#finch newsies imagine
heliads · 1 year
can you write a finch x reader with a little spice? maybe the newsies are hanging out at the park/pier and he is hopelessly in love with her.
no spice in my good family friendly fanfiction blog
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It is a lovely, lovely day in New York, and that’s cause for celebration if Finch has ever heard it. All of the newsboys around purposefully bought fewer papers than normal just so they could get out early and enjoy the sunshine. They’ll swallow the cost of fewer profits later, obviously, it’ll be the only thing they’ll be eating for a while, but right now it’s good, damn good, and that’s all they care to think about at the moment.
The Manhattan newsboys have chosen to cluster together on the pier and watch the sun slowly sink over the endless water. The local seagull population has been temporarily replaced by scores of boys in fading shirts and patched pants, scuffed shoes and hats raised to wave at each and every ship that passes by their territory.
It’s a wonderful way to spend the day, that’s for certain. Later today, once the exhaustion catches up to them and all the Manhattan newsies troop back to their Lodging House to recount all they did, all the imaginary battles won and treasures discovered, they’ll all swear that the water had never been bluer, the wind never more well timed. The sun will never shine as perfectly as it did today, and were they able to travel back in time and revisit this day once more, it would never be quite as good as it is right now. 
They’re all slipping on the rose tinted glasses as easily as if they’ve been worn all their lives. Looking around him, Finch watches his friends laugh and shout and enjoy themselves. They deserve this, all of them. They’ve deserved it for a while. Feels good.
Finch himself is leaning against a sun bleached wooden post, idly carving initials into the already scored wood. They were his at first, the letters of his attention, but they’ve started slipping into something else, heralding a name that no longer belongs to him. It takes Finch several minutes to jolt out of his sun induced stupor and realize what he’s doing, and then he recognizes the name for what it is:  Y/N’s.
Makes sense, at least. Finch is nothing if not predictable. He’s been crushing on Y/N for what, six months now, and he’s just as unlikely to give her up as he had been at the start. It’s not his fault, though. Most crushes you can brush off with a few days’ worth of calculated avoidance, but this is different. This is Y/N, and that means everything is out of his control.
It would be one thing if he didn’t see her at all. Finch could just wake up whenever, get his papers and sell them on some opposite corner of the city. He’d come back late and purposefully stick to his circles of his friends, all of which don’t have to include her.
That would be the plan, at least, and then Finch’s traitorous feet keep leading him in the wrong direction. All roads lead back to her, all of Finch’s jokes land best when he’s telling them to her, and every time Finch swears to himself that he’s really over it this time, he’s not in love with her, he goes out of his way to find her again and it’s all over from there on out.
It’s not like it’s her fault, though. Y/N’s not the one who can’t stay away, that blame rests solely on his shoulders. Finch can’t go without seeing Y/N because he doesn’t want to. The thought of going forever without hearing her laugh at some bad joke of his or even just look at him with that knowing smile (she’s aware of his crush, of that he’s damn certain, Y/N knows everything) makes Finch want to break a bone, not necessarily his.
Someone taps his shoulder a little too hard and Finch stumbles slightly, dragged out of the same spiral of thoughts he keeps getting trapped in as of late. His attacker is Race, as it turns out. Belatedly, Finch remembers that he’d been talking to a group of his friends, Race among them. He might have been zoning out a little too much, and now they’ve been waiting for a response from him for too long.
Race spreads his hands exaggeratedly. “Earth to Finch? Did you lose the ability to hear or are you just ignoring us?”
“Ignoring you is my favorite thing most of the time,” Finch says pointedly.
Jojo cackles. “Funny, Finch. Funny. Out of curiosity, why are you carving Y/N’s initials on that post?”
Finch’s eyes widen, caught in the act, and he swats Jojo on the shoulder. “Shout that a little louder, why don’t you? Besides, I didn’t realize you learned your letters. Impressive, you’re almost on the same level as Les now.”
Jojo just grins. “That’s not an insult to me. Les is wicked smart. I think he could con Pulitzer out of all his riches if he tried hard enough.”
Finch can’t argue with that. Race, though, has shuffled forward to peer intently at the wide swathes of initials now decorating the pier’s post. “That’s mighty fine workmanship, I have to say. I bet Y/N would just love to see it, don’t you think so, boys?”
Jojo snorts. “Most certainly. Maybe we can get Katherine to put a column on it in the newspaper. I can see the headline already: ‘Local newsboy has it bad for–”
Jojo spreads his hands as if envisioning the headline in print, and, unfortunately, he doesn’t even flinch when Finch raises his fists to start swinging. “The only one who’s going to have it bad is you when I put you in the hospital, Jojo.”
Race steps in between the two of them, still choked up with laughter. “Easy, easy. No fights here today, Jackie boy made us promise. Now stow that frown, Finch. You know we’se just playing around.”
“Yeah,” Finch says, still eyeing Jojo even after Race steps away, “I know. You should know better than to say a thing about it, though.”
“Of course we do,” Race says placatingly. “Hey, here’s Y/N now, you can talk to her about your latest track record for starting fights. I’m sure she’d be wowed by it.”
At first, Finch thinks Race is just pulling his leg, but then over the blond boy’s shoulder he sees Y/N walking over to them. He carefully shifts his weight so he’s leaning over the part of the wooden post that he’d been carving, making Jojo clap a hand over his mouth lest he break out in laughter once again and give them all away.
“What’s all this about?” Y/N asks once she’s close enough, one brow raised, “Jack said that he could, and I quote, ‘smell a fight brewing from a mile away.’ Can I go tell him he needs a better nose or was he right?”
“He might have been a little right,” Race says airly, “but we’se all good now, we promised. Say, I bet Finch here wants to tell you all about it.”
Finch shoots a murderous glance Race’s way, but the other two boys are already heading away quickly. The second they’re around the corner, Finch can hear their laughter bubbling up again.
“What was that about?” Y/N asks curiously.
Finch groans. “Don’t worry about it. They’se just trying to tease me, that’s all?”
Y/N grins. “Tease you about what?”
“Nothin’,” Finch says decisively, “Nothin’ at all. Trust me on that.”
“Well, I suppose I’ll have to take your word for it,” Y/N says, only barely managing to stow a laugh, “It did seem like quite the scuffle, though.”
“It was fine,” Finch says too quickly, then winces to himself. The last thing he wants to do right now is scare her off.
He glances around them in search of something to say, and realizes that the newsboys around them are starting to slip off of their perches and head back towards the streets once more. The sun is setting already, and it’s time to go again. Shame, he was just starting to appreciate their time off.
Y/N’s looking around too, and Finch panics briefly that she’s going to find someone else to laugh with. He hadn’t gotten up the courage to talk to her until just now, so he can’t possibly lose her yet.
“D’you want to walk back with me?”
The words spring out of his lungs like they’re forced out by an explosion. Finch half expects to be choking on gunpowder, but instead his own nerves are the only thing keeping his throat tight as he waits for her answer.
Y/N pauses, turns back around to look at him. It’s a terrible question, obviously– they’re going to the same place, just like everyone else, so why bother making a point of it? Y/N’s eyes narrow, and then she sees something written there in the cracks of his facade and her entire face clears.
Finch doesn’t wholly know what made her change her mind. He isn’t too good at disguising his emotions, which doesn’t matter normally. He gets mad and he wants the others to see it, to think he’s tough. Finch cracks his knuckles and spits on the sidewalk and everyone else has the common sense to walk the other way.
Now, though? When he’s not rolling his eyes or scoffing at the Delanceys? When he’s not tough but genuine, almost soft but never quite, meaning something more than just a threat? Of course she can see it too. Everyone can, probably.
Y/N takes his hand, and the fear that someone can read him half as well as her disappears from his head faster than the train leaving the station at the end of the day. Finch is left hanging in the dust, watching the last of his misgivings running wildly away from him. He tries not to strut or swagger when they’re walking back hand in hand, but. You never know for sure.
newsies tag list: @lovesanimals0000, @misguidedswagger, @mayfieldss, @amortensie
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
Okay so I’ve seen the Delanceys
What about
My fave redhead hothead
Albert DaSilva🥰
so in uksies and livesies (maybeeee 92sies? I don’t know, I don’t really remember any specific moment), albert can be identified as the guy who’s just as loud as race, but who’s not race (yes, this was how I first picked him out while watching livesies a couple years ago, you can yell at me). and this makes sense, right? they’re best friends, both have a lot of swagger and cockiness to go around. but, as I’ve said previously, I’m a big fan of the one-sided ralbert and redfinch. so here’s my theory:
race and albert are best friends, for sure, but it’s very clear that race can and will be best friends with everyone who wants to be. and albert? well, albert is a jealous, hotheaded little shit (affectionate), and has never been the biggest fan of this. his solution? be as loud as possible so that race’s attention never leaves him. and- in his kind-of defense- it works sometimes.
but eventually, after a couple years, race moves on from just being friends with everyone to having his heart set on a specific someone (hint: it’s not albert). enter stage left, spot conlon, king of brooklyn. suddenly, race doesn’t care about how loud albert is, or his jokes, or his muscles. no, he wants to go to sheepshead more and more to maybe see the one person who could literally destroy him (and, subsequently, manhattan). and this? this? this destroys albert.
this leads into redfinch (after a lot of work on finch’s part, because albert fell in love with his best friend who didn’t love him back, and that shit hurt), and- don’t get me wrong- albert LOVES finch, and would never, ever want to leave him. their love is a lot more mature, a lot healthier than previous. but race was his first love, and well. habits are as habits always have been. so if you ever see a small, half-sad smile on his face after he throws an arm around race’s shoulders, or yells something back just as loud, there’s your reason why.
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thedesertpenguin · 2 months
Here are some things from the production of Newsies I saw recently cause I want to share. Idk how much of this is specific to that production or not:
-Female newsies! Some wore skirts, others wore pants (Finch was even played by a girl!)
-Romeo straight up had an Italian accent (and was played by one of the prettiest men I’ve ever seen)
-Elmer was EATING up the choreo the whole time
-Jack started Santa Fe while hiding under the stairs from Snyder and slowly made his way to the top of the set
-Spot wore a top hat and had a fun little cane
-In the scene where it’s revealed that Katherine is Pulitzer’s daughter, they actually had her hidden during the whole scene (before Jack entered even) and turned the chair at the reveal, the gasps were legendary
-Katherine actually punched Jack when he told her to try it
-During the final negotiation with Pulitzer, they had snacks and a tea set on the table. Spot munched on snacks the whole time and when he and the others were told to leave, he stole the tea pot and ran off.
-Spot was smiling during that entire scene, even laughed a little when Roosevelt showed up. Little shit the whole way through
-When Jack decides to stay and slams the money down, no shit from the moment he started walking over Morris Delancey had a smile on his face and playfully snatched the money in the flirtiest way imaginable it was crazy
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fishcowwrites · 24 days
In The Stars - RedFinch Military AU
Albert DaSilva x Finch Cortes from Newsies
2.5k words cross posted on ao3 under cut
Title from the song by Benson Boone which was on repeat as I wrote this to establish ✨vibes✨
Any inaccuracies regarding military death notifications can be taken up with Fort Lee Casualty Assistance Center Casualty Notification Guide for the Casualty Notification Officer pdf from 2013 that I found online.
TW: major character death, mentions of vomiting (non graphic), mentions of self harm (not really graphic)
When Albert was deployed, Finch was distraught. He didn’t want his husband to leave him, let alone leave their daughter.
“It’s just ten months. Not even a year. I’ll be back before you know.” They were both trying not to cry for the sake of Lily, who was not quite old enough to understand what was happening but not young enough to be ignorant of it all.
“Papa, what’s happening?” Albert knelt down next to her, gently taking her hands.
“I have to go, lilybug. Just for a little bit. Not a long time. I’m coming back soon, ok? Be good for your daddy.” Albert scooped her up, passing her into Finch’s arms. He hugged the two of them, then leaned in for one final kiss. “I’ll see you soon, I promise. Just ten months, yeah?” he spoke quietly, pressing his forehead against his husband’s. Finch nodded, choking back his tears.
“Just ten months.”
Then Albert was leaving, and Lily was crying, and maybe Finch was crying too, but he couldn’t tell. The rest of the day was a blur. The two of them headed back home, where Race and JoJo were waiting. JoJo took a now sleeping Lily to her bed while Race got some water for Finch.
“What if he doesn’t come back? What if I never see him again? What would I tell Lily?” Finch was hyperventilating, his hands shaking as he sobbed. Slowly, Race turned Finch towards him.
“Look at me. Look at me, Finch. Albert will be okay. It’s just ten months. He’ll be fine. I promise.” Race tilted Finch’s head up, nodding with what he hoped was a comforting smile. “Albert will be back before you know it.”
Those were the words that ran through his head when a soldier showed up at his door 7 months later.
“Daddy?” Lily called out. “There’s a man at the door.” Finch ran to the front hall.
“Lilybug, what did I tell you about answering the door? You gotta-“ He froze, taking in the crisp uniform and the stoic expression of the man who wore it. “Can I help you?” The man pursed his lips. “Are you Patrick DaSilva-Cortes?” Slowly, Finch picked up Lily, trying his best to ignore the dread creeping into his bones.
“Yeah, can I help you?”
“I am Captain Sam Robinson from Company A, 2nd Battalion, 21st Ordnance, from Stuttgart, Germany. I have an important message to deliver from the Secretary of the Army. May I come in, Mr. DaSilva-Cortes?"
Finch knew exactly what was happening. He had imagined it in his head over and over, and all the ways it could go, but nothing could’ve prepared him for the shock. It felt like he was drowning, with muffled sound and no air. All he could do was nod.
The captain stepped aside, revealing a younger man dressed in a slightly different uniform.
“This is Chaplain Steve Lewis. Is there somewhere we can sit down to talk?”
Wordlessly, Finch led them the living room, clutching Lily tightly. He moved to sit on the couch before stopping to look at the captain.
“What,” Finch closed his eyes, willing himself to stay composed. “What do I do with Lily? She can’t-“ he stopped as she looked up at him, eyes wide.
At barely three, Lily Patricia DaSilva-Cortes was shaping up to be sharper than both of her fathers. She had Albert’s flaming red hair and Finch’s love for music, as well as the penchant for mischief that both men shared. And above all, he loved her with his whole heart. How could he make her leave now?
“It’s nothing, darling. I’m staying with you.” He sat down, gesturing for the two men to do so as well. Carefully, he did his best to cover Lily’s ears before nodding for them to start.
The older one cleared his throat, looking Finch straight in the eye.
"The Secretary of the Army has asked me to express his deep regret that your husband Albert died in Germany on October 19th. His truck crashed in an accident. The Secretary extends his deepest sympathy to you and your family in your tragic loss."
That was it. Those were the words that Finch had been dreading ever since he knew Albert was going to leave. Those were the words that haunted him every day and every night as he prayed he would never have to hear them. And those were the words being said to him in the house he had built with Albert, holding the daughter they had raised together. The man was saying something that Finch couldn’t quite make out, but this couldn’t be real, it couldn’t be real, it can’t be real, and-
Finch felt something. Two tiny hands reaching for his shaking ones. That brought him back to the moment.
“Daddy, what’s this man saying? What happened? What’s happening?” Lily was on the verge of tears, her childish mind trying to find reason in the unreasonable.
“Nothing’s happened, dear. Nothing’s happened.” Finch wanted to just close his eyes and wake up from this nightmare, but he couldn’t. Not when the nightmare was simply reality.
“Why are you crying then?” She was too smart for her own good, really. He didn’t know what to say. How could he tell her?
“Sir, is there someone I can call?” The man was talking to him again. At least this was a question he could answer. Finch nodded, reaching for his phone. His contacts. Albert’s name stood there at the top, but he ignored it. Anthony Higgins. Call. There must’ve been some mercy left in the universe, as he picked up quickly.
“Yeah, Finch?”
Oh god. Race was Albert’s closest friend.
What could he say? What could he possibly say in this moment?
“Are you there?”
Finally, Finch found his voice.
“I need you. At the house. JoJo too. It’s an-“ His voice caught on the last word. “It’s an emergency.”
Race must have sensed the tone of his voice, because he could immediately hear action on the other side of the phone.
“Shit, yeah. Are you okay? Is Lily okay?”
Finch nodded for a bit, until he remembered Race couldn’t see him.
“Yeah. Yeah. But, um,” Breaths. Deep breaths. He could do this. “Please hurry.” Finch could here Race calling for JoJo; they must have been at their place. He heard the rustle of their shoes, the click of the door, the beep of the car.
“The GPS says 10 minutes. Are you fine? Do we need to call someone?” Why was breathing so hard? Why couldn’t he breathe? It was Lily’s touch that kept him grounded, at least momentarily.
“No, no, 10 minutes is fine. You don’t need to call anyone. See you then.” He hung up quickly. He didn’t know how much longer he could’ve held on. Finch looked up at the man desperately, unsure of what to say next. Thankfully, he spoke up.
“We can stay with you until they arrive.” Finch nodded gratefully, running one hand through his daughter’s hair. He held her close, praying to whatever god was left that Race and JoJo would show up soon.
When they knocked on the door, the other man stood up to get it. He led Race and JoJo to where Finch and Lily were sitting. Finch could see them putting the pieces together and the shock of realization that flashed across their faces. They both turned towards the captain, gripping each other’s hands tightly. Race spoke first.
“Is Albert-“ He shook his head, unable to say those horrible words. JoJo stepped forward, holding onto Race like he was a lifeline.
“What happened?” The man turned towards Finch, seemingly asking for permission. Finch nodded, unable to see how he could tell them himself.
“The Secretary of the Army has asked me to express his deep regret that Albert died in Germany on October 19th. His truck crashed in an accident. The Secretary extends his deepest sympathy to you and your family in your tragic loss.”
Race’s mouth dropped open in horror as JoJo reached back to steady him. Carefully, he sat Race down next to Finch and took Lily out of Finch’s arms.
“Thank you…”
“Well, thank you captain. Do you need anything else?” JoJo’s voice was carefully measured as he reached out to shake the man’s hand. The man turned back towards Finch, taking out a clipboard and a pen.
“Once again, you are Patrick DaSilva-Cortes?” Finch nodded numbly; he knew that this man had business he needed to do.
“This is your place of residence and your mailing address?
Another nod. Another scribble on the clipboard.
“And you phone number is xxx-xxx-xxxx?”
Finch nodded again, now desperate for the man to leave. He had put the clipboard away and taken out a paper, which he handed to Finch.
“That paper has more information, as well as the contact information for your casualty area command. A casualty assistance officer will contact you sometime in the next 24 hours to arrange another visit. Please do not make arrangements for his remains until you have been fully briefed by them.”
Casualty. Remains. All words that now described his Albert. The man stood up from his chair, taking a deep breath before addressing Finch one final time.
“Mr. DaSilva-Cortes, I must be returning to Stuttgart. Again, on behalf of the Secretary of the Army, please accept the United States Army's deepest condolences.”
Then he walked out the door, the other one trailing behind. Everything was silent. Silence. Finch hated silence. Albert always knew what to say. But Albert was gone.
Albert was gone.
“I’m just gonna, y’know.” JoJo looked calm somehow, still holding Lily. He went off to put her down.
“Finch, god, I don’t-“ Race’s mouth hung agape as he tried to find the right words, but Finch couldn’t stand it anymore.
“Albert will be okay. It’s just ten months. He will be fine. You promised me, Race! You promised he would be fine! You promised-“ Finch gasped before running into the bathroom, barely making it as he collapsed in front of the toilet. Race was on his tail, slamming against the door frame as he ran towards Finch.
“Shit shit shit shit shit. Do I need to call-Do I need to see if I can get that guy back here? Do you need like an ambulance?” Race was crying now, but his worry for Finch overtook anything else he was feeling. “I need Albert. I need Albert. I need Albert. I need-“ Finch was cut off by another round of violent heaving, gasping for air all the while. He couldn’t take it anymore. His skin felt too tight on his body, restricting his movement and not letting him breathe. He needed to tear it off, tear it off, tear IT-
Race’s hands covered his own, refusing to let him harm himself. “I’m calling someone, okay? JoJo has Lily, they’ll be fine together. This time I promise. I’m sorry I can’t-I just can’t.”
Race stepped out of the bathroom, pulling out his phone. Finch stayed there, hunched over the toilet, just crying. Eventually, he heard sirens. Voices. Hands on his body, lifting him up, placing him on something soft. Wires and cuffs and beeps and white. So much white. White sheets, white walls, white gowns, white ceilings, white floors. And pink. Pink? A flower. A lily.
“Uncle JoJo said you would like it.”
His Lily. Standing there. Scared.
“Where’s papa?”
Oh. JoJo stepped into his vision, followed closely by Race. His voice was soft, as if they were all glass that could shatter.
“We told you, honey. He’s-“ Finch could here JoJo take a deep breath, with Race saying something to him quietly.
“He’s gone, honey.”
“But when is he coming back? He said he would come back. Why won’t he come back?”
She was crying now, far too young for this tragedy. JoJo picked her up, muttering an apology as he left. Race sat down next to Finch’s bed, taking one of his hands. They stayed there for a while until a nurse came in a said that Race had to go. All the white turned to black as Finch slipped into unconsciousness.
He dreamt of Albert, sitting on the docks in Brooklyn. He dreamt of Albert, dancing in the rain. He dreamt of Albert lying in their bed, holding their daughter. Don’t go, he tried to say. Don’t leave, it’s not worth it. But Albert couldn’t hear him. More scenes of him passed by. Albert swimming, eating ice cream, watching tv, reading a book, playing with Lily at the playground. The day he asked Albert out, the day Albert proposed, the day of their wedding, the day they brought Lily home from the hospital. Their whole life together, blurred together through time. When Finch woke up, he was crying.
The funeral was hard. Hell, everything was hard. Lily was trying her best to understand, and Race and JoJo were trying their best to help them. They helped Finch tell the rest of their friends. Jack, Davey, Les, Sarah, Katherine, Crutchie, Romeo, Elmer, Buttons, Mush, Specs, Tommy, Mike, Ike, and Spot were all at the funeral. Finch tried to say something, he really did. Thankfully, Race had his back and gave the speech instead. He was glad when the whole thing was over. He just wanted to go back home.
Race and JoJo, bless them, stood by Lily and Finch for the rest of their lives. Slowly, they all learned to heal. Support groups, therapy, time. Some days were harder than others. Albert’s birthday, and their wedding anniversary. Those were days when Finch couldn’t get out of bed, days when Lily cried simply because her dad did. But time passed, no matter how slowly it did.
On Lily’s 18th birthday, there was a video. Something Finch had never thought they would have use for, but something that he had convinced Albert to make just in case. The sight of Albert’s face was enough to bring tears to their eyes, and the sound of his voice almost made Finch turn the tape off. But he didn’t.
“Hey, Lilybug. Happy 18th birthday! I hope you never have to see this, and I’m sorry if you do. I bet you’ve grown quite a lot, now! I’m sorry that I couldn’t be there today. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there every day. Hopefully, you’ve been good for Father Finch there. I wish I could see who you’ve grown up to be. I hope you know I’m proud of you, regardless of whatever has happened. I love you!”
As Albert leaned in to turn off the camera, Finch could see the tears in his eyes. He was crying now, and Lily was too. He tried to apologize, but she wouldn’t let him. As he hugged her tightly, she just whispered “Thank you.”
And 35 years later, as Finch laid in his hospital bed with his daughter by his side, all he could think about was finally seeing Albert again.
“I’ll see you soon, huh?” Finch laughed a little. “I’ll see you soon.”
tysm for reading! hope this wasn't too shit
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toffyrats · 1 year
i know this sounds really crazy probably but like. are the different newsies adaptations different universes??? or are they just whatever the newsies you have in your mind are? like if i’m reading a fanfiction, i almost always imagine 92sies jack, livesies davey, livesies race, 92sies spot, 92sies blink and mush, +albert, finch, and elmer, but obviously that’s not what’s actually happening in the author’s head, it’s almost always one or the other. (also if the author specifies what version they’re writing, i always try to follow that best i can) so i want to know once and for all what do the fans say??? a. when you’re reading a fanfic or just imagining something in your head, what version do you imagine, and b. is this newsies: into the news-verse or am i just fucking delusional?
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things I've said as newsies pt. Idek anymore?
spot: *wind blows* FUCK YOU!!!!
Davey: I used the word ergonomically and my mom bullied me for it
Jack: *in math class* omg I'm gonna make a west side story comic!!
Race: guys let's play blackjack with pennies
Finch: caw caw bitch
Oscar: honestly owning a pair of brass knuckles is such a flex like imagine having the equivalent of a baseball bat on your fingers?
Pulitzer: I need money.
Katherine: *writing* ah ah ah AH FUCK HAND CRAMPS!!
Spot: *in band* mark it? I don't have a fucking pencil! You want me to write it with his *points to first chair Clarinet, in this case probably Jack* blood???
jack: I'm depressed *skips happily*
Katherine: I'm surrounded by absolute idiots
Race, being asked for help on the schoolwork: I can't read
Albert: it's true
Jack: *smiling brightly* I hate my life!!
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clevereverest · 11 months
Newsies Headcanon Collection!!
Chatting with the pretty cool @asexualbert and I wanted to share an apparently long list of my own headcanons, focusing on Race, Spot, Albert, and Finch :D
(+ Some concepts have been written about in my fics, while others are things I’ve never gotten to share before, which is exciting!)
- Modern AU Heights: Race 6’1” / Finch 6’0” / Albert 5’9” / Spot 5’6” (generous, I know, but Race is still 7 inches taller so it’s all good)
- Since I specified modern, the canon era: I firmly believe that Race and Albert would be the exact same height (maybe 5’10”) and argue constantly about who’s taller
- Still on that ^ Finch would be taller and Spot would be shorter, both settling the constant debates
- Race and Al are amazing cooks separately but doing it together is a recipe (ha) for disaster. Spot is a decent cook and Finch literally just sucks at it, poor guy. Good thing he has people very very willing and eager to teach him!
- Race plays sudoku because I say so (and literally wrote a fic about it….)
- Finch and Albert have a perfect sleep schedule. Finch got the preset circadian rhythm when he was young and when the two of them met, Albert’s body just kinda copied it.
- ^ Al doesn’t mind it too much, but thinking about it now, I imagine it being so abrupt. One night he’s staying up until 4 am with Race, the next he’s passed out cold by midnight and fully awake by 7 the next morning. It confuses him deeply. Then he finds out he can have Finch’s attention all to himself for a while every morning and he’s totally onboard with the change.
- ^ Also on sleep, Race practically has insomnia (bro has it rough) and Spot sleeps at mostly reasonable times but can stay up with Race if want/need be
- Spot and Finch are over-thinkers and Race and Albert deflect/ignore problems
- Finch does archery (the canon era slingshot to the modern era archery pipeline, also the reincarnation AU potential here !! Personally want something with that) and can play guitar
- Albert does baseball
- Race does dance (as most fans headcanon)
- Spot probably also does baseball
- Favorite Colors: Finch, light purple / Albert, a very specific dark orange / Race, light blue / Spot, dark red
- Real Names: Race and Spot are the usual ones / Finch = Adrian Cortez / Albert = just Albert DaSilva but he kinda hates the “old-timey-ness” of his first name (it’s a family name). He prefers to go by Sam around strangers/authority figures, short for Samuel (middle name).
- Finch comes from a rich family, he’s the “heir to the Cortez line” but hates the snobby sounding title (and he might have a twin brother sometimes). I heard this once in a random fic and ran with it.
- Albert has like 5-6 siblings, and I’m not sure if I’d place him right in the middle or the youngest
- Race is Italian. His family is huge. He has several sisters, no (blood) brothers.
- Honestly, I’ve never settled on Spot’s family :/
- Spot knows fluent French, Finch basically knows fluent Spanish, and Albert just listens to his friends and boyfriend speak in foreign tongues :)
- Oh and if it wasn’t clear, the relationships are Spot/Race and Albert/Finch. In my mind, every other pairing is platonic and likely brotherly too.
- Race and Spot have a fascination with each other’s eyes, specifically when the sun shines on them. They just kinda gaze lovingly when it happens <3
- Spot also adores the sound of Race’s laugh
- Finch loves it when Albert calls him by nicknames (listed below), he likes the sweet intimacy of it. Albert tends to just randomly watch Finch; he zones out and suddenly Fi is smiling all amused at him and isn’t that the greatest sight?
- Finch and Race both love reading, hardcovers and audiobooks respectively (taking Race’s preference from @ asexualbert)
- ^ Albert can’t say no to Finch getting new books because “He looks so goddamn happy, I don’t want him to be sad by saying no”.
- ^ Spot just has this issue where he physically cannot say no to Race’s pout — it’s a real issue sometimes. And “He keeps excitedly showing me all these books that he wants and I refuse to say no because then he’ll stop smiling and I’d rather that not be the case”.
- Albert and Spot are warm-bodied, the perfect pairs to cold-bodied Finch and Race
- In modern era, Finch, Albert, and Race are besties and Spot, Mush, and JoJo are besties, and there is often overlap between the groups (this may or may not tie into my multichapter fic…)
- Cute Nicknames!! Race calls Spot just Conlon, dumbass /aff, darling, and innamorato: Italian term of endearment for boyfriend (I’ve used it in fics and no one has corrected me so I’m assuming it’s right)
- ^ Spot calls Race just Higgins, dumbass /aff, love, and the other twenty billion names you can make out of “Racetrack” and “Antonio”
- ^ Finch calls Albert just Al, asshole /aff, sweetheart
- ^ Albert calls Finch just Fi, asshole /aff, and bub
ALRIGHT I’M CALLING IT!!! Let me know your thoughts on my personal headcanons, I’d love to chat and compare ideas :D
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sparkedblaze · 1 year
Hi here's all my favorite things about Livesies as I watch it
This is fsfs gonna be part 1 of 2 or 3
T/W violence, cursing, ets
The Overture. It plays all these semi-familiar tunes from 92sies with a little funky freshness to it and I love it sm
"I ain't been walkin' so good" 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
"Doyawannabustyaothalegtoo?!" "Uh.. no I wanna go down."
"Ya seein' stars alright."
Their accents and over acting are amazing
A big life in a small town SUCKS Jackson Kelly
Heh heh
*waves hand in front of Crutchie's eyes*
"WATCH ME STAND😄 Watch me run 😀 🙁"
"hey HEY"
"A leg of lamb 🥰"
'Step aside Romeo nothin more concerns u here'
Kath's sass
Darcy pretending he's straight
"Gonna rain?" "Uuuuhhhhhh..... No rain oh-ho partlycloudyclearbyevenin"
Jack taking Finch's slingshot
Tommy's lil hops
"I dunno Sister, but it's bound to rain soon'a o' lat'a!"😃
Everyone hopping to give their cups back
Their entire lil dancey dance right here
Elmer offended at being whacked with hat
Finch finger guns
Jack taking Finch's hat
Smalls diving under Finch's leg
Finch's face right before they say 'yeah!'
Whatever Al's face is doing ever
Romeo waving like the little bean he is
"It's honest woik"
Albert and Racer
Whack whack
The Delanceys running into each other
Morris hopping from steps
Everyone getting their bags
Big smiles everyone, we just finished the first big number Race: :O
Davey trying to slow Les
"I'll call ya sweetheart if you spot me 50 papes"
Albert, to Jojo: Yo check this shit out. Watch what I'm about to do to this bitch "YOU HAVE A VERRRRY INTERESTING FACE. EVER THOUGHT ABOUT GETTIN' INTO MOVIN' PITCHAS?!"
*Does not pay*
Everyone's face when they laugh at Jack making fun of Oscar
"The faymus Jack Kelly"
Ben Cook's dumbass socks
Jack's "holy fuck he can do math" face
Specs laughing at Jack's reaction to Les knowing math
"That's disgusting"
W i b b l e
Specs never using stairs properly
Albert riding in on Pulitzer's desk
FOOTBALL? *whack* VIOLENT? *whack*
"Guess what? He got elected." *runs*
My roommate and I accidentally mashing cut and slit like twice and so now we say slut instead of either
"-like an army that's marching to war." I mean... He wasn't wrong
Has anyone noticed how similar Hannah and Kath look?
"buy a pape from a poor orphan boy" *cough cough*
Racetrack hawkin in the background and bolting when Snyder comes
"Doesn't everyone?"
Jack saying pocket with the same intensity that Draco Malfoy says Potter
"The only thing I own is the mortgage"
The look Jack and Davey share when Medda says she knows the governor
"Take it easy, it's a bunch of trees."
"Jeez! I never knew no one with a aptitude!"
"I AM?! HOW 'M I DOIN'?!"
'I'm better than you' the song
Jack's lil figure 8 dance with just his head
"And prayers from the Pope"
Devin Lewis as Jack for like two scenes.
Watching Jack recognize Katherine
"Why don't you go find out?" 👀
"You want I should lock the door"
"Doin what?"
It's hard to like a whole lot about the scenes where they're flirting bc Kath is so outwardly uncomfy with it
And also they're both simps for Jacobses
*two finger point*
"sOrry mIss mEddA"
Jack's hesitation before he starts singing
"Girls are nice, once or twice, til I find someone new" You bisexual pining bitch
Does anyone know who does the actual sketch?
"-and you lie like a rug!"
"What are you doing?!"
"Hey-hey quiet down there's a show goin' on!"
"Sirens is like lullabies to me."
"He traded her for a box o' cigars!" "HEY THEY WAS CORONAS"
"Ain't we the hoi polloi!"
"Ask me after they put up the headline"
"Is that news?" "ITISTOME"
Romeo. R O M E O
"I ain't payin' no sixty."
BAMBAM "C'mere fellas"
Henry's pose as he says "AIN'T WE GOT NO RIGHTS?!"
Crutchie desperately trying to hop to keep up
Jojo and Elmer.
"Hey Jack you still thinkin?" "Sure he is. Can't ya smell smoke?"
(I'm out of character limits so this is part 1)
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noxexistant · 1 year
ok >:] if one of the newsies were sick or something and davey (whos not as experienced living with them ) put his hand to their head to check their temperature.. do you... Do you think they would flinch
oh, they absolutely would
davey tends to be a bit hesitant with touch, at least until he’s comfortable with people, but when he’s concerned he’s touchy-feely as all hell - when he’s trying to stop any of the boys fighting or arguing or doing something stupid in uksies, those are the moments he rushes right over and grabs them, puts hands on their chest or shoulders, totally thoughtless and instinctive. and i can only imagine that extends into him fretting over illness or injuries as well; he becomes his mother, reaching out with gentle hands to examine and assess and try and comfort. he’s used to her pressing her palm to his forehead when she fears he’s getting sick, used to her brushing her thumb softly over scratches or bruises, used to her just holding him when she can’t offer anything else.
he sees finch bleary-eyed and out of it at sales, hears the subtle concern in jack’s voice as he clarifies to davey that finch “ain’t doin’ too hot”, and he’s worried.
“do you have a fever?” davey asks finch, reaching out for him out of pure instinct to rest a palm on his forehead, and in a split second finch is snapping back to awareness, snapping his teeth like a dog as he jerks away.
“get off me!”
davey jerks back too, heart leaping as finch whacks his hand away hard enough davey’s knuckles knock and sear. finch is immediately poised for a fight — or…trying to be. he’s swaying where he’s stood, sweat beading on his forehead. his fists are clenched tight, tight enough to bleach his knuckles, though davey isn’t sure if it’s tight enough to also account for how finch is shaking.
“i—i wasn’t—“ davey stammers, desperate to defuse. get rid of the fear in finch’s face, covered sloppily with anger. “i didn’t—i wasn’t going to—“
i wasn’t going to hurt you.
but finch wouldn’t believe him. none of the boys do, no matter how often such promises are made to any of them. davey knows mush would sooner die than hurt blink, but blink still jumps every time mush comes close. splasher still cowers when one of the older boys shouts too loud. buttons still gets vicious when he thinks someone’s getting mean with him first. jack still almost elbows davey in the face every time davey thoughtlessly comes up behind him.
(even morris flinches, when he’s got that distant look in his eyes like he’s not really there and oscar knocks their shoulders together to try and bring him back.)
davey just wishes he could make it better.
instead, he goes with the boys back to the lodging house at the end of the day, and wets the cleanest washcloth he can find with cool water. he resists the urge to just place it on finch’s forehead where he’s lay to avoid disturbing him, and instead raps his knuckles softly against the edge of finch’s bunk.
finch doesn’t let davey put the cloth on him. he takes it from davey’s hands instead, and does it himself. but he mumbles his thanks as davey retreats, and davey smiles sadly. mourning for all the boys who’ve never been held and now can never stomach it.
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snap-my-kneecaps · 1 year
I keep thinking about Morgan as Albert, I saw his Albert 3 times and it lives in my head constantly. Especially how he seemed to immediately understand what Race meant when he said 'erster' and laughed with everyone at first, but then he tried to explain to the others what Race meant. He was still sat at the table when Race said 'erster' and Finch was stood next to him laughing in confusion and failing to decipher what Race meant, so Albert stopped laughing to try to use gestures to explain to those around the table that Race was talking about an oyster.
It just fills my soul to think of Race who often struggles with finding his words and then also struggles to pronounce some of those words, and Albert who knows him well enough to be able to immediately decipher any nonsensical things Race might say.
I like to think he learned to understand Race very quickly and couldn’t understand at first that the others didn't. Then eventually he started to translate and tried to correct Race where he could, hoping to alleviate some of the frustration from Race who got increasingly upset as people didn't understand him and then mocked him for it.
More under the keep reading!
I imagine it would be really difficult for Race, because he doesn't know that he's saying things wrong and doesn't understand why everyone is laughing at him. Then one day Albert notices how much its actually affecting him and sees through Race trying to hide his frustration when he gets something wrong and everyone laughs at him, so Albert starts to translate. He tries to do it quietly, through silent gestures and whispered translations to the other newsies. Not wanting to accidentally upset Race more by translating for him, he doesn’t want Race to think that he thinks he’s stupid. But it felt worse to watch in silence as Race got upset as he was laughed at.
Despite Albert's attempts to translate quietly, Race catches on very quickly, but he doesn't comment. He’s not offended that Albert translates for him, its honestly a relief for him, the mocking and laughing had stopped, and he finally has someone who understands him. So, he lets Albert continue translating, still thinking that Race hadn't noticed.
It was after a particularly tough day that Race finally spoke to Albert about it. He had been forgetting and mispronouncing words more than usual that day. So, at the end of the day, while everyone slept, Race and Albert sat together in one of the empty rooms in the lodging house silently. A routine they’d developed to try and support each other when either of them had a rough day. They sat in comfortable silence until Race whispered into the air between them,
"I know what you've been doing." Albert just hummed in acknowledgment, not knowing if he should speak yet but too curious not to prompt Race to elaborate. "You understand me when I forget or pronounce things wrong and have been translatin’ to the boys." Albert couldn't quite decipher Races tone and so was cautious when responding,
"I saw you was getting upset that they didn't understand you and wanted to help. I don’t think youse stupid, I just wanted to stop you gettin’ so frustrated.” Albert explained, worried that he’d offended Race,
"No, that's not what I meant. I just wanted to thank you."
"Oh.” He paused, “yeah, uh. Just glad I could help.” He finally muttered. There was a long pause before Race spoke again,
"It’s nice to have someone who understands me." He elbowed Albert softly before he got up and went to his bunk, leaving Albert sat on the floor fighting a grin.
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heliads · 1 year
Finch Masterlist
Afternoon at the Pier - Based on this request: "finch x reader? the newsies are hanging out at the pier and he is hopelessly in love with her." Imagine
Talk To Me - Based on this request: “Finch and the reader grew up together and to confess his feelings he saves up a bunch of money for a nice picnic? where he almost backs out of telling you but then forces himself to do so ending in the love of his life and him finally being with one another?” Imagine
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i-didnt-do-1t · 1 year
Thinkingg about how Davey probably hasn't had much exposure/experience with how the newsies have been impacted by their life experiences/conditions. Like he knows the scientific details of what polio is, but he doesn't understand the mental/emotional impact it would've had on Crutchie. He understands Finch is a runaway, but doesn't get why he's run away from the lodging house on occasion, even when he's safe there. He tries to be subtle if one of the boys is having difficulty with something, letting Jack handle things but it's very hard for him not to stare, or take subtle glances. Jack starts educating him. Davey clearly gets a lot of the Facts when it comes to conditions the newsies might have, but he's not had the opportunity to understand the emotional side, and he wants to. The boys always try and him if he's overthinking things or getting stressed, he wants to help them too.
ahhh I love this so much omg because it’s so true, like there’s such a wild difference between hearing or reading about something as a hypothetical and experiencing it, and how everyone’s reactions to things are different and it could totally throw David off because any experience he has with a lot of things the boys were subjected to has been entirely hypothetical to him, like the refuge.
I think that’s one of the reasons why Pulitzer threatened davey by name when he was blackmailing Jack, because we know Jack would’ve done the same had any of the boys been mentioned but it hits particularly hard because David is smart as hell but he is So Naive when it comes to hardships like that, and of course he has had and will have his own troubles but not the same ones the boys have faced. Like it would be an entirely different world for him and none of them want him to have to face that.
And yeah, he gets it on a factual level, he understands how illness works and how trauma works to some degree and he knows even seeing his father injured is bad so he can’t imagine what it was like for any of the boys to watch their parents die but he gets it all on a very hypothetical objective level.
Like some mornings he’ll wake up and hear Jack pacing on the top of his roof; he’ll head up and ask if he’s alright and Jack’ll tell him the lodging house felt a little too claustrophobic and he didn’t want to bother crutchie in his penthouse - and David doesn’t really get it, why Jack has nights where the lodging house is too like the refuge, because the lodging house is safe, and it’s filled with his friends- but he’ll never comment on it it, because he knows Jack will send him that look, the one that means Davey is missing something but doesn’t know what.
Or He’s at the lodging house one night, playing cards with the boys and someone will slam the door a little too hard, send the bang reverberating through the room, and skittery whose been a little off all day flinches too obviously for anyone to ignore. race is halfway through asking him if he’s alright before skittery drops his cards and leaves the circle, heads to his bunk on the other side of the room where his hands white knuckle the bed frame and his breathing gets more and more laboured, sounding louder amongst the silence, and mush is the first to stand up, to head over to help, stopped by another violent flinch, the low hiss of a ‘don’t touch me’ when he’s still a distance away, except mush turns and sends them a nod like it’s an instruction and sits on the bottom bunk a few feet down from skittery instead while suddenly race corrals them all back into a game. David knows he’s not meant to be paying attention, that it’s not his place but he can’t help but sneak glances at them over Elmer’s shoulder, can’t help but notice the soft way Mush’s mouth is moving as he talks to skittery, the way skitterys shoulders are still tensed, the way his hands are shaking slightly and he realises that he has no idea how to do that, has no idea about the history behind half of these boys
“Will he be alright?” He asks and he hopes it’s quiet enough that only race hears. Race looks at him, shrugs him off while dealing him another round of cards,
“Skittery gets like this sometimes. Stop staring.”
He never meant to stare. He just wishes he knew how to help
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But imagine Spot hearing finch is intimidated by him
I think usually, Spot's glad to hear people are scared of him. But when it comes to Manhattan newsies, I think he'd be a little disappointed.
The Brooklyn newsies explicitly refer to Manhattan as "[our] buddies". Sure, Spot wants proof they're serious about the strike, but as soon as they do that he heads right over to help out.
He's got a reputation to uphold, he still needs to be seen as Brooklyn's fierce leader. But he's Brooklyn's fierce leader who'll look out for anyone who needs protecting. He'd want Manhattaners to know they're safe in Brooklyn if they need help.
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pealeii · 1 year
Okay okay so finch!!!!
FINCH. Sweet boy I love him. Literally I owe it all to @crystallizedtwilight for like half of my headcanons in Newsies. Right now I’m debating if Albert and Finch are silly4silly or silly4angy. I feel like it would fluctuate. Like most days Finch has to be the one calming down Albert or making him use his words instead of just sitting there being frustrated [insert that one Redfinch comic Crystal drew]
Although Finch wants Albert to be more open about his feelings, Finch can be pretty closed-off, too. Finch is the levelheaded one, the one grounding Albert and a lot of the Newsies. When he gets upset, he doesn’t want anyone to get upset cuz HE’S upset, so he just bottles it up.
But bottling up never works, so I imagine a scenario where one thing is the straw that breaks the camel’s back, and Finch has an outburst of anger from all that pent up emotion. Either Albert or the Newsies do a big heart to heart to tell him that he can be open, and its okay to be upset even if Finch is calm most of the time.
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dalek-101 · 2 years
The thing is, in the newsies 1992 film I love sprace. It’s great. But I don’t get it at all in the broadway one which is fine because for that I like ralbert. 
But my issue is that because I watch the broadway version more, those are the main versions that I imagine in my head. So i can’t read sprace fics bc I imagine the wrong pair and it really annoys me because I want to read them but also it doesn’t fit. And i can’t just imagine its the 92 version bc they mention ppl like finch or buttons or race being besties with al and I just cant mix them!!!
anyway in short i struggle a lot help me
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aceofspades-sml · 1 year
Yess!!!! They feel so guilty they didn't get him sooner. Is he ever gonna be OK again?
Oh she definitely would! Medda trying to soothe this boy who's like a son to her and her heart breaking watching him watching all the frazzled newsies.
Race breaking in spots arms. Absolutely devasted. Spot trying so hard to comfort him. Worried about him and about Jack.
David just silently sobbing into his hands at a loss. How can they fix this.
Specs albert finch and the other older newsies trying not to break themselves
Keep it together. You can't show emotions right now. If you let your guard down you won't be able to function and that's not acceptable.
They hold the younger newsies and each other.
Crutchie watches with sad haunted eyes. His brother's had been hurt so much by the world. The weight of his emotions and everyone elses threaten to drown him
Skittery remembers all the times Jack had held them comforted them and he feels like such a failure for failing to be to provide the same.
Blink hugs mush tightly twisting his hands in the fabric because he doesn't know what else to do where to put his hands. He wants to scream to fight someone to make someone pay for this. To make Jack aware of them to bring their jsck back but he can't do any of that and he hates this feeling. Mush has always been his rock his grounding point and if nothing more at least mush will keep him afloat and hopefully he keeps sweet optimistic mush afloat too. He cant imagine what he'd do if someone broke mush.
I wanna. Give them all a hug. They deserve to feel happy and safe and loved
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