#seeley booth imagine
specialagentlokitty · 9 months
Booth x Teen!reader - a little hyper
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is it possible that you can write a Booth! X ADHD teenage reader? I don’t exactly have a plot in mind but the reader is either stimming or just very fidgety - @alexandriathewolfyt 💜
Sitting in the interrogation room, you kicked your feet up on the table, using them to push yourself back so you could sing in your chair.
You were tossing a stress ball up and down in your head, trying to hit it off the ceiling.
After a few minutes and the ball rolling across the room, you got up, walking around the table a few times you walked over to the mirror.
You stood there, then leant back, throwing your head forehead to headbutt the glass, grinning a little.
“Come on, I’m bored, stop watching me that’s creepy.”
You pushed yourself away, and you made your way to the door, opening it to peak outside, finding a few agents watching you.
Frowning, you slowly closed the door again and picked up your ball, climbing on the table as you began throwing to upwards again.
Booth stood on the other side of the glass just watching you.
“Seriously, I spent have the morning having to chase them around the hallways of the school, and they still have energy?”
“It’s ADHD booth, (Y/N) has an excessive amount of energy and a difficulty concentrating. It can also present in outbursts of anger or disruptive behaviour, loss of concentration, impulsive thoughts.” Brennan said.
“Right well I need to go in there and stop this before somebody gets hurt, can you find sweets, maybe he can crack the hyper code.”
With that booth left, and when he walked into the room he was hit in the face with a ball.
A silence fell over the room.
“Sorry…?” You grinned a little.
He picked up the ball and walked in, gesturing for you to jump down from the table so you did and he handed it back.
“Trying to make your great escape?” Booth asked.
“Not yet, but maybe soon this is boring. Do you have snacks? Or soda?”
“Yes to both, but only if you answer my questions.”
“That’s bribery you’re not allowed to do that.”
“I’m not allowed to accept them, there’s a difference kid. Sit.”
“Wouldn’t that like be morally wrong?”
Booth sat down, looking up at you.
“Isn’t running from a federal agent morally wrong?”
“Nah man that’s just wrong.” You beamed.
He gestured to the seat and you sat down, tapping your hands on the table.
“Are you taking your medication?” He asked.
“How’d you know?”
“Bones found your prescription bottle in the reception, you got it a few months ago but it’s still closed.”
“I’ve been busy, I forget. I forgot my lunch all this week.”
He nodded his head, setting a photo down in front of you.
“Do you know him?”
“Yeah, science teacher I think, he hated me. A lot of teachers do, but I’m cool with that, when can I get my sweater back?”
“Right now it’s evidence.”
You groaned loudly and leant back in your chair again.
“If you fall that’s not my issue.” Booth said, “I just need you to answer a few more questions.”
You leant forward, resting your hands on the table, drumming them a little bit.
He asked a few questions which you answered and he stood up, opening the door and blocked the doorway.
“You’re not gonna run off?”
“Not yet.”
He sighed, gesturing for you to follow him and you did.
Booth took you to his office and he gestured to the man and woman sitting inside.
“You know Bones, that’s sweets. Stay here.”
With that he left and you looked at Sweets as he held out a bottle to you.
“These belong to you.”
“Eh keep em, I don’t need them. What’s this?”
You picked something up and then set it down.
“You have a lot of energy, is there anything you do to burn your excess energy?” Brennan asked.
You shrugged a little bit, exploring more of the office until you grew bored and began throwing your ball again.
Booth handed you a can of soda and some snacks, pointing to the chair.
You sat down, opening the chips and watched as he took the other two out of the room so he could talk to them.
After a few minutes Booth walked back in.
“Good news, you’re now in my care until after the case.”
“Because I said so, so grab your stuff and let’s go.”
“I’m taking you back to school, and you’re not going to run away because I’ll have agents placed around the school to keep an eye on you.”
You grumbled a little, slouching more into the chair.
Booth crossed his arms, looking at you.
“Are we really going to have troubles this early?”
“Come on man! Let me stay! I’ll behave!”
Booth narrowed his eyes a little bit, and he sat down on his desk, taking some of the chips from the bag you were eating.
“I hear you like to run.”
“Yeah, on track team.”
“Alright, let’s go down to the gym then.”
Booth grabbed your bag.
“Yeah, let’s see if you’re really as fast as they say you are.”
You ran straight towards the elevator.
You had a lot of energy you needed to burn, and Booth needed you to burn as much as you possible could.
He was also hoping that in doing something you liked he could learn a little more about you and maybe you could offer more useful information about the case.
You were a good kid, just hyper and misunderstood by everybody else but booth could see that you just really wanted to be seen as an ordinary teenager
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shelbgrey · 8 months
Can you do a Zack Addy x gn reader where reader goes to the Jeffersonian to bring him food and eat with him and everyone is confused because they didn't know Zack had a partner please?
Who's got him smiling like that?(Zack Addy)
Paring: Zack Addy x reader.
Summary: while y/n has lunch with their boyfriend Zack, the Jeffersonian tries to figure out what's going on between the two of them.
A/n: sorry this took so long and that it's shorter than my usual content. I hope you enjoy though.
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Seeley, Cam, Temperance, and Angela looked down from the balcony on the second floor of the lab. They leaned against the railing confused as they watched Zack laughing with y/n while they ate the lunch y/n brought.
“gotta be a sibling” Booth said, rubbing his hands together. In his eyes Zack was just a child genius that didn't have time to date.
“all of Dr. Addy's siblings are in New Jersey, but that could be a possibility,” Brennan said, looking at Booth then back down at Zack. Something about seeing Zack laughing like that with this beautiful person made her heart swell with happiness.
“Maybe it's just a friend,” Cam shrugged.
“No. I've never seen him laugh like that, he's definitely in love with whoever that is” Angela smiled. She felt so happy seeing him laugh. She could tell all that mattered to him tight now was y/n.
--------(1st pov)--------
“So, how's work?” I asked, nibbling on the last of my fries.
Zack nodded, munching on his onion rings. “well we found some very interesting set of particulates, something neither me nor Hodgins have seen on a victim before, and the humerus…” he stopped mid sentence.
Even though I never really understood all the science mumbo-jumbo I still like hearing him talk about it. There's something about seeing him get all excited and talk about something he's passionate about.
“no, no, keep going. I love it when you talk Science-y” I said resting my chin on my fist.
“'Science-y' isn't a word… And it's fine” Zack said, putting the rapper his burger came in and his napkin in the brown paper bag. “on another note, how's everything in the animal kingdom?”
I worked at the local animal shelter in town, it was an amazing job and I got work and take care of all kinds of dogs and cats. “well… Now that you mention it…” I started and gave him an innocent look. Zack tilted his head and gave me a warning look. “no! I know that look” he said, pointing his finger at me.
“Aw, but he was so cute”
“we already have two dogs... And a cat, that cat still dislikes me” he mumbled the last part.
“It's a small dog though,” I said, giving him a pouty lip. “it's a weiner dog mix, he'll stay tiny” we already had a black lab and a golden retriever, then on top of that I brought home a white cat home three months ago.
Zack playfully rolled his eyes. He always said he admired my love for all animals and loved how compassionate I was for all of them. Not so much when I keep bringing my ‘work’ home with me as he says.
“just imagine a cute little sausage dog curled up in your lap, helping you read Science stuff for work”
Zack sighed playfully.
“I'll let you name him” I smiled and gave him the puppy eyes he can't refuse. He sighed again. “don't give me the look”
Zack groaned in a very monaton way. “... Fine”
I immediately wrapped my arms around him and kissed his forehead. “thank you babe”
“what are you doing?” Hodgins asked, walking up to the others. He looked over the balcony to see what everyone was staring at. He smiled when he saw y/n and Zack together.
“trying to figure out who's with Addy,” Booth said.
“Oh, that's y/n” Hodgins smiled.
Everyone gave Hodgins a confused look as Hodgins yelled down at the couple “Hi y/n!”
Y/n left Zack's arms and happily waved at Zack's best friend. “hey, Hodgins”
“soo… Who's y/n?” Angela asked Hodgins.
“Zack's partner” Hodgins smiled like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“your telling me Zack… Our little child prodigy is y/n's boyfriend” Booth asked, shocked but at the same time impressed Zack snatched up a beautiful person like y/n.
“trust me I didn't even know y/n existed until Zack tried to seek them in one night when he was still living with me” Hodgins said.
“Well, y/n seems to make him happy,” Cam smiled down at the couple.
“y/n's great… Zack just seems so much happier now”
The team smiled at the couple, Zack and y/n were in there own little world talking about the knew puppy and the case Zack was working on. Hodgins was right, he was so much happier with y/n in his life, he felt more alive and human. He just couldn't help but smile everytime he was in y/n's presents.
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can I please get headcannons for the bones boys taking you out on a first date? Thank you so much for writing for bones!
A/N: anything for my bones boys
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Booth would definitely do something unconventional. Something fun, unexpected, something that was a bit competitive, but mostly something where he could show off.
"Really?" you almost laughed as you stood in front of the entrance. "The fair?"
"Oh, come on. When was the last time you did something like this?" He nudged you on your shoulder, wagging his eyebrows at you.
He would then proceed to win you a giant stuffed bear at the duck shoot.
"What?" he shrugged nonchalantly, "Like's hard?"
"Not for you apparently," you teased. "Though I expect being a ranger turned FBI agent probably helps."
You started walking backwards enjoying the challenging look in his eyes.
"Are you trying to rial me up?" he questioned, smirking at you.
You leaned in close to him, enjoying the way his breathing increased. "Depends, how easy do you fluster?"
You pulled away, making your way towards the ring toss.
"Oh, I see how it is," Booth shouted as he trailed after you, slinging his arm over your shoulder.
The first date with Booth would solely about getting to know you, making you laugh, and gauging just how comfortable he could be around you. It would absolutely end with him being a giant tease and kissing you on the corner of your mouth or your temple.
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Hodgins, rich (so rich he doesn't even know how rich), Hodgins would try and impress you. At least that was his first thought. Private and obscenely expensive dinner? Check. Expensive car to get you there? Check.
But like many things in Jack's life, it never really went according to plan.
"Oh, come on!" Jack grumbled at the flat tire. "I just had the car serviced. I can't believe this."
It was only when you started laughing that he relaxed enough to look at you.
"What?" He asked a bit in disbelief. Crushing thoughts about how this was the worst first date to never actually even start diminished at the sight your smile.
"I don't think I've seen you this stressed since you tried to hide TNT experiment from Cam," you said laughter dying down.
"Hey, that civil war exhibit didn't need it as much as us," he reasoned, a smile now stretching across his own face as he leaned against his car.
You mirrored his movements, shoulder pressed against his as you leaned against the car.
"I wanted this to be perfect. But just about everything seems to have gone wrong."
"Well, it's a good thing the night isn't over yet," you looked around. "You know, I think we're close to the diner."
"You can't be serious," he laughed. A mixture of disbelief and awe.
"Dead. I never needed anything fancy anyways - just you Jack."
From that moment, he knew that he wasn't ever going to mess it up. You were it for him.
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Sweets would want to do anything where the two of you could just talk. We know he's done a pottery class before so something along those lines. Really anything where he got to just look at you with a big grin on his face and listen to every word that came out of your mouth.
"Your chicken is burning."
"Oh, shit."
You let out a laugh that made him forget all about the charred chicken. He, in hindsight, should have known better than to plan a cooking class as your first date. Not when you distracted him so easily he could chop a finger off. Definitely not his best idea.
"Here, we can just share mine," you said as you fed him some of your food. All teasing smiles and delicious prolonged eye contact.
Definitely not his worst date idea.
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Wendell is one for simplicity. He wants to get to know you, but he also doesn't want to go overboard and scare you off. He'd plan for a simple dinner (your pick) and make a walk around the city.
The street lights illuminated the city, a cool breeze rushing past you. You tried your best not to seem cold - you'd opted for looks- not practically. Now you were paying the price for it.
A sudden rush of warm hit you, you looked up at Wendell who'd wordlessly placed his jacket over your shoulders.
"Don't even mention it. Can't have you getting sick now, can I?" He gently nudged your shoulder with his own as you walked side by side. "Wouldn't want you to rain check the next date."
"The next one?" you prodded - warmth washing over your cheeks. "Someone is presumptuous," you teased.
"Nah, just optimistic," He smiled brightly at you. "So, what do ya say?"
"I think your odds are looking pretty good," you looped your arm to hold on to his.
Wendell wouldn't necessarily consider himself a betting man, but he'd say he won out on this one.
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Vincent was quiet sure how he'd managed it. It was all a bit of blur if he was honest. One second you both were discussing how no number before a thousand contains the letter a, and the next he had asked you out. And you'd said yes.
He almost thought he'd dreampt it, really. You'd had to call out his name twice before he blinked himself back into reality.
Now he stood in front of your door holding flowers that were wilting away by the second - he swore he'd just gotten them and they looked pristine.
He let out a sigh, knuckles frozen over the door. This would be, fine. You already said yes. Oh, God.
Knuckles knocking against the door, he frantically smoothed out his hair.
You leaned in for a hug, crushing the flowers, but he couldn't bring himself to care. You pulled away giving him this brilliant smile that put him at ease.
"Are those for me?"
"Wha- yes. Yes, they are for you." He handed you the roses. "Did you know over 30,000 rose varieties exist today?"
You let out a small laugh, eyes still sparkling. "I didn't, but thank you for telling me."
That smile of your really did put him at ease. This would be fine - this would be great - because he was with you.
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When Colin asked you to go out with him to the Slasherthon at the local movie theater he wasn't actually sure you'd say yes. But he figured the worst you could say was no - or you know, laugh at him until he fell into an endless abyss of shame.
Either would be fine.
He expected the abyss.
He did not expect you to say yes. Let alone actually show up. But there you were in a Jason Voorhees t-shirt all smiles as he walked up to you.
"Are you ready for lots of gore and eating our weight in popcorn?" You asked practically bouncing on the balls of your feet. He'd never seen anything more lively or beautiful in his life.
"A person after my own heart," he said dramatically - hand placed over his own heart.
"Come on, Colin," you grabbed his hand pulling him into the theater. As you led him away he realized the abyss option would have been much worse than he had anticipated.
You were a light shining into his abyss.
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Aubrey would take you to a nice sit down restaurant. He spent the better half of the week trying to decide where exactly to take you. He'd finally settled on a restaurant you had been talking about trying for a month now.
"Aubrey, how did you know I wanted to eat here?" You asked, leaning forward. Your eyes excitedly bouncing between the menu and Aubrey.
"You've been talking about it," he shrugged, trying his hardest to be nonchalant about it.
"Aubrey- I mentioned it once, like, a month ago." You laughed a bit in disbelief.
"And how do you remember something like that?"
"It sounded important to you, why wouldn't I want to remember it?"
He'd be lying if he didn't say he enjoyed that look on your face. A mixture of disbelief and being heard - actually heard.
"Now, I'm thinking we go family style on this bad boy and see what all the fuss is about." Aubrey leaned forward, both of you so close to the other. If the flowers in the middle of the table weren't in the way he just might have leaned in for kiss.
"You sure you can leave some food for me?" You teased, your eyes sparkling in a way that made Aubrey realize he never wanted to see your eyes without it.
"Sweetheart, I'd leave all of it for you if you asked."
"Liar," you laughed.
"Alright some of it, but that's better than none!"
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twelverriver · 1 year
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and again, and again and again, and again, and again
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1-pedropascal · 10 months
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I started watching the series bones and it's so flipping good but the one character I am literally in love with theirs NOO smut for him so I need someone to do me a solid and make me one of JACK HODGINS because I've searched wattpad, tumblr ofc and A03 and I'm actually gonna chuck my phone across the room
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coppertophomegurl · 6 months
James Aubrey and Ellie Bishop ate one (1) meal together at a local diner. 9 dead and 45 injured.
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miz-chase · 1 month
new theory based primarily on my personal experience somewhere between demi and ace
Seeley Booth has no close friends outside of his professional circle in part because he’s a very private person with no work/life balance, BUT ALSO he has the demi side effect of falling in love with his friends. This frequently goes badly.
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holey-sweater15 · 2 months
Watching shows set in early 2010's where they're trying to up their game from the earlier seasons is so freaking funny to me because why did Temperance Brennan just get a body on her doorstep with a note typed out in comic sans
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retrointhenow · 2 years
Match Maker II Lance Sweets X Reader
A/N : I think we need some more Lance Sweets fics around here, so this is my official attempt :))
Dr. Sweets could be anything he wanted. He could get you to do anything. Which is why you were a squint and not an Agent. Say the right thing to you and you do whatever was needed. Lance knew it.
"Y/n! Glad I caught you!" Sweets stopped you before entering Booth's office. "Hey Lance. What can I do for you?" You had a long-time crush on the shrink, you assumed he knew. Being a psychologist and all. "I have the files from the Alabama case analyzed. Mind delivering them to Brennan when you head back?" He flashed his pearly whites at you. "Of course! Anything for you." You lightly flirted. Normally you'd clam up around Sweets and make a complete fool of yourself, but today you must have had a newfound confidence. "A darling you are." He disappeared down the hall to his office. Your heart fluttered; he called you darling.
"You are so easy Y/n." Booth chuckled, peaking his head out of his office. You frowned and looked at the agent. "How so?" Booth motioned for you to enter his office, closing the glass door once you did. You took in his office, looking at the hockey photo behind his desk and the photos of Parker. "You fold at the sight of him. Your demeanor changes when he enters the room. It's amazing how you got through that short conversation with him." You face flushed then blushed instantly. "I won't say anything if you don't want me to. But Sweets is totally oblivious to you." He opened emails on his computer. You shook your head. "Sweets wouldn't. It's just a harmless crush. I'll get over it by the time the snow thaws." You shrugged and went to the door. "I might not be a psychologist, but I can pick up on body language, Sweets doesn't reciprocate." You held onto the file Sweets gave you earlier and headed to the Jeffersonian.
You swiped your key card to enter the forensics platform to hand Brennan the folder. "The smells never get easier, do they?" You asked to no one in particular. "Not really." Angela laughed and pulled up photos of magnified bone chips. You studied them for a few minutes before looking back at the skeleton of the table. You asked Angela to zoom into the shins. There was still a few bits of muscle and flesh covering the body. "That looks like shin splints does it not?" You asked Cam. "Yeah, it does. Good job Miss L/n." "I know a lot of girls in my high school got shin splints during track. Coming off winter sports or an off season. They're cause from overworking or changing their exercise routine." You smiled proudly. Brennan nodded and looked at the exposed bones. "Very well." You ran back and forth between the bone room and Hodgins's lab trying to solve this murder.
"Ah Mrs. Sweets. What can I do for you this time." Hodgins smirked looking into his microscope. "W-what?" You fumbled. "I uh brought you some soil samples found in the muscles." You shook it off. Maybe you just misheard him. He grabbed the empty Petri dish from you and ran it through his machines. "It's gonna take a few minutes. So, you and Sweets huh?" He wiggled his eyebrows. "I have no idea what you're talking about. There's nothing between us." You shifted uncomfortably. He nodded skeptically. His screen dinged with the results from the soils. "I'll leave you to your work." You quickly got away from the scientist.
"Alright squinty! Come on, Parker wants to see you." Booth ran into the bone room clapping his hand. You racked your mind for why Parker would wanna see you of all people. You're just a squintern. You only had a few real conversations with Parker when you first started at the Jeffersonian. He was a sweet kid, but he could be something else, either way you followed Booth to the Royal Diner.
"Y/n!" Parker ran up and hugged you. You hugged the young boy back and ruffled his hair. "Hey buddy!" Your smile quickly dropped when you saw Sweets sitting at the table. "What's he doing here?" You looked at Seeley panicking. Seeley threw his hands up in defense. "Parker invited him. Blame the kid not me." He slid into the seat next to Parker, forcing you to sit with Sweets. You may have mentioned to Parker that you had a slight crush on the shrink, but that was ages ago.
"Hey Y/n. Thank you again for running those papers for me." Sweets smiled. God you could have melted right there. "Oh yeah, of course." You chuckled and blushed. Seeley smirked. Go figure you couldn't have the confidence you did earlier when speaking to Lance.
"So, Dr. Sweets." Parker started. "Why doesn't my dad have a girlfriend yet." He asked innocently. You and Booth choked on your food / drink. You were laughing, Booth was embarrassed. "Parker!" Booth scolded. "Uh well. I think maybe you dad is just waiting for the right person to come along." Sweets tried not to offend Booth. He took it lightly. Parker smiled at you before asking Sweets, "Do you have a girlfriend?" Lance set his fork down and looked at the young boy. "I don't." You could have sworn he glanced at you. "Well, what about you Y/n? Do you have a boyfriend yet?" You took a deep breath. "No Parker I don't. The last one wasn't cool." You grimaced at the thought. A shit eating grin spread across his face; Seeley looked down proudly at his son. "So why don't you two get together then?" Sweets spit out his water and you turning a burning red.
"Well, uh I-" You started, completely flustered. You didn't imagine Parker trying to set you up or whatever. "Uhm, I think it would be a conflict of-" Lance started, focusing on you. "I can tell that Y/n likes you, and I think you like her too. I may be a kid, but I can definitely tell these things."
You and Sweets looked at each other for the first time during the outing. Your face still fiery red and his turning a light shade of pink. The corner of his mouth turned up ever so slightly. You broke contact and looked back at Parker. "Yeah uh, respectfully, you're still just a kid Parker." You got up and hurried out of the Diner. Embarrassment flooded your whole body; you could not believe Parker. Sure, he was a kid, but he had no idea what he was doing.
"So, you just walked out?!" Angela shouted as you laid on her couch. "What was I supposed to do Ange? Admit that I like Sweets? No way." You laughed. You could imagine him turning you down and having to avoid him the rest of your life. "Sweetie, he smiled at you, that's gotta mean something." She played on the Angelatron.
You groaned and threw your hands over your face. "You know what it means? It means that Parker made me look like a fool and now Sweets has probably already done his shrink stuff on me and has made a pros and cons list. Let's face it. I have no realistic chance with someone as smart as Lance." "I beg to differ." You shot up as Sweets walked into Angela's room. He looked at her, asking her for a moment alone. She smiled at you and scurried out. "Don't- run out on me. Please." You bit down on your lip and avoided eye contact yet again. "What do you want?" You stood up and walked around the room. There was no way you were going to sit still. "Can we talk?" His eyes followed your body around the room. "Nothing to talk about." You deflected his questions. He analyzed your emotions and movements as you reacted to his questions.
"There's not need to be embarrassed or humiliated Y/n." "Not be embarrassed? Really? Parker basically outed me about my feelings about you. And you totally did your shrink shit." Your body shook with nervous energy. "I pray to my spirits and ghosts that you'd never have to find out. Because you know what's worse than you knowing? It's you rejecting me, and then I'd have to see you every day until one of us moves on or does something else. And I can't handle that." He grazed over to where you were standing and took your hands into his own, he tilted your head up to meet his eyes.
"Look at me." His voice was soft and sweet. You dragged your eyes to meet his. "I am not going to shrink you or make a list of pros and cons about you, you certainly don't have to pray to your supernatural spirits, and more importantly I'm not going to reject you." Your body relaxed as his arm held your body. Still tense in some parts, not completely believing in him yet. "What are you saying?" You voice was just above a whisper. Eyes flickering between his gorgeous eyes. His lips curled into a smile, and he leaned down to your height.
"What I'm saying, Y/n, is that I like you. That I want to give us a chance." His lips connected with yours. You could have stayed like that for forever. His hand cupped your cheek and the other remained on your waist. Your hand laid on his neck and your opposite held onto his bicep. The only thing that pulled you away was a sudden roar of applause. Everyone from the Jeffersonian squints team, Booth, and Parker were cheering.
"It's about time." Clark exclaimed. You all looked at him with amusement. "I pay attention and keep my thoughts to myself." He shrugged and went back to the forensic platform. Sweets wrapped his arm around your waist and smiled down at you. You smiled back at Parker and mouthed 'thank you', he was pretty good at playing match maker.
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Feeling really sad today, some thing big feels like it's changing and it's hard to grasp...
SO I'm going to avoid my feelings like I always do and ask you guys if you have any Lance Sweets x reader requests/ideas/etc. Please help a girl out and send everything ya got!
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anthrofreshtodeath · 1 year
hmm 15 or 16 (i literally cannot decide) for the otp prompts pls ! can be crossover or not, up to u :)
I picked 15! And since you mentioned the crossover, I went ahead and did that too. It does contain sex, so the majority of it is under the cut. Thank you for the prompt! Find all previous crossover work here.
Phones ring nonstop out front in Troop B headquarters for the State Police; it’s nine in the morning and the Staties have just opened up the tip line for the cluster of recently discovered murders. The public knows the FBI is involved, and the public also knows that the authorities don’t really know who committed the crimes right here in idyllic western Mass because, well, they’ve been asked to call in with any information they might have. Meaning the police have next to none. 
And so, out of panic, people all over the county are calling into Northampton station in attempt to offer anything that might make the nightmare go away. People call in neighbors, distant family members, strangers off the street that look suspicious, and it’s all expected. Especially in a situation like this: citizens are scared. So they report what they hear through the grapevine and what they think others might be capable of under the right circumstances - either way, you all should keep an eye on him. Somethin’s not right. Something is definitely not right, and one of these callers, god willing, may actually have something of worth. Hopefully soon, given that the most recent killing goes back no more than six months. 
At least, that’s what Maura is trying to think about as they receive a team update from Detective Captain Richmond in the conference room. She counts the people in the room, twenty-four, separates them into two groups: people she knows, people she doesn’t. Agent Booth stands with his hands on his hips next to the Detective Captain, Doctor Brennan leans against one of the rolling tables in the back of the room, arms crossed and listening intently. 
Jane is right next to her.
Jane is right next to her, arms crossed, legs in a wide stance, erect at her full height. Jane stares intently at the man updating them on both timelines and personnel placement for the next week, and god Jane smells like motel coffee and lavender perfume. 
It’s the damn scent that dismantles Maura now, above everything else. And it’s not even mostly the lavender, though that reaches into the deeper recesses of her amygdala and stirs her up. It’s the coffee today. The strong coffee that Jane prefers, despite years consuming Maura’s organic, fair trade beans. It smells burnt, and like control. Like dominance. This is the coffee that brewed at Jane’s apartment whenever Maura stayed the night and got ready for work in the morning, this is the coffee that tattooed her tongue just before Jane left traces of it all down the front of Maura’s skin, traces of it inside Maura before they left for headquarters and Jane drank more from the Homicide department pot by Korsak’s desk. 
Combine the coffee with the cowboy posing, unintentional though it is, and Maura crosses her legs to stave off the worst of the want, the one that beats like a drum just under her hips anyway. 
“And so if Agent Booth and Detective Rizzoli make any headway in the interviews they have scheduled for today, or we get any promising leads from all the calls we got flooding the lines, we’ll regroup tomorrow, but for now…” 
Detective Captain Richmond is drowned out, gets pulled away by the tide of Jane’s whisper in Maura’s ear. “You’re doin’ the thing,” she says, just low enough for Maura to hear. 
Maura gulps. She runs a hand through her, as always, impeccably styled hair. “What thing?” she returns, careful to keep her face neutral lest the Detective Captain, or god forbid Agent Booth, look right at it. 
“You’re squeezin’,” Jane asserts. Her arms stay folded and her eyes point down to Maura’s crossed ankles. “You’re squeezin’ ‘cause you’re wet. ‘S it my shirt?”
Maura rolls her eyes. “No,” she says truthfully, though she doesn’t expand. The shirt doesn’t help matters, starched and new and white. The best look on Jane because her undershirt, that ribbed tank that hugs all her musculature, bleeds through. But she takes stock of the reactions of her body and Jane is right. Fuck Jane.
Really, though. That’s all she wants to do.
Jane reads Maura’s mind as well as her body apparently. “I know a place,” Jane says. “Meet me over in front of the bathroom right after he shuts up. We won’t get caught.” Then, like nothing has been said, like no rendezvous has been proposed, Jane straightens up and returns all her bulldog concentration to the men up front. Detective Captain Richmond turns the floor over to Booth, who has some updates on the federal side of things, including lab results, and he nods to Jane seriously just before he begins.
She nods back at him, like she’s been all business the entire time. 
Maura has barely enough time to find an inconspicuous spot to wait by the women’s restroom before Jane appears from around the corner and tugs her toward an unlabeled gray door. Everyone would have heard Maura stumble to keep up if there weren’t carpet below them, the industrial kind that gobbles up all manner of sneaking about. This proves fortuitous for Maura, because as soon as Jane leads her into what is clearly a supply closet, Jane’s tongue swipes across the back of her teeth; Jane’s lips smash against her own. They stumble into a mop bucket, and Maura laughs when the handle of the mop hits her in the back. 
“Shh, shh, watch it,” Jane chuckles, too, but she’s whispering just after their kiss is broken. Maura then moans because Jane’s hands rub all over her body. Without shame they roam over hips, her ass, her spread shoulders as they reach up for Jane.
“Jane,” Maura says, an amalgam of admonishment and pleasure. She speaks the name around Jane’s mouth, inside of it, against it. “The janitor’s closet? Really?”
“Genius, right?” Jane teases. “They never lock it,” she explains as she moves one set of fingers to lock the door from the inside. Maura hmphs, feeling distinctly less sexed. 
“Not… oh. Not the most romantic of places we’ve come together-” says Maura as Jane returns to her, as she’s picked up by the backs of her thighs and carried through a minefield of cleaning supplies and racks of extra paper products, until she’s deposited on a shelf against the back wall. Her shoulders hit painted cinderblock and she winces because it’s cold just as much as it’s hard. 
“Not the least romantic, either,” Jane finishes for Maura, brushing Maura’s blazer away. Jane must have seen Maura shiver, must have already connected it to the wall behind them, because lord knows how she manipulates Maura’s reactions to changes in temperature - nothing extreme, an ice cube slithering down Maura’s spine, candle wax pooling on her belly as she sucks it in from the heat. Jane, a font of ingenuity, uses their surroundings for the same purpose now. “Remember the alley behind The Naked Barmaid?”
Maura sucks on Jane’s lower lip before she scrapes it between her teeth. Jane leans Maura back, settles her even further, and then herself leans in. When Maura arches her back against the coolness, Jane smiles into the kiss. “An unfortunate, but apt, name for a bar,” Maura grumbles. Jane’s hands have fallen off of her again, and even though they’re occupied with tearing away at Jane’s belt, her zipper, Maura can’t help but pout. Jane pushes her pants open just enough for them to drop to around her knees, and Maura’s fingers find the inside of the boyshorts she’d watched Jane put on in their motel room this morning. 
“Oh, fuck,” Jane moans this time. 
Maura eats it. She uses her free hand to grasp Jane’s jaw, hard, and bites the breath between them, the one the fuck travels on. Jane stares, this time less confident and more awestruck, but she’s not immobile. She uses a rough tug to bring Maura’s thong down to mid-thigh. Fabric stretches; there might have been a rip, but neither of them care. Maura bites her own lip when fingers enter her, and she repays Jane in kind.
They are off to the races.
Soon, Maura grows antsy, writhing when the pleasure-pressure builds, when Jane seems to brush her clit by accident at first, then irregularly, then occasionally. After she rips her sleeveless blouse from its tuck, one arm grips Jane’s shoulders and she kisses a sloppy, wet trail from Jane’s cheekbone to her ear. “I want to take this off,” she pleads. “I want to show you all of me.”
On instinct, both of their gazes drop to her heaving chest. Her breasts are professionally covered, but the tops of them are visible. She presses them towards Jane’s open mouth.
“Uh uh,” Jane says to them. “You’re just sayin’ that because you know bringin’ out those things means I’ll do whatever ya want. And that is not a good idea when all our coworkers are just on the other side of that damn door.”
Maura huffs, the best she can do to concede the point. “Fine,” she says. “Then hurry up. We have work to do.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Jane laughs. They do just that, and after a few more frenzied minutes, Jane comes first, and Maura falls apart after. 
The kiss they share in the aftermath is slow, and it strings between them, liquid and sweet, before Maura comes forward to start it all over again. “Help me,” she orders when they break again.
Jane nods, and pulls up her own pants. She buckles her belt, but then those hands find Maura’s waist and lower her gently to the floor, until the flat heels of Maura’s boots touch. “You need-?” she begins to ask, and then bends awkwardly to hook her fingers in the elastic of Maura’s thong under her skirt.
“You don’t have to be that chivalrous,” says Maura, smiling when she swats Jane away and pulls her underwear up by herself. “In fact, I need you to leave. Now.”
“Wait, what? I thought we-” the fear on Jane’s face is evident. Maura’s heart skips a beat, thinks back on what she’s done to put it there. 
“We need to put time between us,” she clarifies. “In case there’s anyone in the hall. How would it look if we both walked out of here, disheveled and flushed?”
“It’s a broom closet, Maura. Anybody walkin’ outta here who isn’t the janitor is gonna raise some eyebrows,” Jane says. When Maura shrugs, she takes Maura’s face in her hand, rubbing her thumb over Maura’s chin, and kisses her softly. “But I hear ya. I’m outta here. I got work to do anyway.”
“The interviews,” Maura teases with a wink.
“Yeah. Booth and me and the backest of the backwoods,” says Jane as she hangs on the door she’s just opened. “See ya later.”
“See you later,” Maura returns. And speaking of Booth, Maura hears Jane greet him, gruff and sarcastic in their usual style, just as the knob clicks into place. Then, Maura’s enveloped in silence, the kind she likes. The kind that fosters thinking, and she needs to do a lot of that, if the happiness in her chest is any indication.
When Booth finally finds Brennan the next day, it is the afternoon, and light trickles into the morgue through the thin trio of windows right above the body storage. She’d called this lab rudimentary, Bones-speak for underfunded and inadequate. And Booth tends to agree, especially because that bozo Pike runs things down here - down here being stuck in 1983, from the coffee colored linoleum to the squeaky autopsy tables and the way he talks to women. Booth isn’t exactly, y’know, feminist of the year, but at least he’s got respect. And if you’re gonna have the audacity to be a chauvinist pig, at least be good at your job.
Booth is distracting himself.
No matter, however, because when he pushes through the swinging double doors, he spots Brennan. One look at her hair up in a bun, her arms folded over her chest in that I’m the boss stance, her head cocked as she judges Pike, and Booth’s heart hammers in his chest. 
Pike rambles on about the set of remains, all bone, in the drawer Bones has instructed him to open because he missed that it might be related to the case they’re all running themselves into the ground to solve. She’s mad, and Booth takes a second to pause and imagine Bones’ foot on Pike’s neck.
He revises - Bones’ foot on his neck. Oh boy. “Hey, uh, Bones,” he starts. He clears his throat and takes his voice as deep as it’ll go without being weird. “You - you got a minute? For somethin’ upstairs.”
When they find Booth, Bones’ blue eyes, sharp as always, turn as soft as they had when he and she had finally, finally, spoken through their own insecurities just a few nights ago. The corner of her mouth turns up in the faintest outline of a smile, then he smiles.
He can tell she’s remembering the kiss. That one. The one right before he didn’t go back to his hotel room for the rest of the night and they’d almost gone all the way and now he remembers it, too. They bounce off each other, refracting light, electricity attracted by lightning rods. Changing each other, attracting each other, bending each other.
Booth would like to get to the bending now. Bones seems to pick up on that. “An interrogation?” she asks, her voice exaggerated and playful. Luckily, Pike is an idiot, because he just stares between them, confused, instead of picking up on Bones’ garish gameplay. 
“Uh, somethin’ like that,” Booth says. “I’m gonna borrow her for a little bit here, Pike.”
Booth barely resists dragging Bones by the arm, but only because she’s already past him at the door. 
“I just pulled these remains!” Pike shouts as the two of them back out the way Booth came.
“Owe ya one!” Booth shouts back. He’s never meant anything less, and he doesn’t even care about the lie when he watches Bones lead the way to the elevator.
“I knew… the interrogation was… a ruse,” says Bones, laughing, kissing, breathing all at once against Booth’s lips. He swears he’s never felt anything like it, like the buzz that jumps from his mouth all the way to his hips and back up again. 
“So glad you picked up on that,” he tells her with a chuckle of his own. His large hands are under her blouse, one cupping a breast through her bra, the other thumb stroking gently against the small of her back. “Now let’s cut the talkin’.”
No chance of course. And he likes that about Bones. Loves that she doesn’t listen to a damn word he says. Instead, she narrows her brows when she grabs onto his ass. He really, really likes when she does that. “The shape of your glutei are impressive,” she tells him, but then she reaches just below that to feel the insides of his thighs and he yelps. “But your adductor magnus show the most promise.”
“I wish I knew what the… mmm,” he starts, but then her tongue is in his mouth, laying heavy against his own like that’s where the lovemaking starts. “What the hell that means.”
“It means we haven’t consummated,” Bones starts. She shifts her fingers to the front of his slacks when his grip on her own glutei. “And while the broom closet of the State Police isn’t exactly where I want our first time to be, your musculature tells me that it’ll be a good time anywhere,” she says. Booth winces when one hand snaps open his cocky belt buckle, slips down between his pants and his boxers, and wraps around the length of him all in one swift go. “You’re erect,” she snickers, her pursed lips pecking quick, sweet kisses against his cheekbone like she’s pitying him.
He can’t explain why that makes him harder, but he’s gonna push back in some kind of way, just so that he doesn’t minuteman his way through this janitor closet afternoon delight. With his back to the door, he lifts her, tossing her roughly up onto the high shelf in the back of the room. This time, she winces, and then she laughs, too. He calls her out. “Isn’t that the point? And hey, you gotta be so clinic-”
“Oh my god!” comes a voice from the door, and a rush of light floods the dark room, freezing Booth in place. 
Oh no.
Normally he’d shoot the person interrupting the farthest around the bases he’s gotten with Temperance Brennan, but his body is the only obstacle between her open blouse and the eyes of whoever just barged in. Plus, you know, the whole erect thing. “Hey, what the hell!” he settles for, and he’s got to admit that it sounds lame, even to him, even in his deep army boom.
“Sorry!” he hears, and that voice he recognizes: Doctor Isles. Maura. Oh Christ. That means the other one… yup. Rizzoli caught so off guard that it rose a couple octaves.
“It’s ok,” Bones calls out, untangling herself from Booth so she can hop back down onto the floor. “We were going to have intercourse, but obviously we’ll come out now.”
Booth stares at her, eyes wide and wild. “You kiddin’ me?! It is not ok!”
“No no, our bad, we’re outta here,” Rizzoli talks over him, and when he turns, adjusting himself, Jane’s got her eyes covered with her hand and the door open juuuust a crack. Her entire body is facing away from the scene and that tickles him a little bit. He almost smiles. Maura’s already gone, clearly, and Rizzoli’s on her way out, too. But not before she snaps, “I told you about this place in confidence, Booth. Christ!”
“Yeah yeah, sorry,” Booth waves her away, the adrenaline wearing off. He’s panting like he’s just run a marathon, and releases an exhilarated little chuckle. When the door slams, he turns to Bones. “She did make me promise not to tell anybody, Bones.”
Bones shrugs, buttoning up her shirt. “You didn’t tell me, you showed me,” she says. She straightens her blazer and has a hand on the door when she turns her head back to him. “I find my libido undeterred despite the interruption. Do you want to take a long lunch?” 
“Hell yes,” he says, adrenaline spiking again, putting a pep in his step and a kiss on the back of Brennan’s head as he opens the cracked door for her from behind. 
He supposes he can let Rizzoli have this place - finders keepers and all.
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specialagentlokitty · 10 months
Booth x reader - close call
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You weren’t sure how it happened, one moment you were standing next to Booth, the next you were stood there, completely frozen in your spot.
He didn’t seem to notice you weren’t following him anymore, and you stumbled back a few steps while he stepped forward to the body of the person who had shot at you.
“B..booth…” you mumbled.
He slowly approached the corner, and you placed a hand over your side, putting as much pressure on the wound as you could.
“Where’s Brennan?” You asked.
“She should be up ahead, go back and send uniforms down here when they get here!”
You nodded your head, turning around to head back towards the entrance of the building.
You stumbled a few steps, catching yourself on the doorway.
Standing up, you pushed yourself out of the building, and you walked a few steps to the side, spitting some blood on to the floor.
Pulling your hand away, you looked at your bloody hand, placing it back on the wound and you turned around as you heard shouting of your name.
“You could’ve gotten Bones killed!” Booth snapped.
You opened your mouth but closed it again, turning your attention to the ground instead.
“You gave us all away, and put someone in the line of fire!”
Booth marched over, fury in his eyes as he stared at you.
He stopped, turning around to Brennan who ran over to him, pointing to the floor.
He saw the droplets of blood, some spots seemed to have more than others, showing where you had stopped and then carried on walking.
“He wasn’t aiming for me Booth.” Brennan said quietly.
“Call for backup, now! And get whatever we need to keep (Y/N) alive!”
Booth ran over to you, and he placed a hand on your shoulder, and you grabbed him arm.
He could hear your pained breathing, and he could feel your hand trembling.
“Hey.. hey you’re okay…”
You slumped against him, and he quickly lowered you to the floor, resting your back against his chest.
“Woah, easy. Okay..”
Booth looked down at you, bringing his hand up to cover yours, putting more pressure on your wound.
His other hand came up, and he paced it on your shoulder, wrapping you in a kind of hug, holding you closely against himself.
“You’re okay… it’s okay…” he whispered.
“I..I’m sorry.. I’m so sorry…”
Booth rested his chin on your head.
“It’s okay… it’s okay…” he whispered.
He looked up to where Brennan was in by the car digging through some things.
“Bones hurry up!”
He looked at his hand over yours, and the amount of blood in his skin.
“(Y/N) keep talking to me, keep talking okay… stay awake for me..”
You didn’t reply, and he moved to the side a little bit to look at you.
Blood seeping from your lips, eyes closed and your body nearly falling to the ground.
“No, no, no, (Y/N)?”
Booth gently shook you.
Booth didn’t know what to do, and he looked up to Brennan who was running back with everything.
“Bones help me!” He yelled.
“Lay her down!” Brennan yelled.
He did as he was told and carefully laid you on your back, and he fell down, bringing a hand to cover his mouth.
Sitting on his knees, he brought a trembling hand to your face, placing his palm on your cheek, running a thumb along your skin.
“Booth I need you to hold here.”
Brennan took his hands and pressed them firmly over the wound, and she began CPR on you.
It didn’t seem like long, but for Booth it felt like forehead until help arrived and you were taken away.
He rushed to the hospital and he stood in the waiting room alone, covered in your blood until he was dragged away to finish the case.
But as soon as the actual killer confessed, booth was straight back to the hospital to get any information about your condition that he could.
“Booth! How is she?” Angela asked.
“I.. I don’t know, nobody will tell me anything, it’s been hours since she was admitted.”
“Just give them time Seeley.” Cam sighed.
He slammed his hand on the desk.
“I don’t have time!”
“You blame yourself, that’s okay. But this isn’t your fault, there was nothing you could have done to stop that man firing at (Y/N), getting angry won’t make them give you news any faster.” Sweets said.
Booth glared at the younger man, and he made his way back outside, sitting on the curb in front of the hospital.
Booth ran a hand down his face, tears burning his eyes, and he cleared his throat a little bit, blinked a few times to clear the tears.
He stayed outside for a few moments before he stood up, heading back inside.
They all sat waiting for any update on you.
“You can’t blame yourself man.” Hodgins whispered.
“It’s my fault, she shouldn’t have even been there. I should’ve known not to bring her.” Booth said lowly.
“Come on, you know (Y/N) wouldn’t want you to blame yourself.” Sweets said.
“What if she doesn’t make it…?” He asked.
Everybody looked at him but nobody knew what to say to him. They didn’t know how to comfort him, because how did you comfort somebody who was waiting to find out if someone they cared about died or not.
And that’s all he was thinking about.
What if you died?
Booth looked at his hands, and all he could see was your blood staining his skin even though he scrubbed them over and over again.
Sure, he’d had blood on his hands before, but knowing your blood had literally been on his hands was different.
“(Y/N) (L/N)?”
Everybody stood up, and booth was at the front of everybody.
“It’s been hours, why haven’t anybody given us any updates?” He asked.
“Because we haven’t been able to give one with any certainty.”
“I can’t care what you do or don’t have, when the FBI asked for an update you give them a damn update!” Booth yelled.
“Woah, okay. Maybe let’s not yell at the doctors trying to save our friend.” Angela said.
Booth stared at the doctor who took an unsure step backwards.
“Sorry… we uh.. honestly right now it doesn’t look good. The bullet was a clean shot, but (Y/N) didn’t fall, she walked, and it moved the bullet meaning it caused more damage, and some of the fragments went elsewhere. We’re doing all we can and I’ll come with another update soon.”
With that he ran away and booth went back to his feet, staring his hands as he waited.
Hours passed and finally the doctor came back out.
“We’ve got her stable, but she’s still critical. There was a lot of damage but right now things are looking good.”
Everybody was taken to your room, and while the others stood around your bed, Booth stood on the other side of the room watching you.
You were unnaturally pale, you still had dirt and dried blood on your face.
“Booth…?” Brennan asked.
He shook his head and walked away.
When he came back, everybody had gone, and he set his bag down in the chair opening it.
He pulled out some wipes and he walked over, taking one out of the pack and he sat on the bed next to you.
He reached out, his hand shaking a little bit, and he stopped himself.
Taking a deep breath, he worked at carefully cleaning your skin of the dirt and the dried blood.
When he was done, he cleaned your hands and arms, and he went through his bag again.
He pulled out some of the things he took from your office, your favourite photo, your favourite cushion, and a few other things to decorate the room.
Walking back over, he lifted your head and placed the cushion under it, sitting next to you again.
“I know you can’t sleep without it…” he mumbled.
Booth brushed some hair from your face, leaning forward he kissed your head head, laying himself next to you on the hospital bed.
It wasn’t the best sleep he had ever had, but every night he would go to your hospital room and sleep there.
Two weeks had passed, and just like always Booth walked into the room, stretching a little bit to see that your bed was empty.
He looked around, then ran towards the nurses station.
“Where is she?!”
“The woman in that room! Where did she go?!”
Another nurse walked over, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“She’s gone for physio, just like she has for the past few days.”
Booth furrowed his brows and he looked at the nurse.
“How long?”
“She’s been awake maybe a week now, doing physio for a few days, she’s actually coming down the hallway now.”
Booth turned around to see you slowly walking down the hallway, and when you saw him you immediately turned your head towards the floor.
He walked over to the doctor.
“I’ve got it.”
He placed your hand on his arm, slowly helping you back to your room.
He said nothing as he helped sit down, and he covered you up with the blanket.
“You’ve been awake for a week.”
You slowly nodded your head.
“You didn’t think to tell me you’ve been awake?!” He hissed.
“I.. I thought you would stop coming..”
Booth furrowed his brow and looked at you confused.
“Do you want me to stop coming..?”
You said nothing and Booth made his way towards the door.
He stopped.
“I… don’t want to sleep alone Booth..”
He sighed, turning around he walked back over and he laid next to you again.
You rested your head next to his shoulder, and watched as he flicked through channels on the TV.
“I thought if you knew I was awake you’d stop coming…”
“No, of course not. If you asked me I would’ve carried on sleeping here.”
He placed his arm over your head and he tapped you trying to move your head.
“Move your head.”
You lifted it and he put his arm under your head so you could rest on it.
Neither of you said anything for a few moments, and Booth noticed how your hand clung to your injury, as if trying to stop it from bleeding.
Reaching out he placed his hand over yours.
“Hey… it’s okay… you’re not bleeding..”
“I can’t help it..”
Booth ran his thumb along your knuckles.
“I know… but you know what, you’re going to be okay, and you’ll be back on your feet in no time.”
You looked up at him.
“It hurts when I move…”
Booth looked down at you, smiling a little.
“Yeah, yeah getting shot will do that to you. But trust me, in a few months you won’t even feel a thing.”
You stared at him for a moment.
“Why did you keep coming here…? I thought you were pissed at me..?”
“No. I mean yes okay I was pissed, but you were shot.”
You stared up at him with furrowed brows and he sighed, leaning forward to rest his forehead on yours and you closed your eyes.
“I was scared I lost you…”
“I’m sorry I messed up…”
He pulled away and you looked at him.
“No, you didn’t mess up. Okay? I shouldn’t have been so angry, I should’ve checked on you straight away, and I should’ve told you I loved you.”
Booth leant down, carefully pressing his lips to yours and then he pulled away.
“I love you…”
You leant forward, quickly leant forward, kissing him again and he leant into the kiss.
When he went to pull away you leant up, only to groan in pain and lay back down.
“Take it easy.. relax… you need to stay laid down..”
He smiled and covered you back up with the blanket, laying down and you rested your head on his chest, laying on your good side.
Booth reached his out his hand, placing it over your wound.
“You don’t have to keep holding it, it’s okay, it’s not bleeding okay? I won’t let anything happen, just go to sleep.”
“You’ll make sure I don’t bleed out?”
Booth smiled a little bit.
“Yeah, yeah of course I will, I would never let you bleed out.”
You smiled to yourself, taking his free hand so you can hold it, and it wasn’t long before you drifted asleep.
Just like he said, he kept his hand on your side, even when he fell asleep as well, making sure that you weren’t bleeding.
You were scared, and he knew that, and if he had to lay there holding your bandage covered sighed so you could some sleep then that’s what he would do
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Comedy short: who broke the coffee pot?(Bones)
Paring: reader x jeffersonian staff
Summary: cam wants to know who broke the coffee pot.
A/n: bones requests are open!
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Cam called a staff meeting today... No one would have ever predicted that it would be about a broken coffee pot. Not a corpse, not a piece of broken bone, but a broken pot.
They all stood around the broken coffee pot confused, in the coffee maker it's self was large beaker from the lab in place of the pot. All of us minus Bones, she was aggravated she was taken away from her work for this.
“So...” Cam said crossing her arms “Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.” she said softly looking at everyone.
Everyone stayed silent as Seeley and Lance walked in confused. Lance walked up next to y/n looking at the broken glass. Before he could ask what happened y/n sighed when she saw everyone's silent panic and spoke up.
“...I did. I broke it.” y/n said trying to save who's ever ass broke it.
Cam shook her head and sighed “No. No you didn't, you don't even drink coffee. Dr. Hodgins?”
Jack looked insulted that she would even mention him, did he not relize how many beakers he's broken in the Lab? “Don't look at me. Look at Wendell”
The blond look bewildered and gave Jack a dirty look before turning to Cam. “What?! I didn't break it.”
Jack hummed and looked at Cam like he cracked the case “Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?”
Wendell started to get annoyed, he rubbed his fave then pointed to the broken glass “Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.”
Jack shrugged “Suspicious.”
“No, it's not!” Wendell said shaking his head. Cam, who just wanted an answer sighed right back and looked towards Seeley who interjected.
“If it matters, probably not, but Lance was the last one to use it.” y/n and Lance both looked at him shocked.
“Liar! I don't even work here!” Lance said stepping away from the group.
“Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart last night?” Seeley asked in joking matter, he wasn't really trying to blame him.
“Because Brennan asked me to get her a cup of coffee while I got y/n her tea. They were both working late last Everyone knows that, Booth” Lance quickly said and his story check out.
Angela sighed and put her hands up “Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Cam”
Cam stoped her and held up the lose handle “No! Who broke it!?”
Everyone stayed quiet, they all shared glances just waiting for someone to crack. Jack's eyes fell on Bones who was now checking her watch.
Jack glanced at Cam “Cam Brennan's been awfully quiet.”
Bones gasped, shocked anyone would accuse her of such accusations “really Dr. Hodgins?!”
Everyone starts arguing after that, the squints and the scientists that is. Lance and Seeley stared, still confused on what just happened. Cam just snickered and walked over to the boys. “I broke it by accident. It burned my hand so I punched it.”
Seeley and Lance started chuckling when they saw y/n throw a hand full of coffee stirrers at Wendell and Jack.
Seeley chuckled. “I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a skull on a stick.”
*Later at the Bureau*
“crap!” James sighed as the sound of glass shattering filled his ears, he quickly looked around for witness hoping no one saw him break the coffee pot in the break room.
Caroline sighed and pulled out her phone from a distance, James didn't see her dialing Cam's number. “Cam, tell me how you handled the coffee pot situation at the jeffersonian”
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I was wondering if you could write headcanons for the Bone Boys as dads. ( you can pick one or multiple) (ie. Seeley, Jack, Lance, Zack, or any of the squinterns) I loved your hodgins fic sm <3 take your time!!! Thank you!!!
Oh, I love you for asking this 💕Any opportunity to write for my Jeffersonian family. And my squinterns? You didn't have to ask twice. If anyone want a part 2 let me know. I didn’t include a bunch of squints or my boy Aubrey
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Seeley - over protective, caring, goofy, stern, willing to do whatever he needs to to make his kid happy. I mean, just look at Parker - that kid turned out so well adjusted and happy. Booth just loves him to pieces - and Christine? Apple of his eye. Any kid this man has will want for nothing and know nothing but pure unrelenting love. Sunday afternoons of throwing a baseball around - I don't care what gender, any child of Booth will know how to throw a curve ball. And the hockey games? Oh, the kid(s) will be wearing Flyers jerseys before they can walk.
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Lance - we were robbed. Robbed of seeing this beautiful man raising a child. Sweets would be such a good dad too. Caring, affectionate, understanding, patient, hilarious, and with one disappointed look have his kids in line apologizing.
Oh, I could just imagine the first few weeks of sleepless nights. Lance, being so excited, but also so terrified of messing up. He knows what its like to have shitty people looking after you, and he'd never want to be that way. But he also knows what it's like to have two loving (amazing) people take care of him and love him with unconditional love.
This of course, would cause him to take the brunt of the middle of the night feedings/check-ins. Lance, sitting in a rocking chair, softly singing Coconut by Harry Nilsson. It's no surprise when the kid knows all the words before they know the alphabet fully.
Just, ugh, nothing but love and laughter.
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Any child of Jack's will be showered with affection, over the top gifts (what do you mean a thousand dollar playhouse is too much? It has a fully functional kitchen and a mini lab!), and a love and appreciation for all the beautiful things around them (bugs and all).
"Whose my little prince/princess of the lab?"
Jack would realize his mistake during the preteen phase. "Honestly, I don't know where the sarcasm is coming from. They're too quick for their own good." This of course, would be met with eye rolls, and really? No DNA test needed here. King of the Lab? More like King of Sass.
Jack would love to take the kid(s) to the lab. "This is a Carabidae, they belong to the Adephaga." He'd love to see their little faces light up with wonder. He'd never feel more elated then hearing the little giggles when he puts the beetle into his kids tiny waiting hand.
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Wendell would be the sweetest most down to Earth dad. No child of Wendell's would ever know what it means to struggle - not if he had anything to say about it. That doesn't mean his kids wouldn't know the meaning of hard work - that's the one thing Wendell prides himself in. Working hard and knowing you deserved to be there.
Considering his own mother induced labor on a roller coaster, I'm sure Wendell would be there for unconventional methods. His kids would also know how to defend themselves - verbal and physically (No one would ever talk down to his kids and get away with it. And boxers fracture? His kids would know how to throw a punch and mean it - "only if they deserve it, you can't just go around just starting fights with anybody."
His favorite memory would be the first time he took his kid(s) onto the rink. Seeing them persevere and keep going until they got the hang of it - "That's right, you got it!"
Wendell would raise his kids to be prepared for absolutely anything. Car broke down? They would know how to fix the engine. Someone broke their heart? Cry, feel it all, then take a deep breath and keep going. Because no matter what - he'll always be there to back them up.
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Vincent would be a dotting dad. A little over the top, but that's why his kids would love him. Any child of Vincent's would know more random facts than any other five year old. The calls from the kindergarten teacher would always be...interesting. "Yes, yes, I can see why talking about the amount of insect legs found in chocolate would be upsetting to the other children."
That of course would not and could not stop him from prattling out more facts every night. Facts were his love language - his bonding time. Every night, without fail, he'd tuck his little one into bed, rambling about any random thought that popped into his head until his child fell asleep.
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Colin, sweet morbid hopeless Colin. Would have no idea what to do with a child until one evening when he hasn't sleep for four days straight - he can barely see, his mind and body more fuzzy than normal.
He's looking hopelessly at his baby in his arms, "What? what do you need from me?" His voice growing more weary and desperate. Until he see's it, a smile - then a small gurgle that could be mistaken for laughter. "Oh, you like that, huh, my misery?" He's welcomed by another gurgle and big beautiful eyes blinking slowly back at him. He feels it then - the warmth- the happiness creeping up in his bones. He's got a shot now - at something he never thought about before.
Oh, his kid wants to paint his nails? Sure, he's always got the time, and maybe some tips, a little sloppy on the corner there. It's okay- you're only six we'll get you there, kid.
Colin would be the type of dad to always complain about being dragged to something, but he would secretly love it. Sappy teen movie playing in the background? No, he's not interested. He's just going to stand here for 30 minutes eyes glued to the screen. No, he doesn't want to sit down. Wait- rewind - what are they arguing about? He missed it.
Colin would have a little mini me - both the complete opposite of him and so similar it was scary. His little partner in crime.
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Zack would like to think he knows exactly what he's doing but he has no idea. He buys every parenting book known to man. Spends hours of research looking up different child development theories.
No, the baby did not in fact laugh. It's only been a month, a baby can't laugh until at least 5 months. He states that firmly until the next few days when Zack swears up and down he made the baby laugh doing an impression of Hodgins. I know I said that, but perhaps the baby just has my intelligence and early development.
Zack will be there front row and center for every recital, game, or event. Doesn't matter if he has no idea what the rules are or what is going on. He'll be there cheering from the side lines.
His favorite afternoon snack to make? Macaroni and cheese.
Zack is just happy to have made his family a little bit bigger. He never thought he'd be proud of anything outside of the Jeffersonian, but he was happily proven wrong everyday.
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elejahfanfic · 1 year
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vino---delectable · 7 months
Y'all ready for me to write a silly little y/n bones fanfiction, or what?
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