#sehun supernatural
tinietaehyun · 6 months
Forsaken [XIV]
[Sorcerer!Taehyun x Royal!Reader]
[Series] [Chapter Fourteen]
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Pairing: Sorcerer!Taehyun x Royal!Reader [Ft. Sorcerer!Yeonjun]
Genres: royal!au, fantasy, romance, enemies to lovers, supernatural, action, fluff, angst.
Contains: Profanity, mentions of injury and death, implications of mature/suggestive themes, arson. Actions demonstrated by character are not by any means reflective of the idol in real life.
Links: Forsaken Masterlist || Masterlist
Summary: With the two of you nestled in, wrapped in each other’s arms contently, you both begin to make plans for the next steps. You were back in Fortuna but needed to focus on your main goal. Getting your throne back.
As Taehyun and your feelings reach their brim, alongside hope mounting, it was only a matter of time before the universe had enough and rips away your moment of happiness.
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“There’s no way to just charge into the palace and confront Sehun,” Taehyun murmurs deep in thought. Your brows furrow, “But you said we directly need to confront him?”
“Yes, but I highly doubt asking to meet the prince is going to work for you. I’m going to get imprisoned for treason and most likely be executed after you. You’ll go straight to him get ruthlessly insulted, he’ll toy with you and off you go to your demise,” he drawls out outstretching his legs on the decrepit sofa.
An appalled expression crosses your face as he snorts, “It’s a realistic outcome, no?” Glaring, you reply, “Well, yes. I was hoping to hear an alternative. A better one.”
A smirk laces his lips making you roll your eyes, “Take this seriously, come on, how long are we going to lounge around here in your cabin?”
He pouts, “Come now, lounge around?” His eyes sparkle mischievously as a sly smile appears, “Is that all we’ve been doing these last two-three days?” Taehyun’s gaze drops to your neck and you huff as your fingers instinctively go to brush over the large bruised mark. “I told you not to bite so hard,” you huff.
“You weren’t complaining when I did, rather I heard you make a quite different soun-“ He retorts before you interrupt him abruptly.
“Stop speaking immediately,” you glare, eyes burning into his as embarrassment floods your features. He was right, but that was beside the point!
A low chuckle escapes his lips as he runs his fingers through his soft blonde locks, “Just a bit of kissing here and there, lips and neck, had you so riled up, princess? It even surprised me.”
You glare in deathly silence with folded arms. He raises his hands in surrender, “Goodness, with that glare you could take down a dragon.”
A scoff leaves your lips at his sarcastic remark. Taehyun sighs laughing at your exasperation, “Okay, okay. Back to the topic at hand, what I was thinking is, we get intentionally caught.”
You deadpan, “You are joking.” “I am very much not, sweetheart,” he muses. What was he thinking? Doesn’t it lead to the same outcome as just charging in?
“Hear me out, we both enter Fortuna, cloaked, hidden as if we’re trying to buy, I don’t know, food or goods something along those lines, then by oh so pure chance, one of the guards on their patrol spots a glimpse of you. A chase ensues, we intentionally get caught. And then, we’re presented as prisoners of treason and you, a wanted bounty in front of Prince Sehun,” Taehyun explains.
You process his words, your brain churning and whirring its gears. Indeed large scale crimes were personally handled by the royal court in front of the monarch. You both had committed what he saw as treason and well, you were a wanted bounty. You’d both be presented to Sehun in the throne room as you had seen with other criminals whilst growing up.
Knowing your pitiful excuse of a brother, he’d miss absolutely no chance of rubbing his victory in your face.
“Mm…indeed, you are correct. We would be presented in front of Sehun. He’s an absolute imbecile, so he no doubt would gloat like a buffoon in front of us,” you murmur. Taehyun smirks, “So? Giving me time to work my skills, no?” You raise a brow, “Such as?”
“We are going to be bound by chains. Those I can whisk off easy with a little enchantment. Next I need to scatter the surrounding guards and leave Sehun alone. Easy pickings after that. Can he fight?” Taehyun questions.
“Remarkably well, he’s a great swordsman. He spent most of his time training after all,” you utter sighing. Taehyun hums unfazed, “No weapon has anything on sorcery. Even if he is the most skilled swordsman to ever exist.”
Biting your lip, you run back through the haphazard plan. Having the both of you caught so suddenly, would definitely lower Sehun’s guard, knowing how arrogant he is. This roughly put together plan may just work.
“Once he’s cornered. You can talk to him. Expose his crimes to the court, no?” Taehyun hums. “The court supports him,” you huff.
“Of course they do, fucking idiots,” Taehyun groans. You snicker at his frustration. It was natural he felt that way, he had a bad experience with them after all.
“Noble pieces of fucking shit; nothing in their skulls just money in their pockets,” he mutters irritated. “Can’t you bribe them or something?” He mutters. You nod slowly, “I suppose I could do that. I doubt they’d want to go against me when their present figurehead is cornered.”
“You could always have me threaten them, I could turn them into stone, into toads, into whatever you or I please, teach them a real nice lesson,” Taehyun muses bitterly.
“That’s…certainly an idea. I suppose we’ll handle that obstacle when we get to it,” you smile, “At the end of the day, they’re all spineless cowards who are unloyal. I’ll be firing numerous of them. Furthermore, I’m sure a little wave of your wand will have them quivering.”
He chuckles, “Oh I do look forward to a sight such as that. Those bastards have what’s coming to them for what they did to me and my father. Exiling the both of us.”
His harsh gaze softens as he peers at you, “You…you do permit me to have a little fun with them don’t you?” You smirk, “I suppose a little lesson is in order. Just don’t…do anything violent.” Taehyun sighs, “How unfortunate but I suppose I can do that for you.”
You both remain in a comfortable silence as Taehyun suddenly puts his arms around you from behind and leans his chin on your shoulder. “What are you thinking about? Haven't I told you numerous times not to worry. You’ve got me. We’ve got each other. We can do this.”
Placing your hands atop his, you murmur, “Yeonjun is there. You’ll have to see him. He’s in a powerful position too; royal sorcerer and Sehun’s advisor, what are you going to do if he tries to stop us?”
A moment of silence passes. The mere mention of Yeonjun makes him stiffen. The air around the both of you becomes gloomy. “I’m sorry I-“ you begin.
He releases a breathy laugh, “No, no. You’re right, sweetheart. If we are destined to cross paths again…well, then I do not plan to back down so easily.” Taehyun clears his throat, “If we must fight whether that be verbally, physically or through our sorcery, so be it. He means nothing to me anymore.”
“He does, you’re lying,” you frown, twisting yourself to face him and notice his dull expression. “It will hurt to see him, won’t it? After all these years,” you frown.
He becomes quiet for a second before answering, “I suppose you can see through me, hm? It just…reminds me of that painful time. The feelings I felt when I saw my father getting dragged away. The…condescending smile he gave me when I called to him for help - like, like he enjoyed it. Twisted bastard.”
You cup his cheek, thumb caressing it lightly. His gaze meets yours. The mention of Yeonjun left a bitter taste in his mouth. You lean forward, “If he sets foot in front of you, show him. Show him who deserves to be the true Royal Sorcerer. Him or you?”
A bitter laugh escapes his lips. “Show him, despite your exile, you’ve only continued to improve. That you’ll always surpass him in every way possible. Not just sorcery. You are a better person. You know why?”
Curiosity gleams in his dull eyes as he watches you speak so determinedly. “Because, unlike him who’s hurt you, your father, to get where he is today. Through betrayal. You still surpass him. You have your father’s ability and affinity for magic. To manipulate mana with ease.”
You shakily breathe, “You could have rampaged, exacted vengeance, lunged at Yeonjun back then. All these years in the Woods of Mors, you could have meticulously planned revenge, yet you didn’t. You held yourself back. You’re more mature, you know your boundaries. You are wise, Taehyun. You are merciful.”
His voice cracks momentarily, “No, I was…I was a coward. I knew it would land me in more trouble.”
“You knew it would land your father in more trouble, possibly even execution,” you firmly state. “…yes. I-“ he murmurs lowly, “Yes, exactly. My father said not to. Even after he’d passed away, that I should never risk myself by going after the foolish notion of revenge, that we- we were better than that.”
A small smile forms on your lips. You notice his eyes glazing over. “Your father was a good man, you, you are a good man.”
“I’m not half the man he was, but thanks, sweetheart,” he solemnly smiles. Shaking your head, you grip his chin tilting it down to make him meet your gaze, “Where’s that arrogance and self-confidence I’m so used to, sorcerer?”
He remains quiet merely peering into your gorgeous eyes. You had a heart of gold; something he didn’t find himself deserving of. Why did you have to settle for less? When you could have any noble man you wanted? Yet you treated him so fondly. With such care, like a lover. You loved him right? Then why did he feel so terrified of reciprocating?
Was he afraid that as soon as you gain your throne back, that you’d toss him aside? Was he afraid that you, too, would betray him in the future? To place his cracked and beaten heart into your soft and sweet palms.
“Taehyun?” You call out; a flash of worry on your features. He gives you a subtle smile, “Sweetheart?”
“If you meet him, I want you to show him who you are. You’ve not once taken the step toward revenge. Well? If revenge presents itself to you, why not take the opportunity that the universe above has presented you with? If revenge walks to you with his wand pointed at you and an arrogant smile, will you let this opportunity slide too?” You ask with a stern expression.
“Being the better person. Yes, as good as it may be. Some people are not deserving of our kindness, of our mercy. That goes for Sehun. That also goes for Yeonjun.” You speak with a melancholy tone. Your gaze hardens, “So…”
Taking his hands and intertwining your fingers with yours, you squeeze them reassuringly, “So, let’s close all our unresolved regrets and close that chapter on our lives and move forward towards a future where no one can bring us down and we only experience prosperity and happiness.”
You hold yourself back from speaking further as you notice him staring at you wordlessly. Did you cross the line? Goodness, you must have talked his ears off. The last thing he probably wanted was an entire speech. Though you couldn’t help it, you despised seeing him hurt, so down.
“Sorry, I-“ you start before your eyes widen, feeling his arms suddenly wrap around you tightly; his head laying on your chest. Your heart palpitates rapidly. Your fingers run through his hair, caressing it tenderly. Taehyun parts from you, his gaze intense, almost restrained in a manner.
“Everytime, every fucking time,” he breathlessly laughs. Confusion appears on your face, how adorable he thinks.
“You continue to do it again and again, no matter how anxious I feel, how dreadful this feeling makes me feel. To think I shouldn’t, that I can’t get too attached, to not raise my hopes, to not think of a future together. To not kiss you again, not to lead you on, to not lead myself on, I can’t help it. I just can’t fucking help how I feel, you continue to make me feel worse,” he utters almost frustrated.
With an uneasy expression you murmur, “T-Taehyun?”
“You make me go insane, in the most addicting and best way possible. Whenever I have the slightest doubt you pull me right back in,” he laughs strained.
His gaze meets yours taking your hand and placing it on his chest; you feel his heart pounding like his life depended on it. Your eyes widen in surprise, realising your heart was doing the same.
“Do you feel it? Do you feel what you do to me? I hear yours too. I see the way you look at me. Do you see the way I look at you, sweetheart?” He speaks yearningly. You find yourself feeling breathless.
Running his hand through his hair once more, he inhales deeply, seemingly gathering courage. You await in anticipation at his next words.
“I love you.”
“I love you y/n. It’s driving me fucking insane at this point,” he utters with almost a light edge of desperation. Your lips part; you wish you could be surprised. But, you knew this was coming, it was only a matter of time of who would put their high walls down and crumble first.
You didn’t expect Taehyun to do it. That much more he made himself vulnerable, to think that he thought of you so highly. You regard him with the sweetest gaze and a subtle smile on your lips.
Suddenly, you lean forward pressing your lips against his, moving your lips against his with a ferocity that took Taehyun off-guard. His arm slides around your waist as his other hand takes your hand placing it on his shoulder. The intense kiss lasts a few seconds before you part breathless; an imbecilic smile on your face.
“Princess, you-?” His eyes glimmer unsurely.
“I love you too, Taehyun,” you murmur letting your fingers caress his cheek, “Let me repeat it once more, I love you too.”
“But-“ he begins in initial surprise, you shush him, “No, I reciprocate your feelings. I’ve felt this way for a while. Don’t doubt it. You have too, haven’t you?” He remains quiet before a chuckle escapes his lips, “It was a matter of time, wasn’t it?”
“Who was willing to become the most vulnerable, first,” you resume. “I suppose you’ve allowed me to be more comfortable with expressing myself,” he murmurs with a genuine smile. “I’m glad, Taehyun,” you hum, joy filling you.
“What does that make us then, hm?” He muses as his hand once again takes yours. “What do you think, Taehyun?” You hum back.
“Lovers? A princess falling for a sorcerer rather than a prince or her knight?” He murmurs smirking. You muse, “Why must the story always be the same? Who said the princess must always go for those two?”
“The court won’t approve,” he states. “They won’t,” you nod, “But that doesn’t stop me from loving you. Perhaps, perhaps if my parents were around, this wouldn’t occur. But,” you shakily sigh, “They’re not. My word, as the heir to the throne, is final. If they disapprove, so be it, it is a hardship I am willing to handle.”
Taehyun gazes at you so longingly that it leaves you quiet. “As you wish, your highness,” he coyly hums. Rolling your eyes, “Oh hush with that nonsense.”
“Do not think for a second, I’ll ever leave your side, sweetheart,” he murmurs seriously. With a smile, you murmur, “I never thought that for a single moment, Taehyun.”
He gives you a smile, a rather endearing one, in fact making you release a laugh. “What?” Taehyun questions. Shaking your head, you wrap your arms around him and hug him, “Nothing.”
You feel rather content for the first time in a long time. A sense of safety, security and being cherished. You felt unstoppable with him by your side, perhaps it was naive, no, foolish to think that way but he truly did give you a newfound confidence.
After lounging around more and discussing a few more things related to confronting Sehun, Taehyun gets up, beginning to slide his cloak over his shoulders and hoisting his boots on.
“Mm, I need to restock on some herbs otherwise the food we make will taste shit. Perhaps, I can also hunt while I’m out there. Pick some berries too, I’m overdue.”
He slings his satchel over his shoulder and grabs two wicker baskets. “I’ll be out for a few hours, don’t panic if I run late after the sunset.” You nod with a frown, “Try to come back quickly.”
Taehyun grins, “Why? Scared the Bloodmoths are going to get you?” You scoff, “No, I’m just worried that you have only just healed and you’re already putting yourself in danger.”
“I do not plan to eat different variations of soup for another day longer, sweetheart. So, off I go,” he hums.
“Don’t open the door if you hear anything. Creatures here are rather different due to the magic phenomena here. Keep all the window curtains closed and always keep the candles lit alright. I’ll be back quick,” he smiles.
You nod, slightly at unease. He had done this several times even before you knew each other. It was his way of life here, why were you so paranoid? Perhaps, because you were both so happy for once. Afraid that he wouldn��t come back.
He bids you adieu and you’re left to your own company in the dimly lit cabin. It felt empty without him. You spend the next half an hour getting comfortable on the sofa, finding the drafty cabin to make your eyelids feel heavier and heavier. A nap, would perhaps suffice to allow the time to pass and prevent your mind from wandering. Yes, a nap indeed - you close your eyes content.
A pair of sharp eyes peer as he finally ascertains that Taehyun is far enough away. A smirk lines his lips, “My, my, you really have made yourself at home here, haven’t you?” His gaze darkens as he stands up from his crouching. Of course he did, not like he’d die out so easily; a scoff leaves Yeonjun’s lips. Of course he’d be a thorn in his side all these years later.
The palace in Fortuna was oddly in pindrop silence. A malicious smile appears on Yeonjun’s lips thinking about the events that had transpired these last few days. Sehun’s death came as an apparent shock rattling the Royal Court and the citizens of Fortuna who considered this to be a terrible omen. Now, there was no Royal Family to head the country.
“Oh poor Sehun, the poor boy. To think suicide would be his cause of death.” Well, if only the public and court knew. Everything was transitioning smoothly.
He still remembers when some of the members of the Royal Court naturally approached him. His eyes riddled with fake tears; and sniffling as though Sehun actually meant something to him. It was laughable to Yeonjun, really. He knew damn well why the members of the court approached him.
After all, he’d be the most apt choice to be placed at Fortuna’s figurehead. “Yeonjun, think about it, alright? We know it’s a lot to ask and we’re not pressuring you. If not, we can arrange for someone else.”
Bastards, he knew everyone in that damn hall wanted the position he was now set up for. These empty words and fake reassurances. Ha! These lords, chancellors and barons, all of them, they were just as filthy, just as happy as Yeonjun was about Sehun’s death.
It left the ruling spot empty, that’s why. Not for long. Currently, Yeonjun was the figurehead, temporary monarch, per se. Well, he’d make it permanent.
His mind drifts back to two days ago; when he found himself sitting on the Royal Throne. The servants all grimacing with disgust or appallment. The chancellor and treasurer were infuriated.“What is the meaning of this insolence?” “How dare you sit on the throne, as though you were King?”
“Because I will be.” The words had left his mouth sharper than any blade sending shivers into the two men. He had summoned his wand pointing it at the two as the guards in the room held their weapons up. “I will be King. The beginning of a new era. The Kim Dynasty is over.”
“Guards, stop this. This is treason,” the chancellor had yelled but to no avail. The guards held still. They were ordered to do so, after all.
The treasurer had been horrified at this stumbling back. Perhaps the recent deaths had some meaning after all. A purpose.
The foolish chancellor had rushed forward in his fury, making Yeonjun smirk. Well he had supposed, it was about time he taught these sorry fools a lesson, albeit, he didn’t think it would be so soon.
Thus, he had turned the chancellor into stone, in front of the guards and the treasurer’s very eyes. He still enjoyed the terrified expression on the treasurer's face as he fell to his knees, mortified.
Oh how good it felt to finally hear, “Your highness,” fall from his lips. He would stop at nothing, not even a rebellion to lose this position. Not with his sorcery. He’d make the people love him.
Yeonjun shakes his head; shattering his memories. Well now, he’d take matters into his own hands. There was still one glaring problem. The two of you. Not even you, rather insignificant as you were. It was mainly Taehyun that he was after.
Yeonjun mutters walking out from the shrubbery and brushing himself off, “Fucking nuisance, always has to get involved.” A breathless laugh leaves his lips, poor you. Because Taehyun had gotten involved, now you’d be an extra casualty. He may have even left you alone, if you’d been just a good little princess and ran off and started afresh.
Not many could traverse the Woods of Mors, rather difficult terrain, strange creatures and illusions. Any ordinary human would go insane in here, but of course, any magic user would be safe. Yeonjun had not expected much when he stepped foot in here. Though when he cast a spell; he was shocked to find an intense mana source resonating from within the woods.
Who would have thought it would be Taehyun's lovely little decrepit abode? Yeonjun chuckles, stepping forward towards the cabin. His eyes widen as feels a light buzz and he notices a subtly glowing dome around the cabin.
How very clever, of course he wouldn’t leave you so vulnerable. A force field, just enough to stop the dim-witted creatures here - but not him. He reaches his hand through it and grunts in pain as he utters an enchantment. Within seconds, the force field dissipates.
Smirking, he strides ahead reaching the door and gives it a knock. Hm, how would your pretty little face look upon seeing him and not your beloved companion?
You’re woken up by a sudden knocking. Yawning, you peer at the door. Was Taehyun back already? Abruptly, you stand and walk over, but before you could open the door. You hesitate. A nervousness permeates your lower stomach and swirls uneasily. Why were your instincts acting up?
Who else would be here? No creature would knock like a human would, could they?
You halt; you were smarter than this. Perhaps, peeking through the curtains would be better first. Thus, you do. You delicately peek through the curtains and immediate nausea fills your senses. No. No. No.
No way. Had Sehun sent Yeonjun to come find you? How could they have possibly known? You were all alone, against a formidable sorcerer? Your hands tremble as your lips quiver. Perhaps he’ll leave when he realises no one is home. Maybe he’ll think you’ve gone out with Taehyun.
You slink down onto the floor shakily, your breaths tumbling out of you as panic sets in. This wasn’t good. This came out of nowhere! You really hope Taehyun will come back soon!
Another knock resounds out, harsher this time. Another one. Fear consumes you as you find your legs unable to get up. This couldn’t be happening.
It goes eerily silent all of a sudden. Your breath hitches and muscles stiffen. Did he leave?
Just as your shoulders begin to ease, the door creaks. You hear a small sound reminiscent of chimes and the muffled murmur of his voice. Instantaneously, the front door flies off its hinges crashing into the wall and what little furniture there was with a humongous clatter. A scream rips out of your lips as you cover your head and curl up onto the floor.
Of course! Of course he uses his sorcery! Tears drip down your face as you clamp your eyes shut. The floor creaks as footsteps walk towards you accompanied by an incredibly demeaning chuckle.
“Goodness me, princess. Did I scare you?” Yeonjun muses. He coos, “If only you had opened the door, the first time I knocked. Too bad you’re a cautious little thing aren’t you? Did Taehyun teach you that? To not open the door for anyone, hm?” A breathy chuckle escapes his lips, almost as if he’s restraining his excitement.
You shiver, pitiful whimpers leaving your lips as you sit up peering back at the broken door. “Oh, I'm sure he can replace it. Just a little wood and his wand, hm? He won’t be too mad will he?” Yeonjun grins. The light from outside gleams in around him, making his tall figure that looms even more menacing.
He takes a step forward; his gaze trailing your frightened form as you scoot back. “Oh? Do you not recognise me, princess? Or was I so insignificant in your eyes? I suppose your brother was more keen.”
You steel yourself and speak with hatred in your tone, “Did Sehun send you here?”
For a moment he ponders your question before throwing his head back laughing. “How funny! Oh princess, princess, no. I came here of my own volition.” You stiffen. What? Did he come for Taehyun, not you?
“Did…did you come for Taehyun?” You stammer shakily. Yeonjun walks forward with a sinister smile, “Oh? Why do you ask that? Did he tell you about our little history?”
You go quiet. “Oh so he did,” Yeonjun darkly hums. “Oh, you must hate me, no? Despise me for my betrayal. I could sit here and plead for your approval, beg you to hear my side of the story princess, but you know what? I won’t.”
You tremble; the look in his eyes. It scares you; it’s deranged. The look of a predator who had finally locked in on its prey, knowing it would succeed with its kill.
“To think that pitiful waste of space got tangled up in your mess. What? Did you bat your pretty lashes up at him, beg at his feet and cry your little heart out, princess? He’s not easy to sway or get to open up, y’know?” Yeonjun muses looking down at you. Tears drip down your face.
He crouches down right in front of you with a dark smile. “Hm, just how much has he told you? Everything about me?” You seethe shakily, “You’re despicable, being partly responsible for their exile. You could have spoken up against your father.”
Yeonjun chuckles running his fingers through his blonde strands of hair, “Against my father? My, he really went into the gritty details, huh? You two have gotten real close, hm?”
Yeonjun’s eyes gaze at your nervous visage before dropping to your neck, his eyes catch a glimpse of a dark, almost bruised patch and a mockingly amused gleam lights up his eyes. “My, my… I’ve got my answer. Very close it seems. Huh, didn’t think he was that type. No…I didnt think he was your type.”
He laughs as you feel disgusted; your hand flies up to hide the love bite. “Oh, then I’m sure he won’t like me taking you away from him then.” You stiffen. “What?”
“You’re coming back to the palace, princess,” Yeonjun utters nonchalantly. “No-“ you yelp, scooting back and he sighs almost in a frustrated tone, “Oh don’t make this difficult.”
“You plan to hand me over to Sehun. He’ll- he’ll imprison me, no- execute me!”
Yeonjun stands up, looming over you with a malicious laugh leaving his lips, “Oh? I suppose I should break the news, eventually, though I suppose you’ll be happy.” He leans down slightly as his voice deepens, “He’s dead. Sehun is dead, princess.” His words seems to send whiplash throughout your body, “W-What?”
“He took his own life, tragic, hm?” Yeonjun muses. You quiver, “No, no. I don’t believe you. Surely, he wouldn’t after all he’s done…” Your eyes flicker panicked, “Who’s running the kingdom? The people?”
Yeonjun smiles and hums, “Look at you, getting worried for your beloved people, how noble. No need to fret,” he reaches his hand out grabbing your wrist, “I’m in charge.”
Writhing your wrist in his vice-like grasp, you grit out, “What? Temporarily, you mean.”
“Oh no; I plan to make it quite permanent princess,” Yeonjun tugs harshly and you stumble forward, your face inches from his. “And the last thing I want is the two of you ruining everything at the last minute,” he darkly whispers; his breath caressing your face. He almost says with sudden hushed glee, “So, come with me. Or I’ll make you. Who knows, maybe taking a walk with me may be good for both of us?”
You snarl, shoving him away and getting up, “You disgraceful man, all you care about is yourself. The nation is hanging on by a thread, thousands of lives are dependent and here you are. You selfish bastard!” You rage. Yeonjun’s jaw tightens, “Don’t piss me off, princess. It will not be pretty, I really am trying to be gentle with you.”
You bitterly scoff, “You are just a pitiful excuse of a man. No matter how much power you wish to have, nothing will change the weakness that lies inside of you. The pitiable jealousy you have. The urge to show others that you are superior.” His gaze becomes malevolent as he summons his wand in his right hand.
“Mm, aren’t you quite the talker? Reminds me of your brother, he was always quite foolish in these situations. Never really knew when to keep his mouth shut,” he sends a shot of mana aimed at you and you duck with yelp; it barely misses you.
He steps forward, his wand prickling with intense mana energy. The air was heating up, he was infuriated. “You have no idea what I’ll do to get what I want. How far I’m willing to go. And what I want now is you back in the palace.” You snarl, “You are insane!”
Yeonjun marches forward, grasping your forearm and you scream with all your might. You stretch your arm, leaning over to the kitchen counter and grabbing the knife and swinging it towards him. He lets go with a breathless laugh, “Now that was dirty move, princess.”
You really hope Taehyun heard you, or at least comes back by instinct. Your eyes peer at the opening where the door was. You were trapped here within these walls, you had to get out. Yeonjun catches your gaze and he menacingly murmurs, “Don’t even think about it.”
Immediately, you bolt, shoving past him and make your way to the exit. Before you can even make it one step outside, you feel your body suddenly buzz; a similar feeling when mana has entered your body. You feel electrified before a sharp pain pierces you. Your knees buckle and within moments; your vision blacks out.
Yeonjun sighs as he hears the thud of your body fall against the cobbled path. How unfortunate, he wanted to kindly escort you back, but no, you just had to take the hard route, as most people did. Well, he supposes it will do you some good to get some shut eye for the next few hours.
He can’t help but smirk as he sees your unconscious face, brushing the hair out of the way. Huh, no wonder Taehyun didn’t say no. Who could deny such a pretty face? Perhaps, if he’d waited a bit longer when he was younger, he’d have manipulated you, instead of Sehun. It would have been far more enjoyable for so many years. Having you as a lover, would have made it much easier to get the crown, no, you’d have probably handed it over to him, yourself.
Yeonjun muses, “Mm, if only you’d have been a little more cooperative.”
Wherever you were.
He was bound to follow.
Yeonjun’s eyes peer at the cabin and the messy interior, scattered books and broken furniture. Hm, surely he couldn’t leave without leaving a little gift for his dearest old friend. He snaps his fingers murmuring a few words as a spark escapes his fingers landing at the doorframe. Not like he’d need this place for much longer anyway.
Immediately flames begin travelling up the rickety wood and the house groans as if in pain. A twisted expression of admiration appears on Yeonjun’s face. His years of hard work, burning down. Perhaps, it was a touch too cruel, but he had to be humbled. After all, he shouldn’t have gotten involved. He needs to learn his lesson again.
With a prompt grunt, he scoops you up into his arms, beginning to walk. He smiles malevolently peering down at you.
“See you soon, old friend,” he hums, taking one final glance at the now blazing cabin before walking off with you in his arms.
Smoke rises from atop the forest canopy, though this time, not from a chimney, but from the burning remains of one’s desire to hope and dream.
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Taglist: [open]
@royallyjjk @wolfytae-exe @rencarnationofangel @sirenla @matcha-binz @beomies-world @michinri @parkweylyn @kvshzj @hanniehaeeeeeee1004 @elara828 @wonioml @onima-chan @moonekth @glossykai @jjunielvrs @beargyuuzz @cathyun @hanstarrs @m3chigo @vanicogh @baekberrie @nap-of-a-starr @ur-mother-realnotclickbait
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hydroyaksha · 2 years
Soleil’s fic recs
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Yixing- king! “The Lotus king and his jade” @sweetjekyll
Kyungsoo- hogwarts! “Spellbound” @whimsical-ness
Sehun- X-EXO! “GREED” @/quokkacore
Sehun -(X-EXO) “LIBERALITY” @quokkacore
Baekhyun - idols! “The rumors were true” @eomayas
Kyungsoo - yandere! “I love you, I love you, I love you.” (Made by me!)
STRAYKIDS - [separate link]
Chan/ Felix - polyamory! Hogwarts! “Detention” @dreamescapeswriting
Felix - demon slayer! “If you tell me about myself” @skazoo
Felix - enemies to lovers! “Strawberry kisses” @softsan
Felix - dick joke centered! CEO! “Penis heart” @staysuki
Felix - Agent! Scientist! “A normal Thursday” @abiaswreck
Hyunjin - mafia! “Ice” @healinghyunjin
Hyunjin - mafia! “Not a stranger” @straywrds
OT8 - ABO! “No control” @cherryeol04
Hyunjin - Hanahaki! (With a good ending) “forget me not” @hhjs
Bangchan - Indian performer! Idol! “Butterfly wings” @straykidshoe
Lee know - siren! “Call of the siren” @tasteleeknow
Lee know - hogwarts! “Green flames” @streetlight11
Jeongin - android! “Alive” @rainy-bangbeom
Felix - royalty! Best friends! “Fairy flowers” @hyunsvngs
Felix - bodyguard! “Your bodyguard, Felix” @skzdarlings
Jisung - ghostface! “It’s a scream baby!” @tyunphoria
Felix - dating show! “TOO HOT TO HANDLE” @seospicybin
Felix - prince! “Forgive me for what I haven’t done” @rachalixie
OT23 - yandere! Cult! “Connect” @mymoodwriting
OT7 - yandere! “Awaken” @/mymoodwriting
TEN - vampire!Hunter! “Blood wars” @things-we-cant-say
LUCAS - hybrid! “Please don’t bite me” @/quokkacore
NCT127 - yandere! Aliens! “Who is sticker?” @/mymoodwriting
Taeyong/ Yuta - Angels! Devils! Yandere! “Watching over you” @whiteteadreams
Jaehyun - Dog hybrid! “Competitive spirit” @flowerboykun
OT9 - vampires! Witches! “Black magic” @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l
Jaehyun - hogwarts! “Head over brooms” @sehunniepotwrites
Mark - supernatural! “grit your f*ckin’ teeth” @irtza
Haechan - yandere! “Inseparable” @mint-yoongi
Jaemin - athlete! “on the rebound” @lunena
Jaemin - “Crazy in love” @mayaflowerxs
Renjun - classmates! “Blondes are done with fun” @rrxnjun
00’ line + Mark - arcana! “Arcane” @neonacity
Haechan - hockey player! “Ice ice baby” @cozyjae
Haechan - uni! “Learning languages” @tonicandjins
Sungchan - superhero! “Through the webs” @yutafrita
ENHYPHEN - scenario! “How they’re protective over you” @foresdxw
NI-KI - scenario! Idols! “Cookies - shattered glass” @ilovehimyourhonor
JAY - bad boy! Good girl! Dancer! “Opposites attract” @dazed-hee
NI-KI spiderman! “Spider-Man loves you” @misoxhappy
Beomgyu- hybrid! “Until it hurts a little less” @horanghoe
Beomgyu - fae! “Dasies” @thru-the-grapevine
Soobin - AI! “Artificial love” @bb-eilish
Beomgyu- Spider-Man! “Not your average boyfriend” @slytherinshua
Yeonjun- fox hybrid! “Silly fox baby” @seowhorebin
Taehyung - Android! “A human touch” @snackhobi
KEY - A/B/O! “Out of love” @mymoodwriting
OT11 - android! “The boyz become human” @tbznewberry
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krp1x1finder · 1 year
discord kpop 1x1 rp search
heyooo! i’m yumi, age 23, they/them! i’m currently lf a few krp/kdrama partners, preferably within the age range of 19-23+! it’s safe to say that i’m open to any pairings such as mxm, fxf, poly, and trans/non-binary characters, oc x oc (faceclaims ok!) - i will say that i do have a preference for writing masculine characters and will often default to that unless discussed.
my writing style is always mirrored, so don’t be shy if you’d like to write with me in any way, shape, or form! my preference tends to lean towards novella and advanced lit (comfortably up to 500-1k or more) with present or past, third-person narratives. i have some writing examples i can send your way if you’d like to see them before committing to rp with me! i typically want to strive for quality over quantity.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ PLOTS : regarding plots that i enjoy tend to lean super heavily into the human condition (any variation or avenue of slice of life, modern aus), very lightly toeing into supernatural with succubuses/incubus or angel/devils, fallen angel concepts, and “darker” themes. some examples would be religious trauma/historical themes, substance abuse, violence, heavy angst, etc.
i also really enjoy media-based or established works of fictions like ao3, video games (the last of us, detroit become human, etc), films, and kdramas (strangers from hell, all of us are dead, the glory, bloodhounds, and more). 
i’m totally interested in including nsfw into our rps aswell, though i tend to write my characters as versatile switches and would prefer if my partners were flexible and willing to collaborate to make it fun and comfortable for both of us. i will send a kink list to be as transparent as possible, or you can view that on my carrd alongside other in depth info here!
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ MUSES & GROUPS : i’m open to a majority of groups including, but not limited to the ones listed below! regarding muses, i’m very open-minded and flexible and will include some examples of those i muse the most. the starred groups are the ones that i muse very heavily for currently:
☆ aespa : winter / karina / ningning
ateez : wooyoung / san / yunho
enhypen : jay / heeseung / jungwon / jake
☆ exo : jongin / sehun / chanyeol / baekhyun
le sserafim : sakura / chaewon
☆ nct (all subunits+wayv) : taeyong / yuta / jaehyun / jeno / mark / donghyuck / jaemin / xiaojun / kun / yangyang
oneus : seoho / keonhee / xion
☆ onlyoneof : nine / love / mill / rie
p1harmony : theo / intak
☆ seventeen : jeonghan / jun / seungkwan / vernon / joshua / minghao
☆ stray kids : minho / hyunjin / han / bangchan / jeongin 
tempest : hanbin / taerae / hyeongseop / hwarang
☆ the boyz : sunwoo / hyunjae / juyeon / jacob / eric
☆ txt : soobin / beomgyu / taehyun treasure : asahi / jihoon / hyunsuk
☆ xg : jurin / chisa
☆ zb1 : jiwoong / hanbin / matthew / taerae
solo artists : woodz, dpr ian, jackson wang, and more  . .
(these aren’t including my ships, but you might be able to get hints from who i bolded - don’t be afraid to ask for clarification though, i’ll definitely mention them once we connect).
please prioritise discussing triggers and preferences within the RP. they will always be stated by me during plotting as well. my triggers are only detailed self-harm/gore that goes alongside it. i’ll let you know if I’m uncomfortable at any point otherwise.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ MISC. NOTES : the most important part of this i would like to make sure is noted is that writing won’t always be a priority for me as i have other hobbies and responsibilities that tend to take up a lot of my free time too. i work two jobs while also taking classes from my university and gaming. i’d appreciate and prefer partners that don’t mind gaps of time between responses and won’t spam or pressure me to be quicker. i’ve had some bad luck with rp partners that don’t understand that and overstep boundaries. i will end the rp if it gets excessive. however, i’m very chatty and enjoy making playlists and pinterest boards alongside our rp au’s so it’d be cool to have partners open to that sort of connection. i’m always down for friendships outside of our rp too so the gaps of time don’t feel awkward or stilted.
if all of this sounds good to you and you’re interested in getting to know me as a potential friend or likewise to write, don’t hesitate to interact with this post on here, directly message me, or head on over to discord and add me; my username is gyumie. ♡
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beaconhillsxbot · 2 years
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Meet Beacon Hills' supernatural creatures
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Lola: Hello and welcome to Beacon Hills! I'm Lola, nice to meet you~
Sehun: I see Rhea... I'm not getting near her again.
San: *waves* Hello, I'm Choi San.
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Kyungsoo: I wasn't expecting to meet new people today... hi
Eunwoo: Welcome to Beacon Hills *waves with a soft smile*
Shotaro: Welcome, it's a lovely day today. Don't you think?
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Hyunjin: Get your shades if you're walking through the Beacon preserve today
Yeji: That's why I'm staying in! *smiles*
Siyeon: It is a lovely day, but I think it's best to stay home today
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Xiumin: Hello, how's everyone's spring break going so far?
Rhea: Pst... I dare you to go into the Beacon Hills Preserve at night~ *grins* maybe you just might survive~
Lee Know: I also dare you to go to the preserve. Just be careful, you never know what you'll find~ *chuckles*
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Yeonjun: Well, just bring a flashlight. Never too safe to also take pepper spray or a stun gun~
Jisung: Rolling by and heading to the nightclub instead
Jisung: I don't wanna go to school on Monday... *sighs*
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justwritedreams · 2 years
More than a partner | Sehun
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Idol Sehun x Actress Reader Word count: 3446 Genre: fluff Author: maari Warnings: Mentions of reader having a water phobia, themes like witches and rituals, probably some grammar mistakes Note: OH GOD FINALLY!!!! I was so excited to write this request that I ended up getting blocked with this one since last year 😫 I was confident but I don't know if it turned out as good as I wanted it to, but I liked it! Request: I'd like to make one for sehun x reader pls!! I've been watching busted and i really like the idea of having reader be one of the cast in busted alongside sehun. So like there would be scenes where they're both scaredy cats, but sehun still tries to protect her. So just sehun being all protective!! Some inspo could be in s2 ep 6 with the guiya village, and in s1 with the vampire thing. Like reader is scared with the supernatural stuff, heights, deep waters, but isn't afraid to still try soo cue the tears oop hahahah and sehun comforting her maybe??Umm, another request could be jealous sehun but like he doesn't know why he's jealous or their feelings are just starting to grow. So like it could be shown when there are cute male guests in the show haha and reader is like 😍And maybe sehun and reader just displaying their competitiveness (either them teaming up or against each other, up to you)  ⫷ Exo Masterlist
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Season 4, Episode 1
The detective group is back, except for one person.
They met in front of the Sealife Busan Aquarium after receiving an anonymous message asking everyone to arrive at seven pm, when the aquarium is closed and without public. Everyone is confused because they don't know who is behind the message and why they’re there. The dimly lit street didn’t allow the group to notice an approaching figure.
Minyoung was the first to notice, she screamed and raised her hands to her head while the other detectives looked towards where she was doing it and the figure was revealed.
"Who are you?" Jaesuk asked, laughing nervously.
All detectives are looking at the girl, curious, confused and scared. Exactly in that order.
"One of you is missing." she changed the subject, looking at the five.
Jaesuk, Kwangsoo, Minyoung, Jongmin, Seung Gi and Sehun.
Yes, someone was missing.
"You know us? Whoa." Kwangsoo spoke, not knowing what to do.
"So, you called us here?" Minyoung asked, seeing that no one would.
"Yes, I'm Y/N." she swallowed hard. "Well, you know my father, Jaewook."
The detectives opened their mouths even wider in shock, Jongmin and Jaesuk started laughing, trying to contain themselves.
But as they laughed more, the others followed.
"Wait." Jaesuk raised his hands. "He is your father?"
Y/N nodded in agreement, the corners of her mouth turning up as she glared at him.
"I don't know what's more impressive, him having a daughter or finding someone who wanted to be with him." Kwangsoo spoke, looking shocked and that made the others laugh, Sehun even slapped his arm with laughter.
"I got a message from an unknown number saying they have him." She spoke seriously and suddenly everyone was in shock, tension was in the air.
Then, Y/N approached the group to show the message, it was exactly as she said. Just saying that someone had Detective Jaewook and another number of coordinates, which led to the aquarium.
Y/N who had the idea to get the detectives together so they could help her look for her father because she didn't know what to do and who to look for.
They agreed that there must be something out there so they split into two groups, one to look outside and the other inside the aquarium.
Y/N, Seungi Gi, Jaesuk and Sehun would go to the aquarium, it was empty as it was closed, no staff in sight and it was incredibly dark.
Y/N explained that she was back in town and had a date with her father in the afternoon, however instead of meeting him at the family home, she got the message.
When they entered the aquarium, with fearful steps, Y/N took a step back when she saw the large glass filled with water and animals.
"Whoa, that's…a little too much, isn't it?" She said, laughing nervously and Sehun looked at her worriedly.
"What?" Seungi Gi asked as they walked further inside.
"I think this is a bad time to say that I have a water phobia." Y/N replied as she cringed as she looked at the fishbowl and the three men laughed.
"Are you afraid of water and have you come to the aquarium?" Jaesuk asked curiously and laughed.
"What could I do?" She shrugged and jumped when a stingray swam overhead. "Oh, that scared me!"
The team continued searching as Y/N continued to flinch as a very large fish swam very close to the glass and the men laughed but looked worriedly at her. However, when the shark tank arrived, she grabbed the back of Sehun's shirt and hid behind him.
"Don't be scared, they won't get you." He spoke to her, but let her hide behind him.
"I know but it's just-" she yelled as she saw another one swim "they're too big!"
They left there without a clue and were tired because apparently there was nothing important there.
Meanwhile, the team searching the outside found clues that led to a warehouse that was locked with a huge padlock that was supposed to be opened with two keys but were nowhere to be seen, they entered through the side doors and went to the room where the security cameras were on, so they analyzed footage from that day at the exact moment the message had been sent to Y/N.
It was then that they saw that a person had left the warehouse, it wasn’t possible to see what was there, but they saw that he sent a message on his phone and then went to the area where divers performed shows for visitors and threw the keys there.
They decided to go to the team that was inside the aquarium and quickly got together, shared the information they had obtained and when they said that the keys were inside the tank, the 4 were surprised, they seemed defeated.
"Why does it always have to involve water?" Sehun grumbled and drew a laugh from Seungi Gi.
"Is someone going to have to swim in there?" Jaesuk asked and Minyoung nodded.
"I don't know if I can." Y/N raised her arms in surrender.
"Wouldn't you do that for your father?" Kwangsoo asked and she laughed nervously.
"Look, this is a really hard question.” She replied and the older one made a funny face of surprise.
"These kids these days." He spoke looking at Jaesuk.
"You can do it, Y/N!" Minyoung spoke, resting her hand on her shoulder.
"I can go if you want." Sehun said and she looked at him gratefully.
"Do you volunteer then?" Jongmin asked and he laughed, denying it.
"It wouldn't be better if one of us went too?" Kwangsoo asked.
"You go!" He replied, offended.
"It's too personal for Y/N." Seungi Gi spoke and then the debate between the detectives started to get heated.
Each one shared an opinion and Y/N tried to defend herself, she was scared and hated swimming but she wanted to try for her father, she needed to know where he was and who was with him.
"Let her try, she might help!" Sehun spoke to Jaesuk who looked at him suspiciously.
"Are you going to advocate for her?"
"Yes!" Sehun chuckled, making the older one look surprised.
"We literally met her just a few hours ago."
After much discussion, they decided to let Y/N and Sehun go, if something went wrong Seungi Gi was ready to enter the tank.
They arranged swimsuits and the right equipment, Y/N was visibly nervous and listened to the detectives talk about the location of the keys, she nodded silently looking at the tank that was about to enter.
She took several deep breaths and Sehun smiled at her.
"You can do it!" He remembered and she nodded.
They put on the oxygen mask and then swam. There were tense minutes, the detectives were looking outside, Y/N was doing her best not to be scared by the fish and stingrays that passed by her.
The tank was too big for her to be behind Sehun, so they combined with signals that would split to either side.
It seemed on purpose but most of the stingrays passed close to Y/N who was paralyzed when one passed under her belly but it was enough for her to see that the key was there between the stones, she grabbed it quickly and couldn't even celebrate so much tense it was.
She turned around and saw that Sehun had also found the key and soon the two were swimming out of the tank.
Once they were in their dry clothes and outside the aquarium, Y/N looked out of breath but happy.
She and the detectives went to the storage room with the two keys, Minyoung and Jaesuk put the keys together in the padlock and then opened the door, making everyone look inside completely shocked.
End of episode 1
Season 4, Episode 2
It starts by focusing on the faces of the detectives and Y/N who were looking at the warehouse with mixed emotions, some shocked, some surprised.
"But what is that?" Minyoung asked still at the door, nobody seemed to want to enter.
The warehouse, which was no longer an aquarium warehouse, looked like a large, abandoned research facility.
"Let's understand what this is all about." Jaesuk spoke and everyone came in, each going their separate ways in search of answers.
Each detective took care to see the papers that were scattered around the warehouse, see the computers or analyze notes on a slate that was there.
It was a long search, sometimes they shared information among themselves about what they had found, Y/N was together because she also wanted to understand what that had to do with her father and why someone would throw the keys in the tank afterwards.
"So this is research on animal intelligence?" Seungi Gi asked and Sehun looked at the papers he was holding.
"Why would they do that?"
"Here are several articles about the human ability to use the brain." Y/N pointed to the papers on the table. "And the difference between us and other animals."
"Look at this." Kwangsoo caught the attention of everyone who went to the computer he was searching with.
"It's emails." Jongmin spoke, looking confused.
"Get back on that one." Minyoung asked and he did.
Everyone read it and got scared.
"Someone was being paid to figure out how to expand the human brain." Jaesuk spoke suspiciously.
"Wow, what a shame." Kwangsoo commented and everyone laughed.
They found out more, the research had been commissioned by a millionaire but apparently the researchers hadn't found the answer he wanted yet so he was threatening the researchers.
"Hold on guys, look at this." Y/N spoke after turning the slate over, she took steps back as the detectives walked towards her.
"What is that?" Sehun asked, troubled.
The blackboard was filled with photos and information from the brightest minds in Korea and Y/N saw the photo of her father.
"Is anyone else finding this too weird?" Jongmin asked after analyzing the information.
"I am, Jaewook is one of the smartest minds is a lie." Kwangsoo spoke and everyone laughed at the inappropriate joke, Y/N smiled in amusement but restrained.
The team searched deeper and deeper, discovering that the millionaire no longer wanted to know how aquatic animals used their brains, he wanted the knowledge of the smartest people in the country.
They found out where the millionaire's house was and how he had ended that search, probably why he got rid of that place.
"That still doesn't explain why I got that message." Y/N spoke after they concluded.
"If we go to the millionaire's house, maybe we can find out more." Minyoung suggested.
"Isn't it a little late to go to other people's houses?" Jongmin asked as he laughed nervously and the detective pushed him lightly.
"Can't we just leave Jaewook where he is?" Kwangsoo shrugged.
"No!" Y/N replied seriously.
"So off we go?" Jaesuk decreed.
It was already at the end of the episode.
The detectives and Y/N went to the mansion that remained dark and really macabre, they investigated with caution as there was no sign of anyone there although everyone's instinct indicated that this wasn’t quite true. They split into duos, except for Sehun, Y/N and Kwangsoo who went together.
After a long time analyzing clues scattered around the mansion, each room led to the same corridor that made the detectives arrive together in front of a reinforced door that was opened with the riddle that Minyoung solved while the other detectives tried to help.
Before entering, they shared what they found and fitted the pieces together. The millionaire was gathering the smartest people in the country because he wanted to put their knowledge into his daughter, who was doing very poorly at school and should be the brightest mind in the world, that was her father's wish. He hired a mad scientist, and not very credible among experts, who had claimed to know how to do it.
The brightest minds would be guinea pigs in a crazy experiment. When they entered, the noise of the heavy door made everyone fearful and different from the mansion, the place was well lit, enough to see people in capsules. Y/N and Minyoung put their hands over their mouths to muffle their surprised screams. Y/N took a step to go to her father, who asked for help, but was stopped by Sehun's arm. She looked at him confused and he pointed to the floor.
As if they needed another challenge, the floor looked like a checkerboard. Seung Gi took advantage and to prove the theory that the detectives apparently thought, he threw his notebook on the floor on any tile and a shock caught the material, burning it.
"Oh come on!" Kwangsoo complained.
The detectives then tried to talk to the brilliant minds from afar but it was difficult to understand them due to the distance and because of the capsule.
Jaewook was pointing to the ground trying to say something and with a click Minyoung remembered some clues they saw in the mansion earlier.
"It had a song!" she reminded Jaesuk and the two looked at each other. "In the office."
"Oh, I remember!"
"Is someone going to have to dance?" Jongmin asked and his eyes fell on Sehun who laughed in disbelief.
Sehun went first, by free and spontaneous pressure from the detectives, acting as Minyoung and Jaesuk remembered the lyrics of the song they had read.
They needed to be quick but when Sehun arrived on the other side, he talked to Jaewook who spoke about the lever that deactivated the floor trap, he did and then all the detectives and Y/N approached, she went to her father who smiled proudly at her.
He explained that they were trapped there for hours, apparently the mad scientist had escaped with all the money the millionaire had given him and now his mission to make his daughter the smartest in the country had failed.
Detectives helped free the smartest minds, who could now return home safe and sound.
End of the episode 2 Season 4, Episode 5 Now, as a regular detective, Y/N followed in her father's footsteps and was now part of the team.
The episode began with the detectives arriving at a simple village known for hiding witches underground. They were there because they received a report from a desperate mother who had said that her son had been kidnapped for a ritual involving the blood moon.
Aware that they were dealing with a powerful witch, the detectives split into pairs. Sehun and Y/N's chemistry and friendship made them go together to the second floor of the hovel they had found as a clue to being the witch's coven. She let Sehun go ahead, she hated supernatural things and the fact that the hut was dark didn't help much, and he led them to a room.
They looked for clues, found photos, letters, books, potions and men's clothes that certainly didn't belong to the witch.
"So the witch had a forbidden love?" she asked, reading the letter he held.
A farewell letter, unlike the love letters he had read before.
"And couldn't keep him because this guy" lifted the photo he found "found out she was a witch."
"But then is she trying to find him and cast a spell on him or something?" "That's what we need to find out." he said and she nodded, looking back around the room.
Y/N decided to look in a box in the corner of the wardrobe and when she opened it, she screamed in fright. Sehun went running to her, who held the coat he was wearing tightly.
In the box were snakes. Dead. All of them. "I'm already getting irritated with this kind of trap." she said irritably and Sehun laughed.
"Get used to it." he replied and they went back to observing every corner of the room.
When they saw that he had already searched everything, they decided to go back downstairs to talk to the other detectives.
They exchanged the information they found.
The witch seemed to have plenty of reason to get revenge, her great and forbidden love left town to marry the witch's best friend. She went after all of his male friends and acquaintances, each one sacrificed with spells that apparently made the victim fall head over heels in love with the witch who cast the spell.
It was pure and simple revenge for those who didn't have their love returned.
The detectives then proceeded to the basement, which they knew was where she cast her spells on victims. As they descended the stairs, they heard a noise from someone who seemed to be gagged and even with the dim light of the candles on the floor, they identified a covered and bound figure in a chair.
Seungi Gi and Kwangsoo went to the figure and removed the cloth that covered the head, revealing a handsome and completely scared man, they removed the gag while the rest of the team approached. Y/N and Minyoung were more delighted than surprised.
"Who are you?" Jaesuk asked.
"My name is Song Joong-ki." the man replied and the girls laughed softly, commenting something among themselves.
The detectives looked at her confused and Sehun had a funny face.
"Sorry, I didn't expect such a pretty guy..." Y/N pointed with his hand at the man. "Yeah, she sure has a type." Minyoung nodded, referring to the photos of the other victims.
“Anyway.” Seungi Gi said. looking back at the man.
After untying him and helping him to his feet, he explained that he had been picked up by a woman who said strange things like 'you will pay for the mistakes of others' and before he could react, he felt something hitting him in the head. And when he woke up he was there, tied up.
"What do you do?" Minyoung asked and Y/N looked at him expectantly.
"I'm an aspiring actor." he replied, controlling his laughter and the two laughed together. Again.
And again Sehun looked with a funny face of someone who didn't believe they were focusing on the man and not the case.
Before they could continue talking, the basement door slammed shut and everyone reacted in fright. The candlelight began to flicker non-stop and soon a tall figure appeared out of the dark.
Y/N screamed, as usual hiding behind Sehun when she saw that it was the witch they were looking for. She looked pretty pissed off.
"You shouldn't have interrupted my ritual." she warned.
And everyone stood still, some scared, some in disbelief and then before they could even respond or talk to the witch, she suddenly collapsed.
Was the witch dead?
End of the episode 5
Y/N felt her eyes get heavy and yawned, she tried to cover her mouth to hide how tired she was but firm arms wrapped around her waist.
"Do you want to take a break from the episodes?" she smiled at hearing the familiar voice so low and so close to her ear.
So she turned to face her boyfriend, he looked as tired as she was.
"No, it’s alright." She yawned again and her boyfriend stared at her with raised eyebrows. "Okay, I'm very sleepy."
"You didn't look sleepy when you filmed with Song Joong-ki." he said, with a pout and she laughed.
Y/N brought her hands up to her boyfriend's face, squeezing his cheeks.
"Is that jealousy in your voice, Sehun?" she questioned.
"Why would I be jealous? After all, you are here in my arms." he bragged and she laughed, bringing her face closer to kiss the tip of his nose.
"That's right." she smiled. "It doesn't matter how good-looking, charming and thoughtful my scene partner is."
Sehun looked at her tediously and pulled his body away from her, who laughed.
"Go film with him then!"
She walked over, hugging him by the shoulder and throwing a leg over him.
"I was just talking about you, silly." she joked and laughed at the face he made.
Sehun turned his face and captured her lips in a quick kiss.
"Good, because I was once your handsome, charming and attentive scene partner."
"And you still are. We have one more series to do together, have you forgotten?"
He smiled widely, turning his head to face her.
"I can barely wait!"
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tewwor-moving · 5 months
the marked shenanigans starter call — yet another themed thing to help streamline information. but hear ye, hear ye! ever wonder what kind of fucked up cycle could happen after death? well none of these silly clowns did, but they all found out anyways!
here’s the jist — you die, you get randomly selected for a second chance at life, you gain a super cool random power, and you’re contractually obligated to terminate the horrors of this earth. sound cool? wanna know more? deep dive into the marked lore here!
like and/or specify your fighter for a lil’ starter!
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𝙺𝙽𝙾𝚆𝙽 𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴: Ari Yujin Im
𝙱𝙸𝚁𝚃𝙷 𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴: Bin Malchin
𝙲𝙰𝚄𝚂𝙴 𝙾𝙵 𝙳𝙴𝙰𝚃𝙷: Robbery gone wrong
𝙰𝙱𝙸𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚈: Summoning
𝙿𝙾𝚂𝙸𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽: Informant 
𝙼𝙸𝚂𝙲. 𝙸𝙽𝙵𝙾: Annoying and so incredibly persistent ( especially to litho ) — it’s a miracle if they don’t get on someone’s nerves, does extremely well to meet the monthly quota and even helps others if they have the time aka iris, flexible beyond reason and is able to get extra good intel from the places she can hide away in, slippery as an eel and extremely deft in getaways, often has trouble with what is summoned and makes it everyone else’s issue as well, definite adrenaline junkie. 
𝙱𝙸𝚁𝚃𝙷 𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴: Jonas Ansley
𝙰𝙱𝙸𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚈: Soul manipulation
𝙾𝙲𝙲𝚄𝙿𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽: Journalist
𝙼𝙸𝚂𝙲. 𝙸𝙽𝙵𝙾:  One of the few that were exposed to the supernatural prior death. Keeps close tabs on the hunter group he was raised in and betrayed. Swears to hunt down the corrupt creature that granted his wish in trade of half his soul. Has to live with the repercussions of having reaped what he stupidly sowed. Tries to befriend the other Marked, but honestly doesn't hold it against them if he's disliked.
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𝙺𝙽𝙾𝚆𝙽 𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴: Boone Phelps
𝙱𝙸𝚁𝚃𝙷 𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴: John Jimmy Johnson
𝙲𝙰𝚄𝚂𝙴 𝙾𝙵 𝙳𝙴𝙰𝚃𝙷: Gunshot, left to the elements
𝙰𝙱𝙸𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚈: Vampirism
𝙿𝙾𝚂𝙸𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽: Hunter / cleaner
𝙾𝙲𝙲𝚄𝙿𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽: Occasional songwriter, ‘farmer’
𝙼𝙸𝚂𝙲. 𝙸𝙽𝙵𝙾: Black sheep, arguably the nicest and most polite, heavy on the southern charm, has a super green thumb and likes to give harvest baskets to those that don’t shun him, does lose his shit when too injured and has to fight bloodlust, vampiric traits border on demonic, Cannot Cook please don’t ask him.
𝙺𝙽𝙾𝚆𝙽 𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴: Chiru Sato
𝙰𝙱𝙸𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚈: Time reduction
𝙿𝙾𝚂𝙸𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽: Wheelman
𝙼𝙸𝚂𝙲. 𝙸𝙽𝙵𝙾: Flighty, little thing. Doubles as a honeypot for high threat hunts, but would much rather make a quick escape rather than fight. Almost always with a partner on any job. Arguably the most in tune with her emotions. Often sought out for deep conversations or quiet companionship.
𝙺𝙽𝙾𝚆𝙽 𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴: Amine Kovač
𝙲𝙰𝚄𝚂𝙴 𝙾𝙵 𝙳𝙴𝙰𝚃𝙷: Fatal head injury during sanctioned MMA match
𝙰𝙱𝙸𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚈: Healing blood
𝙾𝙲𝙲𝚄𝙿𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽: Unemployed
𝙼𝙸𝚂𝙲. 𝙸𝙽𝙵𝙾: Was an uprising MMA fighter in their past life. Unfortunately, they sustained a fatal head injury and passed soon after. The newest of the Marked, and is having an incredibly tough time adapting. Not quite have hemophobia, but does get queasy at the sight of a lot of blood. Which.. doesn't bode well since they learned their own blood has potent healing properties. Is usually anemic, still has a penchant to push themselves to help regardless, needs to have their hand held to meet the monthly hunt quota. Is truly #babey.
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𝙺𝙽𝙾𝚆𝙽 𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴: Kang Ilseul
𝙲𝙰𝚄𝚂𝙴 𝙾𝙵 𝙳𝙴𝙰𝚃𝙷: Serial killer victim
𝙰𝙱𝙸𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚈: Entity bonding
𝙿𝙾𝚂𝙸𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽: Safe haven keeper / medicinal supplier 
𝙾𝙲𝙲𝚄𝙿𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽: Greenhouse nursery worker
𝙼𝙸𝚂𝙲. 𝙸𝙽𝙵𝙾: Chillest of them all ( perhaps even worldwide ), notoriously lazy outside of the greenhouse, drags his feet to meet the monthly quota & has been subject to slight deterioration on occation, upholds his word of providing solitude and peace for those that seek refuge to recoup in the safe haven beneath the greenhouse, typically the mediator between polar opposite agents, seldom lets other agents know what entity he is bound to ( if at all ), unable to meet the eyes of stranger right away in order to slowly deduce what they are ( practiced enough to make it seem natural ), often curates personal tea blends for the agents he’s the closest with — vector & litho.
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𝙺𝙽𝙾𝚆𝙽 𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴: Lionel Accardi 
𝙱𝙸𝚁𝚃𝙷 𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴: Cecil Russo
𝙲𝙰𝚄𝚂𝙴 𝙾𝙵 𝙳𝙴𝙰𝚃𝙷: Murder / drowning
𝙰𝙱𝙸𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚈: Ink manipulation
𝙾𝙲𝙲𝚄𝙿𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽: Bookstore owner
𝙼𝙸𝚂𝙲. 𝙸𝙽𝙵𝙾: Crankiest around thus far but highly efficient in his position, isn’t hindered in meeting his monthly quota & refuses to help the greener of the marked simply because he can’t be bothered, complete workaholic, handsome and he knows it, has a fear of deep water but doesn’t have a phobia of it, values his time and hates distractions aka ace.
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𝙺𝙽𝙾𝚆𝙽 𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴: Raayan Iyer
𝙱𝙸𝚁𝚃𝙷 𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴: Vidanth Bajwa
𝙰𝙱𝙸𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚈: Absorption Infusion
𝙼𝙸𝚂𝙲. 𝙸𝙽𝙵𝙾: All he knows is to fight, break, defeat. Never give up. Never back down. Sink his teeth in and never let go. Return the pain and rage threefold even if it tears him apart in the process, 1000% beat up litho once for reasons unknown ( has an incredible low tolerance for attitude and litho's full of it ).
Doesn't remember his past. But maybe, that's for the best. Lived a regular life with a loving family and 9 to 5 before being kidnapped. He was pitched against other people to kill or be killed as entertainment for others. There was hardly any rest. No benefits or rewards other than keeping his life time and time again. His hands had been shattered once. The agony of it hardwired into his brain to be extra careful to avoid reliving that kind of healing. He met a girl with wits razor-sharp and hair bright as flames. Fell deeply in love with her as both a dear friend and eventual partner. That, of course, was pitted against him. His last fight was against her. She did die at his hands at her choice. Held her broken body as close as he could as he wailed and cursed everything about this shitty life he was forced into. Not able to think, he turned on the captors only to be shot down immediately. So he does not remember why he chose to live again after.
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𝙱𝙸𝚁𝚃𝙷 𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴: Xiuying Che
𝙰𝙱𝙸𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚈: Precognition
𝙾𝙲𝙲𝚄𝙿𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽: stenographer 
𝙼𝙸𝚂𝙲. 𝙸𝙽𝙵𝙾: Mother of this local sect, does dote on pretty much all of The Marked but in her own semi-strict way, has prosthetic eyes, it’s ok to accidentally make a pun or two around her — she does it too ( no, the irony of of her saying ‘i see’ or being titled as an overseer isn’t lost on her ), prefers to use a cane, has her way on keeping tabs on everyone
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𝙺𝙽𝙾𝚆𝙽 𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴: Solomon Woode
𝙱𝙸𝚁𝚃𝙷 𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴: Bill Sommers aka Red Bill
𝙰𝙱𝙸𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚈: Dendrokinesis
𝙿𝙾𝚂𝙸𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽: Hunter / occasional trainer
𝙼𝙸𝚂𝙲. 𝙸𝙽𝙵𝙾: Dubbed as the deadliest hunter in their sect, relatively withdrawn and wholly private, if he’s not training others then he’s hunting, often partnered with Bushel for hunts, ironically doesn’t remember that Bushel’s the one that killed him, lacks remorse when it comes to his targets but is very considerate of bystanders
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𝙺𝙽𝙾𝚆𝙽 𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴: Han Seojun
𝙱𝙸𝚁𝚃𝙷 𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴: Nam Hoseok
𝙰𝙱𝙸𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚈: Holy fire manipulation
𝙿𝙾𝚂𝙸𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽: Seeker ( of new agents ) / retired trainer
𝙾𝙲𝙲𝚄𝙿𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽: Forensic artist
𝙼𝙸𝚂𝙲. 𝙸𝙽𝙵𝙾: The local funky uncle of the marked, meets the monthly quota without too much hassle, has never detailed his past and what haunts him and doesn’t intend to, very easy going & quirky & open-minded, genuinely loves to support others, is keen to find newly made agents before their second chance can be snuffed out so soon, often treats others to a good meal if there was joined effort for a hunt
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lgcsehun · 5 months
they’ve been at this—back and forth—for at least ten minutes now, surely. running in repeated cycles of blankly staring at the house they stand in front of, before averting gazes back at one another. as if with each silent stare screams to ‘get it over with’ a bit louder than the last.
but as much as kim sehun enjoys the horror genre of shows and movies, kim sehun does not enjoy the actuality of it all. not when belief in the supernatural, ghosts and alike is a thorn to the side, dug too deep into him to get out.
the estate is secluded, but hardly anything that looks along the lines of abandoned, much less haunted. sehun can’t even remember how he found out about its whereabouts by this point, or if it even is the right place. god knows how he dragged along sori with him, either.
the lightest breeze of wind makes him jolt, steps shuffling just a tad bit closer to where sori stands, dangerously on the verge of invading one’s personal space, turning to face her.
“c’mon,” sehun whines, almost. the puppy eyes are an expression as natural as it comes. but, even more—so this time around. “just this once, i swear! i don’t want to go in there alone … please?”
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mysophobix · 1 year
discord kpop 1x1 rp search
heyooo! i’m yumi, age 23, they/them! currently lf a few krp/kdrama partners, preferably within the age range of 19-23+! it’s safe to say that i’m open to any pairings such as mxm, fxf, poly, and trans/non-binary characters, oc x oc (faceclaims ok!) - i will say that i do have a preference for writing masculine characters and will often default to that unless discussed.
my writing style is always mirrored, so don’t be shy if you’d like to write with me in any way, shape, or form! my preference tends to lean towards novella and advanced lit (comfortably up to 500-1k or more) with present or past, third-person narratives. i have some writing examples i can send your way if you’d like to see them before committing to rp with me! i typically want to strive for quality over quantity.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ PLOTS : regarding plots that i enjoy tend to lean super heavily into the human condition (any variation or avenue of slice of life, modern aus), very lightly toeing into supernatural with succubuses/incubus or angel/devils, fallen angel concepts, and “darker” themes. some examples would be religious trauma/historical themes, substance abuse, violence, heavy angst, etc.
i also really enjoy media-based or established works of fictions like ao3, video games (the last of us, detroit become human, etc), films, and kdramas (strangers from hell, all of us are dead, the glory, bloodhounds, and more). 
i’m totally interested in including nsfw into our rps aswell, though i tend to write my characters as versatile switches and would prefer if my partners were flexible and willing to collaborate to make it fun and comfortable for both of us. i will send a kink list to be as transparent as possible, or you can view that on my carrd alongside other in depth info here!
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ MUSES & GROUPS : i’m open to a majority of groups including, but not limited to the ones listed below! regarding muses, i’m very open-minded and flexible and will include some examples of those i muse the most. the starred groups are the ones that i muse very heavily for currently:
☆ aespa : winter / karina / ningning
ateez : wooyoung / san / yunho
enhypen : jay / heeseung / jungwon / jake
☆ exo : jongin / sehun / chanyeol / baekhyun
le sserafim : sakura / chaewon
mamamoo : moonbyul
☆ nct (all subunits+wayv) : taeyong / yuta / jaehyun / jeno / mark / donghyuck / jaemin / xiaojun / kun / yangyang
oneus : seoho / keonhee / xion
☆ onlyoneof : nine / love / mill / rie
p1harmony : theo / intak
red velvet : wendy / seulgi / joy
☆ seventeen : jeonghan / jun / seungkwan / vernon / joshua / minghao
☆ stray kids : minho / hyunjin / han / bangchan / jeongin 
tempest : hanbin / taerae / hyeongseop / hwarang
☆ the boyz : sunwoo / hyunjae / juyeon / jacob / eric
☆ txt : soobin / beomgyu / taehyun treasure : asahi / jihoon / hyunsuk
☆ xg : jurin / chisa
☆ zb1 : jiwoong / hanbin / matthew / taerae
solo artists : woodz, dpr ian, jackson wang . .
(these aren't including my ships, but you might be able to get hints from who i bolded - don't be afraid to ask for clarification though, i'll definitely mention them once we connect).
please prioritise discussing triggers and preferences within the RP. they will always be stated by me during plotting as well. my ‘no’s’ are only detailed self-harm/gore that goes alongside it. i'll let you know if I'm uncomfortable at any point otherwise.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ MISC. NOTES : the most important part of this i would like to make sure is noted is that writing won’t always be a priority for me as i have other hobbies and responsibilities that tend to take up a lot of my free time too. i work two jobs while also taking classes for my university and gaming. i’d appreciate and prefer partners that don’t mind gaps of time between responses and won’t spam or pressure me to be quicker. i've had some bad luck with rp partners that don't understand that and overstep boundaries. i will end the rp if it gets excessive. however, i’m very chatty and enjoy making playlists and pinterest boards alongside our rp au’s so it’d be cool to have partners open to that sort of connection. i’m always down for friendships outside of our rp too so the gaps of time don't feel awkward or stilted.
if all of this sounds good to you and you’re interested in getting to know me as a potential friend or likewise to write, don’t hesitate to dm me on here or head on over to discord and add me; my username is gyumie. ♡
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sexygrass · 1 year
7. living Ghost.
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genre: smut, supernatural AU, soulmate au, vampires au, werewolf au, Sub/Dom dynamics, angst, mention of traumas, mention of torture, deaths of some characters, and blood, explicit language, fluff, mature content, sadism, lots of killing, and many plot twists.
"do you prefer to stay in the car or come inside with me?" she asked after unbuckling her seatbelt. "No, I'll wait in the car. Plus, I have company. just don't stay for long." he leaned and pecked her nose and flashed her a smile. sighing, she hopped out. Baekhyun's car was parked in front of hers. patting Wes's head, he watched her making her way to the big house.
Samantha discovered jeno's habit of pecking her nose whenever she's angry or when he wants something, and the hybrid has no objecting to it. as she's a person who enjoys skinship.
waiting for baekhyun to open the door for her, she unbuttoned her coat and walked into the big house. the sound of her heels clicking turned it residents' attention towards her and by their shocked look, they had no idea about her sudden visit. sending a look at baekhyun, who refused to look them in the eyes, they smiled at her.
"Samantha, what a pleasant surprise," Xuimin chirped; "thank you, Xuimin." she offered him a smile before taking her white coat off and handed it to the maid, leaving her in her oversized v-neck Argyl sweater that was tucked in her black jeans. "I'd like to have a word with Suho. where is he?" her dull voice gave them a hint of her mood.
"He's out right now." Sehun answered, skeptical, "Call him then, I'm in a hurry and my patience is thin, you know that." taking a seat on their white leather couch, she checked her wristwatch.
seven minutes later, suho entered the house with a thumping heart. Samantha stood up and smiled sweetly at him, her cheeks rising. "rough day, I take?" he laughed lightly before loosening his silver black tie around his neck. "yeah...I heard you wanted to talk to me, what is it?"
she eyed him, wordlessly, building the tension around her; a habit Samantha enjoys as she wreck her target's nerves. "Remember the offer you told me about? that day at the grills?" she tilted her head and walked to him. Suho took a breath and nodded. "you haven't stuck to your part of the deal, have you?" he nodded again.
"Samantha, listen—" Putting her index finger on his lips, she grinned. "your wrist," she demanded calmly and the latter warily did as told. the rest eyed them with sharp nerves and racing hearts. they're aware of the meaning behind that demand; whenever she suspects one of them lying or hiding something from her she bites them and tastes their blood if there's vervain in their system; thus, knowing if her compulsion is working and if they're telling her the truth or not.
sinking her teeth in his flesh, she swallowed a small amount of blood that she sucked and let a happy hum, "clean," she chirped. letting a humorless laugh, he flashed a tight smile "Yes, of course. We aren't allowed to drink vervain... not willingly." smiling at his correct statement, she placed a hand over his cheek.
"Did you go behind my back and told those vampires about me at the party two days ago?" her honeyed voice caught them off-guard and with them widening their eyes in disbelief proved that they had no idea of what he did. 
the elites felt their hearts hammer inside their chests. they wanted to speak up for their leader and say he didn't but they can't. simply, because they're scared of her, and it's against the rules to speak back against her in such situations. 
Feeling as if her alluring blue orbs swallowing him into a soothing abyss, he nodded, he answered her truthfully, "I did go and told them that you're after them and trying to kill them." clicking her tongue, she leaned on one foot.
"I know you care about those vampires and hate to see them hurt but your pledge is to me. only to me. I'm your constant priority. and you have broken my most important rule, suho. you know what you did?"
swallowing hard, he lowered his head. "I betrayed you," he mumbled between his quivering lips. "Look me in the eyes and say it. for me and the rest to hear," she demanded sternly. taking a shakey breath, he rose his head slowly till he met her angry gaze. if her eyes could kill, he would've been dead on the spot. "I have betrayed you."
his friends winced when she grabbed him by his neck and threw his body harshly into the wall, making it crack. "What did those low-lives offer you and I didn't?" she barked.
kicking him to the other side of the big hall harshly, he spat out blood and coughed aggressively. "Family?" she punched him, "Power?" she grabbed him from his dress shirt and slammed him to the ceiling, watching him fall down and whimper, she scoffed, "Love?" looking down at him with eyes flickering with rage, the blue-eyed vampire grabbed him harshly by his throat and lifted him up, strangling him up in the air.
"Cause I gave you all that. I gave you your immortality. I gave you this power that made you what you are. I made you. you're my creation that I can end with a swift move of my hand." loosening her grip around his neck, she watched him with a crooked grin as he crumbled to the floor.
barely opening his eyes, he struggled to stay at his knees after she dropped him down. "please don't kill him!" Kai and Sehun implored. "he learned his lesson. we'll make sure he won't do it again." Chen and Chanyeol added, beggingly.
"I'm sure he won't." she looked them over her shoulder, "And kill him? Why would I kill him? I knew him for five hundred years. I won't throw that behind my back just for a small mistake. if anyone to die are those pesky cockamamies snobbish knobheads," kyungsoo's eyes brimmed up. "you're not?" he asked, unsurely.
"Baekhyun, come here." she looked down at Suho who dropped his arms to his side and lowered his head, shamefully. Samantha saw his wounds and cuts heal and no bruises were left, only traces of blood covering his face. squatting before him, she placed her index under his chin and then grabbed it with her thumb and index finger, making him face her. her touch was ever so delicate as if she was treating a porcelain doll.
without breaking her eye contact with suho, she demanded baekhyun, "Take his daylight ring." Baekhyun froze midway and looked at her with raised brows. "you informed me about his treachery so you're the most meritorious of this honor." Suho barely lifted his hand for Baekhyun to take his daylight ring from him.
"one week without your daylight ring would be enough to teach your lesson, right?" she asked with a joyful voice. nodding, she asked him to stand up and look her in the face.
her smile made him let a warm breath that lingered inside his cold body, narrowing her lulling blue eyes at him, she cupped his face between her hands, "Now, my love. from the day on. I'm your priority. me before your friends. me before your family. me before yourself. and those vampires who caused you this are unworthy of your kindness, I'm I clear?" he nodded again. clasping her hands, she stepped away. hearing him hiss when the sun came in contact with his hand, she smiled.
"wait," Suho called, voice groggy. "I need to tell you something. my part of the deal." giving him a bored look, she motioned for him to speak. "not here." taking a deep breath, she whooshed in his direction before grabbing him and disappearing to his office on the second floor. throwing him on his seat behind the wooden desk. he let out a hiss. 
"Sunny day, huh." pressing his lips shut, he crawled to the corner at light speed. "talk. I have places to be and someone waiting for me." sniffing, he took a deep breath. 
"doppelgänger, your soulmate's doppelgänger. he's part of the group. this time, his name is Mark Lee," feeling her chest stung, she let an airy breath and put her hand on her mouth. 
"ten years ago, I started to see the resemblance between him and the other doppelgängers. so I start taking care of him...secretly, till one day while we were out of town. he had a car accident and died but thankfully, Johnny, a vampire, and his friend, and part of the group saved him and turned him into a vampire. he's a vampire, Samantha, he won't die. not that easy at least. this ...this was what I was preparing for you. I was taking care of him for you since you know...he's your epic love" he completed with a sigh and dropped his head back at the wall.
"thank you," he offered her a small smile. "but this doesn't explain what you did." he nodded his head at her frugal reply, "I know, and if it means I'll spend my immortality to earn your trust again I'll do it. you're my sire. you gave me a second chance in life to be a better version of myself. you took me under your protection. 
offered me a family. put a ceiling over my head. trusted me when none did. taught me how to prevail over the unjust, wicked life. gave me the tools to stand against those who wronged me. shaped me into my eternal shape, and for that, I'll be forever thankful." he reached for her hand and held it between his.
"Now, my sire, I will give you my word that I will bring you, Damon and Stefan. and if I have to burn Mystic Falls while doing that, I'll do it." planting a tender kiss on the back of her hand, he knelt before her. placing her hand on his cheek, he leaned into her touch, "I know you will, next time when I visit. Make sure it's not for punishing you." chuckling, he leaned on the wall to dodge the sunlight. "goodbye, suho."
walking downstairs, she walked toward the seven vampires. "Kai, you're coming with me." she walked over to the frightened maid, turned, and let her put her coat on before leaving. closing the door behind him, the tanned vampire jogged catching up with her fast steps. "you and Taemin will go and find this witch, The Gemini Coven witch that helped those knobheads. Taemin will tell you what you're going to do to him."
nodding, he went to the left side of the house to grab his car meanwhile Samantha went to hers. nearing it, she halted when she found it empty. clenching and unclenching her fist, she huffed a breath and got in the car wordlessly.
Twenty minutes earlier...
"Okay, it's you and I now, Wes." caressing his soft black fur, the cat let a purr, "what do you think is going on inside?" he asked the cat when he heard voices shattering coming from inside the house. "yeah, whatever, not our business." he shrugged. picking the cat in his arms like a newborn baby, he caresses its nose with his thumb.
"you do look like her...but her eyes are prettier." he smiled to himself. tickling its tummy, the cat bit his arm playfully making him jerk his hands in hopes of freeing it from its sharp claws. but what he didn't think about is the cat would jump out from the open car window.
letting a flow of curses, he stepped out. "my god! she'll kill me if I lost it." he knelt under the car but found nothing. "but she'll kill me too if she saw me out." he mumbled, anxiously. "Oh, here you are," he let a relieved sigh when he spotted the black ball of fur on the other side of the road, between the bushes. "don't move. I'm coming to get you. don't move." he spoke calmly at every steady step he took towards it. relax, jeno. just don't make any sudden moves. he repeated in his head. 
reaching it, he called it and stretched his arms towards it and nearly got it but the sound of a heavy object hitting the front door of the house startled the cat making it widen its eyes and run away. "Oh fuck!" jeno jumped into the garden and start chasing it.
"but that doesn't explain why I got only 60!" ebony black-haired replied back, frustrated. "it's math, Renjun. no matter how much you study you won't pass, just give up already." his friend comforted him. Renjun scoffed and carried on dragging his bicycle side by side with his friend, who was riding his.
Wes, you fucking bitch! get here!
"did you...did you hear that?" Renjun questioned, looking at the park to his right. "that voice...", taking a deep breath, Renjun halted. "no, Jaemin. it can't be. maybe—"
ow! Okay, that's it! no patting for a month! The hissing was nearing them.
"Jeno!" jaemin pushed his bike to the side and started running towards the voice, his body started feeling light, and his heart hammered inside his ribcage. He mourned the loss of his childhood friend the longest among his friends. Renjun once revealed that jaemin didn't move on from it, but how could he? his best friend is what we're talking about. His tragic, sudden death left a deep, painful scar engraved in his heart.
letting a curse, Renjun run behind his friend but halted when he saw jaemin abruptly stop in front of the entrance of the park. "gotcha—"
"jeno..." jaemin's low voice came as a whisper, Renjun felt his legs wobble and could no longer hold him the moment they both saw him, in the flesh. hair in every direction with small scrapes on his cheeks, forearms, and hands. mostly from running between the bushes.
turning on his heel, oh so slowly. He faced them with a black cat in his hands. "how—" jaemin croaked out, eyes brimming with tears. "I— we thought you died..." Renjun whispered with his hand over his mouth. 
jeno looked at them with wide eyes. apparently, he took his face mask off while he was running since might it suffocated him; so his identity wasn't as low as he claimed to keep it. putting it back and pulling the hoode of his grey hoodie, he took a subtle step back. "I need to— uhm—"
the honking of a car cut him off, and all three of them turned toward the blue car. the sight of Samantha stepping out of it made Jeno let a relieved breath but when he looked closer and spotted the furrow of her eyebrows, his body temperature dropped, and as if his body began to freeze.
She was raging, pissed, angry, mad and all the adjectives that describe someone who's in her shoe. "before you kill me and rip my gut out and throw it on top of the trees, let me explain myself! the cat jumped from the window when I was playing with it. she scratched me, so as a reflex I yanked it off my arm away and it jumped out. I went out to look for it but the loud thud that came from the house made it run so I chased it! I swear to god I wasn't planning on running, why would I run? haha, please don't kill me!" he freaked out and yelled that all in one breath as he held the cat up in front of his face.
"in the car, now." her dull voice sent chills down his spine but he obliged anyway. turning his body toward the vehicle, a throat-clearing resonated. "what the actual fuck is going on?!" Renjun asked, frantic and anxious. 
sure seeing someone who you assumed was dead isn't something common you start to cope with easily but to see him acting normal did play some tricks on their minds. seeing him scared of this ominous girl, regardless, made it a lot more confusing; "and who the hell are you? what are you planning on doing to him? Are you—" Jaemin's body lifted off the ground and the evident sudden fear in his face drew a smirk on her face.
"My name is Samantha Mikaelson. The hybrid. You're going to forget that you met jeno and me today. you were idling around and nothing special happened. now leave." she looked into both Renjun and Jaemin's eyes. watching them nod, she stepped back. 
turning on their heels, they left, wordlessly. taking a deep breath, she opened the door and peeked over her shoulder, "Want me to drag you in or you're coming yourself?" snapping out of his bewilderment, he jogged to the passenger seat and got in. buckling his seatbelt, he gave her a timid look, "are you mad at me?"
his low voice sank into her foggy head and snapped her out of her deep thoughts. releasing a deep sigh, she turned the car on, "No, I'm not." she answered him curtly. "you didn't lie. that's enough."
"You know....for a second there...I thought you were going to kill them." he stroked the soft black fur of the sleeping cat. clicking her tongue, she took a u-turn. "well, they're your friends so it won't be a nice way to start a date now, is it?" letting an airy chuckle, she arched a brow at him. "they're your friends, right?" nodding, she sighed.
"so we're still having the date?" rolling her eyes, she answered him with a taunting smirk. "let's hope it ends pleasingly." sending him a wink, he caught her meaning. "more reasons not to escape I guess." she chuckled at his smug grin.
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the-hellhounds · 9 months
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Feeling a burning sensation to his chest, Taeyong winced as he held his shirt that clung to his skin. "They got him..." He heaves in deep breathes. "They killed my second half!!" He yells as he slammed his fist onto stone covered wall. A burned mark being left behind as his fist had heated up along with his eyes changing from their normal brown color.
Looking to their leader, the kidnapped hounds that were converted into beserkers. Men dressed in bear pelts, bear skulls for helmets and shirtless with ash dusted all over them. They all huff and roll their shoulders as they waited for their command.
"Take them down. Every single one of them." Taeyong, the leader that was left possessed by an ancient thousand year old nogistune gruffly said.
"Baby, I'm so sorry-" Jeno goes to apologize after they had gone to find the real Haechan that had risen from the ground in old bandges and an old army jacket.
The nogistune, an evil ancient spirit that is described as a supernatural dark kitsune. Hidden in an army man who had died decades of years ago by an accidental fire, covered in bandages from head to toe. Has been said to possess individuals in order to cause chaos in which it feeds off from. (More information will be posted on @beaconhillsxbot )
"Fuck you!" Hyuck yells with a broken tone to his voice as he pulls another piece of bandage off of himself. "Were you trying to kill me?! What if that was the real me?!"
"But it wasn't the real you," Renjun butts in as he gets a glare from Haechan.
"Fuck you too, Renjun." Haechan curses at his best friend.
Quietly standing by his father as he watched everything, Sunwoo whispers, "Moving here with you doesn't seem so bad after all."
Glancing to his son, Hanbin sighed as he looked back to Haechan cussing out Jeno and San.
"At least you're not dead or possessed anymore," Johnny speaks up as he began to pick up the pieces to the only weapon that could kill a nogistune. "So stop bitching and help us figure out what Taeyong is going to do. We need to stop the others from harming people."
Breathing in and out as he finished taking off dirty bandages off of himself, Haechan scooped up his toddler and turned to everyone that stared at him. "He didn't do much of the planning," he begins to inform them. "I did." He admits.
"When that nogistune invaded my mind, it held this... this dark plan to cause chaos. It felt like I was running around a dark maze in order to take some control of my own body. So... when I had blackouts, he would use my body to kidnap the guys. Then came the night terrors. Those were the worst. I never knew I would wonder off without knowing where I was." Shaking his head, he looks to Minjun who blinks at him. "I had Taeyong convert the guys into beserkers."
"Oh you've got to be kidding," Sehun blurts out. "First your dumbass gets possessed and now you're telling us that there's supernatural hell hounds out there with far more strength to kill us? Great, fucking great!" He says throwing his hands up and down, Lola following in slapping Sehun's arm to shut him up.
"If we can neutralize the beserkers, then we can corner Taeyong in order to get the sword through him." San speaks up as he had stayed quiet, thinking of their next plan in action. "Because he's not the real Taeyong. If we found Haechan rising up from the ground, then Taeyong must be buried as well. The nogistune buried both of you so that we couldn't find you."
"It must have buried them well enough more than 6 feet since we couldn't smell Haechan or hear him at all," Jake says from next to Sunwoo.
"Then we'll have to hunt him first in order for Taeyong to come out," San says.
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Standing at the far end of where one of the houses was built, Taeyong, the nogistune, takes in a good whiff of the area. A dark smirk takes over his features as he motioned for the beserkers to charge forward. "Let the games begin." He says with a deep tone.
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Hyuckie's back and with a sharp tongue *snake hissing* 👅🐍 : @badbf-cb ( lisa ♥︎ ) - @fantasyaespa ( ningning ♥︎ ) - @fallenangel-oc ( staci & alya ♥︎ × ♥︎ ) - @multihyuck ( ♥︎ ) - @witch-renjunnie ( ♥︎ ) - @raiden-oc ( 🌺 ♥︎ ) @monsterhigh-cb ( jaemin ♥︎ ) - @livealittleoc-cb ( jay & ace ★ × ♠︎ ) - @k-dislyte ?? ( moonbyul ♥︎ ) -
@beaconhillsxbot - @redroom-cb - @universe-of-superm - @ateezmystery - @frathouse-cb - @kimheebby - @league-of-assassins @angelsxdemons-cb @dreampodcast @kavengers-assemble @dc-heroes-cb [only rp bots dm to be added or removed ]
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acatwhowritesthings · 11 months
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Below the cut is a collection of my EXO fics that fit the season due to vibe or content. If you know of a story of mine not listed here that you think should be, let me know, and I'll add it! I just had a lot to sift through... (All links here are DreamWidth, where this was originally posted, but the individual posts include links to AO3, AFF, and LJ.)
Horror and mystery are two of my favorite genres to read and write. I welcome suggestions and prompts, if any reader is inspired. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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Supernatural creatures and/or horror:
Doom Advances to Zero (Chen-centric, Chingu-line) Jongdae and his friends plan a viewing party for a rare green comet, staying up late just to witness the end of their world.
Striving for the End of the Medical Middle Ages, Mistakes are Made (Chanyeol+Baekhyun) Chanyeol's a medical student, proudly class of '61. He hasn't questioned where the cadavers come from until a classmate asks him to ride along on a pick-up, in the middle of the night, at the cemetery.
Deep Waters Don't Run Still (ChanKai) Jongin keeps busy for his own good, so he's told. Meeting Chanyeol, a traveling musician, makes him long for freedom.
It's Hard to Find Inner Peace with the Worst Parts of You Running Free (Chanyeol+Kai) Chanyeol finds a weird book in the library. He tries to read the weird book. At the time, he didn't know it was a spellbook that would divide his soul and give the bad half a physical manifestation and allow it to roam free. Live and learn.
The End of Summer (Chanyeol-centric) The end of summer break means the end of summer camp, yet camp counselor Chanyeol wishes he never had to leave. This summer, he may get his wish.
A Will to Live (Baekhyun-centric) To free his mother from her marriage, Baekhyun plans a double murder.
The Rotten Roommate (ChanBaek) Chanyeol's innocent Halloween prank reveals two things: Baekhyun can still kick his butt, and they haven't ever been alone.
Who We Are Inside (Sehun-centric) A body and its reflection always match. They have to.
Now the Ghosts are Due (ChanKai) Chanyeol thinks Jongin's so cute when he's scared, so he gets the bright idea to take Jongin to a graveyard for their Halloween date.
Sentimental Spirits (Chen+Xiumin) Aided by Xiu hyung, his self-proclaimed bodyguard, Jongdae returns the names of the spirits his grandfather had collected.
Sacrament of Sin (Chansoo) Father Do Kyungsoo makes a deal with the devil so the damned thing will behave in church.
Halloween Treats (SeKai) To a vampire, Jongin covered in blood—albeit fake—is the sweetest treat.
Lonely Island (Kai-centric) Jongin's days are like the horizon: Empty.
Daemon of a Demon (Chen+Xiumin) Minseok's mortified to realize that the cat he pet and fawned over wasn't just a figment of his drunken imagination but rather the very friendly daemon of his very friendly—and mysterious—new neighbor.
Prisoners of Paradise (Kai+D.O.) Jongin travels to the bottom of the ocean to learn about marine life from the safety and security of an underwater city only to find it's neither as safe nor as secure as advertised.
A Future Together (KaiBaek) He’s stupid resilient, persistent, and completely in love with his wife and their babies. He’d never miss a future together.
The Man Behind the Masks (Luhan-centric) Lu Han takes a job as caretaker to an invalid living in the country. If the isolation doesn’t kill him, his new boss might.
Soul Nice to Meat You (Chanyeol+Xiumin) Chanyeol finds a man sleeping on his balcony and has questions. One: How did he get there? Two: Could he have anything to do with the death of his neighbor?
a most undesirable sentiment (Chensoo) On the 5th anniversary of their friend's death, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, and Jongdae return to the scene of a tragic accident.
a will is a dead giveaway (Chanyeol+Suho) Kim Joonmyun is a forensic pathologist and firm believer that the possibility of zombies existing is really stupid. It just so happens that on a perfectly normal day at work, Joonmyun cuts into a body, and the body says, "Ow."
i'm friends with the monster (Chen+Lay) "Monsters out here are just wildcats," he said...
birthday moon (LuKai) Everyone who lives anywhere near the Wild Forest is told since birth to not go into the Wild Forest because of the three capital Ds: It's Dark, Dangerous, and the probability for Death is heightened.
Into the Woods (Chanyeol+Kai) A dare sends Chanyeol into The Woods.
Something They Become (Tao-centric) Zitao understood and embraced his duty as a protector. All he believed he needed to know was that Elder Bairns must be destroyed.
Bad Feeling (Chanyeol-centric) Chanmi has a bad feeling.
Gaoxing (Lay+Suho) The world goes to hell, and Yixing holds happiness in his arms.
Sell Your Soul for Just a Piece (D.O.-centric) Kyungsoo makes himself dinner.
Dream of a funeral, and you hear of a wedding. (BaekSoo) Baekhyun imagined his wedding would be happy...
Good Deeds (Chanyeol+Baekhyun) Chanyeol just wanted to be a Good Samaritan. Not all good deeds pay off.
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Witches and magically-focused stories:
A Good Day to Have Stayed Home (BaekSoo) Baekhyun's prank on his demon boyfriend ruins his weekend.
Hocus Porcus (Baekhyun-centric) Baekhyun always expected his Patronus to be some type of dog. He's surprised when it's not.
Means to Change (Baekhyun-centric) Baekhyun is known for his pranks and jokes and general fun-lovingness. This works against him the one time he's involved in an actual accident: effectively changing his best friend's little brother into a little sister.
Good Mousekeeping (Baekhyun+Chen) Minseok leaves Jongdae and Baekhyun alone for a week (not even), praying his house will still be standing and that there will be no corpses once he returns. (It is, and there aren't)
Charmed, I'm sure. (Chanyeol+Suho) Jooyeon just got dumped, and Chanmi hates seeing pretty girls upset.
Accio Veneficus (Baekhyun+Chen) Chen the cat has "too much personality." Store patrons love meeting him and petting him, but no one seems willing to adopt him. Baekhyun didn’t realize that cats adopt wizards, too.
To the Depths of Love (Chanyeol+Suho) Once upon a time, a merman fought his way to the surface and found it unforgiving and cruel. He plunged to the bottom of the ocean, where he felt safe, until drawn out by fate or circumstance.
This World is White (Baekhyun+Chanyeol+Chen+D.O.) Baekhyun and Jongdae discover another world at the back of an old closet. The world is trapped in an unending winter with no holidays or warmth. When they discover one of their friends is missing, they have to choose to search the unfamiliar new world or go home and hope their friend makes it back on their own.
Summoning Demons isn't Cute (But You Are) (Kai+Sehun) Jongin's just a dumb witch, but he's doing his best, and Sehun supports him.
For the Greater Good (Baekhyun-centric) Baekhyun's job as an Auror gets more difficult when he hears rumors of Gellert Grindelwald's army in Asia.
Lucky (Tao+Kai) Jongin lives beneath a cloud of bad luck that's chased away by a black cat.
It's magic, you know. (TaeKai) Jongin needs another tattoo, and his magic really likes Taemin.
The Dogs are Howling All over the Neighborhood (That Ain't No Good) (Chen+Lay+Baekhyun+D.O.) Jongdae's a fourteen-year-old student wizard suffering from acne and hormones and the frustration of not having a familiar of his own. He would be totally happy with one, but he ends up with two, and all is not idyllic. He's totally got this, though. Totally.
I Put a Spell on You (It Didn't Work) (Chen-centric) It's difficult to do many things as a cat, mostly due to lack of thumbs. Born-cats don't know the struggle. Made-cats, like Jongdae, do, but he supposes it's punishment for being a dumbass and mixing up ingredients.
Cattus Redit (Chanyeol+Chen) Chanyeol finds a cat and a magic stick and wants nothing to do with either.
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tinietaehyun · 8 months
Forsaken [IX]
[Sorcerer!Taehyun x Royal!Reader] [Series] [Chapter Nine]
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Pairing: Sorcerer!Taehyun x Royal!Reader [Ft. Prince!Beomgyu]
Genres: Fantasy, romance, enemies to lovers, supernatural, action, royal!au.
Contains: Profanity, mentions of poison, manipulation, gaslighting, suggestive themes, dialogue-heavy.
Links: Forsaken Masterlist || Masterlist
Summary: Wrapping up Taehyun’s past, you gain a whole new perspective about your travelling companion. Everything makes sense now! A deep sense of sadness fills you, he had been betrayed by his closest friend, exiled with his father by the very court that betrayed you for your brother.
You were both bound by fate, by betrayal. Forsaken by the places you once sought comfort in. When you peer into his eyes, you find a new source of comfort, as does he.
You had each other.
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Shock spreads through your facial features as nausea floods you. Taehyun’s words fly into you one by one as though blades were being thrown into you consecutively. Your bottom lip trembles as your wide eyes regard his calm demeanor.
How was he so calmly reiterating this tale to you as if it were someone else’s story? Then again, it had been years since the events occurred. He probably had a lot of time to reflect and move past it during his isolation in the Woods of Mors.
Your gaze scans over his side profile as a long sigh escapes his pretty lips; his blonde locks cascade over his forehead casting a shadow over his eyes. This ethereal figure had gone through such a tough time, completely and utterly betrayed by his best friend all due to the pitiful concept of jealousy.
All though from what Taehyun described of Yeonjun’s father (which was safe to say, rather appalling), you had initially felt both empathy and sympathy. However, now that you had just heard what Yeonjun’s father did and how Yeonjun so carelessly went with it, your feelings were conflicted.
You had seen Yeonjun around here and there around the palace throughout your years growing up. You knew him and Sehun were friends, and that he was the son of the Royal Sorcerer before he shortly took over the position a year and a half ago after his father’s retirement. You had interacted with him occasionally.
You always knew how charming and charismatic; you often heard the palace maids fawn over him. Even you could admit back then, he was indeed a magnetic fellow with a heavenly looks.
Taehyun resumes, “That night. It’s something I can never forget. All the faces in the crowd looking at my father in horror, then back at me. As if we’d committed the worst atrocity, when-“
“When you didn’t do anything at all,” you finish frowning.
He nods continuing, “Afterwards, everything went by in a blur. I was much younger, I…I didn't fully process what was happening at the time. It was just so chaotic. I remember my father getting dragged away by the guards, and then me getting escorted away.”
“I was just so taken aback by Yeonjun’s actions. I didn’t think- l knew he was jealous; but I didn’t think he’d go that far to get back at me. To see my father’s downfall, my downfall.”
Taehyun peers at the sleek marble floor and closes his eyes as memories flash across his mind, “I didn’t think he could toss me aside so easily.”
You murmur, “Maybe it got too much for him. Something must have snapped within him.” Taehyun nods, running a hand through his hair, “Mhm, I believe so. I just wish he had opened up at the time. He just saw any opportunity to talk it out as a threat or weakness. I don’t know, I don’t think I’ll ever truly understand his mind.”
Hurt emanates from your heart and his; you’d both been betrayed.
“What…happened next?” You tentatively enquire. He resumes, “I suppose, my father spent the next few nights in prison getting questioned along with a few other suspects.” He shakily sighs, “Then, I don’t know how, probably that bastard of a father and his silver tongue manage to narrow it down to my father and even managed to drag me into it for apparently being an accomplice.”
You scoff, “You? But you were a child?” Taehyun snorts bitterly, “Yeah, I suppose that didn’t matter. You know why? Because I’d grow up, and possibly beat his precious son. So why not get rid of two birds with one stone, hm? Not like anyone will look after me willingly.” You remain silent as he painfully rasps out his words. Oh, you never knew how much agony Taehyun held behind his high walls of vanity and bluntness.
“I-I remember the looks on the faces of the damn Royal Court. Disgust, as if we had truly fallen from grace. They always liked Yeonjun’s father more because he frequently kissed their asses-“
You flinch at his phrasing and he muses, “Allow me to rephrase, I mean he would suck up to them.” You chuckle, “No worries, I figured.”
He becomes serious once more, “We were presented like prey to the court, ready to get picked apart by the members of the court. Yeonjun’s father spoke on and on about various points, not even allowing my father a chance to defend himself, even speaking over him!” Taehyun snaps lowly; you notice his fists clenching shakily.
Cautiously, you reach over and place a soft hand atop his left hand. His pauses for a moment; his head snapping to face you in surprise. Your eyes lock onto each other for a second before he averts his gaze, “I knew the moment we stepped into the room, no matter how much my honest father pleaded and cried, objected to any points, it was pointless. The court was biased from the start.”
Disgust fills you; the same court who did nothing to stop your brother from taking over your throne. A bunch of greedy spineless cowards with no philosophy or morals of their own. “It was a facade,” Taehyun scoffs, “Yeonjun’s father was cunning, the way he shed false tears on behalf of the ill King and Queen.”
Your mother and father; your beloved parents. You knew if they were alive and healthy at the time, they would not stand for this injustice. Well; maybe that’s what you’d like to believe at least.
You murmur confused, “How did the Royal Court believe his intentions so easily? I’m sure Yeonjun’s father would have acted pretty well, but surely he couldn’t convince everyone in the hall, no?”
Taehyun shifts facing you as he explains, “The King and Queen were poisoned by Nightshade, a highly toxic plant which causes terrible symptoms leading to eventual death.” You process his words carefully, “Mhm, you said at the time, there was no cure.”
“Right, but my father, with much care and research, found the cure. It was in his spellbook.”The same spellbook which you surmise must now be in Yeonjun’s hands, handed down to him by his despicable father. You hum deep in thought, “The cure…”
“Yeonjun’s father presented the antidote to the court a few days before the final verdict. Just on the cusp of when your parents were about to die.” Your eyes widen as you put the pieces together. Thus, he solidified his so-called innocent intentions by providing a cure! The noble court would eat that up in a heartbeat! Damn him!
“You understand what that means, right? He claimed my father’s antidote as his own and even gained extraordinary praise for saving the Kihg and Queen’s lives.” He seethes. You murmur, “So after a lot of back and forth, they found your father guilty.”
“Such fucking bullshit still- fuck,” he snaps. You squeeze his hand and he squeezes it back, “Sorry, it just gets me so worked up.” You pitifully smile, “I mean, how could it not? I’m furious just hearing this.”
“Yes, so to end it off, my father was thrown in prison. I got thrown in there with him a day later being called an accomplice to the matter or some shit like that.”
“Yeonjun did nothing to stop it?” You ask frowning. Taehyun’s gaze darkens as his jaw tightens, “No that fucking bastard just watched; kept watching, kept his mouth shut, just keeping a proud glint in his eyes and a fucking smirk on his mouth.”
How twisted…
Taehyun releases a long shaky sigh before removing his hand from under yours. You both remain quiet reflecting upon your talk. You now knew why Taehyun despised the Royal Court, nobles in general, why he is so unsure about returning to the palace, why he asked about the spellbook in the Sorcerer’s Tower. You now understood why he was so closed off towards you initially. It made sense now, everything did.
A sinking feeling permeates your heart. Yeonjun was still back at the palace; you surely hope he wouldn’t do anything; it had been years - it should be fine, no?
“Yeonjun is Royal Sorcerer presently,” you murmur. A bitter laugh escapes his lips, “Of course he is, it was fate after all.” He continues, “I assume he’s still best friends with Sehun?”
You nod awkwardly and Taehyun mutters, “Must be nice for him to be a royal lapdog.”
A moment of silence passes between you two. You had managed to grasp a full picture of your traveling companion who you had grown oddly fond of.
Taehyun sourly hums, “I find this amusing. I haven’t opened up in this manner for years. What’s funnier is that I am pouring out my pathetic memories, to you, a royal. The heir to the throne in fact. Or, well supposed to be.”
To be honest, you’re not sure what to say. A pang of guilt surges through you. You wish that the Royal Court were not so adamant in blaming his father, that more thorough investigation had been done into the matter. But you suppose, bygones were bygones.
“I’m sorry,” you awkwardly squeak out. His peers at you for a moment before his harsh gaze softens, “Why’re you apologising? You weren’t even adopted into the palace yet?”
“I…I just feel sad. I feel terrible that this happened. That you were wronged like this, Taehyun,” you murmur earnestly.
His eyes glimmer and he leans back once more against the endboard of the bed, moving a cushion aside and scooting closer to you. “Don’t apologise, you had nothing to do with it. Anyway, you heard my dreary tale out, so thanks for that, sweetheart.”
“It’s not dreary,” you huff. Taehyun muses, “Oh? So it interested you?”
“Yes- I- well not in the gossip sort of manner- respectfully I mean-“ you stammer and he chuckles, “Relax, no need to go treading on eggshells around me. It’s been years, I’m not as sensitive as I was back then.” Taehyun had found your cautious nature rather adorable.
He rolls his shoulders back, “In fact, it feels pretty good to let it all out again.” You felt glad he thought that way. “I’m glad to hear it, Taehyun,” you utter with a genuine smile. His eyes flicker for a moment, slightly taken aback with the sincerity of your tone.
Taehyun’s eyes widen for a second as he swiftly turns away. “Taehyun?” You ask confused. He abruptly clears his throat, “Mm, I’m fine.” Why did he turn away? “It’s fine, really,” he peers over briefly and your eyes catch a glimpse of the soft reddish-pink hue that illuminates his cheeks. Was he…blushing?
“Taehyun are you-“
“No, don’t say anything. I’m just infuriated with the memories,” he scoffs firmly. Well, you weren’t going to push him further, especially after today.
He mutters, crossing his arms, “You’re fascinating, you know that?”
“Why?” You question with a raised brow. Taehyun answers, “Moments like this…when you’re either emotionally vulnerable, or when you’re listening to me. It’s…you’re not a pest for once.” Here you thought you were going to get a magnanimous compliment, but no.
You smack a cushion into his arm and he grunts; “What? It’s true. Usually, you’re rather annoying, unbearably irritating at times. Yet moments like this, you actually seem to show high awareness and…and-“
You deadpan, raising the cushion readying to land another hit, “…and?”
“I find myself…seeing you in a rather endearing light. You’re cute. The way you dance around your words, tentatively listen.” You stiffen; your arm still holding up the cushion as your lips part in shock. Did he just call you cute? No way.
Taehyun’s gaze flickers over your frozen features and his lips form a coy smile as he leans forward wanting to ease the dampened mood, “Oh? Are you speechless for once?” He found your reaction to be rather amusing, your pretty lips always had some sort of witty remark at the ready.
“I was beginning to get worried these past few days, you weren’t hitting me with your usual remarks, it was very out of character,” he muses. You glare, “It’s funny to tease me, is it?” He tilts his head, “Mm, do you even need to ask, sweetheart?” You huff finally throwing the cushion down, “You ruined the sentimental moment.”
“Don’t lie, you’ve been curious this whole time,” he smugly hums. You scoff, “No; why would I have cared about an arrogant stuck-up sorcerer like you?” He sighs, “Oh how you wound me, princess. Oh wait, I should be saying, ex-prin-“
You go to hit him and he grabs your wrist raising it up abruptly and you stumble forward as he staggers back putting weight onto his left elbow, partially sitting up with you hovering over him.
You couldn’t quite get over how intimate this position was. Taehyun seems to be just as flustered as you as he momentarily peers up wide-eyed at you. His gaze flickers down to your parted lips as both of your breaths tumble out.
“You’re rather the violent one, when you have a cushion in your hand, huh?” Taehyun breathlessly muses, still not releasing your hand. You murmur back, “Give me a sword and I’ll show you violent.”
Taehyun’s lips form a smirk and he hums, “Oh? Do you even know how to wield a sword, sweetheart?” Truthfully, you only knew the basics of holding a sword thanks to Hueningkai, but he didn’t need to know that.
“Hm?” He awaits your response. Your lips form a mischievous smile, “If I do? What are you going to do? Make me disappear?”
Taehyun’s eyes meet yours before flickering to your lips once more and back up; your heart palpitates increasingly. His body heat seeps through your gown as he shifts his left cramped leg around you.
A fiery sensation fills you at the proximity; something that neither of you wanted to part from. There was something oddly thrilling, maybe it was just the overwhelming emotions at the moment making you two act so uncouth (particularly for someone like yourself) but at this moment, you didn’t care.
“Make you disappear?” He playfully hums, “That’s the coward’s way out.”
“And you’re not a coward?” You muse. Taehyun rolls his eyes, “Not when I can easily overpower you, no need for magic at all. In fact, I find it unfair. Your poor mana-less existence.” You scoff, “Save your pity, sorcerer. As if you could overpower me. You rely on your magic far too much for that.”
He meets your gaze for a moment; you spot a speck of hesitation in his irises before your lips release a shriek as he grabs your other arm and swings his leg over pushing you down onto the mess of cushions which dig into your back. You find yourself to be abruptly on your back with Taehyun straddling you, legs either side of your hips.
Heat courses through you as sheer embarrassment floods your features. You weren’t quite expecting things to go this route - then again, you did verbally provoke him.
Taehyun notices your stiffened demeanor and leans down with a coy smirk, “Oh? Weren’t expecting that, were we? Where’s the magic in this, then?”
The way your hair fans out haphazardly behind your head and your part lips tremble as your uneven breaths come out make Taehyun’s body course with heat. So unintentionally attractive, you were. He liked the view, not that he’d admit it. No, he loved the view of you underneath him writhing, with a flustered expression trying your best to hold your composure.
You glare up at him as you scoff going to wrestle your way out of this horrendously intimate position; this was not befitting of your status! Taehyun leans down closer, grasping your wrists beside your head, “Hm? Or did you provoke me on purpose?”
“How vulgar,” you scoff up at him. Something about his breathless face peering down at you with a cocky smirk, an intense gaze; it shifts something within you. “Vulgar? We aren’t doing anything, sweetheart. I’m merely proving a point. Anyway, you’re not putting up much of a fight.”
You scoff bashful, “It’s futile, I’ll only injure myself. So, I command you to get off me. You’ve done more than prove your point, you imbecile.”
His smirk morphs into an amused grin as he leans closer, “Oh? Accepting defeat, and here I thought you’d throw me off yourself.” You peer at his lips feeling your own lower lip tremble; your heart races in your chest. He was so close!
“…you’re so irritating, Taehyun,” you scoff. He maintains your eye contact as he muses, “Mm, am I? You’ve put up with me for this long.”
You huff, “Unfortunately.”
“How you continue to wound me, atop my past scars, sweetheart,” he sighs, getting off of you finally. A small hint of disappointment flashes across your mind; no, no! Keep focused!
You notice him dragging his hand across his face as though keeping himself composed. Did he feel just as hot as you did?
He clears his throat trying to keep his composure, “Anyway, sit up. Or did that break your delicate little spine?” You glare unimpressed, “Shut up.” Taehyun snickers, “Mm anyway, I think lunch will be ready soon.”
You nod as an awkward silence settles in the room. You realise how long you’ve been alone with Taehyun in this chamber for. Goodness, what would the maids here think! Your cheeks become warm and you shake your head.
You look over back at Taehyun who seems to be deep in thought. Damn his pretty face. Even when he contemplates, he’s gorgeous.
His eyes flicker back to yours noticing your stare and he hums sarcastically, “Done?” Rolling your eyes, you speak; “Of course you’d like it, you vain sorcerer.”
Taehyun muses with coy gaze, “Careful what you start with that gaze of yours, sweetheart. Could make any man crumble to his knees.” Your face flushes immediately at his words. When was he this flirtatious? No, he was merely teasing you!
You clear your throat, “A-Anyway, before all this, you said you had some sort of stupid plan to escape from here, right?”
He grins, “Stupid? Oh, I guess you don’t want to hear my stupid plan then? Go marry that prissy prince then. He’s all yours.”
You grimace before whining, “No! Fine, your amazing plan. Tell me, now.” He stands up, grandly stretching his arms, “After lunch, my mouth hurts from talking so much.”
You groan, “What a nuisance.”
“Sorry for being hungry, I guess,” he mutters. You stand up beside him; your joints stiff from sitting for so long, “Fine. I guess, I’m rather hungry too.”
Taehyun and you both eat lunch in a comfortable silence; for once it’s odd. You’re not bickering with each other. The glances you both exchange are frequent yet subtle. You both sensed a change in your dynamic.
Afterwards, you walk together as you whine, “Come on! So tell me!” You grasp his arm with a pleading expression and he smirks, “I know a way to get us out of here. The palace is surrounded by guards. We need to get back to my place, yes?” You nod intently listening.
“Teleportation,” he utters seriously. You deadpan, “You cannot be serious, surely. Is that even possible?”
Taehyun scoffs, “Perhaps not for the likes of you. I, on the other hand, can make it work. It takes an enormous amount of mana. My father made several notes about it and taught me. It’s possible with a huge mana circle- you know what, I won’t bore you with the technical details. I need a few more resources to pull it off.”
You blink with your jaw agape; was he going to truly attempt such a foolish thing? Taehyun glares, “Why are you looking at me like that? You don’t think it’ll work do you?”
“Will you be able to teleport the both of us?” You ask slightly intrigued. Taehyun’s expression darkens, “…I think. I just need to double the resources needed to teleport one person. But…I don’t think I’ll be quite okay, afterwards.”
“Because of the amount of mana you need to use?” You ask with a frown. He’d be willing to risk himself for you? He nods, “Teleporting one person with a physical mana circle is already insane, but two. I need a huge fucking mana circle, and twice the amount of mana.”
You bite your lip nervously, you didn’t know about the success probability of this. He takes your hand squeezing it reassuringly, “Don't worry about the consequences, the most important thing is that we both get out of here.”
Your heart races peering at his hand on yours. “You’re willing to risk hurting yourself?” You ask. His eyes glimmer and his lips part momentarily before he scoffs, “I…I won’t hurt myself that badly. At most I’ll be exhausted.” You glare up at him. He was lying.
Taehyun’s lips form a smirk leaning down placing a gentle hand atop your head, “Just, trust me sweetheart. Can you do that for me?”
Your eyes widen and you stammer moving out from under his hand flustered. You hear him snickering behind you as you scoff, “Fine whatever. Just don’t get the both of us imprisoned or killed.”
Taehyun muses, “No guarantees,” he walks past your appalled demeanor and you grab his arm again and he peers back at you with a relaxed expression; his eyes sparkle with amusement. “Where are you going?” You question.
Taehyun hums, “To visit Soobin.” Soobin? Oh yes, the sorcerer here. Of course!
“My, my, I didn’t know you two were so close,” a familiar husky voice resounds in the hallway. You peer over and see the princely figure approaching carrying a grand bouquet of assorted flowers.
Taehyun removes his arm from your grasp abruptly and he gives you a serious command, “Keep him distracted. Away from Soobin.”
“Wait-“ Before you could ask anything about his ominous statement, Taehyun rushes off.
Slowly, you turn to face Beomgyu who’s mischievous gaze meets yours. “Oh, he’s off in a rush? Why’s that?”
Think fast, think fast.
“We had an argument. I don’t think he’s quite keen on handling me, or especially you,” you murmur. His gaze sharpens and his lips morph into a sly smile, “And why’s that?”
“Because…” you begin, “I told him about our conversation. I…he didn’t agree with my position.” Beomgyu’s expression darkens, “You told him?”
“I-I’m sorry, I just felt so overwhelmed. He asked, and I broke down,” you stammer. Beomgyu’s jaw tightens, “So how does this relate to your pitiful argument?”
“I…I suggested that…” Keep him distracted, Taehyun said. “I suggested, I accept your idea of marriage,” you shakily murmur.
There, you’d make him think you had no choice but to marry him. That you’d fallen out with Taehyun because of your decision, that should draw suspicion off him for a while. Of course, you’d still act all reluctant and harsh with Beomgyu, after all you didn’t want him to find you suspicious either.
Beomgyu lets out a large guffaw, “Oh? Goodness, is that so? How convenient, I brought these flowers then.”
His gaze is malevolent and he steps forward grasping your hand, “What’s made you give up so quickly? I just find it rather convenient, no? Here I thought you’d put up a bit more of a fight. I was even considering getting a prison cell ready for you.”
You grimace, “How quaint.” Beomgyu muses circling his thumb on the back of your hand, “I know I’m generous. I just thought you’d need a little bit of a nudge in the right direction.”
You scoff removing your hand and his eyes twinkle, “I…I thought about it. I can’t do much alone, Taehyun, as powerful a sorcerer he may be, he’s an exiled criminal. I doubt the court would listen to testimony from me, after associating with him.”
“Huh, how…curious indeed,” Beomgyu places the bouquet into your arms and you peer down disgustedly, making him chuckle, “Well, I can see your genuine distaste for me. How unfortunate, but we’ll change that soon enough.”
“I…I also think he has bad intentions. He dislikes royalty a lot. He’s really persistent in coming with me to the palace. I don’t get why,” you add on. You really hope he wouldn’t see through your facade. Beomgyu’s brows raise, “Oh? And here I thought you trusted this stranger?”
“Initially yes, because I was so desperate. But more and more, when we argue, he just says some things that irk me, make me uneasy. I have a bad feeling if I present him to the royal court. They banished him after all? What if he’s just using me to get revenge?”
Beomgyu’s eyes twinkle with utter twisted delight making you shudder. He was happy, sinfully joyous.
“Hm, seems fate has left you with no choice then, hm?” Beomgyu condescendingly remarks. You remain silent, peering away. Beomgyu relishes in your silence and he suddenly cups your jaw turning your head to face him. Your eyes widen in surprise, “H-Huh?”
“I’m your only way out, guaranteed way to your throne,” he leans in with a twisted smile. You couldn’t believe that charming prince from before was so ruthless, cunning. He saw you as a mere pawn.
“Oh no need to look so down, you’ve made an excellent choice,” he rubs his thumb across your jaw. “I’ll make sure your justice gets served, princess, don’t you worry, your pretty head.”
You scoff going to shove his hand off and he firmly grasps your jaw and you whimper, “After all, both our nations will prosper. It’s a win-win. You may resent me, but one day, you’ll be falling to my feet to thank me.”
You pry his hand off and snap, “Have some decency.” Beomgyu’s lips form a coy smile, “Oh? Was I rather rough? I suppose your delicate skin would get rather bruised, no? My apologies. I just got a little excited at the prospect of our marriage.”
You roll your eyes; you had to keep his mind off Taehyun. If Taehyun was willing to risk his life, so were you.
Beomgyu’s gaze locks onto yours observing your timidity, “Oh, and in any unlikely case that you decide to change your mind, allow me to stress there’s no way to escape. Everyone here obeys my orders. The dungeons will become your new place of stay. I have vast array of Lunian punishments.”
You glare, “I understand, okay?” He muses, “Just reiterating for you, y/n. Don’t want you playing any needless games behind my back.”
A shiver runs through you, at his dark tone and you scoff, “I’m not stupid, Beomgyu.”
He moves a strand of your hair away from your face and gives you a once more pleasant smile, “I know you aren’t. That uneases me. So let’s be honest with each other from here on out, understood?”
You challenge his dark gaze and you murmur, “Fine, I have nothing to hide. You’ve ripped every semblance of hope I had left.” A breathless laugh escapes his snarky lips, “Good to hear, rely on me, princess. Trust me.”
“Don’t be foolish, I’ll go along with this, but trust?” You icily slam into him and he merely smirks in response.
“Huh, to think someone like you can prick me with such cold words, it excites me. I’ll resolve to change that,” Beomgyu hums nonchalantly; his fingers drag along your cheek, his thumb circling your upper cheek.
“We’ll see,” you murmur. Beomgyu brushes past you with a coy hum into your ear, “See, we shall.” He walks past you, leaving you in a mixture of anxiety and unease.
You really hope Taehyun’s recklessness would pay off. It had to.
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feralcherry · 1 year
I’m in love with In Aeternum, as you know, so I was wondering if you could tell us a little bit more about Yeona’s relationship with the girls? I just love reading it!!
Aww thank you so much!! Okay, well, Yeona was their babysitter when she was in High school and they were just little ones. So they all have a long history together.
She would watch them all and do typical babysitter stuff. Nails, movies, homework, etc. Yeona also would take them to do fun things kind of like an aunt or sister would, to the park or shopping if she had the money.
It's when she moved away that they all lost touch a little because the main way to communicate was through Skype. But even in Korea she tried to stay up to date with them all and would show them her art and her new home with Sehun (RIP sobs) and check in on them. She knew about Caroline's dad leaving, Elena and Matt dating, Bonnie's crushing loneliness in regards to her parents. Yeona tried to be there for them whenever she could cause she really loves those girls.
They are HER girls, you know? She's been through so much with them before the supernatural came crashing back into her life. When she finally moves back to Mystic Falls and is on her journey to finding herself again, she's trying to pick up where she left off.
But things are different now. The girls are older. They have been through a lot.
Like Caroline and Damon and turning.
Elena and her parents dying. Meeting Stefan.
Bonnie with the literal world on her shoulders and newfound powers. What that means for a witch who is meant to follow Nature when Yeona is so abnormal.
Nothing is the same and everything hurts but she still loves those girls and they love her. They will figure it out. They just have some shit to do and go through before they can haha
thanks again for the question!!!
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galoresficrecs · 11 months
[EXO] Jongin
LAST UPDATED ON: Dec 2nd, 2022
newly added ✦ || personal faves ✪ || ongoing ✑
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not rated || general || teen and up || mature || explicit🔞
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jongin x baekhyun x sehun
❧ jongin x junmyeon ☙
✪ camera (shy) by curledupkitten [28,4k words] college!au, porn star!au || explicit🔞
❧ jongin x kyungsoo ☙
✪ All Gays Go to Heaven by at1stsoo [11,3k words] college!au, post-graduation, clubbing || explicit🔞
✪ Anything You Can Do by indigomini [13,6k words | 7 ch] office!au, rivals to lovers || explicit🔞
✪ Café Eau Laid by indigomini [8,1k words | 2 ch] a/b/o!au, café!au, college!au || explicit🔞
✪ Darling, It's Better Down Where It's Wetter (Take It From Me) by indigomini [19,6k words | 2 ch] mythology!au, merfolk!au || explicit🔞
✪ Demonic Domesticity and Other Signs of the Apocalypse by TRASHCAKE [12,7k words] apocalypse!au, supernatural || explicit🔞
✪ It Takes More Than Ten Tickles by at1stsoo [3,6k words] aliens!au, sci-fi || teen and up
✪ Pay Me Some Mind by indigomini [33,2k words | 15 ch] college!au || explicit🔞
❧ jongin x sehun ☙
✑ ✪ Get Cocky by MitchMatchedSocks [187,8k words | 38/? ch] college!au, fraternity!au, friends with benefits, sexual experimentation || explicit🔞
✪ Is That A Python in Your Pants or Are You Just Happy to See Me? by MitchMatchedSocks [39,1k words | 13 ch] hybrid!au, college!au || explicit🔞
✪ Mind If I Slither In? by MitchMatchedSocks [19,4k words] aliens!au, sci-fi, baseball!au || explicit🔞
❧ jongin x reader☙
99 and Marlowe by kpopfanfictrash [4,1k words] f!reader, soulmates!au, age gap || teen and up
[part of Exordia Academy] Anomaly by kpopfanfictrash [10,3k words] f!reader, 1980s!au, academy!au, powers!au || explicit🔞
[part of Welcome to the Exodus Mall] Freestyle by yehet-me-up [22,1k words] f!reader, 1990s!au, mall!au, set in seattle, co-workers to lovers || mature
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k-vanity · 2 years
The Bucket List masterlist
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To everyone who participated, we can’t thank you enough. Here, we’d like to share what our members created!
Written Content:
☀️ Vampire~! Wooyoung by @sanjoongie
Pairing: Wooyoung (Hala Hala Era) x Reader (f)
Genre: vampire au | supernatural au | thriller au
Prompt(s):  explore an abandoned building
☀️ Anytime, Anywhere by @multiheaux-house
Pairing:  boss’s son!Sehun x female reader
Genre: smut
Prompt(s): host a summer bbq party
☀️ Incubus~! Hongjoog by @sanjoongie
Pairing: Hongjoong (Illusion Era) x Reader (f)
Genre: incubus au | supernatural au
Prompt(s): go on a road trip
☀️ Werecat~! San by @sanjoongie
Pairing(s): San x Reader(f) ft Wooyoung
Genre: werecat au | supernatural au
Prompt(s): swimming at the lake
☀️ Epilogue~! by @sanjoongie
Pairing(s):  San x Reader(f) x Wooyoung x Hongjoong  
Genre: supernatural au
Prompt(s): rent a yacht for a week
☀️ Forever with You by @iridescentxstars
Pairing: Bangchan x reader (fem)
Genre: established relationship au | fluff | crack 
Prompt(s): on a road trip
☀️ Shoganai by @flurrys-creativity
Pairing: Kwon Soon Young/Hoshi (Seventeen) x GN!Reader
Genre: hybrid au | strangers to hinted lovers | fluff
Prompt(s):  jumping out a plane and checking out an abandoned house
☀️ Thirst Trap by @sugakookitty
Pairing:  demon!Jungkook x female reader
Genre: angst | fluff | smut | supernatural | s2l | fangirl!reader | rockstar!jungkook | wannabe edgy!reader | pwp | soulmates
☀️Road Trip by @highwaytoheaven
Idol(s): NCT 127
Prompt(s): on a road trip
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justwritedreams · 2 years
Hii! I saw that you're accepting requests :> i'd like to make one for sehun x reader pls!! I've been watching busted and i really like the idea of having reader be one of the cast in busted alongside sehun. So like there would be scenes where they're both scaredy cats, but sehun still tries to protect her. So just sehun being all protective!! Some inspo could be in s2 ep 6 with the guiya village, and in s1 with the vampire thing. Like reader is scared with the supernatural stuff, heights, deep waters, but isn't afraid to still try soo cue the tears oop hahahah and sehun comforting her maybe??
Umm, another request could be jealous sehun but like he doesn't know why he's jealous or their feelings are just starting to grow. So like it could be shown when there are cute male guests in the show haha and reader is like 😍
And maybe sehun and reader just displaying their competitiveness (either them teaming up or against each other, up to you) :P
Thank you so much!! ❤️❤️
Helloo, honey!! 💚 First, I have apologize to you for taking soooo long. I must say I was so happy with the idea of writing with Sehun after so long but I had writer's block and couldn't develop the story all this time 😫 I really think it could have been better but I also liked the way I finished it so I decided to post it! You can find here, I really hope you like it 🥺
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