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Today’s disabled character of the day is Seichiro from Our Dreams at Dusk: Shimanami Tasogare, who has cancer
Requested by Anon
[Image Description: Black and white drawing of an old man lying on a hospital bed listening to music. He's wearing a beanie and hospital pajamas. He's connected to a heart monitor and in the background there's some huge windows with the view of a tree. He's resting his hands on his stomach and smiling softly.]
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chubypotato · 5 months
When you win a game at his favorite video games.
Including Nagi seichiro blue lock.
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You were comfortably sit on your boyfriend laps while he was playing a game as usual.
But what wasn't usual is that you ask Nagi to play against him.
He agreed and then give you a controller.
What you didn't say to Nagi is that while he was at practice you try hard a game so you could win.
At first knowing you don't play that much Nagi went nice with you.
But then you could see his face being confused when you took the lead.
When the game is finally over and Nagi could see "lost" on his screen he couldn't believe his eyes. He lost and you win?
Poor baby didn't accept that when you happily said you win boy took the ccontroller of your hand and hurried his face on your neck.
You giggle a bit while putting your hand in his hair. "You loose and you dare pouting? "
"I'm not pouting I just don't wanna play anymore. "
Boy proceed to just take you in his arm and put you in bed while he just crushing you with all his weight.
Poor baby said he just tired but deep down he's happy you would play with him.
After that while you gone Nagi would just try hard the game so he could be better and win next time.
.・゜゜・✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*.・゜゜・
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tanenigiri · 2 years
Review #29: Our Dreams at Dusk: Shimanami Tasogare (Volume 4)
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Japanese title: しまなみ誰そ彼 (Shimanami Tasogare)
Story and art: Yuhki Kamatani
English publisher: Seven Seas Entertainment
Number of volumes: 4 (complete)
A glimpse of several futures.
[CW: Mentions of homophobia]
(This review contains story spoilers.)
When I got my physical copies of Our Dreams at Dusk, one of the first things I noticed was how much thicker Volume 4 was compared to all the others. As I began reading the series though, I realized that this last volume was much longer because it had the very lofty task of wrapping up quite a number of plotlines brought up in the first three volumes. And when I realized that this volume was introducing new plot arcs on top of that, I almost wondered why it wasn’t even thicker than it already was.
That said, this does mean that there’s a lot I want to talk about in this volume, but since I don’t want this review to be too lengthy, I figured I’d just focus on the three couples that get the spotlight here. With two of them already in the front cover and the third in the back, I figured it’d feel right to give them the focus, as most of the smaller plot arcs revolve around one of them anyway.
And of course, I should start with the women of the hour - Daichi and Saki, who go through quite a lot before their wedding at Triangle House. With the volume starting out by reminding us that Saki has yet to come out to her parents, you can already sense that the story is building up to that moment. Saki’s been in the background for the past two volumes, so we don’t really get the sense that she’s more willing to face the situation now than she was in the first volume, but with a wedding on the horizon, she definitely finds it more urgent than ever before.
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Unfortunately, the way Saki’s parents find out is less than ideal - someone outs her to them. While it’s definitely realistic, I can’t help but feel incredibly sorry for her, as she already had a lot of hesitation about coming out to her parents, so someone else ripping off that bandage from her must’ve stung a lot. Daichi is also at a loss with what to do, as we found out back in Volume 1 that when she came out to her own parents, it was less than ideal.
Thankfully, the couple’s confrontation with Saki’s parents turn out to go quite well. We get a really great speech from Saki’s father here, where he admits that he was very much against the idea when he first heard it. But immediately after, he said that he hated himself for even thinking that when his priority should be his daughter’s happiness. We get a funny interjection from Saki’s mother here, saying that she would’ve been furious with her husband if he didn’t take it the right way. She seems to have already made her peace with her daughter’s sexuality quite some time ago, as she said that she “had a feeling about it.” It might not be the sheer open-mindedness of Tomoko, but it’s pretty much the best possible outcome Saki could’ve gotten.
This ended up a lot more optimistic than I thought it was going to go, but both Daichi and Saki deserve it. Their wedding happens with both of their parents attending, and they finally get to be their true selves in front of their families. It’s the most definitively happy ending out of all the characters in this series, and while I wish we got a bit more build-up for it - especially from Saki’s perspective - I do think it’s a great note to end their plotline on.
Moving back a bit, the person who ends up outing Saki to her parents is Tsubaki’s father, who we know from previous volumes has a pretty warped view of the LGBT community as a whole. So when he visits the drop-in center to apologize to Saki (though he doesn’t find her there as this happens around the same time as Saki’s conversation with her parents), Tsubaki is understandably mad at his father’s insensitivity. The dad is taken aback by his son’s attitude, but he then connects the dots and asks Tsubaki who “dragged him into homosexuality.” We know from the previous volume that Tsubaki is still confused about his identity, so he understandably becomes very defensive at his dad’s assumptions.
Who ends up saving the day, though, is Tasuku, who not only makes the bold decision of coming out to Tsubaki’s father, but also tells him why such an action is important for any LGBT individual. It’s a really great scene for Tasuku, as not only does it show how much he’s learned about the LGBT community across the past volumes, but it also shows how much more comfortable he is about his sexuality. He’s spent the past volumes learning from everyone in the drop-in center while also dealing with his own issues, so to see Tasuku be a lot more confident in this volume is really nice.
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This more confident Tasuku isn’t lost on Tsubaki either, who’s own feelings about his sexuality were already in a flux and were only made worse after that exchange with his father. It leads to this great scene between them where Tsubaki acknowledges Tasuku’s feelings for him but admits that he isn’t ready to face them just yet. This is probably my favorite ending out of all the characters in this series, as instead of treating Tsubaki’s uncertainty about his sexuality as an issue that needs to be solved, the story simply acknowledges it as something he’s continuously working on. I praised Utsumi’s character in Volume 3 for having a different approach to his sexuality, and I can say the same for Tsubaki here - even if we can make all the assumptions we can about it (especially after the epilogue), the fact that the story leaves Tsubaki’s identity open-ended is a great way to show that he himself isn’t ready to put a label on it just yet.
Admirably, Tasuku isn’t heartbroken about this admission, and he even reassures Tsubaki that being confused about his feelings is fine and that he should take all the time he needs to sort them out. Not only is Tasuku using his personal experiences here, but he’s also putting what he learned from Misora and Utsumi in the previous volumes to good use. It only adds to his character development I mentioned earlier, as the Tasuku from three volumes ago wouldn’t have had the same reaction as the Tasuku here. He seems to be heading toward his own happy ending, though, as the epilogue shows Tsubaki telling Tasuku that he can call him by his first name.
(I also have to briefly mention that Tsubaki gets quite touchy with Tasuku throughout this volume, and I find it hilarious that Tasuku’s reaction to these gestures is very mixed. He calls Tsubaki out on it in the epilogue but they don’t really address it, and I think Tsubaki knows that Tasuku likes it anyway.)
Shifting the good mood a bit is Tchaiko, who I don’t think I’ve mentioned in my previous reviews but has been one of the constant presences in the drop-in center since Volume 1. He’s the eldest among the regulars in the center, but we don’t really get much from him in the first three volumes apart from his love of classical music. He gets a full on arc here, though, when we find out that he’s been in a 30-year relationship with his partner, Seichiro, and Tchaiko constantly visits him in the hospital as Seichiro is dealing with a grave illness.
I already had a bad feeling about where this was going from the start, but the conflict of this plot arc doesn’t actually come from Seichiro’s numbered days - it actually sounds like they’ve both quietly accepted it and are only waiting for the inevitable. Instead, it revolves around how Tchaiko hasn’t come clean about his relationship with Seichiro’s son, Akira, and we find out that Tchaiko times his hospital visits so that he’s there when Akira isn’t watching over his father. I was pleasantly surprised that the story went this route, and it even makes for a nice parallel with the two other main conflicts I talked about above - what with all three of them dealing with family complications.
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These two largely stay in the background for the middle part of the volume, but on the day of Daichi and Saki’s wedding, Tchaiko gets a text from Akira saying that Seichiro is in a critical condition. This definitely catches Tchaiko off-guard, as not only does he have to deal with the imminent death of the love of his life, but he also has to contend with the fact that Seichiro had apparently told Akira about him. He then has a great scene with Someone-San, who we find out earlier in the volume have been friends for quite some time even before the drop-in center existed. Tchaiko relays all of his worries and indecision to Someone-San, but all she does in the face of those doubts is to push Tchaiko and tell him to go. True enough, when he gets to the hospital, Akira only smiles in acknowledgment and gives Tchaiko the opportunity to say goodbye to Seichiro.
Even if I initially found it odd that the story would introduce a brand new plotline when it still had to wrap up quite a number of them, I really appreciated its inclusion in the end, as it has a really unique vibe when compared to all the other plot arcs of the series. I’m not sure if it’s because this deals with a more seasoned couple, but the sense of satisfaction I got from seeing this plotline resolved is a lot different from the other two I talked about above.
And, really, that’s what makes Our Dreams at Dusk such a standout title for me - how it’s able to handle all of these stories and give them the depth they deserve. I was a bit worried that this volume was biting off more than it could chew, but in the end I found myself liking where all of the characters ended up. Sure, I may have wanted more out of some characters, but that’s really just another way of saying that I didn’t want this series to end at all.
Random thoughts that I couldn’t fit elsewhere:
Apart from Tchaiko, the other Cat Clutter member that finally gets the spotlight in this volume is Someone-San, who has really only spent the last three volumes being this mysterious presence that’s both critical to the plot and in the background. We find out here that she considers herself aromantic and asexual, but she doesn’t like putting a label on herself at all, with the name “Someone-San” even being given to her by Tchaiko and Seichiro. We also get a really great line from her about how her asexuality isn’t what defines her, and how it’s only one part of her entire identity. As much as I want to talk about her monologue about who she is, I honestly haven’t wrapped my head around it all that well and I feel like I’m still missing certain pieces about that chapter. I will say that it was a great set of panels though.
One of the other plotlines that gets wrapped up in this volume is Misora's, as Tasuku wants to invite him to Daichi and Saki’s wedding. It goes a lot better than I expected, as Tasuku simply goes through all of the things that he did wrong and asks for Misora’s forgiveness, which he gives almost nonchalantly, but you can tell that he appreciates the gesture. (Also his look in the wedding is his best one in the series.)
I’m kinda surprised that we didn’t get more from Tasuku and Tsubaki’s school life here, as I would’ve expected more people to point out the changed dynamic between the two of them considering that Tsubaki’s fairly popular and Tasuku isn’t. The only one who does point it out is Tachibana, Tasuku’s closest friend in school and teammate in the table tennis club, and all he really says is how he wants to join in on the fun too. I wonder if he’ll notice that there’s more going on between them?
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Thanks for reading! You can read my review of the first two volumes here, and my review of the third volume here. Our Dreams at Dusk has really gone up my personal rankings the more I reread it, as there’s really nothing quite like it among the manga I’ve read so far. It’s a really emotional and fulfilling series, and I highly recommend it.
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Hello there Seichiro Hikawa fans.
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milkiepie · 5 months
new move - nagi seishiro
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you're the type he likes, the one he wants, the one he will keep.
your eyes, your lips, your smile, your laugh, and everything about you he wanted to make it his.
even though he is a quiet and introverted guy, he does have the same interest just like other people, which is to fall in love.
he adores you a lot but didn't say much about it to others even his own close friend, Reo.
as you pass by his class, he immediately gets up from his seat and follows you. he needs to say those words he has been keeping. he wants you to know the thing that runs around in his mind.
"Y/N!" he shouted as loud as you can hear it.
you turned around in surprise. you didn't expect him to call you, he is Nagi Seishiro. a boy from your next class who you barely talk with. you never talk to him but only made an eye-contact for a few times whenever you talk to Reo.
maybe he wants something from me? you assumed.
he's now standing in front of you. his gray eye looks deep on yours. both of yours and his eyes didn't look away for a few minutes until his voice broke the contact.
"hi Y/N" he said, looking away shyly.
"yeah, is there anything you want Nagi?"
"i...i want to tell you something Y/N" you nod slowly as a sign for him to continue.
"i will join the Blue Lock Project soon. so i wonder if its ok for you, i mean for us to get to know each other before i join the project?" he said shyly. you can see his face started to turn red. his eyes looking away from yours, his body started to tremble a little as his heart beat up fast, nervously.
"why should i?"
your answer shocked him. he didn't expect you to say that.
"because, we're friends ?" damn thats stupid, Seishiro. he thought. now he becomes more flustered after giving you the answer.
you laugh a little as you hear his answer. what an answer, Nagi.
"sure. let's hang out after school, friend :)"
you walk away from him and leave him speechless. you never see how your answer has lightened up Nagi's mood. he didn't sleep through class that day because how excited he is and that surprised Reo so much.
"what's up with you?" Reo asked.
with a smug, Nagi answered
"i just made a new move."
pt2 ->
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asocialangel · 1 year
A Toxic Side of your RelationShip pt 2
pt2 of this, with the characters that got asked <3 A third and final part will come, so again if you wanna see someone specific, comment !
angsty short texts (fluff?) (<100w\character). [pt1 included: isagi, rin, sae, shidou, bachira, reo, otoya, kaiser, kunigami] [pt3 includes: aiku, niko, hiori, chigiri, kurona]
Don Lorenzo, Seichiro Nagi, Shoei Barou, Kenyu Yukimiya, Tabito Karasu, Alexis Ness
Lorenzo can be a calculator. As in, sometimes he’ll do things on purpose because he foresees your reactions. He’ll help you out, so you are indebted to him, and then he can ask a favor in return. He doesn't need to do that, because you’d straight up say yes. But he calculates actions to ‘control’ your mood and reactions, to his advantage. 
has a tendency to be dishonest. He hates the hassle of confrontation, so he sweeps under the rug everything that could upset you. Sometimes it’s straight up lies, sometimes it’s misleading omissions. He selfishly only cares about his feelings and how it bothers him to get into fights. Therefore you usually find things out of your own. (and if you bring it up, he’ll act clueless and like you're overreacting). 
Barou lacks empathy. He doesn't often think of putting himself in others’ shoes. Like, he doesn’t get that you get anxious, that you don’t like speaking to new people, or that you find roller coasters scary. “Just don’t overthink it, it won’t kill you”. He says it with such confidence, almost arrogance, like it’s so easy. It might be for him, so he assumes everyone should feel the same. In that way, he can be tactless.  
Yukimiya is a fair weather friend, or boyfriend, you know. It’s like he’s only really present when it’s easy to be. Maybe he’s afraid of that feeling of obligation to be there for you, maybe he has a lot on his plate already, but the truth is, when things get tougher, he vanishes… It feels lonely, when you need a shoulder to rely on, to see that he’s missing. 
Karasu gets competitive. With you, for no apparent reason. You don't understand why he feels the need to compare everything you guys do, and make it a contest with a winner and a loser. It adds so much pressure to everything, and simply, it’s not fun. In a way, it feels like he makes things about himself.
Ness double guesses everything you say. He’s so insecure with himself that he makes you repeat things countless amounts of times. But do you really love me ? It can be quite tiring to always have to prove yourself to someone who won’t even listen.
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gayelderstourney · 1 year
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Ilya Tchaiko/Seichirou Agawa:
DEAR GOD BRO. you don't actually learn about the two of them until later in the manga but tchaiko is always talking about his record player that "an old friend" gave him and how much he loves music. in volume three we get some of their backstory and we find out it was seichirou that gave him the record player!!! we see them go on a few record buying dates and dancing together and it is truly unbearably sweet. i believe they are somewhere between 60 and 70? they met in college and have been together for 30 years, but seichirou got married and had a kid before then. in present day though seichirou is sick in the hospital. tchaiko visits him everyday though he makes sure he only visits when seichirou's son won't be there. this means he gets less time to spend with him :( finally, on the day of the main lesbian couple's wedding, tchaiko gets a text from seichirou's son saying he's in critical condition. tchaiko hesitates to go because he's scared but a mutual friend of theirs pushes him to go. when he gets there we get a sort of dream like visual where seichiro floats out of bed to hold tchaiko, looking how he did before he got sick, and they tell each other they loved spending their lives together. and then seichirou dies. it's soooooooooo sad that shit makes me cry every fucking time bro i cried getting the pictures but it's also soooooooo sweet love is so beautiful. AYUGH.
The manga has alot of different characters going through different things in their life, but all of these are different LGBTQ+ issues. These two are husbands who have spent most of their life together, and now have to accept that death will do them part. They often exchange classical music reccomandations that Tchaiko will play while Seichirou is in hospital and vice versa. Seichirou also has a son from a previous marriage so the manga touches on their relationship aswell. And (spoiler warning) but Seichirou dies from old age at the end of the manga and the scene is, while sad, also very heartwarming, as his son kind of realises the relationship the two of them have and tells him that "his favourite person is here"
They are referred to as boyfriends in an achievement (Beaux and Arrows) and on the official page for the End of the Line sfm it's described as "an action packed cinematic romp full of comedy action, romance action*, drama action, and actioney-type action.", there are no women in the sfm.
pretty sure they're both over 50 judging by some lines in the comic and their appearances (when the medic is asking satan to be put back on earth he says "another 50 years", implying he already lived for 50 years before he died). these two are typically seen together in canon as an unstoppable duo, and they are the KINGS of romanticizing surgery.
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smilingangel582 · 1 year
Heywood my friend found my tickle blog... hehe and she wanted me to write one for kuroko no basket.
I'm guessing I forgot there's another good anime I could totally go all out. Neeehehehe
Anyway, enjoy this fic... takes place after the whole series and his birthday episode.
Warning spoilers alert!!
Phantom tickles~
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The generation of miracles decided to hang out again after Kuroko's birthday. Akashi Seichiro has an appointment so he was absent, then Midorima Shintaro rambled about the unlucky cancer situation from fate and also the fact he saw multiple black cats and cawing crows.
Only Murasakibara Atsushi (who claimed to have been, by chance, in Tokyo), Aomime Daiki, Kise Ryota, and Kuroko Tetsuya both huddled in a group discussing nothing but basketball. Many admired the amazing passes of Kuroko, and unsuccessfully, Kise would fumble the ball with that insane speed.
"Ne Kurokochi! (-ichi is a nickname he adds to the people he respects), you really don't look it but your cool"
Kuroko stared blankly but politely bowed. "Am I, thank you"
Aomine chuckled proudly, now spinning the ball. "I know, the kid is nothing like us"
"Like us you, you mean Kurokochin (this guy uses -chin to their names, no idea if its for affection or not) is small," Murasakibara murmured with his drawing voice as he scored after Aomine.
"Oi, have a bit of sensitivity" Kise snapped as he leaned on Kuroko but was startled to see he was gone from the original position and ended up stumbling down on his fours.
"Kukokochi?? Where did you...?"
"I'm here"
The faint sound almost made Aomine shriek as it came from his other side, and Kise seemed to have forgotten his plight as he burst into laughter. "Ahaha hahaha jeez, you scream like a girl Aominechchi"
The invisibility trick was something he purposely intended to use against his friends. He bit back a giggle escaping from his lips.
Seeing this, Kise and Aomine's temporary playful dispute shifted to mischievous grins of joining forces. The time they agree on something is the time one must be wary of these tricksters.
Murasakibara, on the other hand, was difficult to form an alliance in basketball but was fun and cool to be with at other times. Seeing the interesting looks, he felt like joining them as well, dropping the ball back to the hoop with, the ball definitely felt rejection at that moment.
"Oya~ Kise, do you hear a giggle just now?" Aomine started with a playful purr in his voice. This tone startled Kuroko as he knew he was in trouble.
Kise played along "Ahh right? I thought I heard something too, but what's this... a ghost is standing beside us. Did you see that Murasakibarachchi?"
Kurko sensed the tall purple haired guy motioning with a nod. They all had their eyes on him, though they spoke as if he wasn't there. Kuroko, being oblivious to the threat, remained silent but kept his smile gently stretched at their taunting.
"I feel someone standing here"
Kuroko didn't see it coming. Aomine was just next to him, but as if he was using misdirection against him, he was behind him and two prods reached his sides.
He squeaked in shock, now covering his sides with wide puppy blue eyes. Kise snickered before playing his role, too. "Aominechi? Did you sqeak?"
They were good actors, that's what Kuroko could think before feeling repetitive pokes to his ribs by the blond he squirmed away with more giggles now speaking at last "Alrihight that's enohough Kise-kun"
Pretending to raise his voice in shock both the guys moved into to torment his sides mercilessly "There's a giggling little ghost right next to us... the phantom!"
Murasakibara didn't tease but watched temptingly as he waited for his turn. Yet he was more swift than Kuroko had anticipated. The guy was behind him and blocked his routes of escapism, then he consecutively wiggled his finger at his ear and neck making more giggles spill from the smaller guy.
"Guhuhuys... thihihis nohohot fahahahair!"
"Oh, the tiny ghost speaknof injustice?" Aomine chuckled, entirely motivated to wreck his left side and ribs."Who was it that used his lack of presence unfairly?"
"SOhohoorry? I cohohouldnt hehehelp it" his adorably leaned back on the squishy large Murasakibara who couldn't help feating on his laughter. He could handle Kuroko's sweet laughter over sweets for sure.
"Aww, that's cute," Kise grinned before wiggling his fingers teasingly, "But for ghosts like you phantom tickles are a remedy"
His laughter increased in volume and he slide on the court curling against the big buy Murasakibara who stopped his assault mercifully. The two monsters that should never joined forces ended destroying Kuroko.
His stomach was specifically weak, Aomine looked like villain as he did the opposite. Kise seemed more motivated to get Kuroko. They haven't even realised how time flew as they decides to release his torment.
His teary blue eyes and flushed face made them want to ruffle his hair.
"Testu, you OK?" The dark blue haired guy asked when he gave a mild poke to make him move, but he flinched with a giggle."Mehehean... but I ahaham"
"Your lack of presence is to blame" kise fist bumped his shoulder and noticed Kuroko giving a bright smile "Yeah, but..."
Looking up at the crimson twilight drawing in, he said, "Let's do this again with Akashi-kun and Midorima-kun"
Kise playfully glared "You mean tickle you to bits?"
Blushing, he crawled away before another attack to could commence "No I mean hanging out"
Aomine pulled him under his arm which Kuroko almost tried to escaping, worried about beign tickled but now following his eyes, even the tall guy was staring at the sky with him, "Of course, idiot"
Murasakibara wordlessly joined their huddle and Kise jumped in only to which Aomine reacted by pushing his face ans arguing.
The shove and push continued along with Kuroko's genuine laughter as he watched them only to see Murasakibara worsening the situation by complaining of his undying hunger.
The phantom sixth man was glad to relive his middle school time again.
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justlarkin · 1 year
I finished readin thru the main lah quest and I will lose my mind if i dont get more Seichiro content
The rat bastard appears in the Rakusai event for like two parts 😭 I wish he was more relevant. At least he and Exio are probably going to do more in the next part of the MQ.
That part towards the end where Seiichiro and Tsuneaki are sitting in his car and Seiichiro's just being standoffish, so I think Tsuneaki says something like "Woooow, you're actually so mean yet you have a soft spot for MC". Like yeah ofc Seiichiro has a soft spot for them, they're the eldritch abomination baby ffs. Keep up, Tsuneaki 🙄
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hime-arts · 9 months
Some of MCs arts I did 💖
MCs belong to their respective owners:
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Nii-chan tachi ❤️
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Dumck MCs 🦆
Aertha, Kisa, Mika, Risa, Haru, Neru, Yura, Mari, Yuki
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Genbend MCs ✨
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skyflyinginaction · 1 year
X1999 facts about certain characters
There are two characters that share the same name as the clamp member, Yuzuriha and Satsuki. 
Satsuki shares his name “Satsuki” with Satsuki Igarashi, a clamp member albeit with different kanji. Yuzuriha Nekoi shares her surname name “Nekoi" with Tsubaki Nekoi a member of Clamp I saw Nekoi had short hair and she vaguely looked like Yuzuriha.
They did that before as seen within the character Seichiro Aoki being named after their editor 
they inserted a little bit of themselves in their characters but that's just me
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Accepted Character 1/7/2023
Flayvus Murinay from Cape of Spirits
Ayşe from Woven 
Gilto (Neugdae) from Living With One Leg
Su-ah Heo from Whale Star: The Gyeongseong Mermaid
Seichiro from Our Dreams at Dusk: Shimanami Tasogare
Samira from Samira og Skjelettene
Mr. Kim from My Life As a Loser
Komachi Fukakusa from Moebana
Blues (Proto Man) from the Mega Man series
Aro from The Witch and the Bull
Doyeong Lee from Swimming Lessons
Yeongji Bae from Never-ending Darling
Samantha from Pixel Perfect
Doctor Pedro Astil from the Mega Man series
Ichabod from Third Shift Society
Ai Hoshino from Oshi no Ko
Haine Minakata from Summertime Rendering 2026: The Room That Dreams of Murder
Elna Svendsen from Mot i Brøstet
Azazel (Aza) from Aza
Crown Prince Theodore Keith Tagnet (Theo) from Love Falls Like Rain
Insect Girl from Dinokid
Charlotte Warrick from Vera
Helen from Donut County
Maximillian Von Klem from Olsenbanden Jr.
Gyuhwan Han from Shotgun Boy
Ji-eum Ban from See You in My 19th Life
Kwon Ki-do from It's Okay to Not Be Okay
Albert Gurahashi from Earthchild
Yuzu's mother from Yuzu the Pet Vet
Kang Eun-ja from It's Okay to Not Be Okay
Mia Myhr from Mia Myhr og barna som forsvant
Ubbe Gunnhildson from Ragnarok
Chiro from Watermelon
Geumhwa from Svaha: the Sixth Finger
Nina Tanzawa from Kazane
Baghera from Jungelboka
Tansy from Do You Remember
Soeun Han from Tales of the Unusual
Quinton Avalon from Jupiter-men
Tante Ulla from Sjæk, Bræk og Bolla
883 Requests Remain
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chubypotato · 5 months
Cotton candy
Imagine what it would be like to go with Nagi to a funfair!
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You were in the bathroom getting ready for your date with Nagi. This time you managed to convince your lazy boy to go outside and go to a funfair you really wanted to go. Usually you would just stayed home and watch something or play but you really wanted to do some attraction there and there AND eating cotton candy. Cotton candy are the most important part of it.
While you were putting your makeup you could feel two big arm around your waist while something lean on your neck. Nagi was there hugging you with his lazy eyes. You could tell he wanted to stay in but he put an effort to go outside with you since you really wanted to go.
"Baby when will be ready ? Do I have the time to load a game? "
You turn around to put your arm around your boyfriend neck and pressing a little kiss on his lips.
"I am ready shall we go? "
Nagi just nodded before letting you go to put his shoes on. You saw him waiting for you by the door before walking to him and take his hand.
After the road to go there you couldn't help but to smile and having stars into your eyes. It was beautiful. Color everywhere, food, people and all of that stuff. While NAGI was just looking at you with a small smile you took his arm before starting to running to all the attraction you guys could get done.
After a while if fun you felt like you feet burn and you starting to starve a bit. You looked at nagi eyes.
"Sei I'm hungry could we get cotton candy?"
"Why can't we just go home and eat there? " You looked kinda disappointed, you really wanted cotton candy. Without a word nagi set you on a bench before getting you cotton candy. You guys happily eat it while laughing and you talking about how the evening was fun and nagi just listening to you.
After a moment of silence nagi felt your head fall on him. You just fall asleep there. It must have been a long evening even though it was really funny. After a few minutes nagi took you on his arm giving you a piggy ride and going home.
After nagi arrives at home he put you carefully on the bed taking off your make up and putting you in pyjamas. It was such a nice evening and it ended it perfectly just you and nagi cuddling together until nagi fell asleep.
.・゜゜・✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*.・゜゜・
It was such a cute thing to write. I'm not gonna lie I got the idea since I m starving for cotton candy but I can't find any. 😔
Hope you guys enjoy it!!
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yunilee2 · 2 months
Es q no inventennn, su visión para cada obra y la imaginación que tienen se me hace de lo más geniaaal, encima el valor que le ponen a cada personaje sin dejar que se desperdicie su potencial de ninguna manera porque ellas sabennn que son sus hijos y merecen una buena historia todos y cada uno de ellos.
Personalmente amo Sakura Card Captor y Wish pq son historias súper bonitas, pero no inventes con Tokyo Babylon, X 1999, XxHolic, Clover, osea qpdo pq son historias tan buenas, dramáticas y tristes??? Ahi no hay personaje que no sufra mamita y peor, no hay personaje que no sirva y no tenga una historia propia
Además, esa visión tan romántizada e idealista del amor es lo que de vdd le da sentido a todas esas historias y algo que adorooo, pq si hay algo que siempre tendrán en común todas sus historias es la creencia de que el amor es el impulso más grande de todos, la motivación más importante y potente e incluso el más poderoso poder.
Es que de vdd no puedo explicar como esa visión del amor me parece tan hermosa, osea, en sus historias si existe algo retorcido en ello pero alch creo que es increible que algo como el amor pueda impulsarte a hacer lo que fuera, ya sea el sacrificio más noble o el deseo más egoísta, es geniaaall
Y quiero ejemplificarlo de vdd pqq, osea tiene sentido
Empezando en SCC por Sakura y Shyaoran, o a Tomoyo y su forma de ver el amor como ver por la felicidad de la otra persona, ooo Touya salvando a Yukito pq lo ama 😭
O en Wish con Kohaku durmiendo 100 años con tal de encontrarse con la reencarnación de Shuichiro o Hisui y Kokuyo escapandose a la tierra para estar juntos dejando todo atrás solo por esa única motivación AAA
O en el maldito Xxholic con el maldito Watanuki sacrificando su vida solo para esperar el regreso de Yuuko así se tenga que quedar en la tienda para la eternidad, o Doumeki y la otra chica cuyo nombre se me olvidó JAJA casándose solo para que su descendencia se quede con Watanuki para que no esté solo 😭😭😭😭
Y ya yéndome a lo más triste de las Clamp con Tokyo Babylon y X 1990
Es que la historia de Seichiro y Subaro tiene tanto sentido y la forma retorcida y extraña que es se me hace tan hermoso, y el final de esa relación tambieeeen TODO tiene sentido como si las piezas de ese vínculo y su desarrollo encajaran justo donde deben encajar pq no hay otro lugar donde puedan ir
Y el tremendo plot twist (YO NO LO ESPERE OKEU PQ NO SABIA NADA DE X 1999) de Kamui y Fuma y su bonita relacionnn, y ese final trágico q CLARAMENTE van a tener
Ayyy de vdd amo todo, malditas desgraciadas clamp las amo, adoro, bendigo y maldigo, genias
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sakuwsker · 5 months
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Happy Birthday Inumine Seichiro 5/5!!!!!!!
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milkiepie · 4 months
Hi ☺️ so I was reading your "new move_Nagi Seichiro" and I really liked it so can you do a part 2 to it like when they go hangout together ❤️ and thank you
yes sure. i didnt really expect you to want another part of that short scenario hehe.
cherry blossom - nagi seishiro
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once the bell rings, it means the school is over. you waiting for Nagi at the front school gate while scrolling through your phone. you didn't really expecting much from Nagi because this is the first time Nagi asked you to hangout together. maybe he wants to spend his last time with the three of you together before the Blue Lock Project starts.
a small cough caught your ears. you turned on your left and saw Nagi standing and smiled sheepishly.
"how long have you waiting here?" he asked, his eyes looking at yours softly.
"about 10 minutes."
"shall we go now?"
"sure. where's Reo?"
your question had him surprise. he thought you know what he meant by the way he invited you but sadly no. he looked a bit upset but he washed it off because he understood. the three of you always hangout together so it is weird when Reo is not around.
"i want..." you hummed to his silence after his unfinished answer.
"i want this to be just us. me and you, Y/N" he answered with a blush on his cheek. his eyes sparks like a diamond and his face told you enough that he want to hangout with you, only you.
"oh... i'm sorry, i didn't catch that quick. sure, this evening will be ours, Nagi"
you both decided to go to a few places that you guys can hangout. you went to the arcade and play a few games together, and as you know the game addict Nagi Seishiro is so good at every games that you played. eventually he let you win one or two games just to hear your cheerful laugh.
after playing at the arcade, both of you went to the nearby restaurant to eat since you and Nagi are pretty tired from playing those games. you eat your food deliciously and pretty much enjoyed the moment together with Nagi.
eventho you and Nagi didn't have a long proper conversation throughout the hangout, both of you are still comfortable with it.
it's that feeling whenever you're around Nagi, alone. you feel safe, warmth, chill and comfortable. Nagi's aura that makes you feel that way.
"Y/N" he called you.
"would you like to go this one place with me before we head home?"
without hesitation, you nod.
you didn't know where he would bring you and you wonder what kind of place that caught his eyes.
after eating, you both go to the place that he wants to bring you. you follow his lead from behind him. from this side, you can see how tall he is and how his body is really fit. that body of him can be a good shield for you. as you walk, a breeze of air hits your face, hair, and body. a really good evening breeze.
his hair waved through the breeze, his soft white hair looks so good when the sunset light hits it.
a few minutes later, you arrived. this place caught your eyes on how spectacular the place is.
he brings you to the blossom tree park that is full of pink colour scenery. it's spring so the flowers are blooming everywhere here. you can see a few people happily hanging out together with their loved ones.
"wow it's pretty..." you murmured.
as you mesmerize the view, on the other hand, Nagi is mesmerizing the view beside him which is you. you look so pretty with that pink flush on your cheek, your beautiful eyes, your soft lips smiling as you are happy right now.
"but why here?" your question broke the silence.
"i...i just thought girls like this kind of place. its pretty right" he said. you nodded understand what he said. indeed you like this place.
both of you become silent and watch the view quietly. now this is awkward for some reason.
"why do you want to hangout with me today? we never hangout together alone without Reo" you asked.
he sighs slowly.
"just because..." he didn't finish his words because he is kind of nervous.
your eyes are now all focused on him. a serious face expression from you makes Nagi more tense.
"because i want you in a more than a friend way. i adore you so much, Y/N." he stopped.
your heart skips faster and your face is burning from the flustered feeling as you recap all of his words just now. what is this? a confession?
"i know its shocking but same goes to me. i didn't expect this situation will come but i do want to let you know this before i join the project. i know i will be there for a long period and its hard to see you, your smile, your laugh, your face again". he said with a full of confident, full of emotion, love emotion.
"its ok if you don't have the answer now. i'll wait." he continued.
your lips curve a smile, a happy smile to Nagi. you're happy to him become more open to you and he let out all of his emotion. you didn't see Nagi in a romantic way but after what he did today, it changed your thoughts and your feelings.
who doesn't like a confident good looking boy?
"so wait for me." you answered with a smile.
there's a hope for Nagi's confession to be accepted but he doesn't want to get all high up.
"damn, that's why i adore you, Y/N. you drive me crazy"
without hesitation, Nagi hugs you tightly and you hug him back.
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