#sega you want to make them play SA2 so bad I know you do please let them play SA2 sega I will love you forever
thrilling-oneway · 7 months
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Nene canonically plays COD if they make her play anything else in this I will throw rocks at staff (Doom is acceptable)
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skaruresonic · 1 month
So the latest discourse is that saying that Sonic isn't a hugger and his clingy behavior towards Shadow in Prime is proof of how much the fandom loves to complain about the smallest things. In fact, "yall say Sonic should be free but yall don't want him to do anything".
I find it fascinating. One, the language that implies that fans who say "no Sonic wouldn't do X because it's OOC" are actively stifling a person's freedom. My dudes, Sonic is a character, not a real person. Please don't conflate the two.
Second... this is the same fandom that has been crying for 10 years that Shadow is being written terribly. That now he's just Vegeta, that he's nothing like he used to be, that his Boom portrayal was a travesty, that his prickliness towards Sonic is completely wrong because he has always respected him, really, go play SA2 where he was at his peak!
Why is Shadow's perceived character defended so staunchly, but defending Sonic's character comes off as restricting the freedom of the very character?
It's as if Sonic, to these fans, simply doesn't have a personality in the first place. He can be whatever we want him to be. Shadow, on the other hand, can only be how he used to be in a game 20 years old now, because we loved that one.
So the latest discourse is that saying that Sonic isn't a hugger and his clingy behavior towards Shadow in Prime is proof of how much the fandom loves to complain about the smallest things. In fact, "yall say Sonic should be free but yall don't want him to do anything".
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If we're gonna treat Sonic like he's a real person, it's only fair to respect his boundaries, no? Why should your desire to see him be cuddly supersede his boundaries? Would you do that to a real person?
Ofc the better retort would be "Sonic is a fictional character with an established character and you're misconstruing his love of freedom to suit your flanderization; pull your head out of your ass," but since this argument was made in bad faith, you gotta meet it where it lives.
People have been misinterpreting Sonic's whole attitude towards freedom to justify OOC non-game portrayals. First they insisted that Sonic has some dutiful love for the platonic ideal of freedom and that was why he always showed his enemies mercy. Now they're saying "you won't let Sonic do anything," as if fans are physically preventing poor third-party creators like Prime's showrunners from creating Peak Sonic(tm) by... criticizing Sonic's behavior after the fact. Because that's totally how reality works.
No, Patrick. Just because Sonic is "like the wind" doesn't mean any and all behavior is automatically in-character for him.
I suppose tomorrow's discourse will contend that Sega should let Sonic take the fattest rip off that bong because ST put a gag drawing of Classic smoking cigarettes on the break room door thirty years ago.
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lol 420 blaze it
Anyway, if you look at the games, you'll find that Sonic isn't actually that touchy-feely. He rarely, if ever, hugs other people, but is typically the party being hugged instead. And he is usually portrayed as awkward or uncomfortable: he doesn't know what to do with his arms.
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While some may argue that Frontiers!Sonic now feels "comfortable" enough to put a hand on Amy while she clings to him, he isn't... exactly reciprocating? He only seems to feel comfortable being glomped on when focusing on his other friends:
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He's still not looking at Amy, he's looking at Tails lmao. More like he's just waiting for her to finish because he's come to expect getting glomped for long periods of time.
Whenever Sonic "touches" someone who initiates contact, he usually holds them at arm's length.
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This is how he holds his best friend in the entire world, the second half of the Unbreakable Bond. If not even Tails is exempt from the junior prom dance rule, what makes folks think Sonic would act even chummier towards Shadow of all people?
Besides, I'm sure Game!Shadow's reaction to Sonic even attempting to hug him would be
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Second... this is the same fandom that has been crying for 10 years that Shadow is being written terribly. That now he's just Vegeta, that he's nothing like he used to be, that his Boom portrayal was a travesty,
It's really bizarre. I swear this is the only fandom where the main characters' IC behavior is derided as OOC purely because it doesn't gel with the fanon fandom has built up in their heads. Mostly because we've fostered this environment of "the games suck" through a constant background radiation of disparagement, with such messages seeping through every pore of Sonic fan spaces as:
1.) "Sonic is inconsistent" 2.) "the series was never good" 3.) "the Sega-Sonic character design standard is too generic and cookie-cutter" 4.) "the games are incapable of being as complex or as deep as [insert spinoff media here]" 5.) "Sonic is a static character [and therefore that's bad]" 6.) "Sonic vs. Eggman is boring and routine" 7.) "game purists think the games and/or Sega can never be criticized."
that his prickliness towards Sonic is completely wrong because he has always respected him, really, go play SA2 where he was at his peak!
Thus, the conundrum of being an SA2 fan in a day and age where fewer and fewer who hype it up have proven they've played it, much less understand the game's themes. I get stuck between this rock and hard place of being just as tired of the overhype, yet being forced to admit over and over again that I acknowledge my favorite Sonic game it isn't nearly as unimpeachably Peak(tm) as everyone portrays it so people won't think I'm... for lack of a better term, the kind of SA2 fan who thinks SA2!Shadow is the GOAT. Battle!Shadow is the GOAT and nothing anybody says can change my mind. None of you fake-ass Shadows ever said anything nearly as metal as "This is the final voice of the last war machine," have you? I thought not
It can't be understated how much Gerald's brainwashing mitigates SA2!Shadow's portrayal. Although it doesn't completely invalidate the entire portrayal, it does beg questions of how much he was driven by forces outside his control.
While there are aspects of SA2!Shadow's character worth genuine analysis, people exaggerate his better qualities while ignoring or downplaying his less palatable traits (traits he displays in later portrayals as well), like the showboating and arrogance. And like I always say with Shadow, you can't cut him up into pieces like that. You have to accept the whole, rough edges and all.
It also doesn't escape my notice that SA2!Shadow advocates imply the only time Shadow ever had a "good" portrayal was before he underwent character development, which is another stereotype of us SA2 fans: that we perpetually huff nostalgia think the past is better simply for being the past.
Meanwhile, I've been saying for years that I would love for someone, anyone, to give Shadow something to do that has nothing to do with the ARK. That's why my first reaction upon hearing about SxS Gens was to headdesk. You have a character who's all about forging his own path and moving on, yet you're always sticking him in the same goddamn hamster wheel. Why.
Why is Shadow's perceived character defended so staunchly, but defending Sonic's character comes off as restricting the freedom of the very character?
It's as if Sonic, to these fans, simply doesn't have a personality in the first place. He can be whatever we want him to be. Shadow, on the other hand, can only be how he used to be in a game 20 years old now, because we loved that one.
Tbqh, I don't think it's fair to pit Sonic and Shadow against each other like that because the entire cast, really, is being gutted by a fandom that insists the games have nothing of substance to respect. God knows people make shit up for Shadow and claim it has canonical basis too. And, you know, sometimes they don't even bother to do that - they just make things up simply because they figure the tropes that are good enough for other franchises must be good enough for Sonic as well. Looking at you, "Shadow was tortured on the ARK."
Sonic, Shadow, Eggman, Rouge, Cream, Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Silver... Most, if not all, the core cast has it bad these days. And I don't think this fanonization is going to get any better unless there's a change in fandom culture. Not until people stop thinking of the games as inferior and game purists as the no-fun-allowed fiction police.
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another-sonic-blog · 4 years
any advice to write Silver or Shadow?? Shadow it's the most difficult for me to write D:
Disclaimer: I am not a professional writer, but I wrote this with the few fanfiction experiences that I have as well that all of this is based off MY interpretation of Shadow’s character.
I am not going to lie Shadow the Hedgehog is hard to write. Mostly because you won’t have much canon content to work with. Or at least, there’s not canon content that portrays the REAL Shadow the Hedgehog (Besides Sonic 06 and SA2). If you are going to write Shadow then you are going to write it solely based on character interpretation mostly. There’s something I most say, there is a CONNECTION between Shadow and Silver (There’s a connection with Sonic as well, but we won’t talk about that right now). If you think these two hedgehogs are nothing alike … then let me tell you, they are actually very similarly written.  
Before we go into writing tips, it’s important to analyze the character at hand.
Let’s shortly analyze the character.
Alright, let’s talk about Shadow the Hedgehog
           Shadow’s character has constantly been mis-written throughout the years. Even in the recent IDW Sonic comics, the current writer didn’t do his character justice. The best interpretation that we have of his character is in Sonic 06. (SEGA may have failed to write a coherent plot story but they did great in Shadow’s character and portraying Silver’s character, but will talk about later) There’s a lot into Shadow’s character but to make things simple, I’ll say that there are 3 main traits that make up Shadow’s character (And a few other sub-traits that don’t show up often as well but they are there). First off, Let’s get rid of the idea that Shadow is an ‘edgy’ character. He is not.
So, if Shadow is not edgy? Who is Shadow the Hedgehog? Shadow is this …
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1.     Determined. This may seem as a simple asset, but it really it is not. The Shadow that we see in Sonic 06 is not the same Shadow from SA2 or Shadow the Hedgehog’s game. After all the turmoil he went through, Shadow still wants to save the world and play an anti-hero character … But, why? After his tragic and complicated past … Wouldn’t he want to disappear and live a peaceful life? Why doesn’t he want to? Simple … He cares for others. (We will talk about this into more detail later) He cares for the world and the friends he made. He cares for Team Dark. He wants to keep saving the world because HE WANTS TO. Not because of a promise, not because of Maria, not because he was created to protect earth. In Shadow’s game, it was shown clearly that Shadow let go of his past and was born a new. If there’s something we all can agree on is that Shadow is the depiction of ‘Determination’ because even when the whole world is against him, he will still fight.  
If you are going to write his character, then this is an asset you for sure need to include and keep in mind when writing him.  He is determined and he cares.
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2.  Insecure.  Although I really dislike how Sonic brought up Shadow’s past and even dared to compared Shadow to Eggman, the author did something good. He portrayed Shadow’s insecurities. Shadow has made ALOT of mistakes in the past. He had messed up again and again till the point in which he is insecure about the decisions his takes. We can see 2 things in these panels.  
1.     Shadow regrets and recognizes his past mistakes.
2.      Shadow is extremely insecure. (Which is really ironic because of his determination but we will speak about that later)
Alright, so what is there to insecurity? There is a lot actually, Sonic knows that Shadow is determined and he would do anything in order to accomplish his goals. Nothing will stop him, so the blue blur used Shadow’s insecurity against him to get what he wants. Shadow lets Sonic get into his head leaving the faith of the world on Sonic’s hands. Because unlike him, Sonic is a hero, Sonic has never done anything bad. Sonic always makes the right choices … unlike Shadow, Sonic was never evil.
He came to the realization that no matter what he chooses, he is going to be wrong.  If he ‘kills’ Eggman and it turns out that he was good, then that would be another mistake. If he lets Eggman go around freely and it turns out that he was evil, then that would be another mistake. In reality, no matter what he choses he would blame himself for whatever the outcome is. The only difference is that he can blame Sonic along with himself as well.
So, we see that Shadow’s insecurities can easily be manipulated by others. Thus, making him do whatever other people pleases.
This is character flaw that plays extremely well with determination, only if written correctly. It is hard to do but it is possible. I’ll talk about that in a few.
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3. Caring. One of the best things to came out of Sonic 06 was Shadow’s interaction with Team Dark. Can you see how betrayed Shadow looks when Omega tells him that he would be the one to persecute him? How he says he will remember Rouge will stay by his side no matter what? Like I mentioned before, Shadow the Hedgehog cares for them and he is loyal to them to death. As you can see, he didn’t say anything to Omega nor plans anything against him even if in the future they become enemies. He may not show it often but the bond that he has with Team Dark is the main reason why he wakes up and saves the world from disaster. As well as that he cares for everyone living on it.
So, now that we know his main traits … Determination, insecure and caring … What do we get? Shadow the Hedgehog. These are traits that are hard to write and that’s what is so appealing to this character. One single mistake and you can mess up the whole character. So, here is the question. How can we be determined and be insecure at the same time? Don’t you need to be confident about yourself in order to be determined? Not really and here is why.
           If you are insecure but you really care for others, then you are determined to protect them no matter the cost. It doesn’t matter if you will regret your decisions later, as long as the people you care about are safe.
Shadow’s blind loyalty is double edge sword. We can see in SA2 that Shadow is completely determined to blow up a planet because that was what ‘supposedly’ Maria wanted.
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“Besides, there’s no way to save anyone.”
           This can imply a lot of things. I may be overthinking it but to me, this sentence revealed something about Shadow’s character. Before Amy arrived to ask for help, we find Shadow looking at the Earth, really REFLECTING for a long time. There was a part of Shadow who DID NOT WANT TO DESTROY EARTH.  The boy probably actually NEVER wanted to destroy Earth.
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“That is the only thing that matters to me now.”
           Shadow really didn’t care if he was the real Shadow or not. Shadow is so loyal and he CARED so much for Maria that he puts his insecurities a side (Yes, he has insecurities even here. He is about to blow up a planet, of course he is insecure the boy doesn’t even remember fully who he is and he actually doesn’t want to destroy earth.) His determined side takes over and we can see that he would do ANYTHING, overcome his insecurities (even if it will haunt him later on) and destroy planets just because he really does CARES for others.
With this said, I think you will understand now why writing Shadow the Hedgehog is difficult. He is a complicated character and it is supposed to be so. How can you show that a quiet character cares without it being ‘out of character?’ How can you write a determined character without it being prepotent? How can you show that a character is insecure without making him look weak?
There is clearly a balance and it’s your job as a writer to create such balance.
So, I will pint point SEGA current and past ‘mistakes’ while writing Shadow the Hedgehog.
They want to highlight Shadow’s determination SO MUCH that he comes out as prepotent, arrogant, cocky, egocentric, etc. It just seems that they can’t get the balance right in this one. Let’s take for example this: 
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“I don’t run.”
           So, Sonic IDW. Everyone hated this, calling Shadow a clown and such. Let’s take it into context. Shadow is stopping an army of Zombots to give time for a truck full of Mobians to escape. If you think about it Shadow sacrificed himself so the others could run away safely. That’s actually not bad, it’s a very Shadow thing to do. This panel had so much POTENTIAL to highlight Shadow’s personality but the writer failed to compliment one important element and that is to add Shadow’s caring side.
           The writer preferred to highlight Shadow and Sonic’s rivalry (which honestly is non-existent at this point). He wanted to show just how ‘determined’ Shadow was to prove that he is better than Sonic. However, it just came out as plain clownery. It made it seem that Shadow only cared to prove how ultimate he was instead of caring for the situation at hand.  The whole story could have been saved if Shadow had said something along the lines of: “If I don’t stop the Zombots everyone is going to get infected … Rouge and Omega, everyone … I can’t let that happen I am going to stop them no matter what!”
           That short dialogue alone showed two things, Shadow’s determination and that he cares for others. The author did show Shadow’s insecurity as to how surprised he was when he found out that he was infected. However, it came out short because once again his ‘overly determined’ side showed up.
Like I said before, this panel had potential to show Shadow’s personality. The writer really wanted to highlight Shadow’s three main traits but it wasn’t well balanced and it came out as another bad written Shadow the Hedgehog.
Before we continue, I want to say that I am not writing this to talk bad about Ian Flynn. He has written the other Sonic characters pretty decently, and it bothers me more how he wrote Sonic recently (but that’s another talk for another time) I understand why Shadow is hard to write and that’s why I don’t get as upset when people sometimes wrongly write him.  It honestly just shows how complex this character is.
So, now that we know that SEGA’S main problem is the unbalanced systematic writing of Shadow the Hedgehog, let’s jump into trying to keep on ‘character.’
Now, here are some basic tips.
1.     Remember Shadow top three traits. He is determined, he cares and he is insecure.
When writing him, always try to think of these traits. Shadow is composed of so much more but including more traits would be complicated to write about and many of your readers may not follow along as well. Especially if you starting to write. Even professional writers have problems writing him, so don’t put too much pressure on you. Ask yourself the following questions: “Why is Shadow doing this? Does this correctly highlight one of his main traits? Am I adding this to put more meaning to the story or the character?
2.     One of the main reasons why SEGA has such a hard time writing Shadow is because there has been so many writers throughout the years who wrote character. Everyone has different character interpretations. Although this is not wrong, having different character interpretations in writing is wrong when there is a CONTINUITY. Which is why most of the times Sonic game’s stories aren’t that great. Let’s talk for instance … Sonic has always being a good character throughout the whole games and then suddenly he is bad. Weird, right? It just doesn’t seem right. This is what happens to Shadow in every single game, his character has been interpreted in so many ways that at this point it Shadow is a really messed up character. So, my tip for this is to be consistent. You are going to be the only one writing your story, so don’t be influenced by other writers and suddenly writer Shadow in another way.
3.     The game Shadow the Hedgehog really tried to incorporate something about Shadow. That depending on the circumstances, Shadow would react differently. He is a very dynamic character and you never really know how he will react. Allow Shadow to experience many things. For him to experience unknown things and feelings because only that way the REAL Shadow the Hedgehog would come into light. Write stances that are unknown to him. He is at G.U.N. and others are trying to make friends with him? If he likes someone how would he react? What kind of activities would he do for fun? I cannot stress enough how important it is for your character to interact with other characters and for them to experience new things. Explore all of these!
This turned out longer than I expected, and I am actually missing so much more information I want to add but I don’t want to make this too long. Sorry for any writing mistakes, I wrote this on the go lol. I’ll write some tips on how to write Silver tomorrow. For now, I hope this helps you understand a little bit more of Shadow’s character and why he is hard to write but don’t worry! The more your write, the better you get.  I’ll give you some Silver tips soon, and explain how he is connected with Shadow’s character.
Thank you for the ask!
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