a word.
Words had never been her strength anyway, so she used her actions instead. She cupped the back of his head–the same way her dad always did when he hugged her–pouring out all the reassurance and comfort she could muster.
Killan’s heart gradually slowed to a normal rhythm.  She was here, alive, in his arms, hugging him and nodding in answer to his questions.  He felt the tears prickle the back of his eyes.
He’d been so afraid, so bloody terrified that he’d lost another woman he loved, and this time, he was sure he’d perish with her.  He couldn’t lose her; couldn’t.  It would more than devastate him. It would destroy him.
Her strength gave out and she sagged against him. In one quick swoop, he picked her up, one arm supporting her upper body and the other under her knees.  She was free from immediate danger, but she was still perilously cold.  He must get her to warmth, to safety.
And so he did.  He carried her to her father’s vessel, held her as Charming drove through the streets of Storybrooke, warm air pouring from the vents of the vehicle.  He carried her up to the loft, held her hand as her father and Elsa brought her a blanket, wrapped his arm around her..
When she laid her head on his shoulder and laced her fingers with his, he knew she’d accepted his comfort, knew she needed him as much as he needed her.
As her parents, her son and Elsa gradually went about their business, she turned to him.  “Hey,” she said.
“Hello, yourself,” he responded with a gentle smile, wrapping his arm around her again, and gently rubbing her shoulder.
“Thanks for saving me,” she said simply.
His smile grew more tender, and he planted a gentle kiss against her temple.  “It was Elsa who did that, love, and I suppose your father as well, as he was the one to talk her through it.”
“But you tried, you wanted to,” she countered.
“Aye,” he said.  “Always.”
Emma smiled up at him, raising a still weak and frigid hand to cup his cheek. She said nothing more for long moments, but he could see it all in her eyes. 
I’d save you too.  I care about you too.  I don’t know what I’d do without you either. It means everything to me that you’re here.
One day she’d say the words aloud, but for now, it was enough.  For now, she was safe and in his arms, and he was never letting her go again.
When she quietly, almost hesitantly asked him to stay with her that night, he didn’t even hesitate.
There was nowhere in the world he’d rather be.
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starrystevie · 1 year
eddie's new years resolution is to stop running away from things that are scary, and steve harrington scares him.
steve with his hair and his body and his charm, all the things that everyone knows and admires him for. but it's more like the things other people don't get at a glance that scare eddie. the way he smiles softly when he's endeared by the kids or the way he subconsciously makes his way to the front of their group to always be the first line of protection or the way he offers up his couch to eddie the second he hears he isn't sleeping.
it all adds up to steve being utterly terrifying because eddie can't control the way he's falling in love with him. his heart beats wildly in his chest when steve's smile is directed towards him. his lungs feel too tight when steve teases him, forcing broken laughs out of him to try and kickstart his chest to take heaving breaths. his skin feels like a live wire anytime steve so much as brushes his arm. he gets lightheaded by the half clavin klein cologne and half steve harrington smell when they sit close on his tiny couch as they watch old reruns.
but eddie isn't running away this year, so he faces steve head on. he flirts with him at every opportunity he gets, pressing up into his space with wide grins and hooded eyes. he lets his touches linger along with his heavy looks and waits for the day that steve will hopefully flirt back.
steve's new years resolution is to stop being such a relentless flirt, and man, is he dying to flirt back with eddie.
it's all robin fault, really. she pokes fun at him enough for sweet talking anything that moves and steve finally had enough, blurting out one day that he'd give it up for new years. he knew it was a mistake the second he said it, but he wasn't going to back down.
and it's easy enough for the first three days of 1987. steve sticks to his guns and only puts on the harrington charm for old mrs. hasslebeck who comes to rent a different fred astaire movie each morning. steve is genuinely proud of himself for not caving and even prouder when robin gawks at him in surprise when he doesn't have a date that upcoming friday.
then eddie munson has to ruin it all. eddie, with his big brown eyes that light up when he talks to steve about anything exciting, his hands flapping around animatedly. eddie, who keeps leaning up into his face with his pretty pretty smile, wide and bright, as he lays the pick up lines on thick.
it makes steve blush, his heart racing, frazzled little chuckles the only response he has when all he really wants to do is press back into eddie. to loop a finger into his belt loop to tug their bodies together with a smirk pulling at his cheeks. to tuck a stray curl behind eddie's ear and watch as it makes him blush in a way that matches steve's.
but he has robin whispering in his ear, like a tiny angel or devil on his shoulder, reminding him of his resolution. so steve grits his teeth and puts up with it all, the looks and lines and touches. he files them all away in the back of his mind and counts down the days until it'll be 1988 and he can give in to his wants and desires and finally flirt back.
if he's being honest with himself, steve made it further than he expected.
it's june and the sun is making it miserably hot in hawkins. the party's all over at his place, kids jumping into pool with cannonballs that splash nancy as she sunbathes and robin as she reads, and eddie's sitting next to steve because that's their new normal. their chairs are pushed close together and eddie's playing with a fraying end of steve's chair's cushion.
eddie's fingers keep brushing over the bit of exposed skin at the edge of steve's trunks and it's driving him insane. he's doing his eddie-typical move where he's leaning in just enough to have his breath tickling steve's face as he tell him teasingly cute things over and over. calling him things like stevie and honey and darling in that sticky sweet drawl that steve loves. letting his eyes linger on steve's lips before flicking them back up, looking at steve with adoration and a hint of mischief.
and he can't help it, okay? not when eddie's looking at him like that. he can't take it anymore.
"you gotta stop doing that, man." steve watches as hurt and confusion flashes across eddie's face before settling into something blank. eddie leans back and crosses his arms over his chest, looking anywhere but steve.
"shit, i didn't mean-" steve starts floundering. eddie's eyes make their way back to his and he feels like he's pleading to get his point across. "i can't."
eddie scoffs and rolls his eyes before leveling steve with a sad smirk, closed off and scared. "i get it harrington. sorry i came on too strong. hint taken."
"no it's not- it's not that."
eddie perks up ever so slightly, his fingers tensing over his own bicep as he resettles in his chair. "then what's the issue?"
steve can't help the blush that crawls up his neck, hopes he can blame it on the hot june sun instead of how he's thinking about eddie's fingers brushing against his thigh just a minute earlier. he brings a hand up to scrub down his face before letting out an exasperated sigh.
"i want," his voice is low enough that only eddie can hear him, "to flirt back so badly, you have no idea. but i can't 'cause i told myself that i'd stop and that '87 would be the year that i didn't flirt with everyone just because it was fun, made it my resolution and everything. but god, eddie. you have no idea how hard that is around you."
and then eddie's laughing. it's loud and sharp, which startles steve into laughing along with him. they're bent over, clutching their sides and the kids and nancy and robin are paying them no mind as eddie slings his arms around steve's neck to drag him into a kiss.
it's messy, teeth clacking and noses bending awkwardly and they're both still laughing which makes it even worse. or better, however one would look at that. steve pulls aways and keeps his hands wrapped tightly around eddie's forearms as he looks at his still smiling face.
"okay, wow. hi?"
"we are so stupid." eddie darts in, presses another quick kiss to steve's lips and pulls away just as quickly. "it was my resolution to try and not run away from everything. you know, the scary stuff."
steve's smile is crinkling his cheeks as he furrows his brows to look at eddie. "am i... scary?"
they push their chairs even closer after that. they wrap their arms around each other and have toes pressing into calves and whisper cheesy pick up lines into each other's ears, ones that steve's been saving up for months. and when robin looks over with a shit-eating grin like she won a bet, steve has no problem untangling his fingers from where their entwined with eddie's to flip her the bird.
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OKAY SO it may be almost two hours past midnight for me and it may be season 4 in 2 minutes BUT I am going to make this post lol. So, it's time for HSMTMTS Appreciation Week Day Four: Favorite Episode/Season!
Honestly I don't think I have one of either xD
I love all the episodes, and most of the time when someone asks me for my favorite of something (like books or movies) I just go with the one that has the most rewatch/reread quality/potential. So, some of these episodes may just be the ones I watch the most lol.
Each season has their pros and cons for me, but I will say I think I enjoy season 2 more than most people! The ending isn't amazing, sure, but it has some really great music, ship moments, acting, and Wildcat family moments :).
Season 1, they're not all family for a little while, and we don't have as much development on some of the others, nor most of the ships. But it's also fun that it's the most grounded season lol, and it just has a special charm. Also, it really focuses on the musical lol!
And season 3, obviously I miss Seb, Big Red, Mr. Mazzara, and half Nini and Ms. Jen from it :). And sometimes the drama is a lot, but at the same time, there's so many cute and fun moments, it is absolutely HILARIOUS, and the change of setting is super cool :). Since I'm a multi shipper, it's also a con for Portwell and a pro for Rina lol xD.
Anyway! Now, a few of my favorite episodes :).
Season 2 Episode 5: is this one a surprise even xD. I love Seblos, I love the Wildcats, and I love great music! What more could you ask for? Also, it's just so sweet that they'd throw a big party for one of their friends like that :'). And it's especially cool seeing Carlos be appreciated <3. Plus, it gave us "I never learned how to lie", so you know xDD.
Season 2 Episode 10: LISTEN. Again, is it partly because of Seblos lol? . . Sh xD. But seriously, it's great Seblos drama, the music is once again amazing, and I LOVE the sleepovers :D!! The recipe for my favorite episodes is really just Seblos, Music, Wildcats xD. Lol. But seriously, it's such a good episode <3.
Season 1 Episode 6: Maybe it's just because it hits home, which is weird because that makes it bittersweet, but I love this episode. It's really focused more on them being a family than any of the ships (which is interesting and a nice change of pace :) ) and it has some great music! Plus, the photoshoot lol. And of course, a few Seblos moments, and some lovely Carlos angst xD. Justice for the Seblos deleted scenes 😤😔. Lol, but yeah, I love this episode <3.
Season 1 Episode 7: Again, my Wildcats xD. I was hesitating to put this on here because the end hurts me so much, but it's just too good :). We have Carlos inviting everyone to someone else's house (for the first time, I think, lol), Ricky and Nini being chill for a bit, Gina being adorable, and the start of Redlyn 👀. Lol, remember when one of the half jokingly proposed ship names was Big Rashlyn xD? Bring it baaaack lol, we deserve it. In a good way, not as punishment xD. Anyway! The real star of the show this episode, though, is of course the party :). We love the Wildcats being family, and I seriously love them all so much <3. And again, Seblos moment lol. The music is good this episode (I adore Out of The Old), but there's not too much of it lol, so I forgot to mention it and came back here after the next paragraph xD.
Season 3 Episode 7: LISTENNN. Once again, I can do anything I want xD. I think I said that earlier, or maybe in one of the other posts, but nonetheless lol. I say it a lot regarding things like this lol. Anyway! Obviously, SEBBB!!! HE RETURNS TO ME :'DDD!! But we also have Ricky's bucket list (ADORABLE) and everyone's ICONIC outfits :D. So sorry to Portwell though :( xd. That does hurt throughout the episode lol. Oh, and of course we have the iconic welcoming of Ashlyn to the community :'). And Wouldn't Change a Thing!!! Such a slay :D. Honestly though, I love the ending, like, after the dance. I don't know if I love it more than the prom itself, but seeing the guys come together and support each other, and the same for the girls, with a BOPPING song in the background? Amazing :'D. And, of course lol, Seblos moments <3. And the second Seblos kiss!! I love them so much :). And, like I said, amazing music!!
Season 3 Episode 5: This one is just so hilarious xD. I had to include it lol. Plus, :O drama a bleeped out curse on HSMTMTS!! We don't get many so that's a slay for being unique xD. Also yes, Carlos totally deserves it 😌😤. Like, to get one lol. Just like Natalie, lol. Anyway!! Yeah, this is so funny xD. It also has great music!! The drama hurts, of course, but we love the little moments of supporting each other xd. And again, I just have to mention how FUNNY it is, those moments xD. Plus, the fact that it's all (well, yk. Mostly xD) a plot is amazing lol. I just love this episode lol.
So yeah!! I think that'll do it for today :). I probably won't be on Season 4 for a bit tomorrow, as in it'll take me a little while lol. I still need to finish my rewatch xD. But, I will watch it!!! And I'm so excited :)) 🥰.
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glasvera · 2 years
Just learned my bf and I won't have schedules that match up well to watch volume 2 together for like, at least a few days after it releases and you have NO IDEA HOW HARD THIS IS GONNA BE
I 100% love and respect my boyfriend and want to experience it together with him but the anticipation will be (and has already been) wearing away at me for DAYS. So if I haven't written again by then, you know I'll be writing during those days I can't watch to cope.
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sunnydaleherald · 14 days
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday May 18th
GILES: Would someone please rip that bloody bell off its hinges? XANDER: Would that involve moving? WILLOW: My feet are numb. XANDER: I'll see your numbness and I'll raise you a lower back pain.
~~No Place Like Home~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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See You Yesterday by all_choseny (Buffy/Spike, R)
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violence and denial by teenageapocalypsetrilogy (Buffy/Spike, E)
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[Texts between Willow and Buffy] by scooby-group-texts
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F*cked by Holly (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Sunnydale Serenade, Chapter 16 by TheRealJeanGenie (Buffy/Spike, T)
Bloody Hell: A Hellmouthian Dissertation, Chapter 9 by HuonParticlesAreHarmless (Buffy/Giles, M)
Keep You Ghosted, Chapter 8 by hydranjenna (Buffy/Spike, M)
I Don't Want to Be the One, Chapter 13 by pommedapi (Buffy/Spike, T)
A Different Path, Chapter 12 by Anaxilea (Buffy/Faith, M)
Breaking the Code, Chapter 4 by Buffyworldbuilder (Ensemble, Star Wars crossover, G)
In the Company of Witches and Slayers: Chapter 39 by VladimirHarkonnen (TheLightdancer) (Willow/Tara, E)
In the Dark of the Night, Chapter 10 by norik23 (Buffy/Spike, M)
I hate the way, Chapter 11 by DancingAngel0013 (Buffy/Giles, E)
Greatest Love Story - Prelude, Chapter 3 by FalseGinger (Angel/Spike, M)
Quantum Entanglement, Chapter 1 by Senneres (Spike, Harry Potter crossover, E)
Dawn Before the Sun: The Doomsman’s Daughter, Chapter 1 by Luna_delCielo (Dawn, Tolkien crossover, T)
No Matter What, Chapter 1 by Xyex (Buffy/Willow, M)
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Rewind (Pt 4) by Enigmatist (Spike, not rated)
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Stab in the back, Chapter 22 by MelG_2005 (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Surviving Together, Chapter 20 by ionlylikebadboys (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Early One Morning, Chapter 44 by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Meow, Chapter 8 by CheekyKitten (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Afterburn: In The Dark, Chapter 10 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
A Ripple In Time, Chapter 33 by CheekyKitten (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Secret Obsession, Chapter 25 by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Exquisite Chaos: Part 1, Chapter 4 by yellowb, JayeMaru, bewildered, DeamonQueen, ClowniestLivEver, VoronaFiernan (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Lightning in a Bottle, Chapters 13-14 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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Dawn Before the Sun: The Doomsman’s Daughter, Chapter 1 by Luna (Dawn, Tolkien crossover, FR15)
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Love Lives Here, Chapter 64 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Kitten That Killed Slayers, Chapter 12 by Desicat (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
When the World Went Cold, You Were Brighter than Gold, Chapter 4 by Harlow Turner (Buffy/Spike, R)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Fanvid: Buffy + Spike -Stripped by all_choseny
Manips: Buffy the Last Slayer by all_choseny (worksafe)
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Manip: Hustler by honeygirl51885 (Buffy and Spike, worksafe)
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Manips: Buffy and Spike in bath by All Choseny (worksafe)
Cartoon: “Did you run into any trouble on the Enterprise yesterday?” by Paul Gadzikowski's The Hero of Three Faces (worksafe)
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Puzzle: A Very Buffy (Connections) Puzzle by nicodemusfleur
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Fanvid: Buffyverse | Difussion by Jess Wilson
Fanvid: buffy summers | who's afraid of little old me? by Moon Edits
Fanvid: willow rosenberg | who's afraid of little old me? [preview] by ImagineDragonlords
Fanvid: BTVS | Thrift Shop by xxLowkeyTrashxx
Music: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Rescore: Season 1 Episode 12 "Prophecy Girl" by David Müller
[Reviews & Recaps]
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BTVS/Angel Rewatch Chronicles: Seasons 6/3, Part Three by QualifiedApathetic
Rewatcher's diary: Season 2, episodes 15 to 18 by jonaskoelker
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video: Angel vs Spike: Who's the love story Buffy deserved? by Ryan B Talks TV
Video: The Body: An Outstanding Episode of Television by Darth Nerdus
Video: Buffy Season 6 Review! Spoilers! by SundayScariesReview
Video: No "apology" needed for Buffy Season 1! And Buffy's place in the era of "Prestige TV" by Ronald Off the Record
Video: Buffy Review - 5x14 Crush by Reverse Angle
Video: Hells Bells-Slayer Sunday by Jane Talks Buffy
Video: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 2 REVIEW | Ft. @Sisnerdly by George Alexander
Podcast: Slaying the Charts: The Musical Legacy of Buffy the Vampire Slayer by A Girl, A Guy and A Buffy Podcast
[Fandom Discussions]
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There's actually so many missed opportunities with Fred and Gunn by AmmoniteFlesh
Spike said Dracula owes him 11 quid by Aphony Cree
One of Buffy’s nightmares in season one was being buried alive by reality-schmality
One of the things I disliked most about canonical Spuffy was how much they wound up hurting each other BECAUSE OF HOW STATIC THE CHARACTERS FELT by deadthingu
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Buffy and Spike in Smashed by Joan the Vampire Slayer
Buffy and Willow by Joan the Vampire Slayer
What If: Buffy had joined the Cordettes instead? by nightshade
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Was Angel a good father? continued by Stoney
Who did Buffy hate? by The Whirlwind
Do you think Spike deserves to be seen as heroic for not giving up Dawn? continued by multiple posters
Who did Spike hate? by The Whirlwind
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Would you watch this show [the "Cordy" sitcom] if it were on? by AndrewHeard
How would Buffy had reacted to Wesley's decision in [AtS] season 3? by jdpm1991
What if Jonathan was the one who was redeemed in season 7 instead of Andrew? by george123890yang
Behind the Scenes BANGEL ❤️‍����❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 by figinmyteeth
Was Riley looking to get turned? by Tuxedo_Mark
My top 30 Buffy episodes by fabe1haft
Question for Buffy Hard Cover books by nodakskip
[13/22] What's your favorite episode 13 across all seasons? by jonaskoelker
If you could erase one character from the show, who would it be? by VegasGirlAlex
What Faith lines or scenes did you find a bit cringy? by foreseethefuture
The Real S6 Big Bad by Glum-Substance-3507
Does anyone else thing that Nathan Fillion as Caleb in the Buffy was his best role? by BigDongForever
The opening credits power pose by Reviewingremy
do you prefer the earlier vengeance demon version from s3 or the one from s6-7? by melaniemoth13
Is it just me or does Angel appear kinda... different "Angel" than on Btvs? by BoredYogiOnHere
"You're a creature of the darkness, just like me" by sushibananawater
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Video: Bonus Episode - We Interviewed a Buffy Background Actor! by The Sunnydale Diaries - A Buffy Podcast
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bloodkeep-escape · 2 years
I love eftbk, honestly it’s the only season I’ve rewatched! I loved finding out after the fact that several of them had never played before. I love the “this might be a waste of a turn” *summons the lava mog* scene so much. The players power of friendshipping their way out of the planned pvp finale?? Amazing. Ify’s iconic “markus is eating leiland’s ass” tweet? Enamored. Maggie qpr Leiland, Efink and Lilith holding hands while being bombarded by spider baby questions? Sokhbarr Lilith qpr they’re in love (/p) and bond over being monster parents. John Feathers goes to Ffashion (fantasy fashion) school with Jessica. Leiland Jr has 17 parents and knows none of them
hahaha bloodkeep is ALSO the only one i've rewatched, and i have in fact watched it at least 3 or 4 times and listened to the podcast version a few more times than that...
qpr sokhbarr and lilith is SUCH a good hc!! i've always imagined sokhbarr as aro and lilith as demiro (wrote a drabble about that once actually) so that's delightful to me <33
also i do feel like these players said "this might be a waste" before doing something incredible More Than Once, and it's one of my favorite battle things in bloodkeep. i think a lot of that comes from several of them having so little dnd experience, and it's a wonderful and super fun part of the show!!
also yes ify and matt still talking about leiland and markus is just. it's so good. thank you ify especially for your service
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casualavocados · 9 months
"current" tag game
@dribs-and-drabbles lin, thank you so much for tagging me!! im touched... i have so many other interests than bl and it's sweet of you to think of me for this 🥹❤❤ ily!!
current time: 4:37pm
current activity: i was reading not too long ago
currently thinking about: dnd scheduling...
current favorite song: Glory by ROY JUNO- this is entirely bc im reading the wheel of time series, and for me this is a mat song through and through. every line hits and i get to assign them to my blorbo. also it's just fun???
currently reading: The Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan (wheel of time book #4)
currently watching: Dangerous Romance, Only Friends, Home School, The Wheel of Time (season 2), Jujutsu Kaisen (season 2) and rewatching: His Dark Materials (as always....) and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
current favorite character: this is so hard but seeing as the sw ahsoka show is currently airing - ezra bridger. im feeling a lot of extra love for him rn. also will parry (hdm) my most beloved Of All Time.
current wip: i have some andor and hdm gifsets on the to-do list (prepping for andor appreciation week in october!). we'll see if dangerous romance doesnt get entirely in the way of those plans...i follow where the hyperfixation leads, but i have comfort shows to fall back on!!
tagging: @coredrill @willsilvertongue @spook6 @stainedjar @justafriend-ql @birbling if any of you are up to it ♥️
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noramoons · 2 years
tagged by @decembermoonskz ! ty for thinking of me izzy lovie 💛💛
favorite color: all blues and greens hehe
currently reading: the midnight library - matt haig (ngl i am so close to dropping this LOL)
last song: beautiful monster - stayc
last series: bungou stray dogs (rewatching w my dad before season 4 starts next year!)
last movie: steel magnolias
currently working on: a steamy mingi drabble, what lies beneath (siren!hongjoong), and a secret historical au 🤭
tagging: @end-hyphen @nightlychans @ipegchangbin @reaperhwa @seung-scrittore + @txtkids ! as always no pressure whatsoever to do these :)
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elvenbeard · 1 year
Get to know me
I've been tagged in three separate memes with that title by @timaeusterrored and @katsigian, thanks a lot for thinking of me! :D For brevity's and simplicity's sake I'm just gonna throw all of them together in one post ~ Won't be tagging anyone in particular, but if you read this and feel inclined to share some stuff about yourself, pick and choose from the questions listed here and feel free to tag me in your posts! :D
Favorite color: Purple, Turquoise, and Black
Relationship: single
Currently reading: when I'm not re-reading my own stuff for editing purposes, I currently just really enjoy reading everyone's Cyberpunk drabbles and OC lore posts because I live for that stuff! for having been a very bookish kid I don't really read much anymore admittedly D:
Last song Played: "A Dialogue In B Flat Minor" by In Flames (it's on my V playlist and a very Vince and Johnny song to me XD)
Song Stuck in my Head: "Gloves" by Saint Punk (I'm obsessed with it because it fits Vince so much and I'm working on something inspired by it)
Last Movie: oooof... I think it was "The Shawshank Redemption", I was recently in the mood of rewatching some 90s classics while drawing!
Last series: If youtube series count, I'm currently rewatching Buzzfeed Unsolved: True Crime for the 11th or so time XD I've loved true crime stuff for as long as I can remember and BFU is also just really nice as background noise for when I'm working on something for a few hours at a time. Looking forward to diving into Mystery Files xD (the last "actual" series I watched before that was "Better Call Saul", rewatched it from start to finish in English for the first time xD)
Sweet, spicy, or savory: ooohhh hmmm.... dammit, I guess I'm too much of a sweet-tooth to not pick sweet xD
Favourite Food: Pizza with lots of different cheeses
Craving: to quit my dayjob, because objectively, it would just be really fucking funny to do. We're chronically understaffed and simultaneously also being forbidden overtime to catch up on the backlog, so it's just extremely exhausting at the moment.
Tea or coffee: Coffee, but tea is nice too :3
Dream Trip: everywhere... but my top 3 are Japan, Iceland, and Canada. I'd love to go to Japan during cherry blossom season, spend one week in all the big cities and another more on the countryside, going hiking, looking at temples, forests, and spending a day or two at a ryokan with onsen. Iceland I'd also like to see as much of as possible, I'd actually love to do a guided tour on horseback across the country xD And honestly, same for Canada (without the horses though), also a trip across the country visiting all kinds of sights and cities along the way would be awesome.
Last Thing I Googled: 2023 Conventions Germany
Currently working on: the final stages of my new Kerry x V drawing, editing some VP shoots, writing Vince's background lore fic (6 chapters done, about 6 more to go!), started writing a post-canon fic (but only have a few paragraphs), and my ongoing Cyberpunk 2077 Let's Play videos XD cause I always wanted to make a full Let's Play like that and given my current obsession it works. Looming on the horizon are also some short comics and ideas for mods and even more VP!
Are you named after Anyone?
After an OC of mine, if we go with Elven as the name I'm predominantly using atm XD Long story short, but "Elvenbeard" was an elf OC I once cosplayed as and who got his name from a friend of mine during a very long and funny train ride to the convention we were headed to. Good times XD
2. When was the last time you cried?
A couple of days ago. I think it was a mix of stress and having too many feels about Kerry xD
3. Do you have kids?
Nope, and don't want any. Unless pets count.
4. Do you use Sarcasm a lot?
I would never do such a thing.
5. What Sports do you play/ have you played?
None xD I was the short fat kid that got relentlessly bullied by my PE teacher for years which completed ruined any interest in sports I might have ever developed.
6. What's the first thing you notice about other people?
Honestly... I think I've gotten quite good at picking up people's vibes first. Picked up a very bad "stay-far-away-from-them" vibe from someone a couple of days ago, and when I met them again a little while later one of the first things out of their mouth is transphobic bullshit. I (sadly) felt rather validated with my first impression.
7. Eye Colour?
8. Scary Movies or Happy Endings?
Both can be good! I don't like overly gory movies or stuff that relies heavily on jump scares, but a scary film with a good story and some unexpected twists I really like (some of my faves being "Hush" and "The Conjuring"). I'm also a sucker for Happy Endings though. Best thing overall? Angst with a Happy Ending.
9. Any Special Talents?
Does hyperfocus count as a special talent these days? XD
10. Where were you born?
Somewhere in rural Germany.
11. What are your hobbies?
Yes... Drawing, writing, sewing, crafting, cosplay, gaming... and the newest addition: virtual photography!
12. Do you have any pets?
Yess, a cat!
13. How tall are you?
160cm/ 5'2 - smol and full of rage
14. Fave Subject in School?
Art, History, and English as a secondary language
15. Dream Job?
Creating things that make people happy and being able to live off of it ooooor anything that allows me to finance that kinda "maker of all kinds of things" lifestyle I'm dreaming of. Ideally, if I have to keep a dayjob, I'd like one that only takes place in the timespan of Monday to Thursday, or Tuesday to Friday, and doesn't start at 5.30 in the morning, but at 9 or 10. Or just generally the option of home office would be nice. I don't wanna be rich, but I'd like to have financial security for myself and my cat, enough time to do my silly little arts and crafts, and travel somewhere cool once a year or so.
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indelibleevidence · 1 year
For 2022 in review ask game
1, 21 & 25
Thank you! :D
1 - Something new that I tried in a fic this year - how did it turn out, and would I do it again?
I wrote a 100-word drabble death-fic, which I don't usually do. Mainly, I drabbled it so there would be a strict word count preventing me from going into detail, because I don't want to write a full-on, multi-chaptered 5x10/5x11 tag, but I couldn't get it out of my brain. I think that part of it worked - the brain exorcism part - but I could never do the concept of it justice in 100 words, so the fic itself isn't wonderful.
Would I write a deathfic again? I'm not ruling it out, but I also hope not. 😨
21 - If I had to choose one moment of my ficcing year, which would be the most satisfying?
Writing 'The End' at the end of Torture Without You. Part of me was convinced I'd drop out of the fandom with a few thousand words left to go. It still doesn't feel real that it's in my completed folder.
25 - Something I want to write in 2023?
Since the rewatch will be doing season 4 this year, I suspect the answer to this will be 'Reller'. Luckily, I have a whole AU I can poke at, so... ❤
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Season 3 Rewatch Drabbles: 4x1: A Tale of Two Sisters
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Summary:  A series of 100-1000 word drabbles to accompany my    rewatch of season 4 of Once Upon a Time.  There will be a drabble–either a deleted scene, a “fix it” fic or a character musing for each episode of the season.  Focus will be on Emma, Henry, the Charmings and Killian–with an emphasis on Captain Swan’s epic love story.
Word Count: 447
Other Chapters: (2) (3)
Note: Okay, I know that in canon, after this scene Emma went to talk to Regina, but I think that was stupid, so I changed it.
“So what precisely is this Netflix you mentioned?” Killian asked as they ambled through the woods, hands entwined, his thumb absently caressing hers.
She smiled to herself, there was nothing quite so entertaining as Killian trying to wrap his mind around the modern world–although to be fair, she likely provided him similar levels of entertainment during their Enchanted Forest adventure.  
“It’s this…thing…on the TV,” she said, struggling to find words to describe it.  “Let’s you watch movies and TV shows and stuff.”
“The moving pictures you and your lad are so fond of?” he asked.
“Yeah, exactly,” she said.  “Anyway, I thought we could, you know, make some popcorn, pick a movie and just snuggle together on the couch.  My parents have plans for a date night tonight, so we’ll have the place to ourselves.”
His smile was bright, joyful. “I’ll happily agree to those plans for the evening.”
“Any idea what kind of movie you might like?” she asked, realizing their choices were nearly unlimited, as he likely hadn’t seen ANY movies.
He shrugged. “Anything you pick is more than fine, Swan,” he said. “I’ll enjoy anything, as long as I’m with you.”
There were those butterflies in her stomach that had been dancing more and more ever since he found her in New York.  He could be so incredibly romantic, and the thing was, these weren’t just lines.  She knew that.  He meant every word.
Last night had changed things.  Last night, when she’d kissed him outside of Granny’s she’d acknowledged to herself and to him that she wanted this….whatever it was…between them.  Things had become complicated when Marian had been revealed, but it didn’t change the fact that she wanted a relationship with Killian.
So she’d asked him to be patient, and she knew he would be.  He’d been endlessly patient with her ever since New York, and she’d finally come to not only realize but accept that he wasn’t going anywhere. Ever.  He chose her, with all her faults, with all her struggles, with all her walls.  He wanted her and he was staying.
She only hoped that she could find a way to open up enough to let him know she felt the same.  
Suddenly his grin turned wicked and he waggled his eyebrows in an exaggerated manner, “And might this ‘Netflix’ experience involve–what’s the phrase common in this realm?--making out?”She laughed, enjoying this–enjoying the flirting and the fun that came with dating.  “If you play your cards right, pirate, it just might.”
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
NO EXACTLY. i rewatched season 4 with my sister (she was watching it for the first time) and im sitting there straight up giggling and kicking my feet like "look at him! look at him!!!" let's just say, by the looks she was giving me, she does not share my taste in men lmfao. but ugh. soemthing about the dnd scene just does it for me. (that being said, the fic idea you have of getting eddie off under the table while he's trying to talk dnd will have me utterly WEAK i am so excited for it)
- 📷
no literally just that entire scene of them playing dnd is everything to me! like he was just so happy and I love to see it, he’s so just so cute and fascinating to watch honestly
haha honestly I’ve already written it, I just need to edit the last few final touches! and I’ve basically altered it so I didn’t need to delve too deep into actual dnd haha, I just kept it short and simple bc it is only a lil drabble after all
- hope
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I am rewatching teen wolf and that made me reread into the unknown. I forgot how much I loved it. Millie is such a well written character and it was so memorable. You are so talented and made the first so perfect. Well I know there is no into the deep, I know that you would have made it perfect because you are that good of a writer. Millie was always have a special place in my heart
oh my god you just made my day
thank you so, so much!!
into the deep is 3/4s written in my one drive from years ago and the amount of drabbles and chapters for season 3 and 4 i have in my drafts is insane. i'd planned the full thing up to season 4 so i have so many parts and chapters already written.
millie holds such a dear place in my heart and i miss her so much...
i'm honestly tempted to bring into the unknown back, i've been tempted for a few months
omg thank u this is too sweet and i love u for it xxxx
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crispyblonde · 8 months
thinking whenever i restart an spn rewatch i'll do some ghost!verse drabbles but i would love to use it for interactions. also i'm having season 4 resurrection arc brainrot
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sunnydaleherald · 1 month
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, April 21
SPIKE: Hey! Hey, let's be reasonable about this. (Riley slams him up against a pillar.) RILEY: You may have noticed, Spike... (he punches Spike in the face) RILEY: I left reasonable about three exits back.
~~Into the Woods~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Pillow Talk by veronyxk84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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Five times Angel made chocolates for Buffy and the one time she made some for him by Liana_Medea (Buffy/Angel, G)
For Emergencies by Bobbie23 (Giles/Jenny, G)
By a whisker by squiddz (Spike & original cat character, Buffy/Spike, T)
Brick by Boring Brick by Wretched_Little_Words (Buffy & Kendra, G)
Это уже не смешно by B_E_S (Buffy/Angel, G, in Russian)
Riley's Special Spike (the plastic one, you ninny) by InvariablyStupidIdeas (Spike/Riley, M)
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On a subway? by scooby-group-texts (Spike, Dawn, not rated - mentions of canon violence)
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Something Red by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Pillow Talk by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, anthology rated PG-13)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Going Astral - Chapter 1 by Geliot99 (Buffy/Spike, M)
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Across Ages, Ch. 27 by Isabeau (Buffy/Spike, R)
Ties to the World, Ch. 33 by The Danish Bird (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Love Bites, Ch. 4 by cawthraven (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Truth and Consequences, Ch. 14 by JamesMFan (Buffy/Spike, R)
In Any Life, Ch. 12 by Spikelover4ever (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Hand in Flightless Hand, Ch. 4 by tragic (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Afterburn: In The Dark, Ch. 3 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Sweet Dreams (Or A Beautiful Nightmare) Ch. 2 by goodbyetoyou (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Tortured Slayer Department, Ch. 1 by BewitchedXx (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
A Ripple In Time, Ch. 1 by CheekyKitten (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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To All We Guard, Ch. 12 by simmony (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Gargoyle, Ch. 4 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Centerfold, Ch. 2 by all choseny, Passion4Spike, MissLuci (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Something Blue painting by novivi (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Fanvid: Look What You Made Me Do by starryeyesxx (Buffy)
Gifset: The Albatross by detectivedawnsummers (Buffy/Spike, worksafe, includes canon death scenes)
spike + textposts by spikespeaches ()
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Re: Can’t decide between S2 & S3 as the best season of Buffy by occidentaltourist
the dichotomy of band candy by shiteatinggrin
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BTVS/Angel Rewatch Chronicles: Seasons 5/2, Part Four by QualifiedApathetic
Coming to the end of my 16th rewatch by Xandertheokay
[Recs & In Search Of]
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fanfic Rec – a list by alwaysakin
[Fandom Discussions]
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Contextless Jenny musing #47 by hal-1500
Re: you have to work on a group project with Oz, how does it go? by momsforroadhead
I cannot with s4 ending with Xander as “the heart.” by nicnacsnonsense
Crack Fic Idea: Bucky x Reader x Spike Love Triangle [Marvel crossover] by scoonsalicious
Okay, just some musing about Buffy Summers by deus--auri
When someone tells me "I normally don't like Riley but I like the way you write him." by riley-summers
Drusilla (the incredible layers of Drusilla added to the scene in Destiny) by thedeathscar
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If you were to use one episode to represent each couple which would you use? by jdpm1991
What is your favourite headcanon that you one-hundred percent believe in? hosted by RavenNight789
Did anyone else feel Faith's arc would be played wildly differently if it had somehow continued on Buffy by sadhungryandvirgin
Full 180 on Dawn by Stellz04
Angelus in s2 out-Spikes Spike by Due_Resolution_8551
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daisyishedwig · 9 months
Spoilers for the end of A Place to Call Home below the cut
Putting this into the universe so maybe I'll do it once the whole story is finally posted.
But the desire I have right now to write Adam into a drabble so he can date Kurt is so strong.
Like after the story is over I leave it very open-ended that while Sebklaine is very much a thing, they all can and likely will date other people as well and grow the polycule.
And rewatching season 4 I'm reminded of my love for Adam Crawford and so badly just want to write him in so he and Kurt can be together.
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