31 Day Challenge- Day 10- First Celebrity Crush
I guess my first celebrity crush was Johnny Depp. Funnily enough, as I write this I’m watching On Stranger Tides. I fell in love with his performance in the first Pirates of the Carribean movie and kept falling in love with every movie of his from What’s Eating Gilbert Grape to Secret Window. Even in 21 Jump Street, his talent shines through. So, Johhny, if you ever see this- thank you for the many incredible movies, here’s to many more.
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31-Day Challenge- Day 8- Old Photo
Here’s an older photo of me at Coon Lake. I was trying to go for the head shot feel for my business cards. What do you think?
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#annualvisit #spotamermaid #lookout4seaspray #mnmermaid #exploremn #lovemn #minnesotamermaid #realmermaid #seaspraymermaid #tour #visitme via @RiplApp
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Hey, seastars! Tell me where your favorite swimming spots are! I need fresh beaches for my tour! #lookout4seaspray #spotamermaid #lovemn #exploremn #tour #realmermaid #newbeach #seaspraymermaid #seaspray #mermaid #mnmermaid via @RiplApp
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https://www.facebook.com/events/488749544899604/?ti=cl #minnesota #littlesplashers #Anoka #seaspraymermaid #lookout4seaspray #spotamermaid #lovemn #exploremn #swimwithamermaid #meetamermaid #coolpool via @RiplApp
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Hello hello hello! Come on down to Minneapolis on the 28th of this month and see amazing performances and visit me! Details here: https://www.facebook.com/events/2297802593566846/?ti=cl #seaspraymermaid #lookout4seaspray #spotamermaid #lovemn #exploremn #FAI #thingstodoinmlps #blockparty #minneapolis #party
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Meet the stunning Flamingo Tongue marine snail. These little guys can be found in the western Atlantic Ocean. Don't be fooled by those colors, the shell of the Flamingo Tongue is plain compared to the lovely soft tissue that is (almost) always covering the outside of the shell. They aren't just pretty faces, Flamingo Tongues use the toxins from their prey (soft coral) as a chemical defense against other critters like puffer fish and some lobsters. If you see this animal DO NOT try to collect them for your shell collection, this is a common mistake that often leaves collectors disappointed. [oceana.org] #learnsomethingnewdaily #snail #mollusk #stunning #flamingotounge #poisonous #seaspraymermaid #marinesnail #donotcollect #oceana
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Here's a flying fish. That's right, a fish that "flies". Actually it's more of a long glide. Flying fish use their fins to glide up to 655 feet (200 meters) with take off speeds around 37 mph (60 kilometers). There are around 40 species of these amazing fish. #learnsomethingnewdaily #fishyfacts #seaspraymermaid #seaspray #neat #flyingfish #incredible #oceancreatures #fintastic #amazing
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31 Day Challenge- Day 7- 10 Favorite Foods
I have to start off with a statement about how much I love cooking and food. Despite, or maybe in spite, of having struggled with starving myself in middle school and high school. And I still struggle with the body image issues that caused the self-starvation. Anyhoo, let’s get started!
1. Fried pickles- I had them at a local pub once and fell in love. I wasn’t expecting to like the combination but I could not get enough.
2. Monte Cristo- The best sandwich invention EVER!
3. Seaweed- As a salad or a snack, I adore seaweed.
4. Peanut butter and fried egg sandwich- This probably sounds gross to some of you. I take a toasted bagel and spread on a layer of peanut butter and let it sit while I fry up an egg, then I slide the egg onto the bagel and set the other half (buttered) on top.
5. Spicy mushrooms- I came up with this idea to add some spice and flavor without overwhelming the dish this is added to. All I do is melt a half stick of butter and toss a thick coat of dried minced onion and let that bubble. I throw on sliced or diced mushrooms and coat them in the butter before dashing on Himalayan salt, cayenne, pepper, and garlic powder. I stir the mushrooms until they are brown. It’s a great addition to any pasta.
6. Walleye- The first time I ever had walleye was when I was staying the night at my dad’s and he fried up a walleye with lemon and green beans. A fond memory and a great dish.
7. Tuna casserole- Another one of my dad’s recipes. It’s basically macaroni and cheese with canned tuna and potato chips.
8. Hummus- I am obsessed with hummus! I once spent an entire day just snacking on hummus and chips and veggies.
9. Brownies- Well any sweet thing in general but I love to add a bit of coconut oil to my brownie mix and just a sprinkle of coffee.
10. Homemade banana bread- There’s just something about food you make from scratch that just makes the soul sing.
I’m absolutely starving after writing this! What are some of your favorite foods?
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31 Day Challenge- Day 6- 3 Personality Traits I’m Proud of
I’m proud of my perseverance. I won’t go into too much detail, but I haven’t lead the easiest of lives in my 21 years of living. I absolutely could have had it worse and I absolutely am grateful for every blessing in my life. Through it all, I have never quit. When I set my heart on something, I will not quit until I get a result.
I’m proud of my creativity. I have been shunned for my creativity in the past, but without it, I would not be able to run my business. I simply have too many ideas- some of them deserve a chance at life.
I’m proud of my empathy. I believe we all should take a step back and try to understand the side of those that have wronged us. That won’t excuse their behavior but I have found putting a reason behind malice allows me to let go of any lingering anger.
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I'll be at Coon Lake tomorrow afternoon! Come enjoy fun in the sun and visit with a real mermaid! #seaspraymermaid #tour #realmermaid #visitme #exploremn #lovemn #mnmermaid #seaspray #mermaid #minnesotamermaid via @RiplApp
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Hey, seastars! Ever hear of a #blobfish ? Mr. Blobby made the species famous after scientists snapped this #fintastic photo, perfected by a parasite in the corner of the specimen's mouth. These fish don't have a swim bladder, an organ found in most fish to help them stay buoyant. In fact, blobfish don't have much for bone or muscle either. They rely on the intense pressure of their environment for structural support. Want to meet #MrBlobby? He's preserved at the Australian Museum, however the preservation process did shrink his nose a bit. ~mentalfloss.com~ #learnsomethingnewdaily #seaspraymermaid #coolfish #deepseacritter #cute #toocute #seaspray
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Sorry, seastars, I posted a video of me swimming on YouTube. I'll have a normal video up tomorrow. Stay safe and warm! #seaspray #mertailor #realmermaid #spotamermaid #lookout4seaspray #sorry #youtube #seaspraymermaid #minnesota
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Wishing you all a flippin fintastic New Year! Remember to be safe and responsible, seastars. #happynewyear #seaspray #mermaid #blue #seaspraymermaid #happy #realmermaid #mertailor #freshwater #Minnesota #tailsup #tailflip
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Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday, seastars! #mermaid #blue #seaspraymermaid #happy #realmermaid #mertailor #freshwater #Minnesota #mermaidkisses #seaspray
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Hello seastars! I'm announcing the #surprise! I now have a website! www.seaspraymermaid.wixsite.com/seaspray #mermaid #blue #seaspraymermaid #happy #website #blessed #announcement #suprise
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