#selene asks
Oh Hello Noni!
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gigizetz · 10 months
Im sure you’re probs really busy but wanted to ask if you’ve ever considered making a design for Selene.
Art is hella amazing and all your designs for the gods are really cool and thought out :D (if you make a design for Selene I’d love to hear the thought process lol)
I actually already have a design for her! She appeared very briefly in my Warrior animatic, but it's blurry so it's a bit hard to identify her.
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I decided to redesign her a bit though. So here's her new look
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Before anyone comment on this, yes she does look like Nyx from Hades. I was fully aware of that as I was drawing her.
Honestly there's not much to comment on her design. All the choices I made were the obvious ones, like she's the goddess of the moon so she'll have stars and moons stuff.
I did try giving her a fancy evening gown thing going on, like she's going to a ball. Idk I think the elegant look fits the moon motif.
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diosmaden · 4 months
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worked on it a tiny bit more :)
mostly cause i wanted to ask if people would be interested in commissioning rough sketch animations like this...
if you imagine that i finished the hair but it's still like loose n sketchy like this do you think you'd be interested in that :? I'm thinking maybe a starting price of £100/second of animation... Not really sure how to price animation commissions though which is why i've never taken them ^^;
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blu-ish · 8 months
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*Throws you a piece of my Sonadow fankid AU and runs*
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yandere-fics · 1 month
Selene with a darling who she knocked up during a one night stand without realizing who darling is, darling spends the next years being a single mom, and now years later Selene runs into their daughter. c:
♡ You Had A One Night Stand With Selene ♡
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Selene had had her fair share of one night stands, she'd even had a few girlfriends, never one that she wanted to keep around long term as she had wanted with you, too bad when she woke up you weren't there anymore forcing her to have to try to move on and get you out of her mind but she couldn't. No matter how hard she tried or how many people she slept with after you she just couldn't get over you and so a trip to the city, the place you had said you were from, was in order. Sure it had been a few years but she was sure you'd still remember her how could you forget how mindblowingly she had fucked you after all, there was no way you'd just be able to forget the night you shared, even though you weren't her soulmate, she just needed to do it with you one more time to put you out of her mind, one more time and hopefully she'd be over it. When she got there however she'd been shocked to see a child who looked exactly like her, something that was impossible unless you had actually been her soulmate and she just couldn't tell due to the curse, too bad when she got there you thought of her as a sleazebag and wanted nothing to do with her.
"Dove, it isn't right to keep me from our daughter." She had forced her way into your apartment again while your daughter was at school, she really wanted to be a part of your life and meet her child but she also didn't want to terrify them so she was forced to beg you to introduce her so she could have a good first impression, you were far too stubborn though, it was getting on her nerves. "She needs an actual werewolf in her life to show her how to do stuff."
"Go away Selene, we're doing just fine without you. She hasn't even shown signs of being one, maybe your genes are just too weak." She was at least happy to get a response that wasn't 'screw you' or 'go fuck yourself' or some variation of that but the response only agitated her more, anyone could see you weren't perfectly fine without her, sure your apartment was decent but why the fuck would you live here when you could live in her actually nice home with plenty of space for your child or any ones you'd have together in the future. "You weren't there for the first years so it's not like you have some claim anyways, Selene."
"Fine, if the first years are what matters then I'll fuck another one into you and just be there for that one, maybe then you'll accept me into your life." You froze looking at her and wondering if she was actually serious. There was no way she would actually force herself on you while your daughter was at school right? "Dove, I'm being completely serious here, I'm going to put another one in you, you don't have a choice and when our first daughter returns from school today you WILL introduce her to me."
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hellosweetart · 1 month
Wich one of all characters would most likely open a kissing booth?
For me, most likely the twin models, Selene and Elenois. Though, they would prefer it for business purposes and get paid extra "talent fee" for that. Of course, male fans (probably females as well) would willingly pay money for their smooches.
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Some single neighbors like Izaack, Steven, Robertsky, Angus and Francis are probably in for some smooches too but you have to earn their trust and develop some emotional connection with them.
Oh and speaking of the bois, can you imagine how many fans would go crazy if Nacho Sama made a Dating Simulator based on them? I would go crazy too.
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its-all-stardust · 2 months
I’ve always have had a weak spot for sensory deprived matt (like when he looses his hearing). The angst and neediness that may come from it. So maybe for an idea what about a matt x reader…Let’s say the weeks or days that it takes for him to recover and how that affects him and the relationship as he’s not used being the one in need of help and is momentarily no longer Daredevil, as well as all of the complications not hearing may entail.
(Also unrelated but if you could add a cat as a pet just like a little detail it would be fantastic jsjs )
Thanks !
Ask and ye may receive! Sorry this took a month to get out, but I'm bad at prioritizing my hobbies and even worse at editing my fics once I finish writing them (this took like a week and a half to edit because my brain is dumb lasjdfljs)
I really hope you enjoy this fic (and yes I included a cat!!)
And as for the other requests I got, don't worry, they're still handing around. I started writing the next chapter of Sugar and want to finish that up before jumping to the next request!
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Matt Murdock/GN!Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
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Matt refused to let go of you in those first few days. The world didn’t feel right, he said. You made it better, letting him know he was still alive—that you were still alive. He would press his ear to your chest, begging for the sound of your heartbeat.
Matt thought he died after the homemade bomb went off next to his head. Maybe he had finally died in an explosion, no underwater cavern-turned-sewer saving him. Maybe the shrapnel got him. A piece of metal penetrating his suit and making it to his heart or brain.
But no. He was still alive. Everything was just…gone. Or rather, it felt like it was.
He’d experienced it before, the loss of his hearing. This time was different, though. Age or one too many hits to the head, neither of you had figured it out. All you knew was that it had been days, and nothing was as it should have been for Matt.
His hearing wasn’t gone completely, as what happened before, but it was so dulled, to him, it was like he was practically deaf. Touch and smell were still sensitive, but their intensity felt lessened in the face of losing yet another of his senses.
It left the world around him feeling empty.
“I have to go to work, Matty,” you said gently, stroking a hand through his hair.
Matt sighed and held you tighter. He hadn’t even heard your alarm go off. No matter how deeply he slept before, he could always hear the tinny tune of a violin playing through cracking speakers. Now, there was nothing unless he was already on the verge of waking up.
“Can’t you stay?” Matt asked, refusing to remove his weight from your body, still pinning you to the bed.
“It’s been a week,” you explained, regret filling your voice. “I have to go back.”
You stayed with him because he needed you. The bomb—and the fight leading up to the explosion—did enough damage to his body that you wouldn’t have left him alone in the first place. Adding his dulled hearing meant you definitely weren’t going to leave him.
But it had been a week, and Matt’s external injuries were healing well. However, there didn’t seem to be any sign that his hearing would return. As far as you could figure since Matt barely had a basis for comparison—he has had heightened sense for the majority of his life and barely remembers what it was like not being able to hear a heartbeat from across the room—his hearing was like that of a non-enhanced person.
At this point, it could very well be Matt’s new normal.
Both of you agreed that he shouldn’t go to the hospital. Very few things could make Daredevil seek professional treatment, and considering he was still breathing, he wasn’t going anywhere. And if he did go, there would be the trouble of trying to convince a doctor that Matt has hearing loss when he can still hear you speaking at a normal volume across the open spaces of your apartment.
He was also holding out hope that his hearing would return to normal. Temporary hearing loss from loud sounds is well documented. In another week, Matt may very well be back in the suit, counting the number of goons in a warehouse through the walls.
But nothing was certain.
You tried shifting out from under Matt, but he squeezed you and whispered, “Please.”
“You’re not helpless, Matt.” You loved your boyfriend but couldn’t stand letting him mope around the apartment with you for another day, praying something would change. He needed to try. Maybe if you weren’t around, he finally would.
Matt didn’t move for a moment, still lying on top of you. Then, he silently lifted himself off you and rolled over, burying his face in the pillow on his side of the bed.
“Matt?” you called, seeing the tension in his shoulders. You hated seeing him like this.
“Go,” he said, voice flat, almost lifeless. You touched his shoulder, but he flinched at the contact.
You sighed, giving him one last look before climbing out of bed to start getting ready for work.
“I’ll let Foggy and Karen know you know you’re still not feeling well,” you told him just before you left. You had walked back into the bedroom and stood at his side, giving him another chance to speak to you.
Still, he said nothing. In fact, you were sure he was pretending to be asleep.
Regardless, you leaned down and kissed his cheek. “I’ll call you later, okay?”
With that, you left Matt. Alone.
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When he was younger, Matt was used to being alone. As he got older, though, it became a thing of the past. Even if one of his friends wasn’t nearby, there would inevitably be some noise that rose above the din, breaking through the unintelligible cacophony of voices and sounds to remind him that there were always people around.
Now, without you in the apartment for the first time since the explosion, it was as if he was the only person left in the world. 
He was almost afraid to leave the bed. What if he tried stepping out of the room and fell into the void? What if this was a special Hell just for him? The fear was irrational, he knew, but he came close to death so many times now a part of him would always wonder if he truly was still alive.
But then he heard something he couldn’t ignore: the very distinct yowl of a very persistent cat. It was the sound she usually made when begging for food.
You must have forgotten to feed her before you left.
Whatever he thought of himself, of you, then, didn’t matter. Beans, the short-haired calico you and Matt adopted a couple of years ago, let out a particularly annoyed screech from the bedroom doorway, and Matt knew she’d be in his face in a moment if he didn’t follow her wishes.
After filling her bowl, he lay on the couch, not having the energy to go back to the bedroom. A few minutes later, after the crunching of the kibble stopped, Matt’s breath got knocked out of him when Beans launched herself onto his stomach.
Afraid of knocking her off, he held still while Beans walked across his body. She took a place on his pillow, wrapped herself around his head, and started purring.
At least the cat wanted to stay with him.
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When you came home, you didn’t know what you’d find. Matt hadn’t answered your call at lunch, though you weren’t surprised, not after what you said and how he reacted.
You certainly didn’t expect to see him sitting on the floor, back against the couch, playing with Beans. He held a plastic stick in his hand, making her chase the bundle of feathers attached to it with an elastic string. 
“How are you feeling?” you asked carefully, stopping next to Matt and interrupting playtime. “You didn’t answer the phone earlier.”
Matt let the toy drop, Beans mauling it immediately. “Fine.”
You waited for more. He knew you were waiting. After a moment of nothing but the sound of Beans dragging the toy out of Matt’s hand and across the floor, you gave up and went to the bedroom to change.
During dinner, the air between you and Matt remained tense.
“I’m pretty sure Foggy and Karen are going to break down the door tomorrow if they don’t hear from you,” you said, trying to prompt Matt into some sort of conversation. This past week, he hadn’t wanted you more than an arm’s length away, needing to feel you, hear your voice. Now, he was doing his best not to acknowledge your existence.
“They won’t need to. I’m going back into the office.” There wasn’t any feeling to his words.
“You are?” you asked, surprised. When you last tried having that talk the other day, he shut you down, saying he couldn’t.
“I’m not helpless,” Matt sneered, throwing your words from this morning back at you and making you flinch. He didn’t notice, though, unable to perceive other people as well as he once did.
You said nothing more, and Matt got up from the table, done with dinner and the conversation.
That night, in bed, he stayed on his side.
“Matt,” you called softly. You reached out to touch his back. “What I said this morning—”
“Forget it,” he said, cutting you off. He didn’t want your apology. “Let’s just go to sleep.”
Maybe you should have tried harder to talk to him, to apologize for hurting him, but you didn’t. Instead, you rolled over so the two of you would be back to back and fell asleep.
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Try as he might, Matt couldn’t focus. More than once, Karen or Foggy caught him losing himself in the middle distance. Like the past week, Matt was prone to sitting in silence, unmoving, unthinking, waiting for his hearing to return. While a fine thing to do at home, it caused concern and frustration at the office when his partners were trying to get him up to speed on their cases.
Though not usually one to coddle, Foggy asked if Matt was even ready to return to work.
“Maybe you should go home for the day, and we’ll pick this back up tomorrow,” Foggy said after the fourth attempt to regain Matt’s attention.
Matt gritted his teeth. “I’m fine.”
“You don’t have t—” Karen started.
“I can do this,” Matt insisted, not letting her finish.
Nothing more was said on the topic, and Matt was able to keep from falling into the void. He didn’t let himself stop, moving from one task to another almost manically. He didn’t even realize the end of the day arrived until Karen touched his shoulder, urging him to go home.
And then Matt was lost again.
It took him longer than usual to get home that day. Not because he lost his way but because he knew when he finally made it home, the whole day would repeat again.
He’d get up, go to work, come home, and still not be able to hear as he should.
Most importantly, he’d have to forgo being Daredevil.
To Matt, this didn’t feel like a natural end to the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen, making it hard to reconcile that that part of his life was over. There was still so much he had to do, so much he would be capable of doing. If he had the full scope of his abilities.
He wasn’t ready for it to end.
“Hey,” you said when Matt finally walked through the door. You’d been waiting for him, had even left work early on the chance he did too so you could be with him. You didn’t call when he didn’t arrive at his usual time. You weren’t sure he would have answered if you had.
Since then, you’ve been nervously awating his return. With how he took your comment the previous day and his brushing off your attempt to apologize, you weren’t sure what he’d be like today.
“How was work?” you asked when he didn’t respond, trying to sound like it was any other day and that his frigidness didn’t bother you.
“Fine,” Matt sighed, giving no sign of elaborating.
“You wanna help with dinner?” you asked tentatively, unable to parse out his mood and not wanting to answer any potential resentment with a negative response.
Matt nodded, subdued, and moved toward the kitchen, not bothering to change.
You wished you knew how to help him.
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As it neared two in the morning, something rustled in the other room. 
Living in New York City, having a cat, and being with Matt made you immune to certain sounds at all hours of the night, but this past week, you seem to have gotten used to certain sounds not coming from inside your apartment.
You knew immediately what it was before you even opened your eyes. You thought nothing of it at first and were tempted to nuzzle deeper into your pillow. It took a moment for recent memory to come back to you, reminding you that you shouldn’t be hearing the sounds of Matt’s suit being dragged out of its hiding place.
“What are you doing?” you asked after stepping out of the bedroom and spying Matt in the dim light from the windows pulling his suit from his father’s old trunk. He jumped, dropping his suit and turning to face you. You’d never been able to sneak up on Matt before.
“I need to go,” Matt said, voice stern.
“And what do you think will happen?” You stepped over to him and crossed your arms.
“I’ll be fine.” He’s told you that multiple times, and you didn’t believe him for a second.
“You didn’t even notice I was behind you. Apparently, you didn’t even hear me get out of bed, and that mattress creaks like nobody’s business.”
Matt clenched his jaw, his fists twitching at his side. “I can do this. I know I can. Maybe if I just—”
“Just what?” you interrupted. “If you just got your head knocked around a couple more times, your hearing would come back?” When he didn’t respond, you assumed that was precisely what he intended to do.
Your heart started to race. You worried about Matt as it was when he was in perfect health. You didn’t want to think about what would happen to him if he went out as a regular man.
“Matt, I can’t let you do that,” you said gently.
“You can,” he argued, fist clenched in the top half of his suit that he still held out in front of him.
Stepping forward, you placed your hands on his, subtly trying to loosen his grip.
“It’s too dangerous.” You shook your head. “Maybe in the future, once you’ve had more time to adapt. But right now? It’s just not a good idea.”
Matt was frozen in place. You waited, the seconds ticking by, wanting to see what he would do.
Then the suit slipped from Matt’s fingers, falling in a heap back into the trunk.
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If Matt had been cold to you before, the following few days were worse.
He’d managed to wake before you and practically run from the apartment as soon as he realized you were awake. Matt has never done anything to hurt you. Sure, there were small things here and there, as with most couples, but never something like this. Never something so intentional.
Was he trying to hurt you, or was he just trying to protect himself? Did he think he wouldn’t be reminded of everything that’s changed if he stayed away from you?
Either way, you knew you needed to talk, yet some part of you wanted to wait for Matt to come to you. But Matt was as stubborn as you were, and you didn’t want to lose him more than you already had.
“Are you going to talk to me today?” you asked over dinner, letting some of the hurt you’d been feeling slip through.
For the most part, Matt had avoided saying more than a few words to you. At night, you both were careful to stay on your own sides of the bed.
It was like living with a roommate who didn’t particularly care for you.
“There’s not much to say,” Matt said, focusing intently on his food. “Work wasn’t anything special today.”
He had actually made dinner that night, volunteered for it, in fact. You had hoped that meant he would be more willing to talk to you, sort out whatever it was he felt you were the cause of. 
Apparently, you were wrong.
“Do you blame me for what happened to you?” If he wouldn’t bring it up, that meant you had to.
Matt shook his head. “You weren’t even there.”
“So you’re upset because I stopped you from going out the other night,” you concluded.
“No,” Matt said immediately, but the words lacked any sort of feeling.
“Then what? What is it? Because you’re not acting like the Matt I know.”
He was still. Then, quietly, “Because I’m not.”
He’s not that man anymore, and Matt thought, not for the first time, that you didn’t deserve to be with something as disappointing as him.
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You had been talking to Karen and Foggy. Matt didn’t need his enhanced hearing to figure that out. He didn’t know what the three of you talked about, but he knew he was the general topic.
His friends tried harder to get him to go out, make plans, but he always declined, coming up with one excuse or another.
It went on like that for another week. Matt tried to make more of an effort with you and Foggy and Karen, but he still wasn’t his usual self. He wasn’t who he was before and didn’t know if he would ever be again.
He didn’t know what to do at all. He was just going through the motions, and because of that, he shouldn’t have been as surprised as he was when you finally said something.
Matt had been sitting at the kitchen table, the paperwork he wasn’t reading as carefully as he should have been spread across it. Truthfully, Beans was making more use of it as a bed than Matt was after he shooed her off his laptop.
When you walked up to him, Beans immediately awoke, releasing a chirp and standing. She hopped from the table to wind herself between your legs. She had always favored you but had been sticking closer to Matt the past couple of weeks as if sensing his distress.
“Do you want me to leave?” you asked without preamble, and Matt froze. Before, he would have sensed the stuttering of your heart, the nervous shaking in your hands. He would have had a warning before you worked up the courage to say something that would be difficult.
This time, though, he was blind-sided.
“What?” was the only thing he could make come out of his mouth.
Matt didn’t want you to leave. Yes, he was a disappointment to you and knew you needed better. But he loved you, and he was still as selfish as ever.
But…if you no longer loved him, if you wanted to leave…
“No, of course not,” he finally said. He licked his lips, a nervous habit. “But…”
“But what?” you asked sharply.
Were your arms crossed? Or your hands on your hips? Were you running a hand over your face in anger? Frustration? Was your chest tight with fear of what he would say? Matt can still figure out some movements, can still feel the shift in the air, but some things, especially when he’s stressed, are lost to him.
“But I won’t stop you...if you want to leave,” he finished quietly.
You didn’t move; didn’t make a sound. Matt strained his ears, focused entirely on you, trying to pick on anything.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” you spit. You stepped toward Matt, and Beans skittered away, her claws scratching on the floor.
“I’m not going to make you stay with me. Now now that I…that I’m like this.”
Will you yell? You never have before, but he’s different now. Maybe you are, too.
“Matt.” His name is an exasperated sigh on your lips. Then your hands are on his face, gently cradling it like he was a precious thing. “You’re not a different person, even though you’re acting like it. And I’m not dating you because of what you could hear.”
Matt shakes his head. “I’m not what I once was. I’m not—” He choked on the words. “I’m not Daredevil.”
It was the first time he said it out loud.
“Just because you’re not Daredevil doesn’t mean you can’t help people. You were a lawyer long before you put on that suit. That doesn’t stop just because you put it away.”
That was true. Matt had been Daredevil for so long that sometimes it was hard for him to think beyond it.
Your hands dropped from his face, and Matt threw a hand out, not wanting you to leave him. His hand landed on your waist and twisted into your shirt to keep you close. He had lied when he said he wouldn’t stop you.
“I’ll tell you now, though,” you started. You didn’t move away, but neither did you touch him. “You can’t keep acting like you have been. You can’t keep shutting me out. Can’t keep shutting Karen and Foggy out. You need to start living again.”
Matt went quiet.
“So, what are you going to do?” you asked after a moment.
“You’re not going to leave?” Matt asked, his voice soft and quiet, almost like he didn’t want you to hear.
You sighed, and Matt’s heart seized until he heard the light, teasing tone of your voice.
“Depends on what your answer is.”
Matt pulled you into him so he could wrap his arms around you. You didn’t object and let him hold you.
You were right.
Matt was pushing everyone and everything away again. He had done it before, and it didn’t work out. His friends wouldn’t let him. He should have known better than to think they would let him slip away.
“I’m sorry I…” He wasn’t sure how to put it. “I’m sorry I stopped trying.” Then he corrected himself. “I’m sorry I gave up.”
Your arms settled around his shoulders. “That I wasn’t there for you enough.”
Matt started to shake his head. He had been acting like the world had ended. Like a child withdrawing from the world when it got too scary. Your words were the push he needed.
“I could have done something better,” you said, already knowing he would try to shoulder all the blame. “You’re allowed to tell me I need to do better. Just like I’m allowed to do the same. You don’t have to do it, but I still get to say it.”
Matt gave a small smile, the tugging on his lips an unfamiliar feeling.
This felt…normal.
“We’ll both do better. Deal?” he asked, a lightness returning to him, missing since the night of the explosion.
“Deal,” you answered and kissed him.
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akq96618 · 7 months
Imagine Gira's son inherits his dad's "EH?" reaction. Two confused red pandas in the same room X"D
Uncle Yanma or Rita-san probably fighting the urgent to pinch the smaller red panda's cheeks
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really tempted to draw gira with ponytail bcs of @cows-quack 's art ;;;-;;;; now i'm dying bcs I REALLY WANNA SEE HIM WITH LONG HAIR AND PONYTAIL GRRRGGGGHHGHF-
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Does selene have any special powers? since technically he would have the power of his mother's fused shadow and some of his father's light power. Could you make a fanart of midna pregnant? I have one more question you relative bring other villains Ghirahim yuga. and possibly bring the zant. imagine his face knowing that twilight has become king of twilight. and he also "steals" his midna. since in the manga it was said that he was obsessed with midna. I would really imagine a fight between the 2 kings of the twilight kingdom and whoever wins would get the midna and become king definitively
Here's a little fanart of Midna and Twilight preparing Selene's crib!
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Selene certainly has very strong powers, unfortunately she doesn't know how to use them best, given that the oracle of Sol predicted that the use of her powers at a young age could cause a disaster in the twilight realm
That's why Midna will only teach her to use them when she's 18. As for the powers she possesses, most are the same as Midna but more amplified, however she gained much more strength than anyone else from Twilight
Unfortunately she does not have the same powers as her father, as Twilight gets his powers from the crown and the shadow crystal, and Selene is not a chosen one of the triforce therefore no powers of light, but she does not fear them being half an inhabitant of the realm of light
Regarding Zant and the other villains you mentioned, unfortunately they are not present in my story, but there are rebels who do not accept Twilight as king
The last question was about the mark on Twilight and Midna's finger right? Those are indeed the wedding "rings"
Thanks for your ask! 💖
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shanastoryteller · 2 years
Do you think you'll tackle Serene and Endymion in your Greek Myths? They are gorgeous btw. ;)
Not all titans were subdued. Not all were lost, or chained, or changed.
Some simply endured, too large and distant to be concerned with matters of titles and thrones.
Helios raged. Even bound within Tartarus, his sun burned brighter and angrier with each day, feeding off the hatred of the cursed titan. Seas turned to deserts as water was baked out of the earth. Apollo scooped up Helios’s chariot, bringing the sun to bear and returning a normal rhythm to the days and nights. Helios’s rage burns him even still, but the chariot has at least accepted its new master.
Artemis becomes associated with the moon because she is her brother’s other half in all things. But she constructs her chariot herself and it is used for races and to transport huntresses and little else.
The moon’s first goddess has never left. She has dragged the moon across the sky in her chariot of starlight uninterrupted for over a millennia.
The titan Selene did not join the fight of the new gods and the titans. She did not defend her brother nor did she attempt to save him.
But neither has she acknowledged the new pantheon. Zeus rules the sky and has demanded an audience with her many times, but she has never granted it. Zeus chases her chariot, but even riding lightning he can’t catch it when she unhooks the moon and no longer has its weight slowing her down.
Poseidon shakes his head and says, “Leave her be. I am the master of the sea and yet if I suddenly had to push forward every inch of the tide myself, I wouldn’t be left with much power to do anything else. All you’re doing is causing problems for the rest of us. Leave Selene to her work.”
Artemis agrees. If even Poseidon thinks bothering the moon titan is a bad idea, then they should listen. Usually he can’t be bothered to have opinions about anyone outside of his own wife, and even that’s rare.
Zeus gives up. Time passes, as it does, and no matter how the sun bucks and fights against her brother’s grip, sometimes going too quick and then too slow, the moon continues at the same steady pace.
Artemis grows stronger beneath moonlight. This must be because of her worshippers, or perhaps her brother’s. She never answers any prayers for tides or from people lost in the darkness, refusing every attempt to give her a power not her own, but her silence doesn’t seem to discourage anyone. Under the night sky her chariot moves impossibly fast and moonlight seems to always find her through the trees, which makes hunting difficult, but she doesn’t dare complain.
She does not want to earn Selene’s ire.
But despite her best efforts, Artemis does not manage to avoid her attention.
She is separated from her huntresses, spending the third night in a row tracking down a leopard that Demeter claims she drove mad on accident. Artemis doesn’t believe her, but the truth is irrelevant. This creature stalks and kills with Demeter’s blessing upon it, taking down all manor of creature and person.
Her temples have been filled with those begging for her aid. She’s blessed many spears, but her blessing doesn’t seem to be able to outweigh Demeter’s.
That irritates her enough that she’s seeing to this personally. She’s going to skin that damn leopard and wear it’s pelt to the next meeting of the pantheon.
One moment she’s skulking beneath a canopy of leaves, following several drops of blood she’s convinced will lead her to her prey, and the next the hair of her arms is standing on end and her heart is beating fast enough to make her light headed.
She swings around, spear raised, convinced that the damn leopard has found her first.
It’s not the leopard.
“You are the one they are praying too,” says a woman, her body soft with roundness and with the palest skin Artemis has seen on a living person. The extra skin beneath her chin gives her a perfectly circular face and the pockmarks across her face and body are a perfect echo of the moon’s many craters.
Selene tucks her ink black hair behind her ear and looks at her with equally dark eyes.
Artemis was born long after the war with the titans and she’s never ventured into Tartarus. She had assumed their presence felt much the same as other gods, that perhaps it was similar to the feeling of getting caught up in Hera’s rage.
It’s nothing like that.
Selene’s power is like a physical weight, as if they’re suddenly underwater and it’s surrounding them everywhere. Artemis lets it push her to her knees, bowing her head and trying to force her heart to calm. “Titan Selene. I swear that I did nothing to encourage them. I have not claimed any of your power.”
She should have done more than ignore them. She should have toppled temples and killed dissenters. She should have redirected their prayers. Anything to prevent what’s happening now.
“Would you like to?”
Artemis risks raising her head. Selene doesn’t sound angry and she doesn’t look it either. “I don’t understand.”
Selene gestures to the sky. “The moon is different from the sun. The sun pushes forward on its own and must be restrained and goaded in equal measure. Untethered, it will still rise and set. The moon must be pulled. It wants nothing more than to rest and unprompted it will stay motionless. If I step from my chariot for even a moment, the moon halts. It is unmoving now, as we speak.”
Artemis looks up. The moon always looks still to her. She wonders if the tides have noticed the difference.
“I have not been able to walk among earth for more than a few moments since I forged my chariot, lest all that follow the moon also go still and silent. They call you a moon goddess.”
“Please don’t make me take your place,” she says, not above begging. If the goddess traps her on her chariot, Artemis won’t have a choice.
Selene smiles, amusement making her eyes sparkle like distant stars. “You are young. You could not survive the chill or the weight for long. But perhaps you could endure for an hour or two.”
“I don’t understand,” she repeats, but some of her fear is starting to recede. Selene is not speaking like she’s going to strike her or curse her.
“There is a man,” she says, then pauses.
“Oh,” Artemis blinks, then, “Um, that’s not really my area. I could ask my brother?”
Selene laughs. “No, that is not necessary. I just need time. Will you steer my chariot each night so that I may walk across the earth unworried? Then you shall be a moon goddess in more than name.”
A titan, offering to share power for so little a reward? There has to be a catch. “Aren’t you worried that I’ll take too much?”
“I am not a goddess as you are a goddess,” she says, her derision light enough that Artemis can choose not to take offense to it. “My power neither grows nor dwindles based on the opinions of mortals. If you gain more, I do not have less.”
It shouldn’t be that surprising. All gods have some level of innate power. But not like this, not something that could alter the course of a planet, not this large and this terrifying.
Artemis decides then that Selene must be the most powerful of the titans. Anything else is too much to think about.
“I accept,” she says.
Selene reaches out, wrapping her thick fingers around her wrist, and then Artemis is somewhere else and she’s freezing.
“You get used to the cold,” Selene says, nudging her to the front of her chariot. The starlight glitters beneath her, driving home how her own silver chariot is nothing more than a pale imitation, no matter how it shines. “I drive the chariot forward with own will.”
Artemis’s works similarly. She focuses, and the chariot lurches forward, but then it jerks backwards. She glances behind, seeing the massive moon attached to the chariot with pulsing, heavy black chains. She tries again, slower, but no matter how much power she puts behind it, the moon won’t move forward a single inch.
“It’s alright,” Selene says. “I’ll help. You’ll grow stronger.”
She leans forward and spits out into space. Her saliva splits into two and then grows, until two massive, pearly white great wolves are standing at attention. Selene summons more of that strange black chain, looping it around the wolves’ chest and forming a hook to pull it through the front of the chariot before handing the ends to Artemis.
They’re heavy enough that she can feel the weight dragging her arms down. “What do I–”
Selene whistles and then wolves bound forward. For a moment they just strain against their chains, but then Artemis adds her own power to push the chariot, and then slowly, painfully, the moon is dragged forward.
“Good,” Selene says, the word settling into Artemis’s bones. “Stop when you must, but not before. I will feel the moon’s stillness and return.”
Her disappearance leaves the air surrounding Artemis even colder, but she refuses to shiver and instead urges the wolves faster with a snap of the celestial chains.
Endymion spends most of his nights on the tallest mountain within walking distance of the city, tracking the stars’ movements so that his fellow astronomers can check their equations against the realities of the heavens.
It takes him much longer than his colleagues and he blames it on an unsteady hand.
The truth is that his hands are perfectly steady. He has a one tablet of star positions and several rolls of linens with paintings of the moon. He’s not a very good artist, but something about it compels him, and so he spends hours each night determined to capture ever crevice and angle.
“Why are you always looking at me?”
He startles, dropping his brush, and turns on his heel to see who on earth is up here with him.
It’s a woman, with long black hair and a large body. There’s a puckered line along her cheek and he resists the urge to press his fingers against it, to follow it’s path until his fingers reach her lips. The soft pink of her plush mouth is the only bit of color on her.
Her question catches up with him and he sputters, “I’ve never seen you before!”
He would remember.
“You are always looking,” she insists, walking towards him. “What do you see?”
“I really haven’t seen you before,” he says, but doesn’t move away when she comes right up next to him. This close, he can see some faint color in her cheeks. He wonders if there are any other parts of her that tinge from pale to pink.
He feels heat rush to his own face at the thought. The bright moonlight that lets him see her so clearly is the same moonlight that’s going to give away his indecent thoughts.
But she doesn’t call him on it, instead pointing down at the crumpled linen. “Why?”
“Oh,” he flushes even more. “I don’t know. It’s beautiful, isn’t it? That’s reason enough.”
Endymion waits for her derision, the same that he’s received every time he’s gotten caught, but instead she curls her hands into the material of his shirt and says, “I agree,” and then she’s yanking him down to press her lips into his.
He tries to convince her to follow him home, but instead she disrobes right there and he can’t argue with that.
“Be here again tomorrow night,” she orders when the sweat is cooling on their bodies.
She likes to order him around. He doesn’t mind. “Won’t you tell me your name?”
“I will not answer questions that you already know the answer to,” she says, and then kisses him again before he can argue.
He means to walk down with her, to escort her home at least, but the moment he turns his back on her, she’s gone.
It takes him seven more nights with her for him to work up the courage to call her Selene.
She smiles and bites his shoulder, the imprints of her teeth a perfect circle.
gods and monsters series, part xxxiii
read more of the gods and monsters series here
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herearedragons · 4 months
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Our Lady of Oblivion
...so I was thinking about how Selene's community probably had a different image of Ondra from what we actually see in-game, and this is what I came up with:
has the physique of a pale elf, resembling the members of the community
exaggerated, larger-than-life proportions, specifically long neck and arms
face and heart both replaced with holes, representing oblivion
literally made of water, draws on the imagery of Ondra's Hair as her actual hair
holds Belafa in her hand (can be drawn as any phase of the moon)
wears beaded necklaces that represent the memories she collects
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ri-writes-if · 1 month
Wait. From that last ask about Selene wisking us away, will she do it(if she does it at all) at dinner?! In front of everyone!? Not me thinking of the drama that could feed me for days-I mean! the most horrifying event to happen for our wet cat! Just imagine there all eating then Selene just snatches Oracles ethereal form or mind thing and then just slumps. Everybody just stares💀
Do you think Selene wants the others to know about her and her abilities? 👁
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distressedwalnut · 1 year
🙋‍♂️ May we hear more about Selene?
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Why yes you may! Something I forgot to mention was she's a bit of a shy gal,,
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moeblob · 5 months
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I unfortunately picked up Bravely Default 2 again (I bought it back when it released) and then started over since I last played it in June 2021. And. You know what. I like these silly beans. And then I saw concept art for Dag's expressions and I am not the same. Why did they decide to give him huge fangs in it.
(also I'm trying so hard to avoid spoilers less for plot but more for characters so if you know anything that happens to characters shhhhh. also the expression concept is below the read more so you can see what I mean.)
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#bravely default 2#dag rampage#selene noetic#i only just recently reached ch2 in the game and i may have a problem#someone was like wait how have you not gotten farther in 25 hours#and im like im sorry its a problem i have an obsession you dont understand#and then he found out i had three of the four party members with two jobs capped at 12#and then the fourth only had one capped but a bunch high up#and then i told him i was trying to get the gambler asterisk and that meant i had to play a childrens card game#and then i had to do side quests when they popped up#and he was like wait at that point you probably dont need jobs at 12 omg#and im like i know its a problem i cant stop it#so anyway chapter 1 took me forever because i committed to the grind too much#the emotions i feel for silly lil side characters ................ its too real#like even the fact that you beat these two up in the prologue im like teehee funny lil blonde guy#then you dont interact with them in a ch1 quest but they show up again at the same time doing the same quest#and guys i am FEELING EMOTIONS theyre just funny lil mercenaries doin funny lil mercenary things#also please do not tell me anything about the game past ch1 because i want to continue to enjoy experiencing it#which is why i have my ask box closed bc its a game from 2021 and i know im really behind the times#but i managed to not know anything until now and i wanna keep it that way#also i dont really know how to properly draw noses especially when i doodle#but his nose is important and i already struggle with his big jaw so i had to include it somehow#and in the concept art it looks like he has a lil stubble but in game i dont see it so im like ... squinting at he
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blu-ish · 6 months
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Selene comes in 4 different flavors hsjshsjsh
Thought I'd show off Selene's chaos powers! Since she's extremely sensitive to whatever chaos drive/or any chaos influenced object she absorbs, her quills change color! [Based off of SA2 Chaos Drives]
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yandere-fics · 6 months
♡ Selene Wants To Fuck During A Movie ♡
(short but fits the vibe for how she'd act during a movie.)
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"My dove, must we watch this now? Couldn't we perhaps watch it later after I've knotted you? Perhaps that would help me focus better." You already know that was a bold faced lie, knotting only made her attention span worse, she could never focus on anything other than drooling all over you after she knotted and if you let her knot then she'd just demand to do it again and again until it would be too late to watch the movie cause she'd insist on the both of you going to bed.
"Not until after we watch the movie. Look if you want just let me move off your lap and I'll give you a handjob while we watch or something." She tightened her grip on you beginning to desperately grind you back and forth on her lap, you tried to stop it but with both her hands around your waist it was pretty hard to completely stop her from using you how she wanted to.
"I need your warmth, Dove, you can't get off of my lap." Probably would have been better to just agree to the knotting instead of having to deal with her dragging you back and forth against the outline of her cock, pretty much impossible to watch even if you knew it wasn't going to go on super long considering her track record with this kind of thing. For some reason whenever you dry humped in the past she always acted like a stupid virgin and came in her pants in minutes plus she was already on the verge just from having you on her lap for the past half and hour as you tried to focus on the movie. "Come on dove, just let me take care of myself with you, you were the one who insisted on watching this stupid movie so I guess this means you don't get the privilege of having your soulmate's fingers in you until after the movie."
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