#second tried the first boss first tried the second boss. 👍
eastgaysian · 5 months
hades 2 is just as addictive as hades was if not more. supergiant you've done it again
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arolesbianism · 4 months
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Some swap au Olivia and Jackie concepts for the main 3 universes 👍
#keese draws#oni posting#first two are from the main rat universe#long story short a while after founding gravitas olivia was like ok so I think me being your boss in our company that we spend most of our#days at has left our relationship in a place that I’m uncomfortable with so we’re getting a divorce now sorry#and jackie proceeded to throw a fit abt that for several years until she got fired over it#in another petty act she tried to break back in to steal some of the work she had done there but got caught#and unfortunately for her during the past several years olivia has been slowly having mere morals broken down piece by piece by the allure#of progress and by the time she did her breaking and entering scheme olivia was far past the point of being ok with kidnapping#the second two are the rabbit universe girlies and they’re less openly hostile with eachother but they still are bad for eachother#they’ve known eachother since childhood and jackie has basically been using olivia as a therapist since they were teens#this lead to them developing an increasingly unhealthy codependent relationship where olivia ends up acting incredibly irresponsibly as#director of gravitas due to her being so stressed and paranoid about jackie all the time#and the third two are the raccoon au which is basically just jackie being too scared of rejection to put her work under her name so she#asks olivia to take credit for it which she does and she ends up getting all the credit and praise for a lot of the early work at gravitas#this combined with jackie’s constant worshipping of her slowly began to lead to it kinda getting into her head#and jackie was also letting it get to her head and eventually her ambition got the better of her and she ended up attacking olivia#now these are all just the basic concepts I currently have these aus are all still in the concept stages#for example I’m still figuring out how I wanna involve the other scientists and if I switch their roles around too#but yeah I’ve been thinking abt these guys lately so they get drawn 👍#oh also fun fact these aus are inspired by the scrapped content back when olivia was jodi#which is why I characterize these two a bit differently then I might if I was leaning more towards my normal stuff#theyre characterized more closely to old jackie and jodie including origin story wise
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skyward-floored · 2 months
More oc Link (Lost) time >:)
The final showdown between him and Zelda... though technically this is like the second stage of the “boss fight” that would occur. I just didn’t want to write that part heh. You can read the first time Link and Zelda fight here, and also when Zelda first learns Link is corrupted here, if you want some added context 👍
“We’ve finished the barrier Zelda, he won’t be getting out of here!”
“Good job,” Zelda breathed, catching her breath as she watched Link try to free himself from the rope he’d been caught in. She coughed, wiping some blood off her arm, then breathed in, straightening back up. “Thank you so much everyone.”
“No problem princess, we got this!”
“Worry about your crazy-eyed boyfriend.”
“Go save Link!”
Zelda nodded, and turned back to the fight. She’d managed to lure Link into the temple where she’d first fought him all those weeks ago, and while they fought, the sages had enacted a barrier around the entire thing. One Link wouldn’t be able to escape from, and, if everything went according to plan... hopefully sap his strength.
Now all that was left was to do her part.
Link finally freed himself from the rope, and leapt at her, eyes blazing. Zelda dodged, nimbly leaping away, and they went back to exchanging blows, swords ringing.
Link was as fierce as ever, showing no mercy in any of his strikes, but Zelda had grown stronger on her journey, both in physical strength and magic. She matched him more ably than she ever had before, striking hard and easily meeting his blows.
Zelda didn’t use her magic yet, saving her strength. But she didn’t pull any punches with her sword attacks, occasionally switching weapons to press an advantage.
Link jumped and Zelda dodged, Zelda lunged and Link met her blade, and the two continued their fight, striking and dodging at each other so fluidly it was almost as if they were dancing.
But finally Link stumbled, barely dodging her attack when she charged at him, his chest heaving for breath. Zelda hit her sword against his shield, once, twice, and then a third time, but Link didn’t try to knock it back at her like he had the other times she’d tried this, merely taking her hits.
He was growing weaker.
The magic barrier was working.
Zelda landed a kick to his side, and Link half-fell half-jumped backwards, glaring at her. He raised his sword to attack again, but abruptly fell to a knee, a pained wheeze escaping him.
Zelda immediately began to draw on every bit of magic she had, focusing on charging and building her power. Her heart thudded in her throat as she built it, and Link looked at her and bared his teeth.
This was her only chance, she knew she wouldn’t get another.
And she was ready for him.
Link lunged at her with a howl, but Zelda ran forward to meet him, ducking under his attack and slamming her hands against Link’s chest.
A burst of light exploded around them, and Link gasped as they fell to the ground, Zelda keeping her hands pressed to him. She channeled her power into Link, focusing her light on him more intently, and a cry that was both angry and pained came from him.
Black particles suddenly began leeching off of him, and a shriek tore its way out of Link’s throat, his hands clawing uselessly at her arms.
Zelda kept pushing her light into him anyway, ignoring the scratches and the way his cries pierced her heart. She knew she was hurting him, knew she was inflicting unimaginable pain, but she kept pushing anyway, blasting the darkness away, tears dripping down her cheeks.
Link was practically writhing now, doing everything he could to get himself away from her. His cries had turned from anger to fear, pain still the core of every one, and Zelda tried to ignore them as she focused on her magic.
It was hard to ignore his face, though. Something dark was dripping from his nose, his mouth, and his eyes showed nothing but terror as darkness dripped down his face like tears.
Zelda shut her own eyes against the sight, and she gave a final push of her magic, the entire room lighting up with it.
The powerful hum in her ears mixed with Link’s gut-wrenching scream, and for a moment, something under Zelda’s hands resonated. Weak and beaten, trapped and worn by darkness... but there.
Zelda reached out and touched it, and Link let out an animalistic shriek, worse then any of the screams he’d let out so far, a noise that Zelda knew would haunt her the rest of her life. The entire room lit up with her power, and Zelda was blinded, vision going gold as a melodic hum rang in her ears.
Then it was over.
The light faded, and Zelda heaved in a gasp, her head spinning as her vision darkened at the edges. She nearly fell over, barely catching herself with a shaking arm, and trembled as her body threatened to faint. She’d used every bit of magic she had, and her insides felt hollow, drained of strength.
But she couldn’t pass out. Not yet.
She had to know if it worked.
Zelda sucked in a breath and looked down at Link, motionless below her, the dark markings gone from his face. Her whole body shook as she shifted herself around his limp form, then lifted him up slightly, resting a trembling hand on his cheek.
“Link,” she whispered, brushing some hair from his face. “Link, can you hear me?”
He lay unmoving in her arms, eyes closed as blood trickled from his nose.
“Link?” Zelda begged.
He didn’t move.
Panic began to grip Zelda, more powerful than any exhaustion or pain, and she stared at Link, her hands shaking. He wasn’t moving. He wasn’t moving, he wasn’t reacting, she couldn’t even tell if he was breathing or not, he was— she’d been wrong.
Her light couldn’t save Link.
All it could do was destroy darkness, and it had done that, but Link... Link had gone with it.
“Please, Link, wake up, I can’t... I can’t do this without you,” Zelda said shakily, holding him tighter. “Please...”
Zelda’s vision blurred with tears when he remained still, and she leaned forward, pressing her forehead against Link’s.
“Please,” she choked out.
A tear fell on his face, mixing with the blood, and Zelda clutched at him, sobbing into his chest.
The sages were quiet as she cried, even the most boisterous silenced for once. Zelda’s sobs echoed quietly through the room, and she was so lost in her grief and exhaustion that she almost missed it the first time it happened.
Link’s chest moved.
Zelda froze, then gasped, jerking backwards with hope roaring to life in her heart again.
His chest had moved.
Zelda watched with bated breath, waiting to see if she’d merely imagined it, and felt her heart speed as she saw Link’s chest raise and lower again. His brow furrowed, eyes moving under their lids, and Zelda held her breath as a faint noise came from his lips.
His expression creased, and then her hero’s eyes cracked open, just barely.
And when Zelda saw they were back to their normal pale blue again, she nearly sobbed all over again.
“Zelda..?” Link croaked up at her, voice broken and weak, and she nodded, lip trembling as she smiled.
“It’s me. I’m here.”
He looked at her, face exhausted and gaunt, and then his eyes slid closed again, but not before Zelda saw the relief that shone in them. She brushed a hand across his cheek as a tear leaked from the corner of his eye, and a shuddering exhale escaped him.
His next breath broke into a sob, and Zelda embraced him, pulling him close and letting him press his face against her shoulder.
He clutched back at her, shaking in her hold, and Zelda’s sobs soon joined his, both of them crying into each other’s arms.
“It’s over, Link,” she whispered, tears trailing down her own cheeks. “You’re free. You’re out.”
She heard a distant cheer from one of the sages, but all Zelda was focused on was Link, his tears mixing with her own as he broke in her arms, free of darkness at last.
“It’s finally over.”
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lilyblackdrawside · 1 year
Dossoles Hard mode clear. 👍
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Managed to do it perfectly first try, but there’s no secret medal there. I went in with the resource module first to see just how good that “non-block damage reduction” really is. It’s not good enough to withstand unga bunga Sniper stacks. I picked the “Defenders/Specialists cost 0″ upgrade, which is pretty much just fine. Free Mudrock is hard to argue against, especially when you retrieve her via Specialists a few times. Yes, even a 4 Defender Mudrock gets knocked out on the final stage. There’s really nothing to be said about this. Leizi’s perma-slow, Gnosis perma-freeze (which nothing is immune to, not even the boss) just don’t really care much about damage reduction. Even Fiammetta did great work on every single stage. Even through the damage reduction and increased defense. Especially on stage 5 she’s really nice for popping the boxer dodge and freeze cart frenzy, as well as handling the long-range Casters.
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In case you’re wondering who that is that’s dying inside that nuclear flashbang, that’s Hung. He’s really, really good for a Defender in this mode exactly for the reason he’s not great outside of it: Defensive Recovery healing. Doesn’t work well against the Boy Wonder though, not that it had to since I wanted him to walk into Gnosis’ range anyway.
I should also mention what those three extra gadgets next to the Reassignment Transmitters are: those are “Shoddy Flashbangs”, which you’re forced to pick up before stage 1. They stun all high-ground operators for 8 seconds and then discard immediately when drawn. That’s why I grabbed the Reassignment devices. By spamming Equip B Supporters I can grab my operators without danger and increase the odds of hitting the Flashbangs with the RTs to permanently get rid of them, because they’re not single-use. I’ve actually grown quite fond of Equip B on Supporters. It has slightly less raw draw power than Equip A, but you get more control over who you get when. Pure coincidence that it worked so well to handle those Flashbangs.
They really didn’t want you to use ranged stacks for this one. Should’ve tried harder!
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willel · 2 years
The "Main Character"
I realize belatedly this might be a controversial post, but it's not meant to be. I'm writing this to express how I think about things and why. Why I theorize about some things but not so much others.
It will be under the read more since I imagine it will end up getting a little long. That's said, let's get started. 👍
I suppose I should start by saying, this is meant to be an ensemble cast. Season 1 balanced everyone out the most, but as the seasons have progressive added more and more people, they've had to hone their focus on some characters more than others.
In this fandom, almost entirely because of shipping wars in my opinion, the fandom has began arguing who is the "main character" between Will and El.
Based on the definition of "ensemble cast", neither of these individuals are main characters or they're BOTH main characters along with everyone else.
But if you take the show itself into consideration so far, I think it's pretty clear that El is at least the main protagonist of the entire cast and no one else comes close. It's not even due to screen time or anything like that, it's based purely on her relationship with the "end goal" of each season and how each season ends based on her actions.
In season 1 she leads to Hopper and Joyce finding Will and she destroys the Demogorgon, putting an end to the seasonal threat.
In season 2, she's the one who closes the gate, putting an end to the seasonal threat.
Season 3 sticks out more than the others, but in the end, she's the one that stalls Billy in the final moments long enough for the Mind Flesher to get got.
In season 4, similarly to season 3, she's the one that holds Vecna in place long enough to at least partially save Max and to keep him trapped in his mind so he can get flamed.
As someone who makes theories for fun and tries to predict what the next season might be, this actually makes it kind of difficult to create theories about El. Inevitably, her role will be the "end the season". She's the "final weapon". In fact, she's the ONLY weapon. If the fight comes down to a 1v1, El vs a supernatural threat, she's the one that's going to take it out.
Which leads to my second point. It doesn't matter who the "main character" is because El's status as the final boss killer only works thanks to the efforts of the other characters.
It's much easier to imagine "What will so-and-so do that will enviably help El defeat the final boss? What if so-and-so does this, allowing El to get to the final boss? How will so-and-so trick the bad guy so that El can get them?"
And you see, that is why coming up with theories for one character in particular so so easy and fun! I'm sure you know who that other character is, right? It's William Byers.
Similarly to El, Will is the only other character in the entire series that is tied to the supernatural threat and there's nothing anyone can do about it. You know how Brenner and the lab constantly comes crawling back into El's life to ruin her day? Well, that's how the Upside Down is for Will.
In every season thus far (except season 4), Will is the deciding figure that tells the characters and the audience that something fucked up is happening. In season 1, his disappearance set off the entire plot for our main characters, leading them to El in the first place.
In season 2, the link he's been trying to ignore for an entire year comes back with a vengeance, once again wrapping everyone up in a supernatural affair (while El is none the wiser)
In season 3 though it takes him a while to admit it, he's the first one to whiff something stinky going on around them.
Much like El, Will has no choice but to be involved. He has no choice but to help. He has no choice but to play some kind of role.
This is why I often insist Will and El are technically the "main characters". To me, everything has been leading to this.
"What can Will do that will help El succeed in the final battle of all battles".
It seems to me that whatever Will has going on is the key El has needed all this time to rid them both of the curse of the Upside Down and Henry Creel. There's something only the two of them can do together that will finally cut the link to all their trauma. There's something that sets them apart from the rest.
It's so fun to imagine what Will will be able to do that will inevitably help El defeat Vecna. What can Will and El do together to finally put an end to all of this. What can Will do to finally repay the person who has saved his life countless times? Can you see where I am coming from when I put forth these "Will has powers" essays? How Will is also a protagonist in this story with every reason to participate in the final battle?
They're both the main protagonists in this story. They've both been personally afflicted by this evil (Max too). Their lives especially rely on the outcome of this conflict.
So when people bring up the argument "Who is the main character", my response is really, "What does that matter? El has always relied on others to be victorious, as it should be."
I want the result of this story not to be "El is a superhero, therefore, she should be able to do this alone." I want it to reinforce, "El is a traumatized girl with all this responsibility placed on her. She shouldn't HAVE to do this alone, she has so many people who love her now who can help her."
For Will, I want it to be, "I don't have to let my fears hold me back anymore. Even if I don't fight with my fists, I too can be strong. I can fight. I can stand up for myself and the people I care about."
OK RAMBLING DONE. Just some wandering thoughts before taking my lunch break. Carry on. 👽
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yanderemommabean · 2 years
(loved your scenario from my last ask!👍)
When you first agreed to this job, you thought it would be a simple 3 hour babysitting deal.
However, that's not what happened. Firstly, the woman who hired you was, for lack of a better word, a total b#tch. She didn't bother to greet you when you arrived at the fancy house. She just snapped her fingers and ordered you inside like you were a dog.
Second, she wouldn't make eye contact with you and ignored any and all questions you had about her child. Even basic questions like are there any rules you need to follow? is the child allergic to anything? What should you do in case of an emergency? The woman scoffed and looked at you like you were an idiot! Then telling you that her husband takes care of all of that and to call him if anything happens.
Third, the woman clearly didn't seem to care in the slightest about her child. The moment she pulled a little girl into the room with you, she practically shoved the young girl forward and raced out the door. You barely had time to catch the girl before she fell on the floor before the mom was gone. She didn't even give you her husband's contact info!?
It wasn't until a few minutes after she left that you realize she didn't even pay you half your agreed amount like she promised!
Regardless, you try to focus on the little girl in front of you. She couldn't be older than 5 or 6 and was shaking nervously. You do your best to comfort the child and decide to continue with this babysitting job.
Except, 3 hours have long since pass and the mother hasn't returned yet. At first you thought she got stuck in traffic or something and waited a little longer. But after 2 more hours you were getting worried.
She isn't answering her phone no matter how many times you call her number. By this point it getting dark and the mom still won't pick up. With no way to contact the girl's father, you contemplate calling the police about possible abandonment.
Only for the father to finally come home and you breathe a sigh of relief before explaining what happened.
He apologizes for the trouble his wife caused and thankfully pays you extra for watching his daughter. He then offer you a job as the girl's nanny. Seeing as you could definitely use the money you agreed.
The father was surprisingly nice and understanding. It was clear he loved his daughter very much and it honestly made you wonder why he married such an awful woman but hey your bosses marriage is none of your business.
You love spending time with his daughter though. She was such a sweet little girl and you couldn't comprehend how someone could be so mean to her especially her own mother.
You be lying if you said you didn't find the husband attractive. He was handsome, kind, was a doting father, and had a great sense of humor. He was anyone's ideal type.
Shame he's married but what can you do?
However, things suddenly changed one day.
You arrive at you usual time expecting the standard fun bonding time. But no. Instead when the father answers the door like usual. You notice he seems a bit different.
The smile he usually greets you with seems more forced and looks to be more worried than usual.
When ask him what's wrong he tries to brush it off, but after a bit of prodding, he finally tells you.
Apparently, his wife hasn't come home for 2 week now. He used to her not coming home for days at a time but this the longest she ever been gone and he's beginning to worry that she's finally decided to up and leave him and their daughter.
You wouldn't be surprised if that were the case. In the few times you interacted with wife, it was pretty obvious that she couldn't care less about her husband and daughter. But that doesn't make the idea of her abandoning her family any better.
Of course, you comfort him and reassure him it's not his fault. You spend the rest of the day with him and his daughter and later all three of you go out to eat
Your off the next day, so you decide to sleep in. But when you wake up and check the news, what you see shocks you to your very core.
A woman was found murdered in her hotel room. But what truly shocked you was the picture of the woman. It was the missing wife.
She was tied to the bed frame wearing a very revealing nightgown and had gag tied to her mouth. There was a clear red hand mark on her neck as if the person tried to strangle her as well as multiple stab wounds on her stomach and abdomen. She most likely died from blood.
To make matters worse, the man suspected to have killed her was her affair partner of 5 years. Police stated they found the man terrified and covered in blood. A knife thought to be the murder weapon was later found in the man's apartment.
She may have been an awful person as well as wife and mother, but you didn't think anyone would go as far as to kill her
You immediately call your the husband to see if he and his daughter are alright. He sounds a bit shaken but says their alright.
Of course, you head over there to make sure and give your support.
You hug him and tell him that everything's alright, that you'll stay as long as he needs you to. He thanks you and hugs you tightly.
You don't notice the twisted smile on his face as he holds you.
Finally, the parasite that's made his life a living hell is finally gone! There's nothing stopping him from keeping you from where you rightfully belong now~
He already has the ring, now you just need a wedding dress~
It’s been weeks since the horrific incident occurred. You were staying over almost every night as the man dealt with the loss, the cops, the family and more. The poor thing was under so much stress, the bags under his eyes seeming to grow rather than fade. You figured maybe you could do more than just keep his daughter company, he seemed liked he needed a one on one with another, more compassionate and understanding adult. 
You two sit on the couch as little Lila headed to bed, his head leaned back in an exhausted sigh. Honestly, he should’ve expected the press to be up his ass this much, it’s not a surprise, but he can’t get rid of them or it’ll add suspicion to his story, so he needs to play his part. The poor businessman who’s being prosecuted by the public who truly has nothing to do with what happened to his wife. 
Is it a lie? Yes absolutely, but he didn’t get to the top being an honest, hardworking, goody two shoes either. 
A gentle touch to his hand guides him out of his thoughts, and his fingers clench softly. He held your hand for a moment as he soaked in the new scene, with you sitting beside him and letting him be bare and open around you. 
“I figured…You know, you needed someone to talk to that didn’t have a microphone” you joked, scooting a bit closer as you pulled your legs up onto the couch. He smirked, eyes raking over you for a moment at the serene and calm aura you give. Such a sweet, genuine soul right before him. He’s addicted to the feeling, and he hasn’t even had all of you. 
God does he want all that you have. To taste you on his tongue while you let him take you apart in every way. 
“Ah, you saw through the fake smiles did ya?” he quipped, giving a soft smile as you playfully pouted. “I'm serious, this stress…I can’t imagine what you’re going through, especially trying to keep Lila out of it all too. I know she wasn’t much of a mom to begin with but…This still isn’t an ideal situation for anyone”. 
He mumbled under his breath, but you didn’t catch it. Fingers come to push his hair out of his eyes, and he takes a deep breath. “Well, what can I say? She was a vindictive, conniving little bitch who had to make my life hell, even in death”. His voice held venom, but his hand was still soft as it reached to grab yours, gingerly squeezing. 
“Sorry-” he begins, only for you to shake your head. “No, no you’re fine! I…Well I honestly agree. I can’t think of one positive thing she’s done other than give birth to our-” you pause, a deep heat spreading on your face at the slip up. “Sorry! Oh gosh I mean YOUR daughter. Ugh I sound like such a dork now huh?”. 
His heart swelled with joy hearing that. You saw yourself as Lila’s parent, with no force or fake emotion behind those wonderful words. You’re finally seeing your rightful place. Here, with them, loving and being with them as they love and support you in return. 
Everything is falling into place perfectly. 
“No, you’re alright. I would rather Lila see you as her other parent than feel like half of her family is missing”. He moves closer to you, allowing his hand to come up to rest on the meat of your upper thigh, not too close but definitely something you can take as an invitation. 
“If I’m honest, I…feel more of a connection with you than any other person I’ve been with. I feel like you and I…Have something more than just a business relationship”. 
You pause, mouth struggling to come up with anything to say. You can’t deny you’ve had feelings, but you’ve finally been able to bury them and try to get past them. Now he’s suddenly ready to jump ship? And so soon after his wife? “I-I…Uh..I uhm-” You stammer, turning away as you fumble over words and embarrass yourself even more. 
He gives a warm laugh, and sits back, raising his hands to show he was backing off. “Sorry. You’re probably reeling just like I am huh? I didn’t mean to cross any lines. But…I am being truthful here. I do feel a connection, and I won’t pretend anymore”. 
You swallow, and bring yourself to face him once again, hands nervously playing with your fingers. “I won’t say I don’t find you attractive either, it’s just…What if you aren’t thinking clearly? What if you’re just an emotional wreck and see me as a means to get a quick escape? I don’t want to hurt you by agreeing to anything”. 
Oh, you absolute angel. You were truly thinking of his well being, and he was leagues away from that. He wanted to seal this deal, and show you how grateful he was that you stuck around. For you to even consider you could hurt him in any manner is more than he could ask for, and shows how correct he was in choosing you for his new lover. 
You’re perfect for him. Caring, kind, intelligent, and more. He won’t let you leave him so easily with these little insecurities. 
“You think I’d see you as a toy and leave once I feel better?” 
You jump, shaking your head as you straighten up “No! No no I just- I don’t want you to be hurt by not having the right outlet!”
He laughs, and acts on instinct, tugging you closer by your wrists. “I’m not using you as an outlet. I want more than just a fling with you. I don’t see you as a fuck I can’t get out of my head, Y/N. I see you as someone I’ve been craving since I married that whore, who I’ve been denied for years. I want more than your body, I want your everything”. 
You look away, or well, you try too. His hand comes up to cup your cheek, and helps guide you to look into his eyes, keeping you grounded to the situation at hand. 
“I won’t force you into anything. I promise. I just…I don’t want to be alone tonight” He says solemnly, pressing his forehead against yours as you sit on his lap. His eyes are closed as he breathes you in, your hands playing with his hair to calm him down and indulge him even more. “Would you consider me foolish if I asked you to stay?” 
With everything happening, and how vulnerable he is, how could you in good conscience say no? You trust him not to force anything, though it’s not as if you don’t want those large, calloused hands on you and holding you close. You suppose a night in his home could help ease his mind and give him a much needed break. 
“Alright” you murmur, slowly stopping your fingers as they play with his hair, feeling his muscles relax as he held you. “Thank you…You’re truly too good for words”. 
(-Mommabean, hey! Tell me what you think!)
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gotham--fc · 3 years
Firstly so sorry I haven’t replied had a mad couple days with hockey games/training and Xmas parties 😂.
But yeah the Toronto skyline would look slick, like a dark grey background and an outline in dark red would look fire.
And yeah Boston are really good, they’re my fave pwf team but tbh I prefer PWHPA Montreal bc pou and fillier on a team is so fun to watch! How is the T6 doing now ?
That sounds so fun I hope you have a good time! Skating is so fun I love it!
😂I think I get you when I watch Canada in international competitions I’m like hmmm which one is it today?😂😂
And as for your fave player Fleming and putellas are both boss, haven’t seen putellas much tbf but I’ve seen highlights and stuff and they’re boss!
Band does sound like a ton of fun and it sounds fun to work both with people and then individually to show off. Are you still in a band or is there not one where you’re at now?
😂😂 that sounds boss I have a similar thing with my mates, one of them is nicknamed after a thing she said in practice that sounded dirty and it stuck 😂 and Tbf a lot of my mates are mispronunciations of thier names. I also called one of my mates by her last name and it’s gotten to the point that when I say her first name it sounds weird 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️. Also what are you doing to those tomatoes?
Halladay sounds really cool, to have that sort of impact and respect for both the teams he played for is really cool. And the fact that the fans still loved him is really cool and sweet too and it’s probably one of the best compliments a sportsperson would have. And yeah tell me all about it we don’t play or watch it here as far as I know and it seems cool (but long) so yeah tell me all about it😁
They are so so bad like I know I’m already bias bc I love team Canada and GB and there’s a rivalry there (less so with GB) like I don’t know why the designer couldn’t think of a logo or a design , rather than putting USA on it like no other country writes thier name on them cause you know who they are.
I don’t hate them I just wish they let in one more goal and then we’d be in the next round, I watched that game on the bus home from a game and I spoilt a goal for a teammate who was 10 seconds behind (cause I jumped in excitement and she saw) and when the game was over and Although GB won that game they came second in the tourney so korea cellyd thier 1st place (as they should) and I was like nope and switched off my phone😂🤦‍♀️
And good booo bruins. The Montreal Canadiens are cooler (we ain’t playing good this season but our jerseys are nicer👍), who would you support in that leauge? Toronto leafs cause you’re a T6 fan?
Also about hockey I tried the weirdest tape and I kinda like it😂 it’s the same as Stutzle who plays for the Ottawa senators 😂🏒
Bro don’t worry about it I get it we be busy (only one more week only one more week of school😂)
The Toronto skyline is so sick like yeah I agree I think the t6 white jerseys would be sick if they had a light grey skyline on them, you know? But really how much more Toronto can they get than literally calling themselves the 6ix?? 😂
Toronto just swept the rivs so I’m feeling better now 😂 they’re doing well, Boston just likes to rain on our parade, so far they’ve only lost the two games against Boston and hopefully *knock wood* it’s only Boston they struggle against
The good part of having to play the anthem with band is I don’t ever have to worry about what version because the melody is the same in either language 😂
Putellas is boss she’s so good like no one has any issue with her winning the ballon dor or any other awards, like there’s always issues with the awards but this year everyone’s like yep Alexia deserves it, I was worried she would get overlooked because the Spanish national team isn’t (yet) a team that will win the World Cup or Olympics, she is without a doubt the best player in the world right now for sure
I’m not in a band rn because I’m not sure if there’s a local orchestra that will accept me right now and I also don’t have a sax 😂 if I had money I could buy a sax and play out all the rust and see if I could get into a band or an orchestra or something, tbh I love playing concert music just as much as jazz so I can’t decide what kind of music I wanna play
Oh yeah nicknames are always bad mispronunciations of my friends names or stupid things they say, for my one friend (and roommate) we have the same first name so we go by our last names when we’re together
And I was literally just eating them😂, she just thought it was weird that I eat cherry tomatoes straight up, she only eats them with something else
Well baseball where to begin? The basic rules are you have 9/10 starters, three outfielders, 4 infielders, one pitcher, one catcher, and a designated hitter if you’re an American League team, the designated hitter bats for the pitcher so the pitcher doesn’t bat, so you have one team bats first, one team fields, the point of the game is when you’ve batting to hit the ball and get as many players “home” as you can (home means you circle the bases and end up at home plate which is where you bat from) and when you’re fielding to stop the other team from getting anyone home, you play nine innings (an inning is both teams get to bat) and whoever has the most runs at the end wins, it can’t end in a tie so you play extra innings until someone wins basically endless overtime I’ve seen games go to 20 innings, the longest mlb game went to 26 innings, the longest pro baseball game was a minor league game that went to 33 innings. You switch who bats after 3 outs, an out is where one of the batters doesn’t get on base when they bat or if a runner (a batter who got on base) doesn’t make it to the next base, this is a very quick summary there’s a lot of rules and stats and teams and players and blah blah blah I can keep going but some stuff probably doesn’t make sense until you watch a game (if you want to watch a game please let me pick the one you watch I don’t want you to pick a boring game and lose interest I’ll pick an exciting one for you)
I don’t know why the us never wants to be creative with their jerseys, like I don’t get how they look at what they’ve designed and say yes this is exactly what we want let’s keep doing it, like what?? Literally no one will forget you’re America trust me buddy we all know you’re America 😂
Oh that’s so funny, that happens when I’m at my parents house and I force my dad to watch the game on a different tv because he’s bad luck, our TVs are never in sync so either me or my dad will hear a reaction from the other and be like welp I guess I know what’s coming up 😂 my mom gets so mad because we’ll talk about what’s happening but I’ll be in the basement and he’ll be upstairs in the living room so we’ll just be shouting to each other and my mom will just be like can’t you two just watch it in the same room 😂😂
I will never support the leafs, I love Toronto but not that much 😂 tbh I don’t know what nhl team I’d support, my dads a bruins fan but my brothers a bluejackets fan, I do like gritty tho so maybe I’ll become a …. Penguins fan??? It’s Philadelphia right? Is that where gritty is? If you can’t tell I don’t know much about the nhl 😂
I didn’t know there was different types of hockey tape I thought there was just… hockey tape… but you know what you go weird tape go do hockey tape stuff
Side note, at the Canada-us Ottawa game I was at, one of the Canadian players (I forget who) was having so much trouble with her tape, it kept coming off all game and every time she skated near where we were sitting we’d all start yelling “your tape is coming off” and then we’d watch her look and see yep her tape is coming off, she kept sticking it back on but I’m pretty sure after her one shift she just threw her stick at the bench and got a new one 😂
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