mcg777 · 3 years
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“Okay, also... property of the crown? Really?” “Well, they are technically protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.”
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gaydroidd · 3 years
I love it so much that so many people can see themselves in Alex. I've seen a lot of people say how Alex and her power is a good interpretation for autism and I really don't want to take this away from anyone but please allow me to post my own interpretation.
As someone with bpd all I could think about was how well I understand her. I have so much empathy and I'm so sensitive it's so exhausting to always react so strongly to other peoples emotions and having trouble to control myself. Most of the time it's of course very hard to see anything good in this disorder but this thing with the empathy was always something I tried to see the good in. Seeing Alex going from "I'm broken, a freak, it's a curse" to "yeah I have superpowers and it's a gift" was soo nice to see and experience through her. Honestly it helped me so much and even though Chloe will forever have a very special place in my heart I think Alex is my new favorite protagonist.
And like I said I don't want to take anything from others who feel different just wanted to put my own thoughts out there. Please let me know if I said something that upsets you!
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feywilder · 3 years
Finished both romances in LiS True Colors and I prefer Steph's romance all the way. Ryan is really sweet and not a bad option, but I feel that Steph and Alex has more chemistry and is a better match.
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Initial True Colors thoughts::
Please don’t expect this to be intelligent or organized or in any way useful for anything. Just my dumb thoughts about a game I really enjoy :))
*Actually thoughts from about ten minutes in. I got excited when it finally finished downloading and forgot I had wanted to do this
- This game is already activating all my Colorado feelings. I’ve been wanting to move back for years, and this is making me want to even more. The scenery is so pretty, and the town seems incredible. I want to live here so bad.
- I thought the guy sitting by the creek was Gabe, and spent way too long trying to figure out how to get to him, whoops.
-Birb! I love him.
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- Ah, so she's telepathic. I couldn’t remember exactly what her ability was, only that it involved auras or something. This should be interesting.
-I love that he has a tab at the florist. How often are you apologising, my guy?
- I aspire to be as cool as that gnome. Look at his shirt!! He’s the best.
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- This poor kid has been carrying that bag around for ages. Can we finish the tour after I set my shit down?
- One of these days I’m going to get around to doing some goat yoga. More just so I can chill with some goats than anything else. Just some goats and me, hanging out, doing some stretches. Sounds like a fun time.
- Oh, I love this kid. He’s great. But wait, the mines? That they’re about to blast to bits? Those mines? Please don’t go camping there just yet. 
- Oh my goodness, this record store is so cool. I’m not even a huge music fan and I would spend so much time here. Also...
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-Steph!! My beloved. Is it to early to ask her to marry me? Ah well, we can go play d&d and make out or something, idk, whatever normal people do. 
- Oh new, character. Cool. Hi, Ryan. Sorry, my heart’s already taken, but you seem chill. Also, did not realize she was coming from Portland. 
- Oh, I just noticed the sign. Of course she larps. God, I love this town. Where can I find Haven Springs? I need to move there. yesterday.
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- I would die for Valkyrie.
- Also I love moments in games, when an npc is like, ‘help me do this thing’, and then just sits back and watches while you do all the work. Thanks man.
- God, I love the music in this game, though. I’m going to have to look some songs up later. I forgot how much I loved these moments in the LiS series though, when a song plays and it just goes through a little montage. It’s so peaceful and lovely.
- Also, I love Steph just jamming out in the background. I would die for her too.
- Forbidden Songs, by Adam and Steve. Incredible.
- Okay, Valkyrie. I love you very much, but I apparently need you to move to advance this story. Where the fuck is your toy.
- This motherfucker. Kings of Leon? Seriously? Ugh, why am I related to this loser. /j
- Okay, not that I’m complaining, but how did she get my phone number? Or actually know who I am? We literally didn’t exchange two words. I pointed at a record and she referred to me as ‘some chick’. Steph, you got your own telepathy powers I should know about??
-Ahh, my first big choice... do I want to be the cool aunt or the safe aunt?? Bc in this game, he could actually die if I make the wrong choice.... ah fuck. I gotta be safe. I’ll be cool with other stuff. Like LARPing. Please don’t hate me, Ethan..
- Ooh, this guy seems cool. I’m getting some badass Ron Swanson vibes. 
-Dude. His apartment is so cool. Seriously, where can I find a town like Haven Springs, I want to live here so bad.
- Hey welcome to the town, here’s a whole-ass apartment. Also I care about you v much and want you to have a fresh start. I’m already getting feelings from this game.
- Oh, I was just about to say I hope our downstairs neighbors don’t mind noise. This guy seems off though.. didn’t he mention a Mack? If he did, I absolutely cannot remember what he said..
-Oh yeah! He was the florist’s asshole boyfriend. Cool cool cool.
-Ah, so her powers aren’t so much telepathy, as empath who takes on the others emotions; similar to Caleb from the bright sessions. Interesting.
- Oh shit. Where’s Dr. Bright’s breathing exercises when you need them.
-God, poor Alex. Poor Gabe. They were having such a nice time.
- I just want to give her a hug :(
-So we’re getting some backstory stuff. Not sure what happened with parents yet, as far as I can remember. But I guess she disappeared on her own.. ran away? Or something else. 
- Mini game!! That was fun. I only made it to the third level bc I’m bad at things. But I’ll beat your high score at some point, Gabe. >.>
-Oh, Shu-shu is so cute. Also, could probably use a bath. Maybe later 
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-Old family photo, but (probably) parents are cut out. So that, plus what was probably her running away as a kid, means not the best childhood. :( I wonder if that’s why he reacted like that to her beating up Mack? I mean, obviously, that wasn’t a great moment for anyone, but he seemed freaked out in a different way than just worrying about his sis beating someone up.
-Okay, so mom probably got sick with something, maybe cancer or something similar, and the dad was an abusive prick when she died. Maybe. Except she had cut the mom out too, so clearly that’s not the whole story, if it’s even close. Maybe mom was an alcoholic?
-Aw, he got her a guitar. I wonder if it was his old one, or a new one he bought?
-Are the flashes of red indicative of her emotions? Or is that just the sunset or something? Maybe both?
-Oh man, I really wish I could give her a hug. She deserves all the love 
 Ahh, I’m realizing how long this is getting, and also it is 11:00, and I have to wake up early tomorrow for work. As much as I would like to play this all night, I probably need to be responsible..
If for some reason you’re still here, I hope you enjoyed reading my dumb, rambling thoughts. Overall, I’m really excited for this game. So far it’s been a lot of fun, and I can’t wait to find out more about these characters and the story. I feel like this game is going to be really good. I wish we got more Steph time in, but I know she’ll come in later. Anyways, I’m v tired and might have more intelligent thoughts later, but probably not.. 
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finished the first episode of true colors. I can't keep going because I have work and class in the morning and I'm so stressed out. like I knew what I was getting into but somehow I was shocked when bad things happened
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lifeisstrange-blog · 3 years
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#LifeisStrange #TrueColors launches this week. Here's a message to all fans to help keep the #SecretsOfHaven until everyone has gotten their hands on the game.
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obvslybatgrl · 3 years
jsyk i haven’t watched Life is Strange: True Colors yet but i’m gonna be reblogging some gifs. spoilers will be tagged #secrets of haven and #secretsofhaven
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mcg777 · 3 years
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I... care about you too.
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feywilder · 3 years
the game is finished and i loved it. great twist that i really should've seen coming but still i didn't (i mean, the entire larp episode practically tells us who the villain is). i first decided to go on adventures with steph but it didn't feel right so i went back and changed to stay in Haven. I think it's the best possible ending since Alex, Steph and Ryan still stays together. If Alex romance Steph and leave, Ryan will be left in Haven. If she romance Ryan and stays, Steph will leave. That's the only way to keep everyone in town lol.
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mcg777 · 3 years
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“Ryan. I’m so sorry.” “I know.”
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mcg777 · 3 years
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“The rooftop is your stage. You perform every week to a small but adoring group of fans.”
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mcg777 · 3 years
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“And the most extraordinary thing of all is how normal it feels.”
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mcg777 · 3 years
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“Thanks. Thank you.” “No. Thank you.”
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mcg777 · 3 years
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On the lookout.
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