#seek magazine vol 19
dlstmxkakwldrlarchive · 8 months
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(throwback) SHINee Seek Magazine Vol. 19
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Grounds: Part 1
According to Katy Steinmetz’s “Why Don’t U.S. Laws Explicitly Ban Discrimination Against LGBT People,” Acts like The Equality Act seek to criminalize the discrimination against people due to their sexual orientation.
Bills like The Equality Act have been put into the federal spotlight since in the 1970s, but they have been proven quite difficult to pass. Unfortunately, these newer laws and cases do not stop people from continuing to discriminate against those in the LGBTQ+ community. According to the “Effect of LGBT Anti-Discrimination Laws on School Climate and Outcomes for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual High School Students” by Xavier Fields and Christina Min Wotipka, one case (Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado) involved a baker from Colorado who refused to provide his services to an LGBTQ+ couple who wanted a cake for their wedding. His case was that providing his services to the couple would go against his religious beliefs. Ultimately, The Trump Administration sided with the baker.
The Trump Administration is an example of a government power who has attempted and succeeded to weaken the rights of the LGBTQ+ community. According to “Queer and Present Danger: Understanding The Disparate Impacts of Disasters on LGBTQ+ Communities'', by Leo Goldsmith, Vanessa Raditz, and Michael Mendez, the administration had helpful information about the LGBTQ+ community be removed from the anti-discrimination resources created by our country’s Department of Housing and Urban Development; a department that seeks to provide housing assistance and other forms of support to our struggling population.
Fields, Xavier, and Christine Min Wotipka. “Effect of LGBT Anti- Discrimination Laws on School Climate and Outcomes for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual High School Students.” Journal of LGBT Youth, vol. 19, no. 3, July 2022, pp. 307–29. EBSCOhost, https://doi.org/10.1080/19361653.2020.1821276.
Goldsmith, Leo, et al. “Queer and Present Danger: Understanding the Disparate Impacts of Disasters on LGBTQ+ Communities.” Disasters, vol. 46, no. 4, Oct. 2022, pp. 946–73. EBSCOhost, https://doi.org/10.1111/disa.12509.
Steinmetz, Katy. “Why Don’t U.S. Laws Explicitly Ban Discrimination Against LGBT People?” TIME Magazine, vol. 193, no. 14, Apr. 2019, p. 14. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=135732440&site=ehost-live&scope=site.
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kleptosuperstar · 4 years
hiii so uhh i really don't think anyone will see this because...i literally have one follower but im kinda making this for myself because me and my cousin are going to the mall and a few stores around the city in a few days SPECIFICALLY to lift and I made a list of things that we both want PLUS some tips for these stores seeing as I DO lift from most of them a lot sooo..yeah
SPENCERS: a moderately easy store seeing as there are TONS of blind spots and LP isn't employed. To top it off, cameras are never monitored, however they are low-hanging and somewhat high quality. Usually only 2-5 employees but the store is almost always crowded so if you find a blind spot it's a free for all. They wont chase but might call mall security.
What we want:
h20 piercing cleaner x2
toy cleaner
jojoba oil
hemp oil
septum and nose jewelery (we will actually have to purchase this, seeing as if you steal the jewelery they hand to you they WILL know you stole no matter what. Plus the packaging is riddled with RFID tags)
HOT TOPIC: Not that many blind spots, but employees usually don't care and rarely count clothing articles, which may have a tag or two, so check for those. Cameras are never monitored and the stores usually have a large layout so just watch out for customers and employees, find a blind spot and throw a bunch of shit into your bag They don't chase! :D.
What we want:
distressed thigh highs
over the knee thigh highs with bow
black fishnet lace thigh highs
black and white stripe arm warmers
black fishnet fingerless gloves
black floral tights
CLAIRE'S: whew lawd. I really really want to be helpful on this one but Claire's is a laughably easy place to lift from. No cameras, usually only 1 or 2 employees and if one is giving a piercing it's a free-for-all. THEY HAVE MIRRORS SO AVOID THOSE. My favorite blind spot there is behind the register if there is no one there, and that's all I have to say there.
What I want: (she doesn't want anything from Claire's apparently🙄)
A tiara
Nail polish
VICTORIA'S SECRET: first of all lol, i feel ZERO shame in lifting from them. Please note that they do have cameras, and their SAs are trained to look out for shoplifters, however most of them are just confused college girls lol. Panties are NOT tagged. What I like to do is take a medium sized empty makeup bag and put it in my purse, and once I arrive to VS i put the makeup bag in the tote, I also drop my phone into the tote. I go around the store, picking out panties that are my size and i drop them so they can fall directly into the makeup bag. I do this with as many as I can fit into the bag and I do this with small makeup items as well. Once I'm done, I reach into the bag as if I'm looking for my phone (which i dropped in earlier) and that's the moment when i zip up the zipper of the makeup bag and pull out my phone immediately after and pretend to check the time and say something like "Damn, I gotta go. I'm late." Or something like that. Put the makeup bag in your purse and play around on your phone as you exit the store. And that's really it :) I rarely lift bras from there anymore so I can't REALLY help you there.
What I want:
a bunch of panties and some lip gloss!
BARNE'S AND NOBLES: I've never lifted from this place but I know friends who have. I'll give you the tips they gave me. There are cameras, and they are being monitored, but there are PLENTY of blind spots seeing as it is a very large store. The kid's section has no cameras tho, so if you're like me and look younger than you are, this could be for your advantage. No one expects you to steal when you're vibing in the kid's section. Most books have RFID tags, and hardcover books sometime have books engraved in the cover, so watch out for those. Most manga, some magazines, and just overall 99% of the books are tagged. Get what you want, flip through them and look for RFID tags while pretending to "read". If an employee sees you sitting down "reading" they won't suspect you unless they actually see you ripping out the tags. The worst that could happen is that they could ask you to move out of the book aisle so other customers can come through, if that happens, simply find another blind spot. Slip them into your bags like they're yours as SOON as you know they're rid of RFID tags. They won't chase, but probably will try to get you back into the store and if that doesn't work they'll try to get a license plate number or give your description to the police, neither usually goes anywhere tbh.
What we want:
fire force volume 1
fire force volume 2
fire force volume 3
fire force volume 4
Akame Ga Kill
Soul eater
Black lagoon
Kakegurui vol. 1
The seven deadly sins volume 1
Spy x family 1
Spy x family 2
Spy x family 3
Black butler vol. 1
Black butler vol. 2
Black butler vol. 3
Black butler vol. 4
Wotakoi vol. 1
Wotakoi vol. 2
Dictionary of witchcraft
The anatomy of the occult
Charms, spells, and formula
Moon spells
Gothic beauty magazine number 19
Nocturnal witchcraft
The good witch's daily spellbook
A big book of practical spells
Any book on astrology
Gothic grimoire
Shingeki no Kyonin
Ulta: The second store I've ever lifted from. This store is easy, but not laughably. I feel like this would be a starter for babylifters. This store has mild LP, so watch out for those and NEVER EVER EVER conceal in front of customers, you should never do this in general but especially NOT in an Ulta. Get to your blindspot and make sure to detag depending on what you plan on lifting. Those mfs at Ulta tag like crazy. Put everything in your bag and remember to NEVER get too greedy at this store. They have a STRICT, VERY VERY STRICT no chase policy.
What we want:
better than sex mascara
makeup brushes
black liquid and stick liner
pink liquid liner (if they have it)
brown eyeliner
eyeliner pencil
maracuja oil
any colorful eyeshadow pallate lol
WALMART: My walmart is so easy it hurts. Maybe about 5 cameras throughout the whole store to my knowledge, so the whole thing is basically a blind spot. The makeup aisle is heavily monitored tho so whenever I'm over there I make an effort to never look up to those cameras. Grab whatever you want/need and AVOID EMPLOYEES!!! they're everywhere. As well as customers. They are the two most annoying problems I've ever had lifting from a Walmart. I've noticed that aisles where you get things such as building materials are the most empty with no cameras. People usually only go to walmart because the food is cheap, so there are a lot of families who are usually only at one side of the store. Its rare that people ever need materials like those so seek out aisles like that to use as a blind spot. Wal-Mart doesn't seem to tag that many things, but ALWAYS check no matter what store you're at. If you're lifting something on the expensive side, just check for that.
What I want:
kinder buenos x2
sugar free monster energy
black lace
blue eyeliner
nail polish
Pretty easy store tbh. The cameras are fake, and if they aren't they're never being monitored. I don't know about ALL layouts but mine has SO many blindspots it's crazy. If you're just looking for a snack, some makeup, or maybe a meal ? (Yes, you can get a whole meal if you lift enough stuff) then the dollar tree would be your place of interest. There are almost no employees walking around the store. There are usually only 2, and they switch between working at the registers and cleaning out the front of the store or whatever. Honestly this store is so easy just stuff shit in your bag lol. Even if you get caught they won't chase or call the police. Their stock is WAYY too cheap for that. I go there to steal candy or makeup brushes which is usually not worth paying for anyways so this is a beginner store. Knock yourself out ;)
What I want:
literally anything i see there that i want😭
welllll if you actually made it this far, thank you so much! I hope this helped someone and I hope one day I can make a master list of stores myself instead of just picking selective ones but this was all i was able to do :( i really REALLY hope this helped someone lmao just remember
✨ if its chain, its free reign✨
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taylorafergus · 4 years
Fashion: The Fast and the Furiously Unsustainable - Week 7
Haute couture has always been a relatively respected and "staid affair" of which consisted of leading fashion houses crafting garments that cost upwards of hundreds and thousands of dollars (Sull and Turconi 2008, pg. 5). These astronomical prices provide buyers and wearers with feelings of exclusivity and contribute to a greater sense of social and cultural acceptance. 
Up until the late 1980s, fashion apparel retailers had utilised their knowledge of the industry and its market in a bid to forecast consumer demand and fashion trends in order to remain competitive (cited in Bhardwaj and Fairhurst 2010, pg. 165). Fast-forward 20 years and the fashion industry requires a new lens to view, understand and predict its market. The dynamics of this evolving industry have "forced retailers to desire low cost and flexibility in design, quality, and speed to market [all of which act as] key strategies to maintain a profitable position in the increasingly demanding market" (Bhardwaj and Fairhurst 2010, pg. 165). Retailers have revolutionised the fashion apparel industry by following a strategy known as 'fast fashion' - the democratisation of couture in "bringing trendy, affordable items to the masses" - which consequently bears its own set of harmful and unethical practices (Sull and Turconi 2008, pg. 5). As an antipode to such a strategy, the 'slow fashion' movement was established and continues to gain mainstream attention and traction.
Figure 1. Shopping GIF. Source; Giphy c. 2020.
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Firms and fashion houses in the fast fashion apparel industry - such as Zara, Fashion Nova, UNIQLO and H&M -  have increasingly embraced the philosophy of 'fast fashion' retailing. The term 'fast fashion' describes a new and accelerated fashion apparel business model. The strategy involves the "increased numbers of new fashion collections every year [ - typically crafted to emulate current, high-cost luxury fashion trends - ], quick turnarounds and often lower prices" (House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee 2019, pg. 6). The aim is to react rapidly, theoretically overnight, in order to develop new products to meet consumer demands and fashion trends before they become yesterday's news. Fast fashion companies thrive off of fast cycles: "rapid prototyping, small batches combined with a large variety, more efficient transportation and delivery, and merchandise that is presented ‘floor-ready’ on hangers with price tags already attached" (cited in Joy et al. 2012, pg. 275). This combined with increasing consumerism has brought forth a dangerous ethos for both consumers and the planet; that is, the adopted mindset of a 'throw-away' culture that encourages over-consumption (Xue 2018, pg.9).
The fast fashion industry is fundamentally unsustainable and unethical. Textile production plays a larger contributing factor to climate change than international aviation and shipping combined. Additionally, the process requires large volumes of fresh drinking water and is a major chemical and plastic pollutant (House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee 2019, pg. 3). To put that into context - It costs 2,700 litres of fresh drinking water to make one cotton T-shirt, which is enough water for one person for a 900 day period (Gbor c. 2020). Australians alone "dispose of 6,000 kilograms of fashion and textile waste every 10 minutes" (Gbor c. 2020). Further, the working conditions of such an industry are no better. "Most garment production is done in developing countries, which do not have strict rules for worker safety, wage regulations or child protection" which is commonly exploited (Gaitho c. 2020).
One medium that plays a contributing factor in the proliferation of the fast fashion industry is Instagram. The trends gaining traction within the fashion industry are highly influenced by, and dependent on, media and celebrities. The rapid adoption of technologies and their increasing accessibility to the internet and social media ultimately contribute to a higher ‘trend’ awareness among consumers (cited in Léa et al. 2018, pg. 8). Fashion inspiration is no longer monopolised by seasonal fashion shows, glossy magazines and photoshoots. Further, the Fashion Retail Academy argues that Instagram has grown into one of the "top sources of fashion inspiration, with nearly a fifth (17%) of people using it to find the latest trends" (cited in Skeldon 2019). Additionally, fast fashion houses have jumped at the opportunity to partner with some of the most influential users of the platform by adopting a strategy called 'influencer marketing' which is commonly employed with individuals of ‘microcelebrity’ status.  The term 'influencer marketing' refers to the phenomenon of utilising influential individuals, who are active users online and are willing to share brand messages with their following (cited in Léa et al. 2018, pg. 7).
Figure 2. Big Brother Frankie GIF. Source; Giphy c. 2020.
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Consumers are becoming increasingly disenchanted with their mindless consumption and disposal of fashion goods and its impact on society (Joy et al. 2012, pg. 277). Slow fashion, interchangeably referred to as sustainable fashion and ethical fashion was introduced as an antipode to the fast fashion industry (Lai et al. 2017, pg. 82). Sustainable fashion refers to ‘goods and services that respond to basic needs and bring a better quality of life, while minimizing the use of natural resources, toxic materials and emissions of waste and pollutants over the life-cycle, so as not to jeopardize the needs of future generations’ (cited in Lai et al. 2017, pg. 83). Consumers are increasingly seeking ethical and sustainable alternatives to the goods and services they encounter daily such as food, makeup, fashion etc. 
Fast fashion is a blatantly unsustainable and unethical industry that depends on the ignorance of consumers in identifying the true costs of staying ‘on-trend’ - the planet and the quality of life of others.
Figure 3. Fashion Upcycling Sticker GIF. Source; Giphy c. 2020.
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‘Big Brother Frankie’ [GIF], in Giphy c. 2020, influencer, Giphy, viewed the 4th of May 2020, <https://giphy.com/gifs/globaltv-big-brother-social-media-4T3QViZYrTGfcHEnnC>
Bhardwaj, V, Fairhurst A 2010, 'Fast fashion: response to changes in the fashion industry', The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 01st of February 2010, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 165-173
'Fashion Upcycling Sticker' [GIF], in Giphy c. 2020, fast fashion, Giphy, viewed the 4th of May 2020, <https://giphy.com/stickers/sustainable-ethical-zerrin-YlT2C6hzYI1xXxanjj>
Gaitho, M c. 2020, 'Unethical Fashion: Exploitation of Women and Children', Fabric of the World, viewed the 3rd of May 2020, <http://www.fabricoftheworld.com/unethical-fashion-learn-how-the-textile-industrys-practices-are-hazardous-to-workers/>
Gbor, N c. 2020, 'War on Waste: It’s time to step off the fashion trend-mill', ABC, viewed the 3rd of May 2020, <http://about.abc.net.au/war-on-waste-its-time-to-step-off-the-fashion-trend-mill/>
House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee 2019, 'Fixing fashion: clothing consumption and sustainability', House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee, Sixteenth Report of Session 2017–19, 5th of February, viewed the 2nd of May 2020, <https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201719/cmselect/cmenvaud/1952/1952.pdf>
Joy, A, Sherry, JF, Venkatesh, A, Wang, J, Chan, R 2012, 'Fast Fashion, Sustainability, and the Ethical Appeal of Luxury Brands', Fashion Theory, 1st of September 2012, vol.16, no. 3, pp. 273-295
Lai, Z, Henninger, C, Alevizou, P 2017, ‘An Exploration of Consumers’ Perceptions Towards Sustainable Fashion – A Qualitative Study in the UK’, (eds) Henninger, C, Alevizou, P, Goworek, H, Ryding, D (eds), in Sustainability in Fashion A Cradle to Upcycle Approach, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 81-101
Léa, C, Malek, P, Runnvall, L 2018, 'Influencers impact on decision- making among generation Y and Z Swedish females when purchasing fast fashion.', Jönköping University: Bachelor’s Degree Project in Business Administration, 21st of May, viewed the 3rd of May 2020, <https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/f5fa/d75c4891a71b6c9f3781f75a13f4666ff846.pdf.>
‘Shopping GIF’ [GIF], in Giphy c. 2020, shopping, Giphy, viewed the 4th of May 2020, <https://giphy.com/gifs/pretty-girls-hair-13SrduL7iVarT2>
Skeldon, P 2019, 'Social influencers have led to the rise in fast fashion, with 30% of shoppers using Instagram for inspiration', Internet Retailing, viewed the 3rd of May 2020, <https://internetretailing.net/mobile-theme/mobile-theme/social-influencers-have-led-to-the-rise-in-fast-fashion-with-30-of-shoppers-using-instagram-for-inspiration-20388>
Sull, D, Turconi, S 2008, 'Fast fashion lessons', Business Strategy Review, June 2008, vol.19, no. 2, pp. 4-11
Xue, S 2018, 'Ethical Fashion in the Age of Fast Fashion', Digital Commons @ Connecticut College, viewed the 2nd of May 2020, <https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1023&context=arthp>
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deer-tokki · 5 years
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Seek magazine vol.008 (2016) SHINee’s Everyday Q&A
Minho’s Everyday
1. What's the first thing you do when you get up in the morning? Minho: First I look at my phone. I check for messages and the time... Things like that.
2. What's the color of your toothbrush? Minho: I don't remember because there is no particular color but... I guess blue?
3. What do you usually eat for breakfast? Minho: I don't eat breakfast!
4. What do you always have in your refrigerator? Minho: Sports drink. Sometimes I drink sports drinks in the morning.
5. What is your favorite fashion item? Minho: Jeans, cap, soccer uniform. I wear uniforms for fashion, not soccer practice.
6. Your favorite wallet? Minho: A folding blue wallet.
7. What drinks do you often order at cafes? Minho: Iced Americano.
8. What is your favorite smartphone case? Minho: This is the case of a soccer player called Fernando Torres, it's a custom-made case, the only one in the world.
9. What's the most recent photo taken with your phone? Minho: A selca.
10. What games are you into right now? Minho: Certainly "Winning Eleven".
11. What about your most recent staple food? Minho: This (question) in particular! There is no such thing, I like to eat a lot of things.
12. What is the most memorable TV show you watched recently? Minho: "Soccer Euro 2016" is being broadcasted recently, so I have been watching it all (laughs). Also, I laughed while watching the Korean variety show named "Knowing Brothers".
13. What music do you listen to these days? Minho: I listen to a song by an artist called Lukas Graham.
14. What books you've been reading these days? Minho: Poetry. It's a collection of famous poets' works and I read it because there are expressions and new discoveries that I never thought of and I can expand my range of thinking.
15. What have you bought recently? Minho: What was it...? (He thinks for a while) I don't remember. (laughs)
16. What foods do you cook when you are hungry? Minho: Ramen.
17. When did you laugh the most recently? Minho: Hm... I don't think I can remember...
18. What was your biggest shock recently? Minho: It's a secret.
19. What has surprised you the most recently? Minho: This is also a secret! (laughs)
20. when do you feel relaxed when you're home? Minho: When I can sleep on my bed.
21. What did you dream about recently? Minho: Sometimes I have dreams but I forget what I dreamed about.
22. How do you sleep at night? Minho: Wearing a T-shirt and shorts.
23. What to do before going to bed at night?! Minho: I watch my face.
24. What will you eat for dinner tonight? Minho: Samgyetang.* (*Samgyetang: Ginseng chicken soup)
translation: DiamondTaem
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Feb 11, 2021,11:28am EST|22,597 views Why Rihanna’s Fenty Clothing Line Has Been Put To An End 📷 Roxanne RobinsonContributor Retail I am a Paris-based journalist covering the luxury and fashion industry. 📷 📷📷 Rihanna arrives at The Fashion Awards 2019 wearing[+]SAMIR HUSSEINWIREIMAGEThe pandemic proved to be good for panties and not so good for pants. At least that is the case for Rihanna’s Fenty clothing line, the LVMH-owned brand and only the second start-up brand the French luxury conglomerate has backed. In a mutual agreement, the parties have decided to cease the line launched less than two years ago. The pressure to make it or break it has never been higher in luxury. Meanwhile, Savage X Fenty, the disruptive lingerie line launched in 2018, secured $115 million in Series B funding led by L Catterton’s Growth Fund. Clearly expressing opposite paths begs the question of what led to Savage X Fenty succeeding over Fenty?Fenty Maison’s Unique Beginnings It’s important to look at the stakes involved launching a ground-up brand by LVMH. The luxury behemoth is known mainly for acquiring and reviving existing luxury brands. The last time they launched a new brand was Christian Lacroix in 1987. It also marked the first female of color to lead a brand for the French group. Beyond adding to her beauty and lingerie enterprises, the concept was to build upon Rihanna’s creative director and guest designing gigs at Puma and Manolo Blahnik, both commercial successes. In these cases, the singer harnessed an existing aesthetic with production support built in. The debut collection for Fenty, in May of 2019, represented the “greatest hits” of the singer’s wardrobe and was executed with Fenty’s number 2 creative Jahleel Weaver, her longtime stylist. In a video press conference at the time, Rihanna, aka Robyn Fenty, the CEO and Creative Director of Fenty, noted the experience by saying, ”It’s a meticulous process. You don’t get bored when deciding what a new collection can be. LVMH is a monster of a machine; you can only expect the best.”The aim was to eschew typical four times yearly collections by adding drops when the inspiration and mojo to churn the machine for merch beckoned. Fenty rolled out in tandem with events with several retail partners versus costly fashion shows. The collection priced in the entry designer category: Jogger pants cost $280, T-shirts started at $180, hoodies at $300, an oversized padded denim jacket for $940 and dresses between $600-700. Initially, the drops were averaging every six to eight weeks, with seven deliveries in 2019 and six in 2020. The philosophy was to build on essential wardrobe items to be evergreen in the line. Unforeseeable Challenges Aside from the fact that a global pandemic put many fashion brands in peril, Fenty didn’t gain the traction its initial hype promised. Signs of its trouble were evident in the fall of 2020, when a new managing director Bastien Renard was appointed to replace ready-to-wear executive Veronique Gebel.  Next, LVMH chief financial officer Jean-Jacques Guiony said the line was a “work in progress,” to WWD. As Fenty Beauty and Fenty Skin, also LVMH owned, are performing exceptionally, it’s clear the singer is bankable. PARIS, FRANCE – MAY 22: Bernard Arnault and[+]GETTY IMAGES FOR FENTYBut designing clothing collections is entirely different. Especially when Covid-19 made traveling to Europe for design meetings and production visits difficult. The singer and her stylist and (company brass) may have been overly ambitious about just how much unique merch could be pumped out in a year. Accessories such as sunglasses and fashion jewelry performed better overall, often selling out or having waitlists. But most styles remained the same since the May 2019 launch. Aside from signature hip-cut out on skirts, dresses and even hoodies, the merch wasn’t that distinctive. The shoe offering didn’t appear to evolve.An effort to remedy that, perhaps, was the collaborators joining forces with buzzy cobbler Amina Muaddi. The collaboration added a covered toe elastic vamp
style slingback stiletto and garnered them a footwear award. But the shoes offered in drop 11-20 were the last. Some industry voices on Twitter, such as Pierre M’ Pele of Perfect Magazine, proclaimed the line was simply not good. The Industry View Luxury brand consultant Robert Burke, of Robert Burke and Associates, surmises that the clothing line positioned at collection prices wasn’t the best place to reach her customer. He noted luxury buyers stuck with tried-and-true names like Dior, Chanel, Louis Vuitton and Hermes.Burke also felt that for the launch’s fanfare, the drop method was not the right approach. “They left out the fashion show hype which would have reached millions more online, but her power is in her notoriety,” said Burke.The lingerie and beauty lines, on the other hand, appeal to her demographic with their body positivity outlook and accessible price points. Plus, they have garnered a bigger social media following. While Fenty has just 1 million followers, Savage X Fenty has 3.9 million and Fenty Beauty has a whopping 10.5 million followers.There is also a lower threshold in luxury today to weather loss and unprofitability. “I don’t know if there are five and ten-year plans anymore; there is so much at stake. And investors look to brands that grow organically,” said Burke. Sucharita Kodali, VP, Principal Analyst with Forrester, agreed. “I think like any smart business decision, this is about investing in what is working–i.e., beauty and undergarments–and failing fast at anything that isn’t,” she said. “In this case, Fenty fashion clothing wasn’t working, so it’s not a priority now.”A Lust for Lingerie Like Rihanna’s beauty brands, Savage X Fenty lingerie is experiencing great success, thanks largely to its ability to attract Gen Z and Millennial customers. Relative to the clothing line, Fenty lingerie is quite affordable, with skimpy thongs selling for less than $10, bras selling for $17 to $22, and full-body teddies under $30.It has also promoted the inclusivity factor. Sizes range from XS to 3X and Savage X Fenty promoted all shapes, colors and sizes in their branding campaigns, website and social media. It checks all boxes for authenticity, which is vital to the demographic. The line was extra buzzy for its ever-present influencer stable with names such as Aeysha Perry-Iqbal (489K followers), Corie Rayvon (974K followers), Denise Bidot (794K followers), Jazzmyne Jay (586K followers) and Symphani Soto (434K followers) among others. LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA – Rihanna onstage during[+]GETTY IMAGES FOR SAVAGE X FENTY SHOW VOL. 2 PRESENTED BY AMAZON PRIME VIDEO Marie Driscoll, CFA and Managing Director, Luxury & Fashion at Coresight Research Inc. notes the surge of demand for intimates, casual and comfort apparel benefitted from the same trend that stymied fashion apparel during Covid-19, the lack of anywhere to wear tailored and dressy RTW. “To pivot to intimates is a wise move and does leverage Rihanna’s brand DNA of inclusivity, which is a value consumers seek when choosing brands, along with demand for comfort clothing in a Covid-19 environment, “ said Driscoll noting the longer-term secular trend of casualization to benefit a focus on intimates and sports apparel.Market Standing In a press release about the new injection of funding into Savage X Fenty, co-Presidents Natalie Guzman and Christiane Pendarvis said: “As we continue to grow the brand at a remarkable pace, it is imperative we move forward with partners who not only have a deep understanding of our business and customer base but share our ambitious vision for Savage X Fenty and have the operational know-how to work with us to achieve it.”That ambitious vision includes retail. Branded brick and mortar stores are important to this brand that destigmatized racy lingerie. Many of the styles are reminiscent of intimate apparel previously only sold in adult entertainment stores—another visible aspect of Rihanna’s overall acceptance and inclusion M-O.According to the press release, the Series B financing follows “an exceptional year for Savage X
Fenty in which it experienced explosive revenue growth of over 200%, while increasing its active VIP member base by over 150%.” Stats shared by a representative for L. Catterton noted that Savage By Fenty holds a 3-5% market share in intimates. A notable stat for a brand that is only in the market for two years and hasn’t entered retail yet. Its core demo – women ages 18-35 — is expected to gain a much higher market share. By comparison, Aerie, which launched 14 years ago, report intimates make up just 31% of their total revenue which is estimated at $1 billion. “The brand strikes a unique balance between affordability, fashion, and comfort, stands deeply for inclusivity and diversity, and has differentiated itself by building an extraordinary level of affinity and unmatched customer loyalty,” said Jon Owsley, co-Managing Partner of L Catterton’s Growth Fund in the release. “We believe the opportunities ahead for Savage X Fenty are enormous.” LVMH partnered with the investment firm in 2016, thus rebranding at L Catterton. So, what’s good for L Catterton is good for Bernard Arnault’s luxury group.Move Over Victoria’s Secret Additionally, Savage X Fenty is hitting its stride when sector leader Victoria’s Secret succumbed to its woes that began even pre-pandemic. In May of 2020, they announced they would be closing 250 stores in the US. According to Euromonitor’s research firm, Victoria’s Secret share of the women’s underwear market has declined from 34% in 2016 to 25.7% in 2019.The intimates playing field has been heating up due to consumers trends as well. “We have seen the blurring of categories as intimates expands beyond underwear to outerwear (loungewear and casual wear), giving rise to a lifestyle intimates category, as we can see with American Eagles’ AEO aerie and Kim Kardashian West’s SKIMS. Rihanna and Savage X Fenty is better positioned to capitalize on market and consumer trends than Fenty RTW,” observes Driscoll.LVMH has their eye on the prize in this regard. “They are looking at where the customer and opportunity are now,” said Burke, “Rihanna is a great brand and spokesperson for it. I think this is a process of taping into how to use her talent best to reach the younger, forward-thinking audience that knows her best.” Get the best of Forbes to your inbox with the latest insights from experts across the globe. Follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn. Roxanne Robinson …Read More I am an award-winning Paris-based American journalist covering luxury and fashion industries with over 25 years of experience. I spent over 18 years at the industryCorrectionsReprints & Permissions Loading ... More From Forbes Are Vaccines A Shot In The Arm For Retail Recovery? What To Expect From Onboard Shopping Now That Cruise Trips Are Back Growth Of Online Luxury Marketplaces Continues In 2021 Legendary Retailer Mervin Morris' Business Faded Long Before He Died StockX Optimizes Customer Experience With Help From Quantum Metric Will There Be Enough Toys For Holiday Gifts? Humanising Digital: Yahoo Kicks Off NYFW By Hurling Holograms Into Fans’ Homes Feel-Good Deal: Zesty Paws $610M Sale Shows Potential Of Pet Wellness Market
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antiquatedfuture · 6 years
Summer Solstice Newsletter
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Canvas & Cassette, Issue Two- Part art journal, part music magazine, part old-school variety zine, Canvas & Cassette has a little something for everyone. ($10)
Covers: Stories About Musicians- Technically a restock, but this highly enjoyable series of comics adapted from music biographies was so popular, we could only keep it in stock for two weeks. Just reprinted and (once again) going fast. ($2)
Empathy Exercise- Places the classroom exercise of putting a blindfold on to imagine being blind against the daily reality of being blind. ($4)
A Few Good Boys: Admiration of Straight White Men and Its Accompanying Dread- In this short illustrated essay, M. Sabine Rear writes about growing up surrounded by art from straight white men and the hoops she had to go through to relate to it. ($4)
Fixer Eraser, Vol. 2- The long-awaited second issue of Fixer Eraser, the latest odds-and-ends zine from Jonas (Cheer the Eff Up, The Greatest Most Traveling Circus), one of the best writers in zines today. ($3)
Fixer Eraser, Vol. 3- A collection of stories and unique bits that sidestep categorization, full of life and surprises. Former superheroes, tortured legends, messages left on small sheets of paper on buses, and so much more. ($3)
Fixer Eraser, Vol. 4- Imagined parenting advice, imagined short stories, and some real stories, some real advice. Where the line between them lies is part of the fun. ($3)
It Only Gets Worse From Here: Fifteen Unspirational Messages to Ruin Your Day- It Only Gets Worse from Here takes the "handwritten inspirational quote art" genre and makes it bleak, lonely, and hilarious. This tiny zine holds 15 unspirational messages to guide you toward your darkest moments. ($2)
Keep Content Off Facebook- A thoughtful zine that asks artists to reexamine how they use Facebook and how Facebook uses them. Not a call to boycott the platform entirely, but to simply think deeply about it and seek solutions beyond it. ($2)
Keep Loving, Keep Fighting #9- In the first issue of Keep Loving, Keep Fighting in ten years Hope combines short, poetic lines about loss, grief, and spirituality with full-color spreads of transcendent mixed-media art. ($5)
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Minimum Rock + Roll #9- An interview with Closer, the new project from Real Life Buildings folks. Lots of album reviews. Every Minimum Rock + Roll issue is a tiny good time. ($1)
Minimum Rock + Roll #10- Another little burst of underground music from Olympia's Joshua Hoey and Reflective Tapes. Within: an interview with Don't Love Like Me Records and plenty of reviews. ($1)
Minor Leagues #5- In this, the GIANT fifth issue of Minor Leagues, Simon Moreton's dreamy, time-traveling diary comics blend with long pieces of prose. Within: Finding meaning in place, being in nature, moving through loss, living with ghosts. ($7) My Complicated Relationship With Food, Vol. Four- The return of the most popular zine series we carry. Surprising and bizarre reviews of unremarkable foods. ($1)
Resilient Bastard: Ways to Combat a Brain That is Actively Trying to Kill You- A much-needed zine of writers being very open and honest about depression, suicidal thoughts, and tools for coping. From a great crew of Olympia folks. ($5) Tin Can Telephone #4- A short history of pirate TV intrusions, an interview with Sarah MacDonald of Thrifty Times zine, tape-music history, and much more. ($4) Women in Sound #5- A new issue of Women in Sound zine is always cause for celebration. But this one is perhaps the best yet. Interviews with three of our favorites: Mirah Zeitlyn (as in, indie-pop goddess Mirah), Laetitia Tamko (of Vagabon), and legendary Prince recording engineer Susan Rogers. Plus a whole lot more. ($5)
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ABSV- Champion of the Sun- A tribute to Sun Ra by Portland electronic artist and percussionist J Morales, also known as ABSV. Eight pulsing tracks of experimental Afro-house, interweaving live and electronic percussion, synths, bass, and piano into an instant basement dance party. (Cassette + Digital Download) ($8) Badlands- Slow Growth- Her best yet, Slow Growth is a style-hopping album of assured personal pop songs, political anthems, and a Donna Summer self-love mantra cover. (Cassette + Digital Download) ($5) Dump Him- Venus in Retrograde- Live garage-rocky pop-punk from Western Massachusetts' Dump Him. Released on Olympia's Reflective Tapes. (Cassette) ($5)
Family Video- Long Time Listener, First Time Caller- The latest from Newfoundland's Family Video is a masterpiece. Emotionally complex twee-pop that confront loneliness and reimagines the great volcanic winter of 1816. (Cassette + Digital Download) ($5) Hedia- Wool- Sparse and slight, but also sprawling and generous, Hedia's ambient chamber pieces are gifts, through and through. The side project of Bryce Hample of Reighnbeau. (Cassette) ($8)
Orange Daydream: A Tribute To Orange Cake Mix- A split between long-running lo-fi heavyweight Orange Cake Mix and some of the artists that love him. (CD) ($10) Phoxii- Life Eating Death Feeding- The latest album of forward-thinking electronics from Phoxii. Life Eating Death Feeding's broken and reconstructed tracks further asserts Phoxii as living in a musical universe that's entirely her own. (Cassette + Digital Download) ($8)
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Reighnbeau- Blood- Blood is Reighbeau at its most lush, most epic. Skittering claps and snaps, pops and clicks, against a cut-up synth symphony. With guest vocals from Colleen Johnson (Flying Circles), Madeline Johnston (Sister Grotto, Midwife), and many others. (Cassette) ($7) Reighnbeau- Fingertips- The latest from Reighbeau, Fingertips is an underwater affair—futuristic nostalgia, cheap earplugs at the rave, worn-out cassettes playing recordings of church organs over a pulsing kick drum. (Cassette) ($7)
Reighnbeau- Hide- Hide is, like its title implies, obscured, secretive, maybe a little shy. Its melodies below the surface, beats pulsing alongside pitch-shifted layers, dozens of distant voices calling out. Guest vocals throughout by Madeline Johnston of Sister Grotto. ($7) Reighnbeau & BK Beats- Sleep- Sleep is the soundtrack to a dream party—feel-good but off-kilter, shiny and hazy, containing only slight resemblances to reality. (Cassette) ($6)
Richard Album- Another Album- Sitting nicely between his garage-pop and synth-pop sides, Another Album finds Richard moving ever forward and swimming in an ocean of tears. (Cassette + Digital Download) ($5)
Various Artists- This Reminds Me: Songs By Linda Smith Reimagined- A tribute album to lo-fi bedroom folk pioneer Linda Smith. A much-deserved 19-track compilation with covers and interpretations from Rose Melberg, and many others (Cassette + Digital Download) ($5)
Drummer Cat Sticker- Leading the band down the street. ($1)
Mushroom Shelter Sticker- Taking shelter under a giant mushroom. As one does.($1)
Spirit Guide Sticker- Meet your spirit guide. ($1)
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NEWS *One of our favorite zines around, Syndicate Product, has an open submission call for their long-awaited new issue. Have a book you loathe? This is your chance to tell the world about it.
*Long-time zinester Billy McCall is doing a survey about zine culture and wants everyone involved with zines to participate. 
*Our very own Sara Renberg is touring parts of the east coast and midwest this coming week in support of her Night Sands album. Check out her tour schedule and catch a show!
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Works Cited
Abani, Chris. Graceland. New York, Picador, 2004.
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi. “Cell One.” The New Yorker, 21 Jan. 2007, www.newyorker.com/magazine/2007/01/29/cell-one.
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi. “Imitation.” The Thing Around Your Neck.
Apple Books. https://books.apple.com/us/book/the-thing-around-your-neck/id420305068
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi. “The Headstrong Historian.” The Thing Around Your Neck, New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 2009.
Agbo, Dennis. Vanguard News, 12 December 2020, https://www.vanguardngr.com/2020/12/unn-staff-agree-to-settle-out-of-court-over-termination-of-appointment/.
Akuki, Alfred. “Rising Residential Towers in Lagos: Changing the Megacity Skyline.”
Independent, 29 November, 2016,
“Blood Rider”. Directed by Jon Kasbe, Kasbe Films, 2020.
Certeau, Michel de. “Walking in the City,” The Practice of Everyday Life. Translated by Steven F. Rendall, 3rd ed., University of California Press, 2011.
Cole, Teju. “Perplexed... Perplexed.” Known and Strange Things, Random House, 2016.
“Country Profile: Nigeria, July 2008.” Country Profiles : Country Studies - Federal Research Division, Library of Congress, July 2008, www.loc.gov/rr/frd/cs/profiles.html.
“Economic Opportunities and Challenges in Lagos.” Internet Geography, 14 Jan. 2021,
Fifty. Directed by Biyi Bandele, performances by Ireti Doyle, Dakore Akande, Omoni Oboli, Nse Ipke-Etim, EbonyLife Films, 2015.
Grosz, Elizabeth. “Congruent Counterparts.” Bodies Cities. Routledge, 1999, pp. 241-253.
Half of a Yellow Sun. Directed Bandele, Biyi. FilmOne Distribution, 2013.
Heidegger, Martin. “Building, Dwelling, Thinking.” Poetry, Language, Thought, New York, Harper and Row, 1971, pp. 145-161.
Immerwahr, Daniel. “The Politics of Architecture and Urbanism in Postcolonial Lagos, 1960–1986.” Journal of African Cultural Studies, vol. 19, no. 2, 2007, pp. 165–186., doi:10.1080/13696810701760450.
Kaplan, Seth D. “What Makes Lagos a Model City.” The New York Times, 7 January, 2014, https://www.nytimes.com/2014/01/08/opinion/what-makes-lagos-a-model-city.html?_r=.
Lionheart. Directed by Genevieve Nnaji, performances by Pete Edochie, Ken Owoh, Onyeka Onwenu, Phyno, and Kanayo O. Kanayo, The Entertainment Network, 2018.
Massey, Doreen B. Space, Place, and Gender. University of Minnesota Press, 1994.
Megbolu, Chinazor. “Nigeria: Groups Seek Justice for Maroko Evictees.” All Africa, 23 September, 2009, https://allafrica.com/stories/200909240125.html.
Nwagwu, Ijeoma, and Tamilore Oni. “Lagos and Its Potentials for Economic Growth.”
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, 1 July 2015, ng.boell.org/2015/07/02/lagos-and-its-potentials-economic-growth.
Nwaubani, Adaobi. I Do Not Come to You by Chance. Hachette Books, 2015.
Okri, Ben. “Stars of the New Curfew.” Stars of the New Curfew, New York, Penguin, 1988, pp. 83-144.
Rama, Angel, and John C. Chasteen. The Lettered City, 1996.
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dlstmxkakwldrlarchive · 8 months
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(throwback) SHINee Seek Magazine Vol. 19
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weemsbotts · 4 years
Avenging the Blood of Our Citizens!
By: Lisa Timmerman, Executive Director
Stepping onto a boat and/or ship probably leads to both excitement and some trepidation if you consider the risks of possible accidents or infections (cruise ships). Living in the early 1800s included an additional risk – forcibly serving the British Royal Navy.
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(Source: Sword Scabbard Depicting Three Ships in Battle, Presented to Archibald Henderson Fortitudine: Bulletin of the Marine Corps Historical Program, Vol. 34, No. 4, 2009)
Although the War of 1812 did not commence until 1812, the storm was brewing for years prior to America’s formal declaration of war against the British. During the early 1800s, Britain and its’ allies periodically clashed with the French Empire in a series of conflicts known as the Napoleonic Wars as Napoleon I attempted to expand his empire and weaken Great Britain. Although President Thomas Jefferson attempted to keep America neutral, the British and French made this difficult as each power sought any means necessary to stop the other.
Unfortunately for American sailors, Great Britain impressed British men into the Royal Navy, lawfully allowed to do so when Great Britain was at war. The Royal Navy organized press gangs to sweep the streets looking to arrest and press any British man into service with few exceptions (exceptions included: indentured apprentices and any person considered essential to maritime trade – fishermen, shipwrights, and others carrying protection documents). Press gangs also worked at sea and the British frequently stopped American ships looking for British deserters or anyone they could press ignoring legalities. Americans who could not prove their American citizenship suddenly found themselves members of the British Royal Navy, a problem that enraged our country. While the number of actual Americans impressed was probably lower than the contemporary accounts argued, this was one major factor leading to the War of 1812.
Enter three pressed Americans and one pressed British citizen, in June of 1807: William Ware, Daniel Martin, John Strachan, and Jenkins Ratford. After the HMS Leopard patrolled off the coast of Virginia, the four men decided to steal a boat and seek sanctuary with the American frigate USS Chesapeake, safely stowed near Portsmouth, Virginia. While the British demanded the right to search the ship, Commodore James Barron instead conducted his own investigation and ignored the British. Commander of the British North American Station at Halifax, Vice Admiral Berkeley, issued orders to the British fleet to forcibly stop and search the Chesapeake at sea. On 06/22/1807, as the USS Chesapeake sailed by Cape Henry, Captain Salisbury Humphreys of the HMS Leopard attempted one more time to board the ship before firing seven broadsides at close range into the USS Chesapeake. The attack killed three Americans, wounded eighteen, and the four men were taken back to Britain and punished – the Americans jailed, and the British deserter executed.
Outraged, men from Prince William County met at the Dumfries Courthouse on 07/01/1807, issuing a proclamation concerning “…the late indignity offered to the United States of America, by the unprecedented conduct of the commander of the British ship of war Leopard, in the unwarrantable attack…” Alexander Henderson, Richard Brent, Philip Dawe, John Linton, John Macrae, and John Williams resolved, “…That we view with abhorrence the late outrageous attack made upon the flag of our nation, and the wanton murder of our fellow citizens…That we have the utmost confidence in the wisdom and firmness of our executive, and that the proper steps will be pursued by them to redress the national indignity, and procure ample atonement for the blood of our fellow citizens shed on this occasion; and we pledge our lives and fortunes to support the executive in any measure, they may think proper to adopt, to effect this desirable purpose.” Similar declarations rang throughout the country, reminding persons of previous outraged resolves before the Revolutionary War.
Fast forward to the War of 1812 and we find the PWC militia nervously eyeing Dumfries as a realistic target. The Chesapeake Campaign in 1814 (04/23/1813 – 09/14/1814), sought to distract Americans from capturing Canada (yes, we tried to take Canada…it didn’t go well…), and put more direct pressure on American soil. A series of raids in the Chesapeake Bay area eventually led to the British capturing and burning Washington, D.C. on 08/24/1814 – 08/25/1814. Where were the British on 08/22/1814? According to a 1937 report, citing PWC court records, the British were about to take Dumfries. “On 8/22/1814, the British ships were anchored at Quantico, six miles from Grayson’s Hill in Dumfries. It was fully expected that they would attack Dumfries that night. The 36th Regiment of Militia was collecting and the van of the 89th calvary company arrived about noon, but before the arrival of the military the boys of the town had prepared the defense and had formed a Company of “Vigilantes” and from this hill had kept watch of the British ships for hours, and were disappointed that they did not have to use their defense. That afternoon the town was struck by a terrific gale, which is spoken of as the “British Gale”. It did great damage to the town. The British Fleet departed during the storm.”
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(Source: Fairfax County Archaeological Survey, 1983)
According to Fairfax County Archaeological Surveys conducted in 1983, “Grayson’s Hill” and other associated sites had artifacts ranging from the Revolutionary War to the Civil War, but nothing definitely labeled “War of 1812”. It is interesting to note that on the evening of 08/25/1814, while the British were merrily invading Washington, D.C., a tornado formed after a scorching day of 100F, the storm damaging structures and killing British troops. By 08/27/1814, President James Madison was able to return to the city.
Most of PWC’s militias remained in the county or participated in the Baltimore campaign, with a few detachments sent to Norfolk. In PWC, there were two Regiments – the 36th and 89th, with several units aiding the Northern Neck. Capt. John Brawner of the 89th Regiment proceeded to Mattox Bridge with his unit on 08/05/1814, ultimately reporting to Col. Austin Smith at Round Hill Church in King George County. Capt. Joseph R. Lynn of the 36th Regiment was called out by General John Hungerford and stationed at Fredericksburg and Maddox Bridge from 08/02/1814-09/02/1814. While other local men also captained different regiments stationed in Virginia, Second Lieutenant Archibald Henderson served on the USS Constitution, earning his reputation for bravery and loyalty. Henderson received a brevet promotion to major in August 1814 and was appointed “Lieutenant Colonel Commanding and Commandant” six years later.
Note: Did you let your membership expire during the pandemic? Not a problem – renew today or become a member! Memberships start at $10 (for the entire year) and grant you free face-to-face and virtual tours of The Weems-Botts Museum, a special rental rate for Merchant Park, and discounts to popular programs! Click here to access our online store! Read more about our memberships here!
(Sources: HDVI Archival Files; Gale: 19th Century Newspapers: National Intelligencer, 07/08/1807; The Mariner’s Museum: Prelude to the War of 1812; WPA Historic Survey: Town of Dumfries, 1937; American Battlefield Trust: Chesapeake Campaign – April 23, 1813 to September 14, 1814; Smithsonian Magazine: The Tornado That Saved Washington; National Museum of the Marine Corps: Colonel Archibald Henderson’s Presentation Sword by Beth L. Crumley; Stuart Lee Butler, A Guide to Virginia Militia Units in the War of 1812, Iberian Publishing Company, 1988)
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What does “newsworthy” mean to you?
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Image from CTV news, “Red Dresses Seek to Draw Attention to Missing, Murdered Aboriginal Women.”
I remember one particular day back in the fall of 2018 when I swiped my phone screen right to left, practicing my daily routine as I checked my friends’ Instagram stories. Every two swipes, I saw posts of bright red dresses hung outside in the woods. Odd, I thought. Along with the hashtags #REDress and #MMIW, it was then, I first discovered the stories of missing and murdered Indigenous women in Canada. I was shocked by the ugly truth that was revealed to me. Why? Why had there not been much done to resolve it? Why did it take so long to bring such significant issues of missing and murdered indigenous women to me, to us, to the public?
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Graphic from CBC news, “Missing and Murdered.”
I was not alone in wondering about the lack of coverage on these urgent issues of missing and murdered indigenous women. In her article, “‘Newsworthy’ Victims?”, Kristen Gilchrist tells us about the bothersome truth of the intersectionality of gender and race in journalism and how it has impacted minority groups’ representation in the mass media. Gilchrist relentlessly pointed her finger at the misrepresentation of Indigenous women and girls. I learned that media often enforced negative stereotypes upon Indigenous women being in “high-risk” situations with uncareful wording and choices of tone. Thus, making these matters seem less deserving of sympathy. This misrepresentation devalued the urgency and significance of such an issue. It disappointed me to clearly notice the disparities in the amount of coverage for missing and murdered Indigenous women.
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Table from Kristen Gilchrist’s “’Newsworthy’ Victims?”
I have always been taught that journalism is sincere, responsible and accountable. Perhaps that is why it is difficult for me to dwell upon the idea that journalism is unfair. Perhaps I am barely digesting the harsh reality of the coexistence of discrimination within such a field of fairness. Global Media Monitoring Project evidently proved that "men's views and voices are privileged over women’s thereby contributing to the ongoing secondary status of women's participation as citizens”.
How can journalism be true if it constructs truth? How can journalism serve accountability if it designs reality with wrongful words, misrepresentation and underrepresentation?
As discussed by many media studies scholars like Chomsky, McChesney, Anderson and Robertson, journalism doubtlessly holds the power to reinforce the status quo of dominant ideologies whether political, social, capitalistic or even colonial. Regardless of its influence, what journalism has become today certainly does not seem idealistic to me.
With its Code of Ethics, the Society of Professional Journalists asks journalists to “seek truth and report it”. Like most things, it is easier said than done. With the case of missing and murdered Indigenous women, I wonder for how long have people been silenced because of the lack of “seeking truth”. I wonder for how long have people been harmed because their truth was untold.
Journalism is the eye to the public, and it is the lens that exposes the unseen or the unknown. It constructs an image of the world around us, then frames it. Seeking truth may be tiring. It may take countless time and immeasurable efforts to then report the truth. Regardless, I believe that journalism today should not be lazy but attentive. I hope for journalism to represent the truth, truthfully.
Learn more about the REDress Project: 
Learn more about MMIW (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women):
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Works Cited:
Ault, Alicia. “These Haunting Red Dress Memorialize Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women.” Smithsonian Magazine, 19 Mar. 2019, https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian-institution/these-haunting-red-dresses-memorialize-murdered-and-missing-indigenous-women-180971730/. Accessed 22 Jan. 2020.
Gilchrist, Kristen. “‘Newsworthy’ Victims?” Feminist Media Studies, vol.10, not. 4, 2010, https://doi.org/10.1080/14680777.2010.514110. Accessed 17 Jan. 2020.
“Missing and Murdered.” CBCNews, https://www.cbc.ca/missingandmurdered/. Accessed 22 Jan. 2020.
Ross, Karen and Carter, Cynthia. “Women and News: A Long and Winding Road.” Media, Culture & Society, 2011, DOI: 10.1177/0163443711418272. Accessed 13 Jan. 2020.
“SPJ Code of Ethics - Society of Professional Journalists.” Society of Professional Journalists - Improving and Protecting Journalism since 1909, Society of Professional Journalists, 6 Sept. 2014, https://www.spj.org/ethicscode.asp
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deer-tokki · 6 years
Seek Magazine - vol. 12
This or That - Minho
Q.1 Which do you like? ☐ Sea      ☑ Mountain
Q.2 Which do you like? ☐ Front passenger seat       ☑ Driver's seat
Q.3 Which match would you choose if you bet your precious thing? ☐ Bowling       ☑ Darts
Q.4 Which do you prefer with a girlfriend? ☑ Be hand-in-hand       ☐ Be arm-in-arm      
Q.5 Which do you prefer on your day off? ☐ Go somewhere       ☑ Chill
Q.6 Which would you do when shopping clothes? ☑ Ask shop clerk for advice       ☐ Decide by myself
Q.7 Which would you do when shopping? ☐ Buy all you need in one shop       ☑ Shop around
Q.8 When you clean your room, you ☐ Do frequently       ☑ Do it all together
Q.9 Favorite pasta ☐ With creamy sauce       ☑ With tomato sauce
Q.10 You usually take a bath ☐ In the morning       ☑ At night
Q.11 Favorite chips? ☑ Salt flavor       ☐ Chicken flavor
Q.12 You wink with your ☐ Right eye       ☑ Left eye
Q.13 Which do you prefer? ☑ Moon       ☐ Sun
Q.14 Which movie do you want to appear in? ☑ Historical period movie       ☐ Horror movie
Q.15 You eat your favorite food ☐ First       ☑ Last
Q.16 Which do you want to eat? ☐ Korean BBQ       ☑ Shabu Shabu (Japanese Hotpot)
Q.17 Favorite ramen? ☐ Spicy Miso (Soybean paste)       ☑ Tonkotsu (Creamy & Pork-based)
Q.18 Which happens a lot to you? ☐ You ask others for advice       ☑ People ask you for advice
Q.19 Which do you prefer? ☑ Woman who likes to talk       ☐ Woman who listen to you
Q.20 Do you believe in fortune telling? ☐ Yes       ☑ No
Q.21 Which do you want? ☑ Ability to read others' mind       ☐ Ability to see the future
Q.22 Which  do you want to improve? ☑ Sense of humor       ☐ Sense of fashion
Q.23 Which would you choose if you could buy there? ☐ Physical strength       ☑ Intelligence
Q.24 You look like your ☐ Father        ☐ Mother       ☑ Both
Q.25 Which do you want? ☑ A 10,000 yen (about $90) winning lottery ticket       ☐ 100 lottery tickets
Q.26 In which situation do you get energized? ☐ In a pinch        ☐ In a chance       ☑ Both
Q.27 Which do you have clearly in you mind? ☑ What do you want to do       ☐ What you don't want to do
Q.28 How do you feel after something really good happens? ☑ Feel more good things will happen       ☐ Feel worried that something bad may happen
Q.29 Which is important for you? ☑ To be yourself       ☐ To try something that doesn't sound like you
Q.30 Which do you think about before you sleep? ☐ Something you had fun       ☑ Something you worried about
Q.31 When you do something new, you ☐ Just give it a shot       ☑ Think well before you start
Q.32 Which do you want to do on SEEK? ☑ Trip to a hot spring       ☐ Rent out an entire amusement park
Q.33 Which is bearable for you? ☐ Summer without a/c       ☑ Winter without heater
Q.34 Which would you choose if you had to? ☐ Spend your life without friends       ☑ Spend your life without mobile phone
Q.35 Which would you choose if you could make it come true? ☑ Find a true love       ☐ Be a billionaire
translation: taeminsphiltrum
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lvcvgvllo · 5 years
How Digital Media Platforms Have Challenged Traditional Business Models
Digitisation has affected all aspects of our lives, from the way we work to the way we consume our favourite products (Haanaes 2016). The integration of new digital and social media platforms has changed business models as they once were (Santomier 2008). The digital transformations have reinvented how businesses operate and naturally evolve (Shimp 2017). While there are many business models typically used, these models are now everchanging (Haanaes 2016). Business leaders are readily needing to understand how digital platforms enable their business models, rather than hinder (Haanaes 2016).
For the sporting industry, digital media has changed the way in which sport is produced, marketed, delivered and consumed (Santomier 2008). Cricket is one example of a traditional business model that has changed drastically with the rise of digital media platforms. Moving away from test cricket and one day internationals, Twenty20 cricket was developed for the new-aged consumer who ultimately relies upon digital platforms. Not only do people have shorter attention spans, but fans are increasingly wanting to stream sports on their mobile devices rather than sit down in front of the television (Nielson 2017).  The shortened format has enabled the attraction of new fans due to the way it is delivered.
What is the Big Bash League (cricket.com.au 2015)
The Twenty20 format has also led to an increase in franchise cricket, seen in India (IPL) and in Australia (BBL) as two examples. These leagues are purely to entertain both at the stadium and on television / stream. Players are now wearing helmet cameras and microphones on the field when playing to add to the entertainment value that the product is searching for. Without the prominence of digital media platforms and the need to create engaging products for them, it is hard to believe that Twenty20 cricket would be as popular as it is today.
With streaming services becoming more popular than traditional mediums like television to consume sport, advertisers are increasingly moving to these platforms to market (Shah 2019). While this is mostly benefitting brands seeking eyeballs on their product, it can also be detrimental due to the type of market segments the streaming services attract (Shah 2019). However, this is often accounted for through research and analytics whereby brands are able to quickly find suitable platforms to advertise one. Additionally, media and advertising saturation is one issue that must be managed for brands who want to maximise their exposure and not have it diluted.
While many believe that because traditional sources of income are drying up, the fact that simplified production and distribution of content nullifies this issue (Picard 2011). In itself, the digitisation of platforms has not produced new ways of communicating for example, rather has provided a new way of distribution (Picard 2011). This has allowed for businesses to essentially cut costs by going digital rather than changing the way the business has been managed.
cricket.com.au 2015, ‘Big Bash Basics’, YouTube, 16 December, viewed 12 October 2019, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwRrJExmUx0
Nielson 2017, Connecting people with sport: 11.2 million australians go online for sports content, viewed 25 September 2019, https://www.nielsen.com/au/en/insights/article/2017/connecting-people-with-sport/
Picard, R 2011, ‘Digitization and Media Business Models’, Open Society Media Program, viewed 12 October 2019, http://www.robertpicard.net/files/OSF-Media-Report-Handbook_Digitization_and_Media_Business_Models-final-07-18-2011-WEB.pdf
Santomier, J 2008, ‘New media, branding and global sports sponsorship’, International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, vol. 10, pp. 15-28, viewed 25 September 2019, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/283439924_New_media_branding_and_global_sports_sponsorship
Shah, A 2019, ‘Exploring Cricket Advertising- The Programmic Way’, Entrepreneur India, 12 April, viewed 12 October 2019, https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/332131
Shimp, G 2017, ‘How Digital Transformation is Rewriting Business Models’, Digitalist Magazine, 19 April, viewed 12 October 2019, https://www.digitalistmag.com/digital-economy/2017/04/19/digital-transformation-rewriting-business-models-05042457
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lsmithart · 5 years
- Alien could be a question of culture. Culture is something that we have created through human existence, which is the fundamental part of ‘separating’ us from other people who belong to different cultures. It could be said that in real terms, the land where we live bears no representation when considering who should be allowed to live there. Alienation is something which we have brought upon ourselves to try and filter out the ‘good and bad people’ from other places in the world. However, due to overpopulation, this alienation becomes blanketed to include whole groups of people, rather than individuals who are actually causing problems. (Example: terrorism – if the terrorists come from a specific religious group, that entire religious group can be called into question by members of society; therefore causing cultural rifts and alienation of certain people. In turn, this can cause racism and hate crimes to take place). 
One of the main influencers of this form of alienation comes from biased news reports / reporting through media. It is a well known fact that newspaper reporters tend to tailer their reporting of certain issues to encourage their own views to be taken on by others. In the context of the alienation of migrants, an example of this can be seen in the following article written by The Sun Newspaper:
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Immediately, you can see from the way the title is structured it has been put together to instil fear and threat from the use of terminology such as ‘gang’, ‘overrun’ and ‘HIJACK HELL’ written in capital letters. This, of course, straightaway causes the reader to believe that these migrants were aggressive and out to cause harm to the crew members of the ship. The rest of the article reads:
‘A GANG of 21 stowaway migrants overran a UK-bound ship after hiding in one of its cargo of 100ft wind turbine blades.
The crew, thought to be just ten sailors, made panicked radio calls to say they were outnumbered after discovering the Albanians.
It set off last Friday and they were found as it reached the UK coast on Tuesday.
A pilot required to guide the huge cargo vessel into port saw them on deck yesterday morning and decided it was too dangerous to escort in.
He returned with security, including border officials — but was said to be delayed bringing the ship in because police were “late” arriving.
The crew was left to deal with the migrants for almost 24 hours while officials worked out how to deal with them.
A source told The Sun: “It sounds mad but they were hidden in one of those huge turbine blades for days.
“No one thought to check in the blades at Bilbao and by the time the migrants jumped out, the ship was close to Britain.
“I think they were so tired and hungry they came across as much scarier than they intended and there were serious concerns they could take the ship.”
The Dutch-registered Rotra Mare finally docked in Great Yarmouth just after 2pm yesterday when Border Force and police were seen surrounding the boat.
The Albanians were today being processed by the Home Office, where a spokesman said: “They will be dealt with in line with the immigration rules.”
Bilbao is a hotspot for migrants, with 3,800 stowaway attempts foiled last year.’ (Pattinson, R. and Lucas, J., 2019)
“I think they were so tired and hungry they came across as much scarier than they intended and there were serious concerns they could take the ship.” - It is only at the end of the article that the writer chooses to include a quote from one of the crew members that demonstrates that these migrants were not in fact causing any intentional threat or risk of harm to the sailors after all. Of course, it would have been a shock to the sailors to find them as they were not expecting them - however at no point have they mentioned that they did anything to indeed ‘highjack’ the ship as described in the title of the article. This is a classic example of how selective ordering of information and use of specific terminology to twist and warp a story can cause alienation of migrants who, for all we know, are doing nothing but attempting to flee their country to seek a better life.
Considering alienation in the context of this article and similar: warping a story in such a way as The Sun have done here immediately causes a rift between the migrants and fellow human beings. Making them out to be aggressive causes fear, therefore stopping people from considering the bigger picture as to each of their individual reasons for fleeing their country. People seem to dehumanise these migrants, with the belief that we have automatic authority and control over pieces of natural land purely because we are able to tell people that it belongs to us. The isolation that this causes these individuals can only be imagined by people like us who are lucky enough to live in a country that provides us with comfort and safety unlike so many others.
- In our modern world, refugees are at the heart of alienation. It has become more apparent as the crisis increases that people view them as separate to that of ourselves, often forgetting that their reasonings for being forced to flee their country make them no different than you or I. In reverse, we would expect to be received in the exact same way. However, again, due to overpopulation, this can affect the facilitation of taking refugees into our countries to provide them with the help and support they deserve. According to Care.org, a charity which supports vulnerable people all over the world, we are currently experiencing ‘the worst refugee crisis in history’ (CARE., 2019). They state on their website that ‘every minute, 24 people around the world are forced to flee their homes. That’s 34,000 people a day who leave everything behind in the hope of finding safety and a better tomorrow. There are 70 million refugees in the world today’ (CARE., 2019). As many Western countries are already becoming increasingly over populated, it makes it difficult to accommodate every person who requires help. However, these countries have procedures in place to ensure that a steady amount of refugees are taken into their countries each year. However, according to recent figures, due to Donald Trump currently being in office as President in the United States, only a fraction of the usual amount of refugees have been accepted into the USA over the past year in comparison to previous years.
Refugee Figures (2018):
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(Mark, M. and Gal, S., 2019)
‘President Donald Trump has dramatically restricted America's refugee intake since he took office. Though he has demanded that "extreme vetting" be implemented for refugees coming from majority-Muslim countries, those closest to the refugee-vetting process say the current system is already as extreme as it gets.’ (Mark, M. and Gal, S., 2019).
Donald Trump’s reasoning is to try and prevent terrorist attacks by groups such as ISIS, or under racial beliefs. However, according to Statista analysis, ‘of 114 mass shootings - using the Congress definition - between 1982 and May 2019, 110 were carried out by men. In the same time-frame 64 of the perpetrators were white, while 19 were black, 10 Latino and eight Asian.' (Taylor, R., 2019). Further statistics show that 'around 60% of America is white-only, while current stats show white people carry out about 58% of shootings’(Taylor, R., 2019) proving that the problem America faces is through their own doing; terrorism by migrants being the least of their worries whilst guns are as rife as they are. If this whole dynamic does not scream migrant alienation, then I do not know what does.
Time Magazine’s cover for August 2019 which features the details of every mass shooting that has taken place in America so far this year. It beggars belief that this has happened on such a large scale already this year:
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Figure 1: (Bergengruen, V. and Hennigan, W., 2019)
Figure 1: Bergengruen, V. and Hennigan, W. (2019). ‘We Are Being Eaten From Within.’ Why America Is Losing the Battle Against White Nationalist Terrorism. [online] TIME.com. Available at: https://time.com/magazine/us/5647302/august-19th-2019-vol-194-no-6-u-s/ [Accessed 30 Sep. 2019].
CARE. (2019). Global Refugee Crisis. [online] Available at: https://www.care.org/emergencies/global-refugee-crisis [Accessed 2 Oct. 2019].
Mark, M. and Gal, S. (2019). The Trump administration has admitted the lowest number of refugees the US has accepted in decades. Here's what people go through to make it to the US.. [online] Business Insider. Available at: https://www.businessinsider.com/refugee-data-us-numbers-under-trump-graphics-2018-6?r=US&IR=T#trump-has-reduced-both-the-number-of-refugees-the-us-can-admit-annually-known-as-the-cap-or-ceiling-and-the-number-it-actually-ends-up-admitting-4 [Accessed 20 Aug. 2019].
Pattinson, R. and Lucas, J. (2019). Crew panic as gang of 21 Albanian migrants overrun UK-bound ship. [online] The Sun. Available at: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/10006588/albanian-gang-migrants-overran-uk-bound-ship/ [Accessed 30 Sept. 2019].
Taylor, R. (2019). Why are white men carrying out more mass shootings?. [online] Sky News. Available at: https://news.sky.com/story/why-are-white-men-more-likely-to-carry-out-mass-shootings-11252808 [Accessed 30 Sept. 2019].
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star-symphony · 7 years
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Feat. Tsubasa, Alto & Teruma Release Date: July 19
“If you treat me as a kid, I’ll make you pay. I’m still a man, you know.”
Tsubasa and you are in a secret relationship… Tsubasa, who finished with the usual recording, is acting strange. Quickly noticing that, you gently tend to him, but Tsubasa gets extremely upset by that, and pushes you down...?
“I love you, but how do you feel?”
Alto and you are in a secret relationship... Alto, who returned to the dressing room in an exhausted state after recording was over, wishes to recharge and therefore, starts to seek affection from you. Then, Alto begins to talk about his own feelings...?
“I’m going to put forth my utmost effort so look at only me, okay?”
Teruma and you are in a secret relationship... During the break of a magazine photo shoot, the both of you spend a relaxing time together in the dressing room. Suddenly, when you praise an actor appearing in a magazine, Teruma can’t stop feeling jealous...?
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Every religious belief system...is a complete blasphemy...in the eyes of every other religious belief system...and all are a complete blasphemy in the eyes of rational unbelief...
For example, as outlined by Atheist Ireland ...
“Here are the 25 blasphemous quotes that we first published on 1 January 2010, along with the quotation that has caused the Irish police to investigate Stephen Fry.
1. Jesus Christ, when asked if he was the son of God, in Matthew 26:64: “Thou hast said: nevertheless I say unto you, Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.” According to the Christian Bible, the Jewish chief priests and elders and council deemed this statement by Jesus to be blasphemous, and they sentenced Jesus to death for saying it.
2. Jesus Christ, talking to Jews about their God, in John 8:44: “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.” This is one of several chapters in the Christian Bible that can give a scriptural foundation to Christian anti-Semitism. The first part of John 8, the story of “whoever is without sin cast the first stone”, was not in the original version, but was added centuries later. The original John 8 is a debate between Jesus and some Jews. In brief, Jesus calls the Jews who disbelieve him sons of the Devil, the Jews try to stone him, and Jesus runs away and hides.
3. Muhammad, quoted in Hadith of Bukhari, Vol 1 Book 8 Hadith 427: “May Allah curse the Jews and Christians for they built the places of worship at the graves of their prophets.” This quote is attributed to Muhammad on his death-bed as a warning to Muslims not to copy this practice of the Jews and Christians. It is one of several passages in the Koran and in Hadith that can give a scriptural foundation to Islamic anti-Semitism, including the assertion in Sura 5:60 that Allah cursed Jews and turned some of them into apes and swine.
4. Mark Twain, describing the Christian Bible in Letters from the Earth, 1909: “Also it has another name – The Word of God. For the Christian thinks every word of it was dictated by God. It is full of interest. It has noble poetry in it; and some clever fables; and some blood-drenched history; and some good morals; and a wealth of obscenity; and upwards of a thousand lies… But you notice that when the Lord God of Heaven and Earth, adored Father of Man, goes to war, there is no limit. He is totally without mercy — he, who is called the Fountain of Mercy. He slays, slays, slays! All the men, all the beasts, all the boys, all the babies; also all the women and all the girls, except those that have not been deflowered. He makes no distinction between innocent and guilty… What the insane Father required was blood and misery; he was indifferent as to who furnished it.” Twain’s book was published posthumously in 1939. His daughter, Clara Clemens, at first objected to it being published, but later changed her mind in 1960 when she believed that public opinion had grown more tolerant of the expression of such ideas. That was half a century before Fianna Fail and the Green Party imposed a new blasphemy law on the people of Ireland.
5. Tom Lehrer, The Vatican Rag, 1963: “Get in line in that processional, step into that small confessional. There, the guy who’s got religion’ll tell you if your sin’s original. If it is, try playing it safer, drink the wine and chew the wafer. Two, four, six, eight, time to transubstantiate!”
6. Randy Newman, God’s Song, 1972: “And the Lord said: I burn down your cities – how blind you must be. I take from you your children, and you say how blessed are we. You all must be crazy to put your faith in me. That’s why I love mankind.”
7. James Kirkup, The Love That Dares to Speak its Name, 1976: “While they prepared the tomb I kept guard over him. His mother and the Magdalen had gone to fetch clean linen to shroud his nakedness. I was alone with him… I laid my lips around the tip of that great cock, the instrument of our salvation, our eternal joy. The shaft, still throbbed, anointed with death’s final ejaculation.” This extract is from a poem that led to the last successful blasphemy prosecution in Britain, when Denis Lemon was given a suspended prison sentence after he published it in the now-defunct magazine Gay News. In 2002, a public reading of the poem, on the steps of St. Martin-in-the-Fields church in Trafalgar Square, failed to lead to any prosecution. In 2008, the British Parliament abolished the common law offences of blasphemy and blasphemous libel.
8. Matthias, son of Deuteronomy of Gath, in Monty Python’s Life of Brian, 1979: “Look, I had a lovely supper, and all I said to my wife was that piece of halibut was good enough for Jehovah.”
9. Rev Ian Paisley MEP to the Pope in the European Parliament, 1988: “I denounce you as the Antichrist.” Paisley’s website describes the Antichrist as being “a liar, the true son of the father of lies, the original liar from the beginning… he will imitate Christ, a diabolical imitation, Satan transformed into an angel of light, which will deceive the world.”
10. Conor Cruise O’Brien, 1989: “In the last century the Arab thinker Jamal al-Afghani wrote: ‘Every Muslim is sick and his only remedy is in the Koran.’ Unfortunately the sickness gets worse the more the remedy is taken.”
11. Frank Zappa, 1989: “If you want to get together in any exclusive situation and have people love you, fine – but to hang all this desperate sociology on the idea of The Cloud-Guy who has The Big Book, who knows if you’ve been bad or good – and cares about any of it – to hang it all on that, folks, is the chimpanzee part of the brain working.”
12. Salman Rushdie, 1990: “The idea of the sacred is quite simply one of the most conservative notions in any culture, because it seeks to turn other ideas – uncertainty, progress, change – into crimes.” In 1989, Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran issued a fatwa ordering Muslims to kill Rushdie because of blasphemous passages in Rushdie’s novel The Satanic Verses.
13. Bjork, 1995: “I do not believe in religion, but if I had to choose one it would be Buddhism. It seems more livable, closer to men… I’ve been reading about reincarnation, and the Buddhists say we come back as animals and they refer to them as lesser beings. Well, animals aren’t lesser beings, they’re just like us. So I say fuck the Buddhists.”
14. Amanda Donohoe on her role in the Ken Russell movie Lair of the White Worm, 1995: “Spitting on Christ was a great deal of fun. I can’t embrace a male god who has persecuted female sexuality throughout the ages, and that persecution still goes on today all over the world.”
15. George Carlin, 1999: “Religion easily has the greatest bullshit story ever told. Think about it. Religion has actually convinced people that there’s an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever ’til the end of time! But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He’s all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can’t handle money! Religion takes in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more. Now, talk about a good bullshit story. Holy Shit!”
16. Paul Woodfull as Ding Dong Denny O’Reilly, The Ballad of Jaysus Christ, 2000: “He said me ma’s a virgin and sure no one disagreed, Cause they knew a lad who walks on water’s handy with his feet… Jaysus oh Jaysus, as cool as bleedin’ ice, With all the scrubbers in Israel he could not be enticed, Jaysus oh Jaysus, it’s funny you never rode, Cause it’s you I do be shoutin’ for each time I shoot me load.”
17. Jesus Christ, in Jerry Springer The Opera, 2003: “Actually, I’m a bit gay.” In 2005, the Christian Institute tried to bring a prosecution against the BBC for screening Jerry Springer the Opera, but the UK courts refused to issue a summons.
18. Tim Minchin, Ten-foot Cock and a Few Hundred Virgins, 2005: “So you’re gonna live in paradise, With a ten-foot cock and a few hundred virgins, So you’re gonna sacrifice your life, For a shot at the greener grass, And when the Lord comes down with his shiny rod of judgment, He’s gonna kick my heathen ass.”
19. Richard Dawkins in The God Delusion, 2006: “The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.” In 2007 Turkish publisher Erol Karaaslan was charged with the crime of insulting believers for publishing a Turkish translation of The God Delusion. He was acquitted in 2008, but another charge was brought in 2009. Karaaslan told the court that “it is a right to criticise religions and beliefs as part of the freedom of thought and expression.”
20. Pope Benedict XVI quoting a 14th century Byzantine emperor, 2006: “Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.” This statement has already led to both outrage and condemnation of the outrage. The Organisation of the Islamic Conference, the world’s largest Muslim body, said it was a “character assassination of the prophet Muhammad”. The Malaysian Prime Minister said that “the Pope must not take lightly the spread of outrage that has been created.” Pakistan’s foreign Ministry spokesperson said that “anyone who describes Islam as a religion as intolerant encourages violence”. The European Commission said that “reactions which are disproportionate and which are tantamount to rejecting freedom of speech are unacceptable.”
21. Christopher Hitchens in God is not Great, 2007: “There is some question as to whether Islam is a separate religion at all… Islam when examined is not much more than a rather obvious and ill-arranged set of plagiarisms, helping itself from earlier books and traditions as occasion appeared to require… It makes immense claims for itself, invokes prostrate submission or ‘surrender’ as a maxim to its adherents, and demands deference and respect from nonbelievers into the bargain. There is nothing—absolutely nothing—in its teachings that can even begin to justify such arrogance and presumption.”
22. Ian O’Doherty, 2009: “(If defamation of religion was illegal) it would be a crime for me to say that the notion of transubstantiation is so ridiculous that even a small child should be able to see the insanity and utter physical impossibility of a piece of bread and some wine somehow taking on corporeal form. It would be a crime for me to say that Islam is a backward desert superstition that has no place in modern, enlightened Europe and it would be a crime to point out that Jewish settlers in Israel who believe they have a God given right to take the land are, frankly, mad. All the above assertions will, no doubt, offend someone or other.”
23. Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, 2009: “Whether a person is atheist or any other, there is in fact in my view something not totally human if they leave out the transcendent… we call it God… I think that if you leave that out you are not fully human.” Because atheism is not a religion, the Irish blasphemy law does not protect atheists from abusive and insulting statements about their fundamental beliefs. While atheists are not seeking such protection, we include the statement here to point out that it is discriminatory that this law does not hold all citizens equal.
24. Dermot Ahern, Irish Minister for Justice, introducing his blasphemy law at an Oireachtas Justice Committee meeting, 2009, and referring to comments made about him personally: “They are blasphemous.” Deputy Pat Rabbitte replied: “Given the Minister’s self-image, it could very well be that we are blaspheming,” and Minister Ahern replied: “Deputy Rabbitte says that I am close to the baby Jesus, I am so pure.” So here we have an Irish Justice Minister joking about himself being blasphemed, at a parliamentary Justice Committee discussing his own blasphemy law, that could make his own jokes illegal.
25. As a bonus, Micheal Martin, Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs, opposing attempts by Islamic States to make defamation of religion a crime at UN level, 2009: “We believe that the concept of defamation of religion is not consistent with the promotion and protection of human rights. It can be used to justify arbitrary limitations on, or the denial of, freedom of expression. Indeed, Ireland considers that freedom of expression is a key and inherent element in the manifestation of freedom of thought and conscience and as such is complementary to freedom of religion or belief.” Just months after Minister Martin made this comment, his colleague Dermot Ahern introduced Ireland’s new blasphemy law.
26. Finally, here is the quote that has caused the Irish police to investigate Stephen Fry for blasphemy. Asked by Gay Byrne on RTE what he would say if he was confronted by God, Fry replied: “How dare you create a world in which there is such misery that is not our fault. It’s not right. It’s utterly, utterly evil. Why should I respect a capricious, mean-minded, stupid God who creates a world which is so full of injustice and pain?” Questioned on how he would react if he was locked outside the pearly gates, he responded: “I would say, ‘Bone cancer in children? What’s that about?’ Because the God who created this universe, if it was created by God, is quite clearly a maniac, utter maniac. Totally selfish. We have to spend our life on our knees thanking him? What kind of God would do that?””
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