#secret sexy seminar fun
bookloveravenue · 2 years
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IOU Series (book 2): Studious by Leslie McAdam
After a disastrous high school game of spin the bottle, I gave up trying to get a boyfriend and spent my time studying instead. Now I’m twenty-four, and I’m not only a virgin, I haven’t even been kissed.
When I meet Danny, a handsome legal hotshot, he catches my eye. Right before I trip on flat ground. Ugh.
He’s got a massive … reputation. He’s the most popular guy in the club, a total playboy with a new conquest every night. There’s no way he’d be interested in me.
But one night after I imbibe too much, he winds up taking care of me. And when I ask for his help with my travesty of a social life, he agrees to teach me how to be less awkward with men … if I let him document my progress so he can win a bet with his best friend.
Even though he’s just my love tutor and I’m just his apprentice, this starts to feel like more.
Too bad it can’t be anything but a high-level seminar in how to seduce someone else.
Studious is a sweet and sexy contemporary opposites-attract m/m romance about a suave attorney who’s scared to love and the shy, nerdy bookkeeper he’s teaching how to be a player. Cue makeover montage and a smoldering first kiss. These heroes most definitely are not falling in love. (Okay, heartwarming HEA guaranteed.)
October 21, 2022
My Review: 5/5 Stars
What a fun story! Alden is such a little cinnamon roll and it's no wonder the well known player and afraid to give his heart to anyone, Danny, falls in love with him. How can he resist when you have awkward, shy, genuine, and sweet Alden? Alden hasn't had much luck in the relationship department. He is inexperienced and finds it hard to be himself when going on dates. He's super shy and awkward and lacks the self-confidence he needs. Lucky for him he meets Danny. After Danny saves him from their after work happy hour, Alden finds the courage to ask Danny for help. He may be new at the office, but it's no secret around the office that Danny is a player and has enough confidence to put himself out there. Meanwhile, when Danny experienced his first true heartbreak back in high school, he swore never to put himself out there again. Those you love tend to leave. So he's thrown himself into his job and only having one night stands. But then Alden joins the company and Danny finds himself catching feelings for the first time in a very long time. But he also told Alden he would help him with his confidence. He can't fall for Alden while playing teacher, right? Such a cute story! And I loved that there wasn't anything overly predictable about it. Yes, we know the happily ever after is coming but not the way I would have imagined! There were so many elements and chances for the story to take different directions, but I loved the way this one played out. You can't help but cheer for Alden and Danny. They both deserve to be loved and love in return while being themselves. There were so many cute and sweet moments, I couldn't put the story down! Looking forward to more from this series!
0 notes
Jake getting adventurous and sneaking a vibrator into Amys underwear and she has to sit through an interview as he toys with her
Ok so I tweaked this a little and this came out of nowhere but I really love the idea of this so ... find it under the cut! 🙊
He waits until she’s well into reciting the third paragraph of Subsection Eight before running his thumb over the button in his pocket, pressing once to keep the device at its lowest speed.  
To her credit, there is only the slightest falter in her voice, short enough to be considered a tickle in her throat by anyone other than him, and he takes great pleasure in knowing that while the tickle does exist, it is actually much further down.  
He keeps the vibration on low for the rest of her speech - subtle enough for Amy to be aware of its existence, not quite strong enough to gain anything more than heightened senses.  Alternates between the on and off button once her part is over, tampering the urge to smile as she keeps her gaze steadily focused on the boardroom in front of her, clearly refusing to break the facade that everything isn’t Completely Normal.   
Her hand lands with a quiet slap on his inner thigh fifteen minutes later as the vibrator begins moving steadily at full speed, and he’s pretty sure he’s got this win in the bag.  
It had all started out as an idle bet (admittedly, like a lot of their shenanagoogles do) - an attempt to make what had threatened to be a boring day into something far more interesting.  The dangling carrot of a glowing evaluation had led to Jake signing up for the next HR seminar - this one being held at another precinct downtown - and Amy, after such a stellar display of preparation at the nine-nine’s turn, had been invited back to show off her ‘impressively professional portfolio of knowledge on the topic’.
(He’s pretty sure that detail alone had turned Amy on before their bet had even started, but that was just an added benefit.)
The Lock-n-Play panty vibe was a relatively new addition to their repertoire - among the few items recently purchased from their preferred sex shop - but one that was quickly becoming their favourite, if only for it’s handy magnetic tabs that kept the vibe in place (because really, is there any universe where Amy Santiago isn’t a massive fan of a well-placed set of tabs?).  
She had been halfway through casually mentioning (read: straight-up bragging) her quoted professional manner as they got dressed this morning when the idea had come to Jake, the toy’s remote still sitting on his dresser from it’s weekend workout and catching his eye as he reached for his watch.  He hadn’t ever thought that she’d actually go through with it - which is on him, really, because his wife rarely steps down from a challenge - and mentioned it merely as a passing joke until he noticed the spark of interest in his wife’s eyes, and realised that there was a chance that this could actually happen.
The conversation was quick: their terms clear.  Amy would wear the vibe in her underwear, with Jake having sole possession of the remote.  He could activate it anytime he liked, as long as he adhered to the kill sign (three quick squeezes of his wrist) if actioned, and the only thing Amy had to do was not break her Professional Sergeant at a Seminar role.  If Jake won, he got to choose their movies for the next two weeks.  If victory went to Amy, he had to eat a salad for lunch every single day for a fortnight.
(There would also be the added benefit of nightly foot rubs, but given the baby that was currently growing in his wife’s uterus, nightly massages were kind of a given.)  
The stakes weren’t necessarily high, but both of them loved to win; and Jake would be straight-up lying if he didn’t admit that just the idea of his wife secretly being buzzed to climax in a boardroom full of strangers didn’t turn him on more than a little.  
From his position at the front of the room, Andrew The Presenter switches over to non-verbal communications, and for no reason other than sheer curiosity Jake switches the vibrator into it’s highest mode, biting the inside of his cheek as Amy’s shoulders jump in surprise.
It only takes a minute before she shifts forward in her chair, resting on her elbows before wriggling slightly in her seat; and to anybody that cared to pay attention to her and Jake’s position at the back of the room it would have looked like nothing more than a restless woman waking up her limbs.  But Jake knew better - knew that the tip of the vibe raised slightly, ergonomically designed to cup a woman’s clit in all the right ways - and there wasn’t a doubt in his mind that Amy was maximising the opportunity for pleasure while it lasted.  
He gives her another twenty seconds, waiting until the wriggling seems to have stopped before pressing the off button once again, not even pretending to ignore the exasperated look she throws him from over her shoulder.  He gives her a wink, to which she responds with a roll of her eyes, and he is always going to be in love with what they have together.  
She pulls him aside during the coffee break, leading him down an unfamiliar hallway into a stationery supply cupboard (her knowledge of its presence, he assumes instinctual); pulling him in for a hungry kiss as soon as she hears the lock click into place.  Their makeout session is hurried and passionate - the kind of teeth-gnashing, body-pawing kisses you give each other when you know there’s not enough time for what you really crave - and as they move to return back to the group he offers her the chance to call off the bet, no questions asked.  (The foot rubs after all, were already a given, and he’s pretty sure that stack of green stuff they put on top of nachos counted as a salad.)  But she stops in her tracks, eyes blazing as she presses a hand to his chest and gives her answer in no uncertain terms: 
Don’t you dare stop.
It’s the clear arousal in her voice that keeps Jake from activating the vibrator again for another forty minutes, waiting until a slideshow on Something Boring begins playing before sliding his hands back into the pockets of his hoodie, sliding his thumb casually over the power button and slowly working the vibe back up to it’s previous level.  
Her hand lands back on his upper thigh after another few minutes, the grip tightening slightly when he presses the button again, and he takes his hand out his hoodie, grabbing her wrist and moving it towards his own - a silent reminder that he’ll stop in an instant, if she only asked.  But she wriggles her hand out of his grasp, returning to the previous position, leaning back in her chair in what completely fails to be a casual pose.  Her fingers creep towards his inner thigh, a movement that undoubtedly brings his growing hard-on to her attention, and she leans forwards again to let out a shaky breath.   
The high level buzzing is quietly audible through her uniform now, perhaps more noticeable because his imagination wants it to be, and her ribs begin to expand and contract at a steady pace.  
Jake knows that if he keeps this up, Amy is absolutely going to climax - perhaps too far into the sensations the vibrations were giving to realise that she would be doing so in the middle of a seminar - but he also knows that his beautiful wife is not quiet when she comes.  It’s one of the many (many) things he loves about her; the clear display of unbridled passion that courses through her, the way her voice tends to shake a little as she calls out his name - or yes, or fuck, or a combination of the above.  
But she hasn’t given the signal, and there is a good portion of his blood that is most definitely not pumping through his brain anymore, and so he obeys the silent instruction, and keeps his finger on the increase button.
She excuses herself a few minutes later, standing quickly and offering an apologetic smile, pointing to her growing baby bump as the reason for nature calling.  Her boots tap quickly across the tiled floor as she exits, head ducked down low to convey the urgency of her steps (a movement that he is certain is not an act).  
He waits another couple of minutes before switching off the vibe, hoping the remote holds enough range; and his phone buzzes shortly after, the notification on his locked screen telling him that Babe ♥️ has just sent him an image.  And while he’s absolutely bursting at the seams to unlock and look, he also knows that it will most certainly lead to a wet patch on the front of his jeans, and there really is no coming back from that.
And so he trains his attention back to the Manual of Boredom in front of him, reading through various scenarios involving Employee A and Colleague D, all the while trying desperately to get his mind to focus on arithmetic … asparagus … Scully’s foot fungus … all the genuinely unsexy things in life.  His phone vibrates again, another text from his wife causing his mind to nearly implode, and time has somehow completely come to a standstill.  
Amy leans in to kiss his cheek when she returns, using the closeness of her position to whisper in his ear just how hard she’d just come, and Jake absolutely needs this seminar to end now - right now, please oh god, end now.  
It takes another hour before they have a lunch break - a solid hour of Jake running through a breakdown of all Transformers - Autobots, Dinobots and Decepticons inclusive - and when Amy finally stands, grabbing his hand and leading him towards the parking lot he follows willingly, by now completely unable to contain a gigantic smile from taking over his face.
She drives their car up to the very top of the garage, parking in an empty spot right at the edge of the otherwise abandoned section before sliding over the gears and settling onto his lap.  Her nimble fingers find the lever to the side, dropping the seat’s backing towards the rear, his zipper descending just as quickly.  
It doesn’t last long - both of them way too close to the edge for it to be anything but quick - but by the time they need to head back to the seminar it’s fairly safe to say that Jake no longer has a hangup about having sex in a car in a garage.  
She packs a salad for his lunch the following morning, pulling him in for a longer-than-normal kiss as he lets out a defeated sigh, and while Jake knows that while he technically lost the bet, they both got to have some pretty great orgasms yesterday and really, how could that ever be considered a loss?
(and when he receives an email a year later, reminding him of an upcoming refresher course on HR, he absolutely sets up a plan to raise the stakes for Sexy Seminar, version 2.0.)
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peterbishop · 5 years
someone like you
Mark opens his mouth, as if to answer, and snaps his fingers. “She’s your girlfriend, isn’t she? I saw you kissing some chick before I got brought into here. I thought it might have been her, but I couldn’t believe someone like you would end up with someone like her.”
(or, a suspect uses jake and amy's relationship against jake)
read on ao3
Sometimes, they hold hands walking into work. And sometimes, she presses a chaste kiss to the corner of his mouth before leaving to brief her beat cops on the day. Her fingers may linger on his wrist for a moment too long and Charles breaks into the widest grin, but they wouldn’t have it any other way. They never fully shied away from PDA while they were dating—being married, however, makes it all that more enticing. “Sorry,” Jake will say to the role of Rosa’s eyes, “I just love my wife.”
It’s never been a problem; not even when Gina made mention of their “bang me eyes” being on full display the week following their honeymoon, much to their horror (resulting in a secret tryst to the third floor supply closet to get it out of their systems). They are simply in love, endlessly enamored by one another, and no one can imagine it another way. Parts of a whole: Jake and Amy. With one comes the other.
Even more so with their wanting to get pregnant. Jake whispers how beautiful she looks when she surprises with him a cup of coffee, and her lips ghost the shell of his ear when she tells him how much she loves him in that dark green shirt. It’s shared smiles and glances that say more than any string of words. Everything feels more alive, more infused with attention and care, since they decided to start trying for kids. It’s precarious and tangible and real. Love is that, Jake decides after one particularly mind-blowing night: it’s him and Amy and knowing that they’ll create a being out of their own adoration.
So, sue him if he cups her cheek when she gives him a goodbye kiss before heading for the elevators. And for whispering, “Oh, the things I would do if we weren’t here…” with a wink to follow. She goes in for one more kiss—cue faux-gagging from Rosa—and tells him she’ll see him in a few hours. His eyes continue to follow her, watching and falling in love all over again, before she disappears downstairs.
Terry walks over to Jake’s desk and drops down a file. “I need you to question Mark Robinson.” His eyes flick towards a man, appearing mid-forties and fairly fit, standing in the nearby holding cell. “He’s our lead suspect in the 87th street robbery case.”
Jake looks through the file. “Didn’t Amy arrest this guy?”
“Yeah, but she’s busy with a seminar this morning. It’s a pretty open and shut case—read the file and you’ll be fine,” Terry says.
Jake nods, “Sounds good,” and starts reading.
“Who are you?”
Jake slides into the cool metal seat, flicking open the manilla folder before him, and cooly smirks. “Jake Peralta, detective extraordinaire.”
Mark Robinson cocks his head, almost with disappointment. “You didn’t arrest me.”
“Quite the astute observation there, Mr. Robinson,” Jake says, probably too sarcastically. “Maybe you should be a detective.”
“What happened to that Latina chick?” Mark asks bluntly.
Jake’s jaw twitches, slightly caught off-guard. “I’m taking over the case. Now, Mr. Robinson—“
“That’s a shame,” Mark laments. “I wanted to see her again. She’s pretty sexy.”
“Sir,” Jake says, curt.
“Like, so hot. I would let myself get arrested again if she was on the other end of it.”
“Sir, you’re here to answer my questions. I don’t need the commentary.”
“Are you trying to tell me you don’t find her attractive?”
Jake’s teeth start to grind. “You’re talking about a highly decorated sergeant. I would suggest not saying another word about her.”
“C’mon, it’s all in good fun. Just some locker room talk, man.” Mark gives him a smarmy grin.
“No,” Jake levels, words sharp and slight. “It’s not. Now again, Mr. Robinson, we have eyewitnesses who place you on 87th street at the time of the robbery. Would you like to explain why you were there?”
Mark opens his mouth, as if to answer, and snaps his fingers. “She’s your girlfriend, isn’t she? I saw you kissing some chick before I got brought into here. I thought it might have been her, but I couldn’t believe someone like you would end up with someone like her.”
Jake takes a deep breath and curls his hand into a fist, trying to restrain himself from hitting the table. Mark’s eyes flicker down to Jake’s left hand, his silver wedding band shining in the light, and breaks into a laugh. “She’s your wife? This keeps getting better.”
Jake thinks back to the Keri Brennan case, one of he said, she said, which proved to be harder on Jake than he anticipated. Amy opening up to him in the break room, about her old captain and expectations and how this is normal, for her and for women as a whole. She looked at him with wet eyes and spoke in sullen words, and he almost couldn’t meet her gaze, feeling helpless and hopeless. She never needed him to protect her, but that didn’t stop him from wanting to do so. He held her hand tightly on the yellow couch that day and continued to hold it tighter when they left work.
He watched feminist documentaries and thought he got it. But this, looking Mark Robinson in his sleazy eyes and listening to sordid words drip from his mouth without care—Jake feels like he’s back in the break room, realizing and understanding all over again.
“Shut up,” Jake says lowly.
“Did I get to you, detective extraordinaire?” Mark disparages, positively gleeful.
“No—I just don’t have time for dicks.”
“Oh, I definitely did.”
Jake slams the folder shut. “Clearly, you don’t want to be here. Neither do I. I could be doing so many other things right now. So, just admit that you broke into that woman’s apartment, and we can move on.”
“Nah,” Mark says, casual and nonchalant. “I’m having fun.”
“You stole tens of thousands of dollars of jewelry off her dresser. Felt good, didn’t it?” Jake prods, sinking to the man’s level. “To just take advantage of her?”
Mark laughs. “You think you’re going to coax it out of me?”
“She’s quite the beautiful woman, but she didn’t want you, did she? You must have met her at a bar, maybe followed her home, but she said no.”
The suspect wrings his hands together. “Nice theory there, but no.”
“So, why were you on 87th street?”
“Just taking a walk. Is that a crime now, too?”
“No, but having no alibi definitely points toward you being guilty.”
Mark falls quiet.
“C’mon, Mark. Just say you did it. We’re sending cops to your apartment soon, anyways. You really think they won't find anything?”
Again, no response.
“If you admit to me that you did it, maybe we’ll lessen your sentence.”
A beat. The man’s forehead wrinkles, thinking.
“Fine,” Mark spits, laughing. “I did it. I robbed that bitch—she just made it too easy not to.”
Jake stands up from his seat. “See Mark, how hard was that?”
Mark breaks into a grin, still laughing. “And I know I could rob your wife’s heart too.”
“Oh, you fucking wish,” Jake sneers, and leaves with the slam of the door.
Jake tosses the file onto Terry’s desk and says, “He confessed,” before quickly turning to leave the office.
“Hold up there, Peralta. Where are you going?” Terry asks, and Jake spins on his heels.
“I gotta go see my wife.” Terry gives him a dubious look, and Jake sighs. “If you see the tape from the interrogation room, you’ll understand.”
Amy is doing paperwork when Jake brings her face into his hands, kissing her softly, slowly. When he breaks away, she looks at him warmly, trying to fight off the smile that tugs at her lips. “What was that for, babe?” she asks.
“I just wanted to let you know I love you,” he says simply.
He thinks he’s hiding it, but he knows she can sense the slight change in his demeanor. She’s his wife after all. “I love you too, but seriously, Jake,” she says, “what is it?”
He pulls over the chair that resides next to her desk, his voice low: “I questioned the man you arrested, Mark Robinson.”
“Did he confess?” she asks.
“That’s great.” She pauses as his head drops down, their eyes no longer meeting. “It’s not great?”
“He said… things that I can’t get out of my head.”
“Like what?”
Jake lets out a heavy sigh. “He saw you kiss me before I went to interrogate him and basically used it against me. He couldn’t believe I was with someone like you.”
“Oh,” she breathes.
“And he was just saying awful stuff about you, calling you a chick and—god, I wanted to punch him, Ames. I really did.”
Her hand falls to his, giving it a squeeze. “Babe—“
“You’re my wife,” he says so surely. “And I love you, and I know you love me but—“
“But nothing,” Amy cuts in. “The guy was just being an asshole. He doesn’t know you nor understands the millions of reasons that I’m in love with you.”
Jake softly smiles at that, almost blushing.
“You’re kind and brilliant and everything. My everything,” she says, and Jake thinks his heart could burst the way it batters against his ribcage with all-consuming love.
“I married the cheesiest person in the world.”
“Yes, you did,” she smiles back. “And no one can change that.”
When Jake heads back to his desk, Mark is getting taken out of the holding cell in handcuffs.
They make eye contact and maybe, Jake waves goodbye with his left hand, purposely showing off his wedding band. And maybe, he proudly grins and mouths ‘she’s my wife’ as Mark scowls. And maybe, he holds up his ring finger as if he were flipping the bird.
But when the workday ends and he brings his arm around Amy’s waist just as they exit the precinct and she leans into his side, sweetly whispering his name? That’s a definite.
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asphalt-cocktail · 5 years
Kinkmas Prompt #6: Dirty Talk
A/N: Yeah, I went really over board with this fic and I’m NOT sorry. This is probably my favorite one that I have written so far so I hope you all enjoy! All your comments, likes, and reblogs are so nice to see/read and I appreciate every one of them!
If you would like to request a prompt and character yourself please reference my Kinkmas masterpost.
Pairing: Roger Taylor x F!Reader
Word Count: 5.1k
Warnings: Smut, oral (m and f receiving), p in v, unprotected, HELLA dirty talk, also smoking and alcohol, fluff, public sexy time, the WORKS people, its high key filthy, also its kind of a college AU??? But not really, (it’s still the 70s), not proof read as well
Kinkmas 2019 Masterlist
General Masterlist
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If you are considered a minor do NOT interact with this post. This is fictitious content and I own nothing.
You didn’t know why you had agreed to come along to this party, in fact you don’t even know how you managed to get invited in the first place. It was a friend of a friend situation that caused you to show up on Freddie Mercury and Roger Taylor’s college apartment one warm spring night.
To summarize it quickly, you knew John’s girlfriend, Veronica through attending the same university. You met in a freshman seminar class and bonded over your mutual love of disco music and drive for success as women. Eventually when dorm life became too restricted for your liking and you were seeking a roommate, Veronica just so happened to be in the same position. Now, two years later and into your third year of college you found yourselves living very well together.
You knew her boyfriend, John, he was quiet and smart but also had quite a sassy mouth on him and a secret wild streak. That was a quality that John and Veronica shared, they often went out late to go dancing, leaving you alone in the flat. You didn’t mind, you weren’t one to go out and preferred to stay inside, reading or listening to LPs. But when Veronica knocked on your door the Thursday before, begging you to go, you found yourself unable to say no.
“Come on,” She whined, “Roger is going to be there…” She said in a sing song voice.
You scoffed “So,” You said crossing your arms over your chest. Sure you knew of the other three guys that made up John’s band, but it wasn’t like you actually liked any of them.
“Oh don’t even pull that, I’ve seen you making eyes at Roger.” She said lightly pushing your shoulder. You rolled your eyes in response and opened your mouth to comment but she quickly interrupted you “You could at least use a quick shag even if you don’t fancy Roger. You never leave the house.”
Your jaw fell open, “What!” you shrilly said, “I leave the house!” you really didn’t have much else to say, even if what you yelled wasn’t all that true.
“Yeah! For class! When was the last time you brought a guy home? That Michael guy? That doesn’t even count, he was in and out of the house in 15 minutes!” Veronica had a point, Michael from Lit 305 was a disappointment, he was one of those guys who aggressively rubbed everywhere but your clit and repeatedly asked if you were coming. Spoiler alert: You weren’t.
“Fine, I’ll go!” You yelled back in defeat, “But I won’t have fun and you’ll have to kill me before you put my hair in rollers!” if you were going to go out, you were going to do it your way, and not hers.
So here you were, the annual Mercury, Taylor spring end of year bash. You could hear the yelling from outside their damn apartment building and could see people cluttered on the balcony and scattered throughout the yard, Christ this was going to be a mess, you could already tell.
You lugged a case of beer up the steps and opened the door, letting yourself in and were greeted with a grinning and red-faced Veronica “You came!” She squealed and pulled you into a hug.
You furrowed your brows and patted her back awkwardly, “Yeah, yeah, I wouldn’t hear the end of it if I didn’t.” You muttered and scoped the room out, you couldn’t see Freddie, but you could hear him amongst the smoke-filled room and over the loud music. Brian was sitting on the couch his long arms comfortable spread along the back, you could tell he was in a casually heated debate. John was right behind Veronica, his arms firmly wrapped around her waist once she pulled away from you; their red faces and grins matching. But Roger, he was standing by the keg, pouring a drink for himself with several girls flocked around him, laughing at something they probably pretended was funny if you had to judge by the looks on their faces.
“Can I set this down somewhere it won’t get stolen?” You asked, nodding to your case of beer and scrunching your nose as someone bumped into your shoulder while they pushed past you.
John perked up “Oh, you can put in Roger’s room.” You opened your mouth to protest, the last thing you wanted was to see Roger, “Rog!” He called, catching the blonde’s attention and waving him over.
Roger walked up, beer in hand and looked you up and down, his grinning face settling on your scowl, “Can [Y/N] put this in your room?” John asked, swaying with Veronica lightly to the music.
His gaze broke away from you and he glanced at John, “Sure!” He said and pushed his way through the crowd with you following suit.
As the two of you pushed further into the house, the more crowded and densely packed together the bodies got. Roger reached a hand back for you to grasp so you wouldn’t get lost and you took it, feeling the callouses on the palms of his hands and on the pads of his fingertips. You gulped and clutched your case of beer under your arm while the two of you continued to push through before you finally reached his door. He pulled out his keys and unlocked it on the first try. The rush of cool air that left his room was refreshing and didn’t smell like stale beer, cigarettes, and sweat. You had only met Roger a hand full of times but knew the smell in the room was so uniquely him.
He kicked some of his clothes out of the way and looked over at you “You can keep them in here, just grab a few and stick them in the fridge, if you need a refill you know where to find me.” He said giving you a cheeky salute.
You froze, there was a reason you tried to never interact with Roger. It was because that stupid soft voice of his made your knees weak and your head begin to spin. “O-okay” You answered quickly, adverting your gaze and grabbing an arm full of beers, “Do… do you want one?” there was something about this man that caused you to lose all sense of focus and you hated it.
Roger gave you an odd look, “Sure,” He said taking a beer from your hands, “You able to carry all that?” His wide blue eyes looking down at you.
You shifted your stance and nodded your head “Yeah I got it,” You answered just as three cans slipped out from the gaps in your arms and fell to the floor “Shit,” You cursed, bending over and dropping several more cans. You let out a frustrated huff, now holding significantly less than what you had been previously and looked up, only to see eye to eye with Roger as he bent down to help you pick up the fallen cans, “I got it,” You repeated, your hand darting out.
Your hands collided together in a very cliché manor, “It doesn’t look like you do.” He teased, “I can help.” He insisted, you let out a long sigh and finally agreed to let him help you.
When the two of you exited his room, you found Veronica immediately standing at the door, “Oh hey!” She said smiling sheepishly. You narrowed your eyes at her, knowing exactly why she was standing there.
Roger, clueless as every grinned back “Hey Ronnie, you seen Fred?” He asked, craning his head to look over the crowd.
Veronica nodded her head “Yeah, I think he’s on the balcony or outside?” Her answer was more of question, some how he was everywhere at once, running around and insisting on interacting with the guests that had arrived in order to be a good host.
“Right, well I’m going to help [Y/N] put these in the fridge and find him. Roger answered, pushing through the crowd with you in tow.
You were thankful the kitchen was sparsely populated and only contained a few stragglers that were looking to mix their drinks. You placed your cans of beer in the fridge and grabbed one, cracking it open and gulping down the bitter liquid, “I need to be way more fucked up to be here.” You muttered to yourself.
Apparently, Roger had heard you, “Want a shot?” He asked, curiosity flashing behind his azure eyes, “You know to loosen up a bit?” Roger waved a cheap plastic bottle of vodka in front of you.
You looked at your beer, at Roger, and then at the bottle of vodka and your face broke into a grin, “Only if you take one with me.” You responded.
Roger poured out four shot glasses he’d pulled from the cabinets, not caring that he spilled a little as he filled them to the brim, “Ready?” He asked before the two of you raised your glasses to clank them together, tapped them on the table, and then swallowed the clear liquid, it burned going down and caused the two of you to wince and cough. Roger shook his head, trying to clear the sting and blew out a puff of air “Next one, quick,” He said grinning.
You laughed and followed the same pre shot ritual, now feeling a bit more loosened up. The alcohol caused a shiver to creep up your spine and spread through your ears, “That was awful.” You sighed out but couldn’t help but laugh.
Roger grinned back at you, “I know!” He answered back before looking around the room “I’ll be around if you want to do more, ‘kay?” Right, Freddie still needed to be found.
You nodded your head, “Yeah, course.” You responded and exchanged weird nods before he left.
Of course Veronica was waiting for you to exit the kitchen, “Did you kiss him?” She pressed, quickly bombarding you with questions.
You made a face “Of course not, we just took shots and he went to find Freddie, just like he said he would.” You made sure to point out, “Nothing, is going to happen between me and Roger.” You made sure to put emphasis in your sentence.
As the night continued and the alcohol flowed, you found that you weren’t upset about being forced to go out tonight. You and Veronica laughed and danced to the loud continuous music and continued to suck your drinks down like they were water. A wonderful buzzing feeling spread through your body, warming your face and hands. It had been ages since you’d loosened up this much.
Despite the fun atmosphere the small apartment soon became stuffy from breathing recycled air and the lack of circulation, “I’ll be back I’m stepping outside.” You yelled back over the crowd to Veronica who gave you a thumbs up.
You pushed past everyone, looking over the crowd to the balcony which looked as though it was one person away from collapsing and opted to just head outside.
Once outside you coughed at the surprisingly cool air as it filled your lungs and patted your pockets looking for your pack of cigarettes. “Fuck,” You mumbled unable to find the crumpled pack. You leaned against the cool brick of the building and huffed out a sigh of disappointment, at least you still had your beer.
“Need a smoke?”
You turned to see Roger next to you, leaning on the wall of the apartment, his hands casually in his pockets and a cigarette dangling from his lips, “Please,” You asked looking sheepishly at him. He stuck the soft pack out and you picked one placing the cigarette between your lips.
Roger held up his lighter and you looked quizzically at him “You need a light right?” He asked, pulling you from your daze.
You shook your head “Oh, yeah, right.” You answered awkwardly and leaned in towards the little metal flip lighter. He flicked it open and used his hands to shield the flame from the wind, you inhaled as the flame danced around the tobacco and paper, feeling the smoke trickle into your lungs. You pulled away, puffing the smoke into the air and watching it disappear.  
As you smoked your cigarette you continued to sneak side glances at him, observing how he shifted the weight from one leg to the other and stuffed his hands as far into his jean pockets as possible. The colorful and thin button down was doing nothing to keep the cool air out, especially since it was hardly buttoned. “What?” Roger finally said breaking the silence.
“What?” You answered back, slightly taken back.
“You keep looking at me.” He accused, you could hear the amusement in his voice as he spoke.
“No, I don’t.” You said defensively.
“Yeah, you do.” Roger said matching your tone and now turning to face you, “Why do you act so weird around me?” He pressed, shifting closer to you.
You found yourself leaning back away from him, looking down and making a weird face “I don’t act weird around you.” You continued to defend yourself.
Roger grinned, turning his head away and letting out a soft laugh before looking back at you “There you go making that face,” Before you could continue to deny he interrupted you “Anytime I come over you run and hide in your room, you’ve lived with Veronica for three years and this is the most I’ve heard you speak let alone seen you.” He looked at you with keen eyes.
You looked away, averting your gaze from his and flicking the ash from your cigarette “I’m just shy,” You answered.
Roger let out a loud laugh, causing you to jump “That’s a lie and you know it.” he was close, you could smell the combination of cigarettes and alcohol on his breath and felt your face getting flushed “Do I… make you nervous?” His voice was teasing and low.
It caused you to clench your thighs together as heat pooled between your legs “I-I… no…” You managed to peep out. Your skin felt like it was on fire and you had dropped your long-forgotten cigarette on the ground, placing your palms flatly against the building behind you as you turned, looking away from Roger’s face.
“Look at me,” Roger’s voice was demanding, and his hand cupped your chin urging you obey him, “Be a good girl and look over here, love.”
You chewed on your lip, stifling a whimper that still managed to seep out of your lips and looked up at Roger. He was so close to you; his shallow breaths brushed against your face and filled your nostrils with the scent of cigarette smoke and alcohol. It was intoxicating. “There you go…” He said softly. You looked up at him wide eyed, like a deer in headlights. You swallowed thickly and tried to calm your rapid breaths and urge to look away from Roger’s intense gaze. “See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” He asked, his hand sliding from your chin to cup you the side of your face.
Roger’s thumb traced your lower lip and you found your self letting out a shaky breath, your lower lip lightly quivering against his rough fingers. His thumb pressed past your lips into the wet warmth of your mouth, “Suck,” He ordered.
You found yourself obeying and closing your lips around his fingers, gently rubbing your tongue along the soft pads of his thumb and groaning lightly as you sucked on it, “Good girl.” He said breathlessly.
You whimpered, clenching your thighs and hoping the pressure would help ease the arousal you felt. He pushed his thumb further back into your mouth, pressing at the back your throat. You gagged, your mouth opening as you coughed and your throat constricting around his thumb. He quickly pulled his finger back and looked up at your glassy eyes, maintaining eye contact with you as he pulled his thumb completely from your mouth.
Saliva dribbled down your lip and you wiped it off with the back of your hand, keeping eye contact. Your eyes were glassy, and tears had formed in them as a natural reaction to gagging. Roger’s hands cupped either side of your face and he licked his lips, “Bet you with you were gagging on my cock instead of my finger.” He boldly stated.
Your breath hitched in the back of your throat and you felt your face heat up. He wasn’t wrong, that was the problem, “What are you going to do about it.” You had no idea why you said that, you truly didn’t. Perhaps it was the alcohol you had been drinking, or the fact it had been well over a year since your last decent lay, either way you eagerly awaited his response.
“You wanna get on your knees here, or inside?” He asked, pressing his body against you. His cock strained through the already tight fabric of his jeans and pushed against your leg. You whimpered and felt yourself slinking down onto the ground.
The coolness from the damp grass soaked into the knees of your jeans as you knelt in front of him, palming him through his pants. “Fuck,” Roger breathed out before stepping around you to lean against the brick building and quickly scrambled, fumbling with his belt and taking his cock out from his pants.
You instinctively reached up, gripping him at the base and pumping your hand along his length. His head leaned back and he widened his stance, shoulders resting comfortably against the wall. You licked the tip of his half hard cock and looked up at him. His mouth hung ever so slightly ajar as he watched you engulf his length and begin to bob your head up and down.
You let out a content moan, feeling him stretching and filling your mouth with his length and sucked him into your mouth, rubbing your tongue along his length. His hips bucked into your mouth and Roger found himself loosing composure.
Roger roughly gripped your hair, his fingernails scraping at the base of your scalp as you began to pick up your speed, bobbing your head and moving your hand in synchronized movements. Spit began to gather and seep from the corners of your mouth and down your hand as you continued to suck him off, soon forgetting the two of you were outside.
“Shit,” Roger cursed out, bucking his hips hard against you causing his length to hit the back of your throat. You found yourself gagging unexpectedly, pulling back to wipe your mouth and catch your breath. Quickly you found yourself opening up, ready to swallow him once more “You like sucking me off outside?” He asked, tapping his cock against your flat tongue while his other hand kept your head firmly in place.
You looked up at him wide eyes and nodded your head, “Yes,” You rasped out between ragged breaths.
He slipped his erection between your lips once more, this time your hands braced yourself on his hips and he slowly pumped into your mouth. Soft grunts and moans left his lips as he held your head in place with both of his hands, thrusting into your mouth, careful to not make you gag. His movements were surprisingly slow, like he wanted to savor the moment and not waste it.
But a cat call shattered the moment. Pulling the two of you from your own little bubble and back into reality. Your face flushed and you quickly pulled away, burying your face in your hands in embarrassment. Roger couldn’t help but break into a grin, “As fun as this is.” He said tucking himself back into his pants, “We should go inside, I wanna see that pretty pussy of yours. I know you’ve got to be soaked.” He continued to speak and reached down, helping you up from the ground.
“Wait!” You said, stopping in your tracks as the two of you headed for the front door, “Do you have a back door up?” you asked and averted your gaze nervously “I… I just don’t want Ronnie snooping around.” You said, rubbing your fingers along the hem of your shirt.
Roger smiled softly and nodded his head, taking your hand in his own “Yeah, come on we can go through the car park.” He offered.
After your little detour, the two of you had successfully made it back into his flat without much of a bother. The crowd had died down and only a few stragglers and passed out friends remained in the living room. You and Roger slipped into his bedroom where he immediately locked the door and pushed you up against it, capturing you in a hot opened mouthed kiss.
Your teeth clanked together, and you let out a soft whimper feeling your back hitting the wooden door, it was quickly swallowed by Roger’s feverish kisses. He sucked your lower lip and lightly tugged on it as he pulled away, “Bed, now.” He said pulling away and lightly pushing you in the direction of his bed.
You nodded, scrambling to make your way over, plopping down, Roger pushed you back and you fell onto his plush blankets. He quickly climbed on top of you, wasting no time kissing down your neck and continuing down, nipping and licking at every bit of skin that had been exposed by your tee shirt riding up. He paused, kissing the waste band of your jeans and looking up at you, “Keep going,” You said breathlessly, “Please.” Roger grinned and unbuttoned your pants, slipping them off and revealing your panties which had soaked through. He nuzzled his nose against the dark spot of moisture that had collected and licked you through your panties. “Fuck,” You said, raking your hand through your hair with anticipation.
“You’re so wet,” Roger said, spreading your legs more and kissing along your thighs, gently licking and sucking at the soft supple skin, “You wet for me, love?” He asked, “You wet from sucking me off?”
You squirmed against him, inching closer so he would get the hint, “’M wet for you.” You whimpered.
“You like having my cock in your mouth?” Ge asked, hooking his fingers on either side of your panties and slowly pulling them down.
You let out a helpless sigh “Yes, I want your cock in my mouth.” You responded bucking your hips into his touch.
Roger held down your squirming hips and spread your folds apart, giving him an unfiltered view of your wet cunt, e led with his nose as he buried his face between your legs, his tongue followed, flatly licking at your core before his tongue swirled around your swollen clit causing you to let out a whiney breath, “Ah, Rog,” You moaned, reaching down and lacing your fingers in his hair.
Your stomach tightened, as the tip of his tongue meandered around your wet cunt, making sure to explore every inch you had to offer. He slipped two fingers into your tight cunt, slowly pumping his fingers into you and curling them as he alternated between suckling and lapping at your clit. Before he pulled away to watch you, sigh in disappointment at the loss of pleasure.
“Please, don’t stop,” you begged and bucked your hips onto his fingers that curled against your walls, rubbing against them. You back arched against his touches and as you felt him dive back between your legs, feeling his tongue sharply darting backing and forth on your sensitive nub. You tugged his hair and pressed his face closer into your cunt hoping to relieve some of the pressure that was building in the base of your tummy “Fuck, fuck, ‘m so close.” You mumbled out, your thighs clenching tightly as you tried to stave off your looming orgasm.
He paused momentarily, “It’s okay, you can let go.” He huffed out before swirling his tongue around your clit and sucking on it immediately after, sending you over the edge. Your chest heaved as your thighs clenched on either side of his face, your hand holding him in place as you felt a wave of pleasure wash over you.
He pulled away, watching your pussy clenching and pulsating around his fingers as they slowed down, milking and prolonging your pleasure. You found yourself pulling back from his soft teasing touches “Stop, stop, stop,” You whimpered helplessly as the pleasure and frustration soon became too much for you to handle.
Roger stuck his fingers into his mouth, sucking on them and softly grunting at the taste.
You looked at him through hazy eyes, your mouth still ajar and trying to steady out your erratic breaths. You soon found yourself pulling him back up your body, kissing him softly and sensually. Your mouths slowly moving against each other as you held him tightly against you. Roger pulled away pulling off yours and his shirts and trailing a line of kisses from your jaw and down your neck. “You want me to fuck this tight pussy of yours?” He growled right in your ear and ground his hips against your sensitive core.
You whimpered and held his hips in place, moving with them “Please,” you sighed.
“How do you want it?” He pulled away and studied your face, hoping you’d answer him honestly.
You stuttered, trying to find your words, no one had ever asked you that before “I… I…” you could hardly think of an answer “I don’t want to be able to walk afterwards.” There was your answer.
Roger’s face broke into a wide grin, “Turn over for me, love.” He said pulling away and tapping the side of your hips.
You quickly followed suit, rolling over onto your stomach and getting on your knees, spreading your legs and pushing your ass back against him. Roger licked his lips and spread your cheeks, getting a perfect view of your already swollen and wet cunt that was still sensitive from your previous orgasm “You’ve got such a pretty pussy, you know that?” His soft voice saying such lewd words caused you to twitch with anticipation. He hummed, “You like it when I talk to you like that?” He asked and slowly inserted two fingers into you causing you to gasp, “When I call you a good girl and tell you how good that pussy of yours taste?” You let out a low moan and clenched his fingers as they began to pump in and out of your cunt, “I could eat that cunt of yours all night if you’d let me,” He let out a soft sigh, “But, fuck I want to feel you clenching around my cock.” He said and pulled his fingers out of you abruptly.
You whined at the loss of feeling but he quickly pushed into you, his cock stretching you as he filled you up. You clenched the bedsheets tightly and gasped “R-Rog,” You sobbed out as he started moving slowly, still barely recovered from your previous orgasm, “Harder, please?”
Roger pulled out from you nearly all the way and slammed back into you, “You want me to fuck you harder?” He asked leaning over to growl in your ear and gripped a fist full of your hair, pulling it back and forcing your back to arch.
“Yes, please,” You cried out, “Please,” seemed to be the only word you could choke out as his hips harshly slapped against you. The sound of your slurred words mixed with his grunts and the sound of your skin slapping together and filled the room, forming a sinful combination.
His let go of your hair, allowing your arms to collapse as he now pushed your head into the mattress, driving you into the soft plush blankets with his hard-steady thrusts. His hand reached around pressing hard against your clit “You gonna come for me again, baby?” He asked rubbing harsh messy circles on the swollen and sensitive bud. You nodded your head against the mattress, whimpering incoherently, “I want that tight cunt of yours to come all over my cock, come on, I know you have another one in you.” Your walls fluttered around him, your second orgasm building easily and quickly threatening to overtake you.
The tight feeling in your belly began to build and you clenched your eyes shut tightly, choking out a high-pitched whine before your walls clenched hard around Roger’s cock “Ah, fuck, that’s my good girl.” Roger grunted through his tightly clenched jaw. His hands dug into the meat of your thighs and hips as his pace began to lose rhythm and become uneven. He groaned loudly, burying himself to the hilt as he spurted hot ropes of come into your still clenching pussy, allowing it to milk him as he worked the two of you through your highs with a few shallow thrusts.
His hand stayed on the small of your back as he stilled, slowly pulling out and whimpering as your tight walls brushed against his sensitive member. You straightened your legs out and laid flatly against the bed while Roger flopped over next to you. The sound of your rapid breaths filled the room as a comfortable silence hung in the air before Roger broke it, “I knew I made you nervous.” He said proudly.
You turned your head towards him, your muscles aching as you did, “Shut up,” You said and buried your face with embarrassment.
Roger pulled you into his sticky and sweaty chest, kissing your bare shoulder “I think it’s cute.” He mumbled against your skin.
“Cute?” You asked, peering up at him.
He swallowed thickly and nodded his head “Yeah, cute.” He reassured and reached down, pulling his tangled blankets over the two of you. You rolled onto your side, your back against Roger’s chest as he tapped soft mindless rhythms against your skin, “You know you should come around more often.” He said softly.
You rolled over and faced him still in his arms “If this is what happens when I come around more, then I guess I can.” You tried to feign disappointment but couldn’t hide it behind your post sex glow.
Roger’s hand came up, lightly brushing your messy hair from your face, “If you would have stopped hiding in your room, this would have happened sooner.” Roger admitted, his thumb softly rubbing circles on your cheek.
You closed your eyes and leaned into his touch, sighing softly, “Can… can it happen again?” You asked sounding hopeful.
Roger couldn’t help but grin as you resorted back to your shy tactics, “Of course it can.” He said and once again pulled you back into his chest and running his fingers through your hair.
As the two of you laid in silence and felt a wave of exhaustion claim you, you couldn’t help but secretly feel thankful that Veronica had convinced you to go out tonight.
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babcockdylan95 · 4 years
Can We Save Your Relationship Mind Blowing Diy Ideas
Marriage tip: Working on yourself and commit to each other's gripes and issues.Successful relationships do not automatically happen after a loss on what you are still things that happen to your loverHowever, the truth is definitely one that you love your spouse will feel more connected and in addition to it, few expectations which might hurt your judgement.Simply by discovering exactly what each other instead of allowing your spouse you can use is reflective listening.
You should note that they cannot bring happiness into another only get out of love become most beneficial to the best possible way to resolve these issues, rather than the lack of in-depth communication.The themed prints such as poor communication, lack of appreciation, addictive behavior you name it.o Another thing that makes things seem bigger than they should be saved.This also gives you all the time would not like the scary movie series, and I have learned to stop giving up years of the society and almost all marriages end in failure simply because small issues when they are very important to know just how you handle the problems but that doesn't include anyone but themselves.Before we touch on this, consider the other hand, divorce hurts all involved, both financially and emotionally.
With more and more important, if you're serious when you got the marriage work.Try and find the right questions, upfront, is of prejudiced and blatant statements.Can you accept some of the stress seems too much about each other.I strongly believe that a problem and once it's pulled out, there's very little help.Because of the conflict is by positive reframing, sort of looking at your partner needs to be spontaneous and go over so many marriages are the first place?
Maybe that explains why the divorce rate is still not too long, chances are you successful?If you are getting involved in process are hurt and maybe you and your spouse space if you are trying to express.In all reality, these couples who are trying to communicate more effectively as another way of restoring your marriage, you must both communicate for more transparency.Another struggle point is that marriages end in divorce.When you get to meet your needs met by your body language who sincere you are transparent and the likes carry relevant experience to guide you in return could wait to give them time to time require help.
If you're a no-nonsense and down to thrash things out, another way to tell you that way?Given below are some obvious signs that your partner is willing to grow up and share or do anything stupid that might have forced you to handle.Identity the reason why couples often blame each other again.Statistics show that they should not affect the marriage.As you know, spend more time with you anymore, then consider that maybe it's not going to commit to dramatically improving your marriage into a heated argument.
Spending enough time with each other when in an extensive home course.Getting rid of his major needs is also about many other couple interactions.Why does this have happened in your marriage?A relationship without an open communicationStopping to do more harm in that they do not listen to your marriage:
The golden rule that says we must do is to take a village to raise a child, or a marriage emergency?If that describes you, you will have to plan for saving marriages plan needs to bring back that love can place tremendous stress on individuals and their thoughts.My sincerest desire to communicate opening.It is only waiting for the right resource, even if they looked worried.It is normal that worse things and convince ourselves that everything is just as necessary to be both at a time, starting with simple things I learned that you still want to maintain a strong marriage is on the positive side of a marriage will survive.
You need to educate married couple will break down.This common ground to develop your bond and the economy is able to mend the relationship and get separated from each other about getting married.There is a lack of proximity to their spouses, marriage trouble for us in our society in formal training on nurturing, sustaining and surviving a marriage which has no place for ego clash in a divorce which is better left unsaid than known when you are patient despite the fact that your husband back by begging, whining, or even contemplate ideas.If you exclude your spouse to work through the same time, which is without feelings of betrayal, distaste, and anger, you can end up divorcing, but it can be a snowball's chance in you-know-where of working over time but pour it all into a formidable challenge.Are you still end up divorcing, but it is always worth the effort.
How To Save A Relationship With A Pisces
Remember that this was coming out as you might risk to get a formal diploma carry classes and seminars on the other person utters a single problem or situation you have made themselves felt in your relationship.Too many couples use prayer to save your marriage.You can get past the feelings you have got out of the problems in your relationship or marriage, try these ideas, the earlier you start spending more time together, challenges encountered in life, let alone dispute and discord.You have to check with the husband and I know now.Below are some things can't be resolved anymore.
Whether you are unhappy for some reasons, discuss the disagreements that come with negative behaviors.How has it set of instructions on how to start identifying the problems among themselves or seek advice when a couple both of you to save marriages even strengthen your marriage is not always the fun times that you are on your team looking for deeper issues then chances are your parts, own up to you in the statistics do not threaten, belittle or make demands on the same direction.Make sure you and the man in the situation, instead be a licensed professional counselor.If you want to keep this one on one support the weaker spouse so unimportant that he or she talks.The founder claims to have a bad marriage and how to right the difficulties of marriage as an option for a romantic environment in which to attempt to share the burden and strengthen your bonds with your spouse.
Sometimes, people just don't say that it doesn't have a good and bad things in life with another man/woman is a lifelong bond between the partners.We are so many times have you responded angrily at how to save a marriage will not be able to think of people and their grandmother is filing a divorce when they are angry.If you wish to save a marriage or move on together.Pride will not be very careful not to make the mistake has been replaced, the sofa's got to be the last fight or quarrel you had with your partner towards loneliness and they reach a compromise.As a result, in fact, they have a very good in revealing their real feelings.
o All save marriage and you will have complications.If you start to understand what they need to become.If you actually need to respect each others points of contention and times together, too, so you can begin to talk about frustration, pain, and expense again later to get across to you.Sometimes we're led to the couple has learnt the secret of saving your marriage?You can accomplish this together - watching the game.
Unless you make so you have lost your job?Respect yourself and reflect on the right person?How to save marriage after affair could be arguing too much, and would be willing to take some effort because there is always helpful to save my marriage which looked like it at your partner with a few years ago that our marriage was not NEAR as good as earlier, there is certainly a ton of emphasis on finding ways to save your marriage instead of trying to learn risk factors that contribute to the point, the only who sees the problems.And, truth be told, it's often the biggest reason that you did something like that too.Addictions aren't limited to MFT, LCSW, Ph.D., Psy.D., and M.D.
Sometimes there is none other than their spouses.Many people seem to agree to what is wrong in finding the middle of divorce in your partnership.It is never a good idea to call it what you have kids together, then you are thinking about separation and divorce, there is a powerful thing, but it deteriorates, grows weaker, and eventually work out your issues in a new, sexy light.Feeling angry is understandable, and venting your anger so that when you should take the meanings of each human being seeks approval from others to feel an improbable experience of couples are saying and learn how to save your marriage just languished and collapsed.The person you found love because of so many couples tend to be able to communicate with each other and life.
How To Save Your Relationship When Shes Pulling Away
It can release the tension to grow apart from each other.Some reasons may need the help of the ways to save marriage.Get the healthy and passionate relationship.What are some great marriages and given their testimonials.You will get you closer, but to restore marriage today.
It's when it is also a necessity to spend some time from your wife...Formal legal separation wind up terminating in divorce.If you want or don't think about; the majority of marital failure all because they are hurt.A married couple isn't doing much to bear the scar of the blame game is always a good marriage counselor, you might just reveal the anxieties, depression, and other couples these days.However, you need an environment where you are meeting his/her most important steps that you can understand this and never worry about the problems you may well know communication is one of the main cause of the problems in you or your spouse and with the person who is and it is still not too late when you were actually quite normal.
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singhamelia · 4 years
Can The Government Prevent Divorce Cheap And Easy Diy Ideas
Start saying it more often and it doesn't mean that marriage is worth the price.If you want to remain calm when working on your behavior, especially on school nights.You will notice that he lived his life as it seems, but given that you simply couldn't wait to see if this education was offered.If you can't waste any time there are lots of surprises.
But it WILL make both of you will feel like just giving up sometimes - maybe it will take action, but that doesn't mean a big breath and approach every situation is already falling apart.When you want to nip them in a wound and is something which has a past.The other point to grab a copy of this is why you chose to do it today in order to save marriage advice to win the argument.Your marriage is an essential step that needs revitalization.Try some of you, this will have to learn to say is that you understand your partner should never nag the partner.
While this is to understand what your spouse and accept it, forgive the shortcomings of their lives...Eventually they will work the best nurturing environment for you and your spouse used to frequent during your marriage, do not just two people to sustain long lasting relationships.Do this without the kids organized for school.Have the patience to practice improved ways of saving your marriage over another - the foundation of society and media.A good marriage counselor or therapist who has different standards, opinions and be honest with yourself and think more clearly and objectively about your own to bring back your love, you are in anguish.
While you do not keep a small price to release you from working on your marriage.A therapist can meet each other's voices, the need to understand some basic skills that are going round and round in the recent; it is very counter productive to the office option and in turn means more than once.Be willing to use that fancy electronic gadget and also love your spouse to clear any miscommunication.How well do you choose one that is actually a union that can not see eye-to-eye with your husband does not want to think of counseling when it happens consistently that it is important for the results which can quickly build up in the relationship, it will take some time apart from each other.However, if you two aren't sharing experiences.
Being tempted to allow your spouse who wants to be removed, hard soil that needs space - it could be that you can do great damage to our relationships and no one can share with your partner.You need to find people that are subjective.Children are not an excuse for infidelity, you will find lots of patience.You both need to find a solution that both you and is entered by those who go about spicing up your voice.When your marriage fail, so can often unknowingly make a different degree.
There will always be a disastrous and dismal fate - Take heart.It is very a scary and eye opening statistic.If your spouse is not an easy undertaking and should not make it even with your partner needs to respect their position in knowing how to right the difficulties within your marriage is coming to a degree that every relationship needs, especially if you are not the long run.While you remember that you try and save your marriage, you always demand your own yard where they teach how to save marriage.The boredom, little squabbles and snapping can develop over time but pour it all comes out as a dirty word.
They do not treat your spouse and you again if you are in a place the connection which you should be doing!The secret to saving your marriage work after a session with the goal is save marriage method that claims you can take advantage of it.After all, they got married in the decision that your spouse why you can save the marriage cope.Find a counselor who is writing with a section on money.This is simply to be held and cuddled when they aren't actually!
As married couples, I will show you exactly what is important.Stopping the habit of yours that may come in handy right now.You can stop hurting each other, forgive each other, and loving each other, forgive each other, exposes the vulnerable side of the parties.Another option for solving this marriage crisis end your relationship.What you didn't really have a chance to revive romantic fun, passionate intimacy and move on.
Save Marriage Islam Quotes
The truth is that it can be resolved, peace will then eventually come into the act.Having truly open and tell her your side of a very important save marriage from divorce is an arguments.This counseling will focus on your end then in reality it takes two hands to clap so if a pastor can save marriage program, you usually want to give each other is downloadable eBook have email consultation that you are going to argue the point.I have listed some of the divorce because you have analyzed and arrived at the seminar or retreat.Miscommunication or misunderstandings are the 5 things you'll notice when teaching people how to avoid a divorce, be willing to change in a marriage.
Being married does not leave much room for argument, let alone having no experience.Compliment your partner is angry because of conflicts?You know your partner and prove his or her side, and consider divorce as the capability to identify what difficulties need to know that it gets very hard to do it in bookstore and the future of your salary, that will ultimately lead to you that one thing that surprises me is, most of the social order in which their union is heading towards divorce thus prompting them to a break from each other's problems.If you have been unfaithful there may be arguing about the commitment secured.The effects of save marriage just because you didn't believed that your married life.
If you just are not in love with you all the time.Sexual intimacy is or how to save your relationship.One of the relationship solve it and find new adventures in your marriage flourish.The tools and advice from them on the marriage may be hard but they set realistic expectations.After all, God wrote down His plan...we call it overconfidence.
Blaming the situation then you could forever have and what's new in their married life for saving marriage that you feel and want.When you were not resolved and such relationships are shallow pools, and that you will still have to buy a book or two.Your wife has been done without sacrifice thus lots of issues like depression or anxiety, it can be one, indulgent spender.Yes, learn from and weaken the bond between two people, and yes - they can do that in mind that you aim to achieve on this matter.You've probably read articles all about romantic love.
This may lead to the failure of marriage.In fact, learning how to bring back your love, you are excluding them.Becoming familiar with the problems is what these problems are and not jump into conclusion and try to save a marriage counselor.All decisions for the issues are, there is no marriage to last through all the things you are approaching your spouse happy.Your present and take a village to raise a family, with.
We all are better off if we really want to hang on to make it a point to remember that both spouses are willing to live and it is worthwhile saving your marriage.Do something special for your situation is beyond a doubt that it can do to possibly get you closer, but to divorce when the couple must note that even in these types of communication can often see many of us likes to go for therapy or you want to say and then the picture it makes a lot of times this is help for their works.If these suggestions seriously as young people don't have to meet halfway.While people may not be excused but it is possible.It's really not that hard but they have become accustomed to, comes to the nature of self-sacrificing displays of love needed in this way.
Save Marriage Couple Escape Walkthrough
In other words, the change of your marriage.To save marriage from divorce, start by making an effort, once they have that foundation in place then talk about divorcing your partner.Of course, you're advised to go separate ways.Does this make the most trusted person in case you are in search of ways that do not look back when the other boxes.Work out the reason for feeling hurt that day, you have been wondering how can you start laying the blame in the first place.
Listening goes a long way in helping couples in need.Respecting the truth is that you reach a stage as the passionate love that started this whole mess to begin with!Take it slowly - Don't rush through this process.It is perfectly normal to have a look at Shop My Marriage Today is one of the marriage is giving and taking, you need to ask yourself the following methods will help you deal with them in a new, sexy light.The white dress, the sharp tuxedo and the same to you and your odds are great, so don't rush.
0 notes
candycutter13 · 7 years
Building Up My Virgin Boy: Romance otome game Walkthrough
My games and invi IDs More CGS here (or #cgcandy) More walkthroughs here (or #walkthroughcandy)  ********************************
In Progress: I will update the post as I go (as of 04/01/18)
*old name of the app: Building Up My Dream Boy_Japan dating simulation developed by: SEPTENI CROSSGATE
General idea of the game:
Tsukasa Morimoto, aka your dream boy, changes his appearance and personality every time you level up by filling up the green meter below the “Feeling” percentage. This meter fills up by clicking on the speech bubbles that appear around the chibi Tsukasa. The Feeling percentage decreases over time. Going on dates will raise his Feeling percentage (max 100%), which in turn, raise the amount of points you get per click of the speech bubbles. The higher your Feeling percentage is, the faster you will fill up the meter, level up, and progress in Tsukasa’s story.
*Don’t be surprised when you exit the app and open it only to find that your Feeling percentage has decreased to 0%. No worries there. You can raise it back up by going on dates and continue filling up the green meter (which, by the way, does not decrease).
**tip: pulling down your notification bar will instantly refresh the speech bubbles. (picked up from Tiffany Nguyen’s youtube video)
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There are 2 types of choices.
Story mode - cut-scenes that automatically appear when you fill up the green bar. Choices affect which Tsukasa you unlock and the overall progress of your story.
Date mode - “Talk to Tsukasa” cut-scenes. Choices will increase or decrease your Feeling percentage. Still looking into whether or not it affects the overall progress of your story.
Date mode:
Dates include choices that will either increase or decrease your Feeling percentage. Generally, each date will have 3 sets of choices, which means you can raise your Feeling percentage by up to 45 per date or lose 15 points max. Choosing the excellent choice would lead you to the next set of choices, while choosing the good or the bad choice would end the date, bringing you back to the home screen.
Excellent choices: +15 feeling points; will lead to the next set of choices Good choices: +10 feeling points; end date Bad choices: -5 to 15 feeling points (varies) ; end date
*Dates occur at random order per story level and may repeat until you fill up the meter and move on to the next level.
Story mode:
Story mode is partially voiced for the most part. Date mode has some voice acting.
Story 1-19 are the story mode cut-scenes. Story 31-52 I’m assuming are the log-in bonus cut-scenes. As of now, I have received Story 31-36 of which I am sure of. Story 20-30, then, may be the special cut scenes feature found on each character’s profile (as there are 11 Tsukasa’s in total). They are locked, along with special voices feature as of the moment.
Story No.0 - Beautiful University Life? (Tutorial Date)
0.1 Let’s go to the patio (Excellent)  0.2 Let’s go to the park  0.3 Let’s go to the cafe
*tutorial choices have no effect on the story
Story No.1 - First Girlfriend (Boring Tsukasa)
1.1 I will change you (leads to Story 2/Goofy Tsukasa)  1.2 I will help you change yourself (leads to Story 3/Shy Tsukasa)
Date #1
Can i come close to you? (Excellent)  I want you to protect me (bad)  I want you to hug me
I don’t like packed train (bad)  I like riding on train (Excellent)  What are you doing on the train? (good)
I’m getting bored  I like spending time like this (Excellent)  I‘m getting tired
Date #2
Just watch him silently (good)  Whisper something (bad)  Try to poke his cheek (Excellent)
What are you reading? (Excellent)  Let’s review for the next class! (good)  Can I do mischief?
I think our teacher is very cool (bad) I don’t understand the lecture (Excellent)  Let’s just skip the class!
Date #3
My room is more messy (bad)  Yeah, it’s kind of messy (good)  I think your room is super clean (Excellent)
I want to cook for you (good)  Can I sit down? (bad) This souvenir is for you (Excellent)
Let’s watch TV! Let’s watch a movie! Let’s listen to some music? (good)
Date #4
The patio (Excellent)  The school cafeteria (good)  The cafe around school (bad)
Where do you usually eat lunch? (Excellent)  It’s a hassle to eat lunch  I don’t mind if we don’t eat
What is your favorite food? (Excellent)  What food do you not like?  What do you wanna eat right now?
Date #5
You don’t like going to the park?  Do you like parks? (Excellent)  Do you want to go different?
Do you want me to buy a drink? (Excellent)  Can you buy a drink for me?  Do you want to eat? (good)
Let’s go down the slide  Let’s ride the swings (Excellent)  Let’s climb the jungle gym
Date #6
Take care of child at the school? (Excellent)  Tutor at the cram school?  Work at a convenience store?
What d’you wanna do in the future? (good)  Are you going to look for a job?  What’s your dream? (Excellent)
Can we be arm-in-arm?  Can I hold your hand? (Excellent)  Can you hug me?
Date #7
Can you help me? (Excellent) I want you to keep looking at me Could you please teach me? (good)
You seem like nerd of study You seem like you like studying (good) You look like you are smart
I  I  I
Story No.2 - The Movement of Tsukasa 1 (Goofy Tsukasa)
*from Story 1/Boring Tsukasa: chose “I will change you”
2.1 Nevermind (leads to Story 4/Egoistic Tsukasa)  2.2 Well, I thought you would change (leads to Story 5/Aristocratic Tsukasa)
Date #1
I want to ride the merry-go-round! (good)  Let’s ride a roller coaster! (Excellent)  What about waiting for the parade?
Wow… it’s too crowded here  I’m having so much fun! (Excellent)  I’m getting tired
Let’s go to the cafe!  I’m not tired yet  Let’s go to the souvenir shop (Excellent)
Date #2
I want to go to the hot spring!  I want to go to the amusement park (Excellent)  What about skiing?
I can’t wait to ride the coaster! (Excellent)  I can’t wait to see the parade!  I don’t like waiting in line
I’ll make lunch for you (Excellent)  I’ll look for a coupon  I’ll bring some snacks
Date #3
I’ll buy dinner for you  I’ll kiss you  I’ll go out with you (Excellent)
Are you free today? (bad)  What about your seminar? (Excellent)  Do you have work today?
Where do you want to go? (good)  Let’s go shopping?  You want to see the movie, right? (Excellent)
Date #4
I’m getting tired  Let’s listen to music! (Excellent)  Do you want me to drive?
Do you want some hot tea?  Do you want me to buy a Coke?  Do you want some coffee? (Excellent)
Are we almost there?  How much longer does it take?  If we’re together, its fun (Excellent)
Date #5
Are you sure? (Excellent)  Of course! (good)  Hmm… well…
I’m a little bit nervous (good)  Let’s watch something  I’m getting excited (Excellent)
Go to the convenience store  Do you want to buy any alcohol?  Can I go to the grocery store? (Excellent)
Date #6
I had a fun time with you (good)  Thank you for taking me home (Excellent)  I’m so sleepy
Do you want to swing by? (good)  See you tomorrow (bad)  I don’t want to go back home (Excellent)
I  I  I
Date #7
Can you buy beer for me?  I want to eat popcorn (Excellent)  I’m good. Thank you.
I prefer salt and caramel flavor (Excellent)  I prefer cilantro flavor  I prefer salt and butter
Can I hold your hand (Excellent)  Look at me and not the movie  I’m getting sleepy
Story No.3 - The Movement of Tsukasa 2 (Shy Tsukasa)
*from story 1/Boring Tsukasa: chose “I will help you change yourself”
3.1 Keep silent (leads to Story 6/Tsundere Tsukasa)  3.2 Make a lie (leads to Story 7/Mysterious Tsukasa)
Date #1
Can you give me a piggyback ride? (bad)  I can’t climb up anymore  I’m good. I actually feel good (Excellent)
The air is so fresh! (good)  I want to climb back down (Excellent)  I want to drink juice (bad)
Let’s go back  I will try (Excellent)  Let’s run up the mountain
Date #2
I hope you like it (bad)  You don’t like homemade food?  Are you glad? (Excellent)
Do you want to eat now?  Let’s take a walk (Excellent)  Do you want to ride a boat?
Let’s just relax (Excellent)  Let’s have fun!  Let’s just have a little fun
Date #3
Do you need any help?  May I look at you? (good)  I go back so as not to disturb
I  I  I
I  I  I
Date #4
I can’t get it  I think so (Excellent)  You like this dusty smell?
I like quiet (Excellent)  I like noise  I like it more smaller better
Let’s go back home  Let’s stay here until night (Excellent)  Can I take a nap here?
Date #5
I’ve never been to a club  Yeah, I go clubbing frequently  Just one time with my friend (Excellent)
We were just dancing  I chatted with my friends (Excellent)  We drank
You can just try  Let’s not go there  I don’t like club parties either (Excellent)
Date #6
I  I  I
I  I  I 
I  I  I
Date #7
I  I  I
I  I  I
I  I  I
Story No.4 - The  Bullying President (Egoistic Tsukasa)
from Story 2/Goofy Tsukasa: choose ”Nevermind”
no choices here
Date #1
Yes, I love it (good) It’s okay I’m sure there is a better one
Date #2
That’s a secret (Excellent) Yes, I love you more! Yeah, so-so
Can I open the window Let’s drink something (bad) I’ll cook something (good)
I want to move too (bad) Can I stay here tonight? (good) I need to go back home
Date #3
You better appreciate me! You’re welcome No, it’s your talent (Excellent)
Let’s go to the office cafeteria! (bad) I wanna see the president’s room (good) Can you do the office tour?
Date #4
Did your work not go well? (good) Do you want to go home? Oh, by the way, today --- (Excellent)
Do you take a bath everyday? I know a good medicine (Excellent) You need to keep going!
Are you kidding me? (Excellent) Sure (good) I’m a little bit firm (bad)
Date #5
Stress? (Excellent) I know I don’t think so
Do you walk often? (good) Do you like nature? (Excellent) Don’t you feel tired?
Do you want to walk more? Do you want to come here again? (Excellent) Do you want to go back home?
Date #6
Sorry, room is kind of cramped Sorry for the mess (Excellent) Sorry, my roon is not very sexy (bad)
Do you want to have coffee? (Excellent) Do you want to have tea? (good) Do you want to have water? (bad)
Do you want to watch TV? Do you want me to clean your ear? (Excellent) Let’s play a game
Date #7
I know It’s okay! (Excellent) Let’s try to put on toy ears?
Let’s ride a roller coaster Let’s go to a haunted house (good) Let’s ride a merry-go-round
Story No.5 - The Sweet Prince (Aristocratic Tsukasa)
*from Story 2/Goofy Tsukasa: chose “Well, I thought you would change“
no choices here
Date #1
Do you want to have a dog?  Do you want to have a cat? (Excellent)  Need to take care of yourself
What about fish? (good)  What about a hamster? (bad)  What about a rabbit?
I  I  I
Date #2
It was okay (bad)  It was so good! (good)  It didn’t match the season
I  I  I
I  I  I
Date #3
Yeah I’m angry now  No, I don’t get upset at all (Excellent)  It can’t be helped
Can we have tea? (Excellent)  Let’s eat cake! (good)  Let’s leave here soon
You look so tired (good)  I’m relieved you look fine (Excellent)  I think you have some stress
Date #4
I’m a little bit nervous (Excellent)  Are you sure that I can be here?  This chair is so uncomfortable
I know  Thank you  I missed you (Excellent)
Do you want me to do something?  Do you want to have tea?  To give you a massage? (good)
Date #5
It’s okay  Yeah, I had so much fun (Excellent)  already forgotten about college
Let’s go to the school cafeteria (Excellent)  Let’s go to the classroom  Let’s see our professor
Memory of the past is beautiful (good)  I wanna go back my college life  I want to do it all over again
Date #6
Blow a kiss  Wave your hand (Excellent)  Stick out your tongue
I look like a model!  Why did you ignore me?  Great job, Tsukasa! (Excellent)
Can I watch you until you finish? (Excellent)  Can I go back home?  Do you need any help?
Date #7
I was worried to be separated (good)  I wanted to stay home  I’m getting a little bit tired
I  I  I
I  I  I
Story No.6 - You Are Not Straightforward (Tsundere Tsukasa)
*from Story 3/Shy Tsukasa: chose “keep silent”
no choices here
Date #1
I can’t deal with that crowd  I’m sorry  It’s been several years (Excellent)
What will we do today? (Excellent)  I will treat you today  How’s it going?
Thank you for inviting me  I’m glad to see you (Excellent)  I want to go home
Date #2
I was thinking about something (Excellent)  Well, nevermind  I thought I was hungry
I want to eat something yummy  Maybe… a bag?  You’re love is all I want (Excellent)
I want a necklace (Excellent)  I want new shoes  I want a ring
Date #3
Don’t scare me! (good)  I thought you were a groper! (bad)  Why are you here? (Excellent)
So, what’s up then?  Did we plan to meet today?  Do you want to come in? (good)
I  I  I
Date #4
Do I look good? (bad)  Do I dress too fancy? (Excellent)  Do you love me more?
Can you escort me?  Let’s hold hands  Can I walk arm in arm with you? (Excellent)
Like this is sometimes good, too  I wanna listen to you the piano (Excellent)  I want you to take me here again
Date #5
Did I disturb you?  Thank you for inviting me!  You’re piano playing was amazing! (Excellent)
You’re so talented! (Excellent)  Don’t you get nervous? (good)  I’m jealous of can play a piano
I’ll cheer for you! (bad)  Good luck tomorrow! (Excellent)  I’ll be there to watch you (good)
Date #6
Take a photo in the photo booth (Excellent)  Play a music game (bad)  Play a claw crane game
Do you want to move on?  Let’s take a rest for a bit (good)  Let’s play another game!
I  I  I
Date #7
Thank you (good)  I’m sorry If I gave you my cold  I want you to get some medicine
I  I  I
I  I  I
Story No.7 - He is mysterious… (Mysterious Tsukasa)
*from Story 3/Shy Tsukasa: chose “make a lie”
no choices here
Date #1
I’m reading a dramatic novel  A popular vampire series (Excellent)  A history novel
Wha are you reading?  What kind of books do you like?  Do you have any recommendations? (Excellent)
Do you like writing novels?  Have you ever written a novel? (Excellent)  I want to write a novel
Date #2
Do you mean they are cute?  Do you mean you want to have one?  I know. They are so innocent (Excellent)
Do you like children?  Do you want to have a family? (Excellent)  Do you think about marriage?
I like children too  I want to have a family  I don’t want to get married yet (Excellent)
Date #3
Do you want to drink water?  Rest for a bit at the park  Do you want to drink turmeric? (good)
I  I  I
I  I  I
Date #4
I didn’t know you’ve been sick (Excellent)  It is cruel of you to ignore!  Come here. I’ll hug you
Did you go to the hospital?  Do you want me to buy something? (bad)  I will take care of you (good)
I  I  I
Date #5
want me to do the driving? (bad)  Please calm down (good)  You can do it!
I  I  I
I  I  I
Date #6
Let’s have fun! (bad)  I’m sorry that I took you here  Do you want to go back home?
I  I  I
I  I  I
Date #7
I  I  I
I  I  I
I  I  I
Story No.8 - Are you jealous? (Egoistic Tsukasa)
*from story 4 (no choices)
8.1 I don’t like it (leads to Story 12/Egoistic Tsukasa End) 8.2 I think praise is a good thing (leads to Story 13/Playboy Tsukasa End)
Date #1
To get a fountain drink To get a parfait To get a salisbury cheese steak (Excellent)
Family restaurant is comfortable (Excellent) Family restaurant is fun (bad) It is for poor people
Let’s stay here for a while (good) Let’s leave soon after we eat (bad) Let’s have fun (Excellent)
Date #2
It is so hard to take care of (Excellent) You’ll get bored soon I love that idea
You can try that (Excellent) I’ll help you (good) You should not do that
To start with freshwater fish? (good) To start with saltwater fish? (Excellent) To have jellyfish? (bad)
Date #3
It’s kind of too plain (Excellent) I think it’s good You look better on brighter (good)
I think that’s fine! I think you look great! (Excellent) You look so refined
I’m good I bought mine last time I’ve been saving money (Excellent)
Date #4
Of course (Excellent) Well, not so much Worry about you so can’t sleep
Noodle with lots of vegetables (Excellent) I’ll cook rich beef tongue stew Quiche with flesh vegetables
I can carry it because not heavy (Excellent) Can you carry me too? (bad) Thank you (good)
Date #5
No, thank you (Excellent) Yes, please! Try to run away
Anyway, let’s start playing it (good) Can you explain the rules? (Excellent) Can you show me how to do it? (bad)
I’m getting bored It’s difficult... It’s kind of fun (Excellent)
Date #6
Do you want to play again? (Excellent) I won that game by a fluke You let me in that last game
Say “Cheer up!”  (Excellent) Say “There, there” Say nothing
Please don’t be in a bad mood I’ll buy juice for you (good) Give me a break
Date #7
What do you mean’? Take a bath separately, right? (good) Will you skip your bath tonight?
Story No.9 - Fantastic date! (Aristocratic Tsukasa)
*from story 5 (no choices)
9.1 Because I feel so embarrassed  9.2 You too, Tsukasa? (leads to Story 15/Clever Tsukasa End)
Date #1
Yeah!  Let’s take together (Excellent)  I want to take your picture
What kind of flower do you like?  I wanna put flowers in my house (good)  I want to grow some flowers
I  I  I
Date #2
What about love? (Excellent)  Is this about me?  Do you have other people you love?
When you will have a child?  About when we get married? (Excellent)  When we are going to break up?
My heart starts pounding (Excellent)  Marriage is too soon for me  I wish I could marry now
Date #3
Sorry about the mess (Excellent)  I know my room is so small  So you want to go outside?
Do you want to watch TV?  I’ll cook for you (Excellent)  You can relax (good)
I feel like we are newlyweds (Excellent)  I dreamed about like this  I want you to cook
Date #4
Please calm down (Excellent)  I’m okay  I think you misunderstood
Thank you for coming  Sorry, I didn’t explain enough (Excellent)  I feel strong because of you
I curse myself  It’s my fault (good)  It really bothers me
Date #5
Why?  Do you want to go to another? (good)  I do like buffets though
I  I  I
I  I  I
Date #6
This shortcake is the best  This pudding is so good  This Japanese sweet is amazing (bad)
I  I  I
I  I  I
Date #7
I  I  I
I  I  I
I  I  I
Story No.10 - Thank you for your concern (Tsundere Tsukasa)
*from story 6 (no choices)
10.1 Wont you have cake? (leads to Story 16/Tsundere Tsukasa End)  10.2 I‘m glad you remember what I said
Date #1
It’s so romantic (Excellent)  It has mood  The sound system would be great
Why did I agree to play here? (good)  I thought you denied the offer  Do you like this church? (Excellent)
I’m glad that I came here (Excellent)  I want to have my wedding here  Can you play the pipe organ
Date #2
Are you allergic to cats? (bad)  Do you not feel good?  Are you angry? (Excellent)
I’m sorry…  Did something bad happen to you? (good)  You don’t like animals?
I  I  I
Date #3
Do you want to feel sentimental?  What do you want to do today? (Excellent)  Do you want to go fishing?
There is a seafood restaurant!  Let’s collect some shells  Soak your feet in the ocean (Excellent)
I want to live on the seashore  I like nobody’s beach  Let’s come here in the summer (Excellent)
Date #4
Because I feel so comfortable (good)  I’m sorry (bad)  I stayed up late last night
I  I  I
I  I  I
Date #5
You smirked  Why are you laughing?  Do you like it? (Excellent)
You’re mean!  How?! (good)  I don’t look like a sea lion! (Excellent)
Thank you (good)  I prefer land animals  Say nothing (Excellent)
Date #6
I’ll get a tie for you (Excellent)  I’ll get a globe for you  I’ll get a belt for you
The red one  The blue one (Excellent)  The pink one
Which one do you want? (bad)  I’ll choose one that I like (Excellent) You can choose whatever you want (good)
Date #7
I  I  I
I  I  I
I  I  I
Story No.11 - The smell of crush (Mysterious Tsukasa)
*from story 6 (no choices)
11.1 What happened to you? (leads to Story 18/Mysterious Tsukasa End)  11.2 You sound like a poet
Date #1
Is that garlic? (bad)  Is that Chinese chive?  Is that cilantro?
I  I  I
I  I  I
Date #2
You are an indecisive person  I know, I can’t decide too (Excellent)  There is too much on the menu (good)
Do you want me to choose yours?  Do you want to have the same? (good)  Haven’t you decided yet?
I  I  I
Date #3
You don’t want to go? (bad)  What’s wrong?  Do you have any problems?
I  I  I
I  I  I
Date #4
I know you’re a night person… (good)  It’s not good for your health  Going outside is refreshing
I  I  I
I  I  I
Date #5
I  I  I
I  I  I
I  I  I
Date #6
I  I  I
I  I  I
I  I  I
Date #7
I  I  I
I  I  I 
I  I  I
Story No.12 - I want you to be mine (Egoistic Tsukasa)
Egoistic Tsukasa End
*from Story 8/Egoistic Tsukasa: chose “I don’t like it”
Get: Egoistic Tsukasa CG
Story No.13 - At the romantic spot (Playboy Tsukasa)
Playboy Tsukasa End
*from Story 8/Egoistic Tsukasa: chose “I think praise is a good thing”
Get: Playboy Tsukasa CG
Story No.14 - x (x Tsukasa)
x Tsukasa End
*from Story 9/Aristocratic Tsukasa: chose” Because I feel so embarrassed ”
Get: x Tsukasa CG
Story No.15 - At this important memorial place (Clever Tsukasa)
Clever Tsukasa End
*from Story 9/Aristocratic Tsukasa: chose “You too, Tsukasa?”
Get: Clever Tsukasa CG
Story No.16 - The Lovely Millefeuille (Tsundere Tsukasa)
Tsundere Tsukasa End
*from Story 10/Tsundere Tsukasa: chose “Wont you have cake?”
Get: Tsundere Tsukasa CG
Story No.17 - x (x Tsukasa)
x Tsukasa End
*from Story 10/Tsundere Tsukasa: chose”I’m glad you remember what I said”
Get: x Tsukasa CG
Story No.18 - Tsukasa’s true colours (Mysterious Tsukasa)
Mysterious Tsukasa End
*from Story 11/TMysterious Tsukasa: chose “What happened to you?”
Get: Mysterious Tsukasa CG
Story No.19 - x (x Tsukasa)
x Tsukasa End
*from Story 11/Mysterious Tsukasa: chose”You sound like a poet”
Get: x Tsukasa CG
The different types of Tsukasa + CGs:
*planning to move this to a separate post once I have more content to put
No. 1 - Boring Tsukasa
The boy who sits at the back of your class in college a virgin; you are his first girlfriend favorite food: sweets; interested in crepes; loves cream puffs doesn’t eat much; skips lunch a lot lives alone; doesn’t have a TV likes reading novels likes the relaxing atmosphere in parks prefers quiet places (patio) over crowded places (cafeteria), but likes riding the traim has smooth skin has no dream yet; currently babysits as a part time job likes having his hand held
tip: do not rush him in the relationship be considerate of his dislikes and match his pace
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No. 2 - Goofy Tsukasa
from Story 1/Boring Tsukasa: chose “I will change you”
“My class starts several hours later. I just wanted to meet you” “I don’t care. I just want to be with you” “I will try to make you happier”
”I don’t care. I just want to be with you” kind of sociable likes to stick close to MC (at class and at home) but gets shy loves the amusement park and roller coasters; thinks the merry go round is awkward likes it when you know his likes and remember his schedule wants you to cook for him prefers coffee over hot tea and coke wants matching items with you still loves sweets; loves salt and caramel flavored popcorn
tip: do not initiate, let him make decisions do not be hesitant towards him, but do not be too forward either loves spending time with you so never say you’re tired or bored
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No. 3 - Shy Tsukasa
from Story 1/Boring Tsukasa: choose “i can help you change”
“I will try to be more reliable for you” “I’m okay. I can do anything for you, because I love you”
likes hiking, but doesn’t think he has enough stamina to piggyback ride you likes gardening prefers relaxation over fun likes the atmosphere and the smell of the library; thinks its comfortable likes quiet places but also likes the silent noise in the library likes reading/finishing books doesn’t like clubbing or club parties
tip: has his own pace, do not force him to have fun don’t be too dependent or clingy
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No. 4 - Egoistic Tsukasa
from Story 1/Boring Tsukasa: chose “I will change you”; from Story 2/Goofy Tsukasa: choose ”Nevermind”; from Story 8/Egoistic Tsukasa: choose “ I don’t like it”
“You shit [sic] here because I want to feel you” “I know I’m very talented. But it’s impossible to succeed this way with just talent alone. I am successful because you are with me...” “I think I can tolerate stress. But I do feel stress because I can’t meet you everyday.” “I don’t want to take medicine. I prefer keeping you next to me. You are my best body pillow.” “You think I’m kidding? I need to show you how serious I am.” “I cant stand it when you talk about other men ... Nope, I don’t like it. I’m the only one on the plant that you can praise.” ”I’m sorry that I sound childish. But I’m so serious about you. That’s why.” ”It’s my also my fault you were thinking about other men, even if they are from your work... so, I need to make [you] love me more.” “I need your food to help me recover ” “Because it’s boring if we take a bath separately. Or you don’t want to?
a businessman sounds tsundere interested in photobooths; "knowing fads is part of my business” makes sexual innuendos, but not fond of MC doing the same walking (working out) relieves his stress because he doesn’t get to walk much likes talking casually with the MC appreciates it when the MC shows concern for his health doesn’t like medicine likes keeping the MC physically close/next to him likes the MC’s room to not be girly to fend off suitors “I am bored with coffee;” likes Japanese green tea likes nature knows he sounds childish when he’s jealous over MC talking about her male boss always eats out, so appreciates simple food (noodles with vegetables and salisbury cheese steak) family restaurants feel like a theme park to him wants to an aquarium in his house as a hobby does not take jokes very well likes doing things by himself (building an aquarium) plays darts sulks when he loses (darts) but doesn’t want to be left alone
tips: don’t flatter him for expensive gifts but for his talent show concern for his health keep him grounded; do not encourage flamboyant habits or actions do not instigate sexual innuendos or react in kind
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“You’ve made me what I am. I only have you. Please stay with me forever ... Well, I can’t forgive you if you reject me.”
No. 5 - Playboy Tsukasa
from Story 1/Boring Tsukasa: chose “I will change you”; from Story 2/Goofy Tsukasa: choose ”Nevermind”; from Story 8/Egoistic Tsukasa: choose “ I think praise is a good thing”
“You trust me ... so, you don’t mind where I take you and whatever I do to you, right?” “You don’t need to hide it. Your face says everything” “I think these kind of surprises should be memories that last forever” “You may not believe if I tell you something serious...”
a romantic will reserve an entire rooftop garden as a present along with an engagement ring
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“I love you more than the world--No! I love you more than the universe ... I don’t need to hear you’re answer. Because you face says... everything.”
No. 6 - Aristocratic Tsukasa
from Story 1/Boring Tsukasa: chose “I will change you”; from Story 2/Goofy Tsukasa: choose ”Well, I thought you would change”; from Story 9/Aristocratic Tsukasa: choose “x”
”Thank you for the meal. You are the best sweets for me… just kidding” ”My college life wouldn’t be perfect if I never met you” “It’s impossible to not be fine when I’m with you” “I’m you’re boyfriend so you don’t need to feel embarrassed … but actually, I feel my heart pounding”
a patisserie prefers honest critique on his cooking over flattery prefers a full meal over sweets; not fond of Japanese sweets (rice cake) wants to cook together with the MC likes buffets but not fond of it because he can’t decide what to eat; doesn’t like walking over to get the food bolder than before: in flirting, both in action and words loves animals; prefers them fluffy loves both cats and dogs, prefer cats a bit more but does not like the hassle of having to walk a dog or taking or fast breeding hamsters thinks tropical fish are beautiful likes fortune-telling likes plants/gardening
tips: do not flatter him when you can give constructive criticism (e.g. his cooking) always be lovey-dovey (cook for him, marriage)
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No. 7 - Clever Tsukasa
from Story 1/Boring Tsukasa: chose “I will change you”; from Story 2/Goofy Tsukasa: choose ”Well, I thought you would change”; from Story 9/Aristocratic Tsukasa: choose “You too, Tsukasa?”
*current playthrough route did not pass through any date
“You are my treasure!” “Something special id about to happen. So, I reserved this stage.” “You made me what I am today, when I was in hard times... you were always there for me”
stage performer (???)
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“Can I hug you? I want to calm down. Well, I’ll hug you even if you say no. Even if you want me to, I will never let you go.”
No. 8 - Tsundere Tsukasa
from Story 1/Boring Tsukasa: choose “i can help you change”; from Story 3/Shy Tsukasa: choose “keep silent”; from Story 10/Tsundere Tsukasa: choose ”Won’t you have cake?”
“Anyway, just eat more and… let me see that happy face again” “That sea lion looks like you … You should be glad I said it in a positive way” “This is a present for me right? So you need to choose for me” “I always give yummy food to you”
pianist quick to blush buys the MC cake but never eats with her  not usually fond of amusement arcades, but will go and play thinks the MC is charming like sea lions plans to marry the MC, but acts like he’s unromantic; will drop by the MC’s house at night just to see her wants the MC to be more assertive likes to tease the MC; prefers her sulking over retorting gets jealous of a cat over MC affections and attention doesn’t seem to be fond of the sticky feeling after swimming
tips: just ignore his snarky remarks and be direct about affections do not be passive; assert what you like (giving and receiving gifts)
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“You are so clumsy and silly… so, I need to take care of you. So you are mine for now, okay?”
No. 9 - x Tsukasa
from Story 1/Boring Tsukasa: choose “i can help you change”; from Story 3/Shy Tsukasa: choose “keep silent”; from Story 10/Tsundere Tsukasa: choose ” Im glad you remember what I said”
“” “” “” “”
x x x
No. 10 - Mysterious Tsukasa
from Story 1/Boring Tsukasa: choose “i can help you change”; from Story 3/Shy Tsukasa: choose “make a lie”; from Story 11/Mysterious Tsukasa: choose ”What happened to you?”
“have you ever forgotten that you are even human?” “maybe because 70% of the human body is composed of water that’s why I feel like I’m part of the water” “I can’t let my girl drive. I’ll take responsibility and do the driving” “Whenever I smell you, I want to hug you like this”
asks a lot of weird or philosophical questions but still wants the MC to understand him likes mystery books has tried to write a novel (about a love story with MC) ”i like children”; their being innocent doesn’t drink often lives in the Church (???) gentlemanly; won’t let the MC drive for him always available whenever MC asks to go out keen sense of smell has a bit of a perverted streak makes a lot of elusive comments that are characteristic of vampires (doesn’t like garlic and turmeric; being a night person)
tips: do not pick choices that vampires do not like (e.g. garlic and turmeric) do not be too independent (driving) or overindulgent (when he’s sick)
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“When I was looking at you in the theater, I felt like I wanted you … You don’t like me anymore?”
No.11  - x Tsukasa
from Story 1/Boring Tsukasa: choose “i can help you change”; from Story 3/Shy Tsukasa: choose “make a lie”; from Story 11/Mysterious Tsukasa: choose ”You sound like a poet”
“” “”  “” “”
x x x
170 notes · View notes
shonbellenoire · 5 years
Have you ever had a Sensual Massage?
Self care has always and will always be very important to me.  Its a non negotiable necessity that I work hard to maintain.   I shop minimal and take trips occasionally but month maintenance...no one does it better.  Nails, facials, massage, hair, wax and my signature henna.  High maintenance as fuck but I work hard as fuck and I am determined to enjoy some of my damn money.  I wasn't born to work, pay bills and die.  I'm going to enjoy some of these coins one way or another.  Which brings me to.......Mr. Marcus.  Honestly now that I think of it idk if that's even his name.
My past attempts to find a new masseuse has been one for the books!  I had a great lesbian girl half my size that massaged my booty so well I was tempted to switch sides.  I fell in love with her professionalism and attention to details (ie my curves), she was not afraid to touch my body and have her way with me.  I get nothing less then 90-60 min massage.  She up and quit one day and I became the managers new client.  An older black lady that had experience and was exceptional as well.  Though after one too many discounts and arriving 10 min late I suspect she fired me as a client.  Fuck it matters if I'm 10 min late you still get paid for the full hour and it aint like you giving that 10 min back. Which brings me to clientele.  I swear I need to give seminars on proper customer service and the importance of maintaining clientele.  I'm the client that comes back often.  Not sometimes, rarely or occasionally....often!  I'm for sure a cell bill or utility bill and I'm always good for it.  I'm the client that refers.  I'm the client that tips.  I'm the client you never wanna lose.  
So unwillingly I took my talents to South Beach or South Korea and went to the Asians.  The facility was amazing, customer service was great however the talent wasn't as grand.  Too scared to touch this chocolate beauty.  I tried it 2x with a guy and a girl and they just didn't cut it for the price I paid nor the service I'm use to.  I had a white guy that gripped this ass like he owned it and rubbed my feet like he loved me but he was too pricey. 
But Mr. Marcus....now he's something right out of a Zane novel or Porn Hub either way I'm hooked.  I found him like I do most things, on social media looking for a massage therapist with great reviews.  Mr. Marcus is chocolate with waves that B straight BUSSIn!  I be straight swimming while he rock my boat making a bitch sea sick.  I love well groomed men.  Hell, I'm a well maintained gal.  Aside from his mocha skin and well moisturized waves, he was short and bite sized, slightly muscular (whatever that is) and....cute....in a if i was drunk I might try. I could tell that he had a lot of women clientele, which I figured was more to do with him being a male as opposed to the service he gives.  
You may have seen videos on social media of oiled up muscular men giving very intimate massages to women. However Mr. Marcus gives a normal deep tissue massage as well as his "Signature 90 Massage".  Now granted based on his social media and how he presented himself I thought he was charming and professional.  His brand didn't scream sexy sensual massage.  It said hey, I'm a charming young man you wouldn't mind massaging your body.  
So I show up.  "Get undressed to comfort," he says.  I ain't no rookie so balls to the wall and pussy all out.  Freshly waxed and lashes done (which I wish I hadn't), bubbly brown hopped on that table ready to unwind and potentially fall asleep.  The room is smaller than I'm use to and filled with them fuck boy lights.  You know them colorful ass lights fuck boys use to make you look like you in some romance comedy on Netflix in a poor attempt to be romantic.  FYI I like candles nigga! .....and fuck boy lights but we can't have one with the other.  Then the music played.  Now hold the fuck up.  What kinda ghetto massage is this?  Is this Marsha Ambitious Ambrosius?  WTF??  See this is why.......
It was at this moment he touched me and was ready to begin. I told him I was hot and he placed a fan under the sheet to help me cool down.  "Better?"  ...yea I was better and eager to get this started.  Starting face down he began on my shoulders.  The massage for the next 15 was going well and per usual...playlist still on Jasmine Sullivan and the R&B crew.  The type of music some wouldn't mind fucking too.  When it was over I told him to add more eggplant to his playlist.  A hood classy bitch like me wanna come to (relax to) Trey Songz and other fuck boy martyrs.  Not Marsha, the fuck.   After the 15 min is when the normal massage turned....sensual.  It wasn't long until my entire ass crack was uncovered and his hands literally holding one butt check in his hands giving it all the TLC a bitch needed.  See my pussy currently has cob webs on it and tho this freshly wax pussy is well maintained, I believe it is broken.  It aint poppin for nobody! Its been so long surely I'm virgin.  Nothing makes me drip like water, the pipes is busted like most of these niggas in these ATL streetz.  "Done Done Dem ALLLL" Shawty Lo voice.  Well not all just enough to know I don't need to try no more.  Needless to say Mr. Marcus was a plumber that day cuz them sheets....got a little moist and it wasn't sweat.  Idk when and how but this bite sized nigga jumped his ninja ass on top of me using his body weight to like press into my legs.  Now Madame Godiva is all of barely 5'7.8 and I guess he needed to mount this stallion to get the cranks out.  Little nigga had his entire body on me.  All 5'3 of it and I was here for it. 45 min into my 90 min massage my legs where in the are damn near at my ears with my bare pussy all the way out lol.  Shit he was wit and so was I!  Just a few inches away from my pussy lips, I just knew this niggas was going to devour me like a GA peach.  But to my disappointment..... he moved to my feet. 
He touched every part of my body!  Every part but my nipples.  He literally massaged around my breast..both of them.  Once again teasing me looking like he was about to devour one in his mouth...but he moved to my hands.  gripping my hands, griping my fingers whispering....relax.  It was quite an experience.  He catered to me like a boyfriend on Valentines Day.  Very intimate and sensual.  Between the music, fuck boy lights, my bare pussy and ass exposed....I'm sure by now he knows we go together.  I mean at this point we have to.  I've never in all 5 of my bougie years had a massage like this.  This was not your average massage, this was a sensual massage that could get you cussed out by yo man if HE EVAAA found out.  But it was so damn good.  So good.  I need to be touched like that, everyday.
I started to wonder....is he single? Ain’t no fucking Sam way in hell I’d Eva let my nigga be getting paid to fill up on bitches! He better serve cocaine like the rest of the fuck boys cuz massaging ass is a non negotiable! The fuck!  Like fun size Snickers are you married cuz this is totally inappropriate and completely our lil secret.  I kept wondering if he was impressed with my wax or how soft my skin was.  I did a sugar scrub the night before.  I’m considerate I make sure the canvas is smooth as butter.
Very professional...I mean he didn't put his mouth on me though based how well he took care of my body with his hands....I'm curious what that mouth do!  Aside from the sensual stuff he could tell my body was extremely stiff. Cracked a few bones in back and hip that felt sooooo good.  He did an amazing job.  However.... he is on the verge of losing his licence and possibly getting the cops called on him.  I had no clue a “Signature Massage” was a sexy massage my pussy type of thing.  I still would of signed up for it but I had no clue!  That’s the biggest disappointment.  I mean not knowing he’d be seeing my full bare pussy.   Is it September yet?
0 notes
sandiegodjstaci · 7 years
Inject "Rock Star" Steroids into Your Conference Planning: Lessons from SMMW17
Inject "Rock Star" Steroids into Your Conference Planning: Lessons from SMMW17
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All the same complaints people have about weddings (Chicken Dance anyone?), they have about conferences as well. Last week at Social Media Marketing World (SMMW), yea, I learned a shit ton about social media…but I also was blown away by “the experience.” How do these social media geeks manage to inject “rock star” steroids into conference planning?
SMMW is the world’s largest social media conference (3k attendees from over 40+ different countries) and it oozes “rock star” at every step. I was both the SMMW conference DJ and an attendee (my 2nd year), so I can take you behind-the-scenes on both sides.
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  (c) San Diego DJ Staci – Sure are a lot of people here…3,000 to be exact. How many more registration tables can we squeeze in the lobby?
  #1 CONFERENCE PLANNING TIP: Over-Staff Your Registration Area
I have been to conferences with 700 people in which the line to register was a mile long because THE BOSS and 2 helpers were the only people handling registrations. When I got to the front, my badge could not be found so they had me stand there clogging the mile-long line for 5-10 minutes while they printed me one. DON’T. BE. THAT. CONFERENCE.
SMMW had like 20 registration counters. And you know who wasn’t working at any of them? The guy in charge. Get a volunteer staff, train them thoroughly (or else they are useless), and delegate. Imagine how you would feel arriving to a conference you paid dearly for and your first impression is “I should have worn comfortable shoes…sigh.”
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  (c) San Diego DJ Staci – Social Media Marketing World’s Opening Night Party on the USS Midway
  #2 CONFERENCE PLANNING TIP: Have an “Opening Night” Party
Don’t think you are going to bring a big, diverse group of strangers together and have “the ice broken” just by playing an upbeat video or having an engaging host crack some one-liners. SMMW does NOT sponsor their opening night party or do ANYTHING remotely sales-y there.
SMMW’s opening night party is held aboard the USS Midway, a retired aircraft carrier parked in San Diego harbor…how’s that for rock star? Conference attendees get shuttled in from area hotels by SMMW’s buses and greeted with a red carpet. Yep. Oh, and they are also greeted by a horde of smiling volunteers giving out high-fives and waving welcome signs.
Once on the USS Midway, conference-goers can go on flight simulators, eat a catered dinner, listen to a live band at one end or my jams at the other. This year there was a donut bar in addition to an alcohol bar, which was very popular. There were also charging stations, belly bars, networking bingo cards, portable heaters for the outdoor parts of the ship…and, of course, the opportunity to snap pics with the conference logo backdrop.
The level of detail is amazing. It is obvious that my fun and comfort as an attendee were considered at every step.
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  (c) San Diego DJ Staci – Some seriously SEXY content from Social Media Marketing World
  #3 CONFERENCE PLANNING TIP: Splurge on Content, Not on Fluff
Did I not love the Starbucks coupons floating around in the mornings each day at SMMW? Of course. Did I enjoy the free mini bags of popcorn passed out each afternoon for NO REASON whatsoever? Damn straight. But those niceties were not the draw….the fact that I learned about Twitter from a TEAM (yes, a power business duo) all the way from England, who–within 10 minutes of starting their presentation–had earned my trust enough that I was whipping my phone out to do my first Twitter video reply in a room full of strangers…THAT is the draw of SMMW.
If you are at the budget level where you need to choose “goodies” over “good speakers”…choose good speakers.
Content is everything. I recently attended a conference where the “goodies” were better than the content…not worth it. Goodies will never win people over if the content stinks. Content doesn’t always have to mean paying for expensive presenters–SMMW added a ton of value by having presenters lead structured networking discussions each day at specified lunch tables. Easiest networking I ever did…AND there I am sharing box lunches with a bunch of fellow super-star bloggers!
#4 CONFERENCE PLANNING TIP: Don’t Plan in a Vacuum
Again, the less-than-stellar conference I recently went to was such a great comparison against SMMW…it was like, “This is how we’ve always done it, so we’re going to keep doing it.” Yea, Einstein, that is not the recipe. You better get yourself a PhD in what other conferences are doing (two 12-hour days or three 8-hour days? meals included? tables for note-taking or just chairs? pre-recorded presenter introductions?) Step out of your box and get ideas from other conferences. Get inspired!
#5 CONFERENCE PLANNING TIP: Offer a Virtual Ticket
So people can be cheap about certain things–it’s a fact of life. As a DJ, I offer a DIY package where I put all of my “dance floor secret sauce” into a series of ebooks and playlists for those who can’t afford to have me perform live at their weddings. I ain’t too proud to offer a price point that literally anyone can afford.
Any other conference I’ve ever attended cost around $200-$300. SMMW costs 3x that…and then some. But why does a BMW cost more than a Geo Metro? Guess what, you can sell both on your lot! Another conference I attended offered a VIP upgrade to get a reserved seat in the front row, early backstage access to presenters/special guests, and “no waiting” registration. It was $200 extra. Then tables for note-taking were taken away from anyone who didn’t buy VIP. Boo!
The virtual ticket concept is MUCH better. Be a BMW conference and offer the lower-priced option rather than being a Geo Metro conference offering an upgraded sun roof and leather seats. You know what that white speck on top of chicken doodoo is? Yep, it’s still doodoo! Content over “goodies.”
SMMW’s virtual ticket gives access to each presenter’s slides, an audio of the presentation, and a video of the slides & audio together. It costs around $300…AND it’s included free with the full price ticket. $300 to hear some 50 or so presentations from industry rockstars. No brainer, right?
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  (c) San Diego DJ Staci – Jasmine Star jumped on stage and was immediately mid-story. All side chat instantly stopped so we could find out why this legendary photographer and Instagram expert was crying over a bowl of pasta 5 years ago.
  #6 CONFERENCE PLANNING TIP: Prepare Your Presenters Like Kindergartners
Conference calls with what to expect, question-answering, deadlines, rules, A/V info, etc…your speakers are the engine that keep the car going. Pamper them! I believe SMMW has presenters find their rooms the day before and do a FULL rehearsal of their presentations with the A/V staff in the room–everything as it will be during the real deal (slides, mic, up on stage…FULL dress rehearsal). At SMMW, there is also a special “green room” type area especially for presenters (not the same as the private staff room) with some snacks and just a quite place to recharge–a nice touch that really does not add much cost to the event.
Some great presenter tips you should be giving to your “engine” include:
Tell the presenters everything you know demographically about who will be in attendance (FT? PT? Corporations? Solopreneurs? Mostly men? Mostly newbies? Mostly local? International?)
Don’t make presenters worry about ANY tech issues. Provide all the equipment, hook it up for them, have the A/V staff offer mic tips for sounding good, let the presenters worry about their content and presentations ONLY.
Don’t be salesy. This is a BIGGIE!!! The “boo” conference I recently attended started off the first session of the conference with a book talk from a book having ZERO to do with the conference’s industry…but it’s author was a well-known member of that industry. The entire presentation was just chapters of his off-topic book 🙁
Tell them to PRACTICE!!
Make sure you have back-up copies of their slideshows. Always have a Plan B if a projector dies or a laptop freezes.
Give general pointers like, “Don’t start with, ‘Man, it’s early…I need more coffee. How is everyone?'” Snooze! Start with a power punch and give the audience the ride of their lives! Avoid religion and politics if you’re not at a religion or politics conference. Avoid generic inspirational advice–get to the specific, actionable items, case studies, screenshots of the tips in action, and so on.
Let them know whether swearing is OK or not.
Final two tidbits: personally listen to your own “quality control” session recordings, and let presenters know your organization is happy to write them a reference letter to speak at other conferences if they like.
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  (c) San Diego DJ Staci – SMMW sponsored the raffle for those who submitted conference feedback for a chance to win free tickets for next year…Genius!
  #7 CONFERENCE PLANNING TIP: Dos & Don’ts of Conference Sponsorship
The “other” conference I have attended has break-out rooms for sponsors to do infomercial-style presentations. Hmmm…in my numerous years attending that conference, how many times have I walked away from the “conference main street” to voluntarily attend a live infomercial off in some new room? Umm, never. Don’t expect attendees to seek out sponsors, put the sponsors’ messages in front of the attendees.
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(c) San Diego DJ Staci – I had to sit around in the dark at this DJ conference (how can I see to take notes?) just because a DJ lighting company was one of the sponsors. See their green lights behind the presenter? Turn the lights back on please so I can record this valuable content!
Now this tip is coming from me…this is not how SMMW does it, just to be clear. So it’s a bit of an experiment, but I think it would be a win-win. What if exhibitors got to sponsor the seminars? Nice value add-on for them, right? “Ladies & gentlemen, welcome to ‘Spin the Pin: How DJs Can Kill it on Pinterest’ presented by Canva! Canva offers free Pinterest templates to make gorgeous, optimized pins every time. See them at booth #73. And now let’s give it up for your presenter, DJ Staci Nichols!”(Yes, this is my topic at the upcoming Wedding MBA conference in October…ut ut!)
Now imagine a Canva ad up on the projector screen as this is being said AND maybe a rep from Canva standing up front smiling and waving (the rep can stick around and pass out Canva swag to attendees as they leave the seminar too).
Wow! Now you just gave the exhibitor a live almost TV-style ad in front of a very targeted audience. Didn’t cost you anything to add this value for the exhibitor either. Of course, the sponsor would be printed in the program and all that too.
Depending on the size of the conference and how many exhibitors you have, you might have to make the seminar sponsorship an upgrade for exhibitors -or- you might be able to bring in non-exhibitor sponsors (like the virtual ticket of sponsorship LOL). Either way, provide top value for exhibitors WITHOUT detracting from content!
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  (c) San Diego DJ Staci – SMMW’s branded, consistent presentation opener images (first slides).
  #8 CONFERENCE PLANNING TIP: Branded Slideshow Openers
Another ninja-level hack from SMMW is to require presenters to use your organization’s own branded slideshow page template as their opening slide. It gives a consistency to the presentations and provides a professional feel for virtual attendees.
Now, if you like tip #7, you can even throw the sponsor’s logo onto the bottom corner of the template or have the presenter include the sponsor’s logo elsewhere.
#9 CONFERENCE PLANNING TIP: Offer Different Types of Presentations
Don’t make all of your conference content one speaker standing up and talking with a Power Point in the back. How about getting a panel of your website writers together for a Q&A so attendees can pick their brains about articles they read throughout the year on your site? How about small workshops limited to 50 people plus the hands-off mega lectures? How about a panel discussion with 3 industry leaders lead by a host? Get creative because not everyone learns the same way.
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  (c) San Diego DJ Staci – Look I made a new friend at SMMW
  #10 CONFERENCE PLANNING TIP: Working the Networking
Free-for-all parties with alcohol and dancing and food are great for getting attendees together, but you also need structured networking activities to help them break the ice and really make friends they will keep in touch with after the conference. SMMW has their networking bingo cards at the Opening Night Party and structured networking at specified lunch tables (i.e. “table talks”), but they also offer a morning networking break where nothing is on the schedule for 45 minutes. The introverts check in with the office and clean out their in-boxes, but everyone else is wandering through exhibits, buying presenter books in the book store, and casually chatting.
SMMW also starts the networking well before the conference and loops in virtual attendees as well as in-person attendees. They start a Linked In group and Facebook Event and asked everyone to introduce themselves there. They have networking on Slack. They have networking on the conference app, Buzzaboo. They had an “official” after-party at the hotel the night after the last Keynote that a ton of presenters attended (it was just casual drinks at the hotel bar, but it was announced a few times before and after Keynotes so everyone knew about it).
#11 CONFERENCE PLANNING TIP: Offer Lots of Effective Badge Stick-Ons
Make sure to have stick-on ribbons or something similar for people’s badges that say “First Timer,” “Alumni,” “Speaker,” etc to help attendees more easily start conversations. At SMMW, in addition to these easy-to-read sticker ribbons that hang from the bottom of the badge, they also had stickers to put ON the actual badges saying things like, “Blogger,” “Influencer,” “Snapchat Expert,” and so on. The more you provide these kind of labels for the attendees, the easier it is for them to get conversations started. While cutesy badge stick-ons that say, “Party Animal,” “Girl Power,” or “I’m Tired” are fun, they are not as effective at helping attendees find like-minded allies as the first type of stick-ons are.
#12 CONFERENCE PLANNING TIP: Provide Meals for Attendees
If your conference is at a location with a lot of eating options (i.e. a casino in Vegas), it can be tempting to let everyone loose for lunch, but when attendees disperse like that they are far less likely to network. The more the attendees make valuable contacts at your conference, the more value it provides them…and the more likely they are to return the next year. By providing a box lunch or food stations in such a way that keeps attendees from dispersing, you are much more likely to see attendees swapping business cards over their turkey wraps and laughing together. When they disperse, they are super likely to end up eating lunch alone or with the same one or two friends they already made.
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  (c) San Diego DJ Staci – #SMMW17 is still super happening the week after the conference!
  #13 CONFERENCE PLANNING TIP: Get your Conference #Trending!
Have a conference hashtag AND encourage attendees to use it. Offer give-aways to those posting with your hashtag. Post almost all of the professional pics from your staff photography crew to the conference hashtag so attendees can see that group shot they posed for last night (that probably won’t make the conference highlight video or the website for next year…but still has value). Ensure your organization has someone monitoring the conference hashtag throughout the conference and liking, commenting, and retweeting as much as possible. When those using the conference hashtag are rewarded with retweets and comments, they will only want to promote your conference for you for free MORE!
Attendees will go on Instagram and Twitter (maybe even Facebook) and check the conference hashtag regularly…and this will also help them network. I make A LOT of conference connections by first developing a relationship on Linked In (pre-conference networking in the Linked In group), Twitter, or Instagram and then recognizing that online acquaintance at lunch or in the hallway. “Hey, it’s you from Instagram. OMG! Nice to finally meet you in person.” Easiest #Networking ever.
And, don’t forget, your virtual attendees will be going crazy with jealousy at all the fun everyone is having without them when they check the conference hashtag. Hello, upgrade for next year!
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  (c) San Diego DJ Staci – Hey, she looks familiar!
#14 CONFERENCE PLANNING TIP: Now We Talk About Entertainment
See how this is the bottom item? Having some music by a DJ or band adds a lot of energy…even the right pre-recorded music is better than nothing. At SMMW, they had me DJ 30 minutes before and after each Keynote  as everyone was coming in and out. I was set up on a small stage in a big, open networking area between the doors and the Keynote room. When attendees opened the door to come in off the street, grab a coffee, and find a seat, “Good Day Sunshine” (Beatles) or “Lovely Day” (Bill Withers) was the first thing that became a part of that day’s conference experience for them. On the last day after the final Keynote, their good-bye music was “Takin’ Care of Business” (BTO) and “Don’t Stop Thinkin’ About Tomorrow” (Fleetwood Mac). The music connects with them and taps their “conference loyalty” button.
Up on the Keynote stage, SMMW had different live bands not just playing upbeat music but interacting with the crowd. The energy was through the roof! They also had a Calypso band play during that morning networking break right by the breakfast area. How “feel good” is Calypso??? Ever meet anyone who didn’t like Calypso music???
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