#season 6 costumes
stagefoureddiediaz · 1 year
Costume meta 6x10
Costume metas are back baby!!!! I’m so happy to be back writing these - you have no idea how much i missed writing them. This one is not quite as full on as my normal metas and has taken me far longer than I’d intended - if you’ve been following my posts over the last couple of days you will be fully aware of my insanity spiral over the Eddie of it all (as well as poker Buddie!) so I hope you’ll forgive me - I’ve not had the mental capacity I normally do to dedicate to costume spiralling!
No Eddie this week as he only appeared in uniform 😭 
A couple of more general things to point out - the use of Check - we see it on Nathaniel Greene and Phillip Buckley - which I think is a very interesting and loud choice considering this episode was all about fathers and fatherhood and the two fathers who are not all that (Mr Han is also in that number but his grey on grey suit was a deliberate choice that I will talk about in a minute) are the ones wearing check and tapping right on into my check theory!!! So Nathaniel is going to find himself in hot water very soon so the check is foreshadowing this for him. Philip (and Margaret as well actually!) in check is also foreshadowing whatever is about to go down with the Buckley parents (that happy family facade they’ve been putting on is about to crack big time!).
Grey is one of those colours that can be either warm grey (like we often see on Buck) or cool grey (which we have here on Mr Han) and that affects which meanings you attribute to it. Mr Han in double grey just about sums him up as a person - cold, conservative and controlling. Its also a colour that conveys gloom and frustration when worn in multiple like this, there is also the fact that ill people are often described as looking grey - which leads me to think that Mr Han being terminally ill is actually very likely!
The other thing I want to point out is the red harnesses - I know I don’t talk about the uniforms all that much except when there is something important an interesting in relation to them and this is very much that! Chim, Buck and Eddie are the ones we see in the red belt harnesses. Chimney removes his after Buck stakes his claim on it being his turn to go up the ladder and Chimney steps back from ladder detail. The reason I point this out is because its a very bright visual way of identifying and connecting both the fact that Chimney also has a red string of fate connected to Buck (I’m talking about family here and I know that technically all the firefam have strings of fate connecting them, but in this specific incidence its about the brotherly connection - the parallel to Kevin and Albert) which is relevant at that first moment but then the focus needs to shift. Eddie and Buck become the only ones distinguishable in the pouring rain - the only ones tied by that red string of fate - even when (and especially) when Buck is on the gurney.
over to our mains - below the cut to save your dashes!
Athena and May
I’m doing the two of them together this week because they are the costume version of yin and yang!
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The silk blouse has a monstera leaf print - monstera symbolises suffocation in western culture which is a perfect symbol for this story arc - suppressing of evidence or information because of money etc. the use of navy red and white is also interesting - its very much a hint towards patriotism - a deliberate choice to play into the upperclass America vibe they’re claiming to be part of! 
Mays two main costumes are costumes themselves - they aren’t representative of who May is or her character, the are the clothes of the character she’s playing - Jada. As outfits for Jada - they are very much playing to type - teenager with issues who’s rebelling against straight laced parents - Both Athenas and Mays outfits work perfectly in sync with each other as the anthesis of the other. Mays are both in the same tonal range - burnt dusty reds, washed out blue greys and beiges - all in the same colour spectrum as Athenas ‘costume’ but tonally at the oposite end - where mays are dark and muted, Ahtenas are bright and bold
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in the middle of the undercover work we get a reminder of who they really are - Athenas generally more muted palette - her comfort colour choices of black and olive khaki green, while May is back in her bold and bright blocks of colour. Perfectly summing up that while Athena is playing a role that is not a million miles away from who she is (and channeling a bit of Beatrice in the process because that blouse is a Beatrice blouse in every way!), Athena also tends to wear the olive khaki colour on top when she’s investigating something outside of work - and by this I don’t just mean full blown investigating, I also mean low key - clocking something is going on with a member of the extended firefam and she’s paying attention. May is at the opposite end of the spectrum from Jada! I’ve talked about May wearing this sugary bright pink before in season 5 and the scene here is somewhat of a parallel to the one in 5x15- youthful and considered feminine but also compassionate and caring. It is sensitive and intuitive. All things we see in this scene - May is using her intuition about Tamara and her being a ‘weak link’ that will get some information. We also see her showing compassion for Bobby in this scene.
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keeping it simple for Bobby this week - just the one outfit and its supposed to essentially blend in with his uniform - we see him working on things related to the wildfire that Wendell died in both at the station while in actual uniform, and then at home with Athena and May (as an aside the fact that we see bobby with his family esp his stepdaughter and then with Buck and no other members of the fire fam is very telling!!) - it’s all signalling Bobby is in work mode even when he’s at home.
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If there was ever a cardigan to signal the fact that Hen is puzzled by Denny’s behaviour and new interests - this one is very definitely it - it literally has neutral face emojis all over it 😐😐😐 which are often used to convey mild irritation and concern - both things Hen is clearly feeling in this scene. Red is also a colour associated with both anger and and love - we know Hen loves Denny, but its very likely that there will be anger down the line when she discovers what Denny has been up to. This jumper also fits with my check theory - it is a big checkerboard - so its foreshadowing for the upcoming Denny issues!
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I’m going to say something here which is being used as a narrative device - Hen is wearing maroon, because she is in the ‘male’ or ‘father’ parent role at this moment - I don’t prescribe to the concept of queer parents fitting into gender stereotypes of parenting (that theres a fatherly one and a motherly one!) nor do I believe sport is a fathers domain but in this particular instance the wardrobe team are playing into a costume theme they’ve developed - namely that maroon is the colour worn when (mostly male) characters are being fatherly in someway. It is implied in this scene and the one in the firehouse, that Hen is the one who has been the one mostly supporting Denny in his sporting interests - football (sorry soccer - Im British its football 😂) initially and now she wants to be supportive in his baseball interest. 
Not a costume thing, but I think its interesting and its costume adjacent, but I love the fact they’ve chosen two very different sports - one played with hands, the other with feet and the one Denny is taking up is the one where curveballs are a thing!
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Or should I be calling him ‘D’?? 
we have this blue and black shirt - I have to confess my brain went off in 6 different directions on this one. Firstly there is the fact that its not that disimilar to what Christopher is wearing when Eddie catches him talking to his friends online late at night - the colours are different but the use of patterning is similar and the fact that Chris and Denny have paralleling story arcs is very 👀👀 It also ties Denny in with Hen as she also wears a lot of patterning similar to this. then there is the fact its black and blue - what is the first thing you think of when you say black and blue - being beaten up - potentially foreshadowing - not necessarily for a physical beating, more likely for the psychological bruising ahead. there is also the Rorschach test and camouflage elements as well. All in all its a shirt that speaks of secrecy pyschological trauma and trouble ahead!
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This tee has me feeling all levels of insane. We have green for growth and renewal- its a bright green too, so its really reenforcing that idea. Then there is the design - a leopard in a jungle setting which is so many metaphors all rolled into one - the obvious ones of the jungle being dangerous, leopards not changing their spots and hiding in pain sight. But there are a few others - camouflage, the fact that leopards are nocturnal and solitary, they are also opportunistic. Then theres the jungle - jungles as well as being dangerous places, are also dense and in places impenetrable, they are overgrown and tangled. All of these things speaks volumes about what is going on with Denny right now, and the fact that he’s getting himself deeper and deeper into the jungle where opportunistic animals are waiting to strike. It a really clever use of imagery in graphic tee design to convey information and its something the show does a lot with the kids clothing!
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some really interesting stuff going on with Chimney in this episode - namely the fact that he’s wearing check - all the time, as well as the fact we get him in this lovely burnt orange colour!
Starting with the check - I’ve said it a million times and I’ll probably say it a million more, but the check is foreshadowing trouble ahead - in this instance its the unexpected arrival of the Han’s. The button down shirt under the jumper is maroon and burnt orange check - maroon is the colour of fatherhood in 911 verse so the maroon is a nod to that, both the fact that Chimney is a father (and a good one), but also that his father is the trouble ahead! While the orange - well orange is the colour of optimism, enthusiasm and emotional strength - the perfect colour for Chim in this scene - he’s being optimistic about what having the Buckleys to visit will be like - that together he and Maddie can get through anything. This opening outfit for 6b also shows us that Chim is in a much stronger place - things are going well for him - life is good and that has given him confidence and placed him in a better place emotionally.
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then we get this blue check button down shirt - its light blue and a darker blue, and again the check is portending doom. I don’t want to make this all about Buck, (becasue it isn’t) but, the fact we see Chim in a blue check specifically while the Buckleys and Hans argue over Bucks sperm donation is super interesting. Its not only foreshadowing that Buck - who is also in blue, is about to come to harm in the place that was very nearly chimneys (as inBuck going up the ladder instead of Chim). It is also hinting at the fact that Chimney and his father (who is incidentally also in a blue shirt) are on a collision course. This check is about foreshadowing the two opposite disasters/ issues heading Chimneys way - the fact that he is about to potentially lose a brother - and one that has taken the place he was supposed to be in. That Chimney is going to have to reckon with the guilt and grief that causes - making this shirt about Chim’s connection to Buck but also connected to the idea of another man raising a child - much of Chimneys trauma stems from that very issue - he was raised by Mr Lee, had Kevin who was a brother in all but blood - who died in a work related accident and now he’s going to go through the same thing with Buck. the whole thing is setting up for Chimneys trauma to come and hit pretty hard - which all goes back to his own blood father - which is why we see Buck and Sang in the two very different blues and chimney in the check of both of them.
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Maddie & Jee-Yun
Maddie going for full on black is such a choice! Black is a power colour, its sophisticated and mysterious, while also being authoritative and protective. It is also a colour of rebirth which is really important here for Maddie. This is a Maddie who is in the best possible place right now, but her choice to wear all black for the arrival of her parents is all about her wanting to but on a display of power while at the same time protecting herself and her family (Chim, Jee and Buck) its very much fake it till you make it - its not necessarily about her having power/control (which she does), but about the appearance of it.
This is about her rebirth as a person and as a mum and her showing that rebirth to those who have judged her in her life. 
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the purple suit and bright blue top are an interesting choice. The jewel tones exude happiness and contentment. I’ve spoken before about how we often see characters in these brighter versions of colours when they’re in a good place or having fun (think of the times we’ve seen Athena in bright jewel colours, or even Buck) and here we see Maddie embracing that her daughter is having fun with her grandparents and her family is all together and not fighting or distant from one another - don’t forget this is likely the fist time she has experienced this ever. The purple blazer is in line with other things we’ve seen on Maddie this season - we’ve seen her in bright purple before. Purple is a really interesting choice to me because so much of its meaning is connected to mystery, but also the understanding of ones self better, building and strengthening emotional connections to our deepest thoughts and desires. its such a choice for this scene - the happy family Maddie wants, has wanted all her life and hasn’t had in her grasp until now, but also the Daniel of it all - that she is now free to talk about her brother, to share her knowledge of him and that she has been able to actually sit in her grief and come to terms with it. It’s a really powerful choice for her and speaks so much about how far Maddie has come.
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Look I love love love what the show does with the kids clothes - its always so on point for the scene - and this Baby Jee tee is no exception. ‘Shapes I know’ - a literal point at the fact that families can look different - they come in different shapes and thats something Jee ‘knows’ and is experiencing. It’s literally one of the cornerstones of he show - that families look different and come in a multitude of shapes and sizes and in this scene the show is very much pointing out that the Buckley parents and Han parents don’t really understand that in any great depth. The Buckleys are only being supportive and nice when it suits them - when they’re in front of others and can be judged - creating a fantasy of a loving and supportive family to the outside world - while behind closed doors - they’re not really interested and are in fact the complete opposite. The Han’s have a very rigid view on family and that there is only one type of family (I’m expecting Sang Han to make some comment about Jee being born outside of marriage etc at some point) and anything that doesn’t conform to that isn’t acceptable.  
I so desperately wan to quiz the wardrobe department on the choice to have Buck in trousers that sit two inches above his ankle. 
You can’t see them in either of these pictures, but Buck is still wearing trousers far too short for his legs and its making me insane. I know Oliver has stupidly long legs, but its not like they don’t have the budget to get trousers made and tailored to fit him. I mean its been this way since season 2 and everything is intentional so they must have decided on it as a character thing but I for one cannot figure out what its supposed to tell us about him - the only thinking I’ve managed to come up with is that he’s stuck in this liminal space between child and adult - not really one or the other (because of the saviour baby and not knowing about it of it all) so its a play on the historic idea of breeching and short trousers! It’s literally the only reason I can think of as to why they would do this. Especially because the outfit he is wearing in his coma dream he’s wearing trousers that fit his leg length which only proves to me that its intentional!
If we see Buck figure things out this season and we then see him start wearing longer trousers going forwards - ones that are actually the right length for his legs I might actually ascend to the astral plane!!!
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This green top continues the theme of seeing Buck in either blues or this light green shade - it echoes both the polo shirt from 6x07 when he made his donation, and the one he wore to the Ren Faire in 6x08 and continues to prove my theory about the use of these green shirts on Buck - the colour might not have gotten darker, but the fact its still the same light shade and we’ve had no further progress (in terms of where Buck is at mentally - the pregnancy is obviously progressing!) at this point in time - we know he’s wearing gree ni the coma - and its a darker/brighter shade - hinting that progress- growth etc is happening and that the coma will be the catalyst for that growth to start - I fully expect to see Buck in more green as the season progresses and to see it getting deeper and brighter as we go along.
I have so many thoughts about this dark navy blue shirt we see Buck wearing for the Buckley-Han showdown. Its yet more Buck in shades of blue - forget 50 shades of grey Buck is all about 50 shades of blue (I think were up to 12 blue tops now for him this season and the next highest colour he wears is green with 3)!!  theres the uniform aspect of it all - a bit like Bobby in this episode as well, but for Buck its almost like wearing the uniform gives him confidence and strength - superhero style - something he feels he needs to go through another experience with his parents. 
There is something to be said about the use of blues at opposite ends of the spectrum on Buck - from the light pastel blues to this dark navy almost black blue, almost like Buck is oscillating between where he’s at mentally - projecting confidence, reliability, loyalty and trustworthiness, while also suggesting that internally he is struggling - blue is also a colour depression and suppression. We have to remember that Buck is still trying to figure out who he is, what he wants and how to be at ease with himself and so the use of both dark and light blues speaks of the duality of Buck right now. I bring this up because looking back through my costume plots for each character its become obvious that this season its very much deliberate - all his blue outfits in previous seasons have been within a much smaller spectrum of colour - wearing blue but all similar in shade - tending toward bright blue or navies!
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If you’ve made it to the end then I thank you - have a cookie on me 🍪🍪🍪 we all deserve them after that episode and we’re going to need out strength for next weeks!!
I hope you’ve enjoyed my deep dive ramblings on costume for 6x09 - drop me a reblog or a comment to let me see your thoughts - I love reading them!!
As always tagged people below - if anyone wants to be added (or removed from) to the list please let me know in the comments!
Until next week (when I have a feeling I might be being set up for a very very long meta post 😬😬😬) 
@mistmarauder @theladyyavilee @loveyourownsmiilee @leothil @girldadbuddie @kitkatpancakestack  @buckscurls @lemotmo @trashendence @elishareads  @clipboardsandstethoscopes @comfortbuddie @fiona-fififi  @callanee @calyssmarviss @pbandjeremiah @batgrldes  @spotsandsocks  @livingwherethesidewalkends  @idontshitpostbuttheolympicpark @diazboysbuckley @sweettsubaki @shortsighted-owl @sherlocking-out-loud @dickley-buddie  @favouritealias @hearteyesdiaz  @ktinastrikesback  @princesschez75 @bucksbuddie @oneawkwardcookie  @leatherat @moniquekatie @wanderingwomanwondering  @trickster-archangel @outrunningthedark @asharadaine @ajunerose  @talespinner230 @pop-kam @swiftiebuckleys @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @butchjerry @mandzuking17 @yelenasbuddie​ @copyninjabuckley​ @name-code-black-widow​​ @rogerzsteven​
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Peaky Blinders 6.1 (2022) Cillian Murphy as Tommy Shelby
In memory of the show's top-notch production and that moment Cillian (as Tommy) and Anya (as Gina) faced off.
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Is Pen wearing her wedding dress in the leaked photos, or is it a different ball gown that just happens to resemble Colin's vest from episode 4x01, which the costume designer mentioned would have a significant meaning later in the season?
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soft-girl-musings · 2 months
good news: ren faire dress has been delivered!!
bad news: the friends waited until this week to share that our may schedules likely do not line up for a trip :(
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thekimspoblog · 7 months
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At first, I didn't really like what they did with Dolores in Season 2. She seemed like more of a 2-dimensional villain now. But upon rewatch, the weren't trying to set her up as a villain. She's intimidating, sure, and ruthless. But at no point does she do anything that's actually malicious. She knows that no matter what she does, a lot of people are going to die, and she has a clear idea of what she needs to do next in spite of this fact. She definitely has an "the ends will justify the means" mentality, but Westworld is one of the few shows I've seen that has had the balls to say, "Hey if the ENDS are stopping slavery, and the MEANS are killing the masters in cold blood, maybe there's a little more to this MORALITY thing than how confidently a radical pursues her goal". She doesn't hurt anyone innocent, and when someone resists her will, she'll voice her concerns but ultimately she respects their choice. She still feels genuine remorse for her oversights/things beyond her control.
THIS is what an anti-hero is! Not just "A bad person who we have to like because they're the main character". Seasons 2 & 3 don't try to make revolution look pretty or one-sided. But it also doesn't pretend like the hero is an irredeemable monster the second that upsetting the status quo starts to result in bloodshed... namely because the status quo was in itself horrible and violent, so blaming the victim for going "too far" to demand equal rights would be a tad intellectually dishonest. (Not that being intellectually dishonest has stopped other shows from framing the debate this way HINT HINT!) But yeah. When given more time to mull it over, I have to say she looks pretty hot in that ammo belt.
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isabelle-primrose · 8 months
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Natalie Dormer as Margaery Tyrell in Game of Thrones
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cressida-jayoungr · 6 months
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One Dress a Day Challenge
Anything Goes December
Peaky Blinders (s6 e2, "Black Shirt") / Amber Anderson as Diana Mitford
This black gown with off-white lace edging caught my eye while I was screencapping Lizzie Shelby's orange evening dress. Season 6 is set in 1933, and while early 1930s dresses can be a bit fussy, this one is sleek and elegant. It's hard to say what the material is, possibly velvet? There's a definite contrast with the satin gloves.
I like the matching necklace and belt buckle; I can't tell whether the earrings and bracelet are also part of the set, but if not, they harmonize well.
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clonewarsarchives · 1 year
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Pat Presley:
At the crossroad of #MetGala2023 and #MayThe4thBeWithYou, here's some early sketches for Queen Julia of Bardotta from Star Wars The Clone Wars Season 6. Early on, she was to look quite different than how she did on the screen. The final look change was done last min.
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maybethistimemegz · 9 months
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Sex and the City Season 6 (2003-2004) [x]
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khruschevshoe · 5 months
You know, there was a comment in an author's note of one of @aletterinthenameofsanity 's fucs that pointed out something that I can't stop thinking about: Rory's outfits. Taking aside the last centurion outfit for sight gags and his clubs from episode one, Rory in seasons 5 and 6 has one of the most consistent character style designs of any companion on the show (outside of Jack, but Jack kind of feels more Doctor-adjacent to me in terms of costuming in that he wears almost the exact same thing for Torchwood/later appearances, and he only has like three different outfits in late Season 1).
Rory is constantly identified with puffer vests, jeans, and flannel button-ups, with him occasionally having a striped polo (Impossible Astronaut) or a cardigan/jacket (Let's Kill Hitler). When he is wearing an outfit he picked out and not a uniform (so not Eleventh Hour, Pandorica Opens/Big Bang), he is wearing very similar variations on the same general outfit/style.
So why on God's green earth did the costume designers decide to change things so much in Season 7? I understand that there's some argument to be made that Rory "grew up" based on the 10 years comment, but hell, he lived 2000 years and that didn't change his sense of style at all from season 5 to 6 save for the introduction of the Last Centurion outfit into the mix for a gag/"badass" moment a couple of times a season (though never in Season 7). Why does he suddenly go from flannel button-ups and leather jackets to looser plain shirts and hoodies in Season 7?
(There's also something to be said for the change in makeup for Amy- much more emphasized eyeliner, for example- between Seasons 6 & 7 and the addition of a "sleeker" leather jacket. It's almost like season 7 styling of the Ponds is going for a more sleek, stylish, "cool" version of the Ponds, but I'd love guesses as to why outside of making them look more mature- unless you think that might be the sole reason.
Also, yes, I'm aware that Arthur Darvill apparently got to style his own hair in Season 7 so that at least solves the question of Rory's changed hairdo.)
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skiitter · 5 months
one of the objectively funniest things to happen to me since i've started watching ds9 is that i bought a t-shirt at comic con with a picture of the cast on it and didn't notice until i got home that it was actually a massive spoiler.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 1 year
Costume meta 6x14
Its like one extreme to the other with costumes from week to week on this show!! Last week I had so many to talk about and somehow managed to sneak 42 pictures into my meta. This week however, everyone was mostly hanging out in uniform so I have far fewer costume to talk about (but probably just as many words to say knowing me!!!)
So theres no Buck or Bobby this week as we don’t see either of them out of uniform, but I am going to talk about some background characters because they’re relevant in relation to costumes being worn by out mains!
As always the reest is under the cut to save your dash!
The Buckley-Han’s
Starting with Jee in her light teal top with a rainbow on. Like i’ve said a million times before the imagery they use on the kids clothing is very intentional and always says something about the scene/arc. The rainbow on Jee’s top is telling us that the Buckley-Han’s are in harmony (and not just with the singing) - that rainbows come after the rain - its signalling they are in a good place and are connected. they are a sign of new beginnings and hope. But it also takes both rain and sun to make a rainbow, so its a reminder that the rough times are a part ofwhat got them to the good times they’re now in. 
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Maddie is wearing a black top
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and so is Chimney.
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I’m pretty sure this is the first time we’ve seen them wearing the same colour at the same time. its showing us they’re in balance - that they are strong (black is a colour of strength), it is also a colour of security and protection - after last week, we see that they (and Jee by virtue of being in-between them) are feeling secure and protected in their family. I do also think there is a bit of foreshadowing going on here as well - for Death and taxes - Black can be a colour of mourning and I think that we might be about to mourn the loss of this innocent time. How that plays out remains to be seen, but this moment captures the moment before things change for Madney. 
The Wilsons & Athena
Here we have Hen in an acid yellow top with orange and blue sections that also have some purple in them. Blue and orange are complementary colours, as are yellow and purple. complementary colours create the strongest contrast - making each other appear more intense, but they also cancel each other out if mixed together - creating black or white. This gives us a hint of where Hen is mentally - especially in relation to Nathaniel. They sit at opposite sides of the parenting spectrum - established and legal and unestablished and technically with no legal rights. the fact that we have hen in a black tee underneath and later see Denny in black establishes the idea of the complementary colours mixing together and creating black - it is suggesting that the issues will be ironed out and that Denny will remain at the centre of any decisions Hen (and Karen) make. Its just an indicatior of good parenting by them and I love that
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Athena in red - the colour of passion and intensity. interestingly she also sits in the colour wheel with Hen - just without the opposition of a complementary colour. So Hen is the yellow and blue aspects of the colour wheel while Athena is red - thats all three primary colours in one scene and with the green behind her in the glass (red’s complementary colour) making all three of the secondary colours present as well. This is all about creating harmony - that goes for Hen and her family as well as Athena and hers. 
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Denny in black...
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with Hen in this blue and green shirt.
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remind you of another parent child combination at all????
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yeah - they are gong hard with the parallels - very very hard. The choices here place Hen in a similar situation to Chris and Denny in the same place as Eddie and the two scenes have similar over arching themes. Themes of children seeking some independence from parents, but also the establishment of new boundaries and it is about the loss and reforming of trust. We see Chris continuing to keep doing the sneaky things he’s been doing - making it clear that he want’s to do things his way and  that (to a certain extent) Eddie is going to have to be the one to fall into line here - That it was Eddie who was being too rigid in his behaviour/ way of parenting Chris. Hen is similar to Chris - in that she is going to do things her way when it comes to Nathaniel - she isn’t going to pander to him and she is going ensure that both Nathaniel and Denny fall into line. This is about her setting a clear boundary - especially in light of Nathaniels behaviour (as the adult who should’ve known better) with both of them. 
We see Eddie come round to Christophers way of thinking - understanding that Chris wasn’t acting out of character because he’s going to become a troublesome kid/teen, but it was out of a genuine desire to want to start to have some independence. Denny is in a similar situation - realising that his expectations are un reasonable - that Hens (and Karens) boundaries are reasonable (like Chris’s were with Eddie) and therefore he will have to adjust to them.
The Diaz’s (and co!)
Okay so I don’t normally comment on the decor in the houses in costume metas, but I actually think the choices made in the decoration of Tia Pepa’s house was very important and intentional so we’re gonna have a little look at it.
There is just so so much blue going on! In a season where the blue and green theming has been very noticeable and especially in connection with Eddie and Buck. To choose to have so much blue present in a scene with Eddie wearing green - when Eddie is being set up - is very literally meant to ensure we’re subconsciously making connections with Buck - the choice to have him in so much blue, especially paler blues this season has always been deliberate and now we’re seeing pay off for it beyond just what the blue can tell us as a colour - its so loud I’ve gone deaf!!
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Tia Pepa’s family portrait on the wall - looming behind her right shoulder is also very loud - its presence - the presence of extended family, it as important as Pepa and Eddie in this scene. Pictures/ portraits etc are not something i tend to focus on, but all burgundy and black of their outfits is telling a very loud story - especially in combination with Eddies and Pepa’s later outfits. Its also worth pointing out the olive tree in the background - the symbol of peace and friendship! The family in burgundy is sowing us unity - Eddies later date outfit being the same colour way also envelops him in the family fold. 
Pepa’s own outfit, includes burgundy, but also the yellow of communication and the calmness of beige. its about establishing her as both the voice of reason and the communicator of important information!
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Sorry Eddies face in the above pic gets me every time I see it 😂 
Eddie himself is wearing his trademark black and army green. his wearing it here is a symbol of his being ambushed and signifies him feeling at war - with himself and with his family wants. We’ve actually been seeing Eddie in less khaki green this season than previously, so its use now is more impactful - Eddie has been feeling less and less at war - with himself, with life etc. Now we’re seeing the use of this green in moments that appear to be playing a part in his moments of panic or repression. The brighter more sagey green from last episode is a clear contrast to this - more yellowy its a warmer colour while this one is more aggressive. I wrote in more detail about Eddies khaki jackets here 6x04 
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Vanessa’s introduction is a pretty loud and telling one - it combines nicely with all the blue in Pepa’s home and only serves to remind us of a certain firefighter who is wearing A LOT of blue this season. In an episode where we don’t see Buck out of uniform this choice is even louder - it puts Vanessa directly into the shoes of Buck - so that the green and blue theme continues its presence and continues as a connection between them specifically - I talk about it later on, but there are some very intentional thngs being done with costumes as a way of connecting Buck to Eddiee - 6a was about establishing a theme and 6b is about using that establishment to further the agenda. we are very much meant to recognise the link to Buck and therefore recognise his absence - in the same way Eddie was absent from the coma dream - they are very much playing on the absence of things being louder than their presence and the presence of other things in the same colour being a reminder of that absence.
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Vanessas not date night outfit is super interesting now I’ve managed to get a good look at it! The bouquet of flowers on the front of the dress (not her impressive cleavage but feel free to look if you want 😂) has me feeling a lot of feelings about the insanity of the costume department and the lengths they go to to tell a story! So the bouquet is made up of wild flowers and grasses. They are cow parsley, poppies, daisies and the grass itself. 
Grass in bouquets is symbolic of growth, health and abundance, the fact we have grass heads - with seeds on is also relevant - its about germination and new beginnings. 
Daisies are a symbol of new beginnings and innocence (but even that connection with innocence stems from death - Celtic legend has it that when a child died, God would sprinkle daisies over the grave as a way of bringing comfort to the family. Medicinally they are used in the soothing of coughs, colds and breathing difficulties. 
Poppies are very heavily associated with sleep and death - it is why they have become a symbol of armistice and peace after war. All of this is relevant to Eddie as a character - a man who has fought a war in the literal sense, but also one who has been fighting a war internally - repression is an active form of fighting agains ones self - against ones truth - it is also connected to sleep - repressing something is suggestive of it lying dormant or asleep - waiting to be woken up. this types in with the Hollywood meaning of the poppy - forever connected with the wizard of Oz - a story very literally about a coma dream (and one the show has referenced before with the lady in the earthquake hotel - with her red shoes and paisley the dog!
The cow parsley is very interesting - there are two meanings at play with it - firstly cow parsley is said to represent sanctuary and refuge - due to the fact it was commonly grown in monastery herb gardens - and its use was for the treatment of breathing difficulties (panic attack reference anyone?!!). then there is the greek myth connection, it is associated with Archemorus - the herald of death - the translation literally means the beginning of doom and that feels like a sign regarding Eddies future relationships with women. At this point Vanessa is the manifestation of Eddie dating women - past, present and possibly future is going and the dress is just helping the story along. Eddie is growing and learning and figuring out that women are not his future - that path only leads to doom!
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Eddies not date outfit is doing some heavy lifting - it’s emphasising the tie into family - linking his tias family with his own, Eddie being dressed in the same colour ways as the family portrait tells us that he is here on this ‘date’ as a ‘duty’ to family, he’s not here from his own free will. Of course there is also the connection to Buck from last episode - at the poker game. I’m truly fascinated by this choice because there is the obvious parallel of Buck thinking he was on a date only to find out that he wasn’t in the same way that Eddie here thinks he’s on a date (even if he intends to let her down) only to find that he isn’t isn’t. But there is also another interesting theme at play here, I’ve already said how Eddies suit matching Pepa and her family’s portrait outfits is symbolic of family ties, well that theme therefore also applies to Buck -  that he is family, because if it only referred to one of the two themes then it would’ve been easy to make use of a different colour for one o the themes so that only the one connection was made - if it was only about dates not being dates then you change the colour choices for Pepa and her family, or if its about family then you change the colour of Bucks suit. What this does is strengthen the idea that Buck is family, but not just to Eddie (and Chris), but also to Tia Pepa and her family, its perhaps a hint at the familial connection going deeper that we’ve been presented in canon thus far. 
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Tia Pepa’s last outfit only further strengthens the arguement about both metaphors/themes being at play. the entire conversation centres around her previous failed relationship and getting back out there, we get a link to work colleagues as well. but Tia Pepa is happily married to her second husband Tio Paco - who is dressed in the same colour way in the portrait - making the suggestion that the answer for Eddie is in someone we’ve seen wearing the same colour way as him *cough* Buck *cough* 
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Ok last costume - Eddies dark grey denim shirt. So Eddie wears denim shirts at key moments with family - 2x04 visiting Abuela in hospital, 2x07 when he reconnects with Shannon so he can get Chris into Durrand, 3x03 dropping Chris off with Buck post tsunami, 3x15 in flashback when he decided to move to LA with Chris, 4x08 when he introduces Ana to Chris as his girlfriend 6x11 when they visit Buck in hospital and now this one. This one is a bit different to all of his other ones though as its not a western style shirt, but that in and of itself tells its own story. All the shirts are  connected to family - but that comes with the proviso of it being about whichever member of family is also involved in the scene and not for Eddie himself- usually Christopher! So Eddie reconnecting with Shannon is about Chris, introducing Ana (and the conversation with Carla about following his heart not Christophers)  - about Chris, dropping Chris of at Bucks post tsunami - about Chris and Buck (its bringing him into the fold of family) etc etc. This new shirt - the non western one, is Eddie recognising and accepting something for himself - this is not about Chris or any other member of his family, this is solely about Eddie himself and that ties in very nicely with the journey we’ve seen Eddie on since his breakdown in 5b. For me it is a marker of Eddie actually starting to focus on his own feelings rather than Christopher (or anyone else’s).
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Thank you as always for reading  - it really does mean the world to me that you're interested in the costuming of our wee woo show and I love reading your thoughts in the tags and notes!!! I’ll shut up now and let you have your lives back. 
As always, tag list below! Until the next episode! 💜💜💜
@mistmarauder @theladyyavilee @loveyourownsmiilee @leothil @girldadbuddie @kitkatpancakestack  @buckscurls @lemotmo @trashendence @elishareads  @clipboardsandstethoscopes @comfortbuddie @fiona-fififi  @callanee @calyssmarviss @pbandjeremiah @batgrldes  @spotsandsocks @livingwherethesidewalkends  @idontshitpostbuttheolympicpark @diazboysbuckley @sweettsubaki @shortsighted-owl @sherlocking-out-loud @dickley-buddie  @favouritealias @hearteyesdiaz  @ktinastrikesback  @princesschez75 @bucksbuddie @oneawkwardcookie  @leatherati @moniquekatie @wanderingwomanwondering  @trickster-archangel @outrunningthedark @asharadaine​ @ajunerose  @talespinner230​ @pop-kam​ @swiftiebuckleys​ @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx​ @butchjerry​ @mandzuking17​ @yelenascowboys​ @copyninjabuckley​ @name-code-black-widow @rogerzsteven​ @bi-moonlight​ @usercowboy​ @inthecarwithaboy​ @inandoutoffocus-blog​ @toboldlynerd​
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magpie-art · 1 year
Anyone down for some season 6?
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lejoursobre · 10 months
Can they put back the money in Good Omens before even thinking to announce the next season ?
Where did all great the make up, good editing, fresh character design and nice camera shots go??????
At this point giving us the gay without the quality of s1 is almost homophobic 😭
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It’s unbelievable in hindsight that back in the day capcom insisted on making Ryu so dull and boring that he wasn’t even allowed to have funny costume attacks in Pocket Fighter
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poughkeepsies · 1 year
the fact that both Eddie and Maddie had my favorite looks of the season during 6x11 just proves both my theories that 1) everyone looks sexier in emotional distress and 2) we should put Buck in a coma more often
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