#sebastian stan x younger!reader
shamrockqueen · 9 months
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Father figure
Pairing : Best Friend’s Dad Bucky x Reader
Warnings : Angst, Bad friends, Older man younger woman Dynamic, (age references removed and reader is recounting it as an adult)
Word count : 2167
AO3 page Link
Chapter 1 link
Chapter 2
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Things stayed quiet, but at least they kind of got better. It had been a week or two since you’d welcomed Becky and her family back into your life.
A pounding at your window around 12pm woke you from an already uncomfortable sleep. You looked over at the drawn curtains, waiting for the sound again.
A *Knock knock knock* at the window of your ground-floor bedroom.
You pushed out of bed, readjusting your messy t-shirt and shorts as you groggily walked to the curtains. You weren’t surprised to see Becky on the other side of the glass, her dark hair nearly blending in with the night.
She didn’t look very happy, and her frustration was even more evident when she tried to jerk open the locked window. It wasn’t a new sight to see an angry Becky trying to force her way into your room, a popular choice of hers for when she had been out doing something she shouldn’t have and needed a place to hide before absconding by midnight.
"Open up!" You could hear her through the glass before you finally unlocked the window and pulled it up, and she immediately crawled past you.
"You can’t be yelling this late at night; you're gonna to wake my mom up."
"Whatever!" She stomped towards your bed before throwing herself onto it and grappling at one of your teddy bears.
You have a huff before shutting the window and locking it again.
"What’s wrong?" You slumped back onto the other side of the bed as you tried to find what made her mad this time.
"It doesn’t fuckin matter." A classic Becky move, but you’d played this game before, and with enough prying, you’d get her to talk instead of sulking into one of your old teddy bears.
"Clearly it mattered to you because you were here at almost 1 in the morning instead of asleep."
"Shut up!" She turned and tossed the bear at you, clearly choosing to act more like a child than her actual age.
"Keep your voice down. You wake my mom up, and she’s gonna kick you out again." You seethed before throwing the stuffed animal back at her, only to miss and hit the wall beside the bed.
Becky dropped her arms from above her head to her sides, hitting the bed with a thump. "Everything’s just so stupid; it fucking sucks." She grumbled, but at least she made an effort to keep her voice down.
"What happened?" You ask tiredly, rubbing your eyes as you wait for an answer.
"I called my mom today." She answered meekly. Conversations with her mom often brought out the worst in her, making it unsurprising that she’d snuck out to blow off steam.
"What’d she say?" You asked worriedly, not waking to try to break the already weak foundation that Becky stood on.
"She said I couldn’t visit her this summer. She said that she and STUPID Mason and their STUPID kids already planned their vacation, and that she can’t just change her plans at the drop of a hat because I want her to."
You just laid beside her, silent in the dark, as a sob cut through the air, and you turned to see streaks of tears training down her face. Becky had such a complicated relationship with her mom, especially when she often thought she had to compete with a new family.
"Why do you want to visit her anyway? You hate the twins, and you hate your stepdad." You say this quietly as you sit up to look at your friend. "Every time you visit, you call me to tell me how snotty they are and how crappy they treat you."
He huffed a small laugh before answering, "I know, but…it’s just that she doesn’t call anymore. She doesn’t visit. She doesn't care." She hugged the pillow as her voice grew weaker.
"That can’t be true; all moms have to care at least a little. I mean, you're her kid; she can’t just forget about you." You always tried to reassure her, but her face just continued to fall.
"It feels like she’s trying to."
"You still have your dad." Your words rang in your ears just as you said them. The memory of that night is still heavy in your mind. Just the way his psyche must have shattered to propel him to do what he did made you shudder a little.
"There’s something wrong with him." Every word added a little more weight to your heavy heart as she spoke. You feared how much she really knew and who she would be mad at the most.
"What do you mean?" You didn’t turn to look at her as you spoke, not wanting her to catch a glimpse of guilt in your eyes, even in the dark.
"He’s just been acting really off lately, like…he won’t talk to me, and it just feels like he’s trying to avoid me now. Ever since that party, he’s just shut off."
You could feel your stomach knowing together as she spoke. You have a very good idea why he’s acting so uncomfortably, but it’s not something you could tell her.
"He just doesn’t want to see you get like that. I mean, he is your dad; stuff like that is going to upset him."
"It’s not the same. He’s never been this upset before. It’s like he’s shut down or something." Her eyes start to tear up as she continues, "Maybe this time I finally made him snap."
"No way. It just has to be a lot of stress on him."
"I don’t know. Something’s just wrong."
The crack in your nerves deepened painfully as she spoke. You knew very well what was wrong and why. Something was wrong, very wrong, and there was nothing you could do to fix it now. You just stared out at the ceiling, waiting for her to talk again.
Instead, she seemed to nod off before you found the ability to even find sleep. No, you were still so shaken by the new knowledge you had found that you lay there motionless instead.
A small light lit up beside you. A notification beaming out into your room from where Becky’s phone sat on your charger.
You leaned out of bed as your eyes adjusted to the new source of light to see Mr. Barnes’ picture blink across the screen as the silent call fell to Becky’s voicemail.
You look back at her and then back at the phone, just tapping the screen to see the number of messages her father left her.
She sneaks out a lot, but she more than often ends up sleeping off her night on your bedroom floor. This gave Mr. Barnes at least some peace of mind not to go running out into the night for his daughter, but he was still her father and had desperately tried reaching out to Becky.
The first few times Becky had snuck out, it had caused a lot of trouble, and he’d come speeding through the neighborhood trying to find her.
Now, he could easily drive by and spot her bike propped up against your mailbox, giving him some peace of mind to at least know she was somewhere safe.
You let her phone screen fade before letting your eyes readjust to the dark to find your phone next to hers. You unlock it and tap on your contacts icon to dig up her father’s number.
His contact photo lights up the screen. A happy photo from when he’d taken you and Becky out to see Jurassic Park. An undone blue button-up, a white tank top, and a pair of shades making him seem so much more striking than he was before. Even the loose bun that held together his once shoulder-length hair brought new definition to his smiling face; it made it seem like more and more of a shame that he’d since cut it short.
Shaking the thought away, you tuck your phone to your side before looking back at the still-sleeping Becky and slipping out of bed and snuck towards the door. Becky still snored on the other side of the room as you ducked into the hall and towards the bathroom.
The hallway is just as dark and more eerily quiet as you looked over at your mother’s room, which sat only a few feet in the other direction. You let your eyes fall on to the lightly colored wood, turned to a gray hue under the heavy blanket at night.
You quietly and carefully cross through to the bathroom before letting yourself lean onto the sink to take a quick and nervous breath. You pulled your phone from where you kept it clasped to your chest and tapped in your password to open it again. His picture lights up the screen once again before your thumb slides over the call button.
You held it to your ear as it rang for a spell. Each extra ring made your heart beat just a little slower as you waited for him to pick up the phone.
When the voicemail popped up, a heavy breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding onto escaped past your lips, and your heart sank into your stomach.
You ended the call without leaving a message, and you just leaned there before sitting back heavily onto the shaggy cloth toilet seat cover.
You took a few seconds before opening the phone back up and clicking the call button again.
The phone rang once, then twice…then it stopped abruptly, replaced by the sound of the other line being handled before a familiar voice filled the phone.
"Hey. Sorry, I uh…missed your call." You heard him take a deep breath before continuing with, "Is everything okay?"
"Uh, yeah. I just wanted to let you know Becky’s here. She’s still asleep right now." You spoke in a whisper, making sure not to wake up anyone in the house.
"Oh, thank God. How long has she been there?"
"I think she came straight over. I’m sorry I didn’t call sooner."
"No, it's fine. Thank you for letting me know." His voice didn’t seem fully relieved before he continued with, "D-did she tell you why she left?"
It was a question he hadn’t asked you before. He’d long since lost hope in understanding his daughter's misbehavior, but something in his voice seemed more fearful than before.
"I…um…just some drama with her mom, and…she." You almost couldn’t get the last few words out, as they choked up in your throat.
You stared at the tiled floor beneath your feet before finally finishing your sentence. "And she said that something seemed off. That you didn’t seem like yourself, I guess."
You could hear him swallow over the phone, taking a deep breath afterward before leaving an air of silence over the call.
"I am so sorry." He spoke so quietly that it almost couldn’t be heard over the phone. His voice was broken; it was so painful to hear it.
You opened your mouth to answer, but nothing came out. Your throat seemed to just close up as your fingers tightened around the phone until it shook a little in your hand.
"I…I can try to get her home after school tomorrow, Mr. Barnes." It’s all you could think to say. Anything to avoid discussing what had happened, how it had made you feel, and what the consequences would be.
"That would be a great help, but I can take care of it. Thank you." There was still something off with his voice, like a deep crack forming on what was once unbreakable glass. "Just make sure she gets to school, alright?"
"Yes sir."
"Thank you; now just get some sleep, ok sweetheart?"
The term of endearment made your heavy heart flutter for a single second before you answered, "Okay, goodnight, sir." And the call ended with a quick click.
You hold your phone back to your chest as you take a shallow breath, remembering all that had transpired between you and Mr. Barnes. The memory still made you feel an odd but warm sensation along your body, as well as a deep ache at the thought of the same memory causing him misfortune.
A knock at the bathroom door startled you. Making you jump back and hit the tiled wall with the back of your head.
You panic and flush the empty toilet beside you, trying to create an alibi and not wanting either person in the house to know about your phone call.
You quickly tuck your phone into your shorts pocket, switch on the sink, and start washing your hands.
"Hurry up." Becky’s voice through the door made the terrible feeling in your stomach curdle even further.
Finally, you open the door to Becky’s tired face before she pushes past you with a grunted "gotta pee."
You speedily walk back to the bedroom as the bathroom door clicks shut behind her.
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sebastiansluts · 3 months
Sebastian returns home from college, and his stepmother takes his clothes off to see how much he's grown. She gives him a hand job.
Sebastian Stan x Reader; dub/non-con, older reader younger (18+) sebastian, stepcest- stepmother reader, first time? maybe, handjob, cfnm, praise, slight degradation,
“Sebastian, sweetie! You’re home early, everyone’s still out! I’ve missed you,” you said, getting up from the couch and crossing the living room to the doorway where your stepson stood, home from college a few hours early.
Sebastian dropped his bags and returned the hug you immediately gave him, your arms wrapping around his neck, burying your face there too. His arms went around your waist, holding you steady as you stood on your tiptoes. 
You let your lips brush against the collar of his shirt, feeling the sharp bone underneath, wanting to bite it, but holding back. “Sebastian, let’s sit, you can tell me all about school,” you suggested, stepping back, but keeping your hands on his neck, thumbs stroking his jaw. 
“Sure, whatever you want,” Sebastian said easily, and you bit your lip, slowly removing your hands from him, only to take his hand in yours and walk with him to the couch. You sat down next to him, practically touching, before you turned sideways, your knee pressing into his thigh. 
“You look tired sweetheart, are they working you too hard up at that fancy college of yours?” You placed your hand on Sebastian’s shoulder, gently stroking your thumb over it, fingers digging in lightly into his back. He hissed, stretching out the ache as you squeezed, massaging him. “You’re so tense Sebastian, let me give you a massage, here take your shirt off.”
You urged him to lift his arms, pulling his t-shirt up until it was bunched around his armpits. “Arms up, sweetie,” you said lightly, and Sebastian complied, albeit confused, and you tossed his shirt onto the floor. “That’s it! Good boy, Sebastian,” you praised, and he smiled, still a bit  confused, but he relaxed back into the couch, letting you straddle him. 
“Just to really get these shoulders, sweetie, need to get a good angle,” you explained, placing your hands on his shoulders and squeezing, tight enough to make him gasp. “You know…” you started casually, hands moving down his chest, grasping his pecs and trailing along the slight definition of abs on his torso, down to his jeans. “I should really make sure all of you is growing big and strong.”
“Wh-what do you mean?” Sebastian asked, hesitation in his voice, but his hands remained by his sides.
“I mean, sweet boy, that you need to take these off, underwear too,” you ordered, sliding off his lap back onto the couch. “Hurry up now, honey.”
Sebastian slowly stood up from the couch, and took two steps away from you before you told him to stop. “I said, clothes off, Sebastian, don’t make me tell you again.” 
He shuddered, and quickly brought his hands to his jeans, unbuttoning and unzipping them, pushing them down along with his boxers, unaware of the view he was giving you from behind, that perky ass on full display. 
“Now turn around, sweetheart, I want to see you,” you said, and Sebastian hesitated for a moment before slowly turning. “Ohh, now there’s my big boy,” you murmured, and gestured for him to come to you. He stepped forwards, and you took his hands, guiding him back down onto the couch. 
“You’re doing so well, sweetheart, now I’m gonna give you a little treat, okay?” you said sweetly, your thumbs stroking the backs of his hands. You slid your hands up his arms, feeling the corded muscles beneath them, standing out because of how tense Sebastian was. 
“Sweetheart, relax,” you murmured, reaching his shoulders and massaging them again, really digging your fingers in this time, forcing him to submit to pressure and relax. He moaned quietly and you smiled, glancing down and seeing that his dick was still soft. 
You reached next to you on the couch, having prepared for this, and grabbed the lube, opening it and squirting some into your palm, warming it up in your fingers before grasping Sebastian’s dick.
He jumped, eyes flying open as he leaned back into the couch, away from you. “What the fuck?” 
“Shush Sebastian, this is just part of your treat,” you said matter of factly, jacking his dick quickly, feeling it stiffen beneath your palm in a matter of seconds, your smile turning to a smirk. 
“Seems someone’s not complaining too much,” you said with a laugh as you jacked him to full hardness in a matter of minutes, rolling his balls with your free hand. Sebastian was flushed, and he wouldn’t meet your eyes, staring hard at the floor. 
“Oh, don’t be like that, where’s my sweet boy from before?” you cooed, grasping Sebastian’s chin and turning him to face you, laughing when he grit his teeth, a high flush on his cheeks. “Oh- is someone going to come? Already?”
You let his face go as you sped up your other hand, rolling your palm over the tip, stroking the vein on the underside with your thumb, before going back to jacking it hard.
Sebastian groaned loudly as he came, his hips jerking upwards into your hand, coating your palm and his abdomen, pooling in his hips and on his thighs. He panted lightly, head falling back onto the back of the couch, and you just grabbed some tissues, cleaning yourself and him up, before standing. 
“Dress whenever you’re ready, dinner is at six, everyone is out until later tonight, so it’s just us- I made your favorites!”
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averyfromzero · 2 years
Friends with Benefits
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pairing: sebastian stan x male reader
summary: reader is an actor in his early 20s who plays one of the super-heroes in the Avengers and is really close to most of his castmates. in Atlanta to film the upcoming "Infinity War" movie, Sebastian and reader share a room in the hotel they're staying at and, upon discovering the other had just broken up with his boyfriend, Sebastian proposes they satisfy each other's "needs" (you know, as friends!)
notes: smut, bottom reader, friends with benefits, age gap, no romantic feelings
words: 2430
"Got the key?", y/n asks the other as they get out of the elevator, strawberry banana smoothie in hand.
Sebastian no more than hums as he fishes the keycard out of his pocket while they walk to their hotel room.
The view from the hall window captivates the younger as he looks down at the busy streets of Atlanta while slurping on his drink, ever so appreciative of the night view of a big city.
It's been a regularly busy day for the two actors as they spent most of it preparing for the new movie filmings, having discussed schedules and participated in a script reading with the rest of the cast.
As usual, the cast members were booked in the same hotel together, with some sharing rooms with others, which was the case of Sebastian and y/n.
y/n is brought back from his thoughts as the beep of their room's door is heard after Sebastian used the keycard to open it.
The two enter in silence as the older sits on his bed to take off his shoes, sighing in relief after having worn them the whole day. Not yet sit, y/n does the same, never letting go of his now almost finished smoothie.
Sebastian lays back on his pillow and puts his arms behind his head with eyes closed, resting a little as he finds the strength to get up and change clothes.
His eyes open back up as the sound of y/n's slurping noises is heard one last time before the younger finishes the drink and heads to the bathroom to throw it in the trash.
Sebastian watches as the other comes back, walking past him to sit on the bed right beside his own.
"Hey, how's your boyfriend? Been a while since I heard you talking about him", the older man asks, still in the same position on his bed.
y/n looks up as he takes his socks off. "Oh," he starts while laying on his side, facing the other, "we broke up actually."
Sebastian is surprised by the other's nonchalant tone, given that last he saw him the boy seemed madly in love. "What, really? Why?", he asks, mimicking the other's pose, turning to lay on his side.
"Well, I think we just got to a point where it felt like we were more friends than boyfriends, you know?"
"I'm sorry."
"Nah, it's fine. It was a mutual decision anyway, he felt the same way I did. We're still friends though, so it's okay."
"Oh, that's cool," Sebastian looks at the floor for a moment as if thinking of what to say next. "When did that happen?"
"Two months ago, I think?" y/n scrunches his nose cutely, trying to remember. "Wait, no, three!"
The older man hums in response. "So, no action since then?"
The two have built such a close friendship since they first met a few years ago when y/n was first introduced into the MCU that no topic would ever feel like crossing the line, which is why y/n wasn't at all phased by the other's intimate question.
"Yeah...Kinda miss it, to be honest," he responds with that cute nose scrunch again.
Sebastian chuckles before laying on his back again, facing the ceiling. "Same, man. Haven't had sex in months," he sighs.
y/n nods to himself as he also lays on his back.
Silence is installed for a few seconds before both men lay on their side again.
They both chuckle.
"You go first," y/n says.
"Well," Sebastian starts, a little hesitant to continue. "Was just thinking...you haven't had it in a while. I haven't had it in a while. We both want it," he pauses for a moment. "Why don't we help each other out?"
"Oh," y/n has a slightly surprised look on his face. "I was also gonna say that," he laughs.
Sebastian chuckles a little. "That's great then! You up for the full thing or..?"
"Yeah, of course!" y/n says while moving to the other bed.
As the younger man sits beside the other, Sebastian asks, putting his hands on y/n's hips. "Anything I should know beforehand?"
"Mmm...I'm a bottom, don't like spanking or choking, and I prefer condoms."
"Ok, awesome! I think I have a couple condoms in my bag," y/n raises a brow at that. "You know, just in case," Sebastian completes before getting up to get the condoms.
y/n watches as the other comes back and puts the condom on the bedside table.
Sebastian removes his socks as he sits back on his bed, facing y/n. He places his hands on the other's hips again and moves closer before stopping to ask, "is kissing okay?"
"Yeah," y/n answers briefly before the older man kisses him.
Sebastian's lips are soft, and it's not until he starts using his tongue that y/n realizes how much he missed making out with someone.
y/n lets the other man take the upper hand and gives passage to Sebastian's warm tongue, that touches his own, cold from the smoothie he was drinking earlier.
Both of them moan as the kiss deepens and they actually start to makeout intensely.
The sound of their moist lips moving against each other fills their ears as y/n starts to unbuckle the other's belt.
Sebastian moves his hands to the younger’s butt, feeling it over his jeans, while y/n stops his attempt to remove the other’s pants and tugs on his sweater instead.
On cue, the older man breaks their kiss and grabs the collar of his sweater, moving it over his head and exposing his defined but soft abs and plump pecs. y/n stops to admire the other’s body, moving his hand to feel his warm skin and squeeze at his chest.
Sebastian lets the younger feel him up for a moment before removing y/n’s shirt himself.
The two then connect their lips again and continue their makeout session, hands now roaming each other’s bodies.
y/n moves his hands back to the other’s pants, now free from the belt, and unzips it. Sebastian’s bulge hidden behind only the thin layer of his boxers fabric, strained from how hard his penis is under it.
Both men moaned when the younger one palms at the other’s member, feeling how big it is.
y/n breaks their kiss and says, panting, “let’s take off our clothes,” and gets off the bed to remove his pants and underwear.
Sebastian sits back and lifts his hips, removing his pants and boxers without leaving the bed.
y/n can’t help but marvel at the sight before him. Sebastian is naked, hot body on display, gorgeous face, clearly panting from their makeout session, and 7-inch uncut cock standing straight with its tip glistening from precum. y/n was uncontrollably horny.
The younger man sat on the other’s lap and kissed him fiercely, nibbling at his lower lip before moving to his neck and collarbone. Sebastian did nothing but pant while his hands went from y/n’s back to his ass, where he squeezed.
y/n kept moving down, kissing and licking at the other’s chest and nipples before moving to the big shaft waiting for him inches away.
Sebastian looked as the younger wrapped his fingers around his thick veiny cock and slowly stroked it.
y/n moved his hand up and down the shaft for a while before licking the tip, tasting the precum, and finally wrapping his lips around the head, where he sucked like it was the sweetest lollipop.
Sebastian moaned loudly at that, tilting his head back in pleasure. He felt the warmth and wetness of y/n’s mouth engulf his dick further down until he touched the back of the younger’s throat.
y/n started bobbing his head up and down slowly, taking in the taste and fullness of Sebastian’s manhood inside his mouth. With his right hand around the member’s base, y/n felt the other’s pubic hair tickle his fingers.
After a couple minutes sucking Sebastian’s cock, y/n moved his mouth away, a string of spit and precum connecting his lips to the tip while he started stroking the shaft again.
y/n looked at the older man’s dick closely, noticing every vein that traced it from base to tip, admiring the black set of hair at the base and observing as the extra skin slid up and down the head as his hands moved. The romanian man’s cock was truly a sight to be seen.
After a few seconds, y/n dove in again, wrapping his lips around Sebastian’s dick one more time and bobbing his head even faster as he felt the other put his hand on the back of his head.
y/n kept sucking for a few more minutes before deciding it was time to move on. The young man gave one last suck at Sebastian’s cock and sat back up, panting from the long blowjob.
Sebastian grabbed the condom from the bedside table and opened the package, quickly rolling it over his dick right after. “Do you have any lube?”
y/n was still catching his breath when he nodded and got up the bed to look for the lube in his bag.
Coming back with a bottle on his hand, y/n kneeled down on the mattress and poured a good amount of lube onto his palm. He slicked Sebastian’s cock up and stroked it a few times before using some more lube to lather his own hole.
As y/n was about to enter his finger in his hole, Sebastian brought his own hand up to the other’s ass, silently asking for permission to finger him instead. y/n then removed his hand and let Sebastian do it.
The romanian man rubbed his index and middle finger around y/n’s entrance to gather as much lube as he could from there before slowly entering one of the fingers in the other’s awaiting hole.
Sebastian pushed his index finger in y/n’s tight entrance, pushing back the resistance until he popped in. y/n moaned at the feeling of his friend’s finger inside him.
Slowly, Sebastian pushed his finger deeper, feeling y/n’s tight walls warm around him. He pumped in and out a few times before inserting his middle finger in, scissoring y/n’s hole to loosen it.
He kept fingering y/n for a few minutes, the younger man kneeling in front of him on the mattress and rocking his hips a little to feel more of the addicting friction of the other’s fingers.
Sebastian slowly removed his fingers from y/n’s hole and motioned him to lay back on the bed. y/n let his back hit the mattress below him and kept his legs spread apart as Sebastian positioned himself.
Kneeling in front of y/n, Sebastian took his lubed up cock and moved it until the other felt the tip of the condom tickle at his entrance. Carefully, the older man pushed the head in until it was being wrapped by y/n’s warm walls. The two moaned at the feeling.
Slowly, Sebastian pushed his cock further, letting y/n get used to the size in between movements.
Once fully inside, the two stayed still for a moment before Sebastian started to move his hips at a slow pace.
y/n started moaning at the feeling of the other’s girthy dick sliding in and out of his hole. Sebastian was no different, letting out moans as he sped up his motions.
Soon enough, the two were a moaning mess, and the sound of Sebastian’s balls hitting y/n’s ass filled the room, the skin-to-skin noise turning them on even more.
As they became frantic with pleasure, y/n roamed his hands on Sebastian’s sweaty chest and shoulders, taking in the erotic view before him as the other did the same with him.
“I’m gonna cum,” y/n said, feeling his climax nearing as he held onto the older man’s shoulders.
Sebastian sped up his pace as if it was even possible, turning the younger man below him into an even bigger moaning mess. “Cum for me,” he said with an extremely sexy low voice.
Second later, y/n was spurting cum all over his stomach and chest, moaning as his orgasm took over him. It had been ages since he had cum this hard.
As Sebastian slowed down his pace, y/n managed to speak up. “Cum on my face,” he puffed.
Those words made the other man even hornier. Sebastian took his dick out of y/n’s ass and quickly threw away the condom.
y/n sat up and Sebastian moved closer to his face, masturbating his cock frantically as the younger man opened his mouth, waiting.
The sound of Sebastian’s strokes was incredibly arousing, and the view of the man jerking off right above him made y/n’s dick grow hard again.
Seconds later, Sebastian was moaning as endless ropes of cum gushed out of his cock and onto y/n’s face and tongue. The man didn’t stop releasing his seed for many seconds before the other decided to wrap his lips around him again, drawing yet another moan from the man.
y/n sucked Sebastian’s cock clean before detaching his lips and laying back down.
Panting, the young man noticed as the other leaned down until they were face to face. Sebastian looked at y/n and started to sensually lick his own cum off the other’s face, stopping only when there was nothing left to lick.
y/n already had his lips parted when Sebastian kissed him, immediately inserting his tongue in the other’s mouth, sharing the taste of his cum with him as they made out.
They kept kissing for a few minutes before Sebastian stopped and laid beside y/n, leaving both men catching their breath after their unbelievably amazing sex.
“Fuck,” Sebastian spoke up. “That was…”
“Incredible,” y/n completed.
The two kept reaching for air for a moment before the romanian man spoke up again.
“We should do that more often.”
“Oh, don’t worry,” y/n said. “We’ll be stuck here together for a few months, we have plenty of time to do that.”
Both men chuckled at the thought.
The next few filming months would be a fun ride with these two friends fucking like rabbits in heat. What’s better than friends who help each other out?
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the price of power - 02
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pairing: mob boss!sebastian stan x wife!reader
part of handmaid | masterlist
warnings: swearing, mentions of organised crime and violence, arguments
When she was younger, her fears were easily put to rest. The fear of the dark was soothed with a night light in the shape of a teddy bear, the fear of the dentist was solved with a lolly at the end of the appointment, and the fear of growing up was solved as the years progressed. Childhood fears just seemed so small now that she was older and as she looked down at her son who was peacefully sleeping in her arms, she hoped all his fears were small for hers were no longer easily scared off with light and sweets. She knew what came with the job, she knew there was always the possibility of people getting hurt but she never thought about her dad getting hurt. She worried about Sebastian, he was reckless and ruthless in his “business” having no care for what could come his way. He didn’t really fear it so he welcomed any and all possibilities. Her father was calculative, he played it safe so that he was safe. She guessed she had never seen it get bad, she’d never witnessed the frenzied environment so she never thought she’d hear her husband say he’d gotten shot while at a country club in the Hamptons.
      - I’ll take him. - Sebastian sat next to her on the plane, his eyes carrying the same tired, dark bags hers did. - You need to rest, I’ll take Nate for the night. 
      - No. - she mumbled, almost like a petulant child. She felt as if she let go of her baby that she’d break down crying and she didn’t want to break down crying. Not in front of him, not again, not like she always did. 
Other wives didn’t do that. Other woman married to men on his inner circle kept a mature composure which she just couldn’t keep. Gwen had told her she was too emotional many times and she was right. How come she couldn’t put up a front? How come whenever she thought of those words “he’s been shot”, her lip would tremble and she would have to hold her son tighter to keep her from breaking apart. What kind of image was she letting on? Sebastian sighed, moving the seat divider up to he could move in closer to her.
       - Angel, there’s nothing we can go until we get there. I’ll be right here next to you with Nate. I promise I won’t leave while you sleep. 
       - No. - she said once more. - Please let me be, Sebastian. I am fine. 
       - I call bullshit, angel. - he moved the hair out of her face. - I’m your husband. For better or for worse, remember?  
       - I just ... I need to hold Nate, ok? - she softened her voice. She didn’t mean to snap at him, he didn’t deserve her snapping at him. - I’ll get some sleep when we’re there. 
       - Wanna play a game? - he stretched his arms to wrap one around her, a signature smirk gracing his features. Anyone else should always deny him, agreeing to play games with Sebastian Stan never worked in anyone’s favour. However, she was not just “anybody”. She was his wife and possibly the only person whose opinion mattered, she could easily play his game. Just not today, not right now. - C’mon, angel, amuse me. 
      - Whatever it is you’re thinking will trick me into letting go of Nate won’t work.
      - Oh so we’re playing guessing what each other is thinking? Fine. I think the reason you won’t let me take Nate is because you don’t want to cry right now. 
      - I don’t want to cr ...
      - Which is funny because it would be considered normal to cry when one’s father has just been shot. Yet here you are, so strong. - he interrupted her, his tone mockingly teasing her at the end before his face turned serious. - Your dad got shot, no one is gonna say anything if you are upset. 
      - You’re being mean. 
      - I am not being mean. - his hand intertwined with hers. - I know my wife. You see, she happens to be pretty emotional.
Y/N knew she was emotional, she was sensitive. She’d always been comfortable with her emotions yet she couldn’t, at least not as his wife. She was supposed to be strong, to be the kind of woman that was expected to be by his side. Sebastian was tough, it was hard to actually figure out what he was thinking and it was nearly impossible to see what he was feeling. She wondered how it looked when he was so confident, so strong while she was holding and hoping her young son would help her not fall apart. 
      - Said the wrong thing, didn’t I? - he looked over at her, noticing how her features had fallen. Truth was that most of the times Sebastian was unaware of what to say or even what do. - I can’t promise you your dad is gonna be okay but I can promise you no one will hurt our son. 
       - I know, I just ... I need to feel him breathing. 
       - Ok. 
He got up from his seat and Y/N slumped against hers. He’d probably given up on trying to understand her and it wasn’t his fault. She knew communication was key in a relationship but if she were to tell him the issue, he’d just say he didn’t give a fuck what others thought but she did. She didn’t want to make him look weaker by association. Yet, Sebastian returned a few minutes later carrying an airline branded blanket which he draped over her and Nate. He didn’t say anything, instead seating next to her, his hand finding hers. He hoped it would sooth her if he couldn’t. Her eyes focused on his for a while, tiredness weighing her lids down lulled by the sounds of the plane. 
Y/N didn’t like sleeping, there were too many memories which came back to life when she dreamed. Usually she was lucky enough to forget them as she woke up, mere bad moments which were quickly erased. However, this time she wasn’t so lucky. Once she closed her eyes, all she could see was him, Sebastian, laying down on the ground, breathlessness surrounded by a pool of blood. She wanted to scream, she wanted to help but her voice was gone and she couldn’t move. Her heart rate increased and she kept trying to move but she couldn’t move, he was dying in front of her and she was bathed in tears as she tried to help but she couldn’t reach him.
The world came back to her with a gasp as she woke up alert to all her surroundings, finding herself still sat on the plane, this time landed, with the blanket around her. She looked down to her arms, expecting to see her son to convince her that all this memories were but a mere dream, a remnant of bad times, yet he was nowhere to be found. She got up, her hand on her chest as she looked around for her son. No, no, no, no ... 
      - It’s ok, angel. - Sebastian’s hand softly wrapped around her wrist. 
      - Where’s Nate? - she refused to sit back down as the remaining of the people inside the plane were leaving. 
      - Here. - he pulled her back to her seat, nodding with his head towards the baby who was happily awake in his father’s arms. - I didn’t want him to awake you up, angel. 
She sighed, having once again lost herself in the constant fear of losing any of the left over people in her life. 
      - You’re safe. - he reassured her. - I’ll always keep you safe, angel. Remember? It’s just us. 
      - I just need to see my dad. - she looked up, attempting not to start crying. - I need to know he’s ok. 
      - I know, angel. - he kissed her temple and down to her cheek. - I know. 
She had decided it was best if Nate and Sebastian went to their New York home. Her father did not like Sebastian, he did not approve of his influence on his daughter and he didn’t approve of how he ran his business. Whenever the two were in the same room, it would always end up in a fight, a fight which a recently shot man and a sleep deprived Sebastian would end up in flames. At the same time, Nate was too young to be exposed to any of this. She didn’t want her son exposed to the mafia or any deals, not until he was old enough to make his choices. Additionally, she didn’t think it would be good for a 2 month old to witness a badly beaten man - she didn’t think it was good for her either, yet she found herself being escorted into her childhood home.
Things felt different now. Her childhood home had always brought warm memories of running down the stairs and drawing in walls of hidden places; it brought memories of lullabies and big parties and dinners. Now, she sort of felt uneasy. Lying was always easier when they asked her if she was happy with the position she held. She always said she was happy, she was proud but the truth was something completely different. This house now represented what she was to be someday, it was a real, three dimensional representation of what was expected from her. 
Her strength vanished as she stood in front of the door of her father’s bedroom. Daniel had gone first, he had always been the strongest but she remained there, gathering dust like her childhood toys in the attic, wondering if she could actually do this without crying. The sound of the door opening was the cruel reminder of what awaited her and with a tight smile, Daniel let her into the room. Her father’s room had always been tidy and bright, almost hospital looking in shades of white and grey. The once serene atmosphere was instead heavy as she spotted her dad, laying in bed with his back against the headboard. 
      - Finally someone I want to see. - his voice was heavy but not as it usually was. He sounded tired, worn out. - I was starting to wonder if your husband was gonna let you come visit. 
       - Dad. - she smiled as she held his hand. - How are you?
       - Much better now you’re here, birdie. - he took a good look at his daughter. He spoke to her almost every day but visits weren’t common. Last he saw her, she was the one in a bed, recovering from birth. - Where’s that grandson of mine?
      - Nate’s with his dad. 
      - So your husband came with you, did he? - he sucked his teeth. - Can’t be apart from you for long, can he?
      - He was worried, dad. He didn’t sleep all night and I’m sure he’ll be happy to know you’re well enough to still dislike him. 
      - I’m just happy you’re here. - he smiled. 
      - What happened? I thought you said we were safe. 
      - It’s not important anyways, birdie. We are safe, this was just a fluke. Besides, it’s gonna take much more than a few gunshots to bring me down. They’re gonna have to try harder.
      - I’d rather they not try again. - she crossed her arms. - Do you think you could slow down? Sebastian said you were in critical state when the doctors first saw you.
      - I’m sure your husband would love it if I were in critical state. - he snickered before tightening the hold on his daughter’s hand. - That husband of yours ... worrying my little girl. 
      - I’m always worried about you, dad. I don’t want to lose you.
      - And you’re not gonna lose me, birdie. I promised your mum I would take care of you, didn’t I?
      - I think mum would’ve liked it if you slowed down for once. 
      - I could be persuaded if you brought Nate over. 
      - I’ll bring him tomorrow. - she smiled. - We can have lunch together and I can show you some photos from the last few months. 
He smiled, happy merely to be surrounded by his daughter and grandson. The band around her heart had slightly loosened, allowing some sense of calm as she said her goodbyes, promising to bring Nate the next time she came around. Yet, this house ... this walls, they housed so many expectations. 
      - He needs to slow down. - Dan said as he accompanied out and into the car. - At least until he gets better. 
      - I agree. - she sighed. - But you know him. It’d be easier to move a mountain than to make him change his mind. 
      - You can change his mind. - he shrugged. - Take over him.
      - Over him? 
      - Not forever but until he feels better. I’m sure if he knew you were in charge, he’d rest. 
      - I don’t do that. - she crossed her arms. - We discussed this when I moved to France, I don’t get mixed in dad’s business and I ...
      - You’re already in dad’s business. - he interrupted her. - You’re the one expected to take over and you’re the one who brought the enemies into the home. 
      - What is that supposed to mean? 
      - Until your husband joined the family, we didn’t have enemies. We didn’t have people shooting at us and now dad’s been shot. 
      - You can’t possibly be blaming me for dad being shot. If I knew ...
      - I’m not blaming you. - he interrupted her once more. - I’m blaming your husband. Perhaps if you showed that you’re dedicated to this family and not ...
      - I’m his wife, Dan. I’m just not taking over for dad, we discussed this, for my safety, for Nate’s safety.
      - If you think they’re not gonna start shooting at your son, you’re more naive than you’re letting it on. 
taglist: @buckysteveloki-me​ @sadbucksblog​
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Sebastian Michaelis: Hold it right there! (Shouting at the boys upon seeing they were tossing his young Master up in the air) (Volume 17)
See these panels above? Perusing Twitter, which is a bad idea as it is infested with stan following, one account highlighted the third panel as a favourite. The poster admonished that it should not be taken as Sebaciel by the way. Therefore, they, in the end, made a series of posts pinned why Yana Toboso is mot intending to go that route.
I would say I miss the days when Kuroshitsuji readers/viewers tried to make an intelligible essay/academically critiquing the manga/anime instead of outrightly cancelling Yana Toboso and applying the death of the author while she’s still alive and creating more, but I was not a part of that fandom in the early 2010s.
“Whereas the main characters’ relationship is not explicitly sexual, it is suggestively so, with the narrative providing numerous ‘eroticizable’ scenarios between Sebastian and Ciel (bath scenes, dressing scenes, cross-dressing scenes, rescues, dancing lessons, etc.). Kuroshitsuji, therefore, can be understood in the context of boys’ love manga—that is, manga that focuses on male-male romantic and erotic relationships.
“The paradox is what makes the scene work affectively. The reader needs to value the child’s innocence and to want the demon to be the champion who protects that innocence, yet we are no time allowed to forget that those are not the terms of their relationship.
“… yet, again, much of the appeal to the reader is presented in the demon’s loyal, solicitous protection of his helpless charge. Just as the wordplay of text layers ‘dog’ with ‘humble servant’ and ‘knight’ in describing the demon’s relationship to the child, so the narrative consistently demands that we acknowledge our contradictory affective investments.” ( x )
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(Volume 1)
Instead I am relegated to readers of today—both under the age of 18 or who have read it when they were 14 or younger and now scandalised that they still like Kuroshitsuji—complaining how “problematic” Kuroshitsuji is because of its dark themes. Condemning Yana Toboso, accusing her of pedophilia, homophobia, and racism. Whereas shipping the main fictional characters has become political. When in the first place, 14-year-olds aren’t supposed to read nor watch it.
Every time I read a fandom discourse re a piece of media or fan creation that is deemed “problematic,” I just remember Salman Rushdie’s words:
I can walk into a bookshop and point out a number of books that I find very unattractive in what they say. But it doesn't occur to me to burn the bookshop down. If you don't like a book, read another book. If you start reading a book and you decide you don't like it, nobody is telling you to finish it.
Antis must keep his words in mind because It applies to both the media and fan creations as well. Don’t like, don’t read.
There’s a fine line between religious fundamentalism/political ideology that destroys people. A fanatic attempted to kill Rushdie for decades. And recently, one of them almost succeeded. Antis that preach moral high ground recommend fan fic writers, artists and their followers to kill themselves are hypocritical and nonsensical to be honest.
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Masterlist #2 Updated 06/09/2023
One Shots
Stepdad Hemsworth @waywardinfluencervoid — Stepdad!Chris Hemsworth x stepdaughter!reader (platonic)
Part 2 to a Cancer Fic I Wrote @huntective-kyeo — Marvel Cast x f!reader (platonic); pt. 1 @storiesbystarlight
Adopted Hemsworth (requested by anonymous) — Hemsworth family x adopted!reader
Iron Dad (requested by anonymous) — RDJ & Chris Evans x reader (platonic)
Happy 21st @youre-amazing-say-it — Marvel Cast x reader (platonic)
Shaving the Head (requested by anonymous) — Chris Evans x daughter!reader
Trying (requested by anonymous) — Marvel cast x teen!reader
Teen Spirits @supernerdycookietrashblr — Danny F. x Reader
Who Am I? Masterlist — Chris Evans x Younger!Sister!Reader (in progress)
Dead to Me Masterlist — Daryl Dixon x Reader (in progress)
Crimson and Clover Masterlist @idk123906 — Chris Evans x Undercover!Female!Reader (in progress)
A Silent Voice Masterlist — Sebastian Stan x Female!Reader (in progress)
High Hopes Masterlist @kj-1130 — Marvel cast x actor!gn!reader (in progress)
A Tale of English and Math Masterlist inspired by @aescapisms and company — English Professor!Bucky Barnes x Math Professor!Reader/AU!Marvel (in progress)
Til It Happens To You Masterlist — Bucky Barnes x F!Reader (in progress)
This Year’s Love Masterlist — Sam Winchester x Half Demon!F!Reader (in progress)
California Dreamin’ Masterlist (requested by anonymous) — Marvel cast x gn!teen!reader (in progress)
The End of Something Masterlist — Rick Grimes x Reader AU (in progress)
Every Beginning Ends — Pedro!Joel Miller x OC!Mary Hernandez (in progress)
Prompt List
50 Dialogue Prompt List
100 Prompt List
300 Prompt List
I Was Bored Prompt List
A Tale of English and Math: Where It All Began
Masterlist #1
Permanent Tag List:
@rvgrsbrns @sugarrushblondie @rororo06 @crimeshowtrash @parkers-thoughts @nerdy-thespian-10 @wastefulsushi @aworldwideapart @supernaturallover2002 @mystoragehatesme @change-the-world-someday @natasha-danvers @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @hera-the-writer @herecomesthewriterwitch @unbelievablefandoms @its-izzys @peggycarter-steverogers @buchanansebba @utterly-in-like @sevenmorningstars @pachiibatt @seabassstanfan @badgercerealsupremacy
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crushedbyhyperbole · 2 years
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Summary:  Bucky x Reader / Sebastian Stan x Reader.  You’re visited in your dreams, everything feels so real you don’t want it to end.
Words: 1.3k
A/N:  I had a very lucid dream a while ago where I could feel everything down to the rasp of his beard and the feel of his tongue in my mouth.  I had to get it down in writing but I’ve been sat on it for a couple of weeks and I just want to share it so here it is.  Feel free to let me know what you think.
This dream has also spawned another fic which I’m in the process of writing along with a handful of other WIPs... will I ever get any of them finished?  Who knows.  But I hope you enjoy this one.
Warnings:  Smut, lucid dreaming, mentions of real person
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You’re tired.  Exhausted, in fact.  The long hours and stresses of work have taken their toll on you, and the lack of sleep too; waking up after only a few hours no matter what time you went to bed each night.  But this is it!  Your day off.  You can luxuriate in bed as long as you want today, so you’re having an afternoon nap.  You’re almost asleep too, when it happens.  The dream.
He stands before you, dressed in blue leather and black cargo pants.  Short dark hair, styled roughly, and stubble that looks short and rough around dusky pink lips that are pinched in a thin line because of his clenched jaw.  His eyes are a striking blue, shadowed and made cold by the things he’s seen and done.  His face a little weathered, harsh lines show around his eyes, mouth and between his brows; the long years of his life mitigated only by his time spent in cryosleep.
You know this face.  You know it so well it can’t be anything other than a dream.  This is Bucky Barnes, The Winter Soldier – a fictional character in a fandom you adore, played by Sebastian Stan – your biggest fantasy.
His eyes warm when he looks at you, face softens, and the crease between his brows all but disappears.  He looks younger, healthy, and… hungry.
When he steps forward your heart quickens.  He is so vivid you can practically smell him, dust and the masculine musk of his sweat after a fight.  You swear you can feel the heavy weight of his hands on your hips as he stands so close that your chests touch.
Inches away, he examines your face, eyes tracing every feature until they settle on your mouth.  The quick twitch of his tongue between his lips gives him away and he leans in, lips meeting yours in a pouty kiss like he’s sucking the tip of an ice-cream cone.  His stubble feels… it actually feels harsh and sharp, prickling your skin.  Holy shit you can really feel this!  You pull back in shock, heart pounding so hard it starts to pull you from the dream.  He’s fading but you don’t want him to go, your heart aches that he’s disappearing, leaving you.
You focus on his mouth, how his lips have blushed a deeper pink, how they glisten from where he’s just licked them, solidifying him, bringing him back.
His hand on the side of your face pulls you to him as he leans in to snag your lips again, tongue scraping between your teeth, and you can feel that too, the wet firmness of it invading your mouth.  He tastes like you do but cooler, and you groan when he grips the back of your head to angle you for a deeper kiss.  His tongue is scandalously long and deft, exploring and playing with yours.  You’ve never been kissed like this in your entire life, never felt like this with anyone.  He’s not even real, doesn’t exist, not in this form anyway, and isn’t something you can ever have.  And yet…
He doesn’t stop kissing you but his hands are all over your body, caressing through your pyjamas – yes you’re in your pyjamas and this whole thing is ridiculous anyway so why can’t you be in your pyjamas?  Rough squeezes betraying his need for something that you can hopefully give him, followed by the soft smoothing of a gentle caress afterwards as he sets you on fire with his touch.
There are no words and he doesn’t offer you any.  He hasn’t uttered a single sound since he came to you and that’s a shame, but you can feel everything right up to the press of his nose against your cheek and the way he presses his pelvis against yours.  Hard.
You’re giddy with a mix of desire and the lucid half-sleep you’re floating in, but you feel so alive, so wanted, so lucky.  He’s here with you and it’s so fucking impossible you think you might break when it inevitably ends.  Because it will end.  But, for now, his kiss is all that matters.
 He backs you up, two steps until your bottom hits something firm and you turn for him, letting him bend you over the- whatever it is.  Table, desk, piano, you don’t know but it’s the perfect height.  He slides your pyjama bottoms down to expose you.  Then you feel it; cool and firm between your parted thighs.  The pressure of his hips against your cheeks is thrilling as he rolls them against you to drag his exposed erection through your wet lips.  Once, twice, three times.
The probing presence of his cock sets your heart fluttering and a light bubbling of excitement settles low in your abdomen – even your womb feels his presence.  He’s lined up perfectly, pushing firmly but slowly, taking his time as he penetrates you.  Every quarter inch of his painfully slow entry has you panting, heart fluttering like a butterfly, nerves buzzing like a hummingbird’s wings.  When his tip pops inside, you sigh; a reverent prayer to whatever gods have sent him to you.  The stretch is exquisite but not painful and he feels solid like warm steel or glass, pushing pleasure into you as he goes.
When he’s fully seated he stills, hands sliding over your hips and up your back to push your top over your head.  He takes the moment to caress you, feel you, and soothe you before his hands settle firmly on your hips and he draws back until your lips are just kissing his tip.  His next stroke is forceful, and you feel the power of his thrust like a wave of silken heat coursing through your pelvis.  Jesus he feels good, skin to skin, sliding himself deep in measured long thrusts that have your legs shaking.
You wish he would say something or moan to let you know he’s enjoying you just as much as you’re enjoying him, but he doesn’t.  He’s your silent lover.  Meticulously taking you apart piece by piece until all that’s left is the feeling of you and him together.
 Something feels different now, his thrusts speed up, but the angle has changed.  He puts more weight on you, leaning over you to grip your shoulders, fingers curling to dig into your clavicle.  The way he pulls you back onto him repeatedly has your back arching, chest raising from the polished black surface.  You steady yourself with one hand splayed on the dark gloss, the other cups your breast, kneading and pinching. 
His pace, once metronomic, becomes erratic, gruelling even.  The measured forcefulness of his thrusts becomes vicious but it sends you further into delirium, core pulsing around him as he hammers himself as deep as he can go.  He makes no sounds other than the slapping of skin and the jangle of buckles but you can tell he’s close, cock swelling inside you noticeably.  You think you feel it when he spills, the tingling of your womb is the prelude to your own release.  The violence of his climax overshadows yours significantly but it’s still exquisite, coursing through you like a slow delicious shockwave of singing nerves and warmth.
His hips stutter to a stop, the last few thrusts half-hearted as he straightens and strokes your back and hips affectionately; his silent thank you.
You stay like that, feeling him soften inside you.  As he leans forward to press soft kisses against your back and neck, he slips free.  Tinged by the cool absence of his chest against your skin you realise he’s leaving you.  Your heart clenches with loss as his final caress trails down your spine to your hips where his fingers leave your skin bereft of his touch.  Gone.
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duuhrayliegh · 1 year
can i request a sebby x singer!reader fluff 🥺🥺
welcomed surprise
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pairing: sebastian stan x singer!reader
warnings: none, prob bad writing from writers block
a/n: i have so many WIPs it’s not even funny anymore, this was something that i worked on for THREE WEEKS and then left for another TWO and finally gave up, i wanted this to be longer but i simply can’t get over my writers block for some reason. i’m working on a pornstar!au for bucky x reader but we’ll see how that one comes along. in the meantime enjoy this drabble one-shot about Sebastian x singer!reader
no beta’d, all mistakes are my own. i do not give permission to repost or translate my work anywhere.
you can find more about sebastian x singer!reader here!!
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“I’ve got to call Sebastian, he’s gonna flip!” 
Your words slur together a bit, the sheer exhaustion of touring finally catching up to you. You prop the phone against the dingy bathroom of the green room. You were still a smaller artist-- gaining traction due to the size of your online following-- so booking venues meant that you were playing smaller bars with less than fantastic amenities. You couldn’t care less though. You were doing exactly what you thought you were going to be whenever you were younger, just took you a smidge longer than you thought. 
“Hey pasărea.”
Sebastian’s usual chipper tone was dampened and his screen was dark and pixelated. 
“Oh I’m sorry, did I wake you up?”
Guilt starts to weave itself into your bones. Usually Sebastian would be going to at least three or four of your shows, but his shooting schedule for his latest movie isn’t giving him any rest time. 
“No, you’re okay birdie. I was just starting to lay down.” You hear him clear his throat and shuffle to sit up, the covers ruffling as he moves. “What’s up, pasărea mea.?” 
“I was just calling to let you know that I got nominated for an award.” 
You listen as Sebastian lets out a small gasp and then a swell of congratulations and I’m so proud of you’s. 
“You deserve it pasărea mea., really everything you’ve worked for is coming together.”
“Thank you, Bastian.” 
You pick up the phone and sit on the closed toilet seat, the cold porcelain was a stark contrast to your heated skin. 
“When is your next break?” 
Sebastian’s question didn’t have a simple answer. While on tour you weren’t granted many days off. But this is the life of a performing artist, you knew what you were signing up-- at least, that was when you were single.
“I’m not sure, I can send you our tour schedule again, but I don’t think that we have any free days for a while.”
He hums in disappointment, but you know it’s not directed at you as much as the situation. Even though you wanted to stay on the phone with Sebastian forever, you knew that you needed to help pack up everything and load the tour bus.
“I love you, Bastian. That’s all that I wanted to tell you.”
“I love you too, pasărea mea.. Send me that schedule whenever you can. Get some sleep love, I can tell you’re exhausted.” 
The rest of the night was a blur after you said your goodbyes with Sebastian. Much of the same-- packing cases and gear into the van and then falling asleep in entirely too close of quarters with your bandmates.
About two weeks later,  you’re posting about being nominated and soon  hundreds of comments are pouring in, congratulating you on your success and promising to vote for you whenever the polls open up. 
Your next venue was yet another bar, with fans already lining up hours before the show. You sneak out after your soundcheck to have a quick chat and take a few photos with them. You made sure to have a few crew members pass out waters to them-- being one of those dedicated fans before you know exactly what it’s like to stand outside for hours on end.
“Are you ready for the show tonight?” 
You ask a group of girls as you sign their notebook and accept a drawing they made of you.
“OMG, yes! We’re so ready!”
“And I bet you’re excited for tonight too, right?” 
“I’m always excited when I get to perform for you guys!” You answer her quickly as you move back up to the bar’s entrance. “Look I’ve got to go, guys. But I’ll see you inside in just a few!”
The show went off without a hitch and this was quite possibly the loudest venue yet. It was so gratifying to hear the crowd yell your lyrics back to you. You’re out of breath by the last song of the night, introducing it in between pants.
“This next song is probably one of my favorites.” You walk the stage as you talk, waving at a few fans during the pauses. “It’s the one that really earned me my fame, at least some semblance of fame that is. Y’all remember Bucky Barnes?”
The band starts playing 3.10 as your stage manager counts you in for the first line. This is definitely one of your favorite songs to sing on tour. You shove the microphone into its stand as you mentally prepare yourself for the higher range you wrote just for touring. The crowd became a sea of lights as each person held up the flashlights of their phones.
The crowd cheers loudly as they point toward the left side of the stage. You remove your in-ear to hear what they’re yelling. Turning toward your right you want to burst into tears. 
There are times in life whenever the world around you stops. Noises fade, the people around you slow and even the birds stop singing and the crickets stop chirping. You thought that you’d never experience that outside of Sebastian proposing. Turns out that after four months apart from your fiance can cause some interesting reactions.
He steps forward as he shields his eyes from the bright stage lights. You cover your mouth as Sebastian wraps his arms around your torso. Your eyes begin to water as his grip around you tightens and the crowd roars. Sebastian presses a smile into your shoulder as you sob into his chest. 
The chords of the chorus to 3.10 continue on a loop as the two of you hug, but on the third go-round you back up enough from him to hold the microphone in-between you and Sebastian. His eyes never leave yours as the melodic notes drift over the crowd. 
Your in-ear bounced against your collarbone as you continued singing and you were sure that the microphone was picking up Sebastian’s small hums to the melody. His deep baritone complimented your own voice in a harmony that caused a soft hush to fall over the audience. 
The final drum beats sounded as your forehead leaned against Sebastian’s with tears streaming down your face. Your brows furrowed as you looked for anything to ground you to his being. His hands shifted to your jaw to wipe away the tear lines with his thumbs. 
“Now you know these aren’t the kind of tears I like.”
The audience roared as Sebastian’s words boomed over the speakers. Yeah, to say that show was interesting was saying the least.
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buckys-wintersoldier · 10 months
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♡ nineteen years old
♡ she/her
♡ german, and not perfect with english, but I try my best (all my fics are english)
♡ obsessed with marvel, harry potter, their character, and their cast
♡ on my knees for fictional character and men who don't know that I exist
♡ bucky barnes, my love, sebastian stan, my husband (to be honest, I can't decide between 40's, wintersoldier, white wolf, and tfatws bucky)
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♡ my fanfics are in english, even when it's not my native language
♡ i will write as much as i can
♡ i don't accept hate, racism, insults, or some other kind of hate
♡ if you don't like it, don't read it and you don't have so be on my account if you don't want to
♡ my requests are always open
♡ if you request something, please be patient, i need a bit of time to write it
♡ also, my messages are always open as well, so if you want to talk, feel free to write to me
♡ copy or translate my work isn't allowed but I appreciate every comment, reblog and like, also every follower
♡ i also write 18+ content, so please don't read it when you are younger or don't like it, before you read, read the warnings, i'm not responsible for what you read, so only read it if you want to and can read it.
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♡ character x reader
♡ marvel (bucky barnes, steve rogers, stucky, tony stark, peter parker, natasha romanoff, ...)
♡ sebastian stan (himself, bucky barnes, steve kemp, mickey henry, tommy lee, max burnett,...)
♡ chris evans (himself, steve rogers, andy barber, frank adler, colin shea, johnny storm)
♡ florence pugh (herself)
♡ when you need another character (marvel or sebastian) just ask
♡ i will accept oneshots, drabbles, and maybe some short stories with more than one chapter
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Being younger than Seb and dating him (hc)
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Younger!Reader (18+ ofc)
Requested: Yep! A BLM-donation (as organised by @marvelsswansong​ ) of $20 was made by @myfandomchangesalot​ with the request of doing some Sebastian x younger!Reader stuff, the amout donated caused it to be a long headcannon 
Warnings: Age gap, probably swearing knowing me
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okay but first of all
he would literally like 300000000000% be the softest dude
he’s probs be kinda wary going into the relationship
we all know he can be fairly insecure (though don’t really see why the sweet little angel) and that would probably show during the kinda ‘hatching’ period of the relationship
Maybe you’re in your uni years? Nearing the end of your course? Or just graduated? 
And it’s a pretty standard meeting story - probably just like a coffee shop run-in, maybe he gets lost and you offer him directions, just something simple and casual like that
Nothing particularly ‘showbiz’ about it y’know?
Nevertheless y’all become friends - it’s an easy relationship, a lot of casual back-and-forth and just loving spending time together
And with the amount of time you end up spending together, he figures out fairly quickly that he’s got some kind of crush on you - which sounds so weird to admit, seems strangely childish to call it a crush but what else could it be called?
And he quickly becomes aware that you return those feelings to some degree
But those fucking insecurities are what prevent him from making  move
He’s certain you can do better - find someone closer to your age, someone who’s not in a different country over half the year, someone with less baggage
You, on the other hand, can’t figure out why he won’t ask you out bc he’s not exactly being subtle about having feelings for you
So after a while you realise that there’s no chance of him making the first move for whatever reason
So you take the initiative to ask him out on a date instead
He rejects you
Though it’s fairly clear that he doesn’t really want to
And he tries to avoid you for a while after that, not wanting to have to admit his reasons behind turning you down despite it going against what everything in him was screaming
You’re nothing if not persistent, however, and keep finding him, imploring him to give you the reason behind his rejection
Finally Sebastian just gets tired of trying to brush you off and just tells you
You fairly quickly disregard Sebastian’s insecurities, doing your best to reassure him as much as you can
Again your persistence pays off and he agrees to go on a date with you
Though he does keep some doubt in his mind over whether or not it would go anywhere, certain that you’ll get bored and decide to find someone younger than him
But anyway, moving on
He’d want to keep your relationship on the down-low for a W H I L E 
He knows what Hollywood’s like, he knows how it can affect relationships and he likes you too much to be okay with putting you through that when you’re likely at risk of it tearing you apart
So the relationship remains very much under the radar for at least a few months
He doesn’t even really tell his friends about it - just his close ones and his mum
But naturally you get a bit iffy about how secretive he’s being - worried that he’s ashamed of you and that’s why he doesn’t want anyone to know about the two of you
Queue the first fight
You avoid him for a while after the blow-up, not wanting to hear his excuses and just wanting to be mad and upset with him
He doesn’t let you do that, though, and tries to corner you every chance he gets, overwhelming you with endless apologies and attempting to explain the best he can whenever he sees you
Eventually you stop and listen to him, hear him out
And it hurts to hear him putting himself down so much, to actually hear all of his insecurities laid out for you
It ends with an emotional make-up filled with tears and whispered apologies, both of you promising to be better - him by attempting to be more open with the relationship, telling more people and not hiding it as much, you by swearing to listen to his side and talking it through properly with him before getting too upset
After that he does become more open about it - more people know that the two of you are together, most of his Marvel costars especially just because he spends so much time with them and the paps start to speculate about it more
But the PDA is still minimal because Sebastian is still a very private guy so I think that in any relationship he wouldn’t exactly be a fan of too much PDA
The confirmation of the relationship comes with his next film premier in which he invites you to be his date
And you’re like.... for real???????
And ofc he is
“I want you by my side, I don’t want anyone else there with me”
What a soft boy
And naturally the paps go wild
The fans go wild
People aren’t sure what to think about it
And ofc some people are dicks about it because of the age gap but honestly
Neither of you care all that much
Because you’re together officially in the public eye - there’s no going back from that and more than anything it’s a relief that it’s finally out there y’know
But in terms of what he’s like dating you
It’s a lot of softness
A lot of movie nights
Teasing him about some of his previous *cough* facial hair choices (man look at me making facial hair jokes years after it happened wow)
He makes a lot of teasing jokes about your age
“though you probably don’t remember that - what were you when it happened? A foetus?”
So ofc you would retaliate with jokes of the same calliper
A lot of pet names
including some Romanian ones but that hc always makes me SOFT as FUCK
Going to every premier with him bc we STAN SUPPORTIVE COUPLES
He comes to your work events as well, despite the likely star-struck responses of coworkers for the SAME REASONS
When he’s away filming he sometimes writes you letters
Not to post them but bc when he’s away he often can’t sleep but doesn’t want to wake you up bc timezones are a bitch and so he writes to you instead
He doesn’t tell you about them but you find them accidentally when he gets home and you’re helping him unpack
But yeah basically you’re the softest couple, despite how dick-ish the public sometimes are about the age difference and just support each other no matter what
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eroselless · 3 years
Hmm if old enough to be my dad, why sexy?
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bbgem329 · 2 years
Things Are Never As They Seem… Masterlist
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Pairings—Sebastian Stan x Actress!Reader, Sebastian Stan x OFC (PR relationship)
You and Sebastian Stan have been dating privately for over two years. Everything is perfect until he is coerced into a PR relationship when he signed with a new agency to advance his career. Trouble ensues…
Series Warnings
MINORS DNI!!! 18+++. Smut. Angst. Fluff. Dark side of Hollywood. Language. Discussions of culture appropriation. Nonconsensual filming of sex. Seb is too good of a guy. Unplanned, forced? pregnancy. Bullying and harassment. Rich bitches. Mentions of cancel culture. Age gap (reader is nine years younger than Seb).
I’m aware there that everyone has varying opinions on Sebastian and his (now ex) girlfriend opinions. Because I don’t want to give her too much attention, I’ve changed her name. I truly, strongly believe that it was fake. I won’t explain why here but if you’re truly interested in hearing my reasoning you can message me directly. If you don’t agree and feel offended then don’t read this series, simple as that. I’ve watched this show go down from day one and this story will follow the timeline and pick apart some of the stunts witnessed, with a little twist at the ending to make it my own. Hollywood is a dirty place and nothing is as it seems.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
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sebastiansluts · 2 years
Hi Rose, thank you for asking <3 yeah I'd like daddy kink. Actually I specified daddy issues bc she's going for a grown man -instead of the younger ones- for the first time in her life without any experience in dating etc. And that's why she's anxious/insecure, bc she doesn't know what to expect, if she's doing the right thing, if she can really trust him, you know? But there's something in the way he treats her, listens to her, I mean she does know he has experience and it's easier for him, but she feels "seen" for the first time and can't ignore that. Just wanted to add one last thing: he's gentle while they're doing it, he makes sure she really wants to do this, that, step by step
Hope this helps you 💗 (and sorry if there's any mistakes, English is not my first language)
It did help, and you did wonderfully!! ❤️ (This ended up really long lol idk how)
Sebastian Stan x Reader; late bloomer virgin reader- NOT underage, fingering, f oral receiving, unprotected sex, overstimulation, praise kink, vaginal sex, aftercare
You and Sebastian had been dating for a few months now after you had met at an after party your friend dragged you to that Sebastian was also at. The two of you had talked all night and he'd asked for your number before kissing your cheek goodnight. He'd called the next day, and you'd been hanging out ever since. Everything was perfect, except for the fact that you were worried about the sex.
You hadn't ever been in a real relationship before for a myriad of reasons, not the least of which were your issues with your family, but Sebastian had been really understanding, taking everything at your pace. He never pushed you, never made you feel like you were pathetic or less than him or anyone else for that matter, and he tried his best to keep you from thinking that about yourself.
You were over at his place one day, cuddling and watching a movie. Everything was perfect until a sex scene came on the screen and you felt your whole body flush. Sebastian was lazily drawing patterns up and down your arm, and suddenly every movement felt like a fire scorching up your skin. You shifted on the couch, thighs pressing together tightly as you tried to lean away from him.
"Everything okay baby?" he asked, sweeping a hand over your forehead, brushing your hair back. You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath before you turned to look at Sebastian. One of his legs was behind you on the couch, stretched out, the other hanging onto the floor with you in between them, staring at your hand on his chest. It moved up and down slowly, steadily, the soft fabric of his shirt grounding you, your fingers curling around the thin chain he wore on his neck.
"I want to try something," you whispered, and closed your eyes, leaning in, to first kiss Sebastian's cheek, then his lips. "I want you, Seb," you murmured against his lips, your eyes popping open when he groaned, low in his throat. He gently pushed you back until you were eye to eye, looking deep into yours.
"Baby, you know I'll wait as long as you want, so tell me again, need to hear you say it again," Sebastian said firmly but desperately.
"I want you Seb, want you to fuck me," you replied breathlessly, cheeks burning as you held his gaze.
Sebastian's eyes fluttered as he groaned again, and he surged forwards, kissing you softly. "Oh sweetheart, I'm gonna take my time with you. I'm not just gonna fuck you baby, I'm gonna make love to you," he said in between kisses, pressed deep and long to your lips. He pulled you forwards, until you were leaning on his chest, his back supported by the arm of the couch. You lay lengthwise, Sebastian sliding down the couch a bit until his head was on the arm, his legs boxing yours in on the couch, his hands holding your hips tightly.
"You good?" he asked, fingers flexing on your waist, your faces inches apart as you rested on top of him, feeling him press hard into your stomach.
"S-so good," you stuttered, flushing in embarrassment but Sebastian just kissed your forehead gently, kissing your eyelids and cheeks too before returning to your lips, kissing you long and sweet.
Your hands were still on his chest, one anchored in his necklace, and you lost yourself in the kisses, your mind blanking out as he pressed his lips to yours over and over again. Soon enough you were panting, your hands fisted in Sebastian's shirt, tugging on it as you whined.
"Shh, it's okay baby, I've got you," he murmured, pushing you both up until you were sitting sideways in between his legs. He kissed your shoulder, soft, even through your shirt. "Let's move to the bedroom sweetheart," he said, urging you to stand, quickly following you and wrapping his arms around you, pulling you back into him. Sebastian nuzzled your neck, hands stroking your upper thighs and hips, gliding over your pelvis and stomach, making you shiver. "Gonna make you feel so good baby, promise, won't let it be bad or hurt at all."
You whimpered, head falling back onto Sebastian's shoulder, your legs going weak and he caught you, holding you up. "Come on baby, let's go," he goaded gently, walking you forwards arms still around your waist.
When you made it to the bedroom, Sebastian stopped you next to the bed. "Can I take your clothes off sweetheart?"
You nodded, looking down and whispering, "Please." He smiled, leaning forwards and cupping your face, kissing you softly.
"Good girl," Sebastian murmured, and you shuddered, eyes falling shut. You felt his lips on yours again and you moaned into the kiss, opening for his tongue, as his hands slipped under your shirt, pressing tight against your skin.
You gasped, Sebastian stealing your breath, his hands warm and solid against your sides, sliding up your body, your shirt moving with him. He separated your lips, pulling the shirt over your head, casting it aside as he slowly moved his eyes from yours down to your breasts, covered by your bra. His breath caught, eyes darkening, his hands resting on your ribs, tracing the bottom of your bra with his thumbs.
Sebastian slid his hands around to your back, unhooking your bra with little difficulty, letting the straps fall down your arms, dropping it on your shirt. He lifted his hands, cupping your breasts gently, thumbs brushing across your nipples, making you gasp. Sebastian's eyes flew to yours. "So beautiful," he whispered, stroking across your nipples again, your eyes fluttering shut.
You opened them again when he slid his hands down your sides, getting on his knees as he undid your jeans. He pressed a kiss to your stomach as he pulled your pants down, leaving your panties. Sebastian pressed your hips until you sat down on the bed, letting him push you until you were laying down. He quickly took his shirt off, standing and letting you stare at his lightly defined torso while he shed his own jeans, then he climbed on the bed, laying between your spread legs. His necklace dangled down, drawing your gaze.
"Still doing okay sweetheart?" he asked, holding himself above you, looking down and meeting your gaze steadily as you looked up. You smiled and nodded, wrapping one arm around his shoulders shyly, pulling on his chain until he lowered himself on top of you, dipping his head to kiss you. Your heart was racing- you felt like you were flying every time he kissed you, your head spinning.
Sebastian started kissing down your jaw and neck, trailing down to your breasts, gently sucking one into his mouth, making your back arch. His fingers came up to play with your other nipple, softly rubbing and rolling it.
"Seb! Please, I need more," you gasped, Sebastian groaning as he pressed his face between your breasts.
He kissed your skin lightly murmuring, "Yeah baby, yeah, I can give you more, gonna make you feel so good." He kept kissing down your torso, until he was at your panties. You flushed bright red as he inhaled, pressing his mouth to your covered pussy in an open mouthed kiss. He sucked at you through your underwear, groaning at your taste as you got wetter and wetter. He found your clit and rubbed through the fabric gently, your hands flying to his hair and holding on.
"Seb I- I'm gonna come!" you exclaimed, shocked at how quickly you were on the edge. Sebastian pulled back, making you whine. He hushed you, sliding your panties down your hips and getting up to pull them off. He laid back down, wrapping his arms around your thighs. He kissed each one, then bent his head and licked up your folds, gently coaxing your lower lips apart until he could slide the tip of his tongue inside your pussy.
You moaned, hands clenched in the sheets, as Sebastian wiggled his tongue around, sliding over a spot that suddenly had you coming, body tensing up beneath him. You could feel yourself get wetter, Sebastian licking it all up, making little groans as he did.
Your legs were shaking when he finally pulled away, kissing your mound and your thighs, only releasing one. His free hand moved around your leg, smoothing up it, rubbing gently.
"How are you doing baby?" Sebastian asked, resting his head on your thigh, looking up at you.
Your breathing was slowing down, and you smiled at him. "I'm so good," you giggled, feeling a little like you were drunk or high. "Can, um, can we keep going?" you asked a little nervously, relaxing when Sebastian grinned at you.
"Of course baby, how's this?" he asked, rubbing your pussy before gently sliding a finger in.
You gasped, eyes rolling as you responded, "Yes! Good...more," you babbled, groaning when he slid a second finger in beside the first. His fingers were long, decently thick, stretching you out carefully. He scissored them, pumping them in and out of your hole before slowly adding a third finger.
You were so close to coming again, feeling stuffed full and delirious already, and he hadn't even gotten his dick in you yet. You giggled then moaned as you clenched on his fingers, pleading, "Daddy I-" You broke off, mortified, hands immediately covering your face.
"Yeah? What do you need baby? It's okay, you can tell me, tell Daddy," Sebastian murmured, kissing your thigh, fingers still inside you. You felt tears flood your eyes at his kindness and understanding.
"Need you, I need you Daddy," you sobbed, and Sebastian groaned, kissing your thigh again as he slid his fingers out of you. He crawled back up over you as he took his briefs off, kissing you everywhere, until he could kiss the tears from your cheeks.
"Gonna give it to you baby, gonna give you what you need, Daddy's got you," Sebastian murmured, pressing kisses all over your face as he rocked onto one arm, his other reaching over to the nightstand and grabbing a condom.
You stopped him saying, "Um, I have an IUD, we uh- we don't need a condom, if you don't want it. I trust you."
Sebastian stared at you, eyes crinkling as he smiled. "That means everything to me sweetheart," he said, forgoing the condom and holding your face as he kissed you. You whimpered into it, his hand sliding down your throat, your chest, your stomach, grasping his dick and guiding it to your entrance. You tensed when you felt him brush through your folds, and Sebastian paused. "Baby? Do you want to stop?"
"No!" you cried, nervous but wanting it so much. "Just, um...slow?" you asked hesitantly. Sebastian smiled softly at you, pressing his lips to yours in a sweet kiss, slowly rubbing the tip of his dick through your folds, nothing more.
When you started getting impatient, you deepened the kiss, making Sebastian grin before he kissed you harder, tongue thoroughly exploring your mouth while he positioned himself, then brought his fingers to your clit and began rubbing.
You tensed then relaxed, feeling yourself clench every time he brushed over your clit. "Seb! Please, Daddy I'm ready," you begged, Sebastian barely letting your mouth go long enough for you to say it.
He kept kissing you, deep, drugging kisses that consumed you so much you didn't notice him rocking his hips, until suddenly the head popped in and you were gasping, Sebastian pulling back to stare into your eyes as he stilled.
"Don't stop!" you cried, yanking on his hips, trying to pull him deeper into you. Sebastian moved forwards another inch and you moaned, eyes rolling, pleading, "Don't stop, don't stop please!"
He kept going, slowly rolling his hips, entering you bit by bit, stretching you carefully. Your words trailed off into sounds, moans, loud in the bedroom until his hips met yours and you went quiet.
"Baby? You okay? Talk to me, sweetheart," he said, stroking your hair from your face.
"M'good, s'just a lot," you slurred, sighing heavily as you felt how fully stretched you were, open but stuffed. Sebastian exhaled shakily, arms straining by your head as he held himself up, keeping his hips still.
"You need to stop?" he asked, blowing out a breath when you shook your head.
"Promise m'good Seb," you replied, wrapping your arms around his waist, feeling his ass flex under your hands. You squeezed gently and his hips tripped forwards, grinding his dick deep into your pussy. Your back arched underneath him, pushing your breasts up into his torso, firm and warm.
"Yeah, alright sweetheart, gonna give you want you want then," Sebastian said, grabbing one of your hips tightly. "Gonna fucking make love to you baby," he growled, and slowly pulled his hips back before pressing them forwards at just the same pace.
Your eyes rolled at the slow drag, your mouth dropping open as your head fell back farther into the pillows. Sebastian kept with the steady rolls for a long moment, getting you fully adjusted, before he started speeding up.
"Oh- my god!" you shouted when his cock dragged over that spot inside you. Sebastian chuckled breathlessly, moving faster as he stayed where he was, sliding past that same place.
"You're doing so well baby, taking me perfectly, you're so good sweetheart," Sebastian murmured as he thrust, sweat dripping off his brow.
Tears filled your eyes again as your orgasm built inside you. "Daddy! Seb- I'm gonna-" you broke off as you came, tightening around Sebastian's dick so much he couldn't move for a moment, buried deep inside you.
When you relaxed, your body slumped on the bed, out of energy, your mind floating hazily. "Don'stop," you mumbled, hand on Sebastian's ass, trying to stop him from pulling out. He groaned, throwing his head back before dropping it, hanging heavy between his shoulders as he gave in, fucking you in sharp, short bursts.
"Baby, tell me now if you want me to pull out, because I'm gonna come," he grunted, braced on his forearms by your head.
"Come in me Seb," you whispered, and he buried his face in your neck, coming hard, deep inside you. He ground his hips into you, your cunt clenching on him rhythmically as he pulsed.
Sebastian panted into your shoulder before raising his head, looking down at you, his hair a sweaty mess, cheeks flushed red with exertion, his blue eyes bright. You felt tears prick at your eyes as you stared at him, smiling so big your face hurt.
"How are you feeling sweetheart?" Sebastian asked as his softening dick slipped from your pussy and you winced then smiled again.
"I feel good," you said, then stopped, thinking. "Overwhelmed and exhausted and happy and perfect," you continued, listing them off as Sebastian grinned, eyes crinkling and nose scrunching. He kissed you quickly, then rolled off you but pulled you with him, resettling with you laying on top of his chest.
"Do you think you could drink some water for me? Maybe eat a snack?" Sebastian asked, one hand playing with your hair, the other resting on your shoulder. Your arms were folded under your chin, on his chest, and you looked up at him.
"Does that mean I have to move?" you asked, laying your head back down.
"Just enough to let me up to get it sweetheart," he replied, pressing a kiss to the top of your head when you grumbled. He gently slid out from under you, grabbing his briefs and throwing them on as he walked out the kitchen.
You waited, getting under the covers and snuggling down until he came back, water and chocolates in hand. You smiled at him shyly, pulling the sheet up with you as you sat up.
Sebastian sat next to you, handing you the glass of water. You sipped at it slowly, not wanting to make a mess. When you had finished about half the glass, Sebastian took it back and leaned against the headboard, gesturing for you to come to him. You thought for a moment before letting the sheet go, it pooling at your hips and sliding down your legs as you moved, laying back against his chest.
"You're so beautiful sweetheart," he whispered as he wrapped his arms around your waist, hugging you. You knew your face was flushed, but you basked in the praise, feeling warm.
Sebastian moved gently, picking up a chocolate and holding it to your lips. You carefully took it, licking at his fingers, making him groan.
"Don't get me going again baby, you need a rest," Sebastian laughed, one hand resting on your stomach as the other picked up another chocolate. You ate it, nodding against his chest.
"Yes Daddy," you grinned, and he laugh-groaned.
"What did I just say?" You giggled, turning in Sebastian's arms until you could see his face, smiling down at you. You pressed a kiss to his chest, fingers grasping his necklace again, fingering the pendant.
"Thank you Sebastian," you whispered after a quiet moment. He tightened his arms around you, kissing the top of your head.
"You're welcome, sweetheart. Thank you for trusting me with that, for sharing that with me. I know what that meant to you, and I'm happy you're feeling good after everything, I am too, don't worry," Sebastian said with a grin. You smiled back at him, then nuzzled into his chest. "You rest now baby, we'll shower in a little bit."
You sighed contentedly, getting comfortable in Sebastian's hold as he stroked your hair, lulling you to sleep.
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starbuckie · 3 years
𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬
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challenge: 1k writing challenge by @bubblebuckys
prompts: “wanna fuck?” “i don’t want to ruin our friendship.” “i won’t.” “i will.” and the situation of your car breaking down on the way to your best friend’s wedding but luckily, they offer up their asshole sibling to take you the rest of the way of the very long road trip.
pairing: college!bestfriend’sbrother!bucky barnes x reader
words: 5.2k words
warnings: SMUT 18+ (car sex, protected sex, spanking, choking), angst, fluff, bucky is a grumpy lil nerd, reader is gonna be annoying the fuck out of him
summary: y/n is going to stab becca barnes for ever introducing her older brother to her. also for sending him to pick her broken down car from a musty side of the highway. but she can’t help but thank whoever got bucky barnes to dirty talk like it was his job in the two years since she slept with him last.
a/n: happy 1k dya!! i’m so happy for you and so happy that i could help you celebrate your big milestone with this fic. i absolutely adore college bucky and this was just so fun to write. this is not beta-read and any and all mistakes are mine. just a reminder to reblog and leave comments, it really helps a lot with motivation so i can create more content without wondering if people actually enjoy it. so without further ado, please enjoy<3
main masterlist || sebastian stan characters masterlist
Just ten minutes ago, Y/N had been speeding down some highway under the burning afternoon sun, sunglasses perched on the tip of her nose like some old Hollywood type starlet. Her heart had been lighter, her smile had been wider, and her foot had hurt a hell of a lot less because she wasn’t kicking the shit out of the car’s now-flat tire.
“Fuck!” Sweat beaded at her forehead on the side of the highway as the cars speeding behind her took no sympathy to her situation. A rock sat behind the car, such a small item that obstructed the road, but she hadn’t noticed it until it punctured her front left rubber and sent her slowing down. The old car rumbled to a stop and since then she’d managed to push the stupid piece of junk to the weed covered side pavement, bringing the rock with her so no other hopeless bastard would get stuck in her predicament.
Clive- actually, was it Clive? Yes, yes it was Clive, Utah that she was stuck in. Clive was pretty far from California. As Rebecca Barnes’ best friend, she was obligated to carry out her maid of honor duties. Which she did, pretty damn well if she said so herself. The eighteen year-old girl and her boyfriend had made a snap decision in the spring of their freshman year of college to get hitched, and with that quick decision came the quick planning. A rustic July wedding in Tahoe, quite aways from Brooklyn, but the couple had insisted, wanting to be closer to the schools they’d be transferring to that coming fall. Every other event, the bachelorette party, the dress fittings, the excessive amount of partying on the other hand had all taken place on the Upper East Side in Manhattan.
Y/N had fulfilled every wish, from helping to send out invitations and picking out decorations and setting up guest tables in between her classes as a sophomore in college. It still boggled her mind how her younger best friend had grown up so quickly, and how the time seemed to only pass quicker as the wedding approached. Planning took place during sophomore finals, and June was dedicated to the quaintest details. She’d taken two weeks of vacation from her job at the small deli corner in Queens to road trip her ass across the country, and though Y/N herself was normally extremely unorganized she had to give props to herself for pulling her shit together for her best friend’s wedding.
But the last step, the most important step, was actually being there for the wedding, and now she was fucking up all of her hard work. Of course, the event was two days away, but Tahoe was also sixteen hours away and there was no service within twenty miles that would be able to fix up her car quick enough to get back on the road in time.
For once in a near perfect five months, Y/N was completely and utterly fucked.
With a loud groan, she lifted her arms from leaning on the hood of the car and opened the driver’s door. She landed in the seat and dug through her Kate Spade purse for her phone. Becca’s name came up as her first emergency contact as it had been since wedding planning began, and she clicked on it immediately.
Y/N held the phone up to her ear, listening to the drawled-out noise of the call, biting her lip in anticipation. The bride was probably busy preparing for the rehearsal dinner the night after or at the spa, but regardless, the ringing stopped and the light, chirpy voice of Rebecca soon-to-be Carmichael-Barnes came through the speaker.
“Hey, Y/N, what’s up? There anything wrong?” Y/N was a little offended that her best friend immediately assumed the worst, but maybe it’d make the delivery of her news easier.
“Kinda? A stupid rock blew out my front tire, so I’m kinda stranded in Utah.” It was dead silent on the other end of the phone, and she could feel disappointment radiating from her best friend. Becca had taken a big risk with Y/N- she wasn’t known for being the most reliable, because she was carefree and a trademarked wild child, but she had done everything perfectly up until she got stuck on the side of the road. A heavy feeling of guilt sat at the bottom of her chest and she fought off tears as she spoke. “I’m so sorry, Becca, this is supposed to be your big event, and I just fucked up being the maid of honor while you should be relaxing.”
“It’s fine, Y/N, we’ll think of something, please don’t worry. There’s gonna be a simple solution-” The pitch of her voice went up an octave as an idea popped into her head. Y/N could just see the smile that took over her best friend’s face, and she fought the urge to hang up because Barnes’ ideas were not known for being brilliant. “Oh, babe, I’ve got the perfect solution! I literally just got off the phone with Bucky, he’s half an hour behind you. Still don’t understand why you two refused to come together because you're coming from the same city and…”
Truthfully, she did not give a damn as to the rest of what her best friend was saying. Becca probably was rambling on and on about the reasoning as to why the two wouldn’t carpool, but Y/N could only try to imagine what being in a car with Bucky Barnes for seven hours or more would be like.
“Alright, I’ve just texted him now! He’s getting gas but will be there soon.”
“Becca, no, he really doesn’t have to do this, I can call the company and wait here-” Anything besides being in a car with your asshole brother.
“Don’t talk nonsense, Y/N, it’s fine. I need my maid of honor here by tomorrow to celebrate my last days as an unmarried woman.” Without leaving room for Y/N to speak, she sped up her words, finger hovering over the button to hand up. “Bye! I love you! Bucky will be there in thirty minutes!”
The call went dead, and Y/N had half an hour to prepare for Bucky’s arrival.
She started by calling the nearest towing company, negotiating to bring it to the motel at the border of Utah and Nevada. It was about three or four hours west, but she figured that she could survive that long in a car with Bucky.
Her next order of business was to repeatedly smack her head onto her wheel, waiting for death to take her before Bucky did.
And that was exactly how he found her, slumped over like she’d been shot dead. Bucky honked twice, gaining her attention as she shot up with a glare. She turned around, seeing a man wave at her through the front window of his car. Barnes.
Reluctantly, she pulled herself from the hot car, stepping out into the equally hot air as Bucky did the same, and-
Oh Lord. Only two years since she had seen him last, and James Buchanan Barnes looked good.
He was taller, at least four inches taller than she had last seen him, and his once-long hair had been cut into a fluffy, shorter style, matching his stubble way too well in a messy, but cute way. And his muscles- his arms were bigger. So. Much. Bigger.
He donned a ratty Star Wars tee and a pair of black jeans, a pair of dirty combat boots at his feet. But he looked good in it. Fuck him.
“Buck.” Y/N sniffed, trying her best to keep a neutral expression.
The boy- no, the man responded with a similar face, offering nothing but a tight-lipped smile as he slammed the door shut. “L/N.”
There it was.
She snorted at the snark he shot at her, grabbing her luggage out of the back of her car and loading it into his. “We can leave the car here, I called the towing people and they’re gonna bring it up to the next motel.”
That seemed to surprise Bucky and it showed. His face was caught with pinched eyebrows and parted lips. “You called before?”
“Yeah…” Y/N answered slowly, “why do you sound so surprised?”
“That’s just not your thing.” His answer just stewed with sass and it pissed her off more than ever. She swore there was smoke coming out of her ears.
He pried her duffel bag from her clenched hands harshly, nearly smirking out how irked she visibly looked. With a childish pout she dropped the rest of her bags to the dusty ground (probably more hurtful to her than to him, though she’d never admit it) and stomped to the passenger seat.
He followed soon after, plopping in behind the wheel with a heavy sigh and grabbing his sunglasses off the dash with his prosthetic hand. She watched him, how he acted so normal when their situation was everything but, and failed to keep herself from speaking her mind.
“Those glasses make you look like a douchebag, Bucky.”
He stuck the key in the ignition, keeping his eyes on his movements intently and choosing to actively ignore her taunting. The car took off after a few sputters, and they were back on the road.
The first three hours, playing Bucky’s favorite Utah radio station (“Why do you have a favorite Utah station?”) as they ignored each other in bliss. The sun had begun to set, pinks and orange swirling in the sky to give off golden light across the barren land.
Y/N snapped photo after photo- it was so pretty that she had to- but that’s when she started admiring Bucky again. This time she didn’t even try to be subtle.
“Why’re you lookin’ at me like that?” Bucky questioned quietly.
“Just wondering how you kept your looks up so well.” Y/N scoffed, brushing off his question. “Only two years into college and I look like I haven’t slept since I was ten. I mean, look at these fuckin’ eye bags…”
She inspected her face in the mirror, prodding and poking at the skin. “I think you look just as pretty as you did in highschool, sweetheart.” Bucky commented.
His words woke dusty butterflies up from their slumber, their delicate wings wildly flapping around in Y/N’s stomach. It took all of her willpower to not deflect his compliment, and she mumbled a thanks under her breath.
They didn’t speak for an hour after that.
It was only once the sun had gone down and the moon came out to play did Siri warn them that the motel was coming up. Bucky’s hands hadn’t left the wheel either, keeping to a stoic expression and nearly still posture as he drove the two of them. Y/N was yawning, fiddling with her phone without a thought in her bored head, up until a song she hated came into the station they were listening to.
She leaned forward to switch it, but it turned classical and she had to groan. Her fingers tapped different parts of the screen, just begging to find something pleasing to listen to. His selection was shit.
He hit her hand away from the console, his disgruntled face concrete. “Stop touching that, it’s not a damn video game.”
“Not my fault you enjoy shitty old music.” She grumbled and hit her head against the back of her seat, turning slightly to admire Bucky’s concentrated face. Not much had changed since high school. A bit more scruff and darker circles under his eyes, but Bucky Barnes was still attractive as hell. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the motel sign in view, about fifty feet up. “Wanna fuck?”
She watched as his eyes widened and his hands fumbled with the wheel, skewing out of the lane. Cars behind him honked angrily at his mistake. Bucky’s face had turned an adorable shade of crimson, the blush rising to his forehead and down his neck barely visible in the night. Once he’d regained control of the car, he trained his eyes back on the road with a sharp glare. “I don’t want to ruin our… friendship,” he grunted.
Y/N snorted, throwing her arms behind her head and yawning. “I wouldn't call four hours of not killing each other in a car friendship, Bucky.” She didn’t catch his small frown, how his shoulders slumped as he finally pulled over into the small motel parking lot. “I won’t, if that’s what you’re really worried about.”
“I will.”
“Just wanted to get some fucking dick, but leave it up to you to ruin something simple as that.” Y/N spat back.
It was nearly cinematic, the way the music died down and the tension rose. The car came to a full stop, Bucky suddenly too aware of the angry glare aimed at the side of his head. “What the hell are you talking-“
“Oh, don’t act stupid, Bucky. Who was it who upped and left that morning, Bucky? ‘Cause I certainly know I was the one sitting and crying on the half-empty bed.”
And just like that, she was thrown back into the full rage and sadness that the summer before college brought her.
They had both been seniors, both not quite popular and most definitely excited to get out of New York. He was an MIT-bound nerd, early admittance and everything, but she was slowly breaking down and falling behind in AP physics. They’d met each other before, with ten years of friendship with Becca there was no way that they couldn’t have run into each other. But it was only when Winnie Barnes suggested that he tutored her did they become close.
Y/N had been mortified of getting a tutor at age eighteen, she should’ve been going out and enjoying what little bit of highschool she had left, but both her mother and Bucky’s had insisted. So it began with the library after school, fingers tracing sentences on a textbook and Bucky whispering formulas across the table.
She didn’t know when or how she started actually listening to those whispers, or when they started to make heat rise to her face or her heart beat a little faster. He didn’t know when the loud, energetic girl with attention issues started to grow on him either.
Over the last remaining months of school, her grades progressed as did their friendship, which was bordering on something… else. He’d come over to her house, she’d go to his and no longer did he tutor her. They’d watch Netflix, hell, Y/N even got Bucky to knit with her, and no one else batted so much as an eye. Graduation passed, and summer just brought on more time for the two of them to spend together.
It was the night at the drive in. Both of them had never spoken of it, but the way that they stared into each other’s eyes for just a second too long as Summer Nights blasted through the car radio spoke what they had wanted to say for so long. Soon enough they were driving home at an alarming speed, holding hands and giggling like idiots through the halls of Y/N’s empty house.
The night was made of shaky hands and fumbling around. Slow movements and sweet whispers of reassurance, getting caught in a night-long romance that neither of them knew would end so abruptly the next morning.
“I was just trying to protect you, sweetheart.”
Y/N scoffed, “From what exactly, Bucky? You broke my heart instead, so great fuckin’ job with that.” She tried to hide her tears with ill-fated words, but he knew she didn’t mean them.
“Hey,” he grew defensive, finally unbuckling his seatbelt so he could sit up in his seat to face her. It was only then did she realize how much Bucky towered over her still in the small car, his head nearly hitting the roof at full height. “It wasn’t easy for me either, you can’t blame that shit on me, Y/N.”
“Well as far as I can remember, you were the only one not willing to take a chance on us, asshole.”
“Don’t fucking call me that, you’re not being fair.” Bucky spat.
“It’s cute that you wanna talk about this now like adults finally, two years after it happened. You had so much time to call me about it, but you just had to save yourself from your consequences, right?” His silence answered her instantly. She rolled her eyes in annoyance, trying to stop the ache in her chest with any anger she could grasp. “Typical. I’m Bucky Barnes, I kiss peoples asses and I can’t confront anything I fuck up-“
She barely had time to process Bucky’s hands lifting her over the seat, but she had just enough mind to feel his chapped lips against hers. It was after he opened his mouth against hers, his tongue delving between her lips, did she notice the sensation of two hands on her skin, one cold, one warm. His touch lit her skin up, nerves rattling at his touch as she reciprocated the kiss with ferocity. Her hands flew to his cheeks, massaging the stubble scratching at her palms until he pulled away. Though his heart was nearly beating out of his damn chest, he couldn’t help the fond chuckle that came upon seeing Y/N’s swollen lips and lust-filled eyes. “You never just shut the fuck up, do you?”
His words took a moment to register with her, and he could tell the moment it clicked in. Eyebrows furrowed adorably, she opened her mouth to spout some more shit about how he had no right to kiss her after everything that had happened (they both knew she would pretend to have hated it), but all he could focus on was the stupid button on her jean shorts.
He cupped her cunt through the rough material, and her train of words stopped at the contact.
She was fucked.
Her hips bucked into the heel of his palm, her lips finding home on his once again. Fingers worked diligently to unbutton her shorts, both of them shoving her bottoms just low enough to straddle his thighs. She dove for his zipper, biting Bucky’s lower lip when he laughed at her struggle.
“I can smell you, sweet girl,” he smirked against her lips, “you’re really worked up, ain’t ya?”
“Shut up,” she retorted, slapping his cheek. Oh, no one had ever done that before. He liked it. “When did you learn to talk like that anyways? You weren’t nearly this good last time.”
“We were fuckin’ virgins, Y/N, I’ve learned since then. Turns out that girls in college hump anything that breathes, got quite the experience in a few years.” Her hands paused in smoothing over the burn of his cheek and his grin grew even wider when he realized she was going green. “You jealous, sweetheart? Got no reason to be, only ever thought of you.”
He lifted his hips to drag his jeans down his thighs, and good God, she did not remember them being that muscular and her pussy was just dripping for them. For him, because then he took off his shirt- fuck, he had to have lifted in the last two years. There was no other explanation for the thick, corded abs that took over his torso. Definitely not there before.
Her hands slid down his chest, finding rest against the burning hot flesh that had been revealed to her. She let her fingers dip into the scars that littered his left shoulder, those she remembered as bright as day. Their beauty, how she kissed them and told Bucky how gorgeous he was with everything he hated about himself.
She pulled away from his mouth, just for a minute, and let her lips trace that same path down the angry red lines. His eyes fluttered shut at the light contact, basking in the peace her presence brought his guilt and being.
But as soon as the moment was over, her eyes met his again, only to fly shut as she slammed their mouths together again. Teeth clattered against each other as she palmed over his erection, caged inside his boxers. Oh, he was straining. A wet patch formed on the fabric, showing him to be just as needy as she was.
Without another second to waste, she slipped her cold fingers under the elastic, feeling Bucky jolt when she wrapped her hand around him. He was hot and leaking in her hand and when she finally pulled him out of his boxers, well, she had to keep from her jaw dropping open.
His head painted an angry shade of red, precome smeared all over and she couldn’t fight the urge to tease him. Gripping him in a loose fist, she twirled her thumb around his tip, eliciting a loud groan from Bucky. She jerked him slowly, making sure to apply pressure to the prominent veins that ran up his shaft.
Pulling a condom out of the cup holder- she’d ask him about it later- she ripped it with her teeth and inspected it for just a second to make sure it didn’t tear. Bucky had to chuckle at her cute little pout as she put it up to the light of the night, her elegant features just illuminated in the moon. When she was satisfied with the quality of the condom, she rolled it on him, slowly and tortuously, so he could feel the drag of it in full sensitivity.
Her face lowered to his- with his sweat-beaded forehead, reddened cheeks, and mouth puffing out quick little breaths- and he let her think she had him. Lips taunting his with the little smirk he knew all too well, she believed that she had him under her control.
Then, before she could even catch his movement, his metal hand moved to her throat, fingers pressing at the sides, and the tides flipped. He was the one smirking then- grinning like a hyena when he saw Y/N’s eyes roll back. Her chest was heaving, hips mindlessly rutting down onto his, just begging to have him inside her, and he had her right where he wanted her.
Bucky took her silence, that very rare occasion she wasn’t mouthing off, to line up his cock to her entrance with her free hand. His warm hand sliding up the inside her thighs, he snaked it around her hip, and with one movement, guided her hips down his length. Both of them let out a moan at the intrusion.
It felt so good and natural. Maybe Bucky was lying about the other girls, he probably just watched too much porn in his dorm room to learn that type of dirty talk. He didn’t know really where the dominance came from, but what he did know was that it was doing both him and Y/N wonders by the way her cunt was clamping down on his dick.
She made herself comfortable on his cock at first- after all it had been since that summer two years before that she’d been with someone: him- but after the delicious burn of him went away, she was bouncing up and down on his cock like a desperate whore. Bucky readjusted his prosthetic hand around her throat, pressing harder on the junctures and praying to God that they’d bruise later on. Her gurgles, her body instinctively begging for breath, made him grin, and he smacked her ass harshly one, two, three times, just to make sure she got the message that he was in charge. It may have been two long years without each other, but he was dead set on proving to her that he wasn’t planning on leaving her- never again.
“C’mon, darling, I know you can move better than that, go a little faster.” Bucky groaned.
He dragged her lips down to his by the hand wrapped around her throat, letting their tongues entwine as he slammed her hips down onto his cock. She let out a high whine into his mouth, finding it in her to bite down on his lip as her eyes met his hungrily.
Bucky continued to bring his hand onto her ass one after another, his slapping falling in tandem with that of their skin clapping together. “Bucky, oh- James,” she groaned after he hit her again, “you feel so good.”
Her knees hurt, digging into the edges of the cramped car seat, but she made no move to adjust them. Both of them were too caught up in each other to pay the space they were in any attention. Bucky’s hand trailed down her throat, moving under her shirt to feel up the soft skin of her stomach and sliding the fabric up. She whined at the coolness of his hand on her collarbone, feeling the warm air of the car peak her nipples into little buds.
The more her sweat slick torso that was revealed to him made his mind reel, and he was forced to pull away from the intoxication of her lips to taste her skin too. “Honey, you’re so, so fucking gorgeous,” he groaned against her sternum. He bit, licked and nipped, sucking to make sure dark bruises would show up, biting lightly on her nipples and marking her in every right. “Taste so good too, no one’s ever as good as you.”
Even though her mind and body were on a high of ecstasy and pleasure, his words gave her a sense of renewal, grounding her to that moment in the car with him. Her hips were losing rhythm- she was close and her lower stomach was bundling up inside, just begging to find release.
He could feel her desperation to let go too- he needed to just as bad. Bringing his right hand down to her clit with a harsh smack, he let two fingers rub her wetness around the sensitive bud, teasing the swollen flesh over the edge.
His hips snapped up into hers when her knees began to fail her, heaving with slow breaths as he staved off his orgasm for hers. “You can let go, darling, I’ll take care of you just fine.”
The feel of his calloused fingers against her clit sent her over the edge. Her hand grasped at the closest thing, slamming against the window with its freezing condensation under her palm. Her cunt clamped on Bucky’s cock with wild ferocity and her head fell back, leaving her neck exposed for him to bite down on as he chased his own release.
She continued to ride him, sensually and slowly, and soon enough he was coming into the condom, groaning praises about how she felt wrapped around his dick. He kissed her delicate skin, soothing his marks with chapped lips and pink cheeks. “You look so pretty when you come, sweetheart. ‘M so glad you were so good for me, like you were made to take my cock. God, I love you so much.”
When her cunt finished milking his cock, the soreness kicked in. Bucky lifted her off of his cock from her armpits, letting her slump forwards tiredly on his chest. She was nearly asleep, even with her sweaty hair and come leaking out of her swollen pussy, her eyes drooping heavily. Bucky wanted to clean her up, to care for her and talk with her about how much he missed her, but he could tell she needed to sleep.
Moving his lips to hair, he whispered quietly. “Hey, darling?” She hummed in response, and he could feel her eyelashes flutter lightly against his bare chest. “You wanna get cleaned up? You can get some rest in the backseat, I’ll watch out for your car.”
She sat up, rubbing her eyes blearily with pouty lips. Bucky didn’t know where they stood; he wanted to kiss her so bad in the moonlight, but he stood against it. He helped her pull her panties back up her legs, the jean shorts following behind. He wrapped up the used condom, sneaking out of the car to toss it in the trash without anyone to see him in the parking lot.
By the time he came back, Y/N was wrapped in one of his sweatshirts, curled in a fetal position in the backseat. He took a minute to look at her, longing to lay by her again.
Y/N sensed his eyes on him. His stare was never exactly subtle. “Come over here, James,” she yawned, “you make a comfy pillow.”
She sat up and before she could even fully understand what was going on, he tackled her into the seat, pressing her body against his as she squealed. “You’re squishin’ me, Buck, can we move around?”
His face flushed, and once again he was reduced to being a blushing, stuttering mess around her. “Oh God, yeah, m’ sorry.”
He laid back on the seat with his head crooked against the cold window, gesturing for her to lay on top of him. She complied happily, resting her head right under his chin, her ear right above his comforting heartbeat. Neither of them really felt sleepy anymore, the full force of what their sex was to them hitting them so suddenly. “Honey?” Nothing in response. “Can I tell you something?”
“Buck, can we talk about this tomorrow-”
“I can’t wait to talk about this tomorrow.” He recoiled at the desperation in his voice. Clearing his throat, he tried to start over again. “‘M sorry about that. I just wanted to tell you, before we fucked, like when we were driving but I was being an ass and still now, I guess-” he huffed out a sigh, lost for words as he encompassed the feeling of having her body pressed against his. It had been two years after all. “God, I’m just fucking this up, aren’t I?” Y/N nodded and he chuckled at her blatant honesty.
“I’m not good at emotions. I guess that’s why I left that night, but it’s just because I’m a huge fuckin’ coward. Was scared how big my feelings for you were and that we were goin’ to different colleges, but that doesn’t seem so scary anymore. It’s easy to say this now, ‘cuz I love you and nothing is keeping me back from saying it anymore.”
Those words. She’d been waiting to hear those words in her fantasies for two haunting years, and now that she had- it just made her the happiest girl on the planet. But she couldn’t let him get away with what he did so easily. Y/N grinned against his chest, lifting her head up to kiss his scruffy jaw. “You said that already, Buck.”
“Told me you loved me already.” She shrugged.
“When did I- oh.”
You look so pretty when you come, sweetheart. ‘M so glad you were so good for me, like you were made to take my cock. God, I love you so much.
His cheeks reddened again, embarrassed that he had gotten caught before his big planned speech, but Y/N grabbed his hand and kissed it before resting it over her chest.
“But for the record, I love you too. It’s been a long to years without you, Buck.” She smiles. closing her eyes and burrowing herself farther into his chest. “Now get some shut-eye, we’ve got some shit to talk about tomorrow.”
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georgiaheartsdilfs · 2 years
Is it possible you can write that Jeremy is your boyfriend and Kai is jealous cause he wants you; but you don't see Kai in that way and even it she did she wouldn't. Reader she's a witch. Thank you.
idk who you are (obviously) but you must love jeremy like i love sebastian stan. i love that.
Not In That Way | Jeremy Gilbert x Kai Parker x Reader
my masterlist ↪M A S T E R L I S T
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"Mom, I'll be with Jeremy all day." I yell from the bottom of my staircase, Jeremy and I had been dating for three years.
Since we were 16 anyway.
"Alright Sweetie, Tell everyone I said hello." My mother smiles peeking out of her room as I wave her goodbye. There was a car honking outside my door, running out of my front door slamming it behind me I see Jeremy waiting outside with his car.
Getting in I kiss his cheek and he laughs "hey y/n" he smiled "hey Jer" I smile back, Jer knew everything about the supernatural. He knew everything from the originals to the war between vampires and werewolves.
He also knew I was a witch, he never knew what coven I was from but it didn't bother him too much. He just enjoyed the fact that he got me all to himself.
"how's your day?" he asks placing one hand on my thigh whilst gripping the steering wheel with the other "you know the usual, I had work and got off early because someone thought I was a vampire. Usually mystic falls." I chuckle.
"yours?" I ask him placing my hand over his "mine was good, yeah, kai is back." Jeremy said and my jaw dropped immediately.
Kai had been on a quest to destroy all of his remaining family members, including his siblings or the ones he didn't manage to kill the last time he was here.
Last I heard of him he merged with his younger brother Luke, which made no sense to our coven's rules but it's normal compared to the other things Kai has done to be leader.
Did I mention I was in the Gemini Coven with absolutely no relation to the Parkers. It was a miracle really, but I made up my own coven the 'y/l/n coven' that's what me and my mother call it anyways, just incase Kai kills me.
"are you serious?" my head turns to Jeremy who tries to change the subject "Damon actually made food for everyone." "Jeremy Gilbert, don't change the subject, he's back I thought after the merge he'd be done with us." my voice was loud, it probably was louder than Elena's screams when she first walked in on Jer and I.
"look y/n I know you don't like him, we all don't." he says trying to sweeten things over and i nod as we pull up to the Salvatore house.
Jeremy and Elena had been living with the Salvatores for a year or two, since she burned down their house they had nowhere to live luckily a Salvatore brother was in love with her.
"hey!" I yell to everyone who poked their heads out from the kitchen. "y/n" Kai yells walking in from behind me and I look down shaking my head, wrapping my arms around Jeremy hoping kai would leave me alone.
"you're still with little gilbert." he states and I nod "obviously." I roll my eyes before walking into the kitchen "why is kai here, out of all places." my voice was low, trying not to speak loudly incase he heard me.
"god knows." damon says chewing on his food "that looks good." I point to the food on his plate and he pushes the plate next to him towards me "thanks" i smile sitting down.
"sooo y/n" Kai says walking in "I didn't know you were still dating Elena's brother" "I literally just told you in the living room Kai." I huff with a mouth full of food.
"what's it to you anyways Sociopathic Ryan Reynolds." Damon says looking at Kai then to me and I shrug, Kai laughs to himself "you could do better than a vampire hunter, maybe a siphon?" he suggests.
"well at least he doesn't have to kill everyday to feel fulfilled." i mumble "I also don't see you like that, not in that way, I love Jer." my mouth was still filled with the delicious food Damon somehow managed to make.
"I'm a witch anyways, why would I need you?" I question him "because I'd never siphon off you." Kai winks, Damon gets up awkwardly before putting his plate in the sink and walking away.
Kai sits down next to me "you don't anyways" my tone was annoyed, I wish he'd just leave me alone "and given that you're a disgrace to the whole coven, i'd rather not be with someone who killed his family and now wants to rule his families coven." clearing my throat as I continue to shove food into my gob.
He places his hand on my wrist as an excruciating pain follows, I raise my hand to him "OUCH" he yells letting go of me and I continue to eat my food shaking my wrist gently since it still hurt.
"that hurt" Kai said rubbing his head "you think" I say raising my wrist "I was trying to prove a point, y/n" he sighs "not a very good one obviously" i mumble.
"besides even if i wanted you in that way, i'd never act on it. I still love Jeremy." standing up off my chair, walking my plate to the sink leaving it in there for the next person to clean.
"that's suggesting if you did-" "yes, but i dont, alright kai? leave it alone." I say dusting my hands off before walking into the living room, he runs after me "but then it must mean you've thought about it." he says.
"no it means that i'd never date you, not in this universe or any other universe. Not even in a multiverse." I throw my arms up "ouch" Kai says pretending he was physically hurt.
"besides aren't you like 70? you're an old man, Jer is my age, you're just a man-child." crossing my arms "Leave her alone, Kai" Jer says walking down from the stairs "or what pretty boy, you going to kill me? I'll just come back?".
"and what's stopping me from doing it again, and again, and again. I'll do it until I feel like you won't hit on my girlfriend again." Jeremy says walking past Kai kissing my cheek "that wont stop me, she could be a queen with me, instead she's with a lousy smelly teenager." Kai says giving Jer a disgusted face.
"a teenager who didn't get locked in a prison world for killing his family, might i add." i mumble.
"that was a one night thing." kai mumbles and I raise my hand again "alright, alright I'll leave you alone for the next few years until you two break up." Kai rolls his eyes "I have better things to do anyway." he huffs before storming out the door.
"what an ass."
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rachaelswrites · 2 years
Learning Romanian
Sebastian Stan x Daughter!reader
Requested By: Anonymous
Hi can I request a headcanon or one shot of Sebastian teaching Stan!reader Romanian when she was younger please?
A/N: This is a bit shorter than I expected but I hope you like it!
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-Your dad started teaching you Romanian as soon as he could
-He didn’t expect you to know it as well as he did but he wanted you to be able to communicate with him and your grandmother in another language
-He never forced you to if you didn’t want to
-As you picked up more English words, Sebastian would teach you what they were in Romanian
-You picked it up pretty quickly and you were so excited to be able to talk to your grandmother in her native language
-She was also very happy to have her grandchild speaking Romanian
-You always called her “buncia” even if you were talking to her in English
-You bragged about learning a new language to your friends at school
-Most thought it was cool but there were a few who teased you about it 
-Sebastian didn’t let it continue for much longer
-You mostly stopped speaking it at school but you still used it at home
-Sebastian liked to call you Romanian terms of endearment over English ones
-As you got older, you kept up with it and could hold conversations 
-Your dad accidentally taught you some Romanian curse words
-He tried to stop you from using them but you didn’t
@ssebstann @peachyprincessss @emmy-writes-sometimes @dudele @prentisswrites @laura-naruto-fan1998 @multifamdomfan12 @aquariuslavendarhoney @jjmybeloved @vxidsti1es @waxingmoonwrites @benbarnesbussy @hallecarey1 @freds-slut  @ssa-uglywhore27 @czlypso (for some reason I can’t tag you) @sweetpeterparker @im-in-love-with-pizza-bites @llpovi @bunnyweasley23 @mrchiipchrome @simpingbutch
@baarish-aur-chai @coffeeandbooksaddict @markhyucksmells
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