katfreaks-hidyhole · 3 months
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codes-of-fun · 2 years
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Full Artwork for Seiðr: Goddess of Hope
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vergildantedavid · 2 years
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firefly-fez · 2 months
I'm currently watching the season 2 finale of dimension 20 fantasy high and this is so cool I swear
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inky-goddess · 2 years
so uh seeing the weird request Seior makes....I feel like Raquel (my summoner) would just react by going
"Yeah no....I dont....I dont do that stuff...sorry...."
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moe-broey · 2 years
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Wow I really do get to become the world's first transmasc absent father 😳
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fungifanart · 2 years
OK, but Heidr embarrassing Seidr in front of her crush (us???) is SUCH a sibling thing to do and I'm all for it
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yourladyrinea · 2 years
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Lol am going back to sleep after this 🤍💚✨🥲
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People shit on heroes writing a lot, but I think it’s really good and the oc’s are really unique and have a surprising amount of depth. Seior is an amazingly written character who I want to see more of (also want to see how she is coping with the events of book 7). Askr is big tiddy father that even if his screen time was brief he was genuine in all of it. Gulveig has a genuinely harrowing story and sorrows that feel real. Veronica is one of the series best written antagonists only to later become one of the best written deuteragonists. And finally even if book 4 had only an ok story, its themes were some of the most hard hitting and emotionally challenging. Like one of the stories main themes in identity and what it means to lose it. That is some dark stuff
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emeraldxphoenix · 9 months
plotted starter for @acertainfemininemystique
Time loses all meaning out in the deep emerald dark. All around him thrums with the greenness of life, while he sits, and sits, and sits, timelines clenched in stiff fists, not-time slipping by slower than the dripping of thick honey. Lifetimes pass before he finds the courage to even think about moving, ages crawl by while he hones his powers to enable him to do so. Each and every eternity-second is bright, and alive, and sharp. The burden he chose, and would choose again in spite of everything.
When Loki finally learns to escape the solitude of his gilded cage, he doesn’t tell his friends ( – friends, a strange word after so long; the syllables taste like longing, like loneliness – ) how long it’s been, and after a while they stop asking. All of them learn to be grateful for what they have, and tread carefully in case it doesn’t last.
The god doesn’t work for the TVA anymore, doesn’t work for anyone really – unless you count the entirety of the multiverse. He never guides, never interferes, never nudges people or things to the places he wants them to be: they are truly free to make their own choices. And yet, he looks frequently, teasing the thread of individual stories out to follow them from start to finish – as the God of Stories rightfully should.
He’s doing just that – following a variant of himself and the treasure he carries concealed within layers of fabric – when the thread frays off into nothingness. Loki blinks once, twice. It’s not a death, not like the ones he’s used to seeing, but nor is it anything else identifiable. For want of better words, there is simply… absence. Inexplicable, yawning emptiness where a person should have been. Lips purse together. 
Seior floods outwards, cautious, to brush over the writhing mass of timelines, then beyond into the darkness. He doesn’t expect to find anything. He almost doesn’t believe it when he does find something. Brow furrows. With a simple thought, the god shuts his eyes and reopens them to find himself in an unfamiliar kitchen. Sleek countertops run along the length of the walls and cover an island in the middle of the room, clean but scattered with the detritus of a house well lived in; mugs, plates, spice racks, fruit bowls. He licks his lips. Apparently this place is more than just a flicker on his radar, it’s a home.
Slipper-clad feet tread silently across the threshold and into the adjoining room, horned circlet diminishing with a flick of his wrist until it disappears altogether. The carpet in here is plush, luxurious and soft under his feet, and incredibly inviting to someone who lives most of his life in a dilapidated stone citadel. Shelves line the walls in this room, filled to bursting with well-worn books that, on closer inspection, appear to be a collection of the god’s favourite works. Odd. Gaze moves onward to the deep green sofa, skimming over the bowl of dried fruits resting on one arm and coming to rest on the (rather showy) display case beside it. There, carefully and lovingly displayed beside Sakaarian jewels and Torfian sculptures, sits the golden locket that once belonged to Frigga of Asgard. The very treasure Loki had been tracking earlier. What the Hel?
Somewhere, in the timeless depths of the god’s mind, the beginnings of a realisation stir.
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katfreaks-hidyhole · 9 months
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leaf-storm-lurking · 1 year
CYL Theory
With the announcement of Brave Robin, Soren, Gullveig, and Corrin around the corner. I'm curious as to how their alts will look, and I have a cool idea that may or may not happen. Robin: From a timeline where he was born and raised in Plegia without any issues. (AKA Validar wasn't a shitty dad.) A member of the Grimleal but they aren't trying to resurrect Grima. (I don't know much about Awakening...)
Soren: Have him be raised by Ashnard in Daein or Almedha in Goldoa. Leaning toward Goldoa, so he can talk to Kurthnaga, Ena, and, Dhegnisea.
Corrin: Valla was never brought to ruin and she's raised as a proper Vallite princess. Alternatively, she was never kidnapped by Garon and grew up in Hoshido. Granted she technically got a Vallite alt already and Hoshido is Male Corrin's thing.
Gullveig: Somewhere between being Seior and Gullveig proper, or maybe she isn't evil like Brave Veronica, idfk.
For Forging Bonds, they're confused cause everyone is from a different world than what they're from.
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fantasyinvader · 8 months
I keep thinking about how the devs say Flower is about having a different set of beliefs from the rest of the game and how that plays out.
The first half sees Byleth caught up in the hidden machinations of TWSITD. They manipulate Lonato into making a march to attack Garreg Mach, with the intent to have him die so that the Church will find papers on him that will lead them away from what TWSITD want to steal. Edelgard herself says she'd do the same as Lonato, hinting that she's been manipulated like he was. Then we find out about Relics with Sylvain's paralogue hinting that Miklan himself was manipulated by TWSITD by having one of their members mixed in with the survivors of his crew. Miklan dies, and Edelgard goes on about how he was thrown away because of the system yet Sylvain can reveal he was kicked out of the family for trying to kill him. Then Flayn is kidnapped by TWSITD, with Edelgard showing up to take her to them if the time limit expires, which leads to Monica returning to the Academy and hanging out with Edelgard. Then we see how TWSITD used Flayn's blood to make a hate plague and turn people into monsters with Edelgard supplying them aid. Edelgard knows Monica is a Slither but says nothing, tries to convince the player to join her, and then Monica kills Jeralt. Kronya and Solon are taken out, but Edelgard is still working with their leader and shows up at the Holy Tomb with Demonic Beasts, former humans, and orders her men to kill your students if they get in the way of her stealing the Crest Stones.
Yet the player can opt to side with Edelgard instead.
Then we get an exploration section where a NPC talks about how he doesn't believe he should believe everything Edelgard says, followed by Edelgard saying she's going to take credit for Byleth's leadership because an emperor can't be seen taking order. You wake up following the timeskip, Edelgard talks about destroying not only the Church but the Kingdom and Alliance as well. But the Alliance is a neutral territory, meaning Edelgard is committing war crimes. Exploration reveals that she's working with TWSITD still, that her army has Crest Beasts as war asset, and there's a line about her using propaganda removed from the English translation. An event scene with Hubert reveals Edelgard's father is a puppet of TWSITD in contrast to Edelgard claiming it was the nobles, and she later talks about how her father revealed Fodlan's supposedly real history to her causing her to act. We invade the country, with Edelgard favoring killing Claude. Then she begins lying about where she's going to attack in the Kingdom, her real target being Arianrhod. That chapter is called Lady of Deceit and ends with Edelgard lying to her army blaming the Church for the magic nukes she was hit with in retaliation by TWSITD. Soldiers are upset that she's keeping people in the dark. In Japan, Dimitri's battle line to Byleth suggest that the player is ignorant of what is going on, echoing Leonie's line and foreshadowing Rhea saying that you're not aware of your sins. Speaking of Rhea, publically Edelgard gives her the chance to surrender but privately says she must be destroyed. Byleth's Crest Stone disappears, causing them to lose their Enlightened One status, with the Imperial history saying it was because of an injury and implying Byleth still uses the SotC, but instead is shown using the Sword of Seiors in Jeritza's ending. Meanwhile, her association with TWSITD is kept secret from the people while Edelgard makes it out that she'll continue to work with them as Hubert takes them out.
And then Edelgard centralizes power on herself, and her ending is supposed to lead to tyranny.
The devs confirmed that the world was designed to support Silver Snow's story, but you picked Flower instead because you believed Edelgard was the good guy. Meanwhile Flower consistently depicts as a liar, with the other routes revealing she wanted to sway Byleth to her side.
A Hero path this is not, at the end of part 1 you decided to join the assholes you've been fighting this whole time because of someone who lies to everyone.
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emblemxeno · 2 years
With the new FEH chapter there you go, that's how Chrom and Robin can still have children. They create them like that. Robin can use his fell dragon powers, love wins no more but what about Lucina argument
It reminds me of Fates and those bond units that hardly anyone knows about, where two players "form a strong bond" and a new Corrin einherjar pops out lol.
But yeah, Seior asking to make a child with the summoner is fucking WILD lmao
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xxthefairywitchxx · 2 years
I'm calling it now, Gullveig, the Jormungandr snake woman in book seven is going to be Seior's/Seidr's corrupted sister, either she gained time powers and went insane or she was possessed by time, or both, but it's her.
I don't know if this is obvious so people aren't talking about it, or if it's so obvious everyone is ignoring it because it's so obvious it feels like a red herring or if no one else has thought of it yet, but I'm pretty bad at picking up on stuff but it FEELS obvious.
Snake woman has the same golden marks that the sister had post corruption, she has the same..."Assets" and the same middle part hair, snake woman also has bright pink rings around her pupils and the diamond on the sister's head could easily become the snake woman's horn, and the book goes right from the sister's corruption to Gullveig. There's probably more, but I'm calling it now.
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roeldraws · 2 months
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