sanaruly · 4 years
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⠀⠀⠀ ⠀◠ 𖤘 ◞ sejun layouts
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sgnhansung · 4 years
@sejunsgn​ liked for a random starter !!!!! 
    hansung is running on one hour of sleep and the only caffeine he's had today has been in the form of his questionable black tea. (do not ask what kind of water he used to brew the tea if you are not ready to hear something something completely strange). that being said, all in all, it’s been a normal day for him. however, the day is not over until his head is planted firmly into a pillow and he lies slumbering, so there’s still time for his day change. 
    he’s cutting through a corner on campus, quite infamous for its graffiti art, in order to get to back to his dorm room as quickly as possible. he’s not expecting to actually find someone there, but as he turns the corner, sure enough he does spot someone with a can of spray paint in hand. in his haste, hansung accidentally kicks an empty spray paint can, letting out a quiet shit when the figure turns to face him. it’s terse for a few seconds as the two of them stare at each other, waiting for someone to do something. eventually, hansung tsks, taking a few steps backwards and shooting the other male finger guns. “ha, yeah. i’m just going to nope out of this situation.” 
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sgnsubin · 4 years
for @sejunsgn
     the entire trip has been extremely fun so far and it’s only the second day. mostly, subin just likes trying new things and enjoys spending time with people who he loves. and all of his favourite hyungs are here currently, and there’s so many interesting things to do all day long. perhaps it’s a bit childish of him, but considering the fact that he’s always surrounded by people who are older than him that baby him? it’s not unexpected. 
     perhaps he’s just a simple boy who enjoys time with his loved ones.  
     either way, he’s been very much enjoying himself and today is no different. he had found out that there was going to be a meteor shower, and had dragged sejun with him on a nature slash photo walk before the meteor shower was supposed to start. they had found a lot of interesting things—including the fact that apparently the older male was absolutely terrible with taking photos. 
     “hey hyung,” subin comments as they’re heading back out after dropping off his camera back in the cabin, turning to look at the art student in curiosity. “do you think the dock might be a better place to watch the meteor shower? we could go check it out and then text the hyungs and let them know ...?”
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sgnsunny · 4 years
‘ will i regret this? ’
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if the question confuses him, sunny doesn’t let it show, only trying to usher sejun away from the alleged fifty million people that seem to know him at this party. “i don’t see why you would. you’d be more comfortable in your own bed right now, wouldn’t you?” he asks, huffing as someone tries to get sejun’s attention once again. this is why he doesn’t talk to people. all of a sudden, he stops, looking at the other with a curious expression. “wait, you do know i’m taking you to your dorm and not mine, right? please tell me that’s clear in your head.”
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sgnjongin · 4 years
down the bottle throat
the group that settles into club insomnia is large enough and boisterous enough that even someone like kim jongin can fade into the lights and songs and chaos of the room while still being considered poisonous, still being the known snake in any garden, still threading enough temptation and maliciousness into every glance and step he makes, the people around him friends but not friends at the same time. he likes them well enough for what they are; cover and amusement, but he rarely delves too deeply into their lives or social queues, understanding that they only hang out with him because partying with the devil is often less painful than partying without him.
they’re congregated up on one of the balconies together, like a gathering of believers for the altar of the unholy, admiring and drowning themselves in the spectacle of humanity on this busy club night, spotlights and pulsing electronic music flooding everyone’s senses. jongin gulps down a shot of whiskey before turning to sejun, the colored strobes and flashes of silvery stuff painting across his face in interesting angles and shadows. “so, sejun,” he begins, putting the small glass rim down onto the table and signaling the waitress for another. “what do the cinths have planned for the upcoming semester? anything fun?”
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sgntaejoo · 4 years
𝐨𝐟𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐟𝐟
                                                 ✶  ━━━  ( @sejunsgn )
vandalism -- something that taejoo can’t say out loud if he’s ever done. of course, he’s never done something like that -- the closest he’s probably come to defacing public places is writing a secret message in sharpie on a library shelf when he was a first year in high school. nothing to write home about or to brag about -- not that one should brag about it too much, because there are eyes and ears everywhere.
taejoo is the eyes and the ears -- everything he hears, everything he sees goes in his little black book ( which isn’t actually a black book -- more like an unassuming composition notebook ). and he’s heard that there is a vandal among them. it may not be a secret, nor does taejoo think people necessarily care or not, but he’s got an interest nonetheless. nothing like a story about the inner workings of the mind of a vandal to stir some excitement up -- that can even be the title. he writes that down for later.
“hey there!” taejoo taps him on the shoulder, as forward as ever. if there’s any proper way to collect information, it’s, of course, to ask directly ( besides, of course, sneaking around to find it -- his second favorite method ). “are you sejun? i’m taejoo, it’s nice to meet you!” really no warnings whatsoever -- but in taejoo’s eyes, it has to be done like that, element of surprise and whatnot. “can i ask you some questions about something?”
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sgnconfessions · 4 years
circling back to the tkd captain and helio vp (ChanSik™) heres an inside scoop from yours truly: it's like i'm reading a 70k friends to lovers pining ao3 fanfiction but maybe that's just me. they're super cute though 🥰
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sgnyideun · 4 years
baskin robbins is a family-friendly establishment. thirty-one flavors! super exciting! so pink! so cool! so retro! so cute! 
yideun crosses his arms against his chest and leans back against his very uncomfortable plastic chair, narrowing his eyes into daggers at @sejunsgn, who’s sitting across the table much too blissfully unaware for yideun’s tastes. on most days that end in y, yideun doesn’t belong in family-friendly establishments. 
he’s not good with making friends and sometimes it just happens (usually against his will) but sometimes it really just fucking happens and he can’t do anything about it, only has to watch his life flash before his eyes because hurricane sejun is here and he isn’t here to play. 
all to say yideun is bitter.
“crocodile tears,” he announces, shaking his head, tapping his foot impatiently. the ice cream in front of them—a dent (okay, not really) in yideun’s wallet because he felt compelled to apologize for hurting sejun’s feelings—untouched. “you fucking con artist,” he grumbles.
it’s not even that he doesn’t really want to be friends with sejun. he doesn’t mind, at the end of the day, but something about the series of events that have led them to this exact moment makes yideun feel like he needs to complain about it. for posterity. for Emotional Release as his therapist would say. for Cinematic Impact. 
the glare eases up and yideun slumps against his seat, reaching an arm out to jab a plastic spoon into the ice cream. he leaves it there. it’s poetic. 
“don’t you have better things to do,” he states, rather than inquires. “or better people to pester into being your friend.” 
yideun stares at sejun, scrutinizes him, and then frowns. some people are seriously just good-looking and friendly? for no fucking reason? don’t people have to pick their battles?
“ugh,” he says, with feeling.
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sgnaudrianna · 4 years
  .   .  ♥︎ ❛ 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆’𝒔  𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈  𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕  𝒕𝒉𝒆  𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒕  𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕  𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓  𝒇𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒔  𝒕𝒐  𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆  𝒂𝒖𝒅𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒂  𝒆𝒙𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒍𝒚  𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒊𝒄.  hands folded on her lap as she keeps her eyes locked at particularly nothing, idle sitting that made her look either extremely knackered out or just disinterested— not that she isn’t particularly interested in beaches, it’s just that.. well. something odd about the sun that makes her feel sleepy !! that is until sejun comes to the rescue with a few toys in hand, the female staring at him with little interest.. initially. before her curiosity is piqued and little by little, slowly, her hands begin to trace shapes against the sand, not overly surprising for her to eventually fall into play with the beach toys. 
step one: what to draw? 
her mind titters back and forth between the possibilities as she occasionally steal glances at what sejun is doing, second guessing that perhaps it’s sand castles. or maybe he’s also figuring out what to draw just like she was?
step two: a silly, immature, very, very childish idea. 
a devious grin tugs at her lips and she finally gets moving, neither nudging or moving much as she turns her back on him. she’s not the greatest artist, she really isn’t— but when she tries, she really tries. and what better way than to put the anatomy pictures live in sand action right here, right now? she practically lived inside the pages of frank h. netter’s atlas of human anatomy the past two semesters that she embodies exactly what each body part looks like. 
step three: here goes nothing.
“look, look, look!” she calls for sejun​​, immediately lightening up as amused laughter spills out of her.  “i drew a giant penis in the sand !!”
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sgnsunwoo · 4 years
▬ fanboy section
⌞  @sejunsgn​
    Fingertips danced along spines as a slight figure meandered up and down hushed aisles of the library. The speed reader had already consumed the stack of books nearly as tall as him he’d checked out last time and was on the hunt for more. Fantasy was riding high on his imagination in the wake of recent adventures and Sunwoo was craving some good tales of old-fashioned legends to get him through.
Though the writer did not often stop to consider fate, the next few moments would certainly incline him towards belief as another hand reached for the same title he did. “Oh! Sorry,” he whispered retracting his hand. Bespectacled gaze rose up to regard a much taller man. Boy, was he getting tired of that. Wait, looking harder, Sunwoo began to realize he recognized those features and shock of blue hair. Mouth dropped open, eyes widening to their limits as one of the people on the campus he’d most wanted to meet stood right before him.
“It’s you! ” A round of shushes echoed around them and palm slapped over his mouth as he bowed apologies for his loudness. Lowering his volume, the thrilled nerd continued, “I am such a big fan of your work! You are Lim Sejun, right?” Curling up before his chest, fists shook with barely restrained excitement roiling within his frame. “I’ve only been fortunate enough to see a few of your works in person, but they’re absolutely the most wonderful things I’ve ever seen outside of nature!”
Cerise hues stole up rounded cheeks and Sunwoo ducked his head, fingers running through hair. “Sorry, I’m being rude, aren’t I? I just had been hoping to meet you one day, but I— I didn’t…” Suddenly feeling as though he had been dropped into the desert, tongue darted out to wet lips. “Didn’t think it would actually happen. There’s so many people here, the odds were bad.”
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sgnhyunjae · 4 years
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HELLO SEONGNAM !!! it’s velvet (@sejunsgn’s mun!), back at it again with another muse... ahn hyunjae! if you recognise him, he was jungsgn a few months ago. a dancer with a one-track mind. he’s back, this time a bit grumpier and 5x more emotionally constipated. there are a few changes! now, he’s the tenacious premade, so you know he doesn’t exactly shy away from backstabbing if he needs to.
anyways! if you want to learn more, i have his profile and background up. as always, LIKE THIS POST if you want me to approach you for plotting. under the cut i will be listing a brief summary of who he is in general and possible connections. i can’t wait to write with all of you!
the tldr
he came from a relatively well-off family, his father being an actor and his mom being an ex-idol/dancer. his parents divorced not long after he was born. he doesn’t speak with his dad
his mother injured herself and she couldn’t continue performing. because of that she shoved all her dreams onto hyunjae, shaping him into what she wanted to be regardless of what he actually wants
because of that he feels like an empty shell, he has a one-track mind focused on dance and doesn’t allow himself the luxury of enjoying anything else. despite this he is a very talented dancer
he’s kind of lost? he has a path made out for him by his mother and she controls every aspect of his life from when to smile to how to breathe so he feels pretty bland and isn’t in touch with his emotions At All
he doesn’t really try to get along with anyone because it’s ingrained in him that people are a hindrance and will only distract him from his ultimate goal which is. his mom’s dream. so he doesn’t indulge himself in socialising much
not having any way to channel his feelings including the bitterness and anger, he may come across a bit harsh and matter-of-fact at times, but he has the soul of a joker inside. he’s very clingy to those he care about! it’s like there’s two people in him, the personality that his mom indirectly built and who he really is
he finished his military service before entering seongnam! it was upon his mother’s request, she wanted him to focus solely on dance
( weight talk, eating disorder, vomitting )
he has an eating disorder, he exercises way over the healthy amount and purges by puking out the contents of his meal. this all stems from his mother and his constant scrutiny on his body image. he hasn’t spoken about this to anyone else, really. even with his eating disorder, he likes to cook, even though his mother disapproves and it makes things harder on him. it has gotten slightly better, which is why he eventually joined the cooking club in seongnam
( end tw )
he’s a junior student that majors in dance and minors in sports communication. he’s in wolfbane (treasurer), yoga, cooking and the dance club (captain)! he resides in lim village, yi hall, third floor in room #29
fun fact so this ends on a good note: he has a dolphin screech as a laugh. he is embarrassed about it. tends to fall over or make wide gestures when he’s laughing
possible connections
his ride or die. it takes a lot for hyunjae to fully trust someone, but you two just click! although he isn’t ready to confide in anyone about all his troubles yet, when the time comes, you’d be the first to know. you’re one of the few people who gets to see him without a scowl on his face, all smiles and prone to playful banter
other people that he would hang out with! i think he’d have a close circle of... friends? not a lot, but enough for him. you want to get closer to him, you consider him a friend, he just doesn’t think that’s a wise choice on your part (despite caring for you an equal amount)
he also has... insomnia... and he usually deals with it by walking around late at night. jogging. maybe just wandering around. you have the same habit, or you just happen upon him one day. you could have bonded throughout those shared nights
people from the dance club who’s aware he did something bad to get his position as captain but have no proof. he’s also just an overly strict captain, probably would push the team over the limit because if it’s not perfect then you’re out. your muse might not appreciate that
cooking club buddies! unfortunately, because of reasons, even after he makes an extravagant meal, he usually gives it away to someone else. maybe you’re one of the people who he usually gives it to
dance partner, maybe? he’s overly critical on himself and he might be the same way with you, but you are also someone he respects in the field of dance. even though the devil inside him (whispers from his mom) is telling him to upstage you in every way
dance rivals! same rules apply, except he doesn’t have to be as buddy-buddy with you
maybe a past fling? he has never been in a relationship, but an almost-relationship? he probably has. he’s not in-tune with his emotions, and he’s always pressured by his mom to not waste any time on anyone else. plus: emotional constipation. he broke it off before you two formed a label, even if he held feelings for you back then. he discarded them and you for his mother’s dreams
one way to get him to melt... is to show him your pets! he loves any and all animals, really. even unconventional ones
people who find him Passed Out because he practiced too hard
people he feeds because he is horrible at feeding himself... or maybe you decide to take it upon yourself to help him out with that?
people who are fans of his mom?? people who are fans of HIM?? he uploads his choreo/performances onto youtube so,,, and he joins a Lot of dance competitions
he NEEDS other interests that isnt dancing... so drag him into your hobbies, even if you think it's rather unusual! contrary to popular belief he isnt that hard to impress
LASTLY... if we plotted before (when he was still jungsgn) and you’re interested in picking that back up,,, i’d be more than happy to! like, seriously
if you have ideas of your own do Not hesitate to hit me up with them! i can guarantee i’d love whatever you have in mind. promise
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sgnhansung · 4 years
‘ how could you say that? ’
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"why? did it upset you?" he tilts his head, lips curved up into a crooked smile. he shrugs afterwards, hands slipping into his pockets as he regards the younger male. “it’s just my opinion, no need to get heated about it. and well, if it does upset you, i suggest building tougher skin. i’m not the first person and i won’t be the last person who’s going to say that. sorry.” he shrugs once more, nonchalant actions betraying the meaning of his last word. 
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sgnserena · 4 years
🌟 - for a secret wish or desire of theirs
it would make sense that a lot of her desires tend to be materialistic -- penthouse dreams filled with designer names and fancy linens. but her real desire is to give back to her grandparents and dad, to make sure that they don’t have to pay another cent for anything for the rest of the time they have on earth. she feels like it’s only fair -- her grandparents swooped in to help her dad raise her whenever her mother left, and she knows that they didn’t have to do that. and her dad tried his best to make sure that she still had a great upbringing despite that -- it’s why he and her grandfather are the only two men that she’ll probably bend backward for. on top of that, she remembers the euphoric feeling that went through her when she was able to pay back the loan that they had to get for her first year at snu, and she’d do anything to keep experiencing that kind of feeling. unfortunately, serena knows that sugaring isn’t going to provide those kind of riches -- she wants to spoil her family with her own money -- but until she’s financially stable, sending money home periodically will have to do for now.
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sgnsubin · 4 years
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what kind of cell phone do you have? : the iphone 11 pro in black (but the template i had was the 6 so just pretend it’s the right phone HAHAHAHA)
how often do you use your cell phone? : literally like 24/7
what is your phone’s lock screen photo? : marshal (like in the picture)
what is your phone’s home screen photo? : plain black bc he’s trying to be an eboy but it used to be a picture of his birthday cake
how many contacts do you have in your phone? : too many to count
do you customize contact names or enter as given names? if customize : subin just usually adds “hyung” or “nuna” after names. @sgnseungwoo is the exception as he’s just “hyung” and their older sister is just “nuna”
what is their default ringtone? : he hasn’t had his phone off silent since he first got it 
do you have personalized ringtones for your contacts or does everyone use the default ringtone? : default, but as mentioned his phone is literally always on vibrate
how many alarms do you have set and why? : two, one to wake him up and one to get him out of bed
what are your top 3 most used apps? : melon, twitter, kart-rider
what are your favorite apps? : melon, tiktok, youtube
what are your last 3 google searches or the last 3 things you’ve asked your built in ai? : “hey siri what time is it” “hey siri, how expensive is the most expensive cat food” and googled “cute cat blankets” “blankets for cats” “cute blankets for cats”
do you delete your internet search history or use incognito mode? if so, how often, and why? : he doesn’t delete it bc he doesn’t care
do you download music or use a streaming app? if so, which one and why? : streaming app! and it’s melon
what are the last 3 songs you’ve listen to on your phone? : gang official remix - sik-k, buck - woodz, lost stars - adam levine
what does your photo album consist of? : pictures of food, some accessories, a lot of pictures of all his hyungs, HIS CAT, selfies
what is your texting style? do you reply quickly or are you a slow texter? do you send several messages at a time or paragraphs? : separate texts, subin has no qualms against double/triple/quadruple/+more texting, he’s always on his phone so he almost always responds right away unless he’s gaming or in class
what are the last 3 texts you’ve sent? : to @sejunsgn “hyung can you get me ice cream”, to @sgnchan “hyung can you get me ice cream”, to @sgnseungsik “hyung can you get me ice cream”
who do you text the most? : his future roommate eyes emoji, @sgnseungwoo, probably @sgnyeeun
what are your top 6 used emojis? : 🥰👀🥳🔥😏🥴
how often do you call others? : almost never :) unless it’s his family
who where the last 3 calls made to and why? : his mom, probably @sgnseungwoo, also probably @sgnseungsik
who do you call the most? : his mom
do you have someone blocked? if so, who and why? : no one
are you apart of any group chats? with who? : ones with @sgnseungwoo and @sgndanbi, one with his whole family (mom, dad, older sister and @sgnseungwoo) i need to plot w more people
do you use the notes app? : yes for passwords and for groceries
what is your most used social media app? : twitter
how often do they use social media? : literally all the time
what are your social media usernames, and what is the meaning behind them? : hs00b for almost everything, h for han and 00 for the year 2000 which is his birthday year and soob/sub is his nickname
what are your last 3 posted tweets? : “i hate the heat why is it so hot” “what are the chances of me getting a hyung to bring me ice cream” “got my ice cream 😊”
do they have a pinned tweet? if so, what is it? : none
is their twitter public or private? : public
what is their last instagram post? : a mirror selfie
what does their instagram explore tab consist of? : cute cartoons, cats, dance videos
what is their instagram aesthetic? : eboy but also lowkey cat mom 
last snapchat sent? : n/a he doesn’t use snapchat
do you have snapchat streaks with anyone? if so, with who and for how many days? : n/a
how many friends do you have on facebook? : 200+ bc of all his high school friends 
3 liked pages on facebook? : baskin robbins, bhc chicken, relatable memes
are you involved in any facebook groups? if so, which ones? : none
which vines or tiktoks do you relate to? : anything about being tired or eating food
do you use any dating apps? if so, which ones and how often? : n/a he’s not particularly interested in dating rn
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sgntaejoo · 4 years
( texting meme ⇥ accepting ! )
( send happy to receive happy / excited texts from my muse ! )
* sms _ 세준 형 ⇢ hyung! * sms _ 세준 형 ⇢ u know how i told u that i’ve been wanting to hone in on my art skills like u? * sms _ 세준 형 ⇢ i went to this school event for painting and!! i actually could paint something decent!! * sms _ 세준 형 ⇢ sorta thought i was channeling u for a bit hahah 🤩
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sgnjunhyung · 4 years
headcanon meme — for a secret wish or desire of theirs
junhyung had initially enrolled into business management in his freshman year, according to his mother’s wishes, of course. she hopes for him to work at her company after graduation though junhyung is not at all interested in that. naturally, he did not enjoy studying business and instead, found himself gravitating towards film and developing an interest in it that he absolutely cannot ignore. unable to put out the fire in him, he went behind his mother’s back to transfer major at the end of his freshman year and is now a film and media studies student. it’s already been a semester since he’s transferred majors but his mother still does not know about it. he knows he shouldn’t keep it from her since it is a big and life-changing decision but he isn’t ready for her reaction to it (and still isn’t) which he knows would only comprise of disappointment and disapproval — she might even go as far as to take him out of the course and put him back in business which is a complete nightmare for him so he’d rather live a lie and protect what he loves than to be honest and risk losing it. he hopes to graduate without his mother finding out though deep down, what he really hopes for is for her to accept his passion and support him in pursuing what he truly loves. he wishes he would be able to make her proud one day, for her to watch a film he made and actually think, “wow, my son is good at this.”
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