#seeley booth x you
specialagentlokitty · 9 months
Booth x Teen!reader - a little hyper
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is it possible that you can write a Booth! X ADHD teenage reader? I don’t exactly have a plot in mind but the reader is either stimming or just very fidgety - @alexandriathewolfyt 💜
Sitting in the interrogation room, you kicked your feet up on the table, using them to push yourself back so you could sing in your chair.
You were tossing a stress ball up and down in your head, trying to hit it off the ceiling.
After a few minutes and the ball rolling across the room, you got up, walking around the table a few times you walked over to the mirror.
You stood there, then leant back, throwing your head forehead to headbutt the glass, grinning a little.
“Come on, I’m bored, stop watching me that’s creepy.”
You pushed yourself away, and you made your way to the door, opening it to peak outside, finding a few agents watching you.
Frowning, you slowly closed the door again and picked up your ball, climbing on the table as you began throwing to upwards again.
Booth stood on the other side of the glass just watching you.
“Seriously, I spent have the morning having to chase them around the hallways of the school, and they still have energy?”
“It’s ADHD booth, (Y/N) has an excessive amount of energy and a difficulty concentrating. It can also present in outbursts of anger or disruptive behaviour, loss of concentration, impulsive thoughts.” Brennan said.
“Right well I need to go in there and stop this before somebody gets hurt, can you find sweets, maybe he can crack the hyper code.”
With that booth left, and when he walked into the room he was hit in the face with a ball.
A silence fell over the room.
“Sorry…?” You grinned a little.
He picked up the ball and walked in, gesturing for you to jump down from the table so you did and he handed it back.
“Trying to make your great escape?” Booth asked.
“Not yet, but maybe soon this is boring. Do you have snacks? Or soda?”
“Yes to both, but only if you answer my questions.”
“That’s bribery you’re not allowed to do that.”
“I’m not allowed to accept them, there’s a difference kid. Sit.”
“Wouldn’t that like be morally wrong?”
Booth sat down, looking up at you.
“Isn’t running from a federal agent morally wrong?”
“Nah man that’s just wrong.” You beamed.
He gestured to the seat and you sat down, tapping your hands on the table.
“Are you taking your medication?” He asked.
“How’d you know?”
“Bones found your prescription bottle in the reception, you got it a few months ago but it’s still closed.”
“I’ve been busy, I forget. I forgot my lunch all this week.”
He nodded his head, setting a photo down in front of you.
“Do you know him?”
“Yeah, science teacher I think, he hated me. A lot of teachers do, but I’m cool with that, when can I get my sweater back?”
“Right now it’s evidence.”
You groaned loudly and leant back in your chair again.
“If you fall that’s not my issue.” Booth said, “I just need you to answer a few more questions.”
You leant forward, resting your hands on the table, drumming them a little bit.
He asked a few questions which you answered and he stood up, opening the door and blocked the doorway.
“You’re not gonna run off?”
“Not yet.”
He sighed, gesturing for you to follow him and you did.
Booth took you to his office and he gestured to the man and woman sitting inside.
“You know Bones, that’s sweets. Stay here.”
With that he left and you looked at Sweets as he held out a bottle to you.
“These belong to you.”
“Eh keep em, I don’t need them. What’s this?”
You picked something up and then set it down.
“You have a lot of energy, is there anything you do to burn your excess energy?” Brennan asked.
You shrugged a little bit, exploring more of the office until you grew bored and began throwing your ball again.
Booth handed you a can of soda and some snacks, pointing to the chair.
You sat down, opening the chips and watched as he took the other two out of the room so he could talk to them.
After a few minutes Booth walked back in.
“Good news, you’re now in my care until after the case.”
“Because I said so, so grab your stuff and let’s go.”
“I’m taking you back to school, and you’re not going to run away because I’ll have agents placed around the school to keep an eye on you.”
You grumbled a little, slouching more into the chair.
Booth crossed his arms, looking at you.
“Are we really going to have troubles this early?”
“Come on man! Let me stay! I’ll behave!”
Booth narrowed his eyes a little bit, and he sat down on his desk, taking some of the chips from the bag you were eating.
“I hear you like to run.”
“Yeah, on track team.”
“Alright, let’s go down to the gym then.”
Booth grabbed your bag.
“Yeah, let’s see if you’re really as fast as they say you are.”
You ran straight towards the elevator.
You had a lot of energy you needed to burn, and Booth needed you to burn as much as you possible could.
He was also hoping that in doing something you liked he could learn a little more about you and maybe you could offer more useful information about the case.
You were a good kid, just hyper and misunderstood by everybody else but booth could see that you just really wanted to be seen as an ordinary teenager
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lover-of-mine · 3 months
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Bones 2x09 “Aliens in a Spaceship” -> The Rookie 2x11 “Day of Death” -> 911 3x15 “Eddie Begins”
inspired by this post by @redpinkwine
(kinda funny that since Eddie was introduced during s2, this happened for all 3 parings in the their second season together)
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scullysconstant · 2 years
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BONES | Harbingers in the Fountain (5.01)
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emilysbader · 1 year
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There's no such thing as magic. Oh, there's magic.
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bramstr0k3r · 1 month
downside of getting into something years after it ended (esp when it doesn’t seem to have had an awful lot of online fandom) is that I have nobody to yell at about bones with. because I just need to talk to Someone about the fact that bones was like WAYYYYYY too turned on by booth throwing knives at her and the way she kept escalating it for no fucking reason like she was WAY too into it to the point where her COWORKERS were like she is Definitely way too into this and yes it IS sexual. INSANITY.
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markedbyindecision · 2 months
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You’re great at what you do, Bones. But you don’t solve murders. Cops do.
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twelverriver · 1 year
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Agent Booth? What? I am Agent Booth
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hopeagainsthope97 · 2 years
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BONES - 4.19 The Science in the Physicist
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morgane-art · 9 days
Booth in 3x03: Yeah no Roleplays are weird. I don't understand how you can be turned on by that
Booth every time Bones and Him are undercover as Roxie and Tony: *too stunned to speak*
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insidethejeffersonian · 6 months
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unsteady-calcium · 19 days
What is your favorite ans least favorite booth/Brennan moment?
And of you could change one thing about the least favorite what would it be?
Omg this is so exciting! I’ve been posting in the fandom for like 24 hours, I feel so welcome 💕
My story is that in approximately 2008 I painstakingly downloaded every episode of Bones (of all three seasons that existed!) on goddamn limewire. Watched it, loved it, was totally obsessed.
And then it completely fell off my radar.
Now here I am, over 15 years later, and I am finally watching the whole thing! I’ve finished s1 and 2, and I’ve just started season 3. I know broadly speaking everything that happens through various spoilers over the years, but I haven’t actually seen a single episode of the show past season three.
And let me tell you, I cannot wait 😁
There are so many excellent moments that I’ve seen already, and so many to come. My favourites tend to be the mundane ones - Booth feeling the need to physically lead Bones around whenever they’re in the field, for example, or them having intense and intimate moments at the end of practically every episode.
One of my favourites so far was an episode at the beginning of season 2, where the two of them were supposedly fighting all episode. They split up, didn’t go in the field together, the whole shebang. And yet, literally every time they were in the same room they were standing like this:
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It's like they cannot avoid being extremely close, both physically and emotionally, even when they're trying so hard not to be.
I just love it.
As for one thing I would change... I understand there are a lot of questionable things coming up in later seasons, and I suppose I'll make my mind up about them when I get to them...
...But there is one thing I definitely would change, no questions asked, and that is Brennan's bangs.
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Why would you do my girl dirty like that
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specialagentlokitty · 10 months
Booth x reader - close call
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You weren’t sure how it happened, one moment you were standing next to Booth, the next you were stood there, completely frozen in your spot.
He didn’t seem to notice you weren’t following him anymore, and you stumbled back a few steps while he stepped forward to the body of the person who had shot at you.
“B..booth…” you mumbled.
He slowly approached the corner, and you placed a hand over your side, putting as much pressure on the wound as you could.
“Where’s Brennan?” You asked.
“She should be up ahead, go back and send uniforms down here when they get here!”
You nodded your head, turning around to head back towards the entrance of the building.
You stumbled a few steps, catching yourself on the doorway.
Standing up, you pushed yourself out of the building, and you walked a few steps to the side, spitting some blood on to the floor.
Pulling your hand away, you looked at your bloody hand, placing it back on the wound and you turned around as you heard shouting of your name.
“You could’ve gotten Bones killed!” Booth snapped.
You opened your mouth but closed it again, turning your attention to the ground instead.
“You gave us all away, and put someone in the line of fire!”
Booth marched over, fury in his eyes as he stared at you.
He stopped, turning around to Brennan who ran over to him, pointing to the floor.
He saw the droplets of blood, some spots seemed to have more than others, showing where you had stopped and then carried on walking.
“He wasn’t aiming for me Booth.” Brennan said quietly.
“Call for backup, now! And get whatever we need to keep (Y/N) alive!”
Booth ran over to you, and he placed a hand on your shoulder, and you grabbed him arm.
He could hear your pained breathing, and he could feel your hand trembling.
“Hey.. hey you’re okay…”
You slumped against him, and he quickly lowered you to the floor, resting your back against his chest.
“Woah, easy. Okay..”
Booth looked down at you, bringing his hand up to cover yours, putting more pressure on your wound.
His other hand came up, and he paced it on your shoulder, wrapping you in a kind of hug, holding you closely against himself.
“You’re okay… it’s okay…” he whispered.
“I..I’m sorry.. I’m so sorry…”
Booth rested his chin on your head.
“It’s okay… it’s okay…” he whispered.
He looked up to where Brennan was in by the car digging through some things.
“Bones hurry up!”
He looked at his hand over yours, and the amount of blood in his skin.
“(Y/N) keep talking to me, keep talking okay… stay awake for me..”
You didn’t reply, and he moved to the side a little bit to look at you.
Blood seeping from your lips, eyes closed and your body nearly falling to the ground.
“No, no, no, (Y/N)?”
Booth gently shook you.
Booth didn’t know what to do, and he looked up to Brennan who was running back with everything.
“Bones help me!” He yelled.
“Lay her down!” Brennan yelled.
He did as he was told and carefully laid you on your back, and he fell down, bringing a hand to cover his mouth.
Sitting on his knees, he brought a trembling hand to your face, placing his palm on your cheek, running a thumb along your skin.
“Booth I need you to hold here.”
Brennan took his hands and pressed them firmly over the wound, and she began CPR on you.
It didn’t seem like long, but for Booth it felt like forehead until help arrived and you were taken away.
He rushed to the hospital and he stood in the waiting room alone, covered in your blood until he was dragged away to finish the case.
But as soon as the actual killer confessed, booth was straight back to the hospital to get any information about your condition that he could.
“Booth! How is she?” Angela asked.
“I.. I don’t know, nobody will tell me anything, it’s been hours since she was admitted.”
“Just give them time Seeley.” Cam sighed.
He slammed his hand on the desk.
“I don’t have time!”
“You blame yourself, that’s okay. But this isn’t your fault, there was nothing you could have done to stop that man firing at (Y/N), getting angry won’t make them give you news any faster.” Sweets said.
Booth glared at the younger man, and he made his way back outside, sitting on the curb in front of the hospital.
Booth ran a hand down his face, tears burning his eyes, and he cleared his throat a little bit, blinked a few times to clear the tears.
He stayed outside for a few moments before he stood up, heading back inside.
They all sat waiting for any update on you.
“You can’t blame yourself man.” Hodgins whispered.
“It’s my fault, she shouldn’t have even been there. I should’ve known not to bring her.” Booth said lowly.
“Come on, you know (Y/N) wouldn’t want you to blame yourself.” Sweets said.
“What if she doesn’t make it…?” He asked.
Everybody looked at him but nobody knew what to say to him. They didn’t know how to comfort him, because how did you comfort somebody who was waiting to find out if someone they cared about died or not.
And that’s all he was thinking about.
What if you died?
Booth looked at his hands, and all he could see was your blood staining his skin even though he scrubbed them over and over again.
Sure, he’d had blood on his hands before, but knowing your blood had literally been on his hands was different.
“(Y/N) (L/N)?”
Everybody stood up, and booth was at the front of everybody.
“It’s been hours, why haven’t anybody given us any updates?” He asked.
“Because we haven’t been able to give one with any certainty.”
“I can’t care what you do or don’t have, when the FBI asked for an update you give them a damn update!” Booth yelled.
“Woah, okay. Maybe let’s not yell at the doctors trying to save our friend.” Angela said.
Booth stared at the doctor who took an unsure step backwards.
“Sorry… we uh.. honestly right now it doesn’t look good. The bullet was a clean shot, but (Y/N) didn’t fall, she walked, and it moved the bullet meaning it caused more damage, and some of the fragments went elsewhere. We’re doing all we can and I’ll come with another update soon.”
With that he ran away and booth went back to his feet, staring his hands as he waited.
Hours passed and finally the doctor came back out.
“We’ve got her stable, but she’s still critical. There was a lot of damage but right now things are looking good.”
Everybody was taken to your room, and while the others stood around your bed, Booth stood on the other side of the room watching you.
You were unnaturally pale, you still had dirt and dried blood on your face.
“Booth…?” Brennan asked.
He shook his head and walked away.
When he came back, everybody had gone, and he set his bag down in the chair opening it.
He pulled out some wipes and he walked over, taking one out of the pack and he sat on the bed next to you.
He reached out, his hand shaking a little bit, and he stopped himself.
Taking a deep breath, he worked at carefully cleaning your skin of the dirt and the dried blood.
When he was done, he cleaned your hands and arms, and he went through his bag again.
He pulled out some of the things he took from your office, your favourite photo, your favourite cushion, and a few other things to decorate the room.
Walking back over, he lifted your head and placed the cushion under it, sitting next to you again.
“I know you can’t sleep without it…” he mumbled.
Booth brushed some hair from your face, leaning forward he kissed your head head, laying himself next to you on the hospital bed.
It wasn’t the best sleep he had ever had, but every night he would go to your hospital room and sleep there.
Two weeks had passed, and just like always Booth walked into the room, stretching a little bit to see that your bed was empty.
He looked around, then ran towards the nurses station.
“Where is she?!”
“The woman in that room! Where did she go?!”
Another nurse walked over, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“She’s gone for physio, just like she has for the past few days.”
Booth furrowed his brows and he looked at the nurse.
“How long?”
“She’s been awake maybe a week now, doing physio for a few days, she’s actually coming down the hallway now.”
Booth turned around to see you slowly walking down the hallway, and when you saw him you immediately turned your head towards the floor.
He walked over to the doctor.
“I’ve got it.”
He placed your hand on his arm, slowly helping you back to your room.
He said nothing as he helped sit down, and he covered you up with the blanket.
“You’ve been awake for a week.”
You slowly nodded your head.
“You didn’t think to tell me you’ve been awake?!” He hissed.
“I.. I thought you would stop coming..”
Booth furrowed his brow and looked at you confused.
“Do you want me to stop coming..?”
You said nothing and Booth made his way towards the door.
He stopped.
“I… don’t want to sleep alone Booth..”
He sighed, turning around he walked back over and he laid next to you again.
You rested your head next to his shoulder, and watched as he flicked through channels on the TV.
“I thought if you knew I was awake you’d stop coming…”
“No, of course not. If you asked me I would’ve carried on sleeping here.”
He placed his arm over your head and he tapped you trying to move your head.
“Move your head.”
You lifted it and he put his arm under your head so you could rest on it.
Neither of you said anything for a few moments, and Booth noticed how your hand clung to your injury, as if trying to stop it from bleeding.
Reaching out he placed his hand over yours.
“Hey… it’s okay… you’re not bleeding..”
“I can’t help it..”
Booth ran his thumb along your knuckles.
“I know… but you know what, you’re going to be okay, and you’ll be back on your feet in no time.”
You looked up at him.
“It hurts when I move…”
Booth looked down at you, smiling a little.
“Yeah, yeah getting shot will do that to you. But trust me, in a few months you won’t even feel a thing.”
You stared at him for a moment.
“Why did you keep coming here…? I thought you were pissed at me..?”
“No. I mean yes okay I was pissed, but you were shot.”
You stared up at him with furrowed brows and he sighed, leaning forward to rest his forehead on yours and you closed your eyes.
“I was scared I lost you…”
“I’m sorry I messed up…”
He pulled away and you looked at him.
“No, you didn’t mess up. Okay? I shouldn’t have been so angry, I should’ve checked on you straight away, and I should’ve told you I loved you.”
Booth leant down, carefully pressing his lips to yours and then he pulled away.
“I love you…”
You leant forward, quickly leant forward, kissing him again and he leant into the kiss.
When he went to pull away you leant up, only to groan in pain and lay back down.
“Take it easy.. relax… you need to stay laid down..”
He smiled and covered you back up with the blanket, laying down and you rested your head on his chest, laying on your good side.
Booth reached his out his hand, placing it over your wound.
“You don’t have to keep holding it, it’s okay, it’s not bleeding okay? I won’t let anything happen, just go to sleep.”
“You’ll make sure I don’t bleed out?”
Booth smiled a little bit.
“Yeah, yeah of course I will, I would never let you bleed out.”
You smiled to yourself, taking his free hand so you can hold it, and it wasn’t long before you drifted asleep.
Just like he said, he kept his hand on your side, even when he fell asleep as well, making sure that you weren’t bleeding.
You were scared, and he knew that, and if he had to lay there holding your bandage covered sighed so you could some sleep then that’s what he would do
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vino---delectable · 6 months
Our unintelligent squint (e1 part 2/?)
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Summary: It's y/n's first day at the Jeffersonian. You are being swiftly introduced to everyone!
Character pairings: Zack Addy x reader, Angela x Hodgins, Booth x Brennan
Word Count: 10.8k
Warnings: none
A/n: Hey... Finally got to p2... I hope you can tell me what you think!!!! Again, non of the words belonging to the case, or anything having nothing to do with y/n belongs to me! Enjoy! (If you haven't read the whole story click here. For my masterlist!)
(Y/n's pov)
I woke up a half hour before my alarm rang again… This is going to be a long day. Ick! I know it's not healthy for me to be so anxious. But what reputation will I have if I lose this job? I certainly don't want to wind up serving French fries and mini burgers again. Not if I can help it. Plus, what would my father think? No, I'll have to try my hardest to stick to this job.
I did my hair up with my two front pieces of hair, and pulled the back with a polka dot tie. I decided I'd wear a modest skirt and shirt. I at least thought I looked lovely and sophisticated. I didn't bother to eat breakfast at home. I could easily go to the cafeteria, and besides, it was only 5:30. My breakfast isn't until an hour later.
I took the bus because I didn't want to bother or wake up anyone this early in the morning. After all I'm still working on my driver's license. The ride was bumpy, but I was ok once I put in my music… The byrds, Celine Dion, green day, lynyrd skynyrd, def leopard… (I like everything ok!)
And finally… After me lip syncing the duet of phantom of the opera, I was at the Jeffersonian. I seriously wanted to cry. There's no way I'm ready! I thought as I jumped out of the bus. I started turning around to try to jump back into the bus, but I noticed it was already half way down the road. No, the only option was to go in. So I did!
I walked in with the self consciousness of my shoes squeaking. Everyone smiled at me. Most likely because they have seen me once or twice before with my dad. So I took it as no sign of approval. I walk into a beautiful woman with what I would imagine to be the warmest face I have seen in forever. And since I had no idea where to go, I thought it right that I should talk to her.
"Hello," I started awkwardly, sounding like I originated from Germany, "I'm new here. And I was wondering if you could give me directions. Like how to get a name tag, like the ones I see you and- well, everyone wearing.. And a tour of how the work, y'know, works…" I smile.
"Oh, hi!!! Quick question first. Are you a-," she reads from a card she took from her jacket, "Ms. Y/n y/l/n?" She smiles back.
"yes… Yeah, I was the one hired… Yesterday, actually."
"Well, Dr. Brennan asked me to give this to you if I ran into you, " she handed me my ID card, I took it and she nodded, "I'm Angela, Montenegro… Angela Montenegro."
"It's very nice to meet you!" I perked up.
"And yes, I can give you a quick look at the work place," she gestured with her hands for me to follow her.
She showed me my main working space first. A platform where the remains or artifacts are originally delivered. A room Angela says she mostly works in, where she designs holograms for the Jeffersonian. She showed me a room where all the skeletons are kept. She kept mentioning the numbers of the rooms, but I remembered none of them. "Now, you can call this one Hodgins sanctuary," She showed me a room full of a variety of insects and chemicals. "
"I swear I've seen this exact setting on Harry Potter," I teased.
"yeah, well, we have to be careful when this wizard waves his wand," she jokingly warned.
This guy with bright curly hair and a tolerable, well maintained beard emerges from the room of doom. "Hey Angie, check out what I discov-" he noticed me standing next to her, "you're new… And fresh out of diapers. Ange, we've got to by her some formula!"
I got defensive "I'm fifteen!" I say.
"It's alright, sweetie. He's just like that," Hodgins raises his eyebrows, approving what she said, "you said you discovered something?"
"I- it can wait!" He said , "you should show the kiddo more things… Or something," he turns and goes back into his "lair".
I turn to her in curiosity, " is this hairstyle fine to wear here?"
"Yes. So long as it's up, and won't get mixed into any of the particulates, or remains we find."
"Uhuh, gotcha. And my clothes?" I bit my lip anxiously.
"you can wear most things; jeans, top, skirt, blouse… For you to get approval, you should wear something modest."
"Good," I say, "because that's all I have."
We walk near the bones room where I see the one face I recognized when i first wanted to work here a year ago. The one who initiated the interview with me. Now he was walking fast over to us. And given how tall he was, he could walk faster than most people I've known.
"Ms. y/l/n. I was wondering if I could speak to you right now?" He said when he reached us.
"Uhrm, yes, Mr. Addy? Um, yeah… I seriously have nothing going on right now so…" I look around awkwardly.
He takes me by the arm, and drags me to the other side of the lab. Angela was so curious as to why he was being so secretive, based on her staring in our direction. I think I was more so curious than she was.
"Look. You have got to follow my lead, words and every move," He definitely could tell that my eyes were screaming the word "what", at him. He tried to elaborate.
" You know nothing about the names of bones, " he said.
"Yes that's true. But I know what they are and where they go when I look at-" I started.
"But the names are important to know in this line of work," Mr. Addy interrupted, "What's going to happen when Dr. Brennan asks you to hand her a tray with a femur on it?"
"A whater?" I raised an eyebrow.
He sighs, "This is going to be a long day," He looks me in the eyes in silence, I just twittle my thumbs as he does so, "Just do what I tell you to. Because if you get fired, I will most likely lose certain privileges, and eventually get fired. So, won't you, since you're already working just under me, do all I ask of you… Pay attention!" I just nod. Not really knowing how else to respond.
Dr. Brennan walks through the door. I recognized her because she always works with my father, occasionally visiting my house. Me and Zack's conversation ends. He hands me a dark blue lab coat with a rough texture, and smoothly gestures with his hands for me to attach my ID to it. We join Dr. Brennan along with everyone else. She always appeared so grumpy to me, like, to the point where she says jump and I ask how high. So, I assumed it was best l should follow with them.
We all walk in a group. While I was still pinning my ID to my coat while simultaneously walking up the stairs, I hear Hodgins saying, "The pond is not only warm and teeming with microbes, which accelerated decomposition, but it houses black carp and coy which fed on the body." We all walk up to this grossly muddied skeleton. It was interesting to me, because I had never, in person , seen a skeleton like this before. Thank goodness I'm only assisting for now!
"Can I, as the only normal person in the room," Angela said, "Say EW?" I looked to her wondering why she didn't see me as normal. I thought I was normal.
"I got three larval stages," Hodgins continued, "Of trichoptera, chironimidae…" I've heard of these flying insects before, I thought, I must've read them in a book.
"As we cut to the chase," She clearly didn't want to be explained anything today.
"The body was in the pond one winter and two summers," he said quickly.
"Spring before last," Dr. Brennan said.
Hodgins smirked, quickly changing topic, "You really think I'm Lesty?"
Temperance looked to Angela with furrowed brows and gaping mouth, in confusion of his sentence.
"The book," Angela explained.
"No, no, no," Dr. Brennan says shaking her head, "you're not in the book."
"Sure he is! we all are," Zack said, amused.
"No none of you are in the book. Those are fictitious characters based on…" As she tries to defend herself Hodgins almost rudely interrupts her to show her bone scans on a computer. I believe it to be the ribcage, maybe.
"I found some small bone fragments in the silt," He said.
"We're out of the book now, we're back in real life," Angela said to Dr. Brennan.
"I guess rana temporaria," Hodgins said.
"frog bones…" How does this woman get frog bones from what he just said? I wondered.
"Also some tiny gold links," Hodgins monitor points where, "Those from a fine chain."
"Point of clarification," began Zack, talking about the book again, "I'm not a virgin. Nowhere near in fact," I looked beside me at his smirking face in awe. How could you be so confident in that? Again, I'm wondering too much.
"Who you captured perfectly was booth," Angela started, touching Dr. Brennan's hand slightly in excitement, "Buttoned down but buckets of sexual confidence which, uahh, I for one would love to tap," She says with a slightly mischievous smile.
"It's not right to discuss tapping asses in front of a soaker," Zack said, looked toward the body.
"You could also say it's not right to discuss your virginity level here as well," I smiled at him, "It also might make those who have never … Oh, what's the term, "" done it"" feel a little bit pressured. "
"You mean- you're saying you've never?" He looks me straight into my eyes. I simply look everywhere but his eyes, "I seem to be forgetting that, some girls at 15 prefer not to."
"Or," I continued , "Some girls, regardless of age, have a few morals." I was low-key angry now.
"Ms. y/l/n," Hearing Dr. Brennan mentioning my name made me turn my head quickly to her, "I am very glad you were available to work with us, but arguing in such a manner should be permitted while you are working," I quickly shut my mouth and meekly nodded, "Anyways, I can't bounce back and forth between my book and real life. Since we're stuck in real life, let's just forget the book." She directed.
"I haven't analyzed whatever it was the victim was holding in her hand," Hodgins looks to the bone scans on the computer, "But it looks like cellulose."
"Paper?" Angela inquired.
"mm, possibly," said Hodgins.
"I found microscopic grit embedded in the skull fragments. I need you to identify those too," Dr. Brennan says to Hodgins, To Zack, She orders, "Remove the remaining tissue, I'll debreed the skull fragments myself, reassemble it so Angela can put a face on our victim."
"Good," Angela is relieved, "I prefer holograms, they don't stink."
Hodgins and Angela begin to walk away. All that's left is me. Yay. "And you, Ms. y/l/n. I will have you thoroughly look around the dirt before it gets removed. Most importantly , I would prefer you to specifically focus on the areas surrounding the phalanges, to see if anything is missed. But be careful of whatever it is the victim is holding in her hands. Understood?"
She looks at me with eyebrows raised. I just smile like an idiot and look to Zack, who is just as freaked out as I am. It takes him a second to contemplate, but he then lifts his hand and wriggle all his fingers. Ahh, now I understand, I thought, I got this!
"Of course, Dr. Brennan, I will get right on that." In a hurry I run to the bodies side, trying my hardest to examine the fi- phalanges! Barely hearing what is being said behind me…
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Fanfic rec: Bones B&B
Hi~! After so many years, I'm back with a new set of fanfic recommendations! This time it's for a different show, one near and dear to my heart, which is pretty much a give away from the title of this post. Honestly, I've been a fan of Bones for more than a decade now, I've known the show way before I've known Sherlock. But it has only occurred to me this 2024 that Bones might actually have some fanfictions out there. Lo and behold, there are quite a number around, and the next thing I know, I've read enough for a post like this!
For now, I'm listing some of the fanfics that really spoke and hit my heart. Maybe in my next post I'll try to categorize them in some way.
As usual, all works are complete unless stated otherwise. Happy reading!
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Quicksand by MoreBonesPlz [Words: <46,783 | T: Suitable for teens] What if after the infamous B&B conversation in the truck during The Doctor in the Photo where Booth told Brennan she'd missed her chance, Brennan didn't acquiesce? What if once opened, she no longer found it possible to close the Pandora's box with respect to her feelings for Booth?
The Whole in the Sum of the Parts by fourth_rose [Words: 21,933 | Mature | Also available in Ao3] Children change things – sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse, and sometimes from the very beginning. Season 1 AU.
The Passenger Seat by cortexx [Words: 3,345 | Teen And Up Audiences | Also available in FFN] Four times someone adjusted Brennan's seat in Booth's car over the years, and the one time she did it to Booth.
Servare Vitas by newscaper [Words: <101,948 | T: Suitable for teens] To Save Lives. A Bones Novel. Brennan helps Booth try to lay old ghosts to rest as he becomes a sniper for the FBI, a decision with life and death consequences that could change everything. 
The Science Teacher in the Public School by FictionWriter91 [Words: <47,114 | T: Suitable for teens] Story is AU with a mix of canon. What if Temperance and Russ were taken with their parents instead of being left behind? What if Brennan is now a well loved science teacher at a public school like her father used to be? Brennan loves her work and her students, especially Parker Booth, who is very talented and adores her. Things couldn't be better. Then she meets Parker's father.
Right from the Start by Christi Whitson [Words: <265,871 | M: Mature] Season 1 re-write, tweaking the details and one of the tertiary characters. Because I think that under the right set of circumstances, BB would have fallen for each other right from the start. Peter is a threat to Brennan, and Tessa doesn't exist. More drama than angst. 
An Aggregation of Maladjusted Companions by jazzyproz [Words: <251,013 | M: Mature] Suffering from a declining solve rate following their returns to DC, Booth and Brennan are forced to attend a team-building convention. Neither of them think they need the workshops or exercises, but it's apparent to everyone around them that if they don't do something, the whole team will soon be falling apart. Can they fix their broken partnership?
Stupid Alpha Male - Ardialene [Words: <9,292  | Suitable for more mature childen] No matter how many times Booth denies it, Brennan knows that her partner is a true alpha male. And she has evidence to prove it.
Let the Games Begin by TRUSSELL33 [Words: <159,075 | M: Mature] What would Booth do if Brennan suddenly came on to him? Written as a challenge on another site but am thinking of turning it into a short story. Let me know if anyone is interested.
Wise Mind by naelany [Words: 13,416 | Teen And Up Audiences | Ao3 Account Required] Temperance had made the - perfectly logical - decision to rebuff Booth’s advances not once, but twice. After all, she was a mundane and he was an online, high order Sentinel and would one day find his Guide. To her mind, there was no point in starting something with the man, no matter how attracted they were to each other, because in the end he would leave her.
Confessions from a Bottle by MoreBonesPlz [Words: <27,052 | T: Suitable for teens] Booth believes he is happy in his relationship with Hannah until an intoxicated Brennan reveals her true feelings for him and makes him question what happiness really means.
Problem Solving, the Booth and Brennan Way by Hannah Taylor1 [Words: <384,802 | T: Suitable for teens] Brennan has a problem she's not sharing.Booth wants to help fix things,as always,only to find the conversation skewing in a direction he'd never expected. Set several months post-The Boy With the Answer.
How My Heart Behaves by mia101 [Words: <57,376 | M: Mature] Brennan thinks she understands what sex is all about...until Booth gives her a glimpse that makes her think otherwise. But who's teaching whom? And what will they learn...?
The Heart Won't Lie by razztaztic [Words: 16,531 | T: Suitable for teens | Also Available in Ao3 | Ao3 Account Required] Alternate ending for 6x09 "The Doctor in the Photo." What if Booth hadn't been there to save Brennan and she was hit by the car?
The Heart of the Matter by fourth_rose [Words: 7,546 | Mature] "What do you mean, you know you can't have me? It's not like you've ever asked!"
The Intern by cortexx [Words: 1,766 | Teen And Up Audiences | Also available in FFN] Brennan is trying to choose a new intern, and is slowly weeding out the ones who are unacceptable candidates. A case of mistaken identity narrows down the competition when one candidate makes an inappropriate comment to Parker about Bones.
Maternal Instinct by tempecameron [Words: <20,878 | T: Suitable for teens] Dr. Temperance Brennan can handle remains that are thousands of years old, but can she keep up with one small child? BB fluff, Parker cuteness, relationship drama, weird author's notes.
Snowed In by Imagination-Parade [Words: <23,752 | T: Suitable for teens] Booth and Parker get snowed in at Brennan's apartment after Parker insists that they spend Christmas with her. Set after 3.09 "Santa in the Slush"
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Let me know what you think of this list. I'd love to have some feedback!
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emilysbader · 2 years
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BONES - 2.09, 'Aliens in a Spaceship'
It was all of us. Every. Single. One. You take one of us away, and you and Hodgins are in that hole forever. And I'm thankful for that.
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antoine-triplett · 2 years
Forgot that during the episode with the baby Booth says out loud “and when you buy our country vacation home with our big screen TV we can come and visit our adopted nephew Andy and go fishing together by the way you’d be a great mom just something to think about” wtf my man its 2.5 seasons in and your longing is so loud that it can be heard from space
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