secondtermsurprises · 5 years
Dahlia randomly places a Jotaro Kujo costume on well...Multiple Damiens/Damians, before putting a DIO costume on herself. ...You know, the one with the Green Heart headband?
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@secondtermsurprises wants to meet the creator
   -☼- A gorgon, A zombie, several demons and many more creatures! This has been quite a productive day for the scientist. So many reserch notes, so many things she learned. The experiments that she will do! Oh she loves it! Wait a minute... Is that Vicky with... -☼-
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   ♪♫ “I’M TELLING YOU ZOE! Dahlia and Damien must have a secret relationship going on! Why else would they not just kill each other already? Simple! Cause they have a FORBIDDEN LOVE!” Vicky was talking to Zoe happily, unaware that her mother was spying on them and taking notes... specifically about Zoe. Zoe could easily spot the human behind Vicky spying on them should she look that way ♫♪
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spoiledfins-blog · 6 years
❃.✮:▹ @secondtermsurprises◃:✮.❃
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“Leonard told me that, if you stick a banana back your throat, it tastes like ice cream!  I’ve been trying it all day- look!” There she goes.  Deepthroating a banana.  Why doesn’t she just go get some actual ice cream?
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hellrager · 6 years
"Only if we get to name your fists 'Rasputin' and 'Crowley'!"
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“Yeah, sure. Why the fuck not.” 
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nya-ching · 6 years
💕 (Aaravi)
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“Oof. Better luck next time, Double-A.”
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thezomblr-blog1 · 6 years
Some of the best villains, though, are usually those who are a good mix of charisma, intelligence, and possibly a tinge of sadism, or at least menace. Bonus points if they can still have fun quirks.
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Yup I think villains who can be just as affable as the protagonists if sometimes more so (especially in spite of their shitty, shitty actions) are great villains and definitely among my faves. However it is those villains that are often destroyed most in Fanon – and then ultimately end up being woobified if the writers cave to the fandom. Or killed off in some redemption arc to help out the protags. Had that happen to one too many of my fave bad guys ugh.
Had to add on: The reason this works when done well is because it drives home the fact that villains are just as “normal” as the “good guys”. They can have things that make them laugh, cry, get upset -- because they aren’t just this concept of evil there solely to get in the way and make things hard for the protags -- but because they are fully fleshed out characters with wants and thoughts outside of doing “Evil” things. 
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zombfear-blog · 6 years
"Well, I mean, yeah, it has some pretty strong stuff in it. Though, honestly, kind of want to hear how you would describe it."
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❝I feel,,, funky? I dunno lightheaded and,,, heavy at the same time. Fuckin whoa never been like this before it’s fucking weeeeeeeeird….❞
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outofthemaiinstream · 6 years
UGgggghhh, Hope can't believe she's doing this. "Hey, uh, Liam?" She holds out a heavily suspicious looking bottle of alcohol. It has a sticky note reading 'Eldritch Horror'. "I can't believe I'm doing this, but- The others kind of convinced me to make a new special alcohol brew to start off Spring Break with, and- I know you're still dealing with Dmitri crap, and, you probably need something to distract you. Well, I'm not gonna promise that this will be safe for your liver, but- Should work?"
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“I’m undead, Hope. My liver isn’t affected by alcohol anymore. That said, I’m not so sure how I feel about that. I need to be in my right mind if Dmitri decides to come stumbling in while I’m avoiding whatever you lot are doing for the break.”
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best-wolf-boi · 6 years
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a-poisonous-gamble · 6 years
"Vera!" Oh gee freaking- Did Zoe just materialize out of thin air infront of her? "Vera, Vera, Vera, do you think a talent show would be awesome?! I think you would make for an awesome judge!"
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     “I judge everyone already…”
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     “…so why not?”
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high-hcpes · 6 years
▼ (Zoe)
Sit on me, Boo~
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     “Well, someone’s friendly today.” Polly grinned at the sight of Zoe, as the ghost was sat on by the Eldritch Cutie. “You need something, babe? Or am I just being your seat today?” She nudged her head into Zoe’s shoulder, grinning as she looked at the other.
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zgords · 6 years
2, 18, 25
answered ! detailed hc meme !@secondtermsurprises​
2. daily rituals and 18. favorite beverage ?
answered here and here, respectively!
25. how do they see themselves 5 years from today ?
HMM… this is an interesting one! i think, ideally, she’d love to see herself among friends and able to express and emote the way she wants to, as well as become someone that can stand on her own as a person. ( and probably becoming an art major, too! with history potentially on the side )
but … realistically, she has absolutely No Goddamn Clue. given her background, she actually puts really heavy stock in things like prophecies and destinies! it’s something she’s seen and experienced time and time again through various other gods ( i.e., greek, norse, christian, etc. ) and she knows how ironclad and airtight they are. mostly she’s just resigned and hoping for a change in prognostication via seer sometime soon
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@secondtermsurprises  ♥ for a starter
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   ♪♫ “FEAR NOT MY PRINCESS! FOR I HAVE ARRIVED TO PROTECT YOU!” Vicky yelled bursting into the room where Zoe was wearing her armor for the play. It was a real armor and all! It should be no surprise, this is Spooky High after all... ♫♪
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Important! Archiving This Blog And Moving To A New One!
As you can all see from the title of the post, and of the name change to my blog here, I'm planning to archive this blog very soon!
I have my reasons for doing this. I follow from my main blog 'mattdrawsmen', and I started thinking that maybe having to follow from a (very much NSFW) art blog might not exactly be the best way to follow people I want to write with, especially since said main blog is completely inactive. Also because I've been blocked by a few accounts because I neglected to send an ask stating my personal was a main for an RP sideblog, which I'd like to take the time to apologize for.
That, and I actually want to start sending in asks without having to use the anon feature, especially since some RP blogs I interact with don't have it, meaning I can't interact much with them.
With my reasons for archiving these blogs to make new ones out of the way, there are a few important things to mention.
I'm going to try to have the new blogs ready to go by the end of the week, maybe have one or two ready by the end of today if I'm lucky. Until then, all my RPs are going to be put on hold.
The biggest thing to mention. I'm going to be unfollowing every RP blog I follow from my main blog and refollowing them from the new ones. So if you see me no longer following you, please don't be alarmed! I'll be following you right back again from the new blogs!
And finally, if we have an RP going on any of my current RP blogs, I'll be moving them to a new RP blog on a new post. Then I'll be messaging the person I'm writing with to let them know where the RP has been relocated to.
As for these soon-to-be-archived RP blogs, I'll be keeping them up for my old RPs to be kept in case anyone wants to read them or I need to look back to find a particular detail for an RP that's been moved. I probably won't delete the archived blogs unless I need or want to. But more than likely they'll stay up!
I want to thank everyone who interacted with and followed this blog before the archiving:
@monsterxjam @james-sulley-sullivan @hellrager @zombfear @thezomblr @icedvoid @best-wolf-boi @royalreef @mantimetalcore @biterage @outofthemaiinstream @secondtermsurprises @betelgeusessonajblog @volfizmz @sp00ky-high @pollyparty and any others I missed!
You all are amazing and writing with you has been an amazing experience. And I truly, truly hope I'll see you on the new RP blogs too! ^^
With that being said, here is the new (still a work in progress) RP blog for Monster Prom RPs:
OC RP Blog - https://sketchy-wereray.tumblr.com/ Oz RP Blog - https://shy-fears.tumblr.com/
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hellrager · 6 years
"I don't know, it just looks like he actually put more effort into making a face?"
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“... Am I supposed to be happy   about that, or what??” 
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nya-ching · 6 years
secondtermsurprises replied to your post “�� (Aaravi)”
Aaravi sighs. "Well, at least its not a crit fail."
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“Well it’s under 20%, so technically...”
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