danikatze · 8 months
[Video description under the cut]
When I was in art school I used to make lots of these "doodle" (aka scratchy/messy without a plan) animations in my spare time and I somehow just sat down and started one last week!
It was super fun, just started drawing Masa with his hair untied and trying to figure out what he was looking at! I happened to have a very-post-canon-hc about Matsu and Yaichi bonding while Masa is away on a trip, and Masa being thrilled to find out when he comes back :3
[Video description: a scratchy animation of Matsu, Masa and Yaichi from House of Five Leaves. They are all shown from the chest up in three quarter's view, apparently sitting down.
Matsu is shown first, facing right. He is writing or drawing, but then stops to look to the left. After a moment he smiles, then returns to his work, still smiling.
Masa is shown second. His body is turned to the left, but he looks to the right, at Matsu, with a bit of a confused expression. He turns his head to the left, but holds Matsu with his gaze for a bit, before fully looking to the left.
Next, Yaichi is shown. He has a cup of hot tea in his hand but seems distracted by something in front of him. He seems to stare at Matsu, smiling, then glances to his left and meets Masa's gaze. Yaichi's eyes go a little unfocused and he smiles dreamily before he takes a sip of his tea.
Masa is shown again, still looking confused, but something seems to dawn on him. He blinks and smiles excitedly. /End video description]
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rejectimate · 4 years
I always remembered Saraiya Goyou (House of Five Leaves) as one of my favourite manga/anime series, but only just rewatched/reread it. Honestly, this is one of the rare times I feel like the anime was better.
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The manga was good!! But the ending in the anime was much more satisfying. The parallels to the beginning with Yaichi eating the dango was very pleasing an ending. That being said the manga ending was amazing as well. Yaichi finally having the family he wanted....... 😭💕
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The anime made me ship Masa/Yaichi but the manga gave them... less material.? Which is funny considering Natsume Ono is also a BL writer. Yet her own manga had less shippy moments than the anime, which was just something I didn’t expect lol 😂
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Speaking of which, Matsu apparently loving Yaichi was completely unexpected. I honestly feel like it was such a throwaway comment, that didn’t amount to anything? I’m just kinda ? at why that was even thrown in there. To give Yaichi a harem w Otake and Masa? Lol
My favourite characters other than Masa were probably Sachi and Ume. Sachi was just pure and sweet all around. I loved her talking back to Masa lol. And Ume was a really good guy, despite everything. His love for Otake and his daughter and the Five Leaves was just so wholesome.
Yagi was well done, I have no complaints. I wish we got to see more of Otake, she was so interesting. Matsu was great and I love how he slowly opened up and changed over the course of the series. He probably had the most drastic character change from beginning to end imo.
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But no, the manga did have a few more things I kinda 🤔🤔 at, for all that I like it. Ginta’s entire character, for one. He was interesting enough, but I feel like nothing was lost with the anime completely cutting him out. Sure he contributed to the plot, and served as a good enough foil for younger!Yaichi, but he was otherwise quite... boring.
Masa’s younger brother was more interesting, especially with how Masa’s character developed with the interactions between them. Masa was long overdue some proper growth anyways!!
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The ending of the manga just... I liked it. I liked the whole bit with Yaichi and him getting the family he wanted. Yet it still feels so incomplete to me? The anime left more unresolved but still felt like a better ending. Idk. It’s a bit 🤔😖 but I’m not fully satisfied.
Maybe it was the parallels between Yaichi (the servant) and Masa and Yaichi (Seinoshin)? Idk. It was a good read and I am a fan overall.
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The show as a whole reminded me a lot of a more serious, less comedical Gintama. Maybe I’m just a huge Gintama fan but the parallels between the found family, ‘lonely man’/‘dirty stray’, dark pasts shadowing over the light-haired MC, lmao
It also reminded me of Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu (which i also adore and will reread/rewatch soon 🥰) for obvious reasons w the story era, pace, and telling.
It’s a good story and I’ll definitely enjoy Saraiya again in the future 😌
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siaf2018 · 6 years
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山岸清之進 YAMAGISHI Seinoshin:清山飯坂温泉芸術祭・総合ディレクター。福島市出身。
アサノコウタ ASANO Cohta:建築家。福島市在住。
坂口千秋 SAKAGUCHI Chiaki:アートライター・編集者。
富山明子 TOMIYAMA Akiko:薬剤師。福島市在住。
中崎透 NAKAZAKI Tohru:美術家。茨城県水戸市を拠点に活動。
沼田夕妃 NUMATA Yuki:編集・制作業。1歳〜18歳まで福島市飯坂町で育つ。
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msumbra · 11 years
I just watched all available episodes of 'House of Five Leaves' after not watching it in a good 2-3 years.... well worth it. Such an under-rated show <33333
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danikatze · 1 year
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Ok I'm done - unless someone has a special request :3 This was so much fun!
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danikatze · 1 year
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Imagine being addicted to sleeping medication because you get bad PTSD nightmares, and then you don't have access to the meds.. Not saying Masa cures the PTSD, but I'm sure he has a calming effect.
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danikatze · 1 year
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I want to say Masa and Yaichi are perfect for the parts of Sophie and Howl, but to be honest, they both need a bit of Matsu to accomplish perfection (Masa the grumpiness, Yaichi the craftsmanship).
But the scene where they meet is pretty much the same. Sophie and Masa both run into two soldiers/samurai, get harassed by them, and then saved by charismatic Howl and Yaichi respectively, who then almost immediately show that they may be kinda shady - and neither Sophie nor Masa really pick up on it.
(The background is from the movie, I didn't draw that myself)
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danikatze · 2 years
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This looks pretty much the same as a previous post I made, but that was the digital drawing and this one has been printed by hand! Screen printing is a lot of fun, and so easy. At art school I developed a kind of fear for screen printing that I knew was not realistic, so I'm glad I got the opportunity to get over it hahah.
I will put eight of these prints up fore sale, so let me know if you're interested!
Detail shots!
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danikatze · 2 years
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Well over a year ago I started a woodcut printing project with Matsu, Masa and Yaichi and it never really went anywhere. The fact that it maybe way too detailed wasn't even the main issue - I've completed overly detailed woodcut prints before - there was just something off about the drawing itself to begin with.
But a week ago I started my new job at the local Graphic Studio and I have to learn new techniques (I know, isn't it awful) because I'm gonna have to be able to explain it to people coming in to learn themselves. And one of those techniques is screen printing!
I've only observed and assisted so far (and learned so much already) but the plan for tomorrow is for me to do it myself, start to finish!
So I re-drew the aforementioned drawing and now I like it much, much better. I made two versions - The first is just line art, and the second is shaded with tiny dots and stripes - because I want to be able to go as detailed as possible.
(For the record: I am actually so psyched that I have to learn new techniques for this job!! Honestly cannot believe my luck.. About two years ago I was shown how to make a lithographic print by my now-colleague, but I'm gonna have to take a refresher course on that one. Those are the main two for now, but I'm sure I'll learn much more along the way.)
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danikatze · 1 year
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Two more Howl's Moving Castle of Five Leaves drawings! I'm working on another one and was planning on collecting these drawings until I could post them all together, but the feathers are a bit of a struggle and I got impatient haha.
I gotta say one of my favourite things is that Sophie is as small as Masa is large, and Yaichi is so tiny compared to Howl.
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danikatze · 2 years
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Came across a Kissing meme thing and just turned it into a Matsu Kisses Everyone meme hehe. Plus two Everyone Kisses Each Other drawings :3
HCs and og prompts for the meme below the cut
Cheek and nose. BFF Matsu and Otake of course! I've had the B99 "aren't you forgetting something?" bit in my head with them in my head for years. Both would be the one to walk away without paying their bill - although Matsu would more often walk off in a rush.
Back for more and throat. I've said it before when posting wips for this, and I'll say it again: post-canon non-romantic UmeMatsu ftw! I'm actually trying to write a fic about how that happened in my head, but who knows if that'll ever see the light of day lol
Belly and from behind. Post-canon Masa deserves to relax so much that he grows a nice soft and round belly. Matsu will be very fond of it <3
Corner of the mouth and lower arm. IchiMatsu will take years and years to become a thing, and before they do I imagine they'll have a lot of tentative conversations about their individual pasts and what happened between them after Masa joined the Five Leaves. Like an exchange about the wound Matsu had the night they met.
Knuckles and forehead. No HCs about these two pairs regarding these particular drawings really
There were three prompts that I didn't really feel like doing, so I left two out and changed one to something else. :3
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danikatze · 2 years
send me a 👀 and i’ll post a snippet of art/writing that i never got around to finishing this year (r.i.p)
This is a super rough sketch of a comic about Yaichi startling awake from a PTSD dream and Masa trying to calm him down. It was something I needed to get out of my head at that moment and in doing so I realised this could be a long one. Cause I guess 7 panels tell the story but I wanna go for lots more details. So yeah, another one for the backburner.
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I'm already very fond of panel 6 though.. Masa is breathing slow breaths for Yaichi to follow along with and calm down his own breathing.
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danikatze · 3 years
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I´ve wanted to make a House of Five Leaves woodcut for the longest time and today I sketched this to carve and print soon!
[ID: a digital grey scale sketch of Yaichi, Masa and Matsu from House of FIve Leaves sitting in a twisty tree. They’re looking somewhere behind the viewer, presumably enjoying a beautiful landscape, and all three of them are smiling. There is a forest of smaller twisty trees behind them. /End ID]
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danikatze · 3 years
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Gooosh I always get a tiny bit nervous drawing Masa and Yaichi because often it takes me a century to get their faces right. And sometimes I draw them *exactly* how I want in one go. Today is such a day and I just want to stare forever at Masa’s face in particular.. (I love my boy so much aaaa)
[ID: two images of a grey scale pencil drawing of Yaichi and Masa from House of Five Leaves. They are drawn from the waist up: Masa is half turned to Yaichi, holding up a small maple leaf. Yaichi reaches out for the leaf, and not very subtly brushes Masa’s hand with his fingers in the process. His expression is soft and contented. Masa grins and blushes at the unexpected touch.
Yaichi and Masa are standing outside in the street: in the background some houses and a glimpse of a tree are visible. On top of one of the rooftops is Matsu, staring daggers at the pair. There is a little rain cloud floating over his head, indicating his bad mood. /End ID]
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danikatze · 3 years
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I felt like doing a poly ship thing! Originally this was for two characters but I messed with it a little. I feel like going into the slider part and get into some head canons :3 And I feel like keeping up the habit of adding an image description, but it's long so I put it below the cut along with hcs!
[ID: a filled in shipping meme template. A box at the top says "UNDERSTAND MY SHIP IN 5 MINUTES"
Below that are three columns, each with boxes to fill character info in. From up to down: name, a picture of said character, gender, age, sexuality and height. Each picture is a portrait from the neck up, only consisting of line art, with a uniform coloured background.
From left to right:
Masa, male, 26 years old, gay demi, 180 cm. He is shown in three quarters view. He smiles and looks at something off to the side of the viewer. His background is blue.
Matsu, male, 31 years old, bi, 165 cm. His is a profile picture, he wears a soft smile. His background is green.
Yaichi, genderfluid, 24 years old, bi ace, 167 cm. Also a portrait in three quarters view. He rests his head on the palm of his right hand, and looks amused at something off to the side of the viewer. His background is a pink-ish orange.
Below that are two more columns, on the left is a collection of "sliders" so to speak, with on each end seemingly opposing statements. On each slider three dots - coloured blue, green and orange - are placed to indicate where the three characters stand on the matter.
On the right are three rows of three simplistic and identical shapes of people. Each row is labeled with a different feeling, and the silhouettes are filled in with blue, green or orange - from the ground up, to a certain level, as if to indicate how much of said feeling they contain.
The first row says "HORNY LEVEL": the first shape is blue up to just below the groin, the second green up to the ears, and the third only has orange toes.
The second row says "AWKWARDNESS LEVEL": the first shape is blue up to the ears, the second green up to the groin, and the third orange halfway up the lower legs.
The third row says "JEALOUSY LEVEL": the first shape is blue up just above the ancles, the second green up to the neck, and the third up to the knees. /End ID
First off: I say "bi" for Yaichi, because that's the easiest label, but it's super difficult to describe what his romantic orientation is in my head. And that's mainly because of Ane-san. I guess the best description for what I saw happening between them is queerplatonic, but Yaichi was definitely a bit in love with her.
Besides that, Yaichi supresses his feelings a lot so had his childhood been a little bit less fucked up, he may actually have fallen in love with more people of all genders. So yeah I'm gonna say bi, although I still don't think that's the right word.
Big spoon - Little spoon
Masa is almost always the big spoon because he's the biggest, but Matsu will occasionally spoon him when they're in the mood. Yaichi is always the little spoon with both Matsu and Masa.
Lends clothes - Borrows clothes
I put them all somewhere in he middle because they don't really lend or borrow each other's clothes. But Masa is most likely to lend clothes because he's big and anyone would technically be able to wear it, and Yaichi is most likely to borrow clothes, but not often Matsu or Masa's. If he were to borrow clothes it's probably Otake's, cause her stuff is pretty.
Doesn't use pet names - Uses pet names
Talked about this before at some point but none of them use terms of affection. The closest Masa comes is when he calls his boyfriends by casual versions of their name, and Matsu when he calls Masa idiot (affectionate)
Introverted - Extroverted
They're all pretty introverted, but Matsu most out of the three of them. Yaichi and Masa can handle bigger groups better, and sometimes even get energy out of it, while Matsu is exhausted afterwards. He likes being with his friends, but it just drains him 9/10
Affection through words - Affection through actions
They expressing affection verbally more often than they use pet names, but they generally show affection through actions. Now that I'm writing this I feel like Matsu's dot is too much to the right, cause he definitely prefers giving presents and physical affection, but he doesn't shy away from a heartfelt "I love you" when it comes to Yaichi and especially Masa. Yaichi snuggles and showers his boyfriends with gifts, but will not say the L word until much later into their relationship. Masa says it on a regular basis.
Confesses first - Waits for confession
Masa and Matsu confessed to each other pretty much at the same time and a bit later to Yaichi. It took Yaichi a looong while before he felt comfortable enough.
Screams about bugs - Puts bugs outside
Yaichi isn't particularly scared, but he doesn't want to come close to bugs, so if he sees one he just lets it scurry until Matsu or Masa arrives. Matsu finds them gross too, and Masa kinda likes most bugs.
Drives the car - Can't drive lol
None of them can drive obviously, cause Edo times, but if there *were* cars: Matsu would be a good driver, Masa a decent, but nervous one, and Yaichi wouldn't get his license. He'll get a taxi instead (if none of his friends are available)
Can't cook for shit - Makes dinner
They're all pretty rubbish, but Matsu can do some super basic stuff, and I feel like somewhere post canon Masa might actually like cooking a bit. He helps in Ume's kitchen when he can and Okinu likes showing him how to make some of his favourite recipes.
Dislikes PDA - Loves PDA
Yaichi will use anyone's lap as a pillow (preferably Matsu's or Masa's though), but does *not* do romantic PDA. Matsu and Masa like secret touches under the table.
Overprotective - Chill going
Masa will defend his boyfriends any time they so much as look uncomfortable. Matsu is overprotective too, but is passive aggressive about it. Yaichi does worry, but he knows he can use his wit and charm to get his boyfriends out of sticky situations, so he's generally pretty chill.
Has more relationship experience - has NO relationship experience
Matsu has a lot of experience :3c Masa has had next to none until he starts dating Matsu and Yaichi. I'm on the fence about his ex-fiance. It would be fun if they'd fooled around the tiniest bit out of curiosity. Yaichi has very little experience as well, because for most of his life he kept too much distance to form any meaningful bond with anyone.
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danikatze · 3 years
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Doodle dump :3 I love Matsu can you tell
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