seizetheedae · 3 years
SaturDAE: April Showers Bring May Flowers!
Written: 4/19/2021 @ 2:06AM EST
Happy May, Hunny!
What better time is there to launch than the month of BLOOM?! Spring brings about a time of ‘rebirth’ and ‘renewal’, making it my favorite season for that very reason! So as we all break out the sunglasses and dresses, don’t forget a nice umbrella to go with the ‘fit[1], Hunny. Here at SEIZEtheDAE, not only do we show up and show out, but we also come well prepared.
Now, how does that translate from May to sunglasses to trying to coordinate them with a clunky umbrella? Let me break it down. I’m sure I’m not the only one that has had copious amounts of time to cook up some BOMB AF ideas during the parabola[2]. Now that it’s been over a year and outside is slowly opening back up to the public, (Ahhh, I can smell the bad decisions already…) it’s definitely a great time to show off some of these bright ideas. However, if Roro[3] has taught us anything at all, we’ve learned to always be prepared!
As Ms. Jackson was once told: “You can plan a pretty picnic but you can’t predict the weather.” [4]This holds true in many aspects of life and comes in handy when we’re talking about goal-setting 101. The #1 rule is… Well, it’s actually that there are no rules. BUT Rule #2 would definitely be to have a backup plan or planssssss in place! Make that Vision board! Do that manifestation reiki! Pray and let God know what you want and need! But please do not leave yourself hanging because this world definitely will! “When you fail to prepare; you’re preparing to fail.”[5]
My suggestions:
1.) Spring Clean.
I mean this literally and figuratively. Clear out your physical space (at home, at work, and your car too) of anything without a proper ‘place’ or anything you haven’t utilized in quite some time. [i.e. it’s no longer serving you bro/sis] Now, hear me out, do the same thing in your phone. I’m talking photos, contacts, apps, alarms even. Purge anything that’s not of good use to you at the moment. I would include any social media as well to really set yourself up for success in your season of bloom!
2.) Envision.
This is where you let your imagination run WILD and FREE! The easiest way to envision anything is by creating a vision board. (I know it’s cliché, but, it works!) Make yourself a visual reminder of the life you have planned for yourself. Physical vision boards are cute and allow you to get creative with your vision, but virtual vision boards are becoming more and more popular these days. The simplest, most user friendly and easily accessible way to create vision boards is through Pinterest. It’s user friendly, feeds that social media scrolling itch, while also providing ideas and visual references to look back on when needed.
3.) Grab that umbrella!
This is the part of planning where we are more ‘realistic’ or some may even say ‘pessimistic’ because we envision a reality where a goal, or goals, that we originally envisioned do not come into fruition. Honestly Hunny, don’t spend too much time here, it’s the ghetto. Just be sure to come up with a backup plan. Also, be mindful that depending on the goal, you may need a backup plan to the backup plan. In some extreme cases, a ‘front-up’ to the backup’s backup plan is necessary! Just keep in mind that you have to have your own back at the end of the day. I would start with this phrase as a prompt:“If all else fails, I know that I can: ___.”. Fill in the blanks from there and BOOM, you’ve got a solid backup plan written out. “You’re doing amazing, Sweetie!”[6]
So, that’s it, goal-setting 101. By planning ahead, we soothe not just our ego or that inner child that tells us we can conquer the world, but we are also calming our anxious self by starting with a fresh mind from the spring clean, focusing in on what we truly want out of life by envisioning, and then preparing for life’s rainy days by grabbing an umbrella or backup plan.
P.S. The Song of the DAE that’ll be of good use while you’re in Spring Clean mode is: Rolls Royce B*tch by 2 Chainz. This track is super inspirational because the beat is simple and uplifting while TityBoi hypes himself up in the lyrics, not just about the things he’s acquired monetarily, but his mindset as well. I made a MayFLOWRZ playlist specially for you if you’re interested in a deeper dive from this post. But until next time Hunny:
Pudge & Peace Always,
[1]‘fit: Slanguage for “Outfit” [2] *Parabola –Nickname for the COVID-19 Pandemic (We don’t call Sis by name) [3]Roro: Nickname for COVID-19/Coronavirus (Again, we don’t acknowledge Sis by name) [4] (Outkast, 2000) [5] (Wooden, 1977) [6] (Jenner, 2007)
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daveyjacobss · 7 years
flannels and s’mores | finch
inktober day eleven
reader x finch
[newsies modern au]
summary: Finch has been avoiding his girlfriend.
a/n: yay for underappreciated and not as well known characters !! i hope at least some of you enjoy this. it’s not that good but i’m tired and a thing happened that kind of threw me off so this ended up with a kinda weird feeling, sorry
Y/N disliked the idea of a bonfire for three reasons:
1. It would be bug bite galore.
2. It would be cold once it started to get dark.
3. She didn't trust the boys around a big fire for a single second.
Nonetheless, the boys were having a bonfire, and Y/N was going (because she was a good girlfriend, dammit). Finch loved the idea of a bonfire, and wouldn't stop asking until she finally agreed to go with him. Now, as they watched Jack and Sarah start the fire, Finch wore a smug smile and he slung an arm around his girlfriend. She simply glared at him.
All around them their friends were running around, talking and eating while having a good laugh. Y/N stayed put in her seat on one of the logs the circled the fire, pouting as a way of protest. Though, it really didn't have much effect, as Finch was content to watch his friends goof off while his girlfriend was leaning against him, occasionally placing kisses atop her head. She sort of hated him for it (she also kind of loved him for it, but that's beside the point).
"Finch! Get your ass over here!" Buttons called out, swiftly dodging Mike's outstretched hand. They were playing a childish game of freeze tag, and the twins were it. Romeo and Henry were both stood deathly still, waiting to be unfrozen. Y/N watched as the conflict showed on Finch's face. He wanted to have fun with his friends, and she knew it. And, okay, so it was a little bit childish of her to be pouting and keeping him from the game, but she was determined to stand (or, in this case, sit) her ground.
At least, she was - until her gave her that face she couldn't say no to. Sighing, she removed her head from his shoulder and he shot up, immediately being chased by Ike. She watched them run in circles, all avoiding each other and leaving people frozen on purpose (which earned many insults from Romeo). Okay, so maybe a bonfire wasn't so bad, but she still preferred the alternative she had offered Finch.
All she had wanted was a quiet night in with the two of them - key words? Just the two of them. It seemed as if all of her time with her boyfriend was spent surrounded by other people. She could never get him alone, and she was starting to wonder if he was avoiding being alone with her on purpose. Though, she couldn't figure out why he would be. As she was thinking, Sarah and Katherine sat down on either side of her. She turned to look at each of them in turn.
"Why so gloomy?" Katherine asked with a smile, leaning in and bumping her shoulder with Y/N's. In return, Y/N sighed and let her head fall on Katherine's shoulder the same way it had been resting on Finch's earlier.
"I have a sneaking suspicion that my boyfriend doesn't want to be alone with me," she admitted, narrowing her eyes as she watched him laugh with the boys.
"What?" Sarah laughed. "Are you kidding? Finch is literally so in love with you it's crazy."
"It'd be helpful if he told me that," she grumbled, allowing Katherine to run her hands through her hair, instantly feeling calmer.
"Has he been avoiding you?" Katherine asked, tone almost teasing. Y/N merely nodded in response, frowning heavily as Sarah placed a comforting hand on her free shoulder. She reached up and grabbed her hand to keep it there, feelings somewhat balanced with Sarah's hand in hers and Katherine playing with her hair. "That's what Jack did to Davey, you know," Katherine pointed out. "Before he finally worked up the courage to tell him he loved him." She could practically hear Katherine smiling.
"Oh yeah, I remember that," Sarah conceded. "Davey was terrified Jack was going to break up with him."
"Jack and Finch aren't the same person," Y/N felt the need to remind them. Katherine scoffed.
"All these boys are practically the same except for Davey - they all grew up together and they learned to deal with their problems the same way." Y/N had to admit that there was a truth to Katherine's words, but the unsettled feeling remained in her stomach. What if Finch was breaking up with her? She didn't know if she'd be able to handle it. As if summoned by her thoughts, suddenly Finch was in front of them. She hadn't even realized she had stopped watching him, but made a mental note to thank the girls when he wasn't standing right in front of her.
"Are you okay?" He asked, concerned eyes focused on Y/N. Sarah and Katherine took that as their cue to leave, sending Y/N encouraging smiles as Finch sat down next to her. "Hey," he grabbed her hands, running his thumbs over her knuckles reassuringly. "Is something wrong?" She couldn't stop the frown that formed on her face as she looked at him.
"Are we okay?" She blurted out. "I mean, us - what we have, and everything. Are we okay?" Finch smiled slightly, kissing one of her hands.
"Of course we are," he grinned, reaching out and pulling her closer to him by wrapping his arm around her waist. She didn't bother arguing, just let him hold her as the other boys looked over and teased them, making kissy faces and booing them.
"You got a girlfriend and now you're too good for freeze tag?" Albert called out as he ran, causing Finch to roll his eyes.
"Fuck off!" He yelled after him, making Y/N giggle quietly. He smiled down at her, proud that he could get her to laugh. As it started to get darker, the boys started to wind down and join them around the fire. The temperature began to drop as well, making Y/N shiver and her teeth chatter. "Are you cold?" Finch asked, slipping out of the flannel he was wearing over a long sleeve t-shirt. Before she could eve answer he was helping her put it on, instantly making her warmer.
She let the too-big sleeves dangle, playfully swinging them at her boyfriend, making him laugh. Eventually, he caught her arms by the wrists, pulling her in and planting a kiss on her lips. She kissed him back enthusiastically. There were shouts of protests from the group as a few boys chanted PDA, and Y/N was reminded of why she had wanted to be alone with Finch in the first place.
Someone pulled out marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate only a few minutes later, getting everyone started on making s'mores. Finch grabbed ingredients for the bot of them and they sat and roasted their marshmallows together, Y/N leaning back into Finch's chest. It was a little while after they were done eating that she could physically feel Finch gulp, his breathing becoming slightly irregular.
"You know I love you, right?" He asked suddenly. She inhaled sharply. Hearing Katherine and Sarah joke about it was one thing, but listening to him actually say it to her was another. She could feel the weight of worry being lifted off of her shoulders as she exhaled.
"I love you, too" she whispered. She could feel him sigh before leaning down to kiss the top of her head, a smile evidently on his face as he turned her around and kissed her on the lips again, hands in her hair, holding her head in place.
"Alright, break it up lovebirds!" Someone called out. Finch simply lifted his hand and raised his middle finger in the direction of the voice as he continued to kiss his girlfriend. When they broke apart, they were panting.
"Next time," Y/N breathed, "just the two of us." Finch nodded vigorously. There were a few more teasing remarks shouted at them, but they couldn't be bothered. They were in love, and that's all that mattered.
(Plus, Y/N came home with only one bug bite, and only one the boys burned themselves, and even then it was only a slight burn.)
tag list:
@isarants @tomanybandstolove @seriously-ceci @tomboyneedshercoffe-blog @bens-platt @ohblue @sorryyouroutofmyleague @tumblogbykarapaloma @earlyjunes @broadway-trashh @interwebseriesfan24 @whatacatchdxnnie @returnoftheborle @cozykleinman @timesarehardfornewsies @jackclyde @last-an-eon @annabethgranger123 @musi-xals @notyouraveragegryffindoor @magic-made-by-melody @i-also-miss-our-talks @linfuckingmirandaaa @shatteringinprogress @storytellersun @psych-stereo @books-cats-sprinkles @me-andthe-sky @connor-is-my-sunshine @merediths2003 @papesfordavey @larryisinfactnotstraight @casifer-is-cute @gem-evieve @actually-lizzy @broadwayobsessedteen @broadway-trashh @interwebseriesfan24 @onemorebookidontneed @impractical-impala @mels-an-angel @no-one-suspects-the-moo @liyahisdabomb @seizetheda-vey @tiredjay
(ask to be added to my october tag list or any tag list !!)
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beamentor · 6 years
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. Experience True Pleasure. Avoid shallow and transient pleasures. Keep your life simple. Seek calming pleasures that contribute to peace of mind. True pleasure is disciplined and restrained. In its many shapes and forms, pleasure is what every human being is after. It is the chief good of life. Yet not all pleasures are alike. Some pleasures are kinetic—shallow, and transient, fading way as soon as the act that creates the pleasure ends. Often they are succeeded by a feeling of emptiness and psychological pain and suffering. Other pleasures are catastematic—deep, and prolonged, and continue even after the act that creates them ends; and it is these pleasures that secure the well-lived life. That’s the message of the Epicurean philosophers that have been maligned and misunderstood for centuries, particularly in the modern era where their theories of the good life have been confused with doctrines advocating gross hedonism. ———————————————#entrepreneur #entrepreneurs #entrepreneurship #entrepreneurlife #businessquotes #businessman #quoteoftheday #businesswoman #inspiredaily #inspiration #success #motivation #Motivational #Inspirational #StartupLifestyle #MillionaireLifestyle #hustle #moneymaker #BillionaireLifestyle #startuplife #successful #InspirationalQuotes #inspiredaily #hardworkpaysoff #hardwork #hustlehard #GlobalShift #businessman #businesswoman #business #grind #success #grindmode #grindhard #beast #beastmode #money #beastmodeon #lifestyle #desire #hardworkpaysoff #quoteoftheday #happiness #startup #cash #working #inspiredaily #seizetheda #doer #makeithappen
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