#Angela Montenegro x reader
shelbgrey · 1 year
Comedy short: who broke the coffee pot?(Bones)
Paring: reader x jeffersonian staff
Summary: cam wants to know who broke the coffee pot.
A/n: bones requests are open!
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Cam called a staff meeting today... No one would have ever predicted that it would be about a broken coffee pot. Not a corpse, not a piece of broken bone, but a broken pot.
They all stood around the broken coffee pot confused, in the coffee maker it's self was large beaker from the lab in place of the pot. All of us minus Bones, she was aggravated she was taken away from her work for this.
“So...” Cam said crossing her arms “Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.” she said softly looking at everyone.
Everyone stayed silent as Seeley and Lance walked in confused. Lance walked up next to y/n looking at the broken glass. Before he could ask what happened y/n sighed when she saw everyone's silent panic and spoke up.
“...I did. I broke it.” y/n said trying to save who's ever ass broke it.
Cam shook her head and sighed “No. No you didn't, you don't even drink coffee. Dr. Hodgins?”
Jack looked insulted that she would even mention him, did he not relize how many beakers he's broken in the Lab? “Don't look at me. Look at Wendell”
The blond look bewildered and gave Jack a dirty look before turning to Cam. “What?! I didn't break it.”
Jack hummed and looked at Cam like he cracked the case “Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?”
Wendell started to get annoyed, he rubbed his fave then pointed to the broken glass “Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.”
Jack shrugged “Suspicious.”
“No, it's not!” Wendell said shaking his head. Cam, who just wanted an answer sighed right back and looked towards Seeley who interjected.
“If it matters, probably not, but Lance was the last one to use it.” y/n and Lance both looked at him shocked.
“Liar! I don't even work here!” Lance said stepping away from the group.
“Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart last night?” Seeley asked in joking matter, he wasn't really trying to blame him.
“Because Brennan asked me to get her a cup of coffee while I got y/n her tea. They were both working late last Everyone knows that, Booth” Lance quickly said and his story check out.
Angela sighed and put her hands up “Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Cam”
Cam stoped her and held up the lose handle “No! Who broke it!?”
Everyone stayed quiet, they all shared glances just waiting for someone to crack. Jack's eyes fell on Bones who was now checking her watch.
Jack glanced at Cam “Cam Brennan's been awfully quiet.”
Bones gasped, shocked anyone would accuse her of such accusations “really Dr. Hodgins?!”
Everyone starts arguing after that, the squints and the scientists that is. Lance and Seeley stared, still confused on what just happened. Cam just snickered and walked over to the boys. “I broke it by accident. It burned my hand so I punched it.”
Seeley and Lance started chuckling when they saw y/n throw a hand full of coffee stirrers at Wendell and Jack.
Seeley chuckled. “I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a skull on a stick.”
*Later at the Bureau*
“crap!” James sighed as the sound of glass shattering filled his ears, he quickly looked around for witness hoping no one saw him break the coffee pot in the break room.
Caroline sighed and pulled out her phone from a distance, James didn't see her dialing Cam's number. “Cam, tell me how you handled the coffee pot situation at the jeffersonian”
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bonniebird · 1 year
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Booth x Booth!Fem!Reader/Angela Montenegro x Booth!Fem!Reader
Requested by Anon
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Request: Anonymous asked: Could I please have an imagine where the reader is the younger twin sister of Seeley Booth who works at the FBI alongside him. Whenever he starts to work with the Jeffersonian she goes with him. She and Angela Montenegro are immediately drawn to one another. Everyone but her brother notices this. Including Dr. Brennan, who is usually oblivious to everything. They work to get the two together because the constant flirting is annoying. When the two finally get together everyone is happy, but Booth is just completely confused. Fluffy please?
Read on Wattpad
Read on AO3
“You need to talk to Booth.” Angela said as she hurried into Brennan’s office. She frowned and slowly looked away from her computer screen. “Oh… new book pages?”
“Yes. But I… I often speak to Booth. I find it enjoyable… Ah. You mean about something specific.” She said quickly when she looked up at Angela.
“Yes. Honey. I do. It’s about me and… (Y/N).” Angela said and waited for Brennan to catch on.
“(Y/N). Booth’s sister. What about her?” Brennan asked. She was worried for a moment before Angela sighed and looked irritated. “Has she done something to upset you?”
“No. No. It’s Booth. (Y/N) and I… are (Y/N) and I. But Booth seems very oblivious about the whole thing. (Y/N) thought she’d spoken to him about it but he seems to just think we’re very good friends.” Angela explained. Brennan nodded as she thought up a solution.
“I have a wonderful book on the sexualities of the word. Perhaps that could help?” She offered. Angela smiled and nodded slowly.
“Thanks, sweetie but maybe just ask Booth to have a talk with (Y/N). Now they’re both being awkward with each other.” She said and Brennan nodded.
“Of course. But you know it’s a really good book.” She offered. Angel smiled and quickly moved on the conversion to the data in the file she had.
“I just don’t see why you need to give me the book.” Booth said. Sweet frowned as he looked up from his notes. Booth and Brennan were sitting in his office.
“I just felt that there are people in your life that would benefit, relationship-wise, if you were more informed on the matter.” Brennan went on.
“I’m sorry, what's happening?” Sweets asked.
“She’s given me a book. Which is fine. I'll read through it. But I don’t see why I need it. I know about Angela and her girlfriends. I don’t have a problem with it.” Booth said quickly.
“Well, you must have. (Y/N) have been feeling uncomfortable. If I understood what Angela was saying to me.” Brennan said in the way she spoke to Booth when he just couldn’t seem to understand what she was explaining. 
“Look. I don’t need a book to tell me how great Angela is. I know that.” Booth snapped. 
“Ahh. Ok. I see what is happening.” Sweets said and they both turned to him.
“Don’t do that. Don’t ahh me.” Booth huffed.
“Well, it’s his way of letting us know he caught up to our conversation Booth. Don’t snap at him just because you’re in a mood.” Brennan said and gestured towards Sweets.
“I’m not in a mood.” Booth huffed.
“Well, your tone and your posture would suggest otherwise. You’re all hunched over.” Brennan said and mimicked his crossed arms.
“I am not hunched.” Booth grumbled.
“OK. I think that maybe Booth is feeling defensive. Not grumpy. Our relatives' relationships, whether we support them or not, can be a very sensitive subject and changing our opinions of the people we love is a very hard process. Especially for someone like you Booth and the childhood you’ve had with your siblings.” Sweets summed up. Brennan frowned as she mulled over his logic. 
“What does my sister have to do with Angela’s new partner?” Booth asked. Sweet and Brennan both went quiet and stared at him. “What?”
“Urm… Uh. (Y/N)... is Angela’s...” Sweets stuttered. Brennan sighed and leaned over in her chair. Putting her hand on his arm.
“Booth. (Y/N) and Angela have been dating for months. Why did you think (Y/N) took you out to lunch the other day?”
“To get a great gift for Angela’s…” Booth said. If he was honest the two of you didn’t exactly have the relationship where the two of you sat down and chatted about feelings. Which was when it dawned on him. “Anniversary.”
“They’ve been dating for almost a year.” Brennan said slowly.
“How did I not notice?” Booth asked. He leaned forward in his chair, head in hand as he sighed.
“We could work on some communication skills if you like?” Sweets offered. Brennan perked up at that and took the pamphlets he pulled out of his folder while Booth mulled over the whole conversation he’d had with you.
“Hey. (Y/N).” Booth said as he spotted you across the crime scene. 
“Hey.” You said quickly. You were focused on fetching the sample in your hands and he waited until you were done before saying anything else. “So. Did you find a gift for Angela’s anniversary?”
“Yeah. That painting I saw. I think it’s the kind of thing she’s looking for.” You said as you headed over to Hodgins.
“Oh yeah. She’s gonna love that painting. I’ve been subtly dropping hints like you asked. She loved that other one that sold so I think you’re doing great.” He said quickly. Booth glanced at him and cleared his throat.
“You helped get the gift… because you knew they were dating.” Booth’s tone was weird enough that you stopped what you were doing and looked at him.
“Yeah.” Hodgins said with a drawn-out questioning tone. “Booth… you do know that (Y/N) and Angela are dating?” 
“Yeah! Yeah. Of course, I know.” Booth said quickly. You frowned, trying to figure out what was going on with him.
“How long have you known because you look like you’re freaking out.” Hodgins said quickly. Booth started to sputter out a defensive answer but Bones cut in, carrying gear over to the table you were using.
“About twenty-seven minutes… well twenty-seven and a quarter to be exact.” She answered. Your mouth dropped open.
“What! Who did you think I was talking about when we’d hang out?” You asked and Booth groaned as Camille joined the group.
“Oh wow. That’s bad Booth. They are not subtle about flirting with each other.” She said with amusement.
“Look ok. I just didn’t put two and two together ok. I’m ok with it though.” He added and looked at you. You could tell that he was and that his discomfort came from talking with his little sister about her love life. But that didn’t mean you weren’t going to pass up the opportunity to torment him.
“Uhu. That’s why you’ve not acknowledged our relationship till now.” You said and grinned when he started to insist that he was supportive until he saw your face.
“You know that’s not funny. I’m not like… I…” Booth trailed off and everything became rather awkward. Misunderstanding the silence Brennan did her best to try and smooth things over.
“He means that he isn’t like your father. Who was abusive and probably would not approve of your relationship with Angela. Which is a wonderful relationship by the way.” She added the last part with a genuine smile towards you.
“Thanks, Bones, for that harrowing reminder of my past let's just focus on the case before Sweets feels the awkwardness of this conversion from his office and teleports here.” Booth said quickly. You looked down at your work and then up again when you heard Sweets calling out.
“Look what you did.” You huffed and gestured to Sweets who waved at you. Booth made you wave back when Bones said if you didn’t he would come over.
“How is this my fault?” Booth asked.
“Because whenever you get awkward about something Mr fix-it shows up to make it slightly worse.” Hodgins muttered. You all watched Sweet try to approach you but get grossed out by the crime scene and turn back to sit in his car.
“I think I’m done here anyway.” Bones muttered. Everyone packed up but before you could get in the van with Hodgins, Booth caught up with you.
“Hey. I’m sorry I didn’t notice or… I don’t know how I didn’t realise because thinking back on it you two are not subtle with the flirting.” Booth said sincerely.
“It’s ok. I get it. It isn’t like we were ever taught to talk about stuff like relationships.” You said quickly and glanced at Brennan who was fiddling with the radio in his car.
“Why don’t you and Angela join me… and Bones for dinner tonight? Or probably after the case is done?” Booth offered. You smiled, hugging him and agreeing, seeing how awkward talking to you about relationships was getting. You could tell he was trying to open up and felt pretty guilty for being so oblivious. You pulled apart and got in the truck, driving off ahead of Booth who followed behind in the SUV.
Booth tags:
@gillybear17 @ravennoore14 @the-caravello-post @killing-gremlin @aegonandaemondtargaryenslut18 @lchufflepuffcorn @savagemickey03 @fictional-hooman @deanwinchestersgirl87
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cupidmydarling · 1 year
I need more Bones fanfic for literally anyone. There's just not enough. It's outrageous.
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the-creative-lie · 1 year
listen i know theres no demand for it but ive been rewatching bones and i *need* to write for dr zack addy
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vino---delectable · 6 months
Our unintelligent squint (e1 part 2/?)
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Summary: It's y/n's first day at the Jeffersonian. You are being swiftly introduced to everyone!
Character pairings: Zack Addy x reader, Angela x Hodgins, Booth x Brennan
Word Count: 10.8k
Warnings: none
A/n: Hey... Finally got to p2... I hope you can tell me what you think!!!! Again, non of the words belonging to the case, or anything having nothing to do with y/n belongs to me! Enjoy! (If you haven't read the whole story click here. For my masterlist!)
(Y/n's pov)
I woke up a half hour before my alarm rang again… This is going to be a long day. Ick! I know it's not healthy for me to be so anxious. But what reputation will I have if I lose this job? I certainly don't want to wind up serving French fries and mini burgers again. Not if I can help it. Plus, what would my father think? No, I'll have to try my hardest to stick to this job.
I did my hair up with my two front pieces of hair, and pulled the back with a polka dot tie. I decided I'd wear a modest skirt and shirt. I at least thought I looked lovely and sophisticated. I didn't bother to eat breakfast at home. I could easily go to the cafeteria, and besides, it was only 5:30. My breakfast isn't until an hour later.
I took the bus because I didn't want to bother or wake up anyone this early in the morning. After all I'm still working on my driver's license. The ride was bumpy, but I was ok once I put in my music… The byrds, Celine Dion, green day, lynyrd skynyrd, def leopard… (I like everything ok!)
And finally… After me lip syncing the duet of phantom of the opera, I was at the Jeffersonian. I seriously wanted to cry. There's no way I'm ready! I thought as I jumped out of the bus. I started turning around to try to jump back into the bus, but I noticed it was already half way down the road. No, the only option was to go in. So I did!
I walked in with the self consciousness of my shoes squeaking. Everyone smiled at me. Most likely because they have seen me once or twice before with my dad. So I took it as no sign of approval. I walk into a beautiful woman with what I would imagine to be the warmest face I have seen in forever. And since I had no idea where to go, I thought it right that I should talk to her.
"Hello," I started awkwardly, sounding like I originated from Germany, "I'm new here. And I was wondering if you could give me directions. Like how to get a name tag, like the ones I see you and- well, everyone wearing.. And a tour of how the work, y'know, works…" I smile.
"Oh, hi!!! Quick question first. Are you a-," she reads from a card she took from her jacket, "Ms. Y/n y/l/n?" She smiles back.
"yes… Yeah, I was the one hired… Yesterday, actually."
"Well, Dr. Brennan asked me to give this to you if I ran into you, " she handed me my ID card, I took it and she nodded, "I'm Angela, Montenegro… Angela Montenegro."
"It's very nice to meet you!" I perked up.
"And yes, I can give you a quick look at the work place," she gestured with her hands for me to follow her.
She showed me my main working space first. A platform where the remains or artifacts are originally delivered. A room Angela says she mostly works in, where she designs holograms for the Jeffersonian. She showed me a room where all the skeletons are kept. She kept mentioning the numbers of the rooms, but I remembered none of them. "Now, you can call this one Hodgins sanctuary," She showed me a room full of a variety of insects and chemicals. "
"I swear I've seen this exact setting on Harry Potter," I teased.
"yeah, well, we have to be careful when this wizard waves his wand," she jokingly warned.
This guy with bright curly hair and a tolerable, well maintained beard emerges from the room of doom. "Hey Angie, check out what I discov-" he noticed me standing next to her, "you're new… And fresh out of diapers. Ange, we've got to by her some formula!"
I got defensive "I'm fifteen!" I say.
"It's alright, sweetie. He's just like that," Hodgins raises his eyebrows, approving what she said, "you said you discovered something?"
"I- it can wait!" He said , "you should show the kiddo more things… Or something," he turns and goes back into his "lair".
I turn to her in curiosity, " is this hairstyle fine to wear here?"
"Yes. So long as it's up, and won't get mixed into any of the particulates, or remains we find."
"Uhuh, gotcha. And my clothes?" I bit my lip anxiously.
"you can wear most things; jeans, top, skirt, blouse… For you to get approval, you should wear something modest."
"Good," I say, "because that's all I have."
We walk near the bones room where I see the one face I recognized when i first wanted to work here a year ago. The one who initiated the interview with me. Now he was walking fast over to us. And given how tall he was, he could walk faster than most people I've known.
"Ms. y/l/n. I was wondering if I could speak to you right now?" He said when he reached us.
"Uhrm, yes, Mr. Addy? Um, yeah… I seriously have nothing going on right now so…" I look around awkwardly.
He takes me by the arm, and drags me to the other side of the lab. Angela was so curious as to why he was being so secretive, based on her staring in our direction. I think I was more so curious than she was.
"Look. You have got to follow my lead, words and every move," He definitely could tell that my eyes were screaming the word "what", at him. He tried to elaborate.
" You know nothing about the names of bones, " he said.
"Yes that's true. But I know what they are and where they go when I look at-" I started.
"But the names are important to know in this line of work," Mr. Addy interrupted, "What's going to happen when Dr. Brennan asks you to hand her a tray with a femur on it?"
"A whater?" I raised an eyebrow.
He sighs, "This is going to be a long day," He looks me in the eyes in silence, I just twittle my thumbs as he does so, "Just do what I tell you to. Because if you get fired, I will most likely lose certain privileges, and eventually get fired. So, won't you, since you're already working just under me, do all I ask of you… Pay attention!" I just nod. Not really knowing how else to respond.
Dr. Brennan walks through the door. I recognized her because she always works with my father, occasionally visiting my house. Me and Zack's conversation ends. He hands me a dark blue lab coat with a rough texture, and smoothly gestures with his hands for me to attach my ID to it. We join Dr. Brennan along with everyone else. She always appeared so grumpy to me, like, to the point where she says jump and I ask how high. So, I assumed it was best l should follow with them.
We all walk in a group. While I was still pinning my ID to my coat while simultaneously walking up the stairs, I hear Hodgins saying, "The pond is not only warm and teeming with microbes, which accelerated decomposition, but it houses black carp and coy which fed on the body." We all walk up to this grossly muddied skeleton. It was interesting to me, because I had never, in person , seen a skeleton like this before. Thank goodness I'm only assisting for now!
"Can I, as the only normal person in the room," Angela said, "Say EW?" I looked to her wondering why she didn't see me as normal. I thought I was normal.
"I got three larval stages," Hodgins continued, "Of trichoptera, chironimidae…" I've heard of these flying insects before, I thought, I must've read them in a book.
"As we cut to the chase," She clearly didn't want to be explained anything today.
"The body was in the pond one winter and two summers," he said quickly.
"Spring before last," Dr. Brennan said.
Hodgins smirked, quickly changing topic, "You really think I'm Lesty?"
Temperance looked to Angela with furrowed brows and gaping mouth, in confusion of his sentence.
"The book," Angela explained.
"No, no, no," Dr. Brennan says shaking her head, "you're not in the book."
"Sure he is! we all are," Zack said, amused.
"No none of you are in the book. Those are fictitious characters based on…" As she tries to defend herself Hodgins almost rudely interrupts her to show her bone scans on a computer. I believe it to be the ribcage, maybe.
"I found some small bone fragments in the silt," He said.
"We're out of the book now, we're back in real life," Angela said to Dr. Brennan.
"I guess rana temporaria," Hodgins said.
"frog bones…" How does this woman get frog bones from what he just said? I wondered.
"Also some tiny gold links," Hodgins monitor points where, "Those from a fine chain."
"Point of clarification," began Zack, talking about the book again, "I'm not a virgin. Nowhere near in fact," I looked beside me at his smirking face in awe. How could you be so confident in that? Again, I'm wondering too much.
"Who you captured perfectly was booth," Angela started, touching Dr. Brennan's hand slightly in excitement, "Buttoned down but buckets of sexual confidence which, uahh, I for one would love to tap," She says with a slightly mischievous smile.
"It's not right to discuss tapping asses in front of a soaker," Zack said, looked toward the body.
"You could also say it's not right to discuss your virginity level here as well," I smiled at him, "It also might make those who have never … Oh, what's the term, "" done it"" feel a little bit pressured. "
"You mean- you're saying you've never?" He looks me straight into my eyes. I simply look everywhere but his eyes, "I seem to be forgetting that, some girls at 15 prefer not to."
"Or," I continued , "Some girls, regardless of age, have a few morals." I was low-key angry now.
"Ms. y/l/n," Hearing Dr. Brennan mentioning my name made me turn my head quickly to her, "I am very glad you were available to work with us, but arguing in such a manner should be permitted while you are working," I quickly shut my mouth and meekly nodded, "Anyways, I can't bounce back and forth between my book and real life. Since we're stuck in real life, let's just forget the book." She directed.
"I haven't analyzed whatever it was the victim was holding in her hand," Hodgins looks to the bone scans on the computer, "But it looks like cellulose."
"Paper?" Angela inquired.
"mm, possibly," said Hodgins.
"I found microscopic grit embedded in the skull fragments. I need you to identify those too," Dr. Brennan says to Hodgins, To Zack, She orders, "Remove the remaining tissue, I'll debreed the skull fragments myself, reassemble it so Angela can put a face on our victim."
"Good," Angela is relieved, "I prefer holograms, they don't stink."
Hodgins and Angela begin to walk away. All that's left is me. Yay. "And you, Ms. y/l/n. I will have you thoroughly look around the dirt before it gets removed. Most importantly , I would prefer you to specifically focus on the areas surrounding the phalanges, to see if anything is missed. But be careful of whatever it is the victim is holding in her hands. Understood?"
She looks at me with eyebrows raised. I just smile like an idiot and look to Zack, who is just as freaked out as I am. It takes him a second to contemplate, but he then lifts his hand and wriggle all his fingers. Ahh, now I understand, I thought, I got this!
"Of course, Dr. Brennan, I will get right on that." In a hurry I run to the bodies side, trying my hardest to examine the fi- phalanges! Barely hearing what is being said behind me…
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number-0-iz · 1 year
I made a Bones discord server so if you want to join, let me know!
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2frosty4you · 1 year
Knife In The Frame | Prologue
| Ao3 | Wattpad | Masterlist |
pairing: Zack Addy x Fem Reader words: 406
warnings/notes: uhhh well see you cut open a dead body and take out some organs, not described in detail, blood, death, stealing organs, sewing a body back up, me trying to use correct terminology for body parts/areas, flesh
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Chapter 0 | Prologue.
The woman's hand dug itself into the incision into the limp, rigid body. She moved her hand around for a while, seemingly searching for something within its warmth dwindling depths. Finally her hand curled around her golden prize, now pulling it out. Cutting the pieces of tissue away from the liver and dropping it onto the tray which sat beside her and the corpse.
Her hands dripped blood onto the skin of the corpse, her fingers digging themselves back into the depths of the chest. Now taking out the heart and placing it into a separate box.
Wiping her gloves hands on a towel she closed the lid of the beautifully carved box. Closing its golden latch, then standing in her small kitchen and walking across cold tiles. Opening up her fridge she pushed away some butter and condiments and placed the box into the space. The light above her head flickered and swayed as the yellow light made the old fridge look more rotten. She grimaced but turned back to the table.
With a hum she took the liver and wrapped it in bunches of newspapers, carefully wrapping it as if it were a Christmas gift for a loved one.
Placing it up top of the heart box she smiled, a small one at best but a smile nevertheless.
She let her fingers run over the skin of the corpse, running them over the incision into the chest cavity she grabbed a bowed needle, the somber sound of her stereo in the background as she pushed floss into the needle's eye, cutting a large piece of floss from the roll then pushing the point of the needle into the flesh of the body. Threading this needle into the other flabby piece of flesh she pulled and tied a knot at the end of the floss.
Sewing this large incision into the thoracic cavity closed she pressed her fingers against the cooling flesh, humming softly with the music and tearing off her gloves, replacing them with another pair as she buttoned up the body's shirt and propped it upright. tilting her head she took her Polaroid camera and snapped a photo.
As the photo printed out she hummed and took the photo and watched it develop, taking the precious photo into her callous hands and placing it into a photo album with care.
(Y/n) closed the book, now turning to take care of the body.
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byersbootyshorts · 2 years
Bones Masterlist
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Requests for this fandom are currently closed
Any of my works marked * contain explicit sexual content. Minors DNI
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Zack Addy:
One shots:
The Breakfast Anomaly After a long week at work you decide to start your day off by making breakfast for Zack. But when he tries to help you it takes a disastrous turn.
Comforting Zack when he’s upset
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Lance Sweets:
One shots:
Missed Reservation You and Lance get a little distracted before your Valentine’s Day dinner reservation, meaning you end up having to order takeout.
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jay-anxiety · 4 months
I’d love your input, so I’m taking requests!
So, I know I don’t exactly have a following here, but I definitely love writing and I have been running low on inspiration recently.
Which is why I would like to open up for x reader fic requests! I’ll make a list of fandoms and characters I’d love to write for below ⬇️
James “Bucky” Barnes
Tony Stark
Bruce Banner
Steve Rogers
Loki Laufeson
Thor Odinson
Sam Wilson
Clint Barton
Steven Strange
Peter Parker
Peter Quill
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Dr. Who:
9th Doctor
10th Doctor
11th Doctor
12th Doctor
Rose Tyler
Temperance Brennan
Seely Booth
Angela Montenegro
Jack Hodgins
Lance Sweets
Zack Addy
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II:
Simon “Ghost” Riley
John “Soap” MacTavish
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
John Price
Alejandro Vargas
Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra
Alright, I’m starting with those just to test the waters. Please send me requests of these characters in my ask box or direct messages. I hope this finds the right people 💕
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shelbgrey · 9 months
Code baby(Lance Sweets) Part 1
Paring: Lance Sweets x Wife!Reader, Angela Montenegro x Sister-in-law!Reader, Cam Saroyan x Best friend!Reader
Summary: Lance's wife gets unexpected suprise at work and word travels faster than she thinks
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“Can you pull the security footage from two weeks ago?” Cam asked. “sure..” Angela said and started typing on her iPad. The footage popped up on the screen and the three of us studied it.
Without really realizing it I slowly started to tune out Cam and Angela by mistake, as they continued to talk about the case my stomach started to turn like it did early this morning and the. I cleared my throat and picked up the hot tea I was drinking, hoping all I needed was a drink. As soon as I sipped it tasted awful and smelled horrible. I forced myself to swallow it and set it back down on the table.
I took a deep and swayed slightly as I moved, I tried to focus on the surveillance footage on Angela's screen.
“N/n…” Cam asked softly and turned towards me. Angela stopped talking and looked at me with a concerned look. The two women watched me like I was about to combust.
My stomach started to turn more and I felt nauseous. “I think I'm gonna be sick…” I looked over at Cam and Angela then nodded. “Yup definitely gonna be sick” I covered my mouth and ran to the nearby bathroom, not caring who in the Lab saw me.
I sprinted through the bathroom door and ripped the biggest stall open making it fly backwards and banging up against the one next door. The noise stung my ears but I was glad it was masking the nauseating sounds of me emptying my sorry excuse of a stomach.
As I took a deep breath there was a soft knock on the door of the stall. “y/n? Can we come in? Are you okay?”
“Yeah... Everything is cool” I groaned to my two best friends from the closed bathroom stall, I screwed my eyes shut then finished emptying out my stomach then flushed the toilet.
“Do you think she's pregnant?” Angela mumbled quietly to Cam as the toilet went through its cycle.
As I unlocked the door of the stall, both Cam and Angela stared at me. Angela crossed her arms and had a slight smirk on her face.
“What?” I asked.
“Are you Pregnant?” Angela said, ripping the bandaid off so to speak.
“Cutting right to the cash aren't you Angie” I chuckled awkwardly.
Cam shrugged. "hey we're just worried is all... You've been acting weird lately and then you puked at just the sight of your tea and now you were in there puking.. just seems like all the signs ya know”
“Honestly I don't know…” I then started counting the days since my last period in my head, then I thought about last week when me and Lance had sex. “Maybe I am” my eyes widened as I chuckled in both happiness and nervousness.
Cam and Angela both looked shocked, but also had small smiles on their faces. Then Cam cleared her throat and looked down awkwardly. “how recently have you ummm.... you know...?”
“What?” chuckled and purposely played dumb. Cam wasn't one to be dirty minded...Nor talk about her sex life. But me being me I just wanted to hear her say it.
Cam sighed trying to not be awkward and stay her serious self. “How recently have you and Lance...You know…”
Angela rolled her eyes and cutted to the chase.“When was the last time you jumped Lance's bones?” Angela asked me, Cam elbows her.
“Umm...this weekend…” I trailed off then mumbled the last part. “In his office…”
Cam and Angela shared a look and busted up laughing. “You did it in his office?” Cam asked, raising an eyebrow, she almost looked impressed.
“huh… Didn't know Lance had it in him” Angela nodded, she looked completely impressed.
My cheeks started to turn red and hid my face in my hands as I laughed. “yeah…”
Cam and Angela kept laughing. “how did it happen?” Angela asked, laughing. “Com’on, details Sweetie”
The three of us never really hid anything about our relationships with our husbands. But Cam was a little less… Detailed then Angela. “mm... So I went to drop off some lunch for him... He was stressed from the case... Then ya know…” I trailed off.
The girls kept laughing. “So you did it right there?” Cam asked, laughing and Angela laughed even harder.
“I mean... The door was locked” I shrugged.
“So just on his desk?” Angela asked, trying not to laugh.
“You girls want a play by play?” I laughed and shook my head.
Cam and Angela kept laughing. “I mean your pregnant after what we just heard it seems like we might as well get the full story and enjoy the fact that you're not the first woman to get pregnant on your husband's desk” Cam said.
I rolled my eyes playfully, knowing she's probably right. “I still think I need to take a test”
“You're probably right,” Cam nodded, looking over at Angela.
I mean... We can use the Dna test again” Angela shrugged. When Angela was pregnant with Michel-Vincent she used a DNA test from the lab as a pregnancy test, then Temperance did the same thing. I haven't done it yet, but I know it as accurately as they come.
Cam nodded. “I can go quick to grab just one if you want”
“Yeah... Let's try it” I nodded.
Cam nods, with a smile on her face. “Okay I'll be right back” She walked out to go get the test, She came back about two minutes later. “all right we have get some blood and I'll test it”
I nodded and the three of us left the bathroom and went into Cam's office to do the test. We sat at her desk as she took a sterile needle and poked the tip of my finger,taking some blood. She put a drop of blood on the test then put it in a container so the test could do its job.
After a few minutes Cam looked at the test because I was too nervous to look myself. She looked at me with a big smile. “it's positive… You're pregnant!”
“Really?!” my eyes lit up as I smiled ear to ear.
Cam smiles, nodding. “You are in fact pregnant!”
Happy tears pricked my eyes and hugged both girls tightly.
--------(3rd pov)--------
Lance was in Seeley's office discussing the case and going through files. It was going slower than usual, but other than that it felt like a normal day for them. What they didn't expect was for Jack to knock on Booth's office door.
“Hodgins, what's up?” Seeley asked, Lance looked surprised to see his brother-in-law. Jack always stayed at the lab with y/n.
“So umm... I'm only bringing this up because the girls have done it before” by the girls he means Temperance, Angela, and y/n. “but umm…” Jack hesitated because in the end it was an odd thing to bring up.
Seeley crosses his arms. “Just spit it out, Bug Boy. What is it?”
“So, the girls have used DNA tests from the Lab as a pregnancy test in the past and when I was taking evidence to Cam's office I saw an unlabeled DNA test…” Jack Cringed now wondering why he even came all the way down the Beauro to bring it up.
Seeley blinks, processing this information, Lance did the same thing but with a more psychological sense to it. “So what? You're saying the unlabelled DNA test from the Jeffersonian was a pregnancy test?” Seeley asked.
“Probably” Jack nodded. “because if it was evidence for a case it would be labeled and with the remains”
Lance thinks through this, trying to process which of the female scientists may be pregnant. Booth snapped his fingers, making Jack and Lance look up. “Wait a second- Hodgins, do you know if the unlabelled test was positive or negative?”
“P-positive…” Jack looked at Seeley and Lance. “One of our wives are pregnant”
Lance raises a brow, but still wanted to hear what Jack had to say. “So wait... you're saying that one of our wives is pregnant but you have no clue which one?”
“It wasn't labeled!” Jack shrugged.
“That's fantastic, just fantastic Hodgins” Seeley rolls his eyes as he says this. “So we have the entire day ahead of us, going nuts trying to figure out who is pregnant, is that correct Hodgins?”
“Would you rather me not tell you guys?”
“Probably” Lance shrugged, closing the file he was reading.
Seeley sighs. “It's fine. So who do you think it is?”
Jack shrugged. “How should I know? I don't your your sex lives” Jack then looked at Lance. “and I rather not know his because he married my sister”
Seeley and Lance both snicker. “Alright then, we need some more information. When exactly did you find the test?”
“about an hour before I came here”
“I think we should keep this to ourselves…Especially if it is one of our wives, they should be the ones to tell us when they are ready,” Lance added.
“Now I think about it… All three of them have been acting kinda strange” Jack said.
Lance was staring off into space, counting in his head. Seeley looked over at him with a questioning look. “Something on your mind, Sweets?”
Lance ignored him and continued counting on his head. Seeley raises his brow “Okay... what the hell are you doing?”
“it's regarding y/n, Do you really want to know?” Lance asked bluntly. Dispite y/n being Seeley's best friend he indeed didn't want to know.
“nope... I'm good”
“It's gonna be a long day” Jack sighed, regretting what he found and just wanted to know who it was.
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fafi-and-oblivia · 1 year
About Oblivia!
Hello! You can call me Oblivia! I am one of two admins on this account. Feel free to talk to me about Buzzfeed Unsolved, Jack Manifold (+other youtubers/streamers), Taylor Swift, MCR, Lovejoy, Fall Out Boy, BTS, Minecraft, Cryptid Coffeehouse, baseball, and many other things!!
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I will write: angst, fluff, fics, headcanons, character x reader
I will not write: NSFW, yandere, gore, anything morally wrong (pls use common sense, I will just delete asks with typical taboo topics), I also will not write for real people, or character x character.
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Fandoms/characters I write! Asterisks(*) denote favorites to write. List is subject to change!
Blooming Panic (current obsession): Nightowl*, Quest, Xyx*, NakedToaster*, Two2, BIGLADY*, Onionthief*
Harry Potter (fuck JKR): Harry Potter, Ron Weasley*, Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom*, Seamus Finnigan, Oliver Wood*, Draco Malfoy, Matteo Riddle, Lorenzo Berkshire
Percy Jackson: Percy Jackson*, Annabeth Chase, Luke Castellan*, Jason Grace*, Leo Valdez*, Piper McLean*, Frank Zhang, Hazel Levesque, Connor Stoll*, Lityerses, pretty much anyone!
The Quarry: Ryan Erzahler*, Dylan Lenivy*, Nick Furcillo, Jacob Custos, Abi Blyge, Max Brinly, Kaitlyn Ka*
Supernatural: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester*, Castiel, Kevin Tran*, Jack Kline, Charlie Bradbury
TSITP (boycotting season 2 bc I hate Belly): Jeremiah Fisher*, Conrad Fisher, Steven Conklin
To All The Boys/XO, Kitty: Josh Sanderson, Peter Kavinsky, Kitty Song-Covey, Min Ho*
The Umbrella Academy: Diego*, Five, Klaus
Bones: Zack Addy*, Vincent Nigel-Murray*, Wendell Bray, James Aubrey, Angela Montenegro*
The Haunting of Bly Manor: Dani, Jamie*
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rugaru · 1 year
Thought I’d give a (not so) little list of who all I’m planning on writing for at the moment (subject to change in the future!!!)! This is a LOT so here goes:
***Will continue updating!!!***
X Readers— I will be writing for fem!reader and gn!reader as I’m afab and unfortunately am unfamiliar with writing from a masc perspective!!
I will not be writing smut or anything further than, quote-unquote, suggestive. Just personal preference :)
-Jim Street (SWAT)
-Hondo (SWAT)
-Chris Alonso (SWAT)
-JJ Maybank (Outer Banks)
-Pope Heyward (Outer Banks)
-Cal Kestis (Jedi: Fallen Order and Survivor)
-Randy Meeks (Scream)
-Sidney Prescott (Scream)
-Stu Macher (Scream)
-Ethan Landry (Scream VI)
-Evan Buckley (9-1-1)
-Eddie Diaz (9-1-1)
-Ravi Panikkar (9-1-1)
-Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds)
-Emily Prentiss (Criminal Minds)
-Derek Morgan (Criminal Minds)
-Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds)
-Jimmy Darling (AHS: Freak Show)
-Kit Walker (ASH: Asylum)
-Tate Langdon (AHS: Murder House)
-Charlie Conway (The Mighty Ducks)
-Pacey Witter (Dawson’s Creek)
-Luke McNamara (The Skulls)
-Jesse Mills (Hudson and Rex)
-Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Andrew and Tom versions)
-Ron Weasley (Harry Potter)
-Peeta Mellark (The Hunger Games)
-Sean Anderson (Journey 2: The Mysterious Island)
-Josh Futtermann (Future Man)
-Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
-Dylan Lenivy (The Quarry)
-Ryan Erzahler (The Quarry)
-Abigail Blyg (The Quarry)
-Kaitlyn Ka (The Quarry)
-Zack Addy (Bones)
-Lance Sweets (Bones)
-Angela Montenegro (Bones)
-Jack Hodgins (Bones)
-Vincent Nigel-Murray (Bones)
-Finn Abernathy (Bones)
-Wendell Bray (Bones)
-Alex Standall (13 Reasons Why)
-Clay Jensen (13 Reasons Why)
Planning on doing a full master list along with everything I’m comfortable writing and what I’m not soon :)
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vino---delectable · 6 months
Our unintelligent squint (Ep 1, part 1/?)
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Summary: the beginning of the pilot case, Zack chickens out speaking about the new intern.
Character pairings: Zack x reader, Booth x Brennan, Angela x Hodgins
Word count: 4.6k
Warnings: none
A/N: yay!! I told you I'd get to it! Btw, none of the sayings that don't have anything to do with y/n, or anything that goes to the case obviously don't belong to me.... I just find them necessary for my fic! If you haven't read my prologue, there is going to be a link at the bottom of the chapter. Enjoy!
[No one's pov]
It was late in the night. Zack and Dr. Brennan were still outside at the crime scene, Brennan looking over the remains, and Zack was shooting pictures. They felt in their hair a warm moist breeze blowing from the pond.
Dr. Brennan started speaking in her usual direct tone, "Remains are wrapped in four milled, flat poly-construction sheeting."
"PVC coated chicken wire," Zack added.
Brennan lifts the tarp, "weighted," She looks over the muddy remains, "That's why the body didn't surface during decomposition. The skeleton is complete but the skull is in fragments."
Booth rushes in to ask, "what can you tell me?"
"Not much," Brennan says, a little disappointed, "She was a young woman, probably between-," she takes a small breath, thinking over her best factual guess,"18 and 22, approximately 5'3, race unknown, delicate features."
"That's all?" Booth said, being sarcastic.
Brennan did a shrugging gesture with her hand. "Tennis player," she said.
"How do you get a pretty tennis player out of that yuck?" Booth sounded a little irritated.
"Epiphyses fusion gives age, pelvic bone shape gives sex…" Zack stated factually.
Brennan took over and said, looking over the spot on the body's shoulder, "Bursitis in the shoulder… Somebody this young, must be an athletic injury."
"when did she die?" Booth said wanting more facts. Also wanting to skip past her reasoning.
"Eeehhh," was the quick response.
"Eeehhh," was the even quicker, mocking response, "what does that even mean," he says in a frustrated manner.
Zack responds defensively toward Booth while simultaneously snapping another photo, "it means wait until our bug and slime guy takes a look," the light shines everywhere for a brief second, secretly flashing Booth in the eye.
"No clothing." Dr. Brennan notices.
"well you know, in my line of work, No clothes usually means a sex crime." Says Booth, acting like he knows the situation
And Dr. Brennan gives more insight, "In my line of work, it could also mean the victim favored natural fibers."
Zack speaks to Booth to demonstrate, making it an unknowing comeback, and walking around trying to get more angles, "your suit, for example, will outlast your bones by decades." Booth clearly couldn't tell, because he doesn't know this "squint," that Zack secretly had something on his mind. Brennan noticed, she's noticed it all that day… She just didn't know how to respond to it, so she focused on her work more intently, pretending not to notice.
"collect silt," Brennan orders to Zack, pushing herself up to her feet, "Three meters radius, to a depth of ten cm."
This time, right after taking another shot of the body, he looks at her anxiously and quickly. Before she gives Booth permission for the forensics team, she has to pause herself mid way, as he approaches closely to her.
"Mr. Addy, is there something that you need to say, because there's work to be done?" Brennan was startlingly frustrated, she clearly wanted things done quick and a hurry.
Zack gets in a whispering position, "you know about the new intern you wanted working beside me?"
"Yes, and I hired one. Miss y/n y/l/n. She starts tomorrow morning. I only did it because she was the only one you full heartedly recommended last year."
"Mm." Zack tried to hold in being squeamish, "I did. But are you completely sure of her qualifications for thi-"
"Are you saying you made a mistake in saying that she was the best interview you had? Because I gave you the assignment of hiring another intern with hopes that you would be the one to find one that matches all the qualifications yourself, it was also to test your true reasoning, and good decision making, for those are the type of people fit to work at the Jeffersonian. If you were being lazy, or unsure, means I was wrong, and you weren't really ready. Is this what you're trying to tell me?" Well, she's not one to beat around the bush.
Zack thought, swallowed the lump in his throat, and replied rather standoffishly, "No, Dr. Brennan. I have no doubt in Ms. y/l/n's intelligence, expertise, capabilities and ambitions. I just hope I was right , and didn't look over her resume or personal background too soon."
"Well, that's rather unlike you Mr. Addy. You need to adjust your self confidence to match your work." She turns and informs Booth that the forensic team can take the Plastic and chicken wire.
"Yes Dr. Brennan." Zack sighs, mainly to himself. Now that he pushed himself into it. He had to fix this. This means he must do his best to see y/n first thing , before anyone else gets the chance to. He has to, before it is made known what he hired into the Jeffersonian…
(Click for prologue)
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thatsgay-writes · 2 years
please i’m begging for imagines of fem reader x kit
I got your Fr Fr, trust
I got like 3 kit requests and 2 tanthamore ones
You’ll just have to wait two weeks cause I’m posting a Ava Silva one this week and then a Angela Montenegro one next week
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2frosty4you · 1 year
Starting a new fic for bones x reader
i'll update you all every chapter!!
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letarasstuff · 2 years
Do You know what this is, Mr Bray?
(A/N): This has sat in my drafts for over 2 months and I'm sorry for taking so long to finally finish this request. I hope it lives up to expection
Summary: Wendell and the reader are dating. How will telling the team go down?
Aka Booth goes into Dad Mode
Warnings: Mention of small explosion, the reader has small burns on the arm from that, talking about a weapon (gun to be specific) and my obvious lack of knowledge regarding those, if there is more, please tell me
Wordcount: 1.9k
After putting the car into park, Wendell tries to take the keys from the ignition. But the little shaking of his hands proves to make this whole endeavor even more difficult. A gentle hand cups his, holding it steady and helping him with the task.
“Darling, if you are not ready, we don’t have to.” (Y/N) looks at him with soft eyes, sensing the distress Wendell is practically radiating like a heater. Still he shakes his head. “No, I’m ready. Really, it’s just that I feel like I’m meeting my girlfriends’ family for the first time. Which in some way, I do.” He laughs nervously and scratches his neck before losing his buckle.
A laugh erupts from the passenger’s seat. “You don’t. You know everyone, you work here, silly!” (Y/N) boops her boyfriend's nose before exiting the vehicle. Another smile spreads on her face upon seeing what feels like her second home since she is spending so much time there: The Jeffersonian Institute.
Both Wendell and (Y/N) work as “Squintern” there and happened to meet on a case a few months back. Quickly after realizing that this is the woman of his dreams, the blond asked her out and well, the rest is history.
In the beginning of their relationship the two decided to keep it on the low, wanting to figure out the way this is heading for themselves without the prying eyes of the other squinterns, snide comments by Dr. Brennan or the nagging from Angela as well as the awkward behavior Cam always puts on after obtaining information like this one. Also, Wendell is scared of Booth’s reaction, claiming his watchful eyes over them would burn the hairs in his back.
“Yeah I know, my little dove. But, they are practically our family and soon they will know the youngest of it are dating. Not that we are something like siblings- god no, this wasn’t what I wanted to imply. I just meant- I don’t know how to talk my way out of this,” he sheepishly looks at (Y/N), his face red as a tomato. In return, she kisses his cheek, rubbing a hand over his bicep in an affectionate manner.
“Don’t worry, Darling. They all will be happy for us, I mean either that or they don’t care at all. Both reactions are not bad for us.” But his troubled face still doesn’t vanish. “Honestly, I’m just scared of Booth.”
Again, this theme. Sensing your annoyance, Wendell quickly explains himself. “A few days ago, when I touched your shoulder while complimenting your work of reconstructing the skull, Booth watched us and had this ‘don’t touch my daughter again’ look on his face. And I have seen this in fathers of previous girls I was in relationships with, but none of them needed to pass a gun qualification regularly or are trained in a military level in what seems every single life aspect. I swear, he can snap me in two by just looking at me.”
(Y/N)’s lips leave an exasperated sigh. They discussed this topic over and over again. Wendell is more than sure that both Brennan and Booth adopted her as their unofficial child since they know her since she was a junior in high school and watched her grow up and supported her career as a forensic anthropologist from the beginning.
(Y/N) on the other hand feels like this is not true at all due to all the comments they make she feels like they are just people sharing a long friendship. Said comments are teasing, but Wendell and her are still working on the whole social cues thing together.
“Darling, you are imagining things. Just yesterday Seeley called me the single reason for getting gray hair after Jack and I blew up a little bit during an experiment.” He animatedly gestures his hands in her direction. “Exactly! This is something only a father figure say- wait. Hodgins and you blew up during an experiment! Why didn’t you tell me about that?!” His face immediately takes a look of new worry, a deeper one than the previous one. That was only about people’s opinion, but this look is about his girlfriend’s safety.
“I told you to be more careful when you conduct these with him! You know what- I’m gonna kill him for being this reckless all the time” this and many more things does Wendell grumble while the two of them make their way through security without any hitches.
Now it’s her turn to look sheepishly at him. “Look, I didn’t tell you not because I didn’t want to, I just forgot about it. And we are both fine! We only lost a few arm hairs and have some slight burns. We were already scolded by Cam, so you don’t need to lecture me too.”
But this doesn’t help Wendell’s mood either. “I will lecture you as long and as often as I see fit. It seems like the amount I already did wasn’t enough, because here you are, telling me about something like that as if you were talking about what you had for lunch. I need to be informed if you get injured. I need to make sure you are fine mentally, emotionally and physically. That’s part of the job description as your boyfriend. Show me the burns, please.”
While Wendell lectures (Y/N) and inspects her injuries they continue to walk towards the platform, not paying attention to who is close by. Until a voice cuts his rant off with a loud “BOYFRIEND?! OH MY GOD!” Coming from nobody less than Angela Montenegro herself.
The scream is loud enough that everyone comes out of their offices, throwing away any project they were working on. While (Y/N)’s face turns hot by all of the sudden attention, Wendell’s gets white as a ghost seeing Booth step out of Brennan’s office.
Unfazed by the couple’s expressions, Angela has still her gaze fixated on them. Wendell’s hand still clasps around (Y/N)’s wrist in order to deem the burns non life-threatening. “I knew it! I knew that you two are together! Jack, pay up!” A groan comes from the entomologist. “You just made me fifty bucks poorer, kids. I hope you are happy now.” He says with a sigh, getting his wallet out of his back pocket and hands a bill to the brunette. Her smile is unmatched.
“Is that true, Mr Bray? Are you having a relationship with Miss (Y/L/N)?” Brennan asks the now red faced man. Booth positions himself next to hir, his arms crossed in front of him with his face turning into an intimidating look.
His eyes are switching between his boss, her husband and his girlfriend. The last one gives him an encouraging smile. After taking a deep breath he gives her a nod paired with a smile of his own. He lets go of her wrist, instead threading his fingers through hers. “Yes,” he says, turning towards Temperance, “Miss (Y/L/N) and I are engaging in a relationship.”
She looks at him with a satisfied smile on her face. “Well then, I wish you two good luck. Also, (Y/N),” Brennan addresses her, ”I want you to remember what we have talked about.” Now it’s the young woman’s turn to look embarrassed. Still, she gives out a meekly “Yes, I do.”
Hoping that this whole ordeal is over now, the male turns back to the platform, where Cam already awaits her team. She has a warm look for the youngest between the group.
But he isn’t let off the hook that easily.
“Wendell, I got something in my car that I need help with”, Booth shouts for him, leaving no room for discussion. While most of the team gives him a look of terror and pity, (Y/N) flashes him a smile and a sublte thumbs up, thinking that Seeley really does need help with something.
The way to the garage is basked in an uncomfortable silence. Uncomfortable for Wendell at least, Booth is enjoying this obviously. After what feels like an eternity, he decides to break it.
“So, Wendell Bray. What do you think is the reason you are dating (Y/N)?” Startled by the sudden question, the young man gaps at the agent. He needs a second to collect himself again. “I- Agent Booth, we, I- ahem- I date your- (Y/N)! I date (Y/N) because I love her, Agent Booth.” Ok, maybe he isn’t as collected as he thought he is.
“Aha”, Seeley acknowledges, popping the trunk of his SUV open, “Isn’t love a pretty strong word?” Wendell watches him take a big plastic case out.
“It is, still I’m sure. I love (Y/N) and she loves me. We both are willing to make this relationship work. We know that our jobs are demanding and we both are dedicated to our careers. I think that’s why we understand each other so well and know exactly what the other one needs. I attend just as much to her needs as (Y/N) does to mine. I know love isn’t enough to keep a relationship alive, but it’s part of the foundation.” He looks up at the agent with nothing but honesty in his eyes. It makes Seeley sigh before popping the plastic case open.
Inside is some kind of rifle. After all, Wendell is not a weapon expert, so every gun with a long snout is a rifle to him. “This, my dear Mr Bray, is one of my specialties. If - I’m talking in an ‘if’, I can’t give you more - if you hurt (Y/N), I’ll follow you around with this one. You know, this kid is like a daughter to me and Bones, so you know what this talk is about. Except for, I won’t kill you. Injure? Yes, definitely. But not kill. I want you to live with the guilt of hurting one of the most innocent souls on this earth. You’ll never see this - me - coming. Understood?”
Booth’s expression should induce the biggest fear into Wendell he ever felt. Instead, a wave of great respect overcomes him. Now he knows that there are people caring about his girlfriend beyond a friendship level. There is a familial bond, people (Y/N) can and does rely on outside from him. “Understood and respected, Sir.” They shake hands, exchanging mutual respect.
“Good, now that this is settled, I wish you two the best,” He tells the young man while packing everything up again and closing the trunk. “You are kind of the best fit for her in a lab like that. God knows you are the only normal one, and I got a wife and a nearly-daughter in there. Let’s get back inside before they send the cops out, thinking I killed you. We should also meet up for a beer or something soon again, have a man to man talk. What do you think?”
As they enter the platform in a cheery manner, everyone looks at the pair with bulging eyeballs. Everyone except for (Y/N), who is just happy to see them getting along just the way they were before the announcement. After all, she is right.
If you read this far, please consider leaving a comment or a reblog (or even a commented reblog). Giving feedback has the same effect on writers as watering your plants, it will help them grow <3
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