#seishun emergency
raelyn-dreams · 1 month
Did you know the lopsided RYUSEITAI heart in Seishun Emergency also works with their seiyuus irl?
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fiannalover · 9 months
Seishun Emergency is a song performed by 10 whole people. In every single second of the experience, it Feels like the kind of mess of a song that is performed by 10 whole people (spoken with the deepest love in my heart).
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scotts-takes · 7 months
Happy release day for Seishun Emergency! I wrote a a long piece about this a year ago, which I’m going to link at the bottom, but I just wanted to talk about my favorite part of this, and it’s how literally no one rehearsed for this song. Just…look at the video! No one had any idea what they are supposed to be doing so they just all start doing something as to not scare the audience. But…what the FUCK is Kanata doing? What is ANYONE doing?!? It fits the theme of the foolishness of high school romance and emotions!
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dorinnn · 5 months
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cl0ckworkpuppet · 2 years
just finally full combo'd BREAKTHROUGH! expert!!! now the only lv 30 and higher songs in enstars (jpn) that i now don't have a full combo or better in are:
Switch - Knockin' Fantasy (Special): C
2wink - Heart Prism・Symmetry (Special): C
Akatsuki - A Thousand Cherry Blossoms, Night of Crimson Moon (Special): C
Adam - Ruler's Truth (Special): B
Eden - Awakening Myth (Special): B
Ryuseitai × Knights - Seishun Emergency (Special): B
Crazy:B - Crazy Roulette (Special): A
notice that they're all specials! and one of them is Fucking Seishun Emergency!!!! and theres only 7 of them left out of 8 experts + 14 specials = 22 lv 30 and above songs total in the game (counting awakening myth twice for two 30 or higher difficulties), meaning i have full or perfect combo'd 15 lv 30 songs! got damn!!!!
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tokusaatsus · 2 years
i. i have fight for judge looping in my head rn...
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nyaitsu-writes · 2 years
queue filled until thursday! new post every day at 12:00 (GMT +2) <3
working hard this time (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
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knightzp · 6 months
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals. 💌
!!!!!!! aaaa tysm for sending me this <333 i shuffled my enstars playlist for this one!!
1. Cherry Happy Stream by Trickstar
2. Heart aid Cafeteria by Blend+
3. Seishun Emergency by Knights x Ryuseitai
4. Or the Beautiful Golden Drop by Knights
5. Trick with Treat by 2wink (ft. Undead)
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solaaresque · 1 year
REZEEE its leo @seishun-emergency your wataei week fic... the sillies.... eichi is so . yeah. havent written it yet but the day 6 prompt i'm using beach and u can imagine what i have in store for eichi's internal monologue when wataru is wearing a bikini <3 it was soooo silly and fun i love when eichi is a menace and wawa getting flustered literally the cutest of all time <333
HI LEO !!! MEOWMEOWMEOW !! hksfd thank you BUT OOO BIKINI WAWA? !!? waits patiently. i can imagine i'm already going to be laughing so hard reading your fic ksjfghdkgf <333 i think wawa needs to be flustered more... it's like i said wataru is stupid about love and eichi is stupidly in love
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enstarsblr-yearbook · 9 months
The time has finally come...
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The results are in!
Welcome everyone to the results of the final voting of the enstarsblr yearbook 2023! In total we have received 115 votes from all over enstarsblr, we are very grateful to everyone who voted!
This project has been an absolute delight to host and we all hope you have been enjoying yourselves as well!
Let's not beat around the bush and get right into the results... or shall we?
The mods would like to give three bonus categories based on stats and numbers from the yearbook and the blog itself a time to shine!
If you are curious about the results of the yearbook, be sure to press "keep reading"!
First up we have...
Early bird
This one goes out to the two people who were the first to submit on the nominations form and the voting form!
Give it up for...
Seknots-izumimir and Catzakis!
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Congratulations, you beat everyone else in submitting your nominations and votes! Unfortunately, it only earns you bragging rights.
Next up we have...
Nomination hoarder
This goes out to the person who got the most nominations throughout all submissions and categories combined!
Give it up for...
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Congratulations! Your url took everyone by storm, making you win this category with a total of 21 nominations, behind you was second place with a total of 13 nominations.
Last of our bonus categories is...
Biggest fans
Biggest fans as given by tumblr statistics!
This one goes out to...
Beastofmoss, laly-481, seknots-izumimir and lycanthian!
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Thank you all for your support on the yearbook! This doesn't go for only you four, but everyone who has interacted with us, nominated and voted, thank you!
Now let's get to the part where everyone is waiting for...
The final results!
With 115 votes from all over enstarsblr and over 2 months of work to get here, it is finally time to get to the final results. We shall follow the same order as the voting form was presented, so that means we are starting with...
Conspicuous Lurker
Our nominees are:
The winner... with 38 of the votes is...
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Congratulations with your victory, we hope you can wear this badge of honor proudly!
We move onto...
Enstarrie with the silliest posts
The nominees are:
With an overwhelming amount of 66 votes, the winner of this category is...
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Congratulations! The overwhelming majority found your posts the silliest of all, we hope you continue bringing your silliness to our enstarsblr for a long time.
Now moving from silly posts to silly... eating?
That's right, we have arrived at
Would eat a cardboard cutout of their fave
Fun fact: this category is and was the most balanced out of all categories in terms of votes.
The nominees for this category are:
The winner with 34 votes is...
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Congratulations, we hope that the cardboard tastes nice!
And with that we move on from people who eat their fave to people who are simply and utterly down bad...
Most down bad
The nominees are:
From these five, the most down bad of all with 34 votes is...
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Congratulations on winning, please never change your ways of being down bad.
Moving onto our next category...
The rarepair enstarrie
Enstarrie who you think of and go "Oh that's the rarepair person"
The nominees for this category are:
Our winner for this category with 48 votes is...
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Congratulations on winning! Please continue spreading your rarepairs with everyone!
Moving on we have two categories that were very popular with some people, first we have...
Silliest url
We have four nominees for this category and they are:
The winner here, with an overwhelming majority of 56 votes, is...
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Congratulations on your victory! You had tough competition, but in the end you swept it all!
Now for our next category, the counterpart to the silliest url we have...
Worst url
One that makes you go "I hate this" while laughing because it's funny
Our three nominees are:
And our winner is, with 55 of the votes... someone who has been campaigning for this category since the nominations went up... that's right, the winner is
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Congratulations! Your campaigning did not go unnoticed by us or by the people, your competition was tough but you managed to pull through! Enjoy your victory.
Next up we have...
Most unlucky producer
For this category we have six nominees:
And the most unlucky producer as decided by the people, with 35 of the votes is...
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Congratulations on your victory, who would've thought that your bad luck would get you here, huh? Sometimes your losses do have an upside to them!
Next in our categories we have...
Most likely to rank first in an event
Our nominees are:
With a total of 36 votes, the one who is most likely to rank first is...
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Congratulations, your power knows no bounds as decided by enstarsblr! Hope to see you in the rankings soon.
Now from terrifying power of rankings, we go from terrifying power in politics, our next category is...
Most likely to become president
Our six nominees are:
With such an incredible list it could be anyone's win, but there can only be one and with 46 votes it is...
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Congratulations on your win! Can't wait to see you as the next president of... somewhere!
Now we move a little away from our beloved enstarsblr and go onto...
Most iconic not-actually-an-enstarrie
Someone who isn't an enstarrie, but is well known in enstarsblr
This time it is between two people, our nominees are:
But even with just two nominees, only one can go home with the title and that winner with 76 votes is...
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Congratulations on winning and being featured in an enstarsblr event despite not actually going here! This truly shows how iconic you are.
Next we move onto...
The "wait you are an enstarrie?" enstarrie
Someone who IS an enstarrie, but you wouldn't think they are
Our nominees for this category are:
All truly worthy competitors indeed... however, there can only be one winner and that is, with an super overwhelming 86 votes...
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Congratulations, kinning Eichi has gotten you very far in this. A round of applause for evilmario666!
Now, next up is...
Enstarrie who would fight god and win
Our nominees for this category are:
This was another very balanced category meaning everyone here is clearly capable of taking on god, but only one of these will be succesful in doing so, our winner with 29 votes is...
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Congratulations on winning, you have managed to beat god in your fight while the others have fallen! Enjoy your victory.
Next up in our categories is...
Most likely to start an enstars war at school
For this category we only have 2 nominees:
Our nominees have entered the boxing ring to fight over who can start a war the best, however only one of them can win and with 93 votes that is...
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Congratulations! Please keep that war at your school and don't bring it to enstarsblr, we have had enough enstars discourse instead to last us a lifetime...
We are getting close to the end, our second to last category is...
Akira in disguise
Our wonderful nominees for this category are:
All of them worthy of being Akira in disguise, however we can only have one Akira... with a total of 46 votes our Akira in disguise is
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Congratulations on your victory and getting revealed to actually be Akira in disguise! We take no responsibility of people coming in your asks begging for you to reveal what stories you're currently writing.
Now, at last, we have arrived at our final category of Enstarsblr Yearbook 2023!
Wataei of enstarsblr
For this category we have pairings of people from enstarsblr nominated as couples, these nominees are:
mishkakagehishka & meowyoi
solaaresque & neoxsanctuary
nazukisser & neoxsanctuary
shinkaishoujo103 & laly-481
loveregrown & memoryofmarionette
All of them wonderful couples in their own way, it is unfortunate that only one of these couples can be crowned as the wataei of enstarsblr. With a total of 53 votes, the wataei of enstarsblr is...
mishkakagehishka & meowyoi!
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Congratulations, your love for each other has been recognized by everyone as being worthy to be acknowledged as our version of wataei!
With this, the yearbook has come to its end, we would like to thank everyone for participating and contributing! The yearbook has been a wonderful project that lasted for about 2.5 months, we really hope that we have brought something fun to enstarsblr this year! It was a lot of fun to see everyone's propaganda and to see everyone having a good time. We hope to return again next year!
Since this post is long enough already, we have an afterword from all the moderators of this project in a separate post, we would really appreciate it if everyone took some time to read it!
You can find the Moderators Afterword here!
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kghncanonzine · 5 months
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Our first check-in has passed—we think it’s time for you to meet the wonderful contributors of Someone Even Better! Please give them a warm welcome, they’re all hard at work creating some amazing things!
↓ Contributors tagged below the break! ↓
@chamomilebears | Peyca | @ciamomiie | Cirqlr | Clementinebliss | Coolblu_ | @cr0wn1ng | @doodledraw | @eristhenat | Easybakerice | @gwacha | hoshiyuet | @kuropii6 | @lanirawhoney | @rnafee | panukkie | @renchurro | Sharktrs | Slippyhomage | @strawberryswirlix | Winter | witty
Bea | calmthestorms | @seishun-emergency | cluna | @leavesandcurses | @majesticanna | palebluestings | @starship--phoenix | @makhis
@y-o-h-a | @ainudraws | @izucaii | @mirarasol | Salmonfishuu | @shiaroo
Carrd | Retrospring
—Reblogs are appreciated, thank you! @zine-scene @atozines @fandomzines @zinefeed
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fiannalover · 3 months
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Fav EnStars Song Meme~! (blank here)
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xitty · 11 months
Here are fun statistics from Enstars 2022 -> 2023 New Year stream. Stats as of the end of 2022 and of Japanese version, naturally. I hope you find these as interesting as I do!
The Most Read Stories (chapters read) (Basic + Music) 1. Phantom Airship (Mayoi center) 2. Love Letter (Yuta Valentine's center) 3. Antique Legend (Kohaku & Mika tour)
The Most Read ! Stories (chapters read) (Basic) 1. Meteor Impact 2. SS (Winter Live) 3. Requiem
The Most Difficult Songs Added in 2022 (based on Expert clear rate) (Music) 1. Bukubu New Stars!! (70.30%) 2. Awakening Myth (76.87%) 3. Seishun Emergency (81.06%)
The Most Used Stamps in Ensemble Live (Music) 1. Tomoya "arigatou gozaimasu" 2. Hiiro "yoroshiku onegaisuruyo" 3. Hinata "waku waku shichau" (these are from the leaders set you have unlocked by default)
The Best Selling Office Items (Music) 1. Wataru bird plush aka Wataduck 2. Madara volcano bison humidifier 3. Red and white plum partition (the partition is from 2022 New Year's set w interactive mochi pounding stand)
The Largest Stages in MVs (Music) 1. Hello, New Year! (68 m) 2. Brilliant Smile (59 m) 3. Have You Been Naughty or Nice? (50 m) (actual stages by width, it doesn't count Alkaloid are flying all over the skies in Believe 4 Leaves)
Most Camera Cuts in MVs (Music) 1. Fist of Soul (95 cuts) 2. (Re)Play (88 cuts) 3. tie between Brilliant Smile & New Year Ensemble 2022 -> 2023 video (82 cuts)
Least Camera Cuts in MVs (Music) 1. tie between No Name Yet & Growing Starry Days (32 cuts) 3. Noisy:Beep (33 cuts)
Most Live Instruments Used in Songs 1. tie between Natsudori no uta -Summer Bird- & Hello, New Year! (13) 3. Savage Love Affair (12)
The Longest Distance Travelled by Idol in MVs (Music) 1. Adonis in Fist of Soul (145 m) 2. Knights in Corusecate Breeze (29 m) 3. Wataru in Ghostic Treat House (28 m)
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spicykaraage · 11 months
Tenipuri Complete Character Profile - Ryoma Echizen
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Birthday: December 24th (Capricorn)
Blood Type: O
Birthplace: Los Angeles
Relatives: Father (Nanjirou Echizen), Mother (Rinko Echizen), Cousin (Nanako Meino), Cat (Karupin)
Father’s Occupation: Temple Priest (local)
Elementary School: Los Angeles Saint Youth Elementary School
Middle School: Seishun Academy Junior High School
Grade & Class: First Year | Class 1-2 | Seat 3
Club: Tennis Club (Regular)
Committee: Library Committee
Strong Subjects: English, Chemistry
Weak Subjects: Science Experiments, Japanese
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Frequently Visited Spot at School: Under the big tree behind the school building
World Cup Team: U-17 World Cup USA Representatives ➜ U-17 World Cup Japanese Representatives
Favorite Motto: “All or Nothing.”
Daily Routines: Playing with Karupin
Hobbies: Bathing with bath salts from Japan’s famous hot springs ➜ Clearing games he’s borrowed, watching cat videos [23.5]
Favorite Color: Silver
Favorite Music: J-Pop
Favorite Movie: Any kind of Hollywood film
Favorite Book: Monthly Pro Tennis ➜ TENNIS LIFE (an American tennis magazine) [23.5]
Favorite Food: Grilled fish (with little bones), chawanmushi, local confections [23.5], shrimp senbei (plum and kimchi flavor) [removed]
Favorite Anniversary: Any day he can play tennis
Preferred Type: A girl that looks good with a ponytail
Ideal Date Spot: Santa Montica Third Street Promenade ➜ Santa Monica Pier Pacific Park [23.5]
His Gift for a Special Person: “Just tell me what you want.”
Where He Wants to Travel: A snow-viewing hot spring
What He Wants Most Right Now: Nintendo DS ➜ Nintendo 3DS [10.5 II] ➜ A smart watch [23.5]
Dislikes: Waking up early, cleaning the temple floors [removed], paparazzi [23.5]
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Skills Outside of Tennis: Animals take a liking to him for some reason, can cleanly peel fruit [23.5], horseback riding(?) [TP]
Spends Allowance On: Fanta/Ponta
Routine During the World Cup: Soaking in an open-air bath
Height: 151cm ➜ 152.5cm [23.5]
Weight: 50kg ➜ 47kg [23.5]
Shoe Size: 24cm
Dominant Arm: Left
Vision: 1.5 Left & Right
Play Style: All-Rounder
Signature Moves: Twist Serve, Drive A, Drive B, Drive C, Drive D, Cool Drive, Selfless State, Pinnacle of Perfection, Samurai Drive, Hope [23.5]
Number of Times His Friend’s Visited Him While Abroad: 7.8 times a month
Favorite Brands:
Hats: FILA
Clothing: FILA
Shoes: FILA (Mark Philippoussis Mid)
Fitness Test Results:
Side Steps: 71
Shuttle Run: 119
Back Strength: 102kg
Grip Strength: 42.3kg (left)
Backbend: 59.5cm
Seated Forward Bend: 39cm
50m Run: 6.1 seconds
Standing Long Jump: 237cm
Handball Throw: 28m
Endurance Run (1500m): 4:46
Overall Rating: Speed: 4 / Power: 3 / Stamina: 4 / Mental: 5 / Technique: 5 / Total: 21
Kurobe Memo: “Even though many areas already have a high degree of perfection, I suspect it’s highly likely he’ll continue to grow and improve. I would like to see him work on building his body without sacrificing balance.” [RB]
What’s in His Bedroom [10.5]:
Trophies from past competitions // They’re placed randomly since he doesn’t really care for them
Alarm clock on his bed // The alarm doesn’t necessarily wake him up…
TV and game consoles // He has several types of game consoles but keeps the one he uses the most (Nintendo 64) connected to the TV
Closet // Where his school uniforms are stored. His mother will put them away if they’re left out
His pajamas he’s left out // He’s always in a rush when he gets ready for school
Karupin’s favorite cat toy // A cat tail toy
What’s in His Bag [10.5]:
A beginner’s guide to doubles // He bought it after playing doubles with Momoshiro. He forgot it was in there
Notebook // His math notebook he forgot to take out
Photos of Karupin // He insists that he didn’t put them in there
Notepad // He’s written down emergency phone numbers since he’s always late
Pen case
Game Boy Advance // Bought for him as a starting school gift, he plays it during his free time
Senbei // He drinks Fanta/Ponta when eating senbei
What’s in His Locker at the U-17 Training Camp [10.5 II]
Game console // A PSP. He’s absorbed in video games when he’s not playing tennis and has recently been playing a tennis game
Photo of Karupin // It’s one of his favorites
Fanta/Ponta // Grape flavor
Senbei // Having Fanta and senbei together is a must
What’s in His Travel Bag [23.5]:
Shio senbei from Okinawa // Gifted to him by Tanishi to celebrate his return to team Japan
The Prince of Tennis 10.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 11/02/2001
Although he’s lived in the USA, he still prefers Japanese food and isn’t fond of Western food
People tend to be aggravated by him due to his abrasive personality, but he means no ill-intent by it
He gained his arrogant and abrasive personality from growing up in the USA
He will speak his mind regardless of how it sounds as he believes it’s a way of being kind
His first name is written in katakana rather than kanji. It’s alluded that it may be due to his mother being another nationality besides Japanese
Konomi had Ryoma wear a hat since he thought it was cool, and wanted people to associate his FILA hat with him
He is called “Shorty” by Kikumaru but does not mind it since he states height doesn’t matter in tennis
He likes grape-flavored Fanta/Ponta
He keeps everything he needs for school in his tennis bag, hence why he gets confused when some items are still in it
His personality is described as pessimistic, but shy, gentle and always striving for improvement
Konomi originally did not intend for him to be the protagonist. The role was originally going to be given to Kintarou, with Ryoma being his rival. He initially thought Ryoma would be difficult to portray as a protagonist, be better as a sub character and that making him the protagonist would dampen the mood of the series. He eventually decided on Ryoma and built the other characters around him
Konomi describes him as a “bad guy,” and that him defeating people who are even worse is a focal point of the series
The Prince of Tennis 20.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 12/04/2003
He is described to easily get engaged in a single subject and then excel in that area
When he concentrates, he will become so absorbed in what he’s doing that he will not pay attention to his surroundings
He is described to be suited for professions that require special skills, such as a pilot or astronaut
He is very susceptible to change and has an insatiable desire to become stronger
One of his favorite subjects is chemistry since the science behind the substances changing, combining and gaining different properties reminds him of tennis
He does not remember when he started playing tennis, and states he thinks he’s been playing it since he was born
His secondary sport would be soccer
The Prince of Tennis 40.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 12/04/2007
He is described to be sociable and lively, but doesn’t get too involved in his personal relationships and tends to be reserved
His friends and schoolmates often visited his house when he lived in the USA
He did not know what “Old Maid” was until he played it at the joint training camp with Rokkaku
In Genius 305, when he had won his match against Atobe and everyone huddled around him, someone had quietly handed him the shaver, but it’s a mystery on who it was
He considers Kintarou to be quite strong, and wouldn’t mind having an official match with him someday
He is the character Konomi states he has the least in common with, the second being Tezuka
The Prince of Tennis II Official Character Guide: PairPuri Vol. 2 | Publication Date: 12/04/2009
He takes naps around the training camp along with Jirou
The Prince of Tennis II Official Character Guide: PairPuri Vol. 4 | Publication Date: 02/04/2010
He had gotten his hat mixed up with Sanada’s
The Prince of Tennis II Official Character Guide: PairPuri Vol. 5 | Publication Date: 03/04/2010
He likes his grilled fish with not many bones and finds removing them to be annoying
The person he currently dislikes the most is his father
If he had a long vacation, he would go play tennis on the western side of Japan since he states they have strong opponents
He wants to win all four major world tennis championships
When asked what kind of plant or animal he is like, he replies with a cat since they’re free-spirited
When asked what his current goals are, he replies that he wants to fight more stronger opponents and win against them
He is named after Ooka Echizen, also known as Ooka Tadasuke
Konomi came up with his “Selfless State” technique since he wanted to write a story where the main character’s dormant power would awaken when faced against an unbeatable enemy. And since Ryoma was a returnee, he had him speak in English to surprise the audience and give his scenes a fantasy-like feel
Konomi corrects his statement that Ryoma didn’t win national USA junior tournaments four years in a row, he had meant that when Ryoma started tennis, he had competed and won in regular USA junior tournaments four times in a row
Konomi states he has tried drawing Ryoma more mature as the series progresses and draws Ryoma’s shoes and racket bigger to make him appear smaller
One of His School Days:
6:30am - Woken up by his cousin
6:45am - Eats breakfast while half-asleep, goes to school
7:30am - Late for morning practice, does 30 laps
8:40am - 1st Period: Math, half-asleep and dozing off
9:40am - 2nd Period: English, Grammar, half-asleep and dozing off
11:00am - 3rd Period: PE, bar exercises
12:00pm - 4th Period: Geography (quiz)
12:50pm - Lunch, buys bread at the school store after eating lunch
1:10pm - Gives in and buys and drinks milk
1:20pm - 5th Period: Science I (physics), is sleepy from eating
2:20pm - 6th Period: Japanese (classic literature), thinks of ideas for volleys
3:20pm - Library Committee meeting, wasn’t listening
4:00pm - Club activities, earnestly practices volleys
5:30pm - Stops by Momoshiro and a CD shop, then returns home
6:00pm - Dinner, bathes (with bath salts from Beppu Onsen)
6:30pm - Rallies with his father
10:30pm - Plays with Karupin while listening to music
11:00pm - Falls asleep while playing games on his bed
The Prince of Tennis II Official Character Guide: PairPuri Vol. 9 | Publication Date: 09/02/2011
Mifune’s eagles are shown to be fond and gentle towards him
The Prince of Tennis II 10.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 09/04/2013
He texts his mother everyday asking her to send him pictures of Karupin
He quickly became friends with the dogs at the training camp
The Prince of Tennis II 23.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 05/02/2018
When he and Ryoga were younger, they went out to play and had gotten lost for three days. They eventually managed to hitchhike home
Konomi had originally intended to show him being anxious about joining team USA, but then being helped by them to join team Japan again
Konomi states he may continue his and Fuji’s match in the rain
The items Horio had brought to the camp for him were Fanta/Ponta
The Prince of Tennis 20th Anniversary Book: Tenipuri Party | Publication Date: 08/02/2019
He did not mind playing for team USA and states the country doesn’t matter as long as he can play tennis
He did not care about being on the same team as Ryoga and had actually wanted to play against him
He states he felt some changes when viewing team Japan from an outside perspective
He returned to team Japan because he had thought of the people who made him stronger and wanted to fight alongside them
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rnnkzine · 6 months
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☀️ Here is the writing mod, Eclipse!
We're happy to have that mao guy here to help with writing~
twt: chocororos_ tmblr: @seishun-emergency ao3: amarowan
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scamoosh · 1 year
hello shan scamoosh it is leo @seishun-emergency could u perhap... draw arashi with freckles....... knights love her for her freckled swag
HELLO MY LOVE ur wish is my command o7
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