#second hand mobility scooters
activescooter · 11 days
How to Get the Best Value on Mobility Scooters in Toowoomba
Looking for the best value on mobility scooters in Toowoomba? Active Scooters provide the best options. They offer Second hand mobility scooters with budget-friendly options without compromising quality. Whether you need reliable transportation or enhanced independence, Toowoomba has a range of affordable scooters to suit your needs. When comparing mobility scooters price, it's essential to consider factors such as battery life, weight capacity, and warranty. With careful selection, you can find a second-hand mobility scooter that perfectly matches your lifestyle while saving money in the process. For more information, read the full blog: https://activemobilityscooters.blogspot.com/2024/09/how-to-get-best-value-on-mobility_10.html 
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briarpatch-kids · 1 year
Let's talk mobility aids!
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Canes are for when you need to take a little bit of weight off of one side of your body, need a little help with balance, or need a little extra stability when you walk. It's an easy mobility aid to find and get, and it's pretty easy to figure out how to use. Have the cane sized so the handle sits at wrist level, then hold it on the opposite side to the one that hurts. Match your cane strikes to the steps on the hurt side. It will hurt your arm, elbow, and shoulder sometimes, but having a properly sized cane will help.
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Rollators are kind of the "next step up" in support. They come with more restrictions, you get limited to ramps and stuff, but they're also the least restrictive wheeled mobility aid because they're light and easy to pick up and toss around. They also have a seat a lot of times and a basket so you don't need to carry stuff. They're for when you need a place to rest, something to lean on when you walk, better balance assistance than a cane, and less weight bearing than a cane. I also found that it helped me with fatigue quite a bit. There's two main kinds, euro style like the first, and regular like the second. There are other fancier ones but I'm covering the basics here.
Rollators are my favorite mobility aid and I've used everything from canes to a fancy high grade power chair. They're just the perfect balance of help and freedom. They provide so much support for how far they go.
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Arm crutches are pretty neat! They're a lot more ergonomic than a cane. In fact, some people use a single arm crutch as a cane. They distribute the weight a little better, so it's not all on your wrists, and they support you better than a rollator can. The major cons I found are that they take two hands to use so you can't carry much and I had a really hard time trying to learn to walk with them. A lot of people who use forearm crutches have other mobility aids and use the forearm crutches when they want to or need to walk.
Manual Wheelchairs
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These are for when walking becomes more difficult than pushing a wheelchair. There's no weight being put on your legs and feet and depending on your needs, you can get really specific with your adaptations if you have a custom wheelchair verses a standard wheelchair. My first custom chair looked like a monster truck because i took in the woods and gravel, my second custom chair after I got sicker has a head rest, a backrest that holds me up, and a little electric box that I can attach that helps me push. The difference between getting a standard and custom wheelchair is dependent on how much money the user has, what kind of needs they have, and what kind of medical access they have. (One is not more "real" than the other.) I highly recommend getting a cushion for under your butt if you have a standard chair without a cushion, I used a standard full time for 6 months and a cushion made a huge difference.
Mobility scooters
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Mobility scooters are for people who can't walk long distances, but can still walk with the help of a cane or unassisted. If you can walk around your house, but not really much else, a mobility scooter might be the aid for you! There's a lot of different styles and battery life lengths and handling abilities so try a few different scooters out if you can.
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Powerchairs come in a couple different types or "groups" depending on your needs. Group 1 is the kind of chair you're probably most familiar with. It's basically for someone who needs a powerchair to get around their house, the doctors, office, and grocery store. You can't do any custom seat cushions or anything, but it's for people who don't need it. Think of like... someone who can walk pretty okay still, it just hurts to walk or they're off balance or a little weak feeling. A lot of times more elderly people will use these, if you're more active look into group 2
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Group two chairs are little more durable, a little more stable, sometimes you can switch the captains seats out for custom seating... They're what a full time powerchair user would use if they don't need specialty functions like tilt or recline. They also often have 6 wheels rather than 4 like the group 1 chairs have.
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Group 3 powerchairs are reserved for specific diagnoses like muscular dystrophy, ALS, and other severe neurological and neuromuscular illnesses. These are also called "rehab" chairs because they're for making sure severely disabled people have quality of life. The tilt function is for pressure relief, though you can also get things like elevation so you can raise and lower your chair, and some of them can recline flat. There are other avenues of moving grade 3 power chairs beyond the joystick as well in case someone can't use their hands or doesn't have them. (Head controls, torso controls, and straw controls called sip and puff are alternatives.) They can go on a little worse terrain than group 1 and two chairs and go a little farther, but if they get stuck they weigh 350 lbs and it's awful.
There's a few other types of mobility aid that I don't know enough about, like ankle foot orthotics and gait trainers, but these are the basic "mobility aid" most people will come across.
If you use another type of mobility aid and want to educate people, add it on!!
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flowercrowncrip · 4 months
I saw someone on TikTok suggesting able bodied people go to protests using second hand heavy powerchairs to use as some kind of weapon against police???
And as a full time powerchair user uh… don’t fucking do this?
For starters, if this “tactic” becomes popular (which it won’t because it’s a terrible idea, but IF it did) you’re just giving the police an excuse to harass powerchair users just for existing near a protest. Don’t do that.
And then there is the fact you’ll be taking resources away from disabled people is bad. The person in the video said not to take chairs that were usable for disabled people, but able bodied people have no right or technical skills to decide when a chair is useful. Even a dangerous chair might be an emergency option for someone who needs to get to the doctors while their chair is being repaired.
And then there’s practical things like how you’ll get to whatever protest you’re going to without taking resources from disabled people. Walking across town? Good luck with your second hand chairs crappy batteries. Are you driving? You’ll need a specially adapted van to transport a large powerchair. Don’t have one of those? Wheelchair accessible taxis are really limited in most places. Public transport? Again Wheelchair spaces are in short supply. Don’t be the Ass hole who means a genuinely disabled person can’t get a taxi, bus or train.
But also… You have no idea how to safely handle a large powerchair. Especially in a crowd. I’ve been using a powerchair for all of my independent movement inside and outside for about six or seven years now and am very competent. And even I find manoeuvring in crowds incredibly difficult. People are unpredictable, potholes mean you have to take a different route to the crowd, if someone steps back towards you, how will you react?
My dad who handles my chair semi regularly cannot drive it at anything like full speed if he wants to go in a straight line. If your first time driving a powerchair is at a busy crowded protest, (and especially if you are using it as a weapon!) then you are putting everyone around you at risk, including yourself.
Plus, in the UK at least, it’s illegal to use a powerchair or mobility scooter if you aren’t injured or disabled (unless you’re taking it for repair, delivering it to a user or delivering training) so this is something you can get in trouble for even if you miraculously manage not to injure someone.
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extra-stout-stories · 5 months
The Weight Clinic
A fat man who's unsure about losing weight signs up for a very unusual treatment program led by a dominant doctor with an agenda of her own. (SSBHM feedee, SSBBW feeder, implicit XWG. CW: Dubious consent, drugs, medical and deathfeedist elements.)
This story was written swiftly in response to an ask on my old blog: "A man signs up for a blind study of a weight loss drug (he doesn't want to lose weight, but you know how society is.) Unfortunately for him, it's run by a less than honest BBW scientist who decides to fatten him up instead." When I read that, I had to immediately sit down and transcribe the thunderbolt of inspiration before it passed. This could easily turn into a much longer story, and now that I've created this little fictional universe, I might come back to it some day. The dubcon is because I wanted to write a dommy mad scientist feeder, but if the story continued, our protagonist would definitely come to enjoy it and realize that she was right all along.
(April 2024: This is by far the most popular story I've written, and I'm moving it here so I can centralize likes/reblogs and deactivate my defunct account. I'm slowly working on a sequel as the inspiration strikes me.)
Please read the content warnings. If dubcon and medical/deathfeedist themes upset you, please don't click.
If you like it, on the other hand, please reblog.
He sighed inwardly as the receptionist led him past the double doors and into the medical suite of the clinic.
He didn't want to be doing this. Being fat had never bothered him. He had been fat since childhood, and as an adult he embraced the freedom of eating whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. In fact, there were times when he secretly enjoyed being fat. There was something profoundly satisfying about the way his belly was soft and heavy in his lap when he sat, the way his double chin was like a cushion when he tilted his head. Lately it seemed like he was inching closer and closer to 400 pounds whenever he stepped on the scale, and sometimes a part of him even looked forward to it.
But he was getting sick of how the rest of the world treated him. At Thanksgiving dinner, after he had gone back to the side table for a fourth helping of mashed potatoes, his parents had given him a fierce tag-team lecture about how his weight was out of control and he was overdue for a diet. Buying new clothes was getting expensive. And while the thought of 400 seemed strangely intriguing sometimes -- that's only a hundred pounds away from a quarter ton, he thought to himself -- he worried that if he got any bigger, he'd become one of those fat guys who was so big that they had trouble walking and had to use a scooter or wheelchair to get around.
There was a wheelchair in the corner of the room that the receptionist led him into. He couldn't help notice its gigantic width. "This is the suite where you'll be staying." The room looked like it was outfitted for a patient much bigger than he was. The king-sized bed was equipped with a bariatric Hoyer lift, and in addition to the usual IV bags and oxygen tanks, there were all sorts of medical machines he didn't recognize. The door to the bathroom and shower was only a few steps away from the edge of the bed, and he noticed a stainless steel railing to allow someone to steady themselves as they walked.
Noticing his expression, the receptionist continued. "You'll be staying here in the regular suite, since you don't have any serious mobility issues. Further down the hallway there's a second suite for larger patients. Both rooms will be kept operational during your stay in case there are any complications. As we discussed earlier, you'll be forbidden to leave the premises for the duration of the study. We can't have you going out to eat and breaking your diet."
He sighed inwardly again. He was already thinking of his usual Friday night meal, nachos and mozzarella sticks followed by a hamburger and fries at his favorite diner, washed down with a milkshake or two with each course. I guess I am a binge eater, he thought to himself sadly. This isn't going to be fun, but if I don't get myself under control, I really am going to end up weighing 400.
As if reading his mind, the receptionist gave a prim smile. "I hope you'll find the results of the study to be satisfactory. Dr. Moore is excited to be taking you on as a patient. Come back to the front desk with me and we'll get your paperwork finalized."
They returned to the waiting room through the double doors and he sat down on a double-wide chair to review the clipboard full of paperwork. HIPAA, check. Records release form, check. Insurance card, check.
After several more signatures, he came to the final document on the clipboard. Consent to Experimental Treatment, the header read. He skimmed through the legal verbiage, trying his best to take note of anything significant. The clinic was a private enterprise, he read. Dr. Moore had affiliations with several prestigious universities, but he waived his right to hold them liable for treatment outcomes. No guarantees were made as to results. "The Moore Clinic program is designed to help patients reach a satisfactory body weight through the application of both physiological and cognitive-emotional treatments. To ensure accurate data collection and clinical efficacy, all care will be taken by the clinic staff to prevent external influences from interfering with treatment. Patients acknowledge that for the duration of the study they will be under the exclusive supervision of Dr. Moore. Her permission will be required before patients can contact outside parties via phone or Internet."
He thought to himself for a moment. Well, I'm no good at sticking to a diet on my own. I might as well give this a shot. He signed his name on the last page of the form.
"Congratulations." The receptionist smiled as he turned over the stack of forms. "We're glad to have you here. I'm sorry Dr. Moore couldn't be here to welcome you to the first night of the study, but she had another engagement. These are our nurses, Sandra and Kevin. They'll help you get settled."
Soon he was being ushered into the hospital suite by the two nurses. Sandra was short and curvaceous, Kevin tall and stocky, and he couldn't help notice that neither of them was skinny. Both of them were chubby, in fact. Chubby verging on fat. They gave him a hospital gown and a plastic bin to store his belongings in, then drew a curtain around the bed and waited patiently while he changed.
Naked beneath the loose-fitting hospital gown, he couldn't help being aware of how fat he was as the two nurses drew the curtain aside and began to prep him for the treatment. He could feel the softness of his belly against his thighs, the subtle motion of his rolls quivering, as Kevin attached electrodes to his moobs and belly. A fold of his fat upper arm brushed against his elbow as Sandra straightened his arm and swabbed to insert an IV. I'm going to miss all this, he thought to himself. If this works, I'll be just another skinny guy in a size M. I might even have abs. And I'll probably never eat mozzarella sticks again. As the drugs in the IV began to take hold, making him woozy and disoriented and sleepy, he couldn't help wondering if waking up skinny was going to feel like a nightmare.
"Well, well. My patient has finally come to."
From the slant of the light in the hospital suite, it was late afternoon. He lay in bed, still naked beneath his hospital gown, the IV tube still in his arm, the electrodes still on his chest. Staring down at him from the foot of the bed, an appraising smile on her face, was a fat woman. A very fat woman.
She wore a crisp white coat over a snug set of scrubs that did little to conceal how gigantic she was. Her stethoscope bounced against her enormous belly as she stepped around to the bedside and lowered herself onto a double-wide chair next to the IV bags. Her hair was pulled back in a neat ponytail, and her triple chins swayed and quivered as she craned her neck slightly to take a readout from one of the machines beside the bed, then bent her head down to type some notes on a tablet.
"Welcome to the clinic. I'm Dr. Moore."
He couldn't help but be baffled by her size. A private clinic specializing in weight loss, and she was the doctor in charge? She must have read the expression on his face, because she immediately burst out laughing. "Yes, I'm really Dr. Moore. And I'm very excited to have you as my patient." She scrolled through the tablet, her eyes moving rapidly as she reviewed his case file. "You're here for morbid obesity. You say you struggle with binge eating. And you're concerned that your weight is continuing to rise."
He nodded, feeling suddenly hazy. The anesthetic had worn off, but whatever else was in the IV was still taking effect.
"Tell me." Dr. Moore's voice was suddenly stern. "Did you come here to lose weight?"
"Yes." His throat went dry as he began to speak. He realized with a start that he was dreadfully thirsty, and something in Dr. Moore's tone made him nervous. "My primary care doctor says my goal weight is 180 pounds. I've tried a couple of different diets, but nothing worked."
"One hundred and eighty pounds?" Her voice was full of disbelief. "Oh, no, no, no. That won't do at all. I'm going to write you a new prescription."
His heart was suddenly pounding. He didn't like the way she was talking to him. "I think your goal weight should be… five hundred and eighty pounds. For a start."
He tried to speak but no words came out. His throat was terribly dry. Dr. Moore turned the tablet to face him. "See? Goal weight five hundred and eighty pounds." There it was on his patient chart, as clear as day. She smiled. "I think you must be disoriented. Did you know you've been under anesthesia for four days? The treatment takes time to take effect. I'm going to get you something to drink." Without rising from her chair, she reached to open a refrigerator by the side of the bed. He had seen it during his tour and had assumed it was full of syringes and dry ice, but it was full of… cups? Giant cardboard cups with straws, the kind a fast food restaurant might use for a soda or a milkshake. She reached out and grabbed two.
"Drink. This will help settle you down." He wrapped his lips around the straw and sucked eagerly, feeling a cool, sweet, creamy liquid flow down his throat, soothing the dryness. It was a milkshake, he realized. Then he realized that he was ravenously hungry.
"Yes, that's your appetite coming back. Or rather, coming to. It never left, but you've been getting your nutrients intravenously while you were under. We call that one the 'feedbag.'" She gestured to one of the IV bags that fed into the tube leading to his wrist. In the color scheme he had already come to recognize as the Moore Clinic's branding, it was stamped with the words: "HIGH CALORIE FORMULA."
His heart was still pounding, but he was feeling more relaxed now. He heard a rustling behind him and realized that Sandra, the nurse, was busy adjusting the proportions of the IV bags.
"Yes, that's a sedative." Dr. Moore smiled. "I thought it might help put you at ease while I explain the details of my treatment program." Her voice took on a firm and didactic tone, as if she were giving a lecture to an auditorium full of med students, but underneath it he felt that he could hear something almost… flirtatious?
"The Moore Clinic takes an unorthodox approach to the treatment of obesity. As a dual-certified endocrinologist and psychiatrist, I bring a unique perspective to both the metabolic and biosocial components of extreme weight gain." She paused. "Sandra, another high-calorie bag. Thank you." As the nurse replaced the now empty bag of formula, Dr. Moore continued. "Many of my patients arrive with deeply disordered cognitive attitudes towards body weight. They are unduly susceptible to social influences, preventing their full psychological individuation as a mentally well, hedonically satisfied obese person. They regard themselves as suffering from morbid obesity instead of enjoying it." She reached out to pat his belly. "I'm afraid you're a textbook case."
He could feel himself getting hazier and hazier until the world seemed to shrink to himself, the milkshakes and Dr. Moore. He couldn't tear himself away from her gaze as she continued to speak, her triple chins and dimpled fat cheeks quivering hypnotically as her eyes seemed to pierce right into him. "This is why the use of psychotropic drugs is a key component of my program. To fully undo the traumatic effects of societal fatphobia on my patients, I must be prepared to use the entire arsenal of modern psychopharmacology."
Sandra laughed, catching a hint of the shock on his face. "It's a real cocktail in these IV bags, honey. If Dr. Moore tried to sell this stuff at a nightclub, she'd be arrested."
The doctor smiled at her nurse. "That's right. Some of these are experimental drugs, and Federally scheduled. I'm fortunate to have a license, and a substantial research grant which pays for high-grade laboratory synthesis. And the same is true for my metabolic work."
She reached out and slipped a hand under his hospital gown, grabbing ahold of the fold of one of his moobs and squeezing playfully. Even through the increasingly powerful haze of the drug cocktail, he could feel himself blushing. "The other vector of cure," she continued, "is to address the body itself. Too many patients labor under the delusion that the unfortunate medical side effects of morbid obesity are somehow a reason they must lose weight." Her voice grew stern. "Nothing could be further from the truth. Obesity is not a disease. It's a lifestyle. And it's beautiful."
"But sometimes," she continued, a frown on her face, "my patients resist. This is why I require a minimum of four weeks' supervised stay at the clinic. The setting here accustoms my patients to the possibility of living with bariatric equipment as a full-time lifestyle." He looked around the room, suddenly seeing it with new eyes. "And while my patients get used to the pace and challenges of their new lifestyle, my metabolic treatment can do its work."
Despite the sedatives, his heart was pounding faster than ever. Her words seemed to move as slowly as molasses, her chins swaying back and forth like a pendulum, as her eyes gazed into his. "There's more than just calories and party drugs in those bags, you know. There's drugs to shock your system, break down your metabolism, destroy your body's resistance to gaining ever more weight. Even if you left the clinic right now, all the diets in the world couldn't fix your metabolism. My treatment has taken you to the point of no return."
Just barely, as if fighting his way through a slowly moving fog, he managed to gasp out a single word. "When?"
"When?" Dr. Moore threw her head back in laughter, exposing a beautiful smile, her cheeks and chins quivering with mirth. "Darling, I told you -- you were under anesthesia for four days, and my treatment works quickly. It's already happened."
He tried to protest, but before he could speak another word, the fog seemed to close around him and he drifted into a deep anesthetic sleep. When he dreamed, he dreamed of being fatter than ever.
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hoursofreading · 28 days
Her name was Caitlyn, and she represented a company called Canary Speech. Canary Speech had developed a tool that analyzes human speech for “vocal biomarkers.” Caitlyn explained that vocal biomarkers are qualities below the level of human hearing that correlate with emotional and physiological conditions. By listening to just thirty seconds of recorded speech, Canary Speech could return a health audit that breaks down the user’s mood, energy, anxiety, and degree of depression, and identify pre-Parkinson’s traits, as well as early signs of Alzheimer’s. Caitlyn played a video in which she prompted a woman to speak for thirty seconds on any topic. The woman described her morning. She had woken up and fed her child. Her child had played with their dog. “Canary is analyzing the audio,” Caitlyn said. “You have medium anxiety and medium depression. Your energy score is at forty-six. Your power is at seventy-eight. Speed is medium, at forty-eight. Dynamic is twelve.” I could feel a collective intake of breath. A woman raised her hand and asked what would happen to someone’s diagnosis if the sound quality were poor. “That’s why we record forty seconds,” said Caitlyn. “So we get more audio than we need.” The woman’s question poked a hole in the dam, and more questions poured forth. Another woman identified herself as a therapist. “To be told you’re mildly depressed will make you depressed,” she said. “How can we be confident this won’t fall into the hands of corporations that will figure out how to sell things to depressed people?” asked another woman. “What about cultural differences?” said someone else. Caitlyn attempted an answer, but before she could produce anything cogent a male voice boomed from the back of the room. “WE’RE TALKING ABOUT MICRO-PROSODIC FEATURES BELOW THE LEVEL OF HUMAN PERCEPTION,” the voice said. The large and formidable man to whom this voice belonged rolled down the aisle on a mobility scooter. He introduced himself. He was a veteran of the original Alexa build and Canary Speech’s cofounder. “What is the baseline you’re comparing it to?” someone asked. “You compare it to a generic baseline.” “What is generic? Man? Woman? Teenager?” “These clues are generally universal.”
An Age of Hyperabundance | Issue 47 | n+1 | Laura Preston
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cripple-woe · 2 months
Borrowed my nanas small scooter today for pride and it was so fuckiny easy to go about my day holy shit . I might buy one of those as opposed to a manual chair… or maybe some other powered mobility aid. Wheelchair. Whichever I can find cheaper second hand.
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Also I got a free wristband with my boba,,,, :3
ID in alt text — gonna try to get better at that! ♥️
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gumnut-logic · 2 years
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Discovered this in my fic folder. Had forgotten I had written it. Should probably check to see if I archived it.
Have yet another outside POV.
It had been one of those days.
It had started with a headache and it looked like it was going to end with a worse one.
She hated the stick. She really did. But the alternative was one of those damned walker things that had her bent over like an ancient witch mowing her lawn, or one of those terrifying scooter things that literally mowed every pedestrian down.
There was a definite lawn cutting theme in the old age mobility stakes.
She wasn’t old anyway, damn it. Only ninety-five, alive and still kicking and fully capable of whacking annoying upstarts with that walking stick of hers.
After all, it could be weaponised much easier than a lawn mower.
But there were days. And today was one of them.
Food shopping was a necessity for any age and despite her determination to support herself, Darcy was really missing her beloved Denny right now.
Fate had taken her husband long before his time, leaving her to fend for herself.
So fend she did.
The supermarket wasn’t far from her home and she counted the steps it took her to get there and back pulling her wheeled trolley as her daily exercise. It helped keep her alive and out of the house. She wasn’t allowed to drive anymore so it kept her sane and her heart beating.
But today everything was aching and she was feeling every one of those years, months and days.
Perhaps she shouldn’t have reached up so high. It really pissed her off that reaching up high was a thing. Didn’t used to be. But so many other things weren’t things before either.
But whatever it was, one second she was reaching for her favourite canned soup, the next the world was spinning and she was falling.
It was frightening. She had just enough time to realise her day was about to get horribly worse and probably involve a trip to emergency – damned placed stunk and was horribly noisy – and there would likely be a serious lack of soup in her future – hospital food wasn’t great.
But all of it was replaced with surprise as a pair of very strong arms wrapped around her and caught her before she could become far too intimate with the linoleum.
Her mind blanked as those arms, so obviously male and scented with…with hard work? And a very nice cologne. Flannel? Soft, strong…
“Ma’am? Are you hurt?”
She was suddenly under the intense scrutiny of a pair dark brown, frowning eyes. Young, worried…handsome…
Embarrassment climbed up her neck and lit her hair on fire.
Her voice was a little higher pitched than she expected. “I’m fine thank you.”
Of course, the young man noticed, and while the frown didn’t quite disappear, his generous lips curled into the smallest of smiles.
Which only made it all entirely so much worse.
What followed was a mess of her trying to get up, his worry that she had hurt herself, and a bucket of embarrassment. But eventually, he helped her to her feet, picked up her walking stick, and handed it to her.
The frown was definitely dominating over the smile. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
She placed a hand on his arm…it was a very large arm – what the hell did the boy do for a day job to get that? “I’m totally fine. Please believe me. Thank you for your assistance.”
He was still eyeing her and there was obviously a great deal of brain activity going on behind those brown irises.
“Virg, we need some emergency TP again. Grandma, just commed me. You forgot it on the last supply run for the umpteenth time.” Another young man, this one blond but with eyes almost as brown as her saviour, barrelled into the aisle. His sandshoes squeaked on the linoleum as he came to an abrupt halt. “Ooh, who’s your new friend?” He doffed a hat he wasn’t wearing and bowed a little. “Pleased to meet you, ma’am, as soon as my brother introduces you to me.”
It was at that point she realised that those strong hands hadn’t quite let her go yet, even if they were reduced to one hand on her arm.
Those fingers hesitantly fell away as he straightened a little. “My apologies, ma’am. I’m Virgil and this is my brother Gordon. We’re…” He sighed a little and shot a look at his brother. “…not from around here.”
All manners and rescuing damsels…okay, she was closer to old hag if she was honest, but daydreams existed for a reason. She tilted her head a little. “No apologies needed, certainly not. You have my thanks. I’m Darcy. Very pleased to meet the both of you.” She offered him a hesitant smile. It was annoying to not be on the beat and up to snuff. She had to admit the fall had shaken her.
That frown was back.
Damnit. “Would one of you be kind enough to grab that can of soup for me? I have no idea why they make these supermarket shelves so high. You’d think they were built for giants.”
He blinked, casually reaching up to take her favourite can of soup off the shelf and offer it to her.
She smiled. “Thank you, kind sir.” She didn’t quite curtsy, that was risking more than she felt capable of right now, but she did turn the smile into a grin.
Her confidence was making its creeping way back.
“You are very welcome.” And again he was smiling.
His brother’s face split into a full-on grin. “Earth to Virg.”
The golden-haired man elbowed his brother in the ribs and the moment broke. She took the opportunity to grab her shopping trolley and make an exit before she managed to embarrass herself further.
Neither of them protested her leaving, but she was ever so conscious of those eyes following her down the aisle.
She wasn’t surprised to find the two men in the next aisle as she looped around for dog food for her little Samuel. The brothers were arguing about dog biscuits and someone named Alan.
Those brown eyes followed her as she hobbled past.
They weren’t in the next aisle – obviously their discussion lasted a while – but they were in the following aisle. Alan the dog had scored a packet of the expensive kind apparently as Gordon was holding it under one arm.
She smiled as she stepped past them. Virgil lugged one of the largest almost pallet-sized packets of toilet paper onto one shoulder.
Was he showing off?
Gordon seemed to think so.
She did smile to herself.
She didn’t see them again until she finally made it to the checkout with her small stash of things. The two brothers just happened to be in the queue next to her.
She probably should have been creeped out as they seemed to be following her, but there was something in that brown gaze that was far more concern than anything else.
If that boy had a wife, Darcy guessed she would be one of the most cherished and looked-after women in the world.
Blondie’s wife was probably the most patient.
Darcy snorted quietly to herself.
Through the checkout with all her shopping stashed in her faithful trolley, she smiled and waved at the two brothers as she left and started her slow walk home.
Halfway there she nearly dropped her walking stick as something big and green flew far too close overhead. She got a glimpse of a giant number two and then the profile of a big fat plane tore off into the distance.
She stared after it, recognising it for what it was and marvelling at her good fortune to have seen it.
A breath sighed out through her teeth.
Okay, perhaps it hasn’t been that bad a day after all.
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burstingwithbellies · 2 years
The holiday weight, pregnancy pounds, vacation weight, and second round of pregnancy pounds stayed on your body long enough to simply be called "your weight". You avoid a third wave of pregnancy pounds because I couldn't lift you belly long enough to fill you again. Your goals shifted from losing the weight to maintaining it to limiting how much you would gain. Right now, The line you swear not to cross is needing a mobility scooter. You were confident you'd lose the fat, calling it "water weight"
You were winded simply walking to the gym's doors. You were self conscious about how you looked. Over three years of constant eating and two pregnancies, huge triplets and giant quadruplets respectively, your clothes barely covered your body. You ass swallowed your shorts while you belly spilled out the front. Your tits oozed out your top, making cleavage, sideboob and underboob all at once.
You had called beforehand, scheduling a trainer to help make and keep you to a workout plan. When you finally recovered from the marathon of getting inside from the parking lot, you trainer was surprised to see what he'd be working with.
"Let's start with some cardio, a little walk and talk. You can tell me about your goals so I can make a plan to help"
It seemed innocent enough. With A grunt you hoped your trainer didn't hear, you stepped onto the treadmill and slowly began waddling. You shared that last the last few years of your life, omitting several important details. You called your baby weight stubborn and ignored the vacation's influence on your waistline.
Right as you mentioned getting pregnant a second time, you were gasping for air. The trainer turned of the machine and handed you a bottle of water. You worked up quite a sweat and asked how far you got. Your confidence was shattered when you heard you didn't even break 100 feet.
You sat down, your body jiggling from the fastest movement you made today. Your stomach growled but you were determined to ignore it. Looking up at your trainer, you asked what's next. Surprised you wanted to keep going, the trainer scans the room and decides on the empty floor.
Your face flushed. As if your bingo wings could lift your lard filled body. You prayed that your pants wouldn't rip as you got down on your knees. You tried to get down on your hands but your belly was too much for you to handle. Your belly slams into the ground with a thud.
"Ready? Go."
Once you stop suffocating yourself with your boobs, you try to push off the ground. You feel no burn in your muscles or resistance at all. You glance to the side a realizes the truth about your "water weight": it's enough to make a water bed. You hands don't even reach the floor.
You flail around to signal that not only you can't do a single push-up, you're stuck as well. Rolling you over and helping you sit up, you are handed a protein shake. You start drinking it, surprised about it amazing flavor. You ask what brand it is.
"It's no protein shake, just a regular milkshake with several servings of weight gain powder mixed in"
You almost drop it but the trainer grabs it and tilts it back. You are forced to take faster gulps, downing the entire cup. You groan as your belly starts to deal with the influx of calories.
"I don't want to spoil the surprise, but I was shocked to see it was you. An old college buddy was telling me about this butterball he knocked up twice. And how he's planning something special once you can't stand anymore."
You're still processing the information when another shadow looms over you. You look up and see me, your lover and father of your seven children, looking down at you. It takes both my friend and I to lift you back you to your feet. You see the trainer hand me some keys before going off to help someone who is actually exercising.
I plant one hand on you ass and the other on your belly as I guide you to one of the private rooms off to the side. Unlocking the door, I give your ass a playful spank as you squeeze through the doorway.
"Thinking you could lose that weight? Pretty funny. But seeing you actually try? And fail? That's super sexy. So sexy in fact, I'm buying you a membership. After each 'workout', you'll meet me back here, so I can get a workout too. I'm think we could get quintuplets this time"
(1) (3) (4) (5) (6)
That was a twist... A really hot twist 😳😳😳😳😳
Anon, please immobilize me and give me that surprise 😩 Do what you want!
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renee-writer · 1 year
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The Accident
For @flashfictionfridayofficial 221 prompt: Spine in a Twist. Based on real life.
It was getting late and we are getting worried. He should have been home hours ago. We start making calls.
911 dispatch tells us where he is, in the ICU of the hospital. A scooter vs motor vehicle accident. The hospital is walking distance away.
We find him battered and bruised, unable to walk and in severe pain. It is the second accident he had riding a scooter on the highway. He is stubborn as a mule. Alive, thank God, he is alive.
The recovery is horrible. This grown man screams like a laboring woman when his road rash bandages are changed. His back, carrying the same rash, as well as supporting a broken pelvis, feels like it is being twisted, every time he is turned for care and cleaning.
It hurts my heart to see my good friend and roommate in this situation. Even with my own chronic pain, I make my way to the hospital every other day, to sit with him. I work on lifting his spirits and holding his hand through the hell of physical therapy.
Six weeks later, he is aloud to come home. He is transported in an ambulance, as he still isn’t able to walk. He is moved from bed to wheelchair via a transfer board. Later, he moves the same way from wheelchair to cab, to wheelchair, to table at physical therapy.
We see he gets there. We see he has all he needs. I take him to his follow-up appointments, to PT. Cheers when he moves from wheelchair to walker, to cane. More cheers when he graduates from PT.
We cover his part of the bills, cost of taxis, build him a low bed he can move in and out of. He is our friend. It is done without complaint.
Then another accident. This time from our neighbors. A fire. We all get out, thank God he is out of the wheelchair. The electric is turned off for all the duplex. We wait on our landlord ‘s insurance.
We wait, camping in our house. Despite all we did for him, our roommate decides he can’t live with the inconvenience. He moves in with his sister.
God rewards our faith. We now live in our own home. No matter it is a mobile home. It is ours.
Our roommate. Well he has another scooter!
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cookinguptales · 1 year
hi! i had a question about your mobility aids. correct me if im wrong but it looks like you use an electric scooter? can you tell me about your experience with it? was it expensive? thanks!!
Uh... Honestly, we used to have an electric scooter, but they're a little frustrating. We had a lot of problems with the battery, and it really was expensive to maintain. When another disabled relative asked about it, we let them take it off our hands.
These days I mostly just use my cane in day-to-day life and I rent an electric scooter/wheelchair when I know I'm going to be in a hot environment or know I'm gonna need to be on my feet for an extended period. (See: zoos, cons, amusement parks, some museums, etc.) A lot of zoos, parks, convention centers, etc. will have scooters you can rent, and if that's not the case, a scooter/wheelchair rental service will often deliver one to a hotel or venue.
Sometimes using a delivery service is preferable even if where you're going has scooters available. You often have more models to choose from, and they tend to be in better shape as well as being cheaper. Like, using a scooter at NYCC would have been a pain in the ass; I was really happy that I was able to rent an electric wheelchair instead. Most amusement parks charge out the ass and have bulkier models. But for convenience's sake, sometimes it's a lot easier to just get one there, especially if you won't be there for more than like half a day. (Like, say, at a zoo.)
In the end, I think honestly I'd recommend renting scooters when you really need them, and if you need some kind of motorized device every day, going for an electric wheelchair/power chair instead. They're much more maneuverable than a scooter, though sometimes scooters can be better when you need to carry things or you'll be on slightly more uneven terrain. (Scooters are also generally cheaper, though neither is exactly a budget option. Keep in mind that you'll probably have to buy a pricier option if, like me, you're on the heavier side.)
I would also say that like... if you're considering taking the plunge and getting an electric mobility device of any kind, you really do need to honestly and realistically consider your environment. Even if you don't plan on using it every second of every day, you still need to be able to get it in your home. Does your home have any stairs, even small ones? (Don't forget the step at the door.) Do you have a place to store a large device, and a place to charge it? Do you have a vehicle that can transport one of these devices or access to public transportation that supports the use of them? Do you rely on any elevators with low weight limits? Because those suckers are heavy.
Does your workplace have any steps? Does your school have any steps? Do any of the places you go on a regular basis have any steps? Because you might be able to go up a step or two with a cane, even if there's a physical price to pay, but there's really no room for negotiation when you're steering a machine that weighs over a hundred pounds, y'know? And those things can TIP.
Insurance will help cover some models sometimes; it really depends on your health issues and what they decide you need. (🙃) But if they don't cover it, or they don't cover a model you want, then yes, they are very, very expensive. And that may not even be the biggest expense. Getting a new van and/or adding a lift to an existing one, home renovations, etc. Those things can really add up. (Ask me about my current bathroom woes. 🙃)
I'm not saying don't do it; we don't always have a choice what mobility devices we need to make our lives easier. But at the same time, I just want to make sure you really fully consider what it will mean for your day-to-day life, not just how much it costs upfront. You'll be dealing with maintenance, accessibility modifications to your home, etc. You might need to budget more than you think, especially if your insurance decides to be a shit about it.
Like personally, I live in Philadelphia, so I'll probably be making do with my cane as long as physically possible. There are just. God. There are so many fucking steps in this city. lmao. The curb cuts are so bad. People park in front of ramps all the time. But I do recognize that someday I might have to bite the bullet and just go for an electric wheelchair if I want to keep living my life. So.. yeah. Just consider things fully and weigh all your options, then make the decision that's best for you.
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earaercircular · 1 year
The Recyclerie sportive in Lyon is in great shape
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In the Duchère district, it is a booming business that is developing in premises of 300 m² dedicated to the repair and sale of sporting goods to raise awareness of zero waste sport.
La Recyclerie sportive[1], a national association for the collection, recycling, reuse and resale of second-hand sports equipment, has nine branches in the country. The one in Lyon opened in August 2021 on Avenue du Plateau, the shopping street of the Duchère district[2]. For Alexandra Pinto, manager and creator of this boutique-workshop-activity space, the establishment in the heart of this popular eco-district well equipped with sports equipment was “meaningful and obvious”. Among the main objectives of La Recyclerie is the promotion of sport for all and of responsible and zero waste sports activities.
Renew, repair, mend
La Recyclerie is primarily a shop selling sports, technical and textile equipment, donated by individuals, companies (unsold items, customer returns, defective items) but also partner sports structures, including the Lou Rugby club and climbing halls. “The material that we recover – four tonnes over the first four months of 2023 – is generally in good condition, thanks to the awareness of our donors and the organisers of collection points: we achieve a reuse rate of 75%, after sorting and possible repair”, says Alexandra Pinto. The selling prices of the products are deliberately very low, accessible to all but subject to an annual subscription of 5 euros.
However, La Recyclerie is much more than just a solidarity shop. It organises sports equipment co-repair workshops in its 300 m² premises, two afternoons a week: for a subscription of 15 to 25 euros (including the support of a technician, the provision of tools and spare parts and access to the shop), individuals can come and change the brakes or adjust the gearing system of their bike, renew the strings of their racket, repair their rollerblades or their scooter, mend their kimono or their torn football shirt… The branch also hosts the distribution of organic baskets from Amap de la Duchère[3], created by residents, as well as yoga classes.
Zero waste sports
Place of life and activities, with 1,150 members who live or work for the majority of them in the district, the Recyclerie employs two employees and two work-study students and benefits from the skills of volunteers. The structure is booming, with a third employee being recruited, particularly in the face of strong demand for outsourced workshops: manufacture of everyday or decorative objects from recovered sports equipment, workshops to learn how to extend the lifespan of its means of mobility, awareness of zero waste and anti-waste sport...
“Much remains to be done, our promotion of a circular economy is far from convincing the majority of Lyonnais,” smiles Alexandra Pinto. She works on a strong link with recycling centres, where too much unused equipment still ends up and calls for a change of mentality, an alternative to buying new: "Second-hand is neither poor quality nor dirty, but a real way to equip yourself!”
François Carrel, A Lyon, la Recyclerie sportive en grande forme, in : Libération, 8-05-2023 ;
[1] https://recyclerie-sportive.org/  Le projet de la Recyclerie Sportive est né en juin 2015 de la rencontre de deux acteurs, respectivement du milieu du sport et de la gestion des déchets. Inscrite dans l’économie circulaire, la Recyclerie Sportive fournit des biens et des services de manière durable, en limitant la consommation et le gaspillage de ressources (matières premières, eau, énergie) ainsi que la production des déchets. Il s’agit de rompre avec le modèle de l’économie linéaire (extraire, fabriquer, consommer, jeter) pour aller vers un modèle économique « circulaire » dans le domaine du sport. L’association a pour but de favoriser l’accès au sport à tous et de prioriser le développement de l’emploi local et l’insertion professionnelle de personnes en difficultés.
Les fondateurs ont repensé les problématiques environnementales du sport afin d’y apporter des solutions : comment chacun peut agir pour réduire son impact sur l’environnement, même dans le domaine du sport ? Comment le sport peut-il faire converger les consciences vers un développement soutenable et respectueux de son environnement ? Parmi toutes les problématiques sociales et environnementales du sport, trois majeures ont été relevées :
– les déchets sportifs
– le « fast sport » et les moyens de transport énergivores
– l’accès au sport pour tous.
[2] La Duchère is an eco-district of Lyon and a concerted development zone of approximately 120 hectares located in the 9th arrondissement. The district of La Duchère, labelled eco-district in 2013 located on the 3rd hill of Lyon in terms of altitude, dominates the Saône by forming the plateau of West Lyonnais. The district is often defined as being the third hill of Lyon, after Fourvière and La Croix-Rousse.
[3] The AMAP, Association for the Maintenance of Peasant Agriculture, are solidarity partnerships between one or more peasants and a group of citizens. https://amap-aura.org/quest-ce-quune-amap/
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velaather · 23 days
Energize Your Commute: Check Out the Ather Dealership in Chennai - Vela Ather
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Click Here for a test ride
Imagine zipping through the congested streets of Chennai on a sleek, quiet, and eco-friendly scooter. Sounds like a dream, right? But this dream can become your reality with Ather Energy’s cutting-edge electric scooters. If you’re in Chennai, there’s no better place to start your journey into electric mobility than at Vela Ather, the city’s premier Ather dealership. Whether you’re looking to reduce your carbon footprint or simply save on fuel costs, an Ather scooter could be the perfect solution for you.
Why Choose Electric Scooters?
Electric scooters are more than just a trend—they're the future of urban mobility. Let’s start with the environmental impact. By choosing an electric scooter, you’re reducing your carbon emissions significantly. Traditional vehicles are major contributors to pollution, but electric scooters run on clean energy, meaning they produce zero tailpipe emissions.
Then, there’s the cost savings. With the rising prices of petrol, switching to an electric scooter can save you a lot on fuel. Plus, electric vehicles (EVs) have fewer moving parts than traditional scooters, so maintenance costs are lower too. And if you live in a city like Chennai, where traffic jams are a part of daily life, the compact design and easy maneuverability of electric scooters make commuting less stressful and more enjoyable.
Ather Energy: Pioneers in Electric Mobility
Ather Energy isn’t just any electric scooter manufacturer; they’re trailblazers in the industry. Founded in 2013, Ather has been at the forefront of the EV revolution in India. They’ve developed scooters that are not only environmentally friendly but also packed with advanced technology. From superior battery management systems to smart dashboards that keep you connected and informed, Ather scooters are a testament to innovation.
The Ather 450X and 450S are prime examples of what the company stands for—high performance, reliability, and sustainability. These models have set new standards in the electric two-wheeler market, earning Ather a loyal customer base across India.
The Ather Experience
What sets Ather apart from other electric scooters is the overall experience it offers. Owners of Ather scooters rave about the smooth and silent ride, the instant torque, and the thrill of riding a vehicle that feels ahead of its time. Ather scooters come with unique features like a touchscreen dashboard, which displays navigation, ride stats, and even music controls. With over-the-air updates, your scooter always stays up-to-date with the latest software improvements.
Users often mention how Ather scooters make their daily commutes more enjoyable. The instant acceleration and easy handling make it perfect for city riding. It’s not just a scooter; it’s a statement of a smarter, greener, and more connected way to travel.
Ather 450X and 450S: The Flagship Models
Ather’s flagship models, the 450X and 450S, are designed to cater to different types of riders. The 450X is known for its high performance, with a top speed of 80 km/h and a range of up to 146 km on a single charge. It’s perfect for those who want a powerful, feature-packed scooter for daily commutes or even longer rides.
On the other hand, the Ather 450S offers a more accessible entry into the world of electric scooters without compromising on quality or technology. It comes with slightly fewer features than the 450X but still provides a robust performance, making it an excellent choice for those new to electric vehicles or looking for a more budget-friendly option.
Energize Your Commute with Ather
Imagine starting your day with a quiet, smooth ride on an Ather scooter, leaving behind the noise and fumes of traditional two-wheelers. The Ather 450X, with its impressive acceleration, can take you from 0 to 40 km/h in just 3.3 seconds, giving you the agility to navigate through traffic with ease. The range of up to 146 km means you won’t have to worry about frequent charging, and the smart features like navigation, vehicle diagnostics, and mobile app connectivity add an extra layer of convenience to your commute.
Vela Ather: The Premier Dealership in Chennai
If you’re in Chennai, Vela Ather is the go-to place for exploring everything Ather has to offer. Located conveniently in the city, Vela Ather is not just a dealership; it’s an experience center where you can immerse yourself in the world of electric mobility. From the moment you step into the showroom, you’ll find yourself surrounded by the latest Ather models, accessories, and a team of experts ready to guide you through your purchase.
Why Visit Vela Ather Dealership?
Vela Ather isn’t just about selling scooters; it’s about creating a relationship with the customers. Their customer service is top-notch, with friendly staff who are knowledgeable about every aspect of Ather scooters. They offer test rides that let you experience the scooters firsthand, so you can feel the difference that Ather scooters make. After purchasing, you’ll find their after-sales support and maintenance services second to none, ensuring that your Ather scooter remains in perfect condition.
Financing and Incentives
One of the concerns that might cross your mind is the cost of purchasing an electric scooter. However, Vela Ather offers a range of financing options to make it easier for you to own an Ather scooter. Whether it's through easy monthly installments or loan schemes, they have something to suit every budget.
Additionally, there are government incentives available for purchasing electric vehicles, which can further reduce the cost. Vela Ather often has special offers and promotions, so it’s worth checking in regularly to take advantage of these deals.
Customer Testimonials from Vela Ather
Don’t just take our word for it—hear from customers who have made the switch to Ather scooters through Vela Ather. Many customers highlight the seamless buying process and the helpfulness of the staff at Vela Ather. They also appreciate the follow-up service, where the dealership ensures everything is running smoothly long after the purchase. These testimonials reflect the dedication Vela Ather has to providing an exceptional customer experience.
Charging Infrastructure in Chennai
One of the common concerns with electric vehicles is charging. However, Chennai is quickly becoming EV-friendly, with an increasing number of charging stations available throughout the city. Vela Ather also provides assistance with setting up a home charging point, so you can charge your scooter conveniently at home. Furthermore, Ather has partnered with several public charging networks, making it easier than ever to find a spot to charge while you’re out and about.
Sustainability and the Future
Ather Energy is playing a significant role in promoting sustainable transportation in India. By choosing an Ather scooter, you’re not just getting a high-tech, efficient mode of transport—you’re also contributing to a greener future. As more people in Chennai and across India switch to electric vehicles, we move closer to a cleaner, healthier environment. The future of commuting in cities like Chennai lies in embracing electric mobility, and Ather Energy is leading the charge.
How to Get Started
Ready to make the switch? Getting started with your Ather journey is simple. Visit Vela Ather’s dealership in Chennai, where the staff will guide you through the entire process. From choosing the right model to financing options, and from test rides to final purchase, they make the experience as smooth as possible. After your purchase, you can rely on their after-sales service to keep your scooter in top condition.
Switching to an Ather scooter isn’t just about buying a new vehicle—it’s about transforming your daily commute into something more sustainable, efficient, and enjoyable. With the Vela Ather dealership in Chennai, this transformation is within your reach. Their excellent service, combined with Ather’s state-of-the-art scooters, ensures that your journey into electric mobility will be smooth and satisfying. Why wait? Visit Vela Ather today and take the first step towards an energized commute.
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slurpinpuffs · 29 days
my leg is still pretty broken and i’ve gotten pretty used to my 3 mobility aids so here’s my personal ranking
Relatively comfy to stand in place with (good armpit rest)
Good maneuverability, best of the three for small spaces
Not too hard to move quickly
Falls over in 2 seconds when u put them down or lean them against stuff
Not great stability on all surfaces (i fell with them due to a tuft of hair on the ground) (i also have dirt and rocks right outside my house so using them to get to and from my car is a nightmare)
Gets really tiring really quickly
I can’t use my arms or hold much
Great stability
Smooth movement
Folds into a car nicely
Stands upright on its own, acts as good tool to get up with
Can move pretty fast in one direction
Can hold a bit more while using it, plus u can hang tote bags on it to carry more
Large, can be hard to move in tight places
Needs tennis balls for efficiency
Kinda hurts my hands (at least mine does)
Doesn’t offer much support for standing in place to break, so it gets tiring extremely quickly (free standing on one leg sucks)
Knee Scooter
Pretty fun
Can go quite fast
Great support for standing in place, short breaks, or even sitting if ur daring
Best for longer distances like grocery runs for sure
Personal issue, but i have a bad scrape on the same knee as my broken leg so it hurts me to use this
Can’t hang stuff on the handles, so u still can’t hold much while using
Turn radius is kinda ass, so the maneuverability is kinda low, not great in small spaces
Kinda leaves my broken leg just jutting out behind me so it gets hit on stuff sometimes
Can be annoying to transport
Bonus Round!
Just saying fuck it and hopping on one leg
Practically none
Kinda fun, feels like a game
Stops being fun very quickly
Oh fuck
Very tiring
Chance to fall increases with each hop
Crutches - imperfect, but they let me rest, they’ve been here for me since day 1, and they’re what i use to get up and pee so 🫶🏼🫶🏼
Knee Scooter - it honestly is pretty fun to use and without it i wouldn’t be able to go to Target so shouts out
Walker - kinda mid and gets so tiring so fast to stand. thought it’d be more useful, but it can be nice to use for small stuff sometimes
Hopping - fuck that
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Mobility Equipment & Services for Every Budget
Finding the right mobility equipment can be a sport-changer for all of us needing extra guide of their every day life. But with such a lot of options to be had, it is able to be overwhelming to figure out what’s great for you—particularly while you're on a finances. The suitable information is that Best mobility gadget & services are available in a extensive variety of alternatives, ensuring that there’s something out there for anyone, irrespective of monetary constraints. In this weblog, we’ll explore how you can locate the suitable mobility answers without breaking the bank.
Understanding Your Needs
Before diving into the world of mobility equipment, it’s important to evaluate your unique wishes. Whether you’re seeking out a wheelchair, walker, scooter, or domestic changes, knowledge your daily challenges and lifestyle will manual your selections.
Ask yourself:
What sort of mobility help do I want most?
How frequently will I use this gadget?
Do I want some thing brief or long-term?
What features are vital for my comfort and independence?
Answering those questions will assist slender down your alternatives and ensure you invest in device that sincerely meets your wishes.
Exploring Budget-Friendly Mobility Equipment
1. Wheelchairs and Scooters
Wheelchairs and scooters are of the maximum common sorts of mobility equipment. They are available in quite a few styles, from simple manual models to greater advanced electric powered variations.
Manual Wheelchairs: These are commonly greater low-cost and can be discovered for as little as some hundred dollars. They’re ideal for those with top body strength and who most effective want occasional assistance.
Electric Wheelchairs: While pricier, many 2d-hand options are available, making them extra accessible. Look for refurbished fashions that have been cautiously inspected for exceptional.
Mobility Scooters: Scooters are a remarkable choice for folks who need to journey longer distances. Basic models can be quite cheap, and some stores offer financing options to make them extra reachable.
2. Walkers and Rollators
Walkers and rollators are superb for individuals who need a bit of greater support while strolling. They’re generally affordable, with primary fashions to be had at a low fee.
Standard Walkers: Basic walkers are simple and less expensive, normally priced underneath $100. They offer balance for those with stability problems.
Rollators: Rollators, which come with wheels and a seat, are barely extra luxurious but provide more mobility and luxury. They’re perfect for folks that need to transport round extra freely and take breaks while wanted.
three. Home Modifications
Making your home more available doesn’t have to be steeply-priced. There are lots of finances-pleasant changes you may make to enhance mobility and protection.
Grab Bars: Installing take hold of bars inside the toilet is a easy and cheaper way to save you falls.
Ramps: Portable ramps can be an less expensive answer for folks that need to navigate steps or uneven surfaces.
Stair Lifts: While stair lifts can be pricey, there are apartment and financing options to be had. Some organizations even provide presents to assist cowl the value.
4. Second-Hand and Refurbished Equipment
One of the quality ways to stay within budget is to explore 2nd-hand and refurbished mobility gadget. Many agencies focus on refurbishing used gadget, ensuring it’s secure and purposeful. Buying 2nd-hand can prevent a giant amount of cash whilst nevertheless presenting you with high-quality system.
Check neighborhood classifieds, online marketplaces, and specialized shops for second-hand offers. Just make sure to look into the device thoroughly or discuss with a professional to make certain it meets your desires.
Budget-Friendly Services
In addition to equipment, mobility equipment & services regularly consist of renovation, restore, and customization. These services are critical in making sure your gadget remains in top circumstance and continues to meet your wishes over the years.
1. Maintenance and Repairs
Regular preservation is vital for keeping your mobility device in appropriate working order. Many businesses provide cheap carrier plans that consist of recurring exams and repairs. Investing in a preservation plan can save you cash in the long run via preventing luxurious breakdowns.
2. Customization Services
Customization could make a international of difference in comfort and usability. Whether it’s including extra padding to a wheelchair or adjusting the peak of a walker, customization doesn’t ought to be highly-priced. Many vendors provide low priced customization services that may be tailor-made for your price range.
three. Rental Services
If you simplest want mobility system briefly, renting might be the maximum cost-powerful alternative. Many businesses provide rental offerings for wheelchairs, scooters, and other gadget. This may be particularly beneficial if you’re getting better from surgical procedure or best want assistance for a brief period.
Financial Assistance and Resources
If you’re worried about the fee of mobility gadget and services, don’t worry—there are sources to be had to assist. Many authorities programs, non-earnings groups, and charities offer monetary help or presents to assist cowl the price of mobility aids.
1. Government Programs
Check with your neighborhood government for packages that provide financial assistance for mobility device. In some instances, you could qualify for subsidies or grants to help cover the value.
2. Non-Profit Organizations
Several non-earnings companies offer assist to individuals in need of mobility device. They may additionally provide equipment at a discounted value or even without spending a dime, depending on your scenario.
three. Insurance Coverage
Some mobility equipment may be included by way of your medical insurance. Be sure to check with your company to look what’s protected to your plan.
Finding the proper mobility device doesn’t ought to be a disturbing or steeply-priced method. With a touch studies and making plans, you could discover fine mobility equipment & services that match your finances and meet your wishes. Whether you’re searching out a wheelchair, walker, scooter, or home modifications, there are masses of alternatives available to help you stay independently and easily.
Remember, making an investment in the right mobility device is an funding to your satisfactory of existence. By exploring price range-pleasant options and taking gain of available assets, you may locate the ideal solution without breaking the bank. So move in advance, start your search nowadays, and take step one towards more mobility and independence!
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beepkartofficial · 2 months
Beepkart is the only place you must go in Bangalore and Chennai to find used bikes and scooters.
1. Beepkart Overview
About Beepkart: Beepkart is a leading platform for buying and selling second-hand bikes and scooters. We provide a hassle-free experience and ensure that our customers get the best deals on pre-owned two-wheelers.
Quality Assurance: Each vehicle listed on Beepkart undergoes a thorough inspection process to ensure quality and reliability. We provide detailed reports and transparent information about the condition of the bikes.
Customer Support: Our dedicated customer support team is always available to assist you with any queries or concerns, making your buying or selling experience smooth and satisfactory.
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2. Second-Hand Bikes in Bangalore
Wide Range of Options: Whether you are looking for a budget-friendly commuter bike or a high-performance sports bike, Beepkart offers a diverse selection of second-hand bikes in Bangalore to suit every need and preference.
Competitive Prices: Our platform ensures competitive pricing, making it easy for you to find a bike that fits your budget.
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3. Second-Hand Scooters in Bangalore
Variety of Models: From popular models like Honda Activa and TVS Jupiter to premium scooters, Beepkart has a wide range of second-hand scooters in Bangalore.
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4. Used Bikes in Chennai
Extensive Inventory: Beepkart’s inventory in Chennai includes a variety of used bikes from top brands like Bajaj, Yamaha, Royal Enfield, and more.
Verified Sellers: We work with verified sellers to ensure that you get the best deals on reliable used bikes in Chennai.
User-Friendly Platform: Our user-friendly website and mobile app make it easy to browse, compare, and select the perfect bike for your needs.
5. Why Choose Beepkart?
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Customer Satisfaction: Our goal is to achieve 100% customer satisfaction by offering high-quality vehicles, excellent customer service, and value for money.
Contact Us
Phone: +91- 9321855467
Address: Auro Center, Municipal Corporation No. 13 (Ward No. 63, Koramangala Industrial Layout, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560095
Website: https://beepkart.com
How can I buy a second-hand bike from Beepkart?
Visit our website or app, browse through the listings, select your preferred bike, and contact us for further assistance.
Are the bikes inspected before listing?
Yes, all bikes undergo a comprehensive inspection by our experts to ensure quality and reliability.
Do you offer financing options?
Yes, we offer flexible financing options through our partner financial institutions.
Can I test ride a bike before purchasing?
Absolutely! We encourage customers to take a test ride before making a purchase decision.
What after-sales services do you provide?
We offer maintenance services, warranty options, and customer support to ensure your satisfaction with your purchase.
For more information, visit our website Beepkart and explore our extensive range of second-hand bikes and scooters in Bangalore and Chennai.
To know more information visit: https://beepkart.com/
Explore More Bike:
Second-Hand Bikes in Bangalore
Second-Hand Scooters in Bangalore
Used Bikes in Chennai
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Off the beaten track with an electronic translator
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Travelling with a premium translation device gives you the peace of mind to be understood in  even the most faraway places. FAQ: What was the device that the protagonist used to communicate with the locals? The protagonist used an electronic translator to communicate with the locals. What did the locals want to do with the protagonist? The locals wanted to welcome the protagonist into their home. How did the protagonist feel about his experience in Indonesia? The protagonist felt that his experience in Indonesia was positive despite losing his phone and money. It all happened in such a flash. One minute I was on my phone checking directions to the bus station, and the next the phone had been snatched out of my hand by someone on the back of a scooter. It took a second for the shock to subside and realise what had just happened – but when I turned my head, all I saw were the taillights of the scooter disappearing as it sped round the corner.   No big deal, I hear you say. Things like this happen all the time, and I should have been more careful. Other than the inconvenience of losing all my contacts and the cost of the replacing the actual phone, there was no harm done. I wasn’t hurt and I was still having an incredible time in an amazing country.   Although this would usually be case, once the actual shock had lifted, a sick feeling crept into the bottom of my stomach. And that’s when it hit me – my credit card and money were tucked away inside the mobile phone case.   Getting out of a pickle… Of course, this could have happened anywhere – London, Rome, Bangkok – but when it happens in a remote Indonesian island off the coast of Sulawesi, it’s a different matter altogether. Speak More Languages Now I was back in the city of Kendari in the south-east of Sulawesi after spending time diving in the stunning Wakatobi National Park, before heading to Makassar, the capital of south Sulawesi. While Wakatobi itself is a well-known diving site, the city of Kendari itself didn’t have much tourist infrastructure other than a few run-down cockroach infested hotels. Needless to say I hadn’t met anyone that spoke much English and my Indonesian wasn’t really up to scratch.   After a couple deep breaths, I assessed the situation – I still had my passport, but when I checked my pockets, I only had some loose change, which wasn’t going to get me anywhere. How could I be so stupid, I kept telling myself – and then reminded myself not to panic.    A shopkeeper that had seen what had happened approached me and started speaking, pointing and gesticulating. I did my best to understand, and although I knew he was trying to help, I just couldn’t work out what he was saying. Someone else joined in and started pointing in a completely different direction. An argument followed, and within a couple of minutes a noisy crowd of onlookers had gathered all shouting and arguing about – presumably – the way to the police station.   … and being understood in a foreign language… It was at that moment – in the heat of the crowd – that I remembered the small electronic device  at the bottom of my rucksack that translates real-life conversations. My mum had bought it after I told her I was going to Indonesia, and had given me a demonstration before I left. I pulled out the device – a stylish two-way translator not much bigger than the mobile phone that had just been stolen – and switched it on.   I set it to Indonesian and spoke into it: “Can you help me?” I said. “Somebody has stolen my money and credit card.” The device repeated what I said in fluent Indonesian. Immediately the crowd stopped shouting. I gave the translator to the shopkeeper and prompted him to speak into it.   “Yes, yes,” he said. “My name is Fadhlan . I can help you. Come to my house. My uncle is a policeman. Please come. My wife has made dinner. I invite you.” He took me by the arm and walked me through the murmuring crowd, into the back of the shop and up the stairs into his home, and his wife and children.   … is easy with a translation device And the rest – as they say – is history. We ate dinner. Fadhlan’s policeman uncle arrived. And through using the translator, I was able to tell him the whole story of my phone and the men on the scooter. I was able to phone my family, who wired me some money, and organised a replacement credit card to be sent.   I stayed with Fadhlan and his extremely hospitable family for over three weeks until the card arrived. They showed me the sights of the city and we were able to communicate using the translator. By the end of my stay, I could even string a few sentences together – all thanks to my verbal translator. Despite losing my phone and money, this ended up being one of the best experiences of my life.   It was time to move on, but just as I was getting on the bus for my journey back to Makassar, I remembered something that had been bothering me. I spoke into the translator: “Tell me Fadhlan. On the day we first met, why was everybody shouting and arguing?”    “They all wanted you to come to their house,” he said. “They were arguing about who should have the honour of welcoming a foreigner into their home.”   I smiled and gave him a farewell hug – I liked Indonesia.   To learn more about how Vasco Translator Mini provides high-quality translations of real-life conversations in 51 languages, contact: [email protected]  In a nutshell: While on vacation in Indonesia, the author's phone is stolen, containing their credit card and money. They are directed to a translator device which helps them communicate that they need help. Fadhlan, a shopkeeper, takes them in and helps them to contact their family and get a new credit card. The author ends up staying with Fadhlan and his family for three weeks and learning some Indonesian. Read the full article
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